Til '- MhWT TTanTciearfield Railroad. , 1-irrone at : : : : : 8.5a a.m. Tr01D ,ri it Philipsburg at : ; 1100 a. m. . . ves Philipsburg at : : : 3.0 p. to. Tr,IBA"iwi t Tyrone at : : : 5.55 p. in. TTrsOE SUBSCRIPTION, ADVERTISING EAIi-a v JOBBING. Pubscription. in advance, I year, : : : $2 00 1 Ln, if paid with the year, : : 2 .0 hScrS' if nt Iai'l within the year 3 " The above rates of subscription to apply to tho cnt volume, unless paid fur before January Court ISO. AJm'rs and Ex'rs notices, each. C times, Auditor' notices, each, Citations and Estrays, each, times, jtiorution notices, each, 3 times. Transient Advertising, per square of 10 Hues, or less 3 times, or less, for each subsequent insertion, WS'.-UI Advertising, for each square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, For each subsequent insertion, Professional cards, J lines. ona year, Local notices, per line. 1 time, Ulituary notices, over 5 lii es, per line, Yearly Advertising, one square, : : : Yearly Advertising, two squares, : : Yearly Advertising, three squares, : Yearly Advertising, one-fourth column, Yearly Advertising, ono-half column, 1 early Advertising, one column. Illariks .single quire, ::::::: Blanks. 3 quires, per quire, : : : : I;!anks,o quires, per quire, : : : : Blanks, over C quires, per quire, : : ; liandbills, eighth sheet, 2o or loss, fourth sheet, 2:') " half sheet, 2j " whole sheet. 2j " 2 50 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 50 1 50 50 5 00 15 10 8 00 1J 00 15 00 20 00 35 00 CO 00 2 50 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 50 2 50 4 50 5 00 Orcr 25 of each of above, at proportionate rates The above rates were agreed upon, by the on casigtied. on the 3d day of December. 1304. and Kill be ttrictly adhered to during tho present tiirh prices of all kinds of printing materials. 1. V. MoORE, Publisher of ' Clearfield Republican." S J. ROW, Publisher of ''Raftsman's Journal." Bargains ! Bargains !! Mossop is sel ling off Ills stock of goods at r rices furbe low cast. The very best calicoes are sold at 25 cents a yard, and all Roods in proportion. The Weather. During the past week the weather has Lecn quite changeable in this region warm sunshine, cold winds, Miow-flakcs, and rain prevaling in turn. This Tiioniit g it is raining, with prospects of a rafting flood. Sherman's Troops. In reviewing his troops at Goldsboro, on the 27th, Gen. Sher man remarked, that his command was in light marching condition slioeless, hatless. ooatless, and half breechesless. In their re vnt !r.g march they saw much of the coun try, an 1 now the country could see much of them. CaIT. R. II. Walk. We had the pleas ure of taking this gallant officer hy the hand, last wet k. lie is one of the recently paroled prisoners, who was captured on the !"lh of August last. The Captain looks t-toii.t and hearty, notwithstanding his lung c..iiSiii ineut,ii! rebel prison-pens. Success to him in the future. Jrr.lT.ANT. On the annouticeuiei t of the fall t f Richmond, last week, every Union ....... C. .1.'. .l..y... ....tTk inni.-f .,t-.il fVl iimii ill lias j.'ia..'; u!iiji.-iuiu'h. w donee of gratification over this much desired event, although no public demonstration was had on the occasion; On the other hand, the Castleites were sad and sullen, and their viagos assumed a very much elon gated appearance. Poor fellows! we really pity them in their di-tress at the defeat of their ''Southern brother-." In!-;kmatkn Wanted. Several days Htiee. the Postmaster in Clearfield. Pa., re lieved a letter from Washington, P. C, an nouncing the death of Thompson Bills, of company D 4th Penn'a cavalry. No per son of that name having resided in this place, the Postmaster desires information as to his residence previous to entering the army, so that the letter can be forwarded to the friends of the deceased. Resides the announcement of the death, the letter con tains some valuable information. Store Robbed. We learn that on Fri day night, the 7th April, some unknown person feloniouly entered the store of Samuel Ilegarty, of Reecaria township, and stole therefrom a considerable amount of the be.t goods, and a small quantity of frac tional currency that was in the change draw er. be:-ides pilfering and destroying all the letters that were in the postofiice at .the time. The thieves gained admitance by the hse of an angur. Xo suspicions are er. tcrtaii cd as to the perpetrators of the theft. Letter From Eev. Gann. L.ylrei.tox, Aran. 1st, 1S65. Friend Row: I think it due to the readers of your "veil known "Journal," and especially to hoeinthe 'Thiiipsburg Circuit,", where I travelled last year, to return my hearty thanks for their uniform kindness towards tae. With . a more generous, noble, and liberal hearted people, I never expect to meet in this life. I can truly say, they fed, raid and clothed me. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver, and, I think, every creature lie has made, loves the same. Previous to lay leaving. I received a suit of clothes, worth one hundred dollars, from the kind friends of the Philipsburg Circuit, besides many other presents, for which favors I hereby return my most sincere thanks. I trust that my successors may meet with the ame kindness, and that God will bless th?ir labors in the building up of the church. Postofiice address is, for the present, Mat Rock, Seneca county, Ohio, where I ill, at all times, be glad to hear from my M friends and acquaintances. Yours truly, C. A. Gann. Miss lone Smith, a rebel spy from Price' e ajy: Lat U'cn forested in St. Loui. Barn Bt rnt. We loam .that the lain on Thomus 3!Ivee"s farm in Knox town ship, was burned on Wednesday niidit, April 5th. It was evidently the work of an incendiary, as the person who had been re siding there moved away on Wednesday. Camp Burned. We -are informed that the log camp of John M. Chase, in Wood ward township, was burnt one night last week. The clothing 'belonging to about twenty men, and some other articles, were consumed with the building. There is no doubt the fire was the work of an in cendiary. We hope the perpetrators of such acts will be detected and punished as they deserve. To Drafted Men. The following letter has been handed us for publication, for the information of the drafted men in Clearfield county : Office of Provost Marshal, Ridgway, Pa., April Gth, 1805. J II. B. Swooi'F., Esq., Clearfield, Pa. : Dear Sir: The time for the drafted Bien of Clearfield county to report at Ridgway is extended live days from the time specified in their notices to report. Please give general publicity to this fact. Yours truly. II, S. Campbell, Capt. and Pro. Mar., l(.)th DLst. of Pa. Letter from W. E. B. The following extract from a letter, writ ten by our correspondent W. R. B. on March 30th, will be of interest to many of our read ers. The remainder of the letter 'relates to military affairs, but as the many brilliant victories won by our gallant armies, within the pant ten days, supplant his anticipations, we omit that portion. "Quite an interest in religion has been felt amongst the men of the different com mands encamped here, for some time past, and through the indefatigable efforts or the members of the Christain Commission a general revival has taken place, and many have thereby been led to make an open profession of Christianity. About thirty of the iiiohiIkts of this Battery have embrac ed the faith, and bear the evidence with them, that they are determined to stand up for the cross through evi! as well as through good report. Thre is onieting peculiarly interesting attending these meetings bore, in the Army, which cannot fail to enlist the svmpathies, if not the hearty co-operation, of all others wh ) attend them. They are characterized, at all times, by that earnest ness an 1 ititfiitne-s of purpose winch only strong and determined men can exhibit, and which is always the sure harbinger of sue-ce.-s. As an example of the earnestness and sincerity of the men of the Battery, they, on every occason which suitably presents itself, and in the absence of those helps which are generally looked up to, meet to gether in some deserted cabin about the neighboring camps and there have their prayer meeting; and rarely do they leave, 1 ut with pleasing remembrances of their place of meet ing. Bat I fear I am weary in? vou. so I will bid you adieu for the present!" MARSiED: On Thur.-dnv the 0(h April, by J. II. Jones. Fsq., Mr. Cornkics Devisney to Miss SrsAN Graham, both of Kylertown, Clearfield county. Old tit an notices, not orer fin h lies, inscled free nfehwje ; AH on r fire linet. at ten cent per line. The c-:sli must accompany tit", votire, invu riu!il it. DIED: In Curwensviile, on March ISth. Sarah. wife of Gilbert Scofield, aged 40 years, 8 months, and L'2 days. LOST a lare liht tan-colored dog, (some times taken for white.) about the 10th of .Jan uary List, with a Ion;: bushy tail, nnd namrd ti ger The sum of five dollars will he paid for his return to Cook's Mill. J. C. & S. U. BOUNElt. M :i rch 20th. 1S63 -pd. fll ISKEKS ! WniSKKltS! Doyou want Whiskers or Muptacbes '. Our 'Jrecinn Compound will force them to grow on the smith es t face or chin, or hair on biild holds, in Six WeeKs. Price, St. 00 Sent by wail anywhere, eloselv sealed, on rtccipt of priee Address, WARNER & CO.. Pox 1.1:5, Urooklin, X. !oik. March 29th. 2S0.S. GAUTIOX. Ail persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or muddling with the following property, to-wit: one gray luurc. now in possession of author Barrett, of Chest township, as the ?ame belongs to us and is subject to our or- tier having only beeu given to said Barrett on loan. idlll'PLE .t FAl'SjT. Curwensviile. March 1, lSoa-niS. CAI'TITX. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or in any way inciting with the following p.-cperty now in the possession of Wni S Porter, to-wit: one black horse., one bar horse. one bay mare.one broad-wheeled 1-horse wagon, as the same belong to me, and are in said Poller's possession on loan. .n;d subject to be re turned to me on demand. E. A. IKVIX, Curwensvil'e. March S. lSf5. D M 1 X I ST 1 : A TO li S NOTICE. Letters of Aduiini-slratiou on tho estate of Win. P. Blmiin. late of Pike township, Clearfield county, dec d, having beeu granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against tho estate are rciiesled to present them properly authenticated for settlement, and those endebted to said estate are requested to make payment without delay, at the residence of the subscriber in Pike township, ilarch 2'Jlh, ISGo-pd. REUBEN UALLAdm'r. ESTATE OF ALEX. STONE, DEC'D. Tho Administration of Alexander Stone, of Hoggs tp, deo'd, having been declared vacant, by reason of the resignation and discharge of the Executors. Letters of Administration, cum tes tamento annexo, on said es ale have thi day been granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims against said estate will present them for settlement, and those endebted will make imme diate payment, to JOSIAH K. KEE1, Adm'r. ClearUeld March 2i)th, lSt5-pd. CLEAUFIELD ACADEMY D. W- Mo Curdy, A. B. Principal. The next quarter ill open on Wcpnesday, tue Z.M o: aiarcn, isoa. .. to "it Tii w a Common English, comprising the branches net higher than Reading. Writing. Arithmatie, Geography, English li rammer and History, per quarter Hi-rher English branches, Languages CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or ba. ing anything to do with an article of agreement between saiuuel and John Widemire. of Penn township, Llearneld county, Pa., and Gideon P. Doughman of the same place, relating to the making of two rafts oi timber at three cts per foot, as the greater portion of said contract is paid, and the balance will not be until the sa.d timber is rafted and run to mar ket and all claims of the undersigned are sett led .nd -tedtherefrom ,frpEMIRE Fb. 22, 186S-pd. JOHN WIDEMIRE. . TJ. S. 7-30 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned has assumed the General Sub scription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes; bearing seven and three tenths per cent, interest, per annum, known as the SEVEX-TIIIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of August 15th, 1864, and are payable three years from that time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. ' These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent., including gold interestfroin Nov., which makes the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, at cur rent rates, including interest, about ten per cent. pernnum, besides its exemption from Stats and municipal taxation, trhich wlds from one, to thrt per cent, more, according to the rate levied on o ther property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day on a $.0 note. Two cents per day on a 100 note. Ten cents per day on a 500 note. 20 cents per day on a 1000 note. 1 per day on a 5000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon re seipt of subscriptions. This is . THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by tho Government, and it is confi dently expected that iis superior advantages wiH make it tho Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $200,000,000 remain unsold, which will probahly be'disposed of within the next CO or 90 days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been tho case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that the citizens of every town and section of country may bo afforded facilities foj taking the loan, the National Banks, Stte Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be re sponsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. Philadelphia. Subscriptions will be received at the First National B-.nk of Clearfield. First Nation.il Bank of Curwensviile. TTM.S51, Salt and plaster in large quantities V at Mar 22.1Si.. J. P. KRATZER CLOVEll, and Timothy seeds for sale by J Mar. 22 !- J. I KRATZER SJUOVISIONS. Flour, bacon, lard, cheese, m. dried beet, dried fruit, received regularly, at the storo of Mar. J. P. KUATZER. OIL TEK1UTOKY AM) LEASES tor iale by 11. B. SWOOl'fc.', Clearfield. Pa , Mar. 22. K'. Att:y at Law. l.lOR SALE u goob 1 -horse Rockaway Bug i gy. Tor particulars inquire at the March 22, KSoO. JOURNAL OFFICE. A 1)31 IN ISTKATOii'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of James A. Mead, late of Goshnn twp. Clearfield county, Penn'a.. deed, having been granted to the under signed, all pemns indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement March la, lSK3-pd T. 11. SPENCE. Adnrr A D.MlNISTRATOlt'S NOTICE. Letters J- oi Administration on the estate of Wilson Cathcai t, late of Curwensviile. Clearfield co.. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, al! persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. Mar. I3,lfttii pd. E. J. CATHCART, Adm'x. N THE 31 ATT Ell of tho reward of James Curlew It appearing by the memorial of leading citizens of Karlhaus township, that they are convinced that the Jurors who held the inquest on the body of liartley Engau. wore mistaken in their verdict; and it being the opinion of the most of the citizens there, that the finding thereof, was wrong, in fact. th reward heretofore offered for tho arrest of James Curley is this day withdrawn. TI10S. DOUGHERTY, AMOS READ, Attest, CONRAD BAKER, W S. Bradley, Clerk Commr's. SPRING GOODS, 1865 Purchaslieil since the late Decline in Prices. J. P. KRATZER, FRONT STREET, ABOVE THE ACADEMY, CLEARFIELD, PA., Now Offers a very Large Stock of ZDIVST GOODS At a reduction of 25 to 40 per cent; including Dress Goods in great variety, Merinoes, Ging hams, Cloths, Delaines, Prints, Cassimeres, Alpac as, Silks. Satinetts, Reps. Cashmeres, Tweeds. Co bergs, Mohair. Jeans. Lanellas. Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets. Cioaks, Ribbons, Balmoral .Skirts, Hoop Skirts, shawls, Dress Trimmings. Head Nets, Caps, Corsets, Gloves, Collars, Scarfs. Grenandine Veils; Table Covers. CLOTHING". Coats. Pants. Vests Over-Coats, Gent's Shawls. Shirts. Hats, Caps, Under Saifts, and Drawers, Boots, Shoes, Gum Shoes, cravats, Gloves, collars . Hardware. Quocnswaro, Notions, and Musical ls ' - I.. GROCERIES. Tea. coffee, molasses, sugar. salt, candles, rice, flour, bacon, fish, tobacco, raisins, currants, spices, crackers, wines, brandies, vine gar, oils, varnish, alcohol,. Tinware, glassware, woodware. and stationary, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Carpet, oilcloths, Drug gets, looking glasses, clocks, churns, washboards, tubs, buckets, flat-irons, pans, window-blinds, wall paper, coal oil lamps, umbrellas, bodcords, knives and forks.spootis.erocks.and stove blacking. Allot which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, and the highest marKCt price paid for grain, wool, and all kinds of country produce. Clearfield, Pa.. March 22d. 1SQ5; EATIIEIt an assoitment for sal e by MEKKELIj uiniis Deeember 11, 1864. Clearfield, DRUGS! DRUGS!! FRESH jJSTJD PURE ! IIARTSW1CK k HUSTON, DRUGGISTS, MARKET ST., CLEAUFIELD, Keep constantly on hand a large and well select ed stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Perfumery, Toilet G oods BLANK ROOKS & STATION ARY, TOBACCO & SEGARS, And a general assortment of varieties and fancy articles. We respectfully invito a call, feeling confident that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. April 29, 1864. CLOlTELNGli! Men, Youths and Boys can be supplied with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at KEI ZEN STEIN BRO'S & CO., where it is sold at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced them to increase their s ock, which is now notsurpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. lleizenstein Pro's & Co., Sell -go at a very small profit, for cash ; Their goods are well made and fashionable. They give every one the worth of his money. They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock at reduced prices they can sell cheaper than others For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at REIZENSTEIN BRO'S A CO. Produce of every kind taken at the highest market prices. May 18, 1S64 CARPETINtiS. Now iu store, a largo stock of