Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 27, 1864, Image 3

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$aft$mnn'$ journal
Friends of the Soldiers ! Remember,
that next Tuesday, August 2d, is the day of
election. .
Found several small keys, on d ring, on
Tuesday morning. The owner can have tue
same by calling at the Jonnm -office.
Godey for August has bTcn . received.
The fashions are fine, the. engravings good,
n,l tl Htrarv contents interesting.
and the literary conteni
Correction. -The i .lace of holding the
elections in Rradbrd township is at Jacob
I'eareo's, instead of W m. Hoover's as here
tofoie printed.
New Goods. The citizens ot Clearfield,
und the public generally, are informed that
Messrs. iJoynton, Showers & Graham have
just received a new supply of Pry-Goods,
Notions, Groceries, etc. Give them a call.
Cu.v.vfiE l Stamp Ditties. Business
men will not forget, that a change has been
made in the excise law, and that'from and
after August 1st, the stamp schedule, here
tofore published by us will not answer. We
will publish the new schedule in our next.
Rally ! Friends of the Soldiers !
Rally to the polls on Tuesday next, and
k1kw uur brave defenders that 3ou are not
ungrateful for the great sacrifice they are
Rain and the Crops. A copious and
rciYe.-diing rain prevailed in this section du
ring Monday last, which has revived the
drooping and parched vegetation. The
corn lias not suffered very materially from
the drought, and with continued propitious
weather will yield a good crop. Buckwheat
and potatoes will also be good, should the
reason be favorable.
The Scientific American savs that Peru
vian bark is the onlv antidote to the m.-il.-irl.i
which prevails on the James river in August
September and October, and recommends
that even' person who has a friend in the
army send him a dollar s worth of quinine.
with instructions to put as much as will lie
on the point of a pen-knife in his coffee ev
ery morning, and the probability is that he
will escape chronic diarrhea, fever and ague
ana auiious lever.
New Firm. We would state for the infor
mation ot the public, that Messrs, Boynton
& Showers have associated with them Ed.
Urnham. and that-hereafter the business
will be conducted in the name of Boynton,
cu . i'. rt i ,i ia i
cmrwurs a uranam. .iur. uranam is a
young man with some experience in mor
chandizing, of a pleasing disposition, and of
stru t business habits, and will be ouite an
addition to the already very accommodating
unu oouging nrm. w e wish them success
m their new association.
Tiokets for the Amendment.
We would say to our friends throughout
the county, that we have sent a supply of
tickets to the several election districts, by
letter, within a few days past ; which, we
hope, will be duly received. To make sure
of sufficient tickets being on hand, on elec
tion day, wo took the precaution to send
some to from three to five prominent and
active men in each district ; who, it is pre
sumed, will be at the polls early, on Tues
day morning. Friends ! be active : and
poll your full vote, if possible the soldiers
expect this much from j-ou.
A 1 icnic. The picnic gotten up under
iuu au-piees oi Jiiss IVate fc heller s school,
iuu wnicu came on on k5aiurua' atternoon
last, we understand was an entire success.
At the appointed hour, the children of the
school, and a number ot voung persons,
wended their way to liberty Spring,"
where a table had been erected for the re-
cttption and spreading out of the rnoil
, . . r3
tunics, preriareu ior the occasion, jlu a
bundance of everything that would take the
fancy of the children, as well as some substantial.-?,
were on hand ; which the young
sters seemed to enjoy very much. " After
partaking of the sumptuous repast, the re
mainder of the day was spent in the various
-x nu amusements, ana in the evening the
whole party returned to town much delight
h1 with their trip to the grove. Miss Shel
W is worthy of much credit for the manner
"i winch the whole affair was conducted.
Letter from Philipsburg, Pa.
PjliMPSHL'RO, Pa., July 25th, 1864.
Dkar Journal : Scarcely had the ex
citement ot the late rebel raid passed, and
our town restored to its statua-pio, when all
i a sudden, everybody was on their forked
fiiJ. runuing to and fro, as if the rebels
surely were about to demand the surrender
't the town, or levy a contribution, and
mereuy let us escape a regular plundering
-'ration. All this came from the arrival
i the Deputy Provost Marshal, with tick-
ior lorty-two ot our subject-to-draft pop
"ation, to attend the ereat military ball
going 0 L,wn J n " " jjie t;cfc.
ts came very unexpected, and took us all
u' surprise the Deputy was a complete
urj.rie party of one. The question pro
loundcd was, who is drafted? All who
subject to military duty, were anxious
'o know if they had received an invitation,
fc?'l if informed that they had, down went
excited rhiz, to a point, tar below that
vor created by a Tall in gold, to a "bear"
f all street. But, if the reply was that
Je had not, his excited features gave way to
ie nH)t bright and jovful countenance, ev
f woni by a "bull," who had succeeded in
nmii:ng the precious metal up to 2'JO in the
" 1 he following is the list of those
are invited fiom the town and its vi-
niilty: Wm. H. Jnmvj 1 f irrw-m T?, Jnn,
... T .
