Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 04, 1865, Image 2

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    Raftsman's KnurnaL
A lady arrived at Baltimore on Friday last
irom Fortress Monroe. She had a heavy
trunk, which. wa3 taken to the Northern
Central Railway station, when. suspicion be
ing aroused, the trunk was opened and found
to contain a dead man. On being arrested
she acknowledged that he wrs a deserter, and
that he had adopted thU means to escape
and had died in the trunk.
It is understood that the Brazilian Gov
ernment is perfectly satisfied with the deci
sion of the U. S. States Government in the
Florida case. The Consul is to be dismiss
ed, and the Captain of the Wachusetts sus
pended. That portion of the expeditionary fleet
under the command of Gen. Bailor which
made the attack on Wilmington, has reach
ed Fortress Monroe. At last advices Com.
Porter was still shelling Fort Fisher.
Hunter the notorious Missouri guerrilla
has been arrested at Salt Lake City, while
en route for California with $2'0,000 in
greenbacks, stolen from the bank of Bioom
ingtou a year ago.
The President has authorized Governor
Brough, of Ohio, to raise ten new regi
ments for the term of cne, two and three
years, a3 the recruit may elect.
It is reported that Francis P. Blair, Sr.,
afrt Montgomery Blair, have gone to Rich
mond on a mission of peace, iu obedience to
a request of Jeff. Davis.
It is reported that the rebels are remov
ing the heavy machinery from the arsenals
in Richmond further South, preparatory to
evacuating the city.
Maj. J. L. Shirk, surgeon, and Capt. R.
TV. Membernick, of the Tth Pa. Cavalry,
were murdered by some guerrillas in Ken
tucky. At latest advices Gen. Thomas' headquar
ters were atPular-ki. Gen. Steadmanis south
of the Tennessee, and hence in the rear of
Four of the St. Albans raiders, it is said,
were captured at New Haven, Ct., last
week. They had enlisted iu the Union
The rebels have kept up an unusually
bri-dv fire on our lines in front of Richmond
for several days. The cause is not known.
Vico-Admiral Farragut, was presented
with $.0,iA0, in New York on Saturday
last a gift from the citizens of that city.
Gen. Lee talks of astonishing the world,
by a rapid concentration of all the rebel
troops and invading the Northern States.
Gold sold at 224 in New York on Satur
day. An advance, owing to the news of the
failure of the Wilmington expedition.
A rebel deserter reports that Early's di
vision is about to make another campaign,
probably into the Shenandoah va'ley.
A rebel spy was captured near City Point,
a few day since, who had full drawings of
all of Grant's works upon his person.
The Pensylvauia Legislature met yester
day. We will print the Governor's message
next week.
Most of floods forces are said to be still
North of the Tennessee river, and likely to
be taken.
Edward Everett is warmly recommended
by leading Bostoniansas Minister to France.
Hon. George M. Dallas died at Philadel
phia, suddenfy, on December 3 1st.
An expedition, under Gen. Granger, has
been fitted out against Mobile.
Death of Mr. Dayton.
It is with regret that we announce the
death of Hon. Win. L. Dayton, our Minis
ter to France. He died in Paris of apo
plexy, on the 2d of December. Mr. Day
ton was a man of ability, and .possessing a
fine moral character and amiable manners.
His remains reached Trenton, N. J. on Sat
urday, December 31st, and were escort ed to
the State House by the Governor and city
authorities, where the body was laid in state,
a detachment of National troops being
placed as a guard of honor. The funeral is
to take place on Thursday at 1 1 o'clock.
Re-Arrested. We see it stated that
the Canadian authorities have re-arrested a
number of the St. Albans raiders discharged
by Judge Coursel, and that a proclamation
has been issued offering a reward for the ap
prehension of others. The Canadian au
thorities have also called out the colonial
militia, and are taking measures to prevent
future raids being made into the United
States from Canada.
The New York Herald has dubbed the
oil millionaires "Petrolians." Why not call
them Gent-iles.
Western Virginia's oil wells , are worth
twenty millions of dollars.
Speech of Poote.
