Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 06, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 12.-iVO. 13.
TieRAFTSWAS's Jot? At is published on "Wed
, ir,jtf at 1.00 per annum in advance Auykr
' ;,ts iojerted at 51 .50 per square, for three
fleis insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a
,rr For erery additional insertion 50 oets
4 deduction will be made to yearly advertisers.
aju$inc$$ Jircctonj,.
IRVTV BROTHERS. Dealers in Square A Pawed
Lnmher. Irj Roods, tJroceriea. Poar. (Jrain,
at , 4c, BurnsiJe Pa., Sept. 23. 1353.
-pR E IE R I C K t E I TZ I N Q E R Manufacturer of
H II kinds of Stone-fare. Clearfield. Pa. Or,
i,rioited wholesale or retail. ; Jan. 1. lsw
C3.AS A BARUETT, Attorneys Ht Law. Clesr
B!4.r. , ..Msy IS.-T.W3.
t J C3AS. : ' ' '-' WALTKR !T RR RTT.
Select 2?oftnt.."
Ri'.RERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
field. P office in Shaw's new row. Market
iireet. opposite jangle's jewelry store May2.'
yN Al'GLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and
dealer in Watches. Jewelr. Ac. Rootn in
Srah.m s row. Market street. Nov. 1ft.
HBVC11EK SWOOPE. Attorney at Lnw.Clear
EeM Va- nfM in Graham's Row. fourdoo s
wtit'of GrUm A lioynton's store. Not: 10.
p kk TZER.iiealer in Dry fioo.ls. C'o'h
iof. lianlw.""- Queenwre. Groceries, Pro
fit cj 4 j. Front --':reet, above the Academy.
C'tiifieM. Pi. April 2TJ" :
"IT7 I (J.f AM V. I KWIN.Marketstreet. Clearfield.
Pa.. Dealer in foreign and Domestic Mer
handie. H-rjwar. Queccsware, Groceries, and
ftmil article sjejerally. Xov. 10.
JO.'l.N OI'ELICn. Manufacturer or all kind ol
Cabiiet-ware. Market street. ClearSeld. I'a.
Ht alsu 11: tike to order CoQns. on short notice and
a::en.i tum-n.ls with a hearse. AprlH-: j'-'.
TK 31. WuOoS. PavCTioiNG Physician,
XJ fcaamiainj Surgeon for Pensions.
vxee. South-west corner tf Second and Cherry
Stre . (Jiearael 1, Pa. . January 21. 1-S'i'l.
rilUt'MAd J. M'CCI.l.OCill. Attorney at Law.
X CleirCaid. Pa. Cfii.j, est of the Clear Held
. Dank. Deed? and oihe'r lc-al instrument? pre
ened with promptness and accuracy . -July 3.
JB M'EKALLT, Attorneys Law. CiesrCeM.
. Pa. ir:ieii:es in CieJrSild-anJ a
eoaaties. .c Ui new brick bildirg -f .1. Iiny;i
t n, Jd itrt. door socth of I.anicii'B Hotel.
Only the sea iotoning,
C.ly lhe wainscut mouse-.
Only the wild winl uioauing
Uver the lonely house.
D.irkest of all Dceenl-erg
Lveruiy life Ims known.
Si tirr.; bore by the euibt-rs.
Stuuued ana heljilcs, alone.
Dreaming o! two graves Ijing
Uul in ilie dun j. iiud chill ;
One where too Luifjr.l. flyiug,
Pause at .M.iiveru 11 til.
The other ala ! tbe pillows
Uf thai uiic.-y bed.
Kiso aifi t'.l wiib ibe billows,
. Uvei our bailor head.
Th'. ira the heroic t-tory
lied. by fiig-ue ami town !
Theits the Cu.tu and ibe tilory ! '
I liciri the Lioas autl (he Cruwn.
Miie to linger and languish
ll-re by ib itry fea ;
'Ah! l.nni heart, iu itiy anguish,
Wlirft is there left lor uie ?
Only the sea ibtoiiing.
y'uiy ibe waiuMui uiouse.
Only the i!J wiud uioaiiing
Over the louely huuM: -
It3 Cause. Prorsiis aad Suppression Horii
tle Scenes and Revoking Butchery A
Missiouarj Quarrel aai iti Prigatful Re
SLits. t'tatsment by aa. Eje-witnes3.
Clevela.vd, Nov. 20th, 1565.
Eds. JIkliald: As naiueroa.s detached
report have cmua tt u. respecting the late
troubles in Jaii;;i:tu- it has occurred to me
thai a jt-ticr ju.-t nuiu to hand, f'ir.in ut.v
wile's si- rer, rcidiiii in Ivinston, Jamaica,
wuu.l be iut-'i-e-iiiig to the public It ein
tuiics thvi leaditi facts in ih ca. and
7 ....
.nivw, 1 a'.u CKuaJcut. lmm tiij- pcrxinal ac
aiS l::l:ie
with the Jijrai:tics anil nidividu-
a c-'Mrect viexv or the late lamcn
"1 jrcUARD M jfP'.De er in ror-ip-n an r I v.
IV niestie Dry tJoods, tiroceries. Flour. Caci'L,
Lienors. 4;. Koorn. cn Market street, a few d''r
"t ol Jo'r;i?OjJi'-,Clar5eli, Pa. Apr27
rnUOMAS IV : MK)UE. l.snd -urteror nn-1 Cii
J Tiyarsrer. 'fi at bi residence. 4 mil est
t" Pennvil!e. Voi!offie s-idre?. OrncipiSn Hi'..
l!ois snd s:hir iiiitruajen' tf writMi? neat'r
eieca?ed. June 7th. 5-ly
ALItERT 4, BRO'S.I'ea'lersin Dry Jo-. U.
W 1 roceris. iiardiire, Qiieer.sware. Fl i;:r.
Scan. :te.. Won-llan-. C!ear5el.l enmity. Penn"a.
A':.:. exieDjivo Jea'ers in a!! kicds of sawed luai
k'r shio-iej, ar.d 'Taare timber. frder3
tri. Wcollnni. Au. li!:h. IbJT
D1 J. I. Hl'l't TIFiqLP. Iste vrge t.:
the S.iri Hegt Prnn'a V'o:. h.ivi:!g refirtT
J fi'Js.- the army, fler? bis f.rt.fe?T'-:ial erviuc?
to the ailiiens uf C'enrfield and vicinity, i'ru'
forrHiiisI c.ills promptly attended to. tL-e ea
tvath-ta't corr.er s-f 3d and Market street.
O.t. . tffji 5:u-pd. . - . ,.
ri'TIONCCU. TLs undersi5r.cd ha vis g
vi:iv!i -et-j)i to have liad t-mNifierae
!e t Jo wUh the outlreak, is Lrieflv thi.- :
t:i'ti?c oiittuak.
Ly way or exjiianation, jicrmit me to say
"L t: ic; iil-i cmilMversv 81 hided
Mr. l;. is o::e of thu t-ctrctaiies of the Eti
i:!i i'ajiti-t 'Mi.iciiarv tit:ty. Af:era
visir roth:: I.-!ai.jl a few years f-ince, , lie
'rp.'e io.-j i t ;i:i the cr'iiuitii ns of the petr
ji.'e, what luai.-ihoni-Iil t.K lavoiatif a vitw
jf iheca-e. Koeently. the I'apiist 31i-iin-aiiein
t!:C l.-latid, have made a plea for
!' people, a-k:n f'?r ai 1 Ctianoiaiiy. on ac
c !ua t;f thih- j:re;it ue-tiuitiuii, &.. con
tiiig with the statenjont of i!r. Uitder
hi!l. an J e.acratin i. a? ha leen jreneraiiv
t!i.!a,Lt, ihc
I h U I: CltS-iiiTl
tie ti!iir.j of ClearSeld county that He will at
tfil to '.llin; sales, in any part of the county.
besrver cailod npou. Charei moderate
Address. JuilX M"Ql.'f LKIX.
T i 1
I ".v.i;ii M'tt'ily a
Mjy 13
Bower Po . Clearfield co., Pa.
rCTIOMJKR. The undersigned having
a. hten Lieenced an Auctioneer." would iufortu
tba eitixcrs of CleatEold county that he will at
tend t calling sales, in any art of the coanty,
wientrer calieJ ni-on Charges modcr:ite.
Address." . , XAIUA.MDu KlilEL,
Feb 22. ISJ5. ' Clearfield, Pa. .
w. v wtrianr.
A. k. wRionr.
U thitin Jtmiica the
ar-Tc ari'1 cnlorc-l are eriniihn
f!n ionucr uteanin'r pi"e Arnt-ari
L'oni. tl e l.irt cr" a , iniiture of. the African
and white, "irli ihe.-e esplanatiwnx. the
letter r."iil be iinderstnod hy a:l. It wi"l i e
roiin'tiibe-ed that it :t c-rmed by a Mter.
j: 't antit-iiwtti'jsr that it would meet the pnh
hc eye. Ktriuin the anxiety that many
h'eljti't :ti this tini!, to have the whnle
truth on the Mi?jrri. and conraininer as it
doe. les.-.;!t:i (f practical iitiorta!ie to U3
a Nation, it is respectfully j-ul initted.
Y"our truly, L 0." Deardslee. .
KixtJSTOWN. Jamaica. Oct. 19, 1-6.5.
Dkau Brotheii: If you have carefully
read the papers which I have sent you from
time to time, you are somewhat acquainted
with the Undizrhill controversy, and with
the warm and t'scifed feelinjw. winch, have
heen r;i!ed forth by the two Drpo.-ite par
tics. You iuu.-t have noticed, too, .the
strorie language fifqucntla indulged in hy
the 5-peaker at ome of the ru'Iie meetings
throughout t!te island. "callinz forth fevere
I ensure from a jxirtion of the popuTtion.
, More nwntlv you .nav have read the ru
mors or an itifeifiu ontlreak amnncr a eer
ily. Mr. Price thought that would effect
but little good. "Let u all go out, theu,"
aid the baron, lie then called lor the ri
ot act, and read it.
Mr. Edward Hitchins, captain of the vol
unteers, dissuaded them from burreuderitiK,
observing that it would be of little use, as
any oft hem who appeared at the windows
were at once made a mark for twenty bul
lets. Poor man ! J think lie wa the first
victim. The mob set tire to the Court -
House. 1 here was no chance of ecape
the balls flying fast and thick through the
windows, one of which struck the Baron in
the chest. lav. Mr. Ileri-cheil piopo.sed
commending tneiu.-eives to Uod in praver.
While thus engaged, the burning root fel
in, ami ail ru?ned out. 31 r. AiU5iea, In
spector of Police, with his little bov in his
arms, as he was being chopped down, eried
out, "bave my child !" and a womancautrht
hitu up and took him to his mother. The
poor little inncH.ent, previously wounded by
a shot iu the leg. has mice been broueht to
Kinsston, but it is feared will not recoer,
The little baud of volunteers with their
noble captain louubt bravely and fchot dowu
many ol the assailants-, but thev were out
n umt-ei ed. and were all cruelly butchered
except two. who barelv escaped w;th their
lives one of them had his eye dui; out.
lhe poor Baron got awword which he u.sed
. I . 1 i i i
witn telling encct out t tie crave man wa
at length renderel powerless, and whilt
still breathing thev chopped each of hi tin
gers, and while dangling them, exuhingly
n inaiked : lou cau write no more lies
to the Queen about us.". Mr. Hfcrschl's
tongue was cut out ltbre he died. Mr.
Price's body was ripped open b' the woman
who was the most savage of t he ccndiah
crew, l wo ot nector Cook s sons were
butchered before his eyes, another escajHjd
by being pulied into a ho?-puddle under
the fioonnif. bv a faithful black 1 oy, where
he remained ail Hight, hearing T he dying
groans of each ol the victims, and the tn
umphaiit yeils of the savages wh j boasted
that they ""had chnnited him ur so tine that
his wife would n.t be able to find a piece of
to keep the women as servants and for their
own pleasure. '1 hey wished to siwe the
estates as tor as possible, as they would re-
In the cihicLrms upc-n the iolicy cf lhe
Administraticn toward the ur.oreniztd
An Inside View of Utah. )
Tl f ll ! t I 1 f T . C . f . . 1 . . . .
. - .. ..-v iia iicn I'ldix's uere more
i : ... i . . ,
u.uuuiicu iuie.'s-itiis miu cmotK.ins rusn
aiiim .1 Tl . . . " ; "UlUIUtt
fceio okr,l0 JZrV i Leenoftcu.ioa ot ccu.e ! up. m him thau in Utah, as he feels that his
. . uiMdtvia ui a,uc JO
fair, perks.
O. L. RttS.
Banking and Collection. OSce
FOSTKK, PEnKs,rwRKaiT & CO.,
Patup'ro. Csntrs Co . P ;
Bills of Exchana. J. mad iTrnflsdidCoaEted
deposits rtctived. Collec'ions made aud pro '
rr nrnrr.ntl v.. ... t , tn l.vV..& An tl.. Pi ... I
cuo.-Uhtlv on hand, lhe above Uaukin House t n portion ot the TeasHntry confidently
n n.w op?n ar.i rea3v for husinew . oeneve't in bv souio, and iitferiv discredttpd
Philipor.Oentre'Co., Pa., Sept, 6. 1 SfV.
Al'PT 4 CO., at Milesburz, Pa , continue
to turiti-h catlrs rf every dev:riitioa at
urt noUce. The? havthe beat assortment f i aiinounc iii"nr
oy t iior..
of a sudden.
him,'' having mistaken his less fortunate
brother for him. Iiisbroiher, Mr. Brooke:
Cook, received a blow which precipitated
fiiiu down a hill at the rack ol the Court
Tl 111 1 II K
iiou.-e. w lieu lie recovered ins senses, ue
found that a black man had saved his life,
mi l was cairfuily watching over him. Dr.
G era! d, and Dr. Major, were st aled in or
der to lake care of the wounded rebels.". A
Mr. Batty clung to Dr. G.. hoping thus to
ave hitm-elf, but was ton away and butch
ered in hisf-ieht. Poor Mr. Hitchins, faint
with the .horrible wout ds he had received,
al-o .-t.ingcrtd to the Doctor and -ching to
Ins neck, gar-ping out "Oh, doctor 1 1 am
sinking fast ;"' but ti e blows were continued
till lhe spirit was it-leased from its tortured
tenement. Many were rcriously wounded,
some of whom hac since died.
The Wolverine" and ' Caravelle." the
latter a French vessel, kindly placed at the
dipoal of the (Jovei iimciit . !'V Mr. Arnold
Ma'ab.c have been l ack and forth daily,
fiom the sceno of nctimi. taking up troop
and' officials and bringing lack refugee?,
many of whom and among them some of
the first whie families-Whave bad to hide
whole days and nit-hts in lushes, and With
nothing lut tite clothes ihty bad on, inost-
Iv taueied. ami stnne wishout hat or shoes.
Mi.-s Burton's father and eldest si.-tcr were
at tbe Bay at the time, as he expected to re
move his busince there, lhe latter can.e
a few days since, lut 1 undtrstat d that tl e
father has not yet been foetid. It is hoped
that h is concealed sr-mew here. Mrs. Shat
hic was hiding with them at the time
that the troops came to their rescue, but
when they were got together she was miss
ing. It was supposed thit she turned back
to look for her children. " I have not heard
whether she has been found.
The endih rebels, whr, it is believed,
are mail ly Baptists, , had the blasphemy to
adjourn to the Baptist Chapel, a little way
from the B.iv, to sing hymns an J return
th-tnks to (.rod for their siccess, leaving
strict charge that none of the bodies of the
slain were to be touched, as they intended
lou will be grieved to hear that G. W.
Goidou is implicated as oue of the chief mo
veis in this sedi.km. Before this broke out
his course was constantly and loudly con
demned, as he was always urging the people
iu ouiiu uu lur ineir Ments. tellmir ilifm
as if it were toohastr and would commit i!
Governmeut to au action which lhe country
would uot apj trove. It was urged, also,
that the President ought to assemble Con
gress to ccusider the question of" reorganization.
But we have always endeavoied to show
tldt ti..v xk-c .... . i - , , , is now proved, mat ttie course ot Hie
r1. i,lty.were.a" OH'rtsed people, and the i President was tentative and not final. It
patierus iu iLs country for stcaut and watur mills
of every description. - AH kinds of machine aud
plow eatir;- furnished NewWorld and U.itha
cK)k vveia;vw.ys, hand 1 hey'ta -k-s 4
torse see -ft.wnr threshing tnaebinfS-. with thn
ker and bo feet of strap lr -SI ii an.l 2-horse
treaj-r.ewrr machines, with thaktr atfd.30 ftit o;
strap t',.r si7i. ! Warranted to.gire q-uisfactton in
tnresbing, aid kept good to thresh one crtip, free
ofchrge June 2S-. lS15-y.
Isaac HiCfT, at Eellefonte. eoutipuetd lke
rifttsfor insurance in anv good stock company ia
tfle'raf. AI.o ia New York; tlie Uoyal abd Et
ta at Hartford ; ' and the Liverpool aud London,
eauital Sft.ooiMiOQ. . .
' ' '-ft
. villi. Pa...
lm 1 broken ! in
S'. Th'irtias in th'j
fie hilled fr a time, when all
la-it Thursday, the stnrt'tni
r. was made that a rebellion
sent off the same nisiht. but. tor some on-
.U'connrabV reason, de'avp"! !oin ' till the
Job Payto. Pres t. Capital paid ia $ 75,800
bA L AR.xott,Cah. S Authoriied cap S2V0.UW)
1 . D1KECT8KS: :
m. Irvin. John Patttn.. Samuel Arnold
, K Arnld,' : Daaiel Faat, E. A. Irvin
J. r.Irvtn, G. 11; Lytkv il. P. Thompson
This bnek buys and setf all hids of Uevern'
nseiirjijriiim fyii nea flwaye r tiaiAl uad
- - 'rrr irx niiinpc fn nfnn:iT wf if ir.r i . .-w.
f a, jweiSc time allow interest.' Iluvs and ee!H noxr u"irnn,!r- 'n.Tn' "in'lii.e the es
drafin, exchanger Kbtes and bills "disrouned j rry had ;i -t, transnctcd business ,anl Were
; leal rat of interest, and doe a ger.eral bank- ' just a lion- foinsr to Junclu when a; Joud cry
wiH l iriadto wsiT-.r,.,n .Ki., ' f'emeri an rother? present ran to the win-.
friends and eu?t wen! may have, that they dtsrs i:dow, when they saw about two tlmnsvuid fMMV
ievefc,f..af.teepiB?.. - ,. i n!e. ninn an 1 womn. all armed wi h cittla
erchWi. i.T , ,eii t'bu',i" ! ses. -Mrtr)snn-,"- ti-1 fire-arin. vellintr. and
rrcosnts. LtitEbetmen and other, and will rn-i j - ,i. i- r
tV" t0 ke Tt tbk fte)est fodkiUiir bank- ! n'n- " fi-. .,!,Tr nf the CUrt;
? ba-inrss wiUo. - SAMLRb XiiN'iLD. I ifnA.:,. Oa thiT; irrivaj thev commenced
turwB8vili, p. Oct 2i: lCj. : Cushier. i Iwatini Mh'wri the iW and firing at thnvx
linvnc . -. ..Z 'JT.7''l?T7T7'..r 1 who venvwd to the ' window. : Th TJmn
U nrlir.; i . saul to .Mr. w
rer fo oiit !rd
II nvi'VPi', suspicions, wherever J them to reunin like dead, dogs for the
Joint Crows to eat,- and hat they would
return in a few hours to bury their own
dead." Before they returned the soldiers
arrive, puisaed and captured several of
them. Since then thev have tiee" followed
uji closely, ar.d every day Mimlcrs of them
are seized and either hung or bhot; Hun
dreds of them have already' lost their lives.
One of the ring;leaders. ; whom ' they style
Cant. Giant has been ttiken and executed.
and yesterday the head leader, Paul Bogel
for whom a reward of $20CH was offered
was captured in Montego Baj, and wiil
be deat with to-d:iy.
- he entire community hai been aroused
as one man, and every one capable of bearing-anus
who had not hitherto joined the
volunteer movement, has since enlisted, our
brother J. amoi g the number. .The Gov
ernor has shown an amount of courage, pru
dence and decision, which I believe wiil go
fnr towards redeeming his former character.
Morant Bav. (Parish 'of
Ka-'t.l that Baron Von
Iln. C A Price and several
white nvn had 5een killed, an I that the
whole Parish was in the greatest commo
tion. .
At firt. little crodonce was given to the
horrible ta!e. but it was sa-ioa conSrmed be
vond a !!on"it. Thsa 1 particulars are these:
A man li.-H hen cotivi'-ted -a few -days pre
vimi$;nf M. Ii ani sjnfencel r-y the
court. Thf mol intoi fjred. re-cned the man,
and. I believe killed one or two of lhe po
1'cemejf.; Fniin that, and sundry, hints
thrown out. apprehensions were enrertain
e 1 ot something more orion. and the au
thorities vent ofTa dispatch tJ Kingston for
a viscl with. troop'v". . ;
J he 'Vo!verne. since hemms tamous
in ibe history nfnnr nnflTrtniwite is'aml. wasf He has gone with -the troojs, first - to the
liay. tnen Tiver to laucnioneai, tnrougu
the Golden Grove and Plantain Garden dis
tricts, wnJ t Portland following the course
of the insurgents, who have committed ad
havoc in those neighhoi hoods as well, lay
ing the town nf Mauehioneal in ahes, burn
ing down Bath t!ourt House, Kensington,
and several estates. . '
It was renorted that Mr. Foote was kill-
i pie. mnn and woinn. all armed wi h -ittla-' c but that has proved incorrect- U e teel
extremely anxiousaioui emr cousin ana ncr
little family, though brother J. thinks as
lterhits-tiaml is a1 Bnptisr. : they . will have
nothius to fear. Their neighbor. Bev. Mr.
.Jone. esosirvcd with bis son. in a little boat.
papers even stated that he had been heard
to say that -it ihey could not obtain their
rights by any other means, they must take
them as the peopie ot .Haiti had doue."
Fiom the beginning of the outbreak theop
pinion geneiaily pi e ailed that Gordou had
a hand in it. Appearances were stronglva
gaiust him. In the first plate, it wasthe
brut vestry meeting from which he was ever
kuowu to be abseiit. Again the statement,
"1 am ou Mr. Gordon's side," is said to
hae saved more than one when on the
point of fall ng by the hand of the assassin.
Further, some ot the prisoners have gheu
their dying testimony against bini. Infor
uiation liaving- been received that he had
he.d leguiar correspondence with Paul Bo
gie and others Oi the ringleaders, inquiries
nae keen made at tte postomee, winch cor
roburated the statement, aud letters taken
out which fully warranted his immediate ap-
preiieiision. lne Ooveinor bimscli came
up to Kingston for hitu, and such an ex
Citement as there was ! A company of sol
eiiers and volunteers, with their revolvers
cocked, marched to his store in. search of
lnui. uien to the Iriiune office, to Mrs.
Sherman's (his wife's mother) to Cherrv
i... -ii.:.. ... ii .i . r
vjar-ien, vms rcsmence.j anu lastly to nuad
quarters, wt.ero be was persuaoed ly Dr.
l'iddes togive himself up. He was then ta
i. -. ,.i ,
ae, wnu me uovernor ar.a ine custas on
each side of him, aud a mounted miard lin-
ning the l-oad, on board the "Wolverine
and on toMojant Bay, where there is every
reasoa to supose he has already paid the
jienarty ot tlie law. urot her J . was in Mr.
Francis' store when the procession passed.
aud seeing the culprit look so hacgard, ill,
and wreti hcd.involuntaily exclaimed, "Poor
man! .Mr. r,, . Jr. Anderson, and Mr.
britzherbert, captain of a comt anv of volun-
, , ... - - .
teers, niiUieuiateiy took him ud sham v a-
bout iuthe latter taking out his ikx ket book
aod asking hU name. In the evenmg.wheij
lie went tti he diiHed,' Catitain Fimizies tax
ed him with having publicly expressed syiu
.....i... :.i. i r .-A . .. 'j - i .i
iunnj wmi ;ir. uuruiiip, ami yesieroay ne
wa asked alout it atrain. You mav ; iudtre
by this of the stromr feelinir airainsf him.
(Mr. G.) This morning. Kellj', Smith, GoldT
.sou, and Jr. oz, were taken up and lodg
ed m headquarters. What evidence there
is against them is j et to Lc seen.
The anxious iiKjuiiy naturallj' arises in
your minds, Is Kingston safe? It is
generally thought per ectly so, for the pres
ent at least. Besides the forces on the
pot, they have sent to Nassau, Bermuda.
and other places for reinforcements. Every
rentieman in the city is a soldier, ready to
bed the last drop of his blood in our de-
leiice. A strict warch is keut. aud it is le-
leed the majority of the blacks here are on
our side, although, manj-, even little girls
and boys, have been heard to talk nuitc an-
pioviiidyot what has been done.and threat
ening something similar to KiiiL'ston. Most
of these have been taken up, aud notwith
standing it was designed to be a general in
surrection, it is lielieved already to be al
most entirely quelled. So promDt and ef-
teetiv ehave been the mexsures adopted, that
ii'ey nae Leen ten ihed into submission.
cttu. is you may suppose, we are by no
mentis free from apprehension. What most
ot us dread is setting tire to the city, on
which account, no night services are held.
J UCRSDAY hVEStNG. Oct. I'Jth. I am
closii g this to-nicht to send off in the morn
ing. J. has cone to take his turn as night
guard, and will not be back till morning.
Under present circtitnstaees his absence is
doubly felt. J. W. Crole has len taken up
to day and placed in custody,it is suppod
to give evidence again.-t Geo. Gordon, hav
ing been so much with him of late. Flarry,
the sboemakcr.atid others have also leen ar
rested. B umors aieafoat resectiiig Btiach.
Mr. Burton has been heard of and is safe.
I grieve to think how anxious-yon will be
till you can hear further tidings . from us.
All you can do is fo commend me to God.
which I know you will do constatyly and
fervently. Large numbeis of the rebels
have laid down their arms and sued fbr mer
cy, and it is thought the neck of the rebel
lion is broken. So take courage and hope
for the fiest.
Ever your fond sister, , , C.
was, as General Logan justly defined it, an
fviiiii-iinfiir 'CI... ....
levt stand on mfHirrn Zion, lit the valley of
the Gi eat Salt Lake the laud of the letter
Day Saiuts the land of many wives and
chiidiin the laud where- Bcpublicanisui
aud democracy are unknown the land of
the one umn ower. There ait three gov
ernments iu Utah, viz: the Territorial, the
Church, aud Biigham Young's Govcihrncnt.
The Moiiiruii prophet is the head of the
two last ii.ei tk.iu-.d. ' Tin- fn--t 5 i.o:i!,i;l,.t
exerimeut. lhe couuny is, commuted to l by Concrcss, but i: is a fie! ion Utr hr.n jo-a
nothing lhe first cardinal iKiut which elected to the LcgisLtute except Moiu;ons.
wsis to be assertained with the leal disposi- If the Governor votoes laws i,a;sed the
tiou cf the dominant class in theiebel Slates. Lt-giluture of the Slate of Deseiet cau pass
Upon that everything depended. Was it them, and Gov. Young gies them bis sanc-
trust-worthy? Was it such that the hand tion. and they are laws for the Slate, when
or uie c tared Btates ccuM te toon and en- I tliey laued to be so lor the Territory. The
iireiy wiinarawn f
The President has never said to the peo
ple iu the unorganized States uhoia he sum
moned to act, "Do this and that, and then
the States will be restored as before." lie
has merely said and repeated: "Certain
things are obviously necessary in -any recon
struction. Now, then, let us see what you
propose. 11 he had said, after the surren
der of the rebel armies, ".Now do so and so,
and you shall be as you were." there would
have been no discretion. 'Ihose to whom
he appealed would have complied categori
cally with the conditions. Twe lei tesLtiia
tives would have come to Congress. The
foolish advice of withdrawing all the nation
al forces would have prevailed, and the late
rebel States would have been restored to
their full relati-jtis in the UniouT before the
disposition of the people in thei wa- known.
Now by the course of the President this
dispo-ition has been fully reveaied. To use
a familiar phrase, be has given the late r!
els rope. The consequence was, that iho.-e
to whom his proclamations aopeafed at the
couth showed exactly what they thought
and hoped, and the Democrat partv at the
North, supposing that the late rebels were
to return upon their own terms, opened in
full cry for what they called the. President's
folicy. That policy, as now appc-irs. - was
simply an experiment to assert ain if . the
lite insurgents could be trusted: and tlie
result is before the country.
So, also, if the President had called Con
gress together in an extra session to prescribe
conditions. Congress itself could not have
acted intelligently. But now, when it meets
in December, it. understands exactly the
spirit wit h which it has to deal. That spir
it is hostility to the Union and to, all who
have been faithful to it. What the KaL-igh
J'r7re.v; says of North Carolina is undoubt
edly true of the entire insurgent section :
"lhe V ance and Davis leaders fused and
marshaled their forces ajrainst Governoi
HolJen, as they would against anv other
man who h.td denounced tt e war and the
Confederate leaders, and hence the largo
vote airainst th in. If Governor 1 1 olden is
beaten, the same meu who have doue it
would vote for Jefferson Davis cr Zebulo'n
B. Vance against Andrew Johnson. There
must be a great e-hanee of heart in North
Caro ina before Andrew John.-on. as a cau-
ditate fbr t he Presidency, can carry it again-t
any prominent leader in the rebellion who
may ot pose him. We feel confident that it
is but too true that a majority prefer to vote
for a rebel hero to an ultra, unconditional
Union man. These thiuffs are unpleasant
to thae of us who want civil law and a place
in the Union, but as they are ti ne we owe
it to ourselves to state them. The whole
people were very loyally disposed, appar
ently, in May and Jun when the bristlin?
bayonets of many battalions pave them cen-
tle and eonsant reminders of the uecessity
of good behavior ; but as the pressure was
withdrawn the di-affected became more and
j Lw.sxir the State of Dtsent aie notpublish
j i'''t.ae kept among the teciet aicliives.
1 he Mormons fill maily c-vei v office, and
everything is under thcirecntrol. The Dis
trict Attorney has six wives ; the Collector
of Interna! Beveiiue is a most belligerent
Mormon, and besides the cflk-e, bolus also
the following ; Shetiff of r" alt Iuike county
and Territory, Member of the City CounciJ
and Adjutant General of all the forces of
the Church and State of DesereL All of
these t fsws arc -of groat importance, and
comprise more powers than our room will
allow fur explanation..; He has six rjffices;
ne has six wives. The Assessor of Internal
Revenue aud his a.-situms have three wives
each. The postmaster of Salt Lake City is
an Krgli.-fcmftir, and b.as two wives and nine
children. . The -p-wMshilion of Utah is esti
mated at .one hundred thousand. One of
its leading uierchaiit.s JaM year cleared nearly
a half minion ol' dollars, ?.nd a'l the energet
ic business men are correondirgy prosper
ous. The anifunt"as-escd for the whole
territory is about $;)s0.0OO, which is $C2,
OiiO less than the assessment of Colorado.
tha contains only two hundred thousand
fuls. Tiiis people, under the advice of
their leaders,'are preparing for resi.-tarice,
even to war, against any inteiferenoe with
what they call their religious faith. ; They
antkipr.te no iiiierfcrence, except from
the United States. The burden of their
speeches 3rd scniion cven where is to arm
for t he cr.ming. conte.-t. Tlvey are arming.
Brighnm Young hes iust teturr.ed, after, a
lour ft' jour wocks with bis. military staff
and speech-makers,. Their faith, asappear"
fronr all they ?a;, 2nd a'l they a.t, is re
duced to but one item pofycartiy. This is
thoonly thing they tail; of fighting for. ard
its the only itqju the leaders care a rush for.
Oxe nr THE CniVAbKy. On ' Saturday,
Nov. 25th, about thirty of the chivahy were
piesent at the White Ilonse, amom? whom
wxs.Wm, Porclier Miles, of South Carolina
Appnuehiiigthe President he stiid,. '"! come
-Tii'fer what
the President.
to liiorure a trdon. sir.
class do nm come?"' asked
,1 left a seat m Congress to. join my Siate,
and have only acted ai( tljvu.-aiidsi of others
have done. You have pardoned two of my
Colleagues.' 'Messrs." McQueen and Boyco ;
my name is W. Porcher Miles, and 1 only
a-k the same favor. j.he iTPbrir.
psou.pt!-rcpliud, "Your case must take its
chance with others "and in regular way: I
cui;h.j. iukc il up now. i tits was an evi--
l.M.i- tuM-.?.-1- III? Jl,l..t
w.i. . . ..-- v , ,l,.h
ied. and said :
ve a permit
"We!!, sir, I would like to 1
to go tj we.iK. in K.me civil pursuit, either
uiercantiie or irolbssionaJ. I have lost
everything and niustdosomchiaer," "That
i? not necessa'7," answered .the President,
"there are.no such psirers used." Not to
I t .put, olf, .Miles continued, "Is there no .'
tiii do by Thicb Ivan expedite my paidon t'
"None at all. unless vou see the Attorney
I General and learn if there are reasons why '
it sr.ould not be erantcd. and the chiva r:c
more insolent, until now men, wouien. and
children, on bended knees, are imploring Mi.es lowei hurriedly out of the presence
Andrew Johnson to restore them their tiar- J of the men he had so often mocked, to hunt
ling pet, Jefferson , Davis. These iid'atua-1 up the Attorney (Jeneral and hurry his par
tions may be sweet and pleasurable now, j don through,, mi he could get out of the
but if we mistake not they will become ter- sight of those whose associations were evi
ribly bitter before the ; March winds shall ! detuly to disagreeable to his retined fcenses.'
uave ceased their requiems. e regret to
speak thus, tut wide spread and increasing
disaffection compels us to do it. The sup
porters of Wade Hampton and Mr. Worth
are the enemies of Andrew Johnson, and
will be as long as he is the enemy of treason
and foe to traitors ; and when the time comes
when they can strike him a blow they wiil
doit." , . . , .
The course of the Administration, in pa
tiently permitting the real spirit of the late
rebels to display itself, will, upon reflection,
not be condemned by any truly loyal man.
To Renovate Black Sii.k. Take the
dress or cloak to pieces. Mix an equal
Tngencjtt of a Chinese Tailor.: qnanity of honey, soft soap, and spirits of
When Minister Ward was in China, a clercv- I "idV to the consistency of cream. Bnb
man who was with the embassy had occasion . Rome of this on all the soiled and spoiled
to sat hi attt an 1 mnMUn both inended 1 Fpotsi with a liard brush, and when all the
before appearing at Pekin ; they were so I "tains are removed, rub over the whole diess
much patched and darned by a Jong resi- j with the Fame mixture. After this, dip
deuce m a Ian 1 of scarcity of tailors and each breadth in and out of the ter until
high prices, that they were not fit to be' aI1 tne mixture is off, and hang the pieces
seen ; and at Canton he left them to have a , nn line that the water may drip from them,
new suit made. He received at the appoint- i P not wring or rub the silk together. Iron
edtime new garment-, with every darn aad J fconthe wrong side. ( -- r1 ;
patch fa accurately true to the old clothes, j - , . . t '
that nothing but t he greater strength of the j Annexatiov of Canada; The Fenian
new cloth could 'determire one from the excitement having somewhat subsided in
other. The tailor had uoluckilr conceived Canada, the provincial confederation
that the darns and patches were no many ' scheme.' our Montreal correspondent states,'
emblems of the clergyman's profession. : . will now be brought up again. , Every ef-
. lion wui oe maue oy tne ianauian anunome
StldersiirnsJ rnn: . .u .
. . . ... . t tw . . 1 ... -1 - t r. n
"""-wimiaiii cttontT-.,, : . - - " . ' . r. : . ' a k..- tl,.:-. tiAlltl, At nan.
aiso per eent G?Terei.t ntw: -''cw man . t hey may l.srei, ro yon sooner j r..u.,. , .,r .' Vi Ji!.-l!i "a ""iAh nd cried out.
' ' ' r li B.i5WOOPB.Vl than to.ohr of ns r i A-k them .whatihey feign wa -w-icim venr wmre jo-i eiu. c ... .'" '-r in
t)4 ii7 4, i864. . - au L-i ' wariK 4nd it mv nfe T'u vieia it up read- man on the Island, then the chddxen, and aJl over, doctor ; you needn t eome in
The New Bedford Mercury tella a fitory ) governments to effect a union of t he colo
of "the height of ewnomv, bordering on . Jiut the maratime provinces still oppose
meanness," A man of immense wealth in .A trench Republican club has been or;
one of our large cities was sick. At length, : franked m Montreal with theobject of actfa
aftr .i-a r ln. b died dorinir ting in favor of the annexaUon of Canada
t ;ht A .-hiH. only heir to to the United States.
-IVrhns xrni ha I het Old Mr. Hinchelwoixl also had a narrow es-1 his vast estate, sat by the window tne next ' ; , . . , .
k olhem, aT vm, area ' cape, but they leveled hi hon-e to thelnmrning. watching the advent of the physi-r A ermont; farmer counted lhe prodact
. . V..' i r. u:- t.Aii;,l, A. fin A h annroaehed the huse, the be- of one kernel of buckwheat and fuind the
yieiu 10 te inieo utouaouu vwu uuuuiiai iiu
yenty kernel - - - -.
it s
There are on enr army and navy Tsts a
genera!, cn'onol, lieutenant colonel and sev
eral surgcrn.s, natives ot the Sandwich Is- '
lands, who volunteered to fight for the U
nion rstuse tm the firA call 'for men,- and it
is claimed that the two thousand AineiicaDS ;
re.-idiog on these ilaridj, gave more to the,
Sanitary' Commission, in proportion.to their;
numbers and means, than any community 1
in the United State. -j. " r- :. ' - -j "
There is a genuine "war of races" at New
Orleans, benveenthe Creole and American
citizens, all about tbe teaching of French in k
the public .schools. The American element -
has control in the city, and js determined
that French shall not be taught, 1 and that :
the next generation of Creoles shall be thor
oughly Americanused.' -This rouses in iho
oppoite fany a spirit of jealously il not of;;
hatred., ".. ' . , . . '-
A Mountain of Salt. A striking curi- '.
osity has lately bec-u discovered- in Nevada
Territory.', It is a mountain of. rock . salt,
situated about twenty miles from Meadow"
Valley, and only -eighteen miles from the'
head of navigation on. tbe - Colorado river; -It
rises abruj'tly from the plain, about four
hundred feet in heisrht,'.a mountain' of pure,.,
sparkling," erystalized sa!tJ ':..-'- 1 ' - - -''.- 'i
.,.. - . - 'r
The country between Louisville and Nash- ,
ville is perfectly 'alive with wild pigeons,
Tbe yeomen of Kentucky .and Tepucssee
are reaping rich harvest from the Innumer- "
atle roosts along railrdadt i One night last
week the pigeous thronged upou the. Green 'L.
river bridge in such, weighty numbers that
the safety of that struct ire was imperiled.
A merchant who- started in business in
New, York a few years ago,, with a capital of
$16J,tnJ. was "admitted to thej aluiiwhouM.
hut week a a pauper. " " ' "