BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1865. VOL. U.-NO. 27. TEK.HS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raftswan's Jocksal is published on Wed neday at 52.00 per annum in advance. Advbr ismssts inserted at SI .60.per square, for three or less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a ruuare. For every additional insertion 60 cents. A deduction will bejnade to yearly advertisers. 2u$taf$si gjwcdotjj. IRVIN BROTHERS, Dealers in Square A Sawed Lumber, Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Orain, io , Ac, Burnside Pa., Sept. 23, 1803. pHEDERICK LEITZINGER. Manufacturer of 11 kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 18rt3 fi XS Jk BARRETT, Attorneys at Law, Clear- J S,M. Pi. May 13. 1-153. L. J. CRASS. W LTF.R BARRETT. 1 OBERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. Clear t field. Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market Hreet, opposite Xaugle s .lewelry store May 26. HF. N AUG LE, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, &o. Room in Uraham s row, Market street. Kov. 10. HBCC1IER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear field. Pa. OfEct inGraham's Row, fourdoo s weat'of Graham 4 Boynton's store. Nov. 10. T TAKT3WICK & HUSTON, Dealers in Drugs, i Medicines. Paint, Oils. Stationary, Perfume ry. Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street. Clearfield, Pa. June, 29. 1861-y V P KKATZLK, dealer in Dry Goods, Cloth. J . ing. Hardware. Queensware, Groceries. Pro viins Ac. Front Street, above the Academy, Clearfield. Pa. April 27. " t rll.LI A M F. IRW IN, Market street, Clearfield, Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware, Queeusware, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. . TO UN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. DR M. WOODS, Practicing Phvsiciax, and Examining Surgeon for Pensions, I'ffice. South-west corner of Second and Cherry Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 2l, 1&3. rnilOMAS J. MX'ULLOUGII, Attorney at Law. X Clearfield. Pa. Offioe, east of the ' Clearfield eo. Bank. Deeds nud other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. JB M"EN ALLY, Attorney at Law, Clearfield, . Pa. Prxctijes in Clearfield and adjoining C'iunti-3. Office in new brick building of J. Boyu tm. 1'i street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel. rCHARIt MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreignand Do V iuetic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors nest of Journal O fHcr, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. iAHKI.MER 4. TEfeT, Attorneys at Law.CIear J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to atl legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining couaties. August 8, I8.'if. WM. ALBERT BRO S. Dealers in Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Qucensware. Flour, Bacon, efc, Woodlan t, Clearfield couuty, Peuna. Also, extensive dealers in all kindsof sawed lum ber, shingles, and 'square timber. Orders soiici ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th. ISrt.'t. TVEIV WATCH & J EWELKY STOKE.-- 11 The undersigned having located in the bor ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied by R Welch as a jewelry shop.) is prepared to do work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms. Tbe cash will positively be expected when the work is delivered. Hois confident that he can not be excelled by any workmen in town orcounfy. Come nan! route all to the Sign of the liif Wat rh. April J, G2-Iy-pd. S. II. LAUCULIN. rilEJlPEKANCE HOUSE. The subscriber X would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield county, that he has rented the -Tipton Hotel." and will uso every endeavor to accommo date those who may favor him with their custom. lie will try to furnish the table with the best the country can aiford. and will keep hay and feed to accommodate teamsters. Gentlemen don't to-get the -Tipton Hotel." SAMUEL SMITH. Tipton. Pa , May 23. 1351. Vl'L'TIO.N EER. The undorsigned having tecn Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling ssiles, in any part of the couuty, whenever called upon. Charges moderate Address, JOHN M QUTLKIN, May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield Co., Pa. N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li cense are subject to a penalty of S60, which pro vision will bo euforced against those who may vi olate the same. fno WOOL. (JUOWEKS. Notice is hereby A given to those persons who have been trading wool to John II. Newpher, deo'U, for sooJs, that iid Newnber wa doins business for the under signed, and that all contracts made by him jwill be punctually filled Such persons as have re ct.ived goods nd were to pay fur the same in - ii. i; spring, arc notified that the wool will I": Ukcn as per contract and tho.-e who are ''ut to leave ibe county are requested to come nd settle their accounts without further delay. I'ither uiylfor another aent will bo around in the spring, to secure payment on former con tiacis, and make new ones. M. O. Sf IU1C. New Millport. Jan H,lSrt5 pd tbaistb: notice. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, j 0rri. eopinECoiipTROLiKRorTtfF.CcRUB-cv, 'V asiii:gt.x. Jauruirv Silth. l-vji. ) W'lIEKEAS.BY SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE ' t presented to the undersigned, it has been aa-Jc tu appear that "THE FlKsT NATIONAL AXJi. UF CLEARFIEtD," in the Borough of v'eariieU, in the county of Clearfield, and .state of i'ci nsylvania, has b en duly organized under and according to the requirements of the Act of "''gress. entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States f'uJs and to provide for the circulation and re- ;--uip'ion the teof." approved June 3d, 1&04. and all the previsions ot saia .ici rjured to be complied with before comjnencing Ue l.usiness of Banking under said Act ; , therefore, I, Hugh MoCulloch. Comptrol ler Uf the Currency, do hereby certify that -THE f IU.ST NATIONAL,. BANK OF CLEARFIELD," J the Borough of Clearfield, in the county of J-'earfitld. and State of Pennsylvania, is author u emmeuco the business of Banking uuder '0 Act aforesaid " : rS In testimony whereof, witness my f SEAL Ahand and seal of office, this 30th day of VJanuary, A. D. 1S65. nUGH McCULLOCH, 8, ;3)5. Comptroller of the Currency. SALT!! SALT !!! A prime rtt- cle of ground alum salt,-put up in patent at $3.25 per at the cheap cash store of otwbk rr . .... - A unstop R. MOSSOP. Select SCcfinj. THE L0 YAL K0ETH. Oh say not the Union is broken. That the flag of the free is disgraced; Through the world 'tis of freedom tho token, An I if lost it can never be replaced. That oldjlzs has made a nation; What proud memories throng ou the brain When the hope of our countr e salvation, Through our tears, bursts brightly again. Oh say not that I iberty falters, That base despoU shall look o'er the sea And proclaim that our nation's proud altars Ace uo longer a hope f or tho tree. Though traitors may lurk in our bosom, They are lost 'mid the hosts of tho brave, . Who start from tho hi 11 and the valley The flag of our Union to nave. THE PATEI0T AND THE TKAIIOSr Fifty years ago a terrible storm shook the city of .Lou'lon. At tha dad of the night, whea the storm w:to at its highest, an aged niiuister living m the .suMirb.3 of the city, was aroused by an earnest ory for help. Looking from his window he beheld a rude man clad in the coarse" attire of the sweeper of the public streets. In a few moments, while the rain came down in torrents, and the htorm howled above, the preacher, lean ing on the arm of l he scavenger, threaded hLs way through the dark suburbs. That verydayastrange oi l man had fallen, speechless, in front cf the scavenger's rude home. The good hearted street sweeper had taken him in, laid him on his own bed he had not spoken once and now he was dying. This was the story of the rough man. And now, through dark alleys, among miserable tenants, that seem to topple down upou their heads, info the loneliest and dreariest suburbs they pass that white hair ed minister and his guide. At last, in a nar row court, and up a flight of stairs that creaked beneaththeir tread, and then into the death room. It was, in truth, a miserable place. . A glimmering light stood on a broken chair. There were the rough waifs, there the solitary garret windows, with the rain beat ing through the rags and straw, which stuf fed the broken panes and there, amid a heap of cold ashes, the small valise which it seems the stranger hwl with him. In one corner, on the coarse straw of the ragged bed, lay the dying man. lie was but hair" dressed hi.-j leg were concealed by military boots. The aged preacher drew near and looked upon him. And as he looked throb throb you might hear the death watch ticking in the shattered wall. It was the form of a strong man, grown old with care more than age. There was a face you might look upon once, and yet wear in your memory forever. Let us bend over that bed, and look on that face. A bold forehead, seamed by one deep wrinkle between the brows; long locks ot dark hair, sprinkled over with gray lips firmly set, 3-ct quivering as though they hud a life separate from the life of the man and then, two large eeys, vivid, burning, uunatural in their glare. Ah, there was something so terrible- in that face something so full or unutterable loneliness, unspeakable despair, that the aged minister started back iv horror. ut look, those strong arms are clutching at the vacant air the death sweat starts in drops upon the cold brow the man is dying ! Throb! throb! throb! beat the death watch in the battered, shattered wall. "Would you die in the faith of a Chris tian?" faltered the preacher, as he kneit there on the dark floor. , The white lips of the death stricken man