Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 14, 1864, Image 1

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    - il 1 1 will II II m mill-
, ' , ; :
VOL. 11. NO. 10.
Fourth Annual Message of
Delivered, December Sth, 1864.
7b fc Senate 1 louse J Ji'Vi-tnur-
fivi. " " - .. , . .
iuudant harvests ciain. our protounue,t grat- ,
itude to Almighty Uod. . !
The condition of foreign atlairs is reason- (
t;a.s . Again the blessings oi neauu aim a-
. i .. ..iritinrm' 1 1 1 lit i 1 1 i ii iu i '
H ;
it- i
the theatre of civil war. While our polit
u i ii v . 1 1 i 1 1 1 . - - -
iial relations with that cduntry have under- .
gone uo change, we have at the same time ;
htrietlv maintained neutrality between the
llliuerents. At th reiiuest ot the btates ;
uf Costa Kica and Nicaragua a competent j
engineer has been authorized to make a snr- !
vev f the river San J uan, unu the port oi
S'l'iiJuau. It is a Mjuree ot niuca satistae-
tion that the ditlicultles whicli, for a mo
ment, excited some political apprehensions
tiiid iausedac-loniiiftof the inter-oceanic trau
sitroute have been amicablyad.iusted.and tha
there is a good prospect that the route will
soun be reojiened with an increase of capa
bility and adoption. We would not exa.ger
ate "cither the ommeivial .or political :m
portaneo of that great improvement. It
Smith Aini!r;t-aii Suite not to arkirwl
, -
1'..' :
i.viui.. - - ,
tbu il!i'..-l iw f r.'ibkix-ss :iflil -ord!ahtT Wltll i
. , i
...... 3 r . . it 1 i- " 1
which the I nited states ol l omuioi.t 1
ave !
entered into intimate lciuiioiis wuh tins 1
government. A claim convention has been j
constituted to complete the untiushed work j
of the one winch closed its sessions in isi.i.
The new liberal constitution of Venezuela !
havinsr gone into effect with the universal .
acqu;cscciiee oi the people, toe l-;ov i.niuiei.i. ;
under it has been rocngnuea ami tiiiiiouiai-
ii- inrereourse with it has. Lt
vmli:d fricll llc MUrit
rf.l Aux island 'aim has been satisfactorily
d and discharted. ?.lutuid payments
ii.ive lnjeii inade of the clalits awarded by
the Joint Commission iorlhe scitlcinents of
claims between-the I'nite I States and Peru.
An earnest and cordial friendship continue?
to exist between the two o'uutries and such
efforts as were in my power have been used
10 rem ive misuu -Utau ling anl avert a
threatened war between lVru and Spain,
Oar relations ;;re of the most friendly na
ture with (Jl.ili. the Argentine Jb-put'lic,
liolivar, Costa Ki.-a, l'araguay, San Salvador.
and Uayti. J hiring the past year no diher-
in t s ot anv kiuu nave arisen w mi any oi
these rcj ul'lics. and on the oilier hand their
sympathies with the I'nited States are co
Mantly expressed. The claims arising from
the seizure ot the earsro of the biig .Mace
donian, in IS'il. lias been paid in lull by the
poverr.ni'.uit of Chili. Civil war continues i
in the Sj aiiish coast id" San l;nuiiuro, aopn- !
rently vvi;ln:u: miv j iospect of an cai iy close, j
Oilicial coiH'spoiideiK-e has been opened i
with Libera, and it gives us v pleasing view j
ot social and and political progress 111 tu:iL
l!epublic. It is expected to derive new vig
or lrom American influence, improved ly
. - 1 .- . 1 ... - .1. 1 -
uie rapiu uisappeai.iuce w slavery m uu ,
nue.i states. 1 solicit. ..ur auM.um.v 10 . 1.u,ir:,..,;irr 5l!.),i;!yig the rights of tan
tuinish the Itci ubne a guid oat at a mooer- 1 . , 1.. ,1 u ,i,,. it, .;.,,
. . , - . . l T 1 I
aiC COM. IO I'C l "lill lit 11 e li mv- 1.111
Matcs by iflstallmeuts. Such a vessel is . w,.n tcl,rt..ral.nvV established by the reci
iieediU lorthesaietyoi that tateagauisUhe J ?:n.:tv tlvurv oi-,iu. ijft, iMUne. sr,4. L
native African race, and in Libcrian hand-, it ; ti,..jir.; UlW,."Vl.r to be undcrstoud while ma-
wotiiu oe more aueciive in aiiesunv 11. .11- .
tmg tne Al- .
idrou in r
m Slave Trade than a --'ria iiou 1:1 our :
.v n
hands. The possession of the least j
. : t . ! 1 :
omanizou navai nuce uia Minmi.iie a gen
erous ambition on the part of the llepubhe,
and the confidence which we should mani
fest by iurnishing it would win forbearance
;.ad favor towards the colonies from all the
tivaiized nations.
The proposed overland telegraph between
Ame.-ica and Europe, by the way of JBeh
ling Straits, and Asiatic llussbi, which was
faiictioiitd by Congress at the last session,
lias been undertaken, under very favorable
circumstances, by an association of Aaieii
eiiizens, with the cordial good will and sup
port ot this (j!ov eminent, as well astho.-eof
tireat Britain and iliissia. Assurrances
t-iv ri.ii received fVoiii must nt the South
American States .f their appreciation of the
.... . ... ...t ... . m.l tl.i.iv 1-.iinini. Iri nii.rii.iii-ltD 1
T 1 1 1 C I I ist . fliivi I iit.il il nniiii .T lu i 11 nin i ui.
in constructing lines tnoutary io mac worm
encircling communication. 1 learn, with
I . I . .1 1 '
i i- .i . i ..Mi:
much satisfaction, that the noole design d
telegraphic commuidcation between the I
r.ast.-rn coast ol America ftudi.reat t.ritam :
has beet, renewed with full e:f. fetation of ,
. ..i in i
us e:
uriv accompustimeiit. i nus ii is impeu -
hl, ,!... '.,, -.f dumestie i.eace. !
., ... , - ..itlici.
eouutrv will be aole to lesunie, vitucn-i
: and advantage, her former high eu- i
..f; Zu f.iv;ii7:,thn. t
i. . . : .i. .. .' a i.i., MM.n. I
V 1 i those who come from other lands to cast
tatne r.i Lgypt died in Apul last, an uii- ; ....
pleasant altercation which arose ktTOttllr'u . , '
tile temporary incumbent of the office and. ' J lie Imancial a.1 airs of the Government
tin- Government of I'asha. resulted in a mis- have been successhmy adniinistere.l. Juring
i ension of intercourse. ' The error was the last year the legislation ot the last ses
prvuiptly corrected on the arrival of the sue- ; mou ot Cou-rress has benehciady ef.ec.edtlic
eessi.rin the Consulate, and our relations . revenue, although sudicient time ha.snotyet
with Kgvpt as well as the relations with the . elapsed to experience the in.l cilet-t ot sever-liarla.-v"
powers are entirely satisfactory. al of the provisions ol the act. ot Congress
The rebellion which has so long been tbg- j hi posing increased taxation. 1 he receipts
rant in China has at last leon suppressed j during the year trom all sources upon the
iih the co-operating good offices of this , basis of warrants signed by the secretary ol
'-b-.verr.i... nt and the ' other commercial treasury, including loans, and the balance in
tate. The Judicial Consular establish- I the 1 reasury on the first day o. July, 1st. .,
ier,t has liecome verv difficult and onerous, j were $l,.7.4.7U',007 62 and the aggregate
and it will need Legislation to adapt it to ! disbursements upon the same basis, were 1.
the extension of our commerce and to the 1 29S,05o,101 leaving-a balance in he
more intimate intercourse which has been , Treasury as shown by warrants, ot
mstitutpd with the government and iople '-7a9,9Uo.,.k Pettuct lrom these amounts the
f that vast emnire. China seems to beae- amount of the priaciial of the public debt
r-(..t: i. . ..i.. i :n i. .....-li...
tionrtl ;aw which regulate commercial and ;
I 1 1 1 1 : Willi If.i III I H II I Ik III I IIG 10111V.U .
-''!i.ii tuwa wnicn reguiaie commercial uuu ,
s:cial intercourse among the western na- 1
hens. Owing to the jieculiar situation of
'Japan and the anomalous form of its gov-
fc"ua;iit th action uf that Kninire in ier
forming treaty tiulationd is inconstant and
j-aprk-inus. Nevertheless good progress La
Vlng with enlightened concerL Our own
pecuniary claims have been allowed or put in
0uw of eettlement, and the inland tea '
i has been re-opened to commc ce. There is
I ings have increased rather than dim Wished
! the friendship of Japan towards the United
i States.
