m ! ! ml BY S. J. BOW. CLEAREIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY IS, 1864. VOL. 10. NO. 33. fS IP I IIMIllflF 11 If II i If il l TEKMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Rafts max 's Journal is jiublisheil on Wed esdur t Per nuura io advance Auvkk- tnsBMBWTS inserted at SI. 00 per square, fur three or les insertions Twelve line (or lew) counting a iqnare. For every additional insertion 2j cents. A deduction will be niuue to yearly advertisers. A LARGE STOOK Of GLASS, paints, oib, JM. wtuto leau, etc.. at hi. A. lltv IAS 1RVIN BROTHERS, Dealers in Square Sawed Lumber. Iry Goods, Groceries. Flour. Grain, Ao , Ac, Uurnside Pa., Sept. 23, 18G3. .A lb, CTIONEEIt. TLe undersigned having been licensed an Auctioneer, desires to in form the citizens of ClearGeld county that he will attend to theealiingof sales, throughout thecoun ty, upon short notice. Post-office address, either BlooiningvilleorCurwensville. WM. Al. BLOOM. Bioomingville. April 0, IbiU. ' ' FREDERICK LEITZINGER. Manufacturer of II kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1S(3 U ANS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear j field, Pa. May 13. I8C3. l. j. crans. :::::: walter bauuett. ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market ftrcet, opposite Naugle's jewtlry store. May 2t. HF. NL'GLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Wat.;hes. Jewelry. Ac. Room in Graham's row, Market street. Sov. 10. ULUCIIER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear . Geld. Pa ff.c inGrnhaui's Row, fourdoo s west ..f Graham & Boynton's store. NoV. it. 1I7ALLACK A ffALL. Attorneys nt Law. Clear- Q.:ld. I'a Pecembcr 17. 1S.V2 William A.wALi.Ai fi. -.::::::: jjiinc. hall. F,A. FLEMMING. Lniuber-ciiy. Pa , Nurycrv . man and De.iler in all kind" of Fruit, and ornamental Trees. Plants anJ Shrubbery All or ders by mail promptly attended to. May 13. P. KKATZEH, deafer in Iry :.Js, C'otii- in;r Hardware ijueeusware, wroeeries. Pro- ri-inns Vc. Front Street, above the Academy, Clearfield Pa. April 27. 4 UCTI.ON. The undersigned having beenlii j.cenfcd an auctioneer would inform the citi zens of Clearfield County, that he will attend to calling sales in any part of the County whenever called upon. Charges Moderate.1 Address J M. SMITH Ilegartys X Roads, Clearfield Co.. Pa February 3d 1SH4 jflAl'TION. All persons' a re hereby caution XJ ed against purchasing or meddling with the following named property now in possession of Thomas Kyler. to wit: one black horse, and one sorrel horse, and one timber sled, as the same be long to me and have ouly been left with said Ky ler on loau.aud are subject to my order at any time. May 11th. sO I. JACOB MOCK. CAUTION.- All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or muddling with the following property now in the bauds of Daniel Little oi Morris township, to wit : One gray horse, ime bay mare. One rett two-horse harness, nnd one two horse wagon, as the same belong to i,.e and have only been left on loan with said Lit tle, nnd tire subject to my order, April 20. ISo4. VM. CAMPBELL. HXLCirrous kotice. &-1 inentary on the Estate of J. w iflLLIAM F. IRWIN.Marketstreet.CIcarfii ld, I'll.. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer- rtiaiidise. Hardware. Oueeiiaware. Groceries, an! J iuiily articles generally. 2iov. 10. TfjIIJi ul LLH'II. Manufacturer or all kind' J Cabinet-ware Market street. Clearfield, l'n. lie lso makes to orJer Coffins, on short notice, tnxl atteuJs funerals with a hearse. April). 'Oil. I K M. WOODS. Pkacc iciMn Physician, and j Kxainining Surgeon for Pensions. OtEce. Pouth-west corner of Second and Cherry Street. Clearfield, Pa. January 21, lsti3. Letters Testa- Jeremiah Snieal late d Loggs Tp , deceased havi'.g been, granted to the undersigned ; ail persons indebted to said estate :irc requesced to make immediate payment, and tti use having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. KAMI V HM hAL Ex rx April I. Sfii. GIBEON SMEAL, Ex'r: CI. '-'A It FIELD ACADEMV.-I). W. Mc Curdy'A.B. Principal. The next quarter will open .n Monday the -t?h of April, 1864. rpHOMAS .1. M'CLT.IiOlJGlI. Attorney at Law. L ClearCcU. Pa. OlSee, cast of the ' ClearfielJ co. Rank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre parrnl with promptness and accuracy.-. July 3. B M EXALLY, Attornoyat Law, Clearfield, J. Pa. Prscficos in Clearfield and adjoining counties. OPice :n new brick building of J. Boyn toii. 