trembled, but made no sound. Then, with the agony of death upon him, he rose to a siting posture. For the first time he spoke : ''Christian!" he echoed in a deep tone which thrilled the preacher to the heart, "will faith give me back my honor? Come with me with me, far over the water. II a! we are there! This is my native home. Yonder is the church in which I knelt in childhood yonder, the green on which I started when a boy." Hut another fhig than that waved when I was a child. And, listen, old man, were I to pass the street as I passed when a child, the babes in their era les would raise their tiny hands and curse me. The gravos in yonder church yard would shrink from my footsteps, and yonJ'-r fiiig would rain a baptism of blood upon my heart." That was an awful death bed. The min ister had waudiod the "last night with a hundred convicts in their cells, and yet nev er beheld -a scene so terrible as this. Suddenly the dying man tfrose. He tot tered along the hour. With those white lingers, whose nails are blue with the death chill, he threw open the vaiise. lie showed a military coat, trimmed with silver, an old parchment, and a piece of cloth, thai looked like the wreck of a battle Sag. "Look ye. priest, this faded coat is rpot ted with iny blood !" he cried, as old mem ories seemed stirring at his heart. "This is the last coat that I wore when I planted the stars on Ticondcroga. Thai bullet hola was pierced in the tight at Quebec, now I am a let me !iisper in your ear." .' . "Nov, he'n me, nriest," he said, in a voice growing suddenly tremulous, "help my tn nut on this coat of blue and silver. For .. . , , meet death alone : but I will meet-linn, as 1 met him in the battle, without fear. Wh le he stood arraying himself in that worm eaten coat of blue and silver: the good preacher spoke to him of faith in Jesus. Yes, ot that great faith which pierces the clouds of human guilt, and rolls them back from the face of God. ' ' "Faith !'' echoed the strange man, who you see," and a ghastly smile came over his face, "there is no one to wipe the cold drops frnm mv lirow: uo wile, no child I must stood there erect, with the death light in his eye, "faith! can't give me back my honor? Ixok ye, priest, there, over the waves, sits George Washington, telling tc hiscamrades the pleasant story of eight years' war there, in his royal hall, sit George of Eng land, bewailing in his idiotic voice the loss of his colonies. And here am I I, who was first to raise the flag of freedom, the first to strike the blow against that king here am I, dying like a dog ! ' ' The awe stricken preacher started back from the look of the dying man, while throb throb beat the death watch in the shattered wall. "Hush! silence along the lines, there!" he muttered, in that wild, absent tone, as thoiiiih Fpeakiu? to the dead: "silence a- loag the Hues! Hark there, Montgomery, we will meet there in victory or in death! Hist ! silence, my men, not a whisper, as you move up those tteep--rocks ! Now on, my boys, now on ! Men of the wilderness, we wiil gain the town ! Now up with the banner of the stars ; up with the flag of freedom, though the night is dark and the snow falls ! Now now," shrieked the death stricken man. towering there in his blue uni form, with his clenched hands moving in tho air "now, now! one blow, and Que bec is ours ! " And look. His eyes grow glassy. With that word on his lips, he stands there ah! what a hideous picture ot despair, ere-?t. li vid, ghastlv. There for a moment, and then he falls! He is dead ! Ah! -look at that proud form, thrown cold and stiif upon the damp floor. In the glassy eyes there lingers even yet horrible energy, a sublimity of des pair. Who is the strange man, dying li-?re a'one in this garret, this man who, in all his crime, still treasured up his blue uniform and faded flag? Who is this thing of terrible remorse this man, whose memories liuk something of heaven and more of hell? Let us look at that parchment and that flag. The old minister unfolded that faded flag it was the blue banner, gleaming with thirteen stars. I le unrolls that parchment. It was a Col onel's commission in the Continental Army, addressed, Benedict A itNor.n! And there, in tlrit rude hut, wliije the death "MT'. h throbbed like a heart in the shattered wall Unknown, unwept, in all the bitterness of desolation,! ay tbe corpse of tifit patriot and traitor. O, (hat our own true Washington had been there, to sever tint good light arm from tbe corpse, and while the dishonored body rotted into dot, to bnrg home that good right arm. and embalm it among the holiest memories of the past. For tl at riiiht arm had struck many a gal lant blow for freedom ; yonder at Ticondcro ga. at Qtie!ec, Champlain, Saratoga that arm yonder, beneath the snow white moun a'n, amid the deep silence of the dead, first raised into sight the banner of the Stars. It was during the renowned expedition