Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 29, 1865, Image 2
i .11 ' 1-3 ll 3 J.-H a 3 a '3 , si a V Raftsman's mtrnal. S3 8. J. BOW, EDITOR A PROPRIETOR. CLEARFIELD, PA., NOV. 20, 1SG5. A Hew Eailroad. We learn that the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad Company, (principally European capitalist, and of whom Sir Mor ton Peto, now in this country, is chief,) has leased the Catawis.ar and other railioads and purchased the charters forothers, which together will enable the company to con struct a continuous line of Railroad from the city of New York to Cincinnati, Ohio. The greater portion of this road is already constructed, at both ends leaving but that portion between Milton in Northumberland county, and Franklin in Venango county, to be made. The contemplated route be . ' , , .... . is througU White ounty ; Sugar and tween these two points Deer Valley in Union conn Nittany Valleys in Clinton county ; up Fish ing Creek, Mill Hall, Raid Eagle aud Beech creek to Snow Shoe, in Centre county, and thence by Clearfield and Rrookville to Fi ank lin making it much the frhortest route be tween the great oil region in Pennsylvania and the Atlantic sea coast. The distance, in a straight line, from Milton to Franklin is 153 miles, but by the contemplated sur vey 175 miles, a.i follows: from Milton to Clearfield 90 miles, from Clearfield to Rrook ville 40, and from Rrookville to Franklin 45. I By the Philadelphia and Erie road the dis tance to the oil region is 2.'J'J miles, and to Erie city 26. The Atlantic and Great Western road is therefore C4 mile3 shorter to the oil region, an 1 about the same dis tance less to the State line. There are in use what are called broad guage, and narrow guagc roads. The Penn sylvania roads generally are narrow guage, the rails being 4 feet inches apart ; while on other roads the rails are 6 feet apart, and are called broad guage. This great central thoroughfare is to be furnished wilh three rails, making it both a narrow and broad road can pass over it. .When completed this line will extend from New York to Cin cinnati.by a route 120 miles shortert ban any other, where it connects with a broad guage road (the Ohio and Mississippi) to St. Louis. That this road will, eventually, be extended to the Pacific coast, there is little doubt,thus making one continuous and complete iron track across the entire continent. And there seems to be no doubt, that the portion of the road, lying between Milton and Franklin, will be built shortly, as the money to complete it is cn hands. The necessary surveys are to be ma ic immediately, and the road put under contract at an early day. When completed it will be a formidable ri val of the Pennsylvania Central, and the Philalelphia and Erie Railroads, and will have a tendency to materially lessen the coast of travel, and to cause a reduction in the transportation of freight. Clearfield, it will be observed, is mention ed in connection with the 'building of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway. Should this place be made a point in its location, our borough will certainly derive much benefit therefrom its borders will be extended, its business increased, and th ; value of property enhanced. In view of these facts, our business men and capiia! ists suould give this great railway en terpiise nll the encouragement they can, as it will be not only the means of building up our town, but will develop the resources of our entire county. On Wednesday, Nov. 22d, the examina tion before the United States Assessor, at Meadeville, of the proprietors of certain oil wells on Pithole creek was held. It was sup posed that during certain months more oil wa produced than was returned for taxation. After inquiry it was discovered that the agents of certain wells returned upon their reports only the value of their working inter est, and not the entire products of the wells. At the investigation it was found that some of the agents, whether it was their intention to defraud or not, had claimed to have an under standing with the oVners of the land and free interest, to the effect that the latter should take their share of the oil from the . tanks, and pay their share. Heretofore the custom has been for the working interest to pay the fulj amount of the tax and then col lect the respective portion from the land and free interest The decision places the pen alty upon the free interest, which is one fourth the oil, but relerred the matter ior final decision to the Chief Commissioner at Washington. We were mistaken the other day, says the Press, in asserting that De Hays and Capt. W. W. Wilson were the only survivors of the expedition of Dr Kane. A correspon dent informs us that Mr. Amos BonsalL, who was one of the party, is still alive and resides in Delaware county, just oukida of the limits of Philadelphia. Curreccy Resumption The following article on the subject of our currency, and the res imption of specie pay ments,, we copy from the New York tri bune, of November 23d : We are amazed that any should believe as several who write us seem . to do that our present watered Currency operates eith er as a Protection to Home Industry or as an impediment to excessive Jniporution. It has no more effect in that way than an act of Congress changing the denominations of our Specie Currency, so that every half dollar should be called a dollar, every lia;f eau'e an easrle. would have. Can it be ne cessary to argue so plain a proposition? ' Resumption would help our Home Indus try in this war : Men hate to invest money in" Houses, or Mills, or Railroads, when they know that $1,HH) thus expended now will go no further than 000 would by-and-by. They naturally choose to lend their rnonev on stocks, or invest it in Government bonds, and thus wait till the Currency har dens and Prices fall, before putting it into structures that are eertain to be cheapened by Resumption. Who can be ignorant of this? Rut about Tmnorations : We are now, and have long been. import ing far too many goods, especially of costly and sumptuous Fabrics. The duties on Im ports are high ; the rates of Exchange heavi ly adverse ; so that $1,000 sent abroad for goods will not return 100 worth Jo the American consumer ; yet what cares the man who has made $50,000 in two or three speculative operations? What cares his fashion-following, dress-adoring wife? They jointly go ahead and pooh-iooh the expense; Uo that Cities at $o to $10 per bottle rre jasfreclvahentl.eyco.tand $3. I s ro.,ume, and you will see Imports falling ell, people grown suddenly economi iiil. sunerb dresses made to do for ten or twelve parties instead of one or two, and a sudden pulling up all around. If we could resume on the 1st day ot January next, we should import One Hundred Millions' worth l.:ss in ISoo' than we should on a diluted Currency ; aud that would be ju-t so much clear pain. "Rut ourPublic Securities, now hold abroad, will come back upon us." Let them come ! We heavily wib tlicy had never gone wish they were all back to day. If those who now bold them send them here for sale, they can only sell them for what we may be willing to pay for them. We profoundly wifh they would send every bond to-morrow, sell it for coin and take the coin away. We should be stronger then, and letter able to resume, than we now are. Why won't people see that thht is the main obstacle to Resumption ? If we owed Europe nothing, we might re.-ume to'-mor-row on a quarter of the specie we have in the country. Nobody is going to run the Ranks for coin but those who need it in their business. We (for illustrations) re ceive and tav out ucarlv $1,000,000 tier an num in our business, yet wc use no coin but a little change, and rarely ueed or draw even a triflie of snecie from our bank. Rut if we were importing Silks or Woolens, Wines ,f ?Ttif,'a We mialU want coin to the extent 01 HUH Our 1u.C.m. aud I lie, UtJlto u ouJ. have to supply it. The notion that a debauched Cmrene:. stimulates Exportation is a sheer fallaey. For a few days (or hours) alter the premium on Gold takes a long leap upward. Jus porta tion may be stimulated ; but the prices of exportable staples very soon adjust them selves to the new rates of Exchange, and then all is flat again. Rut we cannot export heavily at present. tor want of the raw material. e haven i the staples in lanre quantities to snare What we should do is to reduce our Imports to' the lowest figure unt.l we can grow s heavy crop next 3-ear. And this most need ed reduction will be greatly aided by Re sumption. RnWs of the Nations policy ! in behalf ot Malt a .Million widows and orphans of Union soldiers whose paltry pension ofJ.S per month is l.etitled to -5 by a di.uted Currency, we implore you to give us th earliest possible Resumption.' Taxes-Debt. The Philadelphia Press, of Nov. 21st,con tains the following remarks on the subject of our National taxes, and our National debt : It is authcritively avowed that "the Sec retary ot the .treasury will urge that the revenues of the Government be increased to the highest possible figure, and that the excess of recriptsover expenditures licapplied tothe payment ol toe debt as last as is practicable. 1 his is the trua v not the only economy When wo remember cur agony ia the dark hours of war,ar.i recall our willingness to sac rifice anything to give victory to our aims and security to the Government ; when we look over the record which contains the names of the thousands who contributed with princely generosity from their large fortunes to the common treasury, and dwell upon the long list of the heroes who volunteered with impulsive patriotism and fell fighting in defence of theflag.how beneath contempt are not those mercenary feelings which ani mate too many fortunate men in these times when they are called upon to pay the sums assessed upon their incomes! We have heard of citizens who, during the war would have gladly sac rificed halt their fortunes for a single victory, now moaning and complain ing of what they conceive to be unjust taxa ation. Some of the most melancholy instances of human depravity have been the exposures of men who, in order to escape the payment of a few hundred dollars tax, have deliber ately perjured themselves by mistating their worldly possessions. A gentleman of large wealth said to us the other day, "I caught myself in the act of doing a mean thing, when I saw how much money I had to pay, and how much more I would be cal led upon to pay to the collector of the inter nal revenue in my district In the emotion produced by what looked like a large sum, I forgot that all my prosperity was due to the valor and the sacrifices ot the brave men who had fongbt for the flag, to the constancy and peseverance of our Executive and his Minis ters, to the undoubting faith of the Ameri can people." Secretary MrCcLLOCH may rely upon it, however, that the spirit which carried the country successfully through the dark hoars of the rebellion, will give him ar dentand unpausiitg support ill the noble et for the is now making to reduce our burdens, and particularly to alleviate the sufferings of those who. notwithstanding their high wages, are still compiled to struggle for the maintenance of their families. Congress meets on Monday next. Early and Bover. -MDr. Earley. We see that the Republi- - i ) i,, :n f..,;. lT-b j- V i nl ) - nt 1 1 MimmL" If riistriet as an independent l'einoc.ai. n there is an "ini&pend eternity. Dr. Earlkt is ent man iui muu ui , .kl u.un i a ,.i one but in classm- ones-on uieir najr uiiuutu u1t;uc.c1uu.r ' ,- x- : "i . i rr r:iih f heir , .wtjiiiitnin anil it tHi.- ZSHhe came evid,nt that depredations to an alarm -SSne himlow! a. Democrat When in extent were beingcommutedonthernaiis. they do that they will have told the whole i I The Post Office Department took the mat rtorV as regards his politics. There ,eas no j ter into hand and placed the case n enarge . 7- 7-,...- l-.-,, i if J3nti-i;il A sent S loane. of Ohio, ior mves- refuiar nomination in nf the ilisarrepnent of lliC conl onierence. ana the contest at the election was confined to two Democratic candidates. The bet of the twr (and most excellent man was elected." Lock ILiven Democrat, or. 2Zd. "Dr. Dover. By reference to the procee dings of the Representative Conference, which met atLuthersburg on Friday (Sept. 1st,) it will be observed that thisvgentk-inan has been re-nominated for the Assembly. This is the fifth time that Dr. Boyer, hns been uominatol by the Democracy of this di'strirt. Of his election there can : be no doubt. Clearfield liejuiblicnn, iScpt, 6tli. "As I have been charged with advoca ting tbe claims of Dr. Earley, for Assembly, an3 thus disorganizing the party, an expla nation seems to be called for from me. . . . There is no man in the district whom I re spect more highiy than Dr. Earley, but per sonal respect will not swerve me from the support of a regularlv nominated candidate, I'Dr. Boyer." A. J. Wallace, QVm. Dan. Co. Com. Oct, Zrd. What queer fellows these Copperheads are ! The Democrat says there was no regu lar nomination in this district, whilst the Repuhltain and Wallace regard Dr. Boyer as the rfg.U'ii' nominee. The Democrat also indirectly avers that Dr. Early was not an "Independent candidate," whilst ial- lace's language plainly indicates that he icon. Now, either the Democrat wilfully misrepresents the case, or the Cops in this - . 1 fr A county have been ignorant ot tne iacts therein, and should hereafter call on their Lock Haven friend to enlighten them. But perhaps, the Democrat is only poking fun t its unfortunate Copperheal brethren m this district? If so, be is very ungenerous. To be 'beat by an "Independent candidate" is a sore humiliation, but, to be sneered at, and derided, on account of our misfortunes, by party friends, is an insult almost leyond endurauce. Poor Cops ! how bad they feel. We really pity them ! Oxk Hundred Gout Dollars. This is the title of an exceedingly interesting story about to be published in that excellent family paper, the Sun da;-School Times, of Philadelphia. The narrative is from the pen of an author whose n inie is a guarantee for the sterling worth of the lessons it teach es. TJ'e object is to show the proper uses as well as the abuses of money. It abounds tn incidents drawn trom tne lives of eminent persons to show that wealth, in order to prove a blessing, must be properly applied The f tory alone is well wor:h in any family circle the subscription price of the paper, which, is only $1,50 a year, in advance. The paper is published every week, and at tractive premiums are given to those who get up clubs of new subscribers. We rcecm mend our readers to send for sample copies and a list of the premiums, which will be furnished free, on application to the pul lishers, J. C. Carrigues & Co., 148 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. On the 21st Nov. a bill, conferring entire civil rights upon the freedinen, passed the Mississippi Legislature. On the 1 8tli the col ored troops attacked a passenger trarn at Lauderdale Springs. Their officers were not able to control them. Governor Hum phreys telegraphed to President Johnson that the Legislature had U'tn memorialized for the removal of the troops, and are wil ling, if they are witdrawu, to extend the rights of testifying in courts to the freed inen. The President replied that the troops would be withdrawn when order can be re stored without them, and that measures should be adopted whieh would give pro tection to all freedmen, in the possession of their property and other withheld rights. Sinning and Sorrowing. We wish to call especial and particular attention to an admirable book for the young, just issued from the press of J. C. Garrigues & Co., publishers of the Sunday-School Times. The work is every highly commended by different journals, all over the country, as will be seen by reference to thr advertise ment in another column. We think it will prove a very acceptable present for the coming holida3-s. ' Some time since the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad gave a deed of trust or mortgage to John Rear, a New York bank er, for thirty millions of dollars. One thou sand dollars in revenue stamps were placed on the deed, and the Department being tele graphed to know whether that amount was sufficient, the answer stated that before the deed would be valid, it would require thirty thousand dollars' worth of stamps. Twelve hundred and fifty men of the Vet eran Reserves, have been mustered out by Major LaMotte, chief mustering officer, leaving about one hundred enlisted men of this organization in the department. . The officers number about two hundred, and for the present remain in the service. A session of the United States Circuit Court, with either Chief-Justice Chase or Jadge Underwood presiding, has been or dered to commence at Norfolk, Ya., and it is thought by some that its business will be the trial of Jeff. Davis. Arrest of a Mail Depredator. From the Cleveland papers of yesterday we learn that an important arrest nas oeen madeofa.maildepdator in that city It appears that, for some months past, large i , , , - , ,ri- , - .. 5 efforts ot Postmaster Benedict and other.- u. - iiuii. ui ui.n vui.i, u. ." were, however- exaust! m lutilc attempts to feiret out the guilty parties. ; Recently the services of S. B. Row, Spe cial Agent of the Postofriee Department for Pennsylvania, were, called .into requisition, and it is gratifying to know that his plans and combinations resulted in the most com plete success. For prudential reasons, de tails will not. be given. Suffice it to say, that on last Monday of this week' Mr. Row prepared a number of fetters for points be yond Cleveland, mailed them at Pittsburgh, and accompanied the mail to that city. On Tuesday these letters were" found to be mis sing. Special Agents Sloane and Van Vech ten having arrived at Cleveland, a enr sulfa tion was held and a course of procedure de termined upon. Accompanied by the U. S. Marshal, the Postmaster, his Assistant it Su perintendent, these officers entered the Po-t-office and succeeded in finding in the posses sion of B. F. Taylor, one of the distribution clerks, indisputable evidence ot Ins guilt. Taylor at once confessed that he had stolen the letters in question, as well as ottiers,anu was evident that his depredations were very extensive. On rdnesdav he was taken before U. S. Commissioner White, who. a- tor a hearing, committed hitu ior tmi, in default of S3.0O0 bail. Tavlor is a native of flic State ot Acw York, is about fwentv tw vars of a '-2, and has been in the Cleveland Post eiffice since last June. It is a very sad fall for a young man wh o had ser' d his country in the ar- niv.aml who bad a bright future before liiui. I ittslurj Commercial, Xoi: 227. A IIeavv Couri.F.. There are at pres ent living in MeJianicsv He, Howard town- hip, Centre County, a married couple whose united weight aniounts to over six hundred pounds Mr. John Leathers and his wife. The former weighs 202 pounds and the latter 4 2 lyounds. This immense mass ct humanity lives together in the ' ut- mo.st liariiionj", and enjoys excellent health. Mrs. Leathers weighed euly 9 pounds when she was married, and has . acquired all h?r surplu; flesh since that happy time. The couple arc a curiosity and are worth go inr to see. Tli-2 discovery of a gold quartz vein, in East Providence township, Tledford county, is canviijr great excitement in that locality. On the strength of the discovery, two com panies have been organized, and are now at wort uevekjpinfj the vein. 1 he general im pression is thiit old exists in that township, and even near the town of '. Bedford, but wuetner in payiinr quantities or not is yet to be demonstrated. It is said lead has al so been found in lha same neighborhood. These diK-c r-re "la 'Ton the line of the Swuthorii IVn yivauia Kailroad. A yonng man and young woman were burned to d.vith on T'imysday, Nov. 10, in Franklin county, Kansas, while trying to save some h;iy from being consumed by a prairie Gre. The. parents of the young peo ple came from Indiana, and lately settled near Ottawa. Large numbers of prairie fires have occurred recently in the newly set tied districts of Kansas, and a very considera ble amount of property in the way of barns, fences, hay and fodder, and in two or three instances houses have been destroyed. Fx.oPviDA. A telegram was received 6a Noveniber.20th, by President Johnson, from (governor larvm, of l ionda, in which the Governor siatc-s th:.t the" convention of h is Mate has annuiied'tliG ordinance of secession and declared that all persons-in the State are free, witaout di.-tiuction of color, and that on account of color no one should be considered incompetent as a witness in any court wherein a colored person is concerned. It has repudiated the rebel State debt, and in other respects amended the constitution, and adjourned. They are looking for a young man in Chi cago namad Ilawley, who has fallen heir to $400,000 by the death of an uucle in Eng land. The rebel ram Merrimac, sunk in Hamp ton Roads, has been partially raised. Ad vertixt mtiittxrt ml a rgr, typr, ritix,rontof plain xtyhufUl be charged double price forspaceocciepied To insure attention, the CASH mugt accompa nynoMees.fc follows: Ail Caatiom &nd Strays, with $1,50; Auditors', Administrators' and Ex ecutors' notices, 82,50, each ; Dissolutions, 82: all other transient Notices at the same rates Other advertisements at$l,50persqaare,for3or les insertions. Ten lines (orAess) count a square rilllE MASO.N & HAMLIN CABINET X OKuArt Forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for $S0 to S600 each FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or oth er first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Cat alogues free. Address. MASON 4 HAMLIN. Boa ton, or MASON BROTHERS, Sew Xork. November 29, 1855. EXECUTORS NOTICE Letters testa mentarj on the Estate of John Brown late of Burnside tp., Clearfield co , Pa., deceased, having beer, granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those haying claims a gaiuet the same will present them proper t au thenticated for settlement. W. J. HOTKEY yov. 29, ldfio-pd Executors. TURNPIKE DIVIDEND. At a meeting cf the Managers of the Philiosburg and Sus quehanna Turiipike road Co.,. held Hoy. 22nd l6a, it was resolved that a Dividend of two dol lars per share be declared, payable at the Office at Philipsburg on. and after the first day of Jan nary, 16(5 B. HARTSHORN, President. Attest- E F. Lioyd. Secretory. Puilipsburj: Nor. 23d lhfio, i i ....... i. ...? tit i . r i (i ri ., ri i n i . 1 1 t i 1 1 STEW A3VEETISEMSST5. NEW GOODS! Mrs. H. D. Welsh & Co., nve Just Received Tbeir- r FALL AUD WINTER GOODS, " Which were pnrcha-eJ during the present decline, and thereto: e arc enabled to sell vrry cheap OURSTOCK Consiits in part of Merino?. Alpaeaa, Poplina; Wool, Armore.ard common Pelaine; Oing Jhama, Prints. thawl. Nubias. Hoods. Ho-. ' sierv. Gloves. I!amorl and Hoop Skirts. Flannels. Lades' Cloth, .... - - Sheetings. Muslins. Tickings Toweling. Sontsgs. Breakfast Shawls. Capes. Ac Also, a full assortment of MILLINERY GOODDS, Among which are HU. BonDcts. Feathers. Rib bons. Flower, l.aces. Frames, Matiness, Velvets. Silks, Cjar.cs. ber&ges, veils, etc.. and a large stock of v HOLLIDAY TOYS, Including Chiua, Brome. Papier Maehe. Tin, Rosewood Gla?s, Pewter. - Wooden, Parian and Candy Tots. FOR LADIES, Such aa Pomades, Oils, BanJoMne. bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge. Lilly White, etc. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a continu ance of the kind patronage of the people of Clear field county. tyilemtmlier the place Second Street, next door to first National Bank. "ot. 29. 1S65 ARTHUR MERTON ; Or, Simiinir and Sorrowing. 7 CD By Mi.ss Caroline E. Kelly. Author of "Berr.ice, the tanner's Daughter, "Andj Ha:!.' Ac. Ac. Beautifully Illustrated. Price, SI,2i. This is a book that cannot fail to do pre at irood. It is from the pen cf one of the most successful writers of the present dny, 83 the name of Miss Kelly is a household word in thousands of homes where her excellent books have been read with avidity, piofit and delight. Parents! The book will have a salutary in fluence in every home circle, because the narra tive of "Arthur Morton" is a true or.e. in all its important particulars. He was a youth employ ed in one of our large cities, and through the ex ample of wicked associates, he was tempted to do wrong. The evil consequences of such a course are most clearly thovn, and the shoals pointed out on which so many sons make ship wreck. It illustrates the injurious inQ uence of sinful companions upou character. It is a book that every young person may read with profit. Christian 1itelicreucer, New York. Thestory of a boy's life, relating his temptations and his failures, together with hi3 success, when at length he finds the true source of moral strength. Wecoinmend it as a model book. DaifyCourant, Connecticut. The story narrated is one of thrilling interest, embodying the facts of real history. Miss Kelly occupies a high place as a writer of juvenile books. The volume is got op with unexceptiona ble taste. The Presbyterian , Philadelphia. It illustrates the pernicious influence of evil associations, and the importance of forming when vnunr. a tood Christian character as a tower of defense against tue inner uru.n.,.uuuii. Cuu.ii. gelieat Messeetr.Qeeau&. Ohio. The boys will like this book for its naturalness, and i'8 introducing them to a hero in whom they will feel a personal and worm interest. At the same time it will do them good, warning them agaiift evil companions and the beginning of wron The National Baptist, Philadelphia. The style is ehaste and happy, and the book Is t:i't handsomely bound. It should be in the tiauds of thousands of young people. Religion, Te' escape. Dayton, Ohio. Sing'e copies of the book sent by mail to any address on receipt of the price. Sample copies of our paper. XheSmtday School Times, furnished free on application J. C. GARUIti LES & CO.. Publishers and Booksellers. 143 South Fourth Str.et, Philadelphia, Pa SPLENDID JEWELRY, ' W atcheSjDiamonds, &o. FOR THE HOLL1DAYS! Ihe House of Posanquet, Giraud A Co., Paris nave tne pleasure ot announcing that they have opened an Aseney in the city of IVfic York, for the sale of their Widely Known Jewelry, Watch es. Ac, and for the purpose of making their goods as extensively known and appreciated in the I'nitcd States as tbey now are. and have been for over 70 years, in F-urope; they Lave deter- mincu on a pian oy wnicb. poor and rich alike may have the advantage of their splendid stvlcs. As a preliminary, they would remark that thev manufacture and sell no imitation Jewelry or !lrafrr,'but All are Warranted Gold of tie finest Workmanship. Our customers will also have the erreat r.dvan tage of a constant succession of new and recherrhe styles and patterns with which we shall keep our New York -veeney supplied. We have adopted the plan of sale, now so pop ular, of charging a uniform price, and this priee will invariably be S2 or each article, no matter how costly it may be. The expense of conduct ing our New;York Agencjc-are paid by the sale of Certificates or Coupons representing the various articles. These Cirtificates pre sold at 50 cents each, or five for S2, and each Certificate will show the holder the particular article be or she is en titled to, on payment of an additional 52. If the article named on the Certificate ia not desir. ed. the lidder will oblige us, when he returns the Certificate, by elcting what ether article of the same value he or she may prefer, and it will be sent with pleasure. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE, and every means to that end will be exerted. We solicit a trial forevery one who reads this notice as we are competent of giving the utmost satisfac tion.. THE STOCK COMPRISES Amongst other articles, Splendid clocks. Gold and Silver Watches, Rings set with Uiamondg.j uuoies, rejiris. uarnui ana otner Stones, (soli taire and in clusters,) Ladies'. setts of Jewelry comprising Pins and Ear-rings of the most fash iotiable styles, set ia Precious Stones of every va riety, together with a large assortment of Gold and Enamelled and Pearl sets, Gold Studs and Sleeve buttons of the most beautiful patterns. Genu' bosom and Scarf Pins, and an endless variety of Bracelets. Chains, Musical boxes, Head Dresses, Combs. Charms. Ac. ln case any of onr patrons are not in want of Articles of Jewelry and would prefer Silverware, we will send, for Any Certificate returned to us, a richly engraved bet of Castors or Butter Dish, bcaulifully chased and plated. r AGENTS ARE WANTED In every part of the United States and Provinces, and to all such very liberal inducements will be ?"r?d' "d- on application, a circular of terms wiU be forwarded. We prefer money sent in Post Office Orders where they can be obtained, or by Uank Draft to our order. Address all orders to our Agecy, which will be conducted by Messrs. JAQUET. STERLING A Co., 1S9 Broadway, New York. Nov.29. 1861-3m VjAljT good article, and very cheap at the WM. P. IRWIN. Clearfiel L. A LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, paints, oils white lead. etc.. at E. A. IRVlN'fe HORSE-SHOES and horse-nails, to be had at Aug. 23. MERRELL& BIGLER'S. KIW APVEBTISEMEKTS. CLOCK ASD WATCH MAKER, Graham's Row, Clearfield. Pa. The undersigned respectfully, informs hii old customer and the pablic. that be has on band (and constantly reeeiTitg new additions.) a Jarre stock of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry --'-''-n- a targe variety from th best Manufactory, consisting of Eight day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, Levers. Time. Strike and Alarm. . WATCHES a fine assortments silver Hunticr nd open ease American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. JEWE LRYr ct every variety, from a sine piece to a full set t, .. . i, . ' -JL ; i OULD rEXS. an elegant assortment, of tl test quality. Also, in silver ,extcusioa-and.dak. holders """ ' ... SPECTACLES, a. large assortment, far and near sight, colored and plain glass. ALSO, fin assortment oftpoons, Forks lat ter knives, etc.. plated on genuine Alabata ' All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted - ' " A continuance of patronage is solicited November 2 1866. H. F. N A UfJ LB GPvOVESTEEN.jrcO PIANO FORTE . MANUFACTURERS,' ! 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. " . ' f The attention of the public and the trade lain-.' vited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rosewood Piano lories, which for volume and purity of tone ar unrivalled, by any other hitherto offered in this -market. Ubey contain all the modern improve ments, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedel, Iron Frame, overstrung Bass, etc., and each instru- ; ment being made under the personal supervision' of Mr;J. H. tirovesteen, who has bad a practical experience of over 35 years in their manufacture, is fully warrauted in every particular. The "Grovestccn Piano Fortes" re ceived the award of merit over all others atthe celebratcd World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from th best makers in London, Paris. Germany Philadel phia. Baltimore. Boston and New York . and also at the American Institut-for five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our ware-room By the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufac turing largely, with a strictly cash system, ar enabled to offer these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. Puicrs No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners. Rosewood plain case 5275. ' . No 2, Seven Oetave. round corners. Rose wood heavy moulding $300. No.. 3, Seven Octave, round eorners, Rose wood Louis XIV style S32i. , j Terms: Net cash in current Funds. . Descrip tive eirculars sent free. nov29'6i ac GREAT SALE OF 1 WATCHES JEWELRY. 81000.000 WORTH ; ; TO BE DISPOSED OF AT r '-' ONE DOLLAR EACH I . VTithout regard to value!! Not to be paid fer until you know what you are to receive!! . BV A. IT. RO WEN ft CO., (Agents for the Alanufact trers.) , p "No. 3G BoeLman Street, Xpw.--Y.arlc. tyRead the following List of article t be sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH : 100 Gold Hunting Case Watches, each $125 09 1 oo Gold Watches, various styles, 75 00 1.200 Ladies Gold Watches, - u ' ' 75 o 1 .500 Silver Watches. ' each $25 00 to 40 09 1,0!0 Elegant Silver Flated Castor Stands, " 30 CO to 50 0 1,000 - Fruit and Cake Caskets, " 15 CO to 55 00 2,5"0 setts of " ", Tea Spoons?' 8 00 to 15 00 2.50O setts of ' " Forks,' .". 8 00 to 15 00 2.000 Goblets, engraved, ' 4 00 to 8 00 3,000 pairs of Table Spoons, 6 00 to 8 00 3,000 pairs of Salt Spoons, 3 00 to 510 4.500 magnificent Napkin Rings.' ' 4 00 to 9 49 6.000 pairs of Pendant Ear Drops,' (assoited colors,) 5 00 to 8 0 3.300 setts of Ladies Jewelry, iuiita- , in Ivory, 5 00 to 10 00 2,500 Gold Lockefs, engraved backs. watch face, perfect imitation L. W. 18 00 10?000 Ladies' Back Combs, rich and unique patterns, 5 00 to 25 09 4,400 Belt buckles, Gold, Jet, and Vulcanite, 5 00 to 15 00 6.000 latest style Vest A Neck Chains 5 0t) t20 00 5-iOO Gents' California Diamond Pins 5 CO to 20 00 4,000 California Diamond Ear Drops 5 00 to 10 00 3 000 Miniature and Enameled Re volving Pins, ' 5 00 to 10 00 3.000 California D. A En. G. Scarf P. 5 09 to 10 CO 2.000 Masonic and Emblem Pins, 3 00 to 10 00 2.500 Gold band bracelets, engraved and plain, 3 00 to 20 00 o 000 Jet and Mosaic brooches. 3 00 to 10 00 2,000 Cameo Brooches rich patterns, , 7,ertasty' 5 00 to 20 00 3,000 Coral Ear Drops, 4 00 to 6 00 2.000 Ladies' Catbslaine Chains and r Guard Chains, . 8 00 to 15 00 6.000 Gents' Pins, a splendid astortm't.2 00 tolO 00 4.000 Solitaire Sleeve buttons, en tirely new style. ' : 300 1 10 00 0,'nru nuas ana Sleeve buttons, in ' : ' setts, very rich, 3 00 to 10 00 5,000 Sieve buttons, plain, enameled 1 ADlCnsraved' 2 00 to 8 00 10,01)0 plain and handsomely engra- ved Kings. .. 2 50 to 10 00 8,000 Lockets, double case, richly A engraved, - - ' j 00 t 10 00 15,000 setts of Ladies' Jewelry, new " aJ'61 Bt,es' i 6 00 to 12 00 :000 handsome Seal Rings, 3 00 to 8 00 2.000 setts of bosom Studs. 2 50 to 6 00 1,000 Gold Pens and Gold Extension Holders, 15 00 to 25 00- 2,000 setts Jett and Gold Pins and Ear Drops. 6 00 to 10 00 2,000 Geld Thimbles. Pencils, Ac 4 00 to 8 00 10,000 Gold Pens and handsome Sil- , vnrCf 8f !' 00 to ' 8 00 10.000 Gold Pens and handsome Ebo ny Holders, 4 00 to 0 00 The method of disposng of these goods at On DOLLAR each is as follows : . . - Certificates naming eaah article anditsralue, are placed in sealed -envelopes and well nixed. One ot these envelopes will be sent by mail to any addresson receipt of 25 cents. On the receipt of the Certificate yea will see what yon are going to have, then it is at your op tion to send the dollar and take the article or not, Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold i Watch. Dia mond Ring, or any sett of Jewelery on our list lor 'R DOLLAR, and in no case can they get less than One Dollar's worth, as there are no blanks. Ihe price of Certificates is aus follows : One for 25 cents ; five for $1 ; eleven for S2 ; thirty for 5 ; sixty-five for $10; one hundred for $15. , The distribution is conducted fairly, and all have an equal chance of obtaining the valuable prUes by purchasing the certificates. We guar antee entire satisfaction in all cases. Agents wanted to whom we offer special term s and premiums. Send 25 cents for on Certificate and our circular with terms. Address . A. H. ROWAN A CO., . - P. O Box 4270, New York- EXECUTOR'S 'NOTICE Letters teeta , mentary on the estate of Sarah Norris late of Lawrence township, Clearfield co.. Pa, dee'd having been granted y the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. ' JAMES 8. NORRIS, Nov. 8, 1865-p. Executor 6