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel. f )lCUARD MOSSOP. Dealer in Foreign and Do J uiestic Drv Goods. Groceries. Flour. Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Uoom. on Market street, a few door? netlof JoMrwiJOJfirr. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. fpUOMPSON. A WATSON. Dealers in Timber Saw Logs, Boards and Shingles. Marvsville, Clearfield county, Pcnn'a August 11. 1S'3. s.v.thompson : : : : : jas. k. watson. ARRI.MER A TEST, Attorneys at Lnw.Clear J field. Pa. Will attend promr tlvto.it! log .l tind other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. 1.S5C-. DR. WM. CAMPBELL. ofTors his professional services to the citizens of Mofhannon and vi cinity. He can be consulted at bis residence at u!I times, unless absent on professional business. Mohsannon, Centre CO., Pa.. May 13, 1 S3. IIJWS ALBERT A BRO'S. Dealers in Dry Good.. f Groceries, ll.vdware. Quecnsware. Flour. T.icon. etc.. Woodlait . Clearfield county. Pcnn'a. Alo. evieiifi! vc dealers in all kinds of sawed lutn ber. fhii.g!es, .nd square timber. Orders eolici fcdland. Aug. 19th, ISK3. R. LITCII'S M EDIC1 N tS. A fresh sup- ply of these invaluable Family Medicines reforsateby M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting ! i'jtn Cmn -; tifxioriuivf . ft great cure for colds ar.Jcuugh; ant AiUi-Vilioni Phytic. They have been thoroughly, tested in this community, and re highly appraTeg. Tbv tiikm. Vl'CTIt).M;Elt. The undersigned having ''btaim-d a liscence as auctioneer, would in tuitu the citizens of Clearfield county tnat he "ill attend to the calling of sales, in any part of 'f the euunty, whenever called upon. Charges. ler:ite. l'ost office address. Cash. Clearticid ft-wy. 'a JOHN F. LEE. A,ril 2. lt.C4-.i-3. T:(.S UK TL'iriON AS FOLLOWS : Coiiiuion English. (Oinprising those branches not higher !h:in. Reuding, Writing. Arirhmetie, tieogn.phy, English Urauiiuar and History, per quarter. S 0 00 Higher English Branches, 7 00 Languages. 10 00 CA KPET.'GS Now in store.a large stock of Velvet. Brussels. Three-Ply A Ingrain Car potings. Oil cloths. Window- Shades, etc.. etc., all of th) latest patterns and best fabrics; which will be sold at the lo-vest prices for cash. N. B. Some patterna-of my old stock still on hand ; will be sold at a bargain. J. T. DELACROIX No. 37 Soutli Pectiiid Street, above Chestnut, March Ib'Ci Philadelphia. For the Journal THE SAOEED FE01IISE. liY CAII10. Last Fall from his northern retreat, Old winter came wary and fleet ; ile smite all tho leaves of the trees, And cast them to earth as the lees Of the year, Whose hour of departure was near. Jle hardened tho earth which we tread ; On the beaut ies of summer he fed ; lie breathed on tho herbs and they died. And winds through the naked woods sighed Then a pall Jle threw over nature for Fall He tied up tho water and streams, And threw all aslant the bright beams ; He looked on the drippings at night, And icicles hung in the light, . Then in white He dressed tree, field, valley and bight. His dominion established at last, With fury he roso on the blast; A tyrant he grew with his age ; A war on the Spring seemed to wage ; Xor retreat, Tho' birds Spring's regal matins repeat. Fear not, tho? the winter rcigr-s lon ; The Promise of God is yet strong ; While the earth in his orbit wbeelsround, The seasons in turn shall be found, Heat and cold, Day and night, we shall kirow .is of old. April 14, 1804. Genesis 8-22. to 'TKMANNA. HOUSE. CITKWENS V 1 1,1, U.. NEW LANDLORD. The under signed having loused this largo and commodious Douse, is now prepared to entertain the traveling public He hopes by cartful attention to busi ness and by providing the best the country will n fiord, to be able to giviv satisfaction to the old customer? of the house, and to such other persons as mny sojourn -vita htm. W. W. WORRELL t'urensviiU, Msr. 2.I. ISf. l.-i!t pd. i l Cold county. the Orphan's Court of Clear Ihe undersigned, tin Auditor appointed by tho Court to make distribution of t.io moneys in the bands of the Administration arising f.om the sate of the re.tl ft:lto of L. il Carter, deceased, will attend to ihe duties of his appointment .n ftaturday. the 21st day of May, i jvm, uriween tne nours .r lu A. M ana 4 1. M at ttie utlice of II. 1, Mvoope, Esq, in the bor ough of Clearfield, when and where all persons iinoresi may nucna an be Heard. JAMES (JALLOWAY. April 20, 185i, Auditor. pVTOTICE. fn it iieid county. A'EW WXTCHSJF.WELRY STOKE. t The riidersigned having located in the bor ough of Clearfield, (at fa eh op formerly occupied 7 K clch as a jewelry shop.) is prepared to Wwrk ijf < V-in rr th mmf rp:inii!ihlii friii 'ue cash tho Orphan's Coart of Clear- The undersigned. Auditor appomtelby the Court to ascertain the liens and report distr bution of moneys arising from the salt of the real estate of John Young, deceased, now in the hands of the Administrator, will at tend to the dafios of his appointment on Fridav. the JOtu day of May next, between the hours of 10. A. 31., and 4 P. M..at the officeof U.B.Swoopo. Esq , in the borough of Clearfield, when and where all persons interested may attend and bo heard. , JAMES GALLOWA ir April 20. 1661. Auditor. Jl itivclv be expected when the i JeJTvereJ. He is confident that hecan- excelled by any workmen in townorcounty cut romeall totktSigil of the Bitf Watch 5jtrt9.X2 -ly-pd. S. II. LAUCHLfX. ilCT10NEF.lt. The undersigned having , .n Bioensed an Auctioneer, would inform Jl-ecitiietis of Clearfield county that he will at "nl to calling sates, in any part of the county. ,"eBver called upon. Charges moderate Address. JOHN MQUILKIN. "J H Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa. a. U. Persons calling sales without a proper li '"e are siihject to a penalty of S50, which prv -'in i'd be enforced against those who may vi ''e the jame. S Pittsburg Saw Works. IU BBAKDS AND LONG, . 4t,i1fac.arer4 of patent Ground Circulars f.ra'',t;d cast steel saws of every description : "uay, Cross-cut, Gang and all other varie AlIkin'M ?t knives nnd springs made from 'wtcan sie'iL Extra lefined Reaper and Mow J'i knives, Jte Particular attention paid to re juthmg, gumming inj straightening circular -o'lucr wim repairing oi an fcinus. r- BA.Mi NOTICE. Treasuev Department. ) Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Wasuingtos, March .3, 1354. ) Whekkas. by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that The fi.'st National Bank of Qnrwntsville, in the county of Clearfield, and State of Pennsylva nia, has been duly organized under and accord ing to the requirements of the act of Congress en titled -An act to provide a national currency se cured by a pledge of United States stocks and to provide for the cirenlation and redemption there of."' approved February 2;), LS63. and has com plied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the bu ciness of Dunking. Now TireitEKoi:fi, I, Hugh MeCullough. Comp troller of the currency, do hereby certify that The Firtt y iioitiil IJ.ini o f Vtiriceiisvitle, coun ty of Clearfield, and State of Pennsylvania, is au thorized to commence the business of Banking under the act aforesaid In Testimony whereof, witness "my hand and !- sent of office- this third day of March, fSEAL' ' nUGII McCULLOCH. KrJ Comptroller of tho currency. Cnrwensville, Pa., March 9, lS64-10t u-e and U". .rb. f v. nttsburg, Pa S. D. BOBBARD : and Short April 13,1804-Iyp : 8. A. LONG. li t t II T T.' . n,' m T T. . . T- T T T) Tt'll t,T. X A 11, A lih.11UC.UKAlI.li Ll St'UL'Ulir ITL'ti . . rr. T. k l 'I' 1 .... . ttid yJ,rc'''u"y informs the people of Clear- toon' boTe Ptnt and will sell individual, r d' r. ,0Wnship r'KhM for ita uso Tne ,nn 'tr Xl"!l Process is stronger, finishes bet drj j e,er on tools, and requires less time in infi, f ton ny other proccsa known, drying 1 r ?r Pe"Vtly in SB hours better than - ...mo uuue rniount of fuel using the tottSum , iuoi per any loai s common Klin dotm k certificate of a number of resi nar.i. iric weI1 knwn'n ths community is iuntiiU to eonViBC the most sceptical of Kl.lv- I'ersons desirous of purchasing rights iMi'.tn - JOHN L. CUTTLE, 2. i?tis . Cearfield. Penn'a. I CST RECEIVED ATfi?;? 9 AAlJLE'S SV-s CHEAP. JEWELRY STOKE. fUJtSSi Graham's Row.Clearf.eld. Pa., a fine assortment of WATCHES JEWELRY, tc, Ac., to which we in vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es. to be had at NAUGLE'S. The American Lever of different qualities, can be bad at A'AUGLE'S. Pine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La va, Jett, Carbuncle, Gurnett, Opal, Florentine Mo saio, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings, Ac., or single pieces at NAUGLK'S. Plain gold Breast pins, Ear drops, Hoop Ear rings, children's eardropsandringsat . NAUGLE'S. Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUGLE'S. . Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob buckles and guard Blides at - NAUGLE'S. A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ ent styles and quality, gold lookeU. coral nockla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and ail articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and fancy Time-pieces, from 1,23 to 16 dollars at JNAUGLE'S. Old Gold and Silver will be taken io exchange for good at - NAUGLE'S. . Ah goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney ret unded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your watches put in good repair , and warranted, take tbm to NAUGLE'S. A Question for the Copperheads. It i.s now fairly admitted that the copper head oriraus and orators in the urth. rnn- triLuteU a large, ii not the very largest .share or me innueuee winch lias brought about the i i.i i n- ii u:vc-iiuiueib jeuemon. ror twenlj' years incessantly, ana lur the past lour years per sistently ana uiu-eny, the elements wine now constitute coppcrheadism laborua eonvnice the feoutu that tiie Ai.jlition senti ments then expressed by a iew hasty .North era agiuuors, wore traught with the nio lrightlul consejuences to tne slave States. Abolitionism, as it was preached in the ortn, according to the interpolation of the conr.erneaa Mess, miwieJ ail that v:ix H- in morals, impious in religion, and traitor oua in jjuiiucs. dieting on tne conviction aenveU irom sucii authorities, die people of the South, the slave drivers and br..-d..rs encouraged by the speeches of the Northern ana Southern representatives of the factions emnracea within the organization of the j-emoeratic party, prepared to resist th juuiiur-ui ui me ijiiiiea states. Let it 1... ....... . ! 1 Al . i uv; jcuieiiiuereu, mat at, tne voiy moment when these traitors toon; tho held to rc-i 1 , : 1 . i . .i , i i no niuo'iai auinomy, t:iey haa jio.sscssion oi an tne positions involving an exercise of power in the Government, and when thev struck to destroy the Union, they claimed rnat both the Lonstitution and the law were iairly committed tf the protection o sla very, llence, this mighty rebellion to do tv,. ... I..,..;;,! i ' i Buj iuio rjju.nuiu u u ei inaciit,, tins i'Oie, mis .ioi-j aim iae ue;ieracU.r ot the world. was brought about because the slave-holders were led to believe by the Democracy and the copperheads, that a few mad fanatic 1.1. ..ll.lL.a T l'i . men canea ireeaora shnekers, were bent on abolishing slavery m the South. Tlie South believed the monstrositv. and 1 ii!iiri? every slave State turned in fury to rend the Union and destroy the Government. JS'ow Arhat have these Democratic leaders nml the traitor slave-holders '-.ilripd I v tb.f..". m. lelliun ? They rebelled" to secure what the-cailed the political iranchise and nu merical increase of slavery, as these wn menaced b abolitionism, and in doimr this these what have tne slave-holders gained ? If Democratic leaders were honest t hey would enlighten the slave-holders, and it'fbo iJ.-ivc- holders themselves were candid thev vimld confess that their efforts to hiv," d;ivrrv have cost the life not only of that institution, but of the Democratic t.artv itself. Armli- tionism has now become a "nationality ! It is no longer the dream of a few warni-liMrf- ed and hot-headed fanatics. It is the hope of the nation ! The day-star cf the world ' In the very locality where it was once most. odious, it isiow most popular. But why do not the copperhead organs confess these facts ? Why do they not inform their read ers that such men as Gov. Andy Johnson, Senator Jleverdv Johnson, the rebel Gen eral Gantt, the tearless Parson Brownlow, Ben Butler, and a host of other ' Democrats either once defenders of slavery or now slave-holders, are now the fearless advocates of Abolitionism, and swear by the Consti tution and the- Union, that sl.-ivervirmvr, Hip ' Thus the only advocates Jof slavery left in this country, are either those m arms for the destruction of the Union, or those who secretly sympathize with these efforts. Will the copperheads crack this nut ? Harris Lury Telegraph. Anecdote of Gen. McClellan. Col. Metcalf, of Kentucky, made u radi cal Union speech at a public meeting a "few days since at which he related an anecdote of Gen. McClellan, showing how he regar ded the rebel leaders. He says : "I got my eyes opened on that3'oung Na poleon in the spring of 18G1. I went to see Gen. McClellan and in the course of the conversation I said to him that Jeff. Davis was a scoundrel and repudiator. He (Mc Clellan) straightened liimself up quickly and said : "I do assure you, sir, that yoji are mistaken. Jeff. Davis is a perfect gen tleman, and will no anything unbecoming a gentleman." Well, if a traitor,conspirator, thief, repudiator, and civ il devil, who is insti gating all this murder is his beau ideal of a '....... . 1 IT V i. jicurci gtuiueuiaii, x iivy our uuuuiiy may never be cursed with his standard oi mor ality and virtue at the head of affairs.." The Emperor of Austria has just subscrib ed the sum of five hundred florins towards a statue to Hayden. , Patrioism dwells in wise heads ; toryisni in copperheads. THE GREAT BATTLE - CONNECTED ACCOUNT. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS. .y ' SUCCESS OF OUR ABMY. Friday, May C, 9 i m. Ni-ht ha.? ius put. an end to another struggle between the ii my or tne l otomaeand the whole of Lee's iorces, much uioresevpifi. nrr.tr-i.-.fn,! n,i tended than that of Thursday, but hardly with any more decisive results. The battle was oneneil nt A so , 1 . . j. i - -ili. , UJ clU iinacii Oi the enemy m great force on our right and center, by Picket's division. A portion of niigncs umsion, ot Sedgwick s corps, and jj, Part of V arren's division became cngatrcd. Ihe attack was sueeessf'nllv rnil..l ",.,ri the enemy forced back by an advance of our iorf- Aliout six o'clock a. in., Major Gen- eiai Jiancoch. advanced with his own corns ouu me troops rnat had been sent to Jus as HistaiKe from the center and mht on Thurs daj' evening. After an obstinate contest of an hour s duration, he succeeded in driving the rebels from their breastworks, forciir' uuiii i.iich. on uatn sides ol the Uramro and uancehorsville plank roads, to a point with in two miles and a half of Parker's store In l.Ii ..1.. . 1 T 1 . . j-w lino aumiiwj .seerai nunared prisoners eie laxen oy our troops. At halt-past eight o'clock, an advance was made by our right and centre. They moved with the rignt rorward tor about a juarter of. a mile uuuer a Miower ot hre from the enemy, when they were brought to a stop by a marsh in tervening between them and the enemy's euireiicnea position on a high ndgc: Find ing it impossible to push across it, thev fell uciciv lu tneir iormer position. Another at tempt to drive the enemy from the ridge was made from this, part of our line about half-past tenv but it also failed. Gen. Burn side expected to have his command in posi tion on the light of Hancock by daybreak, and join the advance of the latter, but it was now noon, and before he was able to place his troops where they were wanted, the en emy perceiving the exposure of Gen. Han cocks position, in consequence of this fail ure, immediately abandoned the hope of ma king an impression on our right, after the repulse early in the morning. We had been harrassing their forces all the forenoon in front of Hancock and about eleven nVlo L- they made a furious assault upon all points i,; i ri'i u l i:. . 1 Oi ji ms iiim. j. iiu reuei nue outreacnea nan cock's left and brought them around his left liank. Lol. r rank s brigade of Barlow's di vision, was thrown bade in enn fusion iinnn , . ... nis une, causing a break mil retreat toward, mo uiau tiiciciiciieu iiosiiion. anno- rno Jirooii road. I lie centre ai,l riIit. of M i: i u .. . -.i . mic, aiao utaoie to -Witnstaiui the vigorous ittaek of tho muchstronaereiiemv.likewi.se iCii bacK to the iirook ro.!. (ion. U ads worth, while riding in front of Lis Division. trying to keen his linesteadv. was struelt bv . i it . .. - . i , ,. ,.' '. . v a ounet in tne Head, anulcil, it is supposed, mortaiiy wounded into the hands oi the en emy. the attack ot the eneniv was cheek ed by a vigorous defence of our entrenched line. I hey lull back about 121 oVln.-k- Our loss in-this hot contest was vi-rv i'r;it. As soon as the efforts of the enemy to over whelm our loft were discovered, a concentra tion of our own troops on that part of the line was ordered. About the time the ene my abandoned the attack on the left, Gen. Bui nside had succeeded in placing all of us 1-roops in position, thereby .securing a continuous formation of our battle front. At about half oast four, the enemv return ed to the attack on our left, now supported on its right by Burn.,ide. Their attacking forces consisted of the command of Long- street, which, it was ascertained by intercep ted uispatches, arrived on the ground from Urantre Court liouse oulv in the movnimr. and 'Hill's corns. Thev struck theJefV. which had again advanced some distance on the left center, with great vigor, and forced it again back" to the Brook road. IS loft's di vision lell back in contusion. The attack of the enemv extended to the n.".rt nf tho leld by Burns-ide's division, and Crawford's liviciou. of Warren's corns, that vested on tho former's left. Steven's division that was next to Hancock s right, gave way con- xuseaiy, compelling the remainder of the left center to fall back some distance. ( Vnw- ford's division suffered .severely : one of its regiments, the 7th Pennsylvania Reserves, was captured almost in a body. The army succeeded in erecting breastworks! and there was imminent danger of a general break;but Gen. Hancock ordered Col. Carroll's brigade to torin at right angles with his line, and sweep the whole front of it, so as to take the enemy by the flank.- This movement was well executed, and resulted in the re pulse of the enemy with great slaughter. After this repulse the enemy did not disturb the lelt any iurther. Perfect quiet prevail ed in front of our center and right through the whole of the afternoon. Towards dark r owever, the enemy having again shifted from their right to their, left suddenly fell upon the extreme right of our riixht. It con sisted of Milroy's old brigade, whose com mand had been assumed only the night be fore by Brig. Gen. Seymour. Our men were engaged in throwing up entrenchments at the time. The enemy managed to rush upon them before they had time to form, and almost the whole brigade was swallowed up by the rebel line; part of Shaler's brigade, on Seymour's left, shared the same fate of the latter. Both these Generals were captured. This successful flanking move- abandoned the ground they had gained du ring the night. Our right was contracted and strongly entrenched before mominc. V th .t,11 last attack of the enemy uinm bedgwick s right the battle ceased. That General G rant can lay claim to a success over Ins-adversary will be evident to the public, when it will learn in a day or two of the ul timate object of the movement of our army, which will be realized notwithstanding the desperate interference of the enemy. The nature of the irround rendered th. erm.lov- ment of artillery almost entirely impractica ble, thereby depriving d;r army of the ad vantage of our great superiority'in this arm. Hardly half a dozen pieces were brought to play on our side. . " . Saturday, May 7. Our line to-day is the fame as oh yesterday, with the exception ot a concentration on the mht. Vigorous tkirtnishing took place at different points of the line during the day, but no serious de monstration had 'ocimi made by either side. Towards noon our skirmishers .i,kimf..1 un.l discovered that the enemy had retreated troin their line last night. It is U-lieved at headiiuarters that thev were witJi.h iwMi from our fron t. The Cavalry Corps, like the Infantry, has done its share of hard hting. the three Divisions h:v Wn ment" threatened great peril to the whole ar my, but Gen. Sedgwick succeeded, by per sonal exposure and enertretie efforts of him self and staff, in confining the rout to his extreme richt. There was trrave annrehen- sions at general headquarters, that this sue-- cess might enable the enemy to strike our rear, and orders" were issued for a change of position durimrthenicrht. The enemv.how" ever, did not follow up their advantage, but coveungtne various roads eaiimy room- rear form Fredericks! urL' nnd below. Thev have Stuart's Cavalry almost dailv. with success, losing up to the present time a to tal of about one hundred killed and S(K) wounded. I be losses of the infantry and artillery, during the last three days, are es timated til twelve thousand-fifteen hrmdrod killed, eight thousand wounded and the remainder inis-imr. Ol these the Second Corps loses about five thousand, the Fifth and Sixth about three thousand each, and lurnside s s'Ven hundred. There is an no ,.-..n.- i - x. . -r i i ,i usudiiv iare numoer oi sugntiy wounded a- mong the casualties. The loss of officer! especially field officers, is extraordinarily irge. . SUNDAY, MAY 8. Gen. Grants head ouarte'rs is at Pi nev Creek Church, siv niiies south tit ChaneellersviiJe.to-dav. The whole army moved out of the ilderiiess last night, and will be encamped to the rirdit and left of Spottsylvania Court House to night. Uur cavalry, in coverihe the ad ance of the armv. encountered monntrd lorces ot the enemy on several roads, and kirmished Mth them all day, dnvini? them steadily. 1 he advanced, of the army South- w.-iiu win continue ro-morrow. mere is no sign of t tie main rvbel army, either on our ank or lront. Our wounded am com fin- n - bly quartered m f redencks urg under am pie protection. Ail the Western regiments m tne Army ot the I'ofomac were encaged 1 , 1 1 ii mi . , v ' ' in last weeK s patties. Ihe 14tli and 20th Indiana suffered very severely, tlte latter I t TI 1 - -. " . losing us, Kuiect and wounded, inclnding 6 oiT.i'ors. Col. Lacy, of the 20th Mavs. , was wounded, t .en. Jjee, in his official reports says that his losses in killed and wounded have nob been heavy, hut that he lias a large number of wounded, most of them slightly so. IIS makes no mention of his looses or captures of prisoners, and gives no indication either or retreat or ot any inten tion to renew the engagement. Monday, iay 0. .No movement of the army was intended to be made on Monday. but a brief period of rest given to the army, aiter tneir noavy. labors during the past week. Ail was very quiet along the lines till late in the afternoon. (Jen. Burnside began the attack on the lctt with great fury, ana witn an encouraging uotrree or success. It was thought the enemv were mubablv lawing imcK, or that had already gone to Richmond to meet (Jen. Smith! who w;is reported as being close to that place, -and therefore a move forward along the entire a . -i . . , i nne was uetermined on and commenced at o - o.clock the right consisting' of Rimey and Gibbons' divisions of the 2d corps, and Carroll's brigade on the left, joining War ren, the latter being in the Centre, with the 0th corps on the left. The right crossed a oranc-n oi tne i"o, and charged on a hr ht- hor.-e battery, which was posted to cover a small bridge, but which was quickly li mitr ed up and started off the skirmishers sup porting it also retreating. In front f t Gen eral Warren, and on the left of Genera! Han cock, quite a lively engagement ensued, the shells and round shot from one of the ene my's batteries placed in the woods coming in rather close proximity to some lookers on in an open field in the rear of (Jen. Warren's headquarters, caused a stampede of the crowd. The enemy were driven back about three-fourths of a mile, and at dark the fir ing ceased. A few prisoners were caitiircd They belong to Wilcox's division of Hill's corp.s. It is believed, however, that Long street's corps was the only one in our front, ana mat ne was left there to impede our progress as much as posible, while Lee was attending to Gen. Biddy Smith. At alout 11 o'clock at night the rebels in front, of Gen Warren's corps made an assault on a line of rifle-pits hastily constructed. Our men gave them a rally and fell back f r the pur pose of drawing them on to a second line. The ruse was successful, and as the rebels advanced they were received bv a destruc tive fire, which drove them back in disor der : but finding our men still retiring, thev followed up, and after a charge on the third 1" ll ! .1 nne me wnoie ot our una gave tnem such a raking fire as to almost demolish them ; and springing after them, charged and drove them back in utter disorder. Their loss was very heavy, while onr. own was light We took a number of prisoners. General Sedg wick was shot through the head on Monday morning whilst superintending the mount ing of some heavy guns in anan?le the mon had just prepared- There was no skirmish ing at the time, put occasionally a. sharp snooter sent a ballet in that direction which caused the cannoniers to wince and dodr-e. General Sedgwick was near bv with some of his staff, and twitted the men about their nervousness. Pooh, man! you cant nit an elephant at that distance!"' Immediate ly after the brdl struck him, and the blood began to ooze from his nostrils. He smiled serenely and fell dead in the arms his assis tant adjutant general. On Monday Alt n. Lotigstreet's command was moved dowu le vond the Wilderness to secure what the liebels deemed nirre favorable ground about Sjiottsylvania. Here the ground is von' much broken up, and is geuerally covered with dense patches of chinquapin bushes, through which our troops have to move! An.nery lias not been used extensively on either side, and the losses have not been very heavy during the past few days.. (Jen aral I:o s entire army is now known to Le in our front, and will deliver battle conlinu a'ly until utterly defeated. Ourarmvcould not Ik? m a more cheerful condition. Every man is sanguine of success, and they count the days when they t-hall in triumph enter the rebel capital. General Lee lately issued an order m relation to supplies, in which he said the ommunieation with Bichmond was cut off. General Lee enjoined upon his men the neoes lty of capl tiring-supplies irom the lankees. Cp to this moment they have tailed to capture a single wagon. Ti fpay, May io. Gen. Grant moved on the enemy s works at Spottsylvania Court liouse on Tuesday morning. The battle was chiefly with artillery, and was very se vere our forces advancing steadily, ami gain lugUietnemy'sgrGiuid permanently. Gener al Grant s despatches are exceedingly cheer I ul ; he could not e more sanguine of the result if lie had Ilichmond in his possession lie is clearly master of the situation. Gen. Kobmson s division was in advance on the Spottsylvania road from Todd's Tavern.and drove the enemy six miles, carrying two po sitions which they had advanced to hold. Oil reaching a cross road they made a stand behind a tiiorary breastwork of rails and f rees, and were massed in strong force, the greater jiortion being hid from view by a dense woods. An attempt waa made by two brigades to cany the position, bdt failed, when Gen. Kobinson rode iif front of his men and said" the place niust be ours, asking the men to follow him. -They replied with loud checrs.and falling into line rushed to t!ie attack in fin. Ktvl A w. ;i.u fire of musketry met them m the face, and Gen. Iiobinson beiri!? wounded ami norf, n e to keep his seat in the saddle, the column was forced to fallback, the whole affair cost ing us about three hundred mcu and the loss of the services of one of the ablest generals in the armv. J he l Vnnsv vnm-i Konr,, f, ,1-, . Av.n.! I'.rw.iri 4 I. '.I t,. 1 ... met t he same fate, and the attempt was a-bandonc-d forthenight. General Grant ha sis a matter of course, changed his b:uc, and in doing so, lias been ohlk'.'.l to mat., .,..h a disposition of some of his iorces as would give protection to his trains i feucli movements might be interpreted by some wiseacres as falling back, when noth ing of the kind has tnk II lll.l.'C !.W, -ol Grant has set his face toward Bichniond, and all the Bebel armies of Jeff! Davis can not acter him irom Ins purpose. He has fought 1a!0 out of his so-called imiencti .-'bk mtreiit hmcnts on the K.-inid n. fonol.f through that dark vallev of thn mIiu.I. r.v death, the AVildemess, and pursued him in t his present well selected position at Spottsylvania Court House, and yesterday, without giving Lee breathing time, General Grant moved his viotoi the Kelie! works. The latest dispatches received from fi (irant at headquarters represent everything encouraging. A dispath w;is received by Gen. Ingals, dated at ten o'clock, a m Tuesday, which says: W arc fighting now, and have lieen all day. We are entii-clv no. stating all of Lee's well eonnectel plans, and are steadily driving him befijre us.' Our losses have been heavy, but the rebel loss outnumbers ours. Another rener-d -if. tack will take place at 5 o'clock this after noon. The world has never heard of war In-fore, and the battle-fields of h days defy description. Trom North Carolina. .. NeWIJERNE. N. (1. M:iv 7 -b Tl,..-.-. day, tJiO iiAk intant. atlialf-nrrtno..i.L p. m., the Ikcbel ram AVnim-l o,.. nied by its sate lite, the tho gunboat Jioiulzfall, captured by t hem at .Plymouth, aj.peared at the mouth of the Roanoke Biver. The "imluvif ,!,. WhUrhcul, Ceres, and Ciimmrn1nre Hull were lying close to the river in the Sound. On perceiving that the rain designed to en ter the Sound, they made off, as if fearful of an encounter, but only anxious in draw th e ram into the Sound. The ram ami !nr followers pursued for about twelve mile.-, when the gunboats Sushis-hs, Wyihusij and Mniiihestit (double enders) appeared.' Our gunlKiats, seven in numlierininiedintn". ly opened fire, and a terrific engagement on- sued. J he f titton l out made her escape, while the ramV-trcated up the Sound slow ly and steadily, firing -rapidly. The gunboat rC 'T, waa rctaken with all on board, i he bisacv having an iron prow, ran at hill speed upon the ram, striking it abaft, the center, but apparently inflicting no in jury. I he Sasmcus had her forward rud der knocked off, and was obliged to retire, closely pursued by the guuboatsi. The ram, under cover of the darkness, succeeded irt entering the Uoanoke river again, where our gunboats could not follow. The ram has not been seen since the engagement. "Harry, did you ask Hicks for that inon' cy?" "Yes." "What did he say?" "Nothing ; he just kicked me into the road That's all he Kiid." . At a recent sale of autographs in London four letters of Washington one written in 1788, in favor of a Union of the States brought $90,56. They have in London a home for loft and starving dogs, -v .