4. I 1 THE-. fH&&T M:k . M Railroad. - Trron ana n"" r . . a 8.55 a. m. i ... Tvmne at - If"Kt Philipsbnrg tt 11 00 a. m. 3.50 p. m. 6.40 p. m. , Yves PhiHpar at ,vRev. Archer will preacu .. . ..i v f "v Sunday, January th. coun-u , . . t Monroe in Cervices win "v' "J . th; j! E.. Church, on Sabbath morning, JTrf g the Baptist church on Sun Freac . S r.r Tth. by Rev, Sem- day evening, ' bower. TT. lannanr lerm Ol uur COCET. next Monday, Janu- i-..imiuences on Vuu. L . gth, and will connnae u ary .,.rvi A r masac We have been fa- JBinu.. . 4 vmv of this excellent "Alma- ....d Political Register," for 1S66. It AahM be in the hands of everybody, a it contains a number of interesting statics. For sale at the Journal office. Frrrr-THREE Sundays in a Year. It i, not generally known, that the year 1865 vu favored with fifty-three Sundays the first and the last day being a Sabbath. It will be quixe a number of years before the lame circumstance occurs again. Rather Amusing t see two married mon rulinz down a hill on a small hand sled and" run foul of a rail pile, resulting in their J.;-omfiture and retirement from the "field .fv..ia" with bruised shins, amidst the ibouts and jeers of young America. To Correspondents. NVc are in receipt of a inairiage notice from Philipsburg, but .. nn n.y-ompanies the same to show who is the writer, we defer its publication. A rrtnonMble' name must accompany all coicmnnications to insure attention. Sevehelt Injured. We learn that, some ten days since, Mathew Spackman, of this borough, had one of his eyes very seri ously injured whilst at work in the planing mill. He was engaged in planing a board, when a loose knot was torn from the board by the rapid motion of the planer, and hurled in the direction of Mr. S. the knot strict ing him in the eye with such forte as to en danger its loss. In iact, if was thought for eeveral days that the eye was put out, but it seems such was not the case, and hopes are entertained of saving the eye.' Tue River. In our last we noticed the fact that the ice had broken up in the river telow this place; arid carried with it antrni ber of rafts. Since then we-have been in formed, that some 35 or 40 rafts were car ried out of Fulton's an I Plumb I-land "dead waters" alone. A great quantity of timber, it is reported, also went adrift in Clearfield Creek, duringthe last week. The . loss of this timber will 1 e seveiely folt . by many persons, as they d pended on the ea!e of it, in a great measure, to procure the necessaries of life during the winter. Accidental Shooting. We understand that on Monday, January 1st, William Wait of Lawrence township, was shot through the left upper arm by a lad named Thompson, whilst out in the w oods hunt ing. Young Thompson not being aware that Mr. Wait was in the woods, and seeing some motion in the bushes, mistook the mov ing object for a deer, and fired, the ball tak ing effect a3 above stated. The wourd has been properly dressed, and it is presumed that Mr. Wait will be about again in a short time, although he may in a great measure lose the use of his arm. Serious Aefray. On Monday after noon. January 1st, an affray occured be tween William McKnight, of this borough. nnJ a blacksmith named Sample, in which the former was seriously injured. It seems taat, on account of a misunderstanding in reference to some work, the two met and quarreled, during which McKnight used rome very abusive language, which Sample resented by striking McKnight with a ham mer cutting a severe gash above the left eye and fracturing' the bone to such an ex tent that several pieces had to be taken out. . IcKnight is getting along as well as could le expected, considering the dangerous na ture of his wound. The injury, although ferious, is not considered fatal. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Sample, but he had ltft for parts unknown. American Union Commission: This organization has for its object the'relief of distress. It is a national organization. It has the approval of the government. Like the CUrUtain and Sanitary Com mis sions, it has been called it to being by the emergencies of the war. It is a national chari ty. What is done by this Commission in behalf of refugees and others who have been rendered destitute by the war, is gra ".'litous these persons being unable either m buy or insure payment for what they re vive. It acts the part of the good Samari um. It remembers those that suffer adver sity, and proposes to visit with practical sympathy, the widow and fatherless in their Miction, both North and South. The ?nts of the commission should be prompt y nd Krrally supplied. Rev. D. S. Mon ' oe. at Curwensville, has been appointed ocal Sf ent, by the Baltimore