Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 15, 1865, Image 1

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    BY S. J. ROW.
VOL. ll.-NO. 24.
The Raftsman's Joibnal is published on Wed
t,lav at 52.00 per annum in advance. Adveu
c,,emntS inserted at SI. 50 per square, for three
It less insertions Ten lines (or less) counting a
eon are For every additional insertion 50 cents.
A deduction will bejnodo to yearly advertisers.
gtwiuws givcctonj.
IRVIN BROTHERS, Dealers in Square Sawed
Lumber, Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour, Grain,
Aa ,4, , BurnsiJe Pa., Sept. 23, 1363.
4 ;. II kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield, Pa. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1,1863
RAXS Jfe BARRETT, Attorneys at Law, Clear
field, Pa. . May 13. ISM.
u. J. chass : : : : waltbb babbett
OCERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market
Bircet, opposite Xaugle's jewelry store. May 2fl.
HF NULE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. deaier in Watches, Jewelry, &.Q. y Room in
Uraham's row, Market street. Nov. 10.
BUC1IEU SWOOPE, Attorney at Luw.Clcar
. field, Pa. Offict in Graham's Row, four doo s
"of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10.
HRTSWICK HUSTON. Dealers in Drugs,
' Medicines. Paints, Oils. Stationary, Perfume
ry. Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc., Market street,
Clearfield, Pa. June.JKJ,
pTKRATZER, dealer in Dry Goods, Cloth.
. inff. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Pro
visions Xc. Front Street, above the Academy,
Clearfield, Pa. April 27.
TTTILLIAM V.IirW IN. Marketstrcet, Clearfield,
V Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mor
chandife. Hardware, Quoecsware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Jov- lu"
T-Oil N UUELI CII . Manufacturer of all kinds of
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. AprlO, QJ-
TpvR m. WOODS, Phacticins Physician, and
! J Examining Surgeon for Pensions,
Office, South-west corner of Second and Cherry
Street. CUarfield, Pa. January 21.
TIOMAS J. MCL'LLOCGH, Attorney at Law.
Clearfield. Pa. Office, east ot tee -wearueiu
r,.,. i, liolotml other leoral instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July3
B MEN' ALLY, Attorney at Law, Clearfield,
Pa Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick building of J . Boya
ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanich 3 Hotel.
T rCH ARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
V mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon,
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Jourvtl Office Clearfield, Pa. Apr2..
JARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clear
J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care i n Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6. I Soft.
-ATM. ALBERT A ERO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods,
Groceries, Hardware, Qneensware. Flour,
Bacon, etc.. Woodland, Clearfield county. Penn a.
Also, extensive deaiers in all kindsof sawed lum
ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici
ted. Woodland, Aug. 10th, t3'3-
I ti. .... i .! Vi t i t nr niAtp.A in the bor
ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied
by R Welch as a jewelry shop.) is prepared to
da work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms.
The cash will positively be expected when the
work is delivered. He is confident that he can
not be excelled by any workmen in townorcounty.
Come on'! com all tothe&izn of the Bur Watrk.
April 9, 62-ly-pd. S. II. LAL'CULIN.
mEHPEKANCE IlorSE. The subscriber
JL would respectfully inform the citizens of
Clearfield county, that he has rented the "Tipton
Hotel." and will use every endeavor to accommo
date those who may favor him with their custom.
He will try to furnish the table with the best the
country can afford, and will keep hay and food to
accommodate teamsters. Gentlemen don't to-gi-t
the '-Tipton Hotel." SAMUEL SMITH.
Tipton. Pa , May 25. TStU. -
Vl'CTION EER. The undersigned having
been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to calling sales, in any part of the county,
whenever called upon. Charges moderate
Address, JOHN M'Ql'ILKIN,
May IS Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa.
N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li
eense are subject to a penalty of S;i0, which pro
vision will be enforced against those who may vi
olate the same. :
Three Farms For Sale !
The subscriber will sell his three farms situate
in Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa , at pri
vate sale. Also, one tract of unimproved land
Eunsbcred and described as follows, to wit:
No I. Is an improved .tract on which he ra
tides, and contains about 2o0 acre3 200 acres t
which is cleared, 23 acres being in meadow, and
the whole in a high state of cultivation and uti
der good fences. The improvements are a good
frame house, frame barn, (7a by &S leet.j wagon
hed, grain house, smoke house, wood hous ? and
other outbuildings. There is timber sufficient on
the land for all farm uses, and an excellent coal
bauk. Also good water and a fine orchard of
-hoice fruit growing thereon.
