Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 13, 1864, Image 3
35aft$mati gaurnat APRIL 13, 1864. Hon. J. K. Moorehead, will ac cept our thanks for public documents. The Roads. The roads, in this region, are unusually bad this spring, in consequence of the snow and rain that fell after the frost was out of the ground. Broke LooR-Vre understand that, on Vriday ast, some fi.tcen or eighteen raits broke looae below JJuttermilk Falls, and went adrift. This is quite a heavy loss to the owners. "St Bl'OKNA Sl"R iHvOUCK. ' The Commissioners to tuke testi mony in the case of Marks vs. Marks, has extended the time to April 28th. In the ease, Elder vs. Klder, the time has been extended to April 29th. Curwensville Bank. Among mr new advertisements will be found the first quarterly statement tit' the National Hank of Curwens ville. The finances of the institu tion are in ;i prospering condition, judging from the statement. Mrs. Lucretia Clay, widow i Henry Clav. died on the Cih at Lexington, "Ky., aged 83 years. The Sanitary Fair in New York is a grand success. The receipts up to Friday afternoon were $,:, 163 19. Counterfeit $10 greenbacks, prin ted from genuine plates, but with out stamps, are said to be in circu lation in New York. Late advices from Mattoon, Ill inois, state that the CoDDerhcad rioters have dispersed and that not a man can be found that will ac knowledge himself one. iso it will soon'be everywhere. The Freemasons' Nail and the Winthrop Hotel, in Boston, were destroyed by tire on Wednesday theCtli. Loss on the Hall about il(H),(HX), and on the hotel about $50,0)0. The masons lott many valuable relics. S' Districts liable to Draft ftipjilv immediately to A. M. should Hills to have tht-ir quotas hiled or so near at least as 'will jdaee them suft lv beyond the draft, or else they will have their share of the taxes to pay. without receiving any ben efit of the County bounty. Second Fenn'a. Cavalry. Tn another part of our paper will be j mnd an advertisement for recruits to the 2d Pcnn'a Cavalry. .Sergt. .Snyder, son of the late Lieut. Thomas ('. Snyder, will shortly be in Clearlic-ld to give any informa tion pertaining to enlistments. The Fi.ocn. The waters- were too hitrh for safe running on Satur day, Sunday and Monday. but since then a great man' rafts have pass ed down. The streams are still at a good flood fur raiting, and, we juvenile, thfit most of the timber will be on its way to market within a few davs. ALK OF SKATED LANDS FOR TAXES. In pursuant1 of the provisions of an Act of Assembly, passea the z.nti nay oi Apru,.i. u ibh, to provMe for the collection of taxes on lands wherever no personal properly can be found. and where the owner neg lects or refuses to pay the taxes assessed F will expose to sale at the court bouse in Clearfield, on the Second .Monday in June, A. D. 18t;4, (being the 13th day,) the following pieees of land in Clear field county, ou which the taxes for 1S6J, and previous years, are unpaid : BECCAKIA TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees &c. Taxes Hobson & Albert, 20 11 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. 33 Mill.-r James Est. 4 37 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. ;40 Oray, Joseph 1 b7 100 Maines. Jas. A. 3 75 BRADY TOWNSHIP Ellinger, 6. (heirs) Oelnet, Jacob Il&Lot Louis, Win. BURN.SIDE TOWNSHIP, 100 i I ol J is, David 5 03 100 DowliT, JamR 5 03 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Wallace. John 7 05 FEK (i L'SON TOWNSHIP. Ac. 225 ! M U ,il:er St.-wait, 5 52 1 John Mjllti , 100 Hannah Stewart 6 90 1 James Wi'fiams. 2C0 Packer & Dehass, 35 88 Thomis Beers. 427 Jonas Stinuhieser, 14 80 Waple. 410 William Morris, 28 30 Ft-xkr-r ir Mill. 49 Barbara Suyder, 6 04 John Pat ton. 404 Blair McLanahan, 27 86 404 Thos. L. Moore, 27 86 i 404 83 Mary Morris, 27 86 Wm. Il.Jone. 219 m Charles Crawford, 15 12 II. S. Urian. 408 76 n. S. Driver, 20 70 Calvin V L Shaw. 87 John E. Shaw, 5 19 Win. A. Wallace. 2Gti Joseph Ball, 27 54 Ci Wm- Wilson, 6 90 100 John Kephart, 3 46 300 James & D Mease, 20 70 100 William Hoover, 14 13 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes John Patchtn's Estate. 433 153 Daniel Turner $41 48 A. Moor. 108 Matthias Slough, 12 80 Chart nt Houston . 433 153 George Huss, 50 38 74 Lewis Jordan, 8 C9 50 Hiram Passraore, 5 83 24 Henr- Swan, 3 72 100 John P. HoTt, 18 58 50 Beni. Ilartshorn, 11 63 FOX TOWNSHIP. EL00M TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes Stacy if Simon Thompson. 326 3it) Nieklin A Griffith, 19 10 .1. 4- W. P. Fulton. 322 J. W. Smith, 15 06 Nehemiah Shaip. 3616 100 Jacob Bilger, 14 03 S. Kirk A Whitmor,2l 05 John Sevier, 14 03 Neeper AHartfock 10 48 Kenton A Spencer, 1 42 No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes J. G. Hartswick. 4181 495 James Wilson w, 23 63 Wm. Tames 4188 350 J. Wilson. (middle. )2t 33 4275 990 James Wilson, 47 23 Z. Preston. 4271 495 James Wilson , 23 63 John C.French. 4271 495 J. Wilson, (W. pt.,) 23 63 Speucei It Spiler, 4399 372 James Wilson, Alex Vial. 4340 188 James Wilson, 100 100 91 No. 1900 1901 1943 1093 135 John Patterson. Philip Loast, Thomas Mclrce. Jona. Jones, Stronger cj- Summers. Wm. Johnson, G 13 li 40 KARTHATJS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees etc. Taxes Fredericka Karthans. 600 778 507 200 1944 513 1093 1023 3463 3475 , II0 TETTER'S CELEBK AT ED FTOM.4CU BIT 95 i TERS is one of the greatest strengthening pre parations extant It is especially adaptod. to 3(J 1 those who are afflicted with the Fever and Ague, ; or any other disease arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs. For the Fe ver and Ague there is perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it. as it enters purines and replen ishes th blood, which is so important to bring about a heavy action i: diseases of this nature. Morris A Stewart 90 59 I "'tiers are now among the most popular, and Morris A Stewart 121 64 ! same time, valuable specifics in the medi- Morris A Stewart 80 15 j ca! wor,(i- In recommending it to the public, we Morris A Stewart, 31 63 fre ful,J conc" of doing them a great service, George Vanx. Knowing, as we do their many excellent qualities. 95 Morris A Stewart. 29 50 ".ntJ surand speedy action in all cases where the Devisees of John White Esj. aiscase Is caused by irregularity of the digestive 79 Charles Willink, 6 97 ' rg?n, A trial wiH suffice fortbe most skeptical. 88 Charles Willink, 12 26 ; 11 eo , "dvertisement. For sale by Druggists i "can.-i j general lyeyery wnere 638 147 Charles Willink, 55 00 48 93 J. R. McCoskey, Arnold Custard, I 4-15 23 b3 17 92 135 100 75 5 K4 700 10(1 50 Levi Cleaver, M ilegan Henry Shafcr, (. L. Heed, 15 70 65 45 14 03 7 03 C2 f0 6') 13 60 1 1 02 5 35 50 TH E A PP IHTION M E.NT. A WO! d- inir to the bill reportvd to the Sen ate, the (.-learfitdd dUtrit.'ts flinSt'H bt.r and llppresentative. are :is fM-1-iws: l'or Senator, the cnmitios of ('i":irli(;ld. Canu'inn, Clarion, For )ft and Elk shall compose the 53d ii.-trk-t, and idivt one benator; and iiir l?tiri.s..i rat ii v lif j'nimfios of i : - i Cltiirtic-ld ami Elk are to e!cetone member. In what s-hane the bill will juuss remains to be scon. K.-eonls. John GOSHEN TOWN'SIIIP .Merid. James A- GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. McGuiro. Jann-s Stone, Thomas KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP Pirkiu. (Seorgrt KNOX TOWNSHIP. Senate, Cli u'es Kst. MOIiRIS TOWNSHIP Wells. John WOOD V A R D TO WN SHIP. 30 Kowles, Trice A. 1 37 lf'. ilsun, Isaac 7 20 100 Stott. Mark 4 58 C. KliATZEH, Treas'r. Clearfi.-ld, March 30, 18G4. 128 10 40 50 t'U S3 9 80 3 34 0 18 2 88 7 G5 4 73 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. Warrantees etc. Taxes J. W. Smith. 316 CO Hugh Ely, $2' 79 A. P. Burner. 102 33 Johu CampGell, 9 47 Daniel Stewart. 109 Andrew Pettit, 10 14 M,ittheio Forcee. 48 Matthias Staymaker, 3 57 John W. Turner. 75 Wm. Bingham, 6 95 John Cowle.r. 225 James Duncan, 12 61 159 Hall & Buck, 1187 127 V. B. Holt, 9 47 83 Wm. Graham, Jr. 4 76 85 John Graham, 4 76 46 Moses Boggs, (heirs) 3 44 100 Nehemi.ili Mains, 5 61 i Thos. Holt, 39 No. 1921 1931 19 5 5365 5366 1929 1929 3ii47 3648 is;;: Taxes 20 0 21 88 8 12 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. Ae. Per. Warrantees etc. Anson G. Phulps 5362 1008 Ueorge Mead. 5361 1100 George Mead, IIoo t iV Co. 203 108 Morris A Stewarc, M'iiz.es. Vitle Jr Mathers. 549 116 Morris A Stewart, 24 62 Morris A Stewart, J 9 95 U ieO Smtth George Mead, George Mead, Sinth dr GiaJiam. Morris A Stewart Francis Temey. Morris A Stewart, Peter latntn. Morris A Stewart. Morris A Stewart, 103 Morris A Stewart, J. P. Nelson. Morris A Stewart. 536 50 563 40 40 117 47 97 2 1 94 9 61 55 18 38 63 1886 50 Fhlriilge. Merrell ir Thompson. 1 00 98 1100 1100 11U0 OF TREASURER'S SALE UNSEATED LANDS Notice. Townships desirintr to have their quotas tilled, and thus avoid a draft, will please make ap plication to Z. C. McCullou'h in l.learheld. who lias been appointed a regular reeruititMrolfieer for Clear field county. Having the advan tage of being paid bthe National Go eminent for his services, he is prepared to lill the quotas of town vhips at ?.';25 per mat:. Transpor tation furnished to recruits, by au-shorirv. The riTTSBi koSAW Works. The ard of Messrs. Hubbards & Long. Manufacturers of all kinds i f Saw--, appeare in our columns to-day. e would here remark that the Messrs. Hubbard are 1.0th skillful Ny-Enjrland taw Makers of leiiir experience one of them having bejn manv vears a member if the well known New-Fneland lirm of '-Gasre, Hubbard t Co. m..w Gape, Porter iNs Co.:) the ther f...r the past ten vears (unti within six months) manager of Lip- jnentt & Co. The facilities of on-1 firm are the most extensive wet ot the mountains, and we are :isured that they warrant every ar tf.Ie. faring their brand, as being fjUaPto any manufactured in the I oion. 1 hey desire and earnestly illicit a share of the business of the nsciuehanna valley, and are Wferiiniied to merit the same if ! rice and quality can effect the ob J't't. Give them a trial. roit TAXKS l r 1 rtf:J and previous year?. NOTICK is iiKHF.nv civk.n. that in jiur suanee of :ui Act of Arseuibly parsed the 12iLdayof June, A. 1. 1815. entitled 'An Act to amend an Act directing the mode of selling unseated land-', in Clear field county.' will he exposed to Public Sale or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the liorough of Ciearlield. on the Sec ond Monday in June, A. I). 1861 : IjECCARIA TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warr.mteesAowners Taxes. G D. Mursrim tV Co. 70 John M ailcs, 899 40 John Witmer, 899 40 Henrv Wifmer, 21 112 Win. Wilson, 16 40 Herman Winner, 126 40 J.icolt MussiTsinith, Thomas We'tuii. 162 Richard Musser, (rroorn DirXey & Co. 410 96 Joim Brad v. 63 55 10 Wm Brady, 32 55 2U 04 K. 43 24 BRADY TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc, Taxes tre,art?e. ir Calvin Biilcy.. 3571 102 34 Roberts A Fox, 1125 F. lieites list , 1431 303 Uavid Kenneday, 40 08 Miles iV l o"". 5S61 670 Jonathan 15. "inith. 69 53 J. Frreland. 195 ItiO Casper Stiver. 6 23 Smith V Brother. 213 501 Chrietain Lower, 92 04 5i Samuel Ambrose, 5 54 323 3M1 Johniunlap 36 53 2") (i. A. "Weaver, 4 53 110 370 Christian Lower, 63 01 60 J. M. Miller, (heirs) 14 70 5352 5370 5353 5357 1890 1924 No. 1909 5322 1100 5325 623 (ieorge Mead, 24 89 George Mead. 34 93 George .Mead 32 32 George Mead, 21 83 Francis VouJreit. 254.120 Morris A Stewart 25 23 liee.il & Weaver 503 100 Morris A Stewart, 20 91 5239 5290 52'Jl 5323 13SI J 1915 J 1923 192: GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes J. W. Smith or Shirery 137 Morris A Stewart, 8 57 Anson It. FJieJpt. George .Mead, George Mead, Amos B MvrdL George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, T 11 Furree. George Mead, Tho's. Graham. Morris A Stewart. Mitheiv Forcer.. Morris A Stewart liohert Slemart. Morris A Stewart 23 26 330 4K3 1100 200 300 333 152 11 41 56 125 21 47 21 O) 25 25 oo ss 13 89 Slti 28 92 78 92 78 53 72 C8 3'J 2'J 2 31 41 MARBLED. hi the 7th inst.. by" the Rev. J 'I Hrattoii, at the residence of the 'ride s lather, in Brady township, Mr. Joskph Snyder, of Lycom county, to Miss Uatharixf. R. '"DLAXpER. , n, DIED. uTii!irday, March 31st,vit the '.'"'.'li'iire ot his mother, one mile liu .Mileshurg. Centre county, '': this borough, aged about 33 jr!. The din-eased was on a vis ,! l'J his mother, whither he had t;?"es(.ine two months previous to '"'death. .Son after reachimr the I'lrcntal xM his health failed'rap 1 '. ', but he declined sending for family until a few days before ne died, when his brother came for "e ; but he had breathed his fct ere they reached their deatina- on. He was a content; mem. "erof 'the Lutheran church, a good 'ghbor, affectionate husband and wnd father. He left a wife and o small children to mourn his ejth. Peace to his remains. Ara. Howard Mitchell sbot a v,oung courtezan named Maggie in PL.,at,the Continental Theatre '! Philadelphia, on the 2d ApriL 433 41 3rt0 71 162 162 215 330 296 328 J W. Smith or P. McKtehan. 420 50 124 55 900 8(30 300 433 Willam Gray, nobi rt Cowan. John Fordtiev. .S. A- J. hoff Brown & Fulton, John Bijer Jacoh Knrg, Gill (V Bratt-tn-. Jotiri Kitland. Herman ITanpt Jf Co. lit) J;cob Kurg, John (iihson, Roln-rt Wilson, Martin Foutz, Jac b Foutz, Jr. (ieorge Muser. ' G. L. Heed dc Co. Wm. Miller, Wm. A. Wallace. Jacoh Mussersiuith, Sarah Biliington, 153 80 116 73 153 125 153 Co 05 100 75 10 21 O-J 10 52 22 11 22 11 33 33 51 15 45 83 50 83 99 03 28 84 12 81 GroomLightiiet&Co.l30 50 Groom Dickey &Cy.l25 55 L. W. Weld, Samuel Matthew, BELL TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Wa rrantees, ttc. Jacoh lleilbrmi, 5613 116 Henry Beck. Frederick IV. ngrrt. 5613 101 Henry B-ck, 4237 79 120 Henry Beck, feins bmith. 42S7 330 73 Henry Beck, Henry Beck, 4237 93 97 Henry Beck, John P. Hovt, 3565 161 1 IS John Ficholson, Arthur Br't, Berj Gibbs, Imiiisli Shiehlry I Henrv Beck, Henry (jrnhe. 100 Henry Beck, Henry Wise, 30 Henry Beck, Wm. B. Glenn, llehry Beck, ifenry Beck. 40 50 07 13 Taxes 9 9 80 5619 5619 561S 5765 4286 330 J71 93 161 433 119 102 141 1000 1000 500 249 155 15 7 52 75 83 06 90 13 65 55 52 10 06 8 63 11 95 EUSVSIDE TOWNSHIP No Ao. Per. Warrantees, ete. John Patchrn. 5602 100 John Nicholson, 51)113 114 John Nicholson, 5604 336 John Nicholson. 79 John Mailer. 131 Abraham Whituier, 114 Casper Shaffer, jr. 2ti0 liauiel Whitmer, 421 John Huhley, 100 Matthias Young, 333 AVm. Bousman. 23 Mary Roberts, 76 John Tressler, laO John Cumniings, 2f. Martin Mailr 293 John Burch. 16 Mary Jenkins, 347 John Trepslar, 410 Casper Shaffer, James Gallahrr 424 Mary Crawford, Elien M Masters. 310 Fred'k Kuhn. She pie y Prie-itley 111 Christian Stake, 150 Jacob Rowland, Taxes j I3 33 20 97 61 74 14 43 33 2A 20 97 47 73 77 91 13 33 70 34 37 27 13 97 27 59 48 51 53 82 30 30 63 73 74 36 76 76 2( 01 12 22 16 56 Ac. 433 376 433 433 100 140 311 100 313 433 333 398 95 410 250 22 100 248 No. Taxes 14 70 14 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Ter. Warrantees, etc. II. S. Drinkers Estate.. 153 Alexande Hunter, $38 David McKeehau. Peter Horse, 39 Drtnier Clari. 153 William Uook, 38 Geddes, Marsh ir Co. 153 John Musser, 61 07 James Thompson. 31 Henry Pole. Fulton, John Patrhin. 153 Benj. Young, 153 John Boyd, 153 Josiah llaynes, 32 87 153 Thos Hamilton, 45 75 Ellridee. Merrell ir Thompson 5324 1213 67 George Mead. 63 75 5324 1100 George Mead, 63 75 5327 1103 120 George Mead, 63 75 5329 1100 George Mead, 63 75 5330 II 00 George Mead, 63 75 liirhard Shine. 1911 100 Morris A Stewart, 6 25 300 Wm. Mapcs. 14 03 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees etc. Taxes 145 T. Cope, $20 88 Mritzies 'ilc-(r Mathers. 103 J.itues Milligaii, 17 22 Samuel Idansherry. 109 George Mooro, 18 20 B. Cltaoce 50 John Fry Jr. 1 99 Hippie French V Co. 332 Joseph Simons, 50 10 J P. NeliontrCo. 139 Reuben Haines, 217 Jacob King, 390 Geofge Wetzel, 348 Joseph ll.irrison, Joseph Wimiery. 100 Charles Hall, 135 Thos. Puncason, P Osrden, 100 Wm. H. West, Amos Boruemsiu. 114 Lyman G-ratz. 114 Robert Shaw, U4 30 Henry H. Borne man. Robert Shaw, 19 21 C. J. Allport, 8 51 GUELICH TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes Henry li. Wright John Witraer. $25 05 21 12 32 32 15 36 87 87 431 336 100 41 Ac. 100 G 2Sti 2U 400 No. 5412 Ac. 1655 957 132 Hews. Mvers A Co. 55 03 1097 I 1096 125 1097 25 1097 ) 1096 J 50 Reuben Green, 2 1096 66 Charles Hyek, 3 61 Miss E. A. P. Rvndcr, Ezra Pile. George Parkins, Ac, 433 200 72 433 200 227 100 123 90 14 No. 153 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc John Patckit 153 Benj. Poultney, Crans. Blale Cr Pe.rley. G. Ashton (forth p) Jonathan lioyiiton. Thomas Jordan, A. Wiiegarner Jr Co. Isabella Jordan, Wm. Brown. Silas Cox, Isaac Thompson . G. & M. McCormick, 26 09 W. if J. Cat heart. Henry Trout, 22 95 Poicrfl if Head. John Dorsey, 9 88 Thompson&Fgelman 19 13 George Bowman, 2 30 Har- 64 i Teacher of Piann.Pnrto m.io... n..;,.. inony, ana oc&l dlasic. bixty private, and twelve class lessons included Taxes $66 26 42 08 11 02 02 65 15 30 in one term. Kooms with Mrs. II. D. Welsh. Clearfield, July 1, 1863. COFFEK. THE AMERICAN EXCELSIOR COF IL.L, is tbe nc plus ultra of all manufactured coffees in the country. It has taken the place of the pure coffee in very many instances, and is pre ferred to all substitutes now before the public, and is the best and cheapest in the market. r ot sale by Ku bard Mossop, sole agent for Clearfield. Lipp A GARitnt.L. sole agents for Penn'a. No. South 5th fH., Philad'a. March 16th. 1864. SALE or RII I'L E. LAWRENCE TOWNsHIP. Ao. P-r Warrantees etc. Taxes Winefrarner ir Co.. 221 Hugh Jordan. 33 83 41.1 Jouu Kead. 63 20 Eldridse, MorrrJl trThompsoii. 293 726 " George .Mead, 13 9(5 297 116; 1213 25 .131 6 47 George Mcud. 69 George Mead, He.isy, Win. Montgomery. G. I). Grodfellow. lriardt Hartshorn 20 06 1j. J. Cmus, 133 94 22 35 23 19 7 36 43 61 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Ae. Ter. Warrantees etc. Taxes li. C. Burton. 16 Robert Glenn, $25 89 1). M or fruii or C. Man so a. 141 153 170 33 170 4v8 105 100 90 407 139 14 31 112 I I 4 150 421 440 440 410 423 Patrick Has, 16 21 Adam Mo tier. Robert Ramev, 31 W. ir J. ll'i.jr. Bhtir M'Laiiiihan, 10 Port.-r iV Tifti. Win. Stewart. 41 J. P. Nelson ir Co. James Wilson', 1 Robert Mm ris, 9 Wm. Morris. 8 Ross. SitottS- Co. Richard R. Smith, J.J. LitTle. 1 Janiet Stntrtr, Robert Thomas. Christopher Baker, 7 J'lOir.x Hushes if Co. HymanGratz, 7 Ii. M SI, air' A- Co. Simon Gratz, 21 George Crawford . Ililhirv Baker, 14 Ed. Perls 4- Co Jesse Yarneii 40 08 Craig and Blanchard, G5 Joseph Turner. 41 91 109 Joseph Turner, 41 91 20 Joseph Turner, 41 91 (Jeorge llabaker, 39 59 REAL ESTATE OF UK Iiv order of the Ornha Clearfield County the undersigned will sell on the loiuoayoi ipru. A. u. istvi. at Glen Hope in said County, at 2 o'clock. P. M. the following real estate : That certain lot in Glen Hope, nearly opposite me iuemoaisi r.. Liiurcn. being ot feet in front on the road or street and extending back with equal wiJth 165 leet ; having thereon erected a good frame stable, and a two-storv nlank dwelling I houso. subject to the payment of about fifty dol lars purcnase money due John Cooper. ' s erins, one-half Cash at timo of sale and the ballance in one year with interest from the timo of tale to be secured on the said real estate till pail JOHN W.WRIGHT. March 23. !S64-4tp f dm'r of 1. Rhule. LOOK HERE!!! SOMETHING SUBSTANTIAL in LUMBER CITY JOHN M. SPENCER Has recently opened a shop in Lumber City Ta , where he will keep constantly on hand, and man ufacture to order, all kinds of Tin Sheet, Iron and Copper ware KAFTIJVG STOVES oonstantly on hand of which Lumbermen will please take notice. Or ders for Spouting; lioofi.ii3, ire , respectfully eo lioited. Repairing promptly attended to. Store keepers and dealers supplied at reasona ble rates, as he intends keeping none but the best of workmen, the public may rely on Substantial work. Call at the Substantial Tin Shop and see for yourselves. JOHN M. SPENCER. Lumber.city. March 2. 1364. G." CARPENTER., HE.SZEY&CO S. 40 80 73 98 53 Wholesale Drug & Chemical Warehouse 53 j No. 737 Market Street, Philadelphia. j The subscriber" keep constantly on hand a largo stock of Drass. M'-diciu, Chemical, Pharmareu- j tirat preparations, and every other articlo, which appertains to the business: embracing tbe most I extensive variety also. Paint. Oils, and Glass of every description. All articles purchased from us can oe reueu on as oeing ol tne most superior i quality, ana at as low prices as tney can be had jecan oiler such inducements as will makn i j the interest of purchasers to lay in their supplies ironi us ana give us tneir luture patronage, and SrSQITF.Il ANNA HOUSE, t'lRWESS VILLE.. NEW LANDLORD. The under signed having leased this large and commodious house, is now prepared to entertain tbe traveling pnblic lie hopes by careful attention to busi ness, and by providing tbe best tbe country will afford, to be able to give satisfaction to tbe old customers of tbe house, and to such other persons as may sojourn wtth him. W. W; WOKRELL. CurwensvillB, Mar. 29, lS64.-3t pd. 1864 RSv2E-1864 Aa Spring aporoaches, ANTS and ROACHES, From their holes come out : And MICE and RATS, In spite of CATS, G-iily skip about. COSTAU'S, EXTERMINATORS. For Rats, Mice, Roaches," Ants,- Be! Bugs, Mosquitos. Moths in Fura, Woolens, etc., In sects on Plants, FowJ, Animals, etc. " 15 years established in N. Y. City." 'Ouly infallible remedies known." " Free trom Poisons. o , . . ' Not dangerous to the Human Family." " Rats como out ol their hiUs to die." K7Sohl by all Druggists everywhere. (TFReware .. ol all worthless imitations,' rr7"Costir'i Depot, No. 4S2 Broadway, S.Y. Sold by all the Druggists, Wholesale and Retail, at Clearfield, Pa. March 16, 1861. 1864 1864 . JCST.RECt'IVKD A LOT OF NEW GOODS AT . . MRS. WELCH'S, Consisting of Artificials. Roniiot? Buckles. Cmj'es, Ladies' caps. Rand-boxes. Cape-net. Founda tions for Hats and Bonnets. Flowers, Felt and .-Straw Mats, Feathers fur Hats. Plumes, Jet Iiouuet-pins. Ituchcs. Illusion Ribbons, Ycils.Kib bon wire. Bounet Silks. And every varioly of Millinary Goo Is. ALSO, Perfumeries. Laird's Bloom of Youth, 5oaps, Paper and envelopes, needles. Pins. Head dresses, bair nets, hair-pins, hair-oils, kid-glovrs. lip salve, dental cream, ambrosia, combs, dress trim mings. Crochet cotton and kneedles. silk, lisle thread, wool and cotton gloves, wool and cotton hose, gnm balls, stay binding, tape, silk thread. MAGIC lU'Flhl.Nt;. Saddlers' (ilk, machine siik.'cotton-tbrcad. but tons, baskets, collars. lace-collars and veils, belts, gum-combs, gum cord, brushes, h.toks aud eyes, braid, bcads.Bristol-board.guilt-oraid.O all aghers soap and hair oil, shawl pin, mittens, music, music paper, elastic, bead and iiugle trimmings. VELVET RIBBO.NS. Wire, Berlin wool, split sephyr.. Shetland wool, tatting-cotton and shuttles, crochet needles, twi lights, whalebones, toys' candies, china and ivo ry toys, bobbinetts, pencils, pens, embroideries. corsets, hoop-skirts, wourniDZ-vcils. - mourning paper and envelopes, nubias. lilly white, nets WHITE TRIMMINGS. Quilling undersleevcs, dolls, porte-monnaies. handkerchiefs, scissors, marbles and tisane narer nu oi men me wru gen sneap lor casn, Braid and Km broidery Stampinsr with the la test patterns. March 16, IS64. 13 11 30 23 19 12-5 George Gates, 4 00 36 23 100 Isaac Fallow, 12 70 66 1.3 300 Peter Yarnoll, 28 58 58 13 PENN TOWNSHIP. 16 70 No. Ac. Per. WaTrentecs. etc. Taxes 25 05 i963 6:1 Elijah Heath, $190 80 Patrick Hagerty, fi 20 if) 4 Heeds'' Heirs. 60(1 lteeds Heirs. 73 50 83 50 lteeds Heirs, 15 50 ll'i PIKE TOWNSHIP. D. Morgan iy Co or G 2 Benj. Wilson, Wm. B. Hagerty. A (4 Fox ,y louder, Hegartt. 49 i 153 153 30 Martin Worthington, 35 25 Wm. Wilson, 42 09 John Witmer, 9 54 James Page, 43 98 Miller c Christ 40 62 Miller & Christ 4 67 David Cathcart, 5 81 John Tiger, 17 48 HUST0TT TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees etc. John B. Otto. 5.1 C:t 2'i 40 Taxc COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes V rede.n cka Kartfiaits. 1593 578 Morris A. Stewart. $55 Cd 1H99 890 Morris & Stewart. 103 3 1902 889 Morris A Stewart, 103 35 1912 545 Morris A Stewart, 55 65 Peter Lamm. Morris A Stewart, 15 90 Kichard Sliaw. Morris A Stewart, 22 51 II. ir O. Smith. (ieorge Mead. 19 83 Eld ridge, Merrell ir Thompson. 5377 1100 lieorge Mead, 43 i 1892 1S91 5367 200 233 !50 S4 SI James McGhee, Framptou Bell, Ira A. Sabins . died almost instantly. Cause, Z P' lne murderer was ar- . - boiler mi 6 J'1?. Sontliwork foundry, lUfr' ,-vWnfch 7 persons were a'l 20 wounded. BOGUS TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. WarranteesAOwners. James Dixon, Jr. 39 John Thomas, La matin e if Turner. 208 John Thomas, A. A. Wincgarner if Co. 413 Win. McCormick, 440 Nancy Boggs. Crans Blakely ir Perlev. 429 41 Malcolm McDonald, 429 41 John Byers, Fisher Ir Poieell. 119 90 Barbara Snvder, Wm. Albert & Brother. 132 George Hootman. 42 20 21 00 13 50 Taxes $4 00 21 54 42 05 45 54 44 38 44 38 12 28 13 CG DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Fiteh ir Boynton. 198J Joseph Harrison, $27 72 James MGirk's Estate. 391 159 Thomas Biliington. 55 36 Pater Oiocns. 404 Charles Risk, () 28 55 J. Woold ridge ir Co. Ill Patrick Moore, 15 70 John Patton. 404 Aon M'Lanahan, 57 08 Kiehard Coplin. 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 14 84 202 li. Coplin, 28 56 Jamet Albert. 37 49 Joseph Sanson), 5 27 76 9'J Wm.Sansom, 10 83 George Wilson, Jr. 200 Mary M'Lanihan, 28 26 A. B. Long. 300 Casper Haines, 42 39 281 Gilbert Vaught, 39 74 J. W. Smith. 200 Jonathan Neshit, 28 26 Henrv Kephart. 90 Jacob Cox, 12 74 591 Joseph Harrison, 27 66 5673 1041 Moore A Delany. 162 61 5674 1041 Moore A Delany, IH2 61 5675 1011 Moore A Delany, 15261 51S 99i Wm. Powell, 15171 5057 877 Win. Powell. 137 07 Wm. Parker. 4257 883 15 James Wilson. Ill 01 Penn Lumber Co. 4902 420 Wilhelm Willink,7.10 33 75 U. S. Laiul Co. 4235 96 James Wilson. 123 26 4228 990 James Wilson, 123 75 4229 9o5 mJames Wilson, 120 63 4230 507 James Wilson. 63 36 4236 490 James Wilson, 01 25 4225 740 James Wilson, 93 50 Win. A". David. 5061 113 Wm. Powers. C6 32 Fitch ir Boynton. ?3 E. Shoemaker, 46 S3 lfll E. Shoemaker. 12 64 H. Thayer ir Z. Lisson. 50C3 298 Win. Powers, 37 26 W. B. Gordan. 4225 250 James Wilson. 3125 4236 500 James Wilson. 62 50 Thomas Holt. 5064 810 . Wm. Powers, 50 63 Wm. Irvtn, 4265 8S9 James Wilson, i 20 83 5670 1041 80 Moore A Delaney. J 65 06 5671 1011 SO Moore A Delanty. i 65 06 5672 347 27 Moore A Delaney, i 18 75 200 J. G. Ridder.7.10 $2186 195 David Caldwell, 24 38 No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Jams Hopkins 5783 1020 6 4 John Nicholson, 41 79 5785 l 41 John Nicholson, 3125 5774 683 64 John Nicholn, 27 40 5775 820 61 John Nicholson, 30 83 M' 0. Euan. 4252 957 85 James Wilson. 49 26 Jonathan Boynton. 145 Tho's. Jordan, 19 87 AlfreA A Long. 185 Thomas Magee. 33 01 R. W. McNaul. 5779 III Z. Bailey, 1 91 460 Z. McNaul. 7 90 296 K. W. McNaul, .'. 06 1129 70 S. Bladget, fi 17 5777 1020 21 John Nicholson, 47 95 2S John P. Hoyt. Z 43 450 Daniel Kailey. 13 7 invite all, who visit the city, to call at our estab h-hmeiit All orders addressed to us bv mail wnl meet with proupt attention. JEO. W. CARPENTER. HENSZEY A Co Feb. 3.-3 ni 737 Market Street, Philadelphia LIEF NOTICE. Tho Board of Kclie for t he eounty of Clearfield, will meet at the Commissioners office in Clearfield, on Wednes day and Ihursday, the 27th and 28th davs o April. 1831. The Board of Relief have directed that the wil'e of the soldier must appear before the board, and produce her sworn statement, detailing name of soldier, regiment and company, and when enlis ted ; the number of children, with age and sex of each ; the t. wnship in which they resided at the time ot enlistment, and their present residence and that she is without the means of support for nerseu anacmidren wno are dependent upon her. x wo witnesses ot credibility trom tbe township in which she resides, must also be produced. hose certiccatc (sworn to be lore the Board of Relief) must set forth that tbe applicant is the person she represents herself to be, that tbo statement of the number and age of her family is true, that she is in destitute circumstances and her family iu ac tual want, and that all the facts set forth in her application are correct and true Forms containing these requisitions can beob tamed at tbe Office of the Board of Relief, when application is made and the witnesses appear. N. B. Illness of the aplicant, properly proven, win excuse personal aiienaanco. Apr. 6, 18fit WM S BRADLEY, clerk Ac. Per. "WHAT IS IT?" GREAT EXCITEMENT IN GLEN HOPE, PA. EVERVBODT SEEXS PLEASED. And Why Should They Not Be ? Surely, the pcoplo in that section of Clearfield county have great reason to bo rejoiced over the pleasing announcement that JOHN ROBSON has just opened in his New Store Room, the larg est and best selected stock of goods ever brought to that part of the county of Clearfield. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. The undersignei having removed his store to WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. his New Building on Pine Street, tilen Hone, on UNION TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees cic. Gartland Irvtn. 3587 350 Roberts & Fox, . John II . S'yler. 125 John H. Ney ler, 380 JohnBi'ul;iRer, 2ti2 li. W. Moore, Taxes $32 83 19 56 59 38 17 01 Taxes 433 456 159 43,5 153 100 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes Cooper ir Pttsey. 433 153 Richard Peters, $75 21 438 153 Peter Kuhn, 75 21 433 153 Fred. Beates, 75 2 433 153 John DuDwoodie, 75 21 John Cooper. . 274 Adam Kahu, 52 13 325 Ebenezer Brenharo, I IQ3' Adam Kuhn. J 75 21 Patchin ir Swan. 433 153 Richard Martin, CO 20 433 153 Thomas Martin, 60 20 333 Robert Martin, " 46 30 John Patchin. 100 Philip Loast, 6 95 "0 Win. Jqodsod, i 87 120 77 5 Warrantees etc. A. B. Lomr. 153 John Vaught, Jonathan Walls, John Roll, Wm. Wilson, Dr. James Locke, Henry Drinker, Wm. Drinker, p. shoj ir Co. Samuel Emlen, Thos. Neil, Samuel Hagertu, Mary Neil, Benj. Johnson, Mary CoDnelly, Wm. B. Alexander 4- Co. Roland Evans. Wm. Albert Bra. Eli Hootman, Dr.D. Houts. Philip Loast, Jacob K. Howell, Wm. Johnson, George Buckham, Price A. Rowles, Thomas Robins. Peter Lowden, Charles Lowden Jos. Smith Irvtn Co. Mary Land with, Wm. Moore ir Wolfe. Cbancey Ricketts, Ed. Blanckard. Henry Shaffer, , - ' Isaac Wilson, . . , C. KRATZER, Treas'r. Clearfield, March 30, '64. 420 240 443 215 355 100 300 100 121 433 433 433 100 30 170 91 I3G 218 100. 189 153 153 153 63 posite the "union House, is now onehinir and of- fering to the public the largest and best selected stock of seasonable goods ever offered in this place and neighborhood, and will be sold at pri ces to suit the times. His Stock embraces Dry-Goods, Notions, Hard ware, Queens-ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made clothing. Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails. Bacon, Fish, Flour, Salt; Willow, Stone and Earthen-ware, and Stores. OF DRY-GOODS, be has Cloths. Cassimers, Sat tinetts, Tweeds, Yestings, Flannels, shirtings, Prints, Cobura cloth. Alpacas, De Laines. Ging hams, Chints Kerchief , Nubias, Sontags, Nan kin, Lawns. Linen, Lace Edgings, Collars, Trim mings, Braids. Vails, etc. OF HARDWARE, be bas axes, saws, chisels, knives and forks, locks, binges, screws, angers, hammers, nails, spikes, Stores of various patterns and sizes, flat irons, etc OF GROCERIES, he has coffee, sugar, molas ses, teas, rice, pepper, cinamon, cloves, Flour, nams, sides, snouiaers, nsn. etc. OF QUEENSWARE, be has tea sets, cups and saucers, cream jugs, tea and coffee pots, pitchers, bowls, plates, dishes, etc. OF CLOTHING, be has coats, pants, vests, un dershirts, shirts, drawers, neck-ties, gloves, socks, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc. All the above, and numerous other articles, for sale cheap for cash, or exchanged for all kinds of lumber and country produce. Remember, that I am receiving goods weekly from Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg, and that any goods can be furnished on very short notice. Cal! nd exan.ine tbo roods and c rices and sat- 15 40 isfy yearselves of tbe utility of buying t i MUX KiS9S"!. ' GIn Hope, December 23, 183 44 19 46 55 41 19 10 20 42 80 24 45 29 13 21 92 10 84 5 07 8 15 10 20 12 23 41 10 41 10 44 10 10 20 4 08 16 30 8 15 14 28 17 77' 24 45 LIST OF UETAILEKS of Foreign and Do mestic Merchandize in Clearfield countv for the year 1864 subject to the pa vment of Li censes. -: ; A M E. ItEStrENCE. TLASS.. Daniel Goodlander, Brady tp., 14 Samuel Arnold, F. K. Arnold. Reuben Moore. ' Montgomery A Heasly, " 44 Arnold A Terpe, " Carlislo A Co.. - .. " Eben McMasters, Burnsidotp. Irvin Brothers. John Patchiirs heirs, " Horace Patchin, Beccaria tp Bell tp., Boggs tp., Bradford tp., . Covington tp., Chest tp.. Bor-x, Stephen Lloyd, John Snyder, John Robson, A. S. Dickinson, Weld A Brother. Israel Cooper, Samuel Hegarty, II. L. Henderson, William Brady, James E. Watson. W. Albert A Bros, Matthew Forcey, Edward Williams, r rancis Coudnto, Claudius Baruioy, refer itarner, P. T. Hegarty, William Hunter. James Currv, J. P. Kratzer Clearfield V imam F. Irwin, Richard Mossop, H. F. Naugle.' - Boynton A Showers. Kcizenstein Bro's A Co. A. K. right A sous, " Merrell A Bisler, . C. W. A. II W. Smith, Reed, Weaver A Co.. ' Hartswick A Huston, Hippie A Faust CurweusvilloBiT A. Montgomery. " John D. Thompson, " . J. F. Irvin. " Kd. A. Irvin, , A. Montgomery. Decatdr tn.. iawuel Hegarty A Co., L.awshe, Hhitc & Co.. A. 15. thaw, James Irwin, Augustus Lecocte. Forcey A Walters. John Holt, A. . tOX. J. A. Hegarty.. 1. rn.. . ..... c. uuoi r .Miner. P. Sneerincrar A Co.. David Tyler, Wm, Bradv. David McKcehan, Henry Swan. Itotihen tp., Girard1 tp , . , Graham tp., ... . Guelicb tp., . . Huston tp., Jordan tp., - Knox tp., Kartbaus tp , Lawrence tp.. Lumber City Bor., Morris tp Martin 0 Stirk. Wm. S. Sankey. F. W. Brinker. Isaac McCloskey, James Forrest, Jo's Hegarty, Kirk & Spencer. John Ferguson, C. Rrenner, Leonard Kylor. J. C. Brenner (Morrisdale.) " iv. teath. ISew Washington Kn . J. It. McMurray, - 1 no's wall k Brother Tenn tp., Daniel Brubaker Union tn.. George Hegarty. Woodward tp.. v. 1.. b. hitcomb. - John M.Chase " RETAILERS Or PArrNT wrm fcd. A. Irving Curwensville Bor., Cha'a D. Watson, Clearfield Bor , Hartswick A Huston, " CONFECTIONERS A GROCrHS Valentine Hoffman Covinzton tn.. Wm. Lumadoe. Bness. to . Stephen Graff, Curwensville Bor., Girard tp. Clearfield Bor. 13 14 I i 14 14 14 14 J3 It 14 14 1 4 13 It 1 1 It 14 It 14 14 14 14 14 11 14 14 14 14 14 1.7 It II It 13 14 14 14 1.1 11 14 13 It 1.1 1.1 11 If 14 U 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 It 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 It 14 li 14 It M It It It II It It INES. 4 to r v. S 7 on 10 On 7 no 7 t 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 eo 10 on 7 rm 7 tw 7 00 7 on In an 7 on 7 fw 7 Oil 7 on 7 on t On 7 0l 7 on 7 on 7 Ot) 7 On 7 w 7 on 7 on 7 00 7- I'd 10 00 7 on IS on 7 Oil 12 60 7 On 7 01 7 0 10 on 15 00 7 on 10 00 7 on 10 on 10 on 15 on 7 0' 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 On 7 00 lo on on 00 on 00 110 00 00 00 on fM 00 on On 00 00 00 On 00 on 0f 00 00 0 0i 0t 00 00 00 00 00 Oft on 00 00 00 00 09 E . Goodwin R. 8. Stewart, Wm. Hoffman, Charles Hast, BIIEWERIES ft MRTltVERlf . Cba's Haut. Clearfield Bor.. 10 5 00 Uessecthaler A Leopold.' " 10 & 00 tiMr.m. Leonard Finney A Co., 9 25 00) The appeal will Le held at tha Commivioiran' office, in Clearfield on Tuesday tbo 19th day f nprii,. at loociocs i. m. JOHN EL HEISEY. Mr?L DJ. 18C4 Mercantile Appraiser.