In the rebel House of Representatives on
December 17th, Mr. McMulIen, of Virgin
ia, offered a resolution in favor of sending
within the Union lines, commissioners to
treat with the representatives of the Gov
ernment at Washington for a restoration of
peace. In reply to a question, Mr. McMul
Ien .-tatcd that Bi.-hop Lay, who had re
cently arrived in Richmond, had been as
sured by Gen. Grant that any such commis
sioners would be allowed to pass through
his lines. Foote has retired to private life
in disgust. In the rebel House, while the
currency bill was up, he withdrew from that
body after making a frank statement of the
situation of the rebellion. He" said :
''Sir, I bese 'ch the honorable gentlemen,
on this last occasion, perhaps, that I shall
have the honor of addressing this House,
to look with me upon the present condition
o? the country before they resolve to with
hold their support from this measure.
What is our situation? Let us look dan
ger in the face, and to provide for it while it
is possible to do so. Sir, we are upon the
verge of ruin, Congress is rapidly abandon
ing all its powers, and building up an irre
sponsible military despotism, the like of
which has; never existed before .on earth.
The policy of the present House seems to le
to crush out dissatisfaction by armed vio
lence alone, iu imitation of that thorough
policy introduced and enforced in England by
the celebrated Lord Stafford, the enforce
ment of which speedily brought Charles the
First to the block, but before Stafford had
l .-t his own head. Ten days hence free
dom of deliberation will have been effectu
ally extinguished in this body by means
which I may not specify. The unjust, un
wise, and deeply criminal displacement of
the gallant, efficient Johnson from the com
mand of Tennessee, and the transfer of that
army to the neighborhood of Nashville have
opened all Southern Georgia, South Caroli
na, and Alabama to the army of Sherman.
Fort McAllister has fallen; Savannah is a
bout to fall ; the fate of Charleston seems
only to be deferred a few days biter. Hood's
army has already met with great disaster at
Franklin,, and in my judgement is fatally
compromised. Presidential interference is
the source of al! this dire mischief, as it
was of the result of the unfortunate battle
of Murfree. boro' and the still more disast
rous one at Missionary Ridge. Should
Hood's army le destroyed, an event which
I tear is but too probable, and Sherman
could come around to this vicinity in ships,
which I do not doubt he now intends, what
will be the fate of Richmond?"
A CALL FOE 300,000 LIEN.
A Proclamation.
Wherai., By th : a ;t approved July 4th.
1804, entitled. "Ai; act further to regulate
and provide lor the cnrullim: and caiiing out
of the National forces, and for other purpo
ses," it is provided, that the l-reident of the
U. States may at his discretion, at any time
hereafter, call for any number of men as vol
unteers f.r the respective terms of one, two.
and three years, for military service, and
that mease the quota, or aTiy part thereof, of
any town, township, warded' a city, precinct
or election district, or of a county not sub
divided, si all not be filled within t lie space
of fifty days after such call, then the Presi
dent shall immediately order a draft for one
year, to fiil such quota or any part thereof
which may be unfilled; oik SYlurrnx, by
the credits allowed in accordance with the
act af Congress on the call for live hundred
thousand men. made July lsth, 1M4. the
number of men to be obtained under that
call was reduced to two hundred and eighty
thousand ; mul Wln-rfts, the operations of
1 he enemy in certain States have rendered it
impr.-tctieal'le to procure from them their full
qticta of troops ur der said call ; and Where
ax, from the foregoing causes but two hun
dred and fifty thousand men have been put
into the army, navy and marine corps under
the said call of July 1, 1W4, leaving a de-fi-ioney
on that call oftwo hundred and fifty
thousand; now therefore, I, Abraham Lin
coln, President of the United States of A
meriea, in order to supply the afusaid defi
ciency and to provide for casualties in the
military and naval service of the United
States do issue this my call, for three hun
dred thousand volunteers to serve for one,
two. or three years.
The quotas of the States. Districts, and
Sub-districts under this call, will be assigned
by the War Department through the bureau
of the Provost Marshal-General of the Uni
ted States, and in case the quota or any part
thereof of any town, township, ward, or a city
precinct or election district, or of a county
not so sub-divided, shall not be filled before
the 15th day of February, then a draft
shall Ikj made to fill up such quota, or any
part thereof, under this call which may le
unfilled on the fifteenth day of February,
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the United
States to be affixed.
l. s. Done at the city of Washington
this 10th day of December, in the year of
our Lrd one thousand eiffht hundred and
sixty-four, and of the independence of the
United States of America the eighty-ninth.
Abraham Llncoln..
By the President,
Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State.
Terrible Bailroad Accident.
A most terrible accident occurred on the
Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad on Friday
December 23d, about twenty miles distant
from Cleveland. When the train was cross
ing the bridge near Hudson, after the en
gine and baggage car had passed over cither
a wheel, axle, or rail broke, and the first pas
senger car pitched down into the st ream, fol
lowed by the two others, and all of them pil
ed in the gorge, a mass of ruins wherein the
killed and wounded and uninjured were
mingled causing a horrible scene. Six
persons were killed outright, ten or twelve
seriously hurt, 'and about twenty slightly.
The injured were taken to Hudson, wh2re
they were well eared for by the citizens.
After the wreck was cleared the cars took fire,
but no one was injured therefrom. The
precise cause of the accident is unknown.
Sherman's whole loss since leaving Atlan
ta is less than 2,000 men.. About 400 were
lost in the investment of Savannah, and 500
by straggling on the march. Kilpatbick
atone time 'chased Wheeler forty miles
without bringing him to a fight
The Attack on "Wilmington.
The great Natal and land expedition
which left Fortress Monroe some time since,
made an attack on the defences at the
mouth of Cape Fear river, about twenty
miles below Wilmington, N. C, on the 21st.
The attack was commenced on Fort Fisher
at about one o'clock, by the fleet, and brisk
firing was kept up until night, when it
ceased. The firing was resumed on the
morning of the 22d, and kept up during the
-ilay. Fort Eisher is said to be much dam
aged. All the barracks and storehouses be
longing to the works were burned by the ex
plosion of our shells, and the garrison of
the fortification was driven to their bonib
piofs the guns of the enemy scarcely ven
turing a reply to the well directed shot
from our war vessels. Under cover of the
fire of the fleet, Gen. Butler landed about
5,000 colored troops near Fort Fisher.
They took up a strong position and held it
against a vigorous attack from the rebels.
They then attacked and carried, at the
point of the bayonet, a strong earthwork in
front of the Fort, but the rebels being rein
forced returned and retook the position,
driving out our black troops with considera
ble loss. In fact, our troops pushed up to
Fort Fisher, and actually entered the work.
A rebel bearer of dispatches was killed as
he was about to enter the fort, and Lieut.
Waller, of the 142d N. Y., captured a flag
from the outer bastion of the fort. Our
men also captured a whole rebel battalion
outride of the works, but were withdrawn
from the shore after their failing to storm
Fort Fisher, and fire was resumed by our
men-of-war. On Saturday, the sailors
from the Santiago tie Cuba cap'tured the
Pond Hill Battery of 65 men, on shore,
and brought the whole party off to the
ships. The weather which has been of the
most violent ever known on that part of the
coast, has much retarded the operations of
the expedition.
Counsels Obedience to Gen. Sherman.
The : avanuah Jli'iul,livun of the 21st
says: "'By the fortunes of war, we to-day
pass under the authority of the Federal mil
itary forces. The evacuation has left the
city gates open, and Sherman, with his army,
will no doubt to-day take possession. We
desire to counsel obedience and all proper,
respect on tho part of our citizens, and to
express, the belief that their property and
persons will be respected by the military ru
lers. The fear that General Sherman will
repeat the Atlanta expulsion order, we
think is of doubtful foundation. Then, he
could not supply food for the citizens and
armj. In our case food can abundantly be
supplied for the army and citizens. It be
hooves all to keep within their houses until
Gen. Sherman can organize the Provost
Marshal system. Let our conduct be such
as to win the admiration of a magnanimous
foe, and give no ground for complaint or
harsh treatment on the part of him who
may, for an indefinite period, hold posses
sion of our city."
Lee Favors Arming Negroes.
The military authority of rebeldom has
pronounced in favor of arming the slaves.
Gen. Lee declares that he is not only favor
able to their use as servants, but as soldiers, i
and avers that the South can n ake them
more available than Lincoln. He is for
promising them freedom and a home. Gen.
Cooper would not await the slow action of
the Legislature, but would employ them as
soldiers as well as teamsters. The masters
in the cotton States have not advanced thus
rapidly in opinion. They are not friendly
to this summary dispensing with the ''corner-stone"
of the new Government. The
rebellion was inaugurated in the interest of
slavery, and they are not for so utter an a
bindonment of the great causeof this insur
rection against authority. The Confederacy
to them is of little worth if it leads to the
sacrifice of i;the peculiar institution." Nat
urally enough they fancy they might as well
be under the dominion of the Yankees,
without further bloodshed, if slavery is to
be annihilated, as to the support the" Jeff
Davis despotism that is to create a paradise
for free negroes.
The Late Battle at Franklin.
The N. Y. Times has a special from
Fr inklin, Tennessee, dated the 22d Decem
ber, which says that the rebel retreat from
Franklin to Duck river beggars all descrip
tion. Hood told his corps commanders to
get ofF"the best way they could with their
commands. The rebel loss during the cam
paign, is 17,000 men, 51 cannon, and 18
General officers. The number killed at
Franklin is 1,400; wounded 3,800, and 1,
000 prisoners. Before Nashville, and in
his retreat to Columbia, 3,000 were killed
and wounded, and S.000 taken prisoners.
The Union loss at Franklin was 3,(x)0, and
before Nashville less than 4,000. The total
Union loss will not exceed 7,000, with two
Generals blightly wounded.
Gold in Richmond. Gold in Richmond
is now at the premium of 4,000 percent.,
or forty dollars for one, having advanced
since the defeat of the peace candidate at
the North for the Presidency from about 2 -4u0
per cent., to its present figure. The
same causes which produce depreciation in
the value of rebel currency operates to pro
duce appreciation in the vidite of our national
currency, gold sold in New York, on De
cember 27, at 219. s
General Thomas has been making quite
a livelihood Lively Hood) in Tennessee.'
Letter from Philipsburg, Pa.
Philipsburg, Pa., Jan. 2d 1SC5.
Dear Journal : Another leaf in the
book of time is filled, and all the accidents,
incidents, events and occurences, of the year
A. IX 1604, are there on record. The past
year has been one of glorious achievements
for the Union cause, from the commence
ment to its close, it was a series of victories
for our gallant army and navy, and the Stars
and Stripes float over many places now, where
the rebel rag did the year preceding. But
the year l.o4, we shall know no more, save
when, hi the future, it will be referred to by
posterity, as one among the most cveutful
of the Great Rebellion."
We now turn a new leaf, and commence
the year A. D. 1665, and if the reltelliou
receives a few more such blows, as it has in
the past few weeks, there will not be much
to record, concerning it, one year Lence.
The end is nigh, when the Richmond news
papers acknowledge that their armies are
'hard and sorely pressed, that the enemy is
campaigning on a larger scale than at any
time since the war commenced;" and they
might with truth have added, seem deter
mined to pro.ecute it vigorously. God
speed the hour, when the blessings of peace
and happiness, may reign supreme through
out the length and breadth of our country
when'the glorious Stars and Stripes may
float in all their pristine purity, over every
inch of iand from tl e Atlantic to tite Paci
fic, and from the Lakes to the Gulf of Mex
ico and most cincerely do I hope, and con
fidently lliink, this will be the case ere the
ekx-e of 1 ?65.
Since my last letter to you, our town has
been the ''stage of action" of many aud
thrilling incidents. To chronicle them all
would take ii ton of foolscap, and a score of
Knights of the quill to perform. I shall,
therefore, only give you a ''select few" a
phrase by the way lately introduced into
this '"The loveliest viliiage of the plain."
A few weeks ago, our citizens were taken
by surprise, by the advent of several com
panies of the li'.th Regt. Vet. Vols, under
the command of Major Goebel. They were
temporarily quartered in the M. E. Church,
and from that time hence, the old town as
sumed quire a dignified aud martial appear
ance, uncle bain's sny-biue lversey, met
one at every turn, and garrulous old women,
nervous old maids (who ever saw one that
was not nervous,) and b!atant copperheads,
predicted that ail the evils possible, would
be enacted by the '"bould sojer boy" that
nothing would escape their lingers, that was
not too hot or too heavy in short, putting
them down as a set of consummate viliian.s.
Accordingly, many a sigh escaped from
those. who were ignorant enough to believe
such tales. Many a "gude" wife, (on the
evening of tho first day. and a few subsequent-days
after the arrival of the "loys,")
sorrowfully called her flock of fowls" and
gave them their supper, confident, that she
would uever look on their ''like again." that
before to-morrow's sun t ad set that olddom
inick hen, that was so good to hatch, and
that spreckeled pullet, so good to Jay, would
li in the gastric regions of 'them awful
soldiers." But if ever people were disap
pointed, it was thrse same garrulous old wo
men.' nervous old maids, and blatant copper
heads the two former, agreeably ; the lat
tei, sadly. For lo ! and behold, next morn
ing the flock, at breakfast call, came up for
their rations, intact not a feathei missing.
No men could conduct themselves more
gentlemanly, quietly and respectful'-, than
have the officers, and privates, of the Kith
Vet. Vols, since they arrived in Philips
burg. I have yet to hear of the first word
of complaint, against them, for any act un
becoming or unlawful, to any of our citizens,
or their property.
The arrival of soldiers in our town, has
had a beneficial effect in banishing from the
minds of those who repose as much confi
dence in the copperhead papers as they do
in their bibles, the slanderous and vilifying
epithets against the soldiers of the Union
army, published from time to time in the
copperhead papers. They now see, that
the whole foundation for such assertions are
based on lies of the deepest dye. The spir
it of loyalty to the Union, suddenly emina
ted from the lips of men and women, that
only on the day of the soldiers first appear
ance in our midst, uttered very utsioyal
sentiments, and condemned the authorities
for sending volunteers out into these copper
head wilds, to involve the good Union-loving
non-reporting drafted men into a war.
But all are Union now ; ye, verily, a change
has come over the spirit of the dreams of
the most venomous snaikes of the copper
head species They uncoiled at the pres
ence 'of the soldiers as readily as a black
snaik on a pile of stones in a summers sun
and are as meek, mild and calm as an ali
gator, on the banks of the Nile, catching
The 'number of non-reporting drafted
men, desert ers, and (last but by no means
least) aiders and abetters of disloyalty,
brought in by the soldiers, "are legion. Ev
ery two or three days, an invoice of the
medley crew, is. sent "riding on a rail"
some to Waterford, others to Williamsport,
and Harrisburg. Since the battle up in
Knox township, Clearfield County, the
drafted men who failed" to report at the
proper time, seeing, that Uncle Sam was
getting in can. est, come in from their hi
ding places, and give themselves up to the
Provost Marshal. They certainly take the
wisest plan, for if there is any leniency, it
will much sooner be extended to a man who
sees his error and promptly takes the steps
to correct it than to one who still presists
in what I e knows to be wrong, and resists
the enforcement of the law to bring him to
justice. Where, oh where! are the chief
tains of other days, who held the sturdy
cops of Clearfield eountr. rivited to tffe
spot, while they delivered to them, in tones
of Snaiky thunder, the grand Union loving
sentiments of "not another man nor -another
dollar" will we give for the prosecution
of the war against our brother rebels?
What has become of the two "Sweet Wil
liams," that so lately bloomed and blossom
ed,' in all their grandeur, while their foot
was on their "native heath?" How is it
that we hear nor see no more of them?
Have they shuffled off their 8naVe.ii coil,
and emigrated to a more congenial clime ?
Or has the abundance of Uncle Sam's Sky
Blue Kersey, now so prevalent in the Clear
field atmosphere, so dimmed their vision
that they cannot find their way out?
I see that some of the Monarchs of the
Grahaniton nest, came in contact with the
Kersey, and it stuck to them so closely that
they had to go on a journey to Harrisburg,
to have an operation performed by a Court
Marshal, that is convened at that place,
for the trial of patients who suffer from
"Copper on the . brain." One of thee
Monarchs, I understand, was the Graham
ton correspondent 6f vour contemporary,
over the nom-de-plume of "Argus, if" I
remember. It is horrible to see so many
old aud ! respectable and intelligent citi
zens, as have passed through this place
in the last week or two fromvour county,
suffering from that venomous disease, "Cop
per on the brain" and it seems no 'cure is
known, only that of a Court Martial at Har
risburg, and that often fails to establish a
radical cure, until the patient is relieved of
his greenbacks and confined iu a military
fort a year or two.
Our citizens gave the f-oldiers an "Old
Years" dinner on Saturday. The dinner
was one of a novel jnodtts njterandi kind,
and conducted as it was in a very social way!
Each family was to entertain as majiy sol
diers as they felt able to provide for" the
soldiers to go to the residence of such family
as they would be directed, as invited guests.
Accordingly, a committee was appointed to
ascertain how many soldiers, each family
could provide for, and send the number to
each, on Saturday 31st ult. for dinner. Af
ter the committee had cone the rounds,
they reported places for some one hun
dred more than there were soldiers here to
fill. But the families went to work, and
provided for the number they had agreed to
take, confident, of course, tliat they would
certairly have thorn for dinner. Saturday
came. The hour for the festive meal at
hand. Fine fat turkeys, chickens, geese
and ducks, done to a turn, were placed on
the table, surrounded by all the sauces,
mashes, stews and etceteras immaginable ;
out m some instances no guests were on
hand. The consequence was, that not more
than one, or perhaps two soldiers were at
places, where tliey had provided tor fifteen.
One lady informed me, she had gone to ex
tra pains, to jret a good dinner for eight,
and she had none. She felt very much dis
appointed that some did not come. Now.
witness the change that has taken place a
niong our people, in their estimation of the
soldiers who came among them a few weeks
since. I hey were then looked upon by ma
ny, who heartily provided a dinner for them
now. as a set of thieves not because they
believed it, but because t hev were told so.
To-day they permit the same soldiers to set
down in a social and familiar style, and par
take of an Old Years dinner. Such chang
es are commendable. Lekoi
Interesting Case.
At the Chester county adjourned court in
December the case of Richards applying for
an injunction to restrain the Phoenix Irou
Company, at Phu?rij;vii!e, f rom using bitu
minous coal in their low chimney.-, was'ar
gued before Judge Putler. The soot from
the chimneys injuredthefuruiture and goods
in the dwelling and cotton factory of the
plaintiff. The defendants admitted the
damage, and agreed that they ought to pay
for it, as they were willing to do. Their
property cost them :?5O0,O0O, and they em
ploy over one thousand persons at wages a
lnounting to more than SI03,0O a year.
They cannot make so good iron with anthra
cite as with bituminous coal, and estimate
their loss, if they are prevented from using
the latter, at 40.0 0 a year. To erect high
er chimneys would require seventy stacks, at
a cost of $200,000. They are willing to pay
damages to the plaintiff, but argue that the
business and prosperity of .such large manu
facturing interests should not be broken in
upon, because of the discomfort or inconve
nience of one or two neighbors. The case
is held under advisement.
The Fi.okida ('ask. Alluding to the
Florida disaster the London Tintf says: As
suming to have been by design, we are not
hp.sed to waste much indignation on the
subject, as the method of procuring the
Florada was such a violation of neutrality
as to deprive the sufferers of sympathy. To
Jirail, the outraged paity, the Tiium pre
dicts, 3Ir. Sewaud will have to make am
ple apology.
Some of the elite of Xew York are mak
ing an eff'ortto reform the custom of late hours
at evening parties, which they consider inju
rious to health and beauty. A new mode of
invitation has been devised, to convey a deli
cate hint of the new system: "Mrs. Smith
will be glad-to receive her friends between
the hours of eicl.t and eleven."
An Irish hackman, who carried General
Grant to his hotel in Xew York, spread
himself as follows: "Here's to meself, Den
nis Connelly, the biggest man in Ameriky
but one. I've driven the Lieutenant-Gcn-eral
of the United States, and its more than
Bobby Lee ever did."
Adam was fond of his jokes ; arid when
he saw his sons and his daughters marrying
one another, he dryly remarked to Eve that
if there., had been no apple there would
have been no poiriito.
Artemus Ward notifies ihegentlenian who
left phosphorus in his bed at the St. Nicho
las Hotel. that, if he will leave his name with
General Dix, he will hear of something to
his advantage.
The ladies of Paris, not content with dye
ing their hair red, now dye their lap-dogs
to match the color of their dresses. Green
dogs, yi-llow dogs, ahd sky-blue pups, are
all the rage. .
We hear of a young lady in town, who is
so lavtrc-hearted that it has made her round
A blue and pink mare, and a colt of the
same color, are the attractions of a circus in
When men take brandy to "fetthem up,"
it of! en brings them down.
ijtfcu 'dvfvtfef mentis.
Ait'tfrti'ftnfHtxsrttn largr tipr, cuts, or out of itual
ntylo wit I he riiarged ilouiitt price for apace occupied
LIS f OF LETTERS unclaimed and remain
ing in the Post Office at Clearfield, on the 1st
day of January, A. 1). 1805.
I5eers. Mrs. L. M'Douel, Dan
IJcnr.er. K. C. Piper, Sallie A.
. Bartlett. Miss Polly 2. Rceser, eharle3 T.
Collins. Wm. Kussell, Wm. P.
.Campbell. Fernando D. Fhafl'er Miss Hebecca.
LMnsmore, Miss Eda. Snyder, Joseph.
Hockinan. Mies Mary J. Scbultz, iongolf (Ger)
llarrigau. A. C. Thompson, Mrs. Susan.
Howard Stephen, Westbrook, MissLouisa
M'Canna. John R.' Whatley, J.
One cent due on eaeh letter advertised. Per
sons calling for any of above letters, will gay they
are advertised. M. A. FRANK, P. M.
J. I. Morris & Oo,
Philipsburg, Centre co., P.
10 tons fresh Pork, 5 tons fresh Retf
. tone cilf- I1.-,-!.- 1 (V
v.. - .iv ions nve Caon
100 bushels .IrieJ Apples,
20 barrels prime green winter Apj.l0
100 busliels potatoes
5,000 bushels of Corn in the Enr.
Rafting ropes, all gizes, Augurs. A0 otin fcy
Extra Family Flour. 1G0 lb!s Corn meal
-u iMigs sail
J-a 4. 7 So
CAUTION. All persons are Ler. V .
again.t purchasing or Jed iiX'
tain proiaiiory note given by me fG y e'-tnun-Isten.
of Covington tp . jite.i DecemW-H"
IsM. and cni.'.n- fr one LumirH dulftr ll'i
able on or before tho 1st day of Aril fi"
havo received no value for s-iid cJte ri . 1
it unless compelled by due pro. e of la.
Imperial Oil Company,
Office 130 South Fifth Street,
Capita! Sl,000,000-200;COO shares.
Reserved Capital 250.000.
President, ALEXANDER K. M'CUTiE.
A K.M Clure, D. J. Jackwan. KlUha V u
rhos. A. .Scott. -I.C. liom border. I'eter A. sroi'.I.
John M. Foaicror.
James 31. Sellers.
EiL-ht V. Dsvis
This company has 120 acres of land, in fee on
the Allegheny River, immediately opposite o;
City, and adjoining Lnytonia, wi:h ill) ro,!. t'rnut
on the river, and 75 rods fronton Lay" Hun.
Hon. C. P. Kamsdell. e iit r of the Oil City '.M..
itor, and agent forthis land, assures t;e comj.miy
that it will sell in lots for S I00,00.. r-f.-rv;Lg tla
oil right nfcich is worth 51 00.0(10 ad i;ti..!ial. I j-
pany have two good engines with eompleie fix
tures to operate immediately for oil. Tie territo
ry in this immediate locality has Levtr failed :o
produce profitably.
Also, one hundred acres, in fee simple, in
celebrated Cherry Run District, iuiuiediateiv al-
joiningthe CherrjMlun Petroleum coinpany.wht.,6
stock is now worth over $Z0 per share. The com
pany now have offers, which will be accip'ed. f..r
sinkirjg wells on leao, without any cost tothe cor
poration and one-half the proceeds to go to the
company. The Curtin and St. Nicholas compa
nios are in this immediate locality, and th, ir
stock is now commanding a large premium, la
addition, the company lias 40 acres, in fee finite,
on Cherry Tree Run, which empties into ii
creek, and in the best producing Motion of tLe
Oil Territory, and 110 acres, in fee simjle. t a
Walnut Rend, five miles above the mouth of 'MI
creek, and not' over two iniles from the ceiebrat
Reed well, now producing over 200 barrels .er
Al-o. the Iense of three tracts of land, twn on
Oil creek, eaeh producing over ten barrels per day,
and one on Allegheny river, producing ten bar
rels per day of heavy oil, worth $21 per barrel.
The company now receives three fourths cf the
proceeds of the last n:imed well, and one-balf of
the other two Each of these tracts will be de
veloped by the company bysickiLg additional
well?, and the engines and fixtures are now on
! hand to do it
The officers of this company mean to prosecute
the development of these lands most oneretii!
ly, and they have entire confidence that they will
yield very large dividends on the capital stock.
Of Subscriptions ntu-f he made promptly, n
more than one-balf of the stock is already engag
ed Subscriptions will be received at the office
of the company. January 4. lsoj
FORT I'M E FOR ALL. To anyone do
JLm. girous of making their fortune, 1 will, on re
ceiving two dollars, impart to them a secret by
which they may nia'ce themselves independently
rich. Address. Dr. (1. Ii.lK.M M.
Deo 7-Zip. 1 hiladelphia P.O., Pern a.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or in any way ined llirj
with aeertain llrown Mare, now in jmssession of
Levi Derrick, of Lawrence township, as the same
belongs to me and has only been lolt on loan with
said Derrick, and is subject to my order.
Dec. 7, 1 M) A . C. FIXXKV
rilKEFS ! TREES !! The subscriber baviig
.1 been appointed an agent of the -Marielt
Xurscrv'' in Laiintr eoiin'v. would respectful"
! 'y inform tba citi.ens of Clearfield county, thst
be is prepared at all times to fill orders lor evei
kind of Fruit Trees and Shrubberv. at prorrie
tors prices. NORMAN" L. ROR1XS, agent.
Cloarfivsld, Pa.. Dec. ", lMil-Mm. . ;
of Administjation on the Estate of .-arali
Morgan, late of Uuelich township. OlearfieMeoua
ty Pa., deceased, having been granted l"''ieiu"
dersigne.l ; all persons indebted to said e-..
are hereby required to make imniediato payuieii
nnd tboso having claims against the eav:
present them properly authenticated fi-r IU '
inent. J A MLS 11 MOK'i.O,
Dec. 7, lS61-6tp. Administrator
HPE-MrER-WCE IIOrSE. The subscribe'
J. -would respectfully inform the e't10
Clearfield county, that he has rented the "I'P10
Hotel." and will use every endoavor toaccoaamw
date those who may favor him with their U8W:
He will try to furnish the table witb the best
couutry can afford, and will keep bay an d leea
accommodate teamsters. Gentlemen don t is
the -Tipton Hotel." " SAMCHL sMU"
Tipton. Pa , May 25, 1S64.
Auditor, appointed in open Court to
nte monies in tke hands of R -H?fr,;S!j
istrator of the Estate of Lyman Mile.
gives notice (the time of said "'jtctha
continned bv the court) that he will te"V" th,
dutieaof said appointment, at bu omce
Borough of Clearfield, on Saturday tne
January, A, D. ISrto. between the hour, of 1
clock, A. M. and 3 'viWV