T'?. Wm. Ward, Mark Bateman, Sam-
ti J Wl's, Harry Kessler and John Todd,
'r whoIe number drafted is forty-two.
I L.1I1 .1 Ov.m.. A i M i , T - t , I I.. nUI.
l) 1 ; "ui.-.k. vxanue, .uaru jtOOK,J HO. I i utaim.
, ,ftai, .m. V. Mayer, Beni. Jones. G. here of a man, (r) re
i1:11.1"' Sam'l. Fleck, Jos. Ferguson. D. C. no great distance
I- I.. " Ayers, J. Oscar Lorraine. Jno. ceived a polite note.
..! ... J- Malouey, Jesse L. Test, Ja- informed him, that
-- vv iv i i v;uiiiiiiil' iid.ni. i mi
to hi
"I h
UL'f was a hundred ner cent, drawn thi
sreai many oi those uow dralted
are in the service and others over age.
They report at Rcllefontc Aug. 3d.
During the week there was a convention
held here, that had. for its object .something
in relation to the Sunday Schools. There
were preachers, of the Methodist denomin
ation, in attendance from different parts of
the State. But as I am not prepared to
give any of the proceedings of the conven
tion, at this time, I shall defer any details
until my next God sparing me, and I am
lucky enough to find who the secretaries
The woods, up along the Moshannon
creek, in the vicinity of Dunbar, and from
that place across to the lyrone Jfike,
have been on fire for several days, doing
great damage to the pine timber, and prop
erty generally. The Steam saw mill at Dun
bar, came very near being a prey to the
fiery element, and was only saved by knock
ing off a great portion of the roof. The
rascal who would set lire to the woods at
this dry season, should have a dose of tar
and dry spruce twigs, and then a match ap
plied to them.
J learn that Jos C Brenner's new steam
saw mill, down at Morrisdale was entirely
burnt up on "Wednesday night last. The
mill had been in operation but a few weeks.
The hands "shutdown" about 12 o'clock
on Wednesday night, as usual, retired to
rest, and in the morning they found the
mill a heap of ashes. No one can tell how
the fire originated, and the whole concern
was consumed without any of them hearing
or knowing of its burning.
The wife of one of the miners of Powel
ton, or Coal Hill as it is commonly called,
concluded that her stay on terra cola had
been long enough, took a dose of l(id-bug
poison on Friday last, and made her exit for
that undiscovered country from whence none
return. She insisted upon having her chil
dren accompany her, and spread a piece of
bread for each of them, with the poison and
gave it to them to eat, when a woman liv
ing with the family, told them to throw the
bread away, that if they eat it with that
"stuff" on, it would kill them. They wise
ly concluded that if their maternal parent and
bed-bugs desired to bring their career to a
speedy termination, tliev did not, aim tooK
the woman's advice. The mother died the
same day, and had it not been for the time
lv presence of the hired woman, all of her
children would have fell victims to the poi
son. I understand the mother done the
deed intentionally, and that it was not by
accident that the bed-bug poison was used
as is oltcn the case.
I received a letter from a soldier, who head;
his letter "Rifle pits, front of Petersburg
Va." a few days ago, and he asks mc the
Are you voters at
home goin
to give the
defenders of vour countrw the
rieht of suffrage while in the armv ? I hope
th (HI I Vvtnnf trill rrll nr. ;i lnrn-or nn
did though she done well, we expect you
to do better.
Next Tuesday, August 2d, is the day o
the election. Let no man who is a true A
merican and a friend of the soldier, stay
trom the polls. Uut go. and go early, de
posit 3'our ticket r or the Amendment.
Do not be humbugged or led to vote again
the amendment, by any sympathizer with
treason, that the amendment will, it carried
allow all soldiers the right to vote, and that
by that means the colored soldier is on e
quality with the white, liemembcr the a
mendment does not mention the word sol
dicr, as these hounds would have vou be
licve. It says ' ' The qualified electors. ' To
be a analtfied elector or voter, a soldier must.
be a White Freeman of the. full aoe of twen
ty-one years. Read the amendment careful
ly, and you will soon see that all such areru
ment as that advanced by the snaiks is with
out foundation. 1 hey do not wish the sol
dier to have a vote, and they take any means
to dodge it. lhat the colored soldier can
vote i one of their dodges. One thing is
certain, it it was the case, they are more
worthy of a vote than any cop. Leroi.
Letter from Sherman's Army.
CiLvrr.uioocHE River, July 13, 1SG4.
Dear Journal : General Sherman's ar
my reached the northern hank of the Chat-
tahooche river, on the 10th instant the
rear guard of Joe Johnston's arniy having
ciosseu on mat uay. J. ne Lnion soldiers
picket one side of the river, while the "rebs"
picket me oiner. anis nas oecn a long ana
weary campaign. The 111th Pa. Vols,
marched from Bridgeport, Ala., on Mav
3d, with 570 officers and men, all told : anil
lost in killed and wounded, 13fJ. Among
the wounded are Luke Millward of Janes-
ville, and Ishmael M'Mullen of Utahville,
Clearheld county.
lhe campaign in Georgia is a severe blow
to the rebel cause. Rebel refugees from
other States, together with many disloval
citizens of this State, are driven into a still
smaller compass. A larare amount of corn
and other grain has been found which was
intended for the rebel army, but in their
hasty retreat were unablo to take it along or
destroy it. lhe growing crops of corn,
wheat and rye are Used as forage. The
whole country through which the army has
passed, is almost depopulated, as well as
devastated. The ravages of the demon war
are visible everywhere.
hen the rebels were whipped at one
Place, tney retreated to another. JLhe3had
breastworks to fall back to, which were
built by slaves I suppose that is one of
the blessings, ot alavern that We hear north
ern traitors boast of, ) 'they need only cccu-
py them and are ready to hsht us. n e do
not build our works half as ood as the reb
els do, from the fact we don't need them
t some places the rebels had two lines of
abattis in front of their outer works, lhis
has been a disastrous, campaign to John
ston's army ; scores of deserters arrive with
in our lines daih ; they are anxious to get
to the rear, away from the explosions of hos
tile shell. I think from present indications
the armv will remain here a short time.
ihe weather is very hot. With the aid of
a glass 1 had a View of Atlanta from a tree
top. the distance is about eisrht miles.
The draft in Clearfield, I understand, has
taken place. It is strange indeed how in
firm some persons' become, as the time of
drawing approaches, who at almost any
other time are in the enjoyment of the best
Intelligence has been received
siding m Beccana tp..
from Utahville, who re-
the contents of which
by a simple turn of the
wheel, he became a soldier in the II. S.
rmy. He is supposed to have given vent
his feelings m about the following words :
have earned an honest living by making
shingles, etc. , which is the hardest kind of
manual labor. Politically, by the assistance
of my copperhead friends, I have endeavor
ed to discourage enlistments, raised the cry
of 'nigger war,' and have done all I can to
makej the life of a soldier odious. My
heart's desire is that the cause of our South
ern brethren succeed, the traffic in human
flesh and blood be continued, and slavery
with all its horrors be made the corner-stone
of the nation. To join the army and shoot
my greyback friends I cannot ; I am brave
enough to let them shoot at my body, but I
have no confidence in my legs, for should
niinnie balls and shell begin to drop around
me, I fear they will run away with uiy car
cass ; however, I will report ; perchance I
may be exempt." Our hero suddenly be
comes lame, halt, deaf, gets the gout, and
perhaps the iteh ; in fact, all the ills that
human flesh Is heir to, and sets out on his
journey to Brookville. After limping a
bout for a few days, and practicing before a
mirror on contortions of his visace as if
caused by intense pain, he limps into the
Marshall's Office, writhing in all the agony
of assumed pains imaginable. After a brief
examination the surgeon contemptuously
gives him a certificate of exemption ; seem
ing to say, "take that 3011 cowardly puke,
you would di sgrace the army." Mr. Ar.
makes his exit the fluttering under his
vest ceases he returns to the hills of Bec
caria perfectly recovered and able to resume
his peaceful vocation.
I see by the Journal that there will be a
special election on the first Tuesday of Au
gust next, to vote on the amendments to
the Constitution, allowing the soldiers to
vote in the field when in actual service.
I am unable to discover how, a man loses
his citizenship when he joins the Federal ar
iny, either voluntarily or by draft, when he
pays his taxes in the districts in which he
resides and I believe the soldiers pay their
taxes more cheerfully than many of those
who never go to the army. I am certain
that nothing but a black-hearted traitor,Ul
vote against the amendments.
1 receive the Journal regularly, it is ea
gerly sought after and read by the Clear
field and Elk county boys. Gibson.
Letter from Petersburg, Va.
lhe following private note was sent us.
for publication by the person to whom it is
addressed :
Headquarters Co. D, 53d Ta. V. V.
Near Petersburg, Va., July8,18G4. )
T T. -I 1 1 r
iuk. o ul,e.- : jjear IR : l re
ceived your note this morning, requesting
information concerning our late friend Jo
seph Rankms. He was killed in action in
the memorable ch arge of the 2d corps, on
the lL'th day of May, near Spottsylvania
woun iiouse, a. lie was shot, with a
minnie ball, through both thighs, and died
the same evening he was wounded. His
grave has been marked, so that his bods-
can be procured at an' time his friends or
relatives may desire. 1 would have notified
j-ou sooner, but others from the same locali
ty told me they would write, so I thought it
not necessary for me to do so. Any further
t a
lniormation that 1 may be able to f urnish,
x tiiau pe nappy ar any time to give.
Very respectfully yours,
John II. Root,
IstLt. com. Co. D, 53d P. V. V.
For the Journal.
It is to be hoped that the loyal citizens of
Philipsburg, and surrounding country, will
oeware ot a certain hairy-faecd satehte of
Jelt. J m is x Lo., who was drove awav
irom Huntingdon some time ago for abu
sing soldiers, and who is now engaged in c-
rectmg "castles" for Rebel sympathizers,
tv no win vote against a soldier s right to
vote, .book out for lam ; he is easily known.
lit. WlbH U TIMES. Do not triflp. nith ,,r I
health, constitution and character. If jou are
suffering with any disease for which Ileliabold s
extract Jjuchu is recommended. Try it! try it '
It will cure you, savo long fullering, allaying
puin ana innatnation. ana will restore you to
health and purity, at little cxponse, and no expo
sure. Cut out the advertisement in another col
umn, ana call or send for it. Uewaro of cimntor-
xv.lo . ACfk iur XiUJUiUUlU 8. A. UK O T(t th.r
fftlta 1 f .1!'. H ,
uures guaranteed.
In this place, on Tuesday morning, 20th
inst., ot dysentery, Herbert, son of Au
gustus and Sarah Goodrich, aged about two
-j.j.mckersox : : : m. r. Harris : : : w.B.HosF.r.F.v
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
.ao. 4dj jviaruct Mreet, I'hiladelphia.
A largo assortment of City Made Work constantly
on nana. July ZU, Jl4.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court
01 Liearnaiu county, mere will be exposed to
puuiiu OUIO
On Saturday, August 20th.
At the Blue Ball hotel, the following described
Real estate, late the property of Peter lineal,
dee'd, to wit:. A certain tract of land situate in
Boggs tp., Clearfield countr. containing 109 Acres.
uegiuumg i a woue pine, meace Dy lana of W.
Smoal noth 110 perches to post, thence west 150
percnes to post, tnence by lands of (x. D. Morgan
A Co., south 118 perches to post, thence bv land
of Jeremiah Smcal west 107J perches to place of
1 : - -. i , . .i . .
uixmoinx, mi auom acres cleared tnereon.
i'art ot this land is well timbered with white and
yellow pine, and is supposed to contain inexhans
tihle quantities of stone coal.
Terms : One half cash at sale, and the remain
der in one year thereafter, with interest. In ha
secured by judgment bonds. Sale to commence
at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day. when due attend
ance will be given by CVREXILS HOWE, Adm'r
July lab. MAlti sMEAL, Adm x.
"CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution-
ed against purchasing or meddlinz with cer
tain household property now in the hands of Wm.
B. Thompson, of Chest tp., as the same belongs
us uuu uaa vmr wuii ict l in iuc care OI SH1U
Thompson, and is subject to our order at anytime.
July ZU, 160. A. W . I'liAKUK EKO.
of Administration on the estate of Thomas
Cowan, late of Beccaria township, Clearfield coun-
v.dec d., having been granted to the undersignea.
all persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims airainst the same will present them duly
authenticatedltor settlement.
. lllTT-r IT IM T" T TT"
July 0,1864.' Administrator.
TKAV OXEN. Came trespassing on the
premises of the subscriber, residing in Pike
township, on the 5th day of July, 1S84, a yoke of j
oxen : one a dark brindle witb some wnite aoross
the shoulders and on the hips : the other a red
with some white snots and wide-spreading horns,
and both supposed to be about six years old. The
owner is requested to come forward, prove prop
erty, pay charges and take them away or tney
will be disposed of as the law directs.
for which the highest priee
will be paid in cash by 11. MOSSOP,
July f, 1S61. Cleai field, Pa.
Graham s Row. Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac., to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open fneed watch
es. to bo had at NAUULSvS.
Tho American Lever of different qualities, can
be had at NAUfiLE'S.
Pino setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La
va, Jett, Carbuncle, Uarnett. Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. Ac.,
or single pieces at NAl'i;n"S
Plain gold Breastpins, Ear drops, Hoop Ear rings,
children's eardrops and rings at NAUGLE'S.
uoia seals, Keys ana pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at NAUGI.K'S
Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
Ducnies ana guard slides at iSAUGLE'S.
a nne assortment of gold finger rings of differ
ent styles and Quality, irold lockets, coral nnrbii.
ccs, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
ail articles in his lino on hand at NAUGLE'S.
Just received, a fine assortment of Fanev und
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25
10 ia aonars at JNAUGLE'S.
uia troia and bilver will be taken in exchange
fnr PArwla or "V A 1 -c:
- ' .iii, vi c
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney retunded. at NAlTti T.R'S.
If you wish your watches put ia good repair
buu warrantea. taise t"?m tX JNAUGLE o.
II liKfcAh, the overnor of the Common
v v woaitn oi Pennsylvania, under the great
Seal of the State, has issued the following writ
of .Election:
TO Edward Perks, Esq., Sheriff of the county of
m ci -i-i, -
vicurueiu, eenys ureenng :
WHEREAS, A Joint Resolution proposing cer
lain amendments to tne Constitution of this Com
monwealth, which are as follown, viz:
"There shall be an additional section to th
third article of the Constitution, to be designa
icu as secuon tour as lollows :
"bection 4. Whenever any of the qualified e
lectors ot this Commonwealth shall be in any act
ual military service, under a requisition from the
President ot the United States, or by authority
ui mis vommonweaitn, sucn electors may exer
cise the right of suffrage in all elections by the
citizens, under such regulations as are or shall be
prescribed by law. as tully as if they were pres
ent at their usual place of elections.
'There shall be two additional Sections to the
.Eleventh Article of tho Constitution, to be desig
nated as bectionj cicrht and nine, as follows :
"Sections. No bill shall be cassed bv the Lc?
islature containing more than one subject, which
i. ii i i , , ....
bubii uc cican uipresseu in me title, except up
propriation bills.
"Section 9. No bill shall be passed bv the Lesr
islature, granting any powers or pr!vlleges;ln any
cmo wucru mo aumoruy to grant such powers
or privileges, nas been, or may hereafter be, con
ferred upon the Courts of this Commonwealth.'
has been agreed by a majority of the members
elected to each Iiouse of the Legislature, at two
successive sessions of the same.
AMD W HERE AS, It is provided in the Tenth
Article of the said Constitution, that any amend
ments so agroeu upon, snail be submitted to the
people in such manner, and at such time, at least
three months after being so agreed to by the two
nouses, as tne legislature shall prescribe : such
submission to be in such manner and form, that
me people may vote tor or against each amend
ment sopcrate and distinctly :
AND WHEREAS, By an Act of the General As
sembly oi this Commonwealth, passed the twen
ty-third day of April, Anno Domini one thousand
eight hundred and sixty four, it is provided
"that for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of
tne people ot this Commonwealth, in regard to
the adoption or rejection of said amendments, or
cither of them, the Governor of this Common
wealth shall issue a writ of Election, directed to
each and every fchenff of this Commonwealth
commanding them to give notice in the usual
manner, in not less than two Newspapers in each
city or county : Provided, That so many ate pub
lished therein, and by at least two printed hand-
ouis in eacn Election District, of every city and
county where no Newspaper is published, that an
election will be held in each of the townships,
boroughs, wards. precinct3 and districts therein,
year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-four, for the purpose of deciding upon
the approval and ratification, or rejection, of the
said uincndmcntx, which said election shall be o
pen2d, held and closed upon the day last afore
said, at the places ai.d within tho hours, at and
w ithin which, the General Elections Of this Com
monwealth are directed to bo opened, held and
NOW THEREFORE, in obedience to tho re
quircments of the Tenth Article of the Constitu
tion, and in accordance with the true intent and
meaning of tho said act of the General Assembly
of this Commonwealth. I, A. G. CURTLX. Govern
or ot the said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
do issue this writ, commanding and requiring
you, the said Edward Perks, Sheriff of the said
county, to give notico in the usual manner and as
by Law required, that an election will bo held ac
cording to the terms of the Constitution, and pro
visions of the Act of the General Assombly afore
said in each of the townships, boroughs, wards,
precincis ana aistncts therein, on tho first Tim
day of August, in the year of our Lord one thou-
I -'-Li 1 , . . -
omul cigai nunared and sixty-tour, lor the pur
pose of deciding upon the approval and ratilica-
iiun, ui njuuiion, oi ine sam amenaments.
TrS Given under my hand and the Great
I SKAL Peal of the State, at Harrisburir. this
V-r0O-' Twenty-first day of June, in the year
ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six
ty-four, and of tho Commonwealth the e1rhtv-
eiguiu. uy ine uovernor: r.ui nL.lt lull.
becretary of tho Commonwealth
THEREFORE, I, Ebwaud Pkiiks, Hizh Shcriff
of Clearfield county, do hereby give Public No
TlCE to the Electors of the county of Clearfield, that
a special Election will be held on tne Fikst Tuks
day op Ai ofST next, being theSECuxn day of the
month, at the same time and places fixed bv law
lor holding tho General and township election, in
said county, in accordance with
"An ActPrescribingthetiuie and mannerof sub
mitting to thepeople,ior their approval anil ratifi-
cition, or rejection, the proposed amendments
to the Constitution
WHEREAS, A joint resolution, proposing cer
tain amendments to the constitution of this com
monwealth, has been agreed to by n majority of
the members elected to each house of th legisla
ture, at two successive sessions of the same, the
first session commencing on the first Tuesday of
January, in the year of our Lord one thoQsajid
eight hundred and sixty-three, and the second
session commencing on the first Tuesday of Jan
uary in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-four :
And Whkreas. It is provided in the tenth ar
ticle of the constitution, that any amendment, so
agreed npon, shall be submitted to the neonie. in
such manner, and such times.at least three months
after being so agreed to by tbe two houses, as the
legislature shall prescribe, such submission to be
in such manner, and form, tiat the people may
vote for, or against, each amendment,; separately,
and distinctly ; therefore.
Section 1. IS it enacted bv th Seiiain nn,l
House of Jlenrcxentatives of tlut ComnumtrmJih
of Pennsylvania in (ieneral Aemht if met, anil it
i hereby enacted by the authority of the xanie. That
for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the
people of this commonwealth, in regard to the a
doption, or rejection, of said amendments, or ei
ther of them, the governor of this commonwealth
shall issue a writ of election directed to each, and
every, sheriff ot this commonwealth, commanding
mem logive notiee, in the usual manner, in not
less than two newspapers In each city, and coun
ty : Provided. That so many are published therein.
and by at least two printed handbills, in each elec
tion district, of every city and county, wherein no
newspaper is published, that an election will be
held, in each of the townships, boroughs, waVds,pre
cincts. and districts, therein, on the first Tuesday
of August in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-four, for, the purpose of
deciding npon the approval and ratification, or
rejection, of the said amendments : which said
election shall be opened held, and closed, upon
me uay last aforesaid, at the places, anil within
the hour. at. pnd within, which the gcner.il elec
tions of tu is common wc:i"ih are diicetcd to lc open
ed, held, and closed ; and it shall ho the duty of
the judges, inspectors. ud clerks, of each of said
townships, liorouc us. wnrJs, iirveiiiets. an. I a
tricts. to receive, t the said election, tickets, not!
exceeding the rumber of proj-ose.1 amendments,
either written or printed, or partly written and
partly printed, from each of the qualified voters
cf this State, who may offer the same, and to de
posit them in .1 b ). , rr boxes, to be f"r that pur
pose provided by tho proper ofilcers : which tick
ets shall be, respectively, labelled, on the out
side. "First Amendment' "Second Amendment,"
end "Third Amendment ;" and those who are fa
vorable td said amendments, or any of thorn, may
express t jeir upptotl thereof by voting', each, as
many separate, written of printed, or p;ftly writ
ten and partly printed- ballots, ot tickets, as
there are amendments approved by them, con
taining, on the inside thereof, the words, -For
the Amendment;" and those who are opposed to
such amendments, or any of them, may express
their opposition by voting, each, as many sepe
ratc, written or printed, or partly writton and
partly printed bullots or tickcU. as there are a
uienduients not approved by them, containing
on the inside thereof, the words. -'Against tbe
Amendment ;" tho electors, rowing for or agiiiiist
the first amendment, ehall be considciud as
voting for, or against, the proposed fourth sec
tion to article tbreeof the constitution, extending
the right of suffrage to soldiers ; electors, vot
ing for. or" against, tbe seoond amendment, shall
be considered as voting for, or against, the propos
ed eighth section to urticle eleven of the constitu
tion; and electors, voting lor.or against, the third
amendment, shall bo considered as voting for, or
against, the proposed ninth section to article e
leven of the constitution.
Section- 2. That tho election, on the said pro
posed amendments, shall, in all respects, be con
ducted as the general elections, of this common
wealth, are now conducted; and it shall be tho
duty of the return judges, of the respective coun
ties, and districts, thereof, first htving carefully
ascertained the number of votes given for, or a
gainst, each of said amendments, in tho manner
aforesaid. to make out duplicate returns thereof,
expressed in words, at length, and not in figures,
only ; one of which returns, so made, shall be
lodged in the prothonotary's oflicc, of the court of
common pleas, ot tho proper county, and tho oth
er sealed, and directed, to the secretary of tho
commonwealth, and by and of said judges deposit
ed, forthwith, in the most convenient post olhce.
upon which, postage shall be prepaid, at the ex
pense of the proper county.
Sectios 3. That it shall be the duty of the sec
retary of the commonwealth, on the twenty third
day of August next, before lour o'clock, past
meridian, to deliver to the speaker of thn Senate,
or the speaker of the House of Representatives,
the returns of the said election , trom the several
connties of the commonwealth ; and the fame
shall, on the same day, and hour, be opuueJ, and
published, in the presence of the members of the
Senate, and House of Represctatives : and the
number of the votes given for, and against, said
amendments, respectively, shall be carefully
summed up, and ascertained, aud duplicnio certi
ficates, ot "the result, shall be signed by the speak
ers of the two houses. One of said certificates shall
be delivered to the secretary of the commonwealth
who shall cause the same to be recorded and filed
in his office, and the other oi said certificates
shall be delivered to the governor, who shall forth
with issue his proclamation, declaring whether the
said amendments, or either of them, have been
approved, and ratified, by a majority of the qual
ified voters, of this st ate, voting thereon : Proi'i-
ded, That if. for any cause, a quorum of either
bouscof the Iegistaturo, shall not bo present, at
the day, and hour, above mentioned, then the
said votes shall be opened, in the presence cf such
members, cf said houses, as shall be present ;
and in case of the absence of the speaker, of
either of said houses, the said certificates shall be
signed by the speaker present ; or. in case of tho
absence of both speakers, the chief clerks:of loth
houses, or either of them, in casa of the absence
of one of said clerks.
Section 4. That the several duties required to
be performed by the sheriffs, commissioners, con
stables, judges, inspectors, and all other otileers,
whatever, in, and about, the general elections of
this commonwealth. shall be performed, by such
officers, in, and about, the election herein prod
ded for ; and all persons, whether ofiicer, or
others, shall be liable to the same punishment, for
the neglect ot any duty, or the commission ol any
offence, at, in, or about, the said election, as they
would, for the neelect of like duty,. Cr the com
mission of like offence, at, in, or about, the gener
al elections of this commonwealth.
Henry C, Johnson, Speaker of House of Rep.
John P. Penxey, Speaker of tho Senate.
Approved The twenty-third day of April. An
no Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty
four. A. 11. CL'RTIN.
The electors of the county of Clearfield will take
notico that the said special Election will be held
at the following pbices viz:
At the house of bamucl M. buiith for Beccaria
At the house of Ascph Ellis for Bell township
At the house of James Bloom, Sen., for Bloom
At the bouscof Edward Albert for the township
of Boil's.
At the house of Jacob Pearcc, for the township
of Bradford.
At tho public house of 11. W. Moore for Brady
At the house of John loung for the township of
At the school house ncarSimon ltorabnurh's for
the township of Chest.
At the court house for the Borough of Clearfield.
At the house of Jacob Maurcr for the township
of Covington.
At tho house of I. Bloom, dee'd, for the Bor
ough of Curwensville.
At Centre school house for tho town'p of Decatur.
At the house of Thomas B. Davis for tho town
ship of Ferguson.
At the house of John I. Bundy for tho township
of Fox.
At Congress Hill school house for the lownshin
of Girard.
At the public school house for tho township of
At the house of Jacob Hubler for the township
of Graham.
At the school house in Jancsville for the town
ship of Guelich.
At the house of J.W ilson for the twn'p of Huston.
At the school house in Ansonville for the town
ship of Jordan.
At the honse of B. D. Hall & Co. for the town
ship of Karthaus.
At the lurkey Hill School bouse for the town
ship of Knox.
At the court houso iu the Borouzh of Clearfiod
for Lawrence township.
At the public school houso for the borourh nf
Lumber city.
At the house formerly occupied by Thomas Kv-
Icr for tho township of Morris.
At Ihe public school house for tho l!orofi"h nf
New Washington.
At the house formerly of Wm. W. Anderson frir
the township of Penn.
At the house of I. Bloom, dee'd. in the Borough
of Curwensville for Pike township
At the house of R. W. Moore for tho township
of Union.
At the house of Thomas Henderson for tho town
ship of Woodward.
all persons, except Justices of the Peace, who
shall hold any office or appointment of trust, un
der the government of the United States or of
this State, or of any incorporated district, weth
er a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subor
dinate officer t agent, who is or shall be cm
p oyed under the Legiclative, Executive, or Judi
cial Departments of this State or United States,
or any city or incorpoated district, and also that
every member of ConareFs and of the State Legis
lature, or of the common or select council of any
city, or commissioner of any incorporated dis
trict, are by law incapable of holding or exer
cising, at the same time, the office or apoint
ment of Judge. Inspector, or Clerk of any eloc
tion of this Commonwealth.
And the Return Judges of the respective dis
tricts aforesaid are requested to meet at the Court
House, in the Borough of Clearfield, on the First
Friday next after the said First Tuesday of Au
gust, then and there to do those things required
of them by law.
GIVEN under my hand and seal, at Clearfield,
this Twenty-ninth day of June, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four,
and of the Independence of the United States tho
eighty-eighth. EDWARD PERKS. Sheriff.
The KifTsM an's JoritNAL is published on Wed--nesdav
at ?l.oi Per annum in advance. Aiivek-
'.'d j tiskwknts inserted at S.I .00 per square, for three
j or less insertions Twelve linos (or less) counting a
square, l orcverynddition.il iuserthn cento.
A deduction will be usaJe t! yearly sdrertiaers.
, business givcrttfriti
r k EK0'l"HEKS. dealers in Square A Sawed
Lumber. Drj i.K.ls, Groceries. Floor, l rain,
i , Ac, Eurnside Pa., Sept. 2-1, ISfi."?.
TAMES L. W ATj-ON. Merchaut and Dealer in
J 1 luiwr. faw Logs. Boards and Shingles. Ma
rysville. Clearfield county. P. June 2U. lSi4.
I? II kinds of Stone-waro. Clearfield, T'k. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jaa. 1, tiGi
CKANS A BARRETT, Attorneys a tTw7clca7
field. Pa. MnylS. !Sfl:j,
i. j. cn.iNs.
ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at La w. Clear
- field, I'a Office in Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Naugle's jewnlry store. May 26.
F. X A VOLE. AVutch and Clock Maker, and
dealer In Watches, Jewelry, ie. Room in
Graham's row, Market 3treet. Nov. 10.
HP.UCIIF.R SWOOPE. Attorney at Law.Clear
. field. Pa. OtEet in Graham's Row. four dov 8
west of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10.
"llfALLACE HALL, Attorneys at Law. Clcar-
field. Pa. December 17, 1S.52.
willi km A. wai.latk. :::::::: John c. hall.
Medicines Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume
ry, rancv iiooiis. .&tions. etc
Clearfield, Pa
, etc.. Market street.
Jane, ?J, 1$GI.
A FLEMMING. Lmiibor-cil v. Pa.. Nursery
man and Dealer iu all kinds of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees. Plants and Shrubbery All or
ders by mail promptly attended to. M:iy 1.1.
JP. KKATZER, dealer in Dry Good .CIthl
. ing. Hard ware. Quecnswsire, Groceries. Pro
visions tc. Frout Street, above the Academy,
Clearfield, Pa. April J7.
7IT.LT AM F. TRWIN.Marketstreet, Clearfield,
chcndlss. Hardware, Queeiisware,
family articles generally .
tiroeories. and
Nov. 10.
JOHN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds ot
Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
He also makes to order Oofiius. on short notiee. and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0.'5a.
DR M.WOODS. Fracticivu Physm-hn, and
Examining Surgeon for Pensions. ;
Office, South-west corner of Second and Cherry
Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 21. 1S3.
rnilOMAS J. M CULLOCGH, Attorney at Lw.
JL Clearfield. Pa. Office, endt of tlie - Clearfield
co. Bank. Deeds and other k-gnl iusti-uments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
JB M'E.VALLV, Atlorncyat Law. Clearfield,
, Pa. Practises in Clearfield and adjoining
'jountics. OfEcc in new brick building of J. Boyn
ton. 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel.
I ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Du
V mestic Drv Goods, Groceries, Flour, Baeon,
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few door J
west of Joiti H'tl Ojfice. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
rARHI.MER TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clcar
J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to nil legal
and other husincrs cntrustsd to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August fl. 185ft.
WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional
crvices to tbe citizens ot losbanuon and vi
cinity. He can be consulted at his residence at
all times, unless absent on professional busincM.
Mohsan uon. Centre eo., Pa., May UJ, IStJ.'l.
7M. ALBERT A BRO'S, Dealers in Dry Goods.
Groceries. Hardware. Oueensware, Flour,
Bacon, etc.. Woodlan-1, Clear Geld county. Penn'a.
Also, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum
ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici
ted. Woodland. Aug. lyth, Mfl.1.
l'CTIO.EEI!i The uudersigued having
been licensed an Auctioneer, desires to in
form the citizen of Clearfield county that ho will
attend tJ thecallingof sales, throughout thecoun
ty, upon short notice. Post-office address, either1
Bloomingvil'.oorCurwensville. WM. M. BLOOM.
Bloon.ingvillc. April 6. iMil.
4 UCTIONEER. -The undersigned baviui
s. obtained a liscenco as" auctioneer, would .'11
form the citizens of Clearfield county Inat ho
will attend to thecallingof sales, in any part ot
o'f the county, whenever called upon. Charge,
moderate. Post' office address. Cush. Clearfield
county. Pa. JOHN F. LEE.
. April 20, IS fil-.lmp.
CTIO.NEEK.-The undersigned bavins
been Licensed an auctioneer would inform
tbe citizens of Clearfield County, that he will at
tend to calling gales in any part of the County
whenever called upon. Charges Moderate.
Address J M. SMITll.
llegartys X Roads, Clearfield Co.. I'a
February 3d 1HI54
I'C'TIONEEK. The undersigned having
the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to calling Kites, in any part of the county,
whenever culled lipo'ri. Charges moderate
May 1.1 flower IV, Clearfield co., Pa.
N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li
cense are subject to a penalty of S'iO, which pro
vision will be enforced against those who may vi
olate the same.
undersigned is prepared to furnish, to those
seeking investments. Government and cOOnty
bonds. Also five per cent Government notes.
Clearfield May 4. ISflt. Att'y at Law
DK. LITCII'S ME DlC IN ES. A fresh sup
ply of these ihvaluable Family Medicines
are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting
Ot Pain Carer; Restorative, a grcatcure for colds
and cough; and Anti-Bilious Physic. They have
been thoroughly tested in this community, aftd
are highly approved. Tar them.
Marys ville, CJearfielil Co'Unty, renn'a.
Cheap for Cash or exchanged for Timber,
Boards. Saw Logs or Shinglts.
M. M'Kierun having located ut Smith'.
Mills, (Janesville.) Clearfield Co.. Pa., inform tt
citizens of that place Ami vicinity, that he will
endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may
favor him with their patronage. Professional
- - .... fob.uuau. 1 roiessioni
calls to any part of the cmntry promptly attend
ed to. ' Work done on Vulcanite. Terms moderate
-Yljy 1 1, is1) t.-.-m. Dr-J. M. McKl ERXAX.
The undersigned, having located in th bor
ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied
by R Welch as a jewelry shop.) Is prepared to
do work of all kinds on tbe most reasonable term.
Theo.-ish will positively be expected when tho
work is delivered. He is confident that he can
not bo excelled by any workmen in townoreoanty.
Come one ! roms all to the tiitt of the Hi IV nJt fa.
April a. o2-ly-pd. S. H. LAUCH LIN.
fllEMPEKANCE IIOl'SE The subscriber
X would respectfully inform the eitiiena of
Clearfield county, that be has rented the -Tipton
Hotel.'' and will use every endearor to accommo
date those who may favor him With 'Leir custom.
He will try to furnish the tabl with tho best the
country can afford, and will keep hay aruLfocd to
accommodate teamsters. Gentlemen don't forget
the ' Tipton Hotel." SAMUEL SMITH.
Tipton Pa . May 25, ISG1
9. :
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