O ri U 1 I k T r iu tJT'l T I'll I M " I Ml-rii- '
. . . 1 -I . I i
The ports of Norfolk, iernaudiiia and
lV.i.-aeola have been opened by proclama-
tion. Ills hoped that toreign merchants
more profitable to-themselves,- as well as
. t, iy :t i states, to resort to
these and other open port
i . 1 i
ii it is to
a t.011t,..aI)d t'rade with other ports
vyj1ji.j1 are if ot bv ai;tual military
0(..cu,,at-!oll. at k-ast by a lawful audefleetive
b..ka.j0 '
luvil'. i ji:ivt. ,,.ubt (f the power
jind ((lU: ol- thu jXc.,.utive ull.Jer the law of
li:llitU;, "to exclude the enemies ot the hu-
Criim :in :iv urn in the l:. Mute.-
! If Con irrcss should thm that proceedings
: in such case laek the authority of law, or
I to be further reLniluted by it, I vec-
! ouiend that rovi.-ioii be made for eilectual
! lv preventinir f. '-reign slave traders ijom ac
i (ju'ring domicil and facilities for their cr'nn
i nal occupation in our country. H is pos.-i-;
that if it were a new and opru ijViesti..n,
! the maritime powers, with the rights they
lilKII ' - ----- "
now cniov, wouiu nor conecue uie pi i ih-..-. ,
, i i ii- ... . .i... : .-.('
Tiowcnioy, would not ennceue tne i.nv:icg
or a naval i.ig'ueut uniic m.uisoin 1
. . . . . l .
,n ;, at , UI'Jl V IJV ill v . .
.1 . l....t;tn i!im- nrn
me v i!i;i-'i .riaiv, m .-n t' . .
as tiic :.:e,
;i-,i.l aiv.av.s. nave i et u cjuau;. 01 s.jii;sui ...ii j
. ri.
... ,, , ,1 i
ano poits and uu ;o. s.
iisl.-v;il emissaries liave i-een m itner j
less assiduous, nor more successful c.unug
the last year than they were before, that
time in "their ef'brts under favor of th;it
privilege to embroil our-country in foieiiru
ii-..f 'I'li.-i .li.ii-f. firxl il.-li riiiiniiri.ill ot the
1 and diplomat- j j.'-:;, ,su;Cj, tu tcil.-nt that design are be
e.i oneiieu tu :t ! lieveJ to be as sincere and ca.niot be m-re
lue !onr deter- ! ....,.,.. ,!.., .,, ..v.-rth.-less unfor-
'.-irii'-.t t han our own. ecrineiefs uuiui-
sei n diiliculiies have arisen, especially in
Iha.i!!ian and llrilish j'.orts-. and on the
northern boundary of the L'nited States,
which have required, and are likely to con
tinue to require the practice of constant
vigilance and a just and concilitary spirit on
the part of tho United Stites as well as of
the nations concerned and their govern
ments. Commissioners have been appoint
ed u;idr the trenty with tlreat Britain on
the adjustment of the claims of the llu l-
si. II :i.iv aii.i
s . 1
:et s ."sound Agricultural
Companies, in Oregon, and
are now pro-
I ceeding to t he execution of
he trust as-
sitrned to thorn.
Iu view of tl.2 insccoritv of life in the re-
jgion adjacent to the Canadian border, by
recent assault and depredations committed
bv iuimi-
;i! a;
1 ilt
iterate r .tsoiis who are
larborcd there, it has been tneugiit proj-
. .1 1 .1 1 .
er to give notice that after the. expiration ot
six months, the period conditionally stipula
ted in the existing arrangements with (Jreat
Britain, the I'nited Suites must hold them---ki--
or libeitv to increase their naval ar-
! u.auH nt upon "the lakes if they shall find
j that pr . feeding necessary. The condition of
j the border will necessarily come into con-
j..-.,.:,,.. ;., c-ouneet 011 will
T. t . i ... .,1 ...,. t l.-lll C 1 T I t 1 11 I I 1111 II 1)1 f if
s.L II I. 'Ill lIil'.lAlll ill'- . "lu " t.
.... ....11 .... fl... i..iiriil ii!. i.f iiiliitit wliieh
l.,..fl.,(,,ir. thattim co oiua au-
,1,,,;:, " .,..., ,lt .1 ,,,,,,,1 b,. ;.,n..)ii.ina!lv
..,,, ' " ;,..Pv ,.:, ,-ds th, Cubed
"u usi
States, but on the contrary, there is evt-ry
lea.-oii toexoect that with the approv al ot t he
Imperial (ovemment they will take the
necessary measures to prevent new incur-
sions across the horde
Th.. :n-r i-is.(l :if. ibi-List session for the
cnciiuranement of '..-migration has, as far as i
was posstolo: iieen put into ox!rai ion. it
seoms to n';ed amendinent which will enable
the officers of the government to prevent
the Dijctice of frauds against the lmmi
Val in
here a
CCS of
on their wa' and on their arn
jorts, so us to secure them
clioico of avocations and pla-
seitlement. nocrat ui-position
. ii-i it
towards this great national policy,
is mani
atcs. and
tested bv most of tin
ii si iiiufi ii N t -i
II I'M I. Ill III- II liflOliUll tl f l A l-ni. (
. , "
f-'' the immigrant ehective national pro-
t-viloil. I regard our luiii us as inn: ui
1 ! l . , . . .u
- , ; . I T, ' , -
i':--".i. . , . -
rav.cs ot internal war and it, f
ii!ii...i-t: trcn'ftli and hea th. All that is
ilr ,iP tll.,. t
!-cessary to secure the Mow ot that stieam
in us present funess, and to that eni tne
t ., ...., ,,,.,ua u
Kovernmeut must i.i even wav make it
uiamlt that :t neither i.eeus nor ues.gns
to ini;Os; involuntary military service ui-on
vi.i lei.inpil nml tne aniount-oi issues in suu-
stitution therefor, and the actual cash op
... s -s. . - - -
erations of t
070,040 77;
whicli leave
S W !
disburements,cMo--'x"' n
es a cSh balance: in the Treasury
-. - , .... .
c CMC o i- -i nf fie receirds there
U lt ' 1 ' " " ' " , . '
99; from lands, 588,33i 29; Irom aieci tax
sUTri u- : from internal revenue,l09,-
741,124 10; from miscellaneous sources,
511,444 10; and trom lops appneu iu
tual expenditures, including former balance,
J 023,443,929 1 3. There were disbursed for
. -- ' t ..-w v
I W 11 11 , I I 11 ll.ltl.l
pensions and Iudians, $7,017,930 87; for the
v ar department, oyo, tji-i i ; lor tne
Navy department, $75,733,292 7; for in
terest of the public debt, $53, GS5. 421 09;
making an aggregate of, $M')5,234.0S7 So;
leaving a balance in the Treasury of $1),
S42,55S 71 as before stated. For the ac
tual receipts and disbursements for the first
quarter, and the estimated receipts and dis
bursements for;the three remaining quarters
of the current tiscal year and the general op
erations of the Treasury in detail, 1 refer
you to the report of the. Secratary of the
Treasury. 1 concur with him in the o
pinion that the proportion of the mon
ies required to meet" the expenses con
sequent upon the war, derived from tax
ation, should be still further increased,
audi earnestly invite your attention to this
.subject to the end, that there may !e such
additional legislation as shall be required
to meet the just expectations of the Secre
tary. The 'public debt on the lirst day ot
duiy last, as appears by the books ot the
Secretary ot the Treasury, amounted to one
billion seven hundred and forty million six
Li. tidied ninety thousand four hundred and
t-i'ditv-nine dollars and forty-inne cents.
.-... . ... . i
- -.J, .. . . Tl.t
v.':ir tlnir niiiuimt mav be increased ny TiOi.
i-:. i. . K- s ion ii tne war euuauue anouiei
- i i i -v ii,.if--ir
4.... 4..,.,.. 4-iito Linn r.f .0 nil lions. Ili'lllailL
, .. , . -t ,
I'll ill.' "11 " IMIll'tlVM .
i ' ti 1" t 1': j. in. L.r l.-jvr iiviini' iiu i rtctma.. il iius,
y .,,,.,1
necoine a siiosiannai i.khh-h '""".'.i.
i'"-1 . - .,' 1
sons, tne more nt .iiiy uiis jiii'i'tnj van un
distributed among aiithe people the better ;
tj favor such general distribution, greater
iadurements to become owners might per
haps with good effect, and without injury,
be presented to persons of limited means.
With this view, I suggest whether it might
not be both expedient and competent for
Congress to provide that alimitedamount ot
some tuture issue of the public- securities
might be held by any btntj jiIe purchaser
exempt from taxation and from seizure, for
debt under such restrictions and limitations
as might be necessary to guard against abuse
ot so important a privilege. This would
enable prudent persons to set aside a small
annuity against a possible day of want. Priv
ileges like these would render the possession
1 .-.. .1 -.4. 1:. 1
01 sucli securities, lo uie iuuuuui iiuinei
to everv ' nelson of .small
means who might be able to save enough
for the purpose. The great advantage- of
citizens being creditors as well as debtors
with relation to the public debt is obvious.
.Men readily- perceive that they cannot be
much oppressed bv a debt which they owe
to themselves. The 'public debt on the first
of Juiy last, although somewhat exceeding
the estimate ot the Secretary of the Treas
ury, made to Congress at the commence
ment of last session, falls short of the esti
mate ft that officer, 'made in the preceding
December, as to its probable amount at the
beginning ot this year by the sum of $3,
995,079 Sib This fact exhibits a satisfacto
ry condition and conduct of the operations
of the Treasury.
The National Banking system is proving
to be acceptable to capitalists and to the
people, (in the 25th of November 54 Xa
tionnl Banks had been organized, a consid
erable number of which were conversions
from State Banks. Changes from the State
system to the National system are rapidly
taking place, and it is hoped that very soon
there Will be in the United States no bank
of issue not authorized by Congress, and
no hank note circulation not secured by the
(ioverunient. That the Government and
the people will derive general benefit from
ibis change in the banking system of the
country, can hardly be questioned. The na
tional system will create a reliable and
permanent influence in - support of the na
tional credit and protect the people against
losses in the use of paper money. Wheth
er or not any further legislation is advisa
ble for the snppressiou ot State bank issues,
will be for Congress to determine. It seems
quite clear that the tie :sury cannot le satis
factorily conducted unless the government
can exercise a restraining power over the
bank-note circulation of the country.
The report of the Secretary .f War and
the accompanying documents will detail the
campaigns of the armies in the held since the
date of the last annual niessage.and also the
operation of the several Administrative
Bureaus of the War Department during the
the last year. It will also specify the mea
sures deemed essential for the national de
fence, and to keep up and supply the requi
site military force.
The report of the Secretary of the Navy
presents a comprehensive and satisfactory
exhibit of the affairs of that Department,
and of the naval service. It is a subject of
congratulation and laudible pride to ourcouu
trymen that a navy of such vast proportions
lias been organized in so brief a period and
conducted with so much efficiency and suc
cess. The general exhibit of the navy inclu
ding vessels under construction on the 1st of
December, 1S04, shows a total of 071 vessels
earrvitig 4.010 guns and 510,390 tons, being
an actual increase during the year, over and
above all losses by shipwreck or in battle of
fv vessels, 107 puns and 42,427 tons. The
fvtal number of men at this tjme in the ira
v al service. includ ing officers, is about 5 1 ,0 K).
Therehavebeen captured by the mivy.during
the vear, Z- vessels and the whole number
jf naval captures since hostilities commen
ced is one thousand three hundred, of whic h
207 are steamers. The gross proceeds ans
ft... u-.'a rf condemned urize prop-
nis; limn i.11- - - 'irtr
ertv thus far reported amounts to cd4,o,.'o,-
250 51. A large amount of such ' pneds
. 1:11 . . ir.Qtmn ;inn vi't hi utr ic-
IS ftUI1 UI1U1 ai,Ju-"' . .,
ported. The total expenditure the navy
J'epartnienr oi every u'nr iu"i ...v,.....,
iiiecosi i i" iluuiv.ii.7. .-j"-
Wen called into existance from the 4th ot
March, 1SC1, to the 1st ot NovemLHr, 1804,
are $238,047,202 35. Your favorable con
sideration is invited to the various recoia
mendations of the Secretary of the .JSavy,-
1 esecially in regard to a navy yard and
la suitable establishment for the 'construc-
:., j . ... l' .i . .i.
iiuu auu repair oi iron vessels uuu iuc iiia
chinery and armature for our ships to
w hich reference was luade in my last an
nual message. Vour attention is also invi
ted to the views expressed in the report in
regard to the legislation of Ccugress at its
last session, in respect to prizes on our in
land waters. I cordially concur in the re
commendation of the Secretary as to the
propriety of creating the rank of N ice Ad
miral in the naval service.
Your attention is invited to the report ofj
tne 1 ost master General for a detailed ac
count of the operations and financial condi
tion of ttj l'ostoihcc Department. The
Postal l'eveiiues for the year ending June
30th, 1804, amounted to $12,438,253.78,
and the expenditure to $12,044,770 20.
The excess of expenditures over receipts be
ing 82U(').052 42. The views presented by
the Postmaster General on the subject of
special grants by the Government in aid of
the establishment of ne w lines of ocean mail
steamships, and the policy he recommends
fcr the dcvelopcment of increased commer
cial intercourse with adjacent and neighbor
ing countries should receive the careful con
sideration of Congress.
It is of noteworthy interest that the steady
expansion of population, improvement and
governmental institutions over the new and
unoccupied portions of our country have
scarcely been checked, much less impeded or
destroyed, by our great, civil war, v. liich at
the lirst glance would seem to have absorb
ed almost the eiiiire energies of the nation.
The organization and admission of the
State of Nevada has beCn completed in con
formity with iaw.and thus our excellent sys
tem is firmly established in ihe mountains,
which once seemed a barren and inhabita
ble waste between the Atlantic States and
those w hich have grown up on the coast of
the Pacific Ocean. The territories of the
I 'nited States are generally in a condition ot
prosperity and rapid growth. Idaho and
Montana, by reason of their great distance
and the interruption of communication with
them by Indian hostilities, have been only
partially organized, but it is understood that
these difficulties are about to disappear,
which will, permit their governments, like
those of others, to go into tpceuy and full
operation. , .
As intimately connected with and' promo
tive of this material growth of the nation.
1 ask the attention of Congress to the valua
ble information and importantrecounneiida
tious relating to the public lands, Indian af.
fairs, the Pacific Kailroads and mineral dis
coveries', contained in the report of the Secre
tary of the Interior, which is herewith trans
mitted, and whicli report also embraces the
subjects of patents, pensions and other top
ics of public interest pertaining to his de
partment. The qu; utitv- of public land dis
posed of during the live quarters ending on
the 30th of September la.-t was 4,221,312
acres of. which 1,538,614 acres were entered
under the Homestead law. The remainder
was located with n ilitary land warrants,
agricultural scrip certified to States for rail
roads, and sold tor cash. The cash received
from sales and location fees was 1.010.4 10.
The income from sales during the fiscal
year ending Jund 30th, 1804. was 07k,Ol7,
21, against 1 30,077 or, received during the
preceding year. The aggregate of acres
surveyed during the year has been equal to
the quantity disposed of, and there is open
to settlement about 133,000.00;) acres of
surveyed laud.
The great enterprise of connecting the
Atlantic with the Pacific States by railways
and telegraph lines has been entered upon
with vigor that gives assurance ot success,
notwithstanding the embarrassments aris
ing from the pievailing high prices of ma
terial and labor. The route of the main line
of road has been dcfmatcly located for one
hundred miles westward from the initial
point at Omaha City, Nebraska, and a pre
liminary location of the Pacific liailroad of
California has been made from Sacramento
eastward to the Great Bend of Mucker Riv
er, in Nevada. Numerous discoveries of
gold, silver and cinnibar mines have been
added to the many heretofore known, an1
the country occupied by the Sierra Nevada
and the Rocky mountains and the subordi
nate ranges now teems with enterprising la
bor, which is richly remunerative. It is
believed that the products of the mines ot
rich metals in that region has during the
year reached, if not exceeded $100,000,000
in value.
It was recommended in 1113- last animal
message that our Indian system be remodel
ed. Congress, at its last session, acting up
on the recommendation, did provide for re
organizing the system in California, and it
is believed that under the present organiza
tion the management of the Indians there
will be attended with reasonable success.
Much yet remains to b.e done to provide for
the proper government of the Indians in
other parts of the country, to render it se
cure for the advancing settler, and to pro
vide for the welfare of the Indian. Ihe
Secretary reiterates his recommendations,
and to them the atteutiou of Congress is
The liberal provisions to invalid soldiers
and sailors of the Republic and to the wid
ows, orphans," and dependant mothers of
those who have fallen in battle, or died of
diseases contracted, or of wounds received
in the service of their country, have been
diligently administered. There ha been
added to the pension rolls during the year
ending the 30th day of June last, the names?
of 10,770 invalid soldiers, and of 271 disabled
seamen, making the present number of ar
my invalid pensioners 22,707, and of navy
invalid pensioners 7,121 and that of widows,
orphans and mothers 22, 1 98 have been placed
on the army pension rolls, and 24S on the
navy rolls. " The number of army pensioners
of this class is 25,433, and of navy pension-,
ers 793. :At the beginning of the year the
number cf revolutionary pensioners wasi,-
erc soldiers,
ed. The re -
01 wtiom seven nave since aiet.
maiuder are those who, under the Jaw, re-,
i i ;v. ni tisions because ..f 1 . latioiishiii to
Revolutionary soldiers. During the year 1
ending the 30th of June, 1804, $4.'5Ot.0lo 92
have been paid to pensioners of ail classes.
1 cheeifuliv commend to your continued
patronage the benevolent institutions; of the
11: - i- i i : !.: .'. 1 , i.:.i
District of Columbia, which have hitherto
ii.ii 1 1 n.i-'i: i lie ieiie i e'le ii. iisiiiil i'jii- v-i ini
been established or fostered by Congress,
and respectfully refer for information con
cerning them, and iu relation to the ash
ingtou Aqueduct, the Capital and other
matter of local interest to ihe report of the
Secretary of the Interior.
The Agricultural Department, under the
suporv ision of its present energetic and fait h
I'al head, is rapidly commending itscif to the
gieat and vital interest it was created to ad
vance. It is peculi uly the people's depart
ment in which they feel i.i re directly con
cerned than in any 01 hot. I commend it
to the continued attention and fostering
care of Congress.
The war continues. Since the hist urin
al message, all the important lines and
positions then occupied by our iurces have
been maintained and our armies have stead
ily advanced, thus liberating the region
left in the rear, so that Missouri, Kentucky,
Tenner see, and parts of other St:tes, have
agaiu produced remarkably fair crops. The
most lcmurkabic feat uie iu the military op
crations of the year is General Sherman s
attempted march of three ban bed miles di
rectly though the insurgent region. It tends
to show a great increase of our relative
strength,. that our Geueral-iu-Ci'.icf should
feel able to confront and hold in check even
active force of the enemy and yet to detach
a well apj-binted large army to move on such
an expedition. The result not yet bem
known, conjecture in regard-to it is not here
Important movemcuts have also occurred
during the vear to the effect of moulding
society for durability in the Union. Al
though short of complete success, it is much
iu the right direction that twelve thousand
citizens iu each of the States of Arkan-as
a nd Loiiisiai a ha v c orgai 1 ized loyal S ta U G o v
ernmcnts with free Coustitunons. and are
earnestly struggling to maintain and admin
ister them. The movement in the same di
rection more extensive, though less definite,
in Missouri, Kentuckyand Tennessee, should
not be overlooked. Rut Maryland presents
the exani'ile of complete success. Maryland
is secure to liberty and L'nion for all time
to come. The genius of rebellio:! will 110
more claim Maryland. Like another, foul
spirit, being driven out, it may seek to tear
her. but it will woo her no moie.
At the.larjt session of Congress, a in-
slavery throughout the United States passed
the Senate, but tailed for hick of the requi
site two-thirds vote in the House of Repre-sC-utativcs.
Although the present is the same
Congress., and nearly the same members,
without questioning the wisdom. or patriot
ism of those who stood in opposition, 1 ven
ture to recommend the rcooii-idoratiou and
passage ot the measure at the present i.c
sion. Of course the abstract question is not
changed; but an intervening election shows
almost certainly that the next Congress will
pass the measure, it this does not, hencT:
there is only a question i f time as to when
the proposed amendment w id go to the Stales
for their .action, and as it is to go, at a'l e
vents, may we not agree that the sooner the
better. It is not claimed that the election
has imposed a duty on members to change
their views or their votes any further than
n.san additional element to be considered how
fartheirjudgmcnl may be effected by it. It is
the voice of the people now for thelirt time
heard upon the question. In a great na
tion;!! crisis like ours unanimity of action
among-those socking a common end is Very
desirable, almost indispensable, and yet no
approach to-uch unanimity is attainable, un
less some uetfert nee shall be paid to the-will
of the majority, simply because it is the will
of the majority. In this case the common
end is the maintenance of the l'nion ; and
among the means to secure that end, such
will through the election is most clearly de
clared iu favor of such constitutional amend
ment. .
The most reliable indication of public pur
pose in this country is derived through our
popular elections. J udging by the reecjit can
vass and its result, the purpose of the people
within the loyal States to maintain the in
tegrity of the 1'iiioii was never more tirm,
nor more nearly unanimous than now. The
extraordinary calmness and good carder with
which the millions of voters met, and min
gled at the polls, gave strong a.s-urance
of this. Not only all those who supported
the Union ticket, so called, but a great ma
jority of the opposing parry also many be
fairly claimed to entertain and to be actuated
by the san e purpose." It is an unanswera
ble argument to this effect thut no candidate
fur any office whatever, high or low, has ven
tured to seek votes on the avowal that Jie
was for giving up the Union. There has
been much impugning of motives, and much
hated controversy as to the proper means
and best mode ol advacing the Union cause ;
but 011 the distinct issue of Union or no
Union, the politicians have shown their in
stinctive knowledge that there is no diversi
ty among the people. In affording to the
people the fair opportunity of showing, one
to another, aud to the ; world, this, firmness,
and unanimity of purpvue, the election has
been of vast value to the National cause.
The election has exhibited another fact
not less valuable to be known, the fact that
we do not approach exhaustion in the most
important branch ol' National resource, that
of living men. While it is melancholy to
reflect that the war has filled fo ruany graves
and carried mourning to so many hearts,' it
is some relief to know that com pared with
the surviving the fallen have been so few
while corps and divisions and brigades and
and regimental have formed and fought and
4-Xi. Only twelve oi them wei
, 1 - 1 -
I dwindled and gone out of exi-tance, a great
j majority of the men who composed them
are still living, the same is true oi tne
naval service. The election return p-ove
this. So many voters cuiiid not else be found.
The States regularly holding election-; both
now and four years ago. to-wit : California,
Connecticut. Delaware, Illinois. Indiana, Io-"
wa. Kentucky. Maine, 3Iarv hind, Massachu-
i ... . . - -
! -Michigan Minnesota. -Missouri, ew
Hami'shire. N. Jersey. N. Voik, Ohio, Ore
gon, Pen 11 'a, Rhode Island, Vermont, West
Virginia, Wisconsin cast 3,92,0ll votes
now, against 3,70,221 cast then, showing
an aggregate now of 3.t.iS2,.ll. To this is
to be added 33,702 ca.-t now iu the new
States that did not vote in 1;00. thus swell
ing the aggregate to 4,015,773, and the net
increase during the three years and a half
of war, to 145,551
A table is appended
To this again should
bowing particulars.
be added the number of soldiers in ihe field
from Mas.-aehu-etts, Rhode Island, New
Jersey, Delaware. Indiana, Illinois and Cal
ifornia, who, by the laws of there States
cannot vote away from their homos, and
which numli r canin't be less than ninety
thousand. Nor ye: is : his a'l. The ii umber
in the organized territories is a trifle more
now to what i wa foiii years ago. whil? thou
sands white and black join us, as the na
tional arms press back ihe insurgent lines,.
So much is shown aUnmafivoly and nega
tively by the election. It is not material to
inquire how the increase has been produced,
ir to show that il would have been greater
but for the war. which is probably true.
The important lV-'t remains demonstrated
thai we have more men now than we had
when t he war began; that we- are not ex
hausted nor iu the process of exhaustion ;
that we are gaining .-trength. and may, if
need be. imiiiitaiii the contest iudcCnately,
and that as to men our material resources
are now more complete and abundant thaa
ever. The national resources then arc uu
exhauscd. and. as we believe, inexhaustible.
The public purpose to establish and main
tain the national authority is unchanged,
and. as we believe, unchangeable. The
manner of continuing tl e eilort remains to
be chosen.
On careful consideration of all the evi
dence accessible, it seems to mu that no at
tempt at negotiation with the insurgent lea
der could result in anypiod. lie would ac
cept nothing short of a severance of the U
nion, precisely what we will not and can Uot
fjive. His declarations to this effect are ex-'
plicit aud oft-rcpeaied ; he docs not attempt
to deceive us: lie afTo.-ds us no excuse to
deceive ourselves. He cannot voluntarily
reauecpt the Union, we cannot voluntarily
ield it. IJetween him and us the issue is
distinct, simple and inflexible. 1 1 is an issue
which, can only he tried by war, and decided
bv victory. If we yield we are beat.ui. If
vjuthern people fail him, he is beateii.
Iiither way, it would he the victory and de
ieat following war. What is true, however,
of him who beads the insurgent cause, id
not necessarily true of the who follow. Al
though he cannot reacccpt the Union, they
can. Some of them we know already desire
peiic.1 aud re-uiiiou. The number of such
may increase. They can at any moment
have peace. simply by laying down their
arms and submitting to the National author
ty, under the Constitution. : After so much,
the Government could not. if it would, main
tain war against them. The loyal people
would not sustain or allow it. If questions
should remain, we would adjust them by the
peaceful means of legislation, conlerenees,
courts and votes, operating -only in constitu
tional and lawful channels.. Some certain
and otlu-r possil,e questions are and would
be beyond the'executive juiwer to adjust, as
for instance the admission of mcmbeis into
Congress, and whatever might require the
appropriating of money. The executive
power itself would be greatly diminished by
the cessation of actual war. Pardons and
remissions of forfeitures, however, would
stiii be within the Executive control. In
what spirit and temper this control would
be exercised can be fairly judged of by the
A year ago. a general pardon of amnesty,
upon specified tonus, were oilered to ail, ex
cept certain designated classes, and it was
at the same published that the excepted clas
ses were still within contemplation of spe
cial clcmancy. During the year many avail
ed themselves of tin; e iKraI provision, and
many unre would, only that the signs of
bad faith in some led to such precautionary
measures as rendered the practical process
less easy and certain. During the same time
also special pardons luive been granted, to
individuals of the excepted classes, and no
voluntary application has been denied. Thus
practically the door ha? been tor a full year
ojeii to all except such as were not in con
dition to make free choice; that js. such as
wi re in custody or-iinder constraint. It ii
so still open to all. IJut the time may Come
when public duty shall demand that it be
closed, and that in lieu, more rigorous mea
sures than heretofore !e adopted. In pre
senting the abandonment of armed resist--ance
to the national authority on the part of
the insurgents as the only indispensable con
dition to endinghe war on the part of the
Government, i retract '.nothing heretofore
said as to slavery.
I repeat the declaration made a year ago,
that while I remain in my present position
I shall not attempt to retract or modify the
Emancipation I'loclamatior, nor shall I re
turn to slavery any person w ho is free by the
trms of that proclamation, or by any of the
acts of Congress. If the Teopie shuuld, by
whatever mode or means, make it an execu
tive duty to re-inslavu such iiersons, another
and not I must bo their instrument to per
form it.
In stating a single condition of peace, I
mean simply to say that the war will cease
on the part of the "Government whenever it
fchall have ceased on the part of those who
began it. , Abraham Lincoln
WasWnctoo,' P. C.s Ic ft, 1864.