Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 11, 1864, Image 1

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VOL. 10. NO. 37;
The JUfmha.vs Jocrkai. i published on AVe-1-
Mdr t f 1,60 per annuia in advance Auvkk
tikmssts inserted at Sl.t'O per square, for three
r lew insertions Twelve Hues (or less) counting a
qnre. For eery additional insertion 25 cents.
A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers
I" RVIS EROTHERH. Dealert in Squarei Sawed
Lmmber. Dry Goods, Groceries. Flonr, Grain,
Ao, 4a., BurnsidePa., - Sept. 23, 13C3.
' .11 kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield, Pa. Or
dr solicited wbolelo or retail. Jan. 1, 1803
CRASS A BARRETT, Attorney at Law, Clear
field. Pa. May 13. 18G3.
. u. t. crass. :::::: Walter barrktt.
ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law Clear
. field. Pa . Office in Shaw's Dew row. Market
treet. opposite Naugle's jewelry store. May 2S.
F. NACGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and
.dealer in Witcbe, Jewelry, ic. Room in
Urstam's row, Market street. Nov. 10.
HBCCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear
. field. Pa. Offict inrauaufs Row. fuurdoo 8
wwt'of Graham k Boynton's tlvrt. Nov. 10.
"IfT AI.LACE 4 HALL, Attorney nt Law, C!.!ar
! 5e!d. P.t December 17, 1SJ2.'
William a. wai.lack. : : : : : : : J"H a. hall.
PA. FLEMMIXG, LnmWcity: Ta.. Nursery
. man aud Denier in all kind? of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees. Plants aud i-'hrubbery. All or
ders by mail promptly attended to. May 13.
TP. KUAT2ER, dealer in Dry OooJs, Cloth
. ing. Hardware, yueeusware. Groceries. Pro
visions :. Front Street, above the Academy,
Clearfield, Pn. -Pril 27
"t 7fl.MAM P. I R W IN. Marketstreat, Clearfield,
yy Ha., Dealer in Foreign and !o:tesiio Mer
ehandwe. Hardware, Queeniware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. . . .Nov. 1U.
iOIIS arELICH. Manufacturer of all ki:id; ol
J Cabinet-ware, Market atrcit. Clear&eld, Pa.
Be aUo makes to order Coffins, on short notic'e an.l
attrnds funerals with a hearts. Aprl0,'.V3.
DR M. WOODS. P.irricis Phvsicias, and
Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
Oaiee. South-wes corner of Second end Cherry
Street, Clearfield, Pa. : January 21. 180.3.
rllHOMAS J. M'CULl.orOH, Attorney at Law.
i L Clearfield. Pa. Office, est of the ' Clearfield
co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared Willi promptness and accuracy. July 3
y B M'EXILLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
J . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
coautie. Office in new brick building of J. Boya
ton, 2d tit fit, one'door south of Lanioh's Hotel.
) ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
i. tn.atio rv tlno.la. Groceries. Flour. Baeon,
Liouors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few dours
weat of Journal Qjficr, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
rpHO.NLP.ON, t WATSON. Dealers in Timber
1 SaWELot;. Boards and Shingles. Marysville,
Clearfield county, Penn'a August 11. 1S63.
s. w. tbompsjs : : : : : JA3. k. watson.
LARK1MER 4 TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear
field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
ana otner business enirusieu xo ineir care iu v,u
field and adjoinicg counties. August 6, 1SM5.
R. WM. CAMPBELL, ofTera his profefsional
services to the citizens of Moshannon and vi
cinity. Ueoan be consulted at bis residence at
all times, unlew absent on professional busme.ss.
Mobsannan, Centre co., t., May 13, 145.1.
"TM. ALBERT DUO'S, Dealers in Dry Guods.
Y iJroceries, Hardware. Queensware. Flour,
hii-on. etc.. Woodlan K ClearfieM connty. Penn'a.
Aisj. extensive dealers in all kindsof Fawed luin
her. ttiinfles, and square timber. Orders solici
ttd. Woodland, Aug. 19th. IS6:J.
DU. LITt'ir.S MEDICI N ES. Afresh sup
ply of lhee invaluable Family Medicines
ar for sale by M.fA. Frank. Clearfield, cefcaisting
t Pain Curler: Krstoratiire, greatcure forcol la
and cough ; and Auti-ililions Physir. They have
orn thoroughly tested in this community, and
are highly approved. TrV thp.m.
