Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 06, 1864, Image 3

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    CLEARFIELD, PA., JULY 6, 1864.
. Episcopal Church. By Divine permis-
: Bion the Rt; Rev. Wm. Bacon Stevens, As-
- iistant Bishop of the Diocease oi reniwyi
vania, will hold service in St. Andrews
Church in Clearfield, on Sunday the 17th
day of July (instant), at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
and at 6 o'clock, P. M , and will remain over
Monday for visitation; etc. He will also
hold service in Tbttpsburz on Tuesday the
19th instant-
LocAi Jtara. We will feel ourselves
jrreatly obliged, if some cf our friends, in the
-various boroughs and townships, will furn
ish us with items of local news. Eten'ti' and
occurrences of interest often transpire which
tbe editor cf a paper knows nothing about,
and unless some one ' in the neighborhood"
apprises'' him of it, he may for all time re
isain in ignorance of what has occurred. If
the editor was promptly notified of every
thing going on in the county, he could make
a much more readable and interesting paper.
EaE.DE. An error ha3 occurred in the
Proclamation calling the special election in
August In the first section of the law, af
the words "ccntaininj? on the inside thereof
the words," read as follows, " 'For the A
mecdment;' and those who are opposed to
such amendments, or any of them, may ex
press their apposition by voting, each, as
many eeperate, written or printed, or partly
written and partly printed ballots or tickets,
as there are amendments not approved by
them, containing on the inside thereof, the
words, Against" etc.
The Fourth ARaid A Max Woiw
aiD, etc., etc. Oar National Ani vcrsi-
ty passed by without fe, public celebration in
this place. -The only thing that indicated
that Monday was the "4th day of July, and
distinguished it from any other day of the
year, was aa unusual amount of firing of
p!ntola, and the getting off 'of home fire
cra&era in the streets, and a meagre display
of fire-works ia the evening, 'by the chil
dren of several private families. Ilowever,
cue incidant occurred which, 'perhaps, had a
tendency soiaewhat to mar the anticipated
pleasures of some of the, b'hoya. Young
America", ai usual on the 4th, were out fir
ing guns, etc.., and finally made a "raid" on
Charles Haut'a "lager" estab:i.stnent. Ev
ery effort was made to induce Charley to
gtt up and ''treat" for "peace." but he re
fused to "surrender." Ilisreftml to com
ply with the demands of the "raiders'' had
a tendency only to increase their taunts and
firing and other "war-like" demonstrations,
until Churiey was induced to pally forth and
tuaie a "charge" on the "raiders" with a
club ; whereupon the "beseigers ' retreated,
followed closely by the victorious Chavly.
tlnexpecteJij, however, a gun went off the
wad taking effect in the thigh of Charly, in
ilietisg a wound about an inch in diameter.
The "raiders" then dispersed hastily, and
ae wounded man was taken to the "hospi
tal" where he 13 well taken care of, and will
soon, it is to be hoped, be on 'picket' again.
The "raiders," in turn, have been 'order
ed" to surrender themselves to Captain Con
stable, who will present them to General
Justice for "court-martial," the result of
which will be given in a "second disr atch."
So passed Ju'y 4th, 1864, in Clearfield.
Below will be found the proceedings of
"Court at J une Term, 1864 :
W. Kerlin and D. Kerlin vs. Ed. McCar-
cj-oa tl cur. iuecnamc s Jjien. ver
dict, for Plaintiffs for 24S 79.
Robert Potter vs. G. W. Caldwell Sum
asons in Trespass. PJaintilf su.Tvrs nt.n suit.
Lliia lrvin, Admr'x of Wm lrvin, vs.
wat. Sioppich and M. Wise, terre tenants
?a ft. eruict, we find against Wm. Slop
pieh 32 67, and not cpain-t M. Wj.se.
W. Whiteside vs. R. Whiteside Kicct
&ent. Verdict, for Plain:i2.
1 11. Smith ft. al. vs. A. Humphries et.
l hjectment. Settled in open Court
pjgaent entered for $3,476 21 with inter
est. Oa motion of J. O. Hall, Ej., Frank
lieldioif, Esq., was admitted to practice ia
M several courts of Clearfield county.
. Jacob Barley and E. J. Pruner vs. Dan
Hautz, 1). D. Woods and Stephens E-e,l".feU.t-
Vet diet for defendants;
f his is one of the heaviest ejectment cases
tried in our county in voivingj directly,
ut $30,000, besides the location of a large
mberof surveys, covering an era of about
''J miles square. Much interest was felt in
jae result of the trial by the community at
ge- The trial occupied the entire time of
th frM'51, five days- Numerous draftsof
i e la"u in dispute, large and small, were
"fought into court, during the progress of
j", l"a some ot them gotten up in splen
style, and were acredit to the draftsmen.
