tf I " -- r CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1865. VOL. 11.-N0. 21. BY S. J. ROW. Si TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The RArMHAK's Jouunal is publiehcd on Wed nudaT t 52.00 per annum in advance Adver tisbwk.vts inserted at $1.50 per square, for three or leg insertions Ten lines (or fess) counting a wuare. For every additional insertion 50 cents. A deduction wilUejdejo yely a gttrinto gitrrtoyg. IKVIN BROTHERS, Dealers in Square Sawed Lumber. Dry Ooods, Groceries. Flour, Grain, Ao , Ac, liurnside Pa., Sept. 23, 1863. IREDEHICK LEITZIXUER. Manufacturer of 4 11 kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield. Pa, Or der? solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1863 0 RAXS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law, Clear- J field. Pa. Mny 13. lSt:. t J TRANS. t ' ' ' ' WA 'T 14 u t- ORERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear IV field. Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Naugle's jewelry store. -May .0. HF XAUGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, &o. Room in Uraham's row, Market street. Nov. 10- HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law.Clear . field. Pa. Offict in Graham's Row, four doo s utVf l)raiaiil Rovnton's Store. XoV. 10. . . J -Jf H .' I TIITCTtV T t. 1 nwa i Y, T rll tTH Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Pcrfume Fancv Goods? Notions, et., etc., Market street. Clearfield, Pa. June, 29, 1S64. TP. KRATZER, dealer in Dry Goods, Cloth inir. Hardware. Quecnsware, Groceries. Pro visions Ac. Front Street, above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. P .ntriM t ipwra MnrWtotreet. Clearfield. 11 i -- - . Pa . Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and family articles generally. J OiiX Gl'ELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of r..i.:- u.irVot otret. Clearfield, la. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. R M. WOODS. PiiAcncixn Physician, and Examining Surgeon for Pensions, office. South-west corner of Second and Cherry Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 1S63. T nHOMAS J. M CULLOLGH, Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa. Utnce, easi oi me -wrai utiu Kank liteds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. JulyjL JB MEN ALLY, Attorney at Law. -Clearfield, Pa. Practices' in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick building of J.Uoyn ton. 2d street, one door south of Lanich s Hotel. i VlCHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do J j mestic Dry Goods, Urocerics, Flour, Hacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of Jouni'ii Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. JARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law.CIear J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. 186. iiT. ALBERT A BRO S, Dealers in Dry Goods, W Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Flour, liacon, etc.. WoodlanH, Clearfield county. Penn'a. Also, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici ted. ' VoodIand. Aug. ISth, 18(33. i;W WATCH & J EWELRV STORE.- '1' i 1 . : J 1. . : -i trt .1 in fhn h.ti-- J. 1UO UU'lCfMgHCU i.rv, ...... ... ..... " -. 6Un oi L learnciu. ai me tuup lunnci iji uu.meu bv R Welches a jewelry shop.) is prepared to di work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms. The cash will positively be expected when the work is delivered. Ho is confident that he can not be excelled by any workmen in town orcounty Cuiif. our! com? all tu the vftht Hi it Wait it April 9,'62-ly-pd. S. II. LAUCHLIN. rpEMPKKANCE HOUSE. The subscriber J. would respectfully inform the citizens of Cleiirfield-county, that he has rented the -Tipton Hotel." and will use every endeavor to accommo date those who may favor him with their custom. He will try to furnish the table with the best the country can afford, and will keep hay and foed to accommodate teamsters. Gentlemen don't to-get the '-Tipton Hotel." SAMUEL SMITH. ' Tipton. Pa , May 2j, 1354. VUCTION'EER. The undersigned having been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon. Charges moderate Address, JOHN MQL'ILKIN. May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa. X. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li eone are subject to a penalty of $60, which pro vision will be euforced against those who may vi olate the same. Three Farms Por Sale ! SITUATE IN PIKE TOWNSHIP. The subscriber will sell bis three farms situate in l'ike township, Clearfield county, Pa., at pri vate sle. Also, one tract of unimproved land Lumbered and described as follows, to wit : No 1 Is an improved tract on which here sides, and ontains about 2'10 acres 20i acres f whirh is cleared. 25 acres being in meadow, and the whole in a high state of cultivation and un der giod fences. The. improvements are a good frame house, frame barn, (75 by 58 feet.) wagon fheJ. grain house, smoke house, wood hous ? and "ther outbuildings. There is timber sufficient on the land for all farm uses, and an excellent coal 1'ank. Also good water and a fine orchard of choice fruit growing thereon. Xo. 2. Is an improved tract, and contains 135 acres of which fct) acres are cfSared, 10 acres be ing in meadow, and the whole in a good state of cultivation and under good fences, with excel lent water on the farm. The buildings are a log W?e and an excellent frame barn, and some oth fcr outbuildings, There is on this tract sufficient pod timber for 7 or 8 rafts, and an excellent coal 'ink, together with an orchard of choice fruit 'rets. So. 3. Is an improved tract, containing about I"0;ut3. 30 acres cleared, (new,) with a small Plank house and baru thereon erected. The land i under good fences, with excellent water ou it. About 3 rafu of good timber also standing thereon. o. Is an unimproved tract of 400 acres.with Jtte gO0j pjne timber growing on it, and will tt<e an excellent farm when cleared The above tracts will be sold in a body, or sep arately, to suit purchasers preferring, however. ' sl them in a body. The terms will be reason ?' The tracts can be seen at any time by oall-r-S on the subscriber, or inquiries by letter will u answered if addressed to Curwensville. Pa 4ogust 3, 1364. DANIEUBAILEY. SLT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti J ele of ground ' alum salt, put up in patent - at $3.25 per sacK, at the cheap cash store of , jmber 27. R. MOSSOP. tODDER CUTTERS of a superior make aI? ,aU at reasonable prhes. a MEttRELL BlGLEK-S.clearfie'd.Pa MY "WIFE AND I. As thrcugh the land at eve we went, And plucked the ripened ears, We fell out, my wife and I, 0, we fell out, I know not why, And kissed again with tears. For when we came where lies the child We lost in other years, There above the little grave, O, there above the little grave, We kissed again with tears. THE ENGLISH WORKING PEOPLE. HOW THEY LIVE. Nothing can be more astonishing to the American people than the extreme indigen cy and pli3'sical degeneracy of the Briti.-li working-people. Sir. Kay's work on the 'SochfT Condition and Education of the People in England," published last year in England, and reprinted in this country, made some remarkable disclosures, bearing especially upon the moral condition or these people. At t- e close of this work M r, Kay says : "The poor of England are more de pressed, more pauperized, more numerous in comparison to the other classes, more ir religious, and very much worse educated than the pwr of any other European nation, solely excepting Russia, Turkey, South It aly, Portugal and Spain." The medical officer of the Privy Council in England Ts required to submit annually a report of the proceedings of that body. This duty has devolved upon Sir. Jyhn Si mon, whore series of reports for the last four jears is a harmonized body of practical information on the causes and distribution of disease. His last report, for 1N54, is full of interesting and important truth respect ing the amount and kind of food taken by the working-classes. As Mr. Kay's book related to the causes leading to moral de generacy, this report is concerned chiefly with those which conduce to physical dete rioration. For the purposes of investigation inquiry was made in only a few households which seemed to be fair samples of their class. The inquirer set out with this theory; name ly, that to prevent starvation or the diseases connect d with it, a woman must have in her ft od, daily, 3,900 grains of carbon and ISO of nitrogen, or as much nourishment as is contained in a half quartern loaf of bread. A man wants one-ninth more. Forty-two families of silk-weavers were examined, and it was found that these did not quite come up to this minimum stand ard; thirty-one families of needle-women fell far very short ; of farm-laborers' famil ies more than one-third were below the mark. Of course this sacrifice of appetite would be made after every other sort of sac rifice had been made, after necessary cloth imr and fuel had been dispensed with. It was found amontr silk-weavers and twisters that, while over twelve pounds of bread were necessary to each adult, little more than nine were eaten. Iy buying food in pennyworths a great deal of money was wasted. The children working away from home, instead of taking with them dinner prepared by the mother, are supplied with three halfpence or two-penca a day dinner money, which they spend at a cooh-shop usually a penny upon pudding and a half penny upon potatoes. When they spend two-pence they are permitted to sit down and have a little gravy or fat added to their meal. Of all classes the needle-women fare ihe worst. They take to their calling when ev ery resource fails, and their average income is "below four shillings (less than one dollar) per week ; sometimes, too, they are out of employment. They use a little over an ounce "of tea per day, into which t hey rarely put mdk. Of moat sonic buy two ounces daily; others a quarter of a pound of cook ed meat three times a week, and twice that amount-lou Sunday. CJ love-stitchers, in-order to earn five shil lings and sixpence a week, are compelled to work from six in the morning until eleven at night ; and even children between nine and fourteen years of age are kept all day at this employment. As a general result of the inquiry among all these classes, it appears that of bread the needle-women ate least, the shoemaker most ; that of the persons interrogated in all classes, only four three of them being kid glovers went wholly without sugar, the kid-glovers generally using least sugar, the needle-women and stocking-makers most ; the balance of carbon in being re adjusted in these cases by an exactly reverse proportion in the use of butter. Only in five of the whole number of cases was there no meat at all eaten, and the rive were all found amoig the silk-weavers of Macclesfield and Coventry. But twenty in every hundred ate butchers' meat in no appreciable quan tity, prefering to use bacon. Beer of the ordinary strength was found to be drunk verv generally by the silk-weavers of Lon don, and by the shoemakers, and a very week beer by the stocking-makers of parts of Derbyshire. In' half the families who were taken as fair types of thej condition of the poorer laboring class, beer formed no part of the household dietary. In the case of out door laborers, where there is not much meaC used, it is all cook ed for the Sunday's dinners usually the only one at which the whole family is col lected and sits together in unwonted eitse. What is left froru the Sunday dinner is on the following week days the husband's, and whether he take it with him bit by bit to his daily dinner in the fields, or eat it at home, it is his, as a matter of course, un gruded. The household faith is that the husband wins the bread, and must have the best food." His physical well-being is the prop of the house. If he have eaten up his remainder of meat or bacon by the mid dle of the week, and there be butter or cheese, he takes that for his dinner at the close of the week, and the wife and children at home are then reduced to dry bread which is converted into a hot meal by the use of tea. Of course this state of affairs is a great hindrance to marriage. A man alone can subsist comfortably, and the temptation to remain single is reluctantly overcome, when by marrying he is certain to deprive him self of food absolutely necessary to health. The farm-laborer, apart from a family, is adaquateiy fed, long lived, and little trou bled with sickness. When he takes his meals at the farm-house, his risk in the way of diet is.froni over-feeding, lie has usually four meals a day meat and bacon twice, and even three times a day; milk twice a day; puddings or pies three times a day in Devon, and usually daily elsewhere ; beer also or cider. In Yorkshire he is found to get cheese-cakes and custards almost daily at breakfast and dinner, or even to take an hour's nap after dinner, lie objects to mutton because it is fat, and throws the fat under the table. Living in this sumptuous manner, he will putoff as far as possible the evil day which shall bring him poverty and starvation. Continent u on this state of society is needless, but it is with gratitude that we compare the hap piness of our own working-people wit h that of the English poor. The emigrants bound for America even in these troublous times, may well be regarded as both wise and pru deu t. Scientific A nu r lea n. WHAT PETROLEUM IS DOING. In the North American and United States Gazette, we find a comprehensive re view of this newly developed source of wealth from which we extract; It has made Ve nango county such a scene of prodigious prosperity that he who talks now of the matter being a humbug must be rather short-sighted. There are towns built up wholly by these discoveries. There are the railroads solely built to convey petroleum to market, and so blocked up with it that they cannot furnish rolling stock enough to ac commodate the trade. There are the bar rels, millions of them, all over the region, oozing with uetroleum. There are the wells,yielding the oleaginous fluid in endless quantities. There are banks, ,nevvspapers, hotels, insurance companies, etc. ;f all resting on the products of those wells. Those who de.-ire can see and judge for themselves. Through all the season of navigation the Allegheny river has been running crowded with vessels of every description laden with petroleum. Pittsburg, which used to be the Iron City, thinks now of little else than petroleum. Barrels of it swarm everywhere, ilefineries multiply. She has become one of the great distributing depots for the trade The operators clung to Oil Creek as long as a foot of ground was to be had on either side of it, or near it, and there they sunk wells and erected engines with a zeal that can only be compared with that of the quartz gold miners. From Oil Creek they spread thenelves along the Allegheny river banks aud islands; then along Sugar Creek, and so to every stream in Venango county. On all of these oil wells have been sunk and oil obtained, until the whole country is bor ed,everywhere, aud the number of wells con stantly multiplying. These explorations carried the operations into Crawford county, by means of the com panies boring along French creek and Oil creek; into Erie county by the French creek enterprise ; into Warren and Clarion counties, by following the course of the Alle gheny river; through Clarion. Elk, Forrest and Jefferson counties, by following the Clarion river ; and indeed we can scarcely now name a county in that region of Penn sylvania where petroleum has not been bored for. -Most of the operations are yet merely beginning, except in Venango and the points immediately adjacent.- There petroleum is the sole topic. 'Nothing ele is kuown, seen or beared of. It is everywhere, and the whole prosperity of the district is based on it. Passingsouth of Pittsburg, we find another petroleum region along Dunkard creek, in the counties of Fayette and Greene, where many companies flourish. Here, too, the boring has spread to all the adjoining region, away otf in Western Virginia. For the product of this district the Monongahela river is the channel of transportation. But the great West Virginia oil country is lar south of this along the Little Kanawha and Hughes rivers, and all the tributary creeks. There the oil has been gathered as it oozed from the earth for half a century or more. Xow it is bored for in scientific style, and every foot of ground is occupied by wells of speculators. The mania has spread in West V irginia to such an extent that we really think the area covered there is more extend ed than in Pennsylvania, although the pro duct is nothing at all in comparison. Then there are oil ditricts in Ohio and Kentucky and Canada, of which as yet little is kuown. The astonishing feature in this develop ment is the vast area of country in which pe troleum has undoubtedly been obtained by boring. It is true that in the leading points oil has for a long period been well known to ooze from the ground and flow off into springs of water, creeks and swamps. But the great discovery was not owing to this, the oil having been struck at a considerable depth while boring for Fait, Over an im mense area of country it has been subse quently obtained by boring, and in all of these cases the same geological formation has-been found. The query often asked, where was this oil deposited before the dis coveries, that we now find so many thousands of wells able to go on pumping it without exhaustion? is completely answered by ref erence to the depth at which the petroleum is found. - The news of the success of Generals Sher man and Thomas has reached England. The Confederate loan, is consequence, de clined six per coot., while there was a blight improvement in Federal securities. The King of the Sandwhich Islands has decided upon the Episcopal as his establish ed religion. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE TIMES. Chronology of the War, etc. 1863 December 1. Hooker retires from Ringgold, and Army of Cumberland again concentrated at Chattanooga. . . Meade re crosses the Kapidan. . . ltebel Salt works, worth three millions, destroyed at St. An drews Sound, Fla. Dec. 2. Village for the Contrabands at Arlington Heights dedicated. Dec. 3. Sherman's. Cavalry near Knox ville. Dec. 4. Knoxville, Tenn., Longstreet raises the siege of, and retreats towards Virginia. Dec. 6. Chesapeake, steamer, seized by rebel pirates on board, engineer shot, and crew landed at St. Johns. . . Weehawken, the Monitor, founders at Charleston Harbor, with all on board. Dec. 7. Jefferson Davis issues his annu al message. . . U. S. Congress reassembles. Dec. 8. President Lincoln issues his Mes sage and Proclamation of Amnesty. Dec. 11. Fort Sumter vigorously bom barded and partly set on fire. Dec. 14. Bean Station, Va., Longstreet attacks Union Cavalry under Shackelford, ltebel loss 800 killed and wounded ; Union loss 200. Dec. 16. Buford, Maj.-Gen. John, died at Washington. . . Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, Averill destroys 15 miles of. Dec. 17. Sangster's, Rebel Cavalry at tack Meade's communications at, and are repulsed. . . . Van Brunt, Com. (1. J., died at Dedham, Mass, aged 04. . . Chesapeake, The, recaptured in Tanibro Harbor by the El!a and Annie. All crew but three escape. Dec. 18. Col. Philips, with Indian bri gade beats and scatters Quantrell's force near Eort Gibson, killing f0. Dec. 19. Fort Gibson, Ark., attacked by Standthwaite with 1,000 men. Standth waite repulsed. Dec. 22. G en. Corcoran killed by a fall from his horse. . . An expedition trom Beau flirt starts inland under (jren. Seymour. . . . An expedition of one w hite and three color ed regiments, starts for Red River from Port Hudson, under Gen. Ullman. Dec. 23. Longstrect's soldiers are desert ing 20 to 50 per day. . . Union raid on Lu ray. Largequantitiesof leather, bacon, &c, captured. . . Ferry boat at Memphis attack ed by guerrillas who killed the captain. The boat escaped. Dec. 24. Choclow Irdians and their Chief abandon the Rebel cause. . . Christ mas Eve salute of shotted guns to Rebels at Charleston. . . Reeves, with 150 guerril las, surprise Centcrville, Mo., and captures garrison of 50 men 3d M. S. M. . . Jjegare ville, S. C, attacked by Rebels, who were driven off. Dec. 25. Pulaski, Tenn., 50 Forrest's guerrillas captured by Gen. Dodge. . . Gen. Sullivan's expedition from Harper's Ferry returns with 100 prisoners and 100 horses. ..Gen. Banks establishes Iepartment of the Frontier on the Rio Grande. . . British bark Circassion seized in North River U. S. Marshal. . . Gunboat Marblehead attacked at St, John's Island, by rebels on shore with battery, and repulses them. Loss, 3 killed, and 5 wounded. Dec. 20. Dr. Segar, Mr. Perez, and Mr. Carter, sent to Fort Lafayette for smuggling arms to Rebels. . . Dictator, turreted iron clad, launched at New York, Dec. 28. Richardson crossed our lines on his way South. . . Charleston, Tenn., Rebel Gen. Wheeler, with 1,500 men attacks Col. Liebert and supply train ; captures the lat ter ; Col. Long re-inforces Liebert and Reb els are beater, losing 121 prisoners. Dec. 29. Wheeler captures and con scripts allstragglers. . . Part of Union train cap tured by Reikis at Williamsport. Va. Dec. 30 Great naval expedition leaves New Orleans, supposed for Mobile. Dec. 31. Seizure of large quantity of Confederate money in New York, and ar rest of the printers. . . M'Chesney's expe dition meets rebels near Washington, N. C, routs them, kills Lieutenaut and five men, captures oiie cannon and ten men. 1864 January 1. Gov. Bramlette, of Ky., orders 5 Rebel sympathizers to be ar rested for every loyal citizen taken by guer rillas. . i Colored inhabitants of Norfolk celebrate their first Anniversary of Freedom. , . Meeting at Cooper Institute for same purpose. . . A small force of Union pickets are driven in at Winchester. . . . Severe snow-storm in the west. Jan. 2. Major Anthony and Lt. Davis, Rebels, sent to Fort Warren for 15 years for recruiting within the Union lines. . . Rebel attack on Union train at Mooi field and Alle gany Junction ; 13 Rebels killed and 20 wounded. . . Union guard, one company, at Patterson's Creek, captured by 500 Rebel cavalry. Next day are retaken and cavalry routed. Jan. 3. Rebel Sam Jones captures 300 Union troops at Jonesville, Va., killing and wounding 00 of them. . . Death of Arch- j bishop Hughes. Jan. 4. Gen. Grierson is pursuing For rest south of Cold Water. "Jan. 6. Kirby Smith commands all Reb el force (15,000) west of Mississippi River. . . Marmaduke and Price are at Arkadel phia and Little Rock, with 7,000, mostly cavalry. Jan. 7. Hon. Caleb B. Smith, Secreta ry of the Interior died. Jan. 8. Rebel obstructions in Charles ton Harbor mostly washed ashore. . . A Loy al Mass Meeting held at New Orleans to consider formation of a Free State Govern ment . . Com. Storer, U. S. N., died. . . Fitzhush Lee surrounds, and is beaten from Pittsburg, Va. Jan. 9. Rebel Cavalry conscripted every man in Cleveland, Tenn. Jan. 10. Sharp cavalry fight at Straw berry Plains. Rebels repulsed with serious loss. . . Rebel Lieutenant and squad of men desert to our lines from Price s army. . . Cole's Batallion of Maryland Cavalry attack ed in Virginia by Mosby, with 400 Rebel, who are defeated with loss of four officers and many men. Jan. 1 l.-Longstreet is fortifying at Bull's Gap, Tenn., his force 34,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry. . uunboat Iron Age a- ground under Rebel fire at harbor. Wilmington Jan. 12. Gen. Marston makes an exten sive raid in Virginia, capturing much grain and pork, and other rebel property, and ta king 25 prisoners, many horses. mules, sheep, &c. . . Part of M' Cook's cavalry fight with 8th and 11th Texas, at Mossy Creek, Tenn., killing 14 and capturing 41. Jan. 14. Two hundred Rebels attempt to capture small cavalry force at Three Miles Station, Va., and are repulsed. . . Rebel Gen. Vance captures Union supply trains near Temsville, is pursued by Col. Palmer, who takes him and officers prisoners recap tures train, 150 horses, arms, &c. . . Union soldier found hanging at Smith MilK Va., placarded, Hung by order of Gen. Wild in retaliation. . . Sturgis' Cavalry drive Rebel videttes out of Bainbridge, but till back, en emy being in strong force beyond. J an. 10. Receipt of news of the burning of 2.0tX rersons in the Santiago cathedral, Chilli, on Dec. 14, 1803. Jan. 17. Scout reports 3,000 Rebels at Point Pelee, Canada, preparing for a dash on Johnson s island. . . uesperaie aiiacs on our lines near Bainbridge, Tenn. Rebels Union Union ultimately defeated, losing heavily, army fell back to Strawberry Plains. Jan. IS. Fifteen Rebels attack pickets at Flint Hill, Va., and are badly beaten. Jan. itf. Attempt to burn Jeff. Davis' house Richmond. . . Sturgis' force fall back to within five miles of Knoxville. Jan. 20. Gen. Woodbury takes an ex pedition to Point Rosa to cut off Rebel cat tle supplies from Florida. Jan. 21. Numerous desertions from Reb el army at Chattanooga, On 17th 150 de serted. Jan. 23. LTnion foray at Brandon Farms on James River, captures 22 rebels, 7 signal men, 99 negroes, destroys 24,000 lbs. pork, captures sloop, pchooner, &c, without los ing a man. . . GOO Rebel Cavalry retreating to Natchez. . . Louisiana and Texas Troops marching to Mississippi River to blockade and obtain arms, &c, from trans-Mississippi Department. . . Union raid to Lake Phelps, N. Oi Guerrillas, 200,000 lbs. pork, tobac co, cotton, horses, mules, &c, captured or d est royed. Jan. 24. Rhoddy driven across the Ten nessee, loses his trains, 20 mule teams, 200 beeves, 600 sheep, and 100 horses. . . Four rebel gunboats make reconnoissance on the James. Jan. 25. Maj. Burroughs, guerrilla chief, shot while escaping from Fortress Monroe. . . Several hospital buildings and a large quantity of stores burned at camp Winder, near Richmond. . . Corinth evacuated by Union forces, and Memphis and Charleston 11.11. abandoned from Lagrange to Memphis. Jan. 20. Athens, Tenn., taken by rebel Gen. Rhoddy. . . Tazewell attacked by 400 rebel cavalry, who are repulsed by garrison. . . Johnson's brigade of Rhoddy s force crossed Tennessee River at Bainbridge ; are repulsed at Alton. Rebel loss 15, and many wounded. Union loss, 10 wounded. Jan. 27. Col. Borne attacks and destroys camp of Rebel Home Guards, and captures many prisoners. . . Capt Cady, of 24th N. Y. Battery captures five rebel murderers and 1,000 sheep in Tysell Co . N. C. . . Sturgis gains decisive victory at Sevierville, ovejr rebel cavalry; 05 rebels killed and wounded, 100 prisoners, and 2 guns taken. Jan. 28. A large meetins at Nashville, Tenn., to restore State Government, . . Gen. Palmer reconnoiters to Tunnel Hill, drove in rebel pickets, captures company of cavalry; 32 reikis killed. . . Nearly 300 sets of Rebel Salt Works destroyed near St. Andrews' Jan. 29. Sturgis drives rebel videttes out of Danville, Tenn. . . "Waldron, Tenn., rumored captured by Price. . . Gen. Thayer succeeds Gen. M'Neal commanding District of Frontier. . . Rebel attempt to capture Cumberland Gap with 3 cavalry brigades re- Eulsed by Col. Love. . . Windsor, N. C, Iridges and a great quantity of material det st royed. Jan. 30. Union supply train captured near Petersburg by rebels. Union loss, 80 ; rebel loss, 100. Jan. 31. Over 7, 300 deserters from Bragg since Oct. 20. . . Hood's army retires from Ringold and Dalton. . . Kit Karson pursues Navajos through Canon de Chelle ; 23 killed, 150 prisoners. (TO BE CO XTIXUED.) Defexses op Wilmixotox. The New York Commercial Advertiser, in an article on the defenses of Wilmington, says : "Fort Fisher has seventy-two, Fort Caswell eighty seven, Fort St. Phillippe nine, and other works estimate their number at thirty-eight, making a total of two hundred and eight guns. We may consider the capture of all these work snow a foregone conclusion. south of Fort Fisher are cut off and must surrender upon demand, while those above cannot hope to resist upon the approach of our fleet. A. T. Stewart's Ixcome. A. T. Stew art, the great dry goods man of New York, returns the largest income for 1863 of any American. It is not $5,000,000, as has been reported, but $1,843,638, whereon the extra income tax is $92, 1 81 . Horace G reelet says: "We consider it hard fortune for any man to have to take care of so much pro perty for nothing but his vituals and clothes." During the past year the enormous sum of twenty-eight millions five hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars, was lost by fires in the loyal States. A dearth of rat skins threatens to raise the price of kid gloves in Paris, THE NEWS. FORT FISHER TAKEN. OFFICIAL FROM ADM'L F0RTER. Admiral Porter in his despatch announc ing the capture of Fort Fisher, says : On the 14th I ordered all the vessels car rying eleven inch guns to bombard with the Ironsides the Brooklyn taking the lead. By sunset the Fort was reduced to a pulp, and every gun being silenced by being injur ed or coveted up with earth so that they would not work. On the loth Gen. Terry and myself arrang ed the assault, and I ordered 1,400 sailors and marines to participate. At daylight the iron vessels, the Brooklyn and 1 1-mch gun boats, commenced battering the work, while the troops made a lodgment within one hun dred and fifty yards of the fort. At 10 o' clock all the vessels steamed and took their positions, opening a heavy fire, which was kept up until 3 o'clock, l M. , when the sig nal was made t3 assault, the sol. hers taking the laud side aud the sailors the sea lace, the ships changing, but not stopping their fire, to the other works. The rebels met us with a courage worthy of a better cause, and fought desperately. Alout 30 of the sail ors and officers succeeded in getting to the top of the parapet, amidst a murderous fire of grape, canister and musketry. They had flanted the flag there, but were swept away, n a moment others tried to get up the steep pancoupe. The marines could have cleared the parajet by keeping up a steady fire, but they failed to do so, and the sailors were re pulsed. Many a gallant fellow fell while trying to emulate their brothers in arms who were fighting to obtain an entrance on the northeast angle, as it appears on our chart. The enemy mistook the seamen's attack for the maip body of troops, and opposed a most vigorous resistance there, but I wit nessed it all and think the marines could have made the assault successful. In the meantime our gallant soldiers had gained a foothold on the northeast corner of the fort, fighting like lion and contesting every inch of ground. .The Ironsides and Monitors kept throwing their shells into the traverses not occupied by our men, but occupied by the rebels. In this way our troops fought from traverse to traverse from 3 o'clock in the af ternoon until 10 at night. When the joyful tidings were signaled to the fleet, we stopped our fire and gave them three of the hearti est cheers I ever heard. It has been the most terrific struggle I ev er saw, and very much hard labor. The troops have covered themselves with glory, and Gen. Terry is my beau ideal of a soldier and a general. Our co-operation Jias been most harmonious, and I think the General will do the navy the credit to say that this time at least we substantially injnroti the fort as a defensive icorlc Gen. Terry had only a few more troops than we had on the last occasion, when the enemy had only 150 men in the works. This time the works were fully manned, and contained about 800 men at the time of the assault. It is a matter of great regret to me to see my gallant officers and men so cut up, but I was unwilling to let the troops undertake the capture of the works without the navy sharing with them the peril all were anxious to undergo, and we should have had the honor of meeting our brothers-in-arms in the works.had the sailors been properly sup ported. We have lost about 100 in killed and wounded, and among them some gal lant officers, I regret to announce the death of Lieut. S. W. Preston and Lieut. B. H. Porter. They were both captured together in the attack on Fort Sumter, and died to gether in endeavoring to pull down the flag that has so long flaunted in our faces. A correspondent's despatch, says: The enemy's force in the Fort was over 3,000. The conflict lasted for seven hours. The works were so constructed that every tra verse afforded the enemy a new defensive 5osition from which they had to be driven, 'hey were seven in number and the fight was carried on from traverse to traverse for 7 hours, bT a skilfully directed fire thrown into the traverses, as one after another they were occupied by the enemy. Admiral Por ter contributed to the success of the assault ing columu by signals between him and Gen. Terry at brief intervals. This signal was po well managed as to damage the enemy with out injury to our own troops. At about 10 o'clock the enemy were entirely driven from the fort and forced down towards Federal Point, followed by a brigade of our troops, and about 12 o'clock at night Gen. Whiting surrendered himself and his command to Gen. Terry, unconditionally, as prisoners of war, numbering over 2,800, the remainder of the force being killed and wounded. Our loss was not accurately ascertained Monday afternoon, but was estimated at between 700 and 800 in killed and wounded, besides the naval losses which was slight, not exceeding one hundred killed and wounded. Not a ship or transport was lost. Col. Curtis was severely but not mortally wounded. Col. Bell died of his wounds on Monday. CoL J. W. Moore and Lieut. Col. Lyman were killed. Col. Pennypaker was badly wound ed; also, Lieut. Col. Coah. A complete list of the killed and wounded will be for warded as soon as it can be prepared. Early on Monday morning, between 6 and 7 o'clock the magazine of Fort Fisher ex ploded, killing and wounding about 200 per sons. After the capture of the fort all the troops were withdrawn except one brigade, left in charge of the works. How the ex plosion occurred was not known, but Gen- erally Terry believes it was occasioned by accident or neglect. Fort Fisher is a sand work, about 400 yards long, and presents a perpendicular front ot 50 feet in highth. The armament of the fort was 72 guns, some of large calibre and rifled. " The troops in the fort had six teen days rations. The rebel loss in the as sault was 500 dead, besides the wounded. if. t,.i , r ivi if: i f. it f i : if ft- 1 r. tK'i: m HI 3 TTT