m vim nam 'Mi H4-J Raftsman's gournat CLEARFIELD, PA., DEC. 27, 1865. SALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti cle of ground lam rait, pat cp in patent saeKs. at St. 25 per sacs, at tbe cheap cash sioie of .-. November 27. , K. .MPSSOt. j.n. m'kckrat. : : : : bamckl Mitchell. TtTVMUKRAV ft MITCMKLL, Dealers in Foreign and Dotne.nio .Merchmdiza. Lcif lour, tinun, Ac, .New Wash ington. Clear innty. Pa. 'October 2J; lf65-lyp. bcb. Flour, field eoa WAMEO-A Blacksmith, to carry on the businr at the lare near shop, erected at the "corner" in Curwensville. A good smith. with help to do the work, ean secure a large patmnnge Nov. 8. IRVIN A HARTSHORN. TEACHERS WANTED. The Poard of directors of Jordan t-hool Pistriot desirs to employ Two good teachers, to whom good wages will be paid. Apply to HESKV SH'AX.or KOB'T LIDDKLL. December 13, IS65-p. " Anonvi!le, Pa. MACHINERY ! MACHIXERY ! We are prepared to manufacture to order, and repair all kinds of machinery, to wit: Steam en gines. Kaw-mills. Mill works, bunk earn and steam, gas and water pipes and fittings. Steam pump!. c;c. Competent machinist sent out to make repairs. M LA.NAHAN Jt STONK Dec. 13, 186 o -Cm. Jlollidaysburg, Pa. EXECUTORS A'OTICE Letters testa mentar on . the Estate of John Erown late of Rurnside tp., ClearGcM co.. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sonslndebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same will present them proper y au thenticated for settlement. W. J. ROTKEY, Nov. 29, lSflj-pd. Eiecutors. ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH!!! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will care the Ttch in 4S Hours. Also cures SALT RHEl'M. ULCERS. CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN Price 50 cents For salj by .til Druggists. By sending 10 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Pole Agents, 170 Washington street. Boston. Mass it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any r,.-wrt of th Cnited State. Sept. 20. 6-in. New Arrangement. The subscribers have entered into co partner ship, and are trn.ltni under the name of Irvin. Baily A Co . in lumber and merchandise, at the old stand of Ellis Irvin A Son. at the mouth of Lick Run. They would, inform their friends, and the world in general, that they are prepared to furnish to order all kind s of sawed or hewn lum ber. and solicit bills, for either homo or eastern markets. They would also announce that they have just opened A NEW STOCK - of well selected good, suitable to the season, con sisting ot every variety usually kept in country stores. Their purchases have been made since the late decline in prices which enable them to sell at such rate as will astonish their customers One if their partners. Thomas L. Baily. resides near Philadelphia, whoso business it m ill be to watch the marKets and make purchases on tbe most favorable terms. Call and see us. ELLIS IRVIN, THOMAS L. BAILY. Ooshen tp . Deo 6. lSf,5. LEWIS I. IRWIN. NEW GOODS! Mrs. H. D.'Welsli & Co., Have Just Received Their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which wero pnrchased during the present decline, ana laereioi e are enabled to sell very cheap ' 0URST0GK Consists in part of Merinos. Alpacas, Poplins; imhii. irraore, ana common l'el.ime"; J'rints, t inghnms. Shawls. Hoods, Hosiery .( loves. Nu bias. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Flannels, Lades' Cloth, Sheeting. Muslins. Towel ing.Ticking.Somags. Breakfast Shawls, Capes, Ac Also. a full assortment of MILLINERY GOODDS, Among winch are lints. Bonnets. Feathers. Rib bons, flowers, Laces. Frames, Matincss. Vel vets, Silks, Cm pes. Berates, Veils, etc., and a large stock of HOLLIDAY TOYS, .Including Chiua, Bronre. Papier Mache. Tin, Ausewoou iiiass. rewter. Wooden. Parian and Candy Toys. FOR LADIES. Buch as Pomades. Oils, Bandoline.blocm of youths -and Paints, Rouge. Lilly White, etc. Thankful for past favors, wa sol icit a enntinn. ance of the kind patronage tf the people of Clear field county. twR em ember the place Second Street, next rirn jaiionii lianx. Aor. 2v lSoo DUFFS COLLEGE. IRON BTJILDI3STGS, No. 37 Fifth Street, PITTSBURGH, PENJVA TUITION FEE NEVER CHANGED FORTY DOLLARS Tajs for the Full Graduating Course. TINIK UNLIMITED, IX Book Keeping, Business Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, Lectures Upon Law, Ethics, Detecting Counterfeit Money, etc. Other Colleges have either advanced their tui tion fee to t-iU. or charge $10 to Sla extra for Pen manship. Their Books and Stationery, also costing from $12 to S2o ours cost but $5. ' DUFF'S ORIGINAL PLAN OK BDSINESS ED UCATION, as Uughtin thiscity for about twenty, .five years, from his own system of Book Keeping," which are sanctioned by the American Institute and Chamber of Commerce, and other competent authorities of New York, as the most perfect eas terns in use wiih IV. II. Duff" first premium bus iness a 3d ornamental Penmanship taught in . Day and Evening Classes. It will be found by proper inquiry that this is the only College of the kind in the Union eon ducted by an experienced Merchant; and whose Penmanship .8 a trained accountant rjr".Vterehants. steamers and Bankers ean al ways obtain thoroughly educated accountants on application at our office LsThose desiring our elegant riew Circular, yy. i cuuiammg un oauioe.oi our Uoarse of Stu dy and Practice, with Sample of our Penman's Business and Ornamental Writing, mut enclo-'e twenty-five cents to P. DUFF i SON. tt. ; Pittsburg. Pa. UBv e will mail any person enclosing us 52. a copy of either our Mercantile or Steamboat Book Keeping post-paid. Xot 22, 18. irLLEY BLOCKS -of varions sixes to be had at MERRELL & BDiLEK'S c JIEESE a good artiele.'Just received at . - .......... . . m t r u a - B UFFALO ROBES. Knee Blankets and Horse Blankets, for sale at Sot 15. MERRELL A BIGLEB'S. 4 I.AKGE LOT of Baft rope, small rope.aad 1- Fully blocks, for sale by the coil, a a small advance on cost by IRVIN A HARTS110RX. WATCH MAKER, Graham s Row, Clearfield, Pa. The undersigned respectfully informs bis old customers and the public, that he has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions, a large stock of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, a large Tariety from the best Man ufactory, consisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers. Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. WATCHES a fine assortment, of silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a single piece to a full set. GOLD J'EXS. an elegant assortment of the best quality. Also,in silver extension and.desk holders SPECTACLES, a largo assortmsnt, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. ALSO, a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc.. plated on genuine Alabata. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and?welry care fully repaired and Warranted . A continuance of patronage is solicited. November 23, 1SG3. H. F. N AUG LB GROVESTEEN 5e CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 490 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The attention of tbe public and the trade is in vited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rosewood Piano Fortes, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled, by any other hitherto offered in this market. They contain all the modern improve ments, French, Grand Action. Darp Pedel, Iron Frame, overtruug Bass, etc., and each instru ment being made under the personal supervision of Mr J. II. tlrovesteen, who has had a practical experience of over 35 years in their manufacture, is fully warranted in every particular. The "Grovesteen Piano" Fortes" re ceived the award of merit over all . others at the celebrated World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from the best makers in London, Paris. Germany Philadel phia. Baltimore. Boston and Xtw York . and also at the American Institute for five successive years, tbe gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our ware-room By tbe introduction of improvements ne make a still more perfect Piano Forte, ami by manufac turing largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these instrument at a price which will preclude all competition. Pricks Xo. 1, Seven Octave, round corners, -Rosewood plain case S275. Xo 2, Seven Oetave. round corners. Rose wood heavy moulding $300. Ke. 3, Seven Octave, round corners. Rose wood Louis XIV stlet32j. Terms: Net cash in current Funds De3crip- iive circulars sent tree. novzy oo-ym Ac GREAT SALE OF WATCILES JEWELRY. $1,000,000 "WORTH TO BE DISPOSED Or AT ONE DOLLAR EACH! Without regard to value!! Xot to be paid for unin you Know whatyou are to receive I ! BY A. n. ROWE.V & CO., ' (Agents for the Manufact irers.) No. 30 Keek man Street, New-York. tRead the following List of articles to be sola tor O.N fc. DOLLAR EACH : 100 (.old Hunting Case W atches. each SI23 00 100 tiold Watches, various styles, 75 00 1,2110 Ladies Hold W atches, 75 00 1.500 Silver Watches. each $25 00 to 40 00 l,tm Kiegaat Silver 1'Iated Castor Stands, 20 CO to 50 00 1,000 " " Fruit and Cake Baskets, " 15 00 to 25 00 2.5U0 setts of " " Tea Spoons" 8 00 to 15 00 2 stio setts or " Forks, " 8 00 to 15 00 2 000 Goblets, engraved,- A 00 to 8 00 3.000 pairs of Table Spoons. 5 00 to 8 00 3,00(1 pairs of Salt Spoons, 3 00 to 5 SO 4. 00O magnificent Napkin Rings. 4 00 to 9 50 8,000 pairs ot fendant Ear Drops, (assorted colors ) 5 00 to 8 00 3. .11)0 setts of Ladies Jewelry, imita tion Ivory. 5 00 to 10 00 z.auiiuoid Lockets, engraved backs. watch lace, perfect imitation L. W. 10 00 10. 0110 Laaies' liack Uombs, rich and unique patterns, 5 00 to 25 00 .4U0 iselt buckles, tiold, Jet, and ulcanite, 5 00 to 15 00 fi.000 lutest f tyle Vest i Xeek Chains 5 0(1 to 20 00 5.500 Gents' California Diamond Pins 5 00 to 20 00 4.000 California Diamond Ear Drops 5 00 to 10 00 w wi'o .Miniature ana tnamelej Re volving Pins, 5 (10 t0 10 00 .i.UUH California U. t En. J. Sca'f P. 5 09 to 10 00 2.000 Masonic and Emblem Pins, 3 00 to 1000 2,500 tiold band bracelets, engraved and plain, 3 00 to 20 00 3 000 Jet and Mosaic brooches. 3 0Q to 10 00 2.000 Cameo Brooches rich patterns. very tasty, ' 5 00 to 20 00 3.000 Coral Ear Drops. 4 00 to 6 00 2,0(10 Ladies' Cathalaine Chains and (Ju ard Chains. 8 00 tola 00 6.000 Oents' Pins, a splendid assortnvt.2 00 to 10 00 4,000 Solitaire Sleeve buttons, en- tir ly new style. 300 to 10 00 3,000 Studs and Sleeve buttons, in 5etH. rery rich- 3 00 10 00 5,000 sieve buttons, plain, enameled and engraved. 2 00 to 8 00 10,000 plain and handsomely engra- ved Rings, 2 50 to 10 00 8,000 Lockets, double case, richly engraved, 2 00 to 10 00 15,000 setts of Ladies' Jewelry, new and latest styles. 8 00 tn 1 9 nn 5.000 handsome Seal Rings, 3 0(1 to 8 00 x.uuu sens ot oosom studs, . 2 50 to 6 00 1,000 Gold Pens and Gold Extension Holders, 15 no tn 25 no 2,000 setta Jett and Gold Pins and Ear Drops. . SOOtninnn 2,000 Geld Thimbles, Pencils, Ac 4 00 to 6 00 10,006 Gold Pens and handsome Sil ver Cases. 5 00 to 8 00 10 000 Gold Pens and handsome Ebo- . ny Holders, . 4 00 to 6 00 Th9 method of disposng of these goods at One DOLLAR each 5s as follows: Certificates naming ea;h article and its value, are placed in sealed envelope and well mixed. One ot these envelopes will be sent by mail to any addresson roeeipt of 25 cent. . On the recirtor the Certificate 'yon will see what you are going to have, then it is at your op tion to send the dollar and take the artieleor not, Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch. Dia tm."' f JeweleT on our list tor than One Dollar s worth. 11 ti, The price of Certificates is as follows -One for 2a oents; five for Sl ; eleven for S2 ; thir'w for 3,1-sixty-five for$10 ; one hundred for 515. ' The distribution is conducted fairly and all have an equal chance of obtaining the 'valuable prizes by purchasing the certificates. We guar antee entire satisfaction in all eases. Agents wanted to whom we offer special terms acd premiums. Send 25 cents for one Certificate and our circular with terms. Address, A. 11. ROWAN' CO , P. O. Box 4270, Xew York. GROCERIES, of all kinds, to be had at -Aug. 23. MERRELL A BIGLER'S. 200 BUSflELS of choice beans for sale by IB VIS A II ARTS HON. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of goods of every variety, sold as low for cash, as at any store in the county, by Dee. 6. : IRVIS k HARTSHORN. MISS E. A. r.RYNDER, Teacher of Piano Forte, Metodeon, Cabinet Organ, Guitar, Harmony and Vocal Music. For the sole purpose of keeping inferior Instruments out of thecouuty Miss;Rynder has secured agencies for the sale of really good and durable Pianos. Organs, Guitars and Melodeons. As chief among a large list of good Instruments may be mentioned, Chickerings and Sons Grand, Square and Up right Piano Fortes. Lindeman's and Sods new patent Cycloid Piano. Calenberg A Vaupel's Grand and Squaro Pianos Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Organ. Etzy's Cottage Organ. Ti eat A Linslcy's Organs and Melodeons. Hall's Guitars. Ac., which she will sell at a very trifling advance on Manufacturer's prices, thus enabling purchas ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure to own. for no greater. outlay of money than would be required to get inferior articles that are "Jrar at atf pnre," Music Books, Paper, Guitar Strings and Sheet mnsic constantly on hand at the store of Mrs. H. D. Welsh. September, 20, 1365. IRON IN THE BLOOD. Thb" Peritvia Srnrp supplies th blood with its Lrris Ele ment. IRON, infusing StrengthVigor, and New Life into the whole system. For Dispepsia. Drop sy. Chronic Diarrhoea, Debility, Female Weak ness, etc, it'is a specific. Thousands have been changed by the use of this medicine from weak. sicKly, suffering creatures to strong, healthy, and happy men and women. A 32 page pamphlet sect Freb Price SI per bottle, or 6 for $5. J. P. DIXSMORE, 36 Dey St.. X. Y. Sold by Druggists generally. Xov 8-3m. DR. II. ANDER'S IODINE WATER. As Invaluable Discovery. A Full Grain of Iodine in each ounce ot Water, dissolved with out a Solvent ! The most Powerful Vitalizing A gent and Restorative known. Scrofula, Salt Rheum. Cancers. Rhenmatism, Consumption, and many Chronic and Hereditary Diseases, are cur ed by its nse. as thousands can testify. Circulars sent free. Price 51 per bottle, or 6 for 55. Dr. H. ANDERS A Co , Physician and Chemist. 