Till "cLEAKFLiaP, TA., AUCr. 9, 13. Tvrn-.r and Clearfield Railroad TLr. !e-ivcs Ivrone at : : : : 8.oa a. m. Arrive. t Philipsburg at . : ; 11.00 a. m. Train leaves l'hilipsburg at : : : 3 50 p.m. Arrives at Tyrone at : : : : 5.5j p. in. "rteTof SUBSCRIPTION, ADVERTISING AND JOBBING. Subscription, in advance, I year. : : : 52 00 Subscription, if paid with the year, : : 2 j Subscription, if not paid within the year, J 00 lho above rates of subsoription to apply to tho current volume, unless paid for before January Court, lsoj. Adm'rs and Ex'rs notices, each. 6 times, Auditor's notices, each. Cautions and Estraya, each. 3 times, Dissolution notices, each, 3 timos, Transient Advertising, per square of 10 lines, or less 3 limes, or less, For each subsequent insortion, Official Advertising, for each square of 10 lines, or leas 3 times, or less, For each subsequent insertion, Professional cards, a lines, one year, Local notices, per line, 1 time, Obituary notices, over 5 lines, per line, Yearlv Ad vertising. one square, : : : Yearly Advertising, two squares, : : Yearly Advertising, three squares, : Yearly Advertising, one-fourth column, Yeariy Advertising, one-half column, Yearly Advertising, one column, Blanks. sirgle quire, r : : : : : : Blank, 3 quires, per quire, : : : : Blanks, f quires, per quire, : : : : Wanks, ovor 6 quires, per quire, : : ; Handbills, eighth sheet, 25 or less, " fourth sheet, 25 " half sheet,, 25 ih,l sK.'Ft 25 " 2 50 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 50 1 50 50 5 00 15 10 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 35 00 60 00 2 51) 2 00 ! 75 1 50 1 50 2 50 4 50 8 00 Over 25 of each of above, at proportionate rates The above rates were agreed upon, by the un dersigned, on the 3d day of December, 1864. and will be strictly adhered to during the present hiirh prices of all kinds of printing materials. b 1 D.W.MOORE, Publisher of "Clearfield Republican." S J. HOW, . Publisher of "Raftsman's Journal." UNION COUNTY CONVENTION". Pursuant to a resolution passed in County rowting, at Cioavlield, on Juno L'lst, the Union men ill wh have steadfastly sup ported our National authorities while sup pressing the lleltcllion will assemble in the JJorocuh of Cleaukield, on Thursday, ArtiCST 3 1 .st, 18G"), at 1 o'clock, p. m. for tin' purpose of nominating a Union County tukct, to be voted for at the approaching O'.-tober election. The nominations will be made in accordance with the u.sages of the p:irty. A full attendance is requested. S. J. Row, Ch. Union Co. Com. Correspondence. G. A, of Uarnsule: Your coiiim'nuication Is on file, and will ap pear next week. Camp Meeting. A camp -meeting will be hold in Smith's woods, near JJuruside, Clearfield county, c.iiiimeming on August l.Vn. All who wish to do good, and to ire t good, are invited to attend and tent with u ;. Persons desiring to board, can be ae c -litiiiodated at Mr. Wm. Irin's,one-f ourth of a mile from the ground. II. M. Asu, . Aug. 2. Chairman of Com. Kane House. Traveler on the Phila delphia and Erie Railroad ought to '"thank their stars" that the above House has fallen into the hands of Mr. J. Morrison, of Hunt ingdon. Everything that the season affords is to be found ou the table, cooked in a high ly palatable style, which renders unusual sat isfaction, and which is spreading the well-Ju-crved fame of the House far and w"ide. Should any ot our readers have occasion to travel over the Philadelphia and Erie Road, we advise them to make it a point to take dinner at Kane. Camp Me:.tix(s. The Church of Mes siah, in Morris township, will hold a Camp Meeting in said township, in the Grove ad joining their Meeting house, on land owned by Abraham Rrown, 1 mile from Kylertown, to commence August 18th, and continue &ix days. Arrangements have been made for the accommodation of those who may attend. The ohject of thi.-? meeting is to save men. and call the attention of those who ruay at teud to the gregt practical question's of tjjese times, as revealed in sacred "prophecy. Rev. S. Osier of Providence, R. I., Rev. J. R. Gat, of Philadelphia, Rev. T. Holder, of Cameron county, and others will be present. M. S. Jackson, Pastor. '- I'lC-NlC. A pic-nie for the benefit cf St. Francis' Church, will be held on the loth in.-t., at Cabin Spriug, netii this place. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENT. J. Vr. Wright, Newton Shaw, F. Fielding, J. H. )oughcrty, AI. Walters, J. i lycn, J. Lippard. Ferd. Mitchell, Jack Lytic, If :iah Xewson, Wm. Bigler, J. V. Kratzer, . Jas. Dougherty, FVed. Rarrett, Tammany, (J-. Morgan, ,J. Moore, das. A. Levy, 'YA. Farrell, Andrew Schindel, u m. hite, LADIES. Annie Newson, lJello Wilson, Kmma Alexander Mary Colburn, Sallie Lev',1 Eve Kragle, 'Alice Rarrett, Emily M'Laughlin, Dove Kratzer, Ellen Morgan, Mary Moore, Mary Mossop, Annie Mitchell, Emma Reiley, Lucy Loffin, Cornelia Shaw, Amanda Dougherty, I Tickets for dinner, ; one dollar -to be had at all the stores. Clearfield August 9th," 1SG5. The Saratoga tribe of Indians is reduced nearly to a minium. It consists this year, it is "tated, of tax or eight Canadian French men, a caudle-eating Labradorian, two Oc tL'enarian squaws and a North American pa poose. ' . . The yellow fever is prevailing to an a .hrmi'ng extent in Savannah. Vessels are "either allowed to leave or approach the Controvert. This vn gool rorrnn for avoiding '5n!rotiy is taken fimii T)". Holmes' "Auiocrat of the breakfast ta!j!e:'' ''if a follow attacked Uiy opinion in print won! ! I reply ? Not I. Do you think I don't undestand what my friend, tho Pro fessor, long ago called hydrostatic paradox of controversy ? Don't" know what that means? Weil, I'll tel! you. You know if you had a bent tube, one arm of which was the size of a pipe stem, and the other big enough to hold the ocean, water would stand in the same height in one as the oth er? Contiovevsyeiiualize.-rfil.andwi.se men, in the same way, and the fools know it." . Gen. Hooker delivered a splendid speech in New York recently, during which he ad ministered a well timed rebuke to the mis chief makers in that region, hinting that the secessionists who had taken refuge in that lo cality were not out of the reach of the Gov ernment if they engaged in any plots a gainst the peace of the land. Six hundred and twenty-six members e lected to1 the House of Commons show 353 Liberals and 273 Conservatives. The Lib eral gains will reach 24. Mr. Walker of The Lowlon Tones was defeated in Berk shire. The two colieaguesof Mr. Gladstone in the representation of South Lancashire are Conservatives. A general effort is being made by the offi cials and stockholders of southern railroads to regain their possession from jyilitary au thorities and obtain such credit at the North as will enable them to replenish their rolling stock, and otherwise prepare them for the the transaction of business. The debts of Prince Esterhazy, a part of whose fortune has been placed under the control of administrators, are estimated at 3,000,000, ($15,000,000.) The property sequestrated- is that situated in Hungary only ; the annu.il revenue of that portion is valued at about 190,000. Reports received from New Orleans rep resent that old slave holders, now that the institution is no more, are endeavoring in every way to defeat the measures of the Government for the elevation of the negro. This feelimr prevails throughout Lousiaua Col. M'Clure, in his paper, the Frank lin li?po'furv, says : "It there is one man in the State who more than another don't mean to run for Governor, it is A. K. M' Ciurc." He ought to know. A Yankee in Kansas sells liquor m a gun barrel instead of a glass, to evade the law and make it appear beyond dispute that he is selling by the barrel. General Grant, at asocial hop at Saratoga, danced as blithely as thegayesl subaltern ou his stan. MARRIED: A' the residence of Mrs. Lydia ITcgarty, on the 3d day or August, lSf',5, by Rev. A. H. Hoho'vay, Mr. P. Flvxn, of Smith's Mills, to Aiiss Roberta Stcrtevant, of Osceola Mills. DISSOLUTION OF 1 ARTXERSHIP The co-partnership, heretofore exintirg be tween J. I Morris aud J. K. Wittson ha this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The books and papers of tho firm are in tho hands of J. I. Morris, who will continue tho business at the old .stand formerly occupied by the firm. J. I MORRIS. July 13, 1S"5. J.E.WATSON. 4 I 11 1 SI ST IC . V TO ft S N O T I C I : . Li . t e rs -iSL of Administration ou the Esta'e of Samuel W itJon, late of l'.rsidford town'p. Clearfield coun ty Pa., deceased, -'laying been granted tr the un dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are hereby required toVmke immediate payment. and those having claims against the same w ill pre sent tbcm properly authenticated for settlement. A. S. GOODRICH. A5- 1. ISOj. Administrator. E XIX'UTOKS' .NOTICE Letters testa mentary on the Estate of Samuel M. Smilh, late of Xieccaria tp., Clearfield co.. Pa., de.ea.-el, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are requestefd to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same will present them, proper y au thentieated for settlement. J. M. SMITH. J. 11. IIE'JARTY, Aug. 2. ls'3-p-l Executors. rt EI.I EF NO MCE. Tho publio is hereby V notified that the sessions of the ' Hoard of Relief,'' for Clearfield county, have been suspen ded, an I that no raoro relief wHl bo granted to any obo in tho future, unless by special agree ment made previous to this date. .:.y,i; inMioM. xii"s. dovchertt, J oliM). THOMPSON, AMOS READ. Asc'te Judges. C US RAD BAKER. Attest. , Comm'rs. AVir.MAM S. Cratilet, Clerk. Coiniu'rs Office, Clearfield, Aug. 2, 186o-3t. jptiNX' AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. k. The Pennsylvania Ktato Agricultural Socie ty wi'l hold its Exhibition on Tuesday. Wednes day, Thursday and Friday, September 25. 27. 23 anil 2'J, 1805, at Williamsi-ort, Lycoming oounty. Any information desired will be given upon personal application or by letter to the undersign ed. fftNorristown. or A.Btivn Hamilto.i, I'resident, Harrisburg. The office of the Society will be o pen at Williamsport on and after the 5th of Sep tember. A. RROWER LON'tAKER, Norristown. August 2, 1S65, . Secretary LIS T OF LETTERS unclaimed and remain ing in the Post oflie at Clearfield, on the 1st day of Aug., A. L. lS6o. j, Daily, Mr. Lomyre, George . Dookamiro, Theodore Miles, L. S. Royer, Capt, W. J. Morse, ti, E. Davis, George D. McXcal.John Gammel, Mathcw C. liobion, Jeremiah Greer.o. George Rhodes, Miss Margaret- Labord, Mies Mary White, Win. II. lioughenbaugh, Miss Sarah E. Two cents due on each letter advertised. Per sons calling for any of above letters, will say they are advertised. Al. A. FRANK P. M. A MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY ! iNTsnESTiNG. to Agents. Farmers, and La pies. We are making a single machine which combines tho best and cheapest portable Wine and Cider Press, the dryest Clothes Wringer, and most powerful Lifting .lack in the world. It is n,. nnln rpu jinti'il to niakin" Antde Cham- H I Vj v. 'J I o i I paigu, which is now regarded as oue of the most important discoveries oi me age. a gua 5n wanted in every county, to whom we will hold out such inducements as to insure Sl,008 before Christmas The first one making application from any county shall have the exclusive agency. Full particulars, terms, etc., by Circular. Ad daess, HALL. REEL" A CO.. Aug. 2. 1305. Ko. 55 Liberty St.,N. Y. iiISH, Salt and plaster in large quantities pilar 21, IStfa.j .I Jf.Kl4AtZ.t-ii- WJA1.T n good article, and very cheap at the store of WM. F. IKW1N, Clearfiel 1 A LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, paints, oils white lead, etc.. at E. A. IRVIN'S IRON ! IRON!! The subscriber keeps on hand a general assortment oi all sizes of bar iron. etc.. Also, freeh Lime always on hand, and which he will sell at the lowest market price for cash. G. II. STEINER. Philipsbnrg, Pa., Jane 2S, 1865-fimp. CAUT1CN. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or in any way medling with following property, to w,t: one Brindle cow and one Spotted heifer, (yearling.) now in posses sioii of Judah Leburou of Chest township, as the same belongs to me and subject to my order. July 26, lot5. ROBERT OWENS. CAUTION. AU persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or meddling with one brown mare, saddle and bridle, now in possession of Jacob F. Reed, of Woodward township, as the same belong to me, and have only been left on loan with said Keed. and are subject to my order. Aug. 2. 1S65. SAM L EL POWELL. LIME. We are now prepared to furnish wood and coal-burnt Lime, from the celebrated 'Rellefonte Limestone," at short notice. Our wood-burnt Lime is equal to any other Lime pro duced in the State. Orders to ship by Railroad promptly attended to. Address. SHOKTUDGE & CO., May 21, 18S5-3ui. Rellefonte, Ta. CASTINGS! CASTINGS !! The under signed having refitted the Clearfield Foun dry, respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield aud adjoining counties that he is now prepared to make to or.ler, on short notice. Saw aud Grist mill irons, Kettles, Stoves. Plows, and Plow cast ings, etc. Also, turning of all kinds done on short noiico. All orders promptly attended to. Juno 21 1SG5. 11 A RLE YA SONS. jVEW .MUSIC. ;Funeral march to themem il ory of ArnuiAM Lincoln," the Martyr Presi dent, by Mus. E A. Pakkiil-iist, tho popular com poser. The Heme Journal says : "This is a fino composition, well worthy the reputation of its writer." Very solemn and impressive 1.000 cop ies akb issued weekly. Price 30 cents ; with vignette of the President, 50 conts Mailed free. Publisher, Horace Waters, No 481 Broadway, New York. July 5, 1865,-2t. VOTICE. In the orphans Court of Clearfield 1 couuty. The undersigned Auditor, appoint ed by the Court to ma'ie distribution of the mon eys in the hands of Wm. Hoover, Adin'r of John Shirey, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, on Saturday, the 12th day of August, A. I). 1S',)5. between tho hours of 10 a. jr. and 3 p M. nt the offi-je of J. B. M'Enally, Esq., in the bor ough of Clearfield, when and where all persons interested may attend and be heard. J. II. FULFORD, July 20, 1S65. Auditor. nf REWARD will be paid by tho Com tri" missiouers of Clearfield county, upon the conviction of the person or persons breaking open the door of the Arbitration room, in the Court House, in Clearfield, on the night of the 2tth Ju ly. lst!ft isid reward will be paid to the person or pcisons giving the necesarv information. THUS. DOUGHERTY, Attest, AMOS READ. W. S. BRADLEY, CONRAD BAKER, Clerk. Commr's. July 25. 155-2 TkTOTICE. Persons knowinz themselves in- JL debted to the estate of Matthew A. Forceo, of Bradford township, dee'd, are hereby notified to call aud have their claims settled, on or before the 1st day of September next. All claims not settled by that time, will be left' with an officer of the law for immediate collection. The books and pa pers belonging to the deceased, are in the hands of Thomas 11. Forcee, at Grnhamptnn. THOS. I!. FORCEE, SAML. A. WILSON. Grahnmpton, July 23, 18IV5 -tit. Adm'rs riJjEW FIRM. The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership under the firm name of Irvili & Hartaliorn. for the transaction of a gen eral merchandise and lumber business. A larjre and well selected stoc'i of goods has been added to that already on hand at the -'corner store" in Curwensville. where we are now prepared to show customers a complete assortment, with prices a3 low as the lowest. The highest mnrket rates paid for lumber of all descriptions. Tho patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. E A IRVIN. W. K. HARTSHORN. Curwensville. July 17, 18f." W U.MBERM EN'S NOTICE The logslodg -Si ed by the big flood, at nnd near the mills of L. A. Ainsworth and H. 1$. Taylor, amounting to over two and a half million feet, are all sawed and the lumber will bo ready for delivery, and the bills for payment. July 2-ith All lumber not called for bv August 2.ith,will be disposed of us soon ajs convenient and the money divided according to scale bill and paid over at First National Bank. The saw-bi!ls are payable at tho First National Bunk of Williamsport, or at the office of the sub scriber, at the West Branch Iron Works. A. T. NICHOLS Williamsport, July 2(5, 1865-3t. ffAO COMSUMPT1VES Sufferers withCon- JL sumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, or any dis ease of the Throat or . Lungs, will bo cheerfully furnished, without charge, with the remedy by the use of whiyh the Rkv. Edward A. Wilson. of Williamsburg, New York, was completely re stored to health, after having suffered several vears with that dread disease, Consumption. To Consumptive gutferers, this remedy is worthy of au immediate trial. It will cojt notaing. ana may be the means of their perlect restoration. Those desiring the same will please address Rev. Eowako A. Wilson, 165 South Serosn Stkeet, Williams!!! na. Kings county, Jew lork. Aug. 2, IStlo-fit. TO TEACHERS. The third Annual Session of tho Clearfield County Teachers Institute will be held at the Town J-'all, in Clearfield, on Tuesday, the 22nd of August, and to continue in session two weeks. The principal exercises of the Institute will bo driH in the different branches taught in the public schools, and discussions on the theory of teaching. The following text books will be used, viz : Sargent's Speller. Sanders Fifth Reader. Brook's Intellectual Arithmetic, Green leafs Written Arithmetic. Mitchell's Geography, and Green's Grammar. Each teacher will also bo rovided with Page's Theory and Practice of eaching. C. B. SANDFORD, July 19, 1S05. . County bep t. SHERIFF'S SALE, ' JJT! CLEARFIELD, ZPjw., On Saturday, Aug. 20, 1865. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield coun ty, tested at Clearfield the 21th day of June, A. 1. 1866, the undersigned Sheriffof the said coun ty of Clearfield, will expose to publio sale, at the Court House in the borough of Cloarfield. on Sat urday the 26th day of August. A. D. 1S65 at 2 o' clock p. m., tho following described tract or piece of land, to wit: A certain tract of land situate in Rush township Centre county, and Morris tp. Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: JDcgiruiicg at a Pine, corner of the Jofcn Huton and Francis Johnston tracts, thence . by Stephen Kingston tract, South two hundred and thirty-eight perches to a stone corner, on the Sooth side of the Big Mo shannon creek and along said Kingston tract east one hundred and sixty-eight perches to a Post, thence North along the said Kingston tract, two hundred and thirty-t ight perches to the line of said Johnston tract, and along the division line of said Johnston and Kingston tracts west, to the Pine corner aforesaid, containing two hundred and thirty-fivo acres. Seize! and taken in Exe cution and to be sold as the property of Aaron Largo, and the heirs and administratrix of Thom as G. Snyder, deceased. Terms op Sale Ten per cent of the purchase money in hand when the property is knocked down, and the other on tho acknowledgement and delivery of the deed. JACOB A. FAUST. July 26, 1SC5. Sheriff. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testa mentary on the estate of Joseph Michaels, late of Burnside township, Clearfield county, Pa, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the satae will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. WM. IIUTTON, May 10, lSdU-pd. Executor. MISS E. A. P. RYNDEIl, Teacher of Piano-Forte. Melodeon. Cabinet-Organ, Guitar, Harmony and Vocal Music. Also, sole a gent for Clearfield county for Chickering A Sons Piano Fortes, and Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Or gang Room imtk Mrs. II. D. Welsh. Music Books. Paper, and Sheet Musie constant ly on hand at the store of Mrs. II. 1). Welsh. Clearfield, Pa., Pea. 7. 1364 r-XjEJVE HOLLIDAIT, WITH GRAF F, V A T K I N & C O., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 426 Market Street, Philadelphia. PAUL GRAFF. Ap.26 ISAAC WATKIXS. : TIIOS. SAPri-NGTON. W. H. WEIHER lrf65 HEW HEM -UNTID USTZETW- GOODS. fTlhe subscribers having purchased the Goods X and good will, of the late firm of Carlisle A Co., in Philipsburg. respectfully inform their friends and tho public generally that they have added a large stock of well selected seasonable goods, which they will disposo of at the most rea sonable rates. Purchasers can find Dry Gooifs of every description. also.FLOUR. BACON. FISH, SALT, ic. And the best quality of GROCERIES. C. MUNSON, Philipsburg. July 12, 18S5. Q. F. HOOP. WANTED ! DISABLED SOLDIERS and others out of employment to canvass for OUR GREAT NATIONAL WORK.Just Published, 'The Lite and Public Services of Abraham Lin coln,'' by Frank Crosby, of the Philadelphia Bar. comprising one large octavo volume of nearly 500 pages. This is the only work of the kind published; it is entirely new and original, containing his early history, political career, speeches, messages, proc lamations and other official documents illustrative of his eventful administration, together with the scenes and events connected with his tr'agio end. It will be sold only by our authorized travelling agents, to whom exclusive territory is given, and liberal commissions paid. Send for a circular and terms to"Americau Publishing Agency, Box 217, No, 600 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia." July 12th.lrf6:-3t CARI TO THE SUFFER ING. Do .f . you wish to bo cured ? if so, swallow two or three hogsheads of "Buohu," -'Tonie Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," --Nervous Antidotes," Ac, tc.. Ac., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one box of old doctjh bcchax's esglish specific pills and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt aud salutary in their effects on the broken-down nd shattered constitution. Dr. Buchan's English Specifio Pills cure in le's3 than .10 days, the worst cases of Nerv ousness, Impotency, Pennatnre Deoay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Affections, no' matter from what cause produced. Price. Ono Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Ad dress, JAMES S. BUTLER, No 429 Broadway, N. Y.Gen. Agent. P. S. A box sent to any address on receipt of price which is one dollar post free. A de scriptive Circular sent on application. July 19. 1805,-St. CLEARFIELD COUNTY BANK. The Clc.rfield County Bank as an incorporated institution has gone out of existence, by the sur render of its charter on the 12th of May, 1365. All of its stock is owned by the subscribers, who will continue the Banking Business at the same place as private bankers, under the firm name of 1IIE ULEARP12LI UOITNTV JLJANK. We are responsible for the debts of the Bank and will pay its notes on demand at the counter. Deposits received, and jnterest paid when the money is left for a fixed time. Paper discounted at six per cent, as heretofore. Our personal responsibility is pledged for all deposits received and business transacted. Acontinuauceof tho liberal patronage of the bu siness inon of the county i3 respectfully solicited. As president, cashier, and officers of the late Clearfield County Bank, we require the notes of said Bank to be presented for redemption. Jas. T. Leonard, Richard Shaw. A K. Wright, J B. Graham, Wm. Porter G. L. Reed, June 17, lS'ii. W. A. Wallace. The business of the Bank will be conducted by John M.Adams, Esq., as Cashier. G0DETS LAM'S BOOK. THE FASHION MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD. Literature, fine Arts and F"ashions. The most magnificent Steel engravings. Double Fashion- plates. Wood engravings on every subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting. Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Par lor, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to make acomplete Lady's Book. THE LADIES FAVORITE FOR 3b YEARS. ' No Magazine has been able to compete with it. None attempt it. - O0DEV8 RECEIPTS for every department of a household. These a lonc are worth the price of the Book. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. Drawing lessons for. the young. Another spe ciality with Godey. Original Musie, worth S3 a year. Other .Maga zines publish old worn-out music; bntthe subscrir hers to liodey got it betnre the music stores. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiarity with Godev. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart t Co , of New York, the millionaire merchants, appear la Godcy, the only Magazine that has them. Also. Fashions from the celebrated Brodia of New York. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them in a year than any other Magazine. In fact, the La dy's Book enables every lady to be her own bon net maker. MARION HARLAND, Authores of "Alone," "Hulflun path," "Moss Side." "Nemesis," and "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no other magazine. We huve also retained all our old and favorite contributors. TERMS OF GODEY'S -LADY'S BOOK FOR 1865. (From which there can be no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1865. At present, we will receive subscribers at the following rates. Due notice will be given if we are obliged to advance, which will depend upon the price of paper. One copy, one year S3 00 Two copies, one year . 5 00 Three copies, one year 7 00 Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making six capies , 14 00 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club,making nine copies ' 21 00 Eleven copies one yoar.and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making twelve copies 27 00 Additions to any of the above clubs, S2 50 each subscriber. Godey'a Luly's Book and Arthur's Home Mag azine will bo sent, each one year.on receipt of $4 50. We have no clubs with any other Magazine or Newspaper. - The money must all be sect at one time for any club. Address L..A. GODEY, N. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets, Oct. Vi, 1864. Philadelphia. OIL TERRITORY AND LEASES lor sale by II. B. SWOOPE, Clearfield, Pa., Mar. 22: 1865. Att y atLaw. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, forsale at Hartwick A Huston' 0rrfield. Pa C AUTION. AH persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or medd ling with the following property, to-wit : two horses, one cow, 12 sheep, a 2-ycar old heiffer, waggon, plow, har row, horse gears, and household furniture now in possession of John Ross of Chest township, m the same belongs to me and has only been left in the care of said Ross. L. J. HURD. June 28, lod.i'.tp. . EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Moses Fulton, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Penn'a, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate ere requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. ANNA H FULTON, T. N FULTON, June 14, lS65-pd. Executors. AGENTS WANTED FOR TBS The most interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adventures of a woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout and Spy. giv ing a most vivid inner picture of the war. Teach ers, ladies, enorgetic young men. and especially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, iu want of profitable emplyment, will find it pecu lialy adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $150 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant Send for circulars. Ad dress, JONES, BROS. A CO., N. E. corner Sixth and Minor Street July 19, 1365-lm pd. Philadelphia, Pa. THE LUMBEE-CITY RACES AGAIN! KIRK & SPENCER KEEP THE INSIDE TRACK ! Their Celebrated thoro bred Steed, "CHEAPEST FOR CASH," the Peoples' favorite!! Remember this, and when in want of rrasoka- BLE GOODS, AT THK VERT LOWEST rOSSlBLB CASH price, call at the store of Kirk A Spencer, in Lumber City. Y'ou will not fail to be suited. Dress Goods and Notions in great vatiety, We study to please. KIRK A SPENCER. Lumber City, Pa., July 1, 1865. C.W.&H.W. SMITH, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa., Room, heretofore occupied as a Post-office. 1 1865 1865 GRAND OPENING OF SlPElITSrC3- GOODS, comprising a general assortment of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queens-ware, Wooden-ware, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c, &c, &c. . Best quality of Prints, Delaines, Mozambiques, Linen, Poplins, Balzarines, Lavellas, Ginghams check, drilling, ticking and sheeting, shawls, plain silks, fowlard silks, cassamcres cottouades, jeans, tweeds, satinetts, bleached muslins (at less than city wholesale prices) brown muslins. HOSIERY, Gloves, Ribbons.Trimmings, But tons, (in great variety) collrs,velvet ribbon.veils, headnets, embroidery, braids, handkershiefs. la dies elastic pages, whalebones, bindings, chil drens', misses', and ladies' hoop skirts, Quaker and Corset Skirts, NEW STYLK BALMORALS. Sugar, Tea. Coflfee. Molasses, Spices. Ac. .Oranges, Split Peas, Lemons, Full Tea Setts. Dishes, com mon and fine ware, cups. saucers. preservejars Ao. TUBS, Brooms, Churns, Mops. Buckets, Meas ures, brushes, combs, wicks, fancy baskets, bowls, door-mats, window blinds, cords, tassels, etc., etc. Childrens, Misses and Ladies' morocco boots, shoes, balmorals, and gaitors. May 24. PffiSTARRIVlL! DRY GOODS. mm mm m ime CLEARFIELD, PA., Have received their first supply of Seasonable Goods, which they are now offering for sale at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Their stock consists of a general variety oi Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hard-war, Queens-ware, Tin-ware, Willow-ware, Wooden-ware, Provisions, Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes, and Clothing, Ae. LADIES DRES2 GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Delaines, Alpacas, Ginghams, Ducals. Prints, Me rinos. Cashmeres, Plaids, Brilliants, Poplins, Be regf. Lawns, Nankins, Linen, Lace, Edgings, Col crcttes, Braids, Belts, Veil3, Nets, Corsctts, Nu bias, Hooits, Coat3, Mantels, Balmoral skirts. Ho siery, Gloves, Bonnets, Flowers, Plumes. Ribbons, Hats, Trimmings, Buttons. Comhs. Shawls, Braid, Muslins, Irish Linens, Cambrics, Victoria I .awns, Swiss, Bobinols, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Cashmcrcts, Tweeds, Jeans, Cordu roys, Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., eta. Ready-Made Clothing In the latest s'vles and of the best material, consisting of t-its, Pants. Vets, Sbawis. Over coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, etc. Of Boots and Shoes, They have a large assortment for Ladies and Gen tlemon, consisting of Top Boots, Brogans, Pumps Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, etc Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee, Syrups, Sugar, Rice. Crackers, Vinegar, Candles, Cheese, Flour. Meal, Bbcou, Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil, Lamp chimneys, Tinware a great varie y, Japanware, Egg beaters. Spice boxes, Wire ad els, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc , etc. - Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brashes, Baskets, Washboards, Buckets, Tubs, Churns Wall-paper, Candle wiek. Cotton yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, etc! Rafting Ropes, Angers, Axes, Chisels, Saws, Files, Hammers, Hatchets, Niils, Spikes, Grijd stones, Stoneware, Trunks, Carpet bags, Powder, Shot, Lead, eto. School Books, Writing and Letter paper, Fancy note and com mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy books, slates, ink Btands, fancy and common envelopes. Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Findings, Glass and Putty, Flat irons and Coffee mills, Bed cords and Bed screws,' Matches, Stove blacking, Washing soda and Soap, eto. . Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds, Fancy soaps, Oils, Paints. Varnishes, and in fact every thing usually kept in a first class Store. They invite all persons tocalland examine their stock, and hope to give entire satisfaction. E0YNTON, SHOWERS A GRAHAM. Clearfield, Pa., May 10th, 1S65. LEATHER an assortment for sale by MKK&ELL A BIGLER December 14, 1S64. Clearfield FLOUR A large quantity Extra Family Flour, in Barrels. Satk' and i Sacks for sale by Feb. 22. 1S65. W. F. IRWIN. NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $500,000. Agency at the office of II. B. Swoop, Esq , CLEARFIELD, PA, This company grants policies to secure the pay ment of a fixed sum in the event of death by ao cident.with a weekly allowance in ease of Injury, on payment of an annual premium, ranging ao cording to the occupation of the insured. An ex cellent opportunity is thus afforded to the Lum bermen of Clearfield county, to provide for their families, in the event of accident on the river, or elsewhere. Particulars and circulars may be had on application to 11. B. SWOOPE. Agent. MaySO SOMETHING NEW ! CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP, Immediately In rear of Machine shop. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield, and the publio in general, that we have entered into partnership, and are preparod to do all kinds of work on carriages, wagons, sleighs, sleds. Ae. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch. JOrders prompt ly attended to. JOHN F, ROTE. Clearfield, July 5, 'y. WM. McKNIGHT Thankful for past patronage, I would still so licit the favors of my old customers, and ask ma- ' ny new ones to give ns a call. I have associated . with me in the above business, Wm. McK night, who is an experienced workman. If you want a good carriage or timber sled, give ns a call. . J. F. Rot it. CHEAPER STILL!! SEASONABLE GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WILLIAM F. IRWIN'S STORE. OS MARKET ST CLEARFIELD, PA. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST GOODS ARE TO BE HAD AT THE CIIEAr CASH STORE. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at tha reasonable prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere as he ieels persuaded none undersell him. His stock embraces a well selected assortment of nilY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hardware, Queensware, GROCERIES, DltUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Eooks and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other nscful articles, all which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed for approved produce. Go to the "cheap cash store" if you want to buy goods at fair prices. May 24. 1865. WM F. IRWIN. NEWS ! NEWS!! ANOTHER CAPTURE! And New Goods Arriving at Mossop's RICHARD MOSSOP, DKALER IN FOREIGN AN3 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. iC. MARKET 8TREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. SELLS The Cheapest Goods IN THE COUNTY. - ReAul the follotntihst of troodnand profit therehv. istetip Vheap (JkfMV FOR THE LADIES, Always on hand a large stoek of La dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Alpacas, De Laines, Oingbatns, Prints, Chintz. Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN, Goods Hood Goods Goods Goods Good. Good Good Good Goods Good Goods Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Goods Good Goods Good (Jheaj) v.-heap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown Cheap and tirey Cloths, Fancy and Black Cheap Uasimeres. batunets, Uassinets, Cheap Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vest Cieap ings. Shirting, etc., eto. eto. Cheap KEADY-MADE, Cheap Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under Cheap 6uirts. and other Flannel shirts, Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Neck ties, Gum Boots and Shoes. and a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Such as Unbleached and Bleached Muslins, Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton table cloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc Good Goods Goods I HARDWARE, AC. CheMo'M yn wantNails or spikes. Manure (Joods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap saws, bmootnmg irons. Locks, Ooods Hinges, etc.. go to Mossop's Goods where you can buy cheap. Goods IF YOU WANT Goods Cliejip; Knives and forks. Butcher Kmve,'Good Cheap Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Good Good Good i'ens, Fowder, tuot or Lead, etc., buy them at Mossop's. IF YOU WANT Shoe Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods Good Utstap Cheap Cheap Cheap IF YOU WANT r J r : i Ti wvr yraaa ey I l . 1.1 .1. ii '(rood uj u . u uf:i , uauu, euuuiucn ur sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson or blacK tea, bay them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Good Vneap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap C'teap Chsap Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt, Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried apples or peaches, water or so cio craeicers, eall at Mossop's where yon can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Good Goods-. Good Goods Good Goods Goods Vhnup Cheap Cheap Chetip Cheap Cheap Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramen tal uses, Sweet wine, old Monon gahela or rye whisKy, Cherry and Cognac brandy, bay at Mossop a cheap oath store. IF YOU WANT Raisens, Figs, Prunes or dried Cur rants; filberts, cream, pecan or ground nuts, candies; Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOU WANT Good Gotul Good Good Goods (rood Good Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Good Good Uheap Cheap Cheap Cheap To bay any other article cheap, be Good sure to go to Mossop, for he sells Ooods cheaper for cash than any other food verson in Clearfield county. in j. Cheap November 27, 1861. ap2f 59. Approved, country proa nee oj every Awul taken at the -uiuil mariet prices in exchange for good. PROVISIONS. Floor, bacon, Urd, ehees. dried beef, dried iruit, received regularly, at the store of Mar. 22, , J. P. KRATZER. :?! fritS iTk. m n n 9 sirirwiwi