9l! I, 5 Si ir TOO! r am ill; III 1 : ! i i Mil m . M k iviutsiimn s 4 1 i ' a H rv L-v by s. j. now. CLEAIIFIELD, PA., FEB. 1805. - The National Debt. Tx a letter by Mr. FessenJeir to Mr. Prince, member of the Committee on V ays and Means, the following official statement ot'tbe public debt is given: Aggregate debt bearing interest in coin, I, '$, 556, 433 SU ; interest, $63,433,131 45. Debt bearing in terest in lawful money, 60. 570, 052 44 ; in terest, 820.60S.670 41 Debt on -which in terest has ceased, $350,570 00. Legal tender debt Waring no interest, 433,160,569. Fractional currencv, $24,099,913 93. To tal. ?2,153,735,444 26 ; iuterest, $93,131, V'Oi S6. Amount of unpaid requisitions, $136,190,m)0. Amount in treasury, "'$10, -252,903 16. Total, 125,847,041 84. The amount of suspended requisitions abroad in cludes all paid requisitions lor every branch ofthepubbc service. It is stated at the Department that at this date, Febuary 13th, tlii amount has been reduced about nine millions of dollars ; also, that the Depart ment intends this week to commence paying the Ann v of the Potomac. Uitio"a Teeling in Georgia. TlieN.V. rakF Savannah correspondent bays: Notwithstanding all rebel denials to the contrary, the Union sentiment throughout Georgia is-very strong. Meetings have been held in at least nineteen counties, at which resolutions in favor of closing the war and returning to the Union were adopted, an j these are said to express the almost unau iutous tveling of the people, of the northwest as well as other parts of the State. At Au gusta aud Pulaski peace meetings were bro ken up by the military.. The Legislature was to meet in extra session yesterday, and strong Hurts will be made, with good hopes of suc cess, to have it authorize the calling a con vention for the pvrpose of effecting the res local ion ofiho State to the Union. Gov. iJrovn is le!ievcJ to be fully in aocord with the movers in this pnjeet. The . Miiall-pox had broken out and w.w very bad among the negroes in and about travannali. Hew York City to be Attacked. The X.'Y. llcral I s Paris correspondent ftat.s that the two fon;inalle naval rams, Spyues and U hoops, built "at 1'ordeux, France, some time ago, have been Cited out in the most complete manner for the South ern rebels,- with tho heaviest class of guns and i't'i! screws, v.r. l. wider the now names' of Stonewall aud ilapidan, were- UVsail in the banning of this mouth from a little islnn L off the coast of France for this port. It was believed that they were of so staunch a character that they would experience no dif ficulty iu passing ail the batteries in our har bor, and coming right up to. the city, which i: is reported to-be designed-by their com manders either to lay under heavy contribu tion or to destroy. This scheme is .-aid to have been concocted and assisted iu its pros ecution under a secret treaty between the Emperor Napolean and the Jeff. Davis Gov ernment. Slavery andtha Democratic Party. Looking at this subject uj a party - man, says Mr. Anson 1 wrick, .a New York. Dem ocrat, from a party point of view as one who hopes soon to see the Democratic party a ga'm in power, this proposition seems to pre sent a desirable opportunity for the Democ racy to rid itself at onee and forever ot the in cubus of slavery, and to banish its perpk-x-ing issues beyond the pale of party polities, no longer to distract our council and disturb the harmony of our movements. Every year and every day we arc growing weaker aud weaker in popular favor, while our op ponents are strengthening, because we will not venture to cut Lose from the dead car cass of negro slavery. It is plain enough to my mind that if the Democratic party would regain its supremacy in -the govern ment of the nation it must now let alaverv "slide." Prom Geu. Sherman.' The Richmond Dispatch of the ISth states, that after the occupation of Orangeburg by ien. Sherman, the rebels evacuated Braneh villeiud that on the 16th our forces march ed into"and took possession of Columbia. If t his be fo, Gen. Sherman is advancing rapidly and successfully. The same paicr also states, that it is likely that Charleston is being evacuated by the Rebels, as a ne cessary consequence of the fall of Columbia. Charleston Evacuated. The Richmond Rtanuner of the 20th ?ays that Charleston had been evacuated by the Rebels, on Tuesday the 14th. Assum ing this to be correct, the Stars and Stripes now float over the very cradle of secession. Truly, the rebellion Is tottering, and ere h ug we hope to see it collapse altogether. The Rebel Fiag-of-truee loat while on her way up the James Riyer on the 17th, w as blown up by a torpedo, which they no doubt had placed in the stream some tiuie siuce. The boat went down almost instant ly. No prisoners were on board. The fate of the crew is not known. :The Savannah cotton which reached New York Avill be offered far sale as soon as it can be stored and the other necessary arrange ments completed. The. total amount id-taiue-1 in Savannah will be about 30,000 hales; . ".-- - - A Woman was examined in the United States Commissioner's Court. lotou, ou Tuesday, charged with harboring and con ceding a deserter from' the United- States .Army, and held in $1,500 &r trial. A rebel regiment, numbering alout 300 ni n. wa? captured above Rermada Hun dred on the 15th. Deserters or.tiriUC to cme in a: the rate of about ,-eventv a dayl --.- - - - THE LATE PEACE COSFEBENCE. Thefollowing letter '"of Secretary Seward ta Charles Francis Adams, U. S. Minister, Pleni)otentiary to England, will give the reader a more perfect understanding of the so-called Peace Conference between Presi- dent Lincoln and the Rebel Commissioners in Hampton Roads, than any article which 'might be written on the subject :. Department of State, Washington, February 9: Siu: It is a truism that in times ot peace there are always instigators of war. So soon as war begins there are citizens who strongly demand negotiations of peace. The advocates of war, after an agitation longer or shorter, generally gain their fearful end, though the war declared is not unfreqaentty necessary and unwise. So peace agitators in time of war ultimately bring about an abandonment of the conflict, sometimes without securing the advantages which were originally expected from the conflict. Agitators fur war in time of peace, and for peace in time of war, are not neces sarily or perhaps ordinarily imperative in their purposes or motives. Results alone determine whether they are wise or unwise. The treaty. of peace concluded at Guadalupe 1 1 idalgo was secured by an bregular nego tiation under the authority of the Govern ment. Some of the efforts -which have been made to bring about negotiations for the purpose of-ending our civil war, are known to the whole world because they haves em ployed foreign as well as domestic agents. Others with whom -you have had to deal cotiadentialiy are known to yourself. Other efforts have occurred here which are known only to persons actually moving in them and to the government. 1 am now to give for vojr information An account of an affair of the sumo general character which recently received much attention here, and which doubtless will excite inquiry abroad. A few days ago Francis Blair, Esq., ob tained from the President a simple leave through our lines. Without any definate view known to the Government, Mr. Blair yisited Richmond, and ou his return he showed the President a letter which Jeff. Davis had written to Mr. Blair, in which Davis wrote that Mr. Blair wa- at liberty to say to President Lincoln that Davis was now, as he always had been, willing to send commissioners, if assured they would be re ceived, cr to receive any that should be sent ; that he was disposed to send commis sioners to confer with the President, with a view to the restoration of peace between the two countries if lie could be assured they would be received. The President, there fore, on the ISth of January, addressed a note to Mr. Blair, in which the President, af ter acknowledging that he read the note of Davis, .Todd that lie was, is, and always would be willing to receive any agents that Mr. Davis or other inilucijtial men. now actually resisting the authority of the Government, might send to confer informally with the President, with a view to the restoration of peace to our common countu- Mr. Blair visited Richmond with this let ter, and then came again back to Washing ton. Uui the 29th ult., we were advised from the camp of LIcV.t. G'.ui. Grant that A. 11. Stephens, R. M. T. Hunter and J. A. Campbell were applying for leave to pass through the lines to Washington as peace commissioner's, to confer with the Presi dent. They were permitted by-the Lieut. General to come to his headquarters, to a vait there 'the decision, of the President. Ma j. Eckert was sent down to meet the par ty from Richmond at Gen. Grant's head quarter.?. The Major was directed to de liver to them a copy of the 1 'resident's let ter tu Mr. Blair, with a roro to be jidded to it. and signed by the Major, in which they were directly informed that they should be allowed to pass our lines and they would be understood as coming fur an informal con ference upon the basis ot the above named letter of tLe LSth of January, to Mr. Blair. If they sVnild express their assent to this condition iu writing, then 3Iajor Eckert was directed to give them safe conduct to pon tile ress Monroe, when a person coining from President would meet them. It being prob able from a report, of their conversation with Lic it. Gem Grant, that the Richmond par ty would, iu the manner personated, accept the terms mentioned, the Secretary of State was charged by the 1 'resident withjt.he duty of representing t his Government in the expect ed informal conference. The Secretary ar rived at Ji'Wtress Mouroo ou the night of the first day of February. Maj. Eck.;rt met him on thy morning of the 2d, with information that the pcrons who came from Richmond had not. accepted in writing the conditions upon which he was allowed to idve them conduct to Fortress Monroe. The Major had given the same information by telegraph to the President at Washington. On re ceiving the information the PresiJent pre pared a telegram directing the Secretary to return to Washington. The Secretary was preparing at the same moment to return without waiting for information from the President, but at this juncture Lieut. Gen. Grant telegraphed to the Secretary of War,' as well as to the Secretary of State, that the Richmoud party had reconsidered aud ac cepted the condition tendered them through Maj. Eckert, and Gen. Grant urgently ad vised the President to confer in person with the Richmond party. Under these circum stances the Secretary, by the President's direction, remained at f ortress Monroe, and the President joined bun there on the night of Feb. 2d. The Richmond party were brought down the James river in a I J. States transport during the day, and the transport was anchored in Hampton Roads. On the morning of the 3d the President, atteuded by the Secretary of State, received. Messrs. Stephens, Hunter, and Campbell, on board the Linked States .steam-transport River Queen, in Hampton Roads. The conference was altogether informal. There was not in attendence secretaries, clerks, or other witnesses. Nothing .was written orrcad. The conversation, although earnest and free, was calm, eourteous.and kind on both sides. The Richmond ptirty ap proached the discussion rather indirectly, and at no time did they make categorically, demands, or tender formal stipulations, or absolute refusals. Nevertheless, during the conference, which lasted four hours, the gen eral points at issue between the Government and the insurgents were distinctly raised and discussed fully, intelligently, and in an ami cable jqtirit. What the insurgent party seemed chiefly to favor was a postponement of the question of separation, for which the jrar is waged, aud mutual direction of the efforts of the Government as well as those of the insurgents to some extreme policy "or scheme for a reaon during which passions might be expected to subside, aud the ar-. niies reduced, and trade and intercorse be tween both sections be resumed. It was suggested by them thai through such a post ponement we might now have an immediate peace, with some not very certain prospect of an ultimate satisfactory adjustment of po litical relations between the Government and the States, sections or people now engaged in cc nflict with it. 'he suggestion, though e laborately considered, was nevertheless re jected by the President, as one of armistice or truce, and that jre can agree to no cessa tion of hostilities exeert on the basis ot the disbandonment of the insurgent forces, and the. restoration of the national authority throuuh all the States in the; Union, i and in subordination to the proposition, which was thus announced. The anti-slavery policy of the United States was reviewed in all its bearings, and the President announced that he i not to be expected to depart from the position he had heretofore assumed in his 'proclamation of emancipation and other doc uments, and these positions reiterated in Lis annual message. It was further declared by the President that the complete restoration of the national authority everywhere was an indispensable condition of any assent on our part to whatever form of peace might be pro posed. The President assured the other party that while he must adhere to these po sitions, he would be prepared, as far as pow er be lodged with the executive, to exercise liberality. Its power is limited by t-he Consti tution, and when peace should be made, Congress nnt necessarily act in regard to appropriations of money, and the admis sion of representees from the insurrection ary States. The Richmond party were then informed that Congress had, on the 31st ul timo, adopted by a Constitutional majority a joint resolution submitting to the several States, the proposition to abolish slavery throughout the Union, and that there is ev ery reason to expect that it will be accepted by three-fort hs of the States, so as to become a part of the national organic law. The conference came to an end by mutual acquiescence, without producing an agree ment of views upon the several matters dis cussed, or any of them. Nevertheless it is perhaps of some importance that we hac been able to submit our opinions and views directly, to prominent insurgents, and to h?ar them in an:-wer in a courteous and not unfriendly manner. I am your obedient servant, Wm. II. Seward. LETTER IE0M JOHN KUSSELL. Penn.svii.i.e, Feb. 1 3th, 1865. S. J. Row, Esq. Enclosed find a letter, which I desire you to publish. As the Ed itor of the "Republican,1' after using a por tion of three numbers of his paper in at tempting to place me falsely before his read ers, (haying published but one letter of mine, ) has virtually, as 1 understand it. closed his columns against n:e, by saying that he is done with me. I give hiru this farewell epistle. J. Rcssell. Ei. "CpivitFiELH Republican." Al low" me once more, xmd, perhaps, for the last time in this controversy, to intrude up on your patience, I -y briefly noticing a few of the many glaring inconsistencies, which stand out in such bold relief in your two re plies to my letter of Jauuary 23d, and your comments upon my address, in the latter one. First : Your reason for positively as serting that my address was reported cor rectly hy the .Diini'it's correspondent. Be cause you, "It !icc I that the letter in ques tion was wiitS en by John himself,". O! what an excuse. Well, why, or upou what evi dence iid you believe this? Or. are you So constituted that you can believe things with out evidence'.'1 provided, it v, ill subserve vour purpose. Now. bo honest, far once: 4 Did you really think, fioln your acquain tance wuh inc. that 1 was the seii-conceitfd egoti-t which you would have your readers believe? Your second reply begins with ; "The ad dress, or what purports to be the address." ifcc. Now, here again is a mean insinuation, without the shudow of evidence, that I falsely rcportel it. If I deemed it necessa ry, 1 could furnish indubitable proof of its correct uess as I furnished you wit ii it.. But, you distort it by omitting letters and words either carlessiy or designedly. As for instance, "We trust for the county," instead of the crcifit of the county; and "My God's blessing," instead of May God's blessing, ice. In reference to your grave charge ot false hood, -''' iuil'C'J ijoH have, ninth: it. I might have qualified my statement by say ing that not one word, to u liichyoi! soxtronr lt ofiju-t, was contained, &c, had I supposed that any man, much less an Editor, would have been so supremely ignorant as to fail to comprehend my meaning. But here, as usual, you fly from the clause upon which you harped in your former issue, because you were cornered there, aud for want of something you grasp at nothing.- But to crown the climax of inconsistency and ig norance, if not of malice prepense, we find you Vesuvius like belching forth a volume of lava against "John" for not telling you who made this Government; aud in detail ing to your readers who "lived and died in the daily parctice of what he calls the sum of all villians" "off your eggs and on the straw,' awaT from j our subject entirely and laying hold of that which is irrelevant to the issue before you. But why. attribute to me the credit of calling slavery the "sum of all villanies?" . Are you indeed more ignorant than the school boy of ten years, of tho language used by the immortal Wesley? Or do you not know the use of the quotation mark? Or did you with a fall knowledge of these things wilfully and maliciously de sign to misrepresent and falsity for want of better, argument, in order to effect your ob ject? "Verily," Daniel,' I believe you are "done," aud if youan do no better than you have done, I am done,' too ; for I scorn to continue a correspondence that can be of so little interest to the' general reader. Farewell, Daniel, till we meet again. ' John IIussell. Not Bat). Judge IIyan, of Buffalo, re centby said,in response to a remonstrance a gainst his ruling "I have no law for it. I give it as the opinion of the court, based upon common sense. lam no lawyer. I never read a law book in my life, and I nev er will, for the: reason that I have seen so maivy fools who have, read law, that I dare not venture the experiment. ' ' ; A JJissoT'Ri postmaster thus expresses his opinion that nis official returns are cor rect: " I hereby certify that the four gom A Counto is as near Rite as I now how to maik it if there is eny mistake it is not duuapur pers. 1 The Expedition from Ne-wbern. The Richmond Dispatch of the 14th says: JTnoffcial intelligence has been received here that'a force of the enemy, estimated at 20, (K.M, men, have landed at Newbern. It isr believed to be their object to advauce at once upon Raleigh, or at least upon our lines of railroads in North Carolina. They are said to have brought with them five locomotives and military railroad iron sufficient to lay forty or fifty miles of track. G kant visited Newbern some ten days ago, and his visit now appears to have been to plan ar d arrange this expedition. The force engaged in this movement is supposed to be part ofTiio.MAS command. 'We must expect to hoar of Thom as, in many jdaces until such time as 'bis whereabouts is definitely known by a battle. Newbern is near the mouth of the Neuse River, about one hundred and ten miles southeast of Raleigh. From Eat Tennessee the report reached us yesterday that Stonk MAN and Bl'RDTiDiciE were preparing to make a raid from Tennessee into North Carolina, in the direction of Raleigh, with the hope of co-operating with the columns now said to be on foot to invade tlie State from the Atlan tic coast. We give this for what it may be worth. ' ' 1 " H Henry S. Foote's Opinion. The Nl Y. Timrs says Senator Foote was given the alternative to return South, jro to England, or to Fort Warren. It says Foote represents the Confederacy on the eve of dis ruption, and the struggle on the part of the rebels nearly over. He thinks the leaders will endeavor to leave the country, aud the cam paign on the part of the rebels would descend to guerrilla fighting. Mr Foote is prepared to issue an address to the people of the Sxuth urging them to cease fighting and give up a contest which is so clearly hopeless, and as no terms but unconditional surrender can be obtained, to promptly accept such terms. Mr. Foote also represents the unpopularity of Jeff. Davis at the South as very great, and that the people have lost all confidence in him. The mission of Stephens, IIi;nteu and Campbell was only a ruse on the part of Davis, and a forced concession to the peace men of the South. Canada Fohtifvino. A Quebec (Cana da) exchange says: "It isstated that the engi neer officers at Quebec have privately com municated with several prominent contrac tors, asking for tenders for the construction of extensive fortifications here; and it is uk derstood that tenders will also be asked for immediately, for the construction of an in trenched camp and magazine opposite Mon treal, and of similar works of defence at other points. The Montreal Ec fining 'JiWraph says that those works, which are to be pushed forward without delay, and with the greatest possible vigor, will be the means of afford ing employment to over thirty thousand men, and cause the expenditure in the country of several millions sterlimr. Foist Fisher. General Terry continues his rccon noissances ot the rebel positions near Wilmington, with successful results. A reconnoissance was made on the 10th, when all the approaches to the rebel works were carefully explored, the observations be ingtaken amidst the whizzing of the rebel bullets. The conclusion drawn from this expedition is, that Hoke will desperately disputwnir advance towards Wilmington by way of Federal Point : that he is ever vigi lent against surprises, a'td that his well con structed earthworks mount artillery, and have a force lehind them large enough to hold them. The codicil to all this, howev er, is that our forces will be in Wilmington ere long. A Llckv Invention. The Govern ment has adopted tlfe Hammond rifle as that for future use. in the United States ser vice. Mr. 11., iu addition to his salary as Superintendent, receives 10,000 in gold, and $2 on each rifle manufactured. In immense armies as ours, this will amount to a very largo sum. Whether the rifle is a repeating or breech-loading oue is not sta ted, but when our soldiers are all armed with such, and taught to shoot them with precision of aim, they will be the most for midable army in the world. The Pope. in Trocule. No less than IS Archbishops and Bishops of France, have now pronounced against the Govern-, ment, and for the Pope in the matter of the Encyclical. Of these, three, the Archbish op of Busaneoii (Cardinal Matthiet;.) and the Bishops of Poitiers Moulins, have defied the Government openly, reading the Encyclical aloud to their flocks in their ca thedrals. The rest have only addressed let ters in strong language to "M. le Ministre." Cairo, Feb. 17. Late New Orleans ad vices report that the Mexican Gen. Mejia, commanding at Matamoras, has entered in to an arrangement with the rebel anthoritics by which all refugees from Texas are returned to them and immediately conscripted. Mejia claims that he is acting under Maximilian's orders. Gen. Can by is said to have sent word to Mejia that he will retaliate by taking and holding Mexicau officers as hostages for for every refugee returned to the rebels. .Fading Away. The Penobscot Indians now number,. 266 males and 234 females. More then one-fifth of their voting popula tion have gone to the war, and consumption, a disease formerly unknown, is now canying off many of the tribe yearly. Those that remain gain a sustenance by hunting and fishing, and also by the less primitive occu pation of farming and basket making. gcur gvcrtbfittthtisi. A'vertt xenwnt 's et infarg-rtipn, entn,or out of 'usikzI style if ill b cha rged do util e price for .ipaceocatjti&l. Tf0 THOSF. LIABLE TO DRAFT. We, i the Commidjiioncra of Clearfield county, hav ing offered it bounty of for each volunteer for the county, would recommend that all who could would avail themselves of the County and put in substitutes, thereby reducing the number ou tho Holla for any future call for men by the Government. TflO.S. DOUGHERTY, AMOS K13AD, Attest. ' ' CONIiAD BAKER, Wiu. S. Bradkey, Clerk. Comia'rs. CAUTION. All persong are hereby caution ed against purchasing or having anything to do with an article of agreement between Samuel and John Wideuiire. of Penn township, Clearfield county. Pa., and Gideon P. Doughinan of the same place, relating to the making of, two rafts of timMfer at threo cts per foot, as the greater portion of said contract is paid, and the bnlance will not be until the said timber is rafted and run to mar Ket and all claims of the undersigned are settled and deducted therefrom. ' SAMUEL. WIDEMTRE. Feb. 22, 1305-pd. JOHN WIDEMIRE. .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TVrOTfCL U hereby given, that Xhe finnl account t of G. L. Heed, trustee of the estate of Sam uel Keed. luiiutie. has fcoen filed in the Court of Common Plena of Ciearrfeld county for Confirma tion at nest Court, and is now open for the in eiectionand.exauiiuationof all parties intcreste d. , . D. F. ETZWEILER, Feb. 23. 1s6j. Prothonotary. AUCTIONEER. The undersigned having been Licenced an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling .-sales, in any jjart of tho county, whenever called upon. Charges moderate Address. NATHANIEL KISHEL, Feb. 22. IStij. Clearfield, Pa. N. B.-Persons calling sales without a proper licenso are suhject to a penalty of SCO, which provision will be enforced against thoce whj may violate tb sanio. JICENSE NOTICE The following named -J persons have filed in tho ofiice of the clerk of the court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield county their Petitions for License at the March Session A. D. ISOi, agreeably to the Act of A?emb!y of March 2Sth. ! S.lli onrirlait - An Ai-ttn rs!,.,!.!., the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors," etc. TAVERN LICtXSK. "William Reed. Lumber-city Boro'. ramuel u. Hepburn, Pennville. Isaiah W all Pennville. tnion tnwnship. Clearfield Borough. Stoneville. Beccaria township. . John Scheeser. . David Johnston, John Stone, D. II. Paulhamus, David Lopliu, JJecntur townehip. It. V. VT'.U'PTl.VIt PloL- Clearfield, Pa., February 21. 164. I v V.'sx.v 55).Oi'- ---- - : a i-z O rr - o ;)'.''-'UV';' -r 'i SHERIFF S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Ist-vuri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county to me directed, there will be exposed to pub lie sale at the Court House in the borough of Clearfield, on Mi.ndar-the 2llth day of March, lS(i5, the following described real estate, to wit: A certain tract of land situate in Rush towrship. Centre county, and Morris township. Clearfield county, bounded and described as follows : Be jriningat a pine corner of the John Huston abd Francis Johnston tract, thence by the Stephen Kingston tract south two hundred and thirty-eight perches to (2;!S) to stone corner, on the south side of big Moshaunon creek, and along said Kings ton tract east one hundred and sixty-eigbt perch es (IGS)toa line of the said Johnson's tract, and a long tho division 1 inoof the said Johnson and Kingston tract west to the pino corner aforesaid ; Containing two hundred and thirty-five acres. One othki: thact of the said Francis Johnston, Begining at the first mentioned pine corner, thence castalongthedivision lineof the sid Kingston ana Johnston tract one hundred end sixty-eight perch es, thence through said Johnston iract Nerth oue hundred ajid six perches, to the division line of the John Huston tract aforesaid, and thence south to place of begining; Containing oue hundred and five aeres. Also onr other tract, adjoining the above, situate in Morris tp.. Clearfield count t, Begining nt a p inc. thence by lands in the name of Patrick Moore and Magnus Miller north one and one half deg. east three hundred and forty five perch es to a post by a white oak, thence north eighty eight and 0110-half deg. wett one hundred and sixty-four perches to a post, thence south one nud one-halt deg west three hundred and for'y-five perches to a stone heap, thence south eighty eight and one-half degrees east one hundred and sixty-four perches to the place of begining; Con taining three hundred aud fifiy-three acres more or jess. Feil. taL-n into execution, and to be sold as property of Aaron Large and Martha U. Snyder, aJtn'x of Thomas O. Snvder. deceased. Feb. 22, !Su5. - JACOB FAUST, Sheriff OST. On January 29th, between Clearfield J and New Washington, by the undersigned, a old Ring with an agate setting, containing the liKenesof my wife. I will pay the finder a lib eral reward by returning it to me or leaving it at the Journal office. JAMES M BUNN. ri TREES ! TREES !! The subscriber having been appointed an agent of the '-Marietta Nursery'' in Lancaster county, would respectful ly inform the citizens of Clearfield county, that ho is prepared at all times to till orders for every kind of Fruit Trees and Shrubbery, at proprie tors prices. NORMAN L. ROBINS, Agent. Clearfield, Pa., Pee. 7, l$51-3in. rjTERNPlKE ELECTION. The stockhol A dersof the Phiiipsburg and Susquhanna Turn pike Road Co. will take notice that an Election will be held t the office of said company, in Phii ipsburg.. on Monday thetith day of March next, to Elect five managers fur the ensuing vear. By order of the board B. HARTSHORN. Feb. 1st. ISG5. President COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF UNSEAT ED LANDS. In Pursuance of an Act of Asembly passed the 23th day of March, IS15, en titled an Act to amend an Act directing the mole of selling unseated lands for taxes, and for other purposes t he Commissioners t Clearfield county, Pa will dispose of tho following lands, at the Court Acres. Per. Warrantee Township. 360 David Kephar, " Decatur. 10U . ' George Mullen, Chest uj 50 Wm. Bausman, Beccaria. 70 Henry Fauncs, " Boggs 223 " Jacob Mussersmith Buruside. 163 John Cunningham, do. 121 tieorge Ross, do. 20!) Peter Getz, do. By order of the Board, S. BRADLEY, Clerk. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the following accounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of record in this oihco for the inspection of heira. legatees.creditors.and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield - . 1 11,1 C , , 1 , - : ' - commencing ou me ou .uununy 01 .uarcu, 1000. The partial account of James Mc .Murray and II. D. Rose. Executors of the last will and testa ment of Joseph McMurray, late of the borough of New Washington. Clearfield county.' deceased. t The final account of Julius A. Terpe. Executor of Thomas Carson, of Brady township, deceased. The partial account of Mary Spencer, Adminis tratrix of James Spencer, deceased. The final account of John L. Reams and George W. Rheem, Executors of the last Will and Testa ment of Abraham Reams late of Lawrence town ship. Clearfield county, deceased The- account of James II. Hegarty and James A. Hegarty. Executor of the last Will and Testa ment of John Dillon, late of Beccaria township, deoeased. t. G. BARGER. Register's 0f5ce, Feb. 15, '65. . Regs ter. FLOUR A large quantity Extr r. Flour, in Barrels. Sk s and s.fk, ?y sale by Feb. 22. 1 S6 3 ) W.F I1?1N ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOI1C -7 Of Administration on the estaT, f ,M Hegarty late of Beccaria tw'p. Clearfield cou",? J en u a. dc) d, having been grautej to the un.' " signed, all persons indebted to said estate ar. quested to make immediate payment and th having claims against the same'will present t duly authenticated for settlement Jan. 13. ISSj-pd. SAM'L H E'i ARTY. AJuj.r 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-LitT X. oi Administration on the estate of Ja Curlcy, lateof Penn township. Clearfield Co p" deceased, having been granted to the uuj,.r. JV all persons indebted to said estate are reaue'-ti to make immediate payment, atd tho-e W claims against the Same will present them dn'5 authenticated for settlement. ' PecembeL7JL5Ct. AjroinUtrator. TVOTICE Estate of James Conlv. !ilte ,,f i17 P CIe"fieM. - dee'd. All Pw ed are hereby notified that person"! snj r I tate to the amount in value of two bin. iJi M." i:inetv-rnne dollar. !,. -DU,:Jrc'1 out to the widow, Kuth Conlv. un-1 er t?2 ' known as the S-300. which apprai-en-ent ... turned to the Orphans' CoOrtof ClcnriiWd co-, at January Term, A.I)., Isd5.an 1 m J -7' ed by said Court aosolutely at March it J ISoa, unless exceptions re filed and fuZ-i reason shown against said confirmation February U,lS;o. Clerk of (.. C. solution of llTTtl Iho partnership heretofore ex-stin- be( the suoscribers. in the banking hu.inea. ii ard, Finney fc Co., is this da v dissolve ! hi m,",' alcoucenl Tho books papers and asscaHV, iX in the hands of James T. L.n.ird at t,.. r ' i the firm, and all claims due t.i and bv hT L will bo there settled by him. All over-due must be forthwith settled. JAS.T. I.Hoxu'jj A. C. J'IEV ' ' Dec. 20th, ISGl W.A.WALMrE 1 he business is to be continued l.y 'r 1 ard. as Leonard & Co. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF Y LC ABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphao'i eurt of Clearfield county, there will be exposed to piitilia sale at Hegarty s X Roads, on Wednesday, Marca 1st. ISGi. at I o'clock. P. M . the follow ing dui cribed Real Estate, situate in Woodwardtowt: ship, Clearfield county. Penu'a. late the proper ty of Samuel Hegarty. dce'd, bounded as follows; On the North by the Osceola Plank Road, on t!i West by line f Mary Connell survey, on the South by eldr surveys, and on the East by clear ed land of Samuel Hegarty "s estate, cmitainiLj 70 acres more or less Tkkms. rsn. Fcb, 1, lSo'5. SAMUEL HEGARTY. Li. RELIEF NOTICE. The Board of Ktlief for the county of Clearfield, will meet at tfca Commissioners' office in Clearfield, on Wednes day and Thursday, the 22d and 2"d dajt of February, The Board of Relief have directed that the wiia of the soldier must appear before the board. ar,J produce her sworn statement, detuning name of froldier, regiment and company, and when enlis ted ; the number of children, with age and sex of each ; the t. wnship in which they resided at th time ot enlistment, and their present residence ; and that she is without the means of support for herself and children who are dependent upon b- r. Two witnesses of credibility from the township in which she resides, must also be produced. w ho't certificate (sworn to before the l!o:rd if Belief) must set forth that the applicant is the ptrsaii .,!, represents herself to be. that the statement of ttta number and age of her family is true, that she is in destitute circumstances and her family in ac tual want, and that all the facts set forth iu her application are correct and true Forms containing these requisition vin ob tained at the Office of the Board of Relief. rha. application is made and the witnesses appear. N. B. Illness of the aplicant, properly pr"3 will exense personal attendance Jan. 4, 1806. W.M S BKAW.EY. clerk. PENNSYLVANIA Imperial Oil Company, Office 130 South Fifth Street, rniLADi-xi'iiiA. Capital $1,01)0 000 200.00U Starts, at i eoa. jlwevveJ Capital 32.30,000. President, ALEXANDER K. M CU'113. DIUKCTOIIS A.K. M'Clure, D. J. Jackinan, Elisha W. Pari TLos. A. Scott. .1. CBoniberger. Peter A. Small John M. Pomtro. 8 Ef rf.TART. James M. Sellers. TitcAsrrtEn. E!iha W. Ban'. .This company has 12!) acres of land, iu'fce. on the Allegheny River, immediately opposite 0:1 City, and adjoining Laytonia, with 110 rods fruut on the river, and 75 rods front on Lay's Run. Hon. C. P. Ramsdelt, editor of the Oil City Mon itor, and agent for this land, assures the company that it will sell in lots for $100,000. reserving the oil right which is worth $100,000 additional. Im mediate BEVENt'B WILL BE DtRlVEb KOK TUB COU- pasv most nit sale or these lots : and the com pany have two good engines with completo fix tures to operate immediately for oil. The territo ry in this immediate locality has never failed produce profitably. , Also, one hundred acres, in fee simple, in tho celebrated Cherry Run District, immediately ad joining the Cherry Run Petroleum company. whose stock is now worth over $."50 per share. . The com pany now have offers, which will bo accepted, for sinking wellson lease, without anycost to the, cor poration and one-half the proceeds to go to the company. The Curtiu and St. Nicholas compa nies are in this immediate locality, and their stock is now commanding a large premium. 1 addition, the company has 40 acres, in fee simple, on Cherry Tree Run, which empties into Oil creek, and in the best producing section of tha Oil Territory, and 110 acres, in fee simple, on Walnut Bend, five miles above the mouth of Oil creek, and notj over two miles from the celebrat Reed well, now producing over 200 barrels per day. Also, the lease of three tracts of land, two on Oil creek,each produeingover ten barrels per day. and one on Allegheny river, producing ten bar rels per day of heavy oil, worth $21 per barrel. The company now receives three fourths of the proceeds of the last named well, and one-half of the ether two Each of these tracts will be de veloped by the company by sinking additional wells, and the engines and fixture! are now on hand to do it. The officer of. this company mean to prosecnw tha development of these lands most energetical ly, and they have entire confidence that they wJ yield very large dividends on the capital stock. . Subscriptions must be made promptly, at more than one-half of the atock is already enga;- d Subscriptions will b rcwed st - of the company. II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers