thi baft journal. CLEARFIELD, PA., FEB. 8, 1S63. Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. . SuUrsat1 ! n:S::3: ivesPhiliosburr at : : : f ?U p. m. " Arrives at Tyrone at : : : 5.5a p. RVTES OF SUBSCRIPTION, ADVERTISING AND JCBBING. Subscription, in advance, 1 year, : bubscription, if paid with the year, . - -Subscription, if not paid within the year, - Otf The above rates of subscription. to apply to tho current volume, unless paid for before January Court, xooa. AJm'rs and Ex'rs notices, each.. 6 times, Auditor' notices, each, Cautions and Estrays, each. 3 times, lis-olution notices, each, 3 times, Transient Advertising, per square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, For each subsequent insertion, Official Advertising, for each square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, For each subsequont insertion. Professional cards, o lines, one year, Local notices, per lino, 1 time, Obituary notices, over 5 lines, per line, Yearly Advertising, one square, : : : Yearly Advertising, two squares, : : Yearly Advertising, three squares, : Yearly Advertising, one-fourth column, Yeariy Advertising, one-half column, , Yearly Advertising, one column Blanks. single quire, ::::::: Blanks, 3 quires, per quire, : : : : Blanks, 6 quires, per quire, ; : : : Blanks, over 6 quires, per quire, : : : Handbills, eighth sheet, 25 or less, fourth sheet, 25 . " half sheet, 25 " " whole sheet. 25 " 1 50 50 5 00 15 10 8 00 13 00 15 00 20 00 35 00 60 00 2 50 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 50 2 50 4 50 5 00 Over 25 of each of above, at proportionate rates. The above rates were agreed upon, by the un dcasigncd. on the 3d day of December, 1861, and will be strictly adhered to during the present high prices of all kinds of printing materials. D. W. MOORE, .Publisher of '-Clearfield Republican." S. J. ROW, Publisher of '-Raftsman's Journal." Lost a largo brass key, oa Tuesday c vening. The finder will be liberally rewar ded, on leaving it at this office. Fill vouk Quota. We. Lave been re quested to state, that M. A. Frank, Esq, will attend to filling the quotas of several townships, if Application is made xn. For further information apply to John M. Ad ams. Errata. Several typographical errors occurred in the receipts and expenditure.--, ast week the corrections have been made. An omission abo occurred in the notice of the sale of lands of ITurds heirs. hich has been supplied. ' - First National Bank. By reference to our advertising columns the reader will find the certificate, authorizing the "First National Bank of Clearfield." We will also htate, for the benefit of the public, that the Bank is now open and doing business in the office heretofore occupied by J. B. ly, Esq. The Weather and Roads. Several days, last week, the sun shone quite warm in this region, and the snow melted suffi cient to make the roads quite si u.hy; but since then we have had hard freezing, and now the roads arc again in the best of con dition for sledding and hauling. On yester day (Tuesday) snow began to fall, and this morning it measures seven inches in depth. Unprecedented Blackguardism. For pome time the citizens living near the cen tre of our Borough, have been annoyed by a species of blackguardism, that should be speedily and promptly abated. Some large boys, who begin to think themselves men, are in the habit ot congregating together, and pretending to firli during which they curse and swear and howl in a manner tha could, perhaps, only be excelled by the fiends in the infernal regions. Such con- uuct is oenearn mac or a numan being, no matter how degraded a position he may oc cupy. If the parents of these boys, eoub only hear for themselves these imitations of pandemonium, they would hide themselves fr very shame, and wish that their off spring were dead. Whether they are in any way responsible for this conduct of their children, we are not prepared to assert but we do say, that as Christian p arents, they must exercise a greater watchfulness over their sons, or at no very remote day they find some of them the annates of prisons, or the occupants of the gallows. That this nuisance should be abated, no one will deny. If there is no other way if the parents can not curb their childrens evil habits, and learn them to respect others if not them Wives we hope that our Borough authori ties will take the matter in band, and have them punished as their conduct deserves If the officers do not use their influence to this end, then they are measurably rcspon ble for a continuance of the evil. An accident occurred on the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad at Lee's Creek Bridge, sixty miles east of Cincinnati, on Saturday morning. The middle pier of the bridge was carried away during the night by the gorg mg of the ice and high water, leaving the bridge standing. The accommodation train, consisting of one baggage and two passenger cars reached the center of the bridge when R gaTe way, precipitating the train into the reek.a distance of fifty feet. Ten ortwelve ivos were lost, besides' a number serious ly injured. The rear car fell on its end, and t'jok fire. Several passengers were burned to death. vJhe Currency op the Country. A Washington letter to the Chicago Tribune J's the amount of currency afloat at the present time is in. round number as follows : igal Tenders without int. $ 430,000.000 '-"few ieimers wi I - 1 rti "-sal lenders drawing int. fractional Currency Certificates of indebtedness ues of National Banks eal Bank Issues Total, 200.000,000 24,000.000 120,000,000 82,000,000 300.000,000 gJaftsmnn $1,150,000,000 Tribute of Hf s-pvet. The following preamble ami vesoittt?--ns were adopted by Co. B, 14Ulh Regt., V.u Vol., Jan. 22d, 1jG", on learning that their late commander, Capt. William Hold en, was dead : . . Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father t remove f rom -s, and this world, Capt. William lloldcti, llnnmc, Resolved, That while bowing with sub mission to that inscrutable Providence which, shielding him amid many dangers and hardships for more than two years of active lite in the field, has called him home to die, we can but feel in his death a great loss to us, as well as to his country and friends. Resolved, That his life, with us, has been uniformly kind, courtous and gentlemanly always eschewing the vices of the army, and discountenancing them among us, so as to merit our highest commendations, and vite our imitation. Resolved, That as an officer we must al ways remember him as modest and conscien tious laboring for the welfare of his men, true to his country, and amid much infirm ity of body never shrinking from any post of duty, however dangerous or arduous, and reluctantly retiring when tailing health ab solutely commanded him from the field. Resolved, That we tender our sincere sympathies to his parents and friends, who are called to mourn the loss of worthy a son and brother ; and ask them to accept a copy of these resolutions, from hislate command, as a token of their respect for him and them. Sergeant John L. Bex, Chairman. Lieut. Albert B. Cole, Secretary. At a meeting of the officers of the 14'Jth Regt., Penn'a Vols., held the sr. me date, it was unanimously Rt-iohed, That we t-incerc-ly unite in this humble tribute of respect to our late companion in arms, and also tender our sympathies to his friend. Lt. Col. John Irvin, Chairman. Adj't Jno. F. Irwin, Secretary. Important to Substitute Brokers. J. lie Ohio .Legislature has mst passeu a law, which is quite severe on Substitute Brokers. The loi'iowinnr are the material ieatures of tli liil. fieo. I .Hakes ic uuiawiul lor any person or persons to engage la tne tuisn-.-s ot pro eurig credits for counties, townships, &e. if EC -. ihat the legally ooii.-tilutcil au thorities or any voluntary association of citi zens in any county, township, ciiy, ward or sub-district, inav employ one or more airents to procure substitutes, volunteers or credit to tin quotas, paying sueii agent or agent.-, a reasonable compensation therefore; but in no case shall such compensation be retained or paid m whole or in part, out or any boun ty stipulated to be paid-to such volunteers or substitutes. fihc. o. i-or violation or the provisions ot the act a hne ot ?1 ooo lor each ofiencc. or be iinprisioned in the country jail and led on bread and water only for thirty days. It is said, now that Wilmington is closed to the rebel trade that attention will lie wholly directed to Mexico, through which ports, it is claimed, sufficient cotton can be sent abroad to pay regularly the interest on the rebel bonds and keep a handsome bal ance on hand besides. The rebels already have the money in London to meet the 3iarch and September payments. The crew of the rebel, steamer Florida, which was captured in the harbor of Bahia by the United States Steamer Wachusetts, have been liberated by order of the Govern ment. They number about thirty. They were taken from Fort Warren in a tug and placed on board the BrittUh steamer Cana da, which, sailed from Boston on Febuary 1st for Halifax. The quota of Indiana, under the call for 300,000 men, is 22,;si That number at $f00 each recruit will amount to thirteen and one-half millions of dollars. A bill au thorizing cities and counties to borrow mon ey and issue bonds to pay bounties to raise recruits to fill their quotas, has passed the tb senate of Iudk na, aud will probably pass the House. It is mentioned in diplomatic circles that Maximilian's Mexican envoy was received at St. Petersburg, but got only a polite note recognizing his appearence, and that no ltussian envoy is to be sent at present to Mexico. There is reason to believe this ac tion of the Bussian Government was upon the advice of its Minister here. Nevada walked into thell. S. Senate and hung up her hat or rather her hats Feb ruary 1st. We congratulate that lusty young State on the brightening skies of our Bepub lic at the hour of her welcome, advent, and confidently predict that she will be one of the firmest pillars of our glorious Union. Tribune. . Wholesale Desertion It was stated on the floor of the Ohio Senate lately, by Sena tor Gl NCKEL, who obtained the informa tion from the Adjutant General of the State, that on the day previous there had been re ceived at Camp Chase 4o'.) recruits, and of that number 130 had deserted daring the forenoon. We learn from the Pittsburg Gazette, that the population of that city has nearly quadrupled in 24 vears. In 1840 polled a voteoff.,53S; in 18C4, 20,978. Surely, the Smoky City is a place of of some note ; as is attested by the number of most excclent Daily papers published there. The decision of the Supreme Court of Michigan, declaringthe law allowing soldiers in the field to vote to be unconstitutional, will give the Democrats one member of Con gress, eight mourners ot the fctate Legisla ture aud u large number of county officers in the State. The Union prisoners in Georgia have been transferred to Salisbury, North Caiolina, to 'prevent their release by Sherman. Their treatment by the rebels is more inhuman than ever oeiore. J. no nnraocr oi aeaths h fearful, and on the increase, averaging fifty daily. Dr. J. S. Jeffries, a government tletee- tive. clOHiar duty irom post headquarters at Cincinnati, was betrayed by a rebel deserter ast week into tho hands of the guerrillas m Bourbon couury, Ky., who first murdered aud then robbed him. The ioint resolution of the Penn'a Legis- ature, ratifying the amendment to the con- titution passed by Congress, was pa.s.sei uy he Senate on trie 3d instaut iy a yote of 14 yeas 3 nays,' in the House by a stirot party vote. Ohituary notices, not over Jive lines, inserted free of chart ; AH aver Jive Hue, at ten. cents per line. T'l e 'sh n itst aTompxny the notice, invariably. DIED : At Ansonville, on January 24th, Mrs, Tii0MS0N,wife of John Thomson, aged 55 years. mi'HNPlKE FLECTION. Tho stockhol X Ueraof the Philfpsburg and Susquhanna Turn pike Road Co. will take notice that an Election will be held at the office of said company, in ihil ipsburg, on Monday the 6th day of March next, to Elect five managers for the ensuing vear. By order of the board ii. IIAKTSUOUN, Feb. 1st. 1805. President. FAR3I FOR SALE The subscriber de sires to sell his farm, situate in Chest town ship, about 8 miles above New Washington, con taining 117 acres. The land is in a good state of cultivation, nnder good fences, with plenty of coal and ore thereon One hundred acres are cleared. The buildings are, two good houses and two bank barns, and other outbuildings ; also an orchard of good fruit trees. The premises ad join Westover, Lamburn and others, and will be sold on reasonable terms. Feb. 1, lSf.5-3tp. WM EVANS. ' RPI1AXS' COURT SALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's court of Clearfield county, there will be exposed to public s;.le at liegarty's X Roads, on Wednesday, March 1st, 1865. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following des cribed Real Estate, situate in Woodward town ship, Clearfield county, Penn'a. late the proper ty of Samuel ilegarty, dee'd, bounded as follows : On the Jsorth by the Oscoola Plank Road, on the West by line of Mary Conuell survey, on the South by elder surveys, and on the East by clear ed land of Samuel llegarty's estate, containing 70 acres more or less Tkkms. cash. Feb. 1, 1865. SAMCEL IIKtJARTY, Ex. o1 .RPIIANS' COURT SALE OF VALU ABLE TIMBER LAM). I'y nn order issued out of tho Orphans' court of ClearCc-11 county, there will be exposed to public sale at Newbarg. on Saturday the 25th day of Feb ruary, liio. at 2 o'clock. V. M., the following des cribed Real ltatc. situate in Chest township, Clearfield comity, bounded as follows : Begin ning at. a beech of Thomas Wood's land, thonee South 52 degrees Kil perches to an old hem lock ompr. thence North Ss degrees west 116 per ches to an old n.h. thenco by purpart No. 2 and 3 Nos-ili 52 decrees Kast 230 perches to po.-t on the line of tlio John fiiaff survey, thence South de grees East '-7 line of said 'Iraff 2S perches to post ff Thomas Woods, thence south 52 deg., west 71 perches to white pine, thence South 40 degree? Eat by land oi' Woods S7. 7 per. to the place of be ginning, containing 121 acres, lute the eptnte of Caroline Ilurd, dee'd. JOHN M QL1LKIN, (iuarman of Jl II. Hum. jr.. and vi!?on A. Ilurd, miliar childiCii of Caroline liurd. deceas ed. February 1. 1S05, ECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CLFARFTELP COUNTY, FOii A. L. 18G1. C. Kr.vtzer, Esq , Treasurerof Clearfield coun ty, in the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, in ac count with said county, from the tith day of Jan. a i. loot, until tue oin uay ot Jan. A. D. lstu iEnron To amount received from collectors for 13P4 and previous years, S13.76S 01 To amount received from -unseated lands for 1802 and 1&G3. To amount received from collectors on State, To amount received from unseated on State, To amount received from Commission ers' book, CREDIT. By Election expenses, 2.593 49 Jy Assessors' wages. 8S1 45 ly Jurors' wages. 2,1 82 'S I Py Foxes and wildcats, 172 37 Py Interest orders, 1.8-0 79 Py Interest on orders, 374 17 By Commonwealth costs, 4t'S 21 By Constables' costs, 213 2m By Commissioners' wages, 1,152 55 By Prothonotary's fees, 503 03 By Agrioultural, 100 00 By Wood and coal, 145 OS By Clerk's wages. o77 6t) By Repairs for county, 100 80 By Justices costs, 37 14 By New books for county, 4.S5 82 By Postage, stationaryicxpress 09 93 By Merchandise, 73 68 By Printing. 201 25 By Jailor's fees, 25 73 By Bridge contracts, S7S 61 By Court crier, 5f 00 By Janitor's fees, 40 00 By ShsrifTs fees. 100 00 By Infjucits, 72 14 By Auditors and clerk, ' 195 00 By restrict Attorney fees, 143 00 By Refuuds. . 8 62 5,800 50 5.147 57 2.493 CO 2,032 73 By Auditing Prot'yA Reg'r ac'ts 10 00 i;y .iiisceilaueous, 3'.iG 50 By Com'rs to view new tp. lines IS 00 By Counsel fees. 100 00 By Road views. 141 00 By Lithograph orders, 452 00 By Court house bonds, 3.000 00 By Court house bunds, interest 1,155 00 By Am't pd per State tax 8,005 47 By percentage to collectors, 70'J 43 ly i-xonerauons to collectors, 501 23 By Treu'rs perct. paying out, 407 4(5 By Trea'rs per ct. receiving. 43S 65 15y bal. due.lreas lastsettlom t 4 71 Ba.1. due Co. by Treasurer, 17 70 Total, 529,243 35 29,243 2'o Bounty Fund of Sept. A.D. 1862. C. Kratzer, Eso., Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, in tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac count with Bounty Fund of September, 1S02. DEBTOR. To amount received from collectors, including percentage, S9.313 3S To amount ree'd from unseated lands, 2,070 35 CREDIT. By Bounty bondsof Sept.lSG2 $5,670 00 rsy interest on bonds, . 273 45 By Percentage to collectors. 325 52 By Exonerations, 220 3(5 By Treas'rs per ct. paying out, 173 53 By Treas'rs per ct. receiving, 2S4 59 By am' due Treas. last set'mt, 13 65 Bal due fund by Treasurer, 3,422 53 Total. S11.383 73 S11,3S3 73 Relief Fund. C, esq.. Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, in account with Relief Fund,' A. D. 1861. 1) Eli TOR. To amount received from collectors for 1864. in cluding percentage. 54,62158 1 o amount received Irom unseated lands for 15u2 and 1S63, To amount ree'd from comnfrs book, To am't duo fund at lust'settlemcnt, To am't received from militia fines, CREDIT. By am't, orders redeemed, 82 294 75 By anrt, certificates 2,518 50 By am't, collectors percentage 163 11 By am't, col'rs exonerations 110 65 By am't. Tr. per et. paying out 71 19 By am't, Tr. per ct. receiving, 104 15 JJal. due fund by Treas r, 2,313 86 1,032 83 837 00 449 45 663 3j Total, 87.612 21 87.612 21 Extra Bounty Fund. C-Kharzeb, Esq , Treasurer of Clearfield coun ty, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ac count with Bounty Fund under the Act of As sembly of 25th day of -March, A. D. 1S64. DEDTOll. To amount received from collectors, including percentage, '864,133 84 To amount received from Commission ers account book, . 23,500 00 CREDIT By aniount.of Bounty bonds redeemed, 533,900 00 By amount &f Bounty cortifi- -cates redeemed, 30,672 80 Py Rtnount of Int. on bonds, 5.201 02 By collectors percentage, 1.3S7 41 By exonerations, - 3,74 9 95 By Treas'rs per ct paying out 432 74 By Treas'rs per ct. receiving, 64133 By Treas'rs perct. on cash ree'd 132 50 Bal. due fund, 14,520 04 Total, 890,633 84 $90,633 S4 Dne from Collectors. Amount of County, Bounty and State duo from collectors, for 1S63 and previous years. Year. Town'p. Collectors. County. Bounty. State. 1S55 Covington, J. Barmoy. SO 00 $00 00 $ 16 94 1856 lccatur, Cr. Kephart. S P9 00 00 111 59 1303 Morris, . P. Swartz, 0 00 1S 04 00 00 Total, f3 S9 S16 04 $123 53 Amount of Militia and Extra Bounty due from collectors, for 1864 and previous years. 1 ear. Township. Collectors. Militia. Extra B 1S55 Covington, J. Barmoy, 19 08 . Kephart, 20 62 J. II. Hegarty. 0 00 I). Ilitchings, 0 00 1. P St Clair, 0 00 Jas. Thompson, 0 00 David Smith, 0 00 Conrad Kyler, 0 00 5 0 00 0 00 1162 64 496 49 173 S4 299 65 663 S3 147 85 974 79 896 76 63 33 223 50 111 32 JS.ib Decatur, 1864 Beccaria. " Bradford, " Covington, " CurwenBV ' Girard, " Graham, " Jordan, " L. City, " Pike, J. M'Neal. Robt Young, W. L Bloom, P. Blanchard, 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 L nion, Woodward, C. C. ShofT, Jotal S-9 70 S5229 II lhose marked have since paid in full. Am't of outstanding county orders. S 140 06 Am't of outstanding court house orders. 600 00 Am t of outstanding courthouse bonds, 14,500 00 Agg'te due from coll 'rs on co. S 8 89 figg te due troui uns ted lands 3714 4f A 'to due from Treasurer. 17 11.499 70 01 Indebtedness of county, Total, 15,240 06 5-15,240 06 Am t ot outst dg extra bounty bond 5119,800 00 g ie amoum due rrom collectors fur lotil, 85,229 11 Agg'te amount due from unseated lands. 23,215 00 Agg'te amount due from Treasurer, 14.520 04 Indebtedness, 76:3u5 85 Total, SUJjSOa 00 8U9.S00 00 v,. kisatzei?, Ireasurer. in account with iue uiuurens rownenips. tor Road Fund lor the jears.. u 1&02 and l?e.'i. I'EtiXon. To am't due Tp. from last fettlcm't T am't received from unseated lands for 1302 and J 86 J, 8 211 51 7,793 42 CREDIT. Townships. Beccaria, Bell, Am t paid 6 361 61 Bal. duo. 8 00 00 83 U 72 90 1 35 21 03 52 13 85 C7 53 33 112 4(1 41 SU 47 00 00 00 33 39 137 94 48 69 136 51 57 94 27 03 60 53 19 71 00 28 132 63 50 87 73 43 75 133 45 3i'U 00 90 79 150 00 40 00 476 41 217 40 221 30 80 83 239 70 23 05 171 40 SOU 00 189 22 100 00 270 00 1,379 SO . 143 53 240 00 319 84 ' 133 63 3S5 30 143 86 83 10 S17 50 90 00 1,549 53 Bloom, Bradford, Prady, Burnside, Chest. Covington Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, Girard, Goshen. Graham, Gitelich, Huston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrenoe, Morris, Penn, Pike, Union, Woodward, Bal due Twps. Total, S3:012 93 83,012 93 C. Kratzer, Esq., Treasurer, in account with tne difleront townships, for School Fund, for the years a. u. isis and 1803. DEETOK. To Bal. due Twps. from last settlom't S 17 5 J To am't received from uuseated lands. 8;302 55 CREDIT. Townships. Am't paid. Bal. duo. Beccaria 8 515 8'J 13 04. I'c'l, 434 17 18 17 Boggs. 103 31 7 24 Bloom, v ill 77 0 00 Bradford, 59 21 0 00 Brady, 418 02 12 91 Burnside, 361 82 32 19 Chest, 284 43 31 60 Covington, .59 19 250 17 Decatur. 413 03 29 05 Ferguson, 80 80 2 54 Fox. 97 53 39 5.J Girard, 1S2 21 73 77 Goshen, 187 43 57 81 Graham, 207 03 :J9 87 Guelii;h, 473 95 24 39 Huston. 429 07 539 81 Jordan, '159 35 27 76 Harthaus, 114 00 19 46 Knox, 444 20 0 00 Lawrence, 279 15 9 35 Morris, 3h7 43 23 97 I'enn, 207 08 .28 93 i'ike, 106 22 28 43 Union, 258 09 11 52 Woodward, 316 63 41 12 Bal due Twps. 1,533 73 Total, 83.320 11 88,320 11 We, the Commissioners of Clearfield. county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, havimr t. amined the accounts of C. Kratzer, Treasurer of me county ol Ulearheld, lor the year A. D 1364. do certify that we-find the account as follows : The amount due the county by the Treasurer is Seventeen dollars and Seventy cents. The amount outstanding due the county, Three thousand Seven hundred and Twenty-three dol lars and Thirty-five cent3. The amount of outstanding orders. Fifteon thnn. sand Two hundred and Forty dollars and Si if of which Fourteen thousand and Five hundred dollars is in court house bonds. ihe balance due Bounty fund, bv the Tre.isn- rer, is Three thousand Focr hundred and Twenty-two dollars and Fifty-eight cents. The balance duo Relief fund, by Treasurer, is Two thousand Three hundred and F. dollars and Eighty six cents. The bal.ince due Extra Bounty fund, 13 Four teen theusand Five hundred and Twenty dollars ami Four cents. Witness our hands this 20th day of January, TU08. DOUGHERTY. A, D. 1865. AMOS READ. CONRAD BAKER, Commissioners. S. Eradley, clerk, Attest, Wm We. the Auditors of Clearfield county, Penn sylvania, having examined the accounts of C. Kratzer, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield county, for the year A. D. ISo-l, do report that the accounts are as above stated. The amount due the Road fund, by the Treasu rer, is One thousand Five hundred and Forty-nina dollars and Fifty-three cents The amount due the School fund, by the Trea surer, is One thousand Five hundred and Thirty eight dollars and Seventy-three cents. Witness our hands this 20th day of January.' A. D. JSOi. HIRAM WOODWARD, F F. COUTERET, Attest, ' " M W. S. Bradley, clerk. L. C. EVANS Auditors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of Administration on the estate of John Hegarty, late of Beccaria tw'p, Clearfield courty, Penn'a, dee'd, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are re-. -queritod to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tne samcwil! present them duly authenticated for settlement. '' '' : Jan. Id, lS65-pi. SAil'L HEGARTY, Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Letters oi Administration on tho estate of James Curley, lateof Pern township. Clearliuld Co., Pa., deeeased.-having been granted to tho undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate payment, and those baring claims against the same will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. 1). II. PAULHAMUS. December 7. 1864. Administrator. .N.J.MCKiSRSON : FTLiEnvr. M. If. HARRIS W.B. MOSELEV ECOIiljIID.A.Y, WITH MCKEKSON, IIAKH1S & .MOSELEV, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 435 Market Street, Philadelphia. AWarge assortment of City Made Work constantly on hand. July 20, la64. "CLEARFIELD NURSERY. E N CO UP. J AGE HOME INDUSTRY. The undersigned having established a Nursery, on tho Pike, about halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsof Fruit trees, (Standard and dwarf,) Evergreens. Shrub bery, Grapo Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtrn Black berry, Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also, Sibrian Crab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Kheu barb, ic. Orders promptly attended to. Address Aug 31, 1864. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensville, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between the suoscribers, in the banking business as Leon ard, Finney .fc Co., is this day dissolved by mutu al coucent. Tho books, pupers and assests ara left in the hands of Jame 1. Leonard at the office of the firm, and all claims due to and by the firm will be there settled by him. All over-due paper must be forthwith settled. JAS. T. LEONARD A. C. FINNEY, Dec. 20th, 1S64. W. A. WALLACE The business is to be continued by Jas. T. Leon ard, as Leonard Co. HO! FOE IRWIN'S. SECOND SUPPLY OF SEA.SOKTA.EiLB GOODS JCST KECKIVFD AT - W I LL 1 A M F. I II W IX'S S TO R E. OS UAl'.Kiir ST., CLEAKI'IELi), VS. THE CHEAPEST AND TEST Seasonable Goods . ARE TO EE HAD AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Ihe undersigned has just rcceived-from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at tea reasoutible prices. His triends - and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere as he leols persuaded none undersell Li in. His stock embraces a well selected assortment of DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hardware, Qaeensware7 Gil 00 13 HIES, DUUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, BOOTS, SHOES, II ATS AND CAT'S, BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books end Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, . . And a great variety of other useful articles, all which will be gold cheap for cash, or ex- changed for approved produce. Go to the "cheap cash store" if yon want to buy goous at lair prices. Doc 21, 1864. WM. F. IRWIN. NEW ST0EE ROOM -Vlt-TID UNTZEvV GOODS !!!! RICHARD MOSSOP DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, &.C.. MAUKiil STREET, CLEARFIELD, FA. SELLS The Cheapest Goods IN THE COUNTY. llerul the followinqhxl of goo ix a -profit th'rtly: Cieapi FOB, THE LADIES. Ooo,fs I, tieii.p Cheap Chtdp Cheap (Jiett p Cheap Always on hand a large stock of La-'.('g'l dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, Goods (roods Alpacas, lie Lames, inghams. Prints, Chintz. Kerchiefs. Su bies Donnets, li loves, ete. FOR GENTLEMEN, Goods Cheup' Good- Cheup Always on hand Clack, 151ue. Drown Good Cheap' ana ureyciotns, fancy ana l.lncn (ioolx Cheap Casimeres, Sattinets, CassineLs, (roods Cheap Cheap J. weeds, flam and t ancy est ings. Shirting, etc.. etc. etc. 1 Goods ' Goods Lieap READY-MADE, rooas Goods shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Loots, Shoes. Hats, Caps, Neck ties, Gum Eootsand fhoes. and a variety of other articles. IIOU.SEUOLD i.ODS. Good Goods Goods Goods Goods : Goods Muslins, Colored Muslins, Linen G.oor.'1 and cotton tablecloths, Oil cloth, i l'00' l.inpn ni, .1 homn t . v.-l j tlrOOdS pets, curtains, fringe, "etc - jS""' HARDWARE, AC. God If you want Nails or spikes. Manure 'Goods or other forks. Saw-mill or other Good sawa, Smoothing irons. Locks, G00ds 'Hinges, etc.. go to Mossop's G00d where you can buy cheap. G00ds IF YOU WANT -Goods Cheap Knives and forks, Dutcher Knives, Goods Cheap hoe and Stove blacking, Manilla ''Goods Cheap'. ' and hemp ropes, Ink, I'aper or Good llie-ap Cheap rens,..Powder, boot or Lead, 'Goods etc., ouy tuem at Jttossop s. Goods IF YOU WANT Goods Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy' Crouds ioap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win- Goods dow Shndes, Lamps. Lamp tubes i Goods or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Ci:-!v i..itenp Cheap i CJtcap Mossop's cheap cash store. Goois IF "YOU WANT rim j Clean' aiiuossop a caeap ior cato. (Jheai IF YOU WANT ti ..m 1 - " Goods (rOodl ' Goods. Goods (roods 'Goods I Goods CVirTallow candles, fine or coarse salt Cneap Syrup or molasses, cieese, dried Cltea,p apples or peaches, water or so- : Cheap do cracsers, call at Mossop's Cheap where you can buy cheap. Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods Cheap Yoit wine for Medical or Sacramen-i'ooci Cheapi tal uses, Sweet wine, old Monon- txootls Goods Goods Cheap' - gahela or rye whisicy, Cherry Ckeap and Cognac brandy, buy at ." Cheap' Mossop cheap cash storo. Chenpy . IF YOU WANT ' ' t,"','jRaisen3, j-j prune8 or dried Cur 7,1 ' rants; filberts, cream, pecan or Goods Goods Goods Goods r" ground nuta, candies. Liquorice LJieap or LjqUOr jca root,: buy them Cneapi t Mosson'scheaii and srond. I Goods G00ds 1 Goods t:hAtm f- " i j Oieap Cheapo fcuy any omer trticie caeap, b&lGooUt Cheap uro to 8. to Mossop, for te ellg G00ds Cheap cneaper lor casn uia.n any otfler .Good Cheap November 27.1301. ap2fi59.-UiooUs Approved country of every inid taleii at tk usual mxrla prices in exchange for goods. m,,,J brown suar, hams, shoulders or y , Che7p i;jes Imperial, Young fe S G GOODS SEASONABLE 1 or BOYN'TOX SIIOWEHS GKA1IAM That's The Place! BOYITTON, SHOWEES AND GRAHAM. CLEARFIELD, lA.f Have received their first rapply of Seasonable ' Uoods,which they are now offering for Sale at the LOWEST CASH FlllCES. Their stock consists of general variety o Dry-Gools. Groceries, Hard-war , Queens-ware, Tin-ware, Willow-ware, Wooden-ware, Provisions, Hats, Caps, Doots, Shoes, and Clothing, Ao. For the Ladies. They would call especial attention to the large and good assortment of new styles and patterns ot' WOOLEN COODS, Such as Scarfs, Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Sacquea, Mantles, Shawls, and Hats. Alio the latesi styles of Bonnets, and an assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Flain and Fancy Sfik, Delaines. Alpacas, G inghams, Ducals. Prints, Me. rinos, Cashmeres, Tlaids. Brilliants, Poplins, Pe rcge. Lawns. Nankins, Linen, Lace, Edgings, Col erettes. Braids, Belts, Veils, Nets, Corsetts. Nu bias, Hoods, Coats. Mantels, Balmoral skirts. Ho siery, Gloves, Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes. Ribbon, Hats. Trimmings, Buttons, Combs. Shawls. Braid, Muslins, Irish Liners, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, Swiss, Bobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs ete. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans. Cordu roys, Bevcr-Teon, Linens, Handkerchiefs. Neek ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps. Scarfs, eto., etc. Clothing In the latest styles and of the best material, consisting of. Coats, Pauts, Vests. Shawls. Over coats, Drawers, Cashmcro and Linen Shirts, etc. Of Loots and Shoes, They have a largo assortment for Indies and Gen tltmen. consisting of Top Boots. Brogass. Pumps Gaiters, B.ilmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, ete Groceries cul Provisions Such as C-.ffec, Syrups. Sugar,- Kioe, Cracker Vinegnr, C.inilus. Cheese, I -'lour. Meal, Bacon, Fith. course aiil Hue Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. Coal Oil Lamp!, ' Coal oil, Lamp chimneys, Tinware a great varlo ty, Japanware, Egg heaters, Spleo boxes, Wire Ladels, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lauterns. etc., etc. Carpets, Oil-cloth, - Brooms. Brushes. Baskets, Washboards. Buckets, Tubs,. Churns' Wall-paper. Candle wick, Cotton yarn and Batting. Work baskets. Umbrellas, eto." Rafting Ropes, . Angers, Axes, Chisels, Saws. File?, Hammers. Hatchets, Nils, Spikes, Gri .d stones. Stoneware Trunks, Carpet bags, Powder, Shot, Lead, eto. School Books, Writing and Letter paper, Fancy note anl 00m mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy Cooks, slates, ink stands, fuuy and common envelopes. Carriage Trimming, Shoe Findings, Glass and Putty,- Flat irons and Coffee mills, Bed cords and Bed sere wsv Matches. Stove blacking, Washing soda aud Soap, eto. Flavoring Extract?, ' Patent Medioines, Perfuuiory of varions kinds. Fancy soaps, Oils, Paiuts. Varnishes, and in. fact every thing usually kept in a first class Store. They invite all persons to caJl and examine their stock, and hope to give entiro satisfaction. BOYNTON, SHOWERS & GRAHAM- Clearfield, Pa., Dec. 7th, 1SG4. PENNSYLVANIA Imperial Oil Company, Office 130 South Fifth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Capital 61,000,000 200,000 Shares, at 65 ch. Reserved Capital 2G0,0Q0. President, alexander k." m'cluiui directors ; : ; A. K. M-'Clure, D. J. Jackman. Elisha W. Davis Thos. A. Scott. -I.C. Bombcrser. Peter A. Small. John M. Pomeroy, PErnsTAttT. James M. Sellers. TREARt-BEB. Elisha W. Davis This company has 120 acres of land, in fee. on the Allegheny River, immediately opposite Oil City, and adjoining Laytonia, with 110 rods froufc on the river, and 75 rods frunt on Lay's. Ban. Hon. C. P. Ramsdell, editor of the Oil Ckv 'Mon itor, and agent for this land, assures the company that it will sell in rots for S 100,000, reserving the oil right which is worth SIOO.OOO additional. Im mediate REVENUE WILL BE DERIVED FOR THE CO.X- pasy from the sale op THERE tors : and the com pany ;have two good engines with complete fix tures to operate immediately for oil; The territo ry in this immediate locality has nover failed to produce profitably. Also, one hundred acres, in foe simple, in the celebrated Cherry Run District, immediately ad joining the Cherry Run Petroleum eoinpany,whos& stock is now worth over S30 per share. The com pany now have offers, which will be accepted, for sinking wells on lease, without anycost to. the cor poration and one-half the proceeds U go to the company, ihe Curtiu and St. Nicholas compa mes aro in this immediate locality, aod their stock is now commanding a large premium. In addition, the company has 40 acres, in fee simple, on Cherry Tree Run, which empties into Oil creek, and in the beit producing section, of the Oil Territory, and 110 acres, in fee simple, u Walnut Bend, five miles above the mouth of Oil creek, and not' ot:r two miles from the celebrat- Reod well, now producing over Siift barrels Is per day. Also, the lease of three tracts of land, two on Oil creek, each producing over ten barrels per day, ana one 00 Aliegneny tiver, producing ten bar rels per dayof teavy oil,Vorth 2l per barrel. me company pow receives three fourths of the rocecdg efthe last named well, and one-half of tke othortwo, Each' of these' tracts will be de veloped by tho company by sinking additional wells, an-I the engines and fixtures are now on hand to Go it ' s ' " Tho officers of this company mean to prosecute the development of these lands most energetical ly, and they have ontire confidence that they hi yield very Urge dividends on the capital stock.' EJp'Subscriptions must be made' prompt! y,' as more than one-half of the stock is already engag- ed. Subscriptions will be received 'it the office of the company.;', , ' ,'r ."panuiry 4, 1&&S.- PnOTOGKAPniC ALBUMS, fur 'tla L Hwrtwick & llttstoa's Clrfield, P. B B V V