gaftusmnn -journal CLEARFIELD, PA., JUNE 23, 1865. THE NEWS. Dako O win's Sonora scheme has com pletely collapsed. Gwin is etill in Mexico where he has been eeveral months. Maxi milian has never granted him an interview, never passed a word or letter with him, and quite ignored his existence, while he is debarred from crossing the thresh hold of the palace. Maximilian ia every day talking with other Americans about important en terprises for developing the resources of the empire. . The Virginia Central Railroad bridges o ver Ravenna, Moss Creek and Mechanic's River are repairing, and hopes are enter tained that the whole road will be in opera tion in four weeks. The Orange and Alexan dria Railroad is also repairing from Charlotte "ville to Lynchburg. Cars are now running from the latter place to Lye River, 30 miles. In conbequence of a correspondence with Sir Frederick Bruce, Secretary Seward has notified the Navy Department that Great Britain withdraws her recognition as bellig erents from the Rebels, but as she does not absolutely rescined the twenty-four hour rule, our vessels are not to pay the custom ary courtesies to those of the British Navy. The rebel General Dick Taylor, on being asked whether the Trans-Mississippi army ought to be surrendered, quickly replied : "Yes, surrender as soon as possible. You are only setting up with a corps. I sat up with it until it was blue, and if you delay much longer, it will become too offensive for decent buriaL The Hon. Joseph Segar of Virginia has pulished a letter in defense of Gov. Picr pont, who, he says, has appointed none but ftrictly loyal persons to office in that State, and that if the Governor but be allowed to go quietly on with the work of organization and reconstruction no loyal man need fear the result. The whole number of troops sent north and Test from Washington, since the great review, is a trifle under 155,000, of whom about half have gone home to be mustered out. There yet remain within a circuit of fifteen mile3 of the city not far from seventy-five thousand. Saturday was the anniversary of the bat tle of Bunker Hill. It was celebrated with considerable spirit at different places in Massachusetts. In Boston the principal business houses were closed, and a number of associations marched in procession through the streets. The bodies of two children, a girl aged 14, annd her brother aged 12, were found in the woods near Roxbury, Mass., on Monday. Tiie girl had been outraged. The parents reside in Boston, and had missed their chil dren since Monday a-week. Seven thousand four hundred and fifty four men of Jeff. Thompson's rebel com mand have reached Cairo on a flag-of-truce-boat. Jeff, remains at Memphis, awaiting the decision of President Johnson relative to his petition for pardon. The Rebel Major-Gen. Maury and family, Ex-Gov. Moore, of Ala., and Col. Gazley, the man who is stated to have offered a re ward for the murder of President Lincoln, reached Fortress Monroe from New Orleans on Sunday a-week. A college for colored men at Washington is projected, Rev. II. II. Garnett being Pres ident of the Trustees. It will be called the Lincoln College, and will be a most suitable memorial of the late President. Gen. M'Dowell in California has turned over to the civil authorities numerous pris oners charged with making disloyal speech es. There are local laws which are said to meet their cases expressly. Additional details of the war between Brazil and Paraguay confirm the reports of the defeat of the Brazilian troops. Brazil is making great exertions to prosecute the war with rtnowod energy. An oil well was struck by lightning upon the Widow M'Clintock farm, on Monday night June 10th. The well and 600 barrels of oil were burned. This is the first case of the kind on record. Advices from Western Georgia and on General Sherman's line of march through South Carolina represent the people as suf fering severely for the want of the necessa ries ot life. CapL Henry Wurz, who had control of the Andersonville Prison, where Union pris oners endured such unspeakable sufferings, is awaiting his trial in confinement at Wash ington. There is said to be a combination among Richmond real estate owners, to prevent, by increasing their prices, any Northern men from purchasing. The 3d Illinois Cavalry has been ordered from Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, to Min nesota, to put down the turbulent Indians in that region. The total amount of National Bank cur rency now in circulation is $140,797,755. ' The amount issued last week was $3,025,050. Alut twenty thousand Rebel prisoners remain to be discharged, more than half of whom are it Point-Lookout. The Henry Burden, with John Mitchel n board, reached Fortress Monroe. He was lodged inside the fortress: - The first shipment cf 120 gallons of Crude California Petroleum, arrived at Sao Fran- a tk 12tfc uu4 TERMS OF THE JOURNAL.. The Raftsmah's Jocrkal is published on Wed nesday at $2.00 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year. $2.60 will be charged, and $3,00 if not paid before the close of the year. Advertisements will be inserted at $1,50 per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 50 cents will be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. . S.J. ROW. I710R SALE at cost 4 good cook stoves, to Of R. M0S30P, Clearfield. Pa. DK. LITCII 'S MEDICIA' ES. A fresh sup ply of these invaluable Family Medicines are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting of Pain Curer; Restorative, a great cure for colds and cough ; and Anti-Bilious Physic. They have been thoroughly tested in this community, and are highly approved. Tbtihesc. TO HOUSE OWNERS The undersigned having recently discovered an infallible and simple cure for that annoying malady in horses, known as' Hoof-bound." Any person sending $1 in a letter, will receive Ly return mail a recipe giving proper d irections as to the necessary treat ment. Address, JACOB IRWIN. September 21, 1864-tf. Clearfield, Pa. ED. A. IRYIN MERCHANT AND DEALER IN LUMBER CL'RWEXSVILLE, PA. ISTEW GOODS Of every description, just received at the "Cor ner Store." and selling as low lor Cash and coun try produce as can be bought elsewhere in the county. The stock consists of Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Willow-ware, Woodenware, Hat., Caps, Boots, Shoes. Ready-made clothing. Flour, Bacon, Molasses, Syrups, Rice, Fruits. Candies, Nuts, etc. Pur chasers should see the goods and post them selvesin prices. July 13, 1334, " WHAT IS IT?" GREAT EXCITEMENT IN GLEN HOPE, PA EVERYBODY SEEMS PLEASED. And Why Should Thy Not Be? Surely, the people in that section of Clearfield county have great reason to be rejoiced over the pleasing announcement that JOHN ROBSON has just opened in his New Store Room, the larg est and best selected stock of goods ever brought to that part of the county of Clearfield. NEW ST0SE AND NEW GOODS. The undersigned having removed his store to his New Building on Pine Street, Glen Hope, op posite the '-Union House," is now opening and of fering to the public the largest and best selected stork of seasonable goods ever offered in this place and neighborhood, and will be sold at pri ces to suit the times. His Stock embraces Dry-Goods, Notions. Hard ware. Queens-ware, Boots, .-hoes. Hats and Caps, Ready made clothing, Paints. Oils, Glass, Kails. Bacon, Fish, Flour, Salt; Willow, Stone and Earthen-ware, and Stores. OF DRY-GOODS, he has Cloths. Cassimers. Sat tinetts, Tweeds, Vestings, Flannels, Shirtings. Prints, Coburg cloth, Alpacas, De Laines. Ging hams. Chintz, Kerchief , Nubias, Sontags. Nan kin, Lawns, Linen. Lace Edgings, Collars, Trim mings, Braids. Vails, etc. OF HARDWARE, he has axes, saws, chisels, knives and forks, locks, hinges, screws, augers, hammers, nails, spikes. Stoves of various patterns and sizes, flat irons, etc. OF GROCERIES, he has coffee, sugar, molas ses, teas, rice, pepper, cinamon, cloves, Flour, bauis, sides, shoulders, fish, etc. OF QUEENSWARE, he has tea sets, cups and saucers, cream jugs, tea and coffee pots, pitchers bowls, plates, dishes, etc. OF CLOTHING, he has coats, pants, vests, un dershirts, shirts, drawers, neck-ties, groves, socks, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc. All