No. 2. Is an improved tract, and contains 135
vres of which bO ncres are cleared, 10 acres be
in; in meadow, and tho whole in a good state of
cultivation and under good fences, with excel
lent water on the farm. The buildings are a log
house and an excel 'ent frame barn, and some oth
er outbuildings, There is on this tract sufficient
rooi timber for 7 or 8 rafts, and an excellent coal
tans, together with an orchard of choice fruit
No. 3. Is an improved tract, containing about
100 acres, 30 acres, cleared, (new,) with a small
plank house and barn thereon erected. The land
i under good fences, with excellent water oU it.
About 3 rafts of good timber also standing thereon.
No. 4. Is an unimproved tract of 400 acres.with
me good pine timber growing on it, and will
cake an excellent larm when cleared.
The above tracts will be sold in a body, or eop
trately, to suit purchasers preferring, however,
l sell them in a body. The terms will be reason
able. The tracts can be seen at any time by call
1b8 on the subscriber, or inquiries by letter will
" answered if addressed to Curwensville. Pa
August 3, 1361 DANIEL BAILEY.
C ALT ! SAJLT !! SALT !!! A prime arti-
cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent
at S3.25 per sacs, at the cheap cash store of
November 27. R. MOSSOP.
"DODDER C UTTERS of a snptrior make
for eaia at reasonaVl priiet. a .MERRELL
! BALER S, CHearfiei, tf
The Overturn of Ancient Ideas.
There never was sj extensive aud syste
matic a disruption of ancient faiths in reli
gion, of ancient ideas in phylosophy, and of
ancient customs or daily lue going on, as at
the present time. For ten years past civil
war hasheen raging in China, and although
nominally subdued, it is not so far subdued
as to allow the revolution to go ou quietly,
and without so much bloodshed, but really
far faster thau ever. It was the decay of
the ancient faith iu the old religion of China
before the superior light of Christianity,
and the superior strength of Christian civil
ization, that caused the whole of that rebel
lion; and it lias ended, not in the triumph
of the Rebels, but iu the adoption of Eu
ropean customs of war, and all the ideas of
Christani countries.
This alone has secured the conquest of the
rebellion. Wheaton's International Law,
an American work, translated by a Chris
tian missionary, has been adopted as the ba
sis of the foreign policy, ot the Chinese
Empire, henceforth and formally. The
higher classes of China were a cold, atheis
tic race, the lower orders full of superstition.
The higher faith in Christianity, while yet
it has hardly reached the masses, has now
began that work of overthrow which can
never cease until it has abolished all faith in
idols by elevating in its place the purer,
higher i'aithT in one true and living God, to
whom nations and individuals are alike ac
countable. The heavy guns of the Chris
tian have done much to effect this.
Jn India, ever since the putting down of
the great rebellion, the whole fabric of Hin
di to faith has been giving way: Not only
do whole villages cast off their former faith
and become Christians;- but all the great
festivals and sacred places are so widely neg
lected, that the priests and expounders ot
the ancient faith cannot find support, ami it
seems as it' caste and everything heretofore
held moit sacred is utterly giving way; In
Burm ah it is the same. In fact the whole
of Asia, containing half the inhabitants of
the globe, is rapidly changing its faith and
customs and social life. The more immedi
ate occasion of ail this seems to be the su
perior physical science of Christian nations.
It is the superior fighting qualities of our
soldier in India and iu China that has giv
en weight to the words of our missionaries
the discipline, the drill, the weapons of
range and of precision and power possessed
by European nations have made all they
have said respected. The railroads and tel
egraphs and carats of India are cutting
trenches right through all ancient faiths and
principles, and giving them higher ones in
stead. Thus while the Ganges canal was
being cut, the Hindoo priests prayed that
the sacred waters of the Ganges might not
flow in the artificial channels cut by Chris
tians. Uiit it does flow, and now the Hin
doos have lost all faith in the prayers of
their priests.
Persons of high caste, for the sake of the
convenience ot riding in railway cars, vio
late the traditions and forfeit the pride of
thousands of years in caste. The petroleum
ot Burmah will overturn the customs of
that country aud Auicrcan.izc them. Our
method of boring for oil aud Dr. J udson's
bible will each aid the other.
In the.cc days of steamboats, railwaj's and
telegraphs, there is no great improvement
in arts, or anus, or science, but seems to
produce some certain, but incalculable, im
provements in morals, manners and religion
of nations where they touch. And so there
is no great religious movement but will e
ventually lead to thousand new forms of
civilization, liberty and social progress.
The reformation commenced by Luther
was the prelude to the political revolutions
that afterward ensued. If all this be true
and clear it may well be asked, what arc the
changes which the present civil war in this
country is about to produce? One thing at
least is clear, that it was the loss ot faith in
the righteousness of slavery by the North,
while the South clung to it, which has been
the cause lying at the bottom of the pres
ent intense stril'e. It would also seem that
the great danger in respect to all these
changes is in attempting to resist by force
those growths of opinion which should be
met by reason or quietly submitted to.
All these changes may transpire peaceably
enough in due time, provided, only they are
not violently resisted. It is the attempt to
do by force the work of reason which makes
all the trouble. B-3 it a truth in politics, in
science, or in religion, it will never do any
harm if it is onlv left alone. It is only
when confined and obstructed that it is dan
gerous. . Be it an error, and if let alone it
will soon die out like an empty bombshell
with a lighted fuse. In Europe itself, faith
in ancient system of government is fast dy
ing out, and respect fr the more liberal
forms of ciwl institutions is rapidly making
its way and producing quiet revolutions.
IIoRiunLE Suffering : The last lot of
exchanged prisoners that lauded at Annap
olis bring some of the most heart-rending ac
counts of the sufferings of those of our men
who are still in Libby Prison. Previous to
the arrival of the stock of blankets sent by
General Grant they suffered most from the
cold. Many of them were destitute of
shoes, socks, and under-clothing. Some
thirty-six died on a single day, and were car
ried to the dead house in the morning.
Wasted to skeletons from the want of food,
they could not endure the cold. But eigh
teen officers and some three thousand men
being left there, this mortality was one and
a quarter per cent, of the whole number in
a single night When remonstrated with
for such cruelty the authorities replied, "If
5'our government does not like this why does
it not exchange you? We are willing.'
The poor starving souls could make no an
swer. One hundred ard sixty of them who
had been there the longest time had been
induced by the offer of doubb rations to go
out of the prison by day and wrk at mend
ing shoes and clothing for the rebel army.
Eemarkable Pountam in Florida.
Taking a narrow path we crossed through
some dense underwood, and, all at once,
stood on the banks of the Makulla Spring.
There was a basin of water one hundred
yards in diameter, almost circular. The
thick bushes were almost growing to the
water's edge, and bowing their heads under
the unrippled surface. We stepped into a
skiff and pushed off. Some immense fash
es attracted our attention, and I seized a
spear to strike them.- The boatman laugh
ed, and asked me how far beneath the sur
face I supposed they were. I answered a
bout for. r feet. He assured me they were
at least twenty feet from me; and it was so.
The water is of the most wonderful transpa
rency. Dropping an ordinary pin in the
water forty feet deep we taw its head
with perfect distinctness as it lay on the
bottom. As we approached the centre I
noticed a jagged, grayish, limestone rock be
neath us pierced with holes; one seemed to
look into an unfathomable abyss. From its
gorge comes forth with immense velocity a
living river.
Pushing on just beyond its mouth, I drop
ped a ten cent piece into the water, which is
one hundred and ninety feet in depth and I
clearly saw it shining on the bottom. This
seems incredible. 1 think the water posses
ses a magnifying power, for I am confident
that the piece could not be seen so distinctly
from a tower one hundred and ninety feet
high. We rowed to the north side and sud
denly we perceived in the water fish which
were darting hither and thither, and long,
flexible roots, luxuriant grass on the bot
tom all ai rayed in the most beautiful prisma
tic hue. Death-like ! tilhiess reigned around,
and a more fairy scene I never beheld.
So great is the quantity of water here
poured forth, that it forms a river of itself
large enough to float flat-boats with cotton.
The planter who lives here has thus trans
ported his cotton to St. Marks. Near the
lountun we saw some ot the remains ot a
Mastadon which had probably drank from
it. The bones were of immense size, and
showed the animal to have been one of the
largest of his class. Travels in Florida.
Eeceipt of a Specimen Mor : of the
SameSout Wanted. A friend has given
us one of the new three-cent postal notes, as
a specimen, ior which he has our warmest
thanks. In acknowledging this very agree
able act, we will add that our list of moueta
J i r
ry specimens is yet incomplete. v e are
very much in need of the following speci
mens: One fifty dollar greenback; a one
hundred dollar ditto; two Five twenty bonds
of live hundred dollars each; tan five thou
sand dollar greenbacks; specimens of each
kind of the National silver coin ; ditto gold
coin; a ten thousand dollar nugget from
Australia; a five thousand dollar nugget
from Pike's Peak ; a ten thousand dollar
nugget from California;- ten thousand
pound note from the Bank of England;
three specimens of each kind of English sil
ver con; ditto gold; a dralt on iaring
Brothers for ten thousand pounds, fifteen
thousand francs in notes on the Bank of
France. We trust that our friends will send
us the above specimens without delay. If our
friends find it inconvenient to make tip this
diversified collection, Jtlie amouut thereof,
consolidated, and invested in some nice
house and lot like that presented to Gen.
Grant at Philadelphia would be just as
By the way, it. is a nice thing to be rich.
We never tried it ; but we know from obser
vation that it is a nice thing. Only think
of it, money will procure everything iu this
beautiful world of ours. And then the rich
men never know what it is to be dunned, to be
hungry, or to be inconvenienced in any man
ner. If he wants to live on quail or trout
for a month or two he can do so. If lie
wants to have a spree with fifteen or twenty
jolly fellows, and pay the bill, he can do so.
If he wants to get married, he can do so.
If it suddenly occurs to him thai a trip to
Paris would lie agreeable he can go there.
If he is drafted, he can buy a substitute.
If he is not liable to the draft he can buy a
representative recruit, and thus get the rep
utation of being a great patriot. When the
plate comes around at church for collections
to the red-shirts tor-the-little-IIindo-chil-dren-fund,
he can throw a fifty dollar note
upon it if he is a mind to. He can be just
as mean as he chooses, without loseing
"friends." lie can do without brains. He
can be a jackass without loseing "caste,"
He can pick his teeth at. the table without
being frowned down. lie can treat his fam
ily with mean penuriousness, and be styled a
wise economist. He can eat six meals a day.
He can pay his washing ; ditto hack bill ;
ditto every other kind of bill. He can do as
lie has a mim to on all occasions. Every
thing re with him is styled interesting
eccentricit-, or easy nondialance. Oh it is a
nice thing to be rich.
Sharp Practice. The Cleveland Plain
dealer mentions the case of a well-dressed
young man of good manners, who gave iu his
income to the Assessor at several thousand
dollars, paid the tax, and had the pleasure
of seeing his name in the list among the na
bobs of the country. On the strength of
this he courted a wealthy man's daughter
and married her. Then it was found out
that he had no money, and had sold his
mother's watch to pay the income tax. The
government made a good thing out of it, so
did the young man.
The Canadians do not seem inclined to
raise a disturbance with the United States,
notwithstanding this would be their most fa
vorable time to do so. The Governor-General
recommends that Parliament pay to the
banks of St AlbansJ$90,000, in gold to replace
the money stolen by the raiders, and given
up to those outlaws by justice Coursal. The
justice, who did this nice thing for the rob
bers, has beeu suspended and will most likely
be disgraced.
Chronology of the War, etc.
June 1. Expedition under Gen. Sturgis
defeated, with loss of wagoa train, artillery,
and ammunition. .. Rebel attacks at Cold
Harbor repulsed. . . Rebels twice attack But
ler, and are repulsed.
' June 2. Schofield and Hooker at Mari
etta. Cavalry take Allatoona Pass.
June 3. Battle of Cold Harbor.
June 4. Rebel night attack on Hancock
repulsed. . . Grant's cavalry defeated Hamp
ton's cavalry at Hawe's Store.