.ne ca.e Wa3 conducted bv J. O. Miles,
t of Huntingdon, and j. B. McEnal-
KJ u' on the Part of the plaintiffs, and
Z, , 5W0pe and W. A. Wallace, Esqj
tor TTa,ames Curley Arson ahd fel-VQI-
true bill
CS1 Wood, Jr., and Joshua
Jj J patting timber. True bill Found
Wv.& -ptember session no sentence.
(ct warrant issued.
ftot TV?" -.Henderson and nine others
isd Recognizance forfeited
A: spite to next term.
ood Jan"i3 Bisa Setting 5re in
7 True bill.
L r 7s. v
Henderson, C. Walty and
VJU(,3 u, , J f - J- ,
and Prosecutor, J. Philips, to
ik, iuu uaiici v. eruict.
liii VB J. Weatbrool Forgery. True
Com- T- D. Michaels disturbance at e
lectioa: Guilty- . . .
. Com. vs. John Campbell Malicio 13 mis
chief Verdict, n'o't guilty.
Com, vs. B. Dale assault and battery.
Ignoramus, po'unty to pay costs.
Coin.' vs. J. Creaswell SeUinir liquor-without
lisceace. Plead g-iilty. Fined $30 and
costs: ..
Com. vs. A. Vrn'ar Larceny. Tiue bill.
Com. vs. J. A. Hegarty Selling liquor
without license. True bill.
Coin. vs. Hannah Bloom Larceny. Ver
dict, guilty on secotid count in indictment,
arid not ori .first count. Sentence deferred,
andraotioh for new trial.
Com. vs. W; Bautrhman Larceny. En
ters bail for his appearance at next term.
Com. vs. A. Reniillct Malicious mis
chief. Recognizance forfeited, with respite
to next term. . -
Com. vs. M. M'Caliy Malicious mischief.
Ignoramus ; prosecutor to pay costs.
Com. vs. J. Beatty Larceny. True bill.
Com. vs. J. A. Ilegarty Selling liquor
to minors. True bill.
Com. vs. J. M'Cartney Larceny. Plead
guilty. Sentence, to pay $1 fine and costs,
and sent to Western Pennsylvania House of
Refuge. .
Com. vs. Peter Owens assault and bat
tery. Settled.
. Coin. vs. D. Michaels Surety of the
Peace. Laid over.
.- Com. 78. J. Gossind ethers Nuisance.
True bill. . .
Com. v. J. Quigley Felony andLarceny.
True bill.
Com. vs. J. A. Ilegarty Selling liquor
without license: 1'lcad guilty. Fined $15
and costs. j
Pbtitions. For a private road froni tract
No. .')6T4 in name of "Morris & Delany"
to Beiinett'sbrauch at John Tyler's, in Hus
ton tp. Viewers, Samuel McClosky, Iii
ram Woodward, A. J. Apl'er.
For a road t'zyui New Millport to Turkey
Hill. Viewers,. Samuel McClosky, 1'. A.
Rowles, Daniel Boma'ii. v - .
For a private road from tract No. .0067 in
name of "Win. Powers" to township road
at P. Uevener's farm iulfu'stori tp. View
ers, Samuel MeClosky, If. Woodward, A.
J. Apfccr. .
For u read from Bia'nctard': camp to a
point 011 the public road licur Rock tori Pnst
ofhee. Viewers, Uosel Lutlier, Joseph Lyon-.
Sr., Hains Kirk.
For ievr of a private road in Huston tp.
Viewer.-. Alexander irvin, Alviii Bliss,
Frank II r itt.
For a private roa l from J. J. Pee'.? pa'w
mill U ilank road in Girard tovffiship.
Viewers. Jlou. P. Lamm, Francis Hu
garr, N. Roi'ssilet.
l or a road JVom mouth of Sanbunr Run
in Boggs townsJup, on Big Clearfield Creek,
to end" of A. Ba'hinan's lane in Decatur
township. Viewed J. L. Cuttle, Chas.
Sloau, W. K. Wrigir.
For a road in Burnt'de tp., to load from
farm of John Fry to Cherry-tree road at
.Joseph Brothers. Viewer?, Amos Fry, D.
Bricklcy, Horace Patehiii.
For a road from the publu- road at John
Butler's to Sinneuiahoning road near John
Shaw. Jr's. Viewers, W. D. Bigler, Sam
uel Shaffner, Martin Kline.
ror a private road leading from the turn
pike to
the house of A. Eliincer s farw, in
liraay tp. lowers.
Wain, Eli Rishel.
1 r
R. Luther, Jaii'es
For review of part of road between Geo.
Atcheson's and Patchin's naw-niiH.in Burii
5ide towii;;'hip. Viewer?-, Jacob Boice, M.
