AFT CLEARFIELD, PA., APRIL 13, 18C4. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raptsmas's Journal is published on Wed nesday at $1.50 per annum in advance.. If not paid at the beginning of the year, $2.00 will be charged. Advrtisemests will be inserted at $1.00 per square, for three or less insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 2 j cents wilt be charged A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than fix months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. S. J.KOW. SALT a good article, and very cheap at the store of WM. F. IRW IN. Clearfield. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, for sale at Hartwick A Huston' fe.-rficld. Pa CiO AND SEE THE NEW GOODS AT J. WATSON'S, Marysville, Clearfield County, Pemi'n. Cheap for cash or exchanged for Timber, Boards. Saw Logs or f hingUs. Oct. 14. 1863. JAMES E. WATSON. HIPPIE & FAUST, FEALf.RS IS FOBEIGN AND DOMESTIC DEY-GOODS, &C. MAIS STREET, CCBWENS VILLE, PA. THE UNDERSIGNED having taken the stocs of merchandize of the late firm of Patton. Hippie A Co., have just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Drugs, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Muslins, Pe Laines Prints, Sattinets, flannels, etc., which they offer at low price FOR CASH OR READY PAY. Grain, PorK, Shingles and Boards, tawen in ex change for goods. We respectfuliy asK a share of patronage. Call and examine our stocK. Curwensvtlle. Dec. 11. HIPPLE FAUST. N n. The accounts of P.itton, Hippie & Co., are in our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle the same as we desire to have the books closed. December 11, IS61. HIPPLE A FAUST. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. CARLISLE & CO., DEALERS IX Foreign anl Domestic Dry Goods, Groceri-s, Lumber, Shingles, &c. rHILirSBCBG, CESTKE COUSTV, TESSA. CARLISLE A CO.. have received and are just opening the largest assortment of the BEST. CHEAPEST, and most seasonable goods ever brought to this section of country, consisting of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES ; Notions, Hardware and Queensware ; LADIES' FUES. Hoods, Nubias. Sontags, Balmoral and Hoop skirts; Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes; Ready-made Clothing latest styles; School Books and Stationary ; Rice-flour, Farina and Corn Starch ; Drugs, Oils. Paints. Putty and Glass: Coal-oil Lamps, Wood and Willow ware ; TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS; Pipes, Tobacco and Scgars; Fish. Salt. Nails, Coal and Linseed Oils; Flour, Feed and Provisions; and all articles usual ly kept in a country store All of which will bo soli CHEAP FDR CASH or approved produce, Lumber or Shingles. Nov. 13, 1563-tf CARLISLE, A CO. "QW IS THE TIME I RICHARD JIOSSOP, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 4.C., MARKET STREET, CLEA.RFIKLD, PA. Rcul the follomnzhstof roods and profit therehy. Cheap, FOE THE LADIES. 'To'ds t'i?'A',,n on nan(1 a larjjestoc-k of 1-g0o4, Chea'p dies goods-such as Colt rg Sloth, UooJ3 Cheat Alpacas, De Laines, , nga uns, Gr0ds CtJp Prjnu Chintz, Kerchieis,Nu- Goods Cheap ble3' IJonnet3' Cloves, et5- Goods Cheap FOR GENTLEMEN, Goods C'Awy!Alwayson hand Black, Blue. Yrovn Goods Cheap and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Goods Cheaul Casitneres. Sattinets. Cassinets, Goods Cheapl Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- Goods Cheap ngs. Shirting, etc.. etc. etc. Cheap) KEADY-MADE, Cheap Such as Coats. Pants, Vests, Vnder Cheapi shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Cheap, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck Cheap. ties. Gum Loots and Shoes. and Cheap' a variety of other articles. Chetpi HOUSEHOLD GOODS, r.. ''Such as Unbleached and Bleached Goods .Good ft Goods Goods f Good , Goods Goods j Goods Good s Cheap Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton table cloths. Oil cloth, Linen and hcuip fowls, car pets, curtains, fringe, etc Goods C lieap' Cheap Cheap Cheap y;.ods j Goods Goods Goods lGoo'.'s , (roods Goods 'Goods Grtods Goods Goods HARDWARE, AC. Cheap 'If Jou want Nails or spikes. Manure t'h.J!. or other forks. Saw-mill or other ncip Cheap Cheap taws, Smoothing irons. Locks, t-L.... ilin Ch'anl where you can buy cheap. t'hejiii: IF YOU WANT Cheap, Knives and forks, Butcher Knives, '(Joor.t Cheap Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Goods Cheap and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or iGoods Chezp Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Goods Chtap': etc.. buy them at Mossop's. Gnnis Cheap IF YOU WANT rA'a;'Shoo Last or Togs. Palm or Fancy 'z.00 Cheap. Soap. Starch, Wall Paper or Win- y,O0y Cheap dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes 0 Cheap, or Wick., coal oil, etc , go to 'ey Cheapi Mossop's cheap cash store. "l.9, IF YOU WANT Cheapl'" extr f.mily Flour, White or!fAoAr CheJpl br.1wn 8Uar' hams, shoulders or G d Cheap ;ies, cofice; Imperial, "ioung ,,w rt. . i Hyson or blacK tea. buy them i Goods Chetip at Mossop s cheap tor cash Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods f.hean IV lUt WA.M CAajTaIIow candles, fine or coarse salt, CneapS Syrup or molasses,, cheese, dried apples ur pwaciiy-, .aicr ur no de crac iters, call at Mossop'g . where you can buy cheap. . IF YOU WANT Cheap Wieap Cheap Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramcn-iGeW t.A tl uses. Sweet wine. Ola .vionon- iirooas Cheap gahela or rye whisny, Cherry Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Cheap' Mossop's cheap cash store. Cheap lp y0lJ WANT Goods Goads Goots Goods .Raisens, Figs. Prunes or dried Cur-;, Goods Cheap 'roods Cheap Cheap Cheap) ranis ; uioeru. cream. j'ucu ui ground nuts, candies, Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop's cheap and good. Goois Goois Goods Goods Goods IF YOU WANT Cheap jTo'buy any other article cheap, bej, Cheap, sure togoio aiossop, lor ne sens Gods cheaper for eash than any other ,GooJs person in Clearfield county. ' 'Goods November 27. 1S61. ap27'59. c,oods Cheap Cheap Cheep Approved country produce o f evert LidtaltH at the rtsi'a mnrKei prices in nxnarg or goos. HOSTETTERS' CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, A pure and powerful Tonic, Corrective and Alterative o wonderfnl efficacy in disease of the - Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Cures, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Headache. General Debility, Nervousness. Depression of Spirits, Censtipation, Colic, Intermittent . Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all Complaintsof either Sex, arising from Bodily Weakness whether inherenfin the system or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not wholesome, genial and re storative in its nature enters into the composition of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fiery excitant ; but it is a combination of the extracts of rare balsam ic herbs and plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimulants. It is well to be forea'nied against disease, and, so far as the human system can be protected by human means against maladies engendered by an unwholesome atmosphere, Impure water and oth er external causes, llostetter's Bitters may be re lied on as a safeguard. In districts infested with Fever ami Ague, it has been found infallible as a preventive and irresis tible as a remedy and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of on attack escape the scourge ; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its protective qualities in advance, are cured by a very brief course of this marvel ous medicine. Fever and Ague patients, alter be ing plied with quinine for months in vain, until fairly sutured with that dangerous alkaloid, are cot unfrequently restored to health within a few days by the use of llostetter's Bitters. Ihe weak stomach is rapidly invigorated an i the appetite restored by this agreeable Tonic. and hence it works wonders in cases of Dispepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless apperient, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the Constipa tion superinduced by irregular action of the di gestive and secretive organs. Persons of feeble babit. liable to Nervous At tacks. Lowness of Spirits and Fits of Languor.find prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testimony ou this point is most conclusive. and from both sexes. The agony of Billious Coliois immediately as suaged by a single dose of the stimulent. and by occasionally resorting to it,the return ol the com plaint may be prevented. As a General Ionic, ilostettet s Hitters produce effects which must be experienced or witnessed bctore tcey can be tuny appreciated. In cases of Constitutional Weakness, Premature Decay and tichiiitv and uecrepuuae arising trora Old Age. it exercises the electric influence. In the conva lescent stages of all diseases it operates as a de lightful invigorant. When the powers of nature are relaxed, it operates to re-enforce and re-establish them. Last, but not least, it is the only safe Stimulent. being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely free from the acid ele ments present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stomachics of the day. The immense increase in the sale of Jlostetter's Bitters, both at home and abroad, during the past year proves that the world, while it obeys the1 Scriptural injunction to '-try all things," only "Holds fast to that which is good.' Spurious preparations, HKo poisonous fungi, arc continual ly springing up. but their character is soon dis covered, and they are '-flung like worthless weeds away." Un the other hand, a great antidote that performs all it promises, and even more than its proprietors claimed for it on its introduction, is "not for a day, but for all time." No family medicine has been so universally, and. it may be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent portion of the community, as Hos tetter's Bitters. Prepared by Hostetter A Smith, Pittsburg,Pa. Sold by all Druggists:Groccrs and Storekeepers everywhere. Nov. 10. ISM, 1 yr. HEMBOLD'S GENUINE PHEPARATIONS. Cosrrou.No FLtin Extract Brent;, a Positive and Specific Remedy for diseases of the Bladder.Kid ney3. Gravel, and Dropsical Swellings. Thismed icine increases the power of Digestion. and excite the Absorbents into healthy action, by which tho Watery or Calcerous depositions, and all unnatu ral enlargements are reduced, as well as Tain and Innamation. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCI1U. For Weakness arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, early indiscretion of abuse, attended with the following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Xerreg. Trembling, Horror of Disease. Wakefulness. Dim ness of vision. Pain in the back. Universal Lassi tndo of the Muscular system. Hot Hands. Flush ing of the Body, Dryness of the skin, Eruptions on the Face, Palid Countenance These symptoms, if allowed to go on. which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows lie po tency. Fatuity. Epileptic Fits, in one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by thoso Direful Diseases, 'Insanity and Consumption." Many are aware of the cause of tbeir suffering, but none will confess the records of the insane as ylums. And melancholy deaths by Consumption bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. Tho Constitution once effected with Organic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to strength en and invigorate the system, which ilelmbold's Extraet Buchu invariably docs. A trial will con vince the most skeptical. ' FEM ALE S FEMA LES FEM A LES. In many Affections peculiar to Females the Ex tract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Iiregularity, Paiu fulucss, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of tho Uterus, Leu chorroea or Whites. Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the De elineor Cltaitge of Jnfe. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicines for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. HclmboM's Extract Buchu and Improved Rose Wash cures, Secrrt Diseases, in all their stages, At little Expcnsu. Littlo or no change in diet. No inconvenience. And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions Pre venting and curing Strictures of the Urethra, al laying Pain and InUamaiion, sofrequontin the class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous.Dis eased and worn out matter. Thousands upon Thousands who have been the victims of quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the 'Poison'' has, by the use of "Powerful astringents." been dried up in the system, to breaK out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use Ilelmbold's Extract Buchu for all affections and diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether ex isting in Male or Female from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these organs requires the aid of a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it is recomended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character will accompany the medicine. Price SI. 00 jmr Bottle, or sir. for $5.00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe Symptoms in all communi cations. Cures guaranteed ! Advice gratis ! Address letters for information to H. B. HELM BOLD. Chemist, 104 South Tenth-st , bel. Chestnut, Phil'a. Helmbold's Medical Depot. Ilelmbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, New York. Beware of Counterfeits and unprincipled Deal ers who endeavor to dispose ot their own and oth er articles on the reputation attained by Helm bold's Genuine preparations. Extract Buchu. Sarsaparilla Improved Rose wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Ask for Helmbold's. : Take no other. Cut out the Adver tisement and send for it, and avoid exposure. Nov. 10, !S61, 1 yr NOT ALCOHOLIC. A Highly Concentrated VEGETABLE. EXTRACT. A PURE TOXIC. DOCTOR IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY Dr. C. M. Jackson, Thilad'a, Pa. Will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dis eases of the Kidneys, and all diseases ari sing from a disordered Liver or Stom ach, such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach. Nnusea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing.Flut tcring at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sen sations when in a lying posture. Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight,Fe ver and Dull Pain in the Head, Deii ciency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side. Back, Chest, Limbs, &c, Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings f Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. From Rev. J. JTewtoH Brown, D. D. Editor of the. Encyclopedia of Religions Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust, of their ingredients and effects; I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Uoof laud's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a gainst them for many years, under the impres sion that they were chiedy an alcoholic mixture. I am indebud to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bettles of these Bitters, a-t tho beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degroe of bod ily and mental vigor which I bad not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of re gaining. I therefore tbaDk God and my friend for directing me to the use of them. Philad'a., June, 23, !S31. J. Newto.x Brows. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the nam ot Bitters put up in quart bottles, compoun ded of the cheapest whiskey or common rum, cos ting from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the tasto dis guised by Anise "or Coriander Seed. This class of Bitters has caused and will contin uo to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept continually under the influ ence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worstkind.tho desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the result is all the attendant upon a drunk ard's life and death. - For thoso who desire and wi'! h-ive a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get One Bottle Jlooji.utd's Genua h. Bitters and mix with Three Quarts ot G.ioil Brandy or Whislei, and the result will be a preparation that will far excel in mediciual virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the mark et, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoolland's Bitters in connection with a good article of a much less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the attention of ail having relations or friends in the army to the faet that -Hooflamii's German Bitters'' will cure nine tenths of tho dis eases induced by exposures and privations inci dent to camp life. In the lists, published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large propor tion are suffering from debility. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by Hoolland's Ger man Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestivo organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in 6tatingthat. if these Fitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost. We call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one the nation's heroes, whose life, to use las own1 lan guage, has been ssveit by the .bitters : PAiLADELrniA. August 23rd. 1SH2. Messrs. Jones dr Ev ins. Well, gentlemen.your Hootlatid's German Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers ot my"bomrades, some of whose names are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case. I am. and have been for the last four years, a member of Sherman'3 celebrated battery, and under the im mediate command of Capt. K B. Ayres. Through the expo sure attendant upon my duties, I was attacked in November last with inflammation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heigh toned by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board the Steaiser '-State of Maino,"from which I landed on the 2-sth of June. Since that time 1 have been about as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow any thing, and if I did force a morsol down, it was immediately thrown up again. 1 could not even keep a glass of water on my stomach. Life could not last under these circum stances; and, accordingly, the physicians who had been working faithfully, though unsuccess fully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told me they cou4d do no more for me. nnd advised me to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition of my limited funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me at the hospital. Mr. Frederick Steinborn. of Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Hitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of deRth receded, and I am now thank God for it. getting better. Though I have tafcen but two bottles. I have gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daughtv, from whom I have heard nothing for eighteen months: for. gentlemen, I am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the cer tainty of life which has taken place of vague fears to your Bitters willl owe the glorious privi lege of again clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to me in life. Very truly yours, Isaac Malohe. We fully concur in the truth of the above state ment. ns we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health. John Cuddleback. 1st New York Battery. Git'. A. Ackley. Co. C, 11th Maine. Lkwis CnEVALiEK. 92d New York. I. E. Spescer, 1st Artillery, Battery F. J. B. Farewell, Co. B, 3d Vermont. Her-kR. Jerome. Co. B, 3d Vermont. Henrt T. Macdoxald, Co. C, 6th Maine. Joh F. Ward. Co. E, 5th Maine. Herkax Koch. Co. H. 72d New York. N vtramkl B. Thomas. Co. F, 95th Penn'a. 1 Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A, 3d Vermont. John Jerkius, Co. B, 106th Penn'a. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! See that thecignatnre of -'CM. Jackson," is oh the trtrapper of each bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS. OR HALF DOZ. FOR S4 00. ' Should your nearest druggist not have the ar ticle, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in its place, but send to us, and we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Manufactory. No. 631 Arch Street. JONES 4 EVANS, (Successors to C. M. Jackson A Co.,) Proprietors.' GrTor Sale by Hartswick A Huston, Clearfield, Penn', and Druggists and Dealers in every town in the United States. July 8, 1 863. COOKSTOVES and Parlor stoves, (for either coal or wood,) nd stove pipe, for sale cheap for cash at the store f J. D. THOMPSON, CurweniTille R. S W E E T'S INFALLIBLE iilliljlifl THE GREAT REMEDY For Rheumatism, Gout, Xeuralgia, Lumbago, Slijf Acfc and Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Piles, Head-Jche, and all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders, For all of which it is a speedy and cer tain remedy, and never fails. ThTs Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone set ter, and Las been used in his practice for more than Twenty years with the most aston ishing effect. As an Alleviator of Pain, it is un rivalled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinc ed by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it has been used it has never been known to fail. For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate re lief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headache in three minutes and is warranted to do it. Toothache, also, will it enre instantly. For Xerroiis Debility and General Lassitude, arising from imprudence or excess, this Lini ment is a luo.-it happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and re stores it to elasticity and vigor. For Pile As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an Every victim to this distressing complaint shou Id give it a trial, for it will not fail to af!orl immediate relief, and in a majority ol cases it will effect a radical cure. Quinsy and Sore Throat are sometimes ex tremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this liniment will not fail to cure Sprains are sometimes very !sf inate, and enlargement of the joints is Habit to occm if neglected. The worst case may bn conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. . Bruises. Cuts, Wounds. Sores. Ulcers, Burns and Scalds, yield readily to the woudurtul healing properties of Dr. Sicee-'s Infallible Liniment, when used according t directions. Also, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and Insect Bites and stings. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, the Great Natural Bone Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet. nt Connecticut, is known all over tho United Elates. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, 5s the author ol "Dr. Sweets infallible Liniment." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is tho best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment affords im mediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Tootli ace in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is the best remedy for sores in tho known world. Dr. Sweep's Infallible Liniment has been used by more than a million of people, and all praise it. ' Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment taken inter nally cures Cholic.Cholera Morbus and Cholera A Friend in Need Try it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, as an ex ternal remedy, is without a rival, and will al leviate pain more speedily than any other pre paration. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Dis orders it is truly infallible, and as a cucative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, &c, its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and aston ishment of all who have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures performed by it within the last two years, attest the fact. To Horse Owners. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Ilorfes is unrivalled by any, and in all cases of Lame ness, arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrench ing, its efleet is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mangee, tec, it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured in their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are I5 yond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Lin ment, and iis faithful application will always remove the Lameness, and enable the horse to travel with comparative ease. Every Horse Owner Should have this remedy at hand, for its time ly use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable dis eases, to tthieh all horses are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable hor ses nearly worthless. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, - IS THE SOLDIERS' FRIEND, And thousands have found it TRULY A FRIEND IN NEED. . - CAUTION. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also "Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment' blown 'in the glass of each bottle, without which none are genuine. . . RICHARDSON & CO., Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct, MORGAN & ALLEN, General Agents, . 43 Cliff Street, New York. 0ySold by all dealers everywhere. New York, April 27th, 1863-y. CJALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A urime arti k"5 cle of ground alum salt, nut on innatent saKs. at $3.25 per sacK, at the cheap eash store of jMovenioer Z7. K. MOSSOP. CLEARFIELD nOUSE, CLEARFIELD, PA. The subscriber having purchased the lurmture ana mieresc irom a. JI. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for the reception of tran sient and permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with his establishment will b conducted second to none in the eounty. He res pectfully solicits a share of public patrona"e July 11, lS60.-y. GEO. N. COLBURN. War in Ciirwensville ! New Goods Extremely Low. STILL A GRAND MISTAKE ! ! ! THAT ALLTHE MERCHANTS AT CURWENS ville were wounded. 'Tis true, that I was '-shot at, but missed, !' but I have procured another new and large assortment ofgoodsfrom the city, which I am disposing of at lower rates than any other house in the county. READ.'.' READ'.'.'. READ.'.'.'.' Among the Ladies' dress goods will be found Poplins, shallies, detains, lawns, and a variety of other seasonable articles, at the lowest war pri ces. Ladies who wish to make a good invest ment should call and examine my stock. CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES'.!! Rye. oats and corn for sale. Also, bacon, fish, etc., at very low figures. Best sugar at from 12 to 15 cents per pound. Best Syrup at M0 cents per gallon. AH other groceries at the same rate. Boots and shoes, and Shoe findings, cheap. New is the time to buy, when goods are plenty ; and ull I ask is. for persons to examino my goods and I feel persuaded they will not go awav b ith out purchasing J. I). THOMPSON. Curwensville, May 20th, 1863-jal. FURNITURE ROOMS! JOHN GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that. having enlarged bis shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good s-yle and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on band at his -Fui niture Rooms," a varied assortment of furniture, among which is, BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny-Land and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Hocking and ArmChairs, Spring-seat. Cain-hottoni. and Parlor Chairs; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, an I new glasses for old frames, whieli will be put in on very reasonable terms, on short notica. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair. Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY RIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable.' Also, liouse painting done to order. Ths above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable ftrr the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember tho shop is on Market street. Clear field, and nearly opposite the -Old Jew Store." December i. IS:". 1 JOHN GUELICH. MERRELL&BIGLER Have just opened a large and splendid assort . mcut of NEW GOODS at their old Stand in Clearfield. Penn'a. They have tho best assortment of Hardware that has ever been brought to this county, which they will sell at the most reasonable prices, among which will be found a splendid lot of cuttlery. to which they invite the special attention of the public. On hand on assortment of heavy silver-plated Forks. Spoons, and Butter knives, of the best manufacture. A lot of pistols of the best patterns, and other !"ro-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges; all of which will be sold at reasona ble prices. They continue to manufacture all kinds of tin ware, brass kettles, stove pipe. etc.. which cannot be surpassed in this section of the state. They a so have on hand Pittsburg Plows, a mong which are steel centre lever plows. Also. Plow castings, and otheragricultural implements. Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen eral assortment, and of the best patterns, for sale at reasonable prices Coal oil, Coal oil lamps, paints, oila nnd var nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails, iron, and castings, a great variety ; in fact almost anything that may be wanted by the public can be found in their establishment, -and at prices that cannot be beat. Now is the time to purchase, if you desire any thing in tbeir line of business, (rive them a call and examine their stock, nnd they feel assured that you can be accommodated. Remember, their establishment is on 2d Street. Clearfield. Pa., where you can buy goods to the very best advantage. Old silver, copper. bras. pewter and old cast, iners will be taken in exchange for goods. May 13. 1833. ME UK ELL BIGLER ATTENTION !!! TnE GREATEST RUNNING ON RECORD. a '-chase" aftek '-greenbacks" ! Excitement in Lumber-City, Pa. Better time was never achieved, than that made by the citizens of Lumber City and vicinity, on the announcement that Kirk A SpEscEtt had just received and were opening at tbeir new store room, the largest aii-i best selected stock of goods ever brought to tin section of the country ; and that tbey were selling them at astonishingly low priees. The high price heretofore paid for goods, had well nigh caused the people to dispair. but relief came; and the running commenced; "G--baci s," long hoarded away, 'mid, '-sighs for better days," were speedily brought forth, swiftly con veyed to the New Store, and converted into "5.20"' times cheaper goods than can be had elsewhere in the county. The public may confidently expect the running to continue from day to day, as they are deter mined to sell goods cheaper than any body else. - Their stock will be found to comprise every thing that the people my desire Dry goods. Gro ceries Hardware. Queensware, Drugs, Medicines, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Brooms. Buckets, Rope e., 4c. Readt made clothixg, particular attention is directed to this department, as they defy compe tition in regard to quality and prices. The Ladies are particularly requested to call and examine their large and varied stock of dress goods and trisnmtngs. shawls, coats, son tags, scarfs, nubias, hoods, gloves hosiery Ac. -. Lumbermen, are Invited to call, as it is their in tention to keep constantly on hand, everything tbatwill secure to them a complete outfit. la fact, everybody ean be exactly suited by call ing at Kirk dr Spencer's New and Cheap Store. - Their motto is -'Quick bales and Small Profits, for Cash or ready pay." Timber, Boards. Shin gles, and all kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. Up River Lumbermen can be supplied, without travelling to any '-Mecca of Humbngery." KIRK 4 SPENCER Lumber city, Ta., December 9th 1863. isaac kirk. :::::::: b w. srcrtcitt. DR. A. SI. niLLS DSIRES TO li-Ar. his patrons that professional blEl "v,ut Placet be found .t C streets Itil HnTes, except when SX'S in the town papers to the contrary. July, 13 seriouslthuetT' All the Merchants in the neighborhood of Cn, wensv.lle, because I have brought on and oPeni a large and well assorted stocK ot uPe"I NEW GOO I) S, which I am selling at extremely low price- f . cash My stock embraces all th t J, 7,J l toiiWher n?ry store' anJ sciect8j WAE TIMES. I will not, here attempt to enumerate all the am cles I keep; and their fabulously low Vrl which I might do-but after vTu wi I lae s and examined for yourselves youwi See.5 the language of the Queen of fh "ffi ! ' ' "HALF HAS NOT BEEN TOLD I will merely sav, come and see for 1 for I feel satisfied that l ean suit vor "tasSV. well as your purses lJ-iot" Lumber and all kinds of produce !o taken exchange for goods. en " Curwensville. Oct. 22, lSt2. J. p IRVIX FAMILY DYE COLORS Black, Dark Blue, f.ight Blue. Frtnch Blue. Claret Brown Dark Broun, Light Brvxcn, Snuff Brown, Crimton, Dark Drab, Light Drcb,. Dark Green, Light Green. -V.iCfj.,.. Marion, ' Orange Phk, Farpli, Royal PHrp. Salmon, Scarlet,' Slate, Solferino, Violet, pffnir- For Dyeing - 3 . .... v. .t. , AVi4 J WW'JS. CUflR " " vi-et-a. -iwuoons.uiovea, iionneLs.itat FeathercKid Gloves. Children's Clothing, and aJI kinds of Wearing Apparel. r?A SAVING OF gO ITU CENT. ror 2j cents rnn ran onlAt c -r..n - o tuu KWUS SW tv o U 1 (J otherwise ntf x-a i : -- - v u w v lUA0 LU I B 14 LU . tr B n ous shades ean be produced from the same Dve. The process is simple, and any one can use- tne I've with perfect success. Dirccffons in English, French ind German, in side of each package. For further information in Dying, and giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted lo dye over others, (with many valuable reccipes ) purchase Howe A Stephens. Treatise on Hyein and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of nrit;' Ifl cents Manufactured by HOWE A STEVENS, 2ti() Rkoaoway. liosTos. For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally Boston November 4th. lSti.'J.-tim. WINTER (WODST Jt-'ST RECKIVErt AT WILLIAM F. IRWJNVS STORE, O.V MARKET ST.. CLEAHFIELP. PA. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Seasonable Goods ARE TO BE HAD AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. The undersigned has just received from the East ern cities a Inrge and well selected stock of the most seasonable good, which he can dispose of at tha reasonable prices. His friends and custom ers are invited to examine his stock of goods and ascertain the prices before purchasing elsewhere As he leels persuaded rne undersell him. llii stock embraces a well selected assortment of DRY-GOODS AND NOTION'S, Hard ware, Queens wa re, GROCERIES, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, E JOTS, SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other useful Jcles. all which will bo sold cheap forcasu. or ex- changed for approved produce. Go to tho '-cheap cash store'' if you want to buy goods at fair prices. January I, 1S61. . WM F. IRWIN. J. P. KRATZER, PKALKR IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, iC. FRONT STREET, (ABOVE TUB ACADEMT.) CLEARFIELD, PA. J. P. KRATZER, has just received the largest as fortmcnt of Dress Goods for Ladies, now in the county, consisting in rart of 1863 Cashmeres. Merinos.Rep-dcIains.plaids.jI5fi"f pamietto, Brilliant, Poplins, Alpacca, j j 3 j Bcrcge.Lawns, Prints. Silks. Duster- l"?' s at clothe, Ginghams, Nankeen. Lin- '. -s-s " " 1 en, Lace, Edging, Velvet-trim- i ming.Collcrette.Braid.Betts. !;V fe Dress-buttons, Hosiery. Veils. Nets. Cor- 2 j o ' sets. Collars, Hoods, Nubias. Scarps, 's s U; Hoop-Skirts.Balmorals.Coats.Shauls, j., Mantles. Furs, Notions, Bonnets, ' 2. Hats. Ribbons, Flowcfs, Plumes. ;r MEN'S V EAR. Ac, ; 3 Such as Cloths. Casimcrc. Satinett F!an-! nel, Jean, Tweed, Cottonade. Muslic Italian-cloth. Velvet. Plush. Check. Ticking. Drilling, Linen Crash, II? Serge, canvass. Padding Liney, 1 Vestings. Coats. Pants. Vests ji.-Over-coats. Shawls, Boys Jackets. Over-' alls. Drawers. Oassraere shirt. Lin- !" er-Shirtd, Boots and Shoes. jj Hats and Caps, ic, tc. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. j - -Such as Carpet, OiI-c!oth. Blinds. Car tins. Tassels, Cord. Clocks. Lot-king- ! glasses. Lamps, Chnrns, Tubs. Buck- j ets.Brooms.Bruhes,Bakets.Wash- 1 1 boards. Butter-bowls, Seives, J Flat-irons. Coffee-mill. Bed- if 2 O 3 e J u. cords, Bags, Wall-paper, Carpet-chain. 0 a Cotton yarn, .Candle-wicj. w or-o- 1 c s kets, Lanters. Umbrellas, Buffalo Irr Robes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, ax. es, and Augers, Ac, Ac, Ac. MUSICAL GOODS, Such as Violins, Flutes and Fifes- .Vl. p 9 o a m ft. Z tt ft o o - Queensware. Glassware, Stoneware.Gro. J J ceries, Drugs, Confectionarles. icines, Flonr, Bacon, Fish, Salt, b t c s . s 1 0 2 s 3, a o GRAIN, FRUIT, . Carriage Trimmings, Shoe n'--e School Books, Mails ana :pi--e. and Putty. Oil. Vinegar, Tobacco, ? Segaxs, Candles, Spices, Powder, , Shot. Lead, Grind-stones, Raft ft-s -' in Rone. etc.. etc . etc o r AH ill WU1CU Will oc Wiu vu . , f -1 ns and the highest market rr?'VrtL . a . , vr 1 . terms ana mo mguei I .;,viTrlt. kinds of country proruce. J A1..- October 21, li63. Cler8la- Pen" "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers