-r .THE S3 1 I; t- t-J 1-1 t : J : CLEARFIELD. PAAPRIL 19, 1865. Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad 1 vrone t : :. : : : 8.i 55 a. in SI '"ifet at Philipsburg at fcveiPbiliPurgat- : drives at Tyrone at : 11 00 a. m 3.50 p. m. 5.55 p. m. d i TE3 0 SUBSCRIPTION, ADVERTISING " AND JCBBING.. nbieription. Id advance. 1 year, r i 52 00 Subscription, if paid with the year, : : 2 50 ;!,t;on. if not paid within the year, 3 00 The above rates of subscription to apply to tboS rraDt volume, unlet pail for before January?! Court 1365. Adm'rs and Ex're notices, eaoh. 8 timet, Auditor's notices, each, J " ' , Csutionsand Estrays, eaoh, 3 times, Diiiolution notices, each, 3 t imcs, ... transient Advertising, per square of 10 lines, or loss 3 times, or less, For each subsequent insertion, 'jfljial Advertising, for each square-of 10 j lines, or less 3 times, or less, ,. j v i For each subsequont insertion, professional cards, Slines.-one year, - 4- Local notices, per line. 1 time, j Obituary notices, over 5 lines, per line, Yearly Advertising, one square,-: Yearly Advertising) two squares, :' ; - Yearly Advertising, three squares, : : Yearly Advertising, one-fourth column, Yeariy Advertising, one-half column, Tsarly Advertising, one ooluma, Blanks .single quire, : - : ': : : : : Blacks, 3 quires, per quire, - : ': :' Blanks, 0 quires, per quire, ; : : ; Blanks, over 6 quires, per quire, : : : ; Handbills, eighth sheet, ' - 25 or less, . fourth sheet, . 25 half sheet, 25 " ' ' . whole sheet. . 25 " tVer 33 of each uf above, at proportionate 20 oo 50 rates The above rates were agreed upon, by tbe un- 4Bienea, on ui oa uav ot iccuiu uor, uui, mm .in k. mAu B.ii tn ih r,riir ;rs criao of mil kind of nrintinir materials, 1. W. M.K)RE.. Tub! iber Of Clearfield Kepublioan. ' ' r,..,,i mmt r. organizeii orgaQ for u to. treat with, pTTio prtAna-;-P .t.l ' T T " Miirin t -v, one- mart -has the-utlhirity to- eive-up Chxap Goois.-I.ad ' 7 j 1 sAthe rebellion for any other man. We- Li new advertisement, published to-day, a , , . . , ...., frn,., i-, if xou dtisir to purchase cheap goods. , i v WorxDED. Tolbert PiobiaOn, one of the JnntNAr AffW hnva. nra. wrtiindtt.- in thelto tie mode, manner, and measure of re- right arm, on April 2d, in a charge on Fortcon1!itruction- . T", . . " . in r , a As a general rule, 1 abstain from readini Oregg. at reternbnrg. lie Him proving. . , - - Knot to be provoked by..- that tu which 1 can ytw Stack Line. We pegleeted to no yit properly offer an answer.- Jn spite of tlee the fact, that a new line of coaches ha3rthis precaution, however, it comes to my been rut on the road from Philipsburg west; knowledge that I am much censured from .T.n v.? '-. MM supposed, agency in setting m and ... fl .. ,...v U4euiut ia another column. . ar was cold in thin region. In the alter-3 niwn, for a short time, the air was ouitef-Jand thick with rmall flakes of - snow. Truly ''Winter lingers in the lap of Spring.'' . , . , (T A report was prevalent yesterday uues - davi that President Johnson hadbeenpoi-5lnt.nnwhu.fi -.-.r TU. ,T.l Uet n.VLf ...1-73 . ii i mention of it, and hence we conclude theti . . . . . a report was false, and gotten up by some rebVf ei sympamiser to increase iue consternation .1 that pervaded the public mind. - OCR STREETS. For fomo time past Mar-'Jl ke.t street, iu this place, has been in a most uiiaeraLloconJition containingseveralinud - iii : .,.Bsuipru..Kjgi ,usum.eB....... " "',,s&ibout apprenticeship for freed people, and; that i ha St rti.Ar I r m m uuiinAi wi !1 nviL-ii f hn J I i T i . . i saw, tuu a., ii b vri ii m iu nmnw 1 - nece.nary improvements. Would it not be ajriiablo to ma.-adamiie Market Street, ats11" 01 congress; but even lie approv Scant as far as the taxes will reach? Drxn At the residence of B. Hartshorn. amrzuos, in tho hhth ycarol his age. Mr. 8. removed from thh county to North.jpart previously excepted, lt does not adopt Carolina about eight years since, where hefC:lIMreutieeihip for freed people, and it is si-j ii .-, i . . .i isliMit. as it - emih not well be otherwise, about t rcdiaea until witniu tne last- two mourns,., whou he in add his wsy inside the ljuion lines. Several weeks since be came to thisaber of the Cabinet fu-ly approved the" plan. ountyin & visit to some friends. Shortly after his arrival he contracted a severe 1 1 which resulted m his death. He is thetion t0 it lr01 1)rofeC(j Kmancipation- jSueh exclusive and inflexible plan would third one of three brothers, who died since Tists came to my knowledge until after the surely become anew entanglement." Tm ihe 4th of March last. ' S news reached Washington that the people anortant principles may, and must, be inflex-. Lvcomin county papers are reonested to f'. Louisiana had lguu to move in aecr-ible , y , , ' r - " jgdance with it. I'roin July, lf2, I had a' In the present situation, as the phrase pttbliso. - -j corresponded with different persons suppos- Jjoes, it mny be my duty to make some new linear Tmri- ,lnniT tin Mn-..li nOih Mel to be interested, seekinjr a reconstruction announcement to the people of the South. - ....... . . .... . . v. v.. -w v.., . a horse was stolen from the stable of Alex. Muiraj, of Girard township, in this county. ' riotne ten days after, the supposed thief re turned to the neighborhood with another horse. The citizens made an attempt to ar rest him but failed to do so the thief hav ing threatened to shoot any one who at- : tempted his apprehension. ' The next morn-' -c. t. J.r j r ..... . r ..r - wiien the horse was lound tied 111 ihe woods. Thf horse is brown, with the letters J. C. branded on the left shoulder with an old a.HU l.lin,U,ridl and halter. The thief calls himself Charley. Pratt, and has old several horses in the neighborhood, within tbe last year, which are supposed to have been stolen. One is a dark sorrel horse, with a white stripe down his face, we foot white to pastute- joint, ; hind foot a f .ittle vrhit .it Tioof. "Another is a tall black n.ar l.,f fiv v,r nml rt third, .igrct were he to learn that since I have found urk iron irrav. ; Anv further information 3 1.111 .11 : Ti T Si - uueuauoy auurtiug a iaia iu,i. L-contes Mill, Clearfield county 1'a. SERV tVED HlM RIGHT. SuperinteudantJcussion Qf it while it thus remains practi- g AM, of The Grand Trunk Railroad, aUy immaterial, could h ve no effect other icl Lath.1 uuiorea unueu ciaies nag irom a train Q -Monday, was waited upon at rortlandafrieuls. jesterdav bv an orderly but determined del ?ation of the citizens, and made to walk through the city in soldier's uniform,' salute me uational emblem, make patriotic add res s, and have the flag nailed to his own dwelling. e frequently hear of our Generals cap- ,unng pieees or artuiery. Jlrs. farting-: on says, "What's the use of continually "pturing pieces f Why not capture whole ones r From California we lam that the Russia "verland telegraph ia well uadr way thaou&h THE QUESTION -OF THE DAT, EXECUTIVE PLAN OF. RECOSSTBUCTION jj Speech by President Lincoln Th Action of the. Loyal Peopled Seceded States to be iJecogaized. aims &jeeu oi x resiueut iiincom at tneaon wmch tne new .Louisiana government White House on Tuesday evening, ' April 11th, on the so-called question of reconstruc tion, we give entire below. It is of the? highest interest, treating, as it does, the most vital question of the day. : No intelli-aiven to the colored gent reader will fail to give it an attentive8prefe.r ''n.' lt wer? perusal to the end : . - ' - The President's Speech. 3 IIC U1UCI 11113 CVCIHU, UUt 1U 9UUUW, UUL fjm gladness of heart. Ine evacuatiou-of retersburg and Richmond, and th surrend er ot tne principal insurgent army, gave nope of a righteous and speedy peace, whose joyous expression tan not-' be restcain- ed. In the midst-of this, however, He from whom 'all - blessing How must not be forgotten. A call for a national thanksgiv ing-is being prepared, and will be duly pro- uiulgated. Sor must those whose harder Ipart gives us the cause of rejoicing be over - looked.' : Their honors must not lie parcel led out with others. I myself- was near the Ifrbnt, and . had the hish pleasure of trans- iiiitririg mucn oi tne goou news to you: out; no part of the honor for plan or execution.' is mihe.- To General Grant, his skillful ofii-j cers and brave men, all belongs. J he gal-3 iant navy stood ready, but was not in reach to take an active part. .'. -. 'liy these recent successes the reinaugura- tion of the national authority reconstruc-. si . , . , , , , . , . - ... -Jtion vli icli has had a luriro share ot t hou ht tioin the first, is pressed liiuch more closely 'mum onr attention. It is frauirht with j;ffl.ltvr 'IThUlrft the- -avf- nfw.ir Stween indeijeudent nations, there is no oth-9 Mi" J V . ri IL'anized and discordant c ements. .; or is lt n.. ......ii . ,i.i::..i : , ..... & he loyal people,, difler among ourselves as fcjti,e reports of attacks upon myself, wuhiug 3;mL fft s,K(am t . new Mate liovern-i Minent of Louisiana. : lu bis 1 have-done ttjust so much, and no more than the public . In the annual message of December, 18G3, accomnanvinir proclamation. I present-; Jed a tla of reconstruction, (as the phrase goes,) which 1 promised, if adopted by anyjjis inspired with vigilance, and energy, andfc .tate, hould be acceptable to aud sustained I . , "I , . t ... . A rm y me iJACKuuic iovci iiineui ui i-uc iiatiuu. fa'" ... - - a, i- .,:,..,, Kfar..,.i tw ti.;s wasnntthfionlvatain it sooner by saving the already advan-Nwith .irlit rfol.lir ho ,.,..r,t!hl.. - ill""" o"- . i '-"j -v,v-...v. , ,,1 