Irvin, Hemy laU hm.
For a road leading from Christian Korb"s
in Brady township, to Daniel Fryer-in Bell
township. Viewers, R. Luther, Jackson
Bonsall. John Hays.
The petition of citizefis of Pike township
for the appeintiifCEtcf a Supervisor, where
upon the Court appoint John Bloom, Jr.,
The petitition of citiretts of Pel' town
ship a-sking for a change of town.-'h.TO line
so as to include the petitioners in Person tp ;
whereupon the Court appoints. L. M;Clos
ky, John Smith, ot Bleora tp., :and Wm.
M. Bloom, of Pike tp., "commissioners to
inquire into the propriety of granting the
prayer of the r?titiTier.
Confirmed Absolutk. A road from P.
Rout h's mill to Patrick Shoden in Karthaus
A road from Souteast corner of land of
F. S. Washburn to i uiiie below mouth of
V, hitiiierliun.
A road from Daniel Ulmer's to Jonathan
Hartshorn's .saw-mill in Pike tp
A road from Thomas Michaels to the grist
mill and steam saw-mul of James Ivaueh in
Karthaus tp.
A roa l from John Hancock's to the routh
west corner of Hiram Leech, in Pike tn.
Confirmed Ni. Si. A road from Sundv
creek road to the Clearfield road mile west
of Mulsoubur.
A change of road from Ilegarty's X
roads to -Muddy run at J. !. JMcLully s in
iieccaria tn.
A road from Charles Smith's via John
Rose's to road at or near R. Lewis in Fer
guson tp.
A private road from P. Gearhart's saw
mill to cross cut pike near J ames and Peter
oineaism Hoirtrs tn.
A review of road from C. & P. Sehnarr's
mill to Sinnemahoningroad in Karthaus tp,
To vacate Big run road in Graham tp.
A road from public road leading from In
diana to Curwensville to at or near the house
of James Wetzel, thence bv the nearest and
best route to Indiana county line near J.
In reference td road from A. M'Garvey's
to public road at C Thurston's in Chest
tp. the Court ordered : "The report is set a-
side beeaii.se it is signed by Mr. M'Closky,
who had no authority to act as a viewer,
and the Order is enlarged until the next
term and referred back to be executed by
the viewers appointed by the Court."
Bv request. This is to certify, that
we, a part of the official members of the
Clearfield charge, met at the house of J. II.
Bratten, to investigate the report against
said Bratten, our pastor, and after an im
partial investigation of the whole affair, we
certify that said Bratten has no blame at
tached to him, and that paid reports are
without any foundation. Given under our
hands and seala this 8th day of June, 1864.
Oeo. Ea'rhard,
David Fox,
Philip A. Long
Lewis Earhard, Fl.s
Alfred A. Long, l. s.
John Morgan, l.8.
The Commissarv General of trrfsorers finds
by his books that we have fifty thousand
rebel prisoners on hand, which is a large ex
On July 3d, by Rev. J. II. Bratten, Mr.
Manning Dcn to Miss Carrie A. Horn,
of Pike township.
On the 23d June, at Aurora, 111., by Rev.
E. L. Hunt, Mr. Joseph Miles of Clear
field county, P td Miss Mary C. Wood
ward, of De Kalb county, Illinois.
On July 1st, 1864, at the residence of M.
A. Fratrik. in this" : borough, Mrs.' R&ifSccA
Mapes, in the 88th year of her age. Mrs.
M. was among the first settlers of the county
having come here about the year 1804 or
1805. She was a con'sLstent member of the
Methodist church, an affectionate mother,
a kind and accommodating neighbor, aud
beloved by all who knew her and ever ready
to do a kindness when it was in her power
to do so. She will long be remembered for
her many Christian virtues. Peace to her
tfji I fi REWARD ! Some unknown person
A JJ or persons having feloniously broke in
to the bouse of the undersigned about the 2ftth of
April, lb64, and stolen therefrom three webs of
muslin, several blankets, pillow cases, table oloth,
two coats, one bonnet, a lot of sugar, soap, and
other articles, the above 'reward will be paid for
the apprehension and conviction of tbe thief or
thieves, or for such information that will lead to
their conviction. MARTIN O. STIRK.
.New Miilpcrt, May 11, 1864,-2in pd.
c. W. & n. w. smitit; s,
comprising a general assortment of
Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queens-ware,
Wooden-waiv, Boots and Slides,
Notions, &c., &c, kc.
Best quality of Prints, Delaines, Moiauibiques,
Linen, Poplins, Balzarines, Lavellaa, Oinghame
check, drilling, ticking and sheeting, shawls,
plain silks, fowlard silks, cagsatnr res cottonades,
jeans, tweeds, satirietts, bleached muslins (at less
than city wholesale prices) brown muslins.
