Valuation of all Property Assessed for Yean; 1885, 66, and 67, Taxable for County and State purposes, as Returned by tho Assessors of the respec tive Districts in Clearfield County, Penn'a, with the rate per cent, and Tax, subject to Revision by the County Commissioners. Ileal and personal property -subject to taxation for i State purposes ntthe rate of three mills on every dollar on the value thereof, to wit: 2 " 3 T3 2". r 2, WATCH B3. c 1 3S ft ego 3 S.5 3 g Z c ' c c-ft C -t . 03 1 3 ' s c 5 2? 0 5 O 1 3 0 s CM -i re p s CO ST re H jThe following is a comparative statement of o 5 B 5 S 2.ig 3 O P.' S g 3 S i o i 3 -. -'SI " S -5 O i Si X c on at ? " o o S. P S 3 B 2:- - n o I t a the Valuation of Ileal and Personal Estate in-Clearfield county, Penn'a, of 1862, and its present valuation as reported by tho Assessors for the vear 1865, returned in o o 3 5-" 2. -3 2. S"-V-- -.2. o- 2.3 N . 5 o, a. 3 ! P . j o ji Mj Cj -I C o C 1 M ?c 5-3- o ST. S 3 " g.2, 33" r; a o O o 12. A J O i vv o o ft V- O 3 O 3 a O I - re o M n 2 S-1 o e 30 O 3 a o a: ss 2 c t S-5 .---" o 2 3 g. 'n P o It- -3 Si 7c' 3-3 n c I XlJIBElt! DOLLARS. B-caria : : I 21ft .- ' 59,405 Hell : : : : , ..ISO . . 84,40 . liogir.s : : : 100 I 35,Gl7 Bloom : : : ! 70 ; " Bradford : : i 221 .' 41,456 Bradv : : : ! 40S ! '.100,201 Bunide . : r 2G1 ! 155,8.17 Chest 211 ;.-. ; o9,2vi Covimrton : : i it"-' 42,461 CI..-arik!J : : 1 2o- . 82.O40 Curwensviile : ! Ho i ,246 Peeatur . : : j 273 j GG,G:V7 Ferguson : : ! 121 ! 20,022 Fox" ::::'! 31 1 lV,r.yi Girard :. : 112 i 24,7m Goshen : : l5 i 55,054 Graham : : 143 37,V0-1 Gulioh : : : 140 ' .';x,14l Huston : : 152 : 14'.f12 Jordan : : 130 i 34.020 Karthaus : : 110 i 38,oG2 Knox : : : 170 i i!5,0,sl Lav. rence . : : i. 37 I 107,855 Lumber City : j '70 j 12,320 y,m : : : j 232 j 50,542 Nc-w Washington! Gl i . M9 IVim : : : , 137 ' 1 ' 41. S7 Pike : : : i 235 ! 65.102 TVum : : ': j 03 i 55,000 "Woodward : j 102 , 31,il2 i . Total : : ! 5018 ! 1,518,021 3 c Co 3 I 2 O 3 C Z. O er " 5 3 o ,fi - s - 3 ; O . ' 5 2 ? g" T7- 7 - 'ji 5- 5" " Si 2.3-s s a o i; DOLLARS 1 1,472 ; 7,505 '4,880 2.718 0,075 13,480 1 1,053 7,-i7G 5,200 3.O01 1 000 4.954 4,508 1,258 ' 3.914 ',249 5,285 3.458 -4744 5,413 3,031, 4,0S8 21,533 . 2,033 ",- 0,070 1,000 0.417 8,3!)2 4.375 180,012 r. " i. s i S o 3 5 2 5 L o o S 3 3 S- 2 r o r i 55 T 05 ( Affjrre.srute. Tto. dolivus. Idollars: dollars. DOLS. CTS. i ' S,400 u I " ' 050 ' 'loo 0,750 10,8U0 n 00 1 200 4.450 2.0'J 3.100 000 ' 450 300 200 ,(4,2i 02,210 40.547 19,754 50.531 123.331 77,810 .70,700 47,730 90,331 50,7uG Tli-VJl 33,404 20,040 28,700 5S, 303 43240 41,002 140,350 40.342 42,193 30.707 32,488 15.253 09,718 10.000 48.745 73,794 59.474 35,109 1 222 83 270 03 121 04 59. 20 151 59 309 99 233 43 2S 19 99 11 77. 39 84 10 00 74 80 00 02 57 30 40 75 15 28 I 29,101 ! 0,050 ; 1,704,180 230 143 288 152 214 100 02 88 174 131 124 44i5 121 J20 110 397 45 209 30 140 221 178 10.-, No. 38 42 . 10 14, 30 Ig 4 17 8 10 3 i 11 t 8 10 5 8 50 8 8 12 14 5 1 3 rA. 2. 0 r") 9 3" 3 (5 35 " oj o . C o 3 3 C VI ; . S.S '3 0 H-o 2 c. 5.290 42 ! 308 ; 1 ' Value. Tax. j Aggregate. Tax. DOLLS. DLH. CTS.! DOLLARS. DOLLARS. DLS. CTS. j 210 2 10 t 2,986 77,473 -774 73 285 2 85 3,835 - 90,330 -003 IJO 390 3 90 : . 3,050 43,987 430 87 435 20,189 201 89 788 7 88 1,085 52,404 524 04 935 9 35 2,125 120,391 1,203 91 500 5 00 j 4.940 83,250 832 50 135 1 35 I 2,000 78,955 789 55 ! 2,200 j 49,930 499 30 1,155 11 55 i 12,300 109,840 1,098 40 425 . 4 25 .! 4.605-j 1 55,790 557 90 335 3 35 t 4,084 70,710 707 10 05 05 1 975 34.504 -345 04 225 21,174 211 74 ! 1,450 ' 30,150 .301 50 230 2 30 675 59,2o8 4 592 08 255 2 55 2,525 40.029 400 29 110 1 10 I 1,420 4.1.132 431 32 280 2 80 4,800 154,430 1,544 30 "00 2 00 ! 750 41,202 412 92 :- 95 95 1 " 1,360 43,648" 430 48 120 1 20 ! 1,440 i 41,327 4i3 27 1,485 14 85 i 1,475 j 135.448 1,354 48 255 2 55 ' 2,005 j 18.173 18173 j 2.830 j 72,548 725 48 335 3 35 i 2,430 12.801 128 61 375 3 75 I 1,002 I 50,722 507 22 532 5 32 I 1,058 j 75.984 759 84 j 6o 1 65 ! 1,34J j 60.970 009 79 j j 1,275 j 30,384 303 84 j j 9,000 OO'OO !' 75,320 J 1,849,200 18,492 60 3 ci 2. If? 10 6 1 o 1 1 i- is St 3 It. . ' 3 c La S E.2- I NO. 1 4' 1 1 13 re u. NO. 2 2 4 1 1 1 21 DLS. CTS. i December, 1S64, with the increasa and ! decrease. DOLS. CTS. 1 75 2 75 1 50 10 50 ! 7 00 ! i 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 3 50 1 25 1 00 6 00 3 00 1 50 1 25 50 1 00 i4 50 224 93 281 23 128 29 59 20 159 47 380 84 23S 43 231 03 143 19 317 04 163 30 218 12 102 79 63 59 89 85 177 20 130 04 125-90 450 80 120 52 127 52 121 75 4t2 31 49 30 215 15 36 03 151 48 227 05 180 57 106 32 1862 91,721 72,162 39,239 24,173 54,204 130.037 76.285 57.208 3721 92.921 50,510 57,747 35,506 22,308 34,098 30.073 42,025 55,114 136,07 39,851 40.135 44.737 97; 358 14.515 64,172 9.718 42.007 67,221 34,500 27,749 1865 5,447 52 i 1,028,002 74,277 92.210 40,547 19.754 50,531 123,331 77,810 76,700 47,730 90.313 50,700 71,591 33,404 20,949 28,700 43,249 41,002 149,350 40,342 42,193' 39,707 132,48 15,253 09,718 10,090 48.745 73,794 59,474 35,109 1,764,162 INCREASE. 20,048 1,308 1,525 19.552 10,309 3,392 13,844 27,630 1,224 13,269 491 2,058 35,130 '738 5,540 3 1 8 6,678 C.573 24,974 7,300 202,027 DECREASE. 17,444 4,419 3,673. 6,700 5,804 2,042 1,359 5,998 13,512 4,970 65,927 Total increase in the valuation irnhc county on the assessment of 1802, 130,000 - ' ' - In a..cbrl.':noo with the Act of Assembly regulating Trieukl Assessujeiits, an 1 constitutkij; a board of revision, the Commissioners of Clearfield county, herewith publish the above statement, showing the aggregate value and assessment male by e:t"ch 'asseso- in the eountv for'18Go,"pon property taxable by law, and herewith give notice that the 2d day of March, A. D. 1865. at the Commissioners office, in Clearfield, is fixed by them for finally determining whether any of ti -e s-ii.l valuations of "rs-c'ors have been madf below a instrate : and all parties interested'wiU take notice, that appeal may be made between this time and that day, but that after said day none will be allowed. W;i. S. TJkAdley. Cleric. Commissioner's Office, Clearfield Pa., February 15, 1S04. AMOS HEED, CONRAD BAKER, Commissioners. CLKAHFIKIJ), PA., FEU. 22. lO" Tyrone and Clearfield Sailioai leaves iy roue at : : : t : S.jj a. m. Arrive? at Thilipsburg at : ; 1 1 00 a. in. Train le u es Philipsburg at : : : .'.jil p. m Arrives at Tyrone at : : : : o.o." p. m. Ch axce. The I'ost-nffke heretofore ktiown as I'Ncwmaii'si Mills," at Clieriy-tree, l'id'uinaconuty,ha.s been changed to 'Grant.' Thanks II011. T. J. Ur.yer, of tlie I:useot" Representatives, will e-xeept our t'i:!iik lor a treuiber of public i!im:u meats. Our lUiinks are also due to lloiu V.'. A. V aiiaee. of the Htate .Senate, for a copy of tl;e Uireetoiy. r; f-iu.-.eri'i'ea i-nt SoiiK'rs r v.'it: .lae.nis f. (J-vniiam, A. M. Hi i.iofoi s. By iine. permission, the l! ;v. iinierson wiiJ proa-h i the Lutheran 1. Itiiti in Clearfi'.-lJ Doiouph, on i:rnlay i.-.xt. IV Lruary 20th, at 1-1 o'clock in the LMriii i.'.r. l'ic u iilnL' 11133- bo expected in the Prcs rv;.ri im ('aarjli, iti this plaeo, on next Sab b.i:!i. : Fob. 20:h,) by ths Rev. J. O. Areb- i', ef Maryland. S-i.MEJV-;- .Ohphans. The following C .liiii.itrco ha been app'.'iutetl by the Hon. 'i"ii..-. il l; liiiis. Mrs. Win. iJIler. 3iiss boitlsa Krat- Mv. Jan-- P. Jrvin. to whom applioa t i:i can be made. The application here al h. h 1 to ; (,) ho the j ai t 'of a deti-tii!i- ftvjdian. ,f y the uiotlier, -.iinai-dian, or n -xt tVied, f.v the admission jf the orphan t" tiic pioptr seliool. Ciaiiks can be bad oi" 'idi'T of the above eoininitlea v,i!.b exp!a ti:i?io!i to thoseenthlcJ to the benelit of the 8'!livis" Orp.han School. ' ' C v J'AI.TIES OF Cos. I' ANT' lv. 149 rn !'. v. !n the retvnt eujjagciueut at IIa!cher's 'oil!. cu-rcl casualties oeeurred in comoa '' i and K from thiseoiinty. Lieut. Coi. 'in Inirt, !' the 149th raiment.'' rraf 'icii'.lv tt-oardeJ in the head, Cut did ibt 1 '-v.-1 , leave (he field. Lieut. A. R. Cole t-rupany U .va-j l:il!jJ iustanijy, sa tuo oliavi'r;- 1 hall having struck him In the of!. The of Lieutenant Co'e, was Cirrii-d to tho rear by ponie of bis men, voiw it. was interred by Lieut. Robert Mk ' vii. v ho was in command of the pioneers. - A. L'ow, of company Ik received a '--niti.l in the thigh, which h rat her a severe, . " ;.; hoped nut a serious one. lwo 0U1 c" iiifitibers of company 11 were sliahUy v; Hiudcd, hut we have not learned their !!. i;or the extent of their wounds. .!'!:, (irf hrisade, third division, fifth '':' in which are companies B and E from 'j1;1- .'ii,ty fur meritorious conduct at hbur's Itim has been sent North on spe rm! ihny. 'J'iie brigade readied Baltimore 't;!1 i.idit of the 1 3th. As to its destina- !,n. we have no formation. 'd' Copy cf letter. To the Co.nmuttoiu'rs of Clruifuid County: Gentlemen : At your request, the under signed proctded to . Ridgeway to make an examination of the Rolls, and, if possible, to arrive at tho ijuota of men required from this county on the present calL We take great pleasure in saying. Col. Campbell offered us every facility in his possession to make the examination. We found on the enrollment as it htood on the 31.-t leccudxT 1804, 2488 names. There' have been since then, 088 names ,t)-ii.-ken from that, Roll; and others still will he, tny about 300. This would le-ive our names on the Roll about 1500. We were unable to ascertain the exact immber, as the board had not completed their list-of corrections. ', The assignment for this d:.