CLEAKFIKLI), PA., OCT. 5, 1864. ' Tyrone and Clearfield Bailroad- - - - ft 55 a m . Train lenses Tyrone t : : : . a Arrirea at Philip-burg at . ; m. Train leave Phijip-burg at : - fP.m. Arrives at Tyrone at lL-i--:l IEtTfeeemen, iiAijar!! f o the .nd IV Rally at Curwens ville, on Monday evening next, Octo ber KUli, at C o'clock. Sneakers will be in attendance to ad dress the people. , S. J- UOA . Chairman Union Co. Com. Infoiimatiox Wanted. "We find the name of Wm. .Shippeyon our subscription li.-t, without liis pot office address. Will he, or some friend of his, be kind enough to J"nvarJ us the name of his post office? Nkw (loons. Win. F. Irwin has just o .iied a full and complete stock of new 1'rv 'Jonas, ect., which he is offering to the pub lic at reasonable prices. He has also jnso pened a larire stock of shoes, the best we have seen this many a day, and there is no excuse nnv for people to go barefooted. Call at Irwin's and examine his stock, if 3-011 d.-sire to purchase good merchandize of any kind, lie has it for side. IT. li. Swooi'K, Esq. This gentleman left home on Monday morning, to address mass meetings in various 'parts of the ."Mate. This (Wednesday) evening he speaks jit Franklin, and to-morrow at Oil City. Mr. Swoope U one of the best speakers in Penn sylvania, and will no doubt, accomplish much good for the Union ca ise in the sev eral localities where he is called upon to ad dress the people . Mr. "Wade's Speech. On our outside, to-day, we publish the s,fcih of Hon. li. F. Wade, delivered at Moadville, I'a., as reported for the Cleve land hnili i: I t is one of the most sarcas tic criticisms on the Chicago Platform, that we have read. It is yoi tby a careful peru sal by our readers. Wonder if our Coierhinl neighbor will publish this speech of Mr. Wade, as he pub lished the Wade-Davis manifesto ? Our nei.iihW should also give this 'manifesto'' to his readers "without the solicitation of a single Republican." by ali means. Consis tency is a jewel, you know, neighbor; so out with it, and don't gag at the dose, even if it should be a bitter pill. GEEAT UNION MASS MEETING. THE UXIOX MEN IN EARNEST. (JKEAT ENTHUSIASM. The Union meeting on Wednesday even ing (the 2Stli) at Clearfield, surpassed all ex pectation. " A short time before the organi zation of the meeting, a large delegation eoiitaiiiing upward of sixty wagons came in from Curwensville, and passed along the streets of our Uoruugli. In the procession wvre several excellent martial bauds. Hags, banners and transparencies, bearing appro priate mottoes. This was one of the largest delegations that ever came into our town, and made a grand and imposing appearance. ( hir up river friends deserve great credit for ihe interest they manifested in turning out Mich a goodly num! cr of their people. Quite a number cf ladies were also in the proces iii. Thanks' to them for their presence, and encouragement. The following named persons officiated as Marshals on the occa sion, to wit: John M'Quilkin, M. A. Frank. I'A nurchfield, John Mitchell, Fred Win, A P. .Moore, and M. B. Spackman". Much credit is due to these oflic-ers for the manner in which they performed their duties. The ineetingwasorgaiiized by the appoint ment of John P. Hovt, as President ; h.linlhde, Sr, Fred'k Zeigler, Saiisom lan alo. Jacob Hoover and Ceo. 1. i?mith, and -5 "tht-rs as Vice Presidents; .Samuel Kirk and a others as Secretaries. The list of officers having been mislaid, we are unable t" give all the names, and hence have only incited the above. The meeting was successively addressed by tin' II011. John Pattou, Mr. Wood worth of M;t.achuset!s. II. B. Swoopo and J. Ii. McKiiallv, Ki'.s. Hon. Patton spoke of the bright prospects "f success in other parts of the State. He H'ver spoke better. Every word counted. His speech was brief, lively and received with die highest satisfaction. Mr. W'oodworth was then iutoduced. He had fen in the armv the last three years and know the cruel spirit of the rebellion. Ho had seen enough to cause him to feel '''I!y "and speak earnestly. He knew the rdl hope now was in the peace Democracy 'f the North. lie-elect Lincoln and the re bellion is certain to be crushed, and the Ij i"ii preserved, lie set forth in clear