v-th 11 i Jit fir to ;?iJr ii . i 3 ifi :4 SI 4 .',t Ml it 1 a I -'. ST. it 1 si n mi 4! I Raftsman's Journal. s. mow, KPirom add frofbietok. CLEARFIELD, PA., DEC. 6, 1SS5. THE SEWS. It appears that in the Tennessee Legis lature the reflation remonstrating against the pardon of Jeff Davis and others was a mended by adding the names of James Bu chanan and John C. Breckinridge to the list declared infamous and worthy of death, on motion of Dr. Keith, who stated that he had been a Democrat and had been deceived by them. The preamble and resolutions were then adopted 19 to 3. Major General Judson Kilpatrick deliver ed an address in Boston, on Thursday even ing to a crowded audience. In the course of his remarks he said he did not think the President would forget the promise of free dom he made from the steps of the capital of Tennessee. He further contended that parties should be prgoressive," truly republi can in idea, and democratic in epecultion. A new dodge in smuggling whiskey over the Canada border has been detected. Thirty-two women, each with what seemed to be a baby in her arms, were arrested on one rail roaJ train, when it was found that the uppo-ed babys were-cans containing whis key. Whiskey in gun barrels or in burial casea, is excusable, but whiskey in baby clothes is entirely out of order. The largest fly-wheel in the world has just be :n cast at the Fort Pitt Works, in Pitts burg. The molten iron was conducted from the furnace across one of the streets of the city, a distance of one hundred and sixty- three feet, to the mould. The diameter of the wheel is twenty-five feet, and the weight forty-two tons. A letter from SanJAntonio says that every body in Texa3 who has sheep wishes to get rid of them. Every wool-grower in the country, without an exception, was ruined by the immense mortality of their sheep in the last few years. Fine Merinos are offer ed at $3 per head. In New York, the Fifth Avenue Hotel pays $S0,003rent; the St. Nicholas and Me tropaUao $70,000 each : the Astor and New York $60,(W1 eachni the Everett $4 ,000. A- T. Stewart owns the Metropolitan and St. Nicholas, and Wm. B. Astor owns the Astor House. William Conway, the brave sailor who re fused to hail down the American flag at Pensacola, when ordered to do so by his su perior officer on the 12th of January, 1861, died at the U. S. Naval Hospital, New York, on Thursday morning, Nov. 30. A family named Walradt, consisting of a father, mother and little girl, were found murdered near Utica, N. 1, one day last week. The papers of that city state that the father perpetrated the deed having kil led the others he committed suicide. A most frightful accident occurred on the New Jersey Central Railroad, on December 1st A passenger train ruo into a coal train, near White House station. The passenger train was demolished, and seven passengers killed and many wounded. From recent returns received at the Indi an Bureau, the various tribes of the United States are estimated to represent a collective strength of 317,800 souls, of which number 5,400 are known to have served n the Union service during the late war. One of the best things of the season is that of Bishop Simpson, who has declared in favor of paying the rebel war debt when it becomes due, viz: "After the indepen dence of the Confederate States shall have been secured." Senator Cowan is spoken of as likely to go into the Interior Department Washington rumors connect his name with that position. He certainly possesses the qualifications to t ake a useful Cabinet officer. So ceat,is.the corn crop of the west, that it is used in many places remote from favor able shipping points, for fuel, being cheap er at twenty cents per bushel than wood at tea dollars per cord. Forty thousand bales of Government cot ton were destroyed by fire on the 25th ul timo at Columbus, Mississippi. ' The loss is $ 1 ,000,000. The fire was the work of an incendiary. A piece of flannel shirt was taken from the lungs of a man in Portland. Maine, a ' short time since, where it had been driven by a bullet at the second battle of Bull Run Colorado has just elected a complete set of thorough-going Uuion men for State offi cers defeating the cops badly. Three cheers for the thirty-sixth State. Fraqk Gurley, the murderer of General Robert IcCook, is to be executed at Hunts ville, Alabama, on Friday, Dec. 21, by or der of the War Department The Cincinnati police report that there are seventeen hundred drinking saloons within the limits of that city. National troops are being gradually with drawn from Georgia. Restoration of the Habeas Coaprs. On December 1st, President Johnson is sued a proclamation restoring the habeas corpus in certain States. This is highly grat ifying and important in itself; but the most important part is, that he excepts all the so caded seceeded States, to wit : Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alaba ma, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texa., the District of Columbia and the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona. From the exceptions, it would seem that the President does not deem the Lite rebel ious States sufficiently restored, or "recon structed," to be worthy of so great a boon at this time. Opening of Congress. The 39th Con gress assembled on Monday, Dec 4th. The Senate met at 12 M. and wf3 called to order by Mr. Foster of Connecticut After the introduction of several bills and resolu tions the Senate adjourned. The House was called to order by Mr, McPherson, clerk. The names of the Southern members were omitted from the rolls. One hundred and seventy-five members, answered to their names. Mr. Colfax was then re-elected speaker. After the oath was administered to the speaker and members, Mr. McPher son was chosen clerk of the House. Ad journed. New Counterfeits. An excellent imi tation tf the new issue of the fifty-cent frac tional currency has been received at the Treasury Department It is considered to be the best executed couterfeit yet put into circulation. It can, however, be easily dis tinguished" from the original by the coloring, and the signature of Gen. Spinner, the "e" having been omitted. The Secretary has decided to alter the general appearance of the present issue of fractional currency, in order to make it uniform, and to better pro tect it from conterfeiting. In future, all new issues will, be of the greenback circulation. Jamaica Pacified. The latest advices from the West Indies, bring the gratifyiug intelligence that the Jamaica insurrection his entirely subsided, and that the ex-rebels are in large numbers, taking the benefit of the amnesty proclamation. It is estimated that at least three thousand insurrectionists have suffered death, one-third of which number perished at the hands of the milita ry in mortal combat, and the other portion by the gallows. With the fall of Cape Hay tien, which is reduced to ashes, the insur rection in Hayti may be considered as final ly terminated. Gold Quartz ix Washington County. A correspondent of the Monongahela Re publican sends the editor of that paper a specimen of Gold quartz, (or of the same material found in the Dunkard creek wells, ) which was discovered in the United States oil wjII, on Pike Run, Washington county, on Tuesday morning, November 2Sth, at a depth of five hundred feet The vein is said to be large. ' The well is located on Pike's Run, about two miles from the town of California, Washington county. Negro Suffrage. At present negroes are allowed to vote in only six States, viz : Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, sub ject to the same conditions as white men ; in Massachusetts they must be able to read and write ; in Rhode Island, ritust be worth one hundred and thirteen dollars in real es tate ; in New York, must be worth two hun dred and fifty dollars over all incumbrances ; in Kansas, and under the new radical con stitution of Missouri, they are not allowed to vote. Gov. Curtin. The declining health of Gov. Curtin, has rendered necessary relax ation and freedom from the cares of office, and, through the advice of his phycian, he Killed for Cuba last week. He will be ab sent for several weeks. It is said that ha has prepared a special message for the Leg islature, in case he fails to return before the meeting of that body. It is to be hoped that he may be restored to good health by going South. A Columbia, South Carolina, letter gives an account of the murder of two soldiers "of the First Maine Volunteers, while guarding Government property at Brown'sFerry, An derson district About a dozen citizens of the district were concerned in the murder. The letter details several outrages, and says a spirit of discontent prevails among the people. ' ' Alabama United States Senators. Messrs. Parsons and Houston, just chos en by the Legislature of Alabama to rep resent that State in the United States Sen ate, are probably rather better than the a: erage crop under reconstruction tillage. But, for the present, at least, they will not take their seats, so its of no consequence. Dead. Intelligence has been received at Washington, of the death of Dr. W. Irwin, American Consul at Amoy, China. He was seized by the dreadful prevailing pestilence of cholera, in August last, and died in a few hours thereafter. " He was well known in this State, and formerly practiced medi cine in Centre County, During five days last week five thousand rt Mei&A . and ri.t.. . . " v mv oi..ijf-i,wu European emigrants arrived at the port of New York. Twelve hundred troops of the Foreiirn Le gion have arrived at Matamorasas reinforce ments for Gen. Mejia. . A Magnificent and Liberal Ofeer. The particular attentian of our readers is called to a very liberal and praiseworthy scheme adopted by Messrs. Siebeneck & Collins, Publishers and proprietors of the Ftttsburg Chronicle.' - These gentlemen propose to present to any person forwarding them the names of thirty yearly subscribers to the Weekly Cluronicl?, (cash to accompa ny the names) a splendid, new, No. 3 Whee ler tt Wilson Sewing Machine, complete, inch as are selling for $60 eah. The sub scription price of the WeeJJy Chronicle is only $2,00 per year, and, 'considering. the fact that thirty-tico columns of choice fami ly reading matter are represented in each issue, the price is remarkably low. We re gard the Weekly Clironicle as one of the best family papers in the Country, and very cheerfully commend it to our friends in this section. A very little exertion on the Can vasser, in almost any locality, will insure the required number of annual subscribers to secure a valuable Sewing Machine, and the opportunity thus afforded to secure many worthy women in reduced circumstances this great aid, should not be overlooked. Address, Siebeneck & Collins, Chronicle Office, Pittsburg Pa. The secret service division of the Treasu ry Department, in the solicitor's office, from the 1st to the 23d of November, arrested twenty first-class counterfeiters, who have been among the most extensive operators in the country. With the counterfeiters were secured a large amount of legal-tender notes, together with a vast variety of plates of different denominations, including one on which counterfeit coupons of five hundred dollar ten-forty bonds were printed. They were put in circulation some months ago, and were only detected by the rough man ner of printing and finishing. The plate was found in a wall in the aqueduct near New York, tt is almost a perfect imitation of the genuine, and was owned by Jerry Cowden, who was arrested for counterfeit ing the fifty-cent currency. Five-dollar le: gal-tender notes have been detected, and are known to have been made in Indianapo lis, Indiana. This new counterfeit can be known by its dark appearance and general clumsy execution of the Goddess of Liberty on the left end. The red seal of the Treas ury is the the best one yet made by counter feiters. Unmasked. A notorious Copperhead, who has been swelling rqund here during the war under the name of William Swee ney, and who was hail-fellow-well-met with all the distinguished opposition leaders in this locality voting, arguing, and engineer ing the Copperhead machine turns out to be a secession draft deserter from Maryland named Richard S. M'Nutt! Not only was he permitted to vote here by the Copper head officers of election, without having ob tained a residence in the State, but he was treated with distinguished consideration, and was emphatically one of the biggest toads in the dirty Copperhead puddle. He left this last week.with flying colors, for his home in Maryland. We sincerely hope the scamp will yet meet with his just deserts. : The journal of Captain Hall, the Artie explorer for several days in December, 1864, has been printed. Captain. Hall appears to have examined and cross-examined the Esquimaux, to find out the fate of Captain Crozier and three others of Sir John Frank lin's expedition.;' It seems that; these four men had wandered . sauthward, had fights with the Indians, and had promised and ev idently expected to return to their Esqui maux friends, but did not. The ' wrecked ships of Franklin appear to have been visi ted. The remains of a larce number of their crew were seen, frozen and mutilated and the valuables left in the ships were ap propriated by certain families , of Esaui- msux, and there, for the present, the story breaks on. The Democracy .and Stamps. Wayne county lias some luminous spots in it. Not long since a copperhead J ustice of the Peace in that county was examining a case where in piainun suea aeiendant on a contract. Captain Taylor was counsel for the delense: As the case progressed, the Captain inquir ed if a Federal stamp, in pursuance of law, had been affixed to the contract? The an swer was in the negative. ; The Capt imme diately claimed for the defendant, on the ground that the absence of the stamp was fa tal to the contract It finally was demon strated by the plaintiff that the contract was verbal and not icritten, and couldn't well be stamned. This made no diffarnnf wuh J ustice. He decided that all contracts of whatever character, whether verbal or oth erwise, must hft starring n irwlir-a f Kot- .... lidity ; and the plaintiff was knocked out of vouri. open is ooppernead justice and in telligence in Wayne county! Fast Driving. Mr. John Fisher, of the Union Hotl. h could drive his horse.m a busy containing one passenger ana mmseit, trom this place, tO M'Connellshnrtr s Atanita nf firontr. i miles, in three honra inThiirtMrr loof j , fo. maun tne drive in wv hnura" tint mi'ima .. - - ' w.- iiiniaiw UVilJ jorru-two second. hen jUr. F. arrived 1U y iroeiisDurg nis dorse was m good wuuiuuu, ail cAiuuiteu scarcely anv evi dence or fafii'nfl. . Aftnr i-wtlno l.Ta , . - " ,'""u6 . nurse he drove back in three hours. When we take into consideration the condition of the turnnike. the number nf iilla nn tVin i.... and the mountain (over four miles to the top, overwtnch he drove, we doubt wheth er better time was ever mad Chnml,-. burg Repository.. Hon. Luke P. Poland, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Vermont, has been appointed United States Senator in nlane Senator Collamer. - ... CLIPPINGS AND SCRIBBLINGS. CfOn strike the ballad girl in New York. f-CJAgreeable feeling thewaist of a pretty girl. So ts our deTil. " - I"j?Twentj cents each eggs in Colorado. Ruther ,-apensiTe. Uf5"Vill be greenback all the fractional enr- rencr Here alter issue-4. nLiving at Portland. Maine, a girl 13 years old. who weighs 305 poonds. r5A fact that ale causes many ailings; while beer nnngs many to the bier. .fJjiEalse one-third of the reports and two third of your friends, now a-davs. CsrDisareable to have a man dan you for a bilKwhen your are minus the ea.-h. tsThe best capital a capital young wife, for a Tonng mechanic. So fays Sagacity, CP A nice berth minister to Chili. Jen Kil pafricVs salary is $15,000 a year in gold UE'-Selling Butter, in Pittsburg, at from 23 to 33 cents. In Clearfic! d it sells at 40 cents. ' L ITfSued Tom Thumb, in England, for an in- comf ix . ium win osrfl 10 zKvmo me riimo . il" Retailed bleached cotton cloth a yard wid. in Boston, on the 16th. at 23 cen's a yard. ALTo be f.'iindin Cincinnati the largest Suu day School in America It has 2.500 fcbollars. t E'"Now in opera tion-i in Washington 25 col. ored schools, with 59 teachers and 5,169 scholars T.leDied Van Aniburg.. the great lion tamer, in Philadelphia, Nov. 25th. in the 65th year of his aee LCFRescinded by the President, (Jen. Thom as oraer Closing tne i-piiwopal churches in Ala bama n?"0pened the tomb of Daniel "Webster, re cently, and the remains found in perfect preservation. fc jT"fo be-built a seven-storv house in Rich mond, for a lager beer brewery, by Northern capitalists. :ttF"Rumored that Gen. McCIellan and Gen. Beauregard have oflereu their services to the Pope of Rome. LxOPassed a bill the M ississippi Legislature, allowing negro testimony in suits to whica ne groes are parties. C"Granted over 1100 retail liquor licenses, in Washington, this year one. for every 91 per sons in the district. -"T5rRevoked by the President, the rewards of fered lor the arrest of Thompson, Tucker, Sanders, Clay and John 11. Surratt. RTost the great Firemen's Parade in Phila deldhia. $300 OOu. Better have appropriated that sum to some charitable purpose. CP"Severe on Waterfalls Mrs. Maria L: Child, She says they look like -a cabbage in a net, trick ed out with beads and wampum. ' tyThreaten war the Mormons, in behalf of their darling institution, polygamy. - Here's an other chance for copperhead sympathy. ''td'Being aiked a young man who was going i iuopeu a jeweiry eiore wnai capital ne naa, replied : -'A crow bar!" Funny jewelry, that, CyReported that the rebellion in Jamaica a rose from an armed force being sent by the govern ment to compel a negro community to pay arrears in taxes. Klncutahft.! ft lnicfi) '''fcp'Surprised a euchre pic-nio in York coun ty, oy nis Satanic majesty appearing in their midst, with hoofs, horns, tail an all. The party "scatterlofistieated" suddenly nyStruck oil a party boaring a well at horse neck, Pleasants county, West Va.. at a depth of 33 feet. The cost of the well was $3o, and is said to be a one, hundred barrel weiL Official Eetunm Of the Election held in the State of Pen n sylvania, October 10th, 1865. Auditor Gen'L Surveyor Gen C O IT- COCXTIES. a Adams, 2.633 Allegheny, 11.139 Armstrong, 2,810 Eeaver, 2.242 Bedford, : 2.432 Berks, 4.846 Blair. . ; 2.501 Bradford, 5,242 Bucks, 5.778 Butler. - ' 2.6S3 Cambria," '1.9.57 Cameron, 285 Carbon, , , 1.414 Centre, 2.74 Chester, 7.074 Clarion, ' 1,177 Cloarfield, 1.307 Clinton. 1,427 Columbia, . 1.591 Crawford, 4.1S3 Cumberland, 3,269 Dauphin. . 4.88a Delaware, . 2,647 Elk, 237 Erie, 3.S47. Fayette, 3,09i Franklin, 3,620 Fulton, - 692 Forest . . 7,7 lreeiie, ' .'' 1.407 Huntingdon, "" 2.562 Indiana, ' 3 739 Jefferson, ' 1.741 Juniata. , . . 1.2o0 Lancaster. , 11.409 Lawrence. ; . 2,254 Lebanon, ! 3.052 Lehigh, 3,547 Luzerne, . 6.125 l.ycomiDir. 3.1U2 MeKeaa, 5S1 Mercer. 3 Miiflin, 1,668 Monroe, 411 Montgomery, 5,910 Mrnrour. S37 ' Northampton, 2.772 Northumberland, 2.424, 2.6r7 6,650 2505 1.496 2.569 10.001 1.773 2.304 6.131 2.351 f 7 785 16 2ll 1.612 2.933 4.47 1,967 2.087 1, 3.00 2,907 "3.710 3,251 1,335 539 2.051 3,670 3,495 H54 Perrv. Philadelphia, . Pike, Potter, " ' Schuylkill, Somerset, Snyder, Sullivan, - Susquehanna, Tioga, Union, ; Venango, W'arren, ' Washington, Wayne, Westmoreland, Wyoming, York, , . , . 2.3S7 49,959 234 792 6,002 2,580 1,631 : 312 3.292 3,191 1.593 ' 2,811 i 1,734 4,487 . 1,577 4,033 1,214 4,534 50 2.542 1.5S9 I.fi20 1.662 i 1.4S5 5.976 923 ! 1,903 3,397 444 2.611 . ' 1.515 1.920 6.9 J-S 1.209 4.T10 2.U37 29.831 821 270 6,831 1.412 1.126 ..533 1,999 9.15 1,133 2.235 971 3 949 . 1.943 5,097 1.25l 6,917 s 5 zr 2,634 11.162 2.818 2.244 2.431 4,830 1,471 5.169 5.778 2.691 1,918 282 1.412 2 743 7.066 1.173 1,309 1,422 1.5S9 4.190 3 283 4.857 2,648 233 3.844 3.110 2.615 . 690 78 1.402 2.565 3.752 1.733 1,259 11.410 ; 2.263 '3.043 3.508 6,110 3.153 563 3 530 1 563 411 5AS4 ' .847 2,767 2,419 2.2S5 ; 49,924 236 795 5.9S5 2,577 1.829 306 3,288 3.190 1.584 2.905 . 1,719 4.465 1,567 4.093 1 211 . 4,534. : i 2.647 6.558 2,507 1.500 2,561 10.015 1.794 2.301 6,149 23S4 2.749 . 204 1.599 2 937 4,9:2 1.972 2.0S1 1.805 3.016 2.922 3.713 3.285 1.332 544 2.041 3,632 3,507 860 5j - 2,523 1 .598 1.630 1,677 1.483 5.962 919 "1.906 4,546 6.908 3.433 440 2.744 1,521 1.901 . 6.952 1.206 4.719 2.843 i -2.047 39,821 799 265 6.845 1.411 1,128 535 1.995 9:6 1,147 2,292 959 3,944 1.945 1 5.103 : 1,262 r 6,922 . 238,400 . 215.740 - 237,967 215,931 Mercer County 123 votes for W. H. II. Davis, BECAPITULATIOX. ' ,' Kir AnAilnr fi.,.r7 )'. ;.n,VtaB,t' Una -238.400 W. n . 11. Davis,-Dem., . . .: 215,740 Hartranft's majority. J. M. Campbell. Union, ' ' j. jr. L.inton, Lem 22,660 237;967 - 215,981 The Democracy and Negroes. The Democratic Candidate for the State Senate, in New Bedford, Massachusetts, at the late election, was a negro, "as black as night's sable curtain." The Republicans nominated a white man, and in order to catch the vote of black men, the Democra cy put up a neirro. But the colored voters could not be- deluded.-and the Republican white man was ele. ted. , The negro is like the soldiers ; when -the Democracy nomi nate soldiers, soldiers vote against the nom inees, and when that party put up black men, negroes, where tLev have votes, iuva riably scorn the bait. Trusted by no class, and repudiated by all true men, "the Demo cratic leaders will soon have exhausted their l.it trick and be utterly without the means of keeping up their organization. Harris burg Telegraph, President Johnson has sent a telepram to Governor Holden, of North Carolina, in which he thanks him for the faithful man ner in which he has discharged his duties, and assures him that he will be sustained by the Government. lie further states that the result of the recent election in North Carolina has done much damage to the State in regard to the restoration of its rela tions with the Government ; and further, that if the action of the spirit of the Legis lature were in the same direction it would be still more damaging, and might prove fatal. He 'says that it is hoped the Legislature will endeavor rather to heal what has al ready been done than to increase the mis chief. - The jury in the case of Mary Ridey, charged with the murder of Joseph Lides.at Philadelphia, returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree. Tnc drcrtfcf mentis. Attvertisementsxrt i n large type, cuts. trout of plain myLvui or charges rloublr price for spaceorcH pi td . To insure attention, the CASH matt acconma ny notices, as follows All Cautions and Strays with$l,5C; Auditors'. Administrators' and Ex. ecntors' notices, 52,50, each; Disiclations, 12 all other transient Notices at the same rates Other aivertisemon's at SI, 50 per square, for 3 or less insertions. Ten lines cor less) count a sqnare 200 BUSHELS of choice beans for sale by 1K1 4 UAKlsllUX. I ADIES FUKS. and Gents' fur caps, for I sale at the "-corner"' store. Curwensville, Pa Campbell's majority, ,( ' Jl 9fts The total vnt fnr indifn. n.....t :a jc , a which is 118.562 I km. th.n.h v. r. ii ' ident in 1S60. .Hartranft's vote is 57.891 less than T . ...... 1 J - T - A .HA . .. - iavis ou.oo. less man jvicuiel lan's, the decline in each party beine nearly the same. t. . .- . . A COrreSDOndent of thft Pnrtlnii.1 "P,. thinks there is a snpi-ial niYirwintp in tV, nointment bv the Frfilnf nf il.o -ii, r.f December as Thanksgiving Day this year, anerour uenverance irom , rebellion, since Congress appointed the 7 th of December, 17Si). as a dav of than for the deliverance of ur army and of um au.) auu ui n uuingoa ironi tne trea son of Benedic Arnold. . .- The North Carolina LeeTslatnr the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery. There were but six dissenting voi- 4 L A HUE EOT of Raft rope, small rope, and il. Fully blocks, for sale by the coil, at a smal advanceou cost by IRVIS A UAKTS11QRX. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of goods J: of every variety, sold as low for cash, as at any store in the county, by Deo. 6. 1865. IRVIN 4 HARTSHORN A LARGE LOT OF CLOTHING inclu JM. ding some extra quality of Bearer Over-coats, and a complete assortment of casfhuere goods. made up in suits to match for sale by Dee 6,165. IRVIN 4 HARTSHORN. rTlEACHEKS WANTED Five competent X teachers wanted in Ueccana S-hool District for the term of 4 months, to whom liberal wage will be paid. U. A. W it I .i H T, Secretary Glen IJope. Pa., Dec. 6. XM pd. CAUTION. All person- are hereby c tut ion ed against purchasing or med'liing with thf l ine timber tna saw los on tlie premiss, or lands. of Elias Iturns of Union townhip. as the same was purchased by me. and are subject to my order only. 1IEXRV li. BA11.EW. Uniun p.. Nov. 30, lS65-dec. 6. CURW ENSYILLE HOUSE, Curwensrille. Pa. A.J Dpatckkr. having lensed the Hotel recently occupied by lienj. liloom, r.sq , is now prepared to receive transient and permanent ooaruers. fcvery department connected with his establishment will he conducted second to none in the county. ' His stabling is ample for sixty Dead ot ftorses, witn good wagon seeds and yards conneeted ile respectfully solicits a share of publis patronage. Dee 6. lS35-:f. A GENTS WANTED We want 500 ener 2m. getic Agents for Junius Henri Btowoe's War Adventures Nothing can excel this work in in terest cf subject matter, or in the sparkling graph ic style in which the author delineates his experi ences. It furnishes a greater variety of incident, aod given a better '-inside view" of the adven tures and yissiiudes of war- than any ether work 0. D. Case fc Co , Publishers, Dec. 6. lS65-3t. . Hartford, Conn. HOLLIDA Y PRESENTS. , AGENTS WANTED Gieat Saleof Jewelry and Silverware. The Ar- randale Irreat Gijt Distribution. . Our Agents are making from Five to Thirty Dollars per day: and we still need more. Late invoices from Europe have swelled our ' stock to over One Million Dollars. A splendid assortment of Watches. Rings. Lalics' and Gentlemen's Jew elry of all kinds, of the most faah iontible patterns, selling at $1 each. Send 25 cents for a certificate, and you will see what you are entitled to; or $1 for five certificates, or S5 for thirty, or stni 3 cent stamp tor our terms to Agents, which are of tne most liberal kind. .Now is your time! ARRANDALE i CO.. No 167 Broadway, New York. Dee. 6. ISna-.lm KBW A D TESTIS E1CE9T3. SEVERAL SET of heavy double h and home-made horse-collars, at tba ie. e, 1S63. arneas. star af IKVIN A HARTSHOR5. ISTOl'tPTTPnt! l-r i . ri v ubciaioiqu ana remaiD- iLi ine in the Post Office atClearflnlH nn ih i.t day of December A. D. 1S65. Askey, Maggie Alexander, bam 1 S. Campbell, A. N. - r Chapin. James Cooper, Saiu'l M.'. Drake. J. o. Farnsworth. MT.'s Matilda Fisher. Miss Mary Gardner. Mrs. Mary Globe, John Horn, John W. .. Horum. Geo. Okeefe Hoyle. Mrs. Mary Jenkins, C. Jones Mrs. Hannah E. Kline, D. J. , Lawford. Thomas . Leach. R. S. Maggil. Miss Miller, George Ogden, Milton Owens. Lee Pauley JMrs. E. L. Quick, Thomas Rafferty, Miss A. S Redman. Mrs. Elixa Read. John J Schncker, Peter Strule, Joseph Weaver. D. W. Woods. Miss Martha Yose, Miss Margaret J. wo cents due on each letter advertised. Par. sons calling for any of the above letters, will say they are advertised. M. A. FRANK. P M. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY The Second Session of this Institution will com mence ea Monday, December 17th, 1965. Pupils ean enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter te the close of the ansaion The course of instruction embraces everything that is included in a thorough, practical and ac complished education of both sexes. The Principal having had the advantage of mnch experience in his profession, assnres pa rents and guardians that his entire ability and energies will be devoted to the mental and mor; training of the youth placed under his charge. Terms or Tcithmi: Orthography. Reading. Writing. Grammar Geography, and History per sesssion (11 ' weeks.) j M Algebra, Geometry. Trigometry, M eesnration Surveying. Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry and Book-keeping. ljt Latin and Greek, with any of the abev branches, $10 00 tFXn deduction will be made for abseen'oe For further particulars inquire of . ,a P. L. HARRISON, Dec 6. 1365. Principal. New Arrangement. . The subscribers-have entered into co-partnership, and are trading under the name of Irvln Baily A Co . in lumber and merchandise, at the old stand of KUis Irvin A Son. at the mouth ef Lick Run. They would inform their friends, and the world in generaH that they are prepared furnish to order all kind s of sawed or hewn lum ber. and solicit billv for either home or eastern markets. They would a!S announce that they hava Sum opened A NEW STOCK of well selected goods, suitable to the season, eon sisting ot every variety usually kept in country stores. Their purchases have been made since the late decline in prices which enable them U sell at such rates as will astonish their customer. One if their partners. Thomas L. Baily. resides near Philadelphia, whose business it will be to watch the marxeU and make purchases on the most favorable terms. Call and see us ELLIS IRVIN", THOMAS L. BAILY, Goshen tp.,Poe.6. 1 335. LEWJS I. IRWIN. TEW SKIRT FOR 16656. The Great Il Invention of the Age in HOOP SKIRTS J. W. BnAuuEv's New Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double) Sphing Skirt. . This Invetio consists of Dcflex (or two) Elliptic PrBF.RerisEii Steel Smites, ingenious ly BRAtntD tioktlt and riRULr together, to edge, making the toughest, most rxsxiBLa, elastic and ULRABLK STBijiG ever nsed. . Tfeej seldom be.mi or break, like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beau tiful Shape more than twice as long as any Sin gle Spring Skirt that ever Has or Can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lad r wearing the Duplex Eliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas. Carriages. Rail road Cars, Church Pews. Arm Chairs, for Promen ade and House Dress, as the Shirt can be folded when in use to occupy 'a mall place as easily and conveniently ns a silk or Mtialin Dress.' A Lady having Enjoyed the P'easure. Comfort and Great Convenience ot wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day wi'l Never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Miasre and Young Ladies they are superior to all others The Hoops are covered . with 2 ply , double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the Single yarn covering w-ieb is us-d on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rod on every Skirt are also Double Steel, aod.Jwice .or double covered to prevent : the - eovenng ffwm wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, etc . etc.. which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and elegant rCorded Tapes and are the best quality in every pari, giving to the wearer the most graceful and per fect Shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, most diraU!e, comfortable aud econom ical Skirt every made. Wets" Bradley A Cary. proprietor of tba in vention, and sole' manufacturers. 97 Chambers, and 79 Jr 81 Reade Streets. New York. For Sale .in all firt class Stores in this City, and throughout the United States and Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America and the Wot Tndies. I Bullion ire for the Dunlax EHntia tnr lnnvt Spring fckirt. A. A C. IJUFFALO ROBES. Kn A J 11 o Blankets mad orse Blankets, for sale at Nov 15 - MERRELL A BMLER'S. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testa raentary on the estate of Sarah Nor-;, t.t. of Lawrence township, Clearfield co , Pa, dee'd having been granted to the undersigned, all ri. sons indebted tosaid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims e gainst the same will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. JAMES S. NORRIS, . Nov 8 lS65-p. Kxeeutor. EXECUTORS NOTICE Letters testa mentary on the Estate of John nrn- late of Burnside tp., Clearfield eo . Pa decern-ad having been granted to the undersigned, nit per sons indebted to said estate are requested lo make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same will present them proper y au thenticated for settlement. W. J. ROTKEY aov. 29, 1865-pd Executors. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS B M. GREENK Has opened his Musie Store. flHal A fW ate? W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand . Steinwaj A Sons' and lar.t.. i Manufacturing Company's Pianos, Ma",n A Ham lin s Cabinet Organs and Carharu Keedham A Co. 8 Melodeons: Guitars. Violin Vif vi Guitar aud Violin Strings. ' ' Mnsic Books-Golden Chain,. Golden Shower Golden Censer. Golden Trio, Ae . Ac D Sheet Mjsie-He is constantly receiving from Philadelphia! the latest mnii .ki.i. at a distance wishing can order) and have sent '"jut man at puoiianer t prices. 1 noB organs W arranted for five years. Ihose wishing to buy anv of the nbova articlaa are invited to Call and lllinim nini kefnrj, nn- chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in iNew lork and Philadelphia. vircuiars oi instruments sent promptly upon plication with any additional informatinn d "red. B. M.GREEN, Hill street. Knntinirdon. Pa . Una -e Lewit' Book btore. , . Dec, e, 1865. ITCH' UCH!! ITCH!!! SCR4Tcn SCRATCII - Si:HTnn f WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will cure the Itch in 4S Hours. Also eures SALT RHKHM TTIY'irne r-rrrv BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS livruv crrv Price 50 cents Far sala by all Trn..;.. By sending 60 cents te WEKKK A PnTTPB . ole 1 Agents, 170 Washington street. Boston. Mass I it will be forwarded by mail, f raa f any pwi of fa. United Sutes. Sent. JO. B?m NEW GOODS! - r. - Mrs. H. D. "Welsh & Co., rfusi neeeivea Xnelr TALL AND WINTER GOODS Which were purchased during the present decline. --v. o -i cuauieu, to sen very efitap. OUR ST0CE (rnJ""ft-in prt otX", Alpacas. Poplins arln"' na eommon Delaines- PrinU. Ginghams.ShawIs.IIoods, Hosiery .Gloves. Nu- is. caimorai ana Hoop Skirts, Flannels. Lades' Cloth. Sheetinge. Muslins. Towel mg.Ticking, Sontags, Breakfast Shawla, Capes, Ae Also.a full assortment of , ; MILLINERY GOODDS Among which are HaU, BonneU. Feathers, Rib bons, flowers, Laces, Frauee, Matinesa, Vel eU, bilks, Ciapes, Berages. VeUa. to . and a large stock of HOLLIDAY TOYS, ' Parian and Candy Xoyi FOR LADIES Buch a. Pomades, Oil,. Bandoline Woomof Yoth and Painta, Rouge, Lilly WhUn. tt, -7 - liu cfutht8yk,nfpttron'e f r r dolKnrtU,, P'-Sseond S treat, .,. uoorio First National Bank. . Kw eprefe iHaMi