branch, and "11 receive contributions from the citizens f CWfieM oorjfiryv ; , it - -. will lease accept our. t riant-? ur a co ci Agricultural report of lbd3. : Railroad Engineers. Geo. W. Lcf- fer, Eiq., the locating engineer ol tbePemi sylvania HaUro;::, arrived in tl-.ia place l ist week, for the purport, as vc r.ra infrrmeJ, I of locating a road west from CLarfij'.J. The Recent Flood. We learn that the ice flood in the Susquehanna, last week, carried with it the greater portion of the loes and timber in the West Branch. It is estimated that from sixty to seventy millions feet of saw logs, valued at nearly a million of dollars, passed W iliiamsport within twenty-four hours on the 28 th and 29th days of December. This is supposed to be the heaviest loss ever sustained, at one time, by the lumbermen on the West Branch. Graduated At Duffs Mercantile College, Pittsburg, Pa. Melancthon Keyser, Bollair, Ohio. Wai. II. Foulke, Harri.svilte, Ohio. James D. Forrester, Aileghenv city, Pa. A. S. Bonebreak, Wanesboro, Pa. James McGuire, Johnstown, Pa. Joseph Oliver, Allegheny eity, Pa. Fred Bornian, Pittsburgh, Pa. Alex B. F. Wilson, Allegheny city. Pa. Martin Hoting, Allegheny city, Pa. A. S. Church, Ontario, Ohio. O. P. Blair, Turtle Creek, Pa. John W. Langfit, Tay!oitown, Pa. A. A. Mulligan, Sunnv Side, Pa. J. W. Allen. Sunny Side, Pa. Wm. J. McKee, Pittsburgh, Pa. John G. Doty, Indiana county, Pa. . T. G. Duncan, Wellsville, Ohio. John B. Eversole, North Berne, Ohio. P. I. McDonald, Sewickley, Pa. " II. A. Martox, Iowa Hill, California. James II. Heed. Elizabethtowu, Pa. James Butler, Pittsburg, Pa. Daniel II. McAbce, Pittsburgh, Pa. All of whom passed the usual searching examinations of the College sati.-facrcrily, and who will no doubt, hereafter distinguish themselves by an honorable proficiency m business. Each graduate was awarded the beautiful diploma of the College as acreden tial of lm proficiency, ot his industry, and of his exemplary deportment during his course of stuay. Hon. Henry Winter Davis died at Balti more,, on Uecemoer -dUtn, o: rnsurr.oma. He was one of the ablest statesmen in the Union, and hU death will be lamented throughout the country. Ltate advices from South America state that the Chilians had captured a Spanish gun-boat, after a brisk engagement. Attorney General Meredith of Pennsylva- ria. has given an opinion mat a otate nas the right to tax National Banks. Secretary Seward has gone to Charleston to recuperate his health. He niay. also go to Havana before his return. MARRIED: On Dec. 17th, 1SC5, by J. R. CaiJell, E., Mr. Peter Sloppy, of Knox town ship, to Miss Eliza Lewis of Vergujon Tp. DIED: On Friday, Dec. 22J, 1SG5. Wilson- Holly, infant son of Henry Gueiich, of Lawrei.ee tp., aged 3 months and 6 dajs. "Now still and cold beneath the mculd Our darling b.by lies ; And sad we weep, that death's cold s'eep lias seated his lovicjj eyes." s ALT- a store of goad article, and very cheap at the WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfie? 1. LAHGi; f jOT of Raft rope, small rope.and l'ully blocks, for sale bv the coil, at a fmall advance on cost by IUVIN 4 II A UTS HORN. I PROVISION'S. Flour, bacon, lard, cheese, dried beef, dried Iruit. received rcsularly. at the store of Mar. 22. J. P. KilATZKK. I71LOITR. A largo Flour, in Barrels. quantity Extra Family Satk's and J Sacks for sale by IFeh, 22. 1S3j. W. F. IRWIN. First National Bank, Clearfi tLn. Pa., ) Decemoer 12, SCib. j TVOTICK is hereby given, that a meeting of ll the stockholders of tbe First National Bank of Clearfield. Pa... will bo held at tLc Banking house. on Saturday the 13th day of Jnnu.iry. 1.-133, tor tbe purpose oi electing officers of said Bank. A. C. FIHNEY. Dec. 13, 1S65. Cashier. STEAM ENGINES. We have on sale One pew tteam engine. 12 inch lii'nieter cylinder. 2-1 inch stroke, fitted to rolled iron box tied plate, with all useful modern improvements with or without boiler. Also one new Portnble Steam Engine and boiler. 8 inch cylinder. 12 inch stroke, made of the best material and most approved pat tern Also one tecond-bfcd Steam Engine. 2-! inch diameter cylinder. 5 feet stroke, just repair ed and warranted as food s new, which we offer at a very low figure. Al'LANAH AN A STONE. Dec. 13. 136;-6t Holliiaysburg Pa A UniTOK'S NOTICE. In the mutter of xm - the fcsta.e of John King. late of Hurnsi township. Clearfield unty. dee'd The under signed, who was du'y appointed Auditor t. settle and adjust tbe account of Daniel Horman and Wm. Ring, the Administrators of the aforesaid estate, will' attend to the duties of his gnid sp pointment, at his office -io the Boruogh of Clear field, on Saturday the 30th day of December. 1SB5, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day. when and where all persons mteres'ed can attend, if they see crop ner. " THOMAS J. M'CULLOUUH. - Nov. 27, 1S5 del3-p. Auditor. A GKICULTtHtAL SI EETING. The an- V nnnl meeting of the Clearfield County Ag- ri,-iiltnrt So-ietv will he held in the Court House in Clearfield, on Monday evening, the Sth day of January, A.D-1S6S, lr the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing ear. - It is to be hoped that a general attendance of members will be nresent on the occasion, that one and all may be uiifid with the selection of officers then made And all who are in an war interested ia the cause of Agriculture, are cordially invited to at tend., tjyonleroi Ul meemm raraumwo. Deo. 27. - L. F. IRWIN, Secretary SnESIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Vt wii tiou t Exponas, issued ont of the Court of Common Please ol Clearfield count jv and to me directed, there "will be exposed topublio sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Clear field, on MONDAY the STH DATOF JANUARY 1666, the following deserbedReal Estate-to U A eertain tract of lnd kituate in Burnside Tp.. Clear3eld county, Pennsylvania, containing a bout 100 acres. 25 or 30 ncres cleared a;id boup ded south ty Thou.ass Young, west by Ebcnexcr I McMasters, north and east by Christian Rora- baugh ; a two story hewod log House and log sta ble erected thereon, and a small young orchard. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Kyen. IK.27, 18V . JACOB FAUST, Sheriff. TnANKS. Hon. J. T E It SI S OK. THE JOl'KMAL.' The UAFTBxoi's Jouesal is published on Wed reday at J52'rfl per annum io advance. irnot pMii at the hejinning of the y?cr. S2.50 wiH he ohexRed, and 5:i,Ut) if not paid before lite close of the year. . . . . M - . Advertisements will be Inserted at Sl,50per fiqoare. for three or less iiuertioas Ten lines (or less) counting a square, for ever.T additional insertion f 0 cents will be charged A deduction will be made to yaarly aivertUer. "So sobscription laken.for a shortcT time than six tfconths. and do paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the pahlisher. S. J. ROW. RATES OF SUDSCRIPTTOX, ADVERTISING AND JOBEING. subscription, in advance. 1 year, z : ; Subscription, if paid within six months : Subscription, if paid within the year, : Adra'rs and Ex'ra notices, each. 8 times. Auditor's notices, each. Cautions and Estrays, each. 3 times, Dissolution notices, each, 3 times. Transient Advertising, per square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, For each subsequent insertion. Official Advertising, for each square of 10 ' lines, or less 3 times, or less, For each subsequent insertion. Professional A business cards, 5 lines, 1 y. Local notices, per line. I time, Obituary notices, over 5 lines, per line, Yearly Advertising. one square. : : : Yearly Advertising, two squares. " : : $2 00 2 50 3 00 2 50 2 50 1 50 2 00 t 50 -60 1 50 50 S 00 15 10 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 25 00 35 00 60 00 Yearly Advertising, three squares. Yearly Advertising, one-fourth column, Yearly Advertising, one-thtrd column, .. Yearly Advertising. one-ha!f cslumn, . Yearly Advertising, one eolainn. The above rates apply only to advertisements set up plain Advertisements set in large type, or with cuts, or out of plain style, will be charg ed double the above rates fur space occupied. Blanks . single quire, ::::::":: 2 50 Blanks. 3 quires, per quire, : : : : : 2 00 Blanks, 6 quires, per quire, ; : : : : 1 75 Blanks, over 9 quires, per qaire. : : : ; 1 50 Handbills, eighth sheet. 25 or less, 1 50 " fourth shest, 25 2 50 - half sheet, , 25 " 4 50 whole sheet,' 25 " 8 00 Over 25 of each of above, at proportionate rate3 The above rates were agreed npon, by the un dersigned, on the 3d day of December. IdSt, and will be strictly adhered to during the present high prices of all kinds of printing materials. D. V. MOOKE; Publisher of ;Cearfield Republican." S J. ROW, Publisher of ' TtafUinan's Journal." SPECIAL NOTICE. "Great OaTm from Utile Acorvs grow." The worst diseases known to the human race spring from causes so small na to almost dcly de tection. The volumes of scintify; lore that CI I the tablts and sbelvrs ot the laedicul fraternity only go to prove and elaborate the;e facts. Then guard yourselves whilo you may. The smallest pimple on the skin is a tell. tale and in dicatoiof dieease. It may fade an 1 die away from the surface of the body, but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, at Ia.-t. and de.uh be the result and final close. Moiel's i?it,i-D3, Dyspeptic and BiAF.r.nsA Pitt, euro where all others fail. While for Burns, Scalds. Chilb'.ain3, Cuts, and all abrasions of thessin, M mjgikis Savve is infallible- Sold by J. Maooisl, 43 FuHon street, Nevr Yoik, and all Druggists, at 25 tucts per box. FARMERS' " MUTUAL FIIIE I.NSU-KANCE COMPA NY OF YOIIK, 1A. . - Insnres against los or damage br tiro.; It is tiie safest company in the State, and has made no as sessments sinco its establishment, nnd hence it is tbo uioyt economical. i. J. HOW, Agent. Jure 21, 186a. Clearfield, Pa C0LUSIJ3IA IaSUBAtfCA C02IPA3Y, Columbia. Ta., . -Ii f nres against- loss by fire, on very moderate terms either on the mutual or cash principle. Special rates for tbe safer elas of fan property. This ia one'of the oldest and bdsr companies in country, and bears a reputation for promptne.-s and strict bu.-mc.j3 ictcrity second to no otber in the Sute. S. J. HOW, Agent. Deo 27, 155. Clearfield, Pa. 1794. Chartered, 1794 IIToURANon COMPANY OF NOR r-T AMESICA, AT PIIILALKLPI1IA. . The old et Insurance company in America. Cash capital and surplus, i.ver 5I,71o uUU.UU. Seventy one year3 Successful Busiac?-? Experi- er.co. wnh a reputation t iBlremr anl not.ora- bledcaiing unsurpassed by njy similar institution. bosses paid -sineenrgamzition, SlY.SUtt-O'Jtl.iitt Liberal Kates f-jr all the s.if'er c.1;isse of proper ty. Insurance for d wellinr3 and contents, a spe ciality. Uriels and Stone buildings insured PEtt- rcTCALLY,if desired, on terms of the greatest e- conomy and safctv to the insured. It is Wisnnsi anil Kcosomv to insure in the best companies, and there is none better tban tee oia ISSCitASCR coapAxr OP NimTH Ambuica. CUARL1SPLATT. I ARTHUR O 'COFFIN, ' Secretary. Treasurer. DIBJSCTORS. Arthur O. Coffin, S. Morris Wain, Samuel W Jones, John A. Erown, Charles Tnylor. Ambrose White, William Welsh, Richard D. Wood, Wm 13. Bowen, James N. Dickson. John Mason. George D. Harrison, Francis R- Cope. Edward II. Trotter, Fdward S Clark, Wm. Cummings, T Charlton Henry, Wm, Bueblbr, Central Agent of Penn'a. S. J ROW, Agent for Clearfield oo. dec20. FISH a general varietv, just received and for sale at MKKHfc.LL A Bltil-EK'S P ISII, Salt and plaster in Mar. 22. 13(53. J. large quantities at . FODDEK CUTTERS of a superior makt for sale at reaonal le pr'tes. a MEKKELL and BKiLEH'S. Clearfie'i, Pa HEW STORE, AT MARYSVILLE, CLEARFIELD CO. The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citixens of Clearfield county, that be hs onentd a now store in Marvsvil'e. and that he is now receiving a large and splendid assortmant of seasonable goods, such as DEr:QOOD8 AND NOTIONS, Hardware, Queens ware, GROCERIES, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GL ASS, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. CLOTHING; AND STATIONARY, and in fact ft general assortment -of goods, such ... ..n.rillv bant in a. rtunntPV Store. Desirous of pleasing the public, he will ase his hsat .nHAonri m 1tn nn hand tbe best of fcoods, and thereby hopes to nrerit a liberal share of pat ronage. Call before purchasing elsewhere. as I n determined to sell goods at moderate prioes for crab, or exchange them for every descnp""" of Lumber, at market prices "". Eep. r,186J. b'TACY W. THOMPSON the kidneys. .. . - , . i The kidneys are two m number, sit uated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded, by fat, "and consisting of tnree parts, viz: the anterior, tLc in terior, and the exterior. "( , The anterior absorbs; the interior consists of tissues or veins, which serve as a, deposit for the urine, and convey it to the exterior ; the exterior is conductor also, terminating in a singlo tute, and called the ureter; the ureter3 are connected with the bladder. . The bladder is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided into parts, vii -the upper, the lower, the nervous, and the mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability, otbei s u rinate without the ability to retain. This fre quently occurs in children. - -. . To cure these affections we must bring into action the muscles, which are engaged in their various functions. : If the)r are neglected Gravel and Dropsy may ensue The reader must also be made aware that, however slight may be the attack, it Is sure to affect his bodily health and mental powers, as oar flesh and blood are supported from these sources. Gout, or Rheumatism. Tain occurring in the loins is indic ative of the above dieaas. They occur in per sons disposed to acid stomach and chalky secre tions. The Gravel. J- The Gravel ensue3 from neglect or the improper tieatment of the ki Jneys. These organs being weak, the water is not expel led from the bladder, but allowed to remain ; it becomes feverish and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone is formed and Gravel ensues . ... D R.O P S Y Is a collection of water in simo parts of Ihe body, and bears different nnme-i. according to the part affected, vit : wl en generally diffused over the body, it is cilled Anasarca ; when of the abdomen, Ascites; wben of tbe cheat, lijiro thorax : . TREATMENT. IIcimlo!J's hilily concentrated Ex tract ot iueaa 13 uteideui? ona of the best remedies l".r diseases of the bladder, kidneys. gmve!, dropsical swelling.', rheumatism, end gou ty affections. Lnder this head we bave arranz- ed Dysuriu, or difficulty and j ain in passing wat er: county secienon. or small aud Irtqucct uis- Cisarses. of water; ttrarituarj'. or stopping ol w iter: Haeuiaturia. or bloody urine : U out and Rhumali.