Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 05, 1865, Image 1

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    M$k jFM
Jf W V"
VOL. 11.-NO. 44.
The Ram-shan's Jocrkal published on Wed-Bes-lay
at 52,09 per annum in advance AijVek
tisbmests inserted at SI. 50 per square, for three
or les insertion Ten lineg (or less) counting a
- ton are For every additional insertion 50 cents.
A deduction wiil be made to yearly advertiser.
JR. VIS BROTHERS. Dealers in Sqnare A Sawed
Lumber. Drj Goods, Groceries. Flour, Grain,
Ao , Ac, Burnsi.M Pa, . Sept. 23, 1333.
-T7.REDERTCK LEITZIXGER. Manufacturer of
Jj II kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield. Pa. Or
der? solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1,1963
CKAN? BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear
fiold. Pa. May 1 3. 1S63.
i. j. crins. :::::: w A lt b r babkett.
ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear,
field, Pa OtBce in Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Xauglo's jewolry store May 26.
F. N'AUGLE, "Watch and Clock Maker, and
dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Room in
Graham's row, Market street. yv- 10
"f T BCC'xIKK SWOOPE. Attorney at Law.Clear
I 1 field. Pa. Offict in Graham's Kow. fourdoo s
eJ; of Graham A Boynton s store. Nov. 1.
- t ARTRVnCK A HUSTON, Dealers in Drus,
j 1 Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume
rs Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street.
Cleared'!, Pa June, 2'J, 1S04.
JP. KUATZEK. dealer in Dry Goods. Cioth
in". Hardware Queensware. Groceries. Pro
rUu ns"Ac. Front Street, above the Ac.-.dpir.y,
CLes. field. Pa. -Prl!
-J ILLIAM F. IRWIN. Market street. Clearfield.
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hardware, Queensware, Groceiies, and
fainilv articles generally. Nov. JO.
JOHN Gl'ELlCH. Manut'aetuitr of all kind ol
Cabinet-r:.re. Market street. Clearfield. Pa.
Jie also makes to order Coffins, on shoi t noti.e. and
fn-r.-.iU v. i:n a ber?e. AprlO.
IK M. WOOD-. PnACTicisa Pnvsi-iAX, aDd
J Examining burgeon for Pension,
f'tfice Pouth-west corner of sWond and Cherry
fetre. t. Clearfield. Pa. January 2!. Is03.
fllIOMAS J. M'CCLLOUGII, Attorney at Law.
J Clearfield. Pa. Office, east of tbe "Clearfield
to. Bank. Deeds und other leal instruments pre
pared with promptness and aneuracy. July 3.
JB M'EX ALLY. Attorney at Law. Clearfield.
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick building of J.Boya-
.n. 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel.
1)ICUARD M"?op, Dealer in Foreign and Po
,, mestic Drv Goods. Groceries, Flour. Bacon.
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
westol Journal Ojlirr, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
L R RIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6. 18io.
milOMAS W. MOORE. Land Surveyor and Con
J veyancer. Office at bis residence, i mile east
of Pennvilla PostofSce address. Gunim Hills
Deeds and other ifcstrumeuts of wrUi:i' neatly
execute!, iuuc 7;h, loGO-ly
TM. ALBKKT A KRoS, Dealers in Dry Goods,
i rof.eriea. Hardware. Oueensware. Flour.
Bacon, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county. P. nn'a.
Also, extensive dealers in ai! kinds of sawed lum
ber. Singles, acd sq-iare timber. Orders solid
ted. Woodland. Aug. 1'jth. 1M'3.
rCTIO"EER. The undersigned having
been LieeuseJan Auctiiine-'r. -nil respect
fully inform the citiieus of Clev rfviJ county th.kt
Le will attend to the ca' ia.; ,i ialcs. in any part
of thecountv. b-n ri Terms moderate.
Cle.irfield. Pa.
Jane 14. !- :
VI CTIO.NEEit. The undersigned having
been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
th cit'-'ens of C!"Tfield county that he will at
ti.d :j cjr.-. sales, in any part of the couuty.
whenever called upon. Charges moderate
May 13 Bower Po.. Clearfield co.,?a.
ArCTIOA EEK. The undersiaoed having
been Licenced an Auctioneer, would inform
the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to calling siles. in any ,iart of the county,
whenever c.ilicd upon Charges moderate.
Feb. 22. lstia. Clearfield, Pa.
JLi M BLOOM, of Pike township, desires to in
foim his fiiends and tne public generally that he
Las taken out a License asn AL'OTl'JNEEK and
will atiend to the crying of sales iu any part of
the county at the shortest notice, and at the most
reasonable charges. Address, euber personally
or bv letter, either at Curweusvillo or Bloom
lngvilte. MaJ L tf-
Or f ice op the Com ptbolleu of tub Ctkrencv ,
WASui.Naro.v. Janruary 30th, 13ii. )
U pre-ented to the undersigned, ithabeen
ma e to appear that -THE FIRST NATIONAL
BASK OF CLEARFIELD," in the Borougo of
Clearfield, in the c-scty of Clearfield, and .Mate
oi Penns'-lviia.L-s b en duly organiied under
r. i cording to the requirements of the Act of
Congress. entitled "An Act to provide a National
Currency, secured by a pledge of United States
bunds and to provide for the circulation and re
demption theieof," approved June 3d, 1&54, and
h u complied with all the provisions ot said Act
required to be complied with before commencing
the business of Banking under said Act;
Now. therefore. I, Hugh McCulloch. Comptrol
lor of the Currency, do hereby certify that -l lih
In the Borough of Clearfield, in the county of
Clearfield, and State of Pennsylvania, is author
ized to commence the business of Banking under
the Act aforesaid
T-v. In testimony whereof, witness my
SF.ALi hand and seal of oQce, this 30th day of
7v-January, A. D. 1S65.
Feb. 8, 1855. Comptrol.er of the Currency.
C rrCI i L 30 Tit L.. All persons knowing
tliMdvea indebted to the subscriber, eirher
ty note or book accouut. are requested to pay up
iinmediately. as further indulgence cannot be
given. May27j)l G. II. HALL.
r tm lmttiA hr fire. It IS IQ6
afet company in the State, and has made no as
sessments since Its establishment, and hence it is
tte inoM eeonomieal ' ' ' 6. J. ROW, Agent
Jaaell, 18J. r i : Cl-arfteld, Pe..
jacket JSoctnj.'
By the golden summer air,
By the rose and lily rare.
By the lakes ni.d rivers fair,
By the beauty everywhere.
Do I swear that I'll be true,
For the love I bear to you.
In the silence of the right.
When the stars are glowing bright,
When the moon's soft silvery light.
Beams upon my weary sight,
Then to you will I be true,
For the love I bear to you.
When the storms are threatening loud,
And there's danger in the cloud.
When with years my form is bowed,
And my life wi'h cares endowed.
Then I'll love, and I'll be true,
To myself, my love, and you.
All the years my life shall know,
Bring their ricl'es.joy or woe,
When my hair is white as snow.
With the' years that come and go,
Then and always I'll be true.
Then and always love bi't you.
Interesting Account of Grant's Plan and
Sherman's Trotest.
Springfield Correspondence ol the Chicago Re
publican. In the RfpuhUcnn, of" June the 3, was
published an editorial article with an extract
headed "A Scrap oi' Hi.-tory," and which
gives an Recount ft trencral Sherman s writ
ten protest agaiiist General .(.J rant's circui
tous inarch around V ickslmrg, and by which
lie cut himself off lrom his ha?e of hupplies;
describes how General Sherman directed
that th protect be lui warded Washing
ton; how General Grant never lid so for
ward it; but aftewards, when Vicksbiirs was
about to surrender, tore it up in General
Sherman's prc-enee much to the satisfaction
of the latter.
I havt no Gould of the truth of the story,
as it perfectly tallies with an account (which
1 have oiten heard related by parties who
were present) of the way in which General
(irant is said to have come to the determi
nation of making (he extraordinary and nov
el military movement by which he captured
Vieksburjr, and which movement was evi
dently entirely one of his own invention. and
greatly adds to the military genius of the
man. The people have not (probably be
cause of General Grant's native modesty)
lieen heretofore wilting to give him credit
for originality of mind, or for that military
gonius (which is the hiche.'t form of mental
power) and which conceives as well as exe
cutes. In fact, I have heard officers and
soldiers assert that to Gen. Sherman alone
was due the credit of planning the entire
campaign, which resulted in the capture of
Yicksburg; when the truth is, that cam
I ai rn was the conception of General. Grant
himself. And mor? than this, the most
brilliant movement of it was undertaken con
trary to the advice of General Sherman, and
in the teeth of his written protest. To Gen
eral Grant, then, must be accorded the
praise of bavins: not only conceived it, but
a!.-o by his indomitable pluck, self-reliance
and dorrred obstinacy (the latter trait rising
to heroism in the case), carried this move
ment to a successful termin tion. in spite of
the opposition of General Sherman, In
whose judgement and military talent he re:
posed such great confidence.
The account of the manner by wlreh Gen
eral Grant was led to make the great move
ment which resulted intheeanture of Vicks
buTi is as follows : On the 1st of April. 18'j3
General-; Grant, Sherman. Oglesbv, Secre
tary of State O. M. Hatch, of this State;
Auditor Jessie K. Dubois, United States
Mar.-halP. L. Philips, Congressman Mitch
ell, of tie Fort Wayne District. Indiana:
Commodore Porter and various other raval
officers were on board the flagship of Com
modore Porter's squadron (the Black Ilavk,
I think). They had been on the Yazoo
river to Ilains' Blutt. on a reconnoissanre of
the fortifications, and were returnln.cr. The
parry were seated in the cabin of the fhig
ship, and an animated discussion was going
forward between Gen. Sherman. .Hon. Jes
se K. Dubois, and Hon. D. L. Philips, all
good talkers, and loving to talk, toa. The
topic was the question of slavery, the effect
of the war upon it kc. General Sherman
contended that slavery had nothing to do
with the war, and should nrt 1 made.to
enter into it : that the Southerners were
high-toned gentlemen ; that he had no ob
jection to -slavery perse: that the war should
last fit teen vears, and that the South could
onlv be mail 3 to succomb after they had
been virtually all but exterminated ; also
that it was a war between the Puritans and
cavaliers. Messrs. Pulois and Philips, spe
cially the foimer, stoutly combatted these i
deas. Mr. Dubois contended that slavery
was the cause of the war, and that it must
be removed before a permanent peace could
l-e secured ; also, that, as regarded the du
ration of it, if those in charge of it would
only do their duty it could be closed un in a
short time; that the people of the North
had given them men and money in al
most unlimited numbers and amounts,
and the result was in their hands, with ev
ery appliance to a successful termination.
Mr. Philips then took up the conversation
with Gencal Sherman on the subject of
slavery, an General Grant, who bad re
mained a silent listener durjng the other
discussion, with the inevitable cigar be-
t,; r,rw withdrew from the cabin to
the deck, and-Hr.uuDoisiouoweu mu. ure
f General had not beckoned the Auditor from
the room, but both appeared to oe arawn
together by one of those mental attractions
for which there is no accounting. Lpon
deck a conversation ensued between the two,
the utterance of which wa as follows :
r firont TTncle Jesse, to tell V0U
uentriai v lui.v , -
T hare mme to mv -wit s ends as
I regards the capture of Vicksburg. I do
not really know what next move to make.
I have tried everything I could think of,and
here we are yet. I have been advised that
we go back to Memphis and commence an
overland mar. h from that point
Mr. Dubois General Grant you cannot
do that. If you take this army back to
Memphis, with all this array of gunboats
and transports und all your material of war,
the effect will be disastrous on the country.
This infernal constitution in our State was
only defeated by superhuman exertions.
An other election is almost upon us. and
the whole Northwest is on the verge of rev
olution. It you go back you strengthen the
hands of the traitorsand K. G.C.'s at home,
they wiil call your movement a retreat, and
more loudly than ever assert that the south
cannot be conquered. If you can do no
better, you must storm Yicksburg. If it
costs the lives of forty thousand men it
must be taken. It is a terrible thing to think
of, but it must be done.
General ( irant replied that he would re
flect upon the matter during the night and
let Mr. Dubois kuow of his determination
in the morning. When the morning came.
General Grant met Mr. Dubois with a
cheerful countenance, and the following con
versation took place :
General Grant Uncle Jesse, you are go
ing home to-day; tell Governor Yates and
the people of Illinois lor me that I will take
Yicksburg in sixty days.
Mr. Dubois General Grant I am glad to
hear you say this; . but all I ask of you to al
low me to tell them is that you will take
Yicksburg, I don't care whether in sixty
days or six months.
General (irant I am bound to take it. I
have decided ou my plans. I will not tell
j-ou what they are. Even with the best in
tentions you might disclose them to the det
riment of the movement.
They parted and Gen. Grant detailed his
plan to Gen. S'aerm tit. wr.o protested in
writing, as detailed in the article, but plac
ed himself under the General's orders.
Auditor Dubois went heme and told Gov.
Yates that Grant would take Yicksburg;
that he had no doubt of it; that Gen. Grant
told him to tell him so, and that he must
tell it to the people as coming from General
Grant. It will be remembered that the
promise of Gen. Grant was published in the
papers at the time, and that Gov. Yates re
peated it from the stump.
General Grant's next movement was to
send for Gen. John A. McClernand, and or
dered him to march his corps from Milliken's
Bend to Grand Gulf. General McCler
nand proposed some changes in the details
of the plan; but General Grant cut him
short by saying that he had digested and
arranged the entire details for the move
ment, and only required him, General Mc
Clernand to execute his orders. General
McClernand then said he would do that to
the best of his ability, and departed on his
And here it may be well to add, that at
tlii-i time strenuous efforts were being made
at Washington for the removal of General
Grant. Not only West T'oint was arrayed
against him, but republican memlers of
Congress, some of them from this State,
went to Mr. Lincoln a:id urged his removal,
taking back their former endorsements of
him. Leading republican papers in this
State loudly denounced him, and clamored
for his supersediire. At this time a leading
republican and retired officeholder from
this State, who had been down the river
buying cotton, wrote a letter to Mr. Lincoln
denouncing General Grant, predicting his
failure, and urging the appointment of Gen.
Pope to command.
Ue brought the letter to Hon. 0.31. Hatch,
then Secretary of State, and one of Mr.
Lincoln's most intimate friends, and asked
him to direct it, but did not show him its
content. He represented to Mr. Hatch
that Mr. Nicolay, who had been Mr.
Hatch's deputy clerk, seeing the handwrit
ing, would hand it to Mr. Lincoln. Hear
ing of the occurrence, and suspecting a trick
Mr. Dubois made Mr. Hatch write a letter
to the President, which both signed, and
which urged him to do nothing against Gen.
(irant that they had been down the river,
and, sofaras they had anything to say in the
matter, they were perfectly satisfied with
Subsequently to the capture of Yicksburg
Mr. Dubois wa jn Washington, to obtain a
sick furlough for bis son, who had been at
the siege and waslthc n in a Memphis hospital.
Mr. Lincoln himself went to the War office
with Mr. Dubois to obtain the furloueh.
Keturning from the office, and while -Mr.
L-ucoln, Mr. Dubois and Mr. D. L. Philips
were standing at the railing which separates
the War Office grounds from those of the
White House, the following conversation, in
substance, took place :
Mr. Dubois Mr. President, I do rot
like Gen. Grant's paroling those prisoners
at Yicksburg. We had better feed than
fight them.
Mr. Lincoln, straightening himself up to
his full hight, and his countenance beam
insz with that peculiar smile which indicat
ed hat he was highly pleased: "Dubois,
General Grant has done so well, and we arc
all so pleased at the taking of Yicksburg,
let us. not quarrel with him about that mat
ter," He also added, "Dubois," placing
bis foot upon the ba.-e of the railing, and
taking a less erect posture, "do you know
that. "atone time, 1 stood solitary and i-lone
here in favor of General Grant? Even
(meaninz a member of Congress from
Northern Illinois), came and told me that
be (Grant) was not worth a , and that I
would have to remove him. But I remem
bered that you and Hatch and others had been
down there about the first of April, and had
not said a word to me on the subject."
Quilp when requested to take time by the
forelock, expressed a doubt wh"ther the
old fellow had any left to take hold of.
The London Times speaks of food old
times when men were hanged by the dozen.
"What Masonry Is.
At the present time as in every other
age, over which it hadpread its principles,
Masonry constitutes the affectionate and in
dessoluble alliance which unites man in
warm cordiality with man. It forms the
most liberal and extensive connections. No
private prepossessions nor national predilec
tion, nor civil policy, nor ecelasiastical ty
ranny, no party sjurit nor dissocial passion is
suffered to prevent the engagement, nor in
terfere with the free exercise of that broth
erly love, relief and fidelity it fails not to
produce. It has for ages been la
mented that petty distinctions and
partial considerations; irrational prejudices
and contracted sentiments, should so much
obstruct the friendly intercourse of man
kind. Masonry breaks down these formi
dable, barriers. In its solemn assembly a
round its social altar, meet the inhabitants
of different countries, with benignant looks
of esteem, and sentiments of unfeigned
friendship. Around distant lands it casts
philanthropy's connecting zone, and binds
together in the same sympathies the whole
family on earth.
Eennet's Opinion of Ben. "Wool.
If a copperhead like Ben. Wood is to es
cape unwhipt of justice we might as well
strike all laws from the statute book and ri
pen all the jails. His offense is rank. It
has long tested the patience of the people.
The blood of 'countless numbers of our brave
soldiers is red upon his hands. He stands
detested by the North, which he has be
trayed, and by the South, which hehas. aid
ed to seduce into a continuance of the war.
His office has been the appropriate resting
place of traitors. To it John Michel ran
when Itiehinoiid fell, as the serpent slinks
from one hole to another. He i a Benedict
Arnold without his bravery, and a Judas Is
eariot who has not the grace to harg him
self. He and Jeff 1-avis should be execut
ed side by side the one as the representa
tive of the copperheads of the North, and
the other as the representative of the trai
tors of the South. Xeiv Vork Herald.
A Particular Irishman. One of the
city colporteurs of Cincinnati some time a
go, w hen engaged in distribu'ing tracts a
mong the poor benighted ones alxrjt the
town, met with an amusing incident. Com
ing to an isolated building of humble pre
tensions, he opened the door without the
cetvmor'y of knocking, saying:
' Will you accept a tract of the Holy
Land ?" meaning the four pages of the letter-press
he had in his hand. The man of
the house instantly replied :
"Yes. bejabers; a whole section, if 3-011
give a good title; but I'd like to know if
there be much fever' n ague there to bother
a poor divil?" The colporteur retreated.
Wilmington (N. C.) paper says: "Some
of our soldiers driving in the swamps back
of the town, have struck a mine from which
have already been taken several hundred
barrel-' of turpentine and a quantity of ros
in. The superiority of these mines over
the Pennsylvania oil wells is that the pro
duct here is found in barrels all ready fur
market, the only expense necessary in work
ing them being the cost of labor in rolling
the barrels out. Further explorations are
being made.
A New Beading. At a Brooklin mass
meeting recently, a speaker told this story :
In Sundav school, the other day, while a
recitation of verses of Scripture were in pro
sress, a little lad suddenly exclaimed: "I
know a verse !" He Tas desired to recite it.
and did so, thus: "If any man attempts to
haul down the American flag, shoot him on
the spot !"
"And that," said Dr. Willetts. who told
the story, "is the doctrine according to Gen
eral Dix."
Mrs. Partington's Lst. Isaac was
readinsr to his mother the head lines of one
the telegraph columns of Tne-day lat, and
when he came to "".JrfT. I)urix to he con fined
at Fort Jjafaiiftt" the good ild lady threw
up her arms exclaiming: "Laws-a-me! I
knew that he wore petticoats, but I didn't
think that would hanpen to him ! Well,
well, the confederacy is coming to pieces!"
The old lady resumed her knitting and
Isaac his readinsr.
A Long CnASE. An unsophisticated
countryman, the other day, coming in town
with a load of wood, saw a military officer,
followed at a respectable distance by two or
derlies all three mounted, and in a full gal
lop. "Good gracious!" said he, "havn't
they cauebt him yet ? I was in town about
three weeks ago, and they were runnin' him
As the current and goosberry worm has a
gain made its appearance this spring, we
give the following recipe, which has been
tested, and proved a sure remedy for the de
struction of the worm. Use pulverized
Hellebore, by dusting it upon them. It
will destroy all it touches. Two or three
applications will be all that is necessary.
Siiocking. A young gentleman who was
at one time very much smitten with a
"Friend," Favs that during his travels
through the West Indies he often felt some
very severe shocks from earthquakes, but
they were not ? circumstance when compar
ed with those which he experienced from
this little earth-Quaker.
Idaho City was entirely destroyed by fire
on the night ot the ISth ult. The fire was
the work of incendiaries. During its con
tinuance there was a wholesale robbery.
Tr e loss is estimate! at over a million of
dollars. - "IT....
The water of a foul cistern maybe cleans"
ed by two pounds of caustic soda.
The Case as Presented by the Defense The
Degree of Guilt of the Accused.
Special Correspondence of Pittsburg Commercial.
Washington, June 19. The proceedings
in the Assassination trial for the past two
weeks have been, to the casual reader, very
tedious, and to many the efforts of the de
fense seemed aa a struggle agaiost time.
The counsel for the accused have commen
ted their arguments, and in ali probability
the case wiil Ik; concluded within the next
ten days. In the meantime, a brief summa
ry of the case and the results accomplished
may not prove uninteresting. Takmg up
first the case of Mrs. Surratt, we have the
attempt to impeach the two main witnesses
against her. It may be said that the de
fence have succeeded iu proving that Lloyd
was much intoxicated on the day when, as
he swears, Mrs. Surratt charged him to have
the carbine in readiness : and that Weich
man did on one occasion declare his own sym
pathies to be with the South.
The inference from the first fact is, that
Lloyd was incapable of understanding or re
membering anything said to him on that
day ; aud in regard to the second, the coun
sel have a theory that Weichman was really
one of the conspirators, who has turned
States evidence, and that his statements are
therefore to be taken with much allowance.
They have entirely failed to fasten upon him
any complicity in the conspiracy, however,
and will be unable to make much capital
out of his expressions of secessiou senti
ments, beyond the general effect of putting
on reeord the vague doubt in regard to the
young man's real character which already
existed in the minds ot all who had studied
the case. The defence has also proved that
Mrs. Surratt did really have business' at Sur
rattville on the day of her visit there, and
did actually attend to it. Her declarations,
on Leing suddenly confronted with Payne,
that she had never seen him before, is in
some measure explained by the testimony of
quite a number of witnesses that her eye
sight is defective, and by the fact that Miss
Fitzpatrick, tvho had seen Payne as many
times before as had Mrs. Surratt, also failed
to recognize him in the distruise which he
wore upon that occasion. It is also worth
nothing in the prisoner's favor that her fail
ure to recognize Payne at that time was the
very worst thing that could have happened,
both for her and for him. Yarious persons
have testified that Mrs. Surratt is by nature
and reputation, kind, devout and charitable.
This is the ca.se for the defense. Oa the
other hand, there has been no explanation
of Booth's visit to Mrs. Surratt's house, the
frequent meetings there of those implicated
as conspirators, the visit of her sou to llkh
mond and Montreal, her whispered words
with the chief assassin on the day of the
murder, or her whispered instructions to
John Lloyd twice reiterated that week. There
can be little doubt that in her case the ver
dict of the court will be guilty.
It is generally admitted that little could
be done in defense of Harold, the valet and
courier of the assassin. Oi ly two points
have been made in his favor. It seems cer
tain that he was not, as testified by one of
the secret Canada witntkses, in Montreal
last February in consultation with Sanders
and Thompson, nor was the story intrinsic
ally probable. A dozen witnesses or more
have swore that Harold is a boyishj trivial
fellow, easily influenced for good or evil.and
of no mortal or moral stamina.
There has been but a single defense at
tempted for Payne, the assailant of Mr.
Seward, that of insanity, and that has most
signally and utterly failed. Indeed the pro
ject of setting up the plea of insanity in be
half of a man who entered into an elabor
ate political conspiracy, stood by the plot
when all others but its leader abandoned it
as hopeless, and finally carried out the part
assigned him with cunning as marvelous as
his courage, was to absurd too have a basis
in anything but desperation. The mystery
hanging over this man seems to be inexpli
cable. We have him first as a nurse in the
hospitalsatGettysburg, treating the patients
with apparent tenderness; next a taciturn
boarder in a Ur ion household at Baltimore,
studying medical books ; next, in Yirginia.
lie is an officer ot the relel army, rescuing
from the rage of more fiendish brutes than
himself the lives of unarmed Union prison
ers. His father is asserted to be a clergy
man in Fiori 'a, and is c:i!!'-d before tho
court, but does not appear. Th m the ac
cused appears as a conspirator lodging at
the Surratt house, professin-g to be a Bap
tist minister, and amusing his leisure by
games with bowie-knives. Then he has a
room at a Washington hotel as an invalid
unable to visit the dining room ; then passes
the guard at the door of the sick Secertary
of State under the pretence that he is a
physician's messenger ; then does his bloody
work with the ferocity and determination
which seemed superhuman ; then walks in
to custody by a coincidence, and stupidly
attempts to assume an impossible character;
and now sits erect and calm and unconquer
able before the tribunal whieh is to condemn
him to death, blushin at the preposterous
effort to make him seem a maniac. Payne
has resigned himself to his fate, and has ex-
fressed a desire to take the witness stand in
eha!f of his fellow-prisoners, whom he de
clares to be, as far as the knowelge of the
assassination goes, entirely innocent.
Atzerott's case is a? hopeless almost as
that of Payne, although no direct participa
tion on his part in this tragedy of the dread
ful Friday night has been fully proved. His
inquiry for President Johnson's room at the
Kirkwood House tells heavily against him.
The story that on Saturday he alluded to
the story of the murder of General Grant
in a manner indicating a knowledge that that
crime was contemplated, has been success
fully exploded by the defense, and it appears
that his remark was stch as might naturally
have been made by any innocent person. It
has also been proved tint the pistol aod dirk
found in his room were not the weapona
which he habitually carried but nothing
has been brought forward to sustain the in
ference that they belonged to another of th
conspirators. It has been proved that At
zerott is a coward, and another fact against
him is that he does not deny he was one of
the cousj-iratoriv having repeatedly sought
to be pu: tiie wii.ni.oCs' sUud for th
The defense of O'Laughiin. wi;i :a tiA
probabilty prove succestuF. The testimony
which indicted him as the intruder at Secr
tary Stauton's house on the night of April
14th, has been contradicted by an alibi so
complete and impregnable that probably th
Judge Advocate will acknowledge its unde
niable force in his suuimiug up, and aban
don this part of the case. O'Laughiin
came to ashington on Thursday, April 13,
with a party of Baltimore friends, on an or
dinary convivial excursion. It is not prove-1
that he saw Booth during the time ; Lw
whereabouts every morrcTit of the night of
the murder is accounted for, aud tha balance
of probability is decidedly in favor of his
knowing nothing of the assassination until
the shot was fired. O'Laughiin did not do
ny his participation in the plot to kidnap tha
President, iu which Booth s ideas first took
form. He was intimate with Booth from
childhood, the boys having been neighbor
and schoolmates in Baltimore. He gava
himself up willingly to the officers who cam
in search of him a day after the murder.
Edward Spangler, the scene shifter at
Ford's theatre, has made a vigorous defense.
The defense lias proved stifetorily that
Spangler did not, as alleged, hold the door
open for Booth's flight and close it in tha
face of the pursuer ; that the forcing open
of the locks on the doors of the private box
es at Ford's theatre was done innocently,
some time before the murder; that the pas
sage wa' behind the scene was always kept
cle;ir by a rule of the establishment ; that
Booth "repeatedly during the winter hired
and himself occupied the box in which he
killed the President, and that a gimbletwas
found in his valise with which he might
have bored the whole through the door ;
that the rope found in Spangler's possession
might have been used in his favorite amuse
ment of crab-fishing, or in his business at
the theatre ; and that Spangler himself is
known as a good-natured, kind, willing,
hard-drinking fellow, employed occasionally
by Booth as a sort of hostler and errand
runner, but not the man to be trusted with
great deeds for good or eviL
The counsel for Samuel Arnold has been
content to accept his case as the prosecution
left it, and very few witnesses have been
brought forward for his defense. The pris
oner does not deny that he was a part tier in
Booth's conspiracy up to the 27th March;
the government docs not claim that he had
anything to do with it after that date. Tha
question for the court to consider is merely
the proper sentence to be awarded to his
precise measure of guilt.
The c ise of Dr. Mudd is the most com
plicated of all. lie has proved that the har
boring at his house persons in rebel uniform
was in ltGl, when all Maryland was ia fer
ment, not in 1801, and that John Surratt
was not among them : that he did not say
early in March that the President, Cabinet
and all the Union men in Maryland would
i.e killed within six-weeks; that he did not
visit Booth iu Washington on the 3d of
March, or Mrs. Surratt during the winter.
All these assertions, although, positively
sworn to by witnesses for the prosecution,
may be regarded as effectually disapproved.
In regard to Booth's visit at Bryantown in
November, the defense has proved that he
professed to be looking at investments in
land, brought regular letters of introduction,
and was introduced to Dr. Mudd in the most
natural a id casual manner. The statement
ol Weichman, that Mudd and Booth wero
in conference in Washington, in January, is
the main point about which doubt clusters.
It cannot le considered as disproved nor
can we reconcile with its truth the positive
testimony that the Doctor was not away
from his home in January. The register of
the Pennsylvania I louse, where, according to
Weichman sstory. Mudd was staying at tho
time, does not contain his name, and is thus
negative evidence in his favor. It seem
not impossible that AYeichtuan's memory
is at fault, and that the interview took place
during Mudd's visit on the '221 of Decern
ing although his time even then appears
fully .accounted for. A great point in the
Doctor's favor is made by the evidence of
several witnessess that he spoke on Sunday
of the presence ot two suspicious persons
at his house on the previous day, urged the
raising of a tome guard to scour the coun
try, and himself conveyed to the authorities
the first information they obtained as to
Booth's flight and the inipo.tant fact of his
fractured limb.
A Ilicn petroleum worker, gaunt as a
skeleton, and ignorant as a hodman, went to
an artist to have his portrait taken. "Will
you have it taken in oil or water-color?"
inquired tin artist "He, of course," re
plied he, "It comes tome more natural;
and, besides it makes me look latter."
The darkey who greased his feet so that
he could not make a noise when he went to
steal chickens, slipped from the hen-rooft
into the custody of the owner. He gave, a
reason for his being there. "Dat he cum
dar to see ef de chickens sleeped with dore
eyes open." He was ccoped.
Judge Davis the administrator of Presi
dent Lincoln's estate values it to be worth
$75,000 consisting chiefly of U. S- Bonds.
Provoking to dream that you have low
of money, and then wake np and nod your
self an editor. . ....
Hot, fiery fellows are our soldiers per
pered while in the eernoa, tnd musterM
out of it. , - --