:-4 it 9t Hi If ill 1 ! CLEARFIELD, PA., JAN. 3, 18GG. CABLE CHAIRS a gocd article, on hand aniforaIaby MEfiKELL A BIOLER "CHEAPER STILL!! SEASONABLE GOODS JCST aeceivao AT WILLIAM F. IKWI.VS STOKE, OS MAUT ST.. CLBAMP1EI.D, FA. the'cueapest and best goods abe to ee ii ad at the , CHEAP CASH STORE. Tbe undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of tbe most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at the reasonable prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain tbe prices before purchasing elsewhere - as he teels persuaded none undersell him. His stock embraces a well selected assortment of CSV-GOODS AND NOTIONS., Hardware, Queensware, ; GROCERIES, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other useful articles, all which wiil be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed for approved produce. Go to the "cheap cash store" If yon want to buy goods at fair prices. May 24. 1365. WM F. IRWIN. MERRELL &BIGLER , Have just opened a large and splendid assort ment of NEW, GOODS at their old Stand in Clearfield, Penn'a. They hare tbe best assortment of Hardware that has ever been brought to this county, which they ' will sell at the mo;t reasonable prices, among which will be found a splendid lot of cuttlery, to which they invite the special attention of the m public On hand an assortment of heavy silver-plated Forks, Spoons, and Better knives, of the beet manufacture. A lot of pistols of (he bast patterns, and othei fire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges; all of which will be sold at reason ble prices. They eontinue to manufacture all kinds of tin ware, brass kettles, stove pipe. etc.. which cannot be surpassed in this sectiou of the state. They a' so hare on hand Pittsburg Plows, s. mong which are steel centre lever plows. Also. Plow eastings, anJ other agricultural implements. Cook stores, and Parlor and Coal stores a gen eral assortment, and of tbebett patterns, for sale at reasonable prices Coal oil. Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and Tur kishes, a general assortment. GIa?s, putty, nails, iron, and castings, a great variety ; in fact almost anything that may be wanted by tbe public can be found in their establishment, and at prices that cannot be beat. Now is the time to purchase, if you desire any thing in their line of business. Give them a call and examine their stock, and they feel assured that yon can be accommodated. Remember, their establishment is on 2d Street. Clearfield, Pa., where you can buy goods to the rery best advantage. Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old cast ings will be taken in exchange for goods. May 13. 183. MERRELL A BIGLER HO I -yVA-Sri The Cheapest Goods IN THE COUNTY, ARE SOLD BY 1UCHARD MOSSOP, ' DEALER in FCREIQN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 3. C. MASiEI STBEET, CLEAEf 1&L1, l'A. Read the following list of goods and profit thereby. Cheap FOS TSS LADIES, yaooas ! Goods s Cheap Chetp Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Always on hand a larre stock ofT.i dies goods euch as Coburg Cloih, Alpaces, Do Laines, Ginghams, Prints, cLiuu, Kerchiefs, Nu bies, Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOE GENTLEMEN, oods Goods Good Good Good Good Good Always on band Black, Blue. Bruwn;Goo and Wry Cloths, ianoy and Black Good Casimeres. Sullinets, Cassiuets, Good Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- 'Good " iiigs. Shirting, etc.. eta. etc. iGoo.i Cheap Cheap Cheap HEADY-MADE. Good Cheap Suoh as Coats, Pants, Vests. Under-.Goods Cheap shirts, and other Flannel suirt, lrooas i Goods Good Goods I, neap i Cheapo Boots, shoes, Hats, Caps, .Neck ties, Q urn Boots and i? hoes. and a variety of other articles. i j neap Cheap Cheap, Cheap HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Goods Such as Unbleached and Bleached 'S00' Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen Goods Clteap Cheap Cheap and cotton table cloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car peU, curtains, fringe, to : t .HARDWARE. AC. r If you want Nails or spikes, Manure or other forks, Saw-mill or other saws. Smoothing irons. Locks, Hinges, etc., go to Mossop's . where you can buy cheap.' IF YOU WANT Knives and forks, Butcher Knives, Shoe and Stove blacking, Manilla , and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or i Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, etc., buy them at Mossop's. -IP YOtI WANT v ' Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Heap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap, Good Goods Goods Goods Good Good Good Good Goods Goods Cheap Cheap . Cheap Cheap, Cheapl Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Good Shoe Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy , Good Soap. Starch, W all Paper or Win- Goods dowbhades, Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT ft aa.I iiTtra fami'v VTl ." I - - Goods Good Good Good Good Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Chtap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cueap Cheap Cheap Cheap' brown sugar, hams, shoulders or ,'. V m am vnAiji Tnmatriiil V i LtOOU S .""i , r - -, uuug Hyson or blacs: tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for eash. IF YOU WANT .. Good Good Good Good Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt, .Goodf 1 . Byrnp or molasses, cheese, dried IrOOd Goodi Good Good Good Good Good apples or peaches, water or so do cracxers, call at Mossop's ' ' where yon ean boy eheap. IF YOU WANT Port wine for Medical or Sacramen tal uses. Sweet wiae, old Monon gahela or rye whisxy, Cherry and Cognao brandy, buy at -Moasop eheap cash store. - - ris vnn wix'T' '. Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Good Good Good Goods Good Good Goods JMtai3ena, Figs, Prunes or dried Cnr riP fiiberU, oream, peeao or ffP ground nuta, oandtes, Liquorice Cleapl or Hqjiu, root, buy them Good Good ymeapi ,ni T vnlT . v, Goods Cheap Cheap Goods Te bay any other, article cheap, beiG sure to go to Mossop, for he selU iGoodi cheaper for eaaa than any other .Goodj Cheap Cheap Cheap person Clearfield coanty, 'Good Cheapl Sevember 27. 1861. aP27'59. Approved eeuutrff prodatt of iwrjf knd telien at th usual matin price m txchaxg for geodt. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! A prime arti cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent saeas. at S4-2i per saca, at the cheap cash stoie of November 27- , R. MOSSO.-. j. m m'ucbbat. : : : savcbl nrrcnBi.1.. M 'MURRAY & MITCIIELL, Dealers in -Foreign and Domestic Merchandise. Lcm ber. Flour, Grain, Ae New Wash ington, Clear field county, Pa. October 23, IS&j-Iyp. MACII1NERV ! MACHINERY !! We are prepared to manufacture to order, and repair all kinds of machinery, to wit : Steam en gines. Saw-mills, Mill works, bank ears and steam, gas and water pipes and fittings. Steam pumps, etc. . Competent machinists sent out to make repairs M LANAHAN A STONE. Dec. 13, IS6i-6m. Hollidaysbarg. Pa. EXECUTORS NOTICE Letters testa ment on the Estate of John Brown late of Burnside tp., Clearfield co , Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same will present them proper y au thenticated for settlement. W. J. HOTKEY, Nor.' 29, 1365-pd. - Executors. ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH!!! SCRATCn ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCII ! WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will cure the Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN Price 60 cents For salo by all Druggists. By sending CO cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street. Boston, Mass. it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. Sept. 20, 6-in. DTllTin ATJGHEY, PHOTO . 1Y1 J GRAPH ER, having purchas ed the Photograph establishment formerly con ducted by H. Bridge, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield and adjoining coun ties, that he has recently made additional im provements to both eky-light and aparatus, and be flatters himself that he can satisfy the most fastideous taste in a tbce and lifelike likeness He also keeps constantly on band a good assort ment cf Guilt, Rosewood, and Walnut frames Albums of all sixes and styles and an endless rariety of cases, lockets, etc.. which ne will dis pose of at rery moderate prices, for cash. His gallery is in Shaw s row, (up stairs.) Mar ket street, Clearfield, Pa , where be is ajways rea dy to accommodate customers, who may be in want of a srood Likeness of themselves or friends. Particular attention paid to copying all kinds of pictures. e:. JNorcmoer l. loua New AiTaneement. The subscribers have entered into co-partnership, and are trading under the name of Irvln, Bailr A Co.. in lumber and merchandise, at the old staijd of Ellis Irvin A Son, at the month of Lick Run. They would inform iheir friends, and the world in general, that they are prepared to furnish to order all kind s of sawed or hewn luin ber. and solicit bills, for cither home or eastern markets. Tbey would also announce that they have just opened A NEW STOCK of well selected goods, suitable to the season, con sisting oi every variety Uhually kept in country stores. Their purchases have been made since the late decline in prices which enable them to sell at such rates as will astonish their customers One if their partners, Thomas L. Bnily. resides near Philadelphia, whose business it will be to watch the marKeU end make purchases on the most favorable terms. Call and see us ELLIS IRVIN, THOMAS L. BAILY, Goshen tp.,Dec.6, 1855. LEWIS I IRWIN. NEW-GOODS! Mrs. H. D. Welsh & Co., Have Jtost Received Their PALL AND WINTEIi GOODS, Which were pnrchased during the present decline, ana thereto: e are enabled to sell very cheap OUR STOCK Consists in part of Merinos, Alpacas. Poplins; wool, Armure, and common l'elaines; l'nnts, G inghams, Shawls. Hoods, Hosiery .Gloves, Nu bias. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Flannels, Lndes' Cloth, Sheetings, Muslins. Towel ing. Ticking, Sontags. Breakfast Sh awls, (Japes. Ao Also, a full assortment of MILLINERY 600DDS, Among which are Hats, Bonnets, Feathers. Rib bons, r lowers, Laces, rrsr'es, Mat mess. el vets, Silks, Ciapes, Beraes, Veils, etc., and a large stock of HOLLIDAY TOYS' Including Chiun, Bronze. Papier Macho. Tin, liosewooa ulass, fewter. Wooden," Parian and Candy Toys. FOR LADIES, Such as Pomades, Oils. Bandoline. blocm of youths and Faints, Rouge, Lilly White, etc. Thankful for past farors, we solicit a continu ance of the kind patronage cf the people of Clear field county. 0Kenieniber the place Second Street, next door to First National tUnk. Nor. 29. 1S55 DUFFS COLLEGE. IBON STJIX.XDI3STC3-S, No. 37 Fifth Street, . PITJTSB DRGII. PENS'A TUITION FEE NEVER CHANGED F0ET7 D0LLAH3 Pays for the Full Graduating Course. TIME UNLIMITED, IX Cook Keeping, Business Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, Lectures Upon Law, Ethics, Detecting . Counterfeit Money, etc. "".v. vAbuoi lUTCUGim Ulfiir lUl tlOn fee to $50,orcharge $10 to 315 extra for Pen- Itlantrlin TrlAIV Rrtt- em mrA C-av. .1 costing from $12 to $20 ours cost but 85. .... DUFr' S ORIGINAL PLAN OF BUSINESS ED UCATION, as taught in this city for about twenty five years, from his own system of Book Keeping, which are sanctioned by the American Institute and Chamber of Commerce, and other- competent authorities of New York, as the most perfect sys tems muse with W. H. Duff's first premium bus iness aad ornamental Penmanship taught in . Day. and Evening Classes. It will be found by proper inquiry that this is the only College of the kind in the Unioa eon ducted by an experienced Merchant and -whose Penmanship .a a trained accountant K.e"h?J,ti- eteImr nd Bankers ean al ways obtain thoroughly educated accountants on application at oar office . "v"""u vu - CjThoe desirinv airp lA-n t- . . . a uw ii-juiar, pp. 7 containing an outline, of our Coarse of Stu dy and Praetiee. with Samples of our Penman's Business and Ornamental Writing, must enclose twenty-five cents to 1. DUFF A SON eopy of either our MercanUle or Steamboat Book TIULLEY BLOCKS of varions siie. to be ; -M. bad at aitniuiiju maw j 1TIEESE a good article, just receired at Nor. 15. MERRILL A BlGLER'S. B TJFFALO ROBES, Knee BlankeU and Horse Blankets, for saie ai - Not 15. MERRELL A BIQLEB CURWENSVILLE nOUSE.Curwensville. Pa. A. J Drapcker. having leased the Hotel recently occupied by Benj. Bloom,: Esq , is now prepared to receive transient and permanent boarders. Every department connected with his establishment will beconducted second to none in the county. His stabling is ample for sixty head of horses, with good wagon shedsand yards connected He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Pea. 6, lSS5-tf. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT S B M. GREENE Has opened his Music Store, one door west of W. Lew is' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand Steinway A Sons' and Gaehles Piano Manufacturing Company's Pianos, Mason A Ham lin's Cabinet Organs and Carhart. Needhatn A Co.s' Melodeons; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Gnitar and Violin Strings. Music Books Golden Chain, Golden Shower Golden Censer, Golden Trio. Ac, Ac. Sheet Music He is constantly receiving from Philade lphia all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing can order, and hare sent them by mail at publisher's prices. tyPianos and Organs Warranted for fire years. Those wishing to buy any of the abore articles are inrited to call and examino mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments serit promptly upon application with any additional information de. sired. - B.M.GREEN. Hill street. Huntingdon, Pa , One door West of Lewis' Book Store. iee 6, iea. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY The Second Session of this Institution will commence on Monday. December 11th, 1S65. Pupils ean enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from tne time tney enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything that is included in a thorough, practical and ac complished education of both sexes. Tbe Principal baring had the advantage of much experience m nis profession, assures pa rents and guardians tnat nis entire anility and energies will be devoted to the mental and moral training of the youth placed under his oharge. Terms of Tcition: Orthography, Heading, Writing. Grammar, Geography, and History per sesssion (11 weeks:) ' $5,00 Aleebra, Geometry, Trigometry,- Mensuration. Surreying, Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry and Book-keeping. 