''J JM sr-.y'V'Vr www BY S. I ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1864. VOL.' 11. WO. 17. AFORTCXF. FOR ALL. To any one de sirous of waking their fortune..! will, on re viving two dollars, impart to tlieiu a secret Ljr which lliey may uiu'm themselves i,deincu!:.y Tich Ad-Jrcsd. Dr.O. B.AK.NIM. BC- 7-Slp. 1'b ili'lel fh i aj-eu: CAI'TIO.V. All persons are hereby caution ed again:.! iturcha-irjj or in Bny way meddling with a certain Urowa Alarc, now in pose-sion of Levi Derrick. of Lawrence township, as the same belongs to me and has only l.een !idt on loan with jtaid Derrick, an t is subject to my order. -Des. 7, l&JL- A. C. t IXN"EY mUECSI TRLFS !! The K.Wtbcr having J been appointed an ajrent of the "Marietta Nur-erv" in Lancaster county, would respcetfu! i? ir.fnrmtfca citizens of ClcnrSeH tnnty, thit he is j.rcpurcd at. uii time? l) till orders tor every kind of JVuit Trees and M, rubbery, at proprietor.- price.-. NOkMAX L KfUlNrf, Agent. Clearfield. Ta.. Dec. 7, IStH-.'Sur. riU'R.NI'IKE LLICTIOW An election will J. be held at the offije of tl. L. Heed A Co.. in tiie ltorough of Clearfield, on .Saturday the 31st Decern bor. inst , at 2 o'clock. P. M.. by the Stock holders of the ClearQeb' and Curwensville turn pike company to elect a President. Treasurer and Jiuard of Managers for tha ensuing year. 13y or der of the Priaidcnt. Jas. T Leonard, bee. 7, ISG4 G.L NEED, j?ccyi 7VOT1CE TO COLLECTORS Collectors i. 1 of Taxes for lstil. ate hereby notified that all balances due on duplicates must be pat 1 on or before the 1st day of January. ISsio. to the Treas urer of the county, or Execution, will forthwith isaue and interest will be charged on the same from September, IStiL Uy order a the Hoard, WM. S UK A DLL!', Clerk. Coiutu'rs Office. Nov. 2 i, 1SGI. VDMIMSTKATOU'S "OTICE. Letter of Adniinistjuuon on the Estate of .arali Morgan, late of tim-Iicu towuship. Clearfield coun ty I'a.. decease.!, having been granted to th un-U-'rs'giiC i ;' all persons indebted to said estate are hereby required to make iuiuiediato payment, iml those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settle ment. JAMES II MOH'JAX, Dec. 7. 13fil-itp. Administrator. rnKHPKKA.M'K HOliSK. The sub-cribcr .J would- respectfully inform the citizens of V'leaiDeld cr.umy, that "he has ret ted the -Tipton Ih.te!." and will use every endeavor to accommo date thoe who may favor him with their custom. Jle will try to furnish the table v ilh the best the country cn afford, and will keep hriy and fed to accommodate teamsters. ttitlen;en don't t-"'get the -Tipton Hot-d.'' SAMUEL SMITH. Tipton. Pa . May Si. 1S.GI. C-tLKAK FIELD ACADEMV. 1. W. Me J Curdy. A. B . Principal. The next quarter will open on Monday, the 5th of December, 1 t TERMS OF ll'ITtON AS FOLLOWS : t-oaimnn English, comprisim? the branches net higher than Leading. Writing. Arithmetic, tieortiphy. English Grammar and History, per quarter. ? 5 lid Higher Li.Ush brar.cr.ee, , 7 50 Lanuat-s. ID 00 riu) tiii: assessors or ceeap.fi eld JL t'o'''TT. l!y directions of Inspector oeu ,ra! To Id. you mi hereby ntitieL to make coin lete and forthwith return to litis olllcc. your lists if ettro!!iiii!jt and cl.isiificalii. hf tin menu! the conntr in accordance with the precepts in your Several duplicates It is desired that the awe oe completed during thi month. V.M S. EKADLEr. Clerk. Comru r? 'faoe.- Nov. 2?,. 1 in. I)I.MST!t TORS .NOTICE, oi AdmiiHstraliou on the estate ( -lcttera of James Curley. late of 1'enn townsh ip. Clearfield Co., Pa., dei-e.ised. having heeu granted to tlio undersigned, all persons iudebLed to said estate are requested to make iainiediatc payment, and those having claim? n jainst the tame will present them duly Authenticated L-r settlement. D. II. rAl'LHAMLV. DecembtT 7, l.-iSf. Administratur. RI Lirr NOTICIJ. Tlie Hoard of Eelisf lor the ojuntj- of Clearfield, w ill meet at the ''ijjEmissionprf ' office- in Clearfield, on U'cdnts .ay ar. l TLarsJ.iy, the "Sth aud 29th days .f l't l uiber. LvSt 'j he lioirj of llcEef have Cirected that the wife if th-S'ddier must appear before the b'jard. and iriu-e li?"r sworn statement, doailiji name of "idier. regiment and eniupaoy. a:i 1 when eu lis ted ; tLe number !' i-hiiuren. wi.ii ae urn! .j-tx of e.iclt ; the t- i.