Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 10, 1864, Image 3

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Gaaaty Convent iqr.
The Union men of Clearfield coun
ty are requestel to meet in County
Convention, in the Court Jlome m
Clearfield, on Thursday thelSth day
of August, at 2 o'clock,
nominate a Count Ticket
P. M., to
and trans-
act other business. -
J. B. McEnally,
Chairman of Co. Committee
We have had fine growing weather during
the past week in this county, and corn and
other crops are looking well. With favora
ble fall weather we will have good corn and
potato crops.
County Convention. The true friends
of the Union, should bear in mind, that
Thursday the 18th day of August, has been
designated as the time for meeting in Coun
ty Convention to nominate a ticket. A gen
eral attendance is requested.
Notice. By Divine Pennission,the Rev.
T. Van Scovoc will preach in the Baptist
church, in this blace, on next Sabbath (Au
gust 14th) at 1 1 o'clock in the morning ; and
at Curwensville in the evening. The pub
lic are respectfully invited to attend.
A "Wild Cat Killed. Barclay lloyt,
living in Taylor township, Cambria county,
caught a catamount in a trap a few days ago.
The animal had become famous for its rava
ges and destructiveness, and Mr. Hoytseta
trap near the place, and soon caught the
varunnt. The
size, measuring five feet in length, and heavy
in proportion.
e learn that bauiuel fchope, a young
man who wan in our employ formerly, and
who went to the army Jast spring, was wound
ed in the head in a skirmish near Petersburg
, and
on July 2Sth. He died the same i
. 1 WW
was buried by nis comrades. Jle was in
the three-months service previously, and has
been with Gen. sheridan in all his campaigns
during the present summer. He was a
brave and efficient soldier, and at all times
ready to discharge the duties devolving on
him. Let him rest in peace.
To our Patrons. As the 10th volume
of the Journal will close on the 25th of
August, we would say to our patrons, and
especially to those who are one year and
over, in arrears, that we will receive 1,50 in
payment of their accounts up to the close
of the volume. After the 25th of August
we will charge all at the rate of $2 00 a
year. We" will be compelled to adopt this
course owing to the high price of all kinds
of printing materials, and everything else
wemse. If ourfrieuds will comeup prompt
ly We will be able to get'along without rais
ing the price of our subscription but oth
erwise we must do so. In fact, nearly ev
ery paper in the whole country has advanced
in price,, while we still adhere to the old
rates. Our friends should remember this,
and send the amount due us without fur
ther delay.
Col. W. E. Hartshorn. :.
Mr. Row : The many friends of Col. W
Ross I fart.hom will be gratified to learn,
that, immediately on his return to the army
of the Potomac, he was mustered in as Col
onel of the 1 90th Penn'a volunteers, (eom-
1osed of the re-enlisted men of. the Penn'a
leserves,) with commission dated June Cth,
1JSG4. lie is now senior Colonel, and acting
Brigadier in command of the 3d Brigade 3d
Division 5th Corps. Capt. J. Elliott Kratz
er and Lieut. John W. llazlett, both w ell
and favorably known in Clearfield county,
are on his staff. May success attend the
commander and staff of the gallant 3d Brig
ade composed, in part, of the true men of
the old Reserve Corjs of three years' fight
ing reputation. ours, Packer.
Col. Hartshorn (late Major) of the ist
Rifles had charge of the old Bucktails ever
since the battle of Gettysburg, at which time
Lol. lay lor was killed and Lieut. Lol iNiIes
so severely wounded that he had to leave
the service. Immediately after the nine
days' fight in the Wilderness, Gen. Meade
promoted Major II. to thu position of Colo
nel, with the request that Gov. Curtin issue
a commission in accordance which has been
done. No doubt, higher honors await the
pliant Colonel. Ed Journal.
To Enrolled Men.
Below we give several matters of informa
t;ou, which will be of interest to all persous
who are enrolled and liable to draft.
The Prove st Mashal Qeneral directs that
all men who maim themselves for the pur
pose of escaping the draft, be held by the
respective JJistre? Provost Marhals, and
their cases reported to him.
Men furnished under the call of July 18th,
whether enlisted for one, two, or three years,
aswell as all excess or deficiency of three years
men on calls heretofore male, will count as
ni'tn Jijrman.
The equalization of the amount of milita
f' sm-ice rendered by the differnt States
and parts of States will be effected hereafter.
. The President of the United States hav
ing issued a proclamation ordering a draft
for 5 H l.oo men, to take place within fifty
?ays from date of order, it is desirable that
u oruer to have a mst assignment oi nuotas
under this call, those of this Congressional
district who are enrolled as liable to milita
ry duty, and who have good claims for ex
rotion, should present thmselvei to the
-ooard of Enrollment at Wateford and have
lh6ir names stricken from the list. Many
Persona are probably enrolled who will be
exempt for manifest qermanen disability,
over age, &c, if they present their claims
n?w and be erased from the enrollment, it
uj lessen the quot of the sub-District to
Jw;h they belong. It b the privilege adn
duty of all interested to give this matter im
mediate attention.
..lhe quota assigned this Congressional
tnct under the President's call for 500,
men, dated July 18, 1864, is 3,126.
A. ,9uota divided pro rata among
fent sub-districts, and the quota of
no iW reduced by any excess they may
w have over all calls heretofore made, or
(Teased by its deficiency on such calls as
e ea may be. Thc oUOtaa will be . an-no"n'-ed
a rapidly as"poaeUc.
Letter from Philipsburg, Pa.
Pihlii'sblro, Pa. Aug. fcth, 18G4.
Dear Journal : lhe dav of redemp-
tion is past, ana nobly did old Hush town
ship, redeem herself on Tuesday last, by
giving the rirst Amendment, then voted
on, a majority of fifty-seven being a gain
ot iorty-two over Curtin s vote Jast tall
The vote stood 98 for, and 41 against, the
first Amendment; becond, 100 for, 40 a
gainst; lhird, 07 for, 40 against. Prom
these figures it appears, that the First A
menament was the one, on which a strict
i . ...
party vote was polled, the ultra cops going
dead against it to a man. so lar as thev vo
ted. A number of the members of this
"Castle" or ' 'sub-Division," making it a
nice point, to get down to the polls, to vote
aoout, ten minutes too iate. Uthers sua
denly had business that called them awav
from home, and they could not get back in
time. They regretted it very much, but
business before pleasure, you know, is the
old maxim. And those lellow citizens
who arrived at the polls a little too late
seemed to be very much chop-fallen, that
they were thus deprived of the right of suf
frage. Any port in a storm. There was
not much electioneering done against the
amendment, openly ; but the faithful were
all properly equipped behind the throne
No man that had any regard for himself and
his posterity, could be so mean, low, and de
graded, as to try to induce his neighbor, to
vote against giving the soldier in the field
an equal right with a qualified voter at home,
Yet there were some men mean enough to
do so and not only that, but there was not
a ticket "For the Amendments," to be had
at two of the hotels of our town, though
cart-loads of tickets reading "Against the
Amendment," were strewn over their bar
rooms, thick as "autumnal leaves of vallum
brosia." And these same landlords, make
the loudest external appearance of being
the soldier's friend. Acts speak louder than
words, and this last act of theirs caps the
V lth the hgurcs ot this vote, we car. ar
rive at a perfect conclusion, that we have
forty-one voters in this election district who
are not friends of the soldier, and who cast
the mightiest right they possess, to prove
them guilty, rorty-one citizens, enjoying
the lull and tree right to vote, voting against
allowing a citizen, enjoying the same ful.
and free right, because he is away from
home, lighting the battles ot his country
Tell me that such men are Democrats. No
far from it ! Talk office speech, free press.
and all the vocabulary of copperheads, but
this one act takes them all down and proves
to a perfect demonstration, what I have al
ways asserted, that they are disloyal to any
measure or action which genuine Union men
support. But with all their wire-pulling,
nasties, suo-i'ivisions, construing the
Amendment to the ignorant, that if it car
ried, it would give the colored soldier a right
to vote, the Old Keystone has nobly stood
by her gallant sons, who are defending our
country. Well done ! ever loyal, good and
true 1 ennsylvama.- jLonsr mav thv banners
wave on the side ot truth, justice and right
The drafted men, noticed in my last, left
on the morning of the 3d inst, to report at
Bellefonte. They reached Martha hurnace
Station, B. E. V. R. It.; where they receiv
ed a dispatch, that they might return home.
I have not learned the exact cause of the
dispatch, but think it is from some defect,
or mistake in our townshm not havin? re
ceived a full credit for the men previously
sent. J. hey came home in high glee. All
who were not certain of havincr some ill that
human flesh is heir . to, that would exempt
tnem, nad the rerruisite number ot rrreen-
backs, to commute them from the r.ttend
ance at the military ball, they were su Jden-
ly invitea to except three, oi tho Jackv
jh luers or ncxers. j nese tnrec i:ouir. c nv-
alnc, andtrallant follows, havimr more f-e
sight than is commonlv riven to man. con
eluded that they would report at a int
nearer tne iortn i'oie, and I ,s on hand to
act, in case the Canadians m.ulo a raid
They will of course, not take advantage of
the detect, and return to the bosoms of
their families. Poor fellows ! how indis
creet they were, to thus skedaddle from
their dear wives, fond little ones and haopy
homes, and all coming from the world-wide
fact, (they having left behind them, that
which will follow their posterity, down to
the latest period of time) that they are cow
ards, and unworthy the respect ot an Amer
ican citizen.
The expose of "our veritable William"
published in your last issue, taken from the
lloUnUiusbarn Kegixter, created quite an
excitement among the "faithful." The de
mand for the Journal on Thursday, the day
it comes to this 1. O., was without a prece
dent in the paper line. It was extensively
borrowed, and most especially bv the cons.
Subscribers had hard work to keep track of
their Journal, so numerous were its readers.
There is a great deal of sickness, of that
kind incident to this seasou of the year,
prevailing in our town and vicinity. Though
not ot such an epidemic nature, nor so fatal,
as the sickness of 1854 a period long to be
remembered by the citizens that lived here
at that time, as but few, if any, families es
caped its dreadful visit Leroi.
For some time past it has been known
that, large bands of well-armed and organiz
ed out-laws existed in Montgomery county.
Illinois, who meditated mischief. Recently
their movements have become so audacious
and threatening as to demand the attention
of the authorities. Last Saturday the Sher
iff of the county, with a posse, started after
the outlaws with the design of attacking and
dispersing them. While in pursuit, his
forces was suddenly fired upon from ambush
by the enemy. One of the Sheriff a men
was killed, one wounded and two missincr.
The man killed was shot with three bullets.
At the time the train passed Litchfield, at
six o'clock p. m., random fighting was still
going on. The guerrillas nuraber about 300,
and have their camp near Van Burenburg,
sixteen miles from the Terre Haute and Al
ton railroad, in a thick forest They, are
the same persons who attempted to rob a
paymaster on the road, a short time ago, by
throwing the train off the track. There is
a hich excitement in Montgomery and Bond
counties over the fight of Saturday, and six
hundred citizens had gathered to attack the
guerilla camp
The burning of Chambersburg, Pennsyl
vania, making some three thousand people
homeless, is one of the events for which the
Chicago Convention was probably postponed.
A few such events will probably supply a(
party with sufficient principles to last them
through the Presidential campaign. 1
Augusts, 1864.
, Below we give the Official Vote of Clear
field county, on the Amendments to th e
Constitution of the State of Pennsylvania :
1 1st Am'dt 2d Am'dt 3d &m'dt
d V i . nj &.
M8TKICTS. S "2 S g S
5 5 a
. t
Beccaria, 99 63 99 65 100 65
Bell, 38 92 38 92 33 92
Bogg. 25 79 24 80 23 80
Bradford, 29 13S 31 133 31 133
Brady, 50 215 52 211 49 214
Bloom, 9 30 8 30 8 30
Burnside, 147 35 149 34 150 34
Cheat. 82 54 83 58 87 53
Clearfield. 61 99 63 97 60 99
Covington, 19 77 13 77 17 77
Curwensville 55 29 54 30 53 30
Deoatur, 65 75 65 75 65 75
Ferguson, 39 43 39 43 39 43
Fox, 9 8 9 8 9 8
Girard, j 24 38 22 36 21 37
Goshen, I 13 46 13 46 13 46
Graham. 10 110 10 110 10 110
Guelick, 83 1 83 1 83 1
Huston, 41 42 41 ! 42 41 42
Jordan, 30 79 29 73 29 78
Karthaus, 26 53 25 54 25 52
Knox, 21 80 19 81 18 81
Lawrence, 63 202 68 202 63 202
Lumber-city 25 24 25 24 26 24
Merris, 31 114 31 113 31 115
N.Washingtn 10 27 13 24 12 25
Penn, 43 66 43 66 44 65
Pike, 83 87 82 87 83 87
Union, 35 30 35 30 35 29
Woodward, 23 44 25 42 24 42
Total, 1,29812,083 1,301 2,074 1.297 2,079
1,298 1,301 1,297
Majority, j 765 773; 732
The vote in 13G3 stood, Curtin 1,531,
Woodward 2,483: "Democratic" majority,
952. On the 1st amendment it stands, for
1.2J8. annhxst 2,083: majority iSb: de
crease in 'Democrctic' majority 157. Loss
on Curtin's vote 233, on Woodward's 400.
On the 31st July, at the Susquehanna
Ilouse, Curwensville, by Rev. L. M. Gard
ner. Mr. James McCiXLoraH to Miss E-
lizabeth Carr, all of this county.
On July 31st, bv I). Dressier, Esq.. Mr.
William B. IIoel to Miss. Marv J. IIol-
LOPETER, all of Union township.
On August 4thi of disentarv, Eunice J.
daughter of Augustus and Sarah Goodrich
of this borough, aged 3 years and 16 days.
On August Cth, in Philipsburg, of brain
fever, Marv ANN.daughter of J. & II. Dor-
vit, aged 8 months and 21 days.
On Monday morning, August Sth, Mary
L., only daughter of Axexander I. and
Emily Southard of this borough, aged 1
year, months and JO days.
Three Farms For Sale !
situate in pike township.
The subscriber will sell his three farms situate
in Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa., at pri
vate sale. Also, one tract ot unimproved land
numbered and described as follows, to wit :
Ao. 1. Is an improved tract on which be re
sides, and contains about 200 acres 200 acres of
which is cleared. 25 acres being in meadow, and
the whole in a high state of cultivation and un
der srood fences. The improvements are a good
frame house, frame barn, (75 by 58 feet,) wagon
shed, grain bouse, smoke bouse, wood bouse, and
other utbuildings. There is timber sufficient on
the land for all farm uses, and an excellent coal
bank. Also good water and a fine orchard of
choice fruit growing thereon.
JNo. 2. is an improved tract, ana contains 135
acres of which 80 acres are cleared, 10 acres be
ing in meadow, and the wholo in a good state of
cultivation ana unaer good lenceg, with excel
lent water on the farm. The buildings are a log
bouse and an excellent frame barn, and some otb-
r outbuildings, There is on this tract sufficient
good timber for 7 or 8 rafts, and an excellent coal
bans, together with an orchard of choice fruit
No. 3. Is an improved tract, containing about
100 acres, 30 acres cleared, (new,) with a smalt
plank house and barn thereon erected. The land
is under good fences, with excellent water on it.
About 3 rafts of good timber also standing thereon.
no. 4. is an unimproved tract oi tuu acres. with
some good pine timber growing on it, and will
make an excellent larm when cleared.
The above tracts will beGld in a body, or ecp-
erately, to suit purchasers preferring, however.
to sell them in a body, lhe terms will be reason
able. The tracts can be seen at any time by call
ing on tho subscriber, or inquiries by letter will
be answered if addressed to Curwensville. Pa.
August 3. 1864. DANIEL BAILEY.
New Firm-New Goods.
Rave received their first supply of Seasonable
Goods,wbich they are now offering for sale at the'
'Ibeir stocK consists ot a general variety o
Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-wart, Queens-ware,
Tin-ware, Willow-ware, Wooden-ware, Provisions,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing, tc.
For the Ladies.
They would call especial attention to the largo
and good assortment of new styles and patterns of
now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks,
Delaines, Alpacas, umgbaras, Uucals, frints, me.
rinos, Cashmeres, Plaids, Imlliants, Poplins, lse-
regr. Lawns, rtanains, Linen, Lace, r.dgings, Uol
erettes. Braids, Belts, V ens, Nets, Corse Us, Itu-
bias, Hoods, Coats, Mantels, Balmoral skirts, Ho
siery, Gloves, Bonnets, Flowers, Plumes, Ribbons,
Hats, Trimmings, Buttons, Combs. Shawls, Braid,
Muslins, Irish Linens, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns,
bwiss, Isobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc.
Of Men's Wear
They have also received a large and Well select
ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy
Cassimeres, Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans, Cordu
roys, lfever-ieen, Linens, iiandRercniets, jecK'
ties, Hosiery, Gloves, iats, uaps, tcans, etc., etc.
Ready-Made Clothing
In the latest styles and of the best material,
consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests, Shawls, Over
coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, etc.
Of Boots and Shoes,
Thev have a laree assortment for Ladies and Gen
tlemen, consisting of Top Boots, Brogans, Pumps,
Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, eta
Groceries and Provisions
Such as Coffee, Syrups, bugar, nice, Crackers,
Vinegar, Candles. Cheese, tlour. Meal, Bacon;
Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc.
Coal Oil Lamps,
Coal oil, Lamp chimneys, Tinware a great varie
ty, Japanware, Egg beaters. Spice boxes, Wire
Ladels, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc., etc.
Flavoring Extracts,
Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds,
ancv soapg. Oils, Paints. aroisnes, and in tact
every thing usually kept in a first class Store.
Thev invite all persons to call and examine their
stock, and hope to give entire satisfaction.
Clearfield, Pa., July 20th, 1864.
BE WISE BY TIMES. Do not trifle with your
neaitn, constitution and character. If you are
suffering with any disease for which Helm hold's
Extract Bucho is recommended. Trv it! trv it !
It will cure you, save long suffering, allaying
pain and infiamation. and will restore yon to
health and purity, at little expense, and no expo
sure. Cut out the advertisement in another col
umn, and call or send for it. Beware of counter
feits! Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other.
Cures guaranteed.
CAUTION. AH persons are hereby caution
ed azainst purchasing or meddlins with cer
tain household property now in the hands of Win.
B. Thompson, of Chest tp., as the same belongs
to us and has only been left in the care of said
Thompson, and is subjec t to our order at any time.
JUiy zu, im4. A. W . i"!SAKCii A UKO.
of Administration on the estate of Thomas
Cowan, late of Beccaria township, Clearfield coun
y,dec'd., having been eranted to the undersigned.
all persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those havinir
claims against the same will present them dulv
authonticatedfor settlement.
July 6,1864. Administrator.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Conrt
of Clearfiald county, there will be excosed to
public sale
On Saturday, August 20th.
At the Blue Ball hotel, the following daMrihul
Real estate, late the property of Peter bmeal,
dee'd, to wit: A certain tract of land situate in
Boggs tp.. Clearfield count v. containing 109 AnrM.
beginning at a white pine, thence by land of W.
emeal notb 110 perches to post, thence west 1501
perches to post, thence by lands of G. D. Morgan
& Co., south 118 perches to post, thence bv land
of Jeremiah Smeal west 157i perches to place of
beginning, with about 24 acres cleared thereon.
Part of this land is well timbered with white and
yellow pine, and is supposed to contain inexhnns-
uoie quantities ot stone coal.
iehms: une hall cash at sale, and the remain
der in one year thereafter, with interest, to be
secured by judgment bonds. Sal e to commence
at o clock p. in., of said day. when duo attend
ance will be given by CYRENIL'S HOWE, Adm'r
July ZU lo4. Al Alt i SMEAL, Adin'x.
Of every description, just received at the "Cor
ner Store," and selling as low tor Cash and coun
try produce as can be bought elsewhere in th
county. The stock consists of Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Wil
low-ware, Woodenware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes
Ready-made clothing. Flour, Bacon, Molasses
Syrups, Rice, Fruits, Candies, Nuts, etc. Pur
chasers should see the goods and post them
selves in prices. July 13, 1864
C. W. & H. W. SMITH'S,
comprising a general assortment of
Dry-Goods. Groceries, Queens-ware
Wooden-ware, Boots and Shoes,
Notions, &c, &c, &c.
Best quality of Prints, Delaines, Mozambiques
Linen, Poplins, Balzarines, Lavellas, Ginghams
check, drilling, ticking and sheeting, shawls.
plain silks, fowlard silks, cassameres cottonades
jeans, tweeds, satinetts, bleached muslins (at less
than city wholesale prices) brown muslins
HOSIERY, Gloves, Ribbons.Trimimngs, But
tons, (in great variety) collars, velvet ribbon,vei!s
headnets, embroidery, braids, handkershiefs, la
dies elastic pages, whalebones, bindings, chil-
drens", misses', and ladies' hoop skirts, Quaker
and Corset Skirts,
Sugar. Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Sptces.Ac, Oranges
Split Peas, Lemons, Full Tea Setts, Dishes, com
mon and .fine ware, cups. saucers, preserve jars Ac
TUBS, Brooms, Churns, Mops. Buckets, Meas
ures, brushes, combs, wicks, faccy baskets, bowls
door-mats, window blinds, cord 3, tassels, etc., etc
Childrens, Misses and Ladies'
morocco boots,
shoes, bal morals, and gaitors.
IVif ip Son
Of Grand Jtaces have commenced on
the Lumber-City course
Leery day, (Sunday. cxciteA.) A rizc
Jor everylHHiy. Apply immediately to
the 2ronrietors, Kirk A Spencar,
at their J'cio Cheap Store,
in Jjiimbcr-City, l'enua.
The fact can be no longer denied the neonle
nave saia it, mo people Know it, ana everybody
oeucves it, mat tne new store is tne place to buy
cneap goods, to Duy new goods, to ouy lasbiona
ble goods, to buy any kind of good3 you want.
The summer stock, now opening at Kirk & Spen
cer 8. is the largest, the best, assorted and b?t
that ever came to the place.
Ladies can find delaines, alpacas, merinos.
cashmere8,French and American gmghams,lawns.
plaids, nankins, berege,cam Dries, muslins, balmo
ral and hoop skirts, silk and cloth mantles, veils.
edgings, lace, braid, nets, corsets. belts, collarotts,
nosiery, gloves, riDDons, oonnets,nais, trimmings,
oobinett, mull and swiss muslins, shawls, combs,
wristlets, linen handkerchiefs, toilet articles, tc.
Gentlemen can find coats, pants, vests, boots.
Bhoes, hats, caps, collars, neck-tics, suspenders.
shirts, handkerchiefs, perfumery Ac.
Children can find toys in great variety, candies.
nuts, Ac.
It is the place to buy your dry goods : your gro
ceries, your boots and shoes, hats, caps and bon
nets ; your notions, your hardware, scythes, forks,
shovels,' hoes, rakes; your brooms, cedar and wil
low ware ; your clocks and looking glasses ; your
stone and queensware ; your flour, fish and bacon ;
yeur glass, putty, paints, oil and varnish ; your
nails and spikes ; in tact anything you want. If
you wish the highest cash piice for your produce,
your butter, eggs, grain, flax-seed, rags, timber,
boards and shingles, it is the place to exchange to
the best advantage to yourselves Any article not
on hand will be ordered on short notice. Ladies
wishine bonnets or dress goods can have them or
dered by calling at Kirk A Spencer's cheap store,
as special arrangements nave been made lot tbat
We do not wish to wound or aerinnalv hiirt flnv-
body. but will do our utmost to maintain the rep
station we have won. of selline eoods a little
lower than anybody else.
"Rally 'round the counter, boys !" and be cen
tlnced of the truth of our assertions.
Lumber-city. June 24. KIRK A SPENCER.
SALT ! SALT !! SALT !!! A prime arti
cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent
sanies, at S3.25 per sacK, at the cheap cash store of
November zi. a. jHuaour.
sale by
Falling-Top Bu
E. A
Curwensville, Pa., July 13th. 1864.
white lead, etc., at
The KirrsMAs's JornMAt. is published on Wed.
neaday at $1,50 per annum in advance. Adver
tisements inserted at SI. 00 per square, for three
r less insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a
square. For every additional insertion 25 cents.
A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers.
gu.oincjs.si JHrcctonj.
IRVIN BROTHERS, Dealers in Square A Sawed
Lumber, Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour, drain,
Ac , Ac, Burnside Pa., Sept. 23, 1S63.
JAMES E. WATSON, Merchant and Dealer in
Timber, Saw Logs, Boards and Shingles, Ma
rysville, Clearfield county, Pa. June 29,1864.
11 kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield, Pa. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1863
CRASS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law, Clear
field, Pa. May 13, 1S63.
ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Naugle's Jewelry store. May 26.
HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
s dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ao. Room in
Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10.
HBUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law, CI ear
. field, Pa. Office in Graham's Row, four doo- s
west of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10.
WALLACE A HALL, Attorneys at Law, Clear
field, Pa. December 17, 1862.
william A. wallacr. :::::.:. johsg. ball.
HARTSWICK A HUSTOM, Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines. Paints. Oils, Stationary, Perfume
ry, Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc., Market street,
Clearfield, Pa June, 29, 1S64.
FA FLEMMIXG, Lumber-city, Pa., Nursery
. man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees, Plants and Shrubbery. All or
ders by mail promptly attended to. May 13.
JP. KRATZER, dealer in Dry Goods, Cloth.
. ing. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries. Pro
visions Ac. Front Street, above the Academy,
Clearfield, Pa. April 27.
WILLIAM F. IRW IN, Marketstreet, Clearfield,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
JOHN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59.
R. M. WOODS, Practicing Physician, and
Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
Office, South-west corner of Second and Cherry
street, Liearbeid, fa. January 21, 1863.
rpHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law, j
L Clearfield, Pa. Office, east of the ' Clearfield
co. tsanK. iieeds and otber legal instruments pre
pared witn promptness and accuracy. July o.
JB M'EN ALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties, utbee in new brick building of J. Boyn-
ton, Zd street, one door south of. Lanicb s Hotel.
T ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do-
IV) mesne Dry Goods, Groceries, flour, Bacon.
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Journal UJJice, Clearfield, Pa. AprZ7.
r ARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clear-
JLi field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and otber business entrusted to tbeir care in Hear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL', offers his professional
services to the citizens of Moshannon and vi
cinity. He can be consulted at his residence at
all times, unless absent on professional business.
Mobsannon, Centre co., Pa., May 16, lSbi.
WM. ALBERT A BRO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods,
Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Flour,
Bacon, etc.. Woodland, Clearfield county, Penn a.
Also, extensive dealers in all kindSof sawed lum
ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solid
ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th, 1863.
A UCTIONEER The undersigned having
been licensed an Auctioneer, desires to in
form the citisens of Clearfield county that he will
attend to theealling of sales, throughout the coun
ty, upon short notice. Post-office address, either
Bloomingville or Curwensville. WM. M. BLOOM..
Bloomingville, April S, 1864.
A UCTIONEER. The undersigned having
Xm. obtained a liscence as auctioneer, would in
form the citixens of Clearfield county tnat he
will attend to the calling of sales, in any part ol
of the county, whenever called upon. Charges,
moderate. Post office address. Cosh. Clearfield
county. Pa. JOHN F. LEE.
April 20, 1864-3mp.
A UCTIONEER Tho undersigned having
XV been Licensed an auctioneer would Inform
the citixens of Clearfield County, that he will at
tend to calling sales in any part of tho County
wnenever called upon. Charges Moderate.
Address J, M. SMITH.
Hegartys X Roads, Clearfield Co. Pa
February 3d 1864
A UCTIONEER The undersigned having
j m. Decn Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to calling sales, in any part of tho county.
wnenever called upon. Charges moderato
Address, jon oi yciLKirn,
May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield Co., Pa.
N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li
cense are subject to a penalty of $00, which pro
vision win be enforced against tboso who mav vi
olate me same.
3-9 undersigned is prepared to furnish, to those
seuKing investments, Goverament and county
bonds. Also five per cent Government notes.
Clearfield May 4. 1S64. Atfy at Law.
WJ ply of these invaluable Family Medicines
are for sale bj M. A. i rank, Clearfield, consisting
of Fain Curer i .RtMtorati'tagreatcureforeolds
and cough; and Anti-Biliou Ptysie. They have
oeen tnorougniv tested in tms oommumtv. and
are nigniy approved, art them. .
Marysvillc, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
Cheap for cash or exchanged for Timber,
Boards, Saw Logs or Shingles.
Oct, 14. 1363. JAMES K. WATSON.
M. M'Kiernan having located at Smith's
Mills, (Janesrille.) Clearfield Co., Pa., informa the
eitisens of that place and vicinity, that he will
endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may
favor him with their patronage. Professional
calls to any part of the Country promptly attend
ed to. Work done on Vulcanite. Terms moderate.
May 11, 18e3a. Ir. F. M. McKlEKNAN.
Th undersigned having located in the bor
ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied
by It Welch as a jewelry shop,) is prepared to
do work of all kinds on tha most reasonable terms.
The cash will positively be expected when the
work is delivered. lie is confident that he can
not be excelled by any workmen in town or county.
Come one! come all to the Sign of the Bit Watch.
April ,'62-ly-pd. S. U. LAUCHLIN.
would respectfully inform the citixens of
Clearfield county, that he has rented the "Tipton
Hotel," and will use ef ery endeavor to a ooom mo-
ate those who may favor him with their eustom-
He will try to furnish the table with tha best the
country can afford, and will keep hay and feed to
accommodate teamsters.' Gentlemen donN torget
the "Tipton Hotel." SAMUEL SMITH.
Tipton, Pa , May 25, 1864.
tiAi-.nNtK, HrjiMixos & Co - -1as
- 4Iajakr
in announcing that for th on
ol" t they am enaMrd In pr
l many n-w and t.irthn nor
rhits aiming vhkk may t u'
ucH i A
Troupe Real Arabs
Consisting f
o Mai ad Femr-'e'
' Ar.d JrfiflijKi,
(f lh most xtraorJliisrr V
oription, oriUoi among m-htrli. m
Z A II A ,
Tho EtMiiiful Arab Oirl.-
Tur Oxi v Fkmalk CoMfiiTioif.
r ix the Won I n. who f
rrv i-f n n ondt-rful a character,
that ?h-y hftTf bcn a them c4
ro.rvr.MHjii whcnrvtT ih liaj
Pfsitf irTv-vA'Tof t)iTnorr
1 Ita iriv.it original fcincle IrrwM
Vtrl"rmr. Thi ?itmr Aral i.-n"
tly inrMM, rft-rii'? I t rxmoalir
ry A.l. HjINi.S I V THK Ml K
iu lhe I rac i 't I'.ur of lhe lraf
ami hiV t).u i.ijr?d 1 ?M a
4.1tAn M Al;t H 1 roj TH lVt M
fIiiS4fcii of the 1 car it p rfnn:
mafy tMhftti'w r4 -f?nlipc
frat tiMly uuhkr at yihhlg rrr
Ix-foiv i.crn in thi country.
Ben Mahommed,
Oie Mn nf Strt-tiRtU.
Z E L A ,
th.i Fringe GymiiaMic Womlrr.
Alt Mahommed,
ttieaKlnmshin; A ra!inn :j-mr-jirt.
form tl r r-thrr tti mlr .f )
tro-. wlioall r in Firrv
I vtMll, 1:. 1 !), t.r,.
il!ip Irtii-B Cl iirri ijmmU
l.i-ai lr.-jrt itilr -M V irl.l.
rhe'M.tmjrr' would cull ntlpnlion to tl-r
Con.iniite.l rxprooly fat lli m-mh at tin l ci 8 n
hf Klflditi- Hr..tht-r. tlii cli-t.ml.d (Varb 1 nild. r of
.New ot i-ity. Tha dnun of thi rh.-rx,l it oi U.
most tiiiKjim an t mnt rlatHiratt-dtwriptiTt. It r ft--r
niinr colon am mid, rd and Muc. awl I it nl-
town upon theiuortiin l exhibition draw .y K'J-ri-tK--Din
('HKr.Kit siilr roiiipauaonrd. uiit rwml'lr ti
frrwnted of iinpoism? n. hn- and rrai'driir. 7 UK
AVII.UDV ulii-h is rnpatdeof i-e.iii, lrti.t ra
intin-ljr new and w manufac t ured npnl7 l"r this
.Nwam ai a cost of l.jr Air. 1'rnry lv.i.,!.rrly of
South St.. New lork. The. i'initii(as, IIicmu, nr
Kr.K V. I'noWKTrr, and Ar-oivTHTrclfi.u.
l-il in the ulr.-ine. Tho stub Hoi;. I iwiu ard
Mi-i.r.i ar nf'tha fmut and !: tra iti-d follrrtiouiii tfaa
world. The Troup oflVrformrn tnuipo' thV Llitc nf
the IWussioii. Look at lhe N.tum j
the Pec ,de' favorite Clown.
Richard Hemmins
KtjUttstrUinand lifiil I; op An. it
. I'uiiNlpr and Comic VovaiiU.
Frank Carpenter.
lhe 4 , .ebratuJ Kj uviruH.
Sig lor De Louis,
the ifest ymiiaxl M the Ace.
Frank Whittaker,
tha aerwplUh-d Maetre
the Great American 1 utiiblr.
Miss Eliza Gardner,
' the Pride of the rna.
the Kamed Parisian Kqueairl."
La Petit Camilla.
the Infant I'roUiKy.
the Pocket C'Uwn.
Also Messrs. Fubois,"
VeHncle, Hentle,
Bolino, Swft,
Nuda, Cooper,
locetlier with miim-roti wil .V-It-rteil
Auxiliaries J lie ahove
1alentd ArfiatA will appear at
earh Alxhlbllioll ill conjunction
The Arab Troupe,
in vtry variety of S-rwr Hini
1 kick Kimf.. J vt?r atic ai.ti
AdtOHATiC Hl.KrihK,
or Grand Orchcstrn,
H compec pd of iriiiny mil- kal re
leliriiies, hraded hy the great
Alaeatra, K1TX HalfralaM.
The Grand Procetsion,-
will he of the mornl elefant ehar.
arter. halt-d hf the Hor.il Hand
hariot. and will ntf r tiie lwn
LctwiM it II and 1I o'clerk, A. Al.
Two I'xhil-iT earh day. At
trnoon ond 1-iveninjt.
I).rs Oin at 2 and 7 P.
IVrlbrm ance to cuiunictice tialf
kit hour later
Admission W) anJ 25 Ckj.'is.
Don't forsret the Day and Date, '
wait for the Hig Show and the Real Troupe
of Arabs Pon't confonnd this with any
ot'.icr est ibiisVnout. vVe defy competi
Will exhibit in
Curwensville, Monday, Aug. 15, 1864.
Philipsburg, Tuesday, Aug. 1G, 1864,
W. II. GARDNER, Agent.
i nnn nnn LBS- wool wasted,
l9JJVjfJJJ for which the highest price
will be paid in casii by
July , lSli
Clearfield, Pa.
Graham's Row. Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment f
WAiLii-ti jXjIjUX, etc., Ac, to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and onen faced wntrfc
es, to be had at NAUGLE'S.
The American Lever of different nnillii.,
be bad at NAUdLH'S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo. Coral. La
va, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal. Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings.
or single pieces at NAUGLE'S.
Flam gold Breast pins. Ear drom. Hood Ear rirun.
children's ear drops and rings at NAUGLE'S.
uoia seais, Keys ana pencils, gold pens and ill
ver h olders at NAUGLE'S.
Gents breast nins. sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S.
A nne assortment or goia nnger rings or diner
ent styles and acality, gold lockets, eora neckla
ces, silver thiroiiles, spectacles, watch guard a and
all articles in bis line, on nana at .NAUGLE'S.
Just received, a fine assortment of Fancv and
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1 ,25
to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S.
Old Gold and bilver will be taken in exehancr
forgoodsat NAUGLE'S.
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S-.
It you wish your watches cut in rood repair
and warranted, take tt4n tr NAUGLE'S.
FISII Mackerel, Codfish, Ilerrini:,
Salmon, in all siie packages. J. P KRATZER.
v t