7,50 Latin and Greek, with any of the above branches, S 10.00 ISNo deduction will be made for abscence. Tor iuriher particulars inquire of I'. L. HARRISON, Dec B. 75(55. " Principal. WATCH MAKES, Graham's Row, Clearfield, Ph. The undersigned respectfully informs his old enstomers and the public, that be has on hand, (and constantly receiTicjjncw additions,) a large stock of Clcck3, Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large variety from the Lest Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Lerers, Time, Strike and AInrin clocks. WA 'I CUES a fine assortment,' silver Hunt ing and open cae American paten'. Levers, plain and full jeweled. JEWELRY of every variety, from a single piee to a full set G'JLD PSNS. an elegant assortment, of tbe best quality. Alio, in silver extension and dttk holdors. SPECTACLES, a large assortmont, far and near sight, colored aud plain elas. ALSO, a fino assortment of Spoons, Forks, but ter knives, etc.. plated on zenuine AiabaU. AH kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jawe'ry care- tuny repaired and n arrantrd. A ccntinuar.ee of patronage is solicited. November 23. 1855. l. F. N AUG LIS GSOVSSTEEN &o CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTUREH'?, 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The attention of the public and the trade is in vited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rosewood Piano fortes, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled, oy any otaer hitherto ottered in this market. They contain all the modern imnrove- pents, French, Grand Action, Parp Pedel, Iron rraine, overstrung isass. etc., and each instru ment being made under tbe personal supervision cf Mr J. H. Grovestecn, who has had a practical experience of over 35 years in their manufacture, is lauy warrauttd in every particular. The "Grovestecn Fiano Fortes" re ceived the award of merit over all others at the celebrated World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from the best makers in London, Paris. Germany Philidel phia. oaltiinoro. Boston, and New York . and also at tbe American Institute for five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our ware-room By the introduction of improvements we make a si ill more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufac turing largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. Pricks No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners, . Rosewood plain cuse S275. No 2, Seven Oetave, round corners, Rose wood heavy moulding S300. No. 3, Seven Octare, round corners, Rose wood Louis XI V style S325. .Tbbics: Net cash in current Funds. De3crip tire circulars sentfree. nor29'65-tm Ate FUB3HTURE ROOMS! JOHN GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, baring enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at eheap rates for cash. He mostly has on hand at his "Furniture Rooms," a varied assortment of furniture, among which is, BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Ware robes and Book -cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. ' Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny-Land and. other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS. WASH-STANDS. Ao. Rooking and ArmCkairs, opnng-seat, lam-Bottom, and farlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new tela rc. mub (huicuitiu uo yw. iu on very reasonable terms, onchort notioe. He also, keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair vwu-uuDk, uiur uu vouon top mattresses. .... COFFLNS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable, . k Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished iu cuimunri cueap lor cash or exenanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Poplar Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi- . ness. taken in exchange for furniture. field, and nearly opposite the -Old-Jew Store.' December 4, lbol JOHM GUELICH. nni'FRlES. of all kinds, to be had at VX Aug. 23. MERRELL A BlGLER'S. 200 BUSHELS of choice beans for sale by IRVIN A HARTS HON. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of goods of erery rariety, sold as low for cash, as at any store in the county, by Deo. 6. 186S. IRV IN A HARTSHORN. MISS E. A. 1. RYNDER, Teacher of Piano Forte, Melodeon, Cabinet Organ, Guitar, Harmony and Vocal Music. For the sole purpose of keeping inferior Instruments out of thecouuty Miss Rynder has secured agencies for the sale of really good and durable Pianos. Organs, Guitars and Melodeons. As chief among a large list of good Instruments may be mentioned, Chickerings and Sons Grand, Square aad Up right Piano Fortes. . Lindeman's and Sons new patent Cycloid Piano. Calenberg A Vaupel's Grand and Square Pianos Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Organ. Etry's Cottage Organ. Tieat A Linslcy"s Organs and Melodeons. ball's Guitars. Ac . which she will sell at a very trifling advance on Manufacturer's prices, thus enabling purchas ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure to own, for no greater outlay of money than would be required to get inferior articles that are "dear at any pneej" . Musio Books, Paper, Guitar Strings and Sheet music constantly on hand at the store of Mrs. H. D. Welsh. ;';; September, 20, 1565. r IROS IN TIIE BLOOD. Thb Peruvian Stri p supplies the blood with its Lira Elb vent, IB.ON, infusing Strength, Vigor, and New Life into the whole system. For Dispepsia, Drop By, Chronic Diarrhoea, Debility, Female Weak ness, etc., it is a specific. Thousands have been ehanged by the use of this medicine from weak, sicsly, suffering creatures to strong, healthy, and happy men and women. A 32 page pamphlet sent Fbeb. Price Sl per bottle, or 6 for ?5. J. P. DINSMORE, 35 Dey St., N. Y. Sold by Druggists generally. Nor 8-3m. DR. II. AXDER'S IODINB WATER An Invaluable Discovery. A Full Grain of Iodine in each ounce ot Water, dissolved with out a Solvent ! The most Powerful Vitalizing A gent and Restorative known. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Canoers. Rheumatism, Consumption, and many inronio and Hereditary Liseases, are cur ed by its use, as thousands can testify. Circulars sent free. Price SI per bottle, or 3 for 55. Dr. H. ANDERS A Co , Physician and Chemist. 428 Broadway. N.T. Sold by Druggists generally. Nov.8-3ui. LOVE AND MATRIMONY Ladies snd gentlemeu, if you wish to marry, address the undersigned who will send you. vithout money . : .v. ,. .- : t i.i - : c . : i, .. . . : 1 1 enable you to marry happily and tpecdily. irresJ poctive of.age, wealth, or beauty. This informa tion'will cost you nothing, ard if you wish to marry, I will checrfullv assist you. All letters strictly confidential. TLe desired information sect by return mail, and no ouestions nsked Address " SARA if U. LAMBERT. Greenpoint. Kicgs Co., New Yerk. November 15, 18o5-3;u. HEALTH AND BEAUTY Chapman's Illustrated Guide, a beautiful little work of50page3, teaches you how t'i r-move Tan. Freck les. Pimples Blotches, Erup'iC3. and all impu rities of tbe Skin hoar to produce a full growth of Whiskers how to produce a luxurient growth of hair on a bald he:jd cure Cit'.irrh, purify the Blood. ptr:fy the breath to curl end beautify the hair, remove superfluous hair, cure Drunken ness, cure Nervous debility, Ao., tc how to re new your ao, and other uuiul and valuable in formation. A copy of this work will be mailed free of charge on application. Address TirOS. F. CilAPMAS, Chemist and Perfumer, 831 Broadway, Nor. 15, I8S5 3m. New York. DO YOU WISH IO BE CURED 1 Putnot the poisoned chalice to your Hps. Or Dfath will be the fate of hiin who sips ; But take the horb in freshness from the field, Aud to the potent roo.s disease wiil yield, Old lr. Buuhan s Engii It SpreiJIt Pttt cure, in less than thirty days, tho woist esses cf Ner vousness, Impoteccy, Premature decay. Seminal weaknecs. Insanity, and all Urinary Sexual or Nervous affections, no m itter from hat cause produced. Price One Dollarpsr box. Sent post paid, by mail, on receipt of an order Aidreis JAMES S BUTLER. 429 Broadway. New York. P. S. Descriptive circulars sent free on applica tion. Address as above Nov 15, ISrtd 8t. TERRORS OF YOUTH A gentleman who i suffered fur years from Nervous and Genital debiliity. Nightly emissions, and Seminal Weak ness, the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will, tor the sake of suffering man, send to all who need it, (free of charge.) the rcceipo and directions for inaaing the simple remedy used in his cae. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertisers sad ex perience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The receipe and (all information of vital importance will be cheeriully sent by return mail. Address JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 60 Nausau Street, New York P. S. Nervous sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. Nov. 15, l65-3m. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in af-w weeks, by a very simple remedy, after JVaving suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, comsumption is anxious to make Kliown to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (fiee of charge), with tho direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find, a scbb cdbb tor coxsomption, asthma, BBOKCbins, cot'Ofis. COLDS, tc. The on ly object of the advertiser ia sending the Pre scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread in formation which he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tho proscription will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsbnrz, Nov. 1. 1665-3m Kings county, N. York A CARD TO TIIE SUFFERING. Do you wish to be cured ? If so. swallow two or three hogsheads of Buchu," "Tonic Bitters." "Nervous Antidotes," Ao., and after you are satis fied with the result, then try one box of Old Doc tor Buchan's English Specific Pills and be resto red to health and rigor in less than thirty days They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken-down and shattered constitution. Old and young ean take them with advantage. Dr. Bu chan's English Specific Pills cure in less than thir ty days, the worst cases ot Nervousness, Impoten oy, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insani ty, and all Urinary, Sexnal, and Nervous affec tions no matter from what cause produced. Prioe, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. " Address JAMES S- BUTLER, r, T-42. Broad way. New York, Gen. Agent. P- s- A box sent to any address on receipt of price which is Gue Dollar post free. Ki"A descriptive circular sent on applioafion. November 16, 1865-St. . ... C?,S"ION, SCROFULA, ItnEU-j--Al ISM, &3. Hegemart A Co'Qenuine Medical Cod Livei Oil has proved by twenty years experience, the moat -imlnhl j while it cures the disease, it gives strength and flesh to the patient- .Warranted p-ire and made from fresh livers Sold .y Druggists generally Chemists and Druggitts, New York. 25 CENTS TO SAVE SIThit't aw Jn- " " - AACKcuaa s Concentrated Benzine removes Paint, G rease spott, .., .uouituT. .im ci en n bum- tUDbons, Uioves Ac. enaxl tn now ' Hnl. . l ' ; fcold by Druggists. - HEGEM AN A t O.,;. ." ' Chemists and Druggists, New York. CHAPPRT1 I71'nt ivn ui-T5 ''.-. CHJJLAINS, Ac Hegeman A Co'a Camphor ' . cures snapped nands. Ao . im mediate! T.. and wilt b.n U .1.: r. J . ----- r mm. m auuug imooin in the coldest weather. Sold by DrnmrLstj. Vri 23 cents feent by mail for 25 HEGEMAN A CO Chemists and Droggints, Nov. 15, ls5o-3m. NewYSrk. 1STEAAT STOHE m CURWENSVILLE. JOHN I R vi N, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensville, an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which he will soil very cheap for CASH. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots : and Shoes, llats and Caps, Ready made clothing, etc. The public generally is respecfnlly invited to giro him a call; see his stuck and ban his prices, and purchase from him if yea find it wi.l be to yonr advantage, Nov. 15, 1805 ' 31. -BrRiIIOG-E, MEECHANT TAILOR; Market Street, Clearfield, I One door East of tha Cles rfield House, J Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goodssuch as Shirts, (linen and woolen. Undershirts, Drawers and Sock ;Nck-ties, Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Um"il la, Hats, etc., in great variety. Of pi.ee 'Ood he kee--s the Best Cloths, (of all shades,) Black Doe-skin Cassimeres of the best make, Fancy Cassimeres in great varietyl Also. Frei.ch Coatings; Beaver PiiOt, Chinchilla, and Trioott Over-coating, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, and made np according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also agent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer A Go's Sewijg Machines. November 1, 1S65. PAY ATTENTION! LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS ! We hereby notify tho public, that the Foundry in the Borough of Clearfield, has been put in full blast, by the undersigned, who are now reedy to accommodate the community with anything per taining to our line of tusiness. We keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of stoves and castings, am mg which are the following : Cook, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves, for burning either wood or coal ; Sala mander stoves, 2io. 4 ; Vase stoves, No's 3 and 4 ; Wash-kettles, 16 and 20 g;illon3 ; Farm dinner bells, two sizes ; Fire grates, 20 and 23 inches ; Plows and plow-castings. We are also prcpar, d to inase all kinds of GRIST and SAW-MILL IRONS, and kpecial attention wiil be paid to the repairing of Thueshino Ma chines. Persons in want of anything in onr line, would do well to give us a call. Every description of approved country produce and o"d metal, taken in exchnnge for our mani'.'acture, at the highest market price. HARLEY A SONS. Clearfi Id. Nov. 1 . 1S55 tf. somhtpiiktg ste-w IN CUPvWEXSVILLE ! DSPdSX DFuUGSii The undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that be has opened a Drug Store, in ihe room recently fitted np in the house of George Kittlubarger. on Main street. Curwensville, Pa., one door Vt'es of Hippie A Faust's store, where he intends to keep a general assortment of Drugs, Medici aes, Oils, Paints, Dye-stufis, Patent MedicinesPer fumery, Toilet Goods, Confectiona ri?s, Spises, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Books, Stationary, Pencils, Pens, Inks, and a general variety of Notions; Glass, Putty, etc. The want of a Drugstore hs long been felt in Curwensville. and as .that want is now supplied, the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share cf public patronage. His fctock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual ity, which he will dispose of at roasonable prices Call and examine the goods, which cannot fail to please. JOSEPH R. IRWIN. November 8. 1855. SPLEITDID JEX7ELSY, Watches, Diamonds; &c. FOR THE IIOLLIDAYS! : The House ol Bosanquet, Giraud A Co., Paris ht.ve the pleasure of announcing that they have opened an Aeenry in the city of New York, for the gale of their Widely Known Jewelry, Watch es, Ae., and for the purpose of making their goods as extensively known and appreciated in the United States as they now are. and have been for over 70 years, in Europe; they have deter mined on a plan by which poor and rich alike may have the advantage of their splendid styles. As a preliminary, they would remark that they manufacture and sell no imitation Jttotlrv or Watches, but " ': All are W arranted Gold of the finest Workmanship.., Our customers will also have the great advan tage of a constant succession of new and recherche styles and pattern with which we shall keep our New York tgency supplied. .. We have adopted the plan of sale, now so pop ular, of chargisg a uniform price, and this price will. invariably be S2y"or each article, no matter how costly it may be. The expenses of conduct ing our New York Agency are paid by the sale of Certificates or Coupons representing the various articles. Thete Cirtificates are sold at 50 cents each, or five for $2, and each Certificate will show the holder the particular article he or she is en titled to, on payment of an additional $2. If the article named on the Certificate is not desir ed, the holder wilt oblige us, when he returns the Certificate, by stating what other article of the same Talue he or she may prefer, and it will be sent with pleasure. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE, and every means to that end will be exerted. We solioit a trial foreverj one who reads this notioe as we are competent of giving the utmost satisfac tion. . ' . THE STOCK COMPRISES L : Amongst other articles. Splendid clocks,. Gold and Silver Watches, Rings act with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls. Garnet and other Stones, (soli taire and in clusters,) Ladies' setts of Jewelry comprising Pins and Ear-rings of the most fash ionable styles, set in Precious Stones of every va riety, together with - a large assortment of Gold and Enamelled and Pearl Sets, Gold Studs and Sleeve buttons of the most beautiful patterns. GenU' bosom and Scarf .Pins, and an endless variety of Bracelets, Chains, Musical boxes, Head Dresses, Combs. Charms, Ao. In case any of our patrons are not in want of Articles -of Jewelry and would prefer Silrerware, we will send, for Any Certificate returned to us, a richly engraved Set of Castors or Butter Dish, beaulifully chased ana plated. -., ., AGENTS ARE WANTED ' IeTerypartuf thFnitd SutM D Provinces, and to all such rery liberal inducement will be . -fi't ,nd' " PPltion, a piroular of terms wi). be forwarded. s We prefer monejr sent in Post Office Orders where they can be obtained, or by .Bank Draft to our orders Address all orders to our Agency, which will be conducted by , . . Messrs, JAQUET, STERLING A Co- - ,r k 139 Broadway, New York. Nor. 23. 186l.3m "7! " ' TT 7'- ' T" ' ' - Buy your goods at Showers, & CoV lOIv SALEjatcosVJ coed j;k ?tove,to cloia out'tne'sfitk." at the (Sjeap'cijh sn -K. MOSo.P, CleartHstd, P. of tjEVERAL SET of' heavy r4ouUe harness, Ik3 and home-made horse-collars, at the store of Dee. 6, looa. . j IRVIN A iiARTSHoKN. A LARGE LOT OF C'LOTntNG-ineiaV d in j; some extra quality of Beaver Over-coats, and a complete assortment .of ca&lniere ooh made np ia suits to match for sole by ' Deo. 6,lt5 IRVIN A HARTSHORN. WniSKERS ! WHISKERS! Doyoa want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow on the smr.th est face or chin, or hair ou bald heads, in S;t WeeKg. Price, $I.t)0 Sent by mail anywhere, closaly sealed on receipt of price. Addrcu' WARNER A CO., Box 138, Brooklin, N. York. March 29th, 1365. . nnHE MASON & -HAMLIN CABINET" X ORGAN Forty different styles, adapt to sacred and secular music, for $80 to $A0u each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or oth er first premiums awarded th sill. Illustrated Oat alosuesfree. Address, MASON A HAMLIN, But ton , or MASON BROTHERS, Sew York. New York,November 29 lS8i-ly TO HORSE OWNERS. The undersigned having recently discovered anlnfallible and simple cure for that annoying malady in horse, kaown as4 Hoof-bound.'