through the wilderness to Quebec, that Ar nold encamped lor two or three days beside the Iiiver of the Dead, ne:ir a snow white mountain, which rose in lovely grandeur o- ver a!! tao or her mountains into tne autum nal sky. A single soldier ascended the mountain with the hope of beholding from it summit the rock and spires of Quebec. When ho came down, Arnold tookjfrom his breast, where, for four days inr rivationand danger, he h-td carried it, a blue banner gleaming with thirteen stars. He raised it into the Hslit, and for the first time the Con tinental Banner floated over the solitudes of the Dea l liiver. This is a fact attested by history and corroborated by tradition. Buying feld LIake3 One a Rebel. There is instruction and example in the fol lowing incident narrated to us by a Pennsyl vania friend. An honest Schuylkill County German merchant, who had prospered and had ac cumulated more money than he could em ploy as capital in his bu-iness, came to a patriotic banker in Philadelphia and said: "I have got some moneys, and I wautyou to buy me some gold. " "Vhy, Schultz, what do you want gold for? That isn't a thing you sell in your store." "I knows dat but I want to make some money on de rise of gold. Beoples say it is going up, and I tink 1 may make a tous and dollars." "ScUujlZ, you dear old fellow, don't you know that if vou buy gold vou will be a Ilebcl?" . ' "No !" said Sohultz, with a tone of re sentment in his wonder. 4 ' you buy ltX000 of gold. Sup pose that some itior.iiusr you read in the papers in big letters : 'Terrible disaster to th Union rav.o ! Grant's army routed and destroyed! ! The llebels marching on Washington !!!'" "I should say tat was tam pad news," ex-citcdi.,- interrupted the German. "l'es, but. wouFdn t you say ris'ut on, "dis, however, wil put gold up pad for the U uion cause, but it is goot fr my ten thous and?' Do'.ft vou see. Schultz, that in buy ing gold you instantly make the interests of ! the lie bcls your interests that you bribe! yourseif to wish them to succeed, an I to wish j our con ntry uni your countrymen to fail? And if th?-e unholy desires, Shultz, don't deilne a Bebcl. there is no language to define one. Don't you Fee that buying-r- gold inevitably turns honest, patriotic, ue voted men like y tu, away from the cause which they ouit to support, and which they .think they do support, but which .they cannot support, because they have made it for their iutcrest not to support it? Don't you see it, dear old fellow?" "Be thure I do," said the honest man, with gravity of manner and humility: 4'and I ax pardon of the war. Put de whole of dat in Seven-Thirties. My money goes mit my principles." A MOTHER'S AITECTI0U. The following beautiful incident we clip from the last Houesdale Republic. It is a striking illustration of a mothers love : Just before the close of canal navigation a resident of this borough went into the store of Mr. J. M. Bauman and requested him to change a fifty dollar greeuback. Bauman seeming to hesitate the neighbor remarked that if there was reason to doubt the genuineness of the note it was best to have the question dcrinatoly settled, because its owner was goiug down the canal and would not be back again. Bauman decided that the note was a good one and that he would change it at his own risk. It turned out that the note was a counterfeit. Bau man held it some weeks, when a fellow merchant came into his place and asked him if he had any bad money. Baumansaid that he had a bad fifty dollar greenback. He pro duced it, and his fellow merchant gave him fifty dollars in genuine greenbacks for it. This excited Bauman's curiosity, and he asked the meaning of the transaction. The solution was this: The counterfeit greenback belonged to a young boatman of iloudout. In his last trip he contrived to have it pass ed to Bauman as above stated. When he reached home he boasted the achievement to his mother telliur her the name of the man he had victimized. Soon after the young man enlisted and went to the front. His mother thought upon the flagrant act of dishonesty he had committed, and could not rest. Her son was exposed to special hazards of death, and she could not endure the idea of his dying with that wrong una toned. She raised the fifty dollars, and sent it here to a friend with instructions to re deem the counterfeit bill. Wonderful 1 is a mother's love ! Beautiful is that piety whit h counts truth and hones ty as among its highest excellencies ! Respect the Aged. Many, an old person has the pain not bodily, but sharper still of feeling himself in the way. Some one wants his place. His chair in the chimney corner is grudged him. He is a burden to sou or daughter. Tho Very arm that props him is taken away from some productive labor. As he sits at the tabic, his own guests are too idle or too unkiud to make him a sharer in their mirth. Tiu-j grudge, the trouble of that raised voice which alone could make him one of them ; and when lie speaks, it is only to be put aside as ignorant or despised, as old fashioned and absolute. Oli,!.ittie doyonuger persons know their power of giving pain or pleasure ! It is a pain for any man.till in the world, to be made to feel that he is no longer of it, to be driven in npon his own little world of conscious isolat ion and buried enjoyment. But this is his condition; and if any fretfulness or querulousness of tem per lias aggrivated it if others love him not because he is amiable shall we pity that condition the less shall we upbraid it with that fault which is itself the worst part of it? Young men, pay Attention. Don' t be a loafer, don' t call yourself a loafer don't keep loafer's company,, don't ham about loafing places. Better work hard for nothing and board yourself, than to sit a round day after day, or stand around the corners with your hands in jour pockets, better for j-our own mind, better lor jour own respect. Bustle about, if jTou meau to have anything to bustle about for. Many a poor phj sician has obtained a real patient bjr riding hard to attend to an imaginary one. A quire of paper tied with red tape, carried under a lawjcr's arm, may procure him his first case and make his fortune. Such is the world: to him that hath shall be given. Quit droning and complaining; keep busj- and mind your chance. The Rehel3 Desponding. The IL.'rahTs armj' of the Potomac cor respondent,of the22d,sajTs: Hoke'sdivision, of Jjongstreet's corps, is the only large body of troops which have .been sent South, from Lee's army. They estimate the strength of the rebel armj' around Peter-burg at thirty thousand men. The news of General Sher- genorallj' known throughout the rebel camp to-daj-, and caused a feeling of universal depression to prevail there. The private make no secret of their intention to desert, and Gen. Lee has placed a heavy guard in the rear to prevent them. Rebel officers express their opinion that nothing can stop Sherman's advance thence, .and hence pri vates desert by lots. Tee Surprise of Sheridan's Cavalry. According to the ITcrnhTs correspondent. the surprise of a detachment of Sheridan's j cavalry by a party of Moby's guerrillas in I Asp.hy s (iap, on Sunday last, proves not .to have been so disastrous to the forn: eras was at first supposed. Forty of the ninety men. at the time reported capture!, having elu ded the rebels and have succeeded in effect ing their return to their regiments. WjrrT. PitF.stE, a private in the Third Maine Beginu : (. was frozen to death, recent ly, within a few rods of his father' 3 house, in Wiuslow. He was on a visit to his home, on a furlough, and become bewildered and died.i'.mna within speaking distance of home and friends. His age was 33. Tttt fvTi d.ide.l that the 1st Maine Psviilrp Is pnfltViJ to !vfjr t.h honors of thirty actions on its regimental standard, 1 which is eight more than can oe ciamied ry any other cavalry regiment in the Army of the Potamge. ' A friend tells us a story of a country fel low, who, having been invited to witness the performance at a fasionable church, re marked on coming out, that he thought tliere were too many Monkeys for one Organ. f THE OCEAN BOTTOM. I 31 r. Green, the famous diver, tells singu ; lar stories of his adventures when making j search in the deep waters of the ocean, i He gives some new sketches of what he saw j at the "Silver Banks," near Hayti : The banks of the coral on which niydi j vings were made are about forty miles in length, and from ten to twenty in breadth. I Ou this bank of coral is presented to the di i ver one of the most beautiful and sublime I scenes the eye ever beheld. . The water j varies from ten to oue hundred feet in depth, and is so clear that the diver can see from two to three hundred feet when submerged, with but little obstruction to the sight. The bottom of the ocean, in many places, in as smooth as a marble floor; in others it is studded with coral columns from ten to one hundred feet in height, and from one to eightj' feet in diameter. The tops of those more lofty support myriads of pyrimid al pendants, each forming a myriad more, giving the realitj to the imaginary abode of some water nymph. In other places the pendants form arch after arch ; and as the diver stands on the bottom of the ocean and gazes through in the deep winding avenue, he finds that thej' fill him with as sacred an awe as if he were in some old cathedral, which had long been, buriei beneath old ocean's waves. Here and there the coral extends even to the surface of the water, as if the loftier columns were towers belonging to these stateljr temples that are now in ruins. I here were countless, varieties ot diminu tive trees, shrubs, and plants in every crev ice of corals where the water bad deposited the earth. Thej we: call of a faint hue, owing to the pale light they received, al though of every