raftsman's mm NA& Valuation of all Property Assessed for Years 1885, 68, and 67, Taxable for County and State purposes, as Returned by the Assessors of the respec tive Districts in Cbarileld County, Penn'a, with the rate per cent, and Tax, subject to Revision by the County Commissioners. ;) ! I o y. n 5? a o pi o 6 c P 3 O a. 5" o p : c o c 3 Real ami personal property subject to , t:i nation i State purposes at the rate of three mills oa ever dollar on the value thereof, to wit: o p -t- er ra b s 5 j o ? 7? - a ?m 5r2,s s a, c c . o o c i - Is o 3 2. S r 2 P ; S 3 3 a 5o 2. 3 o" 3 .3 -5 too 05 -J S3 S -.vi S c r- P s 3 3 - o c -3 C" is - p c 5 s ?r p o -r P 3 : -I o s- m , . . x jr. o P ! i p ' i : cr3 3 O rjl 3 NLMBEK! DOLLARS. I DOLLARS Utt-caria : : 1 21&' -.''59,405 15,41 : : : : " S4,49S IJdl'l's : : : 35.M7 !iooiu : : : 7G 17,(,5G llra.lfurl : :. j 221 -41,450 !radv : : : 408 1 09,201 lJumsidd . : 201 65,857 Cl,e-t : : : 211 G9,2S4 Covinaton : : 16:5 42,461 Clearfield : : 206 82.040 Curwousville : 110 3t),24i icatur : : 27M 66,637 IVrsrun : : 121 26,C,22 Fox : : : : 31 19,691 Uirird : : : H2 24,780 Cio.-hon : : 65 j 55.054 (Jraliam : : " 14' ; 37,964 iu!uh : : : 140 j 3S,1 !4 I!a,!on : : 152 144.612 JorJ;;ii : : : 139 j 34.929 Karihiius : : 119 ! 38,562 Knox : : : 170 i 35,681 I.iv.'renee : : 37S 107,855 Li!i!r City" : 79 12,320 Morris : : : 232 59,542 New Washington 64 ,. 8,49rt IV.m : : : 137 i 4I.S73 l'iko : : : 235 f 65,192 riiion : : : 93 I 55,099 Woodward : 102 ! 31,712 Total : : 5018 j 1,548,921 11,472 7,505 4.880 2, 7 IS 9,075 13,480 11,953 7,376 5,269 3,091 1 660 4,954 4.508 1,258 3,914 3.219 5.285 3.458 4,744 5,413 3,631 4.086 21.533 2.033 9,976 1,600 6.417 8,302 4.375 3,397 180,612 3 o P 3 3 5" a OB! SB X -3 . a o J' 3 O 3 : z I 2-1 o 3 3 p 2. 7 ; Aggregate. DOLlVRS. DOLLARS; DOLLARS. 3.400 207 650 100 6,750 10,800 .2,334 200 3, 1 00 900 45i) 300 4,450 '2,000 200 ,74,277 92,210 . 40.547 19,754 50,531 123.331 77,810 76.760 47,730 96,331 50.706 ' 71 ,591 33,464 20.949 28,700 5s. 3( : 43249 41,602 149.356 40.342 42.193 39.767 132.488 J 5 .253 69,718 10.096 48.745 73.794 59.474 35,109 E x b c -I s O P u. p . CI CD 3 3. n P C5 O - m 3 o O 3 a o ' o 3 Cr x o o J. P S 2 - X2 re" jT 5 . S 3 O 3 3 C v: - O p 3 x c n 3 O 5 3 3 M- -P P3 O a 5 rj 29,191 . j 6,650 j 1,764,180 ago 3 i o 3 O P3 3 3" . j ; Tax. No. Value. Tax. j Aggregate. DOLS. CTS. j DOLLS. DLS. CTS, j DOLLARS. DOLLARS, j ' X3 5 210 2 10 2.9S6 77,473 276 63 . 10 285 2 85 3,835 96,330 1"1 64 14 390 3 90 3.O50 43,987 59 26 ' 435 20,189 151 59 36 788 7 88 1,85 52.404 369 99 29 935 , 9 35 2,125 , 126,391 - 33 43 1 6 500 5 00 4,940 83,250 030 28 4 135 1 35 2.060 78,955 143 10 2.200 49.930 -88 99 17 1,155 11 55 12,3f0 109,846 152 11 i 8 425 4 25 4.665 55,790 214 77 10 335 3 35 4.684 76,710 Too 39 3 65 05 975 34,504 62 84 225 21,174 j S8 10 ! Mr( 3D, 150 174 00 7 230 2 30 675 59,203 i 131 74 ! II 255 2 55 2.525 46.029 l-4 80 13 HO 1 10 1,420 43,132 ' -44s 06 ' 8 280 2 80 4,800 154,436 -l (,- i 10 200 2 00 750 41,292 l-0 57 i 5 95 95 1,360 43,648 llli 30 ! S 120 1 20 1,440 41,327 397 46 j 56 - 1,485 14 85 1,475 135,448 45 75 1 8 255 2 55 2,f.05 is, 173 209 15 i 2,830 72,548 30 -'8 ! .8 335 3 35 2,430 12.801 146 23 i 12 375 3 75 1,602 ' 50,722 221 38 j 14 532 5 32 j 1,658 75.984 178 42 1 5 165 1 65 1,340 60.979 105 32 j 1 1,275 36,384 5,296 42 1 308 j 9,660 96 60 75,320 1,849,260 Tax. WATCHES. p re o O ' O P n o re 2? 5 re o re m- o 2 "i . 2.0 re - p s? 3 re ' - li re p -1 "3 ". p - S-2 o -5 re DLS. CIS. NO. j XO. 774 73 963 30 439 87 201 89 524 04 1,263 91 832 50 789 55 499 30 1,098 46 557 96 707 10 345 04 211 74 301 50 592 Q8 460 29 431 32 1,544 36 412 92 436 48 413 27 1,354 48 181 73 725 48 128 61 507 22 759 84 C09 79 363 84 18,492 60 16 6 1 1 34 1 4 1 1 13 3 o 1 4 1 1 1 21 1 re p re" a H p n jThe following is a comparative statement of the Valuation of. Ileal ami Personal Estate in Clearfield county, Penn'a, of 1SG2, and its present valuation as reported by the Assessors for the year lb'Gu, returned in December, 1864, with the increase and decrease. I , ! - j DLS. CTS. DOLS. CTS. 1862 1S65 INCREASE. DECREASE. 224 93 91,721 74,277 17,444 1 75 . 281 23 72,162 92.210 20,048 2 75 128 29 39,239 40,547 1,308 59 26 24,173 19.754 4,419 159 47 54,204 50,531 3,673 1 50 380 84 '130.037 123,331 ' 6,706 238 43 76,285 77.810 1,525 231 63 57.208 70,760 19.552 143 19 37,421 47,730 10.30'. 16 50 317 04 92,921 96,313 3.392 7 00 163 36 56.510 50,706 5,804 218 12 57,747 71.591 . 13,844 1 75 102 79 35,506 3:5.464 2,042 , 75 C3 59 22.308 20,949 1,359 1 75 89 85 34, 6'.'8 28,700 5.993 177 20 " 30.073 CV-wo 27,630 A 75 136 04 42,025 43.249 1.224 j 125 90 55,114 41.002 13.512 450 86 136,087 149,356 13.209 3 50 126 52 39,851 40,342 491 ' 127 52 40.135 42,193 2,058 1 25 121 75 44,737 39.767 4,970 412 31 97.353 132,488 35,130 1 00 49 30 14,515 15.253 738 6 00 215 15 64,172 69,718 5,546 3 00 36 63 9,718 10.096 378 1 50 151 43 42.06,7 48.745 0.078 1 25 227 95 67,221 73,794 6,573 ! 50 180 57 34.500 59,474 24,974 j 1 00 106 32 27,749 35,109 7,360 j 54 50 5,447 52 1,628,062 1,704,162 202,027 j 65,927 Total increase in the valuation in the conntv on the n secernent of 1802, 3180,000 In accord nice with the Act of Assemblv reuhtin; Trienial Assessments, and constituting a board of revision, the Commissioners of Clearfield county, herewith publish the above statement, showing the aggregate value and assessments made 'by each assessor in the county for 18C5rupon property taxable by law, and herewith give notice that the 21 day of March, A. I). 1805, at the Commissioners office, in Clearfield, is fixed by them for finally determining whether any of t'leVaid valuations' of assescr's have been made below a just rate : and all parties interested will lake notice, that appeal may be made between this time and that day, but that after said day none will be allowed. ... . ' " Tin orc rvrkTmiTi-M'TV . Wm. S. Bradley. Clerk. Commissioner's Office, Clearfield Pa., February 15, 1801. AMOS HEED, CONRAD BAKER, J Commissioners. ,. i .. t'LKAHFUCLl), PA., 1-KL5. 15, 1865. Tyrone aad Cl3iu-fisli Eaihoal Train leaves IjTwtie at . : : : : 8.55 a.m. Arrives at Philipahurg at : ;. II DO a.m. Train leaves PL iln.sbar at : : : 3.5(1 p. m Arrvcs at Tyrone at : : : : 5.53 p.m. KATES OF 5CESCRIPTI0X. ADVEUTISIXtt AND JCUBiXO. Falijcription, in a'lvanee, 1 year, : : : 52 00 Subscription, if paid with the year,- : : 2 50 SuNi'ription. if not paid within the year. 3 00 1 he above rate3 of subscription to apply to tho ourreiit volume, unless paid for before January Court. ISlii. A iiu'rs anl Ex"ra r.otices, each. 6 times, Auditor's notioes. each, t'HU'.ious ani Estrays, each. . times, J'is olmiou notices, each, 3 times, Iriinsient Advertisin;;. per square of 10 lineJ. or less 3 times, or less, For each subsequent insertion, t'2jil Advertising, for each square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, Fo-- i-ach subsequent insertion. Prnfc.-sion.ll oards, o lines, one year, lio'ict p.-r line. 1 time, V i itu.irv inuicis, ovi r 5 lines, per line, Tetirlv A Jvcrtising. one fquarc, : : : Vi-arlv .Advertisinir, two squares, : : li; r!y Advertising, three squares, : ertismg. ono-lourtn column, i dvertisinjf. one-half column, A JvcrtrsiujT. one columu, single quire, "::::::: .'! quires, per quire, : : : : i .ar.ks 0 quires, per o uire, ; : : : larks. over 6 quirts, per quire, : : ; IlarJl.il Is. eighth sheet. 25 or less, fourth sheet, 25 " half sheet, 25 " whole sbeet, 2j " V, Y. itarly Mar.ks libiuks 2 50 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 50 1 50 50 5 00 15 10 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 0(1 S3 01) CO CO 2 50 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 50 2 50 4 50 $ 00 I vor y of each of above, at rronortionate rates 'the above rates were agreed upon, by the un ti'igiiud. on the 3d day of December, IStH. and wiil be strictly adhered to during the present i-vb prices of all kinds of printing materials. 1). V. MHORE. Tubiiober of Clearfield Republican. " S J. 1WW, Publisher of ' Raftsman's Journal." 8xow. From twelve to fifteen inches of -'-.v Ins fallen in this county, within the :it ton days, and, in consequence of the wi iJs, juany of the roads are entirely ! "-kol uo with drifted snow. --i tli ? trtl 0;l Kxcitemext. On Jlonday last our wa- suddenly thrown- into a high state ! 'lever (the mercury having been y degrees below zero that morning) by nrumnceiucnt that the "real ile" had "struck" on the farm of James Bailey, iwrenee township. The story of the 'wry is as follows : Mr. Bailey has ior UiC time past observed a greasy substance" ht"-ater flowing from a spring that water had an unpleasant taste, but nev lioudit that it niisht be oil until within 1 a short time, when he gathered some of the a inid, and ujon investigation it was I enounced "coal oil." Several of our cit fcnswhnare very '-feverish" on account: of pontile brain," were induced to visit the "owing well" on Monday, and procure or the "oleagenous fluid." We.un ,J -fitand that they all vouch for the pres of "oil." That it is a very fair "sur lndiiraticn" f of pure oil, no one will de after examining the specimens yet, the lT''r s somewhat abating. Cold. On Monday morning" last the mercury indicated 30 degrees below zero, in this place being the coldest of the season. The Coi;ntv Valuation. We this week publish the valuation of all taxable proper ty in Clearfield county, as returned by the Assessors of" the several townships to the Commissioners together with a compara tive statement, showing the increase and deereaso since the returns of 1862. Th an ks. V'e publish the following com munication with pleasure The soldiers of Co. A, 16th Kcgt., V. R. (., most cordially return their heartfelt thanks to the friend, in and around Clear field, for their kindness in supplying us with many delicacies, "f whicJi we ure deprived by being absent from our dear homes. We came amongst you as stransrers, and you took us in ; if sick you would visit us. and if naked clothe us in fact, we find you would do all you can to make us comforta ble: for whirh we are not only grateful, but return a solilit-r's blr.-isiity, -which -is all we can bestow. How long we may stay wilh you. i;o one of ti can tell; but we hope that, .so but -i- as we do reinaiu, v.e may have the friendship of aft, and may the future, like the past, be pleasant to both civilian and soldier ; so that, when we leave you for our hmnv.1, or duty elsewhere, we can look back with pleasure to the days we passed in Clear field. - Soldier. . I JflOTfHJKAPITIO ALHTJIS, for sale ai. Hartwick llu-iton I icrneld. Pa P of OR SALE at cost 1 good cook stoves, to clohe out the stock, at the cheap cash store H. MOSSOl', Clearfield, Pa. COMMISSIONKK'S SALEOF UNSEAT ED I,A.'I)S. - In Pursuance of an Act of A-scmbly passed the 2,.lh day of March, 1S15, en titled au Act to amend an Act directing the mode of selling -unseated lauds for taxes, and for other purposes 1 he Commissioner!! ot Clearfield county. Pa., will dispose of t he following lands, at the Court House, on 1 uesuay. the I4tb day ot Alarcn, inoj; Acres, i'cr. 3(50 100 55 50 70 h 121 2o: Warrantee. David Kephart, (Jeorge Mullen, Win. Bausman. Jienry Faunca, Jacob iMussersmith John Cunningham, Ceorge Ross, Petertietz, Township Decatur. Chest lieccaria. Roggs Rurr.side. do. do. do. By order of the Board, WM. S. BRADLEY. Clerk. New Rerei. Flao. The new flag, adopt ed by the Senate on Saturday, is as follows; 1 no wmin is iwo-tninis or us lengtn, wnn r.lni TTiuiiti now used as :t battle f!a to be in width three fifth of the flair, and so propor tioned as to leave the length of the field on the side of the Union twice the width. Below it is to have tiie ground red, and broad blue suiters thereon, bordered with white and emblazoned with mullets or fine painted stars, corre-ponding in number to that of the Confederate States, the field to he white except the outer half from the V nion. which shall be a red bar extending the width'of the flag. Lieit. Governor Jacobs, of Kentuc ky, a few days .since, took ground in favor of the ratification of the constitutional amend ment bv that State. . He said: "Kentucky is bound to become a free State through the choice of her own people, and delay in set ling the question can only complicate the process by which she will reach that destiny. A Nl'MBER unpaid Federal soldiers have been behaving in very riotous manner at Port land,' Indiana. The men were so unruly that some troops had to be sent from Louis ville, Ivy., to quell the disturbance. MARRIED: On February 1st, byJ.W. Shngart, Esq., Mr. Wm. M'KxroiiT, to Miss Martha Pass.more, both of this place. On the 7th inst., bv Rev. L. M. Gardner, Mr. James W. Owens, to Miss Marga ret Stoner, both of Clearfield, Pa. fIS r Of LETTERS unclaimed and remain--i itig in the Post Office at Clearfield, on the 1st day ot February, A.D. lSiia. Bnsben, ueorgo. Emerson, Miss Molly. i ilbert James L. itaeeiiberirer. Henry. Holly, Mrs. Matilda. Keys. John Moyer, Henry. Miller, Mrs. Margaret, Miller tieorge 11. Reese, Miss Joanah. Robertson. Wm. II. Speed v. Wm. YV. Finish' D. F. H'ilks. Amasa. One cent due on each Davidson. Francis M. (iibbony. Samuel. Henry. Wm. llanutgan, U. C. Holly. Mrs. D. II. Lithgow, Mrs. Emmeline Martin, .I.E. Jlii ler, Henry P. Proctor. Mrs. Lucy A. Roth, Margaret. Roads, H. 11. 8ti aw, Miss Martha J Town, Miss Mary K. Williams. A. W. letter advertised. Per-- Ohituary not ires, not over Jive lines, twrterf free of charge; All over five line, at tea ent per line. The cash must accompany the notice, invariably. .DIED: At Philipsburg, on February 4th. Davie, yountrest son. of Alexander and. Margaret Adams, aged 2 years 4 months and 13 days, sons calling for any of above letters, will say they are advertised. M. A. FRANK. P. M. O'.trilANS' COIUIT SALE OF VALU ABLE T1MKEK LAM). By nn order issued outcf O.e Orphans' court of Clearfield county, there will be exposed to public sale at Newburg. on Saturday the 25th day of February.- 1S65, at 2 o'clock. P. M., the following des cribed Ileal l-.state. situate in Lhest township, Clearfield county, bounded as follows: Begin ning at a beech of Thomas Wood's land, thence South 52 degrees west 161 perches to an old hem lock corner, thenco Xorth 3S degrees west 1 16 per ches to an old ash, thence by purpart No. 2 and 3 North 52 degrees East 230 perches to post on the line of the John (Jiaff survey, thence South 33 de grees East by line of said Grafi" 28 perches to post of Thomas Woods, thence south 52 deg., west 71 perches to white pine, thence South 4n degrees East by land of Woods 87 7 per. to the place of be ginning, containing 121 acres. late the estate of Caroline Hurd,dce'd. JOHN M'QEII.KIN, Guardian of 11. II. Hurd, jr., and Wilson A Kurd, minor children of Caroline Hurd. deceas ed. February 1, 1SC5. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Comptroller of the CrnnsNCT Washington. Janruary 30th. !So5 ""rrilEREAS. BY SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE f T presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK CLEARFIELD," in the Borough of Clearfield, in the county of Clearfield, and State of Pennsylvania, has b ;en duly organized under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof." approved June 3d, 1S64, and has complied with "all the provisions of said Act required to bo complied with before commencing tho business of Bunking under said Act ; Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do herebv eertify that -THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CLEARFIELD," in the Borough of Clearfield, in the county of Clearfield, aad State of Pennsylvania, is author ized to commence tho business of Banking uuder the Act aforesaid -rrv. In testimony whereof, wvtuess my ( SEAL yiand and seal of office, this 30th day of y-J January, A. D. 1S65. HUGH MoCCT.LOCII, Feb. 8. 1353. Comptroller of tba Currency. RECEIP I S .ND EXPENDITURES OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, FOR A. D. 1S64. 5,800 50 5,147 57 2,493 CO 2,032 73 ". C. KrATzkr, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac count with said county, from the tith day of Jan. A D. 1801, until the Oth day of Jan. A, D. 1S:'.5. DEIITOR To amount received from collectors for 1 So4 and previous years, S13.70S 91 To amount received from unseated land? for 1S02 arid 18(53. To amount received from collectors on State, To amount received from unseated on State, To amount received from Commission ers' book, CREDIT. By Election expenses, $2.51fi 40 By Assessors' wages. 881 45 By Jurors' wages. 2,182 81 By Foxes and wildcats, 172 37 By Interest orders, 1.880 73 By Interest onjrders. . 374-17 By CommonweaTtu costs, 4tiS 21 By Constables' costs. 213 25 By Commissioners" wages, By 1 rotlionotary s fees, By Agricultural, By Wood and coal, By Clerk's wages. By Repairs for county,' By Justices costs. By New books for county. By Postage, stationary .ttspress By .Merchandise, By Printing By Jailor's fees. By Bridge contracts, By Court crier, By .Janitor's fees. By SharilTs fees, By Inquests, By Auditors and clerk, By District Attorney fees, " By Refunds. By Auditing Prot'y Reg'r ae'ts By Miscellaneous, By Comrs to view new tp. lines By Counsel fees, By Road views, Bv Lithograph orders. By Court house bonds, 3,000 00 By Court house bonds, interest 1.155 00 By Am't pd per State tax 8.005 47 By pereeotago to collectors, 700 43 By Exonerations to collectors, 001 23 By Trea'rs per ct. paying out, 407 45 By Trea'rs per ct. receiving. - 438. 65 By bal. due Treas last settlem't 4 71 Eal. due Co. by Treasurer, 17 70 1,152 55 553 68 100 00 145 03 377 60 100 80 37 14 485 82 69 W 73 68 261 25 2t'.5 73 fc7S 64 58 00 40 00 100 00 72 14 195 00 113 00 8 02 10 00 3yi5 50 IS 00 100 00 141 00 452 00 Total. $21) 213 3d S29.243 36 Bounty Fund of Sept. A.D. 18S2. C. Eratzkr, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac count with Bounty Fund of September, 1832. iJeistor. To amount received from collectors, including percentage, S9..J13 38 To amount ree'd from unseated lands, 2,070 35 CREDIT. By Bounty bondsof Sept.1562 6,670 00 By Interest on bonds. 273 45 . ; . By Percentage to collectors, 325 52 By Exonerations, 220 30 . By Treus'rs per ct. paying out, 173 59 By Treas'rs per ct receiving, 2s4 59 , By am't due Treas last set" mt, 13 65 Bal due fund by Treasurer, 3,422 58 By am't, Tr. per ct. paying out 72 19 By am't, Tr. per ct. receiving, 104 15 Bal. due fund by Trcas'r, 2.348 85 Total, 57,612 21 S7.612 21 26,500 00 Extra Bounty Fund. C. Kn ARZn. Esq .Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac count with Bounty Fund under the Act of As sembly of 25th day of March, A. D. 1864. DEBTOR. To amount received from collectors, including percentage, $i4,13S b4 To amount received from Commission ers account book, . : CREDIT. By amount of Bounty bonds redeemed, S33.900 00 By amount of Bounty certifi cates redeemed, 30.672 90 By amount of Int. on bonds, 5,201 92 By collectors percentage, 1.387 41 By exonerations, 3,749 95 By Treas'rs per ct paying out . 432 74 By Treas'rs per ct. receiving, 611 38 By Treas'rs per ct. on cash ree'd 132 50 Bal. due fund, . 14,520 04 Total, $90,633 84 $90,638 84 Fox, 171 40 00 00 Girard, 200 00 33 39 Goshen, 189 22 137 94 Graham. 100 00 43 Guelich, 270 00 136 51 Huston, 1.379 SO 57 94 Jordan, 143 58 27 03 Karthaus, 240 00 50 53 Kuox, 319 S4 19 74 Lawrence, 138 66 60 2s Morris, i83 30 132 68 J'enn, 148 86 8 50 Pike, SS 10 87 73 Union, 817 50 43 75 Woodward, 90 00 133 45 Bal due Twps. 1,549 53 Total, S8..012 93 S8.012 93 C. Kratzer. Esq., Treasurer, in account with the different townships, for School Fund, for tho years A. D. 1862 and lsi3. MEITOn. To Bal. dueTwps. froai last settlem't 17 5! Toamt received from unseated lands. 8,302 55 Bae from Collectors. Amount of County. Bounty and State due from collectors, for 1863 and previous years. Year. Town'p. Collectors. County. Bounty. State. 1855 Covington, J. Barmoy, SO 00 S00 00 16 94 1856 Decatur, G. Kcphart, 8 89 00 00 111 59 1S63 Morris, P. Swartz, 0 00 16 04 00 00 Total, $3 89 SI 6 04128 53 Amount of Militia and Extra Bounty due from collectors, for 1864 and previous years. Year. Township. Collectors. Militia. Extra B'y isao Covington, J. Barmoy, 519 03 1356 Decatur, G. Kephart, 20 62 ls64 lieccaria. J. 11. 11 egarty. 0 00 " Bradford, D. Hitchings, 0 00 Covington, 1). P St. Clair, 0 00 " Curwensv. Jas. Thompson, 0 00 " wirara. J'avul fcmitu, 0 00 . ' Graham, Conrad Kvler, " Jordan, J. M'Neal, " L. Qity, Robt Young, " Pike. W. L Bloom. Union, P. Blanchard. Woodward, C. C. Shoff, 0 06 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1162 61 496 49 178 84 299 65 Hf3 88 ,I47 85 974 898 63 33 228 56 111 32 79 76 Total. $39 70 S5229 11 , Those marked have since paid in full. Am't of outstanding county orders, . S Am t of outstanding court house orders, Am't of outstanding court house bonds, Agg'te due from coll'rs on co. S 8 89 Agg'te due from mis' ted lands 3714 46 Agg'te due lrom Treasurer, 17 70 Indebtedness of county, 11,499 01 140 06 600 00 14,500 00 TRED1T. Townships. Am't paid. Hal. duo. Beccaria 515 86 S 13 04 Rell. 431 17 13 17 Boggs, 103 31 7 26 Bloom. Ill 77 0 00 Bradford, 59 21 0 00 Brady, 413 02 18'J tl Bu.-nside, 361 82 32 19 Chest, 284 48 31 60 Covington, 59 19 250 17 Decatur, 413 OS 29 0i Ferguson. 80 80 2 54 F'ox, 97 53 39 56 Girard, 182 21 73 77 Goshen, 187 4S " 57 81 Graham, 2(17 "03 39 S7 Guelijh, 473 95 " 21 3a Huston, 429 07 539 81 Jordan, 159 35 27 76 Karthaus, - 114 0(1 19 46 Knox, 444 20 0 00 Lawrence, 279 15 9 3", Morris, 387 43 26 97 Penn, 207 08 28 98 Pike, 156 22 28 43 Union, 253 09 11 52 Woodward, 316 83 44 12 Bal due Twps. 1,533 73 Total, $s;320 11 Ss.320 11 Total. $11,333 73 $11,333 73 Belief Fund. C Kratzer. esq.. Treasurer of ClearfieUI coun ty, in account with Relief Fund, A. D. 1864. debtor. To amount receired from collectors for 1861. in cluding percentage, - $4.624 53 To amount received from unseated lands for 1382 and 1863, To amount ree'd from comm'rs book, To am't due fund at last settlement, To am't received from militia fines, credit. By am't, orders redeemed, $2 294 75 By am't, certificates - 2,518 50 By ain't, collectors percentage 163 11 By am't, coi rs exonerations 110 65 1,032 83 837 00 419 45 668 3a Total, $15,240 0615,210 06 Am't of outst'dg extra bounty bonds $119,800 00 Agg'te amount due from. collectors for 1864, $5,229 11 Agg'te amount due from unseated lands. . 23.215 00 Agg'te amount due from Treasurer, 14.520 01 Indebtedness. 76.835 85 Total, $119,800 00 $119,800 00 C. Kratzer, Esq.. Treasurer, in account with the different townships, for Road Fund for the years A. D JS62 and 1863. debtor. To am't due Tps. from last settlem't To am't received from unseated lands for 1862 and 1863, credit. Am t paid. $3fl 61 360 00 $ 214 51 7,793 42 Townships. Beccaria, Bell, Boggs, Bloom, Bradford, Brady, Burnside, Chest, Covington Decatur, Ferguson, 90 79 150 00 40 00 47S 41 217 40 221 30 80 83 239 70 23 05 Bal. due. $ 00 00 83 14 72 0 1 35 21 68 52 18 85 67 53 33 112 46 41 61 47 00 Wf., the Commissioners of Clearfield county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bavin-1 ex amined the accounts of C. Kratzer. Treasurer of the County of Clearfield, for the year A. D 1861. do certify that we find the account as follows ' ' The amount due .the county by the Treasurer is Seventeen dollars and Seventy cents. The amount outstanding due the county, Three thousand Seven hundred and Twenty-three dol lars and Thirty-five cents. The amount of outstanding orders. Fifteen thou sand Two hundred and Forty dollars and Six cts of which Fourteen thousand and Five hundred dollars is in court house bonds. The balance due Bounty fund, by the Treasu rer, is Three thousand F'our hundred and Twenty-two dollars and Fifty-eight cents. The balance due Relief fund, by Treasurer, is Two thousand Three hundred and Forty-eight dollars and Eighty six cnts. The balance due Extra Bounty fund, is Four teen thousand Five hundred and Twenty dollars and Four cents. this 20th dav of January, THOSD'iVGHERTY. .AMU." ntAU, CON'RAD BAKER. Attest Conimiesioucrs. Wm. S. Bradley, clerk. We. the Auditors of Clearfield county, Penn sylvania, having examined the accounts of C. Kratzer, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield county, for the year A.D. 1S64, do report that the accounts are as above stated. . The amount due the Road fund, by the Treasu rer, is Ofce thousand Five hundred and Foriy-nint dollars and Fifty-three cents The amount due the School fund, by the Trea surer, is One thousand Five hundred and Thirty-: eight dollars and Seventy-three cents. Witness our bands this 20th day of January, A D1365. HIRAM. WOODWARD. . F. F. COUTERET, - , Attest. m, l. c. EVANS W. S. Bradley, clerlr, Auditors. Witness our hands A, D. 1365. r . Hi: 1 m" ' ! ;i' i 1 ; ': V j n . t . ISM