June 5. Rebel attack on left (Hancock's)
repulsed. . . Sherman's army fall back toward
the Ch-ittahoochie and Atlanta. . . Marma
duke, with 3,00 men, defeated at Columbia,
Ark. . . Battle of Piedmont, Va. Rebel loss
J, 500 prisoners, 3 guns, 3,0i)0standof arms,
3 guns and stores, aud a large number killed
and wounded.
June C. Rebel midnight attack on Burn
side repulsed. . . Sherman's headquarters at
J une 7. The tub Corps, on Grant's right,
attacked briskly, and rebels driven back. . .
Morgan, with 3,000 men, commences a raid
into Kentucky. . . Philadelphia Sanitary
Fair opens. . . Abraham Lincoln and An
drew Johnson nominated for President and
Vice President.
June 8. Paris, Ivy., taken by a portion
of Morgan's forces. . . Sherman's whole ar
my moves forward toward the Kenesaw
range. McPherson occupies Big Shanty,
and rebels fall back with left on Lost Moun
tain and right on Kencsaw. . . Gihx.ore'sraid
ou Richmond fortifications.
June 9. Gen. Burbridge defeats Rebels
at Mount Sterling.
June 10. Frankfort, Ky., unsuccessfully
attacked by 1 .200 rebels. . . Lexington, Ky.,
robbed by Morgsn. . . Rebel guerrillas re
pulsed at Princeton, Ky. . . Gen. Hunter,
with Crook and Avcrill.inoves from Staun
ton, Va., after destroying over three mil
lions' worth of rebel property. . . Rebel
Congress adjourns.
June 11. Surrender of Cynthiana. . .
Battle of Treviliian Station. Rebels badly
beaten by Sheridan.
June 12. Gen. Burbridge defeats and
scatters Morgan at Cvnthiana, with great
loss. . . Grant crosses the Chickahominv.
June 13. Giant's headquarters at AVil
cox's Landing. . . The Fugitive Slave Law
repealed in House of Representatives. . ,
Gen. Hobson and staff recaptured. . . Sher
idan recrosses the North Anna.
June 14. Grant's amry crossed to south
of the James. . . Gen. Polk killed. . . Sher
idan advancing toward Kencsaw.
June 15. Battle ot Baj lor'sFarm. Six
teen Rebel guns and 3O0 prisoners taken.
June 16. Hancock, Smith, and Burnside
unsuccessfully attack 2d line of rebel works
at Petersburg. Loss 2,000. rebels less.
June 17. Burnside captures 6 guns and
4(H) prisoners. .. Lebels abandon their in
trenchments in front of Bermuda Hundred
and Butler takes railroad between Rich
mond and Petersburg. . . Rebel conscripts
camp near Atlanta, broke for Lniou lines,
600 got in, 200 recaptured by rebels.
June IS. Grant assaults rebel works and
fails. . Loss, in four days, over 1 0,000. .
Rebels place 50 Ctiion officers under fire at
June 1'A Beauregard reoccupies Bermu
da Hundred and repairs railroad. . . The
pirate Alabama, Cant. Senimes, sunk off
Cherbourg by the U. S. S. Kearsarge, Capr.
John A. Winslow. Senimes aided to es
cape by a British yacht.
June 20. Fitzhngh Lee and Hampton
repulsed at White House.
June 21. Foster crosses James river and
intrenches between Aiken's Landing and
Four Mile Creek. . . Second Corps attacks
Davis' Farm unsuccessfully. . . Rebels as
sault Sherman seven times, losing 800 men.
. . . Slemmons' Rebel cavalry defeated at
Pine Bluff.
June 22. House of Representatives re
solve to abolish slavery. . . Battle on Wel
don Head, Barlow flanked, and losing about
2.000 prisoners, 4 guns, and some flags. . .
Wilson aud Kautz capture 2 trains at Ford's
June 23. Shelby destroys U. S. gunboat
Queen City. . . Unsuccessful attack on Wel
don railroad. Union loss heavy. . . Kautz
destroys railroad junction at Burksville.
June 24. Pillow attacks aud beaten off
from Lafayette, Ga., with much loss. . .
Norfolk, Va., votes for military government.
. . . Maryland Constitutional Convention
abolishes slavery. . . Rebels attack and beat
en by Sheridan at White House. . . Wilson
and Kautz moved on to destroy 18 milas of
Danville Railroad. . . Battle of Staunton
Bridge. Wilson and. Kautz repulsed.
June 25. Night attacks on Burnside's
front easily foiled. . . Sheridan rejoined
' June 26. Rebel force (800) all killed or
captured by expedition from Fort Smith,
June 27. McPherson and Thomas attack
rebels south and southwest of Kenesaw un
successfully, losing 1,500 men. . .-Gen. Carr
defeats Shelby near St. Charles, Mo., cap
turing 200 prisoners and guns ot recently
captured Q ueen City. Un ion loss 20( ) killed
and wounded. Rebel loss, killed and
wounded, 500. . s
J une 28. Gen. (Jarnngton reports par
ticulars of Northwestern conspiracy. . .
Sherman beeins again to flank Johnson at
Kenesaw Mountain. . . Battle of Stoney
Creek. At nigfct Wilson and Kautz retreat
to Reams.
June 20. Battle of Reams Station.
Kautz and Wilson defeated and retreat in
confusion. Union loss over 1,000.
June 30. Kautz's force reaches Grant s
lines terribly exhausted. . . Johnson evac
uates Kenesaw Mountain. . . Salmon P.
Chase resigned.
Julv 1. Wilson's main force reaches
Grant's lines, having lost all their guns.
ambulance and wagon trains, wounded and
sick. . . Gen. Foster attacks Seabrook,
Johns, and James Islands. . . Rebel fort
captured on James Island. . . Col. Hoyt
and 137 men, captured at Johnson's Island.
. . . W. 1. Fessenden accepts Secretaryship
of Treasury.
J uly 2. Ewell invades Shenandoah val
ley with three columns. Martinsburg evac
uated. July 3. Sigel falls back to Harper's Fer
ry. " Winchester taken, and travel on Balti
more and Ohio Railroad stopped. . . Sher
man occupies Marietta.
July 4. Mosby's cavalry crossed Poto
mac at Point of Rocks. Mulligan evacuates
Bolivar Heights and Harper's Ferry. . . Si
gel, Stahel and Mulligan fortify and hold
Maryland Heights.
July 5. Slocum's expedition routes Reb
els east of Jackson, occupying Jackson same
night. . . Elliot's marine colored brigade at
tacked by Rebels near Port Hudson ; beat
them off. Loss 150 killed, wounded and
July 6. Hagerstown evacuated by Union
July 7. Gen. Wallace's rceonnoissanee
repulsed near Middletown ; Hagerstown
again plundered. . . Johnston crossed the
Chattahoochie. . . Rebel raid hold Harper's
J uly 8. Gen. Wallace evacuates, and
Rebels rob, Frederick. . . Parkviile, Mo.,
sacked by 150 Bushwhackers.
July 9. Battle of Monoctfcy. Wallace
defeated, losing over 1,0X. . . Rebels cap
ture Westminster, Couch re-occupies Ha
gerstown. and Hunter Frederick.
July 10. Rebels plunder Damestown and
Reisterstown, and tear up Northern Cen
tral Railroad at Oockeysville and Texas. A
portion of them enter and rob Rockville ;
the n ain body moving toward Washington.
. . . General Rosseau leaves Decatur, with
2, 7(H) men, on a raiding expedition in Hoods
rear. . . Johnston retreats to fortifications
around Atlanta.
July 1. Magnolia station and trains cap
tured. Gen. Franklin captured in one of the
cars. . . Rebel salt works at Tampa Bay de
stroyed. . . Rebel stores, torpedo, ic, de
stroyed at Dutch Gap.
July 12. Rebel raid seven miles from
Washington. . . Gen. Franklin escapes. . .
Rebels driven from before Fort- Stevens,
Washington, with considerable loss. . . Five
Rebel cotton factories destroyed at Ross
well's. July 13. Rebel raiderscross into Virgin
ia, in full retreat, with their plunder. . .
This and two following daj's, Gens. Smith
and S locum defeat Forrest in five different
battles, driving him from Pontotoc to Tu
pelo, and killing over 2,000. Union loss,
300. . . Rosseau defeats 5,000 Rebels under
Clan ton, near Consaw River.
July 15. Rebels take 5,000 cattle and
1 ,000 horses from Montgomery county and
drive them into Virginia.
July 16. Sherman's army completed
crossing the Chattahoochie in pursuit of
July 17. Indians murdering and robbing
near Fqt Larimie. . . Col. Jaquessand Mr.
Gilmore visit Jeff. Davis at Richmond. . .
Wirt Adams defeated at Grand Gulf, by
Gen. Slocuin, with very heavy loss. . . 1,500
Rebels, under Clanton badly whipped by
Rosseau at Chewa Station.
July 18-20. Geo. N. Sanders and others
correspond from Niagara about peace. . .
Crook defeated at Island Ford by Breckin
ridge ; loss 300. Gen. Duiiic defeated at
Ashby's Gap, losing 200. . . ( Jen. Crook
badly whips Early at Snicker's (rap, captu
ring 300 wagons with grain, and many pris
oners. . . Battle of Peach Tree Creek, and
Rebel repulse. Union loss 1,713 ; Rebel
loss 6,000, including 3 generals. . . Averill
attacked and defeated Early and his 5,000
men at Winchester, killing and wounding
300, captures 4 guns and 200 prisoners
Early reinforced and repulses Union troops.
. . . Rebel camp, flag, stores, Sec, captured
at Gonzales.
July 21. Henderson, Ivy., attacked by
Rebels 700 strong.
July 22. Hood again assault Sherman's
lines around xVtlanta with great vigor, but
unsuccessfully. His loss on this day and
the 20th, not less than about 20,000 killed,
wouuded and prisoners. . . Louisiana State
Convention adopted new Constitution abol
ishing slavery. . . Gen McPherson shot by
Rebel sharpshooter before Atlanta.
July 23-24. Averill defeated at Win
chester ; fell back, concentrating at Har
per's Ferry. . . Steamer Clara Bell burned
by guerrillas at Carrolton Landing.
July 26. McCook destroys Macon &
Western Railroad and 500 wagons ; cap
tures 5X) prisoners ; is overtaken by rebels
and defeated, losing all his prisoners and
over 1,000 of his own men.
July2s. Rebel stores at Winton, Ma
son's Mill, Coleraine, Sec, destroyed.
July 30. Mine exploded under portion
of rebel woiks at Petersburg. Two assaults
made, but attack nnal.y abandoned with
loss of over 4,000. . . Chambersburg lobbed
and burned by rebels.
to be continued.
Rebel Seal. The seal of the rebel States
of America is described in the English news
papers. It is designed by Foley, the cele
brated Irish sculptor, and contains in the
centrea represensation of Crawford's statue
or Washington, liiis is surrounded by a
wreath, composed of the most valuable veg
etable produce of the Southern soil tobac
co, rice, Indian cormcotton, wheat and sugar
cane. "The rim bears the legend. ' ' The Con
federate States of America, 22d February,
1S62. Deo V indice. the seal is or silver
and its diameter is four inches.
A farmer in Pennsylvania, whose sheen
had been stolen for a number of years, of
fered a notorious sheop-stealer one hundred
dollars a year to let his flock alone. 1 hat
worthy, however, only smiled and said, o,
thank you I think I can do better."
Use of the Arms in Walking. .
The first time you are walking with your
arms at liberi, stop moving them, and hold
them to your side. You will be surprised to
find how soon your compauion will leave
you behind, although you may hurry, twist,
wriggle, and try very hard to keep up. Ono
reason for the slow walk among girls is to be
found in this practice of earn ing the arms
motionless. Three miles an hour, with the
arms si ill, is as hard work as four miles
with the arms free.
1 have seen the queens of the stage walk. I
seen a few girls and women of queenly bear
ing walk in the street and drawing-room.
They moved their arms in a free and grace
ful manner. Could this habit become uni
versal among girls their chest would enlarge
and their bearing be greatly improved. See
that girl walking with both hands iu her
muff. How she wriggles and twists her
shoulders ard hips! This is because her
arms are pinioned. Give them free swing,
and her gait would soon become graceful.
You have seen pictures of muscles. Those
of the upper part of the body, you remem
ber, spread out from the shoulder, in all direc
tions, like a fan. Now if you hold the shonl
der still, the muscles of the chest will shrink,
the shoulders stoop. and the whole chest be
comes thin aud ugly.
But some girls will sa, "Swinging the
arms must be very slight exercise.' True,
it is very slight if you swing the arms but
once or ten times, but if you swing them ten
thousand times, in a day, you will obtain
more exercise of the muscles of the chest
than by all the ordinary movements combin
ed. Indeed, if I were aked what exercise
I thought most effective fer developing the
chests of American girls, I should reply at
once, swinging the arms while walking.
Dr. Dio Lewis.
Women in Paraguay.
The author of "Sketches in Paraguay"
gives us this fragrant mortal : "Everybody.-,
smokes iu Paraguay, and every female a
bovc thirteen years of age chews. I am
wrong. They do not chew, but put tobac
co in their mouths, keep it there constantly,
except when eating, and, instead of
chewing, roll it about with their tougue and
suck it. Only iminagine yourself about to
salute the rich rich red lips of a magnificout
little Hebe, arrayed in satin and flashing
with diamonds; she puts you back with one
white hand,' while with the fair, taper fin
gers of the other she draws forth from her
mouth a brownish-black roll of tobacco,
quite two inches long, looking like a mon
strous grub, and depositing the savory mor
sel on the rim of your sombero, nuts np her
face, and is ready ior a salute. I have some
times seen an over-delicate foreigner turn
with a shudder of loathing under such cir
cumstances, and the epithet oft savagothe
savage) aprlied to him by the offended beau
ty for this sensative squeamishness. How
ever, one soon gets used to this in Paraguay,
where you are, perforce of custom, oblige !
to kiss every lady you are introduced to;
and one halt-you meet are really tempting
enough to render you reckless of conse
quences, and you would sip the dew of the
proffered lips in the face of a tobacco batte
ry, even the double distiiled "honey dew"
ot oi l lrgmia.
Curiosities of the Earth.
In digging at the city of Modena, in Ita
ly, and about four miles around it, when the
workmen arrived at the depth of sixty-three
feet, they came to a bed of chalk, which
they bored with an auger five feet deep.
They then withdrew from the pit before the
auger was removed, and upon its extrication
the water burst up through the apperture
with great violence, and quickly filled the
new made well, which continues full, and is
effected neither by rains nor droughts. But
that which is most .remarkable, is that at
the depth of fourteen feet are found the re
mains of an ancient city paved streets,
houses, floor and different pieces of mosaic.
Underneath is a soft earth made up chiefly
of vegetable matters; and at twenty-six feet
deep large trees entire,Jsuch as walnut trees,
with the walnuts still on the stem, and leaves
and branches in a perfect state of pres
ervation. At twenty-eight teet deep a soft
chalk is found, mixed with a vast quantity
of shells, and this bed is eleven feet thick.
Under it vegetable's are found again with
leaves, and branohes of trees as before,
A New Corps to be Organized. We
learn from the Louisville Journal that Major
General Rousseau has made application to
the War Department for authority to raise a
veteran corps of troops, ten thousand in
number. The corps is to be armed with tho
celebrated Spencer rifle, capable of shooting
seven times before reloading. Five four-eun
ginia. lhisisthe nrst corps of the kind
which has been attempted to be raised in
the est, ana tjen. KOCsseau 8, reputa
tion for skill and courage furnishes an amplo
guaranty that it will, if organized, reflect
high credit ujon the service. We hope the
enterprise will succeed.
Why was Samson the greatest actor that
ever appeared on the stage? Because he
brought dotcn tlie home when the audience was
composed entirely of his enemies. The same
gentleman says that the reason why Jenkins
is unlike sjdorg's tail is, that Jenkins keeps
a carriage, and the tail keeps a.waggin,
As a matter of fact preacher was coming
down the street the other day, a gentleman
asked him "Sir can you tell me how to
find out the Sheriff's office?" "Yes, sir,"
was the reply; "every time you earn five
dollars spend ten!"
Op . the twelve Revolutionary yatriots
living on the 1st of January, 1864. but fivo
survive to welcome the New Year,
batteries of light artillery are to support the
infantry. The corps is to be organized on
the nlan of Gen. Hancock's. nfJn V!r.