JU i. If. it. V ;1 gtaftjsmiih'js journal CLEARFIELD, PA., DEC. 21, 1864. Kaftsiuau's Journal AImanac-18o4. , : ? s 3 1314 2 2 5 IS5t S" t. - r, Ml I ..... ., ., ... J . JCLV. 1 3 4 5 fi 7 ID 11 12 13 14 15 17 13 19 20 21 22 24 25 2o 27 2s Si 31 Ja. ' " --12; 3 4 S 7 8 9i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 14 19 2i 21 22 23, 21 25 2U 27 21 2 3oj 31 . 1 FBI. 12 3 4 b r, Aco. 1 2 3 4 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 S a 10 11 12 13i 14 15 1 17 13 19 20' 14 15 18 17 IS 10 21 22 23 21 23 23 23 29 30 31 1 2 4 5 0 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 1 15 19 21) 21 22 23 25 28 27 23 29 BO 2 3 4 5 o 7 9 Id 11 12 1314 13 17 18 19 20 21 23 21 25 26 27 28 30 31 12 3 4 6 7-8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 1 2 4 5 0 7. 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 19 20 21 22 23 25 23 27 28 29 30 . - 21 22 21 24 25 2ti 27 .I 2$ 29... Mar. 1 2 3 4 5 str. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12; 13 14 !." 1 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 j ' ;27 23 29 30 3! Apr- 1 2 Oct. - 3 4 3 6 7 8 . y; 10 1112 13 14 15 10! - 17 1 19 20 21 22 23: 24 25 2fi 27 23 29 30 - i Mat- 1 2 S 4 5 7 Nvv. - 8 9 lit 11 12 13 14! - 15 1 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 2 25 23 27 26; 29 30 31 ' JrvE. 1 2 3 4 Dec, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11, 12 13 14 15 1S 17 Hi " 19 20 21 22 23 21 25? 23 27 2S 2) 3D CO V NT Y, IH RECTO ii Y- TIMK OF HOLDING COVKT. 2d Monday in January, I 3.1 Monday in . Tune. 3d "ia March. 4th in fept-mT. Of each year, and continue two week if necessary. COrXTY AND DISTRCT OFFICER. : Pres'tJudge Hon. Samuel Linn, Bellefoute. As'te.Judges Hon. J. D.Thouipson, Curwensville Hon. James Rioonj. Forrest Sheriff.... Edward Perks. . ..Clearfield Prothonotary. D. F. ritzweiler, . ' free. 4 Kec. . Isaiah G. Larger . . District Att'y, Israel Test, . .-. - Treasurer. . . O. Kratzer. . . Co. Surveyor. 11. B. Wright. Couiaiiss'n'ra, -laeob Kuutz. . Tho?. Dougherty, . , . , . Autos Read. Auditors. . . CLiis Worrell. . Glen Hope. Luthersburg GK Hilts. ? Clearfield. N.Wash'gton Pennfield. -Lecontes Mill Lecontes Mill Clearfield. 11 tt ooawuru, - F. F, Coutriet, ...J 7. J V7. Potter Co SuperiBd't C. B. Sandfor I, . M8T Ok" mST-OFFICK.-;. . t,.,W;.;, XtfM of P.O. Sm'ifP Eeccaria. - 'j.eu Jiope. l"t jhvi - ThcodT.i Vt! l.. - Hon,arty'iX lload Siimiiel Keirartv Eel!, - - - Uower, - V M Cra-kpn .- .... Chest, ... Ouh. - Thos.A. M'tJhr'.-, - J.W Oampbv'l. - 11. L. Ilend -.-rs!U. - Jaiaes iilootn. - .las. Forrc-.-t. Win. Aliiert. - U. II. Moore. - Charles loj-py. O.itend. - - Forrest. - - ClearSeM UriJe. Woodland, - T . . V . . V - . Uloom, - - r-sz3 - V.ra.lford, - Urady, - Iiuiutrisuuigi - Troutville, Jefi'erson Line, - John ileberiin. Furcsid. - NewWashington - James Gallaher. " ... Uurr.side. i ,- - - l'atchinviUe, 4. .'. . . East Kidgc, Cbe.'t.- - - - Ifurd. - -' ... jictJarvey. - . . - - Wetover. tearfield. -- Clearfiel 1. Covington, - Frenehville, . . . Karthaus, -riirwnriKvilla Curwensville V,'. f. Irvin. Jack Pat'-hin. Jacob Uci'.'e. i. Tozr.'Jr. Win M'-'iarvey S A. Farher. M. A. Frank ' 1. A. (luulin. J. F.AV Schnarr T. W Fleming. Uecaiur, - Philipsburg. Centra cauuty. Pa. .. . West Decatur. - Sophie Uadthneh .i . . Osceola Miii-i, . - T. F F'.alich. Frtrnsnn. - Mrron. - - - - Edm. Uillisimg. - . . - Helltn Post Ofliee. Flk eounty, 1 tiimr l, - - - J.-oiite'c Mills. - - - K;ild liills. - -(Jo.-hen, ;- - Miawj-ville, - rabam. - - rihamton. -Oui-lich,'.- - Smith's Mi'ilj, . Ma lera. - - - C. .Iiai.r. - Vt'iliiam Ciirr. . A. Shaw. - Th is II. I'.irete - A. li. toy. - Cha.. J. Pum v. - laviil T-ler. - II. Woo (ward - Eliza Chne. - tieo. lleekadurn - M. O. Stirk. - Jas. Thouips-in - J . C ijri.-iiuer. - il V, Speiu'er. . A. C. .M-nore ' Ilnston, - - Tyler. - - -" ... IV-nnfieM, - -Jordan, - - Anunvi lie, -Kartb'ans. - Salt l.iek. - -Knox. - - - New Millport, -.Morris, - - - Kylertowu, - - ... Morris'Jale. - -l'enn,- - - -. Lumber City.J' --.. - - Ura!niii.n UilU .Piko. Curueiif'viHe. - - 'i v-. Eiemin. F J 'ale. I. ru baker. .... liloominjvii'e. - - i-'nj I'ninn. -' Kofkton. - - - - l. 1j Woodward, Jeffries, . . - - Jainif L,.-!i-;-t 4 This Post Ulfiee will do for Chest to ivnsu ij. V i 1J answer lor Fergi.son township. STATE 5t U. STATES DiKEC'I OKY , OFFICF.U5 OF PENNSYLVANIA. Governor. ... A.tf Oui lin. - - - Ct.ntro county Kee'v of Com. Eli Slifer. - - - - L nion county Dep. secretary, w. u. Arm jong. Auditories. ' Iau'-o Slenker. -v -Purveyor Oea. - Jas. P. Barr. - - - Ft ion county Pittsburg, Philadtlpbia "Attorney (lea. W. M. Meredith, Adjutant iei. . A i. i.ngoll. -r State Treasurer, W. V- M'Uratb. -Sup. Corn. St-h'a Chag K Coburn, Deputy Sup't, - S. V. rlate, - - -folate Librarian. Win Forney. - - - St PiiEMK CornT- t-ief Justice, ward. "'' Associates, Ja.8. Thompson J. M. Keed, D. Aincw. Sessionfi, Craw ford co Harrisburj. O W Wood Wm. Strolls'. Philadelphia 1-t Monday of January, liarriabur -3th Monday .of April. Suubury lat Monday f October, and in ' FilUburg on the 3d Monday of October. OFFICERS OF TIIH UNITED STATE?. President, - - - Abraham Lincoln, Of Illinois. Vice President. .Hannibal liamlin, Of Maine, ' . Peo. of State, - Wui H Seward, - New York. Sec. of Trcan'y W. P. Feenden, - Maine Sec. ol War. - K. M. Stanton, - Pennsylvania Sec.'ot "!Nar;. ' (iicleojj Welles, '- - Connecticut. Sec. of Interior I.aac P. IVuir. - - Indiana. P. M. Gen. - - Mont. Flair, - - - Maryland. ' AttornevGen. - Edward Hates - - Missouri. '.. .SiritEME ConiT. Chief Justice, Roger B. Ta- j ' ncv, of Maryland Associate' Justice Samuel i " Kelson of New York, Robert C. Grier of Penrsyl vaiiia, Jubn'M. Wayne of Georgia, John Catron of "Tenucsoee. Nathan Clifford of Maine. Caleb li. ' Smith of Indiana. Meets in Washinjton city on .the 1st Monday of December milE EXCELSIOR SUNBEAM' FnO- . X TOtiKAPH, AMBROTl'PE AND ART CAR .I5r:illey & Co ,, -have r e- , rently re- -.fitted their .U. U.V jrt 1 , - , o u : r. . - stf . ourg,eu- j. - . . .tre co. (at present) where they can supply all those ,' in want of pirtum of any style-or quality. They have a skylight and sidelight combined, which is ..superior to any other light. Their, pictures are , sot excelled anywhere and they challenge coin-4- parUon respecting quality and rrice. notwith standing the Increase iu price, of chemicals acd other materi al. They will take Photographs at the following low prices: large Photographs, SI, 75, and fr additional copies. ?1.08 4cards filain, for SI. 25: iuplites 2 cents. 4esrd-. vig- nette. 51,50 ; d up lioatcs 3l cents .;4 card 'Ferre etypes Sl..r0: duplicates 35 cents. j .v j . P. S. Parti'jularatfention given to copyinsall kins of pictures into photographs at reasonable ; - . i BRADLEY iO i Jftair nIlirfrs Fa. -- . F1XE Of -- -- Ti IP T s. . TEKMS OF THE JOUKXAL. The RArTSMAs's JorRJtAb i published on Wed nesday at S1.50per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, $2.00 will be charged. Advertisements will be inserted at $1.00 per square, for three or less insertions Twelre lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 25 cents will be charged A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. 2o subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no' paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. .. . . . . .,' ' J5; R0W- IIO.Mii INSURANCE COMPAN Y, Office No. 135 Broad w a v, .N Y. cash capital. : : : ; : : : : 52,000.000 00 assets, 1st July, 1S64. : : : : .: 3.0C0.000 00 liabilities, : : : : : : 51,577 54 C1IAS. S. MARTIN. President, A. F. WILLMARTII, Vice-President. JOI1N McGEE. Secretary. Policies of Insurance against Los or Damaga bv Kire.bv J. II. FCLFORD Agent. 'August'17. 1b64-nm. " Clearfield Pa MHO HOUSE OWNERS. The undersigned JL having recently discovered an infallible and simple cure for that annoying malady in horses, known as- Doof-bound." Any person sending 51 in a letter, will receive by return mail a rec pe giving proper directions as to the necessary treat ment. Address, JACOB IRWIN. September 21, 18C4-tf. Clearfield. Pa. BULK LEY'S PATENT LEMBER DRIED BY SUPERHEATED STEAM. The under signed respectfully informs the people of Clear field and adjoining counties that he has the agen cy of the above patent and will sell individual, county or township rights for its nse. The lum ber dried by this process is stronger, finishes bet ter, is easier oil tools, and requires less time in drying than any ether proees known, drying 1 inch lumber perfectly in 35 hours better than many mouths under the old system using the same amount of fuel per day that a common kiln consumes. - The certificate of a number of resi dent mechanics well known in this community is amply sufficient to convince the most sceptical of if utility. 'Persons-desirous of pnich.osing rights will address JOUN L. CUTTLE. June 21, li 3. Cearfield. Penn'a. HIPPLE & FAUST, iki,i:rs IM FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, &C. MAIS STREET, CURW ENSVILLE, PA. f piIE UNDERSIGNED having tsken the stocK JL of merchandize of the late firm of Patton. Hippie i Co., have just added a fresh supply of , SEASONABLE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Dregs. Queensware. IViots and Shoes. Clothing, Muslins, De Laines Prints. Sattinets, Flannels, etc., which they offer at low prices FOR CASH OR READY PAY. Grain. PorK, Shingles and Boards, taken in ex change for goods. We respectfaliy asK a share of pntronage. "Call and examine oursrocx. Curwensville. Dec. 11. lilPPLK A FAUaT. N ii. The accounts of Patton, Hippie & Co , are iu our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav ing unsettled aciounls- to call ari l settle the same ?i we desire to have the boons closed.' December II. 1851. HIPPLE 4 FAUST. NEW FIRM AND NEW COODS. CARLISLE &. CO., DEALERS IX Foreign and Domes ie Dry Goods, Groceri , Lumber, Shingles, &c. PHILIPSBrnG. CE.N'THE COUNTT, PESSA. CARLISLE & CO., have received and are just opening the largest assortment of the LEST. CHEAPEST, and most seat-oiuible .goods ever brought to this i v section of ;omriry, consisting of DRY UOOIW AND GROCERIES; Xotif!!.; HjVrihviiro ami Queenswarc; Lai j IKS' FUBS. Hoods'. Nubias. Sun tags. Palinoral and Haop skirts ; Huts. l;is. Boots and Shoes; et;'lv-w.ul; Cloth iii. :laUt stylos; SJcnool BookRnd Eittionary ; lIio-ilmir, i':ii!i:;i an-! C'jrii taroh ; Drugs, Oils'. 'Paints. -Putty imd G :ai :' Coal-oil Lamps, Wood and Wi.Iow ware; TRUNKS AND CARPET Ii ti.S ; " Pipes. Tobacco nnd Segars: Fish. .Salt. Nails. Coal and Linseed ' 'i is ; Flour. Feed und Prcvi-ioos; imd all articles usual ly kept in a country store All of which will besdd CHEAP FORCASH or approved produce, Lumber or Shingles. X..v 18, liii3-tf CARLISLE. CO. GODEI'S LADY'S E00K. THE FASHION MAGAZINE OF THE WORLD.' Literature, fine Arts and FasiiimiP. The most luaguiliccnt Stiel eugravingc. lo;ible r .ishion piaies. Wool engravings on every subject that can interest ladies Cbet knitting. Netting, Embroidery. Article- for the Toilet, for the Par lor, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything in fact, to make acoinpb.te Lady's Book. THE LADIES FAVORITE FOR 35 YEARS. No Magazine has been able to compete with it. None attempt it. ... OODKV'S RBCEIPTS for every department of a household. These a lonc are worth tliu price of the Ljook. Model Cottages (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. Drawing lessons for the young. Anothcrspc eiality with 1 Jodey. Original Music, worth SI a year. Other Maga zines publish o4d worn-out music; but the subscri bers to tiodey get it before the music stores (i.irieiiiiig for Ladies. Another peculiarity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co , of Nffw York, the millionaire merchants, appear in Godey. theonly Magazine that has them. Also, fashions from the celebrated Brodie of Nrw York. . - Ladies' Uonnuts. We give more of them in a year than nuy other Magazine In fact, the La dy's llook enables every lady to be her own bon net maker. - MARION IIAULAND. Author? of . Afo'.'' IT'il''n pTfh," "JToss ; .SVi." A'c;!j.i." and "ili'rwwi," writes for Uodey each month, and tor no other magazine. We have also retained all our old and favorite contributors. ' TERMS OF . '. ' GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1365. V From ubicli there can Ze no Deviation. The foilowinz arc the terms of the Lady's Book for 18-jj. At present, we will receive subscribers ' l.n f.illnu'imr mttA lino linlii.ii u.-ll .a rrii'.n ! if we are obliged to advance, which will depend upon tho price of paper. , One copy, one year S3 00 Two copies, one year , 5 00 Threecopic. one year ' 7 00 Four copies, one year 10 00 . Five copies, one year, and an extra copy ta the person sending the club, making six capie - . 14 00 Eight copies, one year, and'an extra copy ' . to theperronseuding the club.making nine copies 21 00 . .. Eleven copies one year.and an extra copy . . to the person sending the club, making twelve copies ' " i- - ti 27 60 ' . Additions to any of the above clubs. $2 50 each Subwriber. -'. .. : . . .. . .... ttodey's Lndy'sltook and Arthur's Home. Mag azine will be sent. each oneyear.on receiptof 54 50. i We have no clubs with any other Magazine or i Newspaper.-- . . . . , H - 1 he money must all be sent at one time for any .vino.. . Aauresa , , ,u. a tiULtr, . K. . Comer Sixth nI Chestnut Streets, fet W,18M. PTtiladtlphia. CLOTHING!!!! Men, Youths and Boys can 6e supplied with full suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at REIZENSTEIN BRO'S & CO., where it is so Id at prices that will induce their purchase. The universal satisfaction which has been given, has induced them to increase their s'ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab lishment of the kind in this part of the State. Reizenstcin Bro's &, Co., Sell go at a very small profit, "for cash ; Their goods are well wade and fashionable. -They give every oae the.worth of his money-. ; They treat their customers all alike. They sell cheaper than every body else. Their store is conveniently situated. They having purchased their stock at reduced prices they can sell cheaper than Others ' For these and other reasons persons should buy their clothing at REIZENSTEIN BUCKS A CO. '. Produce of every kind taken att.be highest market prices. May 13, lfc64. " WHAT IS IT?" GREAT EXCITEMENT IU GLEN HOPE, PA EVERYBODY SEEMS PLEASED. Ami Why Shoul-l They Not Be? Surely,' the people in th;U section of CjJoarfield county bavo great reason to be rejoiced over the pleasing announcement that ' JOHN :E0 33 S O N has just opened in his New Store Room, the larg est and best selected stock of goods ever brought to that part of the county of Clearfield. NEW ST3RE AND NEW GOODS. ' ' The undersigned having removed his store to his New Building on Pine Street, Glen Hope, op posite the -4Jnion House,'' is now opening and of fering to the public the largest and best selected stock of seasonable goods ever offered iu this place and neighborhood, and will be soil at pri ces to Suit the times. His Stock embraces Dry-Ioods, Notions. Hard ware. Queens-ware. Boots Shoes. Hats and Caps. Ready made clothing. Paints. Oils, lilass. Nails. Bacon, Fish. Hour. Palt; Willow, Stone and Earthen-ware, and Stoves. OF DRY-GOODS, he has Cloths. Cassimers, Sat tinetts, Tweeds, Vestiugs, Flannels. Shirtings, Prints. Cobur sloth. Alpacas, De Lainos. (Jing bams, Chintz Rerchief , Nubias. Sontags, Nan kin, Lawns. Linen. Lace Edgings, Collars, Trim mings, Braids. Vai's, etc. . OF HARDWARE, he has axes, saws, chisels, knives and f rks. locks, hinges, screws, augers, hammers, nails, spikes. Stoves of various patterns and sizes, flat irons, etc T OF GROCERIES, he has coffee, sugar, molas ses, teas, rice, pepper, cinnnion, cloves, Flour, hams, sidcE. shoulders, fish. etc. OF QUEENSWARE, he has tea sets, cups and saucers, cream, jugs, tea and coffee pots, pitchers bowls, plates, dishes, etc. OF CLOTHING, he has coats, pants. Tests, un dershirts, shirts, drawers, neck-ties, gloves, socks, hats. cups, boots, shoes, etc Ail the above, and numerous other articles, for sale cheap for cash, or exchanged for all kinds of lumber ai.d country produce. Remember, that I am receiving goods weekly from Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and that any goods can be furnished on very hort notice. Call snd exaiuine the goods and prices and sat isfy yoJrselves of the utilitv of buying tit JOHN ROUSOX'S. Glsn Hope. December 23. 18o3. THE TRIBUNE FOU 1S0J. PROSPECTUS. The Military tiud Naval successes of 1SC1. with the auvpiui- us result of our Presidential contest, have lifted a heavy weight from the breasts of tij.j Loyal Millions of our countrymen. It is now full. ttn by those w ho Lave been distrustful and fiiint-hearted. that the I i. ion i to emerge trium phant fioiu the deadly strife nheruintn she was so wickedly precipitated by her assailants, and that Slavery her rdciitie s foe. is to encoiiHU r the fate of Human. The perils of foreign interven tion und of Western insurrection are safely pass ed ; Abraham Lincoln, no longer assailable as the choice of a minority, holds the helm of State for four years longer.: the Rebellion, palpably weak ened by its defeats and losses during tbe year uow.tlosuig with its credit so reduced that its purse-bearer oiliciaily declares that its Treasury Notes can only be exchanged for coin at the rate Of twenty-five for one. while its bonds command but six cents on the dollar but awaits the blow which shall soon strike tho sword from its parri oilal hand and remit its master-spirits to the jus tice, or it may be to the clemency, of a sorely wronged end jus'ly incensed but forbearing and magnanimous People. Such are the . auspices which jus-'ify our yenr soon to open will seethe Stars and Stripes Uoat unchallenged from every buttJeuu Lt iu the Republic and the perfect law of Liberty for All immovably imbedded in the Constitution of our Union. The New York Tribune, founded in lStl, will enter upon its twenty-fourth year with quickened hopes and enlarged means of usefulness. Its principles need no- re-statemeut: its aims are the diffusion of Intelligence and the inculcation of a spirit of Freedom and Humanity. When this truth i-hall have generally been recognized and es-tabli.-hcd :,s the tasis of our in.-:itutioiij aud poli ty, that injustice to the poorest, tho weakest, the most despised, is a fearful mistake that nocoin inuuity or State can afford to wrong e en its hum blest member then will our land bask once mote in the culm sunshine of peace aud piospority. The Tribune has for the last year been publish ed without profit to its proprietors, solely because' of the depreciation of our Currency below tbe the specie standard, compelling us to buy paper and other materials at a cost considerable above the full amount received from our subscribers On our Weekly edition, the net loss has amounted to many thousands oi dollars; while our large receipts from Advertising have been wholly ab sorbed by the extraordinary expenses for Corres pondence. Telegraphing, Ac . devolved upon us by the War. - As we do not suppose our patrons desire that we should work at our own cost, and prefer not to be patronized by any who may de sire it. we have somewhat advanced for the en suing yearthe prices of . our Seini-Weekly and Weekly, as we had already done with those of our Daily editions. This increase is purely nom inal : there never before was a time when'tbe farmers of our country could buy The Tribune for so little of their own products or labor as they can by the following Terms : ''" - Daily Tribpse. Single copy. . 4 cents Mail subs's, 1 copy. 1 year 312 numbers, , $10 00 Semi-Weekly Iricoe. Mail subs'rs, 1 cepy, 1 year 104 numbers, 4 00 ...do 2 copies, do do "7 00 do 5 copies, or over, to ong address. for each copy .... 3 00 Weekly Tribune. " " Mail subs'rs, single copy. 1 year, 52 numbers 2 50 do Clubs of fi ve,fo una a dies, 10 00 Persons remitting S20 for 10 copies, to one ad dress, will receive one copy extra, gratis. Persons remitting 510 for 20 copies, to one ad liirss, wiH receive one copy Semi-Weekly gratis Persons remitting J80 for 40 copies, to one ad drexsi will receive one copy Daily, gratis Drafts on New Y'ork payable to the order of the ;Tribune." being safer, are preferable to any oth er inode of remittance. But where drafts can not be conveniently procured. United States, or National Bank Lilts are tho next best, and may he sent by mail; but in case of loss, The Tribune will not be responsible unless furnished with a full description of the bills; including the name of the bank, denomination and number, and the. time and place of the mailing of the letter , with the ineUi ures. Address. - . . THE TRIBUNE, New Ycrk H OSTEITE RS' CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, A pure and powerful Tonic, Corrective aud Alterative of wonderful efficacy iu disease of tbe Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Cures, Dyspepsia. Liver Complaiut. Headache. General Debility, Nervousness. lepresion of . Spirits, Consripation, Colic, Intermittent ' Fever3, Cramps and Spasms, and all Complaintsof either Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness whether inherent in the system or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and re storative in its nature enters into the composition of Hostrtter's Stomach- Bitters. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical clement; no fiery excitant ; but it is a- combination of the extracts of rare balsam ic herbs and plants with tho purest and mildest of all diffusive stimulants. It is well to be forearmed against disease, and. so far as the human system can be protected by human means against maladies engendered by au unwholesome atmosphere. Impure water and oth er external causes, llustttter's Bitters may be re lied on as a safeguard. In districts infested with 1'twrand Ague, it has been found infallible as a preventive and irresis tible as a remedy and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of. on attack escape the scourge; and thousands who negleet to avaii themselves of its protective qualities in advance, are cured by a very brief course of this marvel ous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, after be ing plied with quinine for month.? in vain, until fairly satured with that dangerous alkaloid, are not unfrequently restored to nealth within a few days by the use of lIostetrer,s Hitters. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated an l the appetite restored by this agreeable Tontcand hence it works wonders in cases of Dispepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless appcrieut, as well as upon the liver", it also invariably relieves the Constipa tion superinduced ly irregular action of the di gestive and secretive organs. Persons of 'feeble habit, liable to Nervous At tacks. Lowness of Spirits and Fits of Languor.find prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of Lillious Colic is immediately as suaged by a single dose of the stiinulent. nnd by occasionally resorting to it.the return of the com plaint may be prevented As a General Tonic, ll-jsti tier's Bttters produce effects which must be experienced or witnessed before they can be fuily appreciated. In cuscs of Constitutional Weakness, Premature . Decay and Debility and Decrepitude arising from Old Age. it exercises the electric influence. In the conva lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a de lightful invigorant. Whenthe powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-establish them. Last, but uot least, it is the only safe StimuIenU being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from the acid ele ments present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. The iinnietiJa increase ia the sale of Ilostrtt'rs Bitters; both at home and abroad, during the past yearproves that the world, while it obeys the Scriptural injunction to -try all things." only 'Holds fast to that which is good.'' Spurious preparations, like poisonous fungi, are continual ly springing up. but their character is soon dis covered, and they are -Dung like worthless weeds away." On the other hand, a great antidote that performs all it promises, and even more than its proprietors claimed for it on its introduction, is "not for a day, but for all time." No family medicine has been so universally. and. it way be truly added, deservedly, popular with the intelligent portion of the community, mJIus-tett- rs Bitters. Prepared by Hostetteh A Smith. Pittsburg Pa. Sold by all Druggists. G tocers and Storekeepers everywhere. Nov. 10. Ivi3. 1 yr. llEMHOhlVS GENUINE PREPARATIONS. t'oMPofMi Fi.cm EvrKAfT UrrHi-. a Positive and Specific Remedy for diseases -f tne Redder. Kid neys. (Ira cel. o-id Dropsical Swellings. This med icine increases the power of ligction. and excite the Absorbents into healthy actior, bv which the Watery or Caleerous depositions, and all u cultu ral enlarg-Ments are re juctdj as well as Pain and Iullamatitin. 1 1 EL M HO LIPS EXTRACT R U t il U . For Vi'cukne.-s arising from Excesses. Habits of J'issipatbm. early indiscretion of abuse, attended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory. Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves Trembling. Horror of Disease. Wakefulness, Dim ness of vision. Pain in the back. Universal Lassi tnde of the Muscular system. Hot Hands. Flush ing of the Body. Dryness of the tkin. Eruptions on the Face, Palid Countenance These symptoms, if allowed logo on. which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows lm po tency. Fatuity. Epileptic Fits, in one of which the Patient may expire. Who cag say that they are not frequently followed by those Direful Diseases, 'InSTitity und Consumption" Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess the records of the insane as ylums. And melancholy deaths by Consumption bear ample w i'ness to the truth of tho assertion. Tbe Constitution once effected with Orgimie Weakness requires the aid of Medicine tost -cugth-en and invigoratu the system, wbica iielmbold's Extract Buuhu invariably does. A trial will con vince the mott skeptical. . ; FEMALES FEMALES FEMALES. . In many Affections peculiar to Females tho Ex tract Lucbu is unequalled' by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or iieteniion, Ii regularity, Pain fulness,or Suppression of Customary Evacuations. Ulcerated or Scirrhous sta'o of the Uterus, Lou chorroea or Whites. Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion. Habits of Dissipation, or in tho De cline or Cntiitse of 1m ft. Take no n.oro Balsam. Mercury, or unpleasant medicines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Iielmbold's Extract Buchu and Improved Rose Wash cures, Secret Disease, in all their stages, At little Expense. Little or no change in diet. No inconvenience. And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strencth to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions Pje venting and curing Strictures of the Urethra, al laying Pain and lnflamation, so frequent in the class ot diseases, and expelling all Poisonous. Dis eased and worn out matter. ' Thousands upon Thousands who have been the "victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the ' Poison'' has, by the nse of Powerful astringents.'7 . been dried up in the .system, to brcas out in an. aggravated form, and . perhaps after marriage. Use Iielmbold's Extract Buchu for all affections and diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether ex isting in Male or Female from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these organs requires the aid of a "Diuretic. Iielmbold's Extract. Buchu is the Groat Diuretic, and is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for w hich it is recomended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character wilt accompany the medicine. Price S1.00 per Bottle, or six for 5,00. . Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation, t Describe Symptoms in all communi cations. . Cures guaranteed ! Advice gratis ! - Address letters for information to II. B. HELM BOLD. Chemist, 104 South Tentb-st , bel. Chestnut, Phil's, nelmbold's Medical Depot. ' '"-.. Hclmbold's Drug and -Chemical Warehouse. . 591 Broadway, New York. Beware of Counterfeit and unprincipled Deal ers who endeavor to dispose of their own and oth er articles on the reputation attained by Iielm bold's Genuine preparations. -Extract Buchu. Sarsaparilla. Improved Rose wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Ask for Iielmbold's. Take no other. Cut out the Adver tisement and send for it, and avoid exposure. Soy. li, 1863, 1 yr' CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CLEARFIELD. The subscriber having purchased .the furniture and interest from II. II. Morrow, insaij House, is now prepared for the reception of tran siect and permanent boarders. Kverv depart ment connected with his establishment wi'il bo conducted second to none in the county. Ho res pectfully soliciis a share of public patronage. July 11. 18o.-y. GEO. X. COLLI RN. SERIOUSLY HURT ! AU tbe Merchants in the neighborhood of Cur wensville, because I have brought on and opened a large and well assorted stock ot NEW GOODS, which I am selling at extremely low prices for cash. My stock embraces all the variety usually kept in a country store, and selected with an eye to suit these WAR TIMES. I will not, here attempt to' enumerate all the arti cles I keep; and their fabulously low pricca which Imightdo but after you'will have soon and examined for you'selves. you will exclaim, in tne language ot the tueen of the South "HALF HAS NOT BEEN TOLD " I will merely say, come and see for yourselves, for I feel satisfied that I can suit your tastos as well as your purses Lumber and all kinds of produce also taken in exchange for goods. Curwensville. Oct. 22. 1S52. J. F. IRVIN. DEUG-S! DRUGS!! - i. -m m i FRESH -A. 1ST 13 ZPTJ-jR-jB I IIARTSWICK & HUSTON, DRUGGISTS, .MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, Keep constantly on hand a large and well select ed stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, Perfumery, Toilet Goods ULAN K ROOKS St STATIONA K V, TOBACCO & SEGARS, And a general assortment of varieties and fancy articles We respectfully invite a call, feeling confident that we can supply tb wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. April 29, lo64. War in QiirwensviUe! New Good.s Extreraelv Low. STILL A GRAND MISTAKE'.!! T H A T A L L T II E M E It C II A N T S A T C I R W E N S -ville were wounded. 'Tis true, that I was '-.shot at. but missed." but I ha ve procured another new aud large assortment of goods from the city, which I am disposing of at lower rates than any other house in the county. HEAD!! READ!!! READ!!:: Among the Ladies' dress goods will be found Poplins, shallics. delains. lawns, and a variety of other seasonable articles, at the lowest war pri ces. Ladies who wish to make a good invest ment should calj and examine my etock. CLOTniNG AT REDUCED PRICES.": Rye. oats and corn for sulo. Also, bacon, fish, etc., at very low figures. Bei-t sugar at from 12 to 15 crrts per pound. Beslyrup at i'0 ccnlsjer gallon. Ail o'her groceries at the same rate. Hoots and sheas, an-i ?how tir.dii.gj. cheap. Now is the time to buy, when goods are plenty; and all I ask is. forepersons to examine my gooJs and I feel persuaded they will not go away with out purchasii.sr J. D. THOMPSON. Curwensville, May 20th, 1833-jal. FURNITURE ROOMS! JOHN GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and cu'tomers thaf 'having enlarged bis shop and increased his lacilitier for maauiucturii.g. he is i.t.w prepared to niiike to order meh furniture as m.-ty ne de.-ir-ed, ir. good style and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has tn hand at his "at riture Rooms." a varied assortment of furuituie. among which is. .BUREAUS AM) SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes aud Rook-cascs; Centre. Sofa. Parlor. Breakfast aud Dining extension Tables. Comracn, French-posts, Cottage, Jeu-jiy-Liind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL RINDS. W l u-.VTANDS. hat RACKS. "WASH-STANDS, .ie. Hoekiiig-aiHlArinCliairs, Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, an! Tarlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glasses for old frames, wbieh will be put in on very reasonable terms, on short notice. He also keeps n hand, or furnishes to order. Hair. C'orii-hiisk, lialr and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, rm, funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged' for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar. Lin-wco l nnd other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Market street, Clear field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." December 4. 1-Siil JOHN GUELICH. MERRELL &BIGLER Have just opened a large and splendid assort- mcnt of NEAV.GOODS at their old Stand in Clearfield. Penn'a. They have the best assortment of Hardware th.it has ever been brought to this county, which they will sell a' the most reasonable price, among which will be lound a splendid lot of euatery. to which they invite the special attention of'lte public. ... On hand an assortment of heavy silver-plated Forks, Spoons, and Butter knives, of the best manufacture. A lot of pistols of tbe best patterns, and other fire-'irnas. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges ; all of which will be sold at reasona ble prices: - They continue to manufacture alL kinds of tin ware, brass kettles, etove pipe, etc.. which cannot be surpassed in this section of the state. : They a so have on hand Pittsburg Plows, a luong w'lich are steel centre lever plows. Also. Plow castings, and othcrarieultural implements. Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen eral assortment, and of tbe best patterns, for sale at reasonable prices Coal oil. Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and var nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails, iron, aud costings, a great variety; in fact almost anything that may be wanted by the public can be found in their establishment, aud at prices that cannot be beat.. ' Now is the time to purchase, if you desire any thing in their line of business. Give them a call and examine their stock, and they feel assured that you cau bs accommodated. Remember, their establishment is on 2d Street. Clearfield. Pa., where you can buy goods to the very best advantage. . ; Old silver, copper, brass,- pewter and eld oast ings will be taken in exchange for goods. - May IS, 1841. MERRELL k BISLS&. . A. M. liirr s; rn.in.iv ,. ... - J1 his natrons t m , , - '-'Jt . J .VH-.-...I1SI CU!... ... fin t W r - r---. nero, r Jol.t aui ,', . streets at a!! times, except whin notice ar-ii in the tvwn papers to the Contrary .) ulv. V- L00IffiRE!!!" SOMETHING SUBSTANTIAL in LTJSIEEi: CITY JOHN M.xSPENlER Has recently opened a shop in Lumber Cfy p. where he will keep constantly on hand, he'i" m, ' ufactnre to order, all kinds of Tin Srce- I and Copper ware '' " 1 RAFTING STOVES oossUnMy on Uni -which Lumbermen will ,.:e;.se take notic, n. ders for imti,isr, Ronfiu?, j-p resi.ec'fu1' '" lieited. Rep airing promptly attended to. " " Store keepers and dealers suppijeJ &t rri4l , ble",rates. as be intends kei-rinuu6e but tL t of workmen, the public ni:,y rely un N ., ! ,ro,t. Call at the Sb,Ut,aJ f,,t nUn ,Ba' u' for yourselves. J..jiN M 1 l'CLh Lumber-city March 2, l?f4. :; I' ST R E C E 1 V K D AT ov? nau;le's i-Xj CHEAP JEWELRY STORE. i22iBA 'ii uliam s iiow. learlieiu. 1 a., a fine assortincr.t ul WATCHES JEWELRY. Ac, ic, to which wt in vite attention. Gold and Silver buntirg and open faced wa::5i es. to be had at N'AUGLJi'S. T he Auiericun Lever of different uuaHties. cab be had at NALMLK S Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cai::-.o. Coral. 1.4 11 Jett. Curbuncli. tiarnett. Opal. J !. r'p:i:.a :t saic. Goll Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintim-v ic, or single pieces at NAUOLE '!. Plain gold Kreast pins. Eardrops. Hoop Ear r:rji. chiltl ret 'sear drops and rigat N ALM Lb s. Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pen-' and sil ver holders at " NAFtil.E. Gents breast ins. sleeve buttons, shirt .-tads. :!i buckles and gui.rd slides at NAUM."--''". A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ ent styles .1:1 1 quality, gold locket. cora ceck'i ci-s. si 1 v.-r l oin. oles. spt'c; ides, w at h guards nj all iii'lici. s in his li:.e. on h:;nd at NAIGIjUS. J ut r.'t i vd. a line Sor'uuent of Fancy sni coin in on ("lock;, and Farcy Tiiiie-pie-es. from 1 li to 1 j do'iars at NAUG1 E 5. Old ;old and Silver wiil be taken in exchn'fo for goods it NAl ..I.L S. All gojds warrants:! as represented, or the ney retunded. at NAt'iiLK'S If y-iu winh your watches put in good rrf tir and warranted, take l--5i .N'AUtJi.E S. THE KOBEL SEWIKCi MACHIIffi ! - -. - - . v Till: '!'l'n 'Vf'r'lE! tel. i. TiVTSl Jjt 5..- f - THE SHUTTLE STITCH! THE WEED SEWING MACHINE COM."AST, 506 MnoADWAr, Nkw York. , Marfaefure the mo-t perfect Machine for Sewing, of all kinds, ever presented to the Amerirau pun lie, and challenge comparison with any temg Machine made in ihe United States. The WEED Machines, with all their valub improvements,ectirely overcome all iu-perlectiuii They areSiiievior to all otlu-rs. for FiiUiilv nnl MaiiunK'turi!! nir".i'?- Simple in construction, durable in all tbrtr p&r'-1' and READILY l.NI Ei:STO 'I-'. They baveect tair.ty of stitch on all kinds of fabrics, and ore -dapied to a wide range of work without clif" or adjji'mer.t. Using all kinds of thread. ".:' H,m '.. Bind. i,tf. B.uid. T.-ei. Q--' Cnrd. and in fact do all kinds of work reqmrfl by Families or Manufacturers. TLey lake hi tec foci Sims tie. Si i test, which cannot be cicf t for firmness, elasticity, durability and eleffM' of liuis'a. Tliey have ReceiveJ the In-host Tr? ... t :..i ,..., i ..r.i tV..-v bsve ! exhibited in competition w ith other m.i--:r-t We invite till peisons iu search of an instruaf' to execute any kind of Sewing now done by J- chinerv. to inspect tbem. au J curt the. be'-. bv proving the WEED t,ef,,re. ''A " chasing. The Company being duly licensed, Machines are protected again -t iufrincnituti liiigation. I5rPersons st a distance enn orler ''J n:a. with a perfect confidence that tho reach them safely, and that they ' :r ax to manage it to their entire sHii-lieti' n tber aid than the printed tostine'i-" ' ',, nying eaeh Machine. F.verv explauati'.u cheerfully given to all. w hether they wi-h t"Fj,tfc chase or not. Descriptive circulars, together Spwimeus of Work, will be furui.-hed u -desire them, by mail or otherwise. U-ReHahlc Agents Wanted, in in tbe United States, Canada. Brith Frovicc" . , Cuba. Mexico. Central and South Auteric. J India Islands and the Bahama Islands, to we offer grenl inn 'net menu. Energetic nie find it a paying business, as reliabi fct!W1''6 jiT chines have become a necessity in every ' -- We manufacture a great variety of J1."' jj ; which we give a few price? : No .2?Jlifj i ji- No. 3 A 4, Manufacturinir. Set' and 595. WEED SEWING MACHINE cu (Box 2 041 P O.) 500 Broadwsy, : New York, May 25, lSC4.-Sin ; Thomas Mill., - Clearfield. Pv. authorized agent for the sale of the . llatkiae. Call aai I0. L. I. A 1 111. 211.1 , .10 A. ..' . 1 a. - r - y :2 8 a5 n n II