Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 29, 1865, Image 1
it 1 ft he BY S. J. row. t?.i CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, . M) YEMBEB 20, 186-5. VOL. 12.-N0. 12. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raftsman's Jovbhai, is published on Wed uIt at $2,00 per innnm in advance.- Adver- risiE5TS inserted at $1.50 per square, for three r less insertions Ten lines for less) countings square. For ererr additional insertion au cents 1 deduction will be made to yearly advertisers.- IRVIS BROTHERS, Dealers in Square & Sawed Lumber. Drj Goods, Groceries, Floor, Grain, Jkt , Ac, Bnrnside Pa., Sept. 23, 1363. KEDERICK LEITZINOER, Manufacturer of II kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield, Pa. Or- 4eso. 'icited wholesale or retail. Jan. I, lSWJ ANSA BABKETT, Attorneys at LawrClear- c eld. Pa. maJ j,. J. CR AS ' ; ' - ' WALTER BARRETT. R&EERT J.WALLACE, Attorney at Law. Clear field P Office in Shaw's new row, Market street, oppo !te Naugle'i Jewelry store May 26. v y a.CC'-I'E, Watch and Clock Maker, and Ara'tr in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in fir.ham-.Tow. Marketstreet. , Nor. 10. BUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law, Clear K .j p. -Offict in Graham's Row, four doo s wert'of Graham Boynton s store. Nor. 10. . ' Hardware. Queensware, Groceries. Pro ;?ne. Front Street, above the Academy, 1411 D9 ffC Cleaiteld, P April 27. WILLIA M F.XKW IS, Marketstreet, Clearfield, Pa., Delrn Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise. Hard ware. Q-jeenaware, Groceries, and fm ily articles ge nerally. Kot. 10. J0IIN Gl'ELICB. Mannfaeturer of all kinds of Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. lie also makes to order Coffins. onfert notice, and attends funerals with a tearse. Aprl0,'a. DR M. WOODS, Pbacticiso Physician, and Examining Surgeon for Pensions. Office, South-west corner of Second and Cbry fctre t, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 186S. alHOMAS J. M'CCLLOUGH, Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa. Office, east of the ' Clearfield et.Bank. - Deedaand other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accarcy. ' July 3. ' JB M'EXALLT, Attorneyat Law, Clearfield, . Pa. Practice --n Clearfield and adjoining counties. Olce in new brick building of J.Boyn t in, 21 street, one door south of Lanieh's Hotel. RICHARD MOSSOPr Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west ot JoumtUOJieti, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. . rrmOMAS W.-MWRK, Lana Purveyor an xn J vejaneer. Office at his residence, i mile east of Pennville. Postoffice address, Grampian llills DeeJs and other instruments of writing neatly executed. June 7th, ISfia-ly. WM. ALBERT A BRA'S, Dealers tn Dry Goods, C roceries, Hardware, Queensware, Flour, Bacon, etc.. Woodland, Clearfield county, Penn'a. Also, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders sol ici ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th, 1863. DR J. P. BIT RCII FIELD, late Surgeon of the 83rd Regt Penn'a Vols, having return ed from the army, offers his professional services to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Prof-fe.-sional calls promptly attended to. Office on South-East corner of 3d and Market streets. Oct. 4. lSftj fini-pJ. 4 rCTlONEER. The undersigned having V been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform the citixens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called cpon. Charges moderate Address, JOHN MQUILKIN, May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa. AUCTIONEER. The undersigned having been Licenced an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield eounty that be will a) tend to calling sales, in any iart of the county. whenever called upon. Charges moderate. Address. NATHANIEL KISHEL, Feb. 22. 1865. Clearfield, Pa. C.a. FOSTFR, IDW. PERKS, J. D. M OIRK, H. V WRIGHT, W. A. WALLACE, A. K. WRIGHT. RICHARD SHAW, JAS.T. LEOXARD, i AS. B. GRAHAM , O. L. RKED. Banking and Collection Office or FOSTER, PERKS. WRIGHT & CO., PniLlPtBDBG. CeKTRB Co., Pa. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts discounted. Deposits received. Collections made and pro eed promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cil"es constantly on hand. The above Hanking House Js now open and ready for business. Philipsborg, Centre Co., Pa., Sept. 6, 1865. HAl'PT & CO., at Milesburg, Pa., continue to furnish castings of every description at short notice. They have the best assortment of patterns in the country for steam and wstor-mills of every description. All kinds of machine and plow castings furnished. NewWorld and Hatha way cook-stoves always on hand. They make 4 horse sweep-power threshing machines, with sha ler and 50 feet of strap lor $160 and 2-horse tread-power machines, with shaker and 30 feet of strap for $175. Warranted to give satisfaction in threshing, and kept good to thresh one crop, free of charge June 23. Id85-y. Isaac Haptt, at Belief onte, continues to take rifks for insurance in anv good stock company in the State. Also in New Vork : the Royal and Et na at Hartford ; and the Liverpool and London, fspital 56,000,000. FIRST NATIONAL BANK op Cdbwei8 vi llb. Pa. Jonx Patto!i. Pres't. Capital paid in $ 75,000 t Arsold. Cash. Authorised cap $200,000 . OlRKCTORSt Jm. Irvm. John Pattou, Samuel Arnrld. t K. Arnold, Daniel Faut, E. A. Irvin F- IrT,. - H. Lytle, H. P.Thompson This bank buys and sells all kinds of Govern aent securities. 7-30" notes always on hand and for sale. Receives money on deposit, and if left for a specific time allows interest. Buys and sells -r-iis ana escbange. Kotes and bills discounted V-legal rate of interest, and does a general bank- ine business. : We have recently erected a very sul MEking house, witn a good vault, burel e.. knd will ha irlit - i.. i substantial ! lar safe, ble our ! Jnends and customers may have, that they desire 10 fr safe keeping. i Merennt t JTk6''0' 8j'cii. the bn8in. off . mu. vim uiuciB. kuu win en oeaTor to make it their interest to do their bank- -.kltUXIIU 1 .1, m tm m. a n U .1 1 1 --6 "uainess witn us. SAMUEL ARNOLD, urwensville, Pa. Oct 25, l65. Cashier. ft-VpSAND NOTES TOR SA LE. The undersigned is prepared te furnish, to those boBrf"1 ,nTes,1nnts, ' tJoverament and county ona Also live per cent Government notes. H B. SWOOPE. S"" $ld May 4. 184. Att'y at Law. SWEET MIHNIE. They've laid hr to rest Neath the cold, damp sod, Her spirit has gone To its Maker, God. Ir'e planted sweet flowers Above her grave's head,. , And they weep tears of dew For the beautiful dead.' " ' A preen willow waves -Over her mound ; Its long graceful branches Sweep the eold grouud.; A little white tombstone ' ; Stands at the head Of the narrow, cold earth.couch - Containing the dead. Upon it is graven The year and the day When her sanctified spirit Passed gently away. And 'neath it is written In letters quite small, "Death, the Destroyer Must visit us all " O. often as twilight. When the world is all still. When no Sound greets mine ear Save the' murmuring rill, I stray to the spot Where sweet Minnie reposes, And water with tears The fragrant white roses. And then beside her grave Oft I silently pray, That the itnel ot death, Who took her away,: Will soon come again To this world below, And bear me away Wh.re no sorrows I'll know. A NEW" OIL SWINDLE. It has been generally conceded bv the Or thodox that the. devil pursuosh is nominations gainst tue happiness and virtue of mankind in a systematic, thoueh invterious wav. oui mat uls science is not utterly occult has - . " --- .-.' been repeatedly proved. But it his Sinful Majesty ever does come near to impenetra ble aiystery, his theater of action is assur ed by the stock-market of New York. He there appears io ail guises, under all circum stances, and ia the utterance of many tongues. The faLSed Proteus was i m muta ble and guileless in comparison. We have outgrown the serpent trick, which so effec tually pulled wool over the eyes of our first parents. And probably aware of thi fW. from the signal failure of the "Copperhead" subterfu.i e during the recent war, the Evil one is equal to the exigencies of the times. Persevering and ubiquitous, he appears in the stock market in a hundred shapes and on a hundred pretenses, but ever wav ing Ins magic wand which turns the paving stones into illusory gold, or brims the gut ters with deodorized petroleum, as the case maybe.. A case cf peculiar intricacy is at present slowly coming to light in the Supe rior Court. The case made its first appearance in court last Tuesday, before Judge Garvin, in the Shape of Charles II. Carr and others a gainst Henry It. Kendall and others. The first witness whom the prosecution called to the stand was the principal defendent, who was perseveringh pumped for about two days, to the intense interest ot a crowded courl-room, and with results ot the most villainously complicated character. The mysteries of "wild-cat stock" brokerage were revealed to an extent which even open ed the eyes of old operators. Some time i:jm a pseudo stock company made its debut It tii petroleum world under the title of ir. !.ive ank.ee Oil Company, and under auspices whose ?peciouricss would have won the heart of Montagu Tigg and tempt ed to perdition far shrewder men than Jonas Chazzlewit. Its capital was only a quarter of a million, but it was based on leases for 50 years on 2,000 acres of land, which, of course, were so instinct with precious oil as to be utterly unfit for ordinary cultivation. The brooks were pure petroleum and the night-dews unctuous?. The grasses and weeds of the field were so many candle-wicks, only requiring ignition to illuminate the world ; a match applied to the oil-per.-piring trees would create a bonfire which would cause the sun to hide his diminished head, and all the water-melons and pumpkins that sprung from the oleaginous soil were as full of oil as a green cocoanut of milk, i et this vat tract of precious grease, which might become so pregnant of peril to the universe, merely needed enterprise and a quarter of a million to become an enduring benefit to mankind, and a mountain of gold to the happy possessors of the ''Live Yan kee" stock. But, stiange as itmay appear, the majority of stock brokers did nottiew these gigantic prospects in the same light, and from $5 per thare the Live Yankee stock declined the five cents. But the en terprise was in the hands of dauntless men, who, with laudable perseverance, determin ed to benefit the world and fatten their pocket- books in spite of adverse circumstan ces. In the midst of failure they did not per mit themsel ves to be overwhelmed, but phil osophically inquired into the cause. .... They came to the conclusion that on the name of the company the disaster hinged. They could not but acknoweldge, in their utmost hearts, that the title of 'Live Yankee" had something of the catamount flavor ; they 11 . . -.t. . :J would start anew with a name that wouid awe and conquer. The conception was but ti, -A ,i '"c ?iu- I'"' A"c uwu the Napoleon Oil Company arose pheoix-nke from the ashes as the animated New Eng- lander, with a prestijre and a luster which recalled the sun of Austerlitz. Although based upon only one-third of the property of its unfortunate predecessor, the Napole an Company, with a royal disdain for petty fiffures, was composed of 800,000 shares, at $5 each, with a nominal capital of $1,500, 000. A large number ot gentlemen were en gaged in the enterprise, but the principal managers Were Messrs Kendall, Chamber lain x jo. In tna , . n. . ... . .H 1 . it appears that 7rTV i"1 wu h ately alter this . transaction, Kendall, and others in the secret resolved to '"corner" the stocK, which,. though a brilliant achieve ment when gilded by success, is about as mean as cneating at cards, when it tnps uiiu jans. It was done in thi - . v . Abvuuuiii aau berlain & Co., bought up all the shares to be lound in the market, at the same time engaging numerous parties, among whom were, ot course, the plaintiffs in the present action, to ueiiver up other bliares tt a stip ulated time at par value. Ilavins- boueht up pretty much all the stock, Messrs. Ken- aaii, Chamberlain & Co.. are waited unon by numerous irentlemen. who are nlentifullv feuppneu wnn greenbacks, and who proceed to uuy up tue jNanoleon stock at lare-e v ad- van -cd rates. These purchasers are in the employ of the parties wt o sell the stock, and, of course, the money they usms also the property of those parties. They would seek a confeder ate ur stairs in the same buildinar ( Pine-st. ) nanu him a large quantity ot money, and sny, ' bo down stairs to Kendall. Chamber- riam&L'O., and buy so many sharesof iNa poleon at such a price." The firm below aware that they can get back their own mo ney whenever they may demand it,: reply i es we win sell you that numler orMiare.' Here they are, at 615 a shares!" They take back their money, and the bogus purchaser tases tne shares, which thus rapidly rise in value. At length, through two of their agents or confederates, the price is run up to $32 a share. Bond is the name of one of these agents; Looper is the other. Cooper (hav ing been provided with inonev beforehand.) Is t T y t 1 vim . . ' aesires oi ivendail, Chamberlain & Uo.. , 000 shares at ?32. They give him orders on the other parties (also in the conspira oy,) and of them he makes the nurr-imto The sellers return the money to Bond, who returns it rorne original owner. .1 hereupon the conspirators send around, to th peeling Carr & Taylor, for instance, and de mand shares at ?2,2o, as per agreement Not having the shares, and unable to nro cure them at less than $32. Carr & Taylor are cornered, and induced to pay SlO.OOOas margin or security ior t lie nnai recovery or the missing shares. Many others are bitten in the same way, and the affair begins to makes a noise. The sharp operators l ave their stock and name stricken from the lists of the Petrole um board of brokers, an I Carr&TavIor, to gether with a number of fellow-dupes brine an action of fraud and conspiracy for the re covery of funds. Ilia deiendants denj- alJ fraud, claim that the transaction was bona Jide, and that, ac cording to the broker's rule, they bought in the Siock at $32, tbatbciiir the lowest mar ket price at the time ot his purchase, and th:it hey, therefore, have a set-off of $15,000. I hey evidently find themselves in a bad scrape, however, as it is understood that other claim are preparing against them to the extent of $150,000. The names of two of the most prominent parties connected with the swindle are Ilig gins and Bond, who are represented as rus tics from Alleghany and Cattaraugus Coun ties.. But the fact ha3 transpired that these worthies with other confederates, all board ed together at an up town boarding-house, where they planned and consummated their schemes. Messrs. Iligginsand Bond would be valuable witnesses just now, but they have taken the alarm and are off. A num ber of others are supposed to be implicated. At any rate it is to be hoped that a thor ough ventilation of the case will serve to show up in unvarnished blackness the Devill in the Stock Market. A Beautiful Deed. A young officer was connected with Sher idan's brigade. It was in one ot those for ced marches when they had driven back the enemy, and had been in the saddle for several consecutive days and nights, that this trooper availed himself of a temporary halt to slip from his saddle and stretch him self upon the turf his horse, meanwhile, browsing in the immediate vicinity. He had slept for some little time, when he was suddenly awakened by the frantic pawing of of his hoie at his side. Fatigued by his long ride, he did not rouse at once, but lay in that patially conscious state which so fre quently attends great physical prostration. Soon, however, the faithful animal perceiv ing that his efforts had failed to accomplish their object, licked his face, and placing its mouth close to his ear uttered a loud snort. Now, thoroughly awake, he sprang up, and as the horse turned for him to mount, he saw for the first time that his comrades had all disappeared, and that the enemy were comingdown upon him at a full gallop. Once mounted, the faithful beast bore him with the speed of the wind safely from the dan ger, and soon placed him among his com panions. "Thus," he added with emotion, "the noble fellow saved me from captivity, and perhaps from death. A man in Providence, who had acccumu lated about a thousand dollars, pleaced it in a stove which had not been set up, tor safe keeping, lie was called out of town unex pectedly, and the cold snap coming on, a fire was kindled in the stove, and the hard earning of years were reduced to ashes in a single moment James Duncan and Capt. Richard B. Winder, now confined in the Old Capital Prison, charged with cruel treatment to ward Union prisoners at Andersonville, will soon be brought to trial, and it is under stood a court is being organized for that pupose. tne Dart ot the n jint;flF ATacc. c... n.i I , , . . "-'"l XXVOv3AO Vail AUU I ' , " T , - others to deliver 500 shares, on three days London Society. notice, at 2.50 ner tliaro Tnt iir..io,li- ed In a e,-.nc;iil. PnWn PTJWTIffn. .T A 7TTCTTC1C I i.rv,, ... xne medicinal efforts of lazyness" is the jn.naaa article in tne late number of Tte subject is discuss- Dhilosonhical manner. and will apply as well to its meridian, as to the one for which it was written : "Whoever has passed through a season ot enforced abstinence from accustomed work, needs no assurance of its ultimate berehts. It is when the ground lies fallow, seemingly barren and useless, that it is gath ering its richest sources of af ter-fruitfulness the surest strong influences that shall smile in future harvests which else could not have been. If we look closely, we shall discover that we owe many of our best and most suc cessful deeds to some impulse of suggestion that came to us when we were not seeking for it, when our minds were rather recep tive than active. Some thiugs are given to us freely which we could never grasp, and they are among our best ; it may be hum blinjr, but it is true. "One writer would have a clear distinc VSS1 made between lazyness and idleness. 'I he man who is idle and knows that he is idle, however much he may be entitled to his relaxation, still sees within the mrassos of his own mind the mute, half-reproachrul pnantoms oi the work he has abandoned 11 this idleness be compulsory idleness, of course the care is still more. To rw imlv lazv the patient must have no sense of obli gations upon him, either present or future : no must not only have made up Ins mind to di ncthin2 but must have formttn f'.ir the moment that there is anything anywhere to le done. It is not an uncommon thine to hear men sav that thev are nerpr nnito well when thev are idle: that thev f'.n-l in digestion, headache, loss of annetite. l.-in- mor and what not. This is because they are only idle, not lazy. 'I heir brains and their hands have ceased to work, but no moral chancre has come over them. TI.p : ii t , ..... tuieness in winch most, men indulire is but a i- j-. 1 ! i rr t uipurary cnange or naoits. i he idleness which is lazyness mvolves a chancre of char acter. The writer touches the root of the matter when he speaks of the moral quaTity of la t i i , ""csbs. ju ne iazy wnen-one Knows he ought to work is really more exhausting than to work, for real rest lies alwavs in the iie ot duty, ijuc when uuty uma to cease from work, to lay aside for the yearly vaca tion or the evening hour the anxieties, the hopes, the vexation of working time, what happiness, what future gain might acquies cence oring us. "I he hashes ot self-knowl edge which dart across his mind at such moments may change a man's career. He may see the folly of .his past life, the wisdom of past resolutions which he has not had the constancy to keep, or the absurdity of ambitious urcam which ti'l then had been his master. Or he may on the other hand. derive new courage from the retrospect; may Jearn to say to himself with renewed confidence, this right hand has done so much hitherto by the sheer force of will, and unswerving self-reliance ; why should I faint or look back now?' " WTherefore let thoce who are suffering enforced withdraw al from their chosen activities be comforted, those who are troubled about many things be warned, and those who are indolent hy nature or hitbit be condemned by these few words on laziness. Ax Attempted Fraud. About the be ginning of the present month, an accounting officer of the United States Treasury, at Washington, discovered that a proposition had been made to a claim agent in that city to furnish him with valid claims against the United Spates Government for arrears of sol dier's pay and bounties, to the amount of half a million. The agent was to be allowed fifty per cent, -for the collection. The suspi cions of the agent were aroused , but two or three claims placed1 in his hands as sam ples were perfect, and, from all appearances, genuine, enclosing soildiers' discharges, final statements, ect He, however, consulted the accounting officer, who was to take all the pap?rs which might afterwards be offer ed him, and to make advances to a limited degree. ShlrJMy after another batch of claims was handed him, and there being good reason to suppose that they were stolen from the office of the second auditor, that officer began precedings which, in a week, resulted in fixing the fraud upon a man in his office named Dreeker, whose business it was to record the claims, and also upon an accom plice who was not employed in the office, named Rabe. On Friday, November 17th, both were arrested. A book, in which were the names of deceased soldiers and the mon- ey due them, was also captured, it seems that a part of the programme was to make out ficticious heirs, in w hich project they J k La,XA ,?1 were to have been assisted in Philadelphia. The papers have all been recovtred. A Chicago despatch to the Cincinnati lommercjosavs that Ueneral .Logan, in conversation with a friend, remarked that he would accept the appointment of Minis ter to Mexico, provided the Government would order 20,000 armed men to accompa ny him to the capital ot that country. It has been ordered at Moscow that, in all public buidings, the doors of the main entrances shall open outward, instead of in ward, as hitherto. The reason of this ar rangement is to enable people to . have free egress in the event of any accident or panic occurring. ' 'Tis a folly to fret ; griefs no comfort. Gen. Logan Mexico. The telegraphic advices from Washington inform us of the very interesting and im portant fact that President Johnson has re constituted our Mexican legation, and com missioned it. not tn th MpvI but to the republic of Mexico, of which Jau- rez is, or was, .President Mr. Corwin, our Minister to the republic, returned home in consequence ot the -trench intervention. ana has- resigned his post ; leaving the eni- Dassy in charge of the Secretary of Legation. President Johnson now appoints to the va cant post a gallant soldier of the late war, yren. jonn A. Logan, who served under urant in his western campaigns, and subse quently under Sherman in his glorious cam paign through .Georgia and the Carolinas. Before the breaking out of the war Gen. Logan was a distinguished Democrat, well known in Illinois politics, and has been sev eral times a member of Congress. During the great conflict he has been with the Ad ministration, and has canvassed Illinois with great sutwss for the Republican ticket. His being accredited lothe republic ..!" Mex ico jusl. at a time when both Europe and America have ! cen tilled with rumors that our government .designs to acknowledge Maximilian, looko like a decisive annonnw. ment'of our determination not to countenance iiax 8 assumption that thr Ml 1 . - I:' v-aaijs. ff;".ot toSive any supports the policy of treating the Mexican luitrint nntta- Only eleven days before he was appointed M uu-iL-r to iiexico, ne said, in a sneer-h 1 II. mi . made in the Brooklyn Academy of Music: "So far as I am concerned, 1 believe that Maximilian in holding Mexico to-bif is t.;vt and prrcel of the rebellion Aa-an t. this nxr- crnnicnt. I Cheers. 1 . . part of the rebellion : it is a r.rt nf It tn.- day, and the Government of rh ITm.l States has only to say to Maximilian : 'Sir, you must pack up your duds and travel.' Laughter, ending in a tremendous outburst of clcerinsr.l The Government h,s nnt r"Ppref-sed the rebellion until it. does this. L'i hat's so.'J I, for one, don't propose to give that State to Maximilian: I, for one, am m favor of our Government saving to him; lou were induced by this rebellion to tal;e possession of that country, and to attempt to establish yourself there ; I will not permit you to stay there : vou must get out ot that country and leave it to its peo pie." Cheers. CI.U.1J a r .ne an ilot.neniarid go w faso, we cannot doubt that very important results will ensue. Gen. Grant and the Copperheads. lhe copperhead organs ot the country nave had lull satisfaction in traducing every military man who has rendered the least service to the country, but who at the same time rejected the appeals of the leaders of that faction to become a tool for their use. We are confident that not a single success ful ollicer in the army has escaped either being tempted or traduced by thi managers of that faction. If a soldier yielded, he was seized, used for political purposes, defeated by the people, and then retired to disgrace. In this manner same of the best soldiers in the country have been utterly ruined. Of ficers who had won fair reputations in the field, forfeited their titles to a soldier's fame, by associating themselves with men who were in league with the open traitors fight ing for the ruination of the Republic. At length, Gen. Grant has been selected as a target for copperhead malevolence. The .Lieutenant General doubtless refused to become a tool to work out certain political purpose contemplated by the copperheads. and now in return almost every copperhead organ in the country is assailing Gen Grant. rault is found with the General because he is quietlv enjoying himself in visiting differ ent parts of the country, while every pub lic reception the hero receives, is character ised as an offering of shoddy homage or a demonstration of "army contractors" and "abolitionists." We submit these facts as the evidence not merely of the malevolent hatred of copperheads for soldiers, but as the proof of the unmistakable purpose of the leaders of that faction to be traitors while they live, as abuse and ridicule of the coun try's defenders and preservers constitute in reality bitter, treasonable feeling against the Government itself! Death of George Stevenson. On Thursday November 16th, aged thirty-nine, died George Stevenson, one of the three sur vivors of the late and lamented Dr. Ivane s expedition, and who accompanied Dr. Kane in his search of Sir John Franklin. Steven son was born in Dublin, on the 16th ot Sep- thmber, 1827,and early took to the sea, lie was a fine seaman, a generous man, and a irenial, social companion. - While in the Arc tic regions his hanrfc became affected, and he has always Buffered from it. The Gov ernment, in recognition uf his services,gave him a position in the New York" custom house as night inspector, in which capacity he remained up to the time of his death. He was at one time purser of the Baltic,un- er Capt Jos. J. Comstock. Dr. Hayes and Cantain W. W. Wilson. IT. S. R. 8.. are the only survivors of the Kane Arctic expe- dition. On Saturday the remains of Ste venson were interred in Greenwood Ceme tery, Brooklyn. Great military activity is reported at New Oi leans, in consequence ot iate dis- natches from the Rio Grande. Tiw sale- of gunboats is prohibited, and some ate being put in order for action. Transportation and supplies are forbidden to be sold, and three regiments of cavalry have been order ed to join General Merritt at San Antonio. The dismounted colored cavalry at New Or leans goes to the same place. . The trial of Gavle. the man who offered a million dollars for the assasination of Mr. Lincoln and other prominent officials, has been commenced at Montgomery. WHAT IS A KEGE0? This is not a light question, nor one so easily answered as may be supposed. Words stand for things, but what the precise thing .nay uv. incu tuis wora negro stands lor is not so very clear ; yet there is no question more important to the prosperity and peace ful condition of this country than the legal definition of this word. Webster's explana- tion of the word shows how loosely it is used among us, notwithstanding the great im portance of an exact definition. He says a ; negro is "a native or descendant of the ! black race of men in Africa." But this is extremelyi'oose and indistinct, since there are good many black Africans who are not negroes, and a good many descendants of negroes who are not black. Lord Bacon, in Irs natural history, tells us that "negroes are bred in couutries that have plenty of water," as though they were amphibious' i-.nimals ; but other philosophers have failed to discover any distinguishing characteris--tics by which the negro may be .separated from the human family. Negrohood is not determined by bur laws, nor by science :,-it is, in many cases, a gratuitous assumption, or malignant slander. A black man of a supposed African descent may be called a negro, t hough born in Connecticut and noth ing whatever be known ot his parentage. A man may be, and often is called a negro who can be proved of. unquestioned Anglo Saxon descent, as well as supposed African, who is not black, but, on the contrary, near ly white. According to all laws of inheri tance, a r.ii:a inherits from his father; why then is nt the son of an Anglo-Saxon fath er a whit.