shade, and entirely differ ent from plants that I am familiar with that vegetate upon dry land. One in par ticular attracted my attenlion; it resembled a sea fan of immense size, of variegated col ors and the most brillient hue. The fish which inhabit these "Silver Banks" I found as different in kind as the scenery was varied. They were of all forms, colors, and sizes from the symmetrical go bjT to the globelike sunSsh; from those of the dullest hue to the changeable dolphin ; from the spots of the leopard to the hues of the sunbeam ; from the harmless minnow to the voracicus shark. Some have heads like squirrels, others like cats and dogs, one small size resembled the bull terrier. Some darted through the water like meteors, while others could scarce ly bo seen to move. To enumerate and ex plain all the various kind-? of lish I beheld while diving on thee banks would, were I e nough of a naturalist to do so, require more than my limits would allow, for 1 am con vinced that most of the kinds of fish which inhabit the tropica! seas, can be found there. The siinfish, sawfish, white shark, blue or shovel-nose shark, were often seen. There were also fish which resembled plants, and remained as fixed in their p osi tion as a shrub ; the onljr power thej'. possess ed was to open and shut when in danger. Some of them resembled the rose when in full bloom, and were of all hues. These were the ribbon fish, from four to five inches to three feet in length : t! eir eves are veiy large, and protrude like those of a frog. Another fish was spotted like a leopard, from three to ten feet in length, fhey build their houses like beavers, in which they spawn, and the male or female watches the egg until it hatches. I saw many specimens of the green turtle, some five feet long, which I should think would weigh from 400 to 50o pounds. How they Hate the Yankees. A detailed account of the captive of Wil mington contains the following: ';But few" citizens left the chy except such as tho ene my f jrced to enter the ranks and follow. All able-bodied men - hid themselves, and thronged the streets as .soon as our forces en tered. The ladies were also out in force, and the negroes crowded all the avenues: Not a symptom of animosity was displayed bjr man, woman or child throughout the day." The proclamation of Governor Vance does not seem to have inspired the people of North Carolina, with that undying hatred to the Yankees, which was to give said Yankees all manner of botheration, and finally smoth er them in the Serbonian bog familiarly known as"the last diu-h." There are sev eral modes of manifesting hatred. The South Carolina mode, which may be regarded as the mode par excellence, is to make tracks from the abominable Yankees, as from a stalkinar plague, leaving houses, chattels and effects behind. The North Carolina mode seems to be, to stay at home to receive visit ors, in fact, to exhibit no little satisfaction at their arrival. Between the two sorts of hatred to the Yankees, the rebellion will de rive precious little aid and comfort, and may be expected to wither from the fugitive zeal shown by some of its adherents, ar.d the very passive and undemonstrative affection shown by others." Eill to Prevent Military Interference in Elections Approved. The President has signed and approved the act to prevent officers of the army and navy an 1 other persons engaged in the mil itary and naval serv ice of the United States, from interfering in elections in the States. No troops oi Frmed men are to be brought to the polls.- unless it shall be necessary to repel arm ?d enemies, or keep the peace, nor shall it be lawful tor anj- onic r to prescribe or fix by proclamation, order, or otherwise the qualifications of voters, or in auy other man ner interfere with a free right of suffrage. Officers so offending are liable to indictment for misdemeauor, and, on conviction, to 1-e fined not exceeding $5,(XKvJnd tuffer im- Iirisonment in a penitentiarj' for a term no ess than three months nor more than five years, and any person convicted shall more over, be disqualified from holding any office. of honor, proffit, or trust under the Govern ment of the United States. A SPARTAN MARRIAGE. Manj' of the laws of Lycurgus, rn con nection with this subject would undoubtedly meet with the approbation of the fair sex of modern times. The time for marriage wai fixed by statute, that of the man at about 30 or 35 years, that of the lady at about 20 or a little younger. All men who contiuued unmarried after tho appointed time were liable to prosecution, and all old bachelors were prohibited from being preseut at the public exercises of the Spartan, maideus. and were denied the usual resject and hon ors paid to the aged. "Why should I give j'ou place," cried the young man to the old unmarried gentleman, "when jou have no child to give place to me when 1 am old?" No marriage portions were given to. any of the maidens, so that neither poverty should prevent a gallant nor riches tempt him to marry contrary to his inclinations. The parents of three children enjoyed consider able immunities, and tho.-e with fourchil dren paid no taxes whatever a regulation which all manned men with large families will readily admit to be not wise and equit able. Kvory marriage was preceded by a betrothal, as in other Greek cities, but the marriage itself was performed by the joung Spartan carrying off his bride bj' pretended rbduction, and tor some time afterward the wife continued to reside with her own family, and only met the husband on tated occasions. This extraordinary way of spending the honeymoon was first introduced hy Lycurgus to prevent the husband from wasting too much ot his time m his wife ssocietj' during the first j'cars of their marriage, and in or der to economize the bride's charms, it was customary for her bridesmaid to cut off all her hair on the wedding day, so that for some time, at least, her personal attraction' should increase with her j-ears a very good and commendable plan, which we here re commend to the wives of the present day. Roads. In many things it is veiy mani fest the world has made no progress, as the excavations of .Egypt and Pompeii attest. There are no roads in the world now that will at all compare with those of ancient Home. Even our best street pavements hold no com parison with them. The Appian way, which wf s made 300 years before Christ, ran from Borne to Capua, about "140 miles, 2nd part of it was through the Pontine Marshes. Nine hundred years after its con struction it was described by Procopius as showing no appearence of waste or ruin. It is described, as composed of large square blocks of freestone, so well fitted as to show no joint, the whole looking like one stone. The ted underneath was broken stone, grouted with cement. Parts of this road are still sound, and bid fair so to re main. The Flaniinian Way made 190 years befcre Christ, was one of this kind, and it was ISO miles Ions. TiTE following odd illustration is from a late serman of Kev. Phillips Brooks, of Trin ity Church, Philadelphia: "There was an A rab once who had the devil for his servant.. When his term of service expired, the dev il begged as his reward to kiss the shoulder of his master. The request was granted, hut out of the spots where the devil's lips had touched sprang serpents, which ever darted their fangs in the breast of .the un hajpy man. He strove to tear them away but could not for the agony. The devil of slavery had kissed the strong shoulders of the Republic, and the serpents which sprung from her defiling lips aropre.ving'upon,'her life It is agonj' to tear them off, but it is death to letthem remain. Despite our anguish, we have taken courage to rid us of the abomi nation." A Buckeye Story. The Columbus (Ohio) Journal tells a queer story about a married couple in that place. The husband is a tj'rant. One evening during a recent severe storm, his wife was visiting a neigh bor : and when she applied for admission on her return, her husband pretended not to know her. She threatened to jump into the well if he did not open the door. Having no idea she would do so, he obstinateh re fused to reccgnize her ; so she took a log and plunged it into the well, and simulta neously with the splash it made, she placed herself by the wde of the door ; and as soon as her husband darted out in his night clothes, she darted in, locked the door, and declared that she did not know him! She froze him till he was j enitent, and then let' him in. ' A gcntlemau in the West Indies, who had frequently promised his friends to leave drinking, without their discovering any ira- Crovcmeut, was one morning called on early j' an intimate friend, who met his negro boy at the door. "Well, Sambo," saih he, "where is j-our master?" "Massa gone out. sare," was the reply. "And has he left off drinking yet?" rejoined the first. 4iOh yes, sure," said Sainbo, "massa leave off drink ing heleave offtwo tree time dis morning. "" An Qld Stoky. A clergyman called on a poor parishoner, 'whom he. found bitter ly lamenting the loss of an only son, a boy about four or five years old. In the hope of consoling the afilicted woman he remarked to her, that one eo young could not have committed any grievous sin; and that no doubt the child was gone to heaven. "Ah. Sir," paid the simple hearted creature, 4hut, Tommy was so shy, and they are all strangers there." A MrLD Reqcest. A lady recently wrote from England to the War Department, Washington, requesting them to Fend her all the names of the men who had been killed iq this war, so that ehe could see if her son, John Smith, was among theni. ' Oil has been discovered Bureau coun ty, Illinois, and the indications are th there will be any number of dsavoer ' Bureau within a month.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers