gaftemato journal CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY 11, 1 864! Vendue. The sale of the personal prop erty of George Wilson will take place ou Thursday the 12th of May, iof-tead of Fri day the 13th. aa heretofore advertised. To Corses posdents. We will once more say to correspondents, that we cannot give their productions room in our columns, unless accompanied by the projer names ot the writers. We require the name, not lor publication, Lutito prevent lemg imposed up on, and ad a guaranty that their articles are original. If an article is selected, let the wri ter mark it as ich, and not endeavor to palm off for original, uudcur an assumed sig nature, that which he has not the ability to compare- We are at ail tjuies pleased to hear from our friends on misnvdlaneous SUV jects, and will give place to tlivir coniniuni cations whenever practicable reserving the right to judge of their merit and utility, for Eublication. Corresjondents should be rief as possible, write plain, arid punctuate well ; for by doing bo they will save them selves and ua much annoyance. Persons seudinif us accounts of aecidents and incidents, occurring in their neighbor-J hood, are uot expected to adhere strictly to what we have said above. Give the daie, place of occurrence, name of person, tho ex tent of injury, and how it happened, etc., f-nl we will put it in propershape ; but don't forget your own signature otherwise it will not he noticed. M. D. Li of Kersey You state the time correctly. A brief communication, occa sionally, will be acceptable. The weather has b-?i v ' f e- wan a and pleasant darnitfilns pudt " v"cf k., and vegetation is ad vaueio rapidly. If yoft lesire to pnvchrtse goods, goto Win. I Irvin's store, where a new sUvk m just been opened, and is seniii at mode-rate prices. A. 31. lliils desire to inform his patrons tlmt-he will tie absent from his office, until about the 15th or 20th of this month, after which time lie will be found at his office in his new residence on the old cor ner. ihay4-2t-pcL Mail Letting. Below we give the suc cf sctul bids, for the peroral mail routes in this county, as announced by the Post office Department. 250 Krom Uellefcnte to Karthaiia, to James UzzellS ). 11510 From Philipsburg to Kylertowu,to li. K. Xeiisou, 1 25S5 From Tyrone to Clearfield, to Charte 1L Poster. Cur ail at Philipsburg, at 5Si) per annum'. IeJuct when mail is put ou rou.e. 2049 From Indiana to Curwensville, to araiic-l Way. $.650. - V.fS From Loretto to Smith's Mills, to Philip Hertchf, $2iX. 2G53 From' Ebeiisbifr to Newman's Milk to J. K. Dalviu. $480. I'Wl From Clearfield to Clarion, to K. G. Tavlor, $2,910. . 2502 Frew Cleai field tc Kidsrway, to 12. J. Kcuid Sis?,. to Part Lick, to 2003 Frcin Clearfield r, rrr - . - j jjtin ii. uarruner, m;mj. 2004 From' Clearfield to .Jeffries, to Mar tin Nichols, $20,A 20.65 From CirwenVilhs to Anso:frlI!e, to A. 31. Read, $110. 2006 Frcia Curwensville to Lumber cltv, U A. M. KeeJ. $125. 2007 From Luthersbiirfc to ntiekaburt-, to P. Henrv, $1,2. - . 2C6S Frbw Netf Wafenia'ori to Pun'x Mitawney. to J. Hutchison $243. , 2009 From Ansou'rillc to East Ridge. Toy high : offer $175. ; 2670 From Woodland to Grahauiton. 2x"o bid. . 2741 From Caledonia; to' Rarthaus, to Mkhael Mullen, 8270.' Watch Presentation Capt. Patten; f or the Kaftssean's' Jo'irca!. On the ercning of the Jst of 'April. 1864, &f MarrinsburfV V'a. . the em ploees of ('apt. ii. D. Patton. A. Q. M., presented! him nth a spk-ndid gold watch and chain, val- led at $300, and bearing the fol owiin tio'n '"Presented to Capt. II. I). enption- owmg ; in- Fat The Tors Pillow Massacre. Tlie Committee toinycslijrtto the Fort Pillow butchery have takm 57 depositions, which more .than con firmtLe newspaper accnurts o.'the masscere. Among tbr: -yitnesses who were examined is the negro who was buried alive. . There is no doubt of the fact th,"t one or more persons wore nailed through their ilesh to pieces of wood, and then burnt alive. Not only on the day of the surrender were such fiendish acts perpetrated, but. on the next i lav, in cwM blood. ; Evidence of the atrocious black flag character of vjct-nt rebel victo ries ii accumulating.' Mr. Blow, Henreseritative from Missouri, lias a letter from K. S. Critchell, Act ing Master's Mate of the steamer Culver Cloud, which stopped at Port Pillow the .lay following the butch ery. This let ter confirms the worst that has tieen told. The writer says: "I saw several colored- sol diers of the tkh U. 8. Artillery with their e;es punched out with bayo nets ; many of them were shot twice and bayoneted also. Going up into the fort, 1 saw three bodies partial ly consumed by fire, whether burn ed before or after death I cannot say: anyway, there were several companies of Ilebels in the fort while these bodies were burning, and they could have pulled them out of the fire had they chosen to d . One of the nounded negroes toll me that he hadjrtuonea thini, and when the rebels drove our men ou. of the fort thev (our men ) threw away their puns and cried out that they surrendered ' hut the Ilebels kept on shooting them down until tiiey fcnot an L-ut a tew. lmsi what they all sav." The writer a Ids t hat "t he Ke bels burned some of'tLe white dead." In addition to this, we Lave the accounts that in a little victory o- ver our pickets at iNickaiak, atter they were captured,those who could not march last enough to suit the Ilebels were shot or stabbed to death and r heir rnickets emptied and the clothing stipped off their warm bo dies by "our .Souther brethren." The details of these massacres is e nough to appal the. coldest heart. What measure should be meted out to these offenders ? HARRIED. ' , On Sunday, May 1st, by D.' S. j 100 M-ore, Esq., Mr. Nathan C. 260 Parwell, to Miss LyeIia Addle- t vv, both or .Lumber city, Clear field county. ' At Glenhope, M'av 4tli, V864. bv T. W. VVrisht, 1, Mr. W-M. llEVEULV, of Jfeeiaria tp., to Miss Margaret Troxel, of Cambria county, Pa. ... On the 5th inst. by the Rev. L4 M. Gardner, Mr. James C. Bi.oo.vr, of Eloomingville, to Miss Eliza beth IIile, of Clearfield Co., Pa. The House, on May 3d, passed unanimously a bill for the increase of the pay of soldiers in' the ar mies of the United States. The pay of privates is raised from $13 to $ 1 6 a month. 427 410' 49 404 404 404 219 408 87 95 76 SALE jtore OF .SKATED LAJiDS TAXES. Id pur?uaiict of the provisions of ao Act of Assembly, passed th3 2ittli day of April, A. D. 1844, to provide for th collection of taxes on hinds wherever no personal property can be iound,and where the owner neg- leets or refuses to pay the taxes assessed. I .will ex none to ale at the court house la VlearncUl. ou tb necond Monday in June, A.D.. 1SP4, (being the 13th day,) the foliowinrg pieces -of. land in Clear field county, on which, the. taxes for 1863, and previous years, are unpaid : JBECCAKIA TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees &c. Taxes RabsoD & Albert, , 2S 11 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. ; Miller James Est. 4 37 BRADFORD TOWNSirfP. Ac. 225 33 S40 1(.M) 02 Ad Gray, Joseph . Maintjs, Jas. A. BRADY TOWXSHIP. Ellinger, G. (heirs) Gelnet, Jacob H&Lot Low is. Wm. 1 8 o 10 13 eo U 02 5 3 266 6Q 100 soo: No.' 5926 3518 100 1.35, 100 7S 5 84 "Q0 100 50 John Madley Hannah Stewart, . 6 90 Jamn WUHanu. Packer & Dhass, 85 88 Thoma Beers. Jonas Stinehieser, 14 80 Waple. William Morris, 28 30 Ftther &r MitU. Barbara Snyder, 5 04 Joh n Patton . -BUir McLanahan, 27 86 Thos. L Moore, 27 86 Mary Morris, 27 86 . Wm. II.Jons. Charles Crawford, 15 12 II. S. Urian. IJ. S. Drinfcer, 20 70 Calvin Sr L Shaio. John E. Shaw, 5 19 Wm. A. Wallace.. Joseph Ball, 27 54 Wm. Wilson, 6 90 John Kephart, 3 46 James & D Mease, 20 70 Ac' 433 108 433 7 50 24 100 50 FERGUSON TO WNSHIP. Per. Warrantee, etc. Taxes John Patching Estate. 153 Daniel Turner A. Moon. Matthias Slough, Chart fs Houston. 153 George Ross., $41 48 12 80 50 3S Lewis Jordan, 8 9 Hiram Passmore, 5 3 Uenrr Swan, 3 72 John P. Hot t, 13 58 Benj. Hartshorn, H 63 Taxes 63 . BtttOM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes ttacv ir Simon Thompson. ' 350 . Nicklin Griffith, 49 10 M. Sr W. P. Fa! ton. 322 J. W. Smith, 15 08 Tichr.miah Shaw. . Jacob Bilger. 14 03 S. Kirk 4 Whitmor,2t 05 John Seyler, 14 03 Keeper 4 Ilart'ock 10 4 Fen ton & Spencer, 1 42 Levi Cleaver, 15 70 Milegan 65 45 Henry Sbafer, 14 03 Q. It. Reed, r 03 FOX TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. J.G. Uartswitt 4161 495 Jam Wilson wl, 23 m. l ams 4183 - 350 J. Wilson. (middle.)26 33 4275 990 James Wilson, 47 23 Z. Preston. 4271 495 James Wilson . 2!t John C. French. 4271 495 J. "Wilson, W. pt.,) 23 63 Spencer if Spiltr, 4399 372 . James Wilson, 23 3 Atex Vtal. 4340 183 Jamea W ilson, 17 92 Tn"a Mcljrt. J0O JottH. JutMs; , 18 36 Stronger V &. 91 135 Wm. Jobnaou, 6 40 KAKTHAtTS TOWNSHIP. No. Ae. Per. Warrnees eto. Taxes Frtdfirha Knrtfi3us. 3 900 600 Morris Stewart, 90 69 IMP. 77 Mnrrij & fewart.l21 64 ! 194 3 507 Morris Ftewart. 80 15 1093 209 Morris A Stewart, 31 63 j Lreort Vaur.. l44 t.J.1 So Morris A Stewart, Z9 90 Devisee of John White JEsj. 1093 79 Charles Willink, 6 97 1023 S3 Charles Willink. 12 2 34S3 ) 3475 63S 147 Charles Willink, 58 00 Statistics of Miscege nation. Th?re were .411.013 ves id the bonth m itMtktto I860, of Wiiom 6'X97) were in Virginia. 43. 2S1 in Ketjt.ucky, anl 3T,.yo in (reofgia.- Xhcse nu;itbers are con eiJeribfy boyo'jxl tUo loitimate proi.en ion of those S fates.' There wcr al. 170,73'J fae i-Vuls'tt6' in the United Sutes hi of w&'om 10(5,770 lx;3onjFel to the South. and 69. to the Free States. Of the BURNS IDE TOWNSHIP, 1001 Hollis, Dvid 5.03 TOO ' Dow ler. James 5 03 CHEST TOWNSHIP. 50 Wallace. John . 7 05 FERGUSON" TOWNSHIP 60 Records. John . 7 75 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP 128 Mead. James A- 9 86 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. 10 McGuire, James 3 34 49 Stone. Thomas . 6 T8 KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP 50 Perkin, George 2 88 KNOX TOWNSHIP. 60 Senate, Charles Est. MORRIS TOWNSHIP 83 Wells, John WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. 3') Rowles, Price A. 1 189 Wilson, Isaaa 7 100 Stott. Mark 4 58 C. KRATZEKTreas'r. Clearfield, March 30, 1864. 7 65 4 73 37 J,iu-J, A. Q. M., by his employcei as a ilirrht free i'uHr.roei,' Virsriuia contairxnl iOA-en oz c-.sretm. April in, l.v04. The preenta ion was made by one of the ehrki in hi .4 employ, in a ueat audf appro priate speech, to whicli the Captain re.fnn diViu the foiio trine teh'citious remarks: 'iKNTI.KMAS : Vour generosity has not only .'Ur ri-i?d mv feeling.-i, hiit has taleii rae by aauh. f have not at eom'niaad. tin- usual defence, a ready-riiade speech : I tianjt uulce a spjeih ; I n'erer tu'id j a Sj-i-ch in liiy life ; yet I cannot allow thia AVi-nin -one ot tne most nappy and upex j p-do j of any in my life, fo pass without nankins each and nil of vo'u. for this olit teftimonial of yoor esteeni and to a-vojieyou that the gratitude iny heart ..' 1 am wholly unable to erpress iri'word, i i-ha!l wear the watch arid chain with feel- ui pleasure, ana ever noia dear the Bitiunry of the doners. That's all !" Iheafii nr DHsaed off with a dpsl of nli-"asnnf.rr aal good feeling. Yours truly, . T.. K. K. Mauinsburg, West Va., April 11, 1864. The Belief for Soldiers. Thq following letter, shows that the efforts tadt by the loyal ladies of theKorth topro- for the wants of sick, wounded, and ptured iwldiers, are net in vain. We think it may have the effect of stimulating thein c renewed efforts of the saniekind, espeial h in view of the fact that a great battle is now progressing. We eofciuiecd tEe example of the loyal Curwensville ladies," to our fair toenua everywhere as eminently Worthy of citation. Corev, Wyandot CotNTr, Onio, v April 22d; 1864. j Jame Iavi.v ; President of Curwena ville Ladies Soldiers'- Relief Society : . Madak: I was a prisoner, of war bibby prison, from June 15th, 1863, to -;iarch 21st, 1864. During that time our -wernmect sk! Sanitary Commission sent age amount of clothing and other stores w Richmond, for our prisoners th5re. The wntederate aut&brities appointed a com mi'tee to distribute those articles. I was paeofthat committee, and while discharg f my duties as suchy I came across a large of sundries from the Ladies Soldiers' jjeuei bociety 6f Cui-wensyille ; which I had e Pleasure ot distributing among the men, that time (January) sick in General Hos- it i!0 " e ar'c-'ea eJ"e received jwtaanktul hearts..I assure you, and did r- The poor suffering men' seemed to gk that their Idn3 friends in the North ?J entirely forgotten' them.' Present nd thanks to the.' Ladies pt your Soci K rnr iaTor7 thti's rendered to our riee- , en' confined within the enemy's lines. Mt Respectfully your friend, J. W. CnAMBERLlN. : . Capt 123d, O. Vol. vrhicK Ruiijoi'r aidoU-d to hr j uiu.ittoe.s makes a total of i'ibceger.atcd population of ller ii!i;.;.i:p staves iilor.e exoeedtsd the uytzi number of luolaitoes in t be free States. The whole num ber cf 5i:'uIi.ttoe5..nuve and free, in the Unk;n, in 18V3, was 58.3.2.of vhctu i.96.'. JK-loiiped to the fre St?ie.-, a'n'I 51S,3S3' to the Slave Staies a ntintber irreater than the j-comLir.ed v- h:te population of Ar- Eanj-xi, Delaware and l'lorida grcatr than the white population of -larylanu alrhbst ttrice as r'r$a"t as laatoi ioutn iaroii"-t,anu twice asjr:eat as ne coiiiLined popula tiofis of Iclawan' and Florida. The nivteiio population of Yersin ia sil'jua exceeds the number uhitcis in Delaware or Florida. of A 1 1 n . a uispatcn irom Baltimore says tuat on Jlomlay morning, a week, 34 parsled Union officers and 364 private prisoners arrived at Anap olis from Richmond.' ?uch was the condition of the latter that ev en man of them was admitted to the hospital. One hundred find fif ty of thttu had to be carried froui the boat oh Itretehers and cars, Their looks and words abundantly testily that their luiserabJe coudi tion has been produced by starva: tion, ana manv are. unuoubtedlv pa,st the reach of liibdicine or nour lahment.. The Austrian Military Gazette announces that the Emperor Fran cis Jot:ph has allowed the forma tion ol a corps ot 6,000 volunteer? and 300 sailors for the- Empire of Mexico. This corps will consist of three battaihons ot mlantrv, a reg iment of .hussars," a" regiment of lancers? a company ot . pioneers, and a battery of Artillery, a he officers will, at their request, be ta kerif from the Austrian army. "igton, N. C. evacuated Little On Mbndav week, the Nation al Guard of Ohio reported for act ive duty under the 100 days' call, with greater promptness . than was expected. Returns Lave been re ceived from all but 43 .companies, and the strength so faris-34,914 men, which will be increased to 38, 000 by organizations yet to report. Advices from AlexaudriaT Red River, to April 24, state that (Jen Banks was then- there, and in a irood position. . The, rebels had fol owed our forces from Grand Ecore, and when near Cane Rivet an en gagement took place. The rebels lost 1,000 men and 9 cannon. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LAXDS FOR TAXES For 1S63 and previous years. NOTICE is hereby gives, tbatin pur suauee of an Act of Assembly passed tbe 12(hiiay ot June,.4. l). lia, entitla '-An Act to amend an Act directing the mode of lie.) line unseated lands, in Clear- field county, will be exposed to Public Sale or outcry, lor the taxes due and nnpaid thereon, at the Court House in the liorough of Clearfield, on the bee ond Monday in June, A. 1. 1861 : BECCABIA TOWNSHIP. Ac. Fer. VVarrai-teesA-owners Taxes G. D. Morgan Cr Co. 0 Jnlut Mailts. $It28 399 40 Jobn Wilmer, 92 78 3UJ 40 Henry Wi'mer. W 78 231 112 ' Wm. Wilson, 53 72 15 40 Herman Witmer, 38 39 'JS 40 Jacob Mnssersniith, 29 29 Thomas Wcfton. 162 Richard Musner. 3141 Gruom Dictev Sr Co. 410 96 Jol.u Brady, 63 fio 210 Wm Bridy. 32 55 Ti'J 04 E,Bl.iin. 43 21 J. W. Smu& or D. MrKeekm: 433 153 Wilhaiu Grar, o'6 65 Jiobert Cc:oan. 433 153 Joim Fordvey. 10O 75 J-f-f 44 lirown & Fu.lon, 10 21 John ltter SCO Jcol Kury, 55 80 Gill A- Brat ton. 71 80 Jnn Kid ind, 15 52 i Herman Hxnpt S-Co. . 1G2 116 Jacob Kurg, 22 If 162 116 Johu Gib.,n, 22 11 215 73 Rolwrt Wilson, 33 33 330 153 Martin Fuulz, 5115 290 125 JiC b Foutz, Jr. 45 S3 328 153 (leorge Sf us-ser,. 50 85 G. L. Reed A- Co. Wm. Mi Her, 99 03 Wm. A. Wallace. Jacob Musnersruith, 28 84 Sarah Biliingloa, 12 81 GroomLightner&Co.l39 50 Groom Dickey & Co. 125 55 42tJ 56 124 65 900 860 300 433 L. W. Weld, Samuel Matthews, 3KLL TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Wa.-ran'ees, etc. Jacoh Hsitbrun, 5013 115 Uecry Beck, Frederic!; Wtttzrert, 5G18 101 Henry Bsck, 4237 79 120 Henry Eeck, Thorns Smith, 42br7 3.T0 78 Henry Beck, 171 - Uenry Reck., 4237 93 97 Ilcriry Beck, John P. Hoyt, 3565 161 118 John Ticholson, Arthur Bell, 433 " Benj. Oibbs, . j Louisa Shiebley 5619 119 1- Henry Beck, Henry Irrube. 5619 102 100 Henry Beck, ' Henry Wise, 5618 141 30 Henry Beck,. Win. is. Irlenn, 5766 1000 Henry Beck, 4286 10W Henry Bock, 500, 249 Framptou Bell, 155 Ira A. Sabins BOfftfS TOWNSHIP. Ao Per. WarranteesAOwners. - James Dixon, Jr. 39 Jobn Thorpaa, Lnmadue Sr Turner. 208 John Thomas, A. A. Wiutgarner Sr Co. 413 Wm. McCormick, 440 - Nancy Boggs. C.rnns 6r Perlev. 429 41 Malcolm McDonald, 429' 41 -John Byers, . , , Fisher Sr Powell. 119 90 Barbara Snyder, Wm. Albert Sr Brother. . 132 George Hootman, ' . G. W. Gea.rhp.rt. 80 Wltr Siewart, 46 50 67 13 Taxes S 9 SO 8.12 e 75 27 83 15 06 7 90 13 65 36 52 10 06 863 11 95 84 38 84 3S 42 20 21 00 13 50 Taxes $4' 00 2154 42 05 45 54 44 88 44 88 12 28 13 66 5 521 Ac. 346 102 BRADFORD T0WNSHIF Ter. Warrantees etc. Taxes J. W. Smith. 60 Hugh Elv, $25 79 A. P. Barger. 35 John Campbell, 9 47 Daniel Sieieart. 109 Andrew Fettit, 10 14 JMattketv Forces. 43 Matthias Stayniaker, 3 57 i John W. Turner. 75 Wm. Bingham, 6-95 . John Gourdes. , . 225 James Duncan, 12 61 159 Hall & Buck, 11.87 1J7: V.. B.HoIt. . 9-47 85 Wra. Graham, Jr. 4.76 85 John Graham, . . 4 76 4i. Moses Boggs; (heirs) 3 44 10O JNehemiah Mains, 5'6I J Thos. Holt, . 39 OIRABD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees etc. Taxes Anson G. Phelps 5362 1008 George Mead, 20 04 5361 1100 George Mead, 21 88 Hood qr Co. 203 103 Morris A Stewart, 8 12 AUnzies. Viele Sr Mathers. 549 116 Morris & Stewart, 24 62 536 Morris & Stewart, 19 95 II. 5r O Smith 50 George Mead, - 2 94 563 George Mead, 27 92 Smith Sr Graham. 40 Morris i Stewart 1 61 erancis Veriixy. 40 Morris A Stewart, 1 56 eter Lamm. 117 Morris A Stewart. 5 13 47 Morris A Stewart, I 33 97 lU.i Morns Stewart,- 3 63 J. P. JVehon. J8 Morris A Stewart. 2 011 : Hutruige, Mrrrell Sr Thompson. 5352 ,798 . George Mead, 24 89 5376 1100 George Mead, 31 93 W53 1.100 George Mead. 32 8 oiol 1100 George Mead, 21 83 trancis Coudrett. IS'jO 2o4 120 Morris & Stewart 25 28 Ixeed Sr Weaver. 1924 508 100 Morris A Stewart, 20 91 No. 1921 1931 19 5 5365 53o6 1929 1929 3617 3643 1837 188 . 5412 j Ac. 1655 1097 1 1006 1097 1097 i 1096 43 98 J. R. MflCosker. Arnold Custard, 15 64' 957 132 Hews, Myers A Co. 55 03 125 Eira Pile, : 7 21 25 George Parkins, 1 46 5ft Reuben Green, 2 68 63 Charles Hyck, 3 81 . BRADY TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Georsre Sr Calvin Bailey . 3574 102 34 Roberts & Fox, 1 1 25 F. Beaten Est , . 1434 363 ' David Kenneday, 40 03 i Mites 6r Yonug: ,, 5361 67ft Jonathan h. Sciith, 69 53 J. Frerlxn'd. 185 100 CasperStiyer. 6 23 Stxith Sr Brother.' Christain- Lower, 213 501 50. 331 25 .370, 80 323 110 Sarnuel Ambrose, John Dunlap-: G. A.. Weaver,- , CbritUMD Lowers J. M. Miller, (heiro) 14 70 92 04 5 54 36 53 4 53 63 01 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes J. W. Smith or Shirerly. 137 Morris A Stewart. 8 57 Anson G. Phelps. 5322 1100 George Mead. 17 21 5325 023 George Mead, 9 76 Amos B MerrAl. 3S0 George Mead, 41 25 433 George Mead, 56 25 1100 Georcre Mead, 125 00 T. II. For ere. 532.- 200 George Mead, 21 83 1334 J Tho's. Graham. 1915 J 300 Morris A Stewart, 23 13 Mithew Forcre. 1923 333 Morris A Stewart 47 S9 Robert Stewart 1922 152 Morris Stewart. 23 26 No. 1909 5239 - 5290 5291 El Iridsre.. Merrell Sr Thompson BURNS IDS TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes John Patchtn. ; 5602 10(k John Nicholson, $13 33 5H0.J 114, Jvjhn N,iciioIsn, 20 97 5604 336. John. Nicholson, 61 74 73 John Mailer, -i . ; 14 43 181 Abraham Whitraer, 33 24 114. Casper Shaffer, jr. 20 97 260 Pani4 Whiuner, 47 78 424 ,l,bn Hubley, , 77 91 10O Matthias VToung, 18 38 333 Wni .Bousman, , 70 34 203 Mary KoberU, 37 27 76 John Tressler, 13 97 lr0 JehrrCu-nminga, 27 59 264 Martin Mailer 43 51 John iiurch. 53 82 16.- Mary Jenkins. 30 30 347 Jehn Trefsler, 63 73 410 Casper Shaffer,. 74 36 Jamr Gal I aher 424 Mary Crawford, 76 76 Eben M Masters. 310 Frcd'k Kuhn. , 20 01 Shrpley PriiWtlej. Christian Stake, 12 22 5324 1213 67 Georee Mead. 5326 1100 . George Mead, 5327-113 120 George Mead, 5329-1100 George Mead, 5330 1100 George Mead, ; Richard Shaw. Morris A Stewart, 100 300 Wm. Mapes. 63 75 63 T 63 75 63 75 63 75 6 25 14 03 111 .150 Jacob Rowland. Ac. 33 76 433 433 10-) 140 311 100 313 4S3 31 153 153 16 56 Taxes $38 14 33 S3 76 II 15 36 30 333. 153 398 153 95 415 256 22 100 248 CHEST T0WNSHIF. Per. Warrantees, efj-. . .S. DHnkers Estate. 153 Alexande Hunter, David McKtehan. Peter Horse, Dnnier Sr Clark. 153 William Cook, Geddts, Marsh Sr Co. 153 John Musser, 61 07 100 James Tnompson. Henry Pote.- 21 Fulton, 12 John Patchin. Benj. Young, 82 87 153 Jobn Boyd, 32 87 153 Josiah Haynes, 32 87 Thos Hamilton, 45 Martin Worlbmgton, 35 Wui. WiUon, 42 John Witmer. 9 James Page, 43 Miller & Christ 40 62 Milfer & Christ 4 67 David Cat heart, 5 81 John Tiger, 17 48 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP Ao. Per. Warrantees eto. Taxes 145 T. Copa, $20 88 Menzies Viele Sr Mathers. 103 James Milligan, 17 22 Samuel La usberry . 109 George Moore, 18 20 B. Chance 50 John fvy Jr. 1 99 Hippie French Sr Co. 382 Joseph Simons, 50 10 J, - P. Nelson Sr Co. 131 Kauben Hajnes, 23 19 217, Jacob King. 36 23 896. tteonra Wetzel. 65'15 348 Joseph Harrison, 58 13 i Joseph Wmnery. 100. Charles Hall, 16 70 135 Thos. Dnncaeon, 25 05 : P Osrden. 100 Wm. H.West. 10 45 ; Amos Bornenun. 431114 Lyman Gratz, 83 50 336114 ..Robert Shaw, . S4 SO Henry II. Bornemm. 100 Robert Shaw, 19 21 41 C. 3. Allport, 8 54 Ao. GCELICH T0WSSHIP. Fer. Warrantees, etc Taxes Henri B. IV right ; John Witmer. . $25 05 G. D. -Morgan Sr Co or G. Ilegarty. KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ao, Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes ; John Patchin. 433 158 Benj. Ponltney, $66 26 Crane. Blal't Sr Perley. 200 G. Ashton O'orth p) 42 08 Jonathan Bbynton. 72 . Thomas Jordan, 1102 A. A. Winegarner Sr Co. 433 153 Isabella Jordan, 92 65 Wm. Brown. 200 Silas Cox, 15 30 Isaac Thompson. 227 & M. McCormick, 26 09 W.Sr J. Catheart. 10O Henrv Trout. 22 95 Powell Sr Read. 129 John Dorsey, 9 88 90 Thompson&Egelman 19.13 14 George Bowman, 2 W LAWRENCE TOWNsHlP. io. Ao. Pr Warrantees etc. Taxes Winegarner Sr Co. 221 H'cgh Jordani "33 83 413 John Read. 63 20 Eldridge, Morrtfl SrThompson. 5293 726 George Mead, 13 94 5296 1167 47 George Mead. - 22 35 5297 1213 69 George Mead, 23 19 Heisy, 32 Wm. Montgomery. 7 36 235 G. r. Good-fellow, . 43 61 131 Leonard A Hartshorn 20 06 6 L. J. Crane, 1S3 FEMALES ! Female! Fkvales! nstiiat safe and pleasant remedy known ss Hklmbold's Ex tract Bccha, for all com plaints inoident to th ex. No family should be without it, and none will when oisce tried by them. It is used by young and old. in the decline r chaogo of life.- before and after marriage, during tnd alterconfinement, to strengthen the nsrres.. restore natnrte its pro per channel, and invigorate the broken down constitution, from whatever eanse originating. ' tse no more worthless pills ! Take Helmbold's txtraot Eucha. See advertisement in another comma. Cut out, and send for it. A UCTIONF.FR.The undersigned having -r been licensed an Auctioneer, desires to in form the citizens of Clearfield county that he will attend to thecallingof eales. throughout the eoan ty. upon short notice. Post-office addrs. either Bloomingville or Curwensville. WM.M. BLOOM.. Bioomingville. April 6, 1S64. IXECtTTORS INOTICELetters Terta- W-A menfsrr nn lb Ynitm tf .T.m;.i. w . , j w M uui,n f ... UCCU, irBBWl to the undersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ' N.OfCY SMEAL Ex'rx. April 27. 1564 GIBKOM SMKA-h. E'p. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters Testa mentary on the Estate of Joseph Irwin, late of Lawrence township. Clearfield eooHty Pa., deceased having been granted to the undersign ed ; all persons indebted to sitid estate are here by required to moko immediato payment, and those having claims agaiust the same will pre setit them properly authenticated for settlement. L, F. IHWIS. Ex'r - . April 27th. 1S14. MARTHA IKWIX.Ex'rx. Ao. 272 170 333 170 438 105 100 90 407 244 231 112 222 150 421 440 440 440 423 125 100 800 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees eto-. Taxes E. C. Burton. 16 Robert Glenn, $25 89 G. D. Morgan or C. Munson. 141 Patrick W, ' 16 21 . A dim Mayer.' 153 Robert Ramey, 31 75 . W. Sr J.Huff. Blair M'Lanahan, 10 80 i Porter Sr Levi. , Wm. Stewart. 41 73 J. P. Felson Sr Co. James Wjlson, 9. 98 Robert Moma, - 9 53 Wm. Morris. 8 69 Ross, Shott&r Co. 139 Richard R. Smith, 25 89 J. J. Lingle. Jamet Smith, 7 77 , R'ohert Thomas. r . ' Christopher Baker, 7 82 James Hughes S; Co. Hvman Grata. 7 IS R. M. Shaw &rCo. Simon Gratz. 21 14 George Crawford. . . Hillarv Baker, 14 SO Ed.PsrksS-Co Jesse Yarn ell; Craig and Blanchard. 65 Joseph Turner. 109 Joseph Tnrnor, 20 Joseph Turner, George Habaker, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Testa mentary on the Estate of SamneM'cgerty, late of Woodward township, Clearfield concty.Penn'a, deceased, having teen granted to the undersign ed ; all persons indebted to rfaid estate are re-, oueated to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present tbem duly authenticated for settlement. SAMbEL HEGARTV, Executor. Hegairy's X Roads, April 13. 1864-pd. TO SCHOOL- TEACnitlts' Wag ted' by thn School Board of Cnrwnilla tK School Teachers (one male and two .females) to take charge of their schools for the term -of four months during the coming summer, and if they prove satisfactory may be continued daring the winter term. Schools to open about the middle of May. Make immediate application to the Secretary of the Board. For good teacher good wages will be given. H.P THOMPSON. April 27, 1364. Secretary. FIRST NATIONAL BAJSK OF CURWENSVILLE, PENN'A. Johs Pattox, Pres't. Sam'l Akmold, Cash'r. DIRECTORS. Wm. Irvin, John Patton, H. P, Thompson. Daniel Uarteock,' Daniel Faust, John M. Chase, J. F. Irvin, . Q, IL Lytle, F. K. Arnold. Sells Exchange, Loans money, Receives Depos it, and will make collections on reasonable term. Curwensville, Pa , April 4th, 1864-6t. George Gates, Isaac Farlow, Peter Yarnell, PENN TOWNSHIP. No. Ao-. Per. Warren tees. etc. 6962 63 Elijah Heath. SO Patrick Hagerty, Reeds'1 Heirs. 500 Reeds Heirs. 100 Keeds Heirs, 49 08 41 91 41 91 41 91 39 59 4 00 12 70 28. 58 Taifs SI 90 6 20 75 50 15"50 2S6 82 Benj. Wilson, 214. 400 Wm. I. Hagerty.' . A G Fox Sf Souder. 49 27 53 63 33 40 75 25 09 54 98 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto Taxes Fredericka- Karthaiis. 893 1899 902 1942 673 Morris A Stewart. S55 6 fcyo Morris A Stewart, 1 03 35 833 Morris Stewart, 103 35 545 Morris A Stewart, 55 65 Peter Lamm. 1892 200 Morris A Stewart, 15 90 Richard Shaw . . 1891 233, Morris A Stewart, 22 51 ll.Or V. Smith. 5367 250 George Mead, 19 S3 Eldridge, Merrell Sr Thompson. 5377 1100 George Mead, . 43 75 DECATUB TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Fitch Sr boy nt on. 1981 Joseph Harrison, $27 . , James MGiri's Estate. 391 159 Thomas Billington, Piter Owens. 404 Charles Risk, () -. ; J. Wooldridge S Co. Ill Patrick Moore, -. John Patton. 404 Ann M'Lanahan, ' ' ' Rieiard Coplin. 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 202 R. Coplin, Jamet Albert. 37 49 Joseph Sunsom, 76 99 Wm.Sansom,, . George-Wilson, Jr. 200 Mary AI'Lanaban, . . .4- P Long.. 300 Casper Haines, 281 Gilbert VaugM. J.W. Smith. . 200 Jonathan Neshit, '. . Henry Kephart. Jacob Cox, Taxes 36 90 591 100 55 28 15 70 57 08 14 84 28 56 5 27 10 63 23 26 42. 89 39 74 28 26 12 74 HUSTON T0WNSHIF. Afl. rer. v arrantees eto. a axes John B. Otto. 1041 Moore A Delany. 162.64. 1041 Mooro A Delany, 162 64 1041 Moore & Delany, 162 64 990 Wra. Powell, 15 71 877 Ma. Powell. 137 07 11 ot. Parker., 833 15 James Wilson. Ill 01 Print Lumlier Crf. 420 Wilhelm WiI!in,7.lo' 36 75 U. S. Land Co. . 985 James Wilson. 123 23 990 James Wilson, 123 75 965 123Janies Wilson, 120 63 507 James Wilson, 63 36 490 James Wilson, 61 25 740 James Wilsoa, 92 50 11 m. A. David. 5061 113 Wm. Powers, 36 32 Fitch Sr Boynton. S75 E. Shoemaker, 46 83 101 E. Shoemaker. 12 64 II. Thayer Sr Z. Lisson. 5063 293 Win. Powers, 37 26 v . J3. Lroraan., James Wilson, 51 25 James Wilson, 62 50 Thomas Holt. 5064 810 Wm. Powers, 50 83 Wm. Irvm, . 4265 839 . James Wilson, i 20 83 5670 1041 80. Moore A Delaner. i 65 06 5671 1041 80 Moore A Delaney. i 65 06 5G72 347 27 Moore A Delaney, 18 75 No. 6673 5674 5675 5066 5067 4257 4902 4235 4226 4229 4230 4235 4225 4225 4236 250 500 200 J. G. Ridder,7.ia 195 David Caldwell, JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Coover 6r Pasev. i 433 153 Richard Peters, 438 153 Peter Knbn, 433 153 Fred. Buates, 433 153 Jobn Dunwoodie, - John Cooper. 274 Adam Kuhu, 325 Ebeneeer Brenbam, 108 Adam Kuhn. . Patchin Sr Swan. 433 153 Richard Martin, $21 86 24 38 Joseph HarriaoD, 27 66 William Hoover, . 14 13 433 153 Thomaa Martin, . 833 Robert Martin, John Patchin. 100 . . Philip Loast, 70 Wm. Johnson, '. John Patterson'. 100 : Philip Loast, Taxes $75 21 75 21 75 2 75 21 52 13 i i 75 21' 60 20 60 20 46 80 6 95 4 87 6 95 5779 M29 5777 Ac. 858 IS5 111 4(50 2V6 Taxes 41 79 31 25 27 40 30 83 46 23 13 87 8 04 PIE TOWTfRWTT No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Jamet Hopkins S3 1020 64 John Nicholson. 57H5 SI9 4 Wohn Nicholson." 5774 683 64 John Nicholson, 5775 820 64 John Nicholson. M C. Eias. 4252 957 85 James Wilson. Jonathan Boynton. v 145 : Th'o's. Jordan, Alfred A Long. Thomas Magee. R. V.r. McSaul. T,. Bailev. 1 91 3. McNaul. 7 90 . R. W. McNanl. 5 06 Graham Bit union- Sr Co. 134 The. Magee 31 51 70 8. Bladget, 6 17 102fr 24 John Nicholson. - 47 95 , 23 John P. Hoyt. 3 43 450 Daniel Bailey, 13 70 T7NICN fONSHIF". , . Per. , .Warrantees ficc. Taxes G art' and Irvin. ' 350 Roberta & Fox, $32 83 John II. Sevier. 125 John H. Sey lor, 19 56 380 Jobn Bra baker, 69 38 262 R. W. Moore, 17 04 COFFEE. , THE A ME R IC AT EXCELSIOR COF FEE is the ne plus ultra of all manufactured coffees in the country. It has. taken the place of the pure coffee in very many instances,and is pre-, forred to all subatitntes nowbefore the publio.and is tbe best and cheapest in the market. m FotSale by Richard Mossop, sole agent for Clearfield-. Lipp A Carboli.. sole agents for Penn'a, No. 7 South 5thSt., l'hilad'a. March 16th, 1864. -. ; : : rr : r ; F ARM FOR SAllE. The undersigned, reai ding in Girard township near"Gallis harbor,' desires to sell his farm situate in said township, ot private sale . The farm oonsist of 81 aeres. 50 ot wnwu are cleared and in a good state of culti vation. Tbe improvements are a large log house, and the necessary outbuildings. The location is an excellent one either lor a tavern or store. Any person wishing 4o purchase a property of th kind, would do well to call aud examine tbe premises For terms and further information ap-, ply to the subscriber residing on the premises, or address BERNARD McGOVERN Leoonte's Mills, April 6, 164. Clearfield Co. Pa FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. ' i One Mile from the Boro' of Clearfield.' A 2T35T DESIRABLE PROPERTY- The undersigned will,sejl on reasor able -terms, farm containing Fifty-five acres and Forty-ix perches, in Lawrence township, ono mile from the borough of Clearfield. Thirty acres cleared, with a good frame dwelling house well finished, s large bank-barn, and all necessary out buildings. There is a fine yonng orchard of choice bearing fruit trees all zraftei or bndded. and MlAnfAtf with special reference to their adaptation to this climate There is a never-failing spring of good' water. There is a corsiderable quantity ofPiy AD Oak Timber on the uncleared land. The farm was lately oeonpied by J. B- Sbaw Posses sion will be given immediately. April 27, 164 3t. R. M08S0P. 1864 GBAND OFWETG' OF 1864 SPRING r AT C. W. & II. w. GOODS' WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. 153 159 153 120 77. 6 Ao. Per. Warrantees eto. Taxes A. Is . Long. John Vaught, 44 19 Jonathan Walla, 46 55 John Roll, 44 19 Wm. Wilson, 10 20 Dr. James Locke, Henry Drinker, 42 80 Wm. Drinker, 24 45 S. p. Shoff !r Co. Samuel Emleo, 2913 Thoa.Neil, 21 92 Samuel Hagerty, Mary Neil, 10 84 Benj. Johnson, 5 07 Mary Connelly, 8 15 W m, B. Alexander Sr Co. Roland Evans. 10 20 Wm. Albert Sr Bro. i Eli Hootman. 12 23 I Dr.D. Honts. i lo3 Philip Loast, 44 10 153 Jacob R. Howell, 44 10 163 Wm. Johnson, 44 10 63 George Bnckhara, 10 20 . Price. A. Rowlea, 4 08 Thomas Robins. Peter Lowden, - 18 80 : Charles Lowden 8 15 Jo. Smith Irvin Co. Mary .Land with, 14 28 Wm. Moore 6 Wolfe. . Chancey Ricketta, , 17 77 Ed. Blanchard. Henry Shaffer, ; 24 45 Isaac Wilson, 15 40 C. K.RATZER, Trcaa'r. C!arflVld, March 80, '64. 433 456 433 100 420 443 215 855 100, 800 100 121 433 433 433 100 80 170 91 136 218 100 189 SMITH'S, cons-prising a general aaaortment of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Queens-ware, Wooden-waro, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c, &c, kc. Bert quality of Prints. Delaines, Mozambique. Linen, Poplins, Baltarines. Lavellaa, Gingham check, drilling, ticking and eheeting, shawls, plain silks, fowlard silks, eassamerea cottonida. jeans, tweeds, satinetts, bleached muslins 'at lew than oity wholesale prices) brown muslins. IIOSIER, Gloves, Ribboni.Trunmlngs, Bos ton, (in great variety) oollars.velvet ribbon,Tih headneu, embroidery, braid, handkershiefs, la die elastio pages, whalebone, binding,, chil dren', misses', and ladies' hoop vkirts. Quaker nd Corset Skirts, f " -.: : i... NEW STYLE BALMORALS. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, SpiceaiAoOrange. Split Peas, Lemons,' Full Tea Sett-', Dishes, otu- Xn? l4 fine wr"i cnfs.aaaoers.preserrejars Ae. TUBS, Brooms, Churns, Mop, Backets, Meas ures, brushes, eombs, wioks, faooy baskets, bowls, door-mats, window blinds, cords, tassels, eto., etc. ' Cbi.ldrens, Misses and Ladies' morocoo boots, shoes, balmorals, and gaitors. FODDER C UTTERS of a superior make for sale at reasonable prices, at MERRRLL and BIQLER'8. Clearfield, Pa. WANTED Two hundred eorda of -wood cut, for which a good price will be' paid i cash. Apply to the subscriber 1m Curwenrrville. April 4. 164 wm: IRTTN.