Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 22, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 11.-NO. 25.
The Kaftsm a's Jofbsal is published on Wed
nesday at $2,00 per annum in advance. Adveb
tisembnts inserted at SI. 50 per square, for three
or leas insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a
square. For every additional insertion 50 cents.
A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers.
IRVIN BROTHERS, Dealers in Square 4 Sawed
Lumber, Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Grain,
Ao , Ac, Burnside Pa., Sept. 23, 1863.
.11 kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield. Pa. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1863
CRANS A BARRE"BT, Attorneys at IAw, Clear
Beld, Pa. May 13, 1863.
l. t. ckans. : : : : : : waltbk barrbtt.
ROBERT .I.WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Office in Shaw's new row, Market
street, opposite Naugle's Jewelry store. May 26.
HF. N AUG LE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in
Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10.
HBUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law, Clear
. field, Pa. Offict iriGraham's Row. fourdoo:s
west of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10.
HARTSWICK A HUSTON, Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines. Paints, Oils, Stationary, Perfume
ry, Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc., Market street,
Clearfield, Pa. Juno, 29, 1864.
P. KRATZER, dealer in Dry Goods, Cloth
ing. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries. Pro
visions Ac. Front btreet, above tne dcaoemy,
Clearfield, Pa. April 27.
WILLIAM F.IRW IN, Marketstreet, Clearfield,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
TOIIN GUELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds, of
t) Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearncia, i a.
He also wakes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprio, oj
nK M. WOODS, Practicing Physician, and
pTamininff Snrtrenn for Pensions.
Office, South-west corner of Second and Cherry
. . . . r A1
btreet, Ulearlield, ra. January 41. iouj
THOMAS J. M'CCLLOL'Gn, Attorney at Law
n.g.fiaH Pi Office, east of the "Clearfield
eo. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
. . . T 1 Q
pared witn promptness ana accuracy. ouij
t R M'ENALT.Y. Attornevat Law, Clearfield
J. Fa. Practices in Clea. field and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick building of J- Boyn-
ton. 2d street, one door south of Lanich s Hotel.
r ICIIARD MOPSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
Xi mestic Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour. Baco,
Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Journal Offi.ee, Clearueld, Pa. Apr27
I ARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear
JLi field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, lboo,
T 1TM. ALBERT A BRO S, Dealers in Dry Goods
V Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Flour.
Bacon, etc.. Woodlan l, Clearfield county, Penn'a
Also, extensive dealers in ell kinds of sawed lum
ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solid
ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th, 1863.
ll The undersicned having located in the bor
ocgh of Clearfield, fat the shop formerly occupied
by K. Welch as a jewelry shop,) is prepared to
do work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms.
The cash will positively be expected when the
work is delivered. He is confident that ne can
not be excelled bv an v workmen in to wn or county
Come one ! come all to the Sign of the Bisr Watch.
April 9,'62-ly-pd. . S. H. LALCHLJN.
rPEMPERANCE HOUSE. The subscriber
JL would respectfully inform the citizens of
.Clearfield county, that he hat rented the "Tipton
Hotel," and will use every endeavor to accommo
date those who may favor him with their custom.
He will try to furnish the table with the best the
country can afford, aud will keep hay and feed to
accommodate teamsters. Gentlemen don't to-get
the "Tipton Hotel." SAMUEL SMITH.
Tipton. Pa , May 25, 1364.
.4 UCTIONEER The undersigned having
J 3k. been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to calling sales, in any part of the county.
wbenever called upon. Charges moderate
Mav 13 Bower Po., Clearfield CO., Pa.
N. li. Persons calling sales without a proper li
cense are subject to a penalty of S60, which pro
vision will be enforced against those who may vi
olate the same.
rT0 WOOL. GROWERS. Notice is hereby
A given to those persons who have been trading
wool to John H. Newnher. dee'd, for goods, that
faid Newpher was doing business for the under
signed, aud that all contracts made by him wiu
punctually filled. Ssuch persons as nave re
ceived goods and were to pay for the same in
wool next spring, are notified that the woo! will
be taken as cer contract and those who are
about to leave the county are requested to come
and settle their accounts without further delay.
Either myelf or another agent 'will be around
in the spring, to secure payment on former con-
u.icigT ana mane new ones. jm. vs. oxmn..
New Millport. Jan. 11, 1865. pd.
"mcBov the Comptroller ofthb Cfrreucy, S
' Washixgto. Janruary 30th. 1365. )
presented to the undersigned, it has been
aide to appear that "THE FIRST NATIONAL
BANK OF CLEARFIELD," in the Borough of
Clearfield, in the county of Clearfield, and State
f Pennsylvania, has boen duly organUed under
od according to the requirements of the Act of
0Dgress, entitled "An Act to provide a National
Jrreney, secured by a pledge of United States
jondt and to provide for the circulation and re
caption thereof," approved June 3d, 1864, and
om enicpiie.4 with all the provisions of said Act
'10d to be complied with before commencing
a the Borough of Clearfield, in the county of
id to commence the business of Banking under
Act aforesaid
eln testimony whereof, witness my
hand and seal of office, this 30th day of
January, A. D. 1865.
8. 1865. Comptroller of the Corrency.
SLT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti
ele of ground alum salt, put up in patent
"C8- fct 53.25 per sacs, at th cheap cash store of
- uuamess or Banking under said am ;
Jow, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptrol
ler or tbe currency, do hereby certify that "THE
Lace has a subtle and peculiar charm,
quite independant of its costliness. It has
a mysterious beauty which partakes of the
charm that lies in the wonderful wood-car-yings
in Gothic cathedrals. Lace, old lace,
is a product of art, not of manufacture ; hu
man life, human volition, is expressed in
every inch of the delicate mesh which
makes the costly ground to set forth the pat
tern. There is individuality impressed up
on each kind of lace, just as there is upon
each great school of painting ; for the artists
in each put their seal on their work. It
took a lifetime to produce even a small quan
tity of fine lace. "Less belles et entenelles
Valenciennes," as they were called, required
so much labor, that some workers could only
produce twenty-four inches in a year. The
changes in the atmosphere and the fluctua
tions in the health ot the workers told on
the finer kinds of lace; and it was a well
known fact, that if a piece were beun in
the city of Valenciennes and finished outside
the walls, it would be inferior, though it
might be the work of the same hand, made
with the same thread, and on the same pil
low. The flax of which the old Brussels
and the point d Alencon were made was cul
tivated on purpose ; it was chiefly grown in
Brabant, Halle, andGourtrai, and had to be
spun in underground cellars, because contact
with external air made the thread brittle.
The thread was so fine as almost to elude
the sight ; the spinner had to go by the
sence of tuoch, examining every inch as it left
the distaff, and at the slightest irregularity
stopping the'wheel. The room was kept in
darkness, except for one single ray of light ar
ranged to fall on the thread, which was
thrown up by a background of dark paper.
As it was in the sixteenth century, so it is
now. JLnewneei anauistan are sua uscu
to spin the flax for lace thread, and under
the same conditions. No machine has yet
been invented to equal the work of the train
ed flax spinner and her distatt. At the pres
ent dav, the hand-spun thread is often sold
at 240 sterling for one pound of averdupois
ot thread: and at therrench exhibition m
1859, it was stated that sometimes the price
runs as high as o01) for the kiloeramme.
Fine lace may well be costly ! London A-
How Petroleum is Pormed.
lhe Jrittsburgh vkronicle, speculating on
the formation of petroleum, says :
"We may set it down as an axiom that
nature is not only capable of producing now
all articles that she has ever produced, but
that she is and will continue to produce
them until she substitutes something better.
I'erhaps our meaning will, be better under
stood by applying to a single article.
Suppose, for instance, we take the one in
which we all have so deep an interest pe
troleum. 1 his is known to be a hydro car
uon, composed ot two gases. 1 hese gases
are primary elements, indestructible and in
exhaustible in quantity. One of them hy
drogen is a constituent of water, and of
course, is as inexhaustible as the ocean
The other is a constituent in all vegetable
forms and in many of our rocks. One hun
dred pounds of limestone, when burned,
will weigh but sixty pounds. The part driv
en off by burning is carbonic acid. Under
lying the oil rock is a stratum ot lime
stone of unknewn thickness, but known to
lie upwards of one thousand feet in depth
The water falling on the surface and perco
lating throush the porous sandstone that
underlies the oil rock, becomes charged with
salt, potash, saltpetre, and other chemical
ingredients, and, finally, reaches the lime
stone rock and discomposes it the carbon
in the rock and the hydrogen of the water
uniting to form oil, while the oxygen
is set free to ascend to the atmosphere
to unite with minerals and form oxygen.
The reverse of this process is seen in burn
ing the oil m a lamp the oxygen in the at
mosphere unitiner with the carbon in the oil,
forming a carbonic acid and with the hydro-
gen lorming water thus completing tne
circle. The question is frequently asked,
When will the oil become exhausted?"
We may answer when the ocean is, and not
before. ' '
Revolution ary Pensioner s. The
House of Representatives at Washington
has unanimously passed a bill giving a gra-
tuitv ot $300 a vear to each or the hve sur
viving Revolutionary pensioners, additional
to the pension of 100 which they now re-
-r r n a ,1 . . . . . 1
ceive. in January, iso-, tnere were omy
twelve surviving, seven of whom have since
died. The names of the only survivors are
as follows: Lemuel Cook, enlisted in Hat
field, Mass:, 98 years of age, now residing
in Clarendon, Orleans counts', New York ;
Samuel Downey, enlisted in Carroll county,
Jew Hampshire, 98 Tears of age. now living
in Edinburg, Saratoga county. New York ;
Y ni. Hutchins, enlisted in JNew Castle,
Maine, 100 years of age, residing at Penob
scot. Maine ; Alexander Marony, enlisted
at Lake George, New York, as a drummer
boy, 94 yeais old, residing at' Yates, Or
leans county, New 1 ork ; and James Bar
tham, substitute for a drafted man in South
ampton county, v irginia, living in Missou
ri, in his 101st year.
Crusted coffee is said to be better than
ground. Savarian roasted a pound of coffee,
divided it in equal parts, ground one part,
poundad the otber in a mortar, poured on
onh an enual weiffht of boilinff water, treat
ed them alike excepting in the grinding and
nonndinsr. lhe unanimous opinion ot him
self and several other good judges was that
the pounded coffee was the best.
Children, like the fixed stars viewed from
mountains, should never tremDie ; ana me
earth seem to them, a9 it would do irom a
star, gloridus, shining, not earthly black.
Mrs. llobougher, aged 109 years, died in
Indiana county, on the 21st ult,
Dora and I had been silent fully fifteen
minutes an unusual occurence for us
when she suddenly broke out in one of her
gayest, sweetest peals ot laughter, lhe
cars were going at the rate of forty miles an
hour, but Dora s iauffh.ranff out above al
their uoise and confusion.
"What is it Dora, you witch you ?" I said
half piqued that she had not at first told me
what pleased her, and Jaugiied afterwards.
"Nothing, Nell, only I was just thinking
ot something tunny. JJo you see that gen
tleman iust in front of us, with the beati
ful black whiskers and dreamy brown eyes
Well, he's been watching you behind that
hnnk- fnr r.h last, half hour, lookinar as if he
should love to take a bit of the red roses on
your cheeks. Don't blush, but he's in love
with vou. 1 11 bet my sold thimble on it.
I wajust thinking of some of the stories I
have read about young ladies mistaking
handsome vouns: fellows for their brothers.
etc. , and thought what fun it would be if you
could only manage to mistake that gentle
man for j our brother r red.
I was readv for fun in a moment.
"Tell you what I'll do, Dora. " I broke
out eagerly "You know I haven't seen
Ired since 1 went to school, three j-ears
ago ; and of course he's changed a great
deal fcine then. Well, if that literary, gen
tleman with the brown eyes ( he is handsome
isn't he. Dora) should get on at our station,
I'll wait till he gets mixed up with the
crowd, see him suddenly, as for the first
time, rush up to him in a flutter of delight,
call him brother Fred, and give him such
another kissing as he hasn't had since he saw
his sweetheart last.
"Yes, I would, if I were you," said Do-
ra, sarcastically. aouuarcn t you Know.
"Don't 1 dare to, though? Wait and see.
And so I dropped back into the cushion in
silence till the train stopped at our station.
Dora gave me a wicked look, and whis
pered that she knew mjr courage would fai
me for the gentleman was really getting off.
T . . w rt rt , Aira, liiii .rli
and so. as we stepped out on the platform, I
saw the literary gentleman standing amidst
the crowd, and with a little bound, threw
myself in to his arms, and kissed him full in
the mouth, historically saving,
"Fred, my dear brother, how do you do. "
1 caught a glimpse ot Jfora she was in
danger of going into convulsions. I expect
ed to hear the stranger say confusedly that
there was some mistake; but, to my surprise,
lhe gave me a hearty embrace kissed me
two or three times said that he wasweli
that I had grown a great deal; and inquired
tor my little mend Dora who, all this time,
was exciting the sympathies ot the crowd,
as they supposed she was insane, judgm,
from her frantic laughter.
iather aud mother are expecting jtou
Nellie and are so impatient they can scarce
ly wait to see you. 1 was afraid you would
en't know me, but I am really glad that my
image has been treasured up so carefully in
my little sister s heart.
I was bewildered beyond measure. It re
ally was Fred, then, and I had not known
him. I felt slightly ridiculous, and while in
troducing Dora to my brother, whispered to
her to keep quiet in referance to my intend
ed trick. I was too muc h confused to think
of inquiring how he came to be in the cars
without seeing me ; so we all went to the
carriage which was waiting for us, and rap
idly drove home.
: I had never known Fred to be so affection
ate. He held my hand in his own all the
time, and kissed me at unnecesary short in
tervals ; but to tell the truth, I had never
loved him half so well before never thought
him halt so handsome.
We reached the gate. Mother kissed me
and cried over me all at once ; father repeat
ed it ; and finally a frank, hearty voice broke
out with.
"Hallo, sis! aren t you agoing to notice
your scapegrace of a brother, at all?
And to my astonishment, a handsome fel
low, I had not seen before, gave us a genu
ine hug, and a kiss that you could have
heard across the yard.
Ihere is some mistake, 1 murmcred,
"are you my brother Fred? I thought that
gentleman was," pointing at the handsome
fellow 1 hart embraced at the depot.
"Why, sis, are you going crazy? Of
course I'm your brother, and that fellow
there is my college chum, Archie AYinters,
who went halfway up the line to meet you.
What are you blushing at Nell ? There
wasn't anything wrong in it; was there ? I
didn't have time to go, and let him take
your picture with him. so that he would be
sure and know you. lie s been playing on
some of his mad pranks ; and passing him
self off for me, I'll warrant."
I looked at Archie Winters beseechingly ;
and as they were all going into the house ; I
whispered to him :
"For pity's sake, do not speak of that
mistake. How could it have happened ?
"I overheard you m the cars, and will
promise to keep your secret only in one con
dition." He whispered something to me that made
my face flush scarlet : but I was at his mer
cy, and said I would think of it. I did
think of it, reader ; and, to the delight of
Mia whole familv Dora and Fred in partic
ular, Archie and I were married in less than
two months And Dora said to me, as I
bade her good-bye, that it would give un
speakable delight to Fred and herself if I
would attend their wedding in a month ;
and I did.
It is expected that the seven-thirty loan
will all be taken by the 1st of ApriL Less
than two hundred million dollars remain un
sold, and the demand of several millions per
day is constantly increasing.
Strange it is, but reputations, like hats
and cloaks, will last some people twice as
long as others, though the -commodity be the
eame to a thread. :
Chronology of the War, etc.
August 1. Bradley Johnson and Mc-
Causland defeated at Cumberland, losin,
part of their plunder from Pennsylvania.
.august i. uol. otout, with men,
posted to intercept retreat of McCausland
and Johnson, is captured by them, losing
yu men.
August 4. Bradley Johnson and Mc
Causland defeated at New Creek. . . Jeff.
Davis s sugar mill at Manitee totally des
August 5. larraguts great victory at
Mobile Bay. "
August 6. Twenty-third corps of Sher
man's army unsuccessfully attacks rebel
lines before Atlanta, losing over 500 men.
August 7. Gen. Sheridan assumed com
mand of Middle Military Division. . . Battle
ot Moorfield. Combined forces of McCaus
land, Johnson, Gilmore and McNeil totally
ueieaiea oy Avemi.
August 8. Fort Gaines, Mobile Bay,
surrendered. . . Entire rebel force evacuates
Maryland side of the Potomac. . . Indians
attack a train of nine wagons near Plumb
Creek ; kill all the men and burn wagons
women taken prisoners ; also burn 27 wag
ons at Point Ranche. . . Gen. Burris re
turns to New Madrid after a 17 days scout
in S. E. Mo. and N. E. Ark. Result, 50
rebels killed, 40 wounded, 5 prisoners
horses, arms, &c, captured.
August 9. Gen. Butler commences Dutch
Gap Canal. . . Explosion of an ordnance
boat at City Point.
August 10. irheridan's advance reach
Berrysville. . . Atlanta bombarded by Sher
man s torces.
August 11. Battle of Sulphur Springs
August 12. Northern frontier of New
1 ork threatened by invasion from Canada-
August 13. Mosby attacks Sheridan's
supply tram near Snicker's Gan Rebel
cavalry captured 5 steamers, with GoYCrn
nient cattle, at ohawneetown.
August 14. Battle of Strawberry Plains,
Tenth Corps take rebel line of breastworks,
4 guns and 100 prisoners. . . Dalton attack
ed by Wheeler with 5,000 men : defended
by biebold with 400 men.
August 15. Sheridan falls back toward
Charlestown. . . Gen. Stcadman re-enforces
Dalton, and Rebels are driven out of town
in confusion. . . Kilpatrick cut West Point,
Ira., Moad at rairburn, and burned depot.
. . . Tenth corps threaten Malvern Hill.
August 16. Battle of Deep Run.
August 18 Battle of Six Mile Station,
on W eldoititailroad.
August 19. Rebels attack at Six Mile
Station, taking 1,500 prisoners. Total
Union loss 3,000. . . Martinsburg rolAed by
August 20. Guerrillas raid on Wood
burn and set fire to depot.
August 21. llebels attack our position
on Weldon Road, and after great loss (over
'Z, OOO ) wit h dra w. Union loss about COO.
Battle of Summit Point. Earlv driven 2
miles. . . Memphis entered bv Forrest with
y regiments and 4 guns : took 250 prisoners.
murdered sick soldiers, and killed prisoners
unable to keep up with cavalry, union
force arriving Forrest left ; was overtaken
near Lanes', and severely punished in a two
hours' battle.
August 22. Rebel force on Weldon Road
withdrawn from front of 5th and 9th Corps,
and intrenches 3 miles from Petersburg. . .
Rebel Johnson's forces whipped at Canton,
Ky., by Col. Johnson, and himself killed. . .
Rogersville, Tenn., action at.
August 23. Rebels fallen back to their
lines 2 miles from Petersburg. . . Fort Mor
gan surrendered. . . Shelby captures nearly
all 54th 111. near Duval's Bluff.
August 24. Clinton. Miss., taken bv
Gens. Herron and Lee.
August 25. Torbert encounters Early's
forces at Leetown, narrowly escaping flank
ing. He falls back to near Shepardstown. . .
Bat tie of Reams Station. Hancock aban
dons Reams, having lost 1,000 killed and
wounded, 2,000 prisoners and 9 guns. Re
bel killed and wounded 1,500.
August 2f. Kilpatrick destroyed 14 miles
of Macon Railroad, and stores, capturing 6
guns, 4 flags and 200 prisoners : afterwards
forced to abandon most of his captures. . ..
Rebels fall back from Sheridan's front to
ward Smithfield.
August 2S. Early driven through Smith-
August 29. McClellan nominated for
President, and Geo. II. Pendleton for Vice.
August 30. Sherman interposed his
whole army between Atlanta and Hood's
army intrenched at J onesboro .
Sept. 1. Rebels driven from Jonesboro'
toLovejoy's Station, losing 1,000 prisoners
and 10 guns. . . Hood evacuates Atlanta. . .
Gen. Rousseau drives 10,000 Rebels, near
Murfreesboro Pike, three miles.
bent. 2. Rebels before Petersburg cheer
ed McClellan' s nomination.
Sept. 3. Milrov attacks 3,000 Rebel cav
alry near Murfreesboro' and drives them
toward Triune. . . Sheridan's army again
moves forward from Charlestown. Battles
of Darkesville and Perryville. Rebels were
repulsed, losing 70 prisoners. Union loss
300. Mosby captured an ambulance train
which had left the field.
Sept. 4. John Morgan's forces routed.
and Morgan killed by Gen. Gillem, at Green
ville, 1 en n. lulled 100, prisoners d, in
cluding Morgan's staff.
Sept 6. Battle ot Matamoras.
Sent. 7. Dibbel's Rebel Brigade surpri
sed at Readyville by 230 of 9th Pa. cavalry-,
osmg 130 prisoners.
bent 8. Kebel Uol. Jessie and 100 men
captured near Ghent, Ky.
Sept 9. Sherman s army concentrated
at Atlanta.
Sent. 10. Grant drives picket line across
Plank Road, and advances his permanent
line half a mile. . . Steamer Fawn burned
by rebels on Dismal Swamp Canal.
Sept 14. Price, with about 10.000 men,
Ucrosses White River, en route for Missouri.
. . . trov. Brown, of Georgia, withdraws
15,000 Ga., militia from Hood's army.
Sept lf. 2, 500 cattle, the 13th Pa. Reg
iment, with arms, wagons and camp, cap
tured at Sycamore Church.
Sept. 18. Averill drives rebels out of
Sept. 19. Battle of Winchester, Sheridan
captures 5,000 prisoners, 5 guns, all the
wounded, and sends Early "whirling up the
Valley.". . . Battle at Powder Mill, on lit
tle Rock River. . . Steamer Island Queen
captured and sunk on Lake Erie, and the
Parsons burned by rebels from British soil.
Sept 20. Athens, Ala., captured by
Forrest ; 500 Union soldiers forced to sur
render. Sept 21 .Battle of Fisher's Hill. Early
loses 1,100 prisoners and 16 guns. . . Tor
bert's cavalry defeats Wickhani at Luray,
capturing some prisoners.
Sept 23. Price occupies Bloom field. Mo.
Sept. 26. Early retreats to Brown's (Hap
in the Blue Ridge. Merritt and Powell at
tempt to. carry the Gap, but are repulsed. . .
Battle at Pilot Knok
Sept. 27. Gen. Ewing arrives at Rolla,
after being surrounded at Harrisonby Price's
Sept. 2S. Battle of Newmarket Heights.
. . . Rebel night attack on Hancock's front,
on Jeruselem Plank Road repulsed.
bept. 30 Y arren captures llcbel hrst
line of works at Preble's Farm, capturing 50
men and one gun. llebels retired half
mile back to strong positions, and repulsed
our attack thereon, capturing 1,500 prison
ers, and killed and wounded oOO. . . lhe
10th and 1 8th Corps concentrated at New
market Heights, furiously attacked by reb
els, and swept back with terrible loss three
times, losing 1,000, beside 200 prisoners and
2 nags.
Oct. 2. Rebels in front ot Warren fell
back to their main lines, from Petersburg
lead works to Southside Road
Oct. 3. Lieut. Meigs murdered by guer
rillas in Shenandoah Valley. . . Sherman's
forces crossed the Chattahoochie with 15
days rationsmoving toward Marietta,
Gen. Thomas ordered to Chattanooga after
1 orrest, and Gen. Corse to Rome.
Oct 5. Hood captured small garrisons at
Big bhanty and Ackworth, and burned
miles of railway ; then moving on Alia
toona. - .
Oct. 6. Allatoona unsuccessfully attack
ed by Hood. . . Sheridan began to move
back from Waynesboro'. . . Gen. Lee cap
tures thnton, Lia,. and JO prisoners.
Oct. 7. Battle at Darleytown Road and
i.ewmarket Heights. Kebel loss 1,000
Union 500. . . Pirate Florida captured at
isahia, Uay ot ban balvador, by U. S. S
achusett, Commander Collins. Taken to
offing and sunk. All on board sent to U. S,
Oct. 8. Rebels at AVoodville attacked
by expedition from Gen. Dana, killing 40
and capturing s guns and 50 men
Oct 11 Rebel Gen. Buford, with 1,200
cavalry, crosses Cumberland Kiver, Tenn
at Harpeth bhoals. . . Col. H eaver, with
90 colored troops, attacked bv 2rj0 rebels
near lort Nelson, Tenn. Defeats them,
and k. and w. 27.
Oct. 12. Longstreet attacks Sheridan
near ofrasburg. io material advantage
gained in a three hours' battle.
Oct. li. Pnce occupies Lexington, Mo.
Oct. 18. Mai. Gen. Birney died at Phil
Oct. 19. liattle of Cedar Creek. Sher
idan's arrival changes defeat into a great
victory. Reikis loss 50 guns, &c. "
Oct. 20. Early retreats at night to Mount
J ackson.
Oct. 22. Pleasanton defeats Price at the
Little Blue, and forces him to the Big Blue
Oct. 23. Shelby drove our forces under
Curtis from Westport, and was then attack
ed by Pleasanton.
Oct. 25. Price defeated at Fort Scott
Road, losing camp equipage, 20 wagons of
plunder, 1 gun, aud cattle.
Oct. 26. Price driven from June Creek
by Pleasanton, and loses 1,000 prisoners and
1,500 stand ot arms. Jlarmaduke and Ca
bell captured.
Oct 2i. Grant attacks bouthside Rail
road and fails. Union loss 3,000 ; Rebel
1,500. . . Price forced to retreat froniMa-
rais des Cygnes.
Oct. 28. Gillem repulses aughn, cap
turing 200 prisoners aud McClurg's battery,
caisson's, &c. . . Price again defeated at
Newtonia, destroying more wagons, and
losing 250 men. . . Rebel Ranr Albemarle
destroyed by Lt, W. B. Cushing with a tor
pedo boat on Itoanoke river.
Oct. 29-30. Rhoddy's cavalry attack Col.
Morgan's colored troops at Decatur, and
lose 400 prisoners and many killed and
wounded.. Union loss 100.
Nov. 5 Rebelsunsuccessfullyattack Fort
Sedgwick on Jerusalem Plank Road. Union
loss 70 ; Rebel 120. . . Gen. Butler assumes
command of troops in New York, arriving
and to arrive, "to meet existing emergen
cies.". . . Johnsonville shelled, and 3 tin
clads and 7 transports destroyed by Forrest
on Tennessee.
Nov. 6. Rebels attack Mott's and Gib
son's pickets ; capture 30 and a mile of in
trenchments, but are "driven out and lose 47
prisoners. Several such attacks and repul
ses at this time.
Nov. 8. President Lincoln re-elected,
and Andrew Johnson elected Vice-President
of the United States. Hon. Reuben E.
Fenton elected Governor of New York,
oyer Seymour. . - Gen. McClellan resigns
his commission in the U. S. Army. Sheri
dan created Major-General of the Regular
Nov. 9. Sherman moved all his army
back to Newtown from Cedar Creek. . . At
lanta outposts attacked unsuccessfully by
Iverson. . . Sherman issues his marching
order for his advance through Georgia.
Nov. 10 Rebels engaged 2d Corps' pick
ets all night, without success, on this and
two next nights. . . Rebel plot to seize Pa
cific Mail steamers at Panama discovered.
Nov. 11. U. S. S. Tulip destroyed by
boiler explosion off Ragged Point. 49 offi
cers and men killed (all of crew but 10).
Nov. 12. About 10,000 prisoners ex
changed near Fort Pulaski. . . Nov. 12-1(5.
Several unimportant skirmishes between
Sheridan and Early. Both armies looking
for winter quarters. . . Lomax, rebel gener
al, defeated near Nineveh, Ya., by Powell,
losing 150 prisoners and 2 guns. . . Custar
captures 150 and Merriy; about 200 prison
ers on reconnoissance from Cedar Creek. . .
Shermau left Kingston, Ga.", for Atlanta.
Nov. 13. Battle of Bull's Gap. Gen.
Gillem defeated with loss .of baggage, train
and all his artillery.
Nov. 16. Sherman left Atlanta for the
South and East Portions of Atlanta burn
ed. . . Howard drives Rebel Gen. Iverionat
Rough and Readj
Nov. 17. SJocum burned railroad depot
at Social Circle. . . Sherman's right wing
advances on Jonesboro' and McDonough,
driving out Wheeler and Cobb. . . Coving
ton partially burned by Slocum's division. . .
Part of Butler's picket line captured, at
night, near Chester Station.
Nov. 18. Macon Railroad cut by Slocum
at Forsyth. . . Georgia Legislature fled from
Milledgeville. Sherman close at hand.
v.-.- in r...l i: i i
Howard. . . Madison captured by Sherman ;
depots, &c, burned.
Nov. 20. Gen. Gillem's retreaiirg force
arrives at Knoxville. . . Howard crossed the
Ocmulgce and entered Milledgeville. . .
Georgia Central Railroad destroyed at Gris
waldyille. . . Sherman crossed the Oconee,
arrivinjhit Greensboro.
Nov. 21 Thomas' arm3' at Pulaski. . .
Rebels badly whipped at Liberty, La., losing
3 guns and 200 prisoners. . . Sherman's cav
alry by Whe?ler at Gordon, but drive him
out and occupy town.
Nov. 22. Hood's advance 20 miles south
of Pulaski. Thomas falls back toward
Franklin. . . Sheridan reconnoiters towards
Rood's Hill, where rebels are found in force.
Rest of Early's army at Mt. Jackson and
Newmarket. .
Nov. 23. Battle at Griswaldsville, Ga.
Nov. 24. Potomac, James, and Valley
armies celebrate thanksgiving with aid of
thousands of turkeys aud other delicacies
from New York, &c.
Nov. 25. Thomas fallen back to Frank
lin. . . Rebel attempt to burn New York,
15 hotels, Barnum's, and shipping fired.
Nov. 26-29. Decatur besieged by Beau
regard who is repulsed, losing 500 ncn.
Nov. 27-28. Steamer Greyhound burned
on James River ; Gen. Butler on board, es
caped. . . Rosscr captures Fort Kelly, at
New Creek, with guns and prisoners.
Nov. 30. Battle of Franklin. Hood re
pulsed with loss of 5,000 men, guns, flags,
kc. , and 1 ,000 prisoners. Union loss 1 ,500.
Thomas resumes his march to Nashville,
where he halts and fortifies. . . Attorney
General Bates resigned. . . Roger A. Pryor
captured in front of Petersburg. . . Battle
of Grahamsville, S. C.
Dep. 1. Blockade of Norfolk, Femandi
na and Pennsacola ceased. . . Gen. Banks
resumes command Department of the Gulf.
. . . Stoney Creek Station captured b3' Gen,
Gregg, 2 guns, 190 prisoners, depot burn
ed, &c.
Dec. 3 Portions of Hood's army cross
the Tennessee, between Florence and De
catur. Dec. 4. Mcrritt's expedition in London
Aralley returns with 2,000 cattle and 1,000
sheep. The Valley stripped of stock and
Dec. 5. U. S. Houses of Congress meet .
in 2d session, 38th Congress. . . Blockhouses
at Murfreesboro' unsuccessfully attacked by
rebels. . . Brig Lizzie Freeman and brig cap
tured by pirates off Warwick River. Pas
sengers robbed ; one murdered.
Dec. 6. Ex-Secrctarv Ch.nsA jirinninfpd
Chief J ustice Supreme Court . . President
Lincoln speaks at serenade to Gov. Fenton.
. Hood skirmishing 5 miles from Nash
Dec. 7. Electoral Colleges in S tates meet
for election of President and Vice President
. Detroit threatened by Canadian raiders.
Dec. 8. Reikis establish a battery on
Cumberland River. Gunboats fail to dis
lodge it
Dec. 9. 500 Indians killed, near Fort
Lyon, by Col. Chevinglen's force.
Since the last date, Shermau took Savan
nah Thomas defeated Hood, at Nashville,
and scattered his army Fort Fisher has
leen captured by Admiral Porter ' and Gen.
Terry and Grant has extended his lines
four miles further southwest of Petersburg.
Contraband Tom, who has come into
Sheridan's lines, says the Rebels are having
a "right smart talk" about arming colored
men, and the negroes are talking about it
themselves, but the blacks are equally divi
ded on the matter. Says Tom "Bout half
de colored men tink dey would run directly
to de Yankees wid de arms in their hands,
and toder half tink dey would jiss stan' and
fire a few volleys to de reer fust fore dey run
dats all de difference."
Sherman's soldiers while on the march
through Georgia, learned how to rob bee
hivs without the penalty of stinging. The
plan was, to rapidly approach a hive, take
it up suddenly, and hoisting it upon the
shoulder, with the open end behind, run
like thunder. The bees bustle out, and At
back to the place where the hive stood. The
honey belongs to the boys who win it
A Dentist just starting in business, adver
tises that he "spares no pains" to render
his operations satisfactory.
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