Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 04, 1865, Image 3
ajaftsman's journal CLEARFIELD, PA., JAN. 4, 1SG5. Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad- KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, ADVERTISING AND JOBBING. u'oscription. in advance, l.year, : - -( subscription, if paid with theear, . . Subscription, if not paid with". t0 tbo The above rates ot 'Wfing W j current volume, unless paid tor o-' Adni'ra'nd F.T, notice,, each. 6 times, J 0 Auditor notices, each. . j 50 Cautions and Estrays. each 3 tunes, i ou Dilution notice.,, each. 4 times - 00 Transient Advertising, per square of 10 line, or lens-3 tunes, or less, 1 50 For each subsequent insertion, M 0Ecial Advertising, for each square of 10 lines, or less 3 times, or less, 1 o0 For each subsequent insertion, Professional cards, d lines, one year, 5 00 Local notice?, per line. 1 time, IS obituary notices, over 5 lines, per line, 1U Tearly Advertising, one square. : : : : 8 00 Teirly Advertising, two squares, : : . 13 H) Yearly Advertising, three squares, : : 13 01) Yearly Advertising, one-fourth column, 20 00 Yeariy Advertising, one-half column, 33 00 i early Advertising, one column. 60 00 Blanks, single quire. :::::::: 250 blanks, 3 quires, per quire, : : : : : J 00 Wank. 6 quires, per quire. ; : : : : 1 j Illaufc'. over quires, per quire, : : ; ; 1 o Handbills, eighth sheet. 2."i or less, 1 JO f.iurih sheet, 25 " 2 ;0 half sheet, 2i " 4 50 whole theet. 25 " - 8 n0 Over 25 of each of above, at proportionate rates. The above ratei were agreed upon, by the un designed, on the 3d day of December. ISiU, and Miil be strictly adhered to during the present fct'h prices of nil kinds of printing materials. D. W. MmOKE. Publisher of '-Clearfield Republican."1 S.J. ROW, Publisher of '-Raftsman's Journal." NOTICE. MILITARY RENDEZVOUS. Philipsburg Pa., December 20th, 1SIH. ) To the. Citizens of Clear fir-Id Cnunly : I ivnr.ld most respectfully, yet earnestly, urge upon you the necessity and importance of furn-l-iiing the commanding officers of the different detachments of troops, stationed throughout the cmiritv. with such information as will lead ta the arrest" of the non-reporting drafted men of your lUlllltV. j be' United States Government is determined, through its recognized authorities, to enforce . ti,p!ianee with the law ; and the quota of Clear- ! i rouiitr, under the call of the President for : l ii'iO men, must be furnished without further iiclay. A supplementary draft to 1511 the deficiency un i' r tbat quota will be made at Bidgway, Pa., on ,r before the 10th of January. 1 StS-i, an 1 vigor ously enforced with all the power placed at my ciDiinand by the Government, unless such meas ures may be taken by you, in conjunction with 'i e tr.iops. as shall lead to the arrest of those de linquents who have not complied with the law ttius obviating the necessity of another draft. I make this fi'ial appeal, earnestly desiring that it u, iy be iei-ived favorably by the citiicws of 'lie county, and that it may tend to a more active find energetic co- pcration. on their part, with t'io officer of the Unertinient in enforcing obe dience tu the law. II. S. CAMPBELL. Capt. nd Pro. Mar. 19th Dist. Pa. T'iblk Sociktt. The Clearfield County lmie Society will hold its annual election f "i- f.fiiwrs, for tlie erisuins year, in the ''iurt Uou.-i; o:i Wednesday evening, Janu ary 11 ih. liy order of the President, jtinl. Gfo. W. Kiiekm, Sec'y. It is said, that er:ons visiting the store of J. I. 3Jonisv- Co., Philipsburg, Ph., go away exc-Liiiiiiug, as did the Queen of Sheha hcn s-he visited the Tt tuple of Solomon, '"The half has never been told me." They can t eat the world for variety aud cheap ness of yoodd. . jan4. X tiok. Persons knowing theinseh'es in-ilelte-i to the undersigned, for Street Tax, in the IJorough of Clearfield, for the year 1m'4, will take notice that they are request ed to make pay ment, at his oftiec, on or be fore Saturday the 15th instant, or the sauie will be collected by process of law. Wm. M. M'Ci'LLoroii, Col. of Tax for Clearfield Bor. Tuf. Pittsburg Chronicle. The edi tors of the Chroniih have favored us with th'jir "Pally" during the past two weeks ; and, we would say to those in want of a japer from the "smoky city," that the i'brniiidr is a most excellent one indeed, v.- believe it to be equal to, if it docs not excel, any other Daily in Western Pennsyl vania. It is an 'Kvenitig' paper, and gives the latest and most reliable telegraphic news from all parts of the country. Out Borough Its Qcota. By refer ence to the President's proclamation, pub lished in another column, it will be seen that u'hm volunteers are called for; and, if Miat number of men arc not made up Ik lore the J 5th day of February, ISoa, then, on -hut day. a draft will Ix; ma le for any exist in? d-Scsency. Then, the question arise : 'Will Clearfield borough make up its quota. rare we to be subjected to a draft? We "Wrve that other localities are already at " irk. The citizens of Lumber-city sub-district, in this county, are going to work in tw;i t. They have already issued bonds, 'tp'-'ti which they intend to negotiate a loan, t pay a liberal bounty to volunteers, and thus fill up their quota at once. Why ihoulj not Clearfield borough, and the oth f r sub-di-tricts, do the same? We hope that an immediate effort will be r'iale to fill up our quota. One year ago, w ureed the necessity of filling up our quo ta of the then existing call for volunteers ; no doubt, all will recollect the tardiness T;th which our people and county officials uoved in the matter, and the consequent iar?fly increased bouuties that had to be of "eltbr volunteers, and the difficulty expe fcaeed in obtaining them. Is the same de '? to be experienced now, and are we again 10 be subjected to additional expense for ant of a united effort leing mads at the Elected. The following are the officers of the Clearfield and Cui weusville Turnpike Company, elected on December 31st, to wit : J. 13. Graham, President; James WrLjley, Treasurer; A. K. Wright, G. L. Reed, A. Addlewan, IJ. Hartshorn, and J. T. Leo nard, Managers. That portion of the road between this place and Cuiweusville. under the care of these officers, is generally in good condition : but that part which lies in Lawrence township, and in charge of the su pervisors, is mostly one of the worst pieces of road in the county. If the township au thorities cannot keep it in good repair, they i-diould give it in care of the above officers. A. Arrest and IIkscte. A correspon dent informs us that, on the loth December, two Deputy Mar.-huls arrested two deserters near Troutviile, Clearfield county, and start ed iu the direction of Brookville with them. The news of the arrest coming immediately to the cars of a liCop," he at once started to inform the "faithful" of the mishap to their two brothers, and soon about '20 of the "gang' were ready, with rifles on their shoul ders, and started in pursuit of thy Mar-dials overtaking them where the Punxsutawney and Brookville roads diverge. The Mar shals seeing they were outnumbered, ten to one, were compelled to relinquish their pris oner:; which they did without much hesi tancy. The rescuers and rescued then re turned towards Troutviile, yelling and hur rahing and laughing over their sueeess in driving off the oifieers of the law without their prisoners. No doubt they, who viola ted the laws of their cc untry by preventing the officers from discharging their duty, may have thought it sport at tbe time, but, if we are correctly informed, fourteen of them have learned ere this, that, instead of their deed being a matter for rejoicing it .should have been an occasion of serious re flection they have been arrested by the military force now in this county, and will, no doubt, be sent to Harrisburg to await a hearing before a military com mission. A New Bank. A new Bank, to be called the "The First National Bank of Clearfield." has lately been allowed by the Conptrollor of the Currency, to be located here. It is already organized, and will be ready for business in a few days. Jona than Bovnton, Esq. is President, and A. C. Finnfv, Cashier. The capital is one hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to two hundred thousand. It will hold, as security for its circulation, gold-bearing Ixmds, and, having a large cap ital, will be able to accomodate the wants of this community. The banking business of ClearSeld coun ty averages annually about one and a half millions of dollars. Hitherto it has been lone principally by the Phihide'plTia and Camden banks, and the country banks along the river, from Lockhaven to Port Deposit. There is no reason why it should not be done at home There is ample business for three hanks,' and all of these can be made profitable and safe institutions. The national system of banking on Govern ment lionds, is being generally adopted, and very few btate banks are left. All will soon be compelled to change into National Banks, when we shall have a uniform currency all over the land, baseePn sound and ample security. Captain Holden. Capjaiu Wm. IIoI den of Company B, 14'Jth Pa. Lobdied on Sunday morning last at, the resi'jpitcof his father, near Curwensville, in tW-unty. Since the battle on the Welden littJKtad, the last in which he participated, Ui's health had been very much impaired. At the trine of his death. he was home on furlough. II was hurried on Moitday.at Curwensville with the honors of war. The religious service were conducted by the Be v. L. M. Gard ner, who preached from the text, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Johu xv : 13. The sermon was eloquent and appropriate, as were all the services. The concourse of people was immense. The military were under the command of Capt. Carpenter of the Veteran Reserve Corps. Col. John Iuvin of the 14'Jth was pre-ent and acted a.? one of the Pall-bearers. Capt. Holden was a brave and gallant of ficer. Quiet and retiring, with no adventi tious circumstance-' to procure him position, he won his promotion by his soldierly qual ities his courage, gallautry, and capacity, lie had served nearly three years, and had participated- in all the great struggles in which the army of the Potomac had been engaged during that period. He enjoyed the respect of his men, and the confidence of his officer. In hisd eath the Govern ment has lost a faithful and gallant officer the community a good citizen, and his im mediate relatives, a dutiful son ai.d affec tionate brother. Green be his memory- MARRIED : On January 4th, by the Rev. Wright, Mr. Edward A. Graham to Miss Frances G. Moore, both of Clearfield Borough. The above notice was accompanied by. a liberal share of the wedding cake, for which we tender our thanks to the happy couple hoping they may have a very joyous, prosperous, and delightful journey through this world, and enjoy t lie peace promised to the righteou- when they come to life's end. On Sunday evenins, January 1st, by D. Moore. Eq., Mr.WM. M. Mayes of Fer guson tp., Centre co., to Miss. Eliza . Wa ll. of Penn t p. , Clea rfiel J co. At Philipsburg, Pa., on December 2Sth, by A. A. Bradint Esq., Mr. Wm H. Stott to Miss Kmma H. J3ush3 both of Clearfield county. Pa. Obituary notices, not over Jive linet, inserted free of charge ; All over Jive lines, at ten eeutsper line. ri' " , . 1 . " Mb. . .1 7.. liwcasii musi accompany itu, iiouce. iuvin iiujiy . , DIED: In Penn township, on December 11th, John K. Martin, son of Thomas M. and Budget Martin, in the 3oth year or his age. On Thursday morning, December '2-d, Eveline H. wife of Wm. L. Rishel of Law rence township, in the 3yth year of her age. She was a member of the .Lutheran church, and died in the hope of a blessed immortal ity beyond the confines of this world. List of Jurors for January Term, 1865. Grand Jurors. Beccaria ; G. W. Dil lon, 1. Bradiff, J. S. Gallahcr. Brady ; M. Shugart. Burnside: W. Gooderman, John Altord. Chest; ll. Hummel, F. Fraley, L. Killian, G. S. Tozer. Clearfield : Lar, R. Merrell, A. C. Finney, II. W. Park. Cov ington ; Dr. J. W. Potter. Ferguson : T. Henry. Graham; F. Wilhelm. Huston; C.'Brown. Jordan ; Edw. Comfort. Law rence ; Jos. Watson. Lumber-city ; Amos Hi!e. Morris; Robert Brown. Pike; Pe ter Hoover. Union ; B. F.' llarley. Traverse Jurors. Beccaria; S. Kirk, R. Cowan. Bell; R. Mehaffey. Bloom; E Luther, G. P. Bloom. Boggs ; S. Robison. Bradford ; Robt. Livingston, J. E. Barger. Brady ; J. Brooks. E. Lines, I). Eshenfelt er, G. Pentz. R. II. Moore. Burnstde; H. Eisenhower. J. Nell'. Chest ; Jona. Fry, P. l'entico. Clearfield ; II. Stone, J. M' Bride, J. C. Wliitehill, F. Short. Cuiwensville ; W. Bard. Win. M' Bride, C. Bloom. Cov ington ; W. Schnarrs, Joab Rider. Deva tur; E. Reese. Ferguson; J. Rowles, 1). Read. G irard , D. Si.ackman. Goshen : J. Fle-al. Graham; T. M. Leonard. J. W. Turner, J. II. Steward. Jordan: D. Me Geehan. Lawrence; R. Porter, W. S pack man. J. Dougherty. D. Welch. I. Swales, J. J. Reed. Lumber-city; II. Davis. Pike; James A. Bloom, G. B. Caldwell. Penn ; Wm. P. Heck. J. Douchman. Woodward ; II. J. Casran, J. Lockett. Skponi) Week. Beccaria : J. II. Ilegar t Bell; J. Davidson, E. Wetzel. Brad ford ; E. Williams, W. S. Taylor. J. Stew art, J. Shirev, Isaac Wilson. Brady: M. Broon, A. Miles. W. T. Hamilton. D. Kish el. Che.it; L. Boland, L. J. Hurd. Clear field; D. Connelly, J. Cooper, E. W. Gra ham, J. H. liilbuin, J. Carr. Covington; C.Brown. Decatur: II. Post. G Lord: A Irwin. Goshen . J. Munce. Guelich;W. It. Whiteside. Jordan: Lafete Bloom. H. Straw. Karrhans; T. Michaels. Lumber city; Anih. Hile. .Morris: R. Dougherty, G. Beams. Penn; P M'Mahan, J. John son. Pike: J. Boss Bloom. Union; Jos. ScofielJ. Woodward ; J. Bowles. LEATIIEU an nssottmorit for sale bv MERRELL RHiLER. December 14. 184. Clearfield. Pa. tJTK.W STEIUS-Catiie trespassing on the lO premises of tuo subscriber in Guclich town ship, about the middle of July, a stray steer sup posed to be about 2 years old. Tbe owner is re quested to come forward, piove property, pay char ires and taice biui away, or he will be sold as the law directs. JOHN BEYEil. Decomber 20th, 1361. NOTICE. The Stockholders of the First Na tional Bank of Curwensville, will meet at their Banking Hou.-e in the Borough of Curwens ville. on Tuesday the Kith day of January, 18'j5. between the hours of 10 and i o'clock of said day. foTthe purpose of electing nine directors to s-jrve the ensuing year. SAMUEL ARNOLD, December luth. ls;4. Cashier CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. D. W. Mc Curdy, A. 15.. Principal. The next quarter will open on Monday, the :th of December, IStH TEUWS OF TClTiOX AS FOLLOWS : Common English, comprising the branches not higher than Reading. Writing. Arithmetic, Geography. English tiriimmar and History, per quarter. S 6 00 Higher English branches, 7 50 Languages. l.00 fflO THE ASSESSORS OF CLEAUFIELD X COI NTY. Dy directions of Inspector Gen eral Todd, you are hereby notified, to make com plete and forthwith return to thid office, your lists cf enrollments and classifications of the militia men of the county in accordance with tha precepts in your several duplicates It is desired tuat the same be completed during this month. WM S. BUADLEY, Clerk. Oomm'rs Office. Nov. 23, 1WH. VI) M 1 M ST It A TOR'S N OT I C E Letters oi Administration ou the estate of James Curley, late of Penn township. Clearfield Co., IV. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, und those having claims again-t the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. D. II. PAITLIIAMUS. December 7, 136-1. Administrator. DISSOLUTION" OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the hanking business ai Leon ard, Finney J: Co., is this day dissolved by mctu ul coucent. The books pupers and tissests ara left in the bands of James T Leonard at the oCiee of the firm, and nil chains due to and by tLe crm will be there settled by him. All over-due paper must be forthwith settled. JAS. T. LKONAKD A. C. FINNEY, Dec. 20th. 1S64. V. A. WALLACE Tbe business is to bo continued by Jas. T. Leon ard, as Leonard fc Co. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the following accounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of record in- this office for the inspection of heirs, legatees.creditors.and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at the Cfr House, in the Borough of Clearfield, commencing on the 2d Monday of January, 1S65. Fnal account of John Eorabaugh, Adnvr, and Mary Durgunder, Adm'x. of all aBd singular the good's anp chattels, rights and credits which were of John Burgunder, late of Burnside township, Ciearfield county, deceasdd. Final account ot Elias Rishel, Administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and crekits, which were of Philip Kriner, late of Bra dy tp. Clearfield county, dee'd. Final account ot Valentine Flegal, surviving Adm rs of David Flegal, dee'd. Final account of Cyronus Howe, Administrator of Mary Smeal. Adm'rx of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of l'eter Smeal, late of Decatur township, Clear field county, deceased. Final account of Mary Lydick, Admrtofall and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits,which were of John Lydick, late of township, Clearfield county, dee d. The account of Wm Hoover, Adm r of John Shirey, late of Bradford tp , deod. The account of Euieline Owens. Adm rx, and Anthony Hile, Adin'r of all and singular the goods and chattels, right and credits, which were of Thomas Owens, late of Penn township, Clearfield county deceased. .... .. , The account of John M. Seyler. guardian of Frederick Pentz minor child of John PenU, late of Brady township, deceased. . . The account of James'A. Campbell. Adminis trator of all and singular the goods and chattels, right and credits, which were of George loucg, late of Bell tp.. Clearfield co.. deo'd Thii final account of A. C. Tate, guardian of Sa rah Jane Hess, minor child of Abraham Hew, jr.. late of Boggs township, dee'd. IoAIAII G. BARCtER, Ketfiter B.fgister'1 Office, Pec. 7.le4! STRAY COW Came trespassing on the pre mises of the subscriber, in Bogg9 township, -bout the first day of July last, a dark brown cow, white face, and about 10 years old. The owner is requested to come forward , prove property. p"y charges and take her away, or she will be dispos ed of according to law. EDM. ALBERT. . Boggs tp., Dec. 14. lS64-pd. H O! FOR TIIE HOLIDAYS! Mrs. H. D. Welch Has received, and offers to purchasers, a large stock of Woolen Goods, of superior quality, consisting in part of Turbans, Net lloo.b, Nubias, Nubia IIools, - Scarfs, Breakfast Capes, UnJersleeves, Twilights. In her stock of Millinery Goods will be found Dress Caps, Head Dresses, Bonnets, YeiK Hats, Kiblxin?, Flowers, . Plumes, Nets, &.c, &c. Also, Bugle Trimming, Ribbon. Drrss and Velvet Trimmings, Buttons, Buckles, Ac. COLLARS, GLOYES, k HOSIERY. Bead?, Zephyr, Thrrail, Braid, Combs, Needles. Cosmetics such as Hunt's Bloom of Roses, Laird's Bloom of Youth, Sterling's Ambrosia. Hair Oils. Phalon's Extract Night Blooming Cereus, (genuine article.) and other articles of Perfumery. CIIILDRENS' TOYS, SUCH AS "Wooden,. China, Ivory, Lava -sn are, Tin, and Iron. Fancy Soaps, Hoop Skirts, Skirt Supporters, Wil low Baskets, and a large variety of other Fancy and Staple articles, suitable for this season of tbe year. The public are invited to examine Mrs. Welch's stock, as it embraces many of the finest and most fu-sbiontibie articles offered for sale in this place, and at prices to suit the times. Dec. 14. MISS E. A. T. RYNDEIJ, Teacher of Piano-Forte. Melodeon. Cabinet-Organ, (Juitar. Harmony and Vocal Music. Also, sole a gent for Clearfield county for Chiekering & Sons Piano Fortes, and Mason t Hamlin's Cabinet Or gans. tioom with Mrs. II. J). IlWvi. Music I5ook8, Paper, and Sheet Music constant ly on hand at the store of Mrs. II. D. Welsh. Clearfield. Pa., Dec 7. 1SK4. "heliooraphic. THE undersigned having completed his Photo graph liallery. in Shaw's Kow. two doors west of the Mansion House, Clearfield, Pa., is now ready to wait on those iu want of first class portraits. My arrangements are such as enable me to furn ish these beautiful productions of --sun drawing" in the highest style of the art. Having fitted up my rooms at considerable expense, with a view to the comfort and pleasure of my patrons, I hope by strict attention to business, and a desire to sat isfy those who call, to merit a liberal gbare of public patronage. A good assortment of Gilt, Rosewood, and mould frames; Albums and an endless variety of cases en hand, at moderate pri ces. Particular attention given to copying every kind of pictures. II. BRIDGE, September 2, 1S61. Artist. Instruction in the art of Photography given, and aparatus furnished at city prices. ONCE AGAIN! j. i. ivloi:r.is es go., DEAL F.H.S IV DPGOODS,-GROCERIES, ETC., PIIILIPSRURG, PA., Sell the Cheapest Goods in the Courty. J I. Morris fc Co.. are just now receiving from the eastern cities and opening at their store rooms A SPLENDID LOT 3 T-r Ot Prints and ielaines. very cheap. A r I large stock of Crown and Bleached Mus- ; r-j j ins very cheap. 1 Iunels, Moseys, at- 1 tinrt Jnans Twndi. vorv chean. - - " . - - tf ' " n lr 00 "Vnf i .ww 11 irr 'if varinf v. FOR THE "LADIES, They have coats and circulars; Furs, such us Muffs, Capes and Victorias; Travel ing Trunks and carpet Bags; Wood ami Willow-ware Baskets- Also, Balmorals for Ladies A children. r r s. HOODS AND NUBIAS, Sontags and comforts. Breakfast capes and a great variety ot wloves and Hose ; a variety of Wool Delaines. Frcuch Me rinos. Coburgs and Alpacas. j;od blach Silx, Bonnets and Shawls. FCR MEN AND BOYS They have clothing of all. kinds, consist ing of over-coats, coats, pants, vesti. handkerchiefs, cravats, undershirts, drawers, boots, shoes, hats. caps, and many other articles of clothing. GROCERIES. Such as Rio. Rye and Lag uara coffee ; Su gars, white, brown ana ye:iow; ouuer. eggs, lard, cheese, hams, shoulders, and sides. Sweet potafnes.dricd peas dried beef, fresh shad, alt fish GRIND STONES and fixtures, buggies, sleighs, carriages. l i 1 I ! la iCfl saddles, bridles, horse collars, trimmed horse blankets, buffalo robes, sleigh bell, whips, harness and hames, and a variety of other articles. HARDWARE e in endless variety with broad axes, dou ble bits, rafting aud barking axes. 1'ar lor and cooking stoves and pipe. An assortment druffv medicines paints, oils, varnishes, dye-stuffs, etc., etc. SCHOOL BOOKS, m b X F-i t ! o I i writing- and letter paper, fancy note and: commercial paper; pens, pencils and ' ink ; copy books, slates, ink stands, i fancy and common envelopes, and j many other things in this line.- ! I AND IN FACT There is nothing that man or beast con-' sumes. but what we keep on hand or can ' get for our customers on short notice, j And will sell a little cheaper, hav- ing advantages that noothers have. 13 They inr'te persons to examine their stock and hope to give entire satisfaction. . H 1 Lumbermen supplied bv the quantity with ba con, flour, chop, or any goods in our Hue a' 10 per cent on cost. We discount all bills over $10 ten per cent, for cash Our Clearfield friends will please call and see us when they come to town. They can find its on the corner formerly occupied by John Rank, and nearly opposite the "Conrad House," Main street. De. 14, 1864. f. j. minus. : : : j. w. ikbri3. : : : J- b. waiso.v. AGRICULTURAL MEETING. The an nual meeting of the Clearfield County Agri cultural Society, will be held at the Court House in Clearfield, Pa , on .Monday evening the 9th day of Janunry. lNj, where all persons interested in the cause of agriculture, and in the further suc cess of this society, are invited to attend, as the election of officers to serve for one year will then take place. By order of the President. Dec. 14, 1S64. L. F. IRWIN, Sec'y jVEW WATCH & J EWELRY STORE. 1 The undersigeed having located in the bor ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied by R Welch rs a jewelry shop.) is prepared to do work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms. The cash will positively be expected when the work is delivered. He is confident that he can not be exceUed by any workmen in town orcounty. Come one .' come all to the Sisrn of the 1M-j Weitch April 9,'62-ly-pd. S. II. LAVCHLIN. CAKPETINOS Now in store, a lar 'e stock of Velvet. Brussels. Three-Ply and Ingrain Carpeting. Oil cloths. Window Shades, ect.. ect., all of the latest patterns and best fabrics; which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. X. B. Some patterns, of my old stock still on hand ; will be sold at a bargain. J. T DKLAC.OIX Ko. 27 South Second Street. above Chestnut. March 2 IS61. Philadelphia S.J. SICKERSOXt If. R.RARUIS W.B.MOSELEr FLEM IiOLLir)A.Y3 WITH MCKERSON, HARRIS 4 3IOSELEV, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Xo. 4-15 Market Street. Philadelphia. A large assortment of City Made Work constantly on hand. July 20, lsti-l. CLEARFIELD NURSERY. ENCOUR AllE IIOMK INDUSTRY. The undersigned having established a Nursery, on tbe Pike, about halfway between Curwensville and Clearfield Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreens, rub bery, (irnpe Vines, Gooseberry, Law ton Black berry, Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also, Sibrian Crab trees, Quince and early Scarlet Rheu barb, Ac. Orders promptly attended 'o. Address Aug 31,1864. J,D. WRIGHT, Curwensville, f I CENSE NOTICE The following named i persons have filed in the office of the clerk of the court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield county their Pe'itious for License at the January Session A. D. 1 Via. agreeably to the Act of As--mbly of March 2sth, lsj.'i. entitled -An Act to regulate the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, -i etc. TAVERN LICENSE Thomas Robinson. Lumber-!ry Borongb. Covington township Curwensville Boro'. Lumber-city Boro'. Covington township. Bloom township. Luthersburg. Osceola. Ansonville. Glen Hope. AVoodwnrd township. Clearfield Boro'. Covington t jwnship. Brady township. Osceola. Johu Malsor. Mrs Isaac Bloom, David Whitmer, Benjamin tSnyder. James Bloom. Frederick Korb, Miio Hoyt, Peter Bloom, John Robson, J V. llccd. Georg-3 N. Oolburn, Lawronce Flood, George Knarr, II II Kephart, MKitCAXTILE Lirp.XSE. Augusta Leconte. Girard township. D. F. KTZWLILLR. Clerk. Clearfield. Pa., Dec. 21. 1864. E0! FOR IRWIN'S. SECOND SUPPLY OF SEASONABLE GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WILLIAM F. IRWIN'S STORE, OS MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, F" A. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Seasonable Goods ARE TO BE HAD AT TIIE CHEAP CASH STORE. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a lnrge and well selected stock of the most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at tha reasonable prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and a.-cer..i:ii the prices before purchaf ir.g elsewhere as he leels persuaded none undersell him. Hi stock embraces a well selected assortment of DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hardware, Queensware, an o c e ii iks, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, BOOTS. SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, BUCKETS AND BASKETS, Scliool Books and Stationary, . NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other useful nrticles, all which will- be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed fur approved produce. Go to the '-cheap cash store" if you want to buy goods at fair prices. Dec. 2i. 1854. WM. F. IRWIN. QHEKIFFS SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of I raulit imii S.rfttai. issued outof the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to me directed, there will be exposed tn public sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on MONDAY THE 9TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1865. the following described Real Estate, to wit : A certain tract of land situate in Graham town ship. Clearfield county, Pa , bounded on tbe north by public road leading from Kylcrtown to Gra hamton. on the east by lands of John B. Kyler, on the south and west by lands of Thompson, conrttinsng ten acres, more or less, having thereon erected a two story frame house and log barn, and other improvements. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Samuel l.'lrich. Also a certain tract of land situate in Brady township, Clearfield county, Pa., containing eighty acres, adjoining lands of England, Fox fc Robert. Jacvli Hummel and Jacob Shaffer, having about tenty-Sve acres cleared, with a small orchard, a log house and barn erected thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the proper ty of John Dosch. Also a certain tract of land situate in Law rer.ee township Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, containing sixty acres : of which about thirty a creg are cleared, adjoining lands of Morris F Wallace, Ellis Irvin. and others; having toereon erected a two story house, log barn, and other out buildings, together with ayoung bearing orchard. Seized, and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jo.-eph Lansburry. Also by virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, the following described Real F'state. to wit: A certain tiact of land situate in the township of Penn.-in the county f Clearfield, and State of Pennsylvania. Beginning at a pi-st in the line of Spencers, thence by lands sold to David Spencer north 50 degrees, west (S perches to a post, thence south 40 degrees cast 9 parches to a post, thence north 50 degrees west 31 perches to a chestnu.t, tbencc -South 20 degrees east 76 perches along the line ot Gricr Bell to a white oak. thence south '.13 degrees east 70 prches to a hickory, thence north ,'i5 degrees east 31 perches to a chestnut, thence south 50 degrees ea3t 17 perches to a red-oak, thence by lands of Owens north 371 degrees east 2s perches to a hickory, thence north bl degrees west 27 perchs to a post, thence 37 degrees east 22 perches to stones, thence north 40 degrees west 105 perches to beginning, containing 85 acres and tbe usual allowance, with a two-story fratre white dwelling house, barn and other out buildings e rccted thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Frederick Holloster. ED. PERKS, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Clearfield, Dee 14, 1S64. DALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime rti- , r-i cie ui rvHDU slum kuii. put u iu aLcuv ; j gaKs. at $3.25 per aacK, at the cheap cash store of , 1 fCs.namHor 97 R MOSSOP. S G GOODS SEASONABLE BOYNTON SHOWERS GRAHAM That's The Place! BOYNTON, SHOWERS AND GRAHAM. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hare received their first snprdy of Seaionable Goods, which they are now offering forsale atthe . LOWEST CASH PRICES. Their stock consists of a general variety Ot Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-wart. Queens-ware, Tin-ware, Willow-ware. Wooden-ware, Provisions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing, A a. For the Ladies. They would call especial attention to the large and good assortment of new styles and patterns of WOOLEN GOODS, Sucn as Scarfs. Hoods. Nubias, Sontags, Sacques, Mantles, Shawls, and Hats. Also the latest styles of Bonnets, and an assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks, Delaines, Alpacas. Ginghams. Ducals, Prints. Me rinos. Cashmeres, Plaids. Brilliants. Poplins, Be-reg-. Lawns Nankins. Linen, Lace. Edgings, Col erettes. Braids. Belts, Veils, Nets, Oorsetts, Nu bias, Hoods, Coats. Mantels. Balmoral skirts. Ho siery, tiloves. Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes. Ribbons, Hats. Trimmings. Buttons, Combs. Shawls, Braid, Muslins, Irish Linens, Cambrics. Victoria Lawus, Swiss, Bobiiiets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc. Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres. Oa.hinerets. Tweeds. Joans. Cordu roys, Bcver-Teen, Linens. Handkerchiefs. Neck ties. Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Cups, Scarfs, etc., etc. Rcavly-Matlc Clothing In the latest styles and of the best material, consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests. Shawls. Over coals. Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Sh'rts, etc. Of Roots and Shoes, They hve a large assortment for Ladies and Gen tiemen. consisting of Top Boots. Brogans. Pumps Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, etc Gnsfcrii'! anl Provisions Such as 'Coffee. Syrups. Sugar, Rice. Crackers, Vinegar, Can lies." Cheese, i'loar. Meal. B.-.eon, Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil. Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie ty. Japanware. Egg betters Spieo boxes, Wire Ladels, Sieves, Dusiing pans, Lanterns, etc , etc. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brashes. Baskets. Washboards. Buckets, Tubs, Churns .Wall-paper. Candle wick. Cotton yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, etc. Rafting Ropes, Augers. Axes. Chisels. Saws. Files, Hammers, Hatchets. N'.ils. Spikes. Gri -d stones. Stoneware. Trunks. Carpet bags. Powder, Shot, Lead, etc. School Rooks, Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy books, slatca. ink stands, fancy and common envelopes. Carriagi? Tninioinrrs, Shoe Findings, Glass and Putty, Flat irons and Coffee mills. Bed cords aud Bed" screws. Matches. Stove blacking, Washing soda and Soap, etc. Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines. Perfumery of various kinds. Fancy soaps. Oils. Paints. Varnishes, and in fact every thing usually kept in a first class Store. They invite all persons tocall and examine their stock, and hope to give entire satisfaction. BOYNTON. SHOWERS 4 GRAHAM- Clcarfiald, Pa., Dec. 7ih. 1864. NEW STORE ROOM J.1ZJD NEW GOODS !!!! RICHARD M OS SOP, UCALCa IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. fcC, MABKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, V. SELLS The Cheapest Goods IX THE COUNTY. lead the, folloiinlisl of good a)ld profit therehy.' Cheap, Yfja XHg LADIES. '.(f.0d,; Liiriipi,, . , , . , - x Aioodt C'AeaJ. A'w'ys " band " lar,f el8,0ck " t'-Good fi. .. dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, !,.,. Goad Goods Cer A Prints, Chintz. Kerchiefs. u- -Cheai liics. Bonnets, i loves, etc. ' CheJl FOK GENTLEMEN', Good Goods Good Good Cheap Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown Cheap', and Grey Cloths. Fancyand Black Cheop - Casiineres. oattinets. Ciissmets, Chcnp Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest CheaiA ings. Shirting, etc.. etc. etc J Goods 'Goods ! Cioods Cheap KKADY-MADE, Good Cheap Such as Coats, Pants. Vests, Under-Goods- Cheup shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Goods. Cheap- Buots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Neck- Goods,. Cheap ties. (i um Bootsand Shoes. and Good Chej-tp- a variety of other articles. Good Cheajt iini-vfltOT rn:fMi Guods UJ"1 such as Unbleached and Bleached Good Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Muslins. Colored Muslins. Linen lZ,, - and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth, . Linen and hemp towls. car- !-'"" pets, curtains, fringe, etc 'Coos' Chean) 11 A UJJ W A it t,, AC '.(-;! Ckftv If yn want Nails or spikes. Manure (0od- rv,v.i! or otner torus, raw-tnill or otlier (i,.j. (roads Cheap 8aws' aniooinmg irons. JLocks, Goods Chepl Jiinges, etc.. go to iiossop a Goods Chet,p where you can buy cheap. kW Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods Chrap-Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, 'Goods Chtnp Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Goods Cheap, and hemp ropes, Inkr Paper or Goods Cheap, Pens. Powder, Shot or Lead, Good Cheap etc.. buy them at Mowu.p l. Goodi Cheap'. if YOU WANT Goods Cheap shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Goods Cheap; oan. Starch, all Paper or Win- Goods eapt jowMiades. Lamps, Lamp tubes Chrnp or Wicks, coal oil, etc , to Chenp Mosfeop's ch'eap cash store. Ch'cp IP YOU WANT (roods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good extra family Flour, White rgV vuj.p jjrown g0jar. hams, shoulders or ' ' f Y,rl, sides, coffee; Imperial, Young CheZ' yeon or bIarit tc the,Q Good Cheap at Mu9P'8 cbeaP for can- Goods Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods C7(A7; Tallow candles, fine or coarse ta.t,Goods Ciieap'1 t-yrup or mol.wes. cheese, dried Goods Cheap- apples or peaches, water or so Cheapi do cracKers, call at Moseop'a Cheap where you can buy cheap. Cheap IF YOU W ANT Cheap Port wine for Medical oy Sarramen Cheap tal uses. Swet wine, old Monon Cheap gahela or rye wb-isicy, Cherry Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Chestpi Mossop's cheap cash store. Chea-o; m vnn w 4 VT .Goods Goods ' Goods I Goods . Goods Goods (roods Goods ijGoods ' Goods Raisens, Figs, Prunes or dried Cur- Goods Goods t", y rants; filherts, cram. pecan or yheap, groun(j nuts, candies. Liquorice Cheap or iiqU0rtce root, buy them Cheapo at Mossop'scheap and good. ?,iTfj IF Y'OU WANT 'Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Chesiv J0 buy a? other rticle cheap, be Goods Cheap! "" lu ft" uvp, im uikiii ''roods C7fp!cheaPer for cash than an other 'Goods Cheav person in Clearfield county. 'Goods Cheap November 27. 1861. ap27'59. Goods Approved etuntry prod tie of emery fond taken at the usual market prices in exchange for goods. s AI.T a good article, and very eheap at ch t tore ot it M. r iAVtiix, wears.. B R V Y