T , ut n,.l r i-,rfftf,l tl.,.t a Vv.Sivv-ii-.l mvr t hou r l.iincede tliattne nCW gOV-E protest ecutive claimed uo-right to say when whether members 'should be admitted seats in f!nrnri5 frnni ciwli St;itoi TLI-Sfl f pbn was, in advance, submitted to the theiiBthan ly smashinrr it. Laughter. I feCaL'net, and distinctly approved by every P mt'iiiber of it. One of tlu-in KiierLrested-th:it should then, and in that connection, an- jl ply the Emancipation Proclamation to the atheretofbre excepted parts of Virginia and wi'iiiiMaiia; iuai isuomauiop ine suggestion "-."Sinai, i siiouia omit tne protest atram.i mv I II "1 1 I II .A il - i i lown power in regard ; to the admission of ymnj cmfrt rtAnn JitiwI rw tnisnn tK action of Louisiana. , ' fPlu rir it Ti:t it it t T.-n Tjuiulano - : : . -i. i &,,racticallv applies the proclamation to the , - . , - .-o a iliat, as it apulies to Louisiana, every nicm - a The messStre went to Conlfl ess, and I re-S Seeivea many commenaations ot the plan; .i c-T-t.rl nl-iJiin. ffl . ,. , . . or a state government lor Jjouisiana. When the message of 1SG3, with the plan hen satisfied that action will be proper, before mentioned, reached New Orleans, j The speeeh wa. applauded throughout by reneral iianks wrote me he was confident s , . -.,11 - that the people, with his military co-opera- emphatie sentences and loud cheering. Y e tion, would reconstruct, substantially on have purposely omitted each burst of a p ( hat plan. I wrote him and some of them Bproval as it ocenred, to avoid marring, or, to try it. 1 bey tried it, and the result is M, nnlv hns leen mv aenev in irr-ttWHof the argument by innumeraUe parenthesis - . - - - - j o c o un the Jjouisiana governmenL As to sus- j ,,,-omise is out, as lK.-fore stat- ej baj pronii.es are better brok- cn than kept, I shall treat this as a bad promise, and break it whenever I shall be ennvineed that keeping it is adverse to the suublic interest: but I have uot. yet been so convinced. I have been shown a letter on this subject, sannosed to be an able one, in which the writer express bis regret that my mind Joes not seem tu be detinaiely fixed on the luestion whether the seceeded fctates, so called, are in the Union or out of it. I awould. perhaps, add astonishment to his re- professed Union men endeavoring to make t ,-kof mi--i-tn f lio.v iitirnnv.ii 4".rbnrni nnv ? . . n ;...i .anrnr. niipsrmii. i 1 1 ji n ju uuxt-i ti 1111 iMirii un v . ..' " . . lllrtH UWIIVHJ i .... . . L.y.-v.,., .J. ..1 11 . . . . - I apuo!lC expression upon it. .V3 appears tOf time, that Question has not been, nor yet is,' a praciically material one, and that any dis- athan a mischievous one oi aividing ourj As yet, whatever it. niay hereafter become, that question is as bad as the basis of a controversy, and good tor notuimr at : all a merely pernicious 'abstraction. ve; :dl aree that the seceded States, so-called. are out of their Droner practical relation ; with the Union : and that the sole object of i the Government, civil and military, in re gard to those States, is to again get them. into that nroDer practical relation. . I be lieve it is not only possible, but, in fact, easier to do this, without deciding or even eonsideringAvherher these States have ever been out of the LTnion, than with it. Find j ins themselves safelv at home, it would bej utterly immaterial whether they had everj beeri. abroad. , Let us all join -in doing the fitical relations between these States and the EjLnion; and each forever after innocently i& Uldulge his own opinion whether, in doim theiiets, ht-brought the State from without into the Union, or only gave them proper assistance, they never having been out or it. 'V. ... . . c . . . : . . . 1. tj inc aiuuuui; Ul UUII.MllUeiH-'Y, w iv fciicaK rests, would be more satisfaetorv to all, if it contained fifty, thirty or even twenty thou- ?and, instead ot only about twelve thousand, ;is it really does. It is also unsatisfactory to some, that tne elective Iranchise is not man. 1 would myseh now : conferred on the very intelligent, and on those who serve our cause as soiuiers. otill the question i whether the, In)nisiana government.' a-, it stands, is quite all that is desirable. 1 Tbe question is, ' W ill it be wiser to take it as it is, and help to improve it ; or to reject and disperse it?" "Can Louisiana, be brought into proper practical relation with the Union sooner by sustaining, or by discarding her new fctate uovernment ! Some twelve thousand voters in the here tofore slave State of Jjouisiana have sworn allegaince to the Union ; assumed to be the rightful political power ot the fetate ; held elections ; organized a free government ; idopted a free State constitution, giving the! benebt ot public schools-equally to black" and white, and empowering the Legislatures to confer the elective franchise upon the! colored man. Their Legislature has already) voted to ratify the constitutional amend ! rnentv recently passed by Congress, abolish ing slavery, throuffhouMhe nation. - Theses twelve thousand persons are thus lully com mitted .to the Union, and to perpetual Iree- Jom m the states committed to the very thines, and nearly all the thing, the nation! 3 wauts and they ask the nation s rocogni- atiou and its assistance to make good that 1-Oifomniltt.il. ' Now, if we reject and spurn them, we do oiir utmost to dtsorganue aud disperse them. tjWe iaeJi'ect say to the, white man,' ';iou wm-gare worthless, or .worse; we will neither uAn vou Ilor l heled bv vou.",, lo the 5!T r, ,.' ... i- i if blacks we say, lnis cut) -or noerry wnicn these, your old masters, ; hold to your lips. we will dash from you, and leave you to the chances of gathering the spilled and scatter ed contents, in some vague1 and undefined when, where and how." If this course. Jiscouragiug and paralyzing both white and black, has any tendency to bring Louisiana ititr, wr-'if-tt"j vi.lut ir,n tliA 1 Tninn I '-fl,..n en f.n- lioini liti-ililo t.t l.rppj'ivn lt If, on the contrary, we recognize anu sus tain the new government of Louisiana, the converse of all this is made true. We en- cour.ice the hearts aud nerve the arms of the twelve thousand to adhere to theiri work, and argue for it, and proselyte for it, and fight for it, and feed it, and grow it. and ripen it to a complete success. ..The colored man, too, seeing all united for him. 5iaa ring, to tne saiuu euu. , .'"Y ,.1 iai ,iCUC K ... ..a l,.....hi..nl I U i h.rtn af Sic - or stunv. towards it than by runnins baek-13 y - . - nrnermiicTit. nt Louisiana is oniv wucii.ii toSshould be as the egg is to the fowl, ye shallg jrtinfr li:irt Viffi,wl liTr lintr-nihlT the cgi Again, if we reject Louisiana, we also re-ft )ect nur vote in tavor ot the proposed a meiidment to the national Constitution. To meet' this proposition it has' been argued) that no more than three-tourths of those' States which have not attempted secession' ire necessary to validly ratify the amend-' ment. I do not commit nij-self against this, further than to sa3' that such a ratification! would be questionable, and sure to be per-j sistently questioned ; while a ratification by thrae-fuurths of all the States would be un- ouestioned and unquestionable. 1 repeat the question : Lan Louisiana' be brought into propor practical .wlationX. Inan,' wun unvm sntwrr vy xitMu-niiNfi or nvjjj discarding her new State , jrpvemmeut? . g hat his been said of Jyouisiana will applvg -enerally to other States. And vet so - reat? - n,.r.Ti!inrittu T.rffiin tn t-acU St;.to- nnr - uch imnortant and su lden 'changes oeeurjij Mn the same State : and. withal, so new .nndi unprecedented is the - whole case, that . no exclusive ami uinexioie plan can saieiy De twitfi-iVtsxl c- rw flio ilfuitu mid -r11itrnl & Mr i . i l . 11 i -1 . . . i 51 am considering, ana snau not iau to act, at all events, breaking the consequentialne MARRIED: On Thursday, April 13th, by Rev. John A. uner, Mr. Y m. A. Lansberry to 31i.s iSorniA Wooloridge, all of Clearfield fcJUnty, Penr-'a. i DMIMSTIUTOR'S KOrlCE. Letters a. of Administration on tbe estate of Win. P. Bloom, late of Pike township. Clearfield eounty. dee d, having been granted to tbe undersigned. 'all persons having claims, against tbe estate are; t requested to present them properly authenticated j .for settlement, and those endebted to said estate; are requested to make payment without delay, at tne residence oi tne suoscrioer in rim wwu- uip. I March 29th, 1865-pd." REUBEN HALL, Adm'r Is7 J a I STATE OF ALEX. STONE, DEC'D. 511 The Administration of Alexander Stone, ot Bo!r!r3 Id. deo d. havtntt neen declare vacanr, oy . . . . . . . . , - , the -.nation and discharee of the Kiecutors. Letters of Administration, cum tes-J tamento annexo, on said es.ate have this day been ranted to tbe undersigned. All persons baving ims against said estate will present them iori settlement, and those endebted will in alt e imme diate payment, to JOalAH R. K.E.1.D, Adm r. Clearfield March 29tb. lSfi5-pd 1TTTIISKERS! WUlSKEttfti-uo you want. I VV Whiskers or Moustaches? Onr Grecian 'Cnmnnnnil will force them to grow on the smoth- est face or ohin, or hair on bald heads, in Six, WeeKg. Price, $1.00 Sent by mail anywhere, nlnselv xnaled. on recrmt Ot price. Address. ; W AK.Xtin A CO.. 1SOX US, crooiun.n. iota. - . . . . . n 1 X- V W March 29th, 1865. 'lAITTIOX. All persons are hereby caution- - ed against purchasing or meddling with the. following property, to-wit: one gray mare, now .u. possession of Luther Barrett, of Chest townsnip. as the same belongs to us and is subject to our or-j Iv been piven to said Barrett on loan. iurri.i,efaoi. Curwensville; March 1,1665-mB. A p-RftPT. ATtrATTfVNr An imnortant proclamation was iisued. claiming that our vessels of war in foreign ports shall - no longer be subject, to restric tions as at present, but shall have the same rights and hospitalities which are extended to loreigu men-or-war in the ports or the l- nited States, and declaring that hereafterSJvision will be enforced against those who may vi the cruisers of every nation shall receive th I treatment which in those ports they accord to ours, as follows : ' ' ' " Whereas For some time past vessels of war of the Uuited States have been refused in certain ports privileges and immunities to which they were entitled by. treaty, public iaw. or the comitv of nations, ac the samej time that vessels-of-war of - the country whereiu the paid privileges and immunities have been withheld have enjoyed them tul ly and uninterrupted! v in the ports of tht- United States, which condition of 'things has uot always been forcibly resisted by the United States, although, on the other hand. they have not at times failed to protest a erainst aud declare their dissatisfaction with the same. In the view of the United StatesEma e to appear that "THE FIRST NATIONAL no condition any lonsrer exists which can beE5 9? CLEARFIELD," in the Borough of plaimod tr iiwtifv tho rlrnial tr thfni hu unvB1-""1""1' ,n lte county or Clearfield, ana State Claimed to justify the denial to them by anvo. Pennsvlvania, has biendulv organised under one otnaiii nations nt thfl enstnmarv nava -i cessanlv persisted in : now. therefore. 1. A - rirrlifa C,1, no 1,. r.t,ra. (uan c, ,m.,o.Kiv , . 2. . . v-..:..illnef property, ine interest is payaoie semi-aa braham Lincoln, President of -the Unitedp01"1" .nilt.to provide for the circulation d re States, 'do hereby make known that if, af-iSr W!?LiuJ. 1? . ,ter a reasonable' time shall have elapsed forlSreq uired to be complied with before commencing the intelligence of this proclamation to haveRthe business of Banking under said Act ; l reached any foreign country in whose ports! 1 the- nm.MU.r o,l ;rr,T,,n,'r; allH immunities shallff i".. " T - " r"" i !u" ! ii c uccii . ii;iiifl.-u niKji umiu, mc Iiail continue. tO De retusea, then anuto thenceforth the same privileges aud iuimu - nities sha ho rotnui tt tlm vnr ls-nf-wnrl51" rtcl aioregaw of the country in the ports of the United States, and this refusal shall continue until the war vessels of , the United States shall haye been placed upon an entire equality in the foreier ports aforesaid with similar ves- ffsels of other countries. The United States, whatever claim or pretense may have exist ed heretofore, are now at least entitled tol claim and concede an entire aud friendly e- j quality of rights and hospitalities with all maritime nations. In witness thereof. I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United states to be affixed. ted. l)one at the Cityoig; Washington, this eleventh day of April, iuS? r.' ... . - - avm ftthe year or Uur Lord lSft,", and ot the In i dependence ot the United States of Amen ;ca, the eighty-ninth. Abraham Lincolx. f.Dy the President: William II. Seward oecretaryof State. RADEBACH'S LINE OF STAGE-COACIIES. ' mill! tmvellinir nnblin a.re resnectfullv in X formed, that a new line of coaches has justff been established for the accommodation of trav ellers to the several points West and East of M Philipsburg, Pa. The coaches will leave Philipsburg immediate Iv on toe arrival of the cars, and will connect I . i. . i i i . . wiiu ino line ot coacnes running ueiwteuuear- . i , , . i 1 1 . . . -. - ... and Clarion and 1 rankhn It . . o - - ' . exsengers win oe carrica tnrougn in time 10 counou the cars from .Phiiipsbunr to Tyrone. Passengers will dine at the ' Blue Hall Hotel,' uBlu u.T.w..fi v; . . ii ; - f . JOHN S. KADEBACH, ' . Proprietor. April. 12, 1865. HfOMTlLY STATEMENT of the Clear 1TJ- field County Bank, for the month ending on the 31st day of Mar., A. D. 1S05. ASSETS. jf-Bi.'.'s discounted, ::::::: g Pennsylvania State stocks, : : : : $106,032 7C, 5S.99S 41 6pecie, a Iue from other banks, : : : : : !-Notes of other banks, :::::: U. S. Demand and Legal Tender notes., Checks, drafts. fcc. ::.:::: Over drafts, : r : : :: ; : United States Revenue sfamps, : : ;: Furniture. : : : : : : : - : : 5.514 l-'ii 10.124 3P : 2.2j() 0iiJ i;i,5t)l On i nr. i 7n ' 87 OCH 295 00 623 29 000 On Iue Commonwealth, (special) : : -.L.oss and Jsipeuscs, : J : : 1.129 if total amount of assets. : ; : LIABILITIES. ' 5,206,090 2? : S.A000 0d : 57, nl I Ort ine depositors, : 74.299 Due certificates of deposit, yuo "anus. : - : : : : lnterest nd eehange, . : Jl iuwi amiraumi inuuiuoi, ;206.UfiO 2b ' . JAMES B. GRAHAM, Cashier learBeia, Jiarch ji, iatj. f RELIEF JMOTICE The Board of Relief ?? AV for the county of Clearfield, will meet at the Comiii issio nera office in Clearfield, on Wednes- day and Thursday, the 26th and 27th days'ot April. The Board of Relief have directed that the wife of the soldier must appear before tbe board, and produce her sworn statement, detailing name ot :' soldier, regiment and company, and when enlis- . ted : tbe number ot children, itn aeo and sex ot! each ; the t. weship in which they resided at the time ot enlistment, and their present residence ; and that she is without the means of support for nerself and children who are dependent upon bx 1 iwo witnesses 01 creaioiuty irotn ine townsnii 3.900 11 W-rZ 1 t ,..! j,.,ElCllr"P 1 l.AIUVIfl in which she resides, must also be produced. w bosalRCheap certificate (sworn to before the Board of Rclietiff Cheap must set forth that the applicant is the person sbe represents herself to be, that the statement of tbe number and age of her family is true, that she 15 in destitute circumstances and her family in ac tual want, and that all the facts set forth in her application are correct and true. Forms containing these requisitions can be ob tained at tbe Office of the Board of Relief, when l application is made and the witnesses appear. JN . IS. Illness 01 the aplicant, properly proven will excuse personal attendance. April 5, 1865 , WM. S .BRADLEY, olerk. V National Bank of Cut wensville, April 3d. RKSOURCES Notes and bills discounted, : : $8(5,670 44 Overdrafts,. : : : : . t : :. : Furniture and Fixtures : : : : : 600 Ofl Expense account : : : : : : : : 163 60 Taxes paid. : : : : : : : ; : : . '439 56 Remittances and other Cash items, : 2, S05 86 Due from National Banks,' : : : : 14,571 27 Due from State Banks. : , : : : : 40S 24 U, S. Bonds deDosited with Treasurer of U. S. to secure circulation : : : 81,000 00 Cash on hands National Currency, : : 800 00. Notes of State Banks. :;:::: 7,647 00 1 Specie. : : : : : : : : : : 873 78 Legal Tender notes, : : : : . .! : 10,300 00, Total, : .: : : :::::: $136,329 75 LIABILITIKS. i Capital stock paid in, : : : : a O 1 1 , ' $75,000 00j . ; 5.000 00 , : 45.000 eo; ; 57,426 18 Circulating notes. : : : : : iue Depositors, : ; '. ; 5 T' Profit and Loss ; -: : : : : :-- 3.903 57 Total Liabilities : : : : : SI 86,329 75 I hereby Certify that the above Statement is a true abstract from the Quarterly Report made to the Comptroller of the Currency April 3d. 1865. Apr. a. JU11.N FAXXOa. resident. C ARPETIS GS. Now in store, a larg e stock of Velvet, Brussels. Three-Ply and Ingrain Carpetings, Oil cloths, Window Shades, ect.. eot.. : all of the latest patterns and best fabrics; whioh i will be sold at the Icwest prices for cash. . - y. IS. Some patterns of my old stock still on hand ; will be sold at a bargain. V J. T JJliLAC.OIX No. 27 South Second Street, above Chestnut. .. March 2, 1804. - v " Philabelphla j ll-llWLLK The undersigned having. a .k. ton juicviiscu id Auctioneer, won Id inform tneeitisene of Clearfield eountv that ha will mx tend to calling sales, in any part of the county 1 - - i I u Maj 1.T Bower Po.. Clearfield eo.. Pj: N. B. Persona calling sales without a proper li cense are sabjeot to a penalty of $(, which pro-1 olate the same. A ITCTIO.NEEK The undersigned havind IzjL been Licenced an Auctioneer, would inform the citnens of Clearfield county that be will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county whenever called upon. Charges moderate. Address. . . NATHANIEL HISH EL Feb. 22. IS65. . Clearfield, Pa. IN. a. fersons callinc; sales witbout a proper ? license are suoject to a penalty oi sou, wnicn provision will be enforced against those wh may violate tlkm same. NOTICE. ' TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Orr ice or thb Comptroller or ths Ccrrb.ict, W ASHtSQTorv. Janruary 30th, 138a. J 2 W HEREAS, BY SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE r v v presented to tne nnaersiirnea. it tin- oeen it.. .a ..:.... .u- z ... .rts ..aim .IA.U1UIUK lu ilia r rn ii 1 1 rui p ii i 111 iiia , 1 1 1 IIurrency, secured by a pledge or Lmted states Now, therefore. I. Hueh McCulloeh, Comptrol ' 'bo Curreney, do hereby eertify that -TH k. B FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CLEARFIELD, aj.n tho Rron.k r ri-fiu t- .k. ,.t Clearfield, and State of Pennsylvania, is author- Biled o commence the business of Banking uuder In testimony whereof, witness mv REAL hand and seal of office, this 30th day oft January, A. D. IsGj. 3 HUGH McCULLOCH, Feb. S, 1385. Comptroller of the Currency CLOTHING!!!! Men, Youths and Boys can be supplied with full 4 . . as 'suits of seasonable and lasbionable clothing at RKIZE.NSTEIN BKO'S & CO., purchase. Tbe universal satisfaction which ha been given, has induced them to increase