and e-'niest language the true nature of the con-tv-t and the humiliating position of the par u that supports McClellan and the Chicago rUtS.rm. His speech was received with ''-! attention interrupted frequently with spi'iause. H-15. Swoope.Esq., followed in a speech of wan l0ur m length rich, racy and elc- ,!'lc't. lie showed up the "Peace Democ-ri'.v-" its speakers,platforiu and candidates, J tbe erout disgust of some of the copper ed tribe, but to- the satisfaction and de of every body else. 1. McEnally Esq., was the nextppeak-'r- His speech, though brief, was one of the best we have ever h-n id h'm deliver, audit was received with iuarked f ivor by the immense audience a hearty response being given to the great truths which ho presented. He was enthusiastic! cheered. Theiadies too had done their part. They adorned the platform with wreaths of ever greens, and honored us with their presence showering the most beautiful and fragrant boquets on the officers and speakers, until the' were almost covered with flowers. The vast concourse of people, the good order, the excellent martial music, the hap py and earnest appeals of the speakers, and enthusiasm of the people, all unifed to make it one of the largest and most successful! political meetings ever held in Clearfield County. ' A MAMMOTH ENTEEPEISE. By our advertising columns it will be seen that the two well known establishments, Thayer & Noyes" Circus and Van Am burgh & Co. s Menagerie have effected an arrange ment by which they will both travel togeth er the present season, and exhibit in one mammoth tent for a single price of admission, forming a combination of attractions which cannot fail to draw out immense throngs of visitors whereevtr they may go. The Menagerie is said to include an unusually line collection of living beasts and birds from all parts of the world, many of which have been imported within the- last year, while all are in tlio best condition. Among other rare zoological features this collection can boast of the largest lion in the country, a white Polar learircsh from the Artie o cean, a superb ostrich, a South American hippopotamus, the -monster ciephaut ''H;i nibal," the largest quadruped oil exhibition either in Europe or America. The Ciivus performances which are given at each ex Siibition, without extra charge, will consist of every variety of dashing horsemanship and extraordinary athletic feats, introducing one of the largest and most talented tr mpes ever brought together in this country. A stud of horses, ponies and mules unrivalled for extent, beauty and thorough training, completes the list of attractions included in this truly colossal combination, which is to exhibit hereon Friday, October 7th. Those who enjoy a hearty laugh will have their ca ses attended to by Dr. J. L. Thayer, the in imitable humorist, who will enliven the scenes of the circle by his quaint drolleries, and also introduce his wonderful comic mules. Mous. Davis, a pupil of the .great. Van Aniburg, will manipulate the Huns and tigers. COESESPOHDENCE OF THE JOUENAL. Letter from Pliilipsburg, Pa. Pnii.ii'siiLiKi, Pa., Ocr. 3, 18'54. D Ait Joi'knal: The time is drawing near when the Union men of Pennsylvania will be called on to engage the enemy at the ballot box. One week from to-morrow, is the 'day set'apart by law for the general elec tion of this State. There has been no elec tion, since the State was organized, as im portant to the voters of Pennsylvania, as this one. Matters of the most vital importance are at issue. As this election goes, so goes the Presidential election in November. Lot no I nion man stay at lnune, but go to the polls, and go early, see that every voter in your district is out, and that every qualified Union voter gets his vote. To ensure suc cess, every one must be active, vigilant, and stirring. We have an active and wily ene my to oppose,' an enemy that will leave no stone unturned. They well know their cause is "weak in the knees," and needs a power ful embrocation to work a cure. They are on the alert, and have; been for weeks ; nuth- iixr li-i ttr-it lifr nintiKHi ' flnr Mre i-nt :nnl dried. I hope the Unin men have been no less active, and are as thoroughly prepared for the onset. But we must not stop until ili.i .I'll- ,A' l.'WfLk ic l-i'i.:!