Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 31, 1864, Image 2

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    'Baltsmm's Journal.
Br 8. J. BOW.
ANDEET7 JOHNSON, of Tennessee.
MORTON M'MICH AF.I., of Philadelphia.
Klias W. Hale.
Charles H. Shriner,
John Wiater.
David M'Conaughy.
David W. Woods,
1 Robert P King,
2 Geo.MorrisonCoates,
Henry Bumtn.
William H. Kern,
B.irtia II. Jenks.
Charles M Runk,
Robert Varke,
Aaron Mall.
John A. Hiestand,
Richard H. Coryell.
Isaac Benson,
John Patton,
Samuel B Dick,
Everard Ttierer,
John P Penney.
Ebenezcr M'Junkin.
John V. BlancharJ,
i-.dward liolliilay,
12 Charles V. Reed.
JOSEPH WINERY, cf Bradford Tp.
JOHN H. FULPOED, of Clearfield Bor.
PETEE H00VEE, of Pike Township.
BEN J. SPACEMAN, of Clearfield Bor.
Daring the pa.-t few days there has Leon
severe fighting between portions of Grant's
army and the rebels. Some time ago Gen.
Grant sent a porton of his forces which de
stroyed and occupied a p .rtion of the Wel
don Rail-road which is the principal Kail
road reaching Richmond from the South.
This seems to be considered a movement of
great importance by both sides. The rebels
have made repeated attempts to retake the
road and drive off our forces but have failed
each time. On Thursday the 25th, another
desperate attack was made, but after a very
severe and bloody engagement, the enemy
were repulsed. Gen. 31eade in 1 is dis
patch says :
"I think I do not overstate the loss of the
enemy in the last two weeks' battles at 10 -00
killed and wounded. We have lost
heavily, but our loss has heen mostly in cap
tured when the enemy gained temporary
ad vantages."
From Mobile we learn that Fort Morgan
is in our possession, but it is not stated how
it was taken. This will certainly give us se
cure possession of the harbor at Mobile.
Sherman is still besieging Atlanta. Gen.
Kilpatrick wiih some cavalry made a success
ful raid by which about 14 miles of the rail
road from Atlanta to Macon was destroyed
and a train of supplies enroute for Atlanta.
Nothing importance has occurred in tLe
. Shenandoah valley, though there are va
rious rumors.
Interview with Jeff. Davis.
On our outside, to-day, we print the con
versation which occurred between Mr. J. R.
Giluiore (better known a3 Edmund Kirke)
and Col. Jacques and Jetf. Davis, while the
former were on a vi.it to Richmond, recent
ly. Col. Jacques is a Methodist clergyman
ot high standing, and he was led to believe
from information he received that the Meth
odists of the South were tired of the war,
desired a return to theold Methodist church
and to the Union, and would aid in resto
ring peace. After some effort through Gen.
Rosecrans, permission was obtained for him
and Mr. Gilmore to visit Richmond and on
their own responsibility ascertain whether
there was any disposition among the rebel
leaders for peace. They proceeded frcm
our lines under a flag of. truce, and were
met at " Petersburg by Commissioner Ould,
wno conducted tnem lucnmonu, wnere
they were well entertained at the Spotswood
House. They addressed a note to Mr. Ben
jamin, asking an interview with the Presi
dent of the '"Confederacy," which request
was granted. But, we will not anticipate.
Let the reader turn to the document itself
and peruse it carefully, and learn what the
rebel chieftain's opinions are in regard to
the war and the terms of peace.
Jefferson Davis' declaration to Colonel
Jacques, "We seceeded to rid ourselves of
the rule of the majority," is but the ex-
Iiression of the anti-republican theory he
ias long advocated. In 1856, at Jackson,
Mississippi, referring to the probable suc
cess of his political opponents in 1800, he
said: "The success of such a party would
indeed produce an 'irrepressible conflict.'
To you would be ' presented-the question,
will you allow the constitutional Union to be
changed into the despotism, of a majority?"
It is singular that the Democratic party has
any sympathy with men who thus repudiate
its principles. This tyranny of the majority,
by the way, has only been mentioned by
Southern leaders, and the majority voted in
..i x e j fri
-me interest oi jreeuom. mere was no ais
potism, of course, in the old pro-nlavery
The Seven-Thirties What are They.
We trust that a large portion of our read
ers have pondered the Appeal of Mr. Fes
senden, our new Secretary of the Treasury.
The purport of it is that the people of the
United States, acting as a bod through their
arent the Government, wish individuals to
lend them two hundred millions o: dollars
for three years, at seven and three-tenths
p2r cent, annual interest, payable every six
months. For this they offer the Treasury
Notes that is, in, reality notes drawn and
endorsed by every man in the country. The
loan is wanted for a jrreat national purpose,
to effect which even man, unW he be a
traitor in heart, if not in act, is solemnly
The Appeal is addressed not to a few
great eapitalis, but also to many whose ag
gregate means constitute the mass of the
wealth of the land. The notes upon which
this loan is aked are from $50 upward.
Kvery man who has fifty dollars can take
part in this loan. Apart from ..patriotism
and the duty which all owe to their country,
no investnu nt is so desirable as this.
It is secure. Kvery dollar of every man's
property is pledged for the punctual pay
ment of the intere, and of the debt when
due. The security is increasing in value.
For some years before the war we were earn
ing lOOO millions a year more than we spent.
During the three years of war, owing to the
high ju ices and constant demand for labor,
we have earned more than ever before. No
man who could or would work has been idle ;
and. except for the war, we have spent less
than before. The total valuation of the
property of the United States, according to
the censu.- of lSfln, was $lt,15'..(Kij.0MJ. of
which $1 0,057, 44S, "() v as in the Loyal
States. This valuation, according to thcu
sual rule of assessment, was no more than
two-thirds of the ar-tua! cash value of the prop
erty. The increase of the property in the
Loyal States daring the last ten years was o
ver 1'26 per cent., or an average of 12 0-10 per
cent, per annum. In three years of the war
we of the United States have certainly earn
ed 3001 millions more than we have spent
apart from the war. The cost of the war
may be set down at 2M)0 millions. Deduct
ing this from our net earnings, the People
who are security for this loan are 10(H) mil
lions richer to-day than they were when the
war broke out.
Xo other investment can be so easily con
vertible. The man who has a Treasury note
for $50, or $K0, or .1k0, can turn it into
m vney more readily, and upon better terms,
than if if were invested upon bond and mort
gage, or in railroad stocks.
The interest offered is higher than can Vc
realized from any other safe and convertible
investment. It is, moreover, readily collec
table when due. To each note are affixed
five "coupons," or interest tiekets; due at
the expiration of each sueee.-sive half-year.
The holder of a nte has simply to cut off
one of tle.-e coupons, present it to the near
est bank or Government Agency, and receive
his interest ; the note itself need not be pre
sen ted at all. Or a coupon thus payable
will everywhere be equivalent, when due, to
Thus, while this loan presents great ad
vantages to large capitilists, it offers .special
inducements to those who wish to make a
safe and profitable investment of small sa
ving. It is in every way the best Savings'
Bank ; for every institution of this kind must
somehow invest its deposits profitably in or
der to pay intero.-t and expenses. They will
invest largely in this loan, as the best inves -ment.
But from the gross interest which they
receive thev must deduct largely for the ex
penses of the Bank. Their usual rate of in
terest allowed to depositees is 5 per cent
npon sums over $500. The person who in
vests directly with the Govermnet will iv
ceive almost 50 per cent. more. Thus the
man who deposits $1000 in a private savings'
Bank receives 50 dollars a year interet ;
if he deposits the same in this national -vings'
Bank he receives T3 dollar-. For those
who wish to find a safe, convenient, and
profitable means of investing the surplus
earnings which they have reserved for their
old age or for the benefit of their children,
there is nothing which presents so many ad
vantages as this National Loan.
It is convertible into a six per cent, gold
bearing bond. At the expiration of three
years a holder of the notes of the 7.30 loan
has the option of accepting in full or of fund
ing his notes in a fix per cent, gold interest
bond, the principle payable in not less than
five nor more than twenty years from its
date as the Government may elect. For six
months past, these bonds have ranged at au
average premium of about eight per cent,
in the New York market, and have sold at
100 to-day (Aug. 12th,) thus making the
real rate of interest over ten per cent. ; and
besides, to make the inducement even great
er, Congress by special act exempts its Treas
ury notes from state and municipal taxa
tion. Could Shylock ask more ? Was patri
otism ever so liberaly rewarded ? Harper s
A few days ago a British officer in uni
form went to visit the Kearsage in the port
of Deal, in England, and on stepping on
board said in a joking manner to the Yan
kee sailor who presented arms to him at the
gangway : "I suppose this is the first time
yon were ever boarded by an Englishman?
'"Ob, no, ir," said the sailor, "we were
boarded by sixty the other day at Cher
bourgh." Chicago Ccxtextiox. This Convention
is largely attended, and the prospect is that
Gen. McClellan will be the nominep.
The New State Military Bill.
A supplement to the Militia Bill approved
May 4th, lfco4, was pa.-ed by the ieuusyi
vania State Legislature at its recent session.
The first and second sections provide lor bor
rowing money to carry out the provisions of
the .bid. Section three provides lor the ap
pointment by the Governor of a Major Gen
eral and two Utigadier Generals 10 have
command ot the torces contemplated by the
Section lour relates to-the duties ot
the Quaitermater General and Commi&iury
General in furnishing supplies.
Section 5. That the Governor of the Com
monwealth is hereby authorized uid empow
ered to organize a military corps, to be cal
led the Pennsylvania State Guard, to be
composed of fifteen regiments, in due pro
portion ot cavalry, infantry and artillery, or
such portion thereof as may be deemed nec
essary. The said regiments shall severally
be composed of companies of hte number,
and to be armed and equijqid, ck.thed, dis
ciplined, governed and paid while in actual
service, as similar troops in the service of
the United States, and shall be eniit-ted iu
the service of the State for a period not ex
ceeding three years, unless sooner discharg
ed, and shall be liable to be called into the
service of this State, at such times as tie
Governor of the Commonwealth may deeia
their services necessary for the purposes of
suppressing insurrections or re, ehing inva
sions; and the Governor shall appoint all
the regimental officers, and the companies
shall have the right to elect the company
officers, and said Major General and Briga
dier Generals, and all regimental and com
pany officers shall be citizens of this Com
monwealth ; Provided, That such portions
of the said corps as shall be called into actu
al service shall he supplied and provided
with ordinance stores, as provided for in this
act, but when not called into actual service
such supplies, ordnance and ordnance stores
shall be withheld until required.
Section 5. The Governor of the Common
wealth is hereby authorized to provide the
necessary' hospital arrangements, cam pa of
instruction, arms and accoutrements, garri
son and camp equipage, transportation, and
all things necessary for the arming and
equipage and putting into service, subsis
tance when iu service, quartermaster's com
missary and ordnance stores of the said
Pennsylvania State Guard, and to makeau J
adopt a 1 needful rules and regulations, to
take and use horses for cavalry and artillery
service, for which full compensation shall be
made within six montns alter the taking of
the same, and the person by whom the same
shall be taken shall exhibit to the owner
thereof his authority for such seizure, and
shall at the time give to the owner a certifi
cate stating the number of horser taken. and
the time when and by whom, and the ser
vice for which the same are required, and
such supplies as in his judgment may be
necessary, and to seize such railroads and
other means of transportation as the exigen
cies of the case may demand.
Section 7. The Governor of the Common
wealth is also hereby authorized and empow
ered to cause to be made an .immediate en
rollment and classification of the militia of
the Commonwealth ; and it shall be his duty
to call and keep in service, as long as he
may deem necessary, front the body of said
militia, or from such portions of the Com
monwealth as he may deem necessary, the
said Pennsylvania btate Guard, by volun
teering or draft : ProciiLd, That any per
sons who may be deemed, by7 the Board of
examination, able to do military duty; may
be received as volunteers in the regiments
provide" I to be raised by this act, without
reference to ge.
Section S. That if practicable, until the
time fixed bylaw for making the enrollment
of the miiitia of the Commonwealth, the
Governor is authorized and empowered to
organize the military force authotized by
this act, on the basis of the enrollment made
in the several districts of the Siate by the
enrolling officers of l he ( I eneral ( ovcrnnieiit,
but if impracticable, the Governor is herein
directed to eaue an immediate enrollment
of the militia of the Commonwealth, to he
made as provided for in the act to which
this is a supplement.
That when the Assessors refuse or neg
lect to enter upon the performance of the
duties of cnroiiiiig the citizens of their res
pective districts for a period of five day's af
ter being notified of their duty, the Govern
or shall appoint a competent person or per
sons to make the enrollment.
It shall be the duty of he Governor to
appoint one competent citizen in each coun
ty, who shall be a physician, who, in con
nection with the county commissioners, or
city commissioners, shall constitute a Board,
three of whom, the physician being one,
shall make a quorum, with power to deter
mine who are exempt from enrollment under
this act, and the act to which it is a supple
ment ; and it shall be the duty of the en
rolling officer to give notice, by publication
in a newspaper of the county, of the times
at which such applications shall lie heard,
and to notify said Board when they will be
required to hear such applications.
That all other duties in reference to ibe
enrollment shall be performed as directed in
the act to which this is a supplement, and
that the physician so appointed to hear and
decide on applications for exemption shall
receive for each and every day so employed
the sum of five dollars, and the county com
missioners or city commissioners the sum of
three dollars per diem, to be paid out of the
State Treasury.
That the Governor shall have authority
to make and enforce all orders which may
in his judgment be necessary to carry out
the provisions of this act, and to effect a
speedy enrollment and organization of the
militia of this Commonwealth.
Section 0. That the Quartermaster-General
le and he is hereby authorized to sell
any unsuitable or unserviceable ordnance be
longing to the State, the proceeds of which
shall be paid into the State Treasury and
applied, if deemed necessary by the Commander-in-Chief,
in addition to the appro
priation above nanifed, towards the purchase
of ordnance and ordnance stores.
Section 1 . That where the Brigade Fund
of the county is not sufficient to pay the
Assessors, as provided by the third section
of the act to which this is a supplement,
the said Assessors shall be paid by the sev
eral cities and counties in which such as
sessment is made. .
A member of Gen. Sherman's army, wri
ting from Atlanta under date of the 27th
ult., says: "I need scarcely say that Lincoln,
is the soldiers candidate, and that we regard
his re-election as the surest, quickest and
best means ot brineine the war to a success
ful termination."
The Eebel Cause TailiDg from Exhaustion
Letter from Gentia!" Seymour, Late a
Prisoner of V ar.
Gen. Seymour, one of the Union Generals
who was placed under fire at jCharlestou,
has written a letter which, for its highly re
spectable statement of the South, should be
generally read. We commend it particular
ly to those who throw doubt upon jhe war
and the Government. Gen. Seymo .r, it is
well known, passed many years of his mil
itary life in the old regular service, in friend
ly intercourse among the Southern people;
and, to within a very short time, has been
reckoned by opposition journals with those
unfriendly to the Administration. Without
saying a word in favor of Mr. Lincoln on
personal grounds, General Seymour clearly
shows, from the convictions of an experience
in the relicl States, that his re-election would
be the worst blow which it is possible for
the North to administer as a people against
the South. lie is convinced, as the Gov
ernment is also convinced, that the "Confed
eracy" is in its worst straits, and now relies
chiefly upon Northern sympathy to secure
its independence by betraying the pacific
Union sentiment.
Wiu.tAMSTouw, Mass., Aug. 15. 1;64.
My Bkau Sir : You ak lor my impres
sions of the present condition of the South
ern Confederacy, and you shall have them.
For the benefit of our cause, 1 wish they
might be impressed upon every soul in the
land, that the confidence begotten of my
three mouth's observations in the interior
of the South might be shared by every man
who has the least connection with the re
sponsibilities of this struggle. And 1 am
sure that these opinions are not peculiar to
myself. Every one of the fifty officers just
exchanged wiii express the same everyone
of them, whether from the jails of Charles
ton, or the pens of 31 aeon and Anderson
ville, will confidently tell the same story.
Tin: ftbtl xiusc ut Jnst failimj front ex
haustion. Their two grand armies have
been reinforced this summer from the last
resources of the South. From every corner
of the land, every old man and every boy
capable of bearing a rifle has been impres
sed, willingly or unwillingly, and hurried to
the lront. lee s army was the first so
strengthened. It wa at the expense of
Hood's. Gov. Brown told the truth will
plainness that was very bitter, but it was
none the less the truth. Let me extract :
few prominent statements Irom his procla
mation of July '.'h. addressed to the '"Re
served Militia of Georgia :"
"A late correspondence-with the Presi
dent of the Confederate States satisfied niv
mind that Georgia is to he left to her own
resources to supply the reinforcements to
Gen. .Johnston's army, which are iudispen
sible to the protection tf Atlanta, and to
prevent the State from beimr overrun by
the overwhelming numbers now under com
mand ot the ederal G eneral upon our soil.
"But there is need of further reinforce
ments, as will be seen by the accompanying
letter of Gen. Johnston. . . . And ir.
lrticoiiis in v dutv to cull forth fieri iitn in
the State able to bear anus, as fast as they
can be armed, to aid in the defence of our
home--, our altars, an 1 the graves of our an
"If the Confederate Government will not
send the large cavalry force (now engaged
in raidimr and rcpellim' raid.-) to destroy
Lthe long line of railroads over which Gener
al Sherman brings his supplies from Nash
ville, and thus compel him to retreat with
the loss of mo-t of his army, the people of
GeoVgia, irlii) fidre (ih'eoin bu n tlrmrn nj)
011 more heavily iii proportion to pojititntioii
than those of ami ot!tr St i it a in the ('011-
federori, must at all hazards, and at anv
sacrifice, rush to the front.
"If (ien. John-ton s annv is destroyed
the Gulf States are thrown open to the en
eniv, and we are ruined."
There must, indeed, have been desperate
weakness when Georeia, and the bout horn
cause with it. v. ere so neglected that Lie'
army might be made equal to the task of
holding Grant to the 1 oromacor the James,
and the people of the South are intelligent
e. ough to t nderstand and tc appreciate the
fact, and they have lost heart accordinulv.
The following is from a lette written bv
one rebel to another that accidentally fell in
to the hands of one of my fellow prisoners,
and for the authenticity of which I vouch :
"Very few persons are preparing to obey
the late call of the Governor. 1 1 is sum
mons will meet with no response here. The
people are .'oul-sick, and heartily tired of
this hateful, hopeless strife. They would
end it if they could ; but our would-be ru
lers will take good care that no opportunity
be given the people to vote against it. By
lies, by fraud, and by chicanery this revolu
tion was inaugurated ; bv force, by tyrranny,
and the suppression of truth it is sustained.
It is nearly time that it should end, ami of
sheer depletion it must end before tuny. e
have had enough of want and of woe, e-
nough of cruelty and carnage, enough of
cripples and corpses. There is au abund
ance of bereaved parents, weeping widows
and orphaned children in the land. If we
can, let us not increase the number. The
men who, to aggrandize themselves, or to
gratify their own political ambition, brought
this cruel war upon a peaceful and prosper
ous country, will have to render a fearful ac
count of their misdeeds to a wronged, rob
bed, and outraged icople. Earth has no
punishment sufficiently meet for their vil
lainy here, and hell will hardly be hot enough
to scathe them hereaft r."
There is certainly a no small proportion of
the Southern pjople (despite the lying dec
larations of their journals, as we had good
occasion to learn,) that not only favor the
progress of our arms, but that daily pray
that this exterminating war may soon be
brought to a finality by our complete and
perfect success. They have had too much
of despotism not enough of the triumph
promised them. Many intelligent South
ern gentlemen do, in eed, express strong
hopes of their ultimate independence, but
such hope is not shared by the masses.
Disappointed from the first in not having
been acknowledged by foreign Powers more
bitterly disappointed in their general expec
tation that Northern cowardice or dissen
sion would secure their ends, but a single
chance remains; and that is the result of our
next election for President. If a Democrat
succeeds to Mr. Lincoln, they profess to
feel sure of negotiations, and sure of their
Confederacy. They believe a Democrat will
be elected. In Mr. Lincoln's re-election
they see only subjugation, annihilation, for
the war must then contiuue, and continu
ance is their failure and ruin.
In military affairs it is an excellent rule
never to do what the enemy desires is it
not. equally true in politics ? Certain it is
that the only remaining hope of the South
'. in Jr. Jjincoln ft defeat.
Now, 1 am not enough of a politician to
know whether the election of a Democrat
can result as favorably to the South as it an
ticipates. The wi.-h alone may be the pa
rent of their belief. But I assured all who
expressed that lelief that the North, as a
mass, is as united as the South that no
Democrat could be elected on a peace plat
form and that any President who would
inaugurate any measure leading to peace on
the basis of Southern independence, would
be promptly hung, by loyal acclamation, to
the lamp posts in front of his own Presiden
tial mansion.
However that may be. if we are but true
ourselves there ca n be but one result. What
ire note need is men only men not substi
tutes or hirelings who go forth for any mo
tive tut the country's good, and pr.xluce
but little beyond depreciating our armies
but men such as really constitute the State,
and boast of being freemen and the sons of
freemen. If these fail 10J support their
country's cause in her hour of peiil. they
are unworthy of continuing iYeimen, and
should blush ever to exercise a freeman's
But if bounties must be paid, let it be in
Southern land, not in Noithern gold; and
armies of emigrants, whose sons may aspbe
to even the m.eof the nation, wincioss the
seas to win the broad acres that disloyally
has forfeited to the State.
To every intelligent soldier who has f. ught
through all these indecisive campaigns ou
almost numberless indecishe fields, the
question constantly arises, with touch. ng
loice, why we do not overwhelm our ene
mies? Tens of thousands of lives are lost be
cause our array of strength is so dispropor
tionabiy less than that against which we bat
tle. Everywhere we meet on nearly equal
terms, where we might well have four to
one. The cost to us m blood and treasure,
of a prolonged war, can hardiy be fbieseen
the economy is inuiike of such an effort
as the glorious North should put fo th.
The south will ritdit as long as the strug
gle is equal ; it vrili submit to such prepon
derance as we sliouid .- how in every field.
Glance at the summer's campaign. - If
Sherman had but 00,000 more 'men near,
the South would be lost, because Hood
ould be annihilated. If .Meade had mov
ed m the 'spring with reserves ot 75.000 to
100,000 men, Iac would have been hope
lessly crushed. Even at this moment a
third column of 40,( KiO .to 50.0OO rightly
moved, would give unopposed blows to the
Confederacy irom which she could never
What folly then to struggle on in this
way, when we can send to the field five times
the force already there. What weakness to
think we cannot conquer the South. Be
hind the James only boys and old men are
to be seen, while here men buy and sell as
in the olden days of quiet, and regiments
of able-bodied citizens crowd the streets ot
our ehies.
There is but one course consistent with
safety or honor. Let the people awake to
a sense ol their dignity and strength, and a
few months of comparatively trilling exer
tion of such effort as alone is worthy of the
great work, and the rebellion will crumble
before us. Fill this draft promptly and
wiiiinglv, with good and true men ; send a
few spare thousands over rather than under
the cad. and the summer sun of li-05 wid
shine upon a regenerated land.
There are some who speak of peace ! Of
ad lankees the Southerners most scorn are
those who do not fight, but are glad enough
to enip oy them, as they do their slaves, to
perform their dirty woik. J eace lor the
iNjuth will Le sweet indeed ; for us, except
through Southern subjugation, but anarchy
and war forever. The Pacific, the Western,
the Eastern States would at once f all asun
der. The South would be dominant, and
the people of the North would deserve to be
driven a-tield, under negro overseers, to hoe
corn and cotton lor Southern masters.
But no faint hearted or short-sighted pol
icy can set aside the eternal decree of the
Almighty, who has planted no lines of dis
union between the Atlantic and the Ost
ein deserts between the great lakes and
the Gulf of Mevico lliat siirnifv his will
that we should be separated ; and unless so
separated peace is a delusion, and its advo
cacy a treason against the wisest and holiest
interests of our country.
It has been with atrust that renewed hope
and vigor might In" given, when vigor and
hope are needful, that I have written, and
you have my consent to using this as you
please; and I am Very truly yours,
T. Seymour.
Brigadier General U. S. Volunteers.
V. E. Dodge, Jr., Esq., New York.
"And we rejoice that a respectable por
tion of Republicans had the nerve to disre
gard the dictation of their leaders, and iden
tify themselves with this movement."
Clearfield Republican.
The above contains a considerable amount
of "buncombe." That a respectable por
tion of Republicans identified themselves
with" the late Coppeihead Peace "move
ment" in this place, has no foundation in
fact, except in the immagination of some
highly excited brain. True, a goodly num
ber of Republicans were in town, just as
they would be were Barnum or Van Am
burg to "post" the appearance of their non
descripts on any day. They were drawn
hither to see and hear the "monster" that
was about to le exhibited, which, we pre
sume, required very little itlerre,,' as it was
announced to be of a "Peace-fool" tendency
and quite docile and harmless.
So then ! We understand that a num
ber of the Copperheads who were in atten
dance ot the "Monster" blow-out, in this
place, on the 1 3th of August, had, concocted
a plan to "throw the Journal office in the
street," on the eveuing of that day; but, as
we still survive, it would appear that their
cowardly hearts failed them before the hour
for our annihilation arrived. Such threats
are in sad contrast with their professions
of "peace, free pre."? and frep speech."
ffinr gUvctf io cm cnt $.
ttylf will be rharcred do uhle pr.ee for opare orruf
To insure attention, tb7"sHnngr7
ny notices, as follows -.All Cautions w th &
Strays, $1; Auditors' noti:e, $1,50; Ada rf-V
trators' aud Executors' notices, 61,50, etc
all other transient Kotices at the same
Other a. Tertisemen's at fl per square. for3r.ri"u
insertions. Twelve lines (or less', count a squi-V
CAUTION All persons are herel y c.iutiE
ed sgainst purchasing or in any way meJaii
with two note given by ine, to Samuel Eaf.t Z
calling for two hundred and fifty dollar, ani th
other calliDg for twenty five dollars, which I ha "
not received value for. and have a bill aisiB'!
Samuel Eat. and I will not pay the notc nu -Jl
cod polled by due course of law '
Aug. 31.t. lS(U.-3t. JOHN' TAXI 'BAKER sr
CLKARFI i: Ll N I'KSE It V . ENrorr
AGE H'MK1SDUSTKY.-Theun,i;r,,c,, ';
having established a NuriK-rv. on the Vikr b .
hail way between Curwenaville and Clear"''-"
Boroujrb?. U prepared to furnish all kinder Fru',
trees, (standard and dwarf.) Evergreens s;irai;
bery. Grape ines, Gooseberrv, LawtrD klirt'
berry. Mrawberry and Ka-pberrv vh,r v
Mbrian Crab trees. Quince and early Scarlet llhtu
barb, 4c. Orders protuptlv attrnded o a ,t
i 1 In the matter of the Estate of Joi ,.'(,'
late of Bradford township. Clearfield co ' d'JPi'
In the Orphans' Court of said countv at .,
Te in. A. D. lsG4 An appraisement duly ,.,.
s.-ltinS cut to the Widow Nanev Shir-v .7.,'
thirty-four acres of Ke.l F-tate.' v,.u, J ,
thereupon the said court hv order tlafei lul l"
1SS4. direct that notice by advertisement he v'
ed in at le.t one newspiip,r ,.ub:;..ed i CrI
fi.ld for at lean three week, r,ri.viu, , aett
term, notifying nil persons in re'ed fo fi'e rh,ir
exceptions on or before the first d.ir f ,.,,
or ir e same wil I be appri.vrd ai,d crSriued' ab"
solulely I. (J. CAl:;i-K C'erL ii r
August 31. 18(54.
ol Decatur township. Clearfield cnuntv.de
ceased. All persons interested are hereby" rati
fied that Beat Estate fo the amount, in v:i"lue. of
eighty-six dollars has been appraised and set out
to the widow. Ann Eliia Gearhart umler t!.
law known as the law, which appraisement
was returned to the Orj.han's Court of Clearfield
county. Pa., at June Term. A. V. IS".4, and will
bo confirmed by said Court absolutely at Septen,.
bcr Term. A 1. I8fi4. unless exceptions are filel
and sufficient reasons shown agaii st said eonflrin
a'ion. l.G.BAKGKR
August .list, 1S54. Clerk ofO. C
TTE. The undersigned jrill eipose to
public sale, on Thursday, Octobtr 6ih. 1SS4. ;
10 o'clock, A M., on the premises, the farm of
Abram Beams, dec'd.: situated in Lawrence tp
Clearfield county, four miles from Hearfield i-
the road leading from Clearfield to Shawiville
Said farm contains eighty-four acres and some
perches, about 70 acres of which is cleaied and
in a good state of cultivation. On the farm U
erected a new two story frauiedwelling house and
out buildings, and a new bank bnm There is
good water on the premises, and also a good bear
ing orchard
The terms of sale will be reasonabla and wi'l
be made known on the day of sale.
Aug. 31,18(54. GEO. W.RHEK.M. Fi rs.
Sheriff; salesbj virtue of sundrv
writs of X'riiditioni Exponas issued out of t
Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield count!
to me directed, there will be exposed to pub
lie stile at the Court House in the borouphef
Clearfield, on Monday the 2th ty ofJSeptmher.t
lbr4, the following described real estate, to wit:
A certain tract of '.and situate in Covington tp.,
Clearfield county, 1'enu'a, bounded on the nort!;
by lands of Williams and Humphreys on the eaii
by John B Hugeney and L. M. Coiidriet. on tLa
south by M. Barto and on tha west by Francs
Coudriet, containing seventy fonr acres and al
lowance, and having thereon erected a log bou-
and a log barn. Seized, taken in execution, act
to be sold as the rmnertv r.r.l..l,n It l'-t;r
. -. it- i - .
Also A certain tract of land situate in Kr
haus twp.. Clearfield county, l'a ciititiaii:g-.
bout 41 acres, bounded by 'lanHsof Psfri'.k h"
den on the north, on the east by Thomas Mvers,
on the south by Thomas White and on tbe'ae:
by lands of Rouch and Eiselman Seized, tsken
into execution, and to be fold as the property "f
John Conowar
Aug. 31. isi.l. FpJH i'EKKS. Sheriff
REGISTEK'S .NOTICE. Notice is hereby
given, that the following m-counts have been
examined and pased by me. and remain filed f
record iu this office for the inspection of heirs,
legatees.creditors.and all others in any other way
interested, and will be presented to the next Or
phans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at
the Court House, iu the Borough of Clearfield,
commencing on the Fourth Monday of Sept.. l"t4
The final account of John S. Kunk. Executor of
the last will antf testament of Jacob Kunk, lata
of Ilecatur tp., Clearfield county deceased.
The partial account of Joseph JI. Breth. AJdmt
istiator of all and singular the goods and chat
tels, rights, and credits which were of Tkoiiias
Wood, late of Chest township, deceased.
The account of I.'avid Gearhart. Executor of
Thomas Colburn. late of Graham tp , deceased.
Final account of Hubert Leigey. Trss ee ap
pointed to sell the Keal Estate of Francis Eeiey.
lateof tiiratd township, deceased.
The final account of John Nelson, Administra
tor of ail and singular the goods Ac, whijh wera
of Iavid .Nelson, laie of Girard township, dao'd.
Final account of M. O. Stirk. Administrator of
Jacob Sensenger. late of Knox township, dee d.
Final account of Elizabeth Stumstein. Execu
tor of the last will and testament of Cbrisiian
Mvuistein. late of Brady township, deceased
Final account of Mary Jane Schoeniuir. Admin
istratrix of Fred crick . cho ning. late of Jor
dan township, deceased.
The final account of Othello Smead and John
Marrion. Administratis of all and singular the
goods lc. which were of KeeJer King. l?te of
liurnside township, deceased.
Final account of Sarah Bloom and John A
Reed Administrator of the Estate of David Bloom,
late of Pike township, deceased.
Final account of William Feath. one of the Ei
ecutorsof the last will and testament of Ludwi;
Snyder, late of Bell township, deceased.
Final account of William Feath and John Yit
ling, Administrators of the estate of Benjamin
Yingling. late of Burnsido township, deceased
Final account of I wis Cardon and Cecelia
Mullin, Administrators of the estate of Georg
Mullin, late of Lawrence township deceased
Register's Office. Aug. 31, 1S64
1'IUY SHEEP. Came trespasses on th
3 premises of the subscriber. about the 2U.of.tulj
lagt. 5 sheep, the owner is requested to cnie fur
ward. prove property and take them away.or they
will be gold as he law directs
August 24. 1864. J. FEL1 WKJ.I-
CAUTION All persons are hereby cannon
ed against purchasing or in any way ineddl i"4
with the following property, now in the Irt':"f,1"
sionof Samoel Snyder, in Chest tp ; two nuK-n
cows, as the same has been left by me in his car
and are subject to my order.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or in any way ,ne'
dlingwith the following oroperty. now ' V
bands of George P. Tate, of Lawrance township
to wit : One Yoke young oxen, one wagon, en"
plow.one harrow, a lot of carpenter tools, and I two
tons of hay. as the same belong to me and hav
only been left with the above named on loan.
and are subject to my order. ,,
August 24. 1S64. - tflzS-
i o ii vaiT mA crime srtt-
ele of ground alum salt, put up nf 'e"f
.. at S.T25 per as.. th. cheap
November 27
r. AiosseP-
ANTED ON LOAN55,000 00 doM"J
wntJ for ft months or one year
interest paid, and first elasa .security pvi
quire at this etnee.