Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 29, 1864, Image 3

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Raftsman' journal
Preaching. By Divine permission the
Rev. Height will preach in the Luthf ran
Church, in this Borough, this ("Wednesday)
evening, at early cawlle lighting.
CaPT. H. D. PaTTO.V laiJ us a .short
visit on Tuesday last. He looks well and
eDjoys good health, sn l wi.'i return to the
rmv neain on the coining J-riJay.
Special Ei.FtTro.v. We this week puh
lish the Proclamation of Sheriff Perks, or
dering a Special election to be held on Tues
day, the 2d day of August. Read it.
COREECTION'. In our nxice of the death
of Hon. W. L. Moore, published la-t week,
the compositor made Us say that ho died on
"Wednesday'' morning". It should read
Monday morning.
The Amendments. Vote for the amend
roent giving our soldiers the right to vote,
tnd use that your neighbors do the same.
No doubt, the opponents of the measure
will do all they can to defeat this amend
ment, ihe memLj oi the soldiers suouM
remember this fact.
Saw-Mill Burnt. We learn that the
MW-niill of Joseph Try, of Gucacli tuwn
tbip, together, with ubout 150,0o0 feet of
Hawed lumber, was destroyed by fire on Fri
day the 17th of June. Mr. Fry's lo:-:s is es
timated at from $5,000 to ?6,m The lire-
is supposed to have originated from a burn-
ing slab pile, near the mili.
inw woric la tw in course cl completion. ;
It contains over GOO page. Iery Per.n
cylvanian fihouid feci a jasfc pri'Ie in rvv.r- I
ir.g a copy of the work. J. I'. Moore and j
Frank Barrett are aacnt.s for this c-ountv. i
'eon3 winning copies of thU work j-honld !
, , - , i . ., i
h-iiu uieir names on liiiniC'iiaTciy 10 eitner
iI the above named at Clearfield. f
Sap Accipknt. It h with tejrrtt we
learn that Mr. and 3 Irs. Stacy W. Thorn p
hin, of Bo-gs township, met with a very f e
rioU5 accident on Wednesday last, June l'i!d.
whilst- on their way homo from Clearfield,
inabugcy. It appears that, as th?y cmn
wenreil lesceto!iiiir the liill beyond Joseph
Inriii'., the horse staited off suddenly at a
rather brisk gait, and soon reached a speed
iyouu the control of .lr. Thompson, who
vas driving. After the liors;.-; had run down
the laii some distance, both Mr. T. and his
wife were thrown out of the burgy. Mr.
TiiDinpson wa.4 severely stunned and badly
1 raised in the fall and lay unconscious for a
im-rth of time. Mrs. T. was injured stiil
more seriously. Beside lieimr knocked
!-;-ech less. she had one of her knee joints bad
ly saiadied aiid broken: They, were both re
lnovrtl to their home. Mr. Tii. '-apson is
i.jipioving and will likely be about aain in
i i ...
ii '.uys ; oil-: taare w some tianger
i !' Mr-. T. losing her leg, if nor. l;er
with proper care and attendance
h'.'t,ed that she wiii recover,and witho
i. -s of her limb.
i; i
;t th
Letter from Pliilip3huTg, Fa.
I'HILirsBfRG, Pa., June 2t, ITob
I'L-A-l JOCRXAL: The litcuti of t!iis
-pi:ie i:lagi . i developing its "Knigh'tsof
tne ijmii''at r rate unht-ard of in iiie jinnals
: literature. Only a few months a-jo no
t.e dreamed, that such an institaciini as
"cur '.vn correspondent." dwelt within our
borders, but now we can search- pick up a
L-jwspapcr. that does not contain a coin
Tiit2:cat!on,etnanating front the pen of some
Mtile biuin in this locality. We arc des-
t:n.i, ere immv vcars have roll id awav, to
? tne modern Allien . of Amc:
"wek to your laurels,"
the latest addition to the corps of crrres
j'undetits belonging to the co!perhe;ul per
ua?iot! appeared in the "Dcntwatie Wit fen -
t" of the 2 lih instant, over the iton-de-;'!u:ne
of '"Moshanon. ' ' lie te";is the read
rs of that payer, that "'each of the Cie.tr-
K..iA papi?ru have local correspij.-idc:
ihtr.ptHirz, out
H'jirilc't'.l atui si
i'nni secat-t to be nesiecte 1 from th-.!
e-item border of thJ county." Weil,
"Mcbbinon" is correct in saj'Ing th .t each i
; : th? Cieavfisld paper's liavo coiTCspoivdonts j
toe, but ai to th-? "iuear' eorre3jjondoin oi j
Hir ccne;upo:ary, I am in Uoul't it" ha can i
stuLiish the jioint. For my part, I never j
-itr snythinc "!oca!" in the suaikv effusions i
"' Derrick r.xiine.John Boots, ornny of the
'"aainini; hct of correspondents of the "lie
WMcim,' frcn this neat. The? all stick to
"tie text cf expounding the doctrine of t-op-Tcrheauisui
and letting off their harmless
TpnoT;i at Leioi. I see "Mo.sbanoif r istine-;"-tr&l
with the .-auie whining, snaikvdiscasi-?.
f ie ."s. injustice to our town so far as hi?
iocal" is concerned ; but he could not let
weu enough alone, and that the public
ald know he wa? of the Snaiky tribe, by
'lie appearance of his letters in the Watch
fwn. he muri jet fly t)ie usual whine, in the
rrsgraph. so that there can be no
d-'Mbts anion e the faithful, of his dilo.va'ty.
"oshnnon" oytne into the arena at a most
?F,ortune nio:acnt. The Snaiks of this nesf
:.iftin the-death strUfcle.the 11 Ax) seeing.eyc
Uf'ou them,' they are wriggling, basking
tne stimulou.. of hzr, at "a fearful rate,
t lH-t rattle, if there are rat tle-3 on such
'P'iit?, is re-tehe 1. First they were all war
n. an the chief orator, Detrick Exline,
Runted the stump at the "Blue Ball," in
w nmsji the spirit oi patriotism anion
'nf nti,-,.- . l ri i-:i. j Ti
. -"icsujvuiuineer. Auaiianeu. aiicii
.plaved on the cry, the "UniV.ii.as it
!v" i, a'r'int''tration was going to
a slavery, tliat the President has no
tliit t 80 nnJer "ie constitutnn, and
at Union orn not. ha rostorpl. "Rut
Lnion could not be restored. But
no use. The masses paw that glaverv
"s L 'ca,ae the war, and they would
n .v.
fOTs. party that would remove the
r80 necessary, to save the union. Then
'hsrcj,t nue and cr' of Habeas Cor
i' f:0( pf.fr.h unlawful nd unoon-
stitutiooal nnost of t Vjtl'uii-Iivli nu. -But
it met the fate li'the other h h'::u. 'tho
i.eonie stoa.t uy i.e,oei ;iuyu.. i t , t im i
i of one hundred and ninety-nine thuiiSMi-l j
I majority in the "Buekeyo"' State alone, t'n l :
' l.,. ,.nim "!.. tho!!S.'i!lil4 ill nflitivc; Cr.iti-, i
'Then was Iwni the eh;id, anti - conM!..
i . .- ... . 1
........ i. ....... UIIIV.1UI 111 ..., f.ivu
all t;i auvanraac- ro tLe l-icii-llsa thro
!;2 ! ir, ee h:;n-
iOrriLlo, and tha
di-ed doilar eiau.so was 1
it was of no account; it went bv the board.
'i lie people stood by the government, and
the ilrai't pa ed off peaceably and quiet
ixt came the prejudiee against black
soldiers ; burdens of taxation ; crying down
the grerc-back.-s ; and total inability of the
government to redeem the debt that the war
was incuiT'iig. But the people moved on.
B!"ek snidk-r were put into the midifary
service taxes were paut promptly, green
! backs retained, and lucal bank paper paid
out first. The naiks were m.a dvmg,
I , .. J Y-
wm-ii out came tne
ni i i.i u;: i:.-i o!is usurpation or
' the oiriees of the ' World"
power, clo'.-i
and "'..ounial of Comineree." That was
soon absorbed by turning their attention to
th.' Cleveland Convention. J 'etricL E!ine.
it w;j
liUi moon aooiit that tune, came to
cue. and to rouse the hones of the
de-p:.-iiii:g siiaiks,oiders the Worthy Pat
an h of' fbe eae, to paint in euibiazoning
c!i:i: aete; s. in Setters of gold, en a piece of
canvass, the inscription. " The All S'ling
A-V ik h)hi! t'ttj iciil hohl us r'tjouxi!iIc,
nt jinl jiiJgiu'iil, for our ncioms while
If re otiSiuUctl. JJem fn7i Fttthvr, if ri-jht,
(t-'-l ( -. if' icftjitr ci-re:t i'iC" Tn due time
tin: V,'. 1. of the E. firoduceu the woik of
a: ;
Cx:un;i!e it. I'll 1 pioiiuunct d
: ( y.-.'i
, arm.
! f:''.. C
I iiop,e
nd to.
roiieU It up, put it
k the road for Hob'
v i there nave th" "r:
v;on! "Ca-fle," r.nd
etii 'Drtriek ;.j:d i;:i
.er nr
ti l as i
iae: s f.
urne DWay
i lie mortal
. . i t
x ne city is iaiu our. in acircie,
i-iiiieter, in the cctiuv of
i--.-eri',rer di'.:r.. frowi which
s f"ever 'ouarter of the Cou
tw,'J. l!ih' '
whieh i h:.
i rroiiate i uvo i.i
; i.i'iCi'ilCj.'. 'j ll l!.c
j is a pa.'k. '':k-Ioc,i,I
i trc-i and flowering
..ST . v
nt nth side of the t'ep'-t
an-'J oiij;i itieutea with
siiniris. Cjiiiosiie th
tnree v:te;
..,1 . .
are situated tne three
f 1 : 1 . 1 T
j pnTfipai .Lore!-, in the ousine-.s portion
i c;; many tine mocks of iUiiMii;
Bi-iore tiie war th:.-e were mn-iiv filled with
eori-iiiim.ijmso! i.ous i rou tic laiLe -ities
of tlie North ami Xorthwost for the supply
ci me cotton regie ns. j-,ow th: citv is one
vaot (government stuvhouse. Here are lo
cated the machine shops of the principal
rai-roaas ; tiw most extensive rol!iti.sr null in
tbe Sniti!. loniidries, pistol and tent factor-
I ics, ;e. v'i-. In a cation, the trovernment
iiave works ,.r casi:iii shot and shell, mak
ing pun carriages, catrid.ccs, ca)s, shoes,
cl'ithint-, c.
The Germans of Chicago have held a
mectinff and entered their protest aaainst
the nomination of Kr?mont and Cochrane,
mey say tney are not. r :.ny way. bound
by tlie action of the Cleveland" Convention.
On Tues'Liy. June 21st. bvJ. Boon. Eso..
Gk'. Y. MrEis .f coinnanv (; io;s r'
V.. to MUs Saisau Wnti-KU uf Cainui iaCo.
On the same day, by ih sam.. Mr. Sam
i i ... Cray to .Miss Emma Vhhli, both of
Cambria eo'.mty.
On the loth June, in Janesvii'e. by Be v.
T. Van S.:oyoc. Mr. Cuaklks Mn,i.L.i to
Miss Nor.au Nearon, both of Guelieh tp.,
C'oai acid conntv.
m ian, piease copy.
I!lTTiiI--". The most reinnrkable medicine of the
iny. and the many cures that have been perform
ed n hh it in case? of Liver complaint. Oyspep
sia. Nervous debility, and other discuses arising
from a disorder-id stomach or lii-er. places it at
once RTjon.j the vi -r n.-tniliing diRverkj that
hns taken place !n the meditial world. The dis
eases to whii-h fitters are npplie.ibln are so uni
versal that there are but few of our friends who
m?y not test their vitt'ie in their own families
oreirelft of aC'i'.i.iiiOauces anil prove to their on
SHt;-f:ie ion lli.it there i? at ltai one remedy a-mort-i
?di msny advertised neiicine. deserving
thf pul; ic coinmeiitiation. i'or sale by druggists
acl df:.'.eis every iviiere.
1AlTJt).. All persons are hereby caution-
cd K?:iinst harboring or trusting my son !eo.
Vagoneron my account, e he has left mo with
cmt any cause, and will pay no debt" of his c.n
tritcrtng unless compelled to do 9n bv due course
of ' .John wa.jmJoxkh.
.'I.r-on. June T?4.-3iTd.
tiou tor oTioers vii. I'rc-sident aiid uritiHters ,
of the -Western Central R. K. Co. Will be hold i
lOItli AVOUit te tlie scene ot war, it tlie law' ""uiemate payment, ana those having cy ci tne above patent and will sell individual
was enforced. So far was this plank carried, ! I'.r' rr l,me !" present ,bcni du,y Vmiir- Y".' for its 1 he lam
fi.-.t th.. i',..,., 1 ! .1 ! ; ci t 'P ' outnerilicatea for settlement. ber dried bv this proems is stronger, finishes bt-
"f V,u '1 ltElliV -1- f ,lab- 1VWn' I 1I-'S!U-I'1- SAMUEL W. BEYERS. j ter. is easier on tools, and requires iJTtini. in
but HOW Of Crws ILd went about solicit-j ..VT. Tno, I drying than any other process known, drying I
nig sul sen bers lor six-s-hooters, and so played ' ll V , NOTICE. Letters i inch lumber perfect! v in hours better than
upon some of tlie snaikri, that he mevailed , t dmir'.1-,tr;iit"" tb estate of Lnn many months under" the old system uing the
a.. f'... r;..w.l,..' r..l-..T. .v.! ; .;oot'. !a.te .",f Woodward tp . Clearfield county. ; u,e amount of fuel per da v that a common kiln
.. - .. x'.n i ciiu t. uec a. navinir neen p-rnntBi) t.n t ....,)....
at tbe cfn-e i.f stiid company ii. the Borough of I '3 holden to secure tho payment of both princi
Ciearflt'ld. ei Monday Uie4th dav of July 1 "Sot. of j f.al anil interest in eoiii.
which tie stockholders in the e.Le will thake no- , TL bon(j3 be 9ah,erhed for in 5um3 from
tu-e. L. J CitA.; Seety. j . .
Clearlield, May 27. latM. j -'O UP ' any munitudo, on the same terms, and
! are thus made equally available to the smallest
I AITION All persons are hereby cautioned Uutler uud the large8t capitalist. They can be
V ii Mnst purcbasjns or tr-.king an assignment of : , . , ,
a certain note of band? given by toe to August and j converted into money at any moment, and the
John Kiiuilett. calling for S39 10. and deed the j holder will have the benefit of the interest.
3lst of May Anderson Murray is bail in j t ,nav be usefuI t0 etate in this connection that
snitl note. T.io said Kimilett's owing me ; . T , . T. . , , , i.,
SI2 50 tax. I will not pay said note until the tax I the total Fuu'led BeUt of the 1 nlted !;tatfcl, oa
ii paid, unless compelled by due course of law. t which interest is payable in gold, on the 3d day
- J-r.e S. 13-it -pd. DAVID L. SMITH. j 0f March, lb6i, waa S7oS,9ci5,000. The interest on
4 OMIMSTRATOR'SOTICE.-Lettersi this debt for the coming fiscal year will be S45,-
of Administiation on the estate of Martha ' 937.126, while the customs revenue in gold for
Hepburn, late of Pike township, Clearfield ooun-i the current fiscal year, ending June 30th, 13o4,
ty..ieo d , having been granted to the undersigned ' ha3 been ao far at tJie rate of over $100,000,000
ail persons indebted to saitj estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having Pcr annum.
claims nsrsinst the same will present them duly j
autheatic iteti for settlement
.Hji'N p.jttTER
June 1. l.StU.
All the Merchants in tho neighborhood of Cur
wensville. because I have brought on and opened
a large and well assorted stock ot
which I am sellfng at extremely low prices for
cash. My stock embraces all the variety usually
kept in a country store, and selected with an eye
to suit these
I will not, here attempt to ennmerato all the artl- j
cleslkeep; and their fabulously low prices
which I might do but alter you win nave kwi
and examined for yourselves, you will exclaim, in
the language, of the Queen of the South
' I will merely say, come and gee lor yourselves,
for I feel satisued tnat i can suit .a
well as your puree
Lumber and all kinds of produce also taken ia
exchange for goods.
Curwensville. Oct 22. 1 2
undersigned is prepared tt furnish, to those
seeking investments, . Uoveruaieut and county
bonds Also five per cent Government notes.
Clearfield May 4. 13o4. Att'y at Law.
- : A lTreATOR's -NOTICE. -Letters
J- JL oi Administration on t h a pvcutA v;h;..yi
llctirv Llovd.latcof
township. Clearfield Co ,
. drease.l. having been jjrar.ted to the undi-rsijrneJ.
aIi Prs'n3 indebted to said estate are requested
vinir been erauted.to the under-
i tinned, all persons indebted to said estate are re-
quested to make immediate payment, and tbn?e
j having claims against the same w ill present them
I duly authenticated for settlement
j tnJ 184. Administrator.
O 1 (f REWARD ! Some unknown person
?-HVF or persons having feloniously broke in
, tu ihe house of the undersigned about the "oth of
. April. 1-64, and stolen therefrom three webs of
niuslin, several blankets, pillow caes. table clo;h.
1 two CuaU- one bonnet, ,
her artif les-- 8 alJ"ve
the apprehension and co
a lot of sngar. soap- and
reward will be paid for
pprehenion and conviction of tbe thief or
thieves, or for such information that will lead to
tlie.r conviction. MARTIN 0. STIRK.
.ew Millpcrt. Miiy II, IstH, 2m pd.
C. & IT. W. SMITH'S,
comprising a general assortment of
Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queens-ware,
Wooden-ware, Boots anl Shoos,
Notions, iic, &c, ivc.
Best quality of Prints, Delaines, Moiambiques,
I blnen. Poplins, Baliarincs. Lavcllas, Ginghams
cheek, drilling, ticking and sheeting, shawls,
: pliiin silks, fowlard silks, cassameres cottonades.
j'i.uis. tweeds, uatinetis, bleached muslins (at less
tbi:n city wholesale prices) brown ruu3iics.
j IlOSIJIt V, 5Iive.s, Uiiibons.Trinimitjgs.I3ut
I tons, (in great variety) collars. velvet ribbon, veils,
j headuets. embroidery, braids, handker.-biefs. la
j dies clastic pages, whalebones, bindings, cliil-
drens misses'. ar,d ladies' hoop skirts, Ouakor
j ami Corset Skirts.
Sugar. Tea. Coffee. Mol.-isses, if pices. Ac. .Oranges.
8tlit Peas. Lein-.tin. Full Tea .Setts. Pishes, com
mon and fino ware. cups. saucers. prescrrc jars .to.
Tl'BS, I'rooms. Churns. Mops. Tluekets, Meas
ures, brushes, combs. wick3. fancy baskets, bowls,
door-mats, window blinds, cords, tassels, etc., e:c
Child rens. Misses and Ladies' morocco boots,
shoes, bal morals, and gaitors.
TJ. S. 1040 BONDS.
These Ronos are issued under the act Of Con
gress of March 8th. lSi'it, which provides that all
bonds issued under this act shall be rxempt frhm
taxation by or under any State or municipal au
thority. Snbscriptions to these bonds are receiv
ed in L'nited States notes or notes f National
Hanks. They are to be bcokkhed i.n coin, at the
pleasure of the tiovermnent. at any period not
less tint a tm inr tun re thun forty ytarx from their
date, and until their redemption five per cent.
wir.L lis paid in mis. on Uouds of not over one
hundred dollars annually and on all other Bonds
semi annually. The interest is payable on the
first days of March and September in each year.
Subscribers will receive either Kegistered or
Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Kegistered
Uonds arc recorded on the books of the U. S.
Treasurer, and can be transferred only on tho
owner" order. Coupon bonds are payable to
bearer, and are u.ore convenient for Commercial
Subset : bers to this loan will have the opti.iu of
having their Ponds draw interest from March 1st,
by paying the accrued interest in coii. kor in U
nLed .-ture-c notes, or the notes of National Panks,
adding fifty per cent, for premium,) or receive
them drawing interest from the date of subscrip-
'.t'oii uii-l deposit. As these Bonds are
Sxeiapt from Municipal or State Tazatiorj,
their values is increased from one to three per I
cent, per annum, according to the rate of tax
levies ia various parts of the couutry.
At the presuiit rate of premium on gold they pay
07Z'jX iiltriiT Pi. CNT INl'EiiESf
in cttrreney. and are of equal convenience as a t
pes njut.cnt or temporary investment. rinos. Cashmeres. Plaids. Rrilliants, Poplins. Be
lt is believed that no securities offer so rreat ' reS"- Eawns Nankin. Linen Lace. Edgings, Col
. . , , . i erettes. Lrat-U. Uelts, e'.ls, ets, Corsetts, Nu-
inducement to lenders as the various description j lluo.)8. Coats. Mcr.tf id. Ualmoral skirts. Ho
of U. Konds. In ail other forms of indebted- i nierv. ult'vts Iwinuets l"i-.jwor.i. Plumes. Ribbons,
ne.-s, th'i faith or ability of private parties or
stock companies or seperato cotnniur.ities oniy is
pledged fur payment, while for the debts of the
United .Slates tbe whole property of the country
It will be seen that even tho present gold rev-
enues of the Government are largoly in excess of
the wants of the Treasurer for the pnyuicut of
j go:d interest, while the recent increase ot the tar-
iff will doubtless raiso the annual receipts from
customs on the same amount of importations, to
, Sli0,000.000 per annum.
j Instructions to the National Banks acting as
j loan agents were not issued from the United
1 States Treasury until March 2'J, but in the first
three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged
more than tem millions a week.
Subscriptions will be received by the
?rrst National Bank of Philadelphia. Pa.
Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
which are depositaries of Public money, and all
throughout the country, (acting as agents of the
National Depository Banks,) will furnish further
information on application and afford every factl
ity to tubsenhtrs. May II, lS64-2jUios.
-I-' Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between John Tyler and Wm.
T. fechryver, doing business aa Tyler and Schry
ver. haa this dav been dissolved by mutual con-8ent-
June htn 1864 -pd. WM. T. tCIl RYVER.
signed rs-'pectfaiiy informs the people of Clear
field and fdjoinin;? counties that he has the airen
cri.:uic,rtiiu l(lBnn1..r.
consume The certificate of a number of resi
dent mechanics well known in this community is
amply sufficient to convince the most sceptical of
"""O- rersons aesirous ot purchasing nzhts
wdl address JOHN L. CUTTLE.
lane 24. IWi Cearfield. Penn'.i.
iien, louthf and iJovsean bs supplied with full
euits cf seasonable and tashionabic clothing at
Hl.lZEStiTlllS BHO'S & CO
wiic-ra it is sold at prices that will induce their
purchase. The universal gatigfuction which haa
I L . . .
! oeeu given, n;-3 induced them to increase their
. s ock. which is now not surpassed by any estab-
iisnment cf the kiiid in this part of the State.
Bcizensteia Bro's k Co.,
Sell goods at a very small profit, for cash ;
Their goods are well made and fashionable.
They give every one the worth of his money.
They treat their customers all alike.
They sell cheaper than every body else.
Their store is conveniently situated.
They having purchased their stock at reduced
prices they cau seil'cheaper than others
For these and other reasons persons should buy
tlieir clothing at
Produce of every kind taken at the highest
market prices. May IS. I8C4
US MARKKT ST.. (J LK A i!F 1 F.I.I). PA.
Seasonable Goods
The undersigned ha? just received from the East
ern cities a large and well selected stock of the
most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at
tha reasonable prices. His friends and custom
ers are invited to examine hi3 stock of goods, and
ascertain the prices before purchafing elsewhere
ns be teel persuaded non undersell biio. His
stock embraces a well selected assortment of
Hardware, Queensware,
School Books and Stationary
And a great variety of other useful articles, all
which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex
changed for approved produce.
Oo to the ."cheap cash store
goods at fair prices.
May 11, 1. Sot.
if you want to buy
F. N. aGatB. & S's,
Have received their first supply of Seasonable
'ioods. which they aro cow offering for sale at the
Their Rfoi-k consists of a general variety 01
Dry-tioods. (Iroceries, Hard-wan, Queens-ware,
Tin ware, Wi! low-ware. Wooden-ware. Provisions.
Hats. Caps, Boots. Shoes, and Clothing. Ac.
or the Jj:idic?.
Thor would call especial attention to the large
and jjood assortment of new styles and pattern! of
i)eiil:,,.. Alnaeaa. tiinahams. Ducals, Prints, Me-
I liui. T-.ii..m.T,..j -luttnna (imiis. .Shawls. Rraitl.
Alu.-:iri. Irir.fi l.tnen Cjnubries, Victoria Law us,
twu's. Lobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs eto
Of' Mf-n's Wear
They bava aiso received a large and well select
ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy
Cassiuieres. Cushnierets. Tweeds, Jeans, Cordu
roys. Dever-Teen. Linens. Handkerchiefs, Neck
ties, Hosiery, Gloves, lldts. Caps, Scarfs, etc., etc.
Ready-Made Clothing
Tn the latest styles and of the best material,
consisting of Coats, Pants. Vests. Shawls. Over
coats. Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Shirts, etc.
Of Boots and Shoes,
They have a large assortment for Ladies and Gen
tlemen, consisting of Top Boots. Brogans. Pumps,
Gaiters. Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, eto
Groceries and Provisions
Such as Coffee. Syrups, Sugar, Ric'q. Crackers,
Vinegar, Candles. Cheese, Flour. Mc'aL Bacon,
Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc
Coal Oil Lamp.,
Coal oil. Lamp chimneys. Tinware a great varie
ty, Japanware. Egg beaters, Spice boxes, Wire
Ladels, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc , etc.
Carpets, Oil-cloth,
Brooms. Brushes. Baskets. Washboards. Buckets.
Tubs, Churns Wall-paper, Candle wick. Cotton
yarn and Baiting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, eto.
llafting Hopes.
Augers. Axes. Chisels. Saws. File?, Hammer,
Hatchets. Nr.ils, Spikes. Gri .d stones. Stoneware.
Trunks, Carpet bags, Towder, Shot. Lead, etc.
School Books,
Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com
mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy books,
slates. ink stands, fancy and common envelopes.
Carriage Trimmings,
Shoe Findings, Glass and Putty, Flat irons and
Coffee mills. Bed cords and Bed screws, Matches,
Stove blacking. Washing soda and Soap, etc.
Flavoring Extracts,
Patent Medicines. Perfumery of various kinds,
Fancy soaps, Oils, Paints. Varnishes, and in fact
everything usually kept in a first class Store.
They invite all persons to call and examine their
stock, and hope to give entire satisfaction.
Clearfield. Pa.. May If th. 1S61..
Be it resolved l,y th S.-nate ami llirt of Rfp.
resentanv of tlie CommnnttvaJth of P funnel va
nn in Grueral Atttfmhly met. That the following
amendment be proposed to the Constitution t
the Commonwealth, 'iu nccordanee with tba pro
visions of tho tenth artiete thereof :
There "ball bo un additional section to tho
third article' of (no Constitution, to be designated
as seetion four, as folio a :
"Suction 4. Whenever any of the qualified e
lectors of this Commonwealth shall be in any ac
tual military servico,UDder a requisition from the
President of the United States, or by the author-
iis common weaun, suco electors may ex
ercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the
citizens, under such regulations as are. or shall
bo. prescribed by law, rs fully aa if they were
present at their usual place of election "
Section 2. There shall be two additional sec
tions to the eleventh article of the Constitution,
to be designated as sections cigkt, and nine, aa fol
lows :
' er.CTiox 8. Xo bill shall le passed by the Leg-
.aioiuic, cuuuidioj more man onesuojoct, which
""" cieany expressed in tne title, except ap
propriation bills "
' Section 9. No bill shall be passed by the Leg
islature granting any powers, or pivilcges. ui
any caso. where the authority to grant such pow
ers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be.
conferred upon the Courts of th is Common welath "
FpenJLtr of the lloinr of R'-preju-ntutiven.
.Se-7 'err of the V;afe
OrriCE or Tnn Secretar r cf the Com mon w r. at.th )
Harris BfKG. April 25. lf)4 j
Pennsylvania, se : I do hereby certify that tho
foregoing is a full. true and correct ropy
SEAL 'fit the original Joint Resolution of tho
vCr"teneral Assembly, entitled -A Joiot
Resolution proposing certaiu amendmnnts to the
Constitution," as the game remains on file in this
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my
hand and caused the seal of the Secretary's office
to be affixed, the day and veur above written.
Secretary of the. Zommomoe-xhii.
The above Resolution havini; ben agreed to bv
a majority of the members of each House, at two
successive sessions of the General AsseniHy of
this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments,
wiil he submitted to the people, for their adop-"
tion or rejection on tho first Tuesday of
A'sit, yi the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-four, in accordance wi;li
the provisions of the tenth article of tho Consti-.
tution.and the act. ontitled 'An Act nrtscribine
the time and manner of submitting to the people,
ror tnetr approval and ratification or rejection,
the proposed amendments to the Constitution ."
approved the twenty-third day of April, ene
thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.
May i, 1864. Sec'y of Commonwealth
Consisting of Artificials. Bonnets, Buckles, Crapes,
Laucs caps, J;an j-ooxes. cape-net, iounda
tions for ilats and Bonnets, Flowers, Felt
and Straw Ilatt, Feathers for Hats,
Plumes, Jet Bonnet-pins, Ruches,
Illusion Ribbons, Veils.Rib
bon wire. Bonnet Silks,
And every variety of Millinary Goods.
Perfaraeries. Laird's Bloom of Youth. Soacs.
Paper and envelopes, needles. Pins. Head-dresses.
hair nets, hair-pins, hair-oils, kid-gloves, lip
salve, dental cream, ambrosia, combs, dress-trimmings.
Crochet cotton and kneodles. silk, lisle-
thread, wool and cotton gloves, wool and cotton
nose, gum bulls, stay binding, tape, silk thread.
Saddlers' silk, machine silk, cotton-th read, but
tons, baskets, collars, lace-collars and veils, belts,
gum-combs, gum cord, brushes, hooks and eyes,
nraid. neaus. Hristol-boara.guilt-oraiil .dall agner's
soap and hair oil, ehawl pins, mittens, music,
music paper, elastic, head and bugle trimmings.
Wire. Berlin wool, split zephyr, .Shetland wool,
tatting-cotton and shuttles, crochet needles, twi
lights, whalebones. toys( candies, china and ivo
ry toys, bobbinetts, pencils, pens, embroideries,
corsets, hoop-skirts, mourning-veils, mourning
paper and envelopes, nobias. lilly white, nets.
Quilling undersleeves, dolls, porte-monnaics,
handkerchiefs, scissors, marbles and tissue paper.
All of w hich she will sell sheap for cash.
Braid and Embroidery Stamping with the la
test patterns. March li. 18tH.
dealer is
New Styles Alpacas, Plaids, Moiambique,
Brocho-Mohair. Valencia. Silks, Wool-Delain.
French merinos, ginghams, lawns, just opening at
the store of J. P. KRATZEK
Clothe. Cassimer, Cloak-Cloths. Tweed, Sat
inett. Silk, warp-flannel, Ticking. Muslin. Linins.
prints at tbe old prices. J. P. KRATZER.
Fashionable Bonnets, Hits. Nets.Caps. Shakers,
ribbon, flowers. p!umes. Bonnet-silk crane, nets,
millinary good3 generally. J. P. KRATZER.
Tinware. QueenswaroViasware. Wooden ware,
looking glasses, clocks, nails, glass, oils, paints,
lamps, wall-paper at all prices ct KKATZERS.
A complete assortments of Ladies' Boots, Gen
tletnan'sshoes, tuitses', boys, and chi!dren:sgaiters
and shoos, at J. P. KRATZER.
MEAT Sugar eurc-.l Hams, Pl.iiii
Hains. fhouldcrs. sido. mess pork, dired 1 eef a
large stock always on hand KRATZER.
CLOTHING lull suits to match,
of coats, pants i vests Duster overhalls. boys
clothing at J. P. KKATZER'S
PROVISIONS Flour,cheese,lard,
dried apples, dried pe.iches received resularly
from the west by J. P. KRATZEK.
GROCERIES A full stock of
choice groceries at a small advance ou city prices
at the su.ro of J. P. KRATZEfi.
CARPETING Ingrain,hnp. rot-
ton, Floor oilcloth, Lrocatello. Loor mats e . at
the Btore cf J. T. KR ATZER.
SHAWLS Broehos Stella, Bay-
State, silk. cahmere, tnibit, all qualities for falo
at the store of J. P. KRATZER.
Spring styles at J. P. KRATZER'S.
FISH Mackerel, Codfish, Herring,
Salmon, in all sizo packages. J. P. KRATZER.
SALT and Plaster in large quan
tities for sale by J. P. KRATZER.
MANTLES in great variety at
April 27 J. P. KRATZER S.
white lead, etc.. t E. A. IRVIN'S
good article, and very cheap at .ha
WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfiel t.
store of
Hartwick A Huston' Olenrficld. Pa
The Rattshah's Joubnaj. is published on Wed.
nesday at SI. 50 per annum iu advance Adver
tisements inserted at 51.00 per souar. for three
or less insertions Twelve lines (or less", counting a
souare. For every additional insertion 25 cents.
A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers.
gujsfafjsiis gu'cctontv
T KVIN BROTHERS. Dealers in Square Saw.i
1. Lumber. Drj Goods. Groceries. P'ar. Orl.
to , &e., Burnside Pa.,
Sept 23, 1S53.
TAMES E. WATSON. Merchant and Pealor in
J Timber. Saw Logs. Boards and Shinrle. Ma
ryevtllo. Clearfield county. Pa jnnB 29. 1584.
II kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
der solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1883
CRAICS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Cler
nold. Pa. May 13. 1H63.
ROBERT J. W ALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
field. Pa Office in Shaw's rew row. Market
treet, opposite Naugie's .ewlry store. May 2ft.
F. N AUG I.E. Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, o Room in
Ciraham's row, Market street. Jor. 10.
HBl'CHER SW00FE. Attorney at Law. Clear
. field. Pa. Offct in Graham's Row. four doo
wet of 5rabam 4 Eoycton's store. Nov. 10.
"ItfALLACE 4 HALL. Attorneys at Law, Clear-
field, Pa December 17. ISH2.
Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary, Perfume
ry, Fancy tloods, Notions, etc., etc.. Market street,
Clearfield, Pa Jane. 29. 1664.
11 A. FLEMMINO, Lumber-city. Pa , Narsery-.
; . man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees. Plants and Shrubbery All or
ders by mail promptly attended to. May 13.
P. KRATZER, dealer in Dry Goods, Cloth.
irjr. Harriware. yueensware. Groceries. Pro
visions Ao. Front Street, above the Academy,
Clearflald, Pa. April 27.
"1 1 7JLLIAM V. IRW IN. Market street, Clearfield,
Pa.. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer-.
oh audita. Hardwire, Quecnsware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
. i
XOHNGUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds or
I Cabinet-ware. Market street, Clearfield, Pa.
He also makes te order Coffins, on short notice, and'
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59
DR. M. WOODS. Practicing Phtsicias, aid
Examining Surgeon for Pensions, .
Office. South-west corner of Seooud and Cherry
Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 1863.
ri .HOMAS J. M CULLOUOH. Attorney at Law,
JL Clearfield. Pa. Office, east ef the -Clearfield
co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
B M'ENALLT, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield
Pa. Pr.ictio.es in Clearfield and adjoining
uounties. Office :n new brick building of J. Boyn
ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanich'a Hotel.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon,'
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Journal Offiee, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
LARKIMER 4 TEST, Attorneys at Law, Clear
field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
Cold and adjoining counties. August 8, 18i6.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers hi professional
services to the citizens of Moshannon and vi
cinity. He can be consulted at his residenoe at
all times, unless absent on professional business.
Mobsannon, Centre oo., Pa., May 13, 1883.
WM. ALBERT A BRO S, Dealers in Dry Goods,
Groceries. Hardware, Queensware, Flour,'
Baoon, etc.. Woodland, Clearfield county, Penn'a.,
Also, extensive dealers in all kindsof sawed lum
ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici
ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th, 1863.
AUCTIONEER. The undersigned having
been licensed an Auctioneer, desires to in
form the citizens of Clearfield county that he will
attend tt the calling of sales, throughout theeoun-.
ty, upon short notice. Post-office address, either
Bloom ingyijle or Curwensville. VJ1. M. A51Auju..
Bloomingville, April 6, 1 $64.
AUCTIONEER. The undersigned having
obtained a liscence as auctioneer, would in
form the citieens of Clearfield county tnat he
will attend to the calling of sales, in any part of
of the county, whenever called upon. Charges,.
moderate, lost omoe address, cusn. ciearneia
countv. Pa. JOHN F. LEE.
Ajril 20, lS61-3mp.
4 I'CTIO.NEER. The undersigned baring
i V bee ii Licensed an auctioneer would inform
the citizens of Clearfield County, that he will at
tend to calling sales in any part of the County
whenever called upon. Charges Moderate.
Address J M. S.MITH. .
Hegartys X Roads, Clearfield Co.. Pa
February vid 1664.
AUCTIONEER The undersigned having;
been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform,
the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to culling sales, in any part of the county,
whenever called upon. Charges moderate
Address, JOUr JiyilLUS,-
May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield oo.. Pa.
N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li
cense are subject to a penalty of S60. which pro
vision will be c uforced against those who may vi
olate tbe same.
Teacher of Piano-Forte, Melodean, Guitar, Har
mony, and Vooal Music.
Sixty private, and twelve olass lessons included
iti one teitii. Rooms with Mrs. H. D. Welsh.
Clearfield. July 1. 1H43.
ply of these invaluable Family Medicinea
are for sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting
of Pain Carer ; Restorative, a greateure for colds
and cough ; nud Auti-Biliou Physic. They have
been thoroughly tested in this community, and
are highly approved. TRTTHK.
Marysvillo, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
Cheap for cash or exchanged for Timber,
Buaids, Saw Logs or Sbinglrs. ,
Oct. 14. 1S33. JAMES E. WATSON.
M M'Kieman having located at Smith's
Mills. (Jauesville.) Clearfield Co.. Pa., informs the
citizens of that place and vicinity, that he will
endeavor to render satisfaction to all who may
favor him with their patronage Professional
calls to any part of the cwuntry promptly attend
ed to. Work done on Vulcanite. Terms moderate.
May ll,la.U.-3ra. Dr.F.M. McKlERNAN.
1 1 The undersigned having located in the bor
ough of Clearfield, rat the shop formerly occupied
by R Welch as a jewelry shop.) is prepared to
do work of ail kinds on the most reasonable terms.
The cash will positively be expected when tbe
work is delivered. He is confident that he can
not be excelled by any workmen in town or county.
Com one', come all totlieSifm of the Bit? Watrh.
April 9,'62-ly-pd. S. H. LAUCHLIN.
rpE.MPERANCE HOUSE. The subscriber
X would respectfully inform the oitiiens of
Clearfield county, that he has rented the ''Tipton
Hotel." and will use every endeavor to a coo m mo
date those who may favor him with their custom.
He will try to furnish tbe table with the be the
country can afford, and will keep hay and fe d to
accommodate teamsters. Gentlemen don't .ryt
tbe "Tipton Hotel." SAMUEL SMaTIT
Tif-ton. Pa , May 25. 1864.
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