-triet will run about one in four requiring from our comi ty about 375 men. But we were assured by Col. Campbell, that we are entitled to other credits sufficient, we think, to reduce the. number to be furui-.hed by our County to 30o men. We are authorized to --ny that men liable to draft will be received a"i substitutes, and 'that ail districts inrking vigorous eLorts to till their respective quotas w:ll receive all the indulgence1 lis. Col. Campbell, is authorized to irive. Very Respectfully Vours, &c, John 1'attox. - J. F. A'FAVE3. Frora tbo Shenandoah. A lettvv from ' Winehe.-ler, of the 1 1 tli,' ays : The r-ibet army in the vtdley is scattered at various points in the ujper valley, 'tit a di.itance and at such points as they tuifj.c secure against any lorce General SaKJiioAN might send against them during the winter season. It u .said that upwards of four-hundred deserters have left the reb el !rmy within the past two weeks, and tied to the woods and .mountains, with the in tention of making their way, by stealthy night marches, into our lines. Some of them have reached here already, and a more abject, ill-clad, dirty, seedy-looki' set of be'inss, have, not been a-v.n since the war commenced. Some of them are mere boys, forced into the rebel army by the mcriWs rebel conscription : others, old men, totter ing on the brink of the grave. " , Ohitiuiry notices, not over Jicr Hurt, inserted free of charge; All octr fee tines, at ten cents jrrli ne. The, ctjt must accompany tlie notice, invariably. Sharp Transaction. The ITollidays burg Rfjixti'r eivos the following illustra tion of some of the. bemties of the .bounty nvkerage stem: ''A man enrolled in ynl;'i Lady, an orphan, living aud jf school in Huntingdon county, a 7,p;ir aso received a letter from Virginia,' taat ht-r brother, who was a soldier in the U- army, had ben killed in battle, She jtoned to the South, secured his remains, Jtli'!in broaglit home and buried. Ever ' e. ai.,,, . ;n tne v.-orId nnd iu sadness, she motimod her dead k'mmnn. A week reived a lerter frc m An dersonville, aaiicr hrotl er, who is alive and a priso- r:'jh in the romance and tho reality Woodberrv township. Blair county, authori zed a substitute broker here to put in a sub stitute for him, limiting the price to the hum of $1,200. The broker employed an other in Allegheny township to put in the substitute, limiting him to $1,000. The lat put in a poor, icnorant fellow, and gave him f?3)0. So thaty out of the $1,200 paid by the principal, the substitute "got $300, tha first broker $200, and the second $700." The' Louisville JWs.i. of the 10th, says that Qcantrell, the noted Kansas guerril la, who has long been supposed dead, is now operating in that Slate. It says, be doubt less intends to make Kentucky, iu future, the theatre cf his murderous, thieving op eiations. . lie and men of his gang have been .recognized at. different points in the Stale.. ''' MARRED : . In Clearfield.on February 20th by Rev. L. 31. Gardner. Ca t. J. M. Welch, of the 2'Jth V. R.-C, to Miss Mary L. Mason, of Curwensvjlle. DIED: On February-12tb, in Bradfoi-d township, of heart disease, Mattijew FoitCEE, aged 58 years, 0 months and 25 days. The de ceased was one of the pioneers of Clearfield county. He was born near Wilmington, State of Beleware. He came with his pa rents, to this county when a child settled near the "count3T seat of Clearfield, but re moved fruin thence to Bradford township, where he grew into manhood. He being the only son, his lather gave him the- man agement of liis farm. Although very poor in his early days, yet, iu the process of time, by his industry aud perseverance he amassed sufficient means to enable Jiimself to live comfortably, and "aid his less fortunate neighbors. He was kind and benevolent, and the needy were seldom turned away empty. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him, and was considered one of the most industrious and enterprising citizens of Bradford township and, I believe, I ex press the sentiments of Ids neighbors gen erally when 1 say, that he was truly a use ful and worthy citizen- one whose place will he hard to fill. For the consolation of his bereaved family and relations, aud especially for those who were not with him in his last moments, the writer would say, having vis ited him during his afflictions, that he found him, not as a worldling trusting in his earth ly treasure or looking into the future with fe.-u.ful loreJxdings, but peaceful and happy and confiding in that Savior in whom he had licen taught to be-lieve by Christian parents, for. when yet a child, his pious mother led him to Christ, where he sought rud found that pence with Goo, which surp::seth all understanding. Atterwards he connected himself with the Methodist Church, aud for many years was an active, zealous and consistent member having implicit confi dence and faith in the blessed Saviour aud believed that when his earthly tabernacle was dissolved, he would possess a building not made with hands, but a home eternal iu the Heavens. His bereaved companion and children" mourn, but not as those who have no hope, for if they will only prove faithful to God, they will aarain meet with him in that home prepared tor the fol lowers of Jesus Christ, and be forever at rest. , A. M. In Luthersburg, on Monday, February 20th, 1aniel Barrett, aged about 79 years. Mr. B. has been a resident of this county about 50 years, and was highly es teemed by his neighbors. His death will be deeply mourned by his large circle of rela tives and friends. ' - ' OUPnNS' COURT SALE OF VALU ABLE TIM BE It LAM). Py an order ifsue.l out of tho Orphans' court of Cleaifipld county, there will be expose to public sale at Newbury, on .Saturday the 2itb day of Fob ru;iry, ISo.i. at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following des cribed Real Estate, situate in Chest township, Clearfield- county, bounded as follows: Begin ning ta beech of Thomas Wood's land, thence South 52 decrees west DU perches to an old hem lock comer, thence North 3-i decrees west 1 16 per ches to an old ash. thenoe by purpart No. 2 and 3 North 52 degrees East 2 !0 perches to post on the Hue of the John Graff survey, thence t-outh 33 de grees East by line of said Graff 2S perches to post of Thomas Woods, thence south 52 deg., west 71 perches to white pine, thence South 404- degrees Eat by laud uf Woods S7.7 per. to the place of be-o-innin. containing 121 ncres. late the estate of Caroline If urd, dee d. JOHN M'QUILKIN. Girardian of 11. II. llurd. jr., and Wilson A. Hurd, minor children of Caroline llurd. deceas ed . . -February 1, ISoa." R ECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, FOR A. D. 1S64. C. Khatzkr, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, 5ti the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac count with said county, from the 6th day of Jan. A 1. 1SS1, until the tith day of Jan. A. I). 1865. DEBTOR To amount received frota collectors for 18fi4 and previous years. $13 76S 91 To amount received from unseated lands for 1862 and 186.'!. To amount received from collectors on State, To amount received from unseated on State, To amount received from Commission ers' book, credit. By Election expenses, 5,800 50 5,147 57 2,493 60 2,032 78 By Assessors' wages By Jurors wages, By Foxes and wildcats, By Interest orders, By Interest on orders. By Commonwealth costs. By Constables' costs, By Commissioners' wages, By 1. roth o notary s tees, By Agricultural, By Wood and coal, By Clerk's wages. By Repairs for county, By Justices costs. By New books for county, By Postage, stationaryiexpress By .Merchandise, By Printing By Jailor's foes. By Bridge contracts, By Court crier, By Janitor's foes. By SharifFs fcos, By Inquests, By Auditors and clerk. By District Attorney fees, -By .Refunds, By Auditing Prot'y & Jteg'r ac'ts By Miscellaneous, By Com'rs to view new tp. lines By Counsel fees, By Roiid views. By Lithograph orders. By Court house bonds, 3.000 00 By Court house bonds, interest 1,155 00 By Aui't pd per State tai 8.005 47 By percentage to collectors, 709 43 By Exonerations to collectors, 5Q1 23 By Trea'rs per ct. paying out, , 407 46 By Trea'rs per ct. receiving, ; 438 65 By bal. dae Treas last settlem't 4 71 Bal. due Co. by Treasurer, 17 70 52,596 49 8S1 45 2,182 SI 172 37 1.88(1 79 374 1 7 468 21 2126 1,152 55 553 68 100 00 145 OS 377 60 100 80 37 14 . 4S5 S2 C9 93 73 68 201 25 265 73 873 64 50 00 40 (10 100 00 72 14 195 00 143 00 8 62 10 00 396 50 13 00 100 00 141" 00 452 00 Total, $29,213 35 S29,2i3 35 Bounty Fund of Sept. A. D. 1862. C. KftATZK.n, Es., Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac couui with Boanty Fund of September, 1862. PEBTOB. To amount received from collectors, including ' percentaga. - 89.313 38 To amount ree'd from unseated lands, 2,070 35 ' ' CHF.DIT. By Bounty bondsof Sept-1862 gS,670 00 By Interest on bonds, 273 45- By Percentage to collectors, 325 52 By Exonerations, 220 3d , By Treas'rs per ct. paying out, 173 53 By Treas'rs per ct. receiving, 2S4 59 By ain't due Treas last set'int, . 