their Rgs'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab liik.tuent of the kind in this part of the State. Ileizenstein Bro's k Co., go at a very small profit, for cash ; 3 Sell Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. r Their store ia conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock at reduced prices they can sell cheaper than others For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at REIZEXSTEIN BKO'S A CO. Produce of every' kind taken at the highest market prices. May 13, 1S64 NEW STORE ROOM NEW GOODS 11!! RICHAKD M OS SOP ' DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, LC, ' STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. . ' . SELLS The Cheapest Goods IN THE COUNTY. Re.otlthe following list of goods and profit therthy Cheap P0B THE LADIES. (rood.- BViea - - - r Always oiahand a large stock of La-j-. aies gooas sucn as oourg tjioin, - Alpacas, Da Laines, Uingbams, . Prints, Cbinti. Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets, ti loves, eto. Hoods Good Good' mChnavi ' u ""':o' 'Good.' FOR GENTLEMEN, Cheap Always on hand Bliick, Blue. TSuwaGood Chta and U.ey Cloths, Fancy and Black Good ffiheap Casimei "s. battmets, uassinets, G00d Tweeds, T'ain and Fancy Vest- Good Goodi tCluap .- ings. ghirtii-'g. etc.. etc. etc KEADY-.MAB-K, Lheap ".Cheap Good Good Good Good Goodi Good Good Such as Coats, Pants. Vests, Under L,iirap Cheap Cheap Cheap shirts, and other Flaiitiel shirts, Boots, Shoes, HaU, Caps, Neck ties, Gum Boots and Shoes. nd a variety of other articles. r ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS, (J nod' Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen G00J' Goodf Cheap and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, eto , HARDWARE, AC. If you want Nails or spikes. Manure or other forks, Saw-mill or other saws, Smoothing irons. Locks, Hinges, etc., go to Mossopta where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Liieap Cheap Cheap Good Good' Goods Goods Good Cheap Cheap Goods Good Good Good Good Clieap . Cheap I . heap C(a Knives and forks. Butcher Knives Good' Cheapl Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla I Good Cheap Cheap, and bemp ropes, Ink, f aper or Goods Goods Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, . etc., buy them at Mossop's. IF YOU WANT Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT B Cheap Cheap Goods Goods fyneap Chesin Goods Goodi Good Cheap CJteap Cheap Goods Goods Goods I Clteap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Clueav Good extra family Flour, White or!V j I 1 ir. i .. 'Goods, n r uiuwu suifur, uBuiB, suouiuers or t. sideg, coffee ; Imperial, Young Good Good Goods Hyson or blacK tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT Cheap Goods CtalTallow candles, fine or coarse salt, Goods, fCueap, Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried Goods Cheap appies or pencnes, water or bo f Cheap do cracKers, call at Mossop's Goods Goods Good Good Goods r Cheap where you can buy cheap. Cheapl IP YOU WANT C7?:Port wine for Medical or Sacramen Cheap tal uses, Sweet wine, old Monon- Goods Good' Cheap gahela or rye whisicy, Cherry SCkeap and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Goad ' Cheap Goods, Cheap Good Cheap Raisena, Figs. Prnnes or dried Cur: Good Good i Cheapl Chap rants; filberts, cream, peo.in or grouno. nuts, candies. Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOU WANT Good Cheap! Cheap Cheapl Cheap VrOOd: Goods Goodi Good Cheap To buy any other article oheap. bej. Cheap Cheap' Cheap Cheap, sure to go to Aiossop, tor ne sens (00,i, cheaper for cash than any other Good person in Clearfield eounty. flood November 27, 1861. ap27'59. olod, Approved etuntry produce of every innd token at the usual tnareet prices in oxcaange lor uoott f ARRIMER t TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clear- tJ neld.la. will attend promptly to all legal ana otner business entrusted to their care tn uiear eld and adjoining eeantief. - Aofuen ft, 18M U. S. 7-30 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary. of the Treaevry, the undersigned has ajstunci the General , Sub scription Agency for the sale of Uaite tftataa Treasury Notes, bearing seven and tare, taiatbt per cent, interest, per annum, knows as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. f?' These Notes are issued under date of August let, 1 Qtf I , ..... . lout, bu are payable three years from that ticae in currency, or are convertible at the opUoa of the holder into .' ... U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. s . GOLD-BEARING BONDS. . These bonds are now worth a premium of ata per cent., inclnding gold interest from Nov.. ebM makes the actual profit en the 7-30 loan, at ear ' rent rates, including interest, a boat tea pv eat. per nnum, besides its exemption from otoe mmm municipal taxation, tchiek adds fram on, to tkm Zptr cent, mere, according to the rate levied oa v . . m. . . . . . . Icnually by coupons attached to each acta, whU may be cut off and sold toany bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day on p' Two cents jer day on a Ten cents per day on a" 550 not. JJ100 noto. $500 note. 20 cents per day on a $1 per day ou a ?1000 not $5000 not. Notes of all the denominations named will b promptly furnished apon re jeipt of subsoriptioaa. ftThis is ' ' ' ' THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and -ft Is eoafl- dently expected that its superior advantage wilt make it the Great Popular Loan of tho People. Lens than $200,000,000 remain unsold, whioh wtU probably be disposed of within the next 60 or M days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the oaae ea closing the subscriptions to other Loan. In order that tbe citisens of every town an section of country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, Stite Bank, and Private Bankers throughout the country hare generally agreed to receive subscription at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whoa they have confidence, and who only are to be re sponsible for the delivery of the notes for whioa they receive orders. J AT COOKK, Subscription Agent. Philadelphia. Subscriptions will be received at the , - First National Bank of Clearfield. tYirst National Bank of Curwensville. F ISU, Salt and Mar 22, plaster 1865.) large quantitiea P. KRATZER. at CLOVER, and Timothy seeds for sale bv IMar. 22.1 J. P. KRATilER. PROVISIONS. Flour, bacon, lard, cheese, dried beef, dried Iruit, received regularly, at the store of f Mar. 22.1 J. P. KRATZKR. TERRITORY AND LEASES tor J 8 sale by II. B. SWOOPE. Clearfield, Pa , M-.r. 22. 1S55. Att'y at Law. FOR SALE a goob t-horse Rockaway Bug gy. For particulars inquire at tbe March 22. JOURNAL OFFICE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letter, of Administration on the estate of Jarae A. Mead, late of Goshon tw'p, Clearfield eounty, I'enu'a, dee'd, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe same will present then duly authenticated for settlement March 15. lSC5-pd T. II. SPENCE. Adm'r. A DMIMSTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters t. 01 Administration on the estate of Wilraa Cathcart, late of Curwensville, Clearfield eo., Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested o make immediate payment, and those bavins; claims against the same will present them daly authenticated for settlement. Mar. 15, 1805-pd. K. J. CATHCART, Adm'x. TH THE MATTER of the reward of Jamee X 1 Curley. It appearing by the memorial of leading citiiene -f Kartbaus township, that they are eonvineed that the Jurors, who held tbe inquest on the body of Bartley Eagan, were mistaken in their verdict; and it being tbe opinion of the most of the citixene there, that the finding thereof, was wrong, in fact, the reward heretofore offered for the arrest of James Curley is this day withdrawn. XHUS. IXJUHiiERTT, AMOS READ, Attest. " CON HAD BAKER, W 8. Bradley, Clerk Commr'a. 1865 SPRING GOODS, 1865 Purchashed since the late Declin in Prices. ". J. P. KRATZER. FEONT STEEET, ABOVE THE ACADEMY, CLEARFIELD, PA., Now Offers a very Large Stock of ZDDFJTST GOODS At a reduction of 25 to 40 per cent : including Dress Goods in great variety, Merinoos. Uing bams. Cloths, Delaines, Prints. Cassimeres. Alnae- as, Silks. Satinetts. Reps, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Co- oergs, .nonair, jeans. Lanellas, Masline, flanaels, Bonnets, Cloaks, Ribbons, Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Shawls, Dress Trimmings. Head Nets. Caps, CorseU. Gloves, Collars, Scarfs. G re nand ine Veils, Table Covers. CLOTHING. Coats. Panto. Vests Over-Cot. Gent's Shawls. Shirts. Hats, Caps, Under Sbirts, and Drawers, Boot, Shoes, Gum Shoes, cravata. Gloves, collars Hardware. Queens ware. Notions, and Musical Goods GROCERIES. Tea. coffee, molasses, stiear. salt. candles, rice, flour, bacon, fish, tobacco, raisins, currants, spices, crackers, wines, brandies, , via- gar, oils, varnish, alcohol,. " VI I j iiDWirv. EIBHWKIB, HUVUHftlB, SOU Stall OTIBrjr. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Carpet, oil eloths, Drug gets, looking glasses, clocks, churn, washboards, tubs, buckets, fiat-irons, pans, window-blinds, wall paper, coal oil lamps, umbrellas, bedcords, knives and forks,spoons,crocks,and stove blacking: All ot which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, and the highest marcet price paid for grain, wool, and all kinds of country produce. ' Clearfield. Pa.. March 22d. 1865. . r EATIIEK an assoitment for sale by- Deembr 14, 1864. Claartsld t,! ?! s IT"