IJU it it if BY S. X ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1864. VOL. 10.-NO. 44. 9 t I k . .A a' LYEIC3 ICS THE TIMES. Learn to think and learn to labor. Better to wear out than rust ; Help yourself and aiJ your neighbor, On your own exertions trust ; Though your progress may be slcwly, Toiling on from year to year Though you may be poor and lowly, lie a man and persevere. 2v'ow' tlio time be up aud doing. Time once past none can recall. Hoth and ignorance lead to ruin, Think and labor, ore end all ; Monuments of stone will crumble Fall like leaves before the blast ; 5ut simple traths. howuver humble, Will, through couiitless ages last. Knowledge is a crystal fountain. All who choose may freely drink ; Grains of sand will form a mountain, Learn to labor and to think. Learning dwells ruitin a collego, ITse your hand and use your brain, Were mankind possessed with knowledge, How long would a tyrant reign f Artemu3 YTard on tie Presidency. Knny Chap wot posse sses the most obtoose intelleck cannot fa!e to perceiv that a inuteh lier porhun of the rebs' Nuthern hens air in favur of George B. Little Mackiellan fi.r the nex Cheef "Magistral. I iu:ike no dowt his frens thinks lie voodmaik a sweet rres. CKoruin tu rnair ideeov tiling, lie wood 2 .sweet. Tha thinks J. Da vice niaiks a tiptop I 'res. As Presidunt Geo. wiHiuentearitate hisSuthern bruthurn much. Skarcoly. But 1 doant heleav fur enny length uv niomence that 3Iaek wood maik the Lest Pies, the wurld ever saw. On the contrary, 1 think he vod tnaik the wust tho it wood be pretty difficult tu maik a wusUr than J. Bukannon. (ieo. i. wood cut, Iu fur a Union Pies, lie hath his Jaulce. Ef he wos nommynated for a grair difrirer, ur a boss in a oar quarries. I wood tat sa neigh. As a diger he's larg. I mite say he's immence. As Cheef Magi l-trait ov the U. S. he'd he shaikv. Rather, sifoiir iie'd otkupide the cheer long he'd hev Worshinttun bitty ting up anloktedat iio hoken, N. .Jersey. May Le Jie'd send mit iui; to the Lair lianded shivelry, aibnr tiny Satttld with the mudsiiz nv the North. I'raj's I'm i ether hevvy on Geo. Wunct I induced him. J kaulcd him Poneilvany's run. 1 uideiit stop tu enquier wether lie was Aboli.-hionist, Copperhedishinist, Gree lyishiiuiist. or J. C. liennetitionist. Gooist r .lentileist, so he wood krush the Bmos as he proinist. tu du push 'em tu the vol as i:e sed lie'd du. When George had kum luand uv the Petomick uv the army, he s-cd tumaik straterpek muvemenee toardi ilichmiiud, and immejitly Undo liisse'.t in U'orshingtun. Now ef he maik-? sirator ji''k immanence toardz Worshinitiiu he will :!Hi hissed !!:- urn m ier plase r?.: ictn-t.-t tu Sauk- iliver ! I doant think KlemmenL Vailan-lin-jham ".yiod uiaik a sootable Pres. fur the -sorth. Kli'in has his folee 2. TIezo umpthin I v.iijiii! say wautrht but the fust letter soTinds like Trater. An that's wot aileth him. JvUiif v.ood soot the iSutheni and Nuthern ia b. 2 a T. i'rans ?dr. Tout lioorypard wood fill the j Va-i-at-any-price jiart-. " I air free 2 konfes Tur.t -.You'd till the l'residonehul cheer with as much a dvautiye tu tiie Nortli as eny uth er Copperlied, Lut lie's not the pippin or 'luinch of the undersindz eye. Hardly. Hi- 2, hath Lis fake. Like them fust naim-i-J. lie sympathises with the JSowth. Thair iz ut'ier candydaits naimed hi the piece party. 'hoedent wunder ef tha had a liankerin arter J. ekannon agin. Wen J. 1J. wus 'reasydunt, he m.vxt things up 'O'lpcrbly. Kf it hadent a bin fer Jeems an las fi-stiv party, we eoodent now hos e ov a var ; we eoodent boste ov payen 75 sence a j imnd fr.r butter, an uther things in ro-l-.urslin ; we eoodent boste wecoodent v,. )V, c')u-'ritl'ste ' food we? But .Teems v" "..;-!.t be K-vted. 1 lain he was run fur .'.!:tahle an wuz defeeted. IVrcbans the N. Y. l'iece men will brini? "Ut .'ir. Kinma eh for the pel She i-"?i-X ninik a ktv iu anuther. She ly i res. in l cents out no luvs the shivelrv not two wisely, but we 11. She is uther l'alse. s ii-uo;ivj vconr tlit? ivnie kind uv cloze. " bur swar is Web is out of bur spc; i'i the im:ty .vowth. rer the hennybt nv .li"SK which hassent. herd ov lhiinia, I will '-:;it that she air a femail whieli niaiks stjni'.ii speech iz oecaioneliy fur. J. Daviee. I i't tf she ever t'its a huzbind heel Lclf tu ty artunid ! - K':n Charles Frecment are bin nommy- iti.-l fur lVes. Jomiy is a hunky boy but lins :v kupio of faulce. The 1st is his Jiiiie !i:is nauirht kum. . The 2nd is, he wnt k k-ctffl. He's got in the rongbote. nat CIccvland boteaira leeky kunsani, and stiiclz a littel coppery. I think your hum j'e sarvint eood run ier Pre", without gitten w-Kted, a e v ns the next man. or enny vliMr man. Them hotheaded chappys oil rthe country who air nsm Jonz naim i'l Utter refrane. They shood taik B. rniuk ifkott's adviee, an put munny in re purses. . Freemont an the Cops air uiutchly "J t lie .-aim tate with Gait Smith and W. ntlnps. Jaek i;xe greanbax, but the Cops thaigh aint wurth nuthen. Them's different at wickst 'em. Ef the Cops '-iit ihink they's luvly, let em immygrait VJ Uie Sutlinn Prmfhivr-irv. an lokait fl- n.n.i .. . m TU CU1U 0,'tn an th.e llebs want let tl f Ie orth- the Union men wants Ti' e's to outn an taa 'vv'oant -- j- l h'n shows that we air the moast gen- 'rovthe2. . ; . . tarstly, thare U anutlier man named for Presidency.- : v - J?ps youve heerd ov him. Ilia 1 st name JJ 15tcr honest Old Abe Lincoln. That's Iarst name, 2. A. L. is the Cheef a- , 's mare irens whair snimplasters air as 7i3s Kisop Polkburries, an abowt as ffinll!e Tn thn Snwtli tha TTnmn luon mong 43 thousan an the 1 oltogethcr luvly. As a Pres. I air free to admit that he's Gorjeus. Others thinks so, two. He's bin ninnin the meshene 3 yearz, with traters, copperheds, and uther filthy vannens put- tmijr on tiwj breaks, iiut tha laled tu stall him. He's a bringin her thru all O. K., skrushin slavery, seceshiu. an a sroodiy por tion of Confedrasy under its wheel, in troo Juarernot stile. Give us Linkc-n or give us Old Abe. We air not petkkuler, as either will due. The Dutchmen will voat fer Aib. becaws Liber ty, Litiken, Logger here, and Limberger cheese begin with a L. The Irish will voat fer him becaws Praties an Irish Whiskey doant begin with ah. The cops woant voat fer him heoaws Lib erty, Luv-uv-conr.try, Lick -t he-re) els, and Linken begin with a L. Tha will vote for Geo J)., beca.vs 3Iizry, idurder, Missygena tion, and MackLelian begin with a 31. Thine ontiley, A. Ward, Jr. General Grant in Camp. Gen. Grant in camp! Who would not like to see him ? A pastor of New York city wont out for the Christian Commission. ! He had, of course, a trreat desire for a per sona! interview with the Lieut. General. But li. wa to:d he could not gain access to him ::: all crmid rot see him even. He re solved to try. With three friends of the Commission, he set out, found the tent of the General and made for it. Advancing towards the front he at once saw that the tent was occupied. A person sat near the entrance, iie was eoatless, sitting in his shirt sleeves ; his vest was unbuttoned ; his feet were i:i slippers and raised upon a stool; he was alone, reading a newspaper and had a cigar in his lmnzth. As tho three gentle men arproached. he looked up. One of them asked., '"is this General Grant's tent." He somewhat modestly replied, "That's my name." "Will you allow three New York clergymen, soon to go home, to take you by the hand V" "With the greatest of pleas ure," was the response ; "I am glad to see you gentlemen; take seats." "How do you endure the campaign?" was asked. With great tenderness he replied : "Finely, f only wish my men endured it as well." One of them said : "I was in hopes to have a ticnded you to Kichniond, General, before I went home." To which Gen. Grant re sponded in emphatic tones looking the cler gyman earnestly in the eye, "I expect to go there." While the conversation was going on, the incessant rattle of musketry rang along the air like millions of crackers undei millions of barrels on a Fourth of July. Bang, bang, in the distance sounded the booming guns. Shot and shell whizzed in t lie air: but calm and unmoved and confident- sat the Lieutenant General, as if in the summer-house of bis own home at Galena. With this immense responsibility ou him, Icd every true American say, "God bless the brave. ' ' Eloquence cf Andy Johnson. The following is one of the most truly el oquent passages ever spoken.. It is from a speech delivered by Andrew Johnson in A pril last to a mass meeting of the people of Knoxville and vicinity : "My countrymen ! my heart reams to ward you ; I love you ; I am one of you. 1 have climled yonder mountains that you have c'imbed. yonder mountains rock-ribbed and glowing in sunshine, in whose gorges, in whose caverns, your sons, hunted like wild beasts, have fallen to rise no more. I do not speak of these things to draw your tears. - It is not the time for tears, but for biows. I speak of them that I inay fire your heart with holy indignation, and nerve your arms for unconquerable fight. And I speak of them because the mountains seem to talk to me. My home is among the mountains, and though it is not far away, I cannot go to it. It is the place where I met her and loved her, and married her who is the moth er of my children. Bo I not love the moun tains, then l And if liberty is to expire, if freedom is to be destroyed, if my country, in all its length and breadth, is to tremble beneath the oppressor's tread, let the flag, the dear old flag, the last flag be planted on yon rocky heights, and upon it let there be this inscription : "Here is the end of all that is dear to the heart and sacred to the memory of man." A Kind Word For "Mother." De spise not thy mother when she is old. Age tiny wear "and waste a mother's beauty ; strength, limbs, senses, and estate; but her relation as mother is as the sun when it goes forth in its might, for it is always in the meridian, and knoweth no evening. The person may be gray headed, but her mother'y relation is ever in its flourish. It may be autumn, yea, winter with a woman, but with the mother, as mother, it is always spring. A Yankee made a bet with a Dutchman that he would swallow him. The Dutch man lay down upon the table, and the Yan kee, taking his big toe in his mouth, nipped it severely. 'Oh, you are bitting me !' roar ed the Dutchman. 'Why you old fool !' replied the Yankee, 'did you think I was going to swallow you whole. ' A witty gentleman, speaking of a friend who was prostrated by illness, remarked, that he could hardly recover, since his con stitution was all gone. 'If his constitution is all gone,' said a bystander, 'I do not see how he lives at all.' 'O,' responded the wag, "he lives on the by-laws." A private, belonging to the army of North ern Virginia, has had a furlough granted him by order Gen Lee, for 840 days. lie was entitled to this long leave under the ar my order granting a certain number of days for each recruit furnished. . , A Measure of iniquity A quart bottle holding little more than a pint. ! DEM0C2AGY THE BEBELS' HOPE. : Eehel View of our Nominations a Ea.il Splitter and a Tailor Jeff Davis Relies on the Democrats the Interest of the De- mocry is to w eaken our Armies and Des troy our Finances, etc. The following article from the Richmond Examiner of June 13th, plainly shows that the Kebels' hope of success is in the tri umph of the Democracy in the coming Pres idential election. The Examiner says that "it is the interest of the Democrats to do "their utmost to weaken the Federal army "and discredit Federal Finance," (just the very thing they have been doing all along.) as a means to insure the failure of the Union army, elect a Democratic Presi dent, divide the country and establish the Southern Confederacy. Much as this an nouncement may surprise the unwary, nev ertheless it is but in unison with the course pursued by the Copperhead leaders during the past three years. They have persistent ly endeavored, by word and action, during these years, to weaken our armies and de preciate the credit cf the Government. However, thus far they have accomplished but little. True, they have prevented en listments in innumerable instances, and to that extent did weaken our armies, j-et the Government, by the aid of the patriotic masses in furnishing men and money, has tpadily and determinedly pursued its ap pointed mission, the crushing out of the re bellion, and to-day ve find it pressing back the traitor horde just as surely as it has at any former period during the war. But we ask the reader to carefully peruse the arti cle from the Examiner, and then deny the fact that the object of the Southern Traitors and Northern Copperheads is not ideutical the defeat of the Union Armies and the recognition of the Southern bogus Confed eracy. "The convention of Black Republicans in Baltimore have renominated for President of their country Abraham Lincoln, the Il linois rail-splitter, and for Vice President Andrew Johnson, known in the West as the Teniieasee tailor, one of the meanest of that craft ; whether they shall ever be eleeted or not depends upon the Confederate army al together. The people of the enemy's coun try have now two Black Republican "tick ets' ' before them ; and the Democrats are to come yet. All these several movements we are obliged to watch, and, if possible, understand by reason of their possible effects upon the war, othewise we have no earthly interest in the matter ; and if we were now at peace with the nation it would be altogether indiffer ent to us what ape, or hyena, or jackass they set up to govern them. The great army of contractors, then, and office-holders in short, those who live by the war, and on the country have succeed ed, at last, in starting Lincoln for another race. It amounts to a declaration that the conventioners desire to see four years more in all respects like unto the last four years. They want no change at all ; to the present incumbents of power and profit, all woi ks well enough as-it is. They care little, per haps, about the 'Emanciption Proclamation,' or the exact definition which may be ap plied to Lincoln, as an immediate, or essen tial, or contingent Abolitionists ; care little indeed about politics at all, or principles, or the destiny of their nation, or other "ab stractions" of that sort ; they are practical men. and what they know and feel in their inmost sculs is, that four more years of rev eling at will in treasure and plunder will make them ail ricli enough, them and their descendants to the third uud fourth gener ation. It appears, also, that Lincoln and his friends have been lucky, so far, in the ill success of Grant and Buttler, and in their precise measure of ill success. If either of these two had taken Richmond before the Convention, then Butler or Grant would have been nominated for President. If they had been already utterly and decisively de feated, and their armies cut to pieces, then neither Lincoln nor any other Black Repub lican wouM have had the slightest chance of election. So essential was it for the right guidance of the Convention in this matter that Grant should not take Richmond, nor be advancing in triumphant march towards it, that the New York Times, Lincoln's "or gan," took care to publish at length a dis mal account of the bloody defeat inflicted on the Federals on the 3d of June, and to ex press the opinion that it was a most disastrous affair. This was true ; but the Times did not state it because it was true. The Times stated it, notwithstanding that it was true, in order to lower Grant's stock in the Con vention, just in the nick of time and suc ceeded. Our soldiers who on the 3d strewed the earth in front of their intrenchments with 12,000 dead and wounded Yankees, then and there secured the nomination of Lincoln over Grant. Lincoln, then, and his gang have been lucky, as we said, so far. But to win his election in November this indecisive work of the Federal armies, neither triumphantly victorious nor hopelessly cut to pieces nei ther taking Richmond nor taken by Rich mondwill not do at all. Grant and Butler are now at Liberty to achieve the most bril liant suscess they can, and The New lork Times will not tell the truth any more when it is unfavorable to them.- In fact, the Lin coln party ha? been reconciled to the delay in capturing Richmond by this considera tion, among others that the Fourth of Ju ly approaches ; and they are aware of the theory entertained by their old acquaintance, Pemberton, now in high favor at Richmond, and commandinglthe fortifications of the city, namely ; that the Fuorth of July is the very best day to surrender a place to the Yankee army, because, in the warmph of their grat lticatiou at celebrating their anniversary with a triumph, they give good terms. It is like approaching a boi vivant after dinner to ask bini for a favor. And, accordingly, the 1 amcee nation is now holding itself prepared to put on its most gracious smiles and ac cord to us tho same tender consideration which has been shown to the citizens of A icksburg. Let them only haul down our uag on that auspicious morning, and read their Declaration of Independence on our Capitol Suqare, and Lincoln is already elected President. In this stage of the business al so, howeverj our army has a voice and if it shall continue to baffle, repulse, and cut up the Federal forces, and finally drive them from the soil of Virginia, as we fervently trust, then this Baltimore nomination will not gain Lincoln a single vote in November. I n that case who wiil b the ncrt, Provi dent in the enemy's country ? Not Fremont with his "radical abolition." The era for that school of pohtic-3 will lie past. But there remains another nartv the Demo crats ; they being also divided at present into ar wemocrats and J'eace Democrats, but wl o would all be Peace Democrats in the event supposed that is, in the event of a total f ailure of the Federal campaign of 1804. Now the verv latest intellisrence brought us from that country by a special channel informs us of these two further facts that the popular mind became at once wildly agitated on the announcement of this tSaitunore nomination ; and that in Mary and, especially, disturbance was apprehen ded. In fact, the Democrats of tho North. who have waited four years, not too patient ly, trusting to regrain the power and profit which they but lately held to be a Demo cratic inheritance, must naturally be provoked beyond endurance at this audacious attempt oi iiincom and Oeward to ride roughshod o ver them four years more. We learn that the Democrats are now uni versally turning their thoughts to Franklin Pierce and the Connecticut Seymour as their nominees for President and Vice President. To give them the least chance of electing those two advocates of peace, Grant must be defeated, the invasion must collapse and die out, and the very name of War must be come a word of horror,uttered with loathing and execration. The reform, it is the inter est of the Democrats to do their very utter most to weaken the Federal army, discredit Federal finance, in short, to extinguish the war altogether, in order to extinguish the party which invented the war and gov erns it ami lives by it. The last significant fact, which come to us by special advices is, that immediately on the Baltimore nomination, gold rose to one hundred and ninety-seven. Gold is a sen sitive substance, and it feels another shiver, and sinks back yet 'a little mo: c into its crypts, at the idea of another f jur years of Lincoln and Chase, and those dreadful paper-mills and steam-presses, the smoke of whose fatal machinery ascendeth up for ever and ever. Here, then, are the elements of trouble and storm, which happily threatened to in terfere, not with Lincoln selection, but with tiie peace of 1 ankee society. Before Novem ber the whole North may be writhing in intes tine convulsions ; her brute mass now pres sing us so heavily may be flung off, and this Confederacy may be standing erect, redeem ed, radiant, triumphant, shaking her in vincible lock" in the sun. For all this, we look to the Confederate Army. Lee, Beauregard and Johnson can both give the Yankees a President and make us well rid of them and their Presidents for ever." A good one is told of General Grant. As he was in the cars on his way to the front, a newsboy came in crying out "Life of Gctv eral Grant !" One of the General's Aids pointing to the General, told the boy he guessed that man would buy a copy. The boy approached the General, who asked him carelessly, "who is Gen. Grant?" The boy replied, "you must be a d d greeny not to know Gen. Grant !" The General, after that of course bought his life ! Men often, often say "no trust," and per haps they are often right. But Nature de mands the ullest trust of all who seek her gifts. The words "no trust" are never written upon her door posts. It is all trust, when the seed is sown, that she will surren der it again ; all trust when the blades is green. that the harvest will notfail; all trust that the sweet influence of the Pleiades will be shed, and the singing birds return. An itinerant phrenologist stopped at a rustic farm house, the proprietor of which was busily engaged in threshing. "Sir, I'm a phrenologist. Would you like me to ex amine the heads of j-our children. I will do it cheap." "Wall," said the farmer, paus ing between the strokes, "I rather guess they don't need it. The old woman combs them with the fine tooth comb once a week." Two peddlers in Centre County,Pa., have been pushing their trade after a new fashion. One of them traveled a day in advance of the other and refused to receive Lock Haven Bank notes as worthless, and the people gladly traded with the other, who said he would take the notes, as he 'was in debt to the bank. - Our devil says that getting in love is some what like getting drunk, the more a fellow does it the more he wants to. "Man was created 'a little lower than the angels,' and he has been getting 'a littla lower ever since.' " lie preaches well who lives well. Fretfulness. Fretfulness is a great lender of misery. It begins its loans to very young borrow ers ; and there is great dancer that if its debtors draw on it early they will become sad spendthrifts of misery, and scarcely ev er be able to free themselves from the clutches of their hard task and creditor There is nothini mora snrv.fiil people unnecessarily miserable than a fret! ful, discontented spirit. It works ill in two ways : it causes its victims to think bad jy oi tnemseives, and (what is worse) to think badly of other people, too. Fretful ness and peevishness are very much under our own control. Men can choose to what extent thevwill teruiito!rriintstnnvstn l?iv influence over them, and the character of t nat influence. An eccentric person, of the ooimsonian scnooi, lias made a sort of a la we on this subject He maintains that all kinds of weather may he made charming to a man if lie so will ; that if lie will go out m the ram, without any deience, and pre tend to know nothing about the showers, the rain will cease for him, each drop ex claiming : 'It is no use raining upon that man, he does not mind it. ' There is a mor al to that fable ; and we'may be sure that if, instead of allowing every slight incident in personal, social or family life to rufile our tempers and make us wretched, we were de termined to regard fewer of them, the wear and tear of life would be much less, and days and hours would pass more pleasantly. In every house every day there are trivial cir cumstances which, if dwelt upon, will cause trouble for a long time, but which are .so small that they should never be noticed. Said Cervantes, 'Hast thou a mind to quar rel with thy wife ? Bid her bring water to thee in the sunshine : a very fair quarrel may be about motes in the clear water. Yes; great misery all borrowed, none of it ne cessary is brought to frtiniliies by the fret ful, catious, queiTulous scoldings that occur every day ; by the ridiculous, persecuting, vexing, vixenish notice taken of paltry things at home. Fathers and mothers ! brothers and sisters ! if our homes are tole happy, joyous places, hunt out mere fretful ness, and make the love borne by one to the other as considerate to mutual liappiness as is the courtesy that is paid by and to stran gers. A Parrot Called as a Witness. A man lost a favorite parrot, which was found in the possession of another person, who refused to give it up. He was accord ingly summoned to produce the bird in a court of law. The real owner, on being asked how he could prove that it belonged to him, replied that the parrot should be his only witness. It was then brought to court in a cage covered with cloth, and began to whistle the tune "Take your time, Miss Lucy," while some subject was discussed by the court. Its owner then put his face to the cage, and desired the parrot to kiss him, which the bird did most affectionately, "lie will do the same to any one," said the defendant ; and on putting his mouth to the cage, the parrot seized his lip and bit it se verely, to the great amusement of t he court. Its owner then took it out of the cure and kept it on his hand, when the bird answer ed several questions put to it in a ready and extraordinary manner, and also showed so much affection for its master that the J udere immediately ordered the parrot to be restor ed to him, and the defendant had to pay ail expenses. Mr. Lincoln's Last Anecdote. A gentleman just returned from Washing ton relates the following incident that trans pired at the White House the other day. Some gentlemen were present from the west, excited and troubled about the commissions and omissions of the administration. The President heard them patiently and then replied : "Gentleman,suppose all the prop erty you were worth was in ' gold, and you had put it in the hands of Blondin to carry it across the Niagara River on a rope, would you shake the cable or keep shouting out to him Blondin stand up a little straighter Blondin stoop a little more or a little fas ter lean a little more to the North lean a little more to the South ? No, you would hold your breath as well as your tongue, and keep your hands off until he was safe over. 'I he Government officers carrying an immense weight. Untold treasures are in their hands. They are doing the very best they can. Don't badger them Keep silence and we'll get you safe across. ' ' Vice President Hamlin. At a 'republican ratification meetinc in Bangor, Maine, Vice President Hamlin made an address of some length, wherein he took occasion heartily to commend the nominations made at Baltimore, eulogizing the President as a man of eminent ability, and of unsurpassed integrity one who has administered the government well, and who will bring the nation out of its difficulties and plant it on the eternal principles of lib erty, lie also spoke of Mr. Johnson from personal knowledge, as an incorruptible pa triot, and eminently fitted and qualified for the position to which he had been nomina ted, and said that the ticket will have the honest and hearty support of all true and loyal men. The Democrats of Chica.cro are erecting a large building on the shore of Lake Michi gan, for the accommodation of the Demo cratic Convention. It will be G2S feet in circumference, and will scat about 15,000 people. . I he Convention will occupy a rais ed platform in the centre of an amphithea tre, lrom which ail but delegates, reporters, &c. , will be excluded. The building will cost $5,000. Brigham Young says, in one of his publica tions, that he tries to live peaceably. Mar rying Bixty wives is a strange way of adapt ing means to that end. An Execution in France. The Paris correspondent of the London Star of the 1st inst., writes as follows: "An execution which has just taken place at Versailles is very likely to increae the repugnance manifested here to capital pun ishment. The criminal was a man who might well take his stand along with De la a ommerais ana otemicampt. l he murder he committed was on the person of an old man witli whom he lodged at a place called Lhene Rond, and whom he determined to kill in order to prevent some scandalous rev elations from being made, and to possess himself of his victim's furniture. He exe cuted his purpose w;ith a hammer ; and with an art which could only be shown in such a case by one wlio had been a butcher, cut up the corpse, put it into a sack, and threw it into a marl pit. After having ascribed the murder to the agency of two unknown Bel gians which reminded the Juge d'lnstruc tion of the two bearded men Dumollard used to talk of he made2 underpressure of the magistrates, a partial avowal of his crime. He was found guilty without exten uating circumstances, and as Ids appeal to the Court of Cessation and rrcours en graze was ineffectual, he could not lor more than a week have hoped that his sentence would not be executed. Nevertheless he showed a degree of resignation astonishing for such a brutal nature as his. But on the morning fixed for his execution, when the jailor and the prison cliaplain entered his cell he awoke wiih a start, saying, 'good morning,' Mon sieur f Abbe.' 'My poor fellow,' returned the priest, 'your last hour approaches. To day you 'must appear Jjeibre God. But be of good courage. : On learning this the con demned man fell into a state of utter pros tration, and a cold sweat covered his face. He allowed himself to le !cd into the chap el ; but mass was hardlv nvnr rrt in 9 fif of delirium, he rushed against the wall as it to force his way through it, and battered it with his head so violentlv that ha di rectly bathe in blood. The doctor ordered a lotion of vinegar and water to be applied to the wounded done the culprit attempted to commit hui- ecutioner and his aids appeared a few mo ments later, and arranged, without meeting any resistance, tne louctte Junebre. A. htof complete sdijteur succeeded the violence which was shown in the chapel. Brandy was administered to stimulate the patient, who was trans ro r ffvl tn the nn'snn r,n tt'I,iVi conveyed him to tho scaffold. There he ap peared m a state ot mdiscribable excite ment, foaminpr at. fliA month oml itftonn cries of despair like some wild animal. It was found necessary to drag him from the van and lm fh sffr. rF tha milllMmn Several men, when he got there.had to take noiu or mm to prevent lum lrom cvadiner his .sentence, and to hch hia hnna n.l finf while his head was severed from his body. Lincoln and Johnson. The Ohio State .Tnnrnnl nqMafittnr.llAt, tn. - ' ' ' ' ' - uvn.(t uiuii the fact that Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson are natives of Slave States. It says : Lincoln was horn in Kentucky in 1809, and Johnson was born in North Carolina in 1808. Is it not a wonderful coincidence in the history of these wonderful times that two men, both born in slave States, both born of poor parents, both subjected in youth to all the depressing influences of the aristocratic system of slavery without any of its privileges, have Jjccome the standard-bearers of Freedom against the aggres sion of slavery? And it now 6eems in the highest degree probable that in these two men the Slave Stal have themselves giv cn to the country the men who are to be chiefly instrumental in eradicating and ut terly wiping out slavery. From slave terri tory these leaders of the hosts of Freedom have sprung ; and are now to be made in strumental in bringing about the abolish ment of the accursed system of bondage and oppression under which the parents of these men were classified as among "poor whites!" A law recently passed provides that if anr person or persons, except as now authorized by law, shall hereafter make or cause to be made shall utter or pass, or attempt to ut ter a pass, any coins of gold or silver, or other metals, or alloys of metals, intended for the use and purpose of current money, whether in resemblance of coins of the Uni ted States or of foreign countries, or of o riginal design, every person so offending, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding three thousand dol lars, or by imprisonment for a term not ex ceeding five years, or both, at the discretion of the couri, according to the aggravation of the offence. Josh Billings savs : Thf bef l-InI a dorg tew hev fur awl puriozes, iz a wood en one. 1 ha don t kost mutch, and nn't liable to git out ov repair. Tha ar ezv tew keep, and yu allers no where to find 'em. Tha aint kross to childrun when yu steep on thare tails. Bi awl mcnes get a small won. I never knu one of this brede to foller en nybody oph. The pearl fishery of Ceylon has been ruin ed this year by an irruption of the skate fish, which has killed the oysters. The loss of revenue Ls said to amount to no less than 50,000. The transportation train of the Army of the Potomac would make a line of,wagon3 sixty-two and a half miles in length, ac cording to Gen. Meade. Nearly fifty thousand acres of land in Canada have been sown with flax thisyear ten times as much as last year. ' Camels are now breeding regularly in Australia, and are expected to be of gfeafc : use in exploring expeditions. i'? : t it, if li ?! u nr