Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 06, 1865, Image 3

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    J 111- -1 T-T"-
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-ttTlELD, PA., SEPT. 6, 1865.
r fJ.J t,wtnrlinnr. tri
re cautioned to reference to the' 50
L currency notes, as most of those
lEm are counterfeit. Bankers and
Nonet-Directors and teachers are no
j A. nwitie to an unavoidable circum-S-ofcirf4
Si4ii changed from September
wk to October 5th-CovingtouandKart.
Ws from September 26th to October 6th
and Lawrence from September 28th to
October 9th.
v CHBBBTTBEEOiL WELL.-Weareinform-id
that the oil well at Cherrytree is pro
gressing favorably having already reached
a depth of about 250 feet In that distance
they have passed through five veins of coal
one of which is five feet in thickness. A
jtrong vein of gas has also been struck, and
the company have great hopes of soon reach
jog the "ily fluid."-
A Rich One- A few days since, a chi
rm of this pkee was accosted on the street
-with the question : "Why uo you Republi
cans refuse to take your own money ?" The
reply was. "Because a certain class called
hovr, and of the Copperhead species, had
circulated so many counterfeits, as to bring
them into dispute. " The answer being to
th jxM'nt the querest left in a hurry.
JSrery perron nfho travels, be it more or less,
nhoalJ be insured acainst personal injury,
from acciJcats of every deription. A per
son injured can. by this means, procure a
weekly compensation of $15 for 26 weeks ;
and in case of death, secure to his family the
6uin of $3,0), and that for a very small Jin
vestment. Persons desirous of makinguch
provision for themselves and families, will
please call on S. J. Row, Clearfield, Fa.,who
is agent for oneiof bcstTraveller's Insurance
Companies in the country.
Thk Soldier's Casket. The Ninth
tJliri,kr oi tills luiiMy tnVcTtMdnH 6AAUuCa
magazine in received. The opening article
"In Memory of Willie Sherman, " a brief
sVetchof his life Is worthy of a careful peru
sal, as it contains an instructive lesson t o
loth youn? and old. "The Soldier's Great
Movement," or "Protective Union," is an
ther subject.in whieh all patriotic citizens
should" feel a deep interest, as it is intended
to enable our wounded veterans to gain a
livelihood for themselves Price of "Cak
et," 12 a year. Address, C. W. Alexan
der, 12 South 3d street, Phil'a.
On Monday night, August 25th, the store of
Whitcomb: k Co., at Philipshurg Centre
county, was entered and goods to amount of
about $150 carried off. It seems that the
thief went to the hoarding house of the
clerk, entered the bedroom and took Tthe
keys from his clothing, and by this meaDs
gained admittance to the store. The tluef
while rummaging about the store cut himself
on a butcher knife, and bled freely, by wlich
means he was tracked from the store to ihz
boarding bouse of the clerk the thief hav
ing returned the keys to the clerk's rnvket.
Next day suspicion rested upon Jacob Lclo,
the fact that he had his hand tied up,
and upon a mnt being issued he'was ar
rested when he confessed to tbc tlife't, an
told where the goods were secreted. J us.
as the officer.Iwho had the prisoner in custo
dy, was about to start forBellefonte,hc.(tlii
thief) asked permission to go into the bsck
yard, which was granted when he took a
xaKor from his 'pocket, and cut across his
. throat, from ear to ear, but fortunately not
deep enough to cause instant death. At
lat accounts the prisoner was still lying b
very critical condition at Philipsburg.
Railroad Accidext. On Thursday f
last week, a serious accident occurred on tie
Tyrone and Clearfield railroad. As the pas
senger train from Tyrone was leaving MittV
ells station, some coal or elate on the ra3
threw the truck of the rear car from tise
track and upset the car, precipitating itcrer
an embankment eight or ten feet h'i.
Several passengers were seriously braced
&nd injured. Among the number, 5"si.
Irvin, Esq., of Curwensville, had his
der blade fractured, and was othenri-e in
jured, like ninety-nine out every luired
this accident was the result of pure canse
cess. That the track, in the riciahj sf
etation,should be covered with shvte irJ
coal, is utterly inexcusable. If greater vig
ilance is not used, it will not be,- long tmdl
we shall have to record similar accidents in
Tolving the loss of life. v j
With every desire to do justice tie
Perm'. Railroad Company, we Ipaoaoi bol
think that the manner in which ltlej ma
age this branch road is 'anything b jj,.
mendable. The locomotives and car? vt&l
on the road, are the old worn-out
cannot be any longer used on the nuij hue.
Moreover, there ought to be a line ti tele
graph put up, as no railroad can be kt or
properly worked without it The pnV
Company having got the road for izaaet
nothing, and the business on jt bt'ag as
. much as they can do, certainly her af
ford to erect a telegraph, use good trme
aid cars, and run the road as it ouri to t
Railroad Murders. The numerous
railroad muriers that are occurriu:g:alI over,
the country. iiould induce persims whose1
business requires them to travel, to call at
the office of H. "B. Swope, Esq.,, and get an
insurance airainsf accidents, bv whiciii Jn
c - t
the event of death they will secure to their
families $3,000, and of injury, to them
selves the sum of $15 per weckfor2'wee9
Raftsmen ought to procure an InsuaD9cc"
fore starting down the river.V Fo' , trif
ling cost, they can thus protect t fa1"
lies from some of the worst conseflenees
death or injury. . y'' gpt. 6-lt
The delegates to the dAd40 Sta
Convention in Ohio last week te im'
tiative.in marshalling the rters of their
ticket at the coming elecfion. te&
the Provost Marshal of felons to ascer
tain whether deserters W skulkers from
the draft, who went to miStt now
safely return. f '
An application has been made to the War
Department to restotf Gen. Schemmel
pfennig,who is lying at the point of death in
Pennsylvania, to the service. The General
was mustered out some time since, but is ill
of consumption contorted in the army, and
the object of the apjiication k to entitle his
widow to a pension on his decease.
