atafteman'i? journal CLEARFIELD, PA, JAN.JLJ1865. " TyneTnd Clearfield xUilroad. IE3 W SUBSCIUITKM. ADVERTISING ASDKBBKO. M Subscription, in advance, I year, . 2 5Q Subscription, if paid with ' ; 3 00 Subscription, if not paid within 1 J"? to tho Xbe above rate, of ??f?VawJ eorrent volume, unless paui ior Court, ism. yUm'rs and Ex'rs notices, each. 6 times, A a ditor's notices, each. Cautions and Estrays, each, 3 times, Dissolution notices, each, 3 Omes, -Transient Advertising, per square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, For each subsequent insertion. Official Advertising, for each square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, For each subscquont insertion, Professional cards, a lines, one year, Local notices, per lino, 1 time, Obituary notices, over 5 lines, per line, Yearly Advertising, ono square, : : : Yearly Advertising, two squares, : : Yearly Advertising, three squares, : Yearly Advertising, one-fourth column, Yeariy Advertising, one-half column, Yearly Advertising, one column, Wanks . single quire, ::::::: J'.Iar.ks, 3 quires, per quire, : : : : Wanks, 6 quires, per quire, : : : : J'.lanks, over 0 quires, per quire, : : : IUndbills, eighth sheet, 25 or less, fourth sheet, ' 25. " half sheet, 25 " 2 50 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 50 1 50 50 5 00 15 10 8 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 35 00 60 00 2 50 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 50 2 50 4 50 S 00 Over 25 of each of above, at proportionate rates. The above rates were agreed npon, by ttoe un Jeasigned, on the 3d day of December, 16!U, and will be strictly adhered to during the present ti"h prices of all kinds of printing materials. D. V, MOORE. Publisher of "Clearfield Republican. " S.J. ROW, Publisher of ' Raftsman's Journal." More Deserters Arrested. "We learn that several more deserters have been arrest- til in various sections of the count' within the pa -it week, and that the total number of arrests now exceed one hundred and fifty. At Home. Lieut. Robert A. Mitchell, of Company E 14'Jth Pa. Vol., is now in thi place, on a visit to his friends. Lieut. M. l..ok exceedingly well. Soldiering seems to asrree with him. ITc says that Capt. How, Lieut. Liddle, and all the "boys" are wel and hearty. LYcicTAiLS Wanted. Company E 149th 1'a. Vol., having received orders to wear their distinctive badge, (a buck-tail,) would request their friends in Clearfield county to furnish tho requisite number, if possible. If left at the Journal office, they will be forwarded at an early day. Snow and Timber. During the past ten flays we have had excellent sledding, and much timber has been hauled to the streams. On Monday night and Tuesday some rain fell and caused much of the snow to melt. The prospect for a usual supply of square timber is, however, rather dull. Careless Writing. We note from the recent report of the Postmaster General, an extraordinary amount of carelessness on the part of the letter writing community. Three million five hundred and eight thou sand were received of dead letters during the last year; many of which contained money, deeds, checks, jewelry and other valuables. Some of them were misdirect ed, others not directed at all, others un stamped and others only partially directed. Thousands of these were returned to the writers, but the great majority were destroy ed. These facts should teach the public to he more careful in their correspondence; for the amount of suspence.and suffering occasioned by these lost letters is incalcula ble ; and officials are censured where the fault rests with the authors. Correct the Enrollment. Ey refer ence to our new advertising columns, the reader will find a notice of Capt. Campbell, informing the citizens of Clearfield county of the meeting of the Enrollment Board in Clearfield Borough, on tho 20 th, 27th and -sth days of January, IS63, for the purpose of correcting the Enrollment Lists. As much dissatisfaction has existed heretofore in sev eral of the sub-districts in this county, we hope that an effort will be made to have the proper corrections made, when the Hoard assembles in this place. The sug gestion of Capt Campbell, that committees le appointed to attend to this matter, is a good one. Then go to work at once. As certain who is likely to be exempted on ac count of alienage, over age, under age, or f r physical disability and for previous service in the army, and those who have left the districts netting forth the facts in each in dividual case, properly certified to for pre sentation to the Board. The responsibility jf having the lists corrected, now rests with teh man enrolled, and we trust that it will k promptly attended to. Significant Pacta. It is one of the curious circumstances of t'le war, iot to be lost sight of that through an ao;ent the people of Savannah, so lately "ne of the rebel strongholds, are now solicit-ir-S sid, as to food especially, in the city of 'ew York. Perhaps this is no more sug gestive, however, than the fact that they do nf)t ak in vain. These facts are pregnant uh significants the prelude to the grand fret that will succeed tho early collapse of the rebellion. Is it not time that the North iiiouM make suitable preparations in. view UI"it? There are otter Sanvannahs, and Sherman Is moving. Even for Charleston Ulere u in the North enough, and there ex-Chris-tain spirit, under the old flag, l" i-'ivo all that may be'rpiired CORRESPONDENCE 0J TEE J0U3,N"AL. PiirLir-suURU, January. 5, 1SC5, S. J. l'w, EQ: Sir: Ths following sums have been paid over to the Sanitary indCbri.staiiiSComuiissions at Philipsburg: sV'C.OO, balance of money collected by the Soldiers Aid Society $27.30, money collect ed by the Lincoln party, for a Union Jubi lee : but afterwards voted io the Sanitary andChristain Commissions. A soldiers Hos pital is now being fitted np in this place, and the money is to be appropriated for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers of the Veteran Reserve corps. Please pub lish. Yours Truly, J. E. W. Pexxvh.le, January 6th, 1865. Mr. Row: Sir: By giving the follow ing a place in your columns, you will confer a favor on one of jour subscribers : Our Soldiers and the Ladies. On the morning of Wednesday the 4th instant, a number of sleds and sleighs were seen wending their way from Pennville to Curwensville, filled to overflowing with gen tlemen ami ladies, with happy hearts and smiling faces, interspersed with sundry bas kets and boxes well stored with creature comforts such as would be prized by weary and hungry soldiers. In good time the cav alcade safely drew up at the Susquehanna House. After some preliminary arrange ments, the ladies, 20 or 30 in number, form ed in double line, headed by Abraham Spen cer, accompanied by a gosxliy number of gentlemen from Penn township and other places, started for the soldiers rendezvous. On arriving at the headquarters, they were most cordially received by Capt. Kerr, and other soldiers ; and in the most kiudly man ners shown throughout their very comforta ble quarters, in the house lately occupied by Wm. Irwin, E-. The ladies took great in terest in examining, in every particular, the equipments, lodging apartments and cook ing conveniences the gallant soldiers tak ing special pains to gratify every wish of fe male curiosity. After being fully satisfied of seeing and beiug seen, the assembled visitors were in vited to the spacious piazza in front of the mansion, while the soldiers' were formed in double line on the lawn, when ail parties were gratified by listening to an introductory address from Hon. John Pulton, in which he informed Capt. K. and his brave com rades, that, although he was sorry to say that there were many disloyal people in Clearfield county, ycthe could vouch for the loyalty of those present many of whom had fathers, sons, brothers and husbands in the army of their country ; sguue of whom have sealed their devotion to their country's cause with their blood. After Mr. Palton closed, Mr. John Rus sell was introduced, and entertained the au dience by reading a very interesting address, in which he heartily lamented the necessity for the present display of military force in our midst, but freely endorsed the w isdom and necessity of the measure trusting that no relaxing of the present means should be tolerated until every rebel and rebel sympa thizer, both north and south, shall hide his deformed and traitorous head. When Mr. Russell closed, Capt. Kerr called on the soldier to give three cheers for the ladies of Penn, which were given with a will. After which the company sep arated, mutually well pleased with the in terview. A Citizen of Penn. The New York Bounty". The Common Council of New York have withdrawn the liberal offer of one 1,000 bounty, and sub stituted the old ofler of three hundred dol lars, and fifty dollars "pocket money." The number of men to be raised to fill the quota of the city is three thousand live hundred. Eailroad and Steamboat Accidents. There were more people killed and woun ded by railroad accidents last year than in any preceding year since 1S5-L One hun dred and forty accidents occurred ; four hundred and four lives were lost, and and one thousand eight hundred and forty-six persons were wounded. The trans portation of troops does not account for this increase ; for the railroads transported quite as many soldiers in 1SG3, and yet the num ber of accidents and the number of killed and wounded were nearly double those of that year. The steamboat accideuts in 18G4 were less frequent and fatal. They did not exceed the average for the last ten years ; but were more numerous than in 1803. MARRIED: On December 23th, by P. S. Moore, Esq., Mr. Jesse Spencer formerly of Penn town ship, to 31 iss Amanda Lockev, of Centre county, Pa. On the 5th instant, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. 1'kampton M'Cracken to Miss Marv Jane Ferguson, both of Ferguson township. .On the morning of December 20th, 18r4, at the residence' of Mrs. Rheem, in Clear field, by the Rev. L. M. Gardner, Profes sor William Liohton of Dickenson Sem inary, Williamsport. Pa., to Miss LroiA RilEEM of Clearfield Borough. DIED: On Nov. 21st, lsG4, in Carver Hospital, Washinzton, I. C, of typhoid fever, Da vid L. Sithff, of Battery B, 1st Pa. Light Artillerv, aged IS years, 8 months and 1 dav The deceased was a son of Andrew and Sarah A. Shoff, of Beccaria township. He was in the service bnt a short time, ere he was attacked by the disease which ter minated his earthly existence. His remains were brought home and interred in tho fami ly burying ground, where they nuw repose m peace. STRAY COV'. Cametrespassiagonthepre mises of the subscriber, in Boggs township, a bont tho first Jay of July last, a dark brown eow, white face, and about 10 years old. The owner is requested to couie forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be dispos ed of according to law. EDM. ALBERT. Boggs tp., Dec. 14, lS64-pd. H FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! Mrs. H. D. Welch Has received, and offers to purchasers, a largo stock of Woolen Goods, of superior quality, consisting in part of Turbans, Nubias, Scarfs, Undcrsleeves, Net floods, Nubia Hoods, Breakfast Gapes, Twilights. In her stock of Millinery Goods will be found Dress Caps, Head Dresses, Bonnets, Veils, Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Nets, &c, &c Also, Buglo Trimming, Ribbon, Press and Velvet Trimmings, Buttons, Buckles, Ac. COLLARS, GLOVES, & HOSIERY. Beads, Zephyr, Thread, Braid, Combs, Needles. Cosmetics such ns Hunt's Bloom of R6ses, Laird's Bloom of Y"outh, Sterling's Ambrosia. Hair Oils. Thalon's Extract Night Blooming Cereus, (genuine article,) and other articles of Perfumery. CIIILDRENS' TOYS, SUCH AS Wooden, China, Ivory, Lava ware, Tin, and Iron. Fancy Soaps, Hoop Skirts, Skirt Supporters, Wil low Baskets, and a largo variety of other Fancy and Staple articles, suitablo for this season of the year. The public are invited to examine Mrs. Welch's stock, as it embraces many of the finest and most fashionuble articles offered for sale in this place, and at prices to suit the times. Deo. 14. MISS E. A. T. RYNDER, Teacher of Piano-Forte. Melodeon. Cabinet-Organ, Guitar. Harmony and Vocal. Music. Also, sole a gent fur Clearfield county for Chiekering A Sons Piano Forte., and Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Or gnns. Jiboms trfr.'i Mri. IT. J). Welsh. Music Books. Paper, and Sheet Music constant ly on bond at tho store of Mrs. II. D. Welsh. Clearfield. Pa., Dec 7. lSui HELIOGRAPHIC. THE undersigned having completed his Photo graph Gallery, in .-haw's Row, two doors west of the Mansion House, Clearfield, Pa., is now ready to wait on those in want of first class portraits. My arrangements are such as enable me to furn ish beautiful productions of "sun drawing" in the highest style of tho art. Having fittedup my rooms at considerable expense, with a view to the cdmfort and pleasure of my patrons, I hope by strict attention to business, nnd a desire to sat isfy those who call, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. A good assortment of Gilt, Rosewood, and -mould frames; Albums and an endless variety of cases on hand, at moderate pri ces. Particular attention given to copying every kind of pictures. H. BRIDGE, September 2, loot. Artist. Instruction in the art of Photography given, and aparatus furnished at city prices. ONCE AGAIN! DEALERS IX DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC., PillLlPSKUKG, PA., Sell the Cheapest Goods in the County. J I. Morris A Co.. are just now receiving from the easteri cities and opening at their store rooms A SPLENDID LOT Ot Prints and Dolainea, very cheap. A large stock of Crown and -Bleached Mus lins very cheap. Flanels, Linsuys, Sat tinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, very cheap. Yankee Kotians, a great variety. FOR THE LADIES, They have coats and circulars ; Furs, such as Muffs, Capes aud Victorias; Travel ing Trunks and carpet Bags; Wood and Willow-ware Baskets- Also, Balmorals for Ladies' fc children. HOODS AND NUBIAS, Sontags and comforts. Krcakfast capes and a great variety of Gloves and Hose ; a variety of Wool Delaines, French Me rinoH. Coburgs and Alpacas, god blach SiU, Bonnets and Shawls. FOft MEN" AND BOYS A A H A D O O A o They havo'clothing of all kinds, consist ing oi over-coats, coais, pains- tau, handkerchiefs, cravats, undershirts, drawers, boots, shoes, hats. caps, and many other articles" of clothing. fJROCERIES. iH w o M M H a o o 0 m P iSuch as Rio,Kye and Lnguara coffee ; Su gars, WDUe. umwil uu joimn , uum-i, eggs, lard, cheese, hams, shoulders, and sides. Sweet potatoes.dried peas j dried beef, fresh shad, salt fish , i i UKI.ND aroiNts land fixtures, buggies, sleighs, carriages. saddles, bridles, horse collars, trimmed horse blankets, buffalo robes, sleigh bells, whips, harness and names, and a variety of other articles. TT A RD W ARE in endless variety with broad axes, dou ble oils, raiting ana oirsiug uiua. sai lor and cooking stoves and pipe. An assortment drugs, medicines paints, oils, varnishes, dyo-sttiff3: etc., etc. siuinnr, rooks. Q b m writing and letter paper, fancy note and ; - I nnn..w. nane nitniiila anil commercial , .. ink; copybooks, slates, ink stands, fancy and common envelopes, and many other things in this liae. AMD IN FACT There is nothing that manor beast con sumes, but wnai we xcep vu uuu get for our customers on short notice. And will sell a little cheaper, hav ing ad vantages that no others have. O They invite persons to examine their stock: ana nope to give uuuie du."--..-".- j 1 t i cx,,.i;n,i , tbn nuantitv with ba- con flour, chop, or any goods in our hue a, 10 per cent on et. We discount all bills over 10 ten per cent, for cash Our Clearfield friends will please call and see us when they come to town. They cau find us on the corner formerly occupied bv John Runk, and nearly opposite the "tonrad House," Main street D3 14, 1804. LEATIIEIt an asset tment for sale bv MERUELL A BIGLER, December 14. 1S64. Clearfield, Ta. BO.ns AM) NOTES FOR SALE. The undersigned is prepared te furnish, to thosa seeking investments, Goverament and county bonds. Also five per cent Government notes. U B. SWOOPE, Clearfield May 4. 1S54. Att'y at Law A FORTUNE FOR ALL. To anyone de sirous of making their fortune, I will, on re ceiving two dollars, impart to them a secret by which they may make themselves independently rich. Address, Dr. G. BAKNl'M. Dec 7-3tp. Philadelphia P. P., renn'a. TREES ! TREES !! The subscriber haviDg been appointed an. agent of the '-Marietta Nursery" in Lancaster county, would respectful ly inform the citizens of Clearfield county, that he is prepared at all times to fill orders for every kind of Fruit Trees and Shrubbery, at proprie tors pricea.: NORMAN L. ROBINS, Agent. Clearfield, Ta.. Dec. 7, lS61-3in. STRAY STEER Camo trespassing on tho premises of the subscriber in Guelich town ship, about the middle of July, a stray steer sup posed to be about 2 years old. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove proporty, pay char ges and take him away, or he will be sold as the law directs. JOHN BEYER. Decomber 20 th, 1864. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY D. W. Mo Curdy, A. B.. Principal. Tho next quarter will open on Monday, the ath of December, 1S04. . terms of Trrriox as follows : Common. English, comprising the branches not higher than Heading. Writing. Arithmetic, Geography, English Grammar and History, per quarter, $ 5 00 Higher English branches, 7 50 Languages, 10 00 A DM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters J.. of Administiation on the Estate of Sarah Morgan, late of Guelich township, Clearfield coun ty. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are hereby required to make immcdiato payment, and those having claims against tho same will present them properly authenticated for settle ment. JAMES II MORGAN, Dec. 7, ISSl-fitp. Administrator. 4 DM1NISTR VTOR'S NOTICE Letters X. oi Administration on tho estate of James Curley, lateof Penn township. Clearfield Co.i, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. D. 11. PAULHAMUi?. December 7, 1So4. Administrator. CTRPETIN(S. Now in store, a lare stock of Velvet, Brussels. Three-Ply ani Ingrain Carpetings, Oil cloths, Wiudow Shades, ect., cct., all of the latest patttrns and test fabrics; which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. N. B. Some patterns of my old stock still on hand ; will bo sold at a br.rgain. J. 'O'ELAC'IOIX Xo. 27 South Second Street, above Chestnut. Mrtrch 2 1S61. Philabelpbia s.j.xickekson : ; : m. n.n vr.nis : : : w.b.mosei.ey I-IOLLIDAI", WITH NICKERSON, JIAi'.lilS & HOSELEY, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 435 Market Street, Philadelphia. A large assortment of City Made Work constantly on band. July 20, 1 Sri 4 . CLEARFIELD NTRSERY. ENCOTJR AGE HUME INDUSTRY. Ihe undersigned having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about half way between Curtvcnsviile and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees, (Standard and dwart.) Evergreens. Shrub bery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawt'n Black berry, Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also. SibrianCrab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rhcu barb, tc. Orders promptly attended to. Address Aug 31,lrti4. J, D. WRIGHT, Curwensville, Al'D I TOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, appointed in open Court to distrib ute monies in tie hands of R N. Hegarty, Admin istrator of the Estate of Lyman Miles, deceased, gives notice (the time of said audit having been continued by the court) that he will attend to the duties of said appointment, at his office in the Borough of Clearfield, on Saturday the 7th day of January, A, D. JSfi.", between the hours of 10 o' clock, A. M. and 3 o'clock. P. M. WM. M. M'CULLOGGII, December 14, 1SG4. Auditor. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The partnership heretofore existir g between the subscriber!, in the bunking business as Leon ard, Finney fc Co., is this day dissolve-! by mutu al concent. The books pupers and assests ara left in the hands of James T. Leonard at the fGee of tho firm, and all claims due to and by the firm will be there settled bv him. All over-due paper must be forthwith settled. JAS.T. LEONARD A. C. FINNEY, Dec. 20th, lSfit. W. A. AVALLACE The business is to bo continued by Jas. T. Leon ard, as Leonard A Co. FIS T OF LETTERS unclaimed and rcmain J ing in the Post Office nt Clearfield, on the 1st day of January, A. D. IStio. Beers, Mrs. L. M'Douel, Dan Benner, E. C. Piper, Sallie A. Bartlett. Miss Polly 2, Reeser, Charles T. Collins. Wm. Russell, Wiu. P. Campbell, Fernando D. Shaffer, Miss Rebecca. Dinsmore, Miss Eda. Snyder, Joseph. Hockmaa, Miss Mary J. Schultz, Gongolf (Ocr) Harrigan, A. C. Thompson, Mrs. Susan. Howard. Stephen, Wcstbrook, Miss Louisa Jl'Canna, John R. Whatley, J. One cent due on each letter advertised. Per sons calling for any of above letters, will say they are advertised. M. A. FRANK, P. M. H0! FOR ffiWTNsT SECOND SUPPLY OP SEASOInTABIjE goods JUST RECEIVED AT WILLIAM F. IRWIN'S STORE. OX MARKET ST,, CLEARFIELD, PA. THE CHEAPEST AND LEST Seasonable Goods ARE TO BE HAD AT TnE CHEAP CASH STORE. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a large and well selected stock of tho most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at tha reasonable prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere ashQlecls persuaded none undersell him. His stock embraces a well selected assortment of DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hardware, ,Queensware, GROCEEIES, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other useful articles, all which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed for approved produce. Go to the '"cheap cash store" if you want to buy goods at fair prices. Dec 21, 1801. 'WM F IE WIN. s B V V SEASONABLE GOODS or BOYNTOX SHOWERS GRAHAM That's The Place! B0YNT3N, SHOWEHS AND GBaHAM. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have received their first supply of Seasonabfct Goods, which they are now offering for sale at tho LOWEST CAST! PRICES. Their stock consists of a general variety o Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-war, Queens-wara, Tin-ware, Willow-ware, Wooden-ware, Provisions. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing, Ac. For the Ladies. They would call especial attention to the large and good assortment of new styles and patterns of WOOLEN GOODS, Sucn as Scarfs. Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Snaquc. Mantles, Shawls, and Hats.. Also the latest styles of Bonnets, and an assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Delaines, Alpacas, Ginghams, Ducals, Prints, Me rinos, Cashmeres, Tlaids, Brilliants, Toplins, I'e regp. Lawns. Nankins, I.Ujeu, Lace, Edgings, Col erettos. Braids, Belts, Veils, Nets, Coretts. Nu bias, Hoods, Coats, Mantels, Balmoral skirts, Ho siery, Gloves. Bonnets, Flowers. PJuiues. Ribbons. Hats. Trimmings. Buttons, Combs. Shawls. Braid, Muslins, Irish Linens, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, Swiss, BobincU, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Cafhmereta, Tweeds, Jeans, Cordu roys, Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchiefs. Neck? ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., etc. Ready-Made Clothing In the latest styles nnd of the best material, consisting of Coats, Pants, Vests. Shawls, Over coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, etc. Of Boots and Shoes, Thy have a large assortment for Ladies and Gen tlcmen, consisting of Top l!oots. Pump Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, etc Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee. Syrups, Sugar, Rice. Crackers. Vinegar, Candles. Cheese. Flour. Meal. Bucon, Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil. Lamp chimneys, Tinware a great varie ty, Japanware, Kgg beaters, Spico boxes, Wire Ladels, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc : etc. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes. Baskets, Washboard. Buckets, Tubs. Churns Wall-paper. Candle wiok. Cotton yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, etc. Rafting Ropes, Augurs, Axes. Chisels, Saws, Files, Hammers, Hatchets. N'-ils. Spikes, Gri d stones. Stoneware, Trunks, Carpet bags. Powder, Shot, Lead, etc. School Books, Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com mercial paper, pen, pencils and ink. copy books, slates, ink stands, fancy and common envelopes. Carriage Trimmings, Shoo Findings, Glass and Tutty. Flat irons and Coileo mills, Bed cords and Bed screws, Matches. Stove blacking, W ashing soda and Soap, etc. Flavoring Extracts, ' Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds. Fancy soaps, Oils, Paints. Varuishes. and in fact every thing usually kept in a first class Storo. They invite all persons tocall and examine their stock, and hope to give entire satisfaction. BOVNTON. SHOWERS & GRAHAM- Clearfiold. Pa.. Deo. 7th, 1H4. PENNSYLVANIA Imperial "Oil Company, Office 139 South Fifth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Capital $1,000,000200,000 Shares, at $5 each. Reserved Capital 250,000. President, ALEXANDER K. 31'CLURE. DIRECTORS A. K. M'Clure, D. J. Jackman. ElHha W. Davis Thos. A. Scott, .1. C. Bomberger, Peter A. Small. John M. Pouieroy, SECRETARY. James M. Sellers. TREASURER. Elisha W. Davis This company has 120 acres of land, in fee. on tho Allegheny River, immediately opposite Oil City, and adjoining Laytonia, with 110 rods frout on the river, and 75 rods- front on Lay's Run. Hon. C. P. Ramsdell, editor of the Oil City 'Mon itor, and agent for this land, assures the company that it will sell in lots for $100,000, reserving the oil right which is worth S100.000 additional. I- MEOIATE REVENUE WILL HE IER1VED FOR TUB COM PANY FROM THIS RALE OP THERE LOTS : and the COU1- paty have two good engines with complete fix tures to operate immediately for oil. .The territo ry in thu immediate locality has never failed to produco profitably. Also, ono hundred acres, in fee simple, in the celebrated Cherry Run District, immediately ad joining the Cherry Run Petroleum company, whose stock is now worth over S30 per share. The com pany now have offers, whieh will bo accepted, for sinking wellson lease, without any cost to tho cor poration and one-half tho proceeds to go to the company. The Curtin and. St. Nicholas com pa mes are in this immcdiato locality, and their stock is now commanding a large premium. In addition, the company has 40 acres, in fee simple, on Cherry Tree Run, which empties into Oil creek, and in the best producing section of tho Oil Territory, and 110 acres, in fee .simple, on Walnut Bend, five miles above the mouth of Oil creok, and not; over two miles from the eclebrat Reed well, now producing over 200 barrels per day. Also, the lease of three tracts of land, two on Oil creek,cach producingover.ten barrclsper day, and one on Allegheny river," producing ten har rels per day of heavy oil, worth 521 per barrel. Tho company now receives three fourths of the proceeds of the last named well, and one-half of the other two Each of theso tract's will be de veloped by tho company by rlnking additional wells, and the engines and fixtures are now oa hand to do it. The officers of this company mean to prosecute the development of these lands most energetical ly, and they have entire confidence that they will yield very large dividends on the capital stock. tTsJSubscriptions must be made promptly, as more than one-half of the stock is already engag ed Subscriptions will be received at the office of the company. January 4, 13C5. JJHOTOCiKAPIIKJ ALBUMS, forage aA Hartwkk Huston's C'.rficld. P n TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The RArrsjiAs'a JorKSAL is published on Wed nesday at S2.00 per annum in advance . Adver tisements inserted at S-l .50 per srjuare, for threa or less insertions Tea lines (or ley) counting square. For every additional insertion 50 cents. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. TRVIN BROTHERS, Dealers in Squnre Sawed Lumber, Drj Goods, Groceries, Flour, Grain, io , Ao., Barntide Pa., Sept 23, 1S63. T FREDERICK LKITZINGL'K. Manufacturer of ; -11 kinds pf Stone-ware, Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholelo or retail. Jan. 1,1 S6S CRANS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Lw, Clear field, Pa. May 13. 1S63. l.j.chans. :::::: waiter BAKftsrt. OBERT J. AVALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear Ai field, Pa ffice in Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Naugle's jewelry storo. May 28. HF. NAUGLK, Watch and Clock Maker, and . doalcr in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. nBCCHF.R SWOOPE, Attorney at Law. Clear . field. Pa. Offict in Graham's Row. four doo west of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10. 1TARTSWICK A Hl'STqN. Dealers in Drugs', 1 Medieines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume ry. Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., ets.. Market street, Clearfield, Pa. June, 29, 1664. TP. KRATZER, dealer in Dry Goods, C!th . ing. Hardware. Quoensware, Groceries, Pro visions A'c. Front Street, abovo the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. Aprit 27. WILLIAM F.IRWIN,Marketstreet,Clearn-ld, Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware, Queenswaro, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. rOHN Gl'LLICH, Manufacturer of all kinds ot Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. lie also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. DR M. WOODS, Puactici.ns Physicia!, and Examining Surgeon for Pensions, ('iSco, South-west corner of Second and Cherry Street, Clearfield. Ta. January 21, IS63. rpHO.MAS J. M'CULl.OL'GH, Attorney at Law, JL Clearfield, Pa. Office, emt of tho '-Clearfield co. P.ank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.' J. B M'ENALLY, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield. Pa. Practices in Clearfield an I adjoining counties. OGce ;n new brsek buiIJing ot J . rsoyn ton, 21 street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel. 1 ICIIARD MOSSOP. Dealer in Foreign and Do ) mestic Dry Goods. Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Lienors, Ac. Room, on Market si rcet, afewdoors west of Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. 1" A R RIMER A TEST, Attorneys nt LaW.Cleiir lJ field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal ami other business entrusted t i their c irc in Clear field ar.d adjoining counties. August ft, la5. iTM. ALBERT A BRO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware. Oueensware, Flour, Bacon, etc., Woodlan J, Clearfield county, Penn'a. Alo. extensive dealers in all kindsof sawed lum ber, shingles, acd square timber. Orders solici ted. Woodland, Aug. l'Jth. 103. jVE W WATCH & J E WEL! Y STOKE.- Il Tho undersigned having located in the bor ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied by R Welch as a jewelry shop.) is prepured to do work of all kinds on the. most reasonable terms. The cash will positively be expected when the work is delivered. He is confident that he can not be excelled by any workmen in town orcounty. Coin '. romeall tolLcSiirv of the liisr Watrh. April 9,'t52-ly-rd. S. H. LAUC11LIN. fflE.HPEHANCE HOUSE. The subscriber A would respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield coutjty, that he has rented tho "Tipton Hotel." and will use every endeavor to accommo date those who may favor him with their custom. He will try to furnish tho table with the best tho country can afford, and will keep hay and feed to accommodate teamsters. Gentlemen don't to-get tho "Tipton Hotel." SAMUEL SillXH. . Tipton, Pa , May 25, 1S64. A UCTIONEEK. The nndcrsigjied having J. been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sales, iu any piirt of the county, whenever culled upon. Charges moderato -Address, JOHN M'QUILKIN, May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield CO., Pa. N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li cense are subject to a penalty of SM, which pro vision will be enforced against those who may vi olate the same. edTIIrvlnT tIEKCHAiST AND DEALER IN LUMBER CfRWENS VILLE, FA. USTEATT' GOODS Of every description, just received at the "Coi ner Store," and selling as low lor Cash and coun try produce as can be bought elsewhere in the county. The stock consists of Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hardware, Qoecnsware, Glassware, Willow-ware, Woodenwarc, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made clothing. Flour, Bacon, Molasses, Syrups, Rico, Fruits, Candies, Nuts, eto. Pur chasers should see the goods and post them selves in prices. July 13, 18rt4. Three Farms For Sale ! SITUATE IN PIIvE TOWNSHIP. The subscriber will sell his three farms situato in Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa., at pri vate salo. Also, ono tract of unimproved land numbered and described as follows, to wit: No I Is an improved tract on which he re sides, and contains about 20 acres 200 acres f which is cleared. 25 acres being in meadow, and the whole in a high state of cultivation and un der good fences. The improvements are a good frame house, frame barn, (75 by 58 feet.) wagon shed, grain house, smoke house, wood hous o and other outbuildings. There is timber sufficient on the land for all farm uses, and an excellent coal bank. Also good water and a fine orchard of choice fruit growing thereon. No. 2. Is an improved tract, and contains 135 acres of which tii) acres are cleared, 10 acres be ing in meadow, and the whole io a good state cf cultivation and nuder good fences, with excel lent water on the farm. The buildings are a leg house and an excellent frame burn, and some oth er outbuildings, There is on this tract sufficient food timber for 7 or 8 rafts, and aa excellent coal anK, together with an orchard of choice fruit trees. No. 3. Is an improved tract, containing about 100 acres, 30 acres cleared, (new,) with a small plank housoand barn thereon erected. The land is under good fences, with ceoMent water ou it. About 3 rafts of good timber also standing thereon. No. 4. Is an unimproved tract of 400 acres, with some good pine timber growing on it, and will make an excellent farm whenclearod. The abovo tracts will be sold in a body, or ep erately. to suit purchaser" preferring, however, to scH thcon in a body. The terms will be reason able. f ho tracts can be sees at any time by call ing on the snbpcriber, or inquiries by letter will be answered if addrcabod to Curwensville. Pa Augusta. DA24IBL BAILKY. Ci ALT! SALT!! SALT!!! A prime arti cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent ga-KS. at S3.25 per aaoK, at the chean eah eiore of November 27. K. MSriOV. FODDER CUTTER S o f a su pe r io r m s ke for sale at rcasonallo pr'ses. a MELP.ELL and BIGLKR'S. Clearfirf I, Pa SALT a go jd "article, and very clieap at ib jt'jrcof n.M P If.WIN, CkarMl.