- 111 llt-it lit I ILj lul l lyui.tKj M-l imu vi lav aside vour exertions until the last mo ment of TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 1th. and vou will have the proud satisfaction of see- ing your labors crowneu witu success, ami a glorious victory for the Union cause, the re sult. Our brave and gallant soldiers in the field, expect us to work wit h a will never be fore heard of; they are up and doing, and send us greeting "If you do your duty at home the day is ours."' . I received letters last week from two sol-ili.o-s in the Armv of the'Potomae. Tbev are sanguine of success, as will be seen from the following extracts. " ell. JUac will lose the army vote, and if you folks at home do as well as we will, Oid Abe will be the peoples' choice once more. I was at one time one of the strongest McClellan men tliii firm'.- find in it: hut '"birds of a feather will all "flock together," so I can not go . . r 1 1 1 1 il- - j. 1 , i. ouuwaru, or any oincr man, mat uoesnoi ,... t, viitf tin- 1 am now :ts l-oinI a ! I 1 I l 1 - ' " - ' - ' ' - cj citizen, as if I was playing coward at home. ' ' Bather a bad show, tliat. -u tne soiuiers ( from the rittfr of that ex- CW Villi .'t v.' ....... - tract; but here is another. "The. draft, I suppose, will bring some 01 me noy.s. j llVy heads that thev all wait for the draft, when they can come for one year. I do not think they would have to stay six months. J he reOels are coming in to our lines every day, and I think that the next fight, that is here, the (leorsia troops will desert, they f-eem very much .disappoint ...1 !.., l.-w- .(l-.i.f.i 1 think the coi- L 11 L lli I- j ' ' ' " - - . pei heads will so;n hang their heads. Little 31 ac will couie out 01 tne niuu imiu ui iuu 11 tint. iot. ime vote in ten in 11 w 1 11, 1 ..... (- this army. It i I;noi n exerji snhln-r m the unity, tfint the Democrat uppmed the amendment allowing the solJlirs a right to rote, ami It h'l not only kill Little Mar. bt the whole Democratic party. How is Bush on the war question? (meaning Bush town ship. ) 1 hear that some are iuhiuhuu. I ,-;il 1... ,1 Kim tliinir for the coutitrv if the traitors would all run off. It they had all gone long ago from the North, the war would have been over long since. I do not know how vou feel on the election for Old Abe, K.. Tu;r,i- wni -lm mi McClellan man. I U'-'.t i. lumrk. "' "-v - - - IT " can not see how any good and true Lninn man, can vote lor any other man tnan vjm 1 .1.:.. rnn Tt. will V tht? means of IMWUWUUil. ..n ..... - ---- killing the rebels, and the copperheads, who are a curse to the country. .vuoiuei Wayonomt. Little Mac and the counerheads. And yet the backers of young 3tr. iVlcUlellan, are circu.iui.uia - ,Y'-' ii.. 11 .1... ..I.Kopa n-ill vnlfl tnr AlcLilciian. tliat an me ...... - - -- The election in November will tell them a far different talc, and show tlieiu t uai mese two soldiers, from wohse letters i fiave ta ken the above extract, have not prophesied wrongly. . . . TT . Up then and at them, union men. from your farms, your log jobs, your timber camps, your saw-mills, your workshops, 3 our stores, and in short from all and even place. Walk up, ride up, climb up, crawl up, creep up, rnn up, iump up, any way at ad ; but be sure you are up. L'e sure that every Union vote is up. f any one remains at home, and .vou are doubtful of his com ing, send tor lrfin at 2.40 speed, and bring him up. Go at the work as if your life was at stake, for really the life of our country is at stake, and such a glorious, grand, and magnificent victory for the Union, as never before achieved in the loyal Old Keystone, will be ours. Lehoi. Letter from Petersburg. Va. Ckmi S4tii Pa. Vol's, nkar Petkks- burg, Va., Sept. l'J, l!?04. J S. J. How, Esq : Dkau Sir : You will find, forwarded by this mail. a communication expressive of the feelings of this company on thepresent condition of our country. By 1 -ill ,1 "1 , .r "f n-il n.-tnfiii- o t'-ii-ni. nn till J . 'J 1!1 1 1 11, III .1 VVA 1,111 l-i.'Ul-l . All , vil v. members of the company, who desire their opinions to be known. It is a company pa per, and is a fair exponent of our army's sen timents on this unholy Rebellion. Hope you will be able to make headway against the tide of disloyalty now beating against you, and be the instrument in changing the fever ish disloyal temper of-the people of our county to a healthy patriotism. T am .sir, vuurs respectfully, J. II. li. -2d Serg t. Co. K, S4th Pa. Vol. Pnus4rii flvii'T.. P. V. NF.AU PK- -) TKitSiit KO, Ya., Sept. 15th, 1804. j 31 it. Editok : Presuming you would like to hear from the boys of Co. K, 84th P. V., we Lave taken the liberty to sketch some of our proceedings, and -also of our o pittious, concerning passing events, as tney occur in the North. The present campaign, so far, has been one of danger and fatigue. Our proximity to the earthworks of the enemy, requires al most constant watching, lest, in a thought less moment, we receive a rebel pill, in the shape of a miniiie b:tli. Lately we have been constructing a new Hue of breastworks, at a point nearer Petersburg than that we previously oicujiied. Wo were hidden du ring our oppositions by a thick wood, this being partly cleared away, revealed to the as tonished gaze of the Rebels, a strong, de fence closer than they imagined. Compauy. K, which is composed mostly ot the bone and sinew from Clearfield county, we assure you is not among the least valiant of the brave and hardy soldiers of the old S4rh. We h ive not felled the tail nionarchs of our native forest ; nor cracked our rifle at the bounding deer, in vain. Prom our early habits we can now boast of development of strength, and precision of aim, which are excellent auxiliaries in prosecuting the will ing task of uprooting treason from the soil of our beloved Country, 'twill be need less to dwell graphically on our late battles, skirmishes and hair-breadth escapes of life ; nor of the way the old -d Corps lately drub bed the stubborn Kehs as the war correspon dents have already posted you fully on this subject-. it suffice, to assure our friends and former neighbors, that the work goes bravely on. We are pinching the "John nies"' by eon'dning them to their present rat holes. Soon we Avill have them in fair po sition "To lay it on sure but. very rough, Then cursed be he that crieth, hold, enough!' The intention of Co. K, witl the other veteran Companies of the S Jtli, is to fight this wicked rebellion to the bitterend that is, till the votaries of Secession renounce their treason, or bite the dust. Nothinsr would please us more, at this stare of the conflict, than to know that we had the hearty approval of all in our dear Mountain homo. We want aid and com fort especially from there. Not material aid, for the (Jovernmeut is doing the 'fair' thing, but we want words of good cheer, and would like to see such movements politically, that would assure us tliat loyalty to the cause for which we are periling life, exists in Clear field County in unbounded measure. AY ere we persuaded such was the case,we think our conquest would be more rapid. Like those of Israel against the Ainclekites, whiL-ttho arm of Moses was upheld by his aids the Soldiers fought and prevailed, but when he was unsupported by them, Israel lost ground. We too, need your hearty good wishes, and the prayers of the honest men. In the name of our good cause, our Stars and Strip s. let us have them. 1 f we are to believe what we' hear, we fear there is but slight grounds to crovr very loudlv over the loyalty of certain districts in Clearfield county." That infernal blight, that prevails where "Copperheads' abound,seem.s to breathe its contagions from many a treach erous heart. Of tins we have strong inti mations from the late election returns from Clearfield. Is it possible that our couuty should have so far forgotten her debt of trratitudo to the defenders of the country, as to proclaim at her polls, that the war-worn, self-sacrificing soldier shall be denied the dearest privilege of freemen the right to cast his vote at the ballot box ? Alas ! 'tis even so. ';Oh. shame, where is thy blush. " It requires little effort to believe that the "hard-shell cusses," who polled such a vote, must have no shame are clear gone in tins respect. And as there remains no hope of our winnins them back to a viituous patri otism, we will try to cancel their votes m the coming campaign, by our votes, and thus counteract the evil they would do. We hope there may be no truth m the re port that some of these worthies are or "anizimr bands to resist the draft in Clear field. I f such prove to le the case, Compa ny K will earnestly petition the authorities of the War Department to be allowed to form part of the force that shall be sent to carrv out the United States laws. Y e will lead the van asainst such traitors, and then, with unspariug hand and unpitying eye, their treason shall cost them dear. Arrant knaves and cowards they gare unwilling to defend the country that protects them, and too "pigeon livered" to declare for the south ami fiah't under its banner. Disunion at home "seems to be their aim. AY ell their day of reckoning is not far off ; and let them liear in mind that its penalty may descend, in fierce retribution, to children s children. The idowing villainy of some of these cop perheads looms up in its most flagrant as pect. when contemplated by us from the ten ted field. To think that men, who. m the first outbreak of this rebellion, imagining it would be a bloodless war, used intemperate haste to procure for their sons position, ( uch as Majors, Lt. Colonels and othercom missioned offices,) but soon as it wa.s toxoid the conflict was to be a severe one, these babes in war" resigned their commissions, and now, with their traitorous sires, are try ing to destroy the interest of the country they at first swore to uphold. Among the list of double-dealing political sycophants, we would like Rill Digler to know that he is held in wretched odor m Company K. We have not forgotten hi patriotic(?)speeches made (for political card tali tons "long ago." How vastly loyal and willing to sacrifice "life, fortune and sacred honor JJilly, then was. J5ut alas ! the hue wld has turned Conner ! "Where do we find him now? With Long, Harris, and Valian digham, calling the righteous defence of our country and liberties, sin unholy war! For Ligler we prophesy oblivion. With those sentiments, Mr. Editor, we leave you hopinffto remain under the pres ent hnoest Administration four years Iomrer. and to return home next Summer with our country one and undivided, and regenerated by the ttery ordeal she has passed througy. And subscribe ourselves. The old Vkts of Company Iv.1 MARRIED : At Philipsburg, Sept. 24, G4. by A. A. Bradin, Esq., Mr. Wiu.iam D. Williams. to .Miss Ann Galk, both of Osceola, Clear field county, I'a. DIED: On Sept. 14th, 18i4, at Strattonville. cianou county, j'a., Ihomas IIcmi'iiukv. aged 57 years, 1 month and '2'J days. On Sept 27th, 1804, in Lawrence town ship, Andkkw CrimN, infant son of A- bram and Alatuda Carter, aged 11 months And must you die, my darling babe? I see the fatal shade, That o'er thy bloonrng cheeks of joy, The hand of death has laid. I loved to gaze upon your face, And mark vour onen brow. Where care, as yet, had stamped no trace, 10 picture human woe. 31 ust 1 no more behold that smile, Nor li-el that hand entwine, In bind endearing love awhile, Its gentle clasp in mine? "CAUTION. The publie are hereby cnution Wed against trusting my wifo, Mary ast. or cnilurcn, on my account, as 1 will pay no debts uf their contracting hereafter. Aug. 2'Jth. 1S04. ept. Till, 1S(U. pd. SAML'Kli KAifT. rilCEAriERS WASTED The directors A ti' Ptnn township, Ucaire to employ fire teachers, two males and three females for a term of four months, to whom liberal wages will be given. Applicants will meet the board at Penn ville, on the 1st dav of October next. Sept. 11. lsfil-pd". 'M. P.UJiCK, Secy. G i:EKAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TION. Whereas, by an Act of the Ueneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled -An act to regulate the lieneral Election within this Commonwealth.'' it is enjoined on the Sheriffs of tan several counties to give public no tice of such election, the places where to bo held, and the otHvers to be elected : Tiikkekokk. I, El' WAKD I'ICKKS. High Shcriff of Clearfield co., do herein St re pnhlic notice to the Lleetors of the county of Clearlield. that aO KNKlt A L ELECTION will be hel i on the Seroul Titexilay of Oe.'ulu'r next, (being the ELWYKNTII day of the month) at Ihe several election districts in said county, at which time and place the qualified voters will vote For One person to represent the counties of Cam eron, Clearfield, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, McKean and Warren in the iiouse of .Repre sentatives of the I'nited States. For one person to represent the counties of Clear field, Elk and Forest iu the House of repre sentatives of this Commonwealth. For one peison for the office of Sheriff of Clear field county. For One person for the office of Commissioner of Clearlield county. For one person for" the offico of District Attorney of Clearlield county. l'or One person for the office of Auditor of Clear field county. For ono person for the office of Coroner of Clear lield county. The electors of the county of Clearfield w ill take notice that the said IJenerai Election will po held at the following places, viz : At the hou:ie of Samuel M. Smith for Beccaria township. At the house of Aseph Ellis for Bell township At the house of James Bloom. Sen., for Bloom township. At the house of Edward Albert for the township of Boggs. At the houso of Jacob Pearcc, for the township of Bradford. At the public house of 11. Vi '. Moore for Brady township. At the house of John Young for the township f Bunisi'iu. At the school house nearSimon llorabaugh's for the township of Chest: At the court house for the Borough of Clearfield. At the house of Jacob Maurer for the township of Covington. At the hou.-e of I. Bloom, dee'd, for the Bor ough of Curwensville. At Centre school house for the town'pof Peeatur. At the house of Thomas B. Davis for the town ship of Ferguson. At the house of John I. Buudy for the township of Fox. At Congress Hill scheol house for the township ofliirard. At the publie school house for the township ot loshen. At the house of Jacob Hubler for the township of ( raham. At the school house in Janesville for the town ship of Uuelich. At the houseof J.Wilson forthe twn'p of Huston. At the school house in Ansouville for the town ship of Jordan. At the house of B. D. Hall A Co. for the town ship of Karthaus. At the Turkey Hill School house for the town ship of Knox. At the court house in the Borough of Clearfied for Lawrence township. At the public school house tor the borough of Lumber city. " At the house formerly occupied by Thomas Ky ler for the township of Morris. At the public school house for the Borough of New Washington. - At the bouse formerly of Wm. W. Anderson for the township of Fenn. At the nouse of I. Bloom. dee'd, in theBorough ot Curwensville for Pike township At the house of It. W. Moore for the township of Union. At the house of Thomas Henderson for the town ship of Woodward. 1 NOTICE IS FLKTHElt HEREBY GIVEN, Thai all persons, exeept Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of trust, un der the government of the United States or of this State, or of any incorporated district, weth er a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subor dinate officer or agent, who is or shall be em ployed under the Legiclative, Executive, or Judi cial Departments of this State or United States, or any city or incorpoated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legis lature, or of the common or select council of any city, or commissioner of any incorporated dis trict, are by law incapable of holding or exer cising, at the same time, the office or apoiDt ment of Judge. Inspector, or Clerk of any elec tion of this Commonwealth. . And the Keturn Judges of the respective dis tricts aforesaid are requested to meet at the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield, on the First Friday next after the said Second Tuesday of Oc tober, then and there to do those things required ol them by law. (JIVEN under my band and seal, at Clearlield, this Ninth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and gixty-fouf, and of the Independence of the United State the eighty-eighth. EDWARD PERKS, Sheriff. OIALT a eood article, and very cheap at the store ot - - A number of rears have elapsed since the intro duction of HOSTETTKK S CKI.El'.KATEl) BIT TERS to the publie. The prejudice existing in the minds of many persons agsinet what are Co nominated patent medicines at first greatly retar ded its sale ; but. as itn virtues and merits became known, this barrier of prejudice was overthrown, and the demand increased so rapidly that in a few years scarcely a village existed in the I'nited States in which the alllicted had not experienced the benefits arising from the use of the --Bitters." and atlhe present day there are to be found IN ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD vouchers for the great merits cf the article. No greater cure for Dyspepsia can be found See advertisement. For sale by .Druggists and dealers everywhere. CAUTION. The publie are hereby caution ed against purchasing or inter-meddling witb a pair of Grey horses, in the hands of Alexander Graham as the?ame belong to me. Sept. 7th. ISiU. ALLEN CUPLER THAYER & NOYES' UNITED STATES 0IE0US, . 1KD VAN MBURGH & CO'S MAMMOTH MENAGERIE Egyptian Caravan, Com bine 4 for the' Season oflOI, with One Price of Ad- tuistioa. i 1 l V - jett -est The Wonders of Animated Nature Consolidated with Ihe only LEGITIMATE CIRCUS Fver Orgnnizwd-OIouiL nd Heti-itd Axvcuvest. Pre-eminent Equestrians, Acrobats, Gymnasts, Jratcra, Cowns, Contortionists, Kquilibrists and Genuml For fonnors Splendid Stud of Tbaixed Houses, Pomij and Tbich Mvus-Magnificent Collection of Lil ian L.iox. Tige&s, Leopakim, Buku, Hyena, Wolves, Mokkkvh, Ape. Babooss, Diuds of all kinds and eizes, iic, giuh. trod by the Great Van Amburgh Himself ; Hie r.IAJUiOTII WAR ELEPHANT HANNIBAL, Tho Largf-st Animal in Mm worlil, v. t t-;liint? Xivarly I5,QT0 lYtuiitld. S. A. TAl'iJ.'. tF Uftho New World, the Only One on Kxliibitloiw A WH2TE POLAR BEAR. 1'ruJii tht An:lic H i;itjnsi, tht. Only One iu .Vuitirioafc An AFRICAN OSTRICH, Niuu Feet Hii'tu A I'air vt SNOW WHITE PEACOCKS, A l'air cf JAPANESE flTASKIW SWINE Tim first fvtr imjMirtcd ia America. Hbi(V r.n immi-nsa variety of iiare and I.vuufnl Li.JiBr, liiaua and Kti'Tii.t. 'WWW !; a 7tA ' 't. TTt -W4Z: mm 1 ho ime-jualled Array of uti-nu-d Autisteh includes i DR. JAMES. L. THAYER, The Eloquent and Scholarly Clown and Comedian.' MR. CHARLES W. NOYES, 1 he unrii-iilod Httrse Tamer, who will introduce his I!eauiiful l'ttrionaing Hors3, tijifc-V Eacik, ir." Charles Reed, tbo Champion r.iuestrian. George II. Batchellor. he (Jreatest Leap. In the -wrl. Bi -shli a nmiK roiis Conns of Auxiliaries and Attc-n!ant. The rM KSSION of this stupendous Consolidation will ! prolitic iu splendid euWts and uiarvtl. of luag. riiCicence. Tho COLOSSAL GOLDEN. CHARIOT Oil Mythological Car of .the Muses Containing Ed. Parmeles famed Brass Band Will he drawn hy 12 beautiful Arabian Steed, Eonrcous ly Capnrlaoiid with cloth of velvet, richly studded with brilliant emblematical ornaments of Kld and silver. Tho Superb liens. Carriages, llaacasa Waeons and other I'.juipiures, maiiiit'actured by the celebrated 'iEUji?io r.uoTiitKs, Now Vorfc. an; of the most eleeant and cost ly descriptiiwu and of incomparable style and finish. The smndeuf uf this wouderful Cavalcade, (reprsentir.i. as it does MOVINti PANOKA.MA of over a Mi i. k in I.kncth with its attractive lpointmeU and attribtitus, i- so suix rb i-yond conception, exciting in the beholder tho realization ol the fervid amusements vhich save birth to chivalry and itsaiteidantpa?eaiitries The .MajiAGtMiiiT de-ire to in. press upon the Public mind that each and every feature of this tirand Combi nation is entirely unexceptionable and of a high toned and moral character. 1 he undeniable excellence and su periority of this establishment is a conceded fact. Korihe special ainunenH-ut of I-Adies and Children, Mr C. W. .NO YES" will exhibit bis great Performing Monkey. "VICTOR,"' Ihe best trained animal of the kind in the world. DiiTin-f tha FONS. DAVIS; The otilr i!ir,-.-sMu! rivnl of the Great an Amboreh will enl.irtiie den of Trained l.ions, TiRer and Leopards teirli Knteruiinmeni will be introduced the Performing Ponie-s' Muckrvs, Klephanu and DR. THAYER'S Educated COMIC MULES, SAM & DICK. Tnic tloiicroi's PuocEssios will enter town at or about 10 o'clock iu the uvntns. "WIILilL, EXHIBIT At Clearfield, on Friday, Oct. 7 th. At Luthersburg, Saturday, Oct. 8. Doors open at 1 and 65, p. m. Ad mission 50 cents. Cliildren under 12 vears, 25 cents. -' 1 i - -1 iff.. fc. rnfi ism I " H .'vf . 1 mm 1 TO'K sc jk f Jt