-.; Man by descent, even though his mother uas of supposed African ancestry. We wish that some of the non-franchised people of Connecticut, who are not permit ted to go the polls because of their supposed descent from the black race of Africa, would assert their right to vote on the ground of their citizenship, and put the legal author ities of that state to the proof of their slan ders. Let the oue.-tion. what constitutes a negro? be fail lv tried and decided hv rh learned men of Connecticut. Suppose that the inspectors of election should decide that a particular person should not vote because he was a, negro. I low are they, going to prove him one ? If they tan disqualify one man, they can another, unless some legal test of the question of negrohood can be es tne learned men or Connecticut, who have lately voted against the right of a negro to. the Lightest privilege of a citizen, what is meant by the term negro. If a man should deny that he was a negro,' how can he be proved one? If the test be one of descent, there is no evidence so difficult to verify. As to physiological tests, naturalists have not been able to discover any ; and so as to hair or complexion, they are not to be relied on. All black men are not negroes, nor aie all men who have curly hair,' nor are all they descendants of Africans. . There are some Tunisian Africans now on a visit, in an of ficial capacity, .to President Johnson, who are not negroes ; nobody would think of call ing them negroes. Even Deacon Button would doubtless consent to receive them in to his family as visitors ; and if they wished to remain in his pleasant village, would nev er be guilty of the wickedness of counseling them to pitch their tents elsewhere, as he did his neighbor Davenport the other day. It is of great importance that this question of negrohood should be determined at once, as the welfare ot a great number of light colored, if not absolutely white, Americans in the reconstructed States of the South de pends upon it. ,It is not one of those doubt ful questions which can be left lying around loose ; it must be decided by competent authority, an J at once. "All other'persons" having been disposed of by the rebel war, nothing now remains as a cause ot trouble among us but the question of what is a ne gro, and what is a negro's rights. - Let that be disposed of, or all mention of the negro in our States be expunged, and we shall have nothing moreserious to distract us than simple, questionsof political enconomy, which never engender bad blood. A. Y. Independent. Stanton's Report. The Washington correspondent of the New York Timet, in speaking of the forthcoming report of Sec retary Stanton, says that the estimate for maintaining the army tor the ensuing year, at its . present force, on a peace footing, is thirty-three milloins of dollars. Enough materiel of war is left to arm and equip a million of men, or to maintain our present force in the field for a year, on a war tooting. Immense quantities of army cloth and blan kets are being permanent ly stored in the va- nous arsenals, wane in one uepoi aione mere is stored ten thousand tons of crude powder nitre, and the amount is being increased.' Enough has been realized from the sales of material thus far to maintain the army for one year. Always Tell the I'rcth. The ground work of our manly character is veracity, or the habit of truthfulness. That virtue lies at the foundation of everything said. How common is it to hear parents say, "I have faith in my child to long as he speaks the truth. "He nay have many faults, but I know he wi .'I not deceive. I build on that confidence." They are right. It is a law ful and just gjundtQ build upon. So long as the truth remains in a child, there is something to depend npon; but when truth is gone ; all is lost, unless the child is speed ily won back again to veracity. Children, did you ever tell a lie? If so, you are in imminent danger. Return at once, little reader, and enter the stronghold of truth, and from it you may never depart again. f j The oldest inhabitant of Illinois gives it as his opinion (unbiassed by any mercenary motive, and unconnected with any sleigh, manufaturing establishment) that we are to hare maoh snow the coming winter. 'A it ,v I: 'i ; rt". ft 1