n n L,1 A 111 J! in .r n WW 5 W CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1805. VOL. 11. NO. 18.- s ii . m mm mm mm mm mB v m n & i & b & a b a 2P' l h 1 h hl H . m, y i m m m m ml m, jk m w w . m tr V. ! i BY S. J. BOW. Select i'oftvu. GOD BLESS THE LITTLE CHILDR v.n Go-1 bless the little cnn-iron. We meet them everywhere; We hear their voices rounJ oar hearth Their footsteps ua the stair ; Their kindly heart are swelling o er W'i it mirthfuloess and glee; . God bless the littie children, Wherever they may be. We meet them 'neath the gipsy tent, With viige swarth and dun. And eves that sparkle as they glance With roguery and fun: Wc find them fishing in the brook For minnows, with a pin, Or creeping through the hazel-buMi The linnet's nest to win. We meet them in the lordly hall. Their stately father's pride; We meet them in the poor man's cot He hath no wealth besides; Along the city's crowded steet They burl the fcmp or ball ; We fiud them 'neath the pauper's roof The saddest sight of all- For there they win no father's love, No mother's tendercare. Their only friend the iol above, Who hears the orphau's pr3"er; J!ut dressed in silks, or draped in rajs. In chiidit-h grief or glee. God bless the little children, Wherever they may be JOHNNY COLE'S DEAL BOAT. A Story for Children. Little John Cole's lather was about to die, and, as he had no property to leave his wife and children, he felt very anxious and unhappy. Johnny had been told that his f:ither would die, but lie did not know what death meant ; and therefore, with all the innocence of a good little boy. lie aked his lather what he could do to help him. "Vou cannot help me Johnny," .-aid the sick father; "but when 1 am gone, you can help your mother.7' "Where are you going to?" said Johnny. "Can't you let me go with you?"' ''So, nobodv ctu go with me ; I must go aione. "Well when will you come back?' said the little fellow; "you know we depend up on you fbr money to buy bread." "I shall never cjme back, my dear boy. When people di;, they never con.e bach" "Well, then you intend to send for us, father, for we can't live without you." "You will break my heart', Johnny, if you talk so. I shall not .end for you, but God will, and then we shall meet again. Now, my dear boy, you must stay with your moth er and try to make her happy." "So 1 will," taid Johnny, "but I don't know how. I can't work you know. Tes, I can make deal boats, ami sell theiu." "Vou can do better than that," said his lather : "you can be a good boy, and behave well, and love mother, and this will help her more than any work vou can do." "Well, I'd do all that," said Johnny; "but people won't love mother becau-e I lve her, and then where is the bread to come from ?" "God will send it, if you fire good," said the poor man, who could hardly .peak, he wa-i m choked by the innocent talk of his little child. It is not necessary to say how the father died, and how the poor witlow had to go in to a single room, and work out almost every day to support Johnny and his little sister. Johnny did all he could to help his mother; and he" did a great deal, for when his moth er was absent, he toik care of little Sis, and when she was asleep one day, he took the jack knife that belonged to his lather, and made what he called a boat, out of a lump it wood, and then stood at the door and a-ked every one that came along to buy it. - "Do you want to buy a boat ? ' said he to a bitr boy that was passing. "Vou get out!" said the boy, as he knocked the boat int. Johnny's face, and liroke the mast. The poor boy's heart was almost broken, too, but he made another mast, axtd stood at the door again. Two littie girls came along, and Johnny asked them if they wished to buy a boat. "What do you call it ? a boat!'' said one of the girls. "It is a funny-looking boat." "We dont iil boats," said the other girl. "Well, you don't know what limit is," 5a'ul the little boat-builder. "We have no wish to know," said they as they wvnt off, laughing at poor Johnny. Presently an oflicer of the frigate that was lying in the harbor parsed. "?le:ise buy my ship," said Johuny, very biploringly. " " 1 "I.Hd you make it?" said the officer. j "Yes, I did all myself," said Johnny. j J'What put it iuto your head to make a ; -hip?" said the good-natured man. j ."Why you see," said the little fellow, ' is hasn't any bread to eat, and I thought I d work and earn some money and buy . ' Who is Sis?" said the captain. "Why don't you know Sis".' saiJJohn nJ "Just look in her." So the oilieer entered, and saw Sis asleep the bed. "Whom do you belong to?" said the 'aptain. "To mother now," said Johnny, "for lather is dead and gone away." Just then little 8is opened her eyes, and, H-eing the uniform of the oflicer, she began 10 wueh. "h hat do you ak for your ship?" eaid tbe captain. "One penny, if you can't give any more." The captain gave him a pat on the cheek, &rid said. "Wait a few minutes, and I'll me back and buy your ship." . went and bought two large loaves o and carried them back and gave them" ,0 Johnny. ."!AreyouGod?" said the little fellow, '"h eyes as large as saucers. o," id the officer,4! am only one of his servants." He then patted John ny's head, and told him to be a good boy, and he would come and see his mother. He did call again, and after learning all a bout the family, he promised to take care of them; and when Johnny jyas a great boy he took him on board his ship, and, in time, made an ofiicer ol him, and adopted him ; and after a battle when he was dying of a wound he had received, he asked Johnny, who was now Lieutenant Ccle, to hand him that casket on the desk. "Open it," said the captain, giving him a key. "What do you tii id there?" said the captain. ".Nothing but my deal boat," said Johnny- "When you made that boat, you made your fortune," said the captain. "Under that boat is my will, and all the proierty I have is yours. " John became -a rich man, and he deserved it. Now what is the object of this story! Merely to teach you that, if you are good, and want to do all you can to help those a bout you, (lod will show you some way to do so. The deal boat was a small affair to the unfeeling boy who broke it, and to the thotifihless girls who laughed at it, but to the officer and to tiod it was ariove all price. Go, then, my young friends, and do likewise. IS RUSSIA PREPARING FOR "WAR ? Not long "since attention was called to the fact that Russia was at this time moving an army southward, in a manner menacing to Turkey. The inquiry is at once sprung do the" Muscovites mean to carry out their traditional design of driving the Turks from Europe, and thereby grilling a naval outlet from the l!ack Sea f It is, to use a phrase once in vogue, the "manifest destiny" of e vents. Kussia will hold on to the will of her great Czar l'eter. She will tread the road marked by a sign-bemrd just out of the gates ol St. Petersburg. "The lloute to 'on staTuinople." She will wrest from the ef feminate Ottomans. who are nierelye;ci7 ed in Europe, the mastery of waters without which she cau never have a navy. There is no idea, not even the faith in the Greek Church, which is so tenaciously held by the leading classes of Russia, as the idea of seiz ing "Constantinople, and making their nation a great maratime power. This idea will never be relinquished, nor can England and France defeat its accomplishment. The har dy millions of Russia will yet sweep away trie Cresent in spite of the zeal of certain Christi'in Kingdoms togive.it perpetuity with its slave markets, seraglios, etc. In favor of this result, it may be claimed that Russia will assimilate gradually with Euro pean thought and customs, and will develop the commercial resources of the fairest part of the world. Our own relations with this Autocracy are of the friendliest character, and our trade will be greatly enlarged by the dispersion of the Moslems and the planting of a vigorous and persevering race at the Golden Hoin. I'ltuburg Chronicle. A Little Lesson for Well Disposed Wives. "Why is it," aked a lady, "that so many men are so anxious to get rid of 'their wives?" "Because," was the reply, "eO few women exert themselves alter marriage to make their presence indispensable to the happiness of their husbands !" A hen hus band and wife become thoroughly accustom ed to each other when all the little battery of charms which both played off so skillfully before the weddinsr-dav has been exhausted too many seem to think that nothing rc mnins but the clanking of the legal chains which bind them to each other. The wife seeks to develop iu her affections no new at traction i'or her husband; and the latter, perceiving the lijums, begins to brood over an uncongeniality which does not exist, and to magnily the ills that do exist into insu-passable obstacles in the way of his parthly felicity. This is the true secret. The woman who charmed before her mar riage can charm afterward, if she will, though not of course by the same means. There are a thousand ways, if she will only study them out, in which she can make home so attractive that her husband wiil dislike to absent himself from it, and so she can read ily make herself the particular deity of the domestic paradise. I his done, -she may quietly laugh at all attempts to alienate her husband s inclination ; and with those incli nations will alwa3s go, in such cases, his ac tive judgment. Eemarkable China Ware. . An oil millionaire, out of gratitude to the source whence his wealth was derived, and with a desire to keep it before his mind, has had a complete set of table equipage made in Philadelphia, of china and glass. The embellishments of the plates, dishes and tu reen are fuc similes of the apperatus used in producing petroleum. The dishes bear on the center beautiful vignette views, rep resenting wells in process of boring, with the derrick over the orifice. The tureens are similarly adorned, while each separate piece is blazoned with vignetts descriptive and illustrative of the process of harvesting peroleum. The entire set is of the most costly character. The china is the finest and the 1-est imported, and the decorations are in the highest style of the decorator's art. The manufacturers were instructed to spare no pains iu executing them, and they acted accordingly. The decanters, wine f ob lets and tumblers are alike engraved with the insignia of petroleum. The completed ware is a curiosity. Nothing like it was ever seen "in those parts. The Farmington Chronicle speaks of a sermon, the subject of which embraced "the personality, history and character ol the in visible letder of the hosts of darkness. This may well -be said to be "whipping the devil around the stump." The United States has more coal and asks more for it, than any other country on the flobe. ' ; IN SEARCH OF FUR. On one occasion a hatter named Walter Dibble called to buy some furs of us. For certain reasons I was anxious to play a joke upon him. I sold him several kinds of furs including 'beaver and cony." He wanted some "Russia." I told him we had none, but Mrs. Wheeler, where I boarded, had several hundred pounds. "What on earth is a woman doing with Russia?" he said-. I could not answer, but assured him that there were one hundred and fifty pounds of young !llusha in Mrs. Wheeler's house, and under her charge, but whether it was for sale 1 could not say. Off he started with the view to make the purchase. He knocked at the door, Mrs. Wheeler asked him to walk iu ; she, the ei der, made her appearance. "IwaLt to get your Russia," said the hatter. Mrs. Wheeler asked him to walk in and be seated. She, of course, supposed he had come after her daughter 'Rusha. "Y hat do you want of 'Rusha ? asked the old lady. "To make hats,', was the reply. t "To trim hats. I suppose, you mean? responded Mrs, Wheeler. "No; for the outside of hats," replied the hatter. "Well, I don't know much about hats, I will call my daughter," said the old lady. Passing into the other room, where 'Ru sha the younger was at work, she informed her that a man wanted her to make hats. "Oh, he means sister Mary, probably. I suppose he wants some ladies' hats," was 'Rusha's reply, as she passed into the parlor. "I suppose you want to see my sister Ma ry; she is our miliiner," said the younger ' Rmdia. "I wish to see whoever owns the proerty.' Sister Mary was sent for, and soon made her appearance. As soon as she was intro duced, the hatter informed her that he wish ed to buy Russia. "Buy 'Rusha !" exclaimed Mary, iu sur rriso. "I don't understand you." "Your name is Miss Wheeler, I believe?' said the hatter, who was annoyed at the dif ficulty he met with in being understood. "It is, sir." "Ah. very well. Is there old and young Russia in the house?" "1 believe tin re is," said Mary, surpris ed at the familiar manner in which he spoke of her mother and sister, both of whom were present. " hat is the price of old Russia per pound?" ' "I believe, sir, that old 'Rusha is not for sale," replied Mary indignantly. "Well, what do you ask for your young Russia?" pursued the hatter. "Sir !" said 'Rusha the younger, spring ing to her feet, "do you come here to insult defenceless females ? If you do, we will soon cail our brother, who is in the garden, and he will punish you as vou deserve." "Ladies !" exclaimed the hatter in aston ishment, "what on earth have I done to of fend you ? I came here to buy tome Russia. 1 was told you had old and young Russia in the house. Indeed, this young lady just stated such to be the fact, but she says the old Russia is not for sale. Now if I can buy the young Russia, I want to do so ; but if it can't be done, please say so, and I will trouble you no further," "Mother open the door, and let the gen tleman pass out, ior he is undoubtedly cra zy," said Miss Mary. "By thunder ! J. Ixdieve I shall be, if a re main here long," exclaimed the hatter, con siderably excited. "I wonder if folks never do business in these parts, that you think a man crazy if he attempts such a thing?" "Business, poor man !" said Mary sooth ingly, approaching the door. "I am not a poor man, madam." replied the hatter; "My name is Walter Dibble. I carry on hatting extensively in Danberry. I came to Grassy Plains to buy fur, and I have purchased some 'beaver' and 'coney and now it seems I am to be called 'crazy' and a 'poor man,' because I want to buy a little 'Russia' to make up an assortment." The ladies began to open their eyes a lit tle. They saw tin t Mr. Dibble was quite in earnest, and his explanation threw consider able light on the subject. "Who sent you here?" asked sister Mary. "The clerk at the store opposite." "He is a wicked young fellow for making this trouble," said the old lady. "He has been doing this for a jeke." she contiuued. "A joke !" exclaimed Dibble in surprise; "Have you got any Russia, then?" "Mj- name is Jerusha, and so is my daugh ter's," said Mrs. Wheeler, "and that, I sup pose, is what he meant by telling you about old and young 'Rusha." Mr. Dibble bolted through the door with out a word of explanation, and made direct ly for our store. "You young scamp !" said he, as he en tered, "what do you mean by sending me over there to buy Russia?" 4P,"Idid not send you over there to buy Russia. I supposed you were either a bach elor or a widower, and wanted to marry Jau sha," I repeated, with a serious counte- nance "You lie, vou dor, and you know it," re ilied he ; "but never mind, I'll pay you off for this, some day. And taking his furs, he departed. A Four-legged Hex.-At the last meet ing of Polytechnic Association, Dr. Rowell placed upon the President's table a large living hen with four legs. The hinder pair were fully formed, but are not used m walk ing; being curled up and carried. Dr. Rowell remarked that they seemed to be a part of a second animal in a rudimentary condition attached to the rump of the hen. He supposed that the fowl was hatched from a double yolked egg, which the dam had failed to push out of the nest an un usual oversight. "BE DILIGENT IN BUSINESS." Franklin has somewhere said, that owed a considerable share of his success in life to the impression made upon him, while yet a boy at home, by a passage in the Book of Kings, that those who will be "diligeut in buisuess" should stand in the presence of princes. It is well known that -few men' were more industrious, more energetic. It is equally well known that while he began his career as a poor boy and labored assidu ously as a "jour" printer, he lived to be an able and honest ambassador at the court of the proudest monarch in Christendom He was an example, therefore a proud one of the fulfillment of the text. But he was not the only man who realized its truth. We doubt indeed if any man ever succeeded in life, who was not diligent in business who was negligent and fond of pleasure. The supposed instances to the contrary, so often popularly quoted, invaria bly prove fallacious when carefully investi gated. Curran, the great Irish orator, was said to have eloquence native born. But on the contrary, he has left it on record that betook the greatest pains to perfect his elocution. Iiis gesture, and his knowledge of law. Burke, distinguished for his eloquence and learni ng, built up the edifice-of his fame by slow persevering, laborious effort, it is a well known fact that the Philadelphia millionaire, Girard.amassed his collossal for tune by assiduous attention to business. Clay, Webster, Calhoun, and Benton, all worked hard the latter incessantly. And Napoleon the First, who was a boru genius, if ever man was. achieved most of w hat he did .by unceasing labor, often dictating to sevrral secretaries at once, and always tiring out everybody about him. If these great men achieved distinction only by their diligence in buisness, or even if this, as none can deny, was the principal cause of their success, buwean those of far inferior abilities expect to prosper unless they follow the same examples? He who neglects his business will sxm find his business leaving him. Ability without in dustry will not do, and rarely accomplishes ary thing worthy to mention. Men who think to succeed by doing half day's work, niu.it sooner or later go to the wall. There is but one way to rise ; it is diligent, always diligent Without energy and uidrustry no man ever conquered difficulties or "achieved greatness." The merchant, who leaves his store to take a "social drink ;" the mechan ic, who stops work to have a "blue Monday;' the professional man, who goes off on par ties of pleasure, and misses the chance of clients or patients calling all these either fail utterly in life at last, as is the case; in nine example out of ten, or fall short of that complete success which they might otherwise have obtained. The old fable of the tortoise, who beat the hare to the goal, because the latter stopped so often, is real ized ever- day and hour in life. The eld ad age, frequently ridiculed, "slow but sure," is verified continually by experience. Even genius itself has been said by no less a think er than Sir Jas. McInto.-h,to be only another name for industry. Go and ask of the scores of beggard old men who, once pros perous, now oat the bread of dependence, what it was that ruined them and they will answer, if honest, "because we were not dil igent." By "diligence in business" thousands of poor lads have risen to opulence, and come at last to have all the leisure they desired. But tens of. thousands, who could not wait to enjoy life till they had won the right to it by "diligence in business," have gone helplessly and despairingly down in the full meridian of existence, like .the crew of a leaky ship, sinking in sight of harbor, be cause they ate and drank and made merry when thev should have been working at the pumps. Young men. middle-aged men, aye, and even indigent old men, follow the exam ple of the successful and illustrious, by being "diligent in business." Occupation of Children. The" habits of children prove' that oc cupation is a necessity with most of them. They love, to be busy, even about nothing, still more to be usefully employed. With some children it is a strongly developed ne cessity, and if not turned to good account, will be produ.'tive of jositive evil, thus ver ifying the old adage, that "Idleuess is the siother pf mischief." Children should be encouraged, or if inherently disinclined to it, be disciplined into performing for them selves every little office relative to the toilet which they are capable of performing. They should also keep their own clothes and other possessions in neat order, and fetch for themselves whatever they want ; in short, they should learn to be as independ ent of others as possible, fitting them alike to make a good use of prosperity, and to meet with fortitude any reverse of fortune that may befall them. I know of no rank, however exalted, in which such a system would not prove beneficial. Mr. William W. Murphy, Consul Gener al at Frank fort-on-the-Main, sent to the New York Sanitary Fair a gold coin, believ ed to be the smallest in the world- Its val ue is one-sixteenth of a ducat, its weight two grains, and it is about an eighth of inch in diameter. It is still in perfect preservation, although it was issued by the city of Nu remberg about the year 1814, when it was a free city of the Germanic empire. H is now in possession of a member of the Nu mismatic Society of New York. One of our best clergymen last Sunday preached a sermon on autumn, wherein he alluded to the "pomp of. the regal forests." One of his hearers objected to the sermon on the ground that it was an abolition dis course. An explanation was asked. "Why said he, didn t ne say pomp 'didn't he of the forest,' and isn't that woodsrd like to know?" 'nigger in the DR. MILLER'S DUCK STORY. The Presbyterian not long ago contained the following in the shape of editorial mat ter : The late Dr. Miller, of Princeton, as all his students, will remember, abounded in an ecdotes, which he had related to his classes from year to year, to illustrate the points made in his lectures. One of them occurs to us just now. as being specially applicable to the new converts that 1 ave recently come iuto the churches within the bounds ot our circulation. A celebrated Judge in Virginia, was iu early years, skeptiele as to the xruth ot the Bible, and especially as to the reality of experimental religion. He had a favorite slave, who accompanied him in his travels around his circuit. As they pa.ssed from court house to court house, they frequently conversed on the subject of religion, the servant, Harry, venturing, at times, to remonstrate with his master airaiu.-t his infidelity. As the Judge had sufficient confidence in Harries honesty and sincerity, he asked him how he felt, and what he thought on various points. Among other things,. Harry told his master that he was very often sorely tempted and tried by the devil. The Judge asked Harry to explain to him how it happened that the devil at tacked him (Harry) who was so pious a man, so sorely, while he allowed him -elf, who was an infidel and sinner, to pass un noticed and untcmpted. Harry asked, "Are you right sure master, that he dees let vou pass without troubling you?" "Certainly I am," replied the Judge; "I have no dealings with him at all. i do not even so much as know that there i- any such being in cxistanee as the devil. If there is auv such a being he never trouble me." "Well," said Harry, "I know that, there is a devil, and that he tries me sorely at times." A day or two afterwards, when the Ju Jire had gotten through his docket, he concluded to go on a hunt for wild ducks on one of the streams which lay across his road home ward. Harry accompanied him. As they approached the river they espied a flock f ducks quietly floating on its surlace. The Judge stealthily crept up to the bank and fired upon them, killing two or three, and wounding as many others. He at ou c i hrcw down his gun and made strenuous efforts, with the aid of clubs and stones, to secure the wounded ducks, while he permitted the dead ones to float ou. for the time unnoticed by him. Harry, as he sat on the seat of the carriage, watched his master's move ments with deep interest, when he retun.ed, said to him : "Massa, while you was asplashin' in the watrr arter dein wounded ducks, andletttu' de dead ones float on. it jist came to my mind why it is dat de debil troubles me so much while he lets you alone, l'ou are like de dead ducks; he's sure he's got you safe. I'm like de wounded ones, trying to get away from him. and he's afraid I'll do it, so he makes ail de fuss arter me and jist lets you fioat on down de stream. He knows he can git you any time ; but he knows its now or neber wid me. It you were to begin to flutter a little and show signs like you were goiu" to get away from him, he would make just as big a spla.sh.iu' alter vou as he does arter me." Narrow Escape. It wiil be remembered that on Frida.y the 10th we noticed the detention of the Northern Central train from. the north by running off thetiack near this cily. The following particulars are obtained from a statement of Special Agent Roh He says that when the train was some nine miles north of this city, the switch at the engine houso was turned the wrong way when the mail train came dashing along, ad although the engine was reversed, the train could not be stopped until it ran into the locomotives in the engine house, 'fixe express car crush ed t. rough and into the mail room, in which Mr. Row happened to be at the time. He wa.s so completely inioaled with broken timbers, boards and iron, that only after the partition, boxes, and table had been torn a way (to do which the use of an ax was ne cessary, ) was he released from his horrible position. The hot stove set the mail apartment on fire, and threatened the de struction of the car. The mails were all saved. Mr. J. W. Hoffman, route agent, jumped out of the door, and got off safely, with the exception of the wrenching of an ankle. Harrisburg Tellegraph. Winter Davis' Resolution Passed. .Winter Davis forced his resolution to another vote on Tuesday Dec. 2Uth, when the effect of the former debate, and of his powerful speech, were given in the passage by a vote of 118 to 8, of the part of it which had before been considered most ob jectionable, while the closing clause, were carried by a majority of 11. The only change made in the resolution was sub-slit u ing the words "Executive Department" for "President," and this was only made be cause a change of some sort was necessary iu order to get the order up, it having once before failed by the House. The resolution amounted to a rebuke of Secretary Seward for his assertion to the French Govern ment that neither the House nor Congress had anything to do with such questions as the establishment of a French Empire in Mexico. Mrs. Sarah Thompson, the lady who caus ed the rebel guerrilla John Morgan to be cut off in the flower of his brigandage, is now in Cincinnati with her two fatherless chil dren. She is houseless and pennyless. Accounts on file in the department at Washington show the singular fact that since the rebellion began, forty thousand more Southern whites than macks have re ceived assistance from the government. THE -W-A-IEt NEWS. TEE SURRENDER OF SAVANNAH. INTERESTING DETAILS. The steamer California arrived at Fortress Monroe, Deceinlier lioth, in lil'ty-eight hours from Fort Pulaski, bringing important dis patches from General Sherman and glorious confirmatory intelligence, of the capture of Savannah on the 2 1st Dec. Sherman hav ing nearly completed the investment of the city and captured Fort Lee and several nii- nor outworks in the immediate vicinity of the principal entrenchments surrounding the town, and placing hisseiire guns in such close proximity to the lines of the rebels as to command effectually every jxsitiou held by the forces under command of Hardee, sent a summons by a flag of truce to the effect that if the place is not surrendered iu a cer tain time, a bombardment and assault will at once commence. To tins summons the wily rebel General sent back a rep! that as his communications were yet open and hi men lully supplied with subsistence and stores ot every kind, he was enabled to sfa-id a long siege, and was dv;iermined to hold the city to the last moment, and defend the citizens and property which had been placed under his protection, until his forces were overpowered and compelled to surrender. Every preperaiion had been made by Sher man to as.-ault the rebel position the next day ; but when the morning of the 21st 1 ec. arrived, it w is ascertained that the enemy had evacuated their entrenchments. Sev eral regiments of infantry were immediately advanced, who took possession of them, and shortly afterwards Sherman entered the city at the head of his lody-gu:trd, and re ceived from the hands of a deputation tf citizens the surrender of tmi place. It appears that General Hardee, on the niht of the LMth, seoimr the impossibility of holding the city, and fearing that the on ly niean-s of escape left open across the Sa vannah was likely to bo cut tiff at any mo ment, determined to avail himself of this roue for his retreat. His troops immedi ately sot to work to partially destroy the Navy Yard and Government property, and at twilight, under the protection of two iron clad rams, succeeded in crossing the Savan nah river, over the causeway, to the north side, intending to push forward to Charles ton. Thirty-two thousand bales of cotton were stored in the city, which the rebels in their haste neglected to destroy. The two ircn-clad rams were sunk, and all the gov ernment property and stores which they could not carry off with them they burned or threw iuto the river. Four small steam ers one a gunboat were captured ; which, together with the cotton'and a large amount of rebel munitions of war, form a part of the spoil-i of Sherman's victorious army. Hood Still on the Retreat. Dispatches from Gen. Thomas represent him still in pursuit of I loo I broken and disorganized force: Headquarters, Pulaski, Teniie.-.-ee To Major Gen 1 Ha l.r.KOK, Chief of cta'd : I have received the following dis patch from Gen. 1LS: "Headquarters Cavalry Corps, beyond Pulaski, December '2. There seems to be. little doubt that the rebels have gone to Baiubridge, eight miles above Florence, fearing a flank movement from Stevenson, Ala. Two corps, Stuart's and Lkl's retired to Lexington ; Cheat ham went towards L.iwrencoLurg, striking t lie old military road, eight miles below Jjuwrenceburg. The peoj.de say the rebels are suffering hnmen ely. Bt'FOKD's wound is said to be quite severe. A Mr. Cotes says the Colonel command ing the pontoon transportation, toid him he was going to Brainbridge, and left bore on Tuesday morning. Cheatham's ammuni tion of fifteen or twenty wagons, was aban doned here. The mules were put in to help the pontoons along. General Lee was severely wounded in the foot in the fiht at Nashville. His corps is now commanded by Stevenson. The rebels have lost eighteen generals killed, wounded and captured since they started .North. They acknowledge sixty-eight pieces of artilery lost. J. II. Wilson, Brevet Maj. Gen. A dispatch dated G P. M. the 25th inst., states that, in pressing the enemy, Hanson's brigade came upon the enem3''s infantry, strongly posted in rail breastworks, and so closely did he push up that, on being com pelled to fall back., the loss of one gun was involved. The position was,however,taken ten miniute afterwards, but the enemy had run the gnu off. The rebel force was eight brigades of five or six hundred men each. General Wood commanding the 4th Corps, is in support of General Wilson, and both will continue the pursuit zealously. I have heard from Steaumax to-day. lie disem barked his troops from the car? at Limestone Creek, seven miles from Decatur, and waa marching on that place at sevon A. M. to day. Geo. H. Thomas. Maj. Gen. Com'dg. Stoneman and Eoibridge's Raid. Cincinnati, December 20. A dispatch dated Louisa Ky., the 20th. says: The raid of Generals Stout-man and Burbridge was a perfect success. Bi eck i nridge, Vaug ban and Duke were whipped, their artilery captured and army scattered. Saltville was burnt and the works destro3'ed. The railroad from Bristol, Tennessee, to twenty miles beyond Wytheville, Va., was destroyed, with all the rolling stock. Bristol and Wytheville are in ruins. The lead mines and furnaces have gone up, and twenty millions of property destroyed. .. . Captain Grant.of the 19th Wisconsin. who escaped from Columbia, S. C, arrived here via East Tennesse, and reports West North Carolina full of Unionists, living in the woods and caves and, leading a very wild life. He organized and brought out a com pany of one hundred men. ------' It is not the happy death, but the happy life that makes men hppy. 5i'. r.ti mr