Raftsman's au rnal CLEARFIELD.' PA-VJUXE 1 , ' lSW. - . ..TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. Tfe RaitshajTs Jrrisui. is p ubKshed on Wed .baedayaj Sl-Mper ancara.in advance. If r-cl paid at ia beginning of Tie ear, 52 00. will, b barged. Avstjscet wUl be inserted xt SI 00 per aar. fur three or let insertions Twelve lines (or less) e on ting a square. For -every aldirir.al iasertien. 2 cents will be charred A ded action will be mad to yearly advertiser. : Ne SBbaeriptioa taken for a shorter time tlian is months, and no paper wi',1 be discontinued un til all arrearage are paid, exeept at tbe option of " fcjoblisher. S i' fe0Vr- SALT a rood article, and very beap at the wore of WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBlTMS, for sal at Ilartwick A Huston rieerfield. Pa GO AND SEE THE MEff GOODS AT . J. E. WATSON'S, Marysville, Clearfield County, Perm 'a. Cheap fer easb r exchanged for Timber, i Eoaidt. Sew Logs or Shicglr. Oct. 14. 1663. - JAMES E. WATSON'. HIPPLE & FAUST, IiIALSaS ur F0BTZI0W AKD DOMESIIC DB.Y-Q00DS, &C. MIL ITtttT, CWE58TILLZ, fA. rtpiIE UNDERSIGNED having taken tbe tocx X of merchandise of tbe late firm of Pattoo. Hippie A Co., bare jait added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, otnprieiog Groceries, DrezTQueenware. Boot Dd Shoes, Clothing. Maslins, De Laices Print. Sauioetf, Flannels, etc,, which '.. they offer at low price FOR CASH OR READV FAY. Grain. Porsr. Shing! and Board, taien in ex change for good. We respectfully as a fiiare of patronage. Call and examine onr stocK. CorwenfTille.Doc.il. HIPPLE A FA VST. N z. Tbe account! of Patt on. Hippie A Co., are la onr band, and we hereby notify person! har lot unsettled account. to call and settle tbe sain as we desire to have the books closed . December 11. 1381. HIPPLE 4 FAUST. . SEW FIRM AND .NEW GOODS. CARLISLE & CO., DEALERS I Ferira a-tii Dome-ie Dry Good, Groceries, Lumber, Shingle, 4c. rHiUMBTRO, cBSTtx coc.nr, FXSA. CARLISLE CO.. hare received and are Just opening the largest assortment of the ' , , , BEST. CHEAPEST, and most seasonable roods erer brought to this cecUoD of country, consisting of DRV GOODS AND GROCERIES; Notions, Hardware and Queensware; LADIES' FURS. floods, Nabii. Soctags.- Ea!moral and Hoop skir:s ; Hals, Caps. Boots and Shoe ; Ready-made Clotting latest styles; School Books and Stationary ; ; Rice-flour, Farina and Corn Starch; Drugs, Oils.' Taints. Patty and Glass: Coal-oil Lamps, Wool end Willow ware; TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS ; Pipe. T&bacco and Segars;- Fish. Salt, Nails. - Coal and Linseed Oils: Flour, Feed and Provisions; and all articles Uiual ly kept in a country store , : All of which will be sold CHEAP FOB CASH or appro red produce, Lumber or Shingle. Nov IS. 163-tf CARLISLE, A CO. NOW IS THE TDlEi RICHARD MO'SSOP, L-EALF.R IX FOREIGN AND DONUSTIC DRY GOODS. A.C., MAKKKI TftET, CLtjLKfIi.Lt, JPA. Rejtd tLe fallo m njf hit of go odand pro fit th erthy . reotl i Hoods Goods Goods Good Goods Good La- Chsap poodi ijen asCoourzClo oth, (2)iea n- ij1-. isv iai:ji;. iukuiui Chrav Prints. Cfaints, Kerchiefs. Xu- CheJv bies. lSonnets. Gloves, etc. CkeJL FOR GENTLEMEN. Cheap Alwsyi on hand Bjaek, iJlue. Brown Goods Cheap' and Grey Cloths. Fancy and Black .Goods ,pap:. - M i n- ".nil.. -J -r-1 1. v. - Cheap Tweeds, Piaia and fancy Vest Cktap' ings. Shirting, e'c. etc. etc. Cheap'. READY-MADE. Cheap Such as Coat. Pacts, Vesta. Under Goods . Goods Goods . G'lods -Goods Goodt .Goods Goods ! Goods Goods Cheap, shirts, and other flannel shirts, Cheap ( Cheap' Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps, Neck ties. Gum Boots and Shoes.and a variety of other articles. X.Keap Cheap1 Jhean r. HOLSEUOLD GOODS. h as Unbleached and Bleached oa ' Cheap Cheap; Muslins, Colored Muxlins. Linen Gondi and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth, ''Goods Goods Goods 'Goods Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE, AC. Cheap Cheap Vheap Goods Cheap Ifjoo wantNails or spikes. Manure Qootit Cheap', or other forks. Saw-mill or other Ooods Cheap aws- ainoommg irons, iocks, ,7oods Cheap ' Jlnc- ew K J Mossop'a Goods Cheapl where you en buy cheap. Goods Cheap . IF TOU WANT Goods Cheap, Kuivet and forks. Butcher Knives, Goods Cheapl bhoe and Stose blacking. Manilla Goods Cheap', and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Good Cheap Pecs, Powder, Shot or Lead, Goods Cheap'. etc., buy them at Mossop's. Goods Cheaps IF YOU WANT ; Goods Cheap Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Goads Yr"?', Soap, Starch, W all I'aper or w m Cheap dow Shades. Lamps, Lamp tubes Goods Goods j Goods Goods Cheap' " or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to ; Mossop's cheap cash store. - Cheap Cheapl Goods Goods r-l,-t it iuu n Ay l ... - IF TOE WANT CheaprS ,'U,M' 'Goods Cheap hrP.ma agar, hams, shoulder, or c d jheap , T' iu Gois Cheap' D7fon oroiacK tea. Duy mem Ooods Cheap' at aiossop eneap for cash. CAx! IF YOU WANT Goods Goods CAsajTallow candles, fine or coarse t,'iGooa's uueap- ojrp or moiuwi, eneese. artea Goods Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- .Goods Cheapl do eraeiters, call at Moseop's Goods Cheap. . where you can buy cheap. Goodt Cheap - IF YOU WANT Goods Cheap, Pott wine for Medical or Sacrainen-! Goods Cheap tal uses. Swaet wine, bid Monon - Goods jChea-p gahela or rye whusy, Cherry ... and Cognao brandy, buy at Moasop a cheap cash store -. IF YOU WANT '.Good I Goods Goods Goods . Goods ' Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap .Cheap Cheap, Cheap iRaisena, Figs, Prnnes or dried Cur rants; filberts, cream, pecan or. ground nuts, candies, Liqaorioe or Liquorice root, buy them at Mosaop's cheap and good. " IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods ahenntfo bur anj other artiole chean, be ns. Cheap ,ur to go to Moesop, f or he sells. Good 'Cheap cheaper for cash than any other gooU ;Chav peraoa in Cleardeld county. Goods Effft Norember J7. 1361. ap279. fcZd, Approved cowttrtf proiuss of. sm hn.i taken at shfi usutl mviet m erekaft for gsiis. HOSTETTERS' CELEBRATED ' j STOMACH BITTERS, i A ycrt &ad powerful Tonic, Correct ire aad Alterative oi wocJerfol efficacy in . disease of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Cores, Dyspepnia, Liver Complaint. Headache. General Debility, Nervousness. Depression of - Spirit. Constipation. Colic, Intermittent Fever. Cramps and Spavins, and ail Coaoplaintsof either Hex, arising from Bodily Weakness whether inherent in tie . system or produced by special caused. . Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and ro sier tire in its nature enters into the composition tf Hostetter's Stomach- Bitter. This popular preparation contains no mineral of tsr kind, do deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant ;, but it is a" combination of the extracts of rare bil;im io herbs and plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusire itirnniact. It is well to be forearmed against disease, and, so far as the hninan syrttm can be protected by human rxleans against maladies engendered by an anwholesome atmosphere. Impure water and oth er external causes. Hottettrr' i But'r may be re lied on as a Sdfegaard. In districts infected with Fevtr an-i Asrne. it has been found infallible as a prerectire and irresis tible as a remedy and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of on attack escape the eonrge; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its protective qualities in adracee, are eurel by a very brief course of this marvel ous medicite. Fever and Ague patients, after be ing plied with quinine fjr months in vain. 'until fairly s&tared with that dangerous alkaloid, are cot nnfrequenlly restored To health within a few days by the use of Htitnttr Bitters. Ihe weak stomach i rpid!y invigorated ini the appetite restored by this agreeable Tonic. and hence it works wonders in cast-s of jDbpepeia and in confirmed forms of Indigestion Acting as a gentle and painless aprptnent, as well aj upon the iiver. it also invariably relieves the Constipa tion superindneed by irregular action of the di ge?tive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble habit, liable to Servons At tacks..Lo nefi of Spirits and Fits of 1. angaor.fi nd prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters, he testimony on this point is most conclusive, and from both sexes. The agony of Billions Colic is immediately as suaged by a single dose of the stiinuleat. and by occasionally resorting to it.tins return of the com plaint may be prevented As a General Tonic, Hottettrr Bittrrs produce effects which most be experienced or witnessed bt-fore they can be fuily appreciated. In cases of Constitutional Weakness. Premature Leeay and Debility and Decrepitude arising from Old Age. it exercises the eleetrie influence. In tbe conva lescent stages of all dilate it operates as a de lightful in vigorant. When the power of nature are relaxed, it operates to re-ecforce and re-establish them. Last, but not least, it is the only cafe ?tiiaalect, being manufactured frm sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from the acid ele ments present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of tbe day. The iinujecie increase in the eale of llottnur't Duiers. both at home and abroad, during the past jear prove that the world, while it obeys the ccriptural injunction to '-try all things.'' only flolds fa?t to that which is good." Spurious preparations, like poisonous fungi, are continual ly springing up. bat their character is soon dis covered, and they are -flur.g like worthless wee-Is away." On the other hand, a great antidote that performs all it promises, and even more than its proprietors claimed for itoni's introduction, is not for a day. but for all time." Xo family medicine has been sou niversally.and. it may be truly added, deservedly popular with tbe intelligent portion of the community, as Hjt Utter Biuert. Prepared by Hostetter A.Sjtith. Pitubnrg Pa. Sold by all Druggints.Gtoeers and Storekeepers everywhere. Kov. 10 13. 1 yr. HMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Compochd Fluid Extract Bv'mc. a Positive aad Specific Remedy for dieeaj" of tbe XJlad ier. Kid neys. Gravel, and Drop2ic-il Swellings. This med icine increases the power of Dige'ti-jn. and exeito the Absorbents into healthy aetior, bv which the Watery or Cakerous depositions, and ail unnatu ral enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflammation. HELMIiOED'S EXTRACT BCCIIC. For Weaknea arising from Excti!es. Habits of Dissipation, early indiscretion of abuse, attended with the following symptom: Indisposition to Exe?ion. Loss oT Power, Lobs of Memory, DiScuityaf .Hrething. Wek Ncrres. IreBihliug. Hcrror of Dieaj-. Wakefulness. L'im j.ens of ji(n. I'ain in tbe bazk. I'mverai Lai tnde cf the Muscular system.net Hands. .Flush ing of the Body. Dryness of tbe skin, Eruptions on the Faco, Pahd Countenatice There syrcptouj,. if allowed to go on. which this medicine invariably removes, i-oon fnilows I ui po tency , Fate-it y. Epileptic Fits, in one of which the Patiect may expire. Who can Fay that they are not fequcLdy followed hy tboe Direful Disease, '"lumiuly and Consumption .'' Many are aware of tbe cauie of their suffering, but none will confess the records of the insane as ylums. And melancholy deaths iy Con?uuiption bear ample witness to the truth of tbe assertion. The Constitution once effected ith Organic WeakDes requires tbe aid of Medicine to et'ength en and itivigrale the. system, which lleirnboid s Extract Bucbu invariably does. A trial Rill con vince the most skeptical. FEMALES FEMALES FEMALE?. Ia many Affections peculiar to Females the Ex tract Bucbu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Cbioroui or Retention. Irregularity, Pain f ulnes. or huppressioa of Customary Evacuations. Ulcerated or Sirrhou Hate of the Uterus. Leu- eborrosa or Whiten. Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to tbe sex. whether arising from iodiHcretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the De cline or Change of Life. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Uelmbold's Extract Bucbu and Improved Rose With cures. Secret Diseases, in all their stages. At little Expense. Little or no change in diet. No inconvenience. And no Exposure. ItcauKesa frequenfdesire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions Pre venting and curiae Strictures of the Urethra, al laying Pain and Inflamation, so frequent in the class ot dioease, and expelling all Poisonous,Dis eased and worn out matter. Thousands upon Thousands who have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fee to be cured in a short time, have found tbey were deceived, and that the "Poison" hag, by the one of "Powerful astringents." been dried up in- the system, to breaa: out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. . - Use Helmbold's Extract Bucbn.for all affections and diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether ex isting in Male or Female from whatever cauxe originating and no matter of bow lonz standing . t Diseases of these organs requires the aid of a Diuretic Helmbold's Extract Bucbu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it is recomended. Evidence of the. most reliable and responsible character will accompany the medicine. v 1 Price f 1.00 per Bottle, or six: for $5.00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. .Describe Symptoms in all communi cations. Cures guaranteed ! Advice gratis '. Address letters for information to H. B. HELMBOLD. Chemist. '104 South Tenth-st -, bel, Chestnut, Phil'a. Helmbold's Medioal Depot.. . " Helmbold's Drug And Chemical Warehouse. 594 Broadway, Sew York. Bew are of Counterfeits and unprincipled Deal ers who endeavor te dispose ot their own and oth er articles on tbe reputation attained. by Helm bosm"i Genuine preparations. "" Extract Buchu. Sarsaparilla, Improved Roee wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Ask' for Helmbold's. Take no other. Cut out the Adver tisement and send for it, aad avoid exposure ' Not. 10. ISM. 1 yr. NOT ALCOHOLIC. A Highly CencentratMl , . VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PURE TOXIC. DOCTOR nOOFLASD'S i GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY Dr. C. M. Jackson. Phiiad a, Ta. Will e5eciaally cure Liver Comp'aint, Dyspep., Jaundice. Chronic or Nervous Dtbility, Dis eases of the Kidneys, and all diseases ari sing from a disordered Liver or Stoia ach. sucb as Constipation. Inward Pile. Fulness or blood to the Head. Aeidity of tbe Stomach. Nausea. Heartburn. Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at tbe Pit of tbe Stcmach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and DiSeclt Breath icg.F! ut tering at the Heart- Choking or Suffocating Sen attons when in a lying posture. Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Hght-Fe-" ver and Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration. Yellow tess of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in the Side. Back. be.t. Limbs. Ac . Sodden Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. From R'v. J. Srvrto Browiu 1. D. EJitor of the Enrydoptdia of Religious Kiiovltdgt. Although cot disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects; I yet know of do sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes hitu.-eif to hare received from any simple preparation in the hope that be mav tbu contribute to the benefit of others. Tdo this the more readily in regard to lloof land's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a gainst them for many years, ander tbe impres-. tion that tbey were chiefly an aleoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper teu. and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bert!eof these ' bitters, at the beginning of the present yar. was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bod ily and mental vigor w hich I had not felt f ir six months before, and hai alruo-t despaired of re gaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the u e cf them. Philad'a . June. 23. 1S"1. J. Newt Brows. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold nnder the nam oi Bitters put up ia quart bottles. compoun ded of the cheapest whiekey orcommon rum. cos ling from 20 to 4j cents per gallon, the taste dis guised by Anise or Coriander Seed." . This class of Bitters hcaue-l and will contin ue to cause, as Ion? as they can be ao!d. hundreds to die the death of tbe drunkard. By their use tbe system is kept continually under the influ ence of Alcoholic .-tunu'antf ot tbe worst kind . the desire for Liquor is created and kept up. Hod the result i all the horn rs attendant upon a drunk ard's life and death. For thoe whi desire and ivifl huve-a Liqnor Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get One Bottle HooJiauA's G'rmon Bitters and mix with Three Q'Uirtt r,f Good Brandy or Whixi'y. and tbe res-alt will be a preparation that will far exrel in medicioa! virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the in ark - feuand will cost much leg?. You will have all the virtues ot tloonand s Bitters in connection with a good article of Liqair.at a much less price thin thee inferior preparation will. cost you. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS ! AND THE FRIENDS OK SOLDIERS. We cull the attention of a'.l having relations or friends in the array to tS fact that - Hifumi'i German Bitters ' will cure nine tenths of the dis eaes induced ty exposures and privations inci dent to camp life, in the lists, published almost daily iu tbe newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large propor tion are suffering from debility. Every cas of that kind can be readily cured by Hoofland'sGer ican Lii'er. Disehts resulting from disorders cf the digt-tlive organs are speedily removed. We hare no hesitation iu staling that, if thete Bitters were freely used among our soldier, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise wiii be lost. , Wc cail particular attention t-j the following re markabii; and well authenticated cure of one the 1 natiuti t heroes, who.-e lite, to use his own lan guage, "bas neon saved by tue witters:' PAinriELPHH. August 23rd. 1S52 yjrysTf.Joni iV Evut. Well, gentlemenour HooQaud's German Bit'cr ba caved my lifd. There is no mistake hi this. It is vouched for by cumbers ot my comrades, Some of whose names are appended, .ind who were fully cognizant of i tilt tue circumstance of my case. X am. and (have been tor tbe last four years, a member of j Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the iin meaiaie command ofCapt. K B. Ay res. Through lhe expo sure attendant a Don my duties, I was ,funei in .uveiLutr iai mid ifiuarilin&uon Ol the l.iugir. and was for seventy-two days in the boEpilal. This was followed by great debility, heightened by ati artaek of dysontc-ry. I wastben removed from tbu White House, and sent to this city on board the Stealer ' State of Maine.' froci which I lande-i on the 2?th of June. Since that time 1 bavj been about as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow any thing, and if I iil force a morsel down, it was : iinrnediately thrown up again. I 1 could not even keep a glass of water on my etomach. Life could not lastunder these circuni j stances; and, accordingly, the physicians who I bad been working faithfully, though nnsucccHS fully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Arcber, frankly told me they could do no more for me. sod advised me jo see a clergyman, and j to nuke fuch disposition of nij limited funds ns best suited tue. An acquaintance who visited me J at the hospital. Mr. Frederick Steinborn. cf Sixth i below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, j to try your Bifers. and kindly injured a bottle' From the time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now thank God for it. getting better. Though I hare taken but two bottles. I hare gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguis of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard nothing far eighteen months: for. gentlemen, I am a loyal Virginian, from tbe vicinity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the cer tainty of life which has taken place of vague fears to your Bitters will 1 owe tbe glorious privi lege or again clasping to my oosom tnose who are dearest to me in life. Very truly yours, Isaac Malose. We fully concur in the truth of the above state ment. as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malene. restored to health. ' Jons Ci ddlbback. 1st New York Battery. . , Geo. A. Acklkt, Co. C, Uth Maine. Lewis Chevalier. 92d New York. ' I. E. Spesceb, 1st Artillerv, Battery F. J. B. Fasewbll, Co. B. 3d Vermont. ; Hour B. Jerome, Co. B. 3d Vermont. HexbtT. Macdovald, Co. C. 8th Maine. Job F. Ward. Co. E. 5th Maine. Hermas Koch. Co. H. 72d New York. '-" Nathaniel B.T'bomas. Co. F. 95th Penn'a. Asdrkw J. Kimball, Co. A, 3d -Vermont. i Jobs Jbskins. Co. B, I06tn Penn'a. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Pee that the signature of -'CM. Jacksojt," is on the-fraw of each bottle. . . TRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS OR HALF DOZ. FOR S4 00. Should your nearest druggist not have the ar ticle, do Bot be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in its place, but end to us, and we will forward, securely packed by express. ' ' Principal Office and Manufactory. No. 631 Arch Street. JONES A EVANS, (Successor to C. M. Jackson A Co.,) Proprietors CdETFor Fale by Htrtewick A Huston. Clearfield Penn'a. and Druggists and Dealers in every town in the United States. fu'y 8, 1863.'. COOKSTOVES and Tarlor toves,(for either coal or wood,) nd store pipe, for sale cheap for eaah at tbe aure cf J D. THOMPSON, Curwensvill ED; A. IR YIN'S C O L U PN. Second Arrival of Seasonable Goods at Irvin's --Corner Store." ANOTHER LARGE STOCK OF "WINTER GOODS Of every dcsiriptioa. just received at the -Corner Store," sxd selling as low for Cash anXeoun-try- produce as can be bought elsewhere in the eouaty. The stock corgis' of Dry Goods. Gro ceries. Hardware, Qaeensware. Glassware, Willow-ware, Woodenware. Hats. Caps. Boots, Shoes. Realy-made clothing. Flonr, Bacon, Mo'asses, Syraps. Rice, Frails, Candies, Nuts, etc. Pur chasers sbouM see the gooJs acd post them selves in prices . ' " December 16, 1So3, THE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Boards and Shingles, and tbe cheapest goods , soil, by E. A. Irvin. At tfce "corner store." in"t"urwin3ville. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S HOODS, Sontag s, Xubias, and every description ol Winter wear, in great vartetv, at the 'Corner Store," by E. A. Irvin. ED. A. IRVI.VS STOCK OF LADIES' Dress Goods C3n not fail to please, and those who examine will itlway make a selection. Price moderate. CLOCKS, LOOKINti-G LASSES. WOOD en nd Willow war., of every description can t? had at Irvin's '-Comer Store.' THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID IN OASH " for Flax eed and Clover-seed, at the "corner store" in Gorwensville, Pa. LOG CHAIN'S. HEAVY LEATHER WHIPS Horse Blankets, nd Sleigh Bells, at the - lowest price), at the :corn-r or." A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, of Home Manuctore, iretter than can !e bought elsewhere, at the corner store. BROAD AXES, SEVERAL PATTERNS, and Chopping axes, of different makes, on hand and for sale at Irvin's store. i . THE ONLY GOOD STOCK OF GENTS j Flannel and . Cashmere Shirts., can he found at E. A. Irvin'g, Curwensrille. . NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, YARN ' ishes, etc., can be fonnd at Irvin's corner in Curwensville, t reasonable prices. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, AND Hostelters Stomach Bitters, on hand and for sale at E. A. Irvin's comer store. A LARGE LOT OF BLANKETS, OF VA rions sizes, on band and for sale, by E. A. Irvin, at his store in Curwensville. A FINE LOT OF GOOD OLD TOBACCO, of all descriptions, and Segars and Fipes in variety, at Ed. A. Irvin's store. BUFFALO ROBES, JUST RECEIVED -AT tbe "corner 6tore" in Curwensville, and fr sale at very moderate prices. GUM COATS, PANTS AND GLOVES, A lrjje assortment, for sale at E. A. Irvin's. SOLE LEATHER FOR SALE BY E. A Irvin, at the ''corner store" Curwtusrille. CALL AND SEE ED A. IRVIN'S NEW Stock of Clothing, at the cheap 'corner.' DOUBLE & SINGLE PULLEY-BLOCKS, of all sizes, at E. A. Irvin's cheap store. C A R PETS VE R Y LOW AT THE COS ner Store" of E. A. lrrin, Curwensrille. STAPLE DRY GOODS FOR SALE VERY low, by the piece or yard, at E. A. Irvin's COAL OIL AND LAMPS. IN VARIETY, at Irvin'a "corner atore," Curwensville, COOKING STOVES FOR SALE CHEAP at the "corner 6tore," at Curwensville. SALT, COARSE. AND FINE, BY SATJK or pound, at the cheap "corner store." GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, SELLING very low at the store of E. A. Irvin. GRINDSTONES AND FIXTURES, VARI OUS sizes, at Irvin's "corner store." DOUBLE AND SINGLE H ARNESS, FOR sale at Irvin's cheap "corner store." FLOUR, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, IX large quantities, at Irvin'a "corner.' PATENT MEDICINES, A GOOD ASSORT meut, for sale at the "corner store." 100 BUSHELS OF; GOOD '. WHITE BEANS . "for sale at the cheap "corner storo." ' OASU PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF FRO : . : duce, by E- A. Irvio, Curwensville. : Decern ier 'Si, 1863. E. A. IRVIN. JALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime srti- ele of groucd alum ealn. put np inpatent sacKs. at S'4.5 per taxc, at the eheax C3.b store cf NwmwrJ? K. iiUSf OP. CLEARFIELD -norSE. CLEARFIELD, PA. The rubseriber bavisg purchafei tie furnirure aad interest from H. H. Morrow, io said House, is cow prepared for the reception of trat: sient and permanent boarders. Every depart ment conneeu-i with lis eeta&Ubicetii win b cocduetd second to cone In tbe cacr.tv. He re pec'fui'y siicits a share ct pnbi:c pstroBare. Joiy 11. laAU.-y. GEO. N. COLBl KN. War in Curwensville ! New Goods Extremely L-ow. STILL A ORAAD MISTAKE ! ! THAT ALLTnE MERCHANTS ATCUI.WEX5 rille were wounded. Tis true, ttat I was ' fhot at. bot missed. M but I have t.-roec red another cew and laree asirtmect of goods from tbe city, which I am disposing pf at lower rates than any other Louse in the county. read:: read::' read:::: Amen-2 the Ladies" dress cois wi!i t-e found j Poplins, shiifes. dtlsins. luws. and a yx.iy fi otner seasonable artto'es. at the ioeri wit pri ce?. La lie? who w:b to pike a g-"i snw: mect stou!J call and examine uit .--t:.clc . CLOTHIXG AT REDUCED PRICE':' ! Rye. oats and corn for a&Jc. A's-i. bacon. Lfa, etc.. at very low figures. Best sugar at from 12 to 15 cents p er pouri. Best Syrup "at &0 cents per gailou. Ait other groceries at the same rate. Boots and shoes, and Shoe findings, cheap. Now is tbe time to buy. when goo U are plenty ; and all I ask is. for persons to examine my go.VM and I feel persuaded tLey wiil not e awar with out purchasing " .1. D. TH0MPS N. Curwensville. May 2th, M'Z jal JOIIX GUEL1CII, Ieeires to inform his old friends and eustorters that, having enlarged bis shop and increased bis facilities for manufacturing be is now prepared to make to order su'-h furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rate for ea.-b. He mostly has en haad at Lis -Fui rUure Rooms." a varied assortment of furniture, among which is. Bl'KEAl'S AND SIDEBOARDS. Wardrobes and Book -eases; Centre. Sofa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension X a nits. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen- nY-Jjind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS. 11 KT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ae 1 1 oo k i n jx an d A rni G 1 1 a i is , Spring-seat. Cain-bottr,m. and Tarlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. .LOOKING-GLASSES j Of every description on band, and new glaes fur , j i i-i -1 . i .. ujj irames, wnicn win oe put in on very ' reasonable terms, on ihort notice, lie t!"o keeps on hand, or furnishes in order, Hair. Crn-husk. Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIN D, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for j- L roved country produce. Cherry. Mapie. Poplar, in-wool and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Mantet street. Clear field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew tore.'' December 4. fst JOHN" GCELICII. merreix&bigle Have just opened a large and splandid assort ment of NEW GOODS at their old Stand ia Clearfield. Penn'a. Tbey have the best assortment of Hardware that has ever been brought to this county, which they will sell at the must reauabie prices, among which will be found a splendid lot of cuttiery. to which they invite the FpecisI attention of the public. On hard an assortment of heavy silver-plated Fork. "Spoons, and Bntter knives, of the best manufacture. A lot of pistols of the best patterns, and other fire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges ; all of which will be sold at reasona ble prices. They continue to manufacture all kinds of tin ware, brass kettles, stove pipe. etc.. which cannot be surpassed in this section of the state They a; so have on hand Pittsburg Plows, a mong which are steel centre lever plvws. Also. Plow eastings, and other agricultural implements. Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen eral assortment, and of tbe best patterns, for ?a.le at reasonable prices Coal oil. Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and var nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails, iron, and castings, a great variety ; in fact almost anything that may be wanted by tbe public can be found in their establishment, and at prices that cannot be beat. Now is the time to purchase, if you desire any thing in their line of business Give them a call and examine their stuck, and they feel assured that you can be accommodated. Remember, their establishment is on 2d Street. Clearfield, Pa., where-you can buy goods to the very best advantage Old silver, copper, bra'fs. pewter and old east' ings will be taken in exchange for goods .nay u. iao. MtitKtbl A BIG LEU ATTENTION !!! THE GREATEST RUNNING ON RECORD. A ' chase" atter '-creekbacks" ! Excitement in Lumber-City, Pa. Better time was never achieved . than that made by the citizens of Lumber City and vicinity, on the announcement that Kirk A Spexceb had just received and were opening at their new store room, the Itimrrxt ad be.'t selected etoci- of pood sever hrottrht to tht section of the. mtwtry ; and that tbey were selling them at astonishingly low prices. - The high price heretofore paid for roods, had well nigh caused tbe people to dispair, but relief came, nu mo running commenced, '-(rreen-haris." long boarded away. 'mid. "sighs for better days," were speedily brought forth, swiftly con veyed to the New Store, and converted- into -5. 20"' cheaper goods than can be had elsewhere in the county. ' The puiilic may confidently expect the running to continue from day today, as tbey are deter mined to sell goods cheaper that artv body else. Their stock will be found to comprise every thing that the pesple my desire Dry goods. Gro ceries Hardware. Qaeensware. Drugs, Medicines, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Brooms, Backets. Rope Ac, Ac. Rbadt made clothisg, particular attention is directed to this department, as they defy compe tition in regard to quality and prices. " The Ladies are particularly requested to call and examine their large and varied stock of dress goods and trimmtnirs. shawls, coat, sontags, scarfs, nubias, hoods, gloves hosiery Ao.' Lumbermen are invited t6 call, a it is their in tention to keep constantly on haad, everything tbatwill secure to tbem a complete outfit. - In fact, every body can be exactly so i ted by call iagat Kirk Or. Spencer' New and Cheap Store. - Their motto is -'Quick Bales and Small Profits, for Cash or ready pay.!" Timber.. Boards. Shin gles, and all kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. '-! : j -. r 1; Vp River Lumbermen can be supplied, without travelling to any ' Mecca of Humbugerv." KIRK A SPENCER Lumber city; Ta , December 9th 183. ' lAAr kirk. :::::::: D. v. SMxrti. , yr hills r-j-ntrs to irv U kisrat-rT . thai trrfea-rta: S, 1 w. ... t I ft;. Jv " in the tswc pate LOOK HERE B S05rETHlSGirBSTA3rTIAListr-H2l2CwT - JOHN M. S?EX(.ES Has recently opened a siop is Lcabe. Tc, -where he will keep eonstastiy cn fcaad 'acd'-' cfactwre to wder, ail kinds of Tia cst 't' and Copper ware RAFTING STOVES oobsue:!, e5 which Lcmbermeo will pleas? take t'-' re V' iers t SpoHtjnz. io. resreVifc" ' licited. Repairing promptly Attended :.; Store keer .rs and dealers scppliej ki'; , We rst, 53 be mtends kee; -.rgtcn. U, f-f workmen, tbe pahUc aT re'v 0a , ,'cri. Call at the SulsUui a t..$iZtfc tor y.Bri-?ve. JOHN M. 2pj- Laninerity. ilarch 2. 1-jU SERIOUSLYHuiT All the Merrhnt in tV wen.viiie. because I have bru d !'C" a large and well assorted stocx w fh1 NEW G o 0 r which I ax selhr? at extremely l,, . c.;h My s-'k embraces ai! tie rriety".,aJ ' ktp: in a coun'ry store, and se;u,i to suit tneie B WAR TIMES. I vi'l ctF, bereattempt to eunasera: JJ ;vt 4f. c5-i I keep; and their fubclcci.r l-.w ir.L whi-h I might do but after yen "iil ixft " eni examined for you'selve. re a mj XJ Jti 4a the language ofthe Queen cf th S.vb "HALF HAS NOT EES T0LO " I wiil merely say. com acd see for yoarw'.rw, for I feel sti3ei that I can sjit your tal3s as well as your purse Lute her and a'.l imds cf pruduee a:ti Uku u exchange for good;. CurwenrviiJe. Oct. 22. ls'2. J. F. IUVIN. ILUiTSWiCK IIL'STON, t'S:TSl -M ARKET ST., CLEARFIELD. Keep co&siant'y on hand a large and well stat ed stock of DRUGS' AXD CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS AND VARMSriES. Perfumery, Toilet Goods BLANK ROOKS & STATIONARY, - ''TOBACCO & SEGARS, And a general assortment f varieties aad fn&'y articles We respecvfuTly icrite a call, feelitf eor.fi dent .fct we can supply th wants cf til di terras to their satisfaction. April 29, IM T I ST RECEIVED AT J AAIULL'S CHEAP JEW 'ELKY STORE. a v a rs3 TrTJ iraham's Kow.Ciear'eli.Pa.. aa8ajfr.n:so:cl WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, ic, to uhl.h mtin vit auention. Gold and Silver hasting and open faced watcb e. to be had at NAl'GLE S The American Lever of differeat qualities, cia be had at NAtjLE S Fine setts cf Jewelry, stub as Cameo. Coral. Ls va Jett. Carbuncle. iarne:t. "pal, Elureotins Xo sail. Gold Stone Mosaic. Porcelain paintings. Ac , or single pieces at XAtiJLE'S. Plain gold Breastpins. Eardrops. Hoop Ear rings, children sear drops and ring at SAl'GLE'S. Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pec; aiiii sil ver holders at " ' U'jI.E'S. Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt tud. fo buckles acd guard slides at NAL'tiLK'.S A fine assortment of gold finger ring' uf Jifr ent styles and quality, gold lockets, c-jr.-d Debt ees, silver thimbles, tpectncles. watch guari-. a-1 all articles in his line, on haad at N A LOLL'?. Just received, a fine assortment of Finer ! cHuuion Qcck. and Fancy Time-pieces, f.-cm 1 -i : to 1 dollars at N.M'GLE'S ! Old Gold and Silver will be taken in eicbssge j-forgoedsat NAUGLE'S. All go-ds warranted as represented, cr ta a ney relnnded. at NAl."'L!"''v If you wish - your watches put in ifc-od ret:r and warranted, take tb ire ' NACtiLK ft "what is rr?" GREAT EXCIIEKE!iT IS GLEN H0FE, P4 ITrRyBODT seeks phased. And Whv SliouM Tla-V Nut Be ': Surely, the people in that section ot Cler:il county have great reaon to be rejoiced over the pleasing announcement tbel J OHN ROBSON has just opened in his New Store Room, the larg est and best selected stovk of good? sver br-gt to thuX part of the county of Clearfield. HEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. The undersigned having removed his s!or ' his New Building on Pine Street. Glen Hope, of posite the "Union House." is now opening snduf fericg to the public the largest and best select'1 stork of seasonable goods ever offered ie th; place and neighborhood, and will be sold 'F" ces to suit the times. His Stock embraces Dry-Goods, Notions. Hi' ware. Queens-ware, Boots. Shoes. Hats and C?. Ready made clothing. Paints. His. Glass. '' Baoou, Fish, Flour, ball ; Willow, stoM sni tr' t ben-ware, and Stores. OF DRY-iiOGDS. he has Cloths. Cessine-.5''" tinetts. Tweeds. . Yestings. Flannel, rhir::""-'-PrinU, Coburg cloth. Alpacas. De Ibises. '''' bams. Chints Kerchief . Nnbias. Snntaj kin. Lawns. Linen. Lace Edging. Collars. ln mings. Braids. Vails, etc - OF HARDWARE, he has axes, ssws. chis. knives and forks, locks, bi?e. screws 'fp' hammers, nails, spikes, Stoves of various j-wrt -and sizes, fiat tis. etc OF GROCERIES, he ha coffee, sugar. n.o-f ses. teas, rice, pepper, ctnsmon, cloe. i"'" hams, sides, shoulders, fish, etc. . OF QUEENS WARE, he has tea sts, up" saucers, cream jugs, tea and coffee poU. pi"1" bowls, plates, dishes, etc. , OF CLOTHING, he has coats. pnt resU,' dersbirls, shirts, drawers, neck-ties, gloves. so"' hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc . t . All the ahore. and numerous other articles sale cheap for flash, or exchanged for all kia' lumber and eouutry produce. , Remember, that I am receiring good week'T from Baltimore. Philadelphia, New port Pittsburg, and that any goods can be furniw on very short notice. ' ' Call and examine the goods and prices "' iafy-yourselves of the uUlity of buying GIn nope, December 2-1. 163 rOER WAN TED.A good ober, at ant employment, at good wages, by PPJJ soon to V JOHN GUiLlrt. rt t-i tie Mstrr. ;5 ft? Sept. 16. 13. . - - - Clearnsn "