428 Broadway. X.Y. Sold by Druggists generally. Xov.8-3m. LOVE AND MATRIMONY Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to marry, address the undersigned who will send you, without money or without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happily and tpeedily. irres pective of age, wealth, or beauty. This informa tion will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry. 1 will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no question nsked. Address SARAH B LAMBERT. Greenpoint. Kings Co., Xew York. Xovembcr 15, lSfto-3m. HEALTH AND B EAUTY. Chap ax's Illustrated GrirE, a beautiful little work of 50 pages, teaches you how to remove Tan. Freck les. Pimplcg. Blotches, Eruptions, and all impu, ritics of the Skin how to produce a full growth of Whiskers how to produce a luxurient -growth of hair on a bald head cure Catarrh, purify the Blood, purify the breath to curl and beautify the hair, remove superfluous hair, cure Drunken ness, cure Nervous debility, Ac , Ac. bow to re new your age, and other useful and valuable in formation. A copy of this work will be mailed free of charge on application. Address THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Perfumer, 831 Broadway, Xov. 15, IS65 3m. Xew Yerk. DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED 1 Put not the poisoned chalice to your lips. Or Death will be the fate of him who sips ; But take the herb in freshness from the field, And to the potent roots disease will vield, Old Dr. Buchan's Engiiilt Specific Pt'll cure, in less than thirty days, the worst cases of Ner vousness, Impotency. Premature decay. Seminal weaknecs, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual or Xervous affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price One Dollar per box. Sent post paid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Address JAMES S. BUTLER. 429 Broadway, Xew York. P. S. Descriptive circulars sent free on applica tion. Address as above Xov. 15, 18(15 8L ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Xervous and Genital debillity, Xightly emissions, and Seminal Weak ness, the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will, for thesake of suffering man, send to all who need it, (free of charge.) the receipe and directions for maaing the simple remedy used in his case. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertisers sad ex perience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The receipe and full information of vital importance will be cheerfully sent by return mail. Address JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 60 Xausau Street, Xew York P. S.-Xervous sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. Nov. 15,1865-3m. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in af-w weeks, by a very simple remedy, after ving suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, comsumption is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tbe prescription used (fin of hiirni with i. . v " f " , .Ul? tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find, a sure ccbe tor comscmptios, asthma, bronchitis, rouGHS, coLns, tc. The on ly object of the advertiser in sending the Pre scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread in formation which he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy' as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSOX, Williamsburg, Xov. 1. 1365-3m Kings county, X. York. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. Do -1 - you wish to be cured ? If so. swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buchu," "Tonic Bitters" 'Nervous Antidotes," Ac., and after you are satis fied With tllA r(1ll t than tr. nr L.. t , 1 T . , vn ui V7 1U ASOO- tor Buchan's English Specific Pills and be resto red to health and vigor iq less than thirty days They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take prompt and salutary in their effects on tbe broken-down and shattered constitution. Old and vounir can taku them with . T ti t " - - v. , if. DH Chan English Sneeifin Pilla i... .1 .i ty days, the worst eases ot Nervousness, Impoten cy, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness. Insani ty, and all Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous affee tions no matter from whatcause produced. Price, vaouonar peroox. Dent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an ordec A A i aW' TlVrO C TTTWr.n XV 429 Broadway, New York, Gen. Agent. P. S. A Kat Mnt tn mnv di(i1mm a - : . price which is Oits Dollar post free. ; " uescripuve circular sent on application November la, 1865-81 . CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, RIIEU- .Medical Ctfd Ltvei Oil has proved by twenty years experience, the most valuable remedy in use while it cnr : l"","' ? liKucp iuvukiq and flesh to the r.ntia., w an.- -- - - --. ii.ii.iiii!. jjiu iua made from fresh livers Sold i t Srnezista irener.n. ' HEGEMAN A CO Chemists and Druggets, Xew York. 25 CEXTS TO s A vrcTTrTir t m tj c t, - . v j. liegeman a Concentrated Rm n -. " " " " mui, urease snots Ao., instantly, and cleans Silks, Ribbons. Giovea! Ac. eoual to near Onl. . u. ... ' Sold by Druggists. HEGEMAN A 10 ChemUU and Druggists, Xew York. t?P.?5.HAXDS AXD FACJi. SORE LIPS CHILBLAINS, Ao. Hegeman A Co'e CarnpW Ice. with Glycerine cures Chapped hands, Ao im mediately, and will keep the skin soft and smooth m thecoldest weather. Soli by Druggists. Price 5 c.-t!6 Sen by mail for 35 cents - ELGEMAN A CO Chemists and Drueeisfi ot. 15, 18tS6-3m. Xew York?' 35TE"W STORE IN CURWENSVILLE. J O II N IRVIN, Has just received and opened at the old stand in Curwensville, an entire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods, which he will sell rery cheap for cash. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Grocf ries. Hardware, Queenswaro, Coots and Shoes, Hata and Cars, lleady madc clothing, etc.. The public generally is respecfully invited to give him a call ; see bis stock and hear his prices, and purchase from him if yon find it will be to your advantage. - Xov. 15, 1865. H- BRIDGE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market Street, Clearfield, One door East of the Clearfield House, Keeps on hand a full assortment of Gents' Fur nishing goods, such as Shirts, - (linen and woolen, Undershirts, Drawers and Socks ;Xeck-ties, Pock et Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Hats, etc., in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the Best Cloths, (of all shades,) Black Doc-skin Cassimeres of the best make, Fancy Cassimeres m great variety. Also. French Coatings; Beaver, Pilot, Chinchilla, and Tricott Over-eoatine, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, and made up according to the latest styles, by experienced workmen. Also agent for Clearfield county, for I. M. Singer A Co's Sewing Machines. November 1, 1S65. PAY ATTENTION! LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS ! We hereby notify the public, that the Foundry in the Borough of Clearfield, has been put in full blast, by the undersigned, who are now ready to accommodate the community with anything per taining to our line of business. We keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of stoves and catings,.a:n)ng which are the following : Cook, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves, for burning either wood or coal ; Sala mander stoves, No. 4; Vase stoves, No's 3 and 4 ; Wash-kettles, 16 and 20 gallons ; Farm dinner bells, two sizes ; Fire grates, 20 and 28 inches ; Plows and plow-castings. We are also prepared to miKe all kinds of GRIST and SAW.-MILL IRONS, and special attention will be paid to the repairing of Threshing Ma chines. Persons in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a cal I. Every description of approved country produce and old metal, taken in exchange for our manufactures, at the highest market price. HARLEY A SONS. Clearfield. Xov. 1. 1S65 tf. SOMETETHSTG- 3STE"W IX CURWENSVILLE! DRUGS! DRUGS!! The undersigned would respectfully announce to' the public that he has opened a Drug Store, in the room recently fitted up in the house of George Kittlobnrger. on Main street. Curwensville, Pa., one door West of Hippie A Faun's store, where he intends to keep a general assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per fumer', Toilet Goods, Confectiona ries, Spices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco, Cigars, Books, Stationary, Pencils, Pens, Inks, and a general variety of Notions ; Glass, Tutty, etc. The want of a Drugstore hs long been felt in Curwensville, and as that want is now supplied, the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. His stock embraces most articles needed in a community, is entirely new. and of the best qual ity, which he will dispo3ef at roasonable prices Call and examine the grwVls. which cannot fail to pleabe. JOSEPH R. IRWIX. November 8. 1S65. SPLENDID JEWELRY, Watches, Diamonds, &c. FOR THE IIOLLIDAYS! The House of Bosanquet, Giraud A Co., Paris Yi ava (Via rt loam a nf .A.. .1 a. . uv uV)iii,acuiu VI ailllUUIlL'ing iUMfc, lUJ Ufa. TO onened an A r nt in thm AT. v -. r y -y w; r .& c a. , the gale of their Widely Known Jewelry, Watch es, ovo., iiu iur idc purpose 01 making their goods ao saudi.oij a 11 u w 11 huu appreciaiea in tbe United Stntp. na ih v nw wA 1 mvvt l ,. auu U & V 2 UCCU for over 70 years, in Europe ; they have deter- uiiuiu u yiau oy wuicn poor ana ncn alike rn a v have the advunrairA nf tk.t anan.lu n As a Tireliminnrv thv wnnlrl .r, . l. . .1 r j, j " " " .,uia iu lurj manufacture and sell no imitation Jewelry or Watches, but ' All are Warranted Gold of the finest V orkmanship. Our customers will nlm .? tage of a constant succession of new and rechenke styles and patterns with which we shall keep our avis, -igeucv auppuea. We have adopted the plan of sale, now so pop ular, of charging a uniform price, and this price w, ... i;o tior r.acn. article, no matter how COfltlv ifc mftv h TI. e , . . J . v.i;viicl. WllUUCt ing our Xew York Agency are paid by the sale of ....Uv.vo wiiui representingtne various biruiidies are sold at dU cents each, or five for $2, and each Certificate will show the holder the particular article he or she is en titled to, on payment of an additional $2. If me article named on tbe Certificate is not desir ed, the holder will oblige us, when he returns the Certificate, by stating what other article of the same value he or she may prefer, and it will be sent with pleasure. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE, and every means to that end will be exerted. We solicit a trial forjevery one who reads this notice as we are competentof giving the utmost satisfac tion. THE STOCK COMPRISES t Amongst other articles. Splendid clocks, Gold and Silver Watches, Rings set with Diamonds, Kubies, Pearls, Garnet and mother Stones, (soli taire and tn clusters,) Ladies' setts of Jewelry comprising Pins and Ear-rings of the most fash ionable styles, set in Precious Stones of every va riety, together with a large assortment of Gold and Enamelled and Pearl Sets, Gold Stnds and Sleeve buttons of the most beautiful patterns. Gents bosom and Scarf Pins, and an endless Tariety of BroeleUkChains, Musical boxes. Head Dresses, Combs. Charm. A. i. .... . ' v u t vi uur patrons are not in want of Articles of Jewelry, and would prefer Silverware, we will send, for Any Certificate returned to ns. a richly engraved Set of Castors or Butter Dish, beaulifully chased AnI T I A r Jul AGEJVTS ARE WANTED In every part of the United States and Provinces, and to all such very liberal inducements will be ni' .n PPUcmtion' circular of terms -wrded. - We prefer money sent in Post Office Orders where they can- be obtained, or by Bank Draft to oar order. Address all orders to our Agency, which will be conducted by . Messrs. JAQUET, STEELING i Co, Xot. 29. 18ol.3m. Buy your goods at Showers, & Co'b, TERMS OF THE JOl'KAI,. The Raftsvah's Jocks ai, is published on Wed nesday at $2.00 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year. S2.50 will he charged, and $3.00 if not paid before the close of the year. Advertisements will be inserted at $1,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged A dednetion will be made to yearly advertisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. S. J KOW. - " " y -' RATES OF SCBSCRIPTION.JIDVERTISIXa AND JOBBING Subscription, in advance, 1 year, : : : S5 00 Subscription, if paid within six months : 2 50 Subscription, if paid within the year, : S 00 Adm'rs and Ex'rs notices, each. 6 times, 2 60 Auditor's notices, each, 2 50 Cautions and Estrays, each, 3 times, 1 50 Dissolution notices, eaeh, 3 times, 2 00 Transient Advertising, per square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, I 50 For each subsequent insertion, 50 Offioial Advertising, for each square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, 1 50 For each subsequent insertion, 50 Professional A business cards, 5 lines, 1 7. t 00 Local notices, per line, 1 time, 15 Obituary notices, over 5 lines, per line, 10 Yearly Advertising, one square, : : : : 8 00 Yearly Advertising, two squares, : : : 12 00 Yearly Advertising, three squares, : 15 00 Yearly Advertising, one-fourth column, 20 00 Yearly Advertising, one-third column, ' 25 00 Yearly Advertising, one-half column, 35 00 Yearly Advertising, one column. 60 00 Tbe above rates apply only to advertisements set up plain. Advertisements set in large type, or with cuts, or out of plain style, will be charg ed double the above rates for space occupied. Blanks .single qnire, :::::::: 2 50 Blanks, 3 quires, per quire, : : : : : 2 00 Blanks, S quires, per quire, ; : : : ; 1 75 Blanks, over 0 quires, per qnire, : : : ; 1 50 Handbills, eighth sheet, 25 or less, 1 50 " ' fourth sheet, 25 2 50 " half sheet, 25 " 4 50 " whole sheet, 25 " 8 00 Over 25 of each of above, at proportionate rates. The above rates were agreed upon, by the un- deasigned, on the 3d day of December, 1864, and will be strictly adhered to during the present nign prices ot an kinds ot printing materials. Dx W. MOOKE, Publisher of "Clearfield Republican." S J. ROW, Publisher of '-Raftsman's Journal."" FLOUR. A largo quantity Extra Family Flour, in Barrels, bark's and i Sacks for sale by Feb. 22. 1865. W. F. IRWIX. -ITTIIISKERS! WHISKERS! Do you want Tf vvnisKers or Moustaches: Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow on the smoth est face or chin, or haif on bald heads, in Six WeeKg. Price, 51.00 Sent by mail anywhere, cioseiy sealed, on receipt or price. Address, n AKjiGK A CO., Box 133. Brooklin, N. York. March 29th, 1865. rflO HORSE OWNERS. The undersigned jl naving recently discovered an infallible and simple cure for that annoying malady in horses, known as ' Hoof-bound." Mny person sending $1 in a letter, will receive Ly return mail a recipe giving proper directions as to the necessary treat ment. Address, JACOB inwiix. September 21, !664-tf. Clearfield, Pa. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPA ISY OF YORK, PA. Insures against loss or damage by fire. It is the saiest company in tbe state, and has made no as sessments since its establishment, Snd hence it is the ruopt economical. S. J. ROW, Agent. June 21, 1865. Clearfield, Pa. KEYSTONE MARLLE WORKS, Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. J. B1XX Dr.HAAS, resnectfully informs the cit izens of Clearfield, and adjoining counties, that ne nas just received a fine stock of foreign and domestic marble, which he will work into Monu ments, Tombs, Head and Foot stones, Door-steps. Wiudow sills and Lintels, Table. Stand and Bu reau tops. Ao Ac, on reasonable terms and short notice. All persons in want cf anvthine in his line will please call, or address him by letter, at woodland, uicarneld county, Pa. Orders by wail will receive prompt attention. July26.65-y. XORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $500,000. Agency at the office of H, B. Swoope, Esq. . CLEARFIELD, PA. This company grants policies to secure the pay ment of a fixed Sum in the event of death bv ac cident, with a weekly allowance in ease of injury, on payment of an annual premium, ranging ac cording to the occupation of the insured. An ex cellent opportunity is thus afforded to tha Lum bermen of Clearfield county, to provide for their families, in the event of accident on tbe river, or elsewhere. Particulars and circulars msy be had on application to H. B. SWOOPE, Agent. May 30 . 1Y1 IT GRAl'JIER, having purchas cd the Photograph establishment formerly con ducted by U. Bridge, would respectfully announce to the citixens of Clearfield and adjoining coun ties, that he has recently made additional im provements to bot'i ky-light and aparatus. and he flatters h imself that he can satisfy tbe most fastideous taste in a tube and lifelike likeness He also keeps constantly on hand a good assort ment of Guilt, Rosewood, and Walnut frames Albums' of all sizes and styles an an endless variety of cases, lockets, etc.. whf.-.h be will dis pose of at very moderate prices, f,r eah. His gallery is in Shaw s row, (np stairs,) Mar ket street, Clearfield, P., where he is always rea dy to accommodate customers who may be in want of a good Likeness of themselves or friends. Particular attention paid to copying all kinds of pictures, etc. Xovember 1, 1865 IWMTURE ROOMS! JOHN GUELICH, ' Desires to inform his old friends and customers hT'neT enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order snch furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at eheap rates for cash. He mostlv hnj n n band .fr hi. .iVm.n:M r , , f v m.o IWVIIUIVAUOIIII," a varied assortment of furniture, among which is, BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book -eases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor . Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. ' Common, Freneh-poats, Cottage, Jen 1 ny-Ldnd and other Bedsteads. , SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS. HAT HACKS, WASH-STAXDS, Ao. , RockingandArmChairs, O .A.m.: - opnng-seat, ain-nottom, and Parlor Chairs And common and other Chair ' LOOKING-GLASS e's Of every description on hand, and new glar, fCP nli trim.. .Ll.l, ;n l . 1 L r . -.u.cu niu o puit on rer reasonable terms, on r hurt notice H6 tiJ5!"!- H-r. r ' - vwnen up Mattresses. COFFINS. OF EVERY, KIND, Made to order, and funeral, attended with 1 ae.;TBe- whenever desirable. -Also, Honse niiniin. 1.. rVrJVe' anln,Dy other "to'" famished 10 customers chean fn. - . v . j , . f vaoh v. BAbuiuKca ior an- proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. . " ""F ncreet. ciear- Beld, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store " DwwnWr 4 Idol JOHN OTJELICH.' IRON! IRON !!-The tnbscriber keeps on hand a general assortment ot all sizes of bar iron. etc. Also, fresh Line always en hand, and which he will sell at the lowest market Trie fbr cash. e; H; 8TEIXER. Psgipsburg, Pa., June 28. 18o5-mp.- - NEW GOODS " i? Dr. C. R. Fostr'a Drug Store, Philipsburg, Jost opening and for sale at the lowest each rates. Particular attention has been given to the ir lection of Ladies dress goods. Call and examine before baying elsewhere. - . Oct. 23-3m. L Q. KESSLER. NO. 1. CLEAEFIELD STORE.. Jamas E, WatsQu,. DEALER IX , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ORY-GOOOS, ETC. rniLipsBceo. ra , SELLS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IIT THB COUirTY. GIVE HIM ATRIAL, AXD HE WILL SELL YOU Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,.. At City Prices. GIVE HIM A TRIAL, AXD HE WIIL SELL YOU Hats, Caps, Over-coats, Dress-coats, 1 ants, V ests, t urnishmg goods, etc., At City Trices. . GIVE HIM A TRIAL, . AXD HE WILL SELL YOU Delaines, Calicoes, Satinets, Tweeds Cassimeres, Flannels. Muslin, etc., At City Prices. GIVE HIM A TRIAL, AXD HE WILL SELL YOTT Hardware, Queensware, Harness, Sad dles, Bridles, Sleigh-Bells, BlaiAets, "Whips, Salt, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Chop, etc., cheaper than" you . would expect to buy them. Don't forget to call when you come to Philipsburg. He will also buy boards, shingles, etc., t market price, : Nor.22-6t." J. E. WATSON. CABLE CnAINS a good article, en hand and for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER SALT a good article, and very cheap at the store of WM. P. IRWIX. ClearBel 1. F'ISII a general variety, just received and for y ile at MERRELL A 11IGLEK S FISH, Salt and plaster in large qnantities at Mar. 22, 1S5. J. P. KRATZER. A LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, paints, oils white lead, etc., at E. A. IRVIX'S SEVERAL SET of heavy doable harness, and home-made horse-collars, at the store of Dec. 6, 1865. IRVIN A HARTSHORN.' FODDER CUTTERS of a superior make -for sale at reasonable prftes. a MERRELL and BKILER'S. Clerfiei, Pa FOR SALE at cost 4 good cook stoves, to clone out the stock, at tbe eheap cash store of R. MOSSOP, Clearfield, Pa. PROVISIONS. Flour, bacon, lard, cheese, dried beef, dried trnit, received regularly, at the store of IMm 24 1 J P VRAT7.KR 1 . , - - - FOUTZ'S CSLIIBIIID Horse and Cattle Powders. This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigonte broken-down and low-spirited hones, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. It is a sura pre ventive of all dis eases Incident to this animal, such YELLOW WA TER, HEAVES, COD6HS, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUXDFR LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ke. Its nse improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives a smooth and (tossy . skin and transforms the' tnisesablo skeleton horse. LCXO FEVER, GLAXDEB3, into a fine-looking and spirited To keepers of Cows this nrnmrts. 1. i..i-.kt. It increases the quantity and improves the quality 01 ue nullc. It has been proven by ao? tuat experiment t Increase the quan- . n mil auw f I ft.,.. cent, and make the butter firm and V ' V siCWi wweet. I. fattening cattle.it gives them --: -' 'Tf ; mar hide, ana i snakes- theni thrive much taster. In all diseases of Swine, sach as Coughs, titers in the Lungi, Liver, sec, this article acts at a specific ' By putting from one-half a, paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If giren in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. . Price 25 Coats per Paper, or a Papon tor SL ' PXJEPA&XD BT R . - S- A FOUTZ & BROW AT XHStTR. . I WHOLES! LJLDBXfLXSL M CTlCnTE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers throofh out the United. States, . V For sale by BartgwiekA Irjin, Drogirista, Clearfield, Pa. ' Dw. 13, ie66-y r Vt SlrlPT