13 65 Bal due fund by Treasurer, 3,422 53 Total, S11.3S3 73 $11,383 73 Belief Fund. C Ksater, esq., Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, in account with llelief Fund, A. D. 1864. DEBTOR. To amount received from collectors for 1864. in cluding percentage, . S4.624 58 To amount received from unseated lands for 1832 and 1863, 1,032 83 To amount ree'd from comm'rs book, . , 837 00 To am't due fund at last settlement," 449 45 To am't received from militia fines, 663 3a " ' CREDIT. ' . By am't, orders redeemed, 52 294 75 By am't, certificates " 2,513 50 By ain't, collectors percentage 183 H . By am't, col'rs exonerations 110 6a By am't, Tr. per ct. paying out 72 19 By am't, Tr. perct. receiving, 104 15 Bal. due fund by Treasr, 2,343 S6 Total, $7,612 21 $7,612 21 Extra Bounty Fund. C. Erarxer, Esq , Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac count with Bounty Fund under the Act of As sembly of 25th day of March, A. D. 1864. ' DEBTOR. ' To amount received from collectors, including percentage, ' 64,138 S4 To amount received from Commission ers account book, CREDIT. By amount of Bounty bonds redeemed, 533,900 00 By amount of Bounty certifi cates redeemed, By amount of Int. on bonds, By collectors percentage, By exonerations. By Treas'rs per ct paying out 25,500 CO 30,672 90 5,201 92 1.3S7 41 3,749 95 432 74- By Treas rs per ct. receiving. 641 33 Bv Treas'rs perct. on cash, ree'd 132 50 Bal. due fund, 14,520 04 Total, $90,633 84 590,633 84 Dae from Collectors. Amount of County. Bounty and State due from collectors, for 1803 and previous years. Year. Town'p. Collectors. County. Bounty. State. 1355 Covington, J. Barmoy, SO 00 S00 00 $ 16 94 1856 Deeatur, G. Kephart, 8 89 60 00 111 59 1863 Morris, P. Swarti, 0 00 16 04 00 00 Total, S3 89 $16 04 123 53 Amount of Militia and Extra Bounty due from collectors, for 1864 and previous years. Year. Township. Collectors. Militia. Extra B'y id; uovington, j. i;armoy, soy ti $ o 00 ISjo Decatur, U. Kephart, 20 62 1864 Beccaria. J. 11. Hegarty. 0 00 " Bradford, D. Ilitchings, 0 00 ' Covington, J). P St. Clair, 0 00 " Curwensv. Jas. Thompson, 0 00 Girard, David Smith, 0 00 " Graham, Conrad Kyler, " Jordan, J. M'Neal, ';L. City, Itobt Youug, " Pike, Aff. L Bloom, union, i P. Blanchard, Woodward, C. C. Shoff, 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1162 64 496 49 173 S4 299 65 663 88 147 85 974 79 896 76 68 33 228 56 111 32 Total, $39 70 $5229 11 Those marked have since paid in full. Ain't of outstanding conntv rinl Am't of outstanding court house orders. .600 00 Am t of outstanding courthouse bonds, 14,500 00 Agg'te due from coll'rs on co. S 8 89 ' Agg te due from uns'ted lands 3714 46 Agg'te due from Treasurer, 17 70 - Indebtedness of county, 11,499 01 Total, 15,240 06 $15,240 06 'Am't of outst'dg extra bounty boiid SH9.S0O 00 Agg'te amount due from collectors for 1864, , $5,229 11 Agg'te amount due from unseated lands, 23,2Tj 00 Agg'te amount due from Treasurer, 14.520 01 Indebtedness, 76.835 85 Total, FU9.800 00 5119,800 00 C. Kratker, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the different townships, for Road Fund for the years A. D 1862 and 1863. O. .. : ' - debtor. - To am't due Tps. from last settlem't $ 214 51 To am't received from unseated lands for 1862 and 13S3, , - .7,793 42 credit. . Am't paid $351 61 360 00 90 79 150 00 40 00 476 41 217' 40 -, 221 30 ..- -SO S5 239 70 28 05 Townships. Beccaria,N Bell, Boggs, Bloom, Bradford, . Brady, -Barnside, Cfaest,.,. Covington Decatur, Ferjruwn, Bal. due.' 5 00 00 83 14 72 90 : i 35 51 6- 52 18 - 85 67 53 38 112 4 41 61 ' 4T 03 ; Fox, 171 40 00 00 Girard, 200 00 33 39 Goshen, 189 22 137 94 Graham, 100 0 43 69 Guelich, 270 00 136 51 Huston, 1,379 80 57 04 Jordan, 143 58 27 03 Karthaus, 240 00 50 53 Knox, ' 349 84 19 T4 Lawrence, 138 66 60 23 Morris, 3S5 30 1 32 63 Penn, 14S 86 8 50 Pike, 8S 10 87 73 Union, 317 50 43 75 Woodward, 90 00 ' 133 45 Bal. due Twps. 1,549 53 Total, 53,012 93 S,012 93 8 17 61 6.30? t ' C. Kratzer, Esq.. Treasurer, in account witk the different townships, fur School Fund, for the years A.I). IS62 and 1863. . n r. iiTou ; To Bal. due Twps. from last settlem't -To am't received from unseated lands. CREDIT. Am't paid. S 515 85 434 17 103 31 lM 77 59 21 413 02 .361 82 284 48 .59 13 413 08 80 80 97 53 182 21 187 43 207;03 473 95 429 07 159 35 114 00 444 20 279 15 38.7 43 . 207 03 156 22. 253 09 316 83 1,533 73 Townships. Beccaria Bell, Boggs, Bloom, Bradford, Brady, . Burnside, Chest, Covington, Decatar. Ferguson, Fox, Girard, Goshen, Graham, Guelich, Huston. Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, Penn, . Pike, . Unjon, Woodward, Bal due Twps. Bal. due. S 13 04" 13 17 7 26 0 00 0 00 182 91 32 19 31 66 250 17 . 29 04 2 54 39 59. 73 77 57 81 . 39 S7 24 39 539 81 27 76 - 19 16 0 00 9 35 26 97 2ti 93 23 43 II 52 44 12. Total, SS.320 II 58,320 II W V tin I -.rt . ,n J i .1 rw.v rf Pl.apA.IJ n .. . f .., .......... v. vivaiuvm WUUIJ, I the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having ex amined the accounts of C. Kratier. Treasurer of the County of Clearfield, for the year A. D 1861. do certify that we find the account as follows : - The amount due the county by the Treasurer Is Seventeen dollars and Seventy cents. , ...... v... wuu, mm thousand Seven hundred and Twenty-three dol lars and Thirty-five cents. . The amount of outstanding orders, Fifteen thou sand Two hundred and Forty dollars and Six cts, of which Fourteen thousand and Fire hundred dollars is in court house bonda. . The balance due Bounty fund, by the Treasu, rer, is Three thousand" Foar hundred and Twcn-ty-two dollars and Fifty-eight cents. . The balance due Belief fund, by Treasurer, is Two thousand Three hundred and : Forty-eight dollars and Eighty six cents. The balance due Extra Bounty fund, is Four teen thousand Five hundred and Twenty dollars 'and Four cents. . ,. ; f ' s Witness our hands this 20tn day of January, A, D. 1865. THOS. DOUGHERTY, A MO READ. CONRAD BAKER. ' Attest, - - " Commisviopars. Wm. S. Bradley, clerk. ' - ' . ? We. the Auditors of Clearfield county, Penn sylvania, having examined the accounts of C. Kratzer, Eati, Treasurer of Clearfield county, for the year A. D. 1864, do rcpert that tha accounts are as above stated. - The amount due the Road fund, by the Treasu rer, is One thousand Five hundred and Forty-nina dollars and Fifty-three cents The amount dne the School fund, by the Trea surer, is One thousand Five hundred and Thirty eight dollars and Seventy-three cents. Witness our bands this 20th day of January. A . D. 1365. r HIRAM WOODWARD. F. F COTTTERET. lttet M. L. C P.YAN3 W. S. Bradley, eterk. Anltrors.' I 6 Ms . i J f I I r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers