TBI TSBSiiPS i: 18 Hi : it Raftsman's ournaL . J. BOW, SDITOR AID FHOFRIBTOR. clearfield, pa., nov. 15, 1865. tft; news. CoL A. II. Bowman, of the U. S. Corps of Engineers, died at his residence in Wilkesbarre, Pa., on Nov. 10th. He was well known to army circles, was formerly superintendent at West Point,had charge of the construction of Fort Sumter, and at the time of his death was president of the commission of engineers for remodelling the coast fortifications. . lion. Jacob Collamer, United States Sen ator, died in Woodstock, Vermont, on the evening of the 9th of November. Mr. C. , though not a brilliant man, possessed many statesman-like qualities, added to great in dustry and perfect integrity. In his death, the United States Senate has lost one ot its ablest and oldest members. It is said that the three daughters of the late Chief Justice Taney are left in a condi tion of poverty, and that one or two of them have been sewing for a living. Judge Ta ney died a poor man, and left three daugh ters. Their secession friends havenot cared for them as they should have done. The Indians on th e plains are again becom ing troublesome. On the 6ththey attacked the whites at Pool Creek, captured a mail, am bulance, mules, and some Government hor ses. Gen. Heath is reported to have recent ly had a battle with the Indians killing 29 of them. Com. Murray took possession of the rebel ram Stonewall, now laying at IIavana,on Oc tober the 2d, by simply raising the Ameri can flag at the mast-head. He is empow ered to return to the Spanish Government tbe $16,000 advanced to pay the crew of the ram. - John C. Breckinridge, is reported as hav ing gone to San Antonia, Texas, from Can ada where he proposes to reside,providing the President will pardon him. He de serves the fate of Wirr. Among tha pardon-seekers, who visited the White IIoue, on the 10th, were Long street, Albert Pike and Extra-Billy Smith. The Georgia State Convention has de clared by a unanimous vote that slavery is forever abolished within the State. The debt of Tennessee is $16,211,000. Gov. Brownlow recommends the issue of bond to pay the interest thereon. The Late Elections. The result of the recent electionsfootsup, in round numbers, as follows : Pennsylvania, Union maj. 21,000 Vermont, Union maj. 20,000 Maine, Union maj. 22,000 Ohio, Union maj. 30.000 Iowa, Union maj. 20,000 few York, Union maj. 2S,000 New Jersey, Union maj. 3,600 Nevada, Union maj. 1,000 Several other States have held elections this fall but we have not the figures. - In New Jersey the Union majority in the Senate is two, and in House 1 5. In New York the Senate stands 27 Union to 5 Cops, the House 94 Union to 34 Cops. The next Congress will stand Senate, Union 38, Cops 11; House, Union 144, Cops 40. - The Union party has swept everything before it not leaving a single State to the Cops. This is surely a most glorious tri umph. British Neutrality Precedents. A petition has been circulated in commer cial circles in Boston, which has been numer ously signed by the shipownersand merchauts asking Secretary Seward to refrain from pressing the demands of our Government a gainst England for compensation for depre dations committed upon our commerce by jthe Alabama and other British pirates. Tbe petitioners take the solid ground that it would be a great injury to the United States to weaken the prospective value of the pre cedents set by the British Government, as the day must sooner or later arrive when we will have the opportunity to follow in their footsteps, and, imitating the example of her merchants, mechanics and ship-builders, profit by her misfortunes. This is teaching he bloody instructions in the bitter letter. ' " Pittsburgh Chronicle. This highly popular Pittsburg Daily, ad ded some $U columns to its dimensions last week, on account of its largely increasing advertising patronage. This fact freaks volumes in favor of the growing prosperity and influence of Pittsburgh enterprise. The Chronicle is independent in ' polities, and discusses all national topics with fairness ability, but its chief aim is to advance the business interests of Pittsburg and its sur roundings and hence, is specially worthy the encouragement and support of the busi ness menof the "smoky city." JJay it re ceive th increasing patronage it merits. The Forthcoming Message of President Johnson and the Departmental Eeports. In the time that intervenes between now and the session of Congress, next month when the President's message and the re ports ot the heads of departments will le given to the public, we shall doubtless be favored with abundance of information from the "knowing ones" as to the contents of these forthcoming documents, and their recommendation upon important points or measures of policy. We have generally had such advance information in previous years, and the fact that it has nearly, always subsequently proved to be all bosh, is not likely to make it less greedily received this year. How easy it would be, for exanible, for O. P. Q. or X. Y. Z. to telegraph from "i oshington to some of our sensational jour nals that "President Johnson, in his forth coming message, will take decided ground in favor of a peremptory enforcement of our claims for damages upon England ;" and what a nice sensation it would be for Wall street and for the Fenians ! How cheap it would be to forward a telegram that the "Secretary of State had just sent on his re port to the printer, and it contains his very latest despatches, will exhibit to a startled country the extremely critical condition of our relations with France ;" or a despatch that the Secretary of War would, in his re port favor the maintenance of our army at a strength of two hundred thousand, as it was necessarily to overawe the still rebellious spirit of the South. In fact, we are already beginning to have such alleged foreshadow ings of departmental reports. A New York contemporary, has a Wash ington despatch announcing the highly im portant news that the Secretary of the Treas ury, in his forthcoming report, will advo cate the abolition ot the present Internal Revenue system, and the substitution for it of a tax upon sales. Now, this would be highly important if true. But we think it would be safe to add to the announcement that its author did not k am the news by reading it in Secretary McCulloch's forth coming report, or from any one who had read said report, or from Secretarj' McCul loch himself, or from any one to whom the Secretary told it, He probably either "saw a man" who told it to him, or found it among the sediment in the depths of his own consciousness. In either case it is neither important nor true, and should have been "suppressed before it was published," as it is calculated only to do harm. In a few weeks we shall have the Presi dent's message and accompanying docu ments ; and it would be as well not to give credit to, or speculate upon, anything alleg ed to be in them, until it can be read in the documents themselves. The Eoman Problem. The situation of Pope Pics the Ninth at Rome is beginnig to be interesting. Noti fied long ago that the French troops would be gradually withdrawn from the Eternal City, he refused to take the hint, as it was meant that he should, and has preferred tern poiizat ion toaction. He must be some what startled by the notice given him, that the evacuation would commence on the first of November, which it is said that Count Sar tiues, the French Minister, has delivered. It is further stated that two French frigates had left Toulon on the 28th ult, to take home a portion of the soldiers which were st itioned at Rome. The evacuation, accor ding to previous notice, is to be gradual. This is the first warning. His Holiness has hitherto acted upon the policy of "Micaw ber," and hoped that"something would turn up." But nothing has turned up, and now the French evacuation of Rome has com menced. What will he do? Either he must be prepared to evacuate with the soldiers, or he must make terms with Victor Eman CEL. Hitherto he has obstinate!' refused to enter into negotiations with him, except upon such terms as were inadmissible. Ei ther he must reconsider his determination, and submit to necessity, or he must prepare to move. The Italian Ministry,it is stated, will again propose the opening of negotia tions as soon a the elections in Italy are o ver. The Pope will be given another op portunity, and there is no doubt that it is the intention of France to spur him up to decidedaction by the course which she has taken. The Revolt in Jamaica. An arrival from Port Antonio brings news from Jamaica to the 16th of October. The revolt of the negroes had then been going on and gaining strength for nine days. The rebels were in full force in Port Moranet, and were committing fearful excesses. It this is to be a war of races in that island, it will be fearful. There is but a small milita ry force within reach for the protection of the whites. On the coast such gunboats as can be called from near places may pro tect the few who are fortunate enough to get under the shelter of their guns ; but in the interior there is no sort of refuge. The proportions ot the two races would seem to preclude any chance of self-defence, for of the 400,000 inhabitants of the Island, 0,?ly about 10,000 are whites. There are 75,Ot?0 mulattoes, and the remainder, more than thi'ee hundred thousand, are pure blacks. -' " . -'r- ' - ' Alex. II. Stephens, has been urged to run for Congress,in Georgia, but he declines the use of his name for that position. Can't take the path, eh? OEGANIZDTG THE HOUSE. The Democratic journals, which talk seven day3 in the week about the dangers of con solidation and centralization, arc making a concerted effort to force upon one subordi nate officer of the Government a larger po litical power than was ever wielded by a President. Their purpose" is to settle all questions ot reconstruction by persuading Edward McPherson, Clerk of the last House of Representatives, to put on the roll of the next House the names of persons sent to Washington from the Rebellious States. If put on the roll, "those persons would take part in the election of Speaker, and proba bly take their seats in the House. That would dispose forever of the most import ant questions touc hing the relations between the Rebellion and the Government. Con gress would have no voice whatever in de ciding them, but would find that the Clerk ot the House had saved them the trouble of all legislation on matters clearly within the scope of legislative authority. The la test effort, therefore, of Democracy, accord ing to The World, Herald, Chicago Times, Cincinnati Inquirer, and the rest, is practi cally to abolish Congress. Unfortunately for the Democratic plot, Mr. McPherson is not disposed to join it. A statement was printed the other day by a correspondent of The Evening Post, un doubtedly well-informed on the point, that Mr. McPherson had announced that be would not place on the roll any person claim ing to be elected from a State that has been in Rebellion. A still more explicit and pre cise piece of testimony exists. Mr. Mc Pherson has stated his views at length in a letter from which we copy as follows : "In the several theoriesof reorganization, the controlling power in the premises is va riously suppoed ti be lodged sometimes in the President, sometimes in Congress. The latter is likely to incline to the latter view, and In any event Is not likely to permit mem bers to be forced into the House and Senate until, In aicirdance with the constitutional guaranty, those, bodies themselves have pass ed upon the, claims of the applicants. "But the law of the case is plain. It provides in a resolution bunglingly worded, but prepared and passed with direct lefer ence to such a contingency as an erfort by a tricky Clerk to flood tbe House with illegiti mate members that the Clerk "sliull make a roll, ard place thereon the names of all persons, and of such persons only, whose creden tails show that they ivere. regularly elected, in ' accordance iclth the laics of their States respectively, or the laics of the United States." Stat, at Large, Vol. XII., p. S04. . "On this it is clear : "First: That no "law of the United States" authorizes the election of represen tatives in any of the insurrectionary States. "Second: Ti at no "law of any of. the States" authorizes an election held at the Call of a "I'roivisonal Governor," and from which large numbers of legally recognized voters the unsworn Rebels are excluded. "How then can any names be placed on the roll as from these States?" Mr. McPherson adds in the Fame letter that he believes "there can be no legal gov ernment in any of the insurrectionary States until Congress recognizes it. Without le gal government there can, of course, be no legal representatives to be placed on the roll." This letter, as the reference to Pro visional Governmentst'shows, was written some time since. The recent declarations of Mr. McPherson are in perfect conformity with it. His determination not to recon struct Congress by his individual act is ma tured by long reflection, has been repeated ly asserted, and cannot be " shaken by the inflammatory appeals of journals that have only just learned to counterfeit the accents of layalty, and to lewd a tardy support to the Administration. They are re-enfoiced by Gov. Perry of South Carolina, who vol unteers the valuable opinion that the per sons chosen from his State in November will have the same right to take their scats as the regularly elected members from Mas sachusetts. We don't know a Copperhead anywhere who isn't of the same mind ; but so long as the law is plain, and Mr. McPher son pledged to obey it, the Copperheads are welcome to their opinions. They will in vain expect the Clerk to attempt, or the House to tolerate, an act that would be equally revolutionary and despotic, and that, could produce nothing but confusion and disaster. The Union Dead in the Sout&wast. The same laudable and patriotic spirit which induced the Government at Washington o send com missisoners to Virginia, the Car olinas and Georgia, to disinter the bodies of Union soldiers and give them a proper buri al,has caused another to be sent to the Chick amauga battle-fie'd. Four hundred bodies have been lifted tenderly from the loughly made graves in which they were first placed, and about three hundred of these have been deposited in the National Cemetery at Chat tanooga. The bat tie-fields of Lookout Moun tain, Mission Ridge. Buzzard's Roost, Wau hatchie and others in ihe Southwest will also be visited, and the patriot dead removed to the same cemetery. Watchful and careful protectors of our soldiers while living,' our national authorities do not fail to pay that respect to them when dead which their val orous deeds entitled them to receive. " There were, according to the best authori ties, 121 deaths by cholera in Paris between the 1st and 10ih of October. On the 12th there were 191 deaths, and on the 13th ISO. - Many planters in Texas are paying the freedmen their wages every evening, as the The plan is to work well. 1 : THE EXECUTION OF WIEZ. . The execution of Henry Wirz attracted crowds of spectators to the Old Capitol on Friday morning, November 10th. Ac 9 o' clock a strong military force "arrived, and the streets in front and ' at the side of. the building was cleared. Owners of tenements, from the roofs or windows of which views of the galiows.could.be had, admitted specta tors at large prices, and quite a number of women availed themselves of this opportu nity to gratify their cariosity. Holders of tickets were admitted into the prison, through which they passed into the yard. A rough gallows had been erected in one corner of the yard, on the - platform of which stood four sentries of the Veteran Reserve Corps, while from the beam dangled the fatal rope which was to prove a "dt;ad line" to the ty rant of Andersonville. Wirz was in his cell, attended by Fathers Boyle and Wiggott, of the Roman Catholic C hurch. On Thursday night he ate a hear ty oyster supper, and then went to sleep at 10 o'clock, reposing quietly until he awoke at three o'clock on Friday morning. He then wrote his farewell to his wife, and made some statements about his connection with the rebellion, avowing that he had mal treated prisoners in accordance with orders from superior officers, but solemnly asserted that ha had never killed any one, or perpe trated the cruel acts ascribert to him. Af ter the sentence was read to him in prison, Wirz said: "I'm d d if thy Yankee eagle has not turned out to be what I expected a d d turkey buzzard." He then desired that Father Boyle, and his counsel Mr.' Schade, be sent for, who had a long conver sation with him. During the morning Father Boyle admin istered the sacrament to Wirz, and Father Wiggett then placed upon the prisoner a black cambric robe, remarking, as he did so, "I hope the robe will be turned into a white oue iti the other world." Wirz, it is sid, was an inSJel, but of late professed repen tence, and one of his re'iiom advisers is of the opinion that he was sincere, and that he truly repented. Just before the appointed hour for execution, a young Massachusetts ofLcial at the prison handed Wirz an auto graph album, in which be wrote! in a clear, steady hand, "Old Capitol prison, Novem ber 10th, 1865, Henry Wirz, Capt. and A. A. G., C. S. A" 'There," said he, "is my last signature." At 10:20 the prisoner accompanied by Provost Marshal !tuseli and other officers, and Fathers Boyle and Wiggett, came from the cell and passed between the line of guards to the scaffold, where the prisoner was seated. Amid profound silence Provost Maashal Russell proceeded to read the order of the War' Department founded on the verdict of the Millitary Commission which tried the prisoner. He wa3 charged and convicted , , . "Of combining, confederating and con spiring with Jefferson I'avis, James .V. Sed don, Howell Cob!i, John il. Winder, Rich ard B. Winder, Isaiah II. White, V '. S. Winder, W. Shelby Reed, 1L R. Steven son, S. P. Moor, Kerr Tate, hospital stew ard at Andersonville, James Duncan, Wes ley Warner, Benjamin Harris and others whose names are unknown, and who were then engaged in arijueJ rebellion against the United States, maliciously, traitorious ly and in violation of the laws ol war, to im pair, injure or destroy the lives by subject ing to great torture and great suffering, by confining in unhealthy and unwholesome quarters, by exposing to the inclemency of winter, and to the dews and burning sun of summer, by compelling the use of impure water and by furnishing insufficient and un wholesome food, a large number of Federal prisoners, to wit: The number of atout 45,000, held as prisoners of war at Ander sonville, within the walls of the so-called Confederate States, on or before 27th of March,' 1SG4, and at divers times between that djy and the 10th day of April, 1865, to the end that the armies of the United States might be weakened and impaired, and that the insurgents engaged in rebellion against the United States might be aided and com forted." "" Sentence. And the Court do therefore sentence him (Henry Wirz) to be hanged ' by the neck till he be dead, at such time and place as the President of the United States may direct, two-thirds of tbe mem bers of the court concurring herein ; and the court also find the prisoner, Henry Wirz, guilty of having caused the death, in the manner alleged in specifications 11 to charge 2, by means of dogsf of three prisoners of war in his custody, nnd soldiers of the Uni ted States one occurring, on or about the 15th day of May, 1864 ; another occurring on or h1kiU- the 11th day ot July, 1S64 ; but which finding, as here expressed, has not and did not enter into the sentence of tbe court as before given." . The proceedings, finding and sentence of the court were approved by the proper au thorities, and Friday, Nov. 10th, designed as the day of execution. ,- .,- '-- After the reading of the order jras conclu ded, Wirz conversed with those on the plat form with seeming calmness and self-possession, and, it is said, with smiling counte nance. To his spiritual advisers he said:. "I am innocent I have to die but lean die like a man I hope in. the future I have nothing more to sav." The Priir. then bade him farewell and those on the J i latfoMii retired to the railing leaving the j doomed man in the centre of the structure. His legs and hands were then tied, the rope passed round his neck, and the black cap placed over, hi head. ; He stood erect without faltering, evidently having nerved j himself for the solemn event After a tew ! moments of profound silence the drop, at a preconcerted signal, fell. He.v as consider: ably convulsed in his legs but the agony was 8nover. A subsequent examination show . ed his neck was broken by the fall 1 As the sound, occasioned by the fall of the drop, reached the ears of the crowd on the outside of the wall, Buouts of approbation were heard. The body was permitted to hang about fifteen minutes, when jt was cut down and carried into the dead room, where it was placed in a coffin and given in care of Father Boyle, who, it is said, will have it de posited in the ; vault of the Catholic Cenje tery, until the wishes of Mrs." Wirt concern ing it can be known. Such has been the termination of the earthly career of another of the sanguinary agents of the late slaveholders' rebellion. That Wirz deserved the penalty which has been inflicted upon him, there seems to be little doubt ; yet he, and others who may suffer a like penalty, are rather to be pitied, cn account of their being the mere tools of designing men, or human fiends. Had the leaders in the rebellion suffered the death penalty instead of such deluded men as Wirz, the ends of justice would have been fully es tablished ; but until the leading actor of the la!e bloody rebellion receive the merited punish went for hjs crimes, tlio climax of justice "'iil be unsatisfied. Bat va, presume, the. chief rebel will not escape ; for, simulta neous with the announcement of the execu tion of Henry Wirz, comes the intelligence from President Johnson that Jefferson Da vis is soon to be legally tried for treason a purpose always entert iined and never for a moment yielded. The same nerve that saw the instrument executed will not flinch at trying the prina'paL The law that estab lishes Treason as crime, will neither be hard to find or difficult to construe. All the Country's woe3 "Democratic." From the New York Tribune. . The Rebellion was Democratic. It I roke out in Democratic States. It was confined to Democratic States. It was hatched by Southern Democrats. If was fostered by Northern Democrats. Democrats officered the Rebel armyJ Democrats made up its rank and file. Democrats filled every office in the Confederate Government, from the Presidency down to the clerkships and the messengerships. There wasn't a Republi can with a shoulder-strap, or a musket, or a "place," in the whole devilish concern. In the Democratic City of Washington, under the Democratic Administration of Buchan an, the Rebellion was conspired and prepar ed. A Democratic member of ti at Demo cratic Administration stripped the North of arms, and smuggled them over to the South, and sent the army where it would be una vailable, or could easily be captured. A Democratic "member of that same Democrat ic Administration scattered the navy over the world so that it could not boused on the Rebel seaboard. A Democratic Secre tary of the Treasury plundered his trust to supply the Rebellion with money. . A Dem ocratic President, entreated to do something to save the Nation, refused, declaring and arguing that the Government could not Con stitutionally defend itself, and that it was unlawful to coerce Rebels, and he sat sul lenly down, like the Democrat and traitor that he was, and allowed the Nation's arse nals to be plundered, and the Nation's ships, navy-yards and fortresses to be seized, and the rebel armies to be organized, : without lifting a finger to prevent. Democrats throughout every , Northern and Western State applauded the conduct of their Demo cratic President adopted and defended his Democratic doctrine, that the Government had no right to apply force to suppress a Re bellion and, from the word "Go," politi cally and personally opposed every legisla tive, financial, military and moral measure taken to speedily and successfully prosecnte the war, and save the Nation's life. The CoUNTRr'8 PAST-ASD PRESENT WOES ARE Democratic all and every of them, with out one solitary exception. This truth, as of the GospeL was thus uttered by a Wes tern orator : ' . "Let Democratic journals and oiators howl over the debt and taxes their war has brought. They but magnify their own sins. Every dollar of debt is a Democratic legacy. Every tax is a Democratic gift. Every Gov ernment stamp 'i a Democratic stick in plaster. Every person in the United State drinks in lX-moc;ra"y iu his tea, hii :ffe! and his whiskey, i i-i the sugar wherewith he sweetens theru. Each ingredient pays its quota lor the cost of Democracy to the coun try. ' The smoker inhales Democracy. The sick man is physicked with Democracy. The laboring man gives about one hour's la bor every day to pay for Democracy. The capitalist pays one-tenth of his income for the cost of the Democratic party. Every transfer of property is saddled with the Democratic bnrden. Before he is begotten, the child is subject to the Democratic tax. From the cradle to the grave he never is free from it 1 The funeral mourniu? must first pay the penalty ot Democratic rule, and a portion of that which he leaves behind must go into this Democratic vortex. Gen eration after generation will carry this Dem ocratic burden from birth to death. But tor the D 'mocratic party, our people would hardly have known the nature of taxation. But for the Democratic party, the hundreds of thousands of young men whose bones are strewn over tbe South would now 1 imnlno.' tive laborers and the support and comfort of lupines iiuw uesoiate. o one can attempt to deny this indictment. No one can pre tend that the Democratic party had any cause for rebellion. Vet it ha the effronte ry to cry over the burdens of taxation. As the father ot the Democn tic party, when he had stripped Job of family and posse sions charged it to his own Ma, and sought to draw him from his integrity, so his Dem ocratic sous now cine forward with equal effrontery and charge their doings ujKn the loyal people,; and hypocritically howl over their afflictions, and seek to . seduce them from their integrity, to elect to power the party that has brought all th-te woes upon the land." . 1 o in tr attention, th C ASH matt 'ici mvL ny Botlcet.M followr All Ciationi Dd Etran. with 81,f.O; Auditors', AdmiairtrEtori' and Ex ecutor' notices, (2,50, each ; Dieeolutiont, t2: all other transient Hotiees at the amine ra'es Other a-irfrtiaements atUMpercqacre,forSer less insertions. Ten lines (or less) cent a square FISH general Tariety, just received ard for sale at .MEKKKLL A BIQLER'S. CH E FSE a good article, jnst mterred at Sot. IS. ; MKRRH.LL A KiaLIR S, PVI.LEY BLOCKS of Tarion rite to be hail at r- MERREIX A Bid igg 'S C1AHLK CIJAIS-a rood artdv S,d and for f ale by MEK RELL A BIO LER BFKFAI.O ROBES, Knee Blankets, and Horse Blanket for sale at So MERRELL A BTQIER'g. I STR AY. Strayed away from the subaerihej A several months since, the following cattle to wit : One White Steer, dark ear, hort lad crook ed horns, tone dark on hisaidesand about 4 years old ; slso One 2 and a ball years old Boll, mostly red. Both are marked with piece off the left ear and a slit in the same ear. Any person riy in in'ormation of the whertaVuts of said cattle will be amply rewarded, . Add rep i ,t , u WAITE.' Ioy. 13-pd. Half Moon, Centre co , Pa. LOVE AXD MATRIMO.V.Ladies end gentlemeo. if yon wish toAnarry. address the undersigned who will send you, without money or w ithout price, valuable information that will enable you to marry happily and speedily, irres pective of age, wealth, or beauty. This informa tion will cost yoa nothing, and if you wiah to m irry. I will cheerfully assist yoa. All letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no questions a.ked Address SARAIi B. LAMBEKT. 1 G reenpoint. Kings Co., New York. November 15, lSrtj-3ra. .-;..: HEALTH AND BEATJTY.-Cbsm.aii'b iLLrsTRATKDGr-ine, a beautiful little work of 50 pages, teaches you how to remove Tan, Frock lcs. Pimples Hlotches, Eruptions, and all impu rities of the Skin how to produce a full growth of W!i inkers bow to produce a luxuricnt growth of hair on a bald head cure Catarrh, purify the IMood. purify tbe breath to curl and beautify the hair, remove superfluous hair, cure Drunken ness, cu'e Nervous debility, Ac, Ac. how to re new your age. and other useful and valuable in formation. A copy of this work will be mailed free of charge on application. Address. THOS.. F. CHAPMAN, , . Chemist and Perfumer, 831 Broadway, Nov. 15, 1365 3m. Nev Yark. ' DO YOU WISH TO BE CORED 1 Putnot the poisoned chalice to your lips. Or Death, will be the fate of him who sips : But take the herb in freshness from the field,' And to the potent roots disease will yield, Old Dr. Buchan's TinSii.-k Spretfic Ptllr cure, in less than thirty days, the worst esses of Ner vousness, 1 in potency, Premature decay. Seminal weak necs. Insanity, and all Urinary. Sexual or Nervous aff clions. no matter front what cause produced. Price One Dollar per box. Sent post paid, by mail, on reoeipt of an order. - . j. Address . , JAMES S BUTLER, f ' T r r, 429, B"iJ.-w York.; I . S. Descriptive circulars sent free on applica tion. Address as above Nov. 15, 1865 8L P RRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman whe -J suflered for years from Nervous and (lenital debillity. Nightly emissions, and Seminal Weak' ness. the result of youthful indiscretion, and earn e near ending his days in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of suffering man, send to all who need it, (free of charge ) the receipe and directions for maaing the simple remedy used in his ease. Suf ferers wishing to profit by the advertisers sad ex perience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy.' can do so by addressing bim at once at his place of business. The receipe and full information of vital importance will be eheerlully sent by return mail. Address JOHN B. OUDKN. No. 60 Nausau Street, New York P. S. Nervous sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable. ' Nov. 15, 1885-3m.' NEW STORE in cubwensville; JOHN IKVIN, lias just received and opened at the old stand in Curwei.srille, an .ntire new stock of Fall and Winter Goods which he will tell very cheap for cash. His stock consists of - Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Qtieerisware, Coots ' and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready- , . made clothing, etc. ' f ' " The public generally is respecfully invited to give him a call ; see hisstick and bear his prices, and purchase from him if you find it will be to your advantage. - Nov. 15, 1865' - A CARD TO THE SCFFERING.-Do J . you wish to be cured ? If so. swallow two or three hogsheads of -Buchu," "Tonio Bitters," ' Nervous Antidotes," Ac . and after you are satis fied with Ibe result, then trv one box of Old Doc tor Huchan-s Engli,h Sj eciPc Pills and be resto red to health and vigor in less than thirty days Ihey are purely vegetable pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on tbe broken-down aud shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Dr. Bu chan's English Specific Piria cure in less than thir ty days, tbe worst cases ot Nervousness, Impoten ce. Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness. Insani ty, and all Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous affec tions no matter from whatcsnse produced Price One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receiptor an order. . ' . ' JAMES S- BUTLER. 23 Broadway. New York, e. Agent " b A. ox ent " y eddress on receipt of price which is Dollar 1Mt Jrex - ' Medical Co l Livei Oil has proved by tweaty years experience, the most valuable remedy in use aa X. w ,tUre".-he.dist.re- if trengthand flesh to the patient Warranted pi re and made from fresh livers Sold . y druggists generally! ri, . HEOEAMN A CO. 1 Chemists and Druggl.ts, New.York. 25 CENTS TO SAVE 25 D l L ARS -Hegeman's Concentrated Bensine removes Paint,GreU.pou, Ac instantly, and cleans .Silks. Ribbons. Uioses, Ac equal to new Only IS cents per bottle, yt Sold by Druggists. HKiiEMA 3 A O Chemists and Druggists, New York.' ,IJAPPED "AND8 AND FACE. SORE LIPS CIHLBLAlNa.-. -liegeman A Co'. Camphor ice w:th Glycerine cures Chapped hands. Ac Tim med iate!y and wi. I keep tbe kin soft and smooth- Nol!3m.co'Chcm'; pnOTOGRAPHic ALBUMS, for sale el a II art w ica- A llotli.n Oifrfield . Pa -, A LV?U.E 5TOOK f GLASS, paints, oil. r. white lead, etc.. at - . A. IRVIN'S H ORSE-SIIOES and horsetail., to be had at "U J"- , Jar.KKt.Ll, A BIGLER'S. FOR SALE ateost i good eook' stoves, to . etohe out the stock, at the eheap easb store of " ' R- MOsSOP, CleaVfleld, Pa. PROVISIONS.-Flour, bacon, lard, eheese. A. dried beef, dried truit, received regularly, at the store of ,. jMar. t?,J ,J. FKJUTZEA.