-h;p ii. which they re-jHtd at the tun-J .t en! :sru-.rii! . ia.I tuetr oe.-i.-nl resi-leuoe ; iind that .-he i- without il e means of support for herself and ciiil ir:li who are dope l dent .upon her. 1 wo v. itiicsse- of cr&d'.'i;ity l roiu the tonuship in which fhe resides, niu-t also bo prodaeoJ.vv hose certificate (sworn to betor the Eonrd of Ueliet"; tJiust set forth tbst the appli.-ant is the person she rfpresccts heroelf to be. that the itateruer.t of the loiaiber t;nd aio of her family i true, that she ii i: destitute circuit stances at:d her family in ao t'iil want, and that ail the facts set forth in Ler nj :-icatIon uie eorreet and true I o, ms containing these requi-itions can be &b t.dned at the Often of the I:o;-rd of Eelief. v hen ; lic ition is made ar.d the witnesses appear. S. U. UU.uiSof Lhc apl.'oant. properly pruvon, i'l r.e;e ptldouat attendance i'ec. i-i, i.tr.i , V.i. S ERADLEY. clerk. J l:(;iST:R'S NOTICI:. Votf.f is hereby - I- given, that the following accouulj have been -J iiiiiiied and pased by me. and remain tiled of tfi'"id in this office for the inspection of heirs. I' Mtees creditors. and all others in any other waj iiitere.-ted. and . will be presented to the net"r T'iia us' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at ihe i'.,i:rt llant, in the. Eorouih of Clearfield, 'luuiviieing on the 2d Monday cf January. JSOj. final acciiuut of John Korabauh, AJm'r, and ''ry lli.rgunder, Adm'x. of all and yinular the ii "'i-- atip ehiittels, rights and crediU which were "f John Eurgunder late of Eurnside towuship, viearfield county, deceasdd. Kiu.-.l account ol Elias Uhh?I, Administrator of A" and singular the KK'3!tnd chattels, rights and ertkiis. which were of Philip' Ivriuer, late of Dra sy Y- Clearfield county, dee'd. Final account ot Valentine ITegal, surviving Adui'rs of David Fiegal. dee'd. Miial account of Cyrenus Howo. Adtoi.Distrator " -Mary huieal, Aiiiu'rx of all and singular the tff'li audehattels, rights and credits, which were l'eter Smeal. late of Decatur township, Clear ed county, deceased. , inal account ot Mary Lydick, Adm'rx of all -"' singular the good and chattels, rtghti and "edits, which were of John Lydick, late of township. Clearfield county, dee d, toe account of 'tn Hoover, AdtuV of John "rcy. late 0f Bradford tp , dec d. The account of Lmeline Owens. Adm"rx, and "ihocy Hilc. Adra'r of all and singular the goods r-a chattels, rights nd crediu, whioU were of toomas Owens, late of Peun township, Clearfield c"Uy deceased. ite account of John M. tSeylcr. guardian of Ir'v lenti. miner child of John I'entz, late T;rady township, deceased. ,r , 0 account of James A. Campbell, Adininis ri 'y'f01 " ant uBular ttiv goods and chattels, KtUad credits, which were of Ueorge Young, 'e of bell tp., Clearfield Co.. dee'd fi . ; ISAIAH Q. UARGEIt. Register. KBUter' Offio, Dec. 7, 1 .- - " OCvVU. A CE2TAIU Y0U5G- WIDOW. She is modest, but not bashful, Free uud easy, but not bold. Like an iipplt. ripe aud mellow, Not too young aud not tooold, Half inviting, half repulsive, Now advancing, and now shy. There is mischief in her dimple, There is danger in her eye. ?he has studied human nature; r-he is schooled in all its arts: J-he has taken her diploma. As the tuUtreas of ail hearts. She cau toil the. very moment When to siirh and when to smile; O, a maid is sometimes charming, Rut a widow all the while. Are you sad; how very serioug Will her handsome face become; Are you ansjry '. Mie is wretched, Lonely, friendly, tearful, dumb ; A re you mirthful ? how her laughter, silver-sounding, will ting out; She can lure, and catch and play you, As the anglerdoes the trout. Ye old bachelors of forty, Wha have grown so ld and wise; Young Americans of twenty. With lovc-looks in youreyea; You inoy practice all the lessons Taught by Cupid since the fall, Hut I know a little widow. Who would wiu and fool you all. 0 US HJgAKOIAL STRENGTH. Mr. LoRl.v JJi.odoet has imblisbed a rc m:irkaMe phHUipLlet on the Conmiereial aul Fii;-jHcutl strength of the United States as shown in the balances of Foroin Trade Mid the increased in oductioii of .staj lo arti cles. Its object is to prove that the resour ces rf the country are far preater and its condition iitr uiore favorable' than is com monly supposed; and especially to Ueuion stiute two proposiUoas; that the balance of trade betwceiv the United States and foreign nations is largely in our favor; aud Kr.'yitt'?, that not'.Tith.standing the war the prod.ierion of the loj-a! States is preater tifttj it was at the outbreak of the llebel- liOl). oul jast and a-leiaate meaanr j of the national resources.'' says Mr. Biodget, '"istobe reached thron;.li a calculation oi' the juatitities of ail articles of valae iro-dtu-f'l, and of the exchases, both, of quan tities and values, eondutted with foreign co'.m'iies.'' Pleasured by these two htaml avds, the actual wealth of the country i? utuch greater than ordinary estimates make it. Mr. Ulodgot considers first the travie with foreign countries, ns being the-txpres-sinn of the actual rel!:fs of the; industry and productiveness of the country ; and on this point generalizes the res tilts of Lis in vestigations as follows: '"Contrary to the impression almost uni versally prevuleiit, foreign exchanges do mt draw an exhausting balance front us, nor have they dune so in recent years at least not sin-.re 1S5S. Still more important is the fact thrit .-mce the war the balances in favor of the United States in fortigu tiaile have iucr!;aed greatly ov-tr tne of any year im mediate',' preceding. This balance was twii-e as great in J JS(i!-.'i as it was in lS"C-()0, oi tog in the la.-t tumei year .U.,'Ji6,UUO, while in LsCJ-:i it was iiT'A0ol,00i.. The fads and figures cited on both those jiointr., klihoJigli relat.i'.ig in part to years be- ibre ihu war, aio new u the public, and have ii: .l hejctxloro been collected in any authentic and aetes.-i.Ue ibrm. Such returns of total exports for resent years as have been published require to be corrected by adding the actual reports of the cotton crop of 1SC0, which mainly went out while the Southern ports were still open, vet was not embraced in the published report of trade for S('O-01. Correcting the tables on the principles authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury d ring the jeriol when these ports wore actually open, the totals for that year become : Exports : : : Imports : : : $4 10, .-(; 18 352,075.535 . Balance iu favor of U. S. $jS,S81,2S3 The uiiet-nct-ted tables gave a balance the other way of $0,:jt).3,H4O. Yet even this correction is below the real value of. the ex ports of produce from Southern ports du ring the period unreported... .But taking this .statement for the year 1SG0-G1, the comparison of the totals of foreign trade for a series of years to 1S63, thows that: '"The scale of excess of exports establish ed in 1S54-5, rises gradually and steadily to 1m53. Its average i'or the lat two years, the worst of the war, is $51,S0O,OOO each year. Its average for the two years prece ding the war, 1S53-59 aud JSo'J-CO, was siIS.OoO.OuO each, year only. Eor the last period of six years the total excess of ex ports is 2i0,4S-L,37O, an annual average of j4,161,1V4." . This statement iucludes the mutual ex changes of gold, and excludes exchauge re mittances' If, however, gold is not to be reckoned as merchandise and is excluded, it remains true that : '"The annual balance of aggregate foreign trade in favor of the United States for six years to July 1, 1863, was $43,414,095, and that the annual excess of the gold sent abroad, over that imported for the same e riod. was onlv $34.56C,J33. There was, therefore, a balance exclusive of gold iu fa vor ol the United States averaging annu ally $S47,0Gi" ' . Comparing Iho British oineial returns of trade between the United States anl Great Britain with our own official returns, it ap pears, deducting the value of gold aud silver exchanged from both imports and exports that: "The average in favor of the United States for three years before the war is $-0--178.f0t); for three years of the war $4-,-847,5.39, and for six years $34,513,082. But the true averages are of the totals in cluding gold, which are : For three years before the war $01,770,353 For three years of war : : : 53, 4 '.5, 690 For six years :::::: 59,298.085 So that bv either method of calculation it is demonstrated that the balance ol trade remains during the years of war as it was before, with the United States, and not with foreign countries in general, uor with Great Britain in particular.. The second division of 31 r. Blodget's pamphlet treats of the "increased quan tities of important articles produced iu the United States;" and its aim is to show that our actual products have not fallen oil in consequence of, the war but have been in fact largely augmented during its contin uance. To this view we have no other sug gestion to make than that, while we accept the evidence of increased values, we cannot suppose and we do not know that Mr. Blodget means to argue that the condition of the country !is more favorable than it would have been had there been no war. That it is in advance of what it was four years ago is abundantly, demonstrated by the facts which this pamphlet adduces; but we conceive it to be equally demonstrat ed that this increase is not in consequence of the war, but in spite of it. 'lo many branches of industry' the war has supplied an unwonted stimulus, but it is impossible to suppose that on the whole the United States wuuld not have been a richer country if the energies of a million of citizens had been turned steadily to productive, instead of destructive, employments. We can present Mr. Blodget' s figures on ly in the most condensed form. He shows that the eastward tonnage of all classes of merchandise increased from 4,734,714 tuns in IStiO to (5,290,424 tuns in 18G3 ; in which the New York Canals, the New York Cen tral, the Erie, aud the Pennsylvania Bail roads arc included. The total tuunage in creased in the same years from 7,780,321 to 10,505,248. Elaborate tables of different ar ticles moving at the different important points are given at Chicago, Milwaukee, at Green Bay, at Toledo, at Buffalo. In ev ery eae the positive increase of 1803 over 1800 and 1859 is enormous; and this wheth er the total tuunage, or each specific article, be considered. At Chicago, for instance: "The increase of wheat is nearly twice, of corn nearly six times, and of the total oi cram much' more than three times in 103 over 85iL An unusual season occurred in 1803, reducing all grain crops largely below the average of years, otherwise the ratio 'of increase iron: 1859 to 1802 would have been maintained.'' At the sanie place the increase in cattle, hog, leef, pork, lard, tallow, and bacon, far exceeds the" increase in grain. At Mil waukee, the increase in grain is nearly three fold in five years. At Green Bay, the in crease is nearly fourfold in 163 over 1800. At Buffalo the total in bushels of grain in creased from 27,089,461 in 180O, to 04,735, 510 iu 1863. Fork and beef at the same point were, in 1859, 44,010,950 lbs : in 1803, 1 49.42,894 lbs; and at the other principal points where this great movement of pro duce may be measured at Cleveland, Erie, Dunkirk, Niagara, Oswego, Ogdensburg, and Champlain, similar results are present ed. Their gnu-mi result is shown in the entuniary of receipts at the termini of trans portation to the seaboard, which in bushels of flour and grain compare as follows : In 1859, 44,354,225; in 1863, 116,307,548. The same or similar proportions of in crease, Mr. Blodget shows to have occurred in the production of iron, "of copper, and of coal, while to take one article which has been almost created as a commodity of com merce within the san e period, petroleum, the increase is from 750 bbls. in 1859, to 2, 220, 000 in 1860. Anthracite iron was in 1859, 286,332 tuns; in 1863. 430,000 tuns. ' Cincinnati is an inland city, usually tho't to be greatly dependent on its connection with New-Orleans, and with the planting States generally, for the larger share of its trade. It is therefore an extreme case of the depression which the war may be thought to have produced ; yet its product increases as follows: Iu 1859, the hogs packed were 382.825 ; in 1803, 608,457. l'ork, from 76, 565,200 lbs, increased to 123,516,771 ; Oats from 557,701 bushels to, 1,504,430. And though the Mississippi trade during this pe riod has almost been annihilated, the gener al result at Cincinnati is an increase in all the quantities of merchandize handled, aver aging from 5u to 00 per cent. A still clearer view of the essential facts in tliis demonstration is presented by the followiug table, showing, in certain Lading articles, the exerts of quantities exported La 1802-3 over 1859-00: Wheat, bushel, : : : 32,005,201. Wheat "Flour, barrels, : 1,778.459 Indian Corn, bushels, : 12,805.321-' Indian Meal, barrels, : : 24.23 Fork, barrels, ':::;.. 122,878 Lard, pounds, : : . . : 115,047,077 Hams and Bacon, lbs. : 192,399,000 Butter, pounds, : : : 27,531501 Cheese, pounds, : : : 25, 529, 255 Tallow, pounds,- : : : 48,523,21 'J Lard and Whale, oil, gallons 2,0J 3,551 Petroleum, eallons, : . : 27,934.944 Candles and Soap, pounds, 4.041,197 Spirits, gallons, : : : : 3,29s,lo5 . Clover Seed, pounds, :. : 19,37 ,MK) . Hops, pounds, : ; : : 8,580.82-1 Total excess in grain and flour, iu bush els. 53.824.072. Total excess of meats and like animal pro ducts, pounds, 458.791,059. Total excess of oils, gallons, 29,948,495. Total excess of spirits, gallons, 3,298,195. Approximate tunnage in excess, 3,845, 207,293 pounds ; equal to 1,716, 7G6 tuns (of 2,240 pounds). The importance of this increase is most strikingly shown by comparing the quanti ties of these articles exported in 1859-00 with the increase : Total weight of these exports in 1859-60, 1,240,3,S8,'J44 pounds, 550,423 tuns. Total weight of these exjorts in 1S02-03, 5. 091. 055.930 pounds, or 2,273,000 tuns. Increase, 3,45,207,293 pounds, or 10o, 100,401 pounds more tl an three times the entire export of these articles in 1859-00. "In all this calculation," says Mr. Blod get, "attention lias exclusively been given to the quantities produced and exported, and it reaches the remarkable result that tin ftbsohitc Junnage of increase, in Northern prodm tx r.i'cre'ls the aetwil tnuuageof South ern 2u I nets lost to the exports through the Rebellion. In weights and quantities, that enormous deficiency has already been filled from the surplus products of the loyal States." Who, then, shall descend so low as to despair of a Republic that exhibits in the midst of a desolating war this unpar alleled energy in peaceful and productive pursuits? Mr. Blodget's conclusion from the great mass of facts, which we have thus abridged, is' succinctly stated: "Not to cucumber the two points developed ia this paper with any detail not absolutely necessary, the case is closed, here. Much more might be said,and many facts scarcely less striking may be ci ted, but it is proposed only to bring out the two great results : First that the exchanges of the loyal United State? with all foreign nations still produce large annual balances in our favor; and, Second, that the produc tion of these loyal States has increased al most five-fold at a time when half-hearted friends and open enemies have' joined in predicting its ruin." The Decay of Conversation. The ancient art of talking is lulling into decay. It is an ascertainable fact that, in proportion to an increased amount of pop ulation the aggregate balk ol conversation is lessoning. People now-a-days have some thing else to do than taik ; turt only do they live in such a hurry that there is only leisure i'or just comparing ideas as to the weather, but they have each and all a gross quantity to do, which puts talking out of the question. If persons remain at home they lead ; if they journey by rail, they read ; if they go to the seaside, they read ; we 'nave met misguided individuals out in the open fields with books in hand ; young folks have been seen underneath trees and upon the banks of rivers, jwring over pages ; on the tops of. mountains, in the desert, or within forests everywhere men pull printed sheets from their pockets, and in the earliest, la test, highest occupations of life, they read. The fact is incontestibly true, that modern men ana women are reading tnemseives in to a comparatively silent race. Beading in the great delusion of the present time ; it has become a sort of lay piety ; according to which, the perusal of volumes reckons as gcod works ; it is, in a word, the supersti tion of the nineteenth century.- Chambers' Journal. An Immense Establishment. The Cambria Iron Works, Johnstown, Pa., are being en 'arged, though already the most complete ani extensive establishment of the character in -the country. These works give employment to a about two thousand five hundred workmen, whose la bor produces every week an average of over eight hundred tuns ol railroad iron, lhe ore and coal necessary to produce this, iron are takinjr out of the hills surrounding Johnstown, to the large and seemingly inex- haustable deposits of which the location of the rolling mill at that place is due. The luonthby payments of the proprietors of the rolling mill to their employees, to neighbor ing fanners, lumbermen," etc., amounts to about one hundred thousand dollars, nine tenths of which sum passes at once through the channels of home trade, '..".; . ' Manufactures are developing on the Pa cific slope. In Oregon city, the edifice for an extensive woolen factory is going up. The Pittston GazctU, has raised its price to three dollars a year not a cent too much. SKETCH OF JUDGE SPEED. Judge James S. Speed, of Kentucky the newly appointed Attorney General, is a res ident of Louisville, Ky., and was born near that city. HLs lather was one of most ex tensive farmers and slave owners in Ktn tiicky. His mother, who is still living, at the advanced age of nearly ninety years, in Louisville, has had twelve children, one of whom. .Joshua Speed, an elder brother of the subject ot this sketch, was for many yoars the bosom friend and lor. a short time the partner of President Lincoln. This gentleman is also Ktiil living at Louisville, where ho enjoys an enviable character as an able lawyer aud influential, enterprising cit izen. dames S. Si wed has not been promis cuously before thevountry as a politican. I n IS 19, during the attempt to emancipate the slaves in Kentucky, and make the State a frxe one, Mr. Speed took a prominent part iu the contest as an emancipationist. His party was badly defoateU.and having expres sed in the contest views which were obnox ious to the large majority of tlu voters of Kentucky; 31 1 Speed had declined to at- tempt to attain any o;itical sacoess. Since that period he lias, therefore, coniiucd him self to the practice of law, and has ' long been recognized as among the first lawyers of his native State, ranking with Rousseau and several others who have figured more prominently thau himself during the war. About three years ago 'Mr. Speed freed all his slaves, committing, himself entirely to the policy of emancipation. In the beginning of the rebellion Mr. Speed, with his brother Joshua, Gen. Rous seau, Judge Harlan and others, assumed a determined stand in opposition to the ne u tral position forced upon 'Kentucky by the conduct of her authorities, but confined himself to quiet though earne-t efforts to stay the current which was fa-t. carrying the State out of the Union. On August 17, 1801, an opjntrtunity ofKred itself to the U nion men to take some action against the se cessionists, and Judge Speed, as the Union leader, determined, to take advantage of it. The secessionists of the city bad called a meeting of sympathy with the South, and had early mustered their strength at the court house. Their leaders were on the stand, which was handsomely decorated with white or "peace"' flags, awaiting the killiig of the hall by their friends, and somewhat anx ious at tne appearance ot numerous well known Unionists or "abolitionists," as they were then called by the rebel sympathizers. Everything YUi readiness to opcu the peace meeting, and Jaues Trabue,the prin cipal secession leader, had risen to call the assembly to order, when Judge Speed quiet ly walked upon (he stand and approached the desk prepared for the chairman. He called the attention of the hou.-e by rappingon the stand with his cane, knocked aside w ith an air of contempt the "peace flags" on either side of hitii and was about to speak wheu he was interrupted by the clamor of the rebel leaders, wno insisted that the house was theirs and that the meeting was to be addressed by them. Amid the excitement aud above the clamor which ensued was heard the steutoriau voice of General L. H. Rousseau, proposing Judge Speed as presi dent of the meeting. He immediately put the question to a vote. A aeafenin Ave! ' drowned the'nie-i" of the rebels, and per fectly calm and cool. Mr. Speed reached forward, lemovedthe white flags Iroui the stand, and unfurled two small star spangled banners in their stead. Iu an instant, as if by preconcerted arrangement, from different parts ( f the hall large and small United States flags were unfurled, aud tcu minutes afterward the secessionist had left the hall,, amid the groans of loyal citizens. Judges Speed and Harlan, and ' Messrs. 'Wolff, Rousseau and others followed iu strong U niou -anti-neutral speeches, and- the meeting adopted several very strong .resolutions. Next to General Rousseau's establishment of a Union recruiting camp-opposite Louis ville.' tnis atiair wa the lirst ictertnmed step taken by the Unionists of Kentucky to keep the State iu the Union. Shortly after wards it w as followed by Rousseau's occupa tion of the city with his brigade, and the conclusion of the farce of Kentucky neutral ity. Since tl is period Judge Speed has oecu em. aired in aiding tne cause .: tne trov- ernment as a private citizen".' and to his in fluence and example in lventuiKV tne ad ministration of Mr. Lincoln Liuiuch indebted for the suppoit which it received in that election. 1 Mr. Speed i nlout fifty years of age, and is ye.-, in the vigor of his power. He is short in stature, and, though squarely built, is somewhat thin in appeareuce. . The reputa tion" as a lawyer which he had previously won,' aud his influence with the military power at Lousviile. has of late years very much augmented his business. He formed a copartnership in the law business with Samuel I). Smith, which isi still continued in their joint name?; Some of the Southern papers Iwgin to talk as though they were about to confess and ask to be forgiven. Thus the Jackson JHi.sinstjHan concludes a forlorn article by saying: "The North was fanatic; the South was ignorant ; the North bullied : the South bantred ; Slavery teas the rock Otat sh iptcree.ed the Ship vf State.' ' , .True. The "North American Review" argues, that profanity indicates a chronic weakness of intellect and a poor education, i'or it requires no genius to swear, while it does require some decent taste and culture to converse iu genteel language. .We wish all the swearers might take the hint. A pretty woman would rather have a tubercle on her lungs than a pimple on her nose. " .. ; .. . ; ... . '. . . Conscience is a monitor, but in most ca ses we fear the monitor is iron-clad. ' COEEESPOND'EXCEJJF TEE JCUENAL. To iiiK RDrrouut the Jolu-nal: Sir: I herewith send yoti an abstract of the Me teorological re tort for November s04, as mado to the iepartment of Acricuhure at asiungtou, F. C, which please insert it you think, it worthy a place in your columns. CbservAtions ami Seniarks. Nov. 1 The month conies in line and clear; frost; barometer well up, 28.32; thermometer, 32. 2 & 3 mostly cloudy; bar. falling fd.-t. 4 still cioudy ; rain; barometer very low, 7.35 at noon, rising iu the afternoon. 5 snow 2 inches, looks like winter; clear ed off in the evening. 7 cloudy, very light rain ; bar. rising. 8 & 9 showery. 12 light snow ami rain at neon ; evening, cloudy, snow, appearance of dreary winter. 13 siiowr2 inches, with flying clouds and sunshine ; snow-squalls and cold in evening. 14 moderately cloudy through the day at 11 p. m. totally overcast with mackerai colored clouds. 15 cloudy and snow, threatening rain. 10 fine and clear. 17 tain and sleet. 18&1J cloudy ; snow going off ; strong light at the north, evoning.ot the 19th. 20 heavy frost ; cloudy and rain in the afternoon. 21- 23 cloudy; rain; snow and cold ; on morning of 23d mercury 16 and snowing, and at 9 on the eve ning of the same day. 24 cold, mercury at 15 ; clear and fine, thawing through the day; barometer high, 28.-13 at m., and 28.48 in the ecning, clou dy at d still. 25 mostly clear ; barometer very high, 28.52 in morn; commenced to sink slowly. 20-27 mostly cloudy; barometer sinking slowly; cleared off evening of 27th. 28 cloudy and drizzling rain ; barometer still sinking slowly. 29- 30 mostly warm. without rain or snow, the ground bare ; partially cloudy ; little or no wind. 30 it Bee. 1st, more favorable for gather ing in crops, thau at any time l-.r ccral weeks. I luring the past month clouds and mois tare hive predominated. No great rains or high water, and very moderate w inds. No severe stu; m.s : three light snows, eight in ches in all. Range of barometer greater than for lour months past, being 27.35 in ches on the 4th and 28.52 on the 25th. The thermometer was 9 on the evening of the 23d and 15 on the morning of the 24th; aud 05 at 2 p. m. on the .9th aud 62 at 2 p. m, on the 29th. And now, Dec. 1st, the month has gone out warm and pleasaut, with ba rometer rising. Mean of thermometer from three observa tions daily. CO,1; degrees. Mean of barome ter. 28.08 inches. Depth of snow fell during month 8 inches. Bain, or melted snow in inches, 3.900. Pcnn township. ' E. F. Ailms Lost in Battle. That a raw sol dier, in the excitement and agitation of bat tle may fail to discharge his gun, and put charge upon ebarire until it is loaded to bur; ting, is probable enough. But the ex tent to which this sort ot blundering pro ceeds is greater than most persons would supprwe. : In the annual report of the Chief of the Burcuu of Ordinance of the Navy Department, it is stated "On the field of Gettysburg there were 20,574 guns picked up, and of these 21,000 were found to be loaded, and half of them were double loaded. One fourth had from three to ten loads in. and many had five or six balls to one charge of powder. In some cases lhe powder was above the ball,, in o thers the c-iifridgfs were not broken at the end, while in i'; n.usket twenty-three balls, sixty-two buckshot, and a quantity of pow der were all mixed up together." "Tommy, my son. what are you going to do with that club?" "Send it. ro the editor, of course." "But what are you. going to send it to th cdirpr for?" '"Cu.e hesavs if anrbodr will send him a club, he'll send them a copy of his paper. " 'i he mother came pretty near fainting, but retained consciousness enough so a-.k, "But, Tommy dear, what do you suppose he wants wiih a club?" '"Well, I don't know," replied the hope ful urchin, "unless it's to knock down sub scribers who don't pay for their pqper." . In New York volunteering goes on brave ly, and substitutes are supplied to all ma king application to headquarters. Six hun dred and fifty dol'ars for a three j'ears man is cheap to what it will be two months hence. An Irishman, sent to trim a young orch ard, was asked at night if he had finished. "No," said be, "I have cut the trees down, and shall trim theru all to-morrow." That chap deserved a trimming, euro. One of the rebel officer prisoners at John son's Island has given birth to a "bouncing boy." So ays the .Sandusky Ueqister. The Register informs u that the "officer is undoubtedly a woman." Some one has taken the trouble to calcu late what it costs to support all the dogs ia the world, and has concluded that the ex penses amounts to about thirty million dol lars annually. " . The milkmen of New York have deter mined upon another advance in the price of milk, and propose to charge fifteen cents a quart after the first of January. - The bloodhound captured with the rebel General Marmaduke, is on exibition at Chi cago. The North-Western Indians want gold in stead of greenbacks for their annuities, 11 tl m it: ( A I