Vl'CTIONEER. The undersigned having
obtained a liscence as auctionoer, would iu
o;ia the citizens of Clearfield county tnut be
will aiiend to the calling of sales, in any part ot
.f :Ls county, whenever called upon. Charges,
moderate. Post office address, Cush. Clearfield
t-uiity. Pa. . JOHN F. LEK.
Aril iu. ISrtl-Smp.
a l The undersigned having located in the bor--Ejh
of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied
lj K Welch as ft jewelry shop- is prepared to
Uu work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms.
Tie cash will positively be expected when tire
isdelivered. He is confident that becan
KkI be excelled by any workmen in townoroounty.
tmt onr.' tome all lothtHifrn of the Bio- Watch.
foril,-b2-ly.pd. . g. It. LAUCHLIN.
4 fCTiONEER. The undersigned having
V been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
tticeitizens of Clearfield county that he will at
t&i to calling sales. In any part of the county.
ULver called upon. Cnarges moderate
My 13 Bower Po., Clearfiid eo.. Pa. ,
N. a. Persuns calling sales without a proper li
mine are subject to a penalty uf S'JO, which pro"
:!ioaill be enforced against those who may vi
olate the .ame.
Pittsburg Saw Works.
MhLiiUeturers of - Patent Ground Circulars
rrante4 earn steel saw s of . every description
Mulav. Crosa-eut. Uancr and all other vsrie-
All ktnds of knives and springs made from
'iieeteait steeL Extra lefined Reaper and Mow
ing knives, 1c Particular attention paid to re
oih:Bg, gumming and straightening circular
; together with repairing of all kinds. .Ware
fcotue and Works, corner of Water and .Short
"rteta. Pittsburg. Ta. April 13, lSlU-ljrp.
SJ!Lijll-'BBABD : : : : s. d. hdbbard : ; : ; s. a. loso.
'Sned rsspectfully informs th people of Clear-
c aJi'unig counties that he has the agn
J Tthe above patent and will sell individual,
lal 0T township rights for Its use. The Jum
w arted by this process is stronger, finishes bet-
dri o, moo requires less um jn
in),"'? lllan ny otner process known, drying 1
tein luuiber perfectly In 36 hours better than
"y months under the old system using the
tu monnt f fuel per day that a common kiln
itatame,i. 6 eertificate of a number of resi
tooi nici wel1 known in this community is
t ?:?'..,Bc'llt to convince the most sceptical of
mn J Person desirous of purchasing rights
J2M8M. ., Cearfleld, Pmn'.
' eJler On tnla anA Mnn i ..a Ian tim in
LARGE STOOK OF GJLASS, paints, oila,
. white lead, etc., at E. A. IRVLX'S '
VCTION. Tub nnderSigned having beenLi
cenred an auctioneer wottld inform the citi
zens of Clearfield Couuty, that he will attend to
calling sales in any part of the County whenever
called upon. Charges Modernte.
Address J M. SMITH.
Hegartys X Roads, Clearfield Co., Pa
Februnry 3d l r-ti-t
GRAIN FOR SALE.-The undersigned ha
for sale, at his mill at Curwenaville. 3000
bushels of wheat at $1 70 per bushel ; 1500 bush
els of corn at SI 60 per bushel. Rye and wheat
chop at $3 40 per hundred ; mixed chop, corn,
wheat and rye, at $:Wo p?r hundred; Flour at
3 25 per Barrel ,' all ofwbich will be sold for
Curwecsrilio. Feb 24, lS0t-pd.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or meddling with the
following property now in tht hands of Daniel
Little of Morris township, to wit : One gray
horse, ono bay mare, one sett two-horse harness,
and one two horsa wagon, as the same beLngto
me and have only baen left on loan with said Lit
tle, and nre Fubji'ct to mv order.
April 2i. 18rt4. ' WM. CAMPBELL.
CurdyiA.H. Principal. The next quarter will
vpen on Monday the 4th of April, 1S64.
Oniomon English, Compri'sing those branches not
higher than. Reading, Writing. Arithmetic.
Geography, English Uruinmar and History, per
itHr!er. $ o Gi)
Higher F.ngliil Branches, 7 50
l.angugc6. , J.-'.J?"