General Clinton B. Fisk, Assistent Com
missioner of freedmen forlenncssee.has been
making efforts to breakup the contraband
camps in that State, and get the negroes to
seek for labor. ' He states that at the present
time there are' fifty whites to one colored per.
son subsisting off the Government.
A stock company of Northern capitalists
have mad j application to the frecdmen s
Bureau for'one thousand freedmen to be em
ployed in coal mining on the James River.
The King ot rortugal,in opening the Cor
tes, announced that a district- law would
be brought forward for securing the final abo
lition of slaverv in Fotugese possessions.
Thdpff.irt of the Government to arrest the
rebel General McCausland under indictment
;n Pr.nnv-rlrania have not Succeeded. lie
has left for parts unknown.
Tlie recent heavy defalcations at New
York drnrbed for a time every other stock
investment with the exception of Govern
ment securities.
J -""" .v, nf rorsons in the south.
Trait. A to nilroa) raswnwis in nrrlpr tn
obtain a living. . -
Out of twenty-five thousand applications
for pardon received from ex-rebeb.it is stated
the Preidentihasaetually pardoned less than
one hundred.
On Thursdar. Ausust 31. 16o.bv Joeph
M'Kee. E.-., Mr. Daniel Pittmax. of In
diana county, to Miss Caroone Hnx, of
Bumide tpL, Clearfield county.
Ohituaf nofi'rs.mt w Jfi , wtW frre
ofehnrrt; Alt Tr ir tin, at In tt prr limt.
Tis rk miMtt arro'myoMf turn re, imcariUJf.
. At the resdend of her father in Bradford
tiwihip. on Aueust 20th, lSW, Margaret
TATls. 'wife of Jacob Taylor,!aged 31 years
11 month and 9 dars.
ANNED FKriT, for sale by
Aug. 25,
FISH, Salt and plaster
at lar 22. 1S65.
Hartwiek A Hnton- Cirnetd. Pa
1 store of
gowl article, and vry cheap at tne
wm. r. ik w viearnei i.
mmuBLE-SKEnS and Pipe-boxes. t,-r
1 Wagons, for sale by MERRELL A BIGLER
adersirned is prepared t furnish, to tboj
seeking investment, trove rmment and county
bonds. Also five per cent Government note.
Clearfield May 4. 1364. Att'y at Law
C"TRAV COW. Came trespaaslnr on the
premise of the subscriber, in Pike township,
about the 1st of August, white and red spotted
eow, with a bell on. the owner is requested to eome
forward, tw property. pv enarres and ta-e
her avav r the wiU be sold as the law directs.
Aug. 23, lSti-pd. THOS. BLOOM.
il f Aais.iiraiea the Estate ot famuel
W tsv las eif Bradford tewa'p, Clearfield eoun-
rv Pa deceased, unir bee a graa&ed to U an
dercigsod ; all lenm indebted ' said estate are
k-eresy required temakeisemediaut paymentAi
tfees Lavug claim agaiiist the saase will pre-
est tbea i rerr?y swalAeattcated Ujt aettiessest.
A- S. OOODEICH-Amvg-S.15-
Bteatary wa Le Eete f Samuel M. Smith,
late f Beeearia tp Cievrleid e - P, dee eased,
kavrfeg heeo grassed to lie adervigxL all per
secs indebted to said estate are requestod to saake
iacKediato pTueext. asi those having claims a
raixvt Lke tiat will preseat them proper y a-
laaatieatod for setemesL. J. M- SMITH.
Aug. 2- Executor.
easta for acheeU ia Clearfield Ceuaty will
meet for examiaaaoa at the foUawiag aamed
places: Brai'X; as aodUaioa.at Latiersomrg-Mdy-
Sep- IlJi- Fergaaoa- Lamberjity d
Peas, at Laaber-eiry Tuesday, Sept. IXti. BeU,
ox Bewer. Wedaesday, SepL 13s&- - Bamsade,
Ckert aad e ashistoa, at Kiddles arao4
, Thursday, Sept. Utsu Jerdaa ad Kawx,
at AKSeariJie-Friday i-rpC lsi- Carweasrie
aad Pike, at Carweerviae. Satarday. sept- lth.
Bcc ad Bradford, a WiUaa Grove Msa
day Sert. l-a. Graham asd Merris, at Kjier
towa.?Taelay, SeflSih- Deea tar ad Wood
ward, at Ceatre seheot heaae ia Decatar, Wednes
day, Sept. 23. Beeearia aad Gueleh at Glea
Bopa. Friday, Sept. 22d. Hastoa aad Fax- at
- i SchW aoase. in Haesoa. Taeaiay, Oct. 3rd
Girard aad Gaahea. at Cosgreai E31 a-aool
bomie,TharidayXet. 5ih.CviirB aad Karthaas,
at Malatrturg Friday Oct 6a. CleaxieJd aad
Lawreace, at ClearftU. Monday Vt&r tti.
ExtaitsuscJ will eaasmeaee at 9 o clock A M.
Teacher will present themselves fa exaas.iata
ia tie districts ia wkica tiey tatead to teach -5
prrvas examiaasieaa will be keld axles a
saciaetory reaioa is given for na-atteadaare ai
Lb pabij exaasiaatioa, aad thea appaeaxt
senst presest a wrioea reasest from at least foari
l.rS ke Beard of Directors wha may desire
1ssleythem- Sath axa-isaae will beheld
Ag 7X H Ce-wapt.
IKV bt keld on tit Fair Ground near the
Brptk ofCltarfitld, Pa on. Tsia9,
rtdHiay, Tkuriday and Friday.
Htk, 18fA.19tA 4- ZOtkoOet.
Sweepstaieropem to all Breed and Competitor.
BestBull, S10 00 2d best. S4 00
Bert cow. a nn ia Kt a. on
All breeds eome together in thin elan and com
pete with each other, to be judged by their good
point, symmetry of frame, ability to fatten, and
the stock they will produce.
Judge. William Brown. John Irwin. Thorn aa
CLASS 2. Grad Caltl raxaed in dke roxntv.
Best eow for milk. $5 00 2d best. S3 00
Best heifer, 2 y's old. 1 50
isest neiffer under 3 y S3, best ealr under 8 mo. 52
- Judge Sam'l A. Caldwell. Robt M. Johnaon.
Jesse Lines.
Class 3. Oxen.
BestToke ofOxen,S5. 2d best,Dadd"sCattle Dr. 4 S2
Judge Philip Blanchard J)arid Tyler, Joseph
Class i. tat Cattle.
Best fat bullock, eow or heiffer over 2yrs. f 5 00
2d best. . 3 00
Judge Michel Eettlebareer. John I alder.
John McDiTitt.
Class 5. Thoroughbred Hone open to all.
Best Stallion $10 00 2d best. S3 00
Best Mare and eolt S3 00 2d best, 4 00
The premiums in this class are intended onlj
for horses whose pedigree render them worthy.
as tne society wian to encourage tno raising ot
improred stock.
Jitdgr Hi ram Woodward, William Powell,
Lerer Flezal. " "
Class 6. Riding, Draft and Farm JTorxe
Best Saddle horse, $3 00
Best matched carriaze horses.
louatt on the Horse, ana z uo
Best single family horse in harness. 2 00
Best span of draugnt norses. or mares, vu
T?st nn nf firm hors2S. or mares. 3 00
Tfoxt cI(linff or mare for work, over 4 rrs old.
I on all on me uorse iou o vu
TUat mifnmln 2 old.Youatton the horse A 3 00
. I, 4 AA
Best 2 Tr old colt. 53. best 3 yr old eolt, $3
The horse that moves the heaviest load on a
tnna boat without a whip.
Youatt on the Horse, and 5 00
Judge Wm. Murray, Peter Bloom, Mart. H.
Class 7. Trotting Horxe open to all.
p.f t;ma 3 In 5. trotting in single harness.
' o V .
Youatt ou tbe iiorse. ana ?iuu uu
Xo premium.unless five entries are made, fcacn
v. tn iMt mrtnt time. Entrance lee uu.
JudreJno. M. Cummmgs, 1r.J. n.rouer,
R J. Wallace.
r, R Smwtale oven to all. Paeing-in
harua. Citizm purse.
Bet 2 in 3 mile heats against time S25 00
So premium will be awarded in this class un
less there are five entries. Entrance fee $3.
Jndsr Jno. Lawshe, B. D. Hall, Henry Swan.
Class 9. Trotting in ringte horn for Horte
ovhM in the county at least fifteen day before.tke
FairCit.zen' Purse.
Best 3 in 5 mile heats against time $30 00
No premium awarded, in this class, unless there
are five entries. Entrance fee 2 50. The horse
winning the premium in class 7 cannot compete
for the premium in this class ! '.
Judge Anderson Murry, Jno. 5. McKiernan,
J. B. eiiaw.
Class 10 Trotting Horte owned and raised m
the eomtnr. . .
Best 2 in 3 on time in harness S2i 00
Beat trotting horse, or mare, under saddle.
Youatt on the horse and 32 00
Best trotting horse, or mareJn sinrle har
ness, - Youatt on the Horse and 2 00
Best trottinr horses, or maree. in harness.
Youatt on the Uorse and 2 00
Best walking horse, or mare, Youatt on
tne uorse ana & uu
Ko premium paid, in this class, unless there are
ten entries. Entrance fee SI.
Judges Jno. Jordan, Saa. "I Postlewaite, Jsmes
Thompson, (aorru).
Class 11 Trotting eolt 2 yxrs old, open to aJU
otrned ana raised tn roanty.
Best 2 in 3 on time noder saddle. SI0 00
2d best 2 in 3 on time under saddle, 00
Best walkins eoiL. Youatt on the Horse.
No boy over IS years of age will be allowed to
compete ror uis premium.
Judge W. Berts. Fred. Shoff.DavidW. Holt.
Class 12. Sheem and rool.
Best Buck, any breed,Allen sFarm Book and $2 00
Best 1 we. iBT breed. Allen's Farm Book and 2 00
Best sheep fattened for mutton
Best Umb. SI. specimen of woiJ.
Judge -Kob't Owen.Th Hill. Jas. A
iVik 1 lJiin e m pern he nL
1 00
ltt .r. anv tt !. Ynnc Fr. Mau l and 3
Ilo.l Irpdin'tf w.awbrWd.Fr.,lr'T A JM
lftthg Farnxr and Gardner aad S
ni unilrr 1 months 1 4
JxJfs Clark Brown, Jonathan Westovex
Samuel P. Wilson.
CL t S ) 1 4 .Pomltru.
Best coop spring chickens not less than six SI 00
Best and heaviest turkey, 50
Best disclav of chickens 1 00
Judge Her. Arc hey. Bey. D- S. Monroe, Kev.
Thomas Tracy.
Class 15. Flooring.
n,r.,r nr Inx and clow that niows rfreeB sward
the best. Yeung Farmer Manuel aad 820 00
Judge John J- Read, Arthur Bell, Jeremiah
Class 1. Plow. Roller and Drill. Harrotc
and Cultivator.
Best plow for stubble or sward S2 00
Best subsoil plow, Barry's Fruit Garden aad 1 00
Best clod crasher an roller combined, 1 00
JWi rraia drill. Allen's Farm Book and 1 00
Best side-hill plow St, best reaper aad mower $3
BestUiresa gmaenwe 5 oes eumvuior
Besteora-piaater I best harrow
Rt bora nke 1 best eorn-sheller
Rt fannies' mill 2 best OX-Tok and bows 1
Best hay-pitching machine, $1 0
Beat stock and straw cutter 2
Best horse- power for general purposes 2 00
Best erigiaai invention of agireul. implement 5 00
All artielM enumerated ia this class not made
ia the county, but prod aeed upon exhibition, if
x(vrli, ot it. will be awarded a Diploma
Judge Jno. A. L. Fleeal, Jackson Robison,
Joha Hoover, illorrij)-
Clu 17. HZseuilaneou Farming Implement.
beatBeehive SI best potato digger $050
Beat i do-. hand-rakes I best stump puller 3 00
Beat rraia end ie 1 best lot gard. tool 1 90
Best set of tarmiag utensils owned ay farmer 3 04
AH article enumerated ia this class subject to
rwlea a elaaa 15.
J. Am A. B. Shaw. Saaael Hegarty, DaaT
. Brubakcr
rii 13. Wheat-Rre.Barlew.Corn Oat ire.
Best acre of winur wheat l 0
V acre rf serine wheat 2M
t !d efakuitsrll acres 50
Beet acre ef rye f30 best acre of eorm 3 00
Brt e!d of barlev not m than 3 acre 3 09
Beat acre of eat S3 et bmihel af eora ears 3 00
Rm 3 aerea of bwekwaeat 2 04
kiiiri at wiater wheat 2 00
tl kBi.lI cf sT-risg wheat 2 00
Beat i acre ef potatoes ?2 best acre of bean 2
Best acre of eiaver seed
Best acre of brom eora 2
Bear acre of sergum 52 bett 1 acre pea 1 M
Vimt I at ratahara 1 0
kKcJ timothy seed . ' t 00
Best acre of carrot SI bett acre of turnip I
v a rJ tarnies 1 M
Crepe being eqaal, prefereaee will be given to
these list vield the largest net profit- saiemeato
to fee faraisied by the exhibitor- They mast b
r weireed. mxA a sample furauhed
irma "
. .v . w.;
i -KrSvszta for rreaiujxs tsaat rami tie Com-
t Mft siraed by tkemservt,
mader a pledge ef veraeity.ef the uaastity af grain.
- .i .1 .v mmA Bterel far a rremiam, aad
... Mriv ask eaa the kind aad eoe-
r TM-ritma erMM : the kind aad
hr, .r n. aad the tixt axd xeod ef put-
FarseM eatoriag ttZA ereps far xhibittoa, er
to the Exec-
-ataadixg to so, way rrra
tire Committee at any time, and have the field
measured and examined by a. committee, while
jnttge wm. fcmimrea.uswaiv, joe.uoierica,
Class 10. Bread and Cereal Food.
Best loaf of wheat bread Diploma.
Best loaf of rye bread iploma.
xe( loai oi corn oreaa jsipiom.
Best pound cake ' Dip best sponge cake Dip
Best fruit cake ' Dip best jelly cake Dip
Best coffee eake Dip best ladys cake Dip
Best batcfaelor cake Dip best cake
st pie. anv kind Din best Jelly
Best pr's'rr's and iellv Din best ice cream
iesi aispiay of jelly and preserves
juaemMTt. J osi an n. &eai, m.rs
Wm. Irvin,
(Cur Mis Dr. Foster.
Class 20 Butter and cheese.
Best 5 pounds or more of butter SI 00
oest 10 pounds or more, of ferkm butter 1 00
Best cheese made by exhibitor 1 00
Judges Mrs.Anthonv Uileg-MrS-HesterMitchell,
Mrs. John Dressier.
Class 21. Flour.
Best pounds flour $3 best 50 pounds rve flour SI
Best 50 pounds spring wheat flour : $2 00
nest Q pounds corn meal I w
Best 50 pounds buckwheat flour 1 00
Judge Rich. Humphrey, Benj. Spaekman, jr.
Wm. F. Johnston.
Class 22. Domestic Article.
Best box or jar of honey
$1 00
Best 10 pounds or maple sugar
Best peaches put up air-tight
Best tomatoes put up air-tight
Dip. or
Dip! or
Dip. or
Dip. or
Dip. or
Best blackberries put up air-ugat
Best currants put up air-tight
Best fancy jar of nickels
Dip. or
Best gal. syrup, or sorghum, or each. Dip or
.Best cured nam (cooaea; wiu. moae
of curing 4o. Diploma or
Best dried beef with mode of curing Dip, or
Judge Mrs. Elisabeth Mullen, .airs.
Thompson, Mrs. Ellis Irwin.
Class 23. Domestic Manufacture.
Best 10 yards Flannel SI best 10 yards sattinet SI
Best 1 yards woolen carpet l IHJ
Best 19 yards rag earpet, wool cnain l uu
Best 10 yardscloth SI best pair of wooLblanketsSl
Best woolen coverlet 1 best wool, fringed mits SO 50
Best pair of woolen knit stockings 50
Best specimen of knotting, knitting, or
needle work by Miss under 12 years old 50
Best pound linen sewing-thread 50
Best pound stocking-yarn 50
Beat foot mat SO 50 best tidy mat 50
Judge Mrs. Joseph Caldwell, Mrs. Daniel
Stewart, Mrs. Reuben Moore.
Class 21 iYrell', Shell. Wax Work. &-e.
Best specimen of needle work Dip or $0 50
Best specimen needle work on machine Dip or i0
Best specimen flowers in worsted Dip or 50
Best specimen embroidery in worsted Dip or 50
Best specimen embroidery in lace Dip or 50
Best specimen embroidery in muslin Dip or 50
Best specimen of leather work Dip or 50
Rest specimen of wax flowers Dip or 5rt
Ri snecimen of feather work Dip or 50
Rent snecimen of ornamental work Dip or 50
Bert shirt made by Miss under 12 years Dip or 50
U.t natch inir and mending Dip or 50
Judges Mrs. X. J. JlCVUlioueu. jura, ti uiie-
hetd, Mrs. Soph. Hartshorn.
Class 25. MiLineru and Dressmaking
I.f millinerv SI best dress maxing 51
Judge Mrs. F. K ArnclU.Airs. men a jiossop,
Mrs. Joseph Owens.
C.i.am 2S. Artistic Work
Tt nsintin? in oil Din best portrait painting Dip
V.rst cmttU nxintinT Dip
Best painting in water-eoiors s.-ip
urnamental naintinz of any kind I'lP
Best Daguerreotypes taken on the ground Dip
Best ambrotypes uken on the ground ' lip
Best photographs taken on tne ground vip
Kesi lanascaoe nainiinc via ucti ucuuiiiuuiy
Best architectural drawing Aip
Jmdge Mrs. Benj JlartehorntrsXliia J.Irvin,
Mrs- David Dressier.
Class 27. Designs.
Best desizns for farm house, barnarri age house
and stable uw
Best design for dairy house 1 00
Best desiru for bridge with plan, spaa not
leas than 1M feet aw
Judges- Wm.Reed,Robt StewartJ .S.Radebach.
Class 2S Metalie Fabric and Macliinry.
Best cooking-stove, wood or coaL S3 00
2d best cooking-stove wood or coal, 2 00
3d best cooking-store wood or coal. Dip
Best parlor-stove 52 best cast-iron fenee 54
2d best parlor store J 2d best east-iron fenee Dip
Best specimen or lot of tin-ware $2 00
2d best specimen or lot of tin-war Dip and 1 00
Best specimen blacksmithing 2 00
Best specimen gunsmith ing 2 00
Pest specimen iron-turning 2 00
Best plate castings SI, best shower-bath SI
Best original invention in eounty $5 00
Best display of table and pocket euttlery, Ameri
can manufacture Diploma
Best display of edge tool Diploma
Best display of farming and field tools Diploma
The above premium are offered for articles
manufactured in the county. A Diploma may be
awarded for any of the above articles on exhibi
ttAa withfat r fird to their place of manufaetnre.
JvuSfs Kiehard Swwp, Robert Mehaffy Dan'l
CcS S). TeAii? of mil Hud.
Best family earriaga S. best timber sled S2
Best bugy -a. best herseeart 1
Best farm wagon A. best wheelbarrow 1
Best sleigh S3 W
Judge Joe Kirk. J. A. Faaw4, Wm. P. Read.
Class 34. C lut-mrr im eosmry. -Best
dressing bareaa, SS. best asfa. S3
Best extension table. 2, best leua? $ ess
Best wash stand. Sect, best look gSaas fm J"c
Best oc chair. 50 et. best let part. farm' S
Best variety of chairs Si- best set chairs 2
Best bedstead 1, best ceatre table I
Best display of abinet-war Dip. aad 2
yV-Benj JiartaheraJ aaSte w artTho'sShaw
CLASS 31- Coopering and rarpntmmg.
Best pine ware to b. stand. -, -, Dip aad SI
Best sreeimea iash, SI best lot bucket, 1
Best wiadow-aiiad, 1 best lot baskets, 1
Best paael-door. I best set graia mear 1
Cla 32- Roots and Gardm Tegetnllos.
Best i bash earrott, 5c best h'ds cabbage 50e
Best i beih-mtbagse- best 2h"deaulifl'rs Dip
Best bash, potatoes 5e- best ot wradser beaa 5e
Best i bush, tomatoes 5c best variety melon 50e
Bestibush taWebeet5e best vaii. squashes 50e
Best t bush re t potaOc. best 4 stalk celery Dip
It must be shown that all vegetable hare been
raised by the exhibitor. '
Judges G- R-IBarrea, T. H. Forcy.B. Roberts-
Class 33- CmrnmJSadlor and Sioemakrr.
Best gents' boots aad shoe S
Best lady boom aad shoe L
Best display ef boot aad shoe 3
Best lady' riding sadiS 2 "
Best ridixg bridle aad martixgala 1
Best side taished haraea leather '
Best robe made by exhibitor 1 M
Best tag haraea $2, keatearriageaarnesu S3
Best rearf saddle 2. beat iag5e haraeas 3
Bestdisplay f aaddlery 3, beat traveHag traak I
Besteaifskia best side aoJ leata. ic
Best side kip leather 3e Vest side uperteaa. 54a
JaJgt-Cuni Baker. Joka Spackmass JahB
Class 34. TasJort" and VphoUCers7
Best aait ofclies made by hand 2
Best eoat mad by a lady
Best pa aad vest made by a lady 13
Beet hut marxreas SI Bet straw MtAiliessfl
Best hair usastre .
JmtgS. Jfc. L- Stougktoa, Dual AJTiXgraoa
D.S.Plocaer CLASS 3i- Pnmamg in rowutf
BestHaodbUl, Diploma. Best blaxk. Diploma
Best card- Dipiema. Best aewypaaer. Dip-
Beat Ornamestal prixJiag. Diploma
Jmdr Gecrr w Sayder, James B-Graham,
George B- Geodlaader.
Clam 38. 5anwr.
Bert draia tile Dip er 5c best brackets Dip Se
Best pocsery Dip or 5c beat fire brick. Dip.
Denim. Dfrfosr
Judge -RJ-HaieJeph OweJri P. Ra.i
Class 37. ChmrmZs and ritmital aetmou in Co.
