g Ot j it i a i P HI CLEARFIELD, PAl, SEPT. 6, 1865. ' ' ' THE BXS. A Trae bilk taring been fonnd br the Gran .' J ury of Franklin county, at Its late session : against M'Causknd and others who ' were . the immediate instrumentalities in the burn- fog of Chamber sbary and the pillagin ' the border by the Rebels during the war, ' requisitions hare been made upon the Gov ernors of Old Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland for the rendition of these persons to the custody of the Pennsylvania authori ties, for trial at Chambersburir. These men, if tried by a jury of loyal Pennsylra- mans, will have a hard road to travel Gov ernor Curtin has sent officers to take them in custody. ; At a late hour on Friday, Aug. 29th, De ' tectives Gilmore and McDongall affected the arrest of the defaulter, Edward B. Ketchum, whom they took into custody at a house in West 20th st, X. V., where he was known . nnder the the alias of C. R. Lowry of (Jin - einnatu at nas not been out oi the city nce the discovery of his defalca'aons. The prisoner was at once taken to the Police Headquarters, and on Saturday District-At torney A. Oakly Hall, representing the peo ple, appeared in the Tombs Police Court and preferred against him a charge of for gery in the third degree. In the Wirtz trial on Saturday, Robert II. Kellogg, who was one of the prisoners in An - dersonville,testified as to the loath.'ibme condi tion of the prison,when he with four hundred others, arrived there, in May, 1S64: the e men were almost skeletons, dirty.half-starv . ed and diseased : that firing at men for ap proaching the dead line was frequent. He j'Iso states that he had gore to the stream to .' wash his hands, when a shot was directed at him, but luckily missed ; and that nearly 300 out of 400 who were taken with himself to Andersonville, died in a few days after they were parolled. Speculators are engaged in buying up rebe currency, in expectation that eventually it will have an appreciable value. The asser tion is openly made in Washington that in ducements will be brought to bear upon some future Congress that will secure a le- cognition of the rebel debt That is the copperhead programme. One of the sets of resolutions before the Committee on Reso lutions in the Copperhead Convention of the 24th Aug., contained a hint on this subject, but it was rejected as being premature. On Sunday night, August 20, a success ful robbery was perpetrated in Somerset, Pa. The private banking house of Messrs. Tredwell & Co. was burglaroitsly entered, the safe blown open, and the entire contents, consisting of a large amount of Government securities, Five-Twenties and Seven-Thirties, and about five hundred dollars in gold and silver carried off. A reward of one thousand dollars is offered for the arrest of the robber and recovery of the property, or five hundred for cither. President Johnson has issued an order an nouncmg that persons implicated in the Rebellion against whom no special charges are pending, who desire to leave the country will be furnished passports for that purpose by the State Department, on condition that they shall not return without the Presidents permission. It is said that application has already been made on behalf of R. M. T, Hunter of Virginia, now confined in Fort Pulaski, lor permission for him to leave the country forever. The latest news from the Empire of .Bra' lil is that there is an "Abolition party making its appearance in that great country, What dreadful news for the Southern gen tlemen who have contemplated emigrating to Brazil I They have no refugefrom the "abotitionists," it appears, save in Da homey. Investigations since the Jenkins and Ketchum affairs have developed a defalca tion amounting to one hundred thousand dollars on the part of the Teller of another Wall street bank, but the matter has been silenced by the friends of the defaulter re funding the money. . The Buffalo Express says : We under stand the petit jury of the United States District Court have accepted an invitation fromColchester to witness one of his seances at an early day Sunday is mentioned by Colchester. He seems to be irrepressible even after defeat - , s : The Number of men furnished by the South to rebel armies amount to 1,124,000, of whom 650,000 aro dead or disabled. These figures exceed by many thousands the number of men between the ages of 18 and 45. Judge Warren Powers died in Winona, Minnessota, on the 17th inst He had held several important civil offices, and &s a I leading member of the societies of Masons and Odd Fellows. The rebel General Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, who refused to submit to the surrender of Joe. Johnston, has applied for pardon. It is thought that Generals Lee, Beaure ard, and Dick Taylor will Ieav. thecountry under the late order of the President Last week $6,S21,100 of certificates of in- "eoness, anJ $400,200 of fractional cur- :ucy were redeemed. A subscription for the family of Jeff. TROIf ! IRON!! The subscriber keeps en X band a general assortment el all sites of bar iron, etc. Also, fresh Lime always on hand, and which he will sell at the lowest market price for cash. G. H. STEINER. Philipsbnrg, Pa., Jnne 23, lSS5-Smp. NEW FIRM : -A-2TI NEW GOODS. The subscribers baring purchased the Goods . and good will, of the late firm of Carlisle A Co., in Phmpsburg, respectfully inform their mends and the public generally that they hare added a large stock of well selected seasonable goods, which they will dispose of at the most rea sonable rates. Purchasers can find Dry Ooods of eTery description. also.FLOCK, BACON. FISH, SALT, Ac. And the best quality of GROCERIES. C. MUNSON, Philipsbnrg. July 12, 1365. G. F. liOOP. RADEBACH'S LINE OF STAGE-COACHES. THE travelling publio are respectfully in formed, that a new line of coaches has just been established for the accommodation of trav ellers to the seTeral points West and East of Pbilipeburg. Pa. The coaches will leave Philipsburg immediate ly on the arrival of the cars, and will connect with the line of coaches running between Clear field and Clarion and Franklin. Going east, pas sengers will be carried through in time to connect with the ears from Philipsbnrg to Tyrone. Passengers will dine at the -Blue Ball Hotel," whether travelling East or West. JOHN S. RADEBACH, April. 12, 1S65. Proprietor. HEAD QUARTERS FOR CHEAP GOODS, AT THE CHEAP CASn STORE Of J. I. MORRIS, (Successor to J. I. Morris k Co ) Philipsburg, Pa. Where you can buy goods cheaper, and in greater variety, than from any other house, in this section of the State. You can buy Ladies' dress goods : as Prints, Delaines, Lavilla Such Cloth, Silks, Wool Delaines, low. fee. all very 1 ou can buy bleached and unbleached Muslins, Cloths, Casimeres, Satti netts, Cassinetts, cheaper than from tne cheapest. lou can buy Motions, of any quality, aim m enuiess variety, ana very low prices. You can buy Hats and Caps, Boots and bhoes, at very cheap rates. You can buy Hardware, Queens ware, and Imware, all very low. You can buy very fine Confectionarics, ana m great variety, very cheap. You can buy Groceries of all kinds, in large or small quantities.cbeaper than from the cheapest. Tou can buy floor, feed, fish, salt, and bacon, at a sm&ii auvance upon cobi. I am also prepared to furnish Lumbermen and Contractors with anything theyneed,on reasonable time. All I ask is to call before purchasing else where, as I am bound to please both in price and quality. . llianktul for past patronage, I hope to uicm a continuance oi tne same. J. I. Morris. Aug. SO, 1865. Philipsburg, IF YOU W-A.2STT CHEAP GOODS GO TO WATSON'S, rhilipsburg, Centre Co., Pa. If you want Dry Goods, Go to WATSON'S. If you want Hats and Caps, Go to WATSON'S If you want Boots and Shoes, Go to WATSON'S If you want all kinds of Notions, Go to WATSON'S. If you want Clothing, Go to WATSON'S. If you want Hardware, , Goto WATSON If you want Queensware, Go to WATSON'S. If you want Groceries, v Goto WATSON'S. If you want Flour, Chop, Corn Meal, a isn, is aeon, JLard, Cheese, or any- tning eise. Go to WATSON'S. If you want to sell Shingles,Boards,& c, uo to WATSON'S. He will sell - any one in the county. He wants all of his old friends' to give him a call. , ' ' ; You will find him at the old stand for . . . merly occupied by James McGirk, nearly opposite J. M. Kejilar's " Hotel. -.--?.- Philipsburg, Angnst, 23, 1865-6t. : COAL DIGGER WANTED A good eoal miner, desirons ot obtaining study employ ment, is wanted immediately. For further par ticulars inquire at the Journal office, Clearfield, Pa. Angnst 16, 18S. TERMS OF TDE JOURNAL. The Raftsxax's Jovbval is published oa Wed nesday at $2.00 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, H,0 will be charged, and $3,00 it sot paid before the close of the year. , - - AnTCRTiSEMEXTS will be inserted at $1,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. So subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. ; S. J. ROW. A LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, saints, oils JT. white lead. ete.. at E. A. IRVIN'S rTORSE-SHOES and horse-nails, to be had at -M.JL Aug. 23. MERRELLA BIGLFR'S. L'UK a ALL at cost I good cook stoves, to jl close out the stock, at the cheap cash store of R. MOSSOP, Clearfield. Pa. t IL TERRITORY AND LE ASES lor V sale by H. B. SWOOPE, Clearfield. Pa., Mir. 22. 1S35. Att'y at Law. TJKOVISIONS Flour, bacon, lard, cheese J. ariea Deer, dried Iruit, received regularly, at the store of Mar. 22, J. P. KKATZER. VIL"- FEATH, Notary Public and T v Licensed Conveyancer, New Washington, nearneia eounty, fa. Jane 23, lsto-omp. w! ALT ! SALT!! SALT!!! A prime arti- ele ot ground alum salt, put up in patent saeKs, at S3.25 per sacc, at the cheap cash stot e of aovemoer z. K. JIOSSOc DKpi LITCH'S MEDICINES Afresh sun ply of these invaluable Familr Medicines are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting of Pain Curer; Restorative, a great cure for colds and cough; Anti-BUtou Phytic. They have ueen inorougniy tested tn tnis community, and are nigaiy approved. IBY THKV . WHISK EKS! WIIISKERS!-Doyouwnt Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Grecian compound will roree them to grow on the smnth est face or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weesg. Price, $1.00. Sent by mail anywhere. ciusoiy eeaieu. on receipt ot price. Address iiAftjin it v., tsox 133, urooklin, York. March 29th. 18t)5. riiu JIUKSC OWNERS. The undersigned uavmg recently discovered an infallible and simple cure for that annoying malady in horses, as - xiooi-oound." Any person sending $1 iiia i cuer, win receive ty return mail a recipe Kv'ug proper airectionsas to tne necessary treat ment. Address, JACOB IKWIN, heptember 21, 1864-tf. Clearfield, Pa. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COJIPA V OF YORK, PA. insures against loss or damage by fire. It is the saiest company tn the Mate, and has made no as sessments since its establishment, and henoe it is the mort economical. S. J. ROW, Agent. Jnne 21, 1S65. Clearfield, Pa KEYSTONE MARLLH trORKS, Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. J. E1NX DkHAAS, respectfully informs the oit lzens of Clearfield, and adjoining counties, that he has just received a fine stock of foreign and domestic marble, which he will work into Monu ments, Tombs, Head and Foot stones, Door-steps. Window sills and Lintels, Table, Stand and Bu reau tops, Ae. o., on reasonable terms and short notice. All persons in want of anvtbina- in his i line will please call, or address him by letter, at woodland, llearbeld eounty. fa. Orders bv win receive prompt attention. Julyzo. H5-y I A t i-1 et to., at Milesburg, Pa., continue II to furnish castings of everv descrintinn at short notice. They have the best assortment of patterns in the country for steam and water-mills ot every description. All kinds of machine and plow casting furnished. HewWorld and Hatha way cook-stoves always on hand. They make 4 horse sweep and 2-horse tread-power thrcshincr machines price at shop, $150 with shaker and 50 feet of strap. Warranted to give satisfaction in threshing, and kept good to thresh one crop free of charge. Jnne 2S, 1865-y. Isaac Hacpt. at Bellefonte. continues to take risks for insurance in anv good stock company in na at Hartford ; and the Livemool and London. capital su,uuu,UUU. NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $500,000. Agency at the office of H. B. Swoope, Esq. CLEARFIELD, FA, This company grants policies to secure the pay- . 1 - r . . . ..... iuiii ui a uxeu sum in tne event ot deatb by ac cident, with a weekly allowance in case of injury, on payment of an annual premium, ranging ac cording to the occupation of the insured. An ex cellent opportunity is thus afforded to the Lum oermen of Clearfield county, to provide for their lamiiies, in the event of aocident on the river, or eisewnere. Particulars and circulars may be had on application to U. B. SWOOPE, Agent Mav30 Life Insurance at Home. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co 921 Chestsct Stbebt, Phii.'a. Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will issue unciesonanyoi tneapproved plans of insurance Assets liable to losses 1,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash: annually semi-annually or quarterly; jr one-half in cash, and one-half in note. By a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will participate u .i Kinuouas or cnrpius. ccrip certificates up to January; 1859, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of premiums . AjSem,7 at tle office of H. B. Swoope, Clear- ueiu, t-a vr J. u. iiartswick, Medical Exami ner- Angust 24, 1864. FUENTTUEE ROOMS ! JOHN GUELICH, xesires io intorm hi old friAnria an snafnM.. mm. navmir eniarcrftfi his hnn oni nnAa.) i,:. . - - - w WUi moiumci a facilities for manufacturing, he is ww prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at chean rates for ab h mosUyhas on hand at his "Furniture Rooms." raned assortment of furniture, among which is, r BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS. Ward robes and Book-eases ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, creauast and Iining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen- ny-Lona ana other .Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Rocking andArmChairs, Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOK IN G-G LASSES Of every description on hand, and new glasses for old xrames, wntcR will be put in on very reasonable terms, on short notice. - '-' He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair, Corn-busk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. ' COFELNS, Or EVERV JLLN'D, Made to order, and funerals attended with Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap- vivvwiroKntfj irvuueo. suerry, mapte. roplar Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Mantet street, Clear field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." iecemoer , ien JOHN GUELICH. F for sale at KawaaUa priu. a Altibfcl-L and BIGLKKS, CloarncJ, Pa CLEARFIELD HOl'SK, CUUH!D'EL PA. The subscriber havinj pmcku4 furniture and interest from it, tt. Mux taw, io House, is now prepared for the tvoepsiau, of r9 sient and permanent boarders, fcvet; liepsrt ment connected with his esUhtUkuiati vull 1 conducted second to none in the eousiT. Ha res pectfully solicits a share of pubiio pKwtai July II, IS60.-y. GKO. N, vViin I k. a. .n. hills desires ii i.v lorm ma patrons tnat iivt tfsstou f . al business eoaanae him to hi office al the time, and be will therefore b uu. able to make Professional Visits to ey t kU ac customed plates this summer; but mi b found at his office on the south weal Qernerof ut aud Main streets at all times, except hta , pears in the town papers to the contrary v Clearfield. Pa , July 1. ISJi. CLEAR FI ELD N I' USER Y .KNCOUH AGE 1IOMK INDI'STKT The underload having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about half way between Curwensville and ClearlUld Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kind of FrttM trees, (Standard and dwarf.) Kvercrrenv Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, UwVa Black berry, Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Al Sibriao Crab trees. Quinee and early Scarlet Khoa barb, Ac. Orders promptlv attended to. Address Aug 31,1S64. J,I. WtxIGHT, Currnvilie, NEW FIRM. The undersigned have this day formed a copartner hip under the firm name of Irrin A Uartshorn, for the transaction of a gen eral merchandise and lumber business, A large and well selected stoot of goods has beeu added to that already on hand at the -corner store" in Curwensville. where we are now prepared to show customers a complete assortment, with prices as low as the lowest. The highest market rates paid for lumber of all descriptions. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. K A iRvrx. W. R. HARTSHORN. Cnrwensv-ille. July 17. lStia SOMETHING NEW ! CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP, Immediately in rear of Machine shop. The undersigned would rcspectfullv inform the citixens of Clearfield, and the public in general. that we have entered into partnership, and are prepared to do all kinds of work on earriiifrN- waeons, sleighs, sleds. Ac. All kinder ,.n.jr;. done with neatness and dispatch. Ord.'rs prompt ly aiienaeo to. JOHN F, ROTE. Clearfield, July 5, 'y. AVM. McKNIGIlT- inanKtui lor past natronaire. T wnnM etill ,. licit tne tavors of my old customers, and ask ma ny new ones to give us a call. I have associated witn me in tne above business, Wm. McKnight, n no is an experienced workman. If von n a goou carriage or timber sled, give us a calL J. h . Rote. iLcAKIi ELD COITNTV HANK. The y-f l-iearnald County Bank as an incorporated institution has gone out of existence, by the sur render of its charter on the 12th of May, ISfia. All of its stock is owned bv the subscribers, who will continue the Bankinc Business at the same place as private bankers, under the firm name of 1MK ULK.IRFIELS COr.MV Bi.VK. We are responsible for the debts of the Bank and will pay its notes on demand at the counter. Xeposits received, and interest paid when the money is left for a fixed time. 1 apor discounted at six per cent, as heretofore. -Our personal responsibility is pledced for all deposits received and business transacted. A continuance of the liberal patronage of the bu siness men of the connty is respectfully solicited. As president, cashier, and officers of the late Clearfield Connty Bank, we require the notes of said Bank to be presented for redemption Jas. T. Leonard, Kicbaho Sbaw. A K. Wright, J B. Graham, ; Wm. Porter G. L. Rf.ed, June 17, 18155. W. A. Wallacb. The business of the Bank will be conducted by John M. Adams. Fsq., as Cashier. TUST RECEIVED AT CHEAP JEWELRY STORE. Vnferfy Urahnm s Row. Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of WATCH KS JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es. to be had at KAUGLE'S. The American Lever of different qualities, can be had at NAUGLE'S. Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La va, Jott, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal. Florentine Mo saic, Gold Stone Mosaic. Porcelain paintings, Ac, or single pieces at NAUGLE'S. Plain gold Breastpins, Eardrops, Hoop Earrings, children's eardropsand rings at NAUGLE'S. Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUGLE'S. Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt stods. fob buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S. A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ ent styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1 2a to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S. . Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange for goods at NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney retunded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your watches put in good repair and warranted, take thm c JfAUGLE'S " WHAT IS IT?" GREAT EXCITEMENT 13 OLEIC HOPE, PA -' . . '' EVERVBODT SEEMS PLEASED. And Why Should They Not Be ? fcureiy, the people in that section of Clearfield county nave great reason to be rejoiced over ; the pleasing announcement that JOH 1ST RO 23 S O has just opened in his New Store Room, the lr. est and best selected stock of goods i.er brought w mm jari ui :ue connty oi uiearneld. KEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. The undersigned h avinp remnvnd biaatnrAfa li , a XT 1) . . : 1 . J : . : . i t- , ii posite the "Union House," is now opening and of fering to the public the largest and best selected " uuimiiiiE uu r i li c street, vxien zxone. ou stork of seasonable goods ever offered in this place and neighborhood, and will be sold at pri ces to suit tne times. His Stock embraces Pry-Goods, Notions, Hard ware, Queens-ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made clothing, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails. Bacon, Fish, Hour, bait; vviuow, cuine ana ear then-ware, and Stoves. . ' ' OF DRY-GOODS, he has Cloths, Cassimers. Sat- tinetts, Tweeds, estings, rlannels. Miirtings, Prints, Coburg cloth. Alpacas, De Laines. Ging hams, Chints, Kerchief;, Nubias, Sontags, Nan kin, Lawns, Linen, Lace Edgings, Collars, Trim mings, Braids. Vails, ete. OF HARDWARE, he has axes, saws, chisels. knives and forks, locks, hinges, screws, augers, hammers, nails, spikes, Stoves of various patterns and sizes, fiat irons, etc. OF GROCERIE8. he has coffee, sugar, molas ses, teas, rice, pepper, einamon, cloves. Flour. hams, sides, shoulders, fish, etc. OF QUEENSWARE, he has tea sets, enps and saucers, cream jugs, tea and coffee not. niiiii.. howls, plates, dishes, ete. OF CLOTHING, he has coat. "... I J. -i . .r ' u- ""l, urawers. necK-ties, eloves. socks. nats, caps, boots, shoes, etc All the above, and nn Mle cheap for cash, or flhAnMi .n v.- j' r lumber and country produce. " itemember. that I am n;.. j- from Baltimore PhiUdphVaTeVY. Pittsburg, and that anv eiww). k- :v"j on very short notice. Call and examine the goods and prices and sat isfy yourselves of the utility f bnying t - jvuh KOBSON'5. Glen Hope, December 33, 186J. . ' JirATtiDrSm rtii f. td W 'f hoe ut lvt dau Apply "" JCUrUl4 . Pa. pa r iy watk i x t'c o., Wboli fr tm hooth a iy SHOE s. Market fet. Phfladelf bU. Fttr, . f is. wswcim. ; i w. m. wciara Ai rtu,n -i- Ihbi -r TBi Lt?J38EE-CITT EACE5 AGAIN! KIP.K &"SPENCER Xlt TUEISSIDE TBACK! Tiuir C-lrtd thoro bred SteJ, 'CUUl'KST FOR CASH," tl'i Vfcjple' favorite!! Remember ihU ael when fn want of eisosa utkius, tw fmr lowest rossiaxE caaa faKK.eall ( ibe etcre of KifcK A hrexces, in Lumber City,, Ton will not fail to be suited. i'rM Goods atd Notions in great vatiety, Wt study to itlea.se. KIRK A SPENCER. Lumber CityiTt., July 1, DRTJGrS! DETJGS!! FRESH jPlZTJD PURE I IIARTSWICK k HUSTON, DRUGGISTS, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, Keep constantly on hand large and well select ed stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VAR.MSIIES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods BLANK BOOKS 4 STATIONARY, TOBACCO & SEGARS, And a general assortment of varieties and fancy articles." We respectfullv invite a call, feeline confident that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. April 29, 1864. CLOTfflNM-- Men, Youths and Boys can besupplied with full suits of seasonable and iashionable clothing at UE1ZENSTEIN BRO's ft CO., where it is sold at prices that win induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given has induced them to increase their s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any lishinent ofthe kind in this part of the States , mllttIartir13rv"S & Co., Sell g0 at a very small profit, for cash; Their goods are well made and fashionable. -They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else Their store is conveniently situated. " They having purchased their stock at reduced prices they can sell cheaper than others. For these and other reasons persons should buy their elothing at . : , . : REIZEXS1 EIN BRO'S & CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 13, 1S64. CHE A PEE STILL!! SEASONABLE GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WILLIAM F. IltWIJi'S STORE, OS MARKET ST.,. CLEARFIELD, PA. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST GOODS ARE TO BE HAD AT THE CHEAP CASK STORE. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at tha reasonable prices. 11 is friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere asheteels persuaded none undersell him. r His stocK embraces a well selected assortment f: ' DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hardware, Queensware, groceries,. DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAP3, BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other useful articles, all which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed for approved produce. Go to the "cheap cash store" . if you rant to buy goods at fair prices, . , May 24, 1865. , WM F. IRWIN. Mrs. H. D.Welch Has received, and offers to purchasers, a large stock of Woolen Goods, of superior quality, consisting in part of - Turbans, Nubias, Scarfs,. Undersleeves, Net Hoods, Nubia Hoods, Breakfast. Capes, Twilights. ... ab ner siocs: oi Miiunery Goods will be found vress uapg, Head Dresses Bonnets, Veils, . ; gats, Ribbons, .V. Mowers, - Plumes, , : .Nets.- av . ' ' "u'r "immmg, Kbon. Dress and Velvet ..miuiugi, cations, suckles, Ac. - COLLARS, GLOVES, & HOSIERY. iseaas, zephyr, " Thread, Braid, , Combs, NeedW Cosmetics-such as Hunt's Bloom of Roses, Laird'a Bloom of YontS . ' . Vi 7 , V. "& " "laoroBia. it air Oils. Phalon's Extract Night Blooming Cereus, (genuine article,) and other articles of Perfumery. CHILDRENS' TOYS, SUCH AS Wooden, . China, . Ivory, . Lava ware, Tin, and Iron. 11 Fancy Soaps, Hoop Skirts, Skirt Snppoirters, Wil low Baskets, and a large variety of other . Fancy and Staple articles,', suitable or . this season of Xbe year. The public are invited to examine Mrs. Welch's stock, as it embraces many of the nest and most fashionable articles offered for sale in this place, and at prices to suit the times. - -Dec. 14. MISS E..A. P. RYXDER, TnK-it Pls- rrtL Xrfcaeoa.Caiuje,. Geitj, Bsrtseey t,i Vocal Mcrie. AU aoVa xnn for Cimr4 oaty for CkitWit, 4 L' frit k'vrUtnd Xava A Hatnlia CtL?ft gS. Km, tftk Mrt. JT. D. IVetitr W ilwie rVxki. Paper, and Sheet Mure ao-av lyafcandaxUvoref Mr, li.lt. Weita Cloarteld. Pa Pe t. MERRELL&BIGL Have Jen opened a large and fjlendid aurv xnent of XE W GOODS at their old Stand ia Clearfield. Penn'a. They have the best assortment of Hardware that baa ever beea broegbt to this eotraty. which they mill sell at the most reasonable prices, amocg which will be iounda splendid lot of cuttlerr, to which they invite the special attention of the public. , r . On hAcd an assortment of heavy silver-plated Fork. pee os, and Batter knives, of th bet manufacture. . A lot of pistol of the best patterns, and other fire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges; all of which will be sold at reasona ble price. , . i They continue to manufacture all kinds of tin ware, (traps kettles, stove pipe. ete.. which cannot be surpassed in this section of the state. They also have on hand Pittsburg Plows, a mong which are steel centre ierer plows- Also, Plow eastings, and other agricultural implements. Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen eral assortment and of the best patterns, for sale at reasonable prices. Coal oil, Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and var nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails, iron, and castings, a great variety; in fact almost anything that may be wanted by the public can be found in their establishment, and at price thai cannot be beat. Now is the time to purchase, if you desire any thing in their line of business. Give them a call and examine their stock, and they feel assured that you can be accommodated. Remember, their establishment is on 2d Street, Clearfield, Pa., where you can buy goods to tha very best advantsge. Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old east ings will be taken in exchange for goods. May 1.1. 163. , MERKELL A BIGLEB. 1865 SPRING qoods, 1865 Purchashed since the late Decline in Prices. J. P. KRATZER, FRONT STREET, A30VE THE ACADEMY, . CLKARTlELD, PA., Now OCers a very Large Stock of QOODS At a reduction of 25 to 10 per cent; including Dress Goods in great variety, Merinoes, Ging hams. Cloths. Delaines, Prints. Casiineres. A Ipao as, Silks. Satinetts, Reps, Cashmeres, Tweeds. Co bergs, Mohair. Jeans, Landing, Muslins. Flannels, Bonnets, Clobks, Ribbons,. Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Shawls. Dress Trimmings. Head Neu.Cp, Cormta, loul3,," Hmmttm. iionnvline Vil, TiaPleTOoTers. CLOTHING. Coats Pants. Vests Over-Coats. Gent s Shawls. Shirts, Hsts, Caps, Under Sairt and Drawers, Boots, Shoes, Gum Shoes, cravats. Gloves, collars Hardware, Queensware, Notions, and Musioal Goods GROCERIES. Tea. coffee, molasses. sugar. salt, candles, rice, flour, bacon, fish, tobacco, raisins, currants, spices, crackers, wines, brandies, vine gar, oils, varnish, alcohol, .. linware. glassware, woodware, and stationary. HOrSEHOLDGOODS. Carpet. oil eloths Dmr. gets. looking glasses, clocks, churns, washboards, tubs, buckets, flat-irons, . pans, - window-blinds, wall paper, coal il lamp, umbrellas, bedcords, knivesand forks, spoons.crocks. and stove blacking. All ot which will be sold on tbe most reasonable terms, and the highest inarKet price paid for grain, wool, and all kinds of country produce Clearfield, Pa., March 22d. 18S5. HOS'THIS "W-c'Sri i The Cheapest Goods IN THE COUNTY, . ARE SOLD BY RICHARD MOSSOP DEALER IH . . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. fcC. MARKET STREET, CLKAHFIELD, PA. Ra the follounnglixt of good an.i profit'' eL , FOE THE LADIES. - trOOdS Good f,in duvu B3 voourg viotn, Alpacas, De Laines, Ginsbsms, Prints, Chints, Kerchiefs, Nu- - Chup Cheav1 bies. Bonnets, U' irnnrlm Chap hies. Locnets, GUeeto. g00,I tw wt.MLtJiiis, Good. ttejtp. Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown GooJ.t Cheap and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Good J Good K,neap vasimeres, cut ti nets, Cassinets, Cheap Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vest Cheap ings. Shirting, etc.. utc. etc. - Cheap KEADY-MADE, CAeauch as Coats, Pants. Vests, Under Cheapl ahirts, and other Flannel shirts, CheaPi Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck Cheap ties. Gum Boots and Shoes. and Cheap a variety of other articles. Cheap HOUSEHOLD GOODS, . tA.nP Snch "s Unbleached and Bleached Y..P Muslins. Colored Mi.Hn. Ltnn Goodm Good Goodi Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good God Good Goods Gftnt m Cheap, and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth, . Linen and hemp towls. car- I isieap Clieap Cheapo pet curtains, fringe, ete HARDWARE, AC Goods Clieap Cheap Cheap Cheart If yon want Nails or spikes. Manure or other forks, Saw-mill or other saws, Smoothing irons. Locks, Hinges, etc., go to Mossop's where yon can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Knives and forks, Butcher Knives, Shoe and Stove blacking, Manilla and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Good Goods Good Cheap 1,ieap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap jrens, rowaer, fcnot or Lead. ... i . . vie.. bay them at Mossop's. lh-eapi Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap IV YOU WANT Shoe Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, ete , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Good extra family Floor, White or brown sugar, hams, shoulders or sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson or blacx tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods, Goads I heap Cheap Cheap L-hitap Cheap Cheap Uneap Cheap Cheap Citeap Cheap Cheap Good Tallow candles, fine or coarse lUtGood Syrup or molasses, chees. dried Goods apples or peaches, wter or so do cracKers, call at Mossop's :, where you ean buy cheap. TF VOTJ WANT ' ' ' Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Uieap Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramen Cheap tal uses, swees wine, oio Honon gahela or rye w!?nry, Cherry and Cognae brandy, h, Mosgop's cheap eash store, r Goods heap Cheap, Goods Ooods Goods Goods Goods yatap Unmap Chaau IF YOU WANT ' Baisens, Figs, Prunes or dried Cur rants; filbert, cream, pecan or Islieap Cheap: Goods Goods UiMp t)t Liqaorio root, bay them V t Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOU WAVT Goods UAtap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Cheap To buy any other article cheap, be Cheap "'V" 'Auuwp, i or De milt fiDAATMr IOr Auh kwa . a.1 Cheap Cheap Cheap oerson m Clearfl.M : lrood ml i. t ,o. .uijr. , Goods ASrjedJawUV f fiery W taien at ustui market m, .ve. v , ... .a,. jot go.. 41 -"friiiniri r r . . 2.