ARl'ETIN'CS. Nowinsfr.re.a large stck of
J Velvet. RruHsels. Three-Ply A Ingrain Car-
UL-tinifs. Oil olotbs. Window Shades, etc.. etc., all
of the latest patterns and best fabrics ; whiuh will
ue Sold at the lowest prions fur cash.
N. IJ. Si.me patterns of my old slock still on
baud; will to sold ut a bargain.
No. ST South Second Street, above Chestnut,
i-laroli a. Wi Philadelphia.
signed having leased this large and commodious
bui;n4, is now prepared to entertain tho traveling
public. He hopes by careful attention to busi
ness, and by providing the best the country will
affurd, to he able to give satisfaction to the old
customers of the house, and to such other persons
as tuav sojourn with him. W. W. WORRELL.
OufWtnivillr, M.tr. 2J, l884.-3t pd..
TVrOTlCE. In the Orphan"s Court of Clear
1 1 field county. The undersigned, an Auditor
appointed ly the Court to make distribution of
the montyj iu the handjvf the Administration,
arising froin the sate of the real estate of L. R.
Carter, deceased, will attend to the duties of his
appointment on Saturday, tho 21st day of Mar,
isrtt, between the hours of Id A. M., and 4 P. M.,
at the oiheo of II. U Swoopo, Knq , in the bor
ough of Clearfield, when and where all persons
interest may attend and be heard.
' April 20. 1P0 4, Auditor.
TVOTICE! -In the Orphan's Court of Clear
ll field county. The undersigned. Auditor
appointed by the Court to ascertain the liens and
report distribution of moneys arising from the
sale of the real e.state of John Young, deceased.
now in the hands of the Administrator, will at
tend to the dutit. of his appointment on Friday,
the 20th day of Mav nest, between the hours of
10. A. M.. and 4 P. ML.at the office of H.B.Swoope.
K.jq , in the borough of Clearfield, when and
where all poisons interested ma v altend and be
April iO, 1SC1. Auditor.
-The undersigned, in-
tending to remove west. will sell his farm of
50 acres, ,-ituute in Girard township, about 1 milo
from Surveyor Run. at Public outcry on Thursday
the 5th day of May, l5o4. if rot sold before .that
date et private s.i.e. About 25 acres of the land is
eleared and under good cultivation. Tho build
ings are a plank house and log barn.
'ibere will also be sold on ?atd day 7 bushels of
wheat, S b-ihels of rye. c bushels of buck-wheat,
ti bushels of potatoes, I cow, 1 yoke oxen, poung
cattle, t hogs, 2 heep. waggon, plow , harrow.
fanning mill, chains, bedsteads, chairs, settee;
cookstove, and a variety of household and kitchen
S'ale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m Terms
wade kuown on day of sale. R. E. SMITH.
March 2.1. 1804 ts-pd.
HANK notice.
Treasury Department. J
Ofilce of Comptroller of the Currency,
WASHIS6T0S, March 3, 18S4. J
Vherkas. by satisfactory evidence presented
to the undersigned, it has been made to appear
that The fint ?iti anal Hunk of Vurweiisvile, in
the county of Clearfield, and State of Pennsylva
nia, has been duly organized under and accord
ing to the requirements of the act of Congress en
titled "An act to provido a national currencj se
cured by a pledge ot United States stocks and to
provido "for the circulation and redemption there
of." approved February 25,1893, and has com
plied with all tho provisions of said act required
to be complied with before commencing the bu
siness of Banking:
Now Thkrbfokk. I, Hugh McCullough, Comp
troller of the currency, do hereby certify that
The First National liaU- of UurwrnvUle, coun
ty of Clearfield, and State of Pennsylvania, is au
thorized to commence the bu3inesv of Banking
under the act aforesaid
In Testimony whereof, witness my hand and
-T-v. seal of office this third davof March,
KJ Comptroller of the currency.
Curwenaville, Pa., March 9, 1864-10t
V AltiLfc'
Graham's Rr.. Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment ot
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch
es, to be had at NAUGLE'S.
The American Lever of different qualities, can
be bad at ' NAUGLE'S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La
va, Jett, Carbuncle, Harnett, Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold tone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. Ac,
or single pieces at NAUGLE'S.
Plain gold Breast pins, Ear drops, Hoop Earrings,
children's eardrops and rings at NAUGLE'S.
Gold seals, keys and pencils,' gold pens and sil
ver holders at- NAUGLE'S.
Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles and guard slides at NALULE'S.
A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ
ent styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S.
., Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and
common Clocks, and Fanoy Time-pieces, from 1,25
to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S.
Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange
for goods at NAUGLE'S.
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney retundedv at NAUGLE'S. 4
' If yon wish your watches put in good repair
and warranted, tsk there to NAUGLE'S. .
aftjiman journal"
CLEARFIELD, "PA., MAY ll, . 1364.
-Mb. Row : Please publish the following lines,
written in a prison in Richmond, on the night of
the second Sunday in September, 1893.
The clanking of the massive door,
The grating of the bolts and bars,
Too plainly tells me I shall never more,
Behold the sun, the moon, and stars;
I feci tho death-damp's cheerless gloom
. Within this coll, my living tomb.
I will never sign a false decree.
That would unlock this cold, cold chain !
In God I will trust to set me free.
And give mo joy for all my pain ;
Thy promise, Lord, my spirit cheers.
And 1 can t-uiile through all try tears.
I hear a rebel tyrant say,
"The sun is sinking in the we?t "
The tinted clouds have eaught each ray,
Beyond the James' dimpled breast ;
Oh. how 'twould ease my paiu and wee, -
Coald I but see the sun-sets glow.
No pen, or painters brush can give
The ticeno its justice no nut one .
The beauties that my foe? percieve
While gazing on the netting sun.
Bat I am deprived, this .Sabbath ever),
Of the free breeze, and light of heaven
My liands to heaven 1 raise in prayer,
For those dear forms now far away,
I have not forgot their tender care,
And how they tau gat thuir child to pr iy,
And, oh, it gives my soul sweet bliss,
To think thut they "know not of this.
There is one form among the rest,
That seems to my sad heart more dear ;
Her face I see, with lips eomprest.
She tries to check the gushing tear '
Of all the friends I have on enrtb,
. God bless that friend who gave me birth.
How many tears at home are shed
No tiding come, they've sought iu vain
They surely say -Oh ! God ! he is dead !
And sleeps on Chickamauga's plain."
My sisters linger at the gate ;
1 see them look and weep and wait.
I ee my noble-minded sire ;
There! in the corner of this cell !
Hope still refuses to expire.
And yet he fears all is not well ;
He tries to say, "Thy will be done, "
' And yet exclaims, '-my son ! my son
The blessed vision now has fled,
And my sad heart is sick and lone ;
No pillow soft, bnt oh ! my bed. i
Is this cold, chilling floor of stone
And must 1 starve ? Is death my lot ?
Aud like aielon chained, for what?
No brother's here kind words to speak,
No mother's hand to bathe my head :
None fans my fever-burning check;
Like morning dews my hopes have fled.
0 ! save my country. I implore !
And stop the flow of human gore.
1 bear the tramp of watchman's feet.
Which echo through this death-cold sell ;
I hear him shout, from street to street,
''Two o'clock, and all is well !"
, Curse those, oh God, who caused this war !
And bless the homes we are fighting for !
Letter from Culpepper, Va.
Camp of the 84th Heg't. PexN'a Vols. )
Culpepper, Va., April 25, ISG4.
Mr. Editor : As seine of your readers
may be interests i in the w- Hare of Compa
ny K, of thi regiment, 1 will give you sev
eral items concerning it.
Company K has heen in twelve engage
ments with the enemy, ami has guinea a
name that CleartieM county may well be
proud of ; yet, the battle-field, dis-eose. and
the hardships of war; have made many va
cancies in our ranks. JJut few of the num
ber that composed the company when first
organized, are left to fight for freedom and
the Constitution and the Union. The pla-"
ces of the missing ones have been rilled by
volunteers from different sections. 2o less
than two continents, six governments, three
States, and ten counties are now represen
ted in this old company -nevertheless, they
are all lirmly bound together in a resolve to
maintain the common cause of freedom,and
the Union ; and all are equally disgusted
with the course of the self-styled ''l'eace
party" of the North, who, we believe, are
the men who would sell their country lor a
few pieces of silver, or for a petty office.
If the men who honestly (bat they are
deceived) support such "whited sepulchres"
as Valiaee in the State Senate) and Long &
Co. in Congress, could see the '"loys" who
have left all that is pleasant in life and all
that they hold dear on earth, to save ouf
country from the traitors' grasp, I say, could
they see these boys and men praying, and
inarching, and fighting for an honorable
pence, (and they could see if they were not
blinded by prejudice.) surely thev would
cease to tUw its iu thvrjnck while we are en
gaged with the armed thousands in our front
-surely they would cease to place a sword
in the hand f our enemy to slay us. The
hardihips and fcufferiugs of these soldier
''boys" have never, andean never be fully
told. And now, fathers and brothers of
these "boys," 1 appeal to you to cease yoar
crying "Peace, when there is no peace,1 ' tor
by so doing yoa but doom your sons and
brothers to sufferings untold, and in thou
sands of instances to certain death. I ask
you calmly to consider, if , your party is
worth more than kindred and friends and
country? I make no apology for using
strong and earnest language; for are not our
lives arid our country and our best interests
at stake? Many of us have shown our
faith in this free government by our works,
in the three years' service which we have
rendered in the field, and we have contract
ed for another term. Tens of thousands, of
the brave eons of freedom have watered the
tree of Liberty with their lifes' blood,' and
are not our friends and neighbors, and even
our kindred, nww pouring out their warm
blood, and enriching a slavery accursed soil
with their bodies, to obtain an honorable
and lasting peace ? , Friend", reflect !
The stern realities of war are upon us,
and it bconies , m a? men, and . as Ameri
cans who have grown up under the wide
epreading branches of the Tree of Liberty,
to meet the issue. Then, bury your party
idols for a time, at least, even if you must
dig them up again after peace has been se
cured ; aud let every "peace" demagogue
remember whose blood is upon his hand's.
Yours truly, y. a. n.
Letter from the Potomac Army.
Camp oftiie 140th Kegt. Psnn'a Vols. )
Ccli-ktpkk, Va. April 28, 1S64. . j
Mr. Editor : As there is overy sign of
a move before long, I- have taken the privi
lege of dropping you these few Hues, to let
you know, not only my principles but those
ot the soldiers in general hoping you wUl
unfurl them to the gaze of your subscribers.
I hear that there is a great agitatiori a
mong a certain class of people, for fear the
soldiers should have a vote at the next elec
tion ; and well may they tremble, for should
the soldier get the privilege he deserves. and
is fighting tor, they know their hellish or
ganizations wotdd be swept into oblivion.
Why should not a man who has left home
to endure the hardships of the field, and
face the cannon's mouth in defense of the
Governinent, have a vote as well as the cow
ardly things (for they arc not deserving of
the name of men) who sit at home by their
warm firesides and abuse our Government
as far tis their oily tongues and black hearts
are capable of letting them? Which sect
is doing the most towards retaining those
glorious privilege which our brave forefa
thers bought for us, sodearly ? It certainly is
not the Copperheads ! They have done noth
ing towards preserving the Union. They
have neither the courage to go openly and
a.ssist their brothers in arms, or the honor
to keep tiiet where they are. .They may
feel a little political gratification, at the
present time, for the results of their traitor
ous babble, bnt the day is not far distant
when they will find that thev have disgraced
themselves, and their children for genera
tions to come. Their children will leant to
curse those who transmit a blotted name.
am gjad to say that there are. but few such
men in our army. It is true there are a few
such, who, for some reason, (perhaps for
the bounty) made a mistake and entered the
army ; but tkey found that all their grunt
ing and squealing would not get them out
again, for Uncle Sam had a hold of them.
Myjprinciple icas to let slavery alone where
it existed. But now, as it has been the
'foundation of the war, I. sincerely hope that
it will be blotted out and never be al
lowed to cause another war. It, is thought
that this summer's campaign will decide the
contest. Gen. Warren is fortifying the
hills around Culpepper strongly. There are
upwards of 700 men at work every day, and,
I think, if the greybacks take a notion to
run us out of here they will rurt against a caV
enmstnnce before they get through.
I will close for the present as it is getting
late. Give my regards to the Cops. I
wish them all a safe journey to their future
home, where Old Xick has an extra warm
place awaiting them. Yours, p. a. w.
Letter Prom South Carolina.
Hilton Head Island, S. C, )
Co. C 76th Pa. Vol., April 2o, 1861. J
Friend Kow : Having a little idle time'
this morning, and thinking hat my old
friends and .acquaintances would, perhaps,
like to hear something from the boyis of
"Clearneld," member? of the "gallant old
7t' P. X.," I have taken upon myself to
write a lew lines for publication hoping
you will give them a place in the columns of
your worthy, and to the soldier ever wel
come Journal, which my niairy friends are
kind enough to forward to me regularly.
Iliiu je: me say nerc, tor tne encourage
ment of the friends, that the "Ruftsmatis
Journal" is ever welcomed bv the soldiery
on account of its loyalty to the old Flag. Yes,
Our Country's flag with lines of blood,
Forever telling as it waves
How, side by side, our fathers stood,
And died to plant it o'er their graves. "
The question has been asked me. "I3
there not a Connerhead naner ntiblishcd in
Clearfield called the Republican ?" Think
ing the tetter way for me to answer ques- 1
turns 01 that kind is, to hand those desir
ing the information, a copy ot that paper,
and let them judge for themselves. I have
adhered to this rule, and the conclusion
they invariablv come to is, that the rcnort is
only too true, and seem surprised that a
loyal community will suffer Editors to come
out so boldly in sympathy with "Jeff Davis.
and his cohorts." ' ' ' :
But, as I intend to be brief, I will hasten
on, by saying tor the benefit of the many
readers of the " Journnf ' that we are vet in
our old camp at Jenkins Island, S. C , doing
picket duty, but have been tinder marching
orders for ten days, and have every thing in
readiness for a move to the army of the
Potomac where we expect to see some hard
fighting. ; If nothing but fighting will crush
this wicked rebellion, we may as well do it
right along, and be done with it,
"For right is right, since God is God, '
And right the day must win
To doubt would be disloyalty;
To falter would be sin. '. ,
We have had a very pleasant time of it
since we have been here, notwithstanding
we have had plenty of duty, aud several
times siuce we arc on this line did the "Grey
backs attempt to come across what is known
as Skull creek, to capture our picket ) but
all their attempts, with one exception, have
been frustrated, and they have .been com
pelled to skedaddle without accomplishing
..their intention. . On one occasion, however,
tne Johnny Ilebs took the advantage of the
tide, and a dark night, and floated up to
one of our picket boats at "Sea-brook land
ing" capturing the boat, and five men of
our Regiment after a severe struggle be
tween the contending part ies. . .
. .The weather, is very pleasant here 1 now
and every thing has morethe appearance of
j June in Clearfield, than April. Corn, Oats,
ana rotatoes, have been up tor two or three
weeks. Peas are large enough to eat, and
Black-berries will be ripe about the first of
May. Wild plums, &c. , will be very plenty
here when they get ripe.
The Colored Population that have been
liberated, in a measure, (by the sinful course
and fully of Southern Traitors,) from one of
the worst evils that ever cursed ourjaud,
(that is slavery) are busy at work planting
corn, potatoes, cotton, and such things as
they can make use of. . I think if some of
those copperheads from Clearfield were here,
who are forever howling about every thing
the administration does to put down this
wicked rebellion, and who say the negro
will not work unless in bondage, they would
come to the conclusion that the colored race
could, and would work without having a de
mon (claiming to be a man) standing over
them with a lash, and driving and lashing
them like brutes. No doubt some of my
old acquaintances will say, the writer of this
is coming out an "abolitionist." . To such,
if there are any, I have but to say, "God.
forbid ! that I should glory", save in that
which is right."
In conclusion I will 'say, that the boys
from Clearfield, so far as I know are well
and in good spirits.'
1 ours Kespecttuliy, G. w
' " 1 ' .' i
Below we give the apportionment of the
State into Senatorial aud Representative
districts, as finally passed by the Penn'a
Legislature :
County, So. of Reps. County. No. of Reps.
1 nilauelptiia
Delaware :
Chester :
Ttl -1 1 n
: : 18 Dauphin : : : 2
: : 1 York : : : : 2
: : 3 'Cumberland : : 1
: : 2 Perry and Franklin 2
iiucks : : : :
Lehigh : : : :
Northampton : :
Carbon and Monroe
Wayne and like :
Luzerne : : : :
Susiuehanna & Wy
: : 2 ; Adams) . ; : :
: : 2 Somerset, Bedford
2! andiulton : :
1 Bradford&Sullivan 2
HBlair : : :
3 j Cambria : : :
I Clearfield, Elk and
Union fe I Clarion & Jefferson
3 j Armstrong
Columbia & Montour 1
Indiana and West
1 moreland : ;
Tioga and Potter :
Clinton, Cameron &
M'Kean : : :
Centre : : : :
2. Fayette : : :
sOreene : : :
1 Beaver iWashin'tn 3
1 i Venango & Warren 2
Huntingdon, Juniata
Crawford : : :
and Minim
Schuylkill :
Berks : :
Lancaster :
lie ban on :
2Erie : : : :
SlLawrence, Mercer
3l and Butler : :
: 1
: : - 6
1,2,3,4, Philadelphia City
No. of Senators
5 Chester, Delaware and Montgomery
f Bucks : : : : : : : .
7 Jy.'high and Northampton : : :
8 Berks ::;:::::::
9 Schuylkill : : : : : : : :
10 Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne
Jl Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming I
12 Jj'izeruc :::-::::::
13 Potter, Tioga, M'Kean and Clinton
14 Lycoming. Uuion and Snyder : :
15 Northumberland, Montour, Columbia
and Sullivan :::::":::
16 Dauphin and Lebanon
17 Iiancaster : : : :
: 1
York and Cumberland
Adams and Franklin
Somerset, Bedford and Fulton " : :
Blair; Huntingdon, Centre. Mifflin.
Juniata and Perry : : : :
22 Cambria, Indiana and Jeffersart : :
23 Clearfield, Cameron, Clarion, Forrest
and Elk ::::::::
24 Westmoreland. Fayette and Greene
25 Allegheny : : : . t : : : :
26 Beaver and Washington t : 1 :
27 Iawrence, Butler and Armst rong :
28 Mercer, Venangft and Warren : :
29 Crawford and Erie : : : ; : :
Whole number,
Eow to Outwit th.8 Moth.
The following seasonable advice has more
virtue in it than any of the so called scare a-
way of the moths which has yet met our eye.
Only be careful that there are no moths in
furs when put away, and it will be impossi
ble for them to get in if the necessary care
is taken. But to the advice :
Most of our insect's are very hard, caring
little for wind and weather, and will nev-
1 er die ot aromatic pain. We once pack
ed some small skins in the centre of
a cask ol tobacco leaves and stems but the
miller went there, deposited her egg3 and the
furs were ruined. This shows that they are
not at all delicate and care nothing for to
bacco. Expensive cedar closets are fre
quently constructed with the idea t hat the
rather pleasant odor of the cedar is sufficient
ly disagreeable to tho moth to keep her a
way from articles of clothing deposited
there. This is a mistake. The strongest
instinct prompts the miller to seek the means
of perpetuating its kind, and no trifling, im
pediment will prevent it. But the preser
vation of furs, or articles of clothing is
perfectly simple, cheap and easy. Shake
them well and tie them up in a cotton or
linen bag, so that the millet cannot possibly
enter, ind the articles will not be injured,
though the bag is hung in a wood-house or
garret. This is cheaper than to build cedar
closets and better than to fill the bed clothes
and garments with the sickening odor , of
camphor, . tobacco, : or any other drug'. ! ,
There are estimated to be about 7,000,000
of Jews in the world. ... .
When are all bets alike ? I Ans. When
they are all won (one.) '
Remarkable Prediction by Douglas.' -Mr.
Arnold of Illinois made a speech in
the House of Representatives on Saturday
last, from which we quote the following :
. "Here I will pause a moment to state a
most remarkable prediction made by Dou
glas in January, 1861.. The- statement is
furnished to me by Gen. 0. B. Stewart, a
fentleman of the highest respectability,
ouglas was asked ' by Gen. ' Stewart,' (who
was making a New 1 ear's call on Mr. Dou
glas, ) "Wrhat will be the result of the efforts
of Jefferson Davis and his associates, to di
vide the Union ?" Douglas replied, 'The
Cotton States are making an effort to" draw
in the border States to their schemes of ee
cession, and I am too fearful . they will suc
ceed.. If they do succeed, there will be th
most terrible civil war the , world has ever
sewn, lasting for . years. Virginia will be
come a charnel house ; but the end will be
the triumph of the Union-cause. J
"'One ot their first efforts wiil be to take
possession of the capital, to give them pres
tige abroad, but they will never take it.
The North will rise en masse to defend it
but it will become a city of hospitals the
churches will be used for the sick and woun
ded ; and even this house and the Minneso
ta block Jnow the Douglas Hospital) may be
devoted to that purpose before the end of
the war. " Gen. Stewart inquired : "What
justification is there for all this ?", Douglas
replied: "There is no justification, nor any
pretence of any. - If thev remain in the U
nion,I will go as farVi the Constitution will
permit to maintain their just rights, and I
do not doubt but a majority of Congress will
do the same. But, " said he, rising on hi
feet and extending his. armv."If the South
ern States -attempt lo secede from this U
nion without further cause, I am in favor
of their having just as much slave territory
as they can hold at the point of the bayonet,
and no more. " . ; ,
Life Like a Eiver. !
Bishop Heber, on departing for India",
said, in his farewell sermon : "Life bears
us on like the stream of a mighty river. Our
boat at first goes down the mighty channel
through the playful murmertng of the little
brook, and the willows upon its glassy " bor
ders. The trees shed their blossoms ' over
our young heads,' the flowers on the bank
seem to offer themselves to our young bands,
we are happy in hope, and grasp eagerly, at
the beauties around us '; the stream hur
ries on, and still our hands are empty. : Our
course in youth and in manhood is along s
wider, deeper flood, and arn id objects more
striking and magnificent. Weare animated
by the moving picture of enjoyment and in
dustry passing us ; we are excited in our
short-lived enjoyments. The stream bears
us on, and joys and griefs are left behind us.
We may be shipwrecked, but we cannot be
delayed ; for, rough or smooth," the river
hastens towards its home, till the roar of the
ocean is in our ears, and the waves beneath
our feet, and the floods are lifted up around
us, and we take our leave of earth and its
it-habitants, until of pur further voyage
there is no witness save the Infinite and E
ternal." ;
Interesting Experiments. .
A private letter from an officer of the
gunboat Essex, in Red River, published in
the Cincinnati Commercial, gives this ac
count of an interesting seriesot experiments
at Fort Dellussey: "Some experiments
were tried with the nine-inch guus of the
Essex on the iron casemated battery of Fort
De Russey, prior to its destruction to test
its power of resistance and the strength of
the guns. The writer says : 'Our nine-inch
pierced the iron and twenty inches of the
wood, throwing the bars of iron all around.
Some of the pieces of iron were thrown up
ward some sixty feet. One piece about ten
feet long came down endwise with such force
that it ran plumb through a log four feet in
circumference. Nobody could possibly have
stood behind the casemate.' the concussion
was so tremendous, and the splinters would
have killed them. We then tried the 100
pounder. We threw our solid shot against
it, and in the same hole nlanterl a shr-ll
which exploded, throwing up the iron for
ten feet all round. " After wc had experi
mented till the captain was satisfied that the
place was not impregnable, as the rebels
thought, we set fire to it and burned the re
maining timbers." ,
United ' States Christian Commis
sion. The Second Annual Report, detail
ing what the Society did in-1863, form3 an
octavo volume of 284 pages. Its details
are interesting, from all parts of the Union.
The expenses of the year were $265,211;
and there remained in hand, on New Year's
Day, 18G4, a balance of $93,000. The ne
cessary outlay, however, is so great that this
will not go far towards the need of the Com
mission in 1864. -'This association civm
food for the mind ; the Sanitary Commis
sion provides for the body, ; Both have done
much good. ' ' .
A Country individual W?lf Tfls fan rYt
in the water wheel of a paw mill, says he in
tends to apply for a pension, a ht is a . sur
vivor of the revolution.
"Ithink I now see a newec-ture in this
case, as the lawyer said wheu his client in
formed him that hejiad plenty of money.
Why is the letter T like a tyrant's edict
against the rights of man ? Ans. Because
it makes reason treason. ' ; . , .
What is that which every one wishes for.
and yet tries to ret ; rid of it ? Ann.- A - . .-
good appetite. ! , , . ;. ; -.
In one Rhode Island retriment are. frtrrr-
teen brothers, named Postly, Four are
twins. "- .r i- '
Russia rets. $20,000,000 of cold a veir
from the Ural Mountain. -. ,
tS -