.' Any person sending $1. in a letter, will receive by return mail a reaip giving proper directions as to the necessary treat meut. Address, JACOB IRWIN. September SI, 1814-tf. Clearfield. Pa. new aooDSnss Dr. C. R. Foster's Drug Store, Phihpsburg, Just opening and for sale at the lowest oash rates. Particular attention has been given to the se lection of Ladies dress gooda. Call and examine before buying elsewheie. 0ct.25-3m. -LP KE5SLER. KEYSTONE MARLLE WORKS, Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. J. B1NN DbHAAS, respectfully Informs the cit izens of Clearfield, and adjoining counties, that he has just received s fine etoek of foreign ar.l domestic marble, wbich he will work into Monu ments, Tombs, Head and Foot atones, Door-steps. Wiudow-sills and Lintels, Table. Stand and bu reau tops. c Ac, on reasonable terms and short notice. All persons in want of anything in his line will please call, or address him by letter, at Woodland, Clearfield county, Pa. Orders by uail will receive prompt attention. July26vG5-y. HOLLIDAY rSE&ENTS. AGENTS WANTED ' Gnat Sale of Jtirrlry and Silverware. The Ar raiulale Gre-jt Gi Jt Distribution. Our Agents are making from Five to Thirty Dollars per day, and we t'll need more. Late invoices from Europe have swelled our stock to over One Million Dollars. A splendid assortment of Watches. Rings. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Jew elry of all kinds, of the most fashionable patterns, selling at SI each. Scnd25 centsfor a certificate, and you will see what you are entitled to ; or SI for five certificates, or S5 for thirty, or sen. a S cent stamp tor our terms to Agents, which are of the moet liberal kind. Now is your time ! -ARRANDALE A CO., No 167 Broadway, New York--' .' Deo. 6. 1305-3ui ; . Life Insurance at Home. l cm i The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., 921 Chestsut Street, Pbil'a. -Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will issue folioiesou any of the approved plans of insurance. Assets liabis to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annually. Loie paid prompt ly Premiums may be pnid in Cau; annually. semi-annuall or quarterly; r one-half in CHfb, and one-half in iote. By a er fiplemetit to the charter, uotes hert after received will participate in all DiviiTands or Surplus Scrip certificates cp to January, lS.-9, inclusive, are nonr n-cuvalue in payment of preT.ifjps Agency, at c'je offce of H. B. Pwow. Clear field, Pa Dr J. J. Harttwick. Medical Exami ner. Anguv. 24, 1S01- TH3 1723 i-l-CIIT ASiK! KIRK & FENCER : E-2jiF-T3:3 IT'-IDS TEACK Their Celebrated tuo o' V;d Steed, "CHEAPEST FO?, CJ SH," , the Peoples' "fuvorile!!" . Remember this aud h?n ia wcit of sA33Sa- BLE GOODS, AT THB VB.RY WftSf POfSfBLB CASH pbice, call at the. store of Kjrk A Spkkcks, ia Lumber City. You wiil not tsii to tj vailed. . Dress Good a and Notion? ia gr; ;t vtiefy. We strrdr- to -!ease. . KIPK SPENCER. Lumber City. Pa .July 1, p on 17 1 It m C-iE2.t3I Hots3 --Cuttle Fowte Iocs ri Jawira!)i7 ) v iLrntfll!tnT..' cleaning t;.& stmaeii anii iW tiiu It s a rar ft ven'Jve cf t.'.l ii- this animal, snch as LXlii r2Y 3, CiA;."LiEBJ, YtliLOW HA, OOUBH8, WS-. 0' TEMPER. IF.- B.K3, l)L-Ml- K LOSS OF APPE-, T1TE AND VITAL ENERGY, te. Its M improves tha To kcepsrs 5 C'-rr. t'.ii r- 5s is'r'Vei It increase U c,i.ai',.ly alal P -:tt'y (VI. .-.- i; s Uhas 5-?2fj ' ln.n y,t tv aei- f'i'r vf . 1 1-...-. 1, 1.1. . rrio:;;Qiei.t to t'wui vcciy , wAy'SW;1? S : :-t 3d -.aSce:e V5'iv Hjj-V'i? ottcr fi m as.l , - . ..-.-..ia i.' - ' 1 b ' ? . j a..;fc. i( ci vc? t:Jm as prir!':". irxsCTit ,1. f d'i touch fsster. Ia all diaies of Siri ua. ioch' ta Cotls, TZ'iCen iii , the Lut., ti-tr. c-'V-J-rS -' r enr-Uy. Tmbie3." W--rwn- .'tlwel ert8ltt t.revent:vo ar.d fi.r t:, ll A Ci.oie'ia. Prioa 5 Centers T-' tt'syi.l1i!!:iSl. ' ratrrirfrr rr '. of the rnif'S '?' For sale by Hartswick A' Irwla, Trroggels, Clearfield, Pa. Do. 13, lS6o-y i 'W.'VfSJtff 'W - ltrorD, will H:cr- tiiy a - 1. f hr rr or r-. 1 win a, increases r f . . V V ef the appetite-Kives . V" HJV a .moo t h anJ siFAtJL J?xki trant fom the bo. 3-:. - ; ets t a ttp w: fta. : jgrM 'i&jplis &i$ 1 lie 3r.rt'"V--j'f!