-m of the kidneys, without any chance n quantity, but increase of culor or dark water It was alwrvvs highly recommended ly tbe late Vr Phtiick in these infections. , rrt, . . - . . lnis medicine increases tae power of digestion, and excites tbe a', soroents tn!o heal thy exercise, by wnicu tbe watery or calcareons -depositions and ail unnatural enlwrgcuents, as well as pain ana inuamaiion, are reauceu, ana is takta by MeuyVrp'inen& Children. Directions for use and diet accompany, PaiLADKLPaiA, Ta., Feb. 25, 1857 II. T. Helmbold, Druggici: Dear Sir : I Lave been a suffei er, for upwards of twenty years, with rrrnvpl hlorlfipr 5nn Vidncv nftrffti.ins. , . , , during which :iui I have used various mcc icinal preparations, and ben under the treat'nent of toe mot eminent physicians, eiperienciniC but little relief. Having seen your preDarations ex tensively advertised. 1 consulted with my family pnysician in regard to using your txtract liucbu. I did tliis because I used all kinds of advertised remedies, and bad found them worthless, and some quite injurious: in fact. I dcuuired of ever getting well, ur.d deterrcin ed to u.!e no Teinel.es unless I knew of the ingre dients. It w:is this that prompted me to u your remedy As you advertised that it was compos ed of litxcnr, ci-BSBS. snJ jcsipbr HER-'tes, it oc curred to me and my physician as an exee'ilei;t er.iiii.m.iiion. ana. wpn om s'ivice. alter an exam ination of tbo article, and consulting again with tho drusririst. I conculu led to try it. I cuwuien ced its use aboot eiihtmonths ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the Cr.-t hot tlo I was astonished and gratified at the benefi cial effect, and arter nsins it three weeks, was a- b!e to walk out' I felt much like writing you i full statement of my case at tbe time, but though iuv improvement mient only bo temporary ana therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be o greater valua to you end more satisfactory to me I am now able to report tbat.a cure is effected after using the remedy for fiye months. I have not" used any now for three months," and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and inrigorator of the system. I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in such affections. M M'COKMICK. , Should any doubt Mr. McCormlck's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen-: Hon. Wm. Bigler, Ex-Gov. Penn'a. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, Phii'a. . Hon.'J. C. Knox, Judge, Phii'a. Horu" J. S. Black, Judge, Phii'a. . Hon. D. R. Porter, Ex-Gov. Penn'a. Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Phii'a. Hon. R. C. Grier, Judge, U. S. Court. Hon. G.W.Woodward, Judge, Phii'a Hon. W.A. Porter, City Solicitor,Phil. Hon. John Bigler, Ex-Gov. California Hon. JS. Bank3, Auditor Gen. Wash ington, D. C ' 1 '.' V . And many others, if necessary. . , : PRINCIPAL DEPOT,-'' -i IIELKBOLD'S '' DRPG AND CnEJIICAL WAREHOUSE, " 594 BROADWAY, ' "; (Metropolitan Hotel ) . SOLD; BY DRUGGISTS EVERT WHERE. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. w ' . - New Terk, 1, lf5-Jyv HOK-SF.-STIOKS and horse-nails, to be had at Aug. 23. MERKKLLA BIflLER'S. RLUlSTEit'S NOTlCi;. Nntice is hereby given, that the fnHvwiug aouountB have been examined and passed by me. and i-cmaia filed of record in thisoSue for ibe inspection of beirs, legatee5.credtinr'nd atl others la any other way interested, and will 09 present.! to tho next Or- i poan.V Court of Clearfield coumy. to he held at j the Cntrt JIons. in he Borough r.f Clearfield. oomBenciag.oo tLe 'ti .oud:ty ot January, tsub. The Snal account of Jesse Lines. Trustee of the estate of Thomas Boyle, late of Brady township, Clearfield ouunty. Pa, deceased. - l Do ttnal aoconnt of Anagail Aurand, Admin istrator of John Anrand. late of Brady township, Clearfield county. Pu., deceased. ' - . inc account of Jamea it. Johnston. Adminis trator of James Johnston, late of Jordan town'p, Clearaeld county. Pa., deceased lne nnal account. of Joseph M Clarren. r.xecn- tor of the last will and testament of Valentine Flegal, late of Decatur township; Clearfield count v. Pa . decexsed - ' ' ' The final account of Ellas Rishel, Sr.. Trustee of the estate of Philip Kriner, late of Brady tp, Clearfield county. Pa., deceased. : ine nnal account of James H. morgan. Admin- stratnr of Sarah Moreno, late of Guetich town'p. Clearfield county, Pa . deceased. ' " Partial account of Ab-aham Myrter and John Flynn, Administrators of Martin Myrter, late of Penn tp.. ClearSeH eo . Pa , dee'd. Ibe account of Wm. K. Johnson. Administra tor of tbe last Will and testament of James Hen ry, late of Pike tp, Clearfield co.. Fa .dec d. Ihe account of A W Lee. Executor of the last will and testament of J. S. Lee late of Beccaria township, Clearfield county, deceased. I. U. HARUtK, Register's Office. Dee. 13. '65. Kegi ter. SHERIFF S SALES. By virlue of sundry writs of Vetuiitioiii Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on MONDAY the 8TU DAY OF JANUARY. ISob.the following described ileal Estate, to wit : Two cirtain tracts of land situate in Covington towntlup, Clearfield county. Pa., the one bound ed north by the public road leading from Kart- bans to Clearfield town, on the west side by the public road leading to John Barmoy's. and on the south and east by lands of !eon Coudriet. with a two-story frame bouse zixsz feet, ani frame sta tic ther-oii erected, ine otber lot bounded on the south by tbe puMio road leading from Kart haus to Clearfield, oc the eat by lot of John Hriels. and on the north and snath by lands of John Mlson. with a wsgen-mnker ch'P thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution and t-J bo sold as the property of Joseph S. Mulfon. Also a certain tract of land situate n OirarJ township. Clearfield conntv. Pa., eontnining about seveniy-four acres, ar-d allowance.1 with a huu-e and oilier out builiimus erected thereou, describ ed as folio. ts: Hejiinning at a while 0:1k.. btiue the north east corner ot warrant No ISiO. thence 1 south onebunlrod and eighty perches to stone orner. thence west seventy parches to whi?e oak corner, thence north one hundred and eighty por- cbes to stol e coiner, thence east seventy perches to wbitoouk co nor and place of beginning, and being part of warrant No. I3'J0. Seized, taken in cxcication, and to be sold as tbe property of John u. rettst -Also acertrin tract of land situate ta Pena towefhip. Ctcar.'el.l county, Ph., bounded east by lunus of lteed t Weaver, east by . Fcnton and 3. Derrick, west by E. Fenton and north K. Fen ton containing about one hundred and fix acres, with forty acres cleared, and baring a frame house and log b .rn erected thereon Seized, ta ken in execution, and to ba sold as the property of Georgo S. Follerton Also acfTain tract of land situate in Bloom towns-hip. Ciearfield county Penn'. bounded by lands of Jacob Bilger. Dale, and other, coutain ing one hundred and twonty-firp acres, more or less, with frame h -u?e and saw-mi'.l erected ther on. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold at the property of George lrvin. Also two certain lots of ground situate in Os ceola, Clearfield county, Pa. Seized, takea io execution, and to be sold as the property of J. II. Warren. Also, by virtue of a writ of A!. -Levari l'ueias the followinz described Real Kstate. to wit : ' All that certain bank barn, having a front of fift--two feet and depth or Scrty foet, situate on a certain tract or lot of ground, situate in Law rence township. Clearfield county. Pa. Seized, tsken in execution, and to Le sold as the proper ty of Ecnj tmin Dale, owner, or reputed owor Lec. 13. 18uo. ' JACOB FAUST. Sheriff 250,000 ! WATCHES, CHAINS, DIAMOND KINGS, AC. &C, Worth over One Jliilion dollars, All to be sold ti each, viteout 223 abd to vaius t - .tfot to ce Pail far until you Know what ' you are to-Receive! SPLENFUD LIST OF ARTICLES! All to bo Sold 9.1 SI Each ! 250 Folid i'ih-er Dinii.g Pets, $75 to S-Snn 00 Si! ver Salvers and l:rns, 50 to 2-0 .'GO SoUl Silver Tea J?eUcompItte, 50 to 300 1:0 Kosv!woi(l Musical boxos, 3Jairs 75 to 230 2li) Mshortnv Mu-i!Kl boxes, 31 airs 50 to 2')0 50 Uold iiuutiag Watches, 75 to 2.0 2;:J Ladios' LnJioelled ulold watches 50 to 2i0 600 Gents Hunting aiiver watches, 35 to 100 JO'J Itctt Ocera Glafses, 2s to 10n 500 Mother of Pearl Lo-nettes. 50 to 100 S.iO i-ir irrol Hcvolvftrs, ' - 15 to 50 i(l Single aud Double Shooters, JO to 50 300 Kiegcnt Oil Paintings, 5C to -00 2.i0 Mrbio Stntues, Uu-iU, Ac , 50 to 200 250 Diamond Riegs. . . 50 to 100 5. WOO Photo Alburn, all sizes, S to 50 2 000 Hold Vest and Neck Chains, 15 in ' 30 3,u00 Gold Oval Pand Bracelets. 5 to 10 5 000 Chasod U-Id Bracelets. fl to 12 2.000 Chatelaine and Ouajd Chains, 5 to 20 7.000 Solitaire and Revolving Brooches, 5 to 10 2.000 Lava aud Florentine - lo 4 to 10 5.000 Coral. Goal and Emerald do 4 to 10 5.000 Mosaic, jet nnd lava Eardrops, 4 to I 7.000 Coral and Emerald Eardrop, 3 to 8 5,000 California Diamond Pins, 5 to 20 5.000 Cal. Cluster Diamond Pins. 3 to 10 3.000 sots Solitaire Buttons and Studs, 3 to 10 3.000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils Ao. 3 to 8 10.000 Lockets. Douhle-glars, 3 to 5 5 000 Lockets for Miniatures, 5 to 10 .1:000 Hold toothpicks. Crosses, Ao i to i 8 5.000 plain Gold Kings, . . . . .. 4 to 10 5.000 chased Gold Kings'. 4 to 10 10.000 Shield A Signet Rings, 3 to 10 10,000 California Diamond Rings, ' 3 to 10 7.500 sets Ladies' Jewelry, jet. 6 to 10 5,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, coral, 8 to 12 6.000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, onyx. 10 to 15 5,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, lava, " 12to 20 2.500 sets Ladles Jewelry mosaic, 20 to 30 10 000 Gold Pens with Silver Holders, 5 to 10 5.000 Gold PenB with Gold do 6 to 12 5,000 Gold Pens A holders, superior, 10 to 15 5.000 Silver Goblets A Drinking 'ups, 8 to 10 3.000 Silvei Castors A Wine Holiers, - 12 to 50 2,000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets. 20 to 50 Messrs. T. A H. GAUGHAN A CO., No. 118 Broadway, New Vork, extensive manufacturers and importers of many of the leading and wort J ... . . siring to increase tnei business to an unlimited extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift Sale, sub ject to the regulations following : : Certificates naming each article and Us yalne, are placed in sealed envelopes and we.l mixed. One of these envelopes will be aent by mail to any address on receipt of twenty -five cents. - . AllartteU.- Hold at Ojus Dollar each,, vxtkont r.ganl to value ... v . On receipt of this certificate you will see what yoa are going to have, and then it is at your op tion to send the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Dia mond Ring, or any set of Jewelry on oar list for One Dollar, and in no case can they get lsa than one dollars worth, aa there are no uncertainties The price of certificates is aa follows : One tor 25 cents; five for tl ; eleven for S2 ; thirty for S5, with, elegant premium; sixty five for $18, with bonus; one hundred for (15, and handsome present to the getter up of the elab. - tF A gents wanted everywhere, to whom pe- t cial inducements are ouerea. aaarew, T. A H GAUGHAN A CO , Importer. - Deo. 13- . . U fcroavdway, N.T, tcr -I Wasrona. for sale bv MEltRtLL A BIULEK mirANTED $5 000 worth of ctuety T T Those of lonre-t dates preferred. Apply to. WAL1LK BAKHETT, Tune 2$. JS.15. , . . . .Ciearfield, Pa. 3-Kfoi A. yt. II ILLS l)tIKKS form his patrons that profemion- n tusiness eoc fines bim .'o his Ouice all Jbc time, and be aril! therefore be un able to make Professional Visits to any ot bis ac- cus?omed p!a e this summer; but ma: be fi.und at hts.ofhce on tbe southwest corner of Frost and Main streets at all times, except wben notice a -puair in the twn papers to the contrary. Clearfield. Pa., July I. InoS. . ' V: . x. N. B. A full set of Teeth put in for SW- CLEARFIELD NITRSEI1Y. SNCOCR .VJE HOM3 INDl'STKV. The undersigned having estiblUhed a Nurry. onlhe Pjke, about halfway between Corwensvilla aod Clearfield Boroughs. i- piepar-d to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, Standard and dwarl.) Evergreen . ?brul hery.Urape Vines, Uoosvberry, Law tin Black berry. Strawberry and Rati. bet ry vines. Also, Sibnan Crab trees. Quince and early fcarlet Kbsu barb. 4o. Orders promptly attended 'o. . Address Aug 31 , IS64. J. D. WRUi 11T. Cur ensville. jVElV FIRM. Tho undersigned have this day ll formed a copartnership aeder tho firm nataa of lrvin A Haruborc. for the transaction of a gen eral merchandise and lumber busiuys. A lurpe and well selected stoai of goods has been added to that already on hand at the -corner store" ia Curwensville.where we are now prepared to show customers a complete assortment, with prices at low as tbe lowest. Tbe highest market rates paid for lumber of all descriptions. 1 he patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. :- - . K A iRvrx. W. K. IIARTSHOHN. Curwensville. July 17. 1S35 fiOXETHING KEW ! CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The undersigned would respectfully inform tb citizens of ClearSeld. and tha public in general, tl'at we have entered into partnership, and are prepared to do all kinds of work on carriages, wagons, sleighs, sleds. Ac. All kindscf repairing done with neatness and dispatch. "Orders prompt ly attended to. JOHN F. HO TE. Clearfield. Ju!y 5, y. WM. MeKSIGUT Thankful for post patronage, I would still so licit the favors of uiy old customers, and ask u ny new ones to give us a call. I have associated nith me io the ubove buacesj, Wm MolCr.ight. who is an erperienced workman. If joi watt a good carriage or timber sid. give U3 a call. J. F Roth. L1 It'E.NSE NOTICE The followinz named persons bave filed in the office of the clerk of tbe court of Quarter Sessions ol Clearfield county tneir retiiions tor Licenss at the Janntry Session A. D. 13t5, agreeably to the Act ot- AwemblT of March 23:b, lbrid entitled. uAn At to reeulate tue state of Ti.toxicnting Liqnrs " Ac: Aoraiiain :vej.natt, lavern. uuceoia. Peter P.loom. Tavern, Ar.sonville. Leah Bioom. Tavern. Ourwensvillo. Thomas Kobisen. Tavern, Lumbercity Jchn l.itch. Tavern, Janesville. Harrison t oss. Tavern, Oiceola. Per.j Sayder. Tavern, Covington. . Philander Smith, Tavern, Chest. A. J. Draucker, Tavctn, Curwensvilla. A. J Shiiff. Tavern. . Madera George I.'nsrr. Tavern, Troutville. Milo Hoyt. Tavern, Osceola GaiEer Bloom. " Tavern, Bioom. Richard Evans. Tavern, Brady. Wm. Schwem. Tavern, Brady. John Mulson, - Tavern, Covington. Isaac Ricket, Tavern, Utabville, AlUman El linger, Tavern. Brady, Geo. N. Colburn, Tavern. Clearfiold. MSRCASTILK LlCKXSES, L M Condriet, Girard Township. Wm. H. Shelter. Osceola borough. Francis CouJriet Covington township. D. F. ETZWEILER Clerk. Clearfield December 13. 1SS5- Aitentioii! Buyers!! I-IIPPIiE 1ST ID PATJST PHALERS t F03.2I3 AWD D0M5STI3 3SY-G00DS, AC. 1f1t STREET, CCRtVE.1SV!LI.B,rA , Ilav'ng justxelurned from the east with a gen eral assortment ot goods, to which they desire ta intite the attention of their old customers and friends. Their stock consists of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, HA33-WAILE, QSSIVWAEE, Tla-WAB?, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Capr, Clothing, they now limes Xotions. etc., in offur at prices- great variety, which for cash to suit th They !30 deal in Grain, PorkShingles, Boards, and other lumber, which will ba received at the liis'uest market prices in exchange for goods. Persons desirous of purchasing goods at fair rates are respectfully requested to give us a call. Remember you can find u at the old stand n Main Street here we are prepared to accomo date customers with anything in our line of business. Sept. 5. 1SSS.. niPPLE A FAUST. "WHAT IS IT?" . G 2.2 AT E2CITE2IS3T 15 GLS'.i HOPS. ?A ETEEruoOT SEEMS PLEASKD. And Why Should They Not Be? Surely, the people ia that section of Clearfield county havo great reason to be rejoiced over the pleasing announcement that JOHN ROBSON has just opened in his New Store Koom. the larg est and best selected stock of goods ever brought to that part of the county of Clearfield. NEW STORE AND SEW GOODS. The undersigned having removed bis store ti bis New Building on Pine Street, Glen Hope, op posite the "Union House," is now opening and of fering to the public the largest and best selected stock of seasonable goods ever offere'd in this place and neighborhood, and will be sold at pri ces to suit the timet. His Stock embraces Dry-Goods, Notions, Hard ware, Queens-ware, Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made clothing, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails. Bacon, Fish, Flour, Sultj WiUow, Stone and Earthen-ware, and Stoves. OF JRY GOODS, he baa Cloths. Cassimers. Saf tinetts. Tweeds, Vesting, Flannels, Shirting. Prints, Coburg olotb, Alpacas, De Lainea. Gins bams, Chinta, Kerchief. Nubias, Sootags. Nan kin, Lawns, Linen, Lace Edgings, Collars, Trim mings, Braids. Vails, etc. , . '- OF HARDWARE, he ha axes, gawt, chisel, knives and forks, locks, hinges, screws, angers, hammers, nails, spikes. Stoves of various patterrs and sizes, flat irons, etc OF GROCERIES, be baa eoffee, sugar. Molas ses, teas, rice, pepper, eioamon, cloves, Flour, hams, sides. hoJ ln, fish, clt, ..... - ur tfUJsBfat ARE, he has tea sU, cups an saucers, cream iugs, tea and coffee pots, pitehera bowls, plates, dishes, ew. 05 CLOTHING, he has coats, pasta, vests, dershirts, shirts, drawers, neck-ties, gloves, socks, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc.. ' "' ' AH tbe above, and numerous other articles, for sale cheap for each, or exchanged for til kinds of lumber and eonntry produce. Remember, that I am receiving' good weekly from Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Pittsburg, and that aiiy goods eaa be furnished J oa ery short notice. - --: ' ' - - Call and exao.ine tbe goods ana prices anu st irfy yoorselvee of the utility ef buying et :. J . . , .- -JOHN ROBSOK'Sv . Glen Hope, Decesaber , Iftea. . t. mnniBM-VSCPINS and Pine-boxes. TO i j3 i; t 1 A :.! 1 J ' nr