Best avaOabie maaura at moderate east SI
Best available manure far iarm predaeta 1 M
Best KAeial lor gie e best taUew caadie 4
Bectviaegar, - ie Vest Iiaee4. eii. 5
BMKMeiand ausiw beat wririaJriak
, r u c -
Dr. T. J Beyer, Hoa-
JeixT. Hoy.
Class 38. Wood and Stone. ,r
Best dressed stone, SI, best mill none. Si
Best grind stone, I. best butbowl Dip A 50c
Best shingle Dip. or 50e. best turned article, 50e
Beat floor board w ked SI best wash's machine 81
Bestsclitorsh'yed hoop Din beat butter ladle Dip
Best weather boards, worked, ' SfwO
Judge Wm. A. Bloom, John Shaw, jr. John
A. Read.
Class 39 Natural Minerals.
Best rait of useful mineral of Clearfield eounty.
including coal. - 32 00
Best cabinet of minerals of Clearfield and adjoin
ing eounties-to be the property of the society. Si 00
Best lime stone . 50c best potters' clay 50e
Best fire clay 50c best burnt lime 1 1
Best collection of fossils $1 best coal 1
Judges Walter Barrett, J. R- McMurray,
George W. Shoff.
Class 0. Fruit.
Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap
ples, summer ana winter iruit, namea ana ar
ranged, . S3 00
Beat dianlav and rreatest variety ef pears.
named and arranged, 2 00
Best display and rreatest variety of peaches.
named and arranged, 50
Best collection of plums. 50c best eol. cf cherries 50
Best collection of quinees.
Best speeimen of apples, one peck, ' 50
Best speeimen of Foreign grapes, 50
Best specimen of American grapes. 50
Best seed 1 in 7 arraoe. raised ia county and
worth t of culture. - ou
Best domestic wine, and mode of manufastura I 00
Best currant 50e. best blackberries, -50
Best Gooseberries, 50
Judge Sam'lArsoId.Geo.Thorn .fclisua r enton.
Class 41. Horsmamhip
To the lady who manages her horse best and sits
most rraeefullv. Diploma
To the gentleman who manages his horse the best
and sits most gracefully, Diploma
Best display of horsemanship, not less than five
couple, .uipioma
Best driving in the course by a lady, Diploma-
Best com nan v of cavalry. Diploma
Best company of infantry. Diploma
Best band with brass instruments, Diploma
Best martial band, Dip. best ten singers. Dip
Judges & Shaw Joel rorrest. ilartin t legal.
Class 42. NurserUs.
Best nursery containing the greatest variety of
fruits and shrubs, cultivated in the most approved
manner, (the applicant to furnish written discnp-
tion. witb tne variety and mode ol culture. 9 J
2d best do do do do do. Barry's Fruit Garden
Judges S J. Row, Sam") Fulterton. Jacob Mock
Clirs43. General List.
Bestdisplay and greatest variety of Bowers, Dip.
I5est display and greatest variety of plants. Dip.
Best display of floral ornaments. Diploma.
Best basket bouquet, with handle, Diplom
iest nana bouquet, Dipiom
Judges Mis M.J. Bard, Miss Jane Wrigley,
Miss Emma Rheem,
lS"Di3cretionary premiums will be awarded for
ail articles of merit exhibited by mechanics in all
tne various branches, and it is hoped a general
exhibition will be made. For all improvements
uselul to tne farmer, and having valuehle proper
ties, discretionary premiums may be awarded by
me r.xecuuve vommitiee.
7 President. HOX WM. BIGLER.
. Executive Commitee. Richard chaw. ir.
. G. D. Goodfellow, W m. A Read,
Eli Bloom.
Treasurer. A. M. Hills. Secretary, L. F. Irwin
A- C FIKXEY, Chairman.
TIonsM T J- McCullou'h. Jared F. Irvin
Sam'l Huston. Andrew McBride, Henry Kerns,
I. S Mitchell.
Cattlu H.Orr. John Miller. Taylor Rowle.
James A. Bloom. Wm. L. Antis, John Peters,
James Trwin. ir. -
SbeCp asdSwixb. AbramOgden.Jno H.Rowles,
Geo.B Logan, MilCRead. JfcS.ilitcheil, J .B.ileisey
Rrv-reK. C.HK.-r. ixd Flocr. J. C. Allport, J.
G. Sehruyver. F. B. Carden. Miss Frank Huff,
Miss Barbarv Shaw. Mis Elisabeth Potter.
Vegetables. P T. Hegarty, John Stewart, jr.
Henry Pot.G l . Rheem. James Irwin. (Brady).
Vehicles. Sam'l Robison, Hon. Jaa. Bloom,
Jno. F. Rote, M. S. Ogden, Jacob Gueltch, Isaac
Merciiaxpize. Ac E. W. Graham. Wm. F.
Irwin. Harry Biglcr, A. C. Flanigan. J. P. Kratier,
H. F. Xaugle. Joseph Dale, H. B. Thompson. Ja
R.Caldwell. Miss Laura Smitb.Miss Maggie Harts
horn, Miss Clara J.Caldwe'I, Miss Elixa Read. Miss
Elixa Fullerton, Miss Bertha Wright, Mia Alice
Barrett, Miss Henrietta Irwin. Miss Maggie A
Faxcv DrrARTifECT. Frank Fielding. Johnson
Holden, Fred. Barrett. Jno. W. Wright, . A.
Wilson. J. F. Moore, Miss Agnes Lanieh, Miss
Mary Wallace, Miss Mary J Col burn, Miss Aman
da Dougherty. Miss Caroline McLaughlin. James
Dougherty .Miss Hannah Cary.Missaallie Rheem.
Miss Annie Mitchell, Miss Mary Ann Adams, Mis
Eliza Mitchell, Miss Maggie Fullerton, Miss Jen
nie Bloom, Miss saran Jdc Bride. Alias Sophie tar-
den. James Leavv. John Lvtle. ( Lawrence).
Jona Boynton. A. K. Wright, John F. Weaver.
M. A. Fr- nk. Wm. TenEyek.Dr. H. P. Thompson,
Mis S:y Irwin, Mis Martha Lytic. Mrs. A. M.
Hills, Miss Caroline Read.Mrs.I . L-Reisensteib,
Mrs- Elisa Irvin. Mrs. Ed. Perks, Mrs Joseph
Showers. Mrs. J. P. Xelson, Mrs. Joseph Jones,
Mr Dr. L;tx.Miss Rachel Tate. Mrs Elliot Kra ti
er. Mrs . L- Keed. Mrs. J. B Graham. Mrs. A.
C Tate. Miss Malinda Irwin. John W. Haxlett, J.,
B Walter. James B. Clark. Mr G. W. Rheem.
Mrs.J.H. FuUbri, O. B Merrell, Henry Park.
Dr. D. O. Crouch. Mrs. T. J. Boyer, Dr. R. V.
Spaeimaa.Dr . Foster, J- O. Loraine Jacob Kepler.
Marshal, A M. HILLS.
Chief ef Police, Mittmw OcM.
Gate Kelte A'cx Liringsen. Lewis Rish-el,Bart-SramphdatthewRewles-EIijah
Family Ticket. SI
Single Tickets dariag Fair. : : r 50
Siegie Adeissaoa Ticket, : : : : 25
Children ander 10 yean eld. when accompanied
by their parent er gaardian, free
Cheeks will be given at the door to persons de
siring to pa oat during exhibition, but will aot
admit the holder to aay ether exhibition e ach
half day eouaticg aa exhibition.
The Bumber of the class, aad the number la the
class, with the came of the artie! will appear en
tbe card attached ; but the same of the exhibitor
will not appear.
Premium aad diploma will be paid ea aad af
ter the first Wedaeeday ef Xoveuber.aad aatil the
tst day of January, la after which all money
premiaas ueetaimed will be considered aa a deaa
rioa to the Society. The oScer ef the Soetery
and members of the Committies ef Arraagemeat
will wear a badge desigaasiag their effise, aad it
will be their daty a well a pleasure to attead to
the expressed withes aad waati of exhibitor aad
ethers, if Mi a Ueir power to do A select
police force will be ia eoastaat atteadaae for a
preservadea ef order aad pretoctsea ef property.
The trotue' eoun is level, well gradeLaad oee
thiri of a amiie ia circuit. Ample arrangement
will be made for the convenience of speeiator.
ChSdrea uader tea year of age set admiaad
a a lea aceaaspaaied by their parent.
Every person nasaing to be earalled as a meaa
Ver ef this Society mast apply ea er before the
first day ef the fair, aad ea the paymeat ef eae
dollar u the Treasurer, skatf receive a eertifieate
of membership ceataieicg the aame of the ap
plicaat aad endorsed by toe Secretary-
Every perse baecaaiag a member a abeve sta
ted haJl,mtJtopreeeatottoBfU certificate, re
ceive a ticket which will admit him free daring
the fair- Aay persea emplyiag with the abeve
reguiataes aad paxitg fiia, shall becease a lite
member, aad chaU V exempt frvea aa eeatriVa
tt&s, tad as all aaauaJiy teteiie fres the Secre
tary a inm family tteket-
AB perseas mast be provided with bckaca. wici
eaa be had from the Exeeaave Cemmirtwe, Trea
urtr or Secretary, er at the aa a greaad
Persexw aetixg as judge are expeesed to Veeame
members ef the Seeiesy. Pessomtfrasa eVereoua
ties eaa hanmie stiemhezt by eamplyiag via the
aVeverule. Ladiea eaa became member by ata
kixg appiieaxtw a aVaeuv, aad aayxag into the
Treasury fifty cease whem tiey urd rmcmr a
ticket to admit aem free.
ExkiVitors maatbeooeae avesaVer ef a SseSety
asm kav aeir sim.s aad articles eiseeei ea
the SecreUry't bookf ob or before the 17th day of
October; and ail animals and article, except
horses, must be brought within the eniour a
early as Wednesday, at 12 o clock M., and all
persons entering animals ana articles ior woioi
tion will procure cards from the Secretary with
the else and number 01 entry 01 saiu axuotva.
revious to placing said article on tne ground,
lay and straw will be furnished gratis for all an
imals ntaMMi frr nramiuma. and amm will be
furnished at cost for those that deaire. to purchase.
io horse shall be entered or allowed a premi
um anient ba is free from disease. Horses will be
received until Wednesday noon, bat must be en
tered previously. All person who intend to ex
hibit horses, cattle, sheep or swine, or who intend
to offer stock or any other article for sa", should
notify tbe Secretary of such intention, oa or oeiore
the 10th of October, and have with him a list aad
full description of the same.
Persons intending to exhibit blooded stock mast
produce authentic pedigree, and are earnestly
requested to furnish the becretary, by tbe 10th of
October with a list of their stock, and the pedi
gree of each, this will facilitate the preparation
of entries and in ease ot deBctent pedigree, will
afford the owner time to correct tbe same.
IjtsTRccrio5STo Jcdoes. No animal to receive
an award in more than one class.
Judges are expressly required not to award pre
miums to over-fed animals. No premiums are to
be awarded to bulls, cows or heiffers, which shall
appear to have been fattened, onlu in the class of
fat cattle, the object of the Society being to have
superior animals of this discnpuon (or breeding.
Fat Cattlk. The judges on fat cattle will give
particular attention to the animals submitted for
examination. It is believed all other things being
equal those are tbe best cattle that have the
freatest weight over tne amaiien aupcrucica.
be judge will require alt in this clam to be
weighed, and will take measure to give the su
perficies of each-, and publish the result with
their reports. They will also, before awarding
any premiums, require of the competitors full
statements as to the manner and cost 01 reeaing as
required by the regulations of tbe premium list.
When there i but one exhibitor.al though he may
show several animal in one class only one premi
um will be awarded, that to the first, or other
wise a the merit of the animal may be judged.
Tbe superintendent will take every precaution
in his power, for the safety of stock and article
on exhibition after their arrival, and arrange
ment on the ground, but will not be responsible
for any loss or damage that may occur. The
Society desires exhibitors to give personal atten
tion to their animals and articles and at the close
of tbe fair to attend to their removal as the Soci
ety cannot take farther care of them.
kcles op fLOwixo ine name 01 tne piowman
must be given as well as the kind of plow to be
used, at the time of entry.
The quantity of ground to be plowed by each
team to be acre.
The time allowed to do the work will be three
hours. The furrow slice in all eases to be lapped.
The teams to start at the same time and each plow
man to do his work without a driver or other as
sistance. The premiums offered by the Society will be a-
warded to the individual, who, in the judgment
of the committee, shall do their work in the best
manner, provided the work is done in the time
allowed for its performance.
r.acb plowman to strike his own land, ana plow
entirely independent of the adjoining land. With
in the one-fourth of an acre plowed,eacn plowman
will be required to strike two back lurrowea lanas,
and finish with the dead furrow in the middle.
Any information required in regard to matter
ot the Society eanb e gained by addressing tbe Ex
ecutive Committee or the Secretary, who will be
pleased to gire any information in their power
at any time.
Any article not enumerated in the above cleav
es and placed upon exhibition, if worthy of no
tice, will be suitably rewarded.
The ExecutiveCommittee reserve a discretionary
power t award Diploma in any cue for 2d best
article, or for articles not entitled to premium
by the rules.
All article may be entered free of charge, ex
cepting norses for pleasure, and for the trotting
GROCERIES, of all kinds, to be had at
FLOFR. A large quantity Extra Family
Flour, in Barrels. Sack's and i Sacks for
sale by IFeb. 22. 1S65.1 W. F. IRWIX.
LEATIIER an aesoitment for sal by
December H.1M4.
The co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween J. I- Morris and J. E- Watson ha this day
been dissolved by mutual consent. The book
and paper of the firm are la the hand of J.I.
Morris, who will eosticae the business at tbe old
stand formerly occupied by the firm.
J. 1 jtUKHLS'.
Jnlyl3,la65. J. E. WATaQX.
Tbe Pennsylvania Ftate Agricultural Socie
ty will hold its Exhibition oa Taesday. Wed
day. Thursday and Fridav. September 25. 27. ti
and 29, 1B45, at Williaksi-okt, Lyeomi&g aouxry.
Any information desired will "be given upc-a
personal application or by letter to theuadersiga
ed, atXorristown, or A.EorD Haxilto, President,
Harrisbnrg. The office of the Society will be e
pea at Williamsport on and after tbe 5th of Sep
Xorristown. August 2. Secretary.
you wish to be cured ? if so. (wallow two or
three hogshead of "Bach a," -Tonic Bitters.
bSarsaparit!a,"-2iervou Antidotes," -, Ac- Ac.
and after yoa are satisfied with the result, ties
try one box ef olb doctou r chad's iwjji
srscinc r ills and be resored to health aad
vigor ia lea than thirty days. They are purely
vegetable, pleasant to toke, prompt aad salatory
ia their effects ea the breken-dewa ad ahaaered
constitution. Dr. Buehan' Eagiiah SpeeiSe Pill
cure ia less thaa 30 day, the worst enact ef 5erv
ousnes. Impotestey. Ptrasttr Decay. Seminal
Weakness, Inaaairy, aad all Lriaary, SexeaL aad
Xervoes Affections, no matter frem what rsaw
produce!. Price. One Dollar per Vox. Seat,
postpaid, by mail, ea receipt ef aa-erder. Ad
dress, JAMEi & BCTLEX,
So 42 Broadway. 5. Y-ie- Ageat
P. S. A Vex seat to aay address em receipt ef
prVe which is oE euA roer rxaa. A de
scriptive Circular seat ea applicatiex.
July I. !Si--t-
C, "W. & H. W. SMITH,
Market Street. Oearfieid, Pa-,
fRom, heretofore eeeupied as a Past-etSea. J
G2AX9 orarxe or
eompriaiag a gi mil si muntef
Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queens-ware,
Wooden-ware, Boots and Shoes,
Notions, &C-, kcf kc
Best euality ef Prig t. Delate, MyismfrStae.
LlBea,Peplins, BaUarinea, Level la, GiagVas
cheek, drilling, rjekieg axl jtxK2v aaawlx,
ptaia k. fswiard mlk. caaaoaeres eectoaade,
jeaca, tweed, eaa sett. hJeaeaed mad in ; to
tkaa city wholesale prise) brvu-a maaCix. '
HOSIERY. Glove, Eil4s-Triucig, B
toas. ia great varietv) enr. velvet ribbeawTeila,
keadaets. ernVretdery. braid. hascrsAiaf. U
diea elastic page, wkalebeaes. Vtaiiig-ckU-dreas
misses', aad ladies' Veep kir, Quaker
aad Corset Skirts,
Sugar. Tea. CsdTea, Miasev 5rAtrTa'
Sjiit Pen. Leaacs. Pall Tea Seta. Dshe. en
ata aad fix waje, ejjr prefer jar
TUBS, Etoot. Chara.
wre. VrasVea. esaav uneam. j Zr'
AMr-kso. wiadaw todiii. eoraa, i4
sheea, feelafrrai. ad gaitora-
- 1
- n