Velvet, Brussels. Three-Ply and Ingrain Carpetings, Oil cloths, Window Shades, ect.. ect.. all of the latest patterns and best fabrics; which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. N. B. Some patterns of my old stock still on hand; will be sold at a bargain. J. T DELACROIX Xo. 27 South Second Street, above Chestnut. March 2 1S6. Philabelphia BULK LEV'S PATENT-LUMBER DRIED BY SUPERHEATED STEAM. The under sigued respectfully informs the people of Clear field and adjoining counties that be has the agen cy of the above patent and will sell individual, county or township rights fvr its use. The lum ber dried hy this process is stronger, finishes bet ter, is easier on tools, and requires less time in drying than any other process known, drying 1 inch lumber perfectly in 3d hours better than many months under the old system using the same amount of fuel per day that a common kiln consumes. The certificate of a number of resi dent mechanics well known in this community is amply sufficient to convince the most sceptical of its utility. Persons desirous of purchasing rights will address JOHN L. CUTTLE, June 24, 1 AOS. Cearfield. Penn'a NEW STORE ROOM jJSTID GOODS !!!! II I C II A II D MOSSOP, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, &.C., MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. SEL.I.S The Cheapest Goods IN THE COUNTY. leud the following hut of goods an.il profit tierebif. TOS THE LADIES. Uioo'u CVff'A,ways 011 hanJ a lir?efitock of ka-IJj,,,,, Clua,, dies goods such as Coburg .Cloth, 0ol(' Cheap Alpacas De Laincs, (.inghams, (;ooix Cheap Prints, Chintz. Kerchiefs, Nu- GuoU, Cheap blcs- Eounets, Gloves, etc. Cheap FOR (JKXTLKMEN, Gowl Cheap' Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown (ioorlx Ckeapl and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black tflooUs Cheap Casimercs. Sattiuets. Cassinets, '(roods Cheapl Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- Good Cheap ings, Shirting, etc.. etc. etc. lOoo..t Cheap READY-MADE, Good ChtJip Such as Coats, Pants. Vests, TJnder-ioorf v. rt r.u u i Cheap Cheap shirts, and other t anncl shirts, iroods Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck ties, Gum Boots and Shoes. and a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Goods Good Goods Goods K.-he-ap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Such as Unbleached and Bleached '(roods Muslins. Colored Muslins. Linen and oo t ton tablecloths. Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods fi...... HARDWARE. AC Cheap'' Jou wantNails or spikes. Manure Goods Cheap or other forks, Saw-mill or"other Goods Cheap' sw3 omuuiums nuu, uuut.o, broods Cheap Hinges, etc.. go to Mossop's Goods Cheap where you can buy cheap. Goods Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods Cheap Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, 'Good Cheavl Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla 'Goods Cheap Cheap and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Pens, Powder, snot or Iead, etc., buy them at Mossop's. IF YOU WANT Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Soap. Starch, Wall Paper or Win dow Shades. Lamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Good extra family Flour, White or brown sugar, hams, shoulders or sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson orblacK tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cask. Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheip Cheap Cheap Cheap Chenp Cheytp Cheap Citeap Cheap Cheap Cheap IF YOU WANT Tallow candles, fine or coarse BO.t, Goods :vrur or molasses, cheese, dried ' S1 IrOOrt-S Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods (roods Goods Goods Goods apples or peaches, water or so do cracser3, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. Cheap IF Y'OU WANT Cheap' Port wine for Medical or Saeramen- Che-apl tiki uses, Sweet wine, old Monon- cueap gahela or rye wnissy, unerry Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Cheap Mossop's cheap cash store. Cheap rp YOU WANT t hfap Ra;seng7 Fig3, Prunes or dried Cur Clitap rant8; Alberts, cream, pecan or Cheap groun(j nuta, candies. Liquorice C!tap or Ljquoric root, buy them Cheapo at f tlS30p'a cheap and good. Y-i .i IF YOU WANT Goods Goods - I To buy any other article cheap, ho.(jooa-s Che.an sure to go to .uotsop, tor ne sens Goods CheaS cheapei for casn tnan any otner , Goods I'heaul person in Clearfield county. 'Goods Cheap November27, 1S61. ap27'59. Goods Approved eauniry product of every kind talen al tAe usual market pnocs i iw'if ut gaum THE TRIBUNE FOR 1S65. l'UOSl'ECTt'S. The Military and Natal Mcceraes .f ISiU. with the auspicious result of our Presidential contest, have lifted a heavy weight from the breats of tho Loyal Millions of our countrymen, it Is now felt, even by those who have been distrustful and iaiiit-beaOeii. that the Uuion is to emerge trium phant from the deadly strife whurcinto ahe was so wickedly precipitated by her nssuilants, and that Slavery her relentless loe, is to eticouater the fate of Hainan. The perils of foreign interven tion and of Western insurrection are safely pass ed; Abraham LincoIn.no longer assailable us the choice of a minority, holds the helm of State for four years longer ; the Rebellion, palpably weak ened by iu defeats and losses during the year now closing with its credit so reduced that its purse-bearer officially declares that its Treasury Notes ean only be exchanged for coin at the rate of twenty-five for one, while its bonds command but six cents on the dollar but awaits the blow which shall soon strike the sword" from its parri cidal hand and remit its master-spirits to the jus tice, or it may be to the clemency, of a sorely wronged nd justly incensed but forbearing and magnanimous People. Such are the auspices which justify our year soon to open will seethe Stars and Stripes float unchallenged Irora every battlement in the Republic, and the perfect law of Liberty for All immovably imbedded in the Constitution of our Union. The New York Tribune, founded inl?ll,will enter upon its twenty-fourth year with quickened hopes and enlarged means of usefulness. Its principles need no re-statement: its aims are the diffusion of Intelligence and the inculcation of a spirit of Freedom and Humanity. When this truth shall have generally been recognized and es tablished as the basis of our institutions and poli ty, that icjustice to the poorest, the weakest, the most despised, is a fearful mistake that nocoui munity or State can afford to wrong even its hum blest member then will our land bask once more in the calm sunshine of peace and prosperity. The Tribune has forthe la-styear been publish ed without profit to its proprietors, solely becauee of the depreciation of our Currency below the the specie standard, compelling us to buy paper and other materials at a cost considerable above the full amount received from our subscribers On our Weekly edition, the net loss has amounted to many thousands ol dollars; while our large receipts from Advertising have been wholly ab sorbed by the extraordinary expenses for Corres pondenee. Telegraphing, Ac , devolved upon us by the War. As we do not suppose our patrons desire that we should work at our own cost, and prefer not to be patronized by any who may de sire it, we have somewhat advanced for the en suing yearthe prices of our Semi-Weekly and Weekly, as we had already done with those of our Daily editions. This iucreaso is purely nom inal : there never before was a time when the larmers of our country could buy The Tribune for so little of their own products or labor as they can by the following Terms : Daily Tribcnb. Single copy. 4 cents Mail subs's, I copy. 1 year ol 2 numbers, $10 t)U Semi-Wkkkly Jribuse. Mail subs'rs. 1 copy, 1 year 104 numbers, 4 00 do 2 copies, do do 7 00 do 5 copies, or over, to one address. for each copy 3 00 Weekly Trim-sk. Mail subs'rs. single copy. I year, 52 numbers 2 50 do Clubs ot five, to one address, 10 00 Persons remitting ? 20 for 10 copies, to one ad dress, will receive one copy extra, gratis. Persons remitting StO for 20 copies, to one ad diess, will receive one copy Semi-Weekly gratis. Persons remitting 60 for 40 copies, to one ad dress, will receive one copy Daily, gratis. Drafts on New York payable to the order of the "Tribune." being safer, are preferable to any oth er mode of remittance. But where drafts can not bo conveniently procured. United States, or National Bank bills are the next best, and may be sent by mail ; but in case of loss, The Tribune will not be responsible unless furnished with a full description of the bills, including the name of the bank, denomination and number, and the time and pl-ice of the mailing of the letter with the inclom:es. Address. THE TRIBUNE. New York GODEY'S LADY'S ROOK. THE FASHION MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD. Literature, fine Arts and Fashions. The most magnificent Steel engravings. Double Fashion plates. Wood engravings on every subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Par lor, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to make a complete Lady's Book. THE LADIES FAVORITE FOR 35 YEARS. No Magazine has been able to compete with It. None attempt it. GOUey's receipts for every department of a household. These a lone are worth the price of the Book. Mo lei o ttages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. Drawing lessons for the young. Another spe ciality with Godey. Original Music, worth S3 a year. Other Maga zines publish old worn-out in usic; but the subscri hers to Godey get it before the nusic stores. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiarity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart A Co , of New York, the millionaire merchants, appear in Godey, the only Magazine that has them. Also. Fashions from the celebrated Brodie of New York. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them in a year than any other Magazine. In fact, the La dy's Book enables every lady to be her own bon net maker. MARION IIARLAND, Authoress of ' Alone," "Hidden path." "Moss Side." "Nemesis." and "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no other magazine. We have also retained all our old and favorite contributors. TERMS OF GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. FOR 1S65. From irhich there can be no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1865. At present, we will receive subscribers at the following rates. Due notice will be given if we are obliged to advance, which will depend upon the price of paper. One copy, one year $3 00 Two copies, one year 5 00 Three copies, one year 7 00 Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making six capies 14 00 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the porson sending the club.making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club.making twelve copies 27 00 Additions to any of the above clubs, S2 50 each subscriber. Godey "g Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Mag azine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of $4 50. We have no clubs with any other Magazine or Newspaper. The money must all be sent at one time for any lub. Address L. A GODEY, N. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Streeti, Oct. 19,1864. Philadelphia. 4 UCTION EER. The undersigned having J. been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will hU tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon. Charges moderate Address, JOHN M VfUIUv,IN. . May 18 Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa. N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li cense are subject to a penalty of S00, which pro vision will be enforced against those who may vi olate the same. AUCTION EER. The undersigned having been Licenced an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon. Charges moderate. Address. NATHANIEL R.LSHEL, Fob. 22. 1S55. Clearfield. Pa. N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper license are subject to a penalty of SoO, which provision will be enforced against, those win may violate th. same. BROWNING'S" EXCELSIOR COFFEE. Whilst trving Coffee of all the various brands. Reuieinbcr-'BROWNING'S EXCELSIOR" at the head it stands. True, it s not like others that re "SOLD EVERY WHERE." A little stretch, we all do know, good goods will easily bear, , (But a stretch like this ''sold everywhere" is very apt to tear.) Now, I can safely say, without any hesitation, There's none like "BROWNING'S EXCELSIOR" in this enlightened nation. Skilled chemists have not found a Coffee from any store Possessing the same ingredients as '-Browning' Excelsior." Nor is there any one. in or out of thw Coffee trade. Who knows the article from which Browsing'! Excelsior's made. I'm told its made from barley, ryo, wheat; beans, and peas; Name a thousand other things but the RIGHT ONE if you please. But with the coffee-men I will not held contention For the many, many things they say too numer ous to mention. WhiJit they're engaged in running round from store to store To learn the current wholesale price of "Brown ing's Excelsior." Some who know my Coffee gives perfect tatisfao tion. Have formed a plan by which Ihey hope to can a quick reaction. Thecase 'tiswith afew; r.o doubt 'twill be more To name their Coffee after mine, (BROWNING'S) EXCELSIOR. Some say their's the only brand that will stand a ready test . Now, try a little of them all see which you like the best; Three years have past away since first I so'd a store: Never have I in your paper advertised befoio; . Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish mora. If like some used by "everybody," -sold every where," in " every store." A trade like this I do not wish; the orders I could not fill ; The factory all Jersey's land would take leave not a foot to till. My trade is not so very large ; ftill I think I have my share; But, reader, vou must rest assured, 'tis NOT 'SOLD Li VERY WHERE." Manufactured and for Sale by the writer, GEORGE L. BROWNING, No. 20 Market street Camden, N. J. This Coffee is not composed of poisonous drugs, it contains nothing deleterious ; many persons use this Coffee that cannot use the pure coffee; it takesut one and a half ounces to make a quart of good strong coffee, that being just one-half the quantity it takes of Java Coffee, and always leu than half the price. RETAIL DEALERS may purchase it in less quantities than ten gross at my prices at the Wholesalo Grocers. ElpOrders by mail from Wholesale Dealers promptly attended to. Mar. 8-3m. PENNSYLVANIA Imperial Oil Company, Office 130 South Fifth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Capital 51.000,000 200.000 Shares, el 5 eaoh. Reserved Capital 250,000. Present, ALEXANDER K. M'CLURK. DIRECTORS ;: A. K.M'Clure, D. J. Jackman, ElishaW. DavU Thos. A. Scott. J.C.Bomberger, Peter A. Small. John M. Ponieroy. SECRETARY. James M. Sellers. TREASURER. Llisha W. Davis This company has 120 acres of land, in fee. oo the Allegheny River, immediately opposite Oil City, and adjoining Laytonia, with 110 rods front on the river, and 75 rods front on Lay's Run. Hon. C. P. Ramsdell, editor of the Oil City -Monitor, and agent for this land, assures the company that it will sell in lots for'S 100.000. reserving the oil right which is worth 5100,000 additional. Im mediate REVENUE WILL I1B DERIVED POR TUBCOM-! VASY KROM Tllb SALE OF THESE LOTS : and the COia pany have two good engines with complete fix tures to operate immediately for oil. The territo ry in this immediate locality has never failed to produce profitably. 'Also, one hundred acres, in fee simple, in the celebrated Cherry Run District, immediately ad joining the Cherry Run Petroleum coin pany, whos stock is now worth over $30 per share. The com pany now have offers, which will be accepted, for sinking wells on lease, without any cost to the cor poration and one-half the proceeds to go to the company. The Curtin and St. Nicholas coinp nies are in this immediate locality, and their stock is now commanding a large premium. In addition, the company has 40 acres, in fee simple, on Cherry Tree Run, which empties into Oil creek, and in the best producing section of the Oil Territory, and 110 acres, in fee simple, on Walnut Bend, five miles above the mouth of Oil creek, and not' over two miles from the celebrat Reed well, now producing over 200 barrels per day. Also, the lease of three tracts of land, two on Oil creek, each producing over ten barrels per day, and one on Allegheny river, producing ten bar rels per day of heavy oil, worth $21 per barrel. The company now receives three fourths of th proceeds of the last named well, and one-half of -the other two Each of these tracts will be de veloped by the company by sinking additional wells, and the engines aod fixtures are now on hi nd to do it. The officers of this company mean to prosecute the development of these lands raost energetical ly, and they hare entire cipfidenoe that they will yield very large dividends ou the capital stock. ..ESruhscriptions must be .made promptly, as more than one-half of the stock is already engag ed Subscriptions will be received at the office of the company. " January 4, 1865. FOR SALE. Steam Saw-mill and Timber Lancls and Timber, A new first class thirty-horso power circular SAW MILL, with three hundred and forty aorea of first quality white pine timber land,, with, hh usual variety of other timber, in fee einxplo One and a half million feet of logs cut and readjr. to manufacture, and timberlease for two million, of feet more. Mill adapted for cutting bill stuff, and a number of bills now offering. Accessible and adjacent to the Penn'a Railroad, at Tipton, hy plank road- Mule teams and oxen will be sold with the property if required, as well as all other implements necessary for driving on the business at once. Will bo sold at a bargain to, close a con cern. Apply at No. 3. Forrest Place, 1 23 South 4th Street, Philadelphia; or to JQHN ELLIOTT Tipton, Blair county, who will show the property and give full particulars, and .who is authorized, to sell. Mar. 8, II. H. SHILLINGFORD.