Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 15, 1865, Image 3

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" "V - '
jteftsman's -Journal
V.YRFIELP, PA., NOV. 15, 1865.
Clearfield Railroad. j
,-HI.Trrone at : : : : : 8.55 a.m.
Arrives PhtlipMurg at i . u -.-
r"ITphilioburg t : : : 3 50 p. m
irrires at Tyrone at ; : :
. 5.40 p. m.
-OAD. Tins locating engineer
nn the Sandy Lick Railroad, reached
corps 011 luc , rr j
this place yesterday, Tuesday.
msTEI,. We learn that a man named
rL.r ins arrested, in Brady township.
tbf.Wtyrne days sinee, for rising
ctmnttrfcrt United Mates currency.
further disposition will be made of him. has
. not transpired
At Home. Capt. Cornelius Owens, has
fun returned to his home from Texas hav
ing loen metered out of service several
weeks since. The Captain has teen suffer
ing somewhat with the ague of late, but
otherwise loots well.
New Store. Byreference to our new ad
vertisements, it will be seen that Col. Jonn
Irvin is opening an entire new stock of goods,
t his old stand in C'urwensville. The Col
onel is a food business man, and knows how
to please customers. Call and see his new
. goods. ;
Soldier's Casket. This interesting Mag
azine, for November is to hand. The fron
ti'piece is a iew of the home of Garabaldi
atCaprcra. Every soldier's family should
W the Casket C. W. Alexander, pub
lisher, 123 South 3rd street, Philadelphia.
Price, $1 for months $2 a year.
As Acknowledgment. We have re
ceived the adJrefs of Rev. W. ' II. Green,
D. P., of the Theo. Seminary of IVinceton,
". J., delivered upon laying the corner
Stone of Jenk's Chemical IIa;l at Lafayette
College, Easton, Pa. The subject Value
of Physical Science in the Work of Educa
tionwas well handled, and doesgreat cred
it to I)r. Green. The address is worthy a
perusal. ' i ' ,
Crawford County. A child of E. "Wil
liams, of Mead township, on the 9th, fell
backwards into a kettle of hot cider, and
was so severely burned that she will proba
bly die. John JVest, whilst engaged in
drawing up stone at the Round House, in
MeaJville, had his hand so badly crushed,
as to necessitate the amputation f a 6nger.
The barn of J. R. Diek, with some five tons
of hay, was burned on the morning of the
3d. It was built by old John Brown.
New Academy. We leant thai, there is
6onie talk about erecting a new Academy,
or High School building in this place.
And, why not? Clearfield possesses all the
advantages requisite for such an institution
pure mountain air, ure water, pleasant
ly situated, and healthy. We hope, our
citizens will lake tlii3 subject into earnest con
sideration, and may the day not be far dis
tant when we shall have a first class insti
tution of learning establhed in Clearfie'd.
SiiadixtiieSusqueilanxa. Last week
we published an article in reference to a
movement, to procure the passage of a law,
that the dams on , the . Susquehanna be so
constructed as to admit of the free "naviga
tion" of said river by shad, and other fish.
This movement, it seems, was inaugurated
at Williamsport, and points below that
place, and designed specially to benefit those
localities. The Lock Haven Republican,
after referring to the proposed convention
to be held in the Hall of the House of Rep
resentatives at Harrtsburg, on the 10th of
January, 1S66, says:
"It is expected that every county on the
Susquehanna interested in this matter will
be represented in tte Convention. Clinton
county should bo there, and ; her : delegates
should see to it that the benefits of the law
be secured to Ixk Haven, by extending its
fccope beyor.d WilliauipporL", - "
And we say Clearfield county should be
represented in that Convention, and her
delegates, "should see to it that the benefits
of the laic be secured' to this county
extending its scope beyond" Lock Haven.
Shad, some years since, were plenty in our
streams, but owing to the building of a high
dam at Lock Haven, (and others below that
point,) they have entirely disappeared.
That the scarcity of fish in our waters is a
great disadvantage to many of our people,
no one will deny. "Everybody likes shad,
and everybody should be willing to do some
thing towards bringing this piscine favorite
back to its old haunts" in the mountains.
And now, that a movement is on foot to
remedy thU evilr we hope, our citizens gen
erally will feel sufficient interest in the
matter to send a delegation to the proposed
Convention at Harrisburg, to use their ut
most en dea vers to procure the passage of a
law that will remove all the obstructions to
the passage of fish up the Susquehanna to
this place. If the dams in the river cannot
be so constructed as to admit of its free
"navigation" by fish, they had better be re
moved altogether, as they are only of ad
vantage to a comparatively few individuals.
while the fih would prove a sreat ble
to hundreds of persons. esneciaTItr in tU,a
fc ' a j s-i .
times of high prices. We hope our citizens
will give this subject their prompt and earn-
et atterjtiC'ti, and that a meeting will called
at an early day to appoint delegates to the
10th of Jamjar convention. What say
JouaU? " "
- ' " ' . . !
Trade betweea Mexico and Texas b 'nJ
-od promiM, to b large. Zt !
Clark's School Visitor volume x.--A
Day ScJiool M'jntitty. Tbu Visitor will
commence its tenth volume with the J.mrsary
rnmW -lSfifi. This is thprtnlv T)nn fr1irrf7
I t 7- l it: i . i i i- i
J crwu,l' l-'uuu.Mieu at, wvemj-nTe t-tuis
a year ! Magazine form," boautifuly i!lus-
j trated. jew type, new features; Reading,
Jlfusic, Speeches, Dialogues, Stories, Puz
zles, Enigmas, Rebuses, ic, from the very
best writers. The Vistor has the largest
circulation of any Educational Journal pub
lished. Now is the time to form clubs.
The publisher, in order to reach all parts of
the country, will send the Visitor one year,
FREE, to any person (who will act as agent)
at any Post Office in the United States.
Address, with five cents for particulars,
J. W. Dauthaday, Publisher, 130S Chest
nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. .
The Lady's Friend. The December
number of this favorite magazine is a superb
one. The leading steel engraving, in illus
tration of the text,
"Children" children ure the crown of old men,
And the glory of children are their fathers,"
is one that will go home to many hearts.
The engraved title-page is truly beautiful
it is a gem of art. It represents The Past
and the future while, around, "The little
birds sing East, and the little birds sing
West," to use a well-known line from Mrs.
Browning's beautiful "Rhyme of the Duch
ess May. " The Double Colored Steel Fash
ion Plats in this number will be pron meed
by the ladies "superb," or else we are very
greatly mistaken. Then there are engrav
ings of the new fashions in jackets, cloaks,
embroider-, coiffures, bonnets, &c. The
literary matter is excellent as usua1 mak
ing altogether a splendid nuiuler. Price
$2,50 a yeir ; 2 copies $4.00 ; 8 copies (and
one gratis) $10. Jt'ow is the time to get np
clubs for 1SGG. Specimen numbers for this
purpose will be sent for 15 eent.s. Wheeler
Sr Wilson's celebrated Sewing ilachiue are
furnished as Premiums in certain cases.
The Prospectus of this magazine for next
year embodies a splendid li.-tof contributors.
Address Deacon & Peterson, 3 10 Walnut
street, Philadelphia.
Another Itam for Historj Win Instigated
the Eebellion.
The following letter by Senator Yulee cf
Florida, January 5. 1S61, has just come to
light. It shows that Jeff. Davis and Gov
ernor Brown were m atthe conception of the
Rebellion, and knew that the North would
resist it by force. Brown has been pardon
ed, but Yulee,Davis,and Toombs have not :
Washington, Jan. 5, 1 S6 1 . My Dear Sir:
The immaliattly important thing to Ik? done
is the occupation of the forts and arsenals in
l lorida. The naval station and frt at Pen
saeola arc first in consequence. For this, a
force is nece.ss.-ry. I have converse 1 with
Mr. Toombs upon thesuljeet, lid will start
this week for Georgia, and says, if the Con
vention or Governor v.iil a-K Governor
Brown for a force, he will immediately send
an efficient force a.d take the Navy Yard
and forts. The occupation of the Navy
Yard will give us a good supply of ordi
nance, and make the capture of the fort ea
sier. Major Chase built the forts and will
know all about thetn. Lw e tw time, lor
my oppinion is, troops will be very soon
despatched to reinforce and strengthen the
forts in Florida. The arsenal at Chat
ahoochie should be looked to. and that at
ones, to prevent the removal of arms.
I think that by the 4th of March all the
Southern States will be out, except prehaps
Kentucky and Missouri, and they will soon
have to follow.
What is advisable is the earlie.t possible
organization of a Southern Confederacy
and a Southern army. The Nort h i; rap
idly consolidating against us,"upon the p'an
of force. A strong government., as eight
States will make promptly organized, anl a
strong army, with Jeff. Davis fir General
in-chief, will bring them to a reasonable
sense of the gravity of the crisis.
Have a Southern Government as soon as
possible, adopting the present Fede;al Con
stitution for th'e time, and a Southern army.
I repeat . this,' because it is the important
Virginia, and Maryland, and Tennessee
ar rapidly coming up to the vrork. God
speed you.
I shall give the enemy a shot next week
before retiring. I say enemy! Yes! lam
theirs, and they are mine.
I am willing to be their masters but not
their brothers.' ;
Yoor-s in haste D. L. YcLEEr.
Joseph Finegan, Esq.or Cel. George W.
Call. . . , .-
Ijoose no time about the Navy Yard and
forts at Penscola. -
Easily Pleased. The last Clearfield
Republican regards the re-election -of Sen
ator Wallace "by nearly 2,000 majority" as
a source of congratulation to its editors, and
the Democracy generally.. When it is recol
lected that the counties composing the Dis
trict gave MeClellan, last year, "nearly"
three thousand majority, and in 1SG2 gave
their candidate for Auditor General: a lar
ger majority than Wallace has this year,
we can't exactly see by what moae of rea
soning the editors of the Republican arrive
at the conclusion that he has been "elScient
and energetic" in the campaign just closed.
It may be, however, that "Democratic"
editors have a mode of arriving at conclu
sions which is peculiar to themselves, and
which is not permitted to be imparted to
"strangers." "
.It is rumored that. a soon a? th-j rehel
States are reconstructed, effoits will be made
to practically resucitate, the rebel debt, by
granting pensions to wounded rebel officers
and soldiers. .
' . ' - " v -. .
The American Kxpress Company s wag-
on was robbed of $40,000, while passing a-
1"! the streets of Chirago,a fS!f since,
The robbers were arrested. :' -
Fc"oajTe butter and egg?. , ?
lPlentj copperhead defeats.
S"yis?h bef. at 22 rents a pound.
fLow the morals of certain voting men.
ISllecreaaing the dimensions of ladies' bon
nt t.4. . ; - .,
te""Increasin2 the subsirinlinn lUt nf the
T. " - - 1-
j CF"Joing np Wright's new brick honse on
' JLirkei street.
ttft the Rio Grand all the United States
colored troops.
L"" Waning the prospects of theliDimocrisjr."
E-n ''Xooliarsey' baa deserted them.
LlUather drrr venison, now-a-days. It was
?ellin at 21 cents per pound, last week.
. tS'Vontinue closed the Episcopal eh arches
in Alabama, by order of General Woods.
VST A good deal like Farina jelly boys. Just
as you mould them tbey are likely to turn out.
OT"cu fie ring fire hundred people in Chicago,
forthe want of proper household accommodations.
G?"Iniignificant the tobacco crop in Virginia.
So says a Lynchburg letter. This is bad news
for smokers.
tjT'Purcbased by Alfred Jones a colored man.
the residence formerly occupied by the British
Minister in Washington.
L5T be pitied the chap who wallowed in
the mud bole, list week. But when a man makes
a h-at of himself, he acts like a beast.
CVontinues the excitement about the Feni
ans, in Toronto. Canada The banks have extra
guards, and the armories are well guarded.
f.1ustercd out the 3d regiment V. K. C.
It consisted of one Colonel, one Lt. Colonel, one
Major, one Adjutant, one Quartermaster, and one
tKemarks the Mjirirttian : 'The river is
up and a number of rafts have arrived at this
port Eastern buyers and up-river sellers are
herein force.' '
13F Accidentally shot and killed a little girl
named Mary KobisoTi, a few days since, in Alfiiin
eonnty, by the discharge of a shot gun in her
brother's hands.
fgeverely scalded a little daughter of Kev.
A iiaker of Ebensburg. by filling from her crib
into a ve.s--el of boiling liquid. he died the fol
io ing evening . , T
lj?iJroke their legs the a.sasfn Booth nnd
the bogui Democracy, by -petting tangled in the
Fiug of tbe Union Had they maintained a right
position under it, both might have escaped their
nii.-frtui;e. '
t"Jame Simpson, while hunting for wild tur
keys near Mi'l Creek, lluntii.g Ion county, ,in
company with an brother, somu ten days since,
was. through some unfortunate misunderstand -ing.
shot in the throat with a rifle ball by tbe lat
ter. Hopes were entertained of his recovery.
At the residence cf the bride's father, on
Nor. Sth 1S03, by Kjv. T. Van Seoyoe,
Mr. GeokoeK. Crirris, of llollidayslmrg,
liia-r anility, to Mi-s LtCY STANLEY, of
Gueiich township, Clearfield county.
At the "W?rd House," Tyrone City, on
Nov. Mh, 1H",5, lyPiev. John II. Clark,
Mr. Alexandkr Kalston, to Miss II. A.
IIooveu, both of Kylertown, l a.
On Octol t r 12th, 1C5, l y Ec-v. Milton
K. Foster, Mr. W. Howe Suikey, to Miss
E. J. Stewart, both of Cieailk-ld county.
On October 12th, 1805, by llev. M. K.
Foster, Mr. William L. Tayler to Miss
LLCINfiA IIooveu, both oil 'lea tfieid Co.
""7"AITE1 A Blacksmith, to carry -en the
f buint-hS at the large new shup. erected at
the -corner"' in CurwenM-iiie. A gtod sniith.v, ith
help lo do the work, can "ecure a large p itronage.
XKCUTOK'S .(TlCr:. Letters testa-
mentarv on the cstnte of Sarah Norris late
f Lawrence township. Clearliell Co., I'a, dec"d
having been granted to the underpinned, ail per
sons indebted losaid estate ate requested to mk
immediate payment, and th-e having el.iiuis a-ain.-t
the came will present them properly au
tbcLtiuated for settlemi t.
Nov. 8 lS6o p. Executor.
irAXTLI). Energe'ic men to act as agents
it for tbe Life ot Abraham Lincoln. Liberal
Terin ainl excluiive teriitory guaranteed. A-p:ie.-ition-
fr-im ictumed j&ct:r. soldiers o'd a
gv.'iits, and all young men of abiIiiyhould be
made at once if tbey wish to eng.i'e in this profi
table agencv. Address for territory, terms, etc.,
to J. W. UllODLS .t CO..
63 Fifth St., or P. ). Pox 52.
Nov. 8. lSS5-4t Pitfebcrg. Pa.
TUON IX Til K BLOOD. The pEiirviAS
A Si'RfP supplies th" blood with its Life Kle
ii 8NT. 1UON. ii.fusin-g Strength. Vigor, and New
Life into the whole system. For Wsj epMa, Drop
sy. Chronie l'iarrto?a. Debility. Female Weak
ness, etc.. it is a specin;. Ihoiisar. Js have been
changed by tbe use of this medicine from weak,
siciiy. suffering creatures to stroiig. healthy, and
ti...,... n n.. i ...... A F.liljt
" l l J ill V' tt All i H.Ul.ll. ftl 111 U fc .
sent ir.eE Price 51 ptT bottle, or (5 fr 5j.
T I, lllVtfi.UL' .. , , . X XT
Sold by 1i uggisss generally. Nov S-3m.
An 1xv.liable I)isrvtMV. A Full Grain
of To line iu each ounce ol Water, dissolved wi:h
out a Solvent i 1 he mf Powerful Vitalising A
gent and Kestorative known. Scrofula, salt
Kheum Caticen. Lheriuatism. Consumption, and
many Chronic and Hereditary Diseases, are cur
ed by i'.s use. us thoufandscan testify. Circulars
sent free. Price 51 per bottle or 6 for 55.
It. II. ANDERS & Co , ;
Physician and Chemist. 42a Bro.nlway. N.Y.
Sold by Druggists generally. Xov.S 'ni. '
mo COXSUMTTIVES. The undersigned
X bavii.g been restored to health in af-w wetfk?,
by a very simple remedy, after :ving suffered
scvernl years with a severelung affoction.and that
dread disease, comsamrtion is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers tbe means of cure.
To all who detire it. he will send a copy of the
prescription used (fiee of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and nsing the same, which
they will find, a sure ctre for conscmptiox,
asthma. BrsoxrntTis. rorGHS. coi.rs. c. The on
ly object of the advertiser in sending the Pre
scription's to benefit tbe afflicted, and spread in
formation which he conceives to be inva'uable;
and he hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy,
as it will cost them .nothing, and may prove a
blessing. Parlies wishing the prescription will
please address. .
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg.
Nov. 1 . liStjJ 3in . Kings county, X. York.
. 1V1 U" GRAPH Ert. havin- purchas
cd the Photograph establishment formerly con
ducted by H. Bridge, would respectfully announce
to the citizens of Clearfield and adjjiiiing coun
ties, that he has recently made additional im
provements to both fky-iigbt and aparatus, and
he flst'ers h imc!f that he can sstisfy the most
fastidoous taste in aTRCE and lifelike Likeness
lie also keeps constantly on hand a good assort
ment f Uniit. Rosewood. nd Walnut fratnes
Albums of all siies and styles and an endless
variety of eases, lockets, etc . which be will dis
pose of at very moderate prices, for cash.
llis gallery is in Shaw row. up stairs.) Mar
ket street. Clearfield. I'a , where be is always rea
dy to aeeouimodate customers who may be in
want of a g-d Likeness of tbemselres or friends.
Particular attention paid to copying all kinds
of pictures, etc November I. IS5
7AXTEI. A cook for a -Timber Shanty."
T A good, chance for a good boy or a ma
that can't stand the cold. Apply to. r Address
Oct. 2i-p. Eurnside, Clearfield Co., P-'-.,,...,
. . i - '
CAUTION All persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or meddling with the
ful lowing property now in posses-fion of Wm. 3.
Janes of JoTdan township, to wit: four horses,
one colt twoeows three hogs one 2-horse wagon,
one hack. .one sled, and the grain and hay on tbe
premises as the same belong to me and are sub
ject to my order - :MAliY JANE?.
Jordan tpn Oct. 35, l&6j-3tp. .
ALT ! SALT !! SALT !!! A prima rti-
- VI gl VMtlU - vaB VU
aftKs, at S3.25 per sacs, mt the cheap easb stoi e of
November 27. K. MOSSO .
GRAPE VISE S. A few choice, . thriftr
; grape vines may be had of A M Hills, by
calling soon at low prices. Concord, 33 cents
each or S3. 00 per doien. Crevling. SO cents each,
or 55.00 per doxen. IlartforJ prolific. 75 cents
each ; and other varieties furnished at Nursery
pticea. November 1. I S65 3t.
NOTICE. At a meeting of the Directors and
StjckhoMers of the Sand f-Lick Railroad,
held atthe office of W. A. Wallace. President of
said road, it was unanimously Resolved. That
immediately upon tbe completion of the location
of the said Railroad by the Engineer. we will pro
ceed to place under contract, for grading and pre
paring track-way. six miles of said road from
Clearfield eastward, and six miles from Philips
burg westward, in half mile sections.
WM..-A W 1LLACE, President.
Thos." J. M'Cullough, Soc'y. ; - Nov. 1.
The undersigned would respectfully announce
to the public that be has opened a Drug Store, in
i he room recently fitted up in the house of Ueorge
Kittlobarger, on Main street. Curwensville. Pa.,
one door West of Hippie t Faust's store, where
he intends to keep a general assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints,
Dye-stuffs, Patent Medicines, Per
fumery, Toilet Goods, Confectiona
ries, Spices, Canned Fruit, Tobacco,
Cigars, Books, Stationary, Pencils,
Pens, Inks, and a general variety
: of Notions ; Glass, Putty, etc.
The want of a Drug Store hs long been felt In
Curwensville. and as that want is now supplied,
the undersigned hopes, by strict attention to bu
siness, to merit and receive a liberal share of
ilis stock embraces most articles needed in a
community, is entirely new. and of the best qual
ity, which he will dispese of at reasonable prices
Call and examine the goods which cannot fail
to please. JOSEPH R. IRWIN.
November 8. 1S65.
Market Street, ClearScld,
One door East of the Clearfield House.
Keeps on ha-td a full assortment of Gents' Fur'
nishing goods, such as Shirts, (linen and woolen.)
Undershirts. Drawers and Socks ;Neck-ties. Pock
et Uaudkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas. Hats. etc..
in great variety. Of piece goods he keeps the
Best Cloths, (of all shades,) Black
Do?-skin Cassimeres of the best make,
Fancy Cassimeres in great variety.
Also. French Coatings; Reaver, Pilot. Cbinchilla
and Tricott Over-coating, all of which will be
so'd cheap for c.isn. and made up according to
the latest styles, by experienced worknifen. Also
agent for ClearGeld county, for I. M. Singer &
Co s Sewing Machines: , November 1, 1355.
We hereby notify iii- public, that the Foundry
in the Bonugh of Clearfield, has been put in full
blast, by the undersigned, who are now ready to
accommodate the community with anything per
taining to our line of busiuess. We keep con
stantly on hand a general assortment of stores and
castings, am ng which are the following:
Cook, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves,
for burning either wood or coal ; Sala
mander stoves, Xo. 4 ; Vase stoves,
No's 3 and 4 ; Wash-kettles, 1(3
and 20 gallons ; Farm dinner
bells, two sizes ; Fire grates, 20 and 28
inches ; Plows and plow-castings.
We ore also prepared to mace all kinds of GRIST
and SAW-MILL IRONS, and special attention
will be paid to tbe repairing of THResBt.xo Ma
chines. Persons iu want of anything Sn oar line, would
do well to give as a cal I. very description of
approved country produce and old metal, taken
in exchange for our manufactures, at the highest
market price. -HARLEY 4 SONS.
Clear3t4d. Nor. 1, 1S55 tf. . :
FOK 1866.
... THE - -.'
Literature, fine Arts and Fashions. The most
magnificent Steel engravings. Double Fashion
plates. Wood engravings on every subject that
c.-in interest ladies. '.Crochet knitting. Netting,
Embroidery. Article for the Toilet, for the Par
lor, the Boudoir: and the Kitchen. Everything,
in fact, to make acomplete Lady's Book.
No Magazine has been able to compete with it.
None attempt it. .
fur every department of a household. These a
lone are worth tbe price of the Book.
Model Cottages (no other Magaxine gives them),
with diagrams.
Drawing lessons for the young. Anotherspe
ciality with Godey. - -
Original Music, worth $3 a year.- Other Maga
xines publish old worn-out music; butthe sabscrir
bers to Uodey get it before the music stores.
Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiarity
with Godey.
Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart A Co , of
New York, the millionaire merchants, appear in
Godey. the only Magasine that has them.
Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them in a
year than any other Magaxine. . In fact, the La
dy Book enables every lady to be her own bon
net maker. .
AMhor of '-A!onit.n "lltdlrn pith," "Mou
Side." "AemMis." and '-Miri-im,""
writes for Goder each month, and for no other
1 magaxine.- .We have also retained all our old and
favorite contributors.
TERMS OF r - 1 ,
( Ff9 m wk ieh there tan. be no Deviatio at .) -Tbe
following are the terms of tbe Lady's Book
for I&6:. . i j -,'- .
One copy, one year . S3 00
Two copies, one year ; . 4 0
Three eupies, one year 7 59
Four copies, one year 10 00
Fire copies, one year, and an extra copy :
: to the person sending the club, making
r six copies - - V, ., .." A'- 14 CO
Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy
to the person sending tbe olub,making
nine copies - . 21 00
Eleven copies one year,and an extra copy
to the person sending tbe elub.making
twelve copies 2750
All additions to clubs at club rates.
aiine will be .-ent. each oneyear.on receipt ot $4 00.
We have no club with any other Magaxine or
Newspaper. . -
' Thi money must all be sent at one time Tor any
Club. Address ' ' h. A GODEY,
S". E. Corner Sixth ana tnesinut cireen.
FISH, Salt and plaster in large quantifier
at Mar 22. IS95 J p. KRATZER. .
tODntlt Cl'TTERS-f a superior niakt -T'
for sale at reasonal le pr"ie,i. MERRELL
and RIiJLfcii'S. Clearoe'l. Pa
undersigned is prepared to furnish, to those
seeking investments. Government and county
bonds , Also five per cent Government notes.
Clearfield Mjy 4. 1S54. Atfy ait Law '
QQ Ann A YEAR made by anv one with SIS
y,UUU Stencil Tools. Noexperience ne
cessary. The Presidents. Cisbiers. and Treasu
rers of 3 banks indorse the circular. Sent free
with samples. Address the '"American Stencil
Works," Springfield. Vermont.', Nor.l'65-3m.
The partnership heretofore existinirbetweeii
1. L Ferguson. John Ferguson and J, M Ross, in
the business of mercbandixing. in Lumber-city,
was dissolved this day (Oct. 17. 1365.) by mutual
consent. Prompt settlement of the old accounts
is required. The business will be continued by
John Ferguson and J M. Ros. under the name of
John Ferguson 3t Co. D. L. FERGUSON.
Not. 1. 1S55. '". . J. M. ROSS.
The undersigned would respectfully announce
to tbe citixens of Clearfield county, that he has
opened a now store in Marysville, and that be is
now receiving a large and splen did assortment of
seasonable goods, such as :
Hard ware, Quee h s ware,
and in fact a general assortment of goods, euoh
as are generally kept in a country store.
Desirous of pieasing the public, be will use his
best endeavors to keep on hand the best of goods,
and thereby hopes to merit a liberal share of pat
ronage. Call before purchasing elsewhere as I am
determined to sell gi.o.ls at moderate price, fur
crgh.or exchange ibem for 'every description
of Lumber. a market prices " t
Eept. 27, 1365. STACY W. THOMPSON.
The Standard History of the War,
Complete in' one very large Volume of
over 1000 pages.
This work his no rival as a candi l. lucid, com
plete autbenticand reliable hiitory of the great
conflict." lt contains reading matter equal to
three large royal octavo volumes, splendidly il
lustrated with over 150 fin- portraits of Generals,
battle scenes, maps and diagrams.
Re:urned and disabled officersand soldiers, and
enterprising ynan; men in want of profitable em
ployment will find this a rare chance to make mo
ncv. We have agents clearing S2i0 per moi:ta.
which we will prove to any doubling applicant;
for proof of the above send for circulars and see
our terms. Address JONES BROTHERS A Co..
Oct. 25, ISSi-lm-... - Philadelphia. Pa
TISS E. A. I'. RYNDER, Teacher of Piano
ilJL t-orte. Melodeon, Cabinet Orzan. Guitar
ii irmony and Vocal Music. For the sole purpose
of keepit.g inferior Instruments out of tbccouaiv
.Vtissliyinler has secured agencies for the sale of
re -lii.v 4od and durable Pianos Organs. Guitars
o.um jitiiuucuus. AicHiei amoDg m large iisi 01
goort instruments may be mentioned,
Cbickerings and Sons Grand, Square1 and Up
right Piano Fortes Lindeman's and Sons new
patent Cycloid Piano Calenberg A Yaupel's
iirand and qaae fianos Mason t Hamlin s
Cabinet Organ. Etxy's Cottage Organ. Tieat A
Linslcy's Organs and Melodeout'. Gall's Guitars.
Ac . which ebe will fell at a very tiifiing advance
on Manufacturer's prices, tbu enabling purchas
ers to secure Instruments that will be a pleasure
to own. for no erater outlay of money than would
be required to get iuferior articles that are "dear
at avy price.
Music Books, Paper. Guitar Strings and Sheet
music constantly on hand st the store of Mrs. 11.
D.Welsh. September. 20. IMS j.
in. mm m mm
which they are now offering to the public at the
Their sto..-k consists ot a general variety oi
Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-wan, Queens-ware,
Tin ware. Willow-ware, Wooden-ware. Provisions.
Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing. Ac.
now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks.
Delaines. Alpacas. inghains- Dueals. Prints. Me.
riuos. Cashmeres. Plaids. Brilliants. PcpHns. "e
reg". Lawns Nankins. Linen. Lace, Edgings. C!
erettes. Braids. Belts. Veils, Nets, Corsctts, Nu
bias, Hoods. Coats. Mantels. Balmoral skirts. Ho
siery, Gloves Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes. Ribbons.
Hats. Trimming. Buttons. Combs. Shawls. Braid.
Muslins. lri.h Linens. Cambrics, Victoria Lawn,
Swiss, Bobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc.'
. : . ' , Of Men's Wear
They have also received a large and well select
ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths. Plain and Faney
Cassimeres, Casbmerets. Tweeds. Jeani. Cordu
roys. Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchiefs. Neck
ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Cap. Scarfs, etc., etc.
' r ReadV-Mswle '.Clothing : : " r
Id the latest styles and of the best material,
consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests. Sbawls. Over
eoats. Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, etc.
Of Boots and Shoes, . . . .
They have a large assortment for Ladies and Gen
tlemen, consisting of Top Boots, Brogana. Pumps
Gaiters. Balmoral Boots, Slipper. Monroes, etc
Groceries and 'Provisions.''
Such' as Coffee," Syrnps, Sugar, Rice. Crackers,
Vinegar, Candles. Chese. I'lonr. Meal. Bi.con,
Fishi coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc.
Coal Oil Lamps,' " f
Coal oil. Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie
y. -Japan ware, Egg beaters. Spice boxes Wjre
adela, Sieves. Dusting pans, Lanterns, eto . eto.
- r - Carpets, Oil-cloth, r
Brooms. Brushes Baskets. Washboards. Duckets.
Tabs. Churns Wall-paper. Candle stisk. Cotton
yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, etc.
Rafting Ropes, ,
Angers, Axes. Chisels. Saws. Files, Tfamraers.
Hatchets. N'ils. Spikes. Gri -d stones. Stoneware,
Tranks, Carpet bags. Powder. Shot, Lead, etc.
School Book?, ;
Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com
mereial paper, pens, pencils anl ink. copy books,
slates, ink stands, faney and common envelopes.
Carriage Trimmings,
Shoe Findings. Glass snd Putty.' Fist irons and
Coffee mills. Bed eords and Bed screws. Matches,
Stove blacking. Washing soda and Soap, etc,
' Flavoring Extracts, ,
Patent Medicines. Periamery of various kinds.
Fancy soap, oils. Paints.. VarnUbes. and in lact
overy thing usually kept ia a first elass Store. .
They invite ail persons to call and -examine,
their stock and hope to give entire satisfaction.
Clearfield, Pa., Sept. 6th, l6t , .
TfllTlBLK-SKEINS snd ripe-bo, trr
Wagons, for sale by. MERRELL A BIGLER
j r. x'lfrBRAT.' :' : ' :' : "aurti. Mitchell.
MVMl'KUAY & MITCnELL, Dealers in
Foreign and Domertio Mercbandisa. Ltm
lR. Flour, Grain, Xe., New "Washington. Clear
Scld eonnty. Pa October 2a, lh65-lyfH
Have jsrt epened a large and splendid assort
. . meat of -
NEW-GOODS' i ': -.,
at their old Stand in Clearfield. Penn'a-
- Tbey have the best assortment of Hardware that
has ever been brought to this county, which they
will sell- at :he mut reasonable prices, among
which wilf be tound a splendid- lot of cuttlery. to
which they invite the rpecial attention of the
On hand an assortment of heavy silver-plated
Forks. Spoons, and Butter kaiver. of the best
manufacture. , -
A lot of pistols of the best patterns, and other
fire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol
cartridges; all of which will be sold at reasona
ble prices. - . , .
They continue to manufacture all kinds of tin
ware, bras kettles, stove pipe, etc, which cannot
be surpassed in this section of the state. -
They a so have on hand Pittsburg Plows. a
mong which are steel centre lever plows. Also.
Plow castings, and other agricultural implements.
Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen
eral assortment, and of the best patterns, for sale
at reasonable prices.
Coal oil. Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and var
nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails,
iron, and eastings, a great variety ; in fact almost
anything that may be wanted by the public can
be found in tbeireetablishment, and at prices that
cannot be beat."
v Now is the time to purchase, if too desire any
thing in their line of business. Give them a call
and examine their stock, and they feel' assured
that yoa can be accommodated.
Remember, their establishment is on 2d Street,
Clearfield. Pa., where you can buy goods to the
very best advantage. .
Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old east
ings will be taken in exchange for goods.
Purchashed since the late Decline
in Prices.
Now ufFers a very Large Stock of
At a reduction of 25 to 40 per cert; including
Dress Goods in great variety, Merinoes, Ging
hams. Cloths. Delaines, Prints. Cassimeres. Alpac
as, iiks. Satinetts, Reps. Cashmeres, Tweeds. Ce
bergs. Muhair. Jeans. Lane! las. Muslins. Flanne!,
Bonnets. Clouks. Ribbons, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop
Skirts. Shawls. Dress Trimmings. Head Nets. Caps,
Corsets Gloves, Collars, Scarfs. Grecsndine Veils:
Table Covers.
CLOTHING. Coats, Pants. Vests Over-Coats,
Gent's Shawls. Shirts. Hats. Caps, Under Shirts,
and Drawers, Boots, Shoes, Gum Shoes, cravhts.
Gloves, collars ...
Hardware, Queensware, Notions, and Musical
G ROCERl ES. Tea. coffee, molasses. sugar, salt,
candles, rice, flour, baoon, fish, tobacco, raisins,
currants, spices, crackers, wines, brandies, vine
gar, oils, yarnisn, alcohol..-
Tinware, glassware, wood wars, and stationary,
HOUSE HOLD GOODS. Carpet, oil cloths. Drug
gets, looking glssses. clocks, churns, washboards,
tubs, buckets, flat-irons, pans, window-blinds,
wall paper coal oil lamps, umbrellas, bedcords,
knivesand forks. cpoons, crocks. and stove blacking.
All ot which will be sold on tbe most reasonable
terms, and the highest market price paid er
grain, wool, and ail kinds of country produce
Clearfield, Pa., March 22d. 1S65. ,
mi. m j- n j
ilia , uiieapesL ajooqs
Kertd the follovnvf'hsi of eoodtanJ vroitt.ierehv.
Cheap F0a THE janiES. Goodt
CV,"'A,waJ'8 on hn(J Jsrge stock of La-;
Cl,eat dies goods sucl as Coburg Cloth, U .
aipacas, if iaines, uingbams. 1-
Prints, cuints,Kercbiefs,Nu- r00V.
bies. Bonnets, Gloves, eto. Goods
Always on baad Black, Blue. Brownoo
and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Good
Casimeres. Sattinets. Cassinets, 'GooJm
I weeds. Plain and rancy Vest
ings. Shirting, eto., etc. etc.
Snrb as Coats. Pantu VKt T?rAmr.
jCoo '
j Goodw
I GooJi
, Goods
-'""P stiirts. ana otDer trlannel shirts,
Cheap, Boots, Shoes, Ilati. Caps, Neck-
Cl'ttip, ties. Gum Bootsand Shoes. and
CUmp. a variety of other articles.
Okeap nnrsnininr.nnno '
. . . . '
Cheap Snch ,s l nbIeached ,Dd UJeached100
ineap. Mnattn. rL.A I ; ,lroods
and cotton tablecloths. Oilcloth, 1?,"
Linen and hemp towls. car- . r J
pets, curtains, fringe, etc 'gw
s i-
rL,j,n If yon want Nails or spikes. Manure
Cheap ot other forks. Saw-mill or other (oods
Cheapi m- Smoothing irons. Locks, Wjfogj,
Cheap -Hinges, etc go to Mossop's Goods
Cheap) . . where you can buy cheap. ..... Goods
Cheap - - ; IF YOU WANT Good
Cheap Knives and forks.' Butcher Knives, Coorf
Cheapi Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla 1 Goods
ana Hemp ropes. Ids, raper or Hioods
Pens. Powder, Shot or Lead, . .
tc, buy tbera at Mossop s.
Cheap snoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy
Cheap' Soap. Staroh, W all Paper or Win
dow Shades. Lamps. Lamp tubes
or icics. eoal oil, eto , go to
Mossop's cheap cash store.
I heap
Cheap' F luu " "- L
i-l.JL Good extra family Flour. White
CAoi brown fcri shoulders or
Uyson or blaeK tea, buy them
at Mossop's cheap for cash.
C'Aean'Tallow candles, fine ot eoarse salt.
C nen pi Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried ;
Cheapl - apples or peaches, water or so- i '
Cheap' doeracicers. call at Mossop'a
Cheap ' where you can buy cheap.
Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sarramen
Cheap tal uses, Sw-et wine, old Mononr
Cheapi gaoeia or rye whisKy, Cherry '
Cheap. and Cognac brandy, buy at -Cteap'-
- Mossop's cheap cash store.
rz p.
Cheap p... . j.j 'Good
- - - if m
1 - t " VIH..; -
i rant: hlberu. cream, pecn or
cijl grooBQ nuts, eandies. Ltquor'.ce
or Liquorioe root, buy t,em
(-L P - tMoasop'aoaeap and good.
Good .
Chrap T y 7 Jn lirtiele cheap, be
Clveap to go to aJossoP,for hw sells Ooodx
Visos l"r" cu loan any outer Gitda.
Chea. Clearfield eounty. - Good
C' -aoveiaoerzi.iSBl. . , apZ7 59. 1 Goods
Approved rrrrmtnt yrodiem of (tr hxn-d tale ot
t -roS mvlc price in exchange A gt4
' i