HOSIERY, Gloves, Kibbons.Trimmings, But
tons, (in groat variety) collars, velvet riboon,veils,
headnets, embroidery, braids, handkerchiefs, la
dies elastic pages, whalebones, bindings, chil
drens', misses', ad ladies' hoop skirti, Qiialfer
and Corset Skirts.
new sTYLk Balmorals'.
Pagar. Tsa,Co2ee. Molasses, Spices. Ac., Oranges,
f'plit Peas, Leiions, Full Tea Setts, Diuhe. com
mon and f tiO ware, cups.saucers..preservejars Ac.
Tl'BS, Broom's. Churgs, Mops. Buakets, Mohs
ures. brushes, combs, wickj, fancy baskets, bowlj",
door-mats, window blinds, cords, tassels, etc., etc
Childreni, Jfissca and Ladies' morocco boots,
shoe3, baluiorais. aud gaitori.
U. S. 1040 B0KM
These IionOs are issued under the act of Con
gress of March ih. ISrt4, which provides that all
bonds issued under this act tdiall be exempt from
taxation by or uxJpr any State or municipal au
thority. Subscriptions to these bonds are receiv
ed in United States notes or notes of Natiunal
Banks. They are - tie bkdeekkd ix coin, at the
pleasure of the (.iovernmcnt. t any period not
Irss thnti t?n iior mtim than forty yrarx from their
date, and until their redemption five per ce.nt.
will ne pau iv coin, on Bonds of not over one
hundred dollars 'annually end on all other Bonds
seu.i annua'ly. The icter-'st i parable on the
first Jays of .March and Septate her in each year.
Subscribers will receive either Registered or
Coupon b.Eds. ns they may prefer. Registered
Bonds are recorded on the books of the U. S.
Treasurer, aud can be transferred only on the
owner's order. Coupon bonds are payable to
bear r, aud aro aeie convenient far Commercial
Subscribers V this loan will have tbe option of
having their liouds draw interest from March 1st,'
by pitying the accrued interest in coin ,or in U
ni'ed States note.-, or the notes of National Banks,
adding fifty per cent, for premium,) or receive
them drawing interest from the date of subscrip
tion aid deposit. As these Bonds are
Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation,
their value is increased from one to three per
cent, per annum, according to tbe rate of tax
ltvies in various parts of tha country.
At the prescut rate of premium on gold they pay I
in currency, find are of cijual convenience us
j cimaneiit or temporary investment.
It is believed that uo securities ofler so great
iridoeement to lenders as the various descriptions
of U. S. Bonds. In ali other forms of indebted
tiesj, the faith or ability of private parties or
stock companies or seperate communities only is
pledged for payment, while for ths debts of the
United States the Whole property cf the country
is holden to secure the payment of both princi
pal and interest in coin.
These bonds may be subscribed for in sums from
$60 up to any magnitude, on tbe same terms, and
are thus made equally available to the smallest
lender and the largest capitalist. They can be
converted into money at any moment, and the
holder will have the benefit of tbe interest.
It may be useful to state jn this connection that
the total Funded Debt of the United States on
which interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day
of March, 1884. was $783,905,000. The interect oa
this debt for the coming fiscal year will be $45,
937.128, while the customs revenue in gold for
tbe current fiscal year, endirig June 30th, 1864,
has been so far at the rate of over 5100,000,000
per annum.
It will be seen that even the present gold rev
enues of the Government are largely in excess of
the want3 of the Treasurer for the payment of
gold interest, while the recent increase ot the tar
iff will doubtless raise the annual receipts' from
customs on the same amount of importations, to
$150,000,000 per annum.
Instructions to the National Batiks acting as
loan agents were not issued from the United
States Treasury until March 29, but in the first
three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged
Subscriptions will be received by the
First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. (
Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
which are depositaries of Public money, and all
throughout the country, (acting as agents of the
National Depository Banks,) will furnish farther
nformation on application and afford evtry faetl-
ity to tuhcrb4rs. May 11, 18G4-2imo.
.Notice is hereby given that the partnership
uereioiore existing between John Tyler and m
.1. oenryver, aoing business as lyler and fcchry
ver, has this day been dissolved by mutual con
sent. JOlli XX LKK.
June flth 1864 -pd. WM. T. SCHRYVEU
signed respectfully informs the people of Clear
field and adjoining counties that he has the agen
cy of the above patent and will sell individual,
county or township rights for its use. , The lum-
cer anea by this process is stronger, finishes bet
ter, is easier on tools, and requires less time in
drying than any other process known, drying I
Inch lumber perfectly in 3ft hours better than
many .months under the old system using the
fame amount of fuel per day that a common kiln
consumes.- The certificate of a number of resi
dent mechanics well known in this community is
amply sufficient to convince the most sceptical of
us utility, rersons aesirous oi purcn&sing rignts
...ill TnlI,T T i", - T, rr, ,
uuicd3 IV11.Y U. IUliLL.
June 24. 1863 Cearfield. Pnn'a.
Men, Youths and Boys can be supplied with full
suits of seasonable and fashionable clothing at
where it is sold at prices that will induce their
purchase. The universal satisfaction which has
been given, has mduoed them to increase their
s ock, which is now not surpassed by any estab
lishment of the kind in this part of the Stale.
Beizertstein Bro's & Co.,
Sell goods at a very small profit, for cash ;
Their goods are well made and fashionable.
They give every one the worth of his money.
They treat their customers all alike.
They sell cheaper than every body else.
Their store is conveniently situated.
They having purchased their stock at reduced
prices they can sell cheaper than others
For these and ether reasons persons should buy
their olothmg at
Produce of every kind taken at the highest
market prices. May 18, 1S64
Seasonable Goods
The undersigned has just received from the Kast
ern cities a lurge and well selected stock of the
most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at
tha reasonable prices. Ilis friends and. custom
ers aro invited to examine bis stock .of goqds. and
ascertain the prices b'efcre purchanng elsewhere
as he leels persuaded none undersell him.. His
stock embraces a well selected assortment of
njtr-GooDS Anij notions,
Hardware, Queensware,
School Books arid Stationary,
And a great variety of ether useful articles, all
which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex
changed for approved produce.
tSoto'tte '-cheap eagh store' if you want to buy
goods at fair prices.
Mayll. 18S4. F. IRWIN.
Have received their first supply of Seasonable
tioods, which they uTe now offering for sale at the
Their stock cc'nsista cf a general variety o.
Pry-Ooods. Groceries, I!afd-war, Queens-ware,
Tin-wars. Willow-ware. AVooden-warn. Prnrininni
' Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing, Ac.
lor the Ladies.
Tbey would call especial attention to the large
and good assortment of new styles and patterns of
now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancy Silks,
j Dclxiues. AJpacai, tlirihams. Ducals. Priiits. Jle.
riu os, Cuabnieres, Plaids. Brilliants. Poplins, Be-reg'-.
Lawns Nankins, Linen, Lace. Edgings, Col
erettes. Braids, Beltc, X'eils, Nets. Corsettd, Nu
bias, ilooiis. Coats, Mantels. Balmoral tkirts, Ho
Mery, Gloves Bonnets. Flowers. Plumes-Ribbons,
Hats. Trimmings. Buttons Combs. Shawls. Braid,
MiittiLS, Irish Linens, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns,
citjss, iooiaeis, .nuns, L,inen uanaKercmeis etc.
Of Men's Wear
Tbey have also received a large and well select
ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and' Fancy
Cassitneres, Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans, Cordu
roys, Bever-Teen, Linens, Handkerchiefs, Neck
ties, Hosiery, G loves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., etc
Ready-Made Clothincr
In the latest styles and of the best material,
consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests, Shawls, Over
coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, etc.
Of Boots and Shoes,
They have a largo assortment for Ladies and Gen
tlemen, consisting of Top Boots. Brogans, Pumps,
Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, Clippers, Monroes, etc
Groceries and Provisions
Such as Cofl'ee, Syrups, Sugar, Rice, Crackers,
Vineear, Candles. Cheese, Flour. Meal. Bacon.
Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc.
Coal Oil Lamps,
Coal oil, Lamp chimneys, Tinware a great Tarle.
ty, Japanware, Egg beaters. Spice boxes, Wire
Ladels, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc , ete.
Carpets, Oil-cloth,
Brooms. Brushes. Baskets, Wash boards,. Buckets,
Tubs, Churns Wall-paper, Candle wick. Cotton
yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, eto.
Rafting Ropes,
Augers, Ajes. Chisels, Saws, Files, Hammers,
Hatchets, N'.ils, Spikes, Grindstones, Stoneware,
Trunks. Carpet bags, Powder, Shot, Lead, eto.
School Books,
Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com
mercial paper, pens, penoils and ink. copy books,
elates, ink stands, fancy and common envelopes.
Carriage Trimmings,
Shoe Findings. Glass and Putty, Flat Irons and
Coffee mills, Bed cords and Bed screws, Matches,
Stove blacking, Washing soda and Soap, etc.
Flavoring Extracts;
Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds.
Fancy soaps, Oils, Paints. Varnishes, and in fact
every thing usually kept in a first class Store.
They invite all persons to call and examlse their
stock, and hope to give entire satisfaction.
Clearfitld, Pa.. May 13lb, 1W4
B it rxolvd hy th Senat and llanm ot R
rrsentst'tvet of tit Commonwtaltk of PrpnsyJvri
ma in. General Assembly 1'irt, That the following
amendments be proposed, t't tbe Constitution of
the Common w.-altS, ia accrdtnee with the pro
visions of the tetiti t article thereof :
There phall be rfu additional eeotipn to the
third article of tb Constitatica. to be designated
as section fo'ur.-is follows : '
''Section 4. Whenever any- of the Qualified e
lectors of this Commonwealth fhall b4 io any ac
tual military service. under a requisition fiom the
President of the United States, or by tbe author
ity of this Commoawealth, fjich. electors may ex
ercise the right of suffrage in all.elepuons by jSo
citizens, under such regulations as are. or shall
be, prescribed, by. law, . as ally as if they were
present at their usual place of election.'
Section 2. There shall be two additional sec
tions to the eleventh article of the Constitution,
to be designated as sections eigkt, and nine: as fol
lows :
"Sectiox 8. No bill shall be passed by the ieg"
Lilature, containing more than .oaesubjbc which
shall be clearly expressed in the title, etcept ap
propriation bills "
'Section 9. No bill shall be passed by the Leg
islature granting any powers, or pivilegos. in
any ense. where the authority to grant such pow
ers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be.
conferred upon the Courts of thisCoinmoiiwclath."
Sptaitr of the Hons of Representatives.
Speaker of the Stnute
Office or thsSbcvktarvoftheComuoxwca'.th
Pennsylvania, ss : I do hereby certify that the
XT'- foregoing is a full, true aud correct copy
( SEAliV' the original Joiut Resolution of tbe
fie ral Assembly, entitled -'A Joint
Resolution proposicg certain amendments to the
Constitution," as the same retrains on file ia this
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hind and caused tbe seal of tbe Secretary's office
to be affixed, the day ard year above written.
Secretary of the Commonvea!t.
Tbe above Resolution bavinsr been sirreed to bv
a majority of the members of cash Hotse at two
successive sessions of the General Assembly of
tbis Commonwealth, the proposed amendments
will be submitted to the people, for their adop
tion or rejection on the first Tuesday of
An gta t, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-four, in aCordarwth
the provisions of the tenth article of tha Consti
tution, and the act. entitled 'An Act prescribing
the time and manner of submitting to tbe people,
for their approval and ratification or rejection,
the proposed amendments to the Constitution."
approved tbe twenty-third dav of April, one
. 1 J : ' t. r i - x j . X -
Mar 4, 14. Sec'y r-f Commonwealth
Consisting of Artificials, Bonnets. Buckles, Crapes
iBuiea caps, uaua-ooxes, cape-net, t ou nota
tions for lists and Bonnets, Flowers, Felt
and Straw Hats, Feathers for Hats,
Plumas. 4et Boanet-pins, Ruches,
Illusion Ribbons. Veils-Rib-bon
wire, Bonnet Silks,
' And'eveiy variety of Millinary Goods.
Perfumeries. Laird's Bloom of Youth. Soar
Paper and envelopes, needles. Pins. Head-dresses.
hair nets, hair-pips, .hair-oils, kid-tloves. tin.
aaive.ueniai cream, amorosia, coicns, aress-trtffi
mmgs. Crochet cotton and kneedlea. s:lk. . lisle
mreaa. wool aqa cotton gloves, wool and cotton
nose, gum dsus, stay Dtnaing, tape, silk thread
Saddlers' gilk. machine silk, cotton-thread, but
tons, baskets, collars. lace-collars and veils, bolts,
gum-combs, gum cord, brushes, hooks and eyes,
braid, beads. Bristol-buardcuiit-oraid.Gall apber's
soap and hair oil, shawl pins, mittens, music,
music paper, eiaflio. beaa aud bugle triinmmga.-
Wire, Berlin wool, split sephyr. Shetland wool,
tatting-octtoc and shuttles, crochet needles, twi
1!-L. . Ll,l L. . .. . .
iienis, wnmeoones, toys, candies, cnina and ivo
ry toys, bobbinetts, pencils, pens, embroideries.
curjoui uoop-tKins, mourning-veiis, mourning
,.u , iu(ic3, uupio, iiiiy wane, lie lb
Qiitllrc'g endersieeves, dolls, porte-monnaies.
caniiKercniois, scissors, marbles and tissue paper
,i, . r ir i. .1 -, i i , , - ...
rt.ii ui Doica sue win sen sneap lor oasa.
Braid and Embroidery Stamping with the la-
test patterns. March 18. 186.
fboSt street, (above the academt,)
New Styles Alrvtsjiig., Pla'ds, Mutimblque,
Broche-Mohaif. Valencia. Silks, Wool-Delains,
French; cierlnss, gicjtiauis.lawns. Juft opening at
the store of J. P. KRATZEK
Clothes. Cassimer, Cloak-Cloths, Tweed. Sat
inett.Siik, warp-flanae!, Ticking. Muslin. I.inins,
prints at the old prices. J. P. KKATZER.
Paxbionable Bonnets, Hats, Nets.Cape. Shakers,
ribbon. Cowes. pinmes-, Bonfjet-siltn crape, nets,
uiiwiuarv goQae generally. J. r. IxKAitB.
Tinware. Qc'eeoEware, Glasswaro,. Woo.Ienware,
looking glusses, clocks, nails, g.lass. oils, paints,
lamps, wall-paper at all prices' at KRAT2ERS.
A complete assortments. of Ladies' Beets, Gon
tleraan sbhoes, misses', boys, and children's gaiters
and boe8, at J. p. K.RATZER.
MEAT Sucar cured Hams. Plain
Hams. shoulders, side, mesa pork.dired beef a
large stock always on Land KRATZLK.
CLOTHING full Buits to match,
of coats, pants A vests Dusters overhallg. boys
clothing at J. p. KRATZER'S
PROVISIONS FIour,cheese,lard,
dried apples, dried peaches received regularlv
from the west by J. P. KRATZEK. "
GROCERIES A full eipek . of
choice groceries at a small advance on city prices
at the store of J. p. KRATZER.
CARPETING Ingrain ,hemp", cot
ton, Floor oil cloth, Brocatelie, Door mats Ae . at
tha store ef J. P. KiUTZER.
SHAWLS Brocbcs Sfella Baj-
State, silk, csxhrnere, t dibit, all qualities tor sale
at the store of J. P. KRATZER.
HATS AND CAP3 Oatfordi'
Spring styles at , J. P. KRATZER'S.
FISH Mackerel,. Codfish, Herring,
Salmon, in all site packages. J. P. KRATZER.
SALT and Plaster in large quan
tities for eale by J. P. KRATfER.
5IANTLES in great variety at
April 27. J. P. KRATZgR'S.
white lead, etc.. at K. A. IRVlN'fe
SALT a good article, and very cheap at t
store of WM F, IRWIX. Cleargft t.
Hartvick Hwn' p ,
TBMS of-the journal.
The RarrsaAii'i Jocrsai is published on Wed.
nesday at 91,s0 per annum in advance Abyzk
tisemi.vts inserted at SI .00 per son a re, for threw
er less insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a
square. For every additional insertion 25 eenU.
A dednction will Go made to yeirly advertisers.
IRVIN BROTHERS. Dealers in Square SiW4
-Lumber., Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Grafa,
As , Ac, Burnsid Pa.,
Sept, S3, 1893
JAMES. E. WATSON. Merchant and. Dealer Io;
.Timber. Saw Logs, Boards and tShinirl, Ma
fysville, Clearfield connty, Pa. Jane 29, 1S6.
..11 kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield. Pa. Or--ders
solicited wholesale or retail. . Jan. 1, 1S03
RANS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear
y ceia. r. May 13. 1803.
l. J. cftAKg. : : ; ; ; ; Walter bahrett.
ROLER1VI. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
firU, Pa Office in .Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Naugle's jewnlry store. May 26.
HF.NAUOLE. Watch and Clock. Maker, and
. dealer, in Watches. Jewelry, Ao. Room in
Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10.
HBUCIIER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law, Clear
. field. Pa Ofc in Graham's Row, fourdoo t
west of Graham A Boynton's store. Not. 10.
WALLACE HALL, Attorneys at Law. Clear
, teld, P, December 17, 1962.
William A. Wallace. jonno. RALL.
TjfAltTSWICK A HUSTOM. Dealers in Drugs,
XI Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume
ry, Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., eto , Market street,
Clearfield. Pa June, 29, 1884.
FA. FLEMMING, Lumber-city. Pa., Nursery
. man and Dealer in all kinds of Trait and
Ornamental Trees, Plants and Shrubbery All or
dcrs by mail promptly attended to. May 13.
JP. KRATZER, deaUr in Dry Goods, Cloth.
. icg, LUrdfraro. Queensware, Groceries. Pro
visions Ae. Front Street, above the Academy.
Clearfield. Pa. April 27.
A1TILLIAM F. IRW IN, Marketstreet, Clearfield,
Y Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chaudise. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nor. 10.
TOllS G I'ELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds o4
Cabinet-ware, Market street. CI earfiuld. Pa.
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0.'59.
T"vR M. WOODS, Practice Phvsicia. and
Examining Sureeon for Pensions.
Office. Soutbr.wojt .corner of Second, and Cherry
Street, Ciearteld, Fa. Jfcntiary 31, 183.
rnHOMAS J. M'CCLLODGH. Attorney at Law.
X Clearfield. Pa. Office, east of tba "Clearfield
oo. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness aud aocuracy. July 3.
JB M'ENALLT, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield.
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
ootznties. OEca iri new bricS buildlzjgVcfj'Bbyn
t&n, 2d street, one dour south of Lanioh's Hotel.
ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and De
mestie Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon,
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
wont ot Journal OJles, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
LARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear
field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their oare In Cleaf
field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1858.
R, W3, CjiSifBtLu offvrs his profeesienil
serviceats the citizens of Moahannan aixl vl
oinitj:. He.can be consulted at his reside no at
all titnes,, unless absent on professional basinesa.
Mohssnnon, Centre co., Pa., May 13, 1803.
WM. ALBERT A BRO'S. Dealers In Dry Goods.
Groceries, Hardware, Q1usscjware,i,F6ur,
Baoofl, etc., Woodland Clearfield county, Peun'a.
Also, extensive deelers in all kinds of sawed lum
ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici
ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th, 18fi3.
AUCTIONEER The undersigned having
been licensed an A uotioneer. desires Lo In
form the oititens of Clearfield oounty that he will
attend to thecall.ingof sales, throughout theoopn
ty. upon short notice. Post-office address, atthar
Bloomngrille or Curwensville. WM. M BLOOM.
Bloomingville. April 6. 1361.
AfCTldEER. The undersigned having
obtained a lisoence as auctioneer, would in
form the citizens of Clearfield county tout he
will attend to the calling of tales, in anr part of
of tbe county, whenever called upon. Charges,
moderate., Post office address, Cush. Cleajfield
cennty. Pa. . JOHN F. LEE.
Anl 20, lb6-3ap.
AtqTlONEEK. The undersigned baring'
been Licensed an auctioneer would inform
the citixens of Clearneid Connty. that he will at
tend to calling sales in any part of the Connty
whenever called upon. Charges Moderate ,
Address J M. SMITH.
Hegartys X Roads, Clearfield Co- Pa
February 3d 1H84.
AUCTIONEER. The undersigned having
been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
the cititens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to calling eales, in any part of the oounty,
whenever called upon. Charges moderate
Address, JUHS M ilUU.HL.lX,
May 13 Rower Po , Clearfield co.. Pa.
N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li
cense are subjeot to a penalty of S&0. whioh Di
vision will be enforced against those who mar vi
olate the same. . .
Teacher. cf Pfaao-I'orte. Melodean, Guitar, Har
mony, and Vocal Musio.
Mxty private, and twelve class lessons included
in one term. .Rooms with Mrs. H. D. WeUb.
Clearfield', Jcly 1, 1883.
DK. tlTCII S MEDIUIN ES. A fresh sup
ply of these invaluable Family Medicines
are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting
oi Pain Cure.r ; Restorative, a great our for oolds
and cough; and Anti-Bilious Physic. Tbey hara
been thoroughly tested in tbis community, and
are highly approved. Tutthew.
Marjsville, Clearfield County, Penn':
Cheap for cash or exchanged, for Timber,
Boaids. Saw Logs or fchlngUs.
Oct. 14. 18S3. J AllKS E. WATSON.
M- M'Kiernan having 1 oca ted at Smith's
Mills, (Janesviile.) Clearfield Co.. Pa., informs tbe
citizens of that, plaoe and vioinity. that he will
endeavor to render satisfaction to all who mar
favor him with their patronage. Professional
calls to any part of tbe owuntry promptly attend
ed -to. Work done on Vulcanite. Terms moderate.
May 11, 18S1 -3m. Dr. F. M. McKlERNAN.
The undersigned having located in thq ber
ongh of Clearfield, (at tbe shop formerly occupied
by R Welch as a jewelry shop,), is prepared Ut
do work of all kinds on tbe most reasonable term.
Tbe cash will positively be erpeoted when tha '
work is delivered. He ia confident that heoan,
not be excelled by any workmen in townoreoun.tr.
Come one .' torn all ta the Sign ftk$ i WattK.
April 0,'62.1y-pd. S. U. LACC4ILIK.
TEMPERANCE HOtjSEv-Teo subscriber
would respectfuUr inior die ojtixeM ,f
Clearfield oounty, thatfta has rented! ta.-Iipto
Hotel." and wilt nse every endeavor to e coots mo
dal those who may favor him with tlrasr eassota.
He will try to furnish tbe table with th bt the "'
country ean afford, and will keep hay a!yj'f io
aooommodate teamsters. Geotlemesde&rt'iergvt
tSe "Tipton Hotel.?' SAMCTET PSQ Jfif
T!rtou. Pa , Mar ?5. 13v 7
cess in favor of the Union.