Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 16, 1864, Image 1

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VOL ll.-AT0. 12.
I Si
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W M IM s; .Mi iM ul IM! MM M LJ J! -IS
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1 1
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Th Brrs's Jo knai. is published on VTed--f.Trl
.-0 ner annum in advance Aiiveii
;',V mevts irrted at l.0 per for three
e iwertions-Twelve Hr.es (-r !e con a tins a
a.'are For vry aJ.liiiona! inert.on 2.-, cent.
V dcri anion will ie Hn.joyllfr.n.;i!ri
33usms.$,$ cDtvccicvii.
TRVIX BROTHERS. Dealers in Square A sawed
Lumber. I'M Goods Groceries. Flour. Gram.
4e . Ac. Rurnsiile Pa., Sept. 2:?. 1
1 I! kinds of tone-ware. Clearfield. Pa- nJ;
deroii-Mted wholewla or retail. Jan. 1, IS" 3
1R XS BARRETT, Attorney? at t.nw. Clear-
BoliJ. rn. ' '
.i. crns. :::::: waltkb itAnutTT.
F ORERT J. WALLACE. Attorney atLaw. Clear
, doll. I'a Office in Shaw'? new row. Market
.reef, opposite Xaugte's jeurMry store. May 2 .
H' F NAT GLE. Vatch aid Clock Maker. mid
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Roam in
tj:abi!0 row, Market Ftrect. Nov. 10
1 1 BUCHER SWOOPK. Attorney at Law. C lear
J L. field. Pa. Oflict inGraham s Row, four doo s
Tr.!str.f Graham & Boynton'a store. Nov. 10.
HART?YK'K A III'STHS. dealers in Tru!r.
Medicines. Pain's. Oils. Stationary. Pevfnme-
Ft.v tioods. Xotior.. Co., etc.. Market Street.
Clearfield. Pa -r
2;. r-ji.
Tl A FLEMMLVG. I.nmbor-citT. Pa.. Nurcery
t1 . man and Dealer in all kind? of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees. Plants and Shrubbery. All or
ler by niail promptly attended to. May 13.
IV ICR AT7.ER. dealer in Dry Goods. Cloth--l
ire Hardware. Quoensware, Groceries. Pro
ic. Front Street., above the Academy.
Clearfield. Pa.
-TXTITXIAM F. IRWIN'. Market otrpet, Clearfield,
Pa.. Dealer in Foreign and l)owc?tic Mer
oliidise. Hardware. Qiieenaware, Groceries, and
umily articles generally. JS'V" .
TiiilvTiEEUCIl. Manufacturer of all kinds of
f Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. Pa.
!!f alornakes to order Coffins, on short not ico. an 1
atfwnds funerals wit'u a bearse. AprlO. :V-
T R M. WOODS. PnVTir i-n PnTsiriAS, and
j ) .- Examining Surg-on for Pensions.
.ce Sou'b-west corner of Second and Cherry
jsire-t. Clearfield. Pa. .Tauuary 21. 1-03.
rVll;,M -1 M'Cl'f,lH'lI!. Att;rney st Law.
J Clearfi.d. Pa. Office, rtof the "OlearSeM
c.BanU. Deeds and o.ber leal in?trun-.euts r re
pareu with j.roniptncss ai.d accuracy. July 3.
T H MTVALTA". Attorneyat Law. Clearfield,
j Pa. Practicrn in ClenrScli and adjoininf;
c '..u"itie. OGce in new brick building of J. Boyn
r on. 2d Etrect. one door south of Lair.ch's Hotel.
"5 IC1IAKD MOPSOP. Dea'er in Foreign and Do
I U 'nieitie Dry Goods tiroceries. Flour. Bacon,
Linuers. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few door?
ye.;t of Jo'trnvO: -', Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
ARUIVEPv A TIT, At:oroys r.t L.aw.Clenr
J ji!d. Pa. AVill attend promrtly to all legal
nnd other business entrusted to their care in C'ear
field and adj'dnir.g counties Auzast 5. IS.'irt.
fR. V.'M. CAMPBELL, offors his prifessioual
I ) services to the c.:tiirs of Mo'iai on ami vi
o.r.ity.. He can be con?uU-d at his rciiJenee at
a'l titnes. unless absent ou professional business.
Mohaarnon. C'entre co.. I'a.. May l-ib'L
jyi. ALBEKT A BRO S. Dealers in Dry Goods
Gro3eries. Hardware. Quecnsware. Flour.
B.ioon. etc.. WoodlanL Clearfield comity. Penu'a.
Also, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum
ber ihinlta. and square t.i'n bcr. Orders soliei
,,,1. Woodland. Aug 19th, 1
rCTIO.Lnt. The undersigned having
bei'ti 1 icen-ei an auctioneer wou'd inform
he ei'izens of Clearfield Conrty. that he will at
tend tocaliic? sales in any pa rt of the County
.tMCuaver called upon. Charg-s Moderate
Address J -M. SMITH.
Iiegartys X Roads. Oiearfitld Co.. Pa
Terunry ;1 lsii-t
I'CTIONEEK. The undersigned Iiavirg
:.-ie citizens of Ciearneia county mar nerim in
tend to calling sales, iu pny pari of the county,
oiienovcr culled upon. Charges moderate
Address. J JilN M QUbKIX.
Mav 13 Bower Do.. Clearfield co., Pa.
X. 11 Tersor-s calling sales without a proper 'li
cense are subject to a penalty of 560. which pro
'.isian will be enforced against those who may vi
dite the same.
y undersigned is prepared to furnish, to those
-ikin investments. Government and county
lunas Also five per cent Government notes.
Clearfield May 4. 1 Sri 1 Att y at Law
mTss e. a. p. ryxdkr,
Teacher of Piano-Forte, Meloiean, Guitar, Ilar
i::ony. and Vocal Music.
Sixty private, and twelvo class lessons included
ir. nnc'trrui. Kooms with Mrs. II. D. Welsh.
'!earfn-l J. July 1. lSti:?.
DR. 1. ITCH'S MEDICI N ES. A f re?h su p
! !y of these invaluable Family Medicines
art for sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting
'-'! Van Cuicr; Rrstoratiw. a jrreatcure for colds
and cough ; and Anti-liilioft Phytic. They have
b'?n thoroughly tested iu this community, and
a-e highly approved. Tnv tiikm.
M M'Kiernsn having located at Smith's
M -."is. (.lancsrjllo.) Clearfield Co., Pa., informs the
cli:, i s of that place and vicinity, that he will
en-learor to render satisfaction to all who may
f v r him with their patronage. Professional
'' to f.ny part of the courtry promptly altend
'1 f - Work done on Vulcanite. Terms moderate.
May ll . H!jt.-3m. Dr. F. M. McKlEKNAX.
i The undersigned having located in the bor-
J'h i'f Clearfield. (Ht the shop formerly occupied
y R Wch h as a jewelry fhop.) is prepared to
rk cf all kinds on the most reasonable terms.
-!iec:i-h will positively he expected when the
W rk is delivered; He is confident that hecao
r.t beevcclled by any tvorkrr.en in town orcouuty.
Cow- o, .' rome al totheSi?n of th BitT Waif It.
Arri! u. i,2-ly.pd. S. II. LAUCI1LIN.
yj Ai;e HOME 1XDI STKY. The undersigned
having established a Nursery, on the Pike, about
'a:f wny between Curwenivil le and Clearfield
boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fruit
jte3. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreens. Shrub-:''ry-
tirapc Vines, Gooseberry, Lawten Elack-!'-'r'-
Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also,
prian Crab trees. Quince and early Scarlet Ilheu
t'' e. tirders promptly attended to. AddresS
Ag ol.lhfil. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwensvillo,
od article, an I very cheap at the
WM. F. IRWIJt, ClarfiI I.
Select oetvu(.
Vv frnr the South at break of day,
P.riiiginjr to Winchester fresh dismay.
The affrighted air with a shudder bore.
Like a herald in haste t tbc ehie;tain"s door,
'J hi., terrible grumble and rumble and roar.
Ttliirtg tho battle was on once more.
And ,-l.eridaii lwei:ty miles away.
And wider sliil those billows of war,
. buudered alnuj tl;o horizou'R bar.
And louder jet into Winchester rolled
The roar ot that red eea uncontrolled,
M:ikin tbe blood of ihe litei,er cold
At he thought of the stake in that liery fray,
And Sheridan twenty miles away.
But there is a road from Winchester town,
A ii-y.i-l. br.ad Li-bway leadii down ;
Ai.d there, through the flu h i.f the mi. l Ring light,
: A Mettl. as black as the steeds of night,
i Was seen t jia.-s as with eaijrle flight
! As if be knew the terrible need
lie s'.ieKdicd away with bis utmost .'need;.
11 ill roe and fell but his heart was gay,
j Y ith Sheridan fifteen miles away.
Still sprung from those swift lmofs. thundering
I south.
j The (lust. lUetbc smoke from the cannon'? month.
I Or tbe trail of a comet sweeping faster and faster.
I Foreboding to traitors the doom of disaster :
I The heart f the -.teed and tbe heart of the ma-ter
V. ere beating like prisoners a-saulun their wails.
Impatient to 1 where the battle-field calls:
Every nerveof ibe eharger was.strained to f ull play
With" Sheridan only ten miles away.
t'n ier his spurning feet, the rial
Like an arrowy Aipine river flowed.
And tho landscape sped away behind
Like an ocean flyinjj before the wind ;
And the steed, like a bark fed with furnaco ire,
Swept on. with his wild eyes full of lire.
But io! he is nearing bis heart's de-ire
He is snuffing the smoke of tho roaring fray,
With Sheridaa only five miles away.
The first that the General saw were the groups
' '!' .-tralcrs. and then the retreating troops:
What was done-what to ib.:i glance told him both,
Then strikiiiir his s;iurj with a terrible oath,
ii i .1.'." "f,,:J i ..mi (if Ii'i7 7..iv
j And the w;ive of retreat cheeked its course there
1 he si-hl of the master compelled it to par.se.
With loam and with du.-i the black charger was
jrr:iv ;
By the 'Cash of his eye. and his red nostrils play,
lie y; erne i to the whole great army to say :
"i have brought you Sheridan all the way
From Winchester "down to save tho day!"
Hurrah, linrrsh for Sheridan!
li'irrnh. hurrah, for horse and man !
An I when their statues are placed on high
r.'.Iirlhe dome id the I moil tky.
'J bo American so
diers" Temple of Fame.
There with the glnriou.-, icnera.1 s name
B i: 'iiid in letters both bold and bright :
-Here is the steed that saved the day
Bv carrvin Sheridan into the tight,
From Winchester twenty miles away!''
S.'iiio ycar :-i;ieo. ;i-n I was in college,
wo at'ioti-t uur "I:i'-ii!ty." :t curious
;) . .:ti;i,r-i. wii.v.'i c.'iiry cue roganlod with
e"!i-i Icra'.ile n'-i.ect, utnl yet as a cintr.-.ctor
si ,''(:. lit IiU'1 liv. . 'U tu.iity years willi-A.-t'a
vift. ais-l ui'ei:tet t- live m. Jiiwtiys.
i n ii.-t.-l as 1hj wrs t!tc irrli-sstr of liiathe-liiafi'..-.
tli1 alistniction f his wifin-c tor
iiailii his iiiuuliring in ti;e idea ui' jLa'tling
liiai riei'.. '1'u the i'emale m;x, tli in-l'ire, lie
sli,,v:il lie Otlit-i- -eo;ti'J titan eonnilolll !"
ir.ite-s re iiurf:!. Jits el::t
iii"':iti i ) K ei iti i e he
tfter was jmri'Iy
w,s nr.t liotmiar
with the itnlK". aii'itliey kejit theitielve.s at
a di-l-rice iVein liiui. .Uur, cin:tuu-taace.s
that luYi n hvins ii'coiit n iiiatch in t Iter . e:t
ses. jilaeed init in it peculiar dilemma. It
seemed a whim that, a mv-ssiry was laid up
on him to tret mariioL He m;is one. of thr
iaeuity of the e. iie.re. all the u'.her profes
sor.s were niarrittd and ohlifred (o enteftain
the disliti-tii-iie 1 vi-it of the Iii-tituti'ti.
J lehad always Luti ! '. Of enur-e it wasn't
expei ted of him that he should ever give a
parly or dinner. 15nf it hegan to he regard
ed as rather meaa in him to hitk off this
matter from year to year, and, "well off as
he was pecuniarily, throw upon the other
memhers of the faculty the eo.-t and trouhle
of entertaining the special friends and pat
rons of lite College. The question was,
th-T 'fore froipiontly asked:
"Why do.-en't the oil miser entertain
snme of tLe distinguished vi.-itors that visit
Now our professor wan t a miser at all
and it often trouhled him t o thinl: he was
situated that lie couldn't hear his part or
the hut-don. And yet ; what could he do?
M ust h'r- wt married ? And if so, to whom ?
lie had no special regard for any one in the
vicinity of the eoileire, an 1 no one had any
Fpeeial regard for him. In his younger days
he had seen at school a young lady in the
city ot New-York, in whom he had felt a
peculiar interest. And of her he hadn't
hoard for years. Douhtless lief'oie this time
she was married, or in her grave. 1'ossihly,
however, she was .still living and waiting for
him! Glorious thought! lie was quite
relieved at it, though, indeed. th"ro miirht
be no loundation tor his relief. Neverthe
less he could make due inquiry. Xor could
lie long delay, for commencement day was
at hand, only' a few weeks off. It wan his
turn, or rather would be if he was married,
to give the great dinner to the distinguished
personages who would be present on the oc
casion. There would be the Governor of
the State and his lady the trustees of the
Institution and their friends, and others of
equal repute. But who should be master of
ceremonies? Ami w ho should grace the ta
ble? He could square the circle perhaps,
but such a circle as this, what could he do
with it ? It he were only married, what a
helpmeet would his wife be at such a time.
And yet, his wife must be a good looking,
intel!'icnt,andaeco;! plished lady; otherwise
the blank would be'a blot!
Now there was a voting lady in the neigh
borhood that the professor thought might
answer. lie had seen her at his boarumg
house, and spoke to her once or twice.
"But she mav tay no' and if she did.
''where in creation," thought he "could I
hide my head ! And then what would be
come of the dining?'' The Governor must
have a dinner and he must have a wife.
And hence he lay awake about it all night.
At last the morning broke he "cried out to
himself. "Contempt ! She will say no, wii!
she! What then? Other men In ve lived
through it, and I shall. If not, I shall have
a clear conscience about the dinner, and a
clear conscience is the main thing after all !
1 will write a note to xdiss A. anyway. It
may be she will regard it favorably." So
the" professor sat down and wrot a notc to
Miss A. ' Stay a minute," said he to him
self, "what will the Governor think of the
Lady? She is handsome and polite, but
can "she converse? Can she entertain com
panv?" "bonbtfuil," said he to himself,
"very doubt full;" and so he tore up the
not e. A his ! for a man on the verge of mat
rimony ! In an hour or two. however, the
Professor called on the President and said :
"I should like to be absent a few days?"
''Ah !" said the President, "just at this
'Yes, sir. I have my classes in readiness
for the examination, and I wish to go to
New York." ., ,,
"Has tiny death occurred in the family,
said the President.
-No. sir," .-aid the Professor, "but I
have a little 'matter ot business that requires
my immediate al tent ion, and I thought it
best to iro. "
"Yon have my best wi-hes, ' said the
President, "and may you return safely and
not alone."
The Professor almost smiled, but blushed
rather than smiled, and left the President,
and hastened to New York.
i lis .first inquiry on his .arrival there
was for ji-s Adeline G. the youup lady
whom he fail seen some years before, at
school, as we have mentioned.
"Why," said the respondent, "the family
has been reduced, and she is a cook, l'er
h.ios ymi dont know it, sir?"
"A cook!" said he. "lhat is just what I
want !"
"Git?" said the lady, "we thought you
wanted something else possibly."
"N,'. I have been half starved to death
since 1 left. New York, and 1 want. -ome one
to cook decently. "
"Well, she can do that, far she scarcely
Iras her equal iu that line iu this city. Why,
sir. she is a cook, p:r f.t'c! m e.
li u.) l.r.v.- rhw-s he look?"
"She is the han Isomest cook in the city,
Not q''itc that. I presume," said the
Pn -lessor, "but is she intelligent?-
I -
"Intelligent! Site is. indeed she can
ti -- 'i v,iv , " " ' '
"And as to manners. Is'she accomplish
ed?" "As graceful as an actress. '
"( 'an 1 see her?"
"Yes ; at e'tidit o'clock this evening."
"Couldn't I see her before that hour?"
"I think that would be the most conveni
ent time for her to call, and to see yfm. She
will be engaged i:i hcrdiiies till then."
"I will Wit, then: Please to tell her that
Professor Mack of Virginia, wishes to see
her an old : ci juaiutanco of hers. "
"Shall 1 teil her that you wish to engage
a cook ':'
"You may (eli her that I wish to see her,"
said the Proi'essoi-.
"What name did you say?
Professor Mack, of Virgiuia, if you please,
madam." .
An cv:r!a.-t!ng long day was before him
and he Lad nothing to do; not a problem to
toive, except, the one in hand, and that was
one el douiful solution.
Eight o'clock at la-t came, and the Profes
sor called aaain to see the young lady.
"A cook." indeed !" said the Professor to
himself; "she is a splendid' woman fit to
grace any' parlor in the world?" But how
in creation should he make known his Lu.-j-ness?
Poets, they say, begin in the middle
o( their story; bit professors of mathemat
ics, where do they begin ! Finally safdthe
suitor. "Miss G.," how would you like to go
to Virginia ?" .
"To Virginia!" -aid she as if surprised.
"Are you not mistaken in the person whom
you wished to see?"
"No, no." said lie. "don't you remember
when we both attended school in Franklin
"Oh." said she, "it is George Mack I
rememb?r you well ; why I did'nt know that
you were alive !"
"Ami I have never forgotten you."
"Alt ! indeed, you are very kind to remem
ber so long ! I thought every one had for
gotten me in my calamities."
"People often think they are overlooked
when trials overtake them ; but it is for you
to say that your present trials are at an.
"Professor Mack ! what do you mean
Whv 1 am a mere "
"If you have had reverses I have had suc
cess, and have the mcan of making you
comfortable in life."
"But vou do not know my circumstances
now. fori would not deceive you, George."
"It does not concern me what you are
now, but what you are willing to be."
"But I have an aged mother, Professor.
" nd I wish to have one; she can go,
Matters were soon arranged as to tune,
place, and ceremony, and this being over
the party were off for Virgiuia the 1 ro
fessor pleased that he had solved the matri
monial problem so easily, and the lady that
she was no longer the world's bidding.
In the country of Virginia great ado is
made for a newly married couple. Of course
much was expected in the case of the Pro-
lessor. iut some Dim in me an ...y ,
the story in advance, that Professor Mack
had married a cook ! What lady then would ,
call upon her? What society could the, t.
V'8 of V irginia have with a cook ! But the
President advised his wife to call upon her
out of decency at least. If the professor
had maried a cook, why, he didn't know any
better. All that he knew washow to solve
problems in mathematics. "Besides, he
might not have married a cook, or if he had
he was well oft' in one respect, he could
have a good table.
"Pshaw !" said the President's lady,
"what does a- person cure about a table in
comparison to caste in society?"
"Caste in society will do well enough,"
lie replied, "but since we must eat to live, a
well roasted turkey is better than a fried
chicken., and a short biscuit than an ash
cake ! And what does an epicure care for
ceremony? A good cup of coffee is better."
You are no Virginian, husband, other
wise, you would never say that, for any body
knows that nobility iu a log cabin is better
than a cook in a palace!"
"Well, call on the lady and see theories
arc often good for nothing, whilst practice
is the sum of perfection!"
The Preside-less called and was amazed
the cook was much her superior and she
felt it.
The other officer's ladies having heard
that the President's wife had called on Mrs.
Mack, were obliged according to custom to
follow suit. They, too, were disappointed,
for the New Y ork lady hadn't lived in a
city in vain. In mind, iu manners, in ac
complishments, she outranked them all!
Besides, in respect to family she was not at
ail inferior her father having had fortune
once and lost it.
Commencement day was now near at hand,
ami the great dining was lo come off at the
Processor's. Nor was Mrs. Mack at all dis
concerted about ir. She had seen a thing
nr two before, and was fuliy confident in her
own ability, to meet l lie exigency.
When the time arrived ail eyes were fixed
on Mr. Mack. How would she appear iu
the presence of the Governor of Virginia?
How in the presence of the Professors and
the Pre.-ident? And what sort of ;i table
would she set, and how would she grace it?
Could she go through it with dignity?
Of course all this was enough "to try
men's souls," hut Mrs. Mack was perfectly
at home.
In autiquette in conversation in the
arrangement of all the circumstantials and
in the formalities of the occasion she show
ed herself equal to the duties devolving up
on her, and evidently interested the Gover
nor very much by her powers of conversa
tion. "What a charming lad," said he to
his wife, "is Mrs. Mack ! and what a table
she has set ! how well she graces it !"
"My dear husband," said she. "Do you
know she is a New York cook why, she has
been a mere servant for many years!"
I know nothing about that." said he "but
if she has, I wish every other lady was a
servant and a New York cook. too. We
should have something to eat"then my dear,
besides fried chickens and ashcakes. .,
"All men are not epicures, like you. Gov
ernor. "
"No but if they wore they would imitate
the mathematical Professor, and go to New
York to get a wife. A man wouldn't be
com polled then to go to a saloon to get a de
cent dinner! lie could find one at home
now a great rarity. ; '
The Jnf'lOTiiml OLsrrver says: Dr. Paul
Bert has published a word on the curious
subject of animal .raffs. lie succeeded in
making Siamese twins of a couple of rats,
and in mr ny other monstrosities. He ex
claims : "It. is a surprising spectacle to see
it paw cut from one rat, live, grow, finish
its ossification, and regenerate its nerves un
der the skin of another ; and when we plant
a plume of feather under the skin of a dog.
what a miracle to see the interrupted vital
phenomena resume their course, and the
fragment of a bird receive nourishment
from the blood of a mammal."
The high prices of raw cotton has made
that substance too costly for the manufac
ture of twine, and the itigiuucty of manufae
ttrers has been tasked to find a substitute for
it. After many trials and experiments it
has been discovered at last Manilla paper
affords the material for twine, combining all
the good qualities of the cotton twine ith
pieater cheapness. It is twisted into a lino
that is neat, smooth, .strong, pliable, and
excellent in all respects, if kept dry.
The Galena, upon which General McCIel
lan took refuge during his celebrated battle,
is at tlie Philadelphia Navy Y'ard. She
comes for repairs. Thou-h General McOIel
lan "didn't remember" whether or no he
was on board of her, the log book of the ves
sel shows that himself and the Prince de
Joiuville, were ou board her during the en
tire time that the battle was raging.
"My dear come in and go to bed r" said
the wife of a jolly son of Erin, who had just
returned from a fair, in a decidedly "how
come-you-so" state. "Y"ou must be dread
ful tired sure,' with your long walk of six
miles." Arrah, get awav wid your non
sinse," said Pat, "it wasn't the length of
the way at all that fatigued me, 'twas the
breadth of it."
At a recent funeral at Honolulu, the pro
cession consisted of one hundred and forty
four females, all dressed in black skirts, with
white waists and straw hats, tastefully trim
med, and with a broad sash of red and yel
low over the shoulders crossed with a rosette
at the waist. There were several native
marshals on horseback, wearing the same
gaudy sashes.
Steam E.vgixes ix TarssiA. From an
official return recently issued it appears that
the total number of steam engines at the
end of 1802 wasS,G53, with 265,707 horse
power, showing an increase of 5,821 engines
and 273,243 horse-power, as compared to
1352, when there were only 2,832 engines,
with a total of 92,462 horse-power.
Potatoes should be taken from the ground
only in fair weather, and left exposed to the
sun and wind no longer than necessary. In
handling, care should be taken not to bruise
the surface or break the skin. It is a com
mon error that a potato will stand all man
ner of ill usage and be none the worse for
it. Orchardists know that it an atple is
bruised in the gathering it is not lit for win
ter keeping. In like manner farmers should
know that for table use the potato needs the
same careful handling to insure the best re
salts. A potato that is bruised or dialed,
or is subject to a water bath after leaving
the ground, is materially injured for winter
A potato of the finer varieties, such as
Ncshaniioek, Peaehbiow. Kidnev, Mercer,
Ladv s Finger, wtc., when upon suitable
soil, properly harvested "ai d cooked right, is
a positive delicacy upon the table ; but take
the same lot, let them be roughly, handled,
chafed, immersed in water, and laid by in
that ruined and undone condition for a few,
weeks, and then cooked tolerably well, and
they are not a very inviting dish.
When the potato crop in Ireland failed,
and that people were confronted with star
vation, little did we Americans realize how
much suffering to the poor, and positive in
convenience to the rich, would be caused by
a failure of the potato crop in this country.
The potato is lxtii bread an I meat in manv
households, and deserves ai! the considera
tion of a prime staple, as well as a luxury
in human food.
Potatoes for table use should not bj stor
ed at all in a wet cellar. In such a place
their starch i.s hydrogeuized. thereby spoil
ing their finest quality for iood ; they be
come soggy, and they will never cook dry or
mealy, t or the same reason where pota
toes are stored in heaps out of doors and
covered wr? ii earth, avoid placing them ou
any other than land which is naturally dry,
and where water will not stm d. On sandy
land potatoes will keep very well in heaps,
if properly covered from the winter rains
and secured from frost.
Cellar storage is most common among
farmers, and most convenient for household
purposes; but the cellar should be dry. If
the potatoes are free from disease, they may
be stored in close bins, with the tops cover
ed with dry sand or loam, which will insure
perfect preservation. Potatoes which are
tainted with rot must have their sore spots
dried up by exposure to t; e dry atmosphere
and a dust of slacked lime. Such potatoes
are not lit for human food, and should only
be u.-ed under protest iu case of dire neces
sity. in the storage of large quantities of potr.
to?s for stock use, say in the barn cellars, it
is well to u.-e a dust of lime. We saw a
good example of this practice in the barn
cellars of the famous old agrieutlurist. James
Gowan. ot Germantown, near Philadelphia,
last fall. Mr. Goweu feeds largely of roots
to his stock in winter. Jlis ample stone
walled cellars were heaped with potatoes
and other roots, all in the nicest order. Be
fore putting in the stock of roots for win
ter, Mr. Gowan has the walls and pnved
floors nicely cleaned and sprinkled with lime
dusti and. as the potatoes are put in. other
dustings are administered, by which "all foul
vapors are avoided, and the placa is free
from the nausous atmosphere usually en
countered where vegetables are stored in
any quantify.
Itever too old to Learu.
Socrates at an extreme age, learned to
play on musical instruments.
Cato. at eighty years ot" age, thought
proper to learn the Greek language.
Plutarch, when between seventy and
eighty, commenced the study of Latin.
Boccaccio was thirty-five years of age
when he commenced his studies in polite
literature; yet he became one of the three
great masters of the Tuscan dialect. Dante
and Petrarch Wing the other two.
Sir Henry Speimau neglected the scien
ces in his youth, but commenced the study
of them when he was between fifty and six- i
ty years of ae. "After this time he became
a most learned antiquarian and lawN'er.
Colbert, the famous French minister, 8t
sixty years of age returned to his Latin and
law studies.
Ludovico, at ti e great age of 115, wrote
the memoirs of his own time, a singular
exertion, noticed by Voltaire, who was him
self one of the . most remarkable instances
of the progressing of age in new studies.
Ogiby, the translator of Homer and Vir
gil, was unacquainted with Latin and Greek
till he was past the age of lifty".
Franklin did not fully commence his phil
osophical pursuits till he had reached his
fiftieth year.
Accorso. a great lawyer, being asked why
he began the study of law so late, answered
that indeed he began it late, but he should
therefore master it the sooner.
Dryden, in his sixty-eighth year, com
menced tho translation of the Iliad; and
his most pleasing productions were written
in his old age.
A llfflrt nrlrl ntAinnr i cfnrn ir nnrfb.1
.X 1111. .-''ill-. I ' ' .V . I 1 1 . ' .
some dye-stun", ami forgetting the name of
the article, said to the clerk "John what
does your folks dye with?" "Why, cholera,
sometimes," replied John. "Well, I be
lieve that's the name. I want to have three
cents worth.'
v " - 1
The Louisville Journal states that there
were 63,323 hogsheads of tobacco sold in
that city during the year which closed on
Novem!er 1st, and the stock now on hand
is 7,034. Ihe increase of sales over last
year is 2d,GlS hhds.
A man io Johnston, Vermont, set a trap
for bears that were troubling his sheep ; and
going out early one morning found a "var
mint" caught. -He rushed for his gun,
fired, ?nd killed a black eheep of his own
flock.' , :.'.-.'
The U. S. ship Kearsage arrived at Bos
ton, on Nov. Sth, and had as passenger W.
W. Williams, Ast. Paymaster of the U. S.
ship Waucliussett, bearing despatches de
tailing the circumstances attending the cap
ture of the pirate Florida, in the port of
Bahia, Brazil, on October 7th. without tho
loss ot a man on board the auehussett.
The Kearsage had on hoard the chief engin
eer and boatswain of the Alabama as pris
oners of war, and the surgeon and sixteen
men belonging to tbe Florida. The Wau
ehussett is bringing her prize, the- Florida,
home. The following is a brief account of
the circumstances ot the capture of the pi
rate Florida :
She arrived at Bashia Bay of San Salva
dor. on the night of the 7th ult. Captain
Collins having held a consultation with his
officers determined to sink the Florida iu
Port. Accordingly ubout thru? o'clock the
cables were shipped, and the Wauchussett
steamed for the Florida, hitting heron tha
quarter without doing her any great injury.
Capt. Collins now called out to those on
board the pirate to surrender or he would
sink her. This demand was replied to by
the First Lieutenant "under the circum
stances I surrender." A llowzer was now
made fast, the cable slipped and the Florida
towed to sea. In the inalee teveral pistol
shots were fired, and aceidently two guns
from the Wauchussett. Captain MorrU
aiiJ Wolf, of the Florida's crew were ashore
on liberty . Tho Florida was taken com
pletely by surprise. Seventy of her men,
it wa! known being on shore, and the others
just coming on board wero asleep and intox
icated. The blow given the Florida by the
Wauchussett carried away the mizzjn mast
and main yard, which fell on the awning
preventing any of her crew from getting up
from below. So unconscious was the officer
of the deck of the intention of the Wau
chussett's captain that he sang out "you will
run into us if you don't take care ! ' at tha
same time calling for a light. Twelve offi
cers and Gfty eight men of the Florida wara
captured. .
Mr. Carter in his "Summer Cruiso on
the New England Coast," gives the follow
ing lacts concerning the mackerel fishery :
"When a mackerel vessel reaches a plaoa
where the fish are supposed to be plentiful,
the master furls all his sails except the main
sail, brings his vessel's bo'vto the wind. ran
ges his crew at intervals along one of her
sides, and, without a mackerel in sight, at
tempts to raise a school by throwing over
bait. The baiter stands amidships, with a
bait-box outside the rail, and with a tin cup
nailed to a long handle he scatters the baifJ
on the water. If the mackerel appear, the
men throw out sliort lines, to the hook of
which a glittering pewter jig istiffixed. The
fish, if they bite at all, generally bite rapid
ly, and are hauled in as fast as the most ac
tive man can throw out and draw in a line.
As they pull them on board, the fisherman,
with a jerk, throws them into a barrel stand
ing beside him. So ravenously do they bite,
that sometim.es a barrelfu! is caught in fif
teen minutes by a single man. Some ac
tive young men will haul in and jerk off a
fish and throw out the line for another with
a single motion, and repeat the act in so
rapid succession that their arms seem con
tinually on the swing. 'To lie high line,'
that is, to catch the greatest number of fish,
'is an object of earnest desire among the am
bitious ; and the muscular ease, the preei
cision, and adroitness of movement which
such men exhibit in the strife are admira
ble. While the school remains alongside
and will take the hook, the excitement of
the men, and the rushing noise of the fish in
their beautiful and1 manifold evolutions in
the water, arrest the attention of tha most
careless observer. ' "
A Vote Challenged. When Mr.
a prominent Democrat, stepped up with a
flourish to vot2 for McClellan, at one of the'
wards in Pittsburgh
"I challenge that vote !"
"On what cround?" tri? the Tndicrnant
demand. -
"If you can produce your tax receipt for
either of the last fouryears. I will withdraw
the challenge.
The prominent Democrat subsided instant-
ly- ,
The terror of the desert of Sahara is be
ing removed by the application of science.
In 1 8oJ live wells had been opened, bring
ing fishes to the surface from a depth of 5U0
feet. Vegetation is springing up around
the wells, aud . the "desert will blossom like
the rose. ' '
A saw-pier in New Bedford, whose prac
tice is quite extensive in docteringdull saws,
puts outa siguinthe form ofa handsawwith
the words "saw dentist" painted on it.
An insenious Pennsylvanian has invent
ed n machine for coal mining which weighs
200 pounds, costs 300, aud will do the
work of twenty men.
Our petroleum for exports rivals the South
ern cotton for bringing in gold. The rebel
privateers, therefore, will be after the oil
The total subscriptions to the Ten-fortv
Loan to October 30th, foot up $?1, 967,800;
to the new Seven-thirties, $57,003, S0. :
At a ball in Virginia City, N. T., a man
kissed a pretty girl and was immediately
stabbed dead by her brother for it.
A French soldier recently went to aParis ex
ibition, and wished to enter at half price
because he had but one eye.
Late ParU fashions represents th laii?
wearing coat tails a yard long. .