the above, and numerous other articles, for sale cheap for cash, or exchanged for all kinds ol lumber and country produce. Remember, that I am receiving goods weekly from Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and that any goods can be furnished on very short notice. Call and examine tho goods and prices and sat isfy yourselves of the utility of buying t JOHN ROBSON'S. Glen Hope, Decern oer 23, 1S63. RICHMOND HAS FALLEN! Kichmond has Fallen!! and so has the PRICE OP GOODS AT THE CIIEAr CASH STOKE Of J. I. Morris & Co., Pbilipsburg, Centre co., Pa., Who have just returned from the city with a large and well Selected Stock of Goods. (Spring and Summer,) purchased since the late decline in prices, and which they are prepared to sell cheap er than the cheapest. Prints, delaines, balmorals and hoop skirts, ladies and children's circu lars, ladies baskets, &c., &c. . Notions in endless variety. Boots and shoes of all kinds for ladies, men and children. Clothin of all kinds for men and boys, at sensa tion prices. Hats and caps in endless vari ety, for men, boys and children. Hardware: Broad axes, double and single bitt axes, rafting axes, bark- j ing axes, augers, &c. Groceries: Rio, rye and laguara coffee; Sugar, brown, yellow and white; Imperial, black and young hyson tea; Fresh caned peach es; Pickets, jellies, eatsup, pepper sauce; Syrup of all kinds, all very low. Stoves: Cooking and parlor stoves pipe, &c, &c. Saddlery. Bridles, saddles, lines, horse collars, hames, harness, whips. Ac , Ac Grind stones and fixtures. Carriages, buggies, sleighs, wagons, Ae., Ac Clover seed, plaster, Ac, flo. To Lumbermen and Contractors .We would say, that we are prepared to furn'sh tnem witn Hour, feed, bacon, fish. salt, in fact any thing in our line, cheaper than the cheapest. We guarantee persons, visiting our store, to go away satisfied with the bargains they can have. . Tbankful for past patronago ; we hope to merit a continuance of the same We are still at the old stand in the Building known as the Exchange Hotel The highest Market price paid for lumber, shingles aud eeuntry produce. J. I.MOKJUf A CO. RADEBACH'S LINE OF STAGE-COACHES. " TFIE travelling public are respectfully in formed, that a new line of coaches has just been established for the accommodation of trav ellers to the several points West and East of Pbilipsburg, Pa. The coachas will leave Philipsbnrg immediate ly on the arrival of the cars, and will connect with the line of coaches running between Clear field and Clarion and Franklin. Going east, pas sengers will be carried through in time to connect with the cars from Philipsbnrg to Tyrone. Passengers will dine at the "Blue Ball Hotel," whether travelling East or West. JOHN S. RADEBACH, April. 12, 1S65. Proprietor. Life Insurance at Home. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., 921 Chestnut Street, Phil' a. Insures Lives on favorable terms, and will issue Policieson any of the approved plans of insurance. Assets liable to losses 31,221,289 71. Surplus divided Annually. Losses paid prompt ly Premiums may be paid in cash; annually, semi-annual! or quarterly; jr one-half in cash, and one-half in note. By a supplement to the charter, notes hereafter received will participate in all Dividends or Surplus. Scrip certificates up to January. 18511, inclusive, are now receivable in payment of premiums Agency, at the office of H. B.Swoopg, Clear field, Pa. Dr J. G. llartswick. Medical Exami ner. August 24, 1864. 1865 SPRING GOODS, 1865 Purchashed since the late Decline in Prices. J. P. KRATZER, FRONT STREET, ABOVE THE ACADEMY, CLEARFIELD, PA., Now Offers a very Large Stock of JOIVS- GOODS At a reduction of 25 to 40 per cent; including Dress Goods in great variety, Merinoes, Ging hams. Cloths. Delaines, Prints. Cassimeres, Alpac a, bilks. Satinetts, Reps, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Co bergs, Mohair, Jeans, Lanellas, Muslins. Flannels, Bonnets. Cloaks. Ribbons. Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings. Head Nets, Caps, Corsets. Gloves, Collars, Scarfs, Grenandine Veils; Table Covers. CLOTHING. Coats. Pants. Vests Over-Coats. Gent's Shawls, Shirts. Hats, Caps, Under Shirts, and Drawers, Boots, Shoes, Gum Shoes, cravats. Gloves, collars Hardware, Queensware, Notions, and Musical Goods GROCERIES. molasses, sugar, salt, candles, rice., flour, bacon, fish, tobacco, raisins, currants, spices, crackers, wines, brandies, vine gar, oils, varnish, alcohol,. Tinware, glassware, woodware. and stationary. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Carpet, oil cloths, Drug gets, looking glasses, clocks, churns, washboards, tubs, buckets, flat-irons, pans, window-blinds, wall paper, coal oil lamps, umbrellas, bedcords, knives and forks.spoons, crocks. and stove blacking. All ot which will be sold on the most rea-onuble terms, and the highest marKet price paid for grain, wool, and all kinds of country produce Clearfield, Pa.. March 22d, 1S6j. Mrs. H. D. "Welch Has received, and offers to purchasers, a large slock of Woolen Goods, of superior quality, cjiisi.uujj in pari oi Turbans, Nubias, Scarfs, Undersleeves, Net Hoods, Nubia Hoods, Breakfast Capes, Twilights In her stock of Millinery Goods will be found '- Dress Caps, Head Dresses, Bonnets, A'eils, Hats, Ribbon?, Flowers, Plumes, Nets, &c. &c. Also, Bugle Trimming, Ribbon. Dnes and Velvet Trimmings, Buttons. Buckles, Ac. COLLARS, GLOVES, & HOSIERY. Beads, Zephyr, Thread, Braid, Combs, Needles. Cosmetics such as Hunt's Bloom of Roses, Laird's Bloom of Youth, Sterling's Ambrosia. Hair Oils. Phalon's Extract Night Blooming Cereus, (genuine article.) and other artieles of Perfumery. CHILDRENS' TOYS, SUCH AS Wooden, China, Ivory, Lava ware, Tin, and Iron. Fancy Soaps, Hoop Skirts. Skirt Supporters, Wil low Baskets, and a large variety of other Fancy and Staple articles, suitable for this season of the year. The public are invited to examine Mrs. Welch's stock, as it embraces many of the finest and most fashionable articles offered for sale in this place, and at prices to suit the times. Dec. 14. "RALLY 'ROUND THE COTNTFR. BOYS." IV fie Sons HIE 2D SERIES Of Grand Races have commenced on the Lumber-Citv course ! OPEN FOR COMPETITION Every day, Sundays excepted.) A prize for everybody. Apply immediately to the proprietors, Airk Spencer, at their Aeto Cheap Store, in Lumber-City, Penn' a. The fact con be no longer denied the people have said it, the people know it. and everybody believes it, that the new store it the place to buy cheap goods, to buy new goods, to buy fashiona ble goods, to buy any kind of goods you want. The summer stock, now opening at Kirk fc Spen cer's, is the largest, the best assorted and best that ever came to the place. Lad ies can find delaines, alpacas, merinos, cashmeres.French and American ginghams. lawns, plaids, nankins, berege.cambrics. muslins, balmu ral and hoop skirts, silk and cloth mantles, veils, edgings, lace, braid, nets, corsets, belts, collaretts, hosiery, gloves, ribbons, bonnets, bats, trimmings, bobinett, mall and swiss muslins, shawls, combs, wristlets, linen handkerchiefs, toilet articles, to. Gentlemen can find coats, pants, vests, boots, shoes, hats, caps, collars, neck-ties, suspenders, shirts, handkerchiefs, perfumery Ac. Children can find toys in great variety, candies, nuts. io. It is the place to buy yotff dry goods ; your gro ceries, your boots and shoes, hats, caps and bon nets ; your notions yourhardware, scythes, forks, shovels, hoes, rakes; your brooms, cedar and wil low ware; your clocks and looking glasses ; your stone and queensware; your flour, fish and bacon; yeur glass, putty, paints, oil and varnish ; your nails and spikes ; in iact anything you want. If you wish the highest cash puce for your produce, your butter, eggs, grain, flax-seed, rags, timber, boards and shingles, it is the place to exchange to the best advantage to yourselves Any art-cle not on band will be ordered on short notice. Ladies wishing bonnets or dress goods can have them or dered by calling at Kirk & Spencer's cheap store, as special arrangements have been made for that purpose. We do not wish to wound or seriously hurt any body, but will do our utmost to maintain the rot ntation we have won, of selling goods a little lower than anybody else. 'Rally 'round the counter, boys !" and be con vinced of the trutn of our assertions. LcBber-eity.JuMSi KIKK AJgPEKCEK. HAM1 FURYK JL&JSOFAUTOBEES, 499 BROADWAY, XJ2W YORK. VrinE attention of the Publie and the trade is invited to our NEW SCALE 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD X- PIANO FORTES, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled, by any hitherto offered in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Strung Bass. Ac, and each instrument being made under tbe personal supervision of Mr. J. n. Grovesteex, who has bad practical experience of over 20 years in this manufacture, is fully warranted in every particular. The "Grovesteen Tiano Fortes" received the highest award of merit over all others at the celebrated World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from the best makers of London, Paris. Germany, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Boston, and New York ; and also at the American Ins'itute tor five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which ean be seen at our ware room By tbe introduotion of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manu facturing largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabed to offer these instruments at a price which will prelude all competition. Pricks. No. 1. Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood plain case $275. No. i. Seven Octave, roani corners. Rosewood heavy moulding $300. No. 3. Seven Octave, round corners. Rosewood Louis XIV style $325. a fae simile of the above cut. Terms : Net Cash in current funds. Descriptive circulars sent free. New Yor, March 15, 1865 "A. c," CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CLEARFIELD PA. The subscriber having purchased the furniture and interest from H. 11. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for the reception of tran sient and permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with his establishment will be conducted second to none in the county. He res pectfully solicits a share of public patronage. July 11, lSBO.-y. GEO. N. COLBl.RN. J 1ST RECEIVED AT gSg) CHEAP JEWELRY STORE, Graham's Row. Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment ol WATCHES JEWELRY, 4c, Ac, to which we in vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es. to be had at NAUGLE'S. The American Lever of different qualities, can be had at NAUGLE'S. Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral. La va, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett. Opal. Florentine Mo saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings, Ac or single pieces at NAUGLE'S. Plain gold Breastpins, Eardrops, Hoop Earrings children's ear drops and rings at NAUGLE'S. Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUGLE'S. Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S. A fine .assortment of gold finger rings of differ ent styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces. silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards and all articles'in bis line, on hand at NALrGuE'S. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1.25 to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange forgoodaat NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your watches put in good repair and warranted, take t?nj : NAUGLE'S. FURNITURE ROOMS! JOHN" GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on hand at his -Fui niture Rooms." a varied assortment of furniture, among which is, BUREAUS AISD SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny-Land and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Rocking and ArmChairs, Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glasses for oia irames, wnictt will be put in on very reasonable terms, on short notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair, Corn-busk. Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY RI'D, Made to order, and funerals attended with a , Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap- roved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, in-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember tbe shop is on MarKet street Clear field, and nearly opposite the -Old Jew Store." December 4. 13S1 JOHN GCELICH. MERRELL &BIGLER Have just opened a large and splendid assort ment of NEW OOODS at their old Stand in Clearfield. Penn'a. They have the best assortment of Hard ware that has ever been brought to this county, which they will sell at the most reasonable prices, among which will be tound a splendid lot of cuttlery. to which they invite the special attention of the public. On hand an assortment of heavy silver-plated Fork i". Spoons, and Butter knives, of the best manufacture. A lot of pistols of the best patterns, and other fire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges; all of which will be sold at reasona ble prices. They continue to manufacture all kinds of tin ware, brass kettles, stove pipe. etc.. which cannot be surpassed in this section of the state. They a'so have on band Pittsburg Plows, a mong which are steel centre lever plows. Also, Plow castings, and other agricultural implements. Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen eral assortment, and of tbe best patterns, for sale at reasonable prices Coal oil. Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and var nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails, iron, aud castings, a great variety ; in fact almost anything that may be wanted by the publie can be found in their establishment, and at d rices that cannot be beat. Now is the time to purchase, if vou desir n. thing in their line of business. Give them a eall and examine their stock, and they feel assured that you can be accommodated. Remember, their establishment is on 2d Clearfield, Pa., where you ean buy goods to the very best advantage. Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old east ings will be takes in exchange for goods GROVESTEEN & CO., j RODDER CUTTERS of a sup rior maki - I. for sale at reasonal le pr'ees. a MKURE1.L and BIGLEK'S. Clearfie'i. Pa CJALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti k3 cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent aK$. at $3.25 per sacK, at the cheap cash stoi e of November 27. K. .MOSSO BONDS AM) NOTES FOR SALE. The undersigned is prepared to furnish, to those seeking investments, uoverament and county bonus Also nve per cent uovernment notes. U B. SWOOPE, Clearfield May 4. 1864. Att'y at Law D U. A. HILLS DtSIRES TO INFORM his patrons that .professional busiiess con fines biin to his office the time, and he therefore be una ble to make Profes- T$tfS&gggtett2 h,a accustomed pla er fs-iiP tbis summer; buttnav be found at his office on the south west cor nerof Froiit and Main streets at ail times, except when notice a peart in tbe town papers to tne contrary. July, 1S63 CLEARFIELD Mf RS E R V . ENCOUR AGE HOME IXD1TSTRV. Tbe undersigned navmg established a .Nursery, on tbe Pike, about halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (Mandnpl and d wart.) Lvergreen - hrub bery. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Law ton Black berry. Strawberry and Raspbeiry vines. Also Sibrian Crab trees. Quince and early Scarlet Rheu barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address Aug dl.lisni. J.JJ. iVKlullr, Curwensville, SERIOUSLY HURT! All the Merchants in the neighborhood of Cur wensville. because I have brought on and opened a large and well assorted stock of NEW GOODS, which I am selling at ex t rein ly low prites for cash. My stock embraces all the variety usually kept in a coun'ry store, and selected with an eye to suit these WAR TIMES. I will not, here attempt to enumerate all the ai ti des I keep; and their fabulously low prices which I might do but after you will have s n and examined for you'selves. you will exclaim, ic the language of the Queen of the South "HALF HAS OT BEEN TOLD " I will merely say, come and see lor yourselves, for I feel satisfied that I can suit your tastos as well as your purses Lumber and all kinds of produce also taken in exchange for goods. Curwensville. Oct. 22, 1862. J. F. IRVIN. DRUGS ! DRUGST FRESH ITTH.E I IIARTSW1CK & HUSTON, DRUGGISTS, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, Keep constantly on hand a large and well select ed stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISIIES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods BLANK ROOKS & STATIONARY, TOBACCO & SEGARS, And a general assortment f varieties and fancy articles. We respectfully invite a call, feeling confident that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. April 29, 1864. War in Curwensville! New Goods Extremely Low. STILL A GRAND MISTAKE ! ! ! THAT ALL THE MERCHANTS AT CURWENS- ville were wounded. 'Tis true, that I was "shot at. but missed," but I have procured another new and large assortment of goods from the eity, which I am disposing of at lower rates than any other house in tbe county. READ.'! READ!.'! READ!!!! Among the Ladies1 dress goods will be found Poplins, ehallies, detains, lawns, and a variety of other seasonable articles, at the lowest war pri ces. Ladies who wish to make a good invest ment should call and examine my stock. CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES.'!! Rye. oats and corn for sale. Also, bacon, fish, etc., at very low figures. Best sugar at from 12 to 15 cents per pound. Best Syrup at 90 cents per gallon. All other groceries at the same rate. Boots and shoes, and Shoe findings, cheap. Now is the time to buy, when goods are plenty ; and all I ask is, for persons to examine my goods and I feel persuaded they will not go away with out purchasing J. D. THOMPSON. Curwensrille, Mar 20th, 1868-jal. Raftsman's Journal Almanac-lSeg" -5-5., J. v i . 1S85 . o - 1 . - v 12 3 4 8 V 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 Jar 5 6 7,Jit. 121314 I J 4 ft 8 T i 19 20 21) 26 27 23! 10 111J1JU U 17 is 18 2a 21 4 23 24 25 26 IT z.5 30 31 29 1 2 J 4 1 8 7 6 lIlii 1314 15 16 17 IS 1 20 21 22 23 24 ti tl 27 2d 29 Sa 31 Tit 10 11 121314 15 I 17 13 19 20 21 j 2 25 26 3:25 2 12 3 4 4 6? Ji 117 Is 19 Ml S5 Feb. 1 5 6 T 8 12 IS 14 15 19 20 21 22 28 27 23 2 3 41 9 10 11 Ace 16 17 13 2324 25 Mar. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 23 2V ,Sxr. 9 10 11 16 17 IS 23 24 2i 30 31 Apr. 1 Oct. 6 7 8 13 14 151 20 21 22! 27 23 29; 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 13 19 23 24 25 26 30 1 'Nov. W il 5 - ? 2 3 VUt. 12 3 4 5 5 11 12 13 13 19 20 25 26 27 7 3 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 23 29 30 31 i M U 15 l; 1J l2I2223n a 27 Dsc. .3 - l . . . I JCSB. 1 2 3 3 9 10' 15 16 17' 22 23 24, 29 20 ! s 4 T t 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 23 10Ul21314li;i niS;9 2tSl;, ! 2; 25 27 24 a CO F A T V DIR ECTOR r TIME OF HOLMS?; COURT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday in J0B, 3d " in March. 4:h ' j,. t-,pt .' , Of each year, and continue two wtekj i.' Ef COUNTY AND DISTRCT OFFKf P.S Pres'tJudge Hon. Samuel Linn. LIUfoci As'te.Judges Hon. J. D. Tbuapaon. f orwejjrai Hon. James Uloeni. Furrut Sheriff. . . . Jacob Faust. . . . c:ri'.4 Prothonotary, D. F. litiwtiler. . Reg. 4 Ree. . Isaiah G Barker . . " District Att'y, W M M Culieugh, . Treasurer. . . C. Kratier. ... Co. Surveyor. H. B. Wright. . . flleB Hra. Cominiss'n'rs, Thos. Douhertj, . Or. Hill.' Amos Read, . . . C'.carfitU. Conrad Baker, . . 2CMillprt Auditors. . . 11 Woodward, . . rnufiM F. F. Coutriet, . l.cotnti Mil M L. C. trans, . Curwnill Coroner. . . . it. Parke . . Ciar;4. Co.Superiud't C. i. i-.ii. -if :J. -. LIST OF PO.ST-Ur'FRi:. Tocnshtps. Din mm of P. O. .Vau.' Beccaria, - - (ilen Hope, - - Wm S. Wr.jbl - - L'Uhville. --- Theodora V. Yd . - llcgarty's Buads Samuel !lfj;r;; Bell, - - - Bower, - - W M'Crackca. .1 .... C hest, .... Thoj A. M'tik " - - - Cuch. ... - J.W Campb:i, .... Ostend. .... U. L. IicniitrM Bloom, - - Forrest. ... - Jumei lilocia Boggs. - - - Clearfield Bridge, - Jai. Forrest. Bradford, - Woodland, - - - Win. Albert. Brady, - - - Luther.-burg, - P.. 11. Moor ... Tr'iutville. - Charles Moppji. " - - JefTersr.Tj Line. - . John lUbtrln Burnaide. - NewW asbiuc'.on James llihei. Burnside - v . t.. lrtin. - Jack Pttckia. Jacob Luiut. G. Toir. Jr - Wm Hc'iuTt) - d A. F.rbtr. - M. A. 1'raLk P. A. Ciau'ia. - J. F. IV. jcinr - - Patchinvi'.le, - - East Kicla, - - II u rd. - - Chest. " ... McGarvey, - Westorer. - Clearfield, - Clearfield. Covington, Frenebville, " ... Karthaus. -Curwensville Curwensville, - T. W Fliai- Decatur, - Philipsbure. Centra ceumv. Pa . . West Decatur, - - t-cphie Kadabaea . . . Osceola Mills. . - T. r Koalict Ferguson, - Marron. ... - FJm. Wintama Fox, .... Hellen Post Office. Elk county, Pa. Girard, - - - Leconte Mills, - t Mijaat ... Bald Hills. - -Goshen, - - Snawsville, - -Grahanu, - - Grahamton.- -Guolich, Smith's Mills, -.... Madera. - - -Huston. - - Tyler. - - - " - - - Pennfiel I. -Jordan, - - Ansonrille. Karthaus. - Salt Lick. - -Knox, ... New Millport, -Morris. - - - Kylertown, - - ' ... MorrULiI. - -Penn. - - - Lumber City. . .... Grain flilli. Pike, --- - Curwensville. - .... Rloomingville, Union. ... Rook ten, . . . Woodward. Jeffries. - Wiltiaa Carf. A. It. aba. . TUi II. Foraat . A. G. fox . Cbat. J. Putaj . David Tyler . H. Woulwari- Elisa Cbara . Geo. Hackid . M. O. Stirk, - Jas Thorn - J. C Brtonar. 11 W. ftpancar. - A. C. Moora - T W. Flamisft - Benj. F laia. - D. . Brubaksb - James Lockett 4 This Post Ofiice w ll do for Chest tewnsbii Will answer for Fargt son township. STATE & U. STATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Governor. - - - A.G. Curtin, ... Cantra eaaary See'y of Com". Eli Slifer, - - - - I'cian aonol) Dep. Secretary, W. H. Armstrong, Auditor Gen. - Isaio Sleeker, - - Union count Surveyor Gen. - Jas. P. Barr. - - - Pittsbnrg. Attorney Gen. - W. M. Meredith. PkiUdalfkla Adjutant Gen. A V x.ussell. - -State Treasurer, V. V. M'Grath, - Sup. Com. Sch's Chas R Coburn, Deputy up t, - S. P. i5ates, - - - i rawrora a State Librarian. Wien Forney. - - - llarriburf. barKKMB CorRT4.rer Justice, " noon ward. Associates. Js. Thompson. Wm. StroBj, J. M. Heed, D. Agcew. Sessions. Philadelphia 1st Monday of January. Ilarrisburir 4th Monday of April, Kunbury 1st Monday of October, and ia Pittsburg on tbe 3d Monday of October. OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES. President. - - . Andrew Johnson, Of Tenets Vice President, Sec. of State. - Wm. II Seward, - Saw Torlv See. of Treas'y Hugh M Culloch. - Sec.ol War. - E.M.Stanton, - - PennivlTai Sec. ot Nary Gideon Welles. - - Coucsctico sec. of interior Isaac if. Usher, - - Indiana. P. M. Gen. - - Wm. Dennison, - - Ohio, Attorney Gen. - James Speed, - - Kentucky. Scprehe Court Chief Justice. H. V. tnasa, Ohio. Associate Justices Samuel Nelson of w York. Robert C Grier of Pennsylvania. Jaaiei H- Wayne of Georgia. John Catron of Tenne.e. than Clifford of Maine. David Davis of Illinois. Noah H. Swayne of Ohio. Samuel F. .Viller i Iowa. Stephen J. Field of California. Meets i Washington city on the 1st Monday of December. alarvof t'biet Justice Sft.ftno. of A iwwmif a " s ALT- a go d article, and very cheap at iM store of WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfiali. MTSS V.. A. P. RYNDEIt. Teacher of Piano-Forte. Melodeon.Cabinet-Org Guitar. Harmony and Vocal Music Alo sol " gent for Clearfield connty for Checkering 1 eors Piano Fortes, and Mason A Hamlin's Cbme Vt gans. Room icith Mrs. II. D. Welfh. . Mui:e Books, Paper, and Sheet Musio eontti ly on hand at the store of Mrs. U. D. Walsh. Clearfield, Pa., I'ec . i&o HELIOGRAPH IC. THE undersigned having completed ki Phot , r - ,1 1 u Aruirn west 01 the Mansion House, Clearfield. Pa., is now -7 to wait on those in want of first class Porlr'"' My arrangements are such as enable me to iunr isb these beautiful productions of -sun d'w'D. .v. 1. :i . .,. .u. ..1 llftvin? fitted u my rooms at considerable expense, with a ji 10 10a coinion ana piemiuro v j r-" . ' by strict attention to business, and a ' isfy tfcose who eall, to merit a libera share publie patronage. A good assortment oT Rosewood, and mould frames; Albums ana endless variety of eas on hand, at mod."" ees. Particular attention civen to copying kind of pictures. Ta and aparatus furnished trft7 priee-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers