I i !'2' fr--. i F 1 m 5 Veil fe lit. m pi m I I A r-: -Ti -i. J. -4 j si m im ' il if It 'ft .1 i !! m vm 1 V Raftsman's Jfrantnl.. Br S. J. BOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., FED. 8, 1S65. BatiScation of the Amendment. Already a number of State Legislatures have concurred in the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, passed by Congress, abolishing slavery in our national domain. Maryland was the first State to concur in the amendment. Illinois, .second ; then followed Rhode Island, Michigan, West Virginia, Xew-York, Pennsylvania, Maine, and Massachusetts, etc Including the seceded States, the assent of twenty-seven States is required to ingraft the Emancipation provision into the Con stitution. Twenty-five, counting Arkansas; Tennessee, Louisiana aud West Virginia, are certain to ratify the action of Congress, as their Legislatures are at present consti tuted. The three Democratic States ofDel- . aware, New Jersey and Kentucky are un certain, but it is thought they will not with hold their assent. Twenty-two State legis latures are now in session. The Tennessee legislature meets in April next, Connecticut ia May, Hew-IIampsLirc iu June, Oregon in September, Vermont in October, and Io wa in January lSGo. Of the VA States now composing the Union, twenty-eight, includ ing Louisiana; Arkansas, and West-Virginia, voted at the late election. If the latter three States are included, then the consti-- tutional majority for the amendment may be obtained at an early day, but should they be excluded some delay will ensue. Although the amendment could, uot have passed the House but for the votes of some half a dozen Democratic members, it does not follow that the party has abandoned its pro-slavery position. Ou the contrary; these few votes are but exceptions, while the party adheres to its former friendship for slavery. The leaders would have de feated the amendment in Congress could they have controlled those few independent men of their party. But the battle is not yet ended. The enemy has not grounded its arms it is still potent and determined, and will fight to tba end. Having failed in Congress, the leaders will do their utmost to prevent the ratification of the amendment by the State Legislatures. However, the friends of the measure do not despair of ul timate success. The Constitution of the United Sates does not provide for any par ticular date when the ratification shall take place, and hence, it is presumable that soon er or later the requisite three-fourths will be obtained. Fire in Savannah. The steamer Sucoo Xada, from Savannah and Hilton Head on the 20th, arrived at New York. On the evening of the 27th. a disastrous conflagration occurred at Savan nah, destroying considerable property, but without any loss of life. On the morning of the 28th, another fire broke out, destroy ing two sqnares in the third district Build ings were torn down to prevent the spread of the flames, as the v.ind was blowing strong from the east. Some fiend had placed a" keg of powder at the side of the arsenal, comer of York and Walker streets, undoubt edly to blow up the city, as the arsenal con tained some thirty tons, of powder. The keg was placed in the shadow of a tree to avoid discovery, with the top taken off. This hellish design is ail attributed to rebels, who are in anything but an amiable mood, in view of their present condition. Eebel Generals Penitent. The Paducah correspondent of the Demo crat says the rebel General Chalmers, in a speech at Corinth, in the early part of Jan uary, accused Hood of selling them out, and expressed the opinion that the Confederacy had gone under, and told his men they could do as they pleased, he should have nothing more to do with them, but should quit and try to save the remaiuder of his property. It is also stated that the rebel Gentrral Mor row sent a message to a personal friend in the Union army, stating that he had lost all faith in the rebel leaders, and wished to sur render himself to the Federal commander, and is now waiting near Corinth to ascertain - what terms will be granted an officer of his rank voluntarily returning to his allegiance. The noted General Roddy is also sail to have applied for pardon. Lake Michigan Ship Canal. The bill f or a shin canal from Lake Michi gan to the Mississippi, after a protracted struggle, lasting.nearly all day of 2d instant, was finally pressed to a vote, and passed by ten of a majority. This project was first brought before Congress four years ago by Mr. Arnold, but has always, lefore, been unsuccessful. We are glad to hear of the passage of the bill ; as a ship canal, li nking the Mississippi with the Lake, will be of immense value to the government in trausfering our Iron-clad war fleet from the Gulf to the Lakes ia the , event of a war with England. Peace Humors and Movements. During the last week or two many rumors have been current in regard to a speedy dec laration of peace. The origin of these an ticipations may be attributed to the fact, that it was asserted that Jeff. Davis, and some others of the rebel leaders, had ex pressed a desire tr return to the Union on terms that would be entirely satisfactory to the 'resident and Congress of the Urited States. On the strength of these declara tions, Mr. Blair was permitted to visit ltich mond to ascertain the true state of fetJing. That he received some encouragement look ing towards a peace is evidenced by the fact, that in a day or two after his return to Washington he started for the rebel capital a second time. . What transpired between Mr. Blair and the rebel chieftains, has not been made public but this much is known, that several days after Mr. Blair's second visit to Richmond, Messrs. Stephens, Hun ter and Canrpbell approached and were ad mitted within Our lines, ostensibly on a peace mission. They were then sent to Fortress Monroe on a vessel, where they were met by President Lincoln and Secretary Seward, -and a conference ensued between the parties. No detail arc given of the conversations had then and there ; but the public are as sured that the only basis upon which these Southerners proposed to establish peace was '(nJtpeu Jciee ana recognition' " and hence, th conference ha.i resulted in no change of the hostile attitude heretofore existing be tween our government and the rebels. This being the case the rebel leaders being un willing to return to the Union our govern ment has but one remedy : to prosecute the war with the utmost vigor, until the rebel armies are completely defeated and scatter ed ; then may we. look for harbingers of peace, and not until then. A Thrilling Scene. Upon the" passage of the CoiIsLitutional Amendment the following animated and thrilling scene ensued : There was a momen tary lull, when, as by an electric shock, the exultant shouts of the friends of freedom rung through the Ila'i. It wa3 the subli mest outbreak of popular enthusiasm ev er witnessed. Men sprung to their feet, throwing up their arms exultantly, and cry ng out at the to of their voices. Fair wo iman waved their "nankerchiefs and joined in the loud huzzas. The floor of the House resounded with the clapping of hands, the stamping of feet, and the incessant shouting of voices. . The galeries echoed back with tenfold enthusiasm the overwhelming dem onstrations on the floor of the House. Men hugged one another in an extacy of delight. They grappled hands aud shouted over this triumph of freedom. Many a bright eye glistened, and many a heart was too full for utterance, over this memorable hour of our national regeneration. When this tempest of excitement, which lasted for several min utes, aud seemed to find no adequate outlet, had partially subsided, a motion was made to adjourn, and the opposition insisted on the ayes and noe3. The mechanical roll-call acted as a brake, and slowly toned the House down to something of its ordinary decorum, while the assembled crowd surged out in the midst of a patriotic enthusiasm that will never be forgotten. The Rebellion Dissolving by States. The Sfat: (such as Georgia. Alabama and North Carolina, )"may repeal their seces sion ordinances, and conic back as States. For this there i-? a motive which may not in fiueiice the Richmond leaders, but will influ ence the people. If they come back as States they will preserve their individual and munincipal property. . But if they per sist till their military force is utterly de stroyed, there may be a destruction they lit tle dream of. The laws of war may be car ried to their ultimate execution. The lands, houses and cattle of the South maybe confiscated. Military ftolonies will be estab lished ; and in a word the whole society, means and rights be destroyed, and the country delivered over to a new population. That is possible. By submission now their political rights will be restored, their person al property respected, they will have their capital and industry to recommence their career and renew their prosperity. But "if they persist in war, total ruin awaits them. Their call upon negroes and Europe is like the call of GlexdoWer upon the spirits of the vast deep. They will not come at their call. The Crawford County Bank Eobbery. Some ten days since the public was start led by the announcement that the Crawford County Bank had been robbed of Bonds, etc., amounting to over $100,000. Several days after it was announced that all but $21), 000 had been recovered, and now we have the assurance that the balance has also been found, and the thief discovered and ar rested. It appears that the thief, who con fessed his guilt, was the book-keeper, Ckas. II. Dyer, of Romeo, Michigan. When ar rested he was about leaving Meadvillo in th e cars, and on being searched, the sum of about 27,000 was found sewed up in the seat of his pantaloons. He is now in the Crawford county jail, and awaits his trial. State Banks converted into Nation al Banks. In the House, at Harrisburg, on Jan. 25th, the Speaker presented commu nication from the State Treasurer, in answer to the inquiry what State Banks had gone into business under the National law, whore plied that they were fifty eight in number, having a capital of 20.502, 3SS 30. Their change leaves a capital of only $6,030,005 50 invested in banks under the State law, and takes from the Commonwealth a tax which last year amounted to $433,471 41. The Eebel Press on Peace. Below we publish extracts from the sev eral Richmond papers, of January 30th, which will serve to give our readers some idea of how the rebel leaders feel upon the subject of peace negotiations : The Sentinel says: "Let us keep clearly in view our independence, to maintain which, we drew the sword, and listen to no suggestion for its compromise as the price of peace. Such a peace would indeed be but a hollow truce and an uneasy armistice. There can be no permanent peace where honor is compromised, or where vital and important interests are placed iu peril. It would le madness. It would be an unnat ural cruelty after having fought this battle nearly through to adjourn it over for our children to begiu anew. In the tide of hu man events this terrible struggle has fallen to our lt. Thus far we have met it as men ; thus far we need not fear the verdict of his tory and the judgment of the world. The past at least is secure. Shall we sacrifice all our honors, through a ?udden weakness now ? Shall we sell the measure of our creat fame for any ease which may bo obtained short of a fall success '! Shall we by any unmanly shrinking from dangers, which we have braved for four years, leave a heritage of blood for our children, for which they shall curse our memories ? Let us stand firmly to our responsibilities." The article closes with this explanation : We have extended these remarks to their present length lest the missions between this capital and Wash ington should enfeeble us with injurious ex pectations." The Examiner says : "It is not so much to eojiclude peace that they sen 1 Commis sioners and open their sham negotiations, as to deceive and distract us from the meas ures needful for our defense, while they move forward toward the final investment of Richmond. They prefer to enter the city as conquerors rather than to obtain peace y a treaty between Richmond and Washington. It was wrong beyond meas ure to permit this journeying to and iVo of secret messengers without crofcntials, at the imminent risk of undermining the mili tary spirit of the country by turning men's thoughts-to dreams and visions of peace, at the very moment when their energy ou&ht to be strung and braced for war." The Whig says : "It is of vital impor tance we should just now remember that we arc dealing with an exceedingly artful and thoroughly unscrupulous foe. It is not im possible that this is an honest and sincere endeavor to terminate the war, and that such may be the result, but it is not Safe for us to think so. We confess with regret that we have but little evidence, and indulge but the faintest hope that the enemy arc prepa red to accord us such terms as we could think of accepting. The visit of our Com missioners may be permitted only for the purpose of satisfying all parties that no peace can be made with us, except on the basis of separation. ' ' The )isiat h.as an article showing that "the independence of the Confederacy is ne cessary for the prosperity and happiness of the middle and lower classes." It declares that "if slavery is removed, the poor whites are ruined." - - . The Constitutional Amendment. There was great rejoicing in Washington on the evening of January 31st, among the loyal Missom ians over the adoption of the Constitutional amendment. Senator Hen derson, the father of the measure, Repre sentative Blair, and other Union Congress men from Missouri were serenaded, and ac knowledged the compliment in very eloquent speeches. The President Vas also serena ded, and is reported as having said that he supposed the passage, by Congress, of the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery was the occasion of this compliment. lie thought that the occasion was one tliat should inspire great gratitude by all through out the whole country, and whole world, &c. The task was still before them to go forward and consummate, by the action of the States, that which Congress commenced yesterdaj'. He would inform them that Illinois had done her part to-day, and that Maryland wt.s about half through. He, however, fat proud . that Illinois was a little ahead. He certainly thought the measure a veiy fitting, if not an indispcnsible, adjunct to the winding up of this great difficulty. He wished the reunion of all the States, but if that rennion was permanently effected, it was necessary that the original disturbing cause should be removed. All would ac knowledge that he had never shrunk from doing what he could to eradicate slavery in the way of emancipation proclamations, but these fall short of what the constitutional amend nent will do when finally consumma ted. It might be said that the proclama tion of emancipation was notin operation ex cept upon a certain class, and it might be attempted to prove it unconstitutional, but this amendment Is the "King's cure for all evils." lie sincerely congratulated those present, himself, the country, and the whole world upon the passage of the amendment. ; Employment for Disabled Soldiers. Petitions have been put in circulation in nearly alt the cities, and are being signed by ' the leading citizens, irrespective of party, asking Congress to take some action by which honorably discharged soldiers may obtain goverment employment in preference to those who have for so many years been subsisting on government "pap." There are larsre numbers of patriotic young men everywhere w ha have been honorably, dis charged from the army on acconut of wounds, sickness, imprisonment, kc, who are unable to work at their trades or any hard labor, have u means of subsistance except that furnished by charit5T, and who are perfectly competent to fill almost any civil appoint ment or clerkship. Let the people furth er this noble object it would be but a small return for the gallant services rendered by our soldiers. - -. j Licutcnant-Commauder Win. A. Parker, i who w;;s iu command of the Monitor Onon daga and showed the white feather when ' the ret el rams came down the James river j last week,, has been relieved and ordered be- fore a court martial . ; From New York Tribune, Feb. 1. 1S05. THE GEEAT. AMENDMENT.' The U. S. Senate having, on the Sth of April last, initiated, by the decisive majori ty of 3i to ), the following Amendment to the Federal Constitution : Ar.T. XIII Sec. 1. Neither Slavery nor in voluntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, of which the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States orj any piaoe Buoject to their jurisdiction. S!e 2. (.'ousress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. The House, after debate, proceeded (June loth) to vote thereon, and it was lost Was 05. 2s ays 04 the Constitution requiring an affirmative vote of two-thirds in either House to launch a Constitutional. Amend ment. Note. The real vote was 05 Yeas to 6:i Xays one Yea having changed to a Nay on purpose to enable him to move a reconsideration Mr. Ashley of Ohio hereupon movedthat the above vote be reconsidered; and the issue thus raised, having been passed upon by the People in the late Presidential elec tion, has been debated at the present session at much length by some twenty to thirty members. Finally, after a successful resist ance to motions to lay ou the table, &c, the House yesterday-(Januarv 3Jst..) came to ,i final vote on the above, having listened to forcible speeches in it favor from Messrs. McAllister and Cofiroth of Pennsylvania, and Herrick of this city all Democrats who had voted agair st it at the last session. .Mr. Miller of Pennsylvania (who was run 'out last fall) spoke agn in-1 it now. The vote was finally taken, and the amendment af firmed by Yeas 1 10 ; Nays .V, three move than were necessary in the affirmative. So the Amendment is fully sanctioned by Con gress, and now go ;s to the Legislatures of the states, three-fourths of which must rat ify it by a majority vote to render it a part of the Constitution. I ts ratification at an early day by the Legislatures of the follow ing States is nearly certain: .Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New York, lVnnsylv;j'ii:i, Maryland, West Vir ginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, ieonsin. Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Calil'urnia, Oregon, Nevada. 22. The Legislature of the following States are morally certain to vote against it : New Jersej', Delaware, Kentucky 3, these being the States that voted for Mc Ciellan and Pendleton, electing opposition Legislatures. j.iie iu.u jjegisiaiures oi me toiiowing States will almost certainly vote Yea: Tennessee. Arkansas, Louisiana 3 and others will doubtless follow in due sea son. We hope to be enabled to announce, before the close of the current year, that this amendment is a part of the fundamen tal law of our country. This is the time to indulge in exultation, did not the momentous gravity of the sub ject forbid. But we may bo permitted to tender our thanks to those opposition mem bers of Con gross whose Votes have so mate rially strengthened our. hope- that we may yet live and die in a free country one which wc may quietly, inoffensively traverse in every part without foolhardy" exposure to the bludgeons of ruffians or 'the pistols and dirks of assassins, for no other reason than our wish that all our countrymen might be free. We trust those members may never have reason to regret this vote. We further trust that this result will prove to have contributed essentially to the not distant and complete pacification of our country. A majority of the American peo ple have decided that slavery shall die, be cause sore experienee has taught them that its perpetuation is inconsistent with the in tegrity and safety of the Republic. They seek for a genuine, lusting peace ; hence they have voted to eradicate that 'root of bitterness' which has distracted and nearly ruined her. We will not doubt that those who voted adversely to our convictions sin cerely believed theirs the true way to Peace: we will not doubt t hat these will rejoice with us to see their forebodings dispelled and our hopes realised. Long Live the Republic ! Kebel Project of Arming Elayes. The late debate in the rebel Congress upon the Bill authorizing Jeff. JMvis to take forty thousand negroes and employ them to dig and drudge for the army, revealed a few facts in rcterence to the present state of feel ing in the South.. One of these facts was, that the bill being discovered to be a mere sham, its true object being to procure negroes for snlitivrs, the leading men from the ex treme South opposed, on tho ground that the negroes coll not be trusted to fight for their masters. This disposes of the old story about the affection of slaves for their masters, and the reliance the South could place upon them in the hour of extremity. The running away of trusted, household servants when ever our armies came in their neighborhood, exposedlhe humbug of slaves being enam ored of servitude. Another fact, brought out by this debate, was that the men conspicuously representing the slave interest, (Miles of South Carolina, for instance,) regarded the project of arming the slaves as certain to work the utter itboli tioa of slavery. Jeff. Davis didjiot escape the imputation of abolition sentiments, which may throw a little greater air of veri ty upon the late report that he urged Mr. Blair to hasten the passage of the constitu tional amendment, abolishing slavery, so as to remove the chief obstacle" to pence and re-union. It begins to be clear that the Southeru wliite military population being exhausted, the rebels are compelled to look to their negroes as a last reserve, and yet are compelled to admit that they see no ground for hope in thisx direction. Daniel Webster, in onc-of his great legal arguments in a murder eae, said : '"There is no rem edy from confession but suicide, and suicide is confession. " The leaders are ready to illustrate this striking figure, if the masses will yet follow them blindly to their doom. Kxglish Ignorance. The ignorance of F.nglish factory operative is evidenced by the testimony of a boy in 31anchcster, aged thirteen, a nailer, who last month deposed as follows: "Heard about ; Jesus Cukist at the church school, but its so longsinco that I've forgot Him. Do not know whether He did mircles or wonderfull things, or how he was killed, and have not beared of Noah and the flood. Jesus made the world in six days. The Queen has a name ; it is Prince." ' 'No more cold feet' ' is the name of the newest Parisan" gallop. Should this dance become prevalent, there will be less galloping consumption, it is natural to infer. - -The End t Hand An English View. The Loudon Daily News of the 3d, says : But the facts we have been reviewing "not only show us the end of the war, but they open to us a happier prospect of what will be after the war, The theory advanced by some of our cotemporaries that the North could never hold the South, even after the South ern armies are beaten from the field, is plainly untenable. The fiery spirits will be gone, and those who were too iudifferent to light will certainly not have enersy to resist when the fight is over. It is to" be kept in view that.thcre is, after all, no difference of race, rr speech, orlaw, tomaintain af'eelingof hostility. There is nothing to prevent North ern settlers from amalgamating with South ern residents. The negro question being settled, there will be nothing to maintain a distinction between the two sections. En gaged in the same pursuits, resorting to the same courts, electing members to the same legislature, there will be nothing in this case resembling those in which a nation is over run and deprived of its rights by an alien power. . Southerners will recover their riahts by submission, tliey will stand on a footing of perfect equality with the victors. We all know how rapidly, when the Highlanders of Scotland had been disarmed, they became among the most loyal of their fellow subjects. Yet their case was one iu which there were fundamental distinctions between them and their subjugators not to be found between Federals and Confederates. No doubt there M ill be an lntervenins period in which mili tary law jyu-t prevail till perfect order 1 restored. Those who make the pretense of acting as g -.tern lias after the regular war is over an excuse f,-,v nmidetin? and pbm- ueiiii, must r,e repressed ov tiie nrm m which in every country, and under every 1 "T'l 1 system of law pnir.-n nuuvKiuai crime. 1 his will be nn inevitableconcomitant of the II lenod of transition from war to lesrnlirv .. i. 1. ... ll - i' 1 1 f. 1 ! - J u, iMien me ioui ureain oi ouiklimr un a siave empire is over, there will be not! inc leit to nght about : aud a people who have nothing to maintain dissension about. Jand who are in the enjoyment of common rights, common liberties, common privileges, will speedily unite to put down those whose dis orders will be only a common bane. Taxation in Grent Britain Official Seport of the Eevemie of 18G4. . The annual report of the revenue of Great Britain for the year SH appears in the la test London journals. 'J. he aggregate amount raised by taxation was 70,12o,;iT4, or, in round numbers, 350,LMjO,0Xi, divided as lollows : Customs. 22,533.000 I Postoffice, X4.0R0 000 txcue, - l'J.olit.OOO j Crown land3. 207.500 Stamps, 8.4'jS.OOo .Miscellaneous, 3,lol ,Si4 Taxes, 3.201,000 Property and income tux, 7,900 000 Tot.iL .70,101.374 1 he customs fell off SSG,U00 from the preceding year, and the property tax de creased 1,807,000 ; but the excise gained l,5i'S,00O, the postoffice 200,000, and stamps 21'j,T)00. The aggregate descrcase in all branches was .:.,. x for the year. The London Observer says : The taxes show an increase of .53,000 on the year, which is to be attributed to the, increase of houses subject to the inhabited house duty. The property tax shows a de crease of l,S()7,(KK on the year. It is to be remembered that this tax was reduced from 9d. to 7d, in the pound in fiSO J, and from 7d. to 0d. in 180-h The next quarter's returns will show a more complete estimate of the difference caused by the latest reduc tion, which is the proper criterion to go by. It is probable, however, that the decrease will fall a -little short of the estimated amount, because thepropertyof the country is constantly ou the increase. The postof fice shows the now habitual incrca -e of100, )0 on the quarter, and no less than a quar ter of a million on the year, which is on a scale of mote than ordinary increase in the receipts. Tli3 total revenue is a marvelous result, when we consider the reductions in the in come tax and in the tea and sugar duties, and some smaller remissions of taxation,. such as the half of the insurance duties and other little matters. There is even' encourage ment to proceed in the same direction, with only the difficulty that indirect taxation is now confined to a very few articles, the smallar ones 1 eing almost swept away, and the smuggler being almost unheard of. A succession of 3ears of success and prosperity shows that we can almost securely rely upon an income of over seventy millions sterling, while a constantly reduced expenditure proves that we are not likely to need so much. Tab New. York TrUmm has information, which it deems reliable, that a secret league has been formed by the Catholic powers in Europe France, Spain and Austria un der the guidance and with the express con currence of the pope, which is pledged to recognize the llebel Confederacy on or im mediately after the 4th of March next, un der the pretext that the Union will thereaf ter consist of those States only which par ticipated "in the late Presidential Election and in the choice of members of the ap proaching Congress. 1 1 is added that the league contemplates ether than moral sup port to the slave holding rebels, but not at the outset. We do not place any confidence in this and similar reports. The Catholic Powers of Europe, as well as Protestant En gland, would like to see the Union broken up, but they will hardly undertake to inter fere in behalf of the Confederacy now that its prospects of susees." arc so hopeless. The commission houses appear to have come to the conclusion that they must mod erate, their views respecting prices, and are offering their goods at lower figures. The jobbers, however, cannot be tempted to buy anything beyond small parcels, to provide for the immediate demand. The manufac turers 'of cotton fabrics are pursuing a strict ly cautious policy. The difficulty of. procur ing paying prices for goods discourages pro duction, and' the consequence is that, al though the receipts of cotton are increasing, there is no eorrespondiug augmentation of the supply of goods, aud cotton, being thus kept down in price, is sent abroad, where it will realize relatively higher prices than here. The Boston iW remarks that i$ is now plain that the French Emperor, from the beginning intended to despoil Mexico; and then begin the establishment of a series of colonies of France, from which shecouldgain material wealth; and that the protection of French citizens in the collection of their civil debts was merely a rank pretence and a sheer imposture.' "' ' ' l It is a fact which ten thousand mother the land will not fail to note that tK change of prisoners has been goin? on wdl enough smce the President, on the SI October last, placed the subject of ex. Kn unJcr the direction of Lieut ?g with full authority to take anv stcrw t might deem proper. The ck W f J,! been exchanged, weekly supplies arefn nished to our prisoners and distributed U officers of our army, and General Grart states, offically, that he believes , 2 a full and complete exchange will be made Philadelphia, Febuary 2. Ye-ten?, the Evening lhdktin was sold at aiirti, and bought by Mr Peacock, in the in of himself with Fetherston. Louder L allaee. The price was $.Ux0 Th sale created a great excitement in jouma'i? tic circles. j"umiu. The government realizes about $70 Oon month from the sale of the hides, tal I Z hoofs, k, of the cattle slaughtered W .l ' use of the Army of the Jf ber being alout one hundred head per dav. -Heir Sdrcitiocmcnto. A.i.,m . ...."7. ' " ' COMMISSIONER'S SUEOfTWn, Kl) LA.M)S....1 Pur.ua"ceof ,n iAT", A.-eeuibty pawed the 23tl. rfn J "r V VS " A f titled an Act to amend n Act dirW in Ah, ? ' owning unseated lands for nixel purposes ' lIff will dispose of the following lard, at "hiv : House, on Tudar the Ujlt' Acres. Per. V arrantoe r, l 300 David Keplart, p"lf 1C0 . OeorseMuHc.' cb -'A Henry rauncs, i;0!rs3 Jacob Mwsenaith Bumble. ib . John Cuntur.ghrim, do 121 tieorgeRoss. ju' 209 refer Getz, do' Bj or Jer of the Board. WM. S. ERAPT.EY. Clerk. f' IS r. Or LETTERS unclaimed and rem". -i ing in the Post Office at Clearfield, on the 1st day of February, A. J). 1S05. Iri.bn. l3er. Tin ri.livtn PV., M mersou, Miss Molly. (iibbony. Samuel. r i .r . f- vniuuii. jjiuica ij. iienry , i iu. JIacenl"erger. Henry". Hanuian. JI. C. Holly, Mrs. Matilda. Holly. Mrs. X. JI. Keys. John Lithgow, Mrs. Ernmeli) Mover. Henry. Marliu, J. K. Miller,Mrs. Margaret, Milier, Henry P. Miller George H. Proctor. Mrs. Lucy A. Keese, Mist Joanah. Roth, Margaret. Kobortson. Wm. 11. Heads, il. 11. Speedy, Wm. W. Straw. Miss Martha J Smith, I. F. Town. Miss Mary R. Wilks, Amasa. M illiams. A. W. One cpnt riiiA An pi1i Tror o.l i-mt;,i p.. sons calling for any of above letters, will siv tber are advertised. M. A. FRANK, f". M. TIFO-NTHLY STATEMENT of the Clew J-fA field Ooilntv Rank fnr thm iniir.lli .... on the 31st day of Jan., A. 1. lj05. ASSETS. Bills discounted, ::::::: 8110.325 Si Pennsylvania State stocks, r : S.9'J3 il rrierift- ....... .... i . - - . . . . Pue from other banks. : : : : i 5.557 35 11.904 (i 1.S73 Ot 16 419 H 2V7 00 4M) 00 523 : 000 M V.7 V. 2otes of other banks. :::::: V. S. Demand and Legal Tender notes. Checks, drafts. Ac. Over drafts, : : r : : : t : ; I nited States Revenue stamna. : ; Furniture. ::::::: j : i Pue Commonwealth. eDecian ; : i Loss and Kipenses, : ; : : i i Total amount of assets. : : : I.I AI1I l.ITTFB 2u0.SGs ; : 50,00D 0 4G,t-l7 M : TS.83-UI 6.0S7 H : 4.050 S.) : -1.390 69 8.795 43 Capital stock, paid in, : : : : rvotes in circulation, : .: : : Due dpnAirra " ... w, . . . . . Iue certificates of deposit, : i Due Banks, ::::::: Due Common wealth , , t Interest and exchange, . : : Total amount of liabilities, :': : : : : $2'kCi 64 JAMES B GRAHAM. Casiiikr. Clearfield. Pa.. Feb. S. ISSS.-M BANE NOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. I Office of the CoMrTiioi.LER opthk CrriiEN"v, ASHtNTi)t. Jatiruary .loth. IStJft. 1 TrilEREAS, BY SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE T T presented to the undersi?ned. it has been made to appeur that '-THE FIRST SATIONAI BANK OF CLEARFIELD," in the Borouph of Clearfield; in the county of CWrfiold. and iftati of Pennsylvania, has b. enuly organized under nnd according to the requirements of the Art of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a National currency, secured by a pledge of L nited Mates bonds and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof." approved June 3d, and has complied with ail the provisions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Backing under said Aet ; Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCuIloch, Comptrol ler of the rurrener, do hereby certify that -THI.' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CLEARFIELD' in the Borough of Clearfield; in the county of Clearfield, aad State of Pennsylvania, ia author ized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid . ---"n. In testimony whereof, witness my SEAL jhand and seal of office, this 30th day of VrNJanuary, A. D. 1S65. HUGH McCULLOCH, Feb. 8, 1S65. Comptroller of the Currency. RELIEF .NOTICE. The Board of Relief for the county of Clearfield, will meet at tin Commissioners' office in Clearfield, on Wednes day and Thursday, the 22d and 23d day of February, 1865 The Board of Relief have directed that the wifo of the soldier must appear before the board, and produce her sworn statement, detailing name of soldier, regiment and company, and when enli ted ; the number of children, with age and sex of each ; the U wotbip in which they resided at the time ot enlistment, and their present residcoc. and that sho is without the means of support lot herself and children who are dependent upon her. Two witnesses of credibility from the town'liip in which she resides, must also Le produced. hpJ certificate (sworn to before the Board of iiei;t! must set forth that the applicant is the person b represents herself to be, that the statement of the number and agcof her family is true, that he is in destitute circumstances and her family in ac tual want, and that all the facts set forth in her application are correct and true. , Forms containing these requisitions cm be -t;iined at the Office of the Board of Relief, MB application ia made and the witnesses appear. N. B. Illness of the aplicant, properly prareu will excuse personal attendance. Jan. 4, ISifi. WM. S BRADLEcIerk S7IOII SA EE at cost 1 g.jod cook stores , to JL Of clohe out the stock, fat the cheap wh LEATIIEK an assoitment for by, MERRELL A December 14, 18o4. ClearfiejoV. BONDS AXI NOTES EOlt SALE.- undersigned is prepared te furnish, to in -seeking investments, Goversment and coui J bonds. Also fire per cent GovernmeBi : notes- II B. sWOOPb, Clearfield May 4. 1S34. tfyatjf,, rilKKES ! TREES !!-The fubscribcr having 1 been appointed an agent of the $aI. Xursery" in Lancaster county, would respec ly inform the citizens of Clearfield j count, w he is prepared at all times to fill orders r" kind of Fruit Tre. and Shrubwry. at prorn tors prices.. - NORMAN L. ROBINS, Agen Clearfield, Fa., Dec. 1, lS$i-3m. - r II