ill i mi gbtftematrt Journal APRIL 6, 1864. The sale of R- E. Smith's prop erty will be on Thursday, May 5th. Messrs. Wallace and Boyer will please accept our thanks for sever al public documents. Religious services will be oberv-. ed in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath next, comnieneini: at 1 A. M. We hereby tender our thanks to Hon G. W. ScofielJ, our weiii'ier of Congress, for several documen tary favors. $300 Bounty. By rtfertwc to our Advertising columns, it will be seen that the Commissioners of Clearfield county, have increased the county bounty to $300. Now is the time to enlist. The Masonic Ixlge at CW noora has revived V ft' " commence work. That looks like reconstruction. 1 Deacon John Phillips of Stur bridsre will be 104 years old the 20th" of next J"ne' . and "ns ncver been severely sick pince he was 14 years of age. He was chosen' dea con in the place of his father, in 1790. f Charles Noyes, who robbed the United States Expiess company, at St. Louis, last summer of $600, 000, has been sentenced to seven year's confinement in the peniten tiary f r burglary, ar.d three for grand larceny. I The finding of the Court of In quiry in the case of Gen. M'cCopk is published. It says he commit ted lva mistake" in leaving the bat tle field of Chickamauara'; but ex cuses him, because he "but followed Geueral Ilosecrans, who had gone before him to Chattanooga. Postponed. Persons interested will take notice that the sale of the personal property of Joshua J. fate, deceased, will take place on Tuesday the lyth day of April, in stead of Friday the 8th having been postponed on account of the prospect of a flood. Districts liable to Draft should apply immediately to A. M. Hills to have their quotas filled or so near at least as will place them titfc'ly beyond the draft,or else they will have their share of the taxes to pay, without receiving any ben efit of the County bounty. Lir.UT. LidijELL. We neglected to state the fact, last week, that Lieut. Thus. Liddell of Co. K, 14'.th Peim'a volunteers, was home on a short lurlouirh. lhe Liuuten ant looks exceedingly well, and seems tu enjoy a soldier's lile. We wish him a safe return to his li ienus, when this war is over. MABKIED. On the 24th ult. at New Berry, by the Rev. M. K. Foster, Mr. Wm. A I'ale of" CurwensviIIe, Pa., to Miss Mollie A. McBridk,- cf the former place. On the 24th of March, IS64, in lTnion township, by D. Dressier, Esq., Mr. J. S- Harding, of the 13th Penn'a Cavalry, to Miss Lu cy Little, bath of Centre county. l.-imadue ir Turner. , J(i!m A. A. H'inrg truer &r Co. 413 Wm. McCormick, 440 IVanov Boggg. Craus Rlakehf Sr Perley. 429' 41, .Malcolm McDonald, 429 41 John Byers, Fishrr Sf Poieell. 119 90 Barliara Snyder, IV m. Albert if Brother. 182 George Hootman, G. TV. Gearhart. 80 Walter Stewart, John Madley 100' Hannah Stewart, James Williams. 260 Packer & Dehasa, Thomas Ueers. 427 Jonas Stineaieser, Waple. 410 William Morrisr, Fisher Sf Mill. 4$ Barbara Snyder, . . John Patton. 404' Blair McLauahau, 404 Thos. L. Moore, 404 95 Mary Morris, Wm. IF June. 2I91 Charles Crawford, . S. JJrian. 21 51 42 05 45 54 44 38 44 38 12 23 13 66 5 5i 6 90: 35 88 14 80 28 30 5 04 27 86 27 86 27 86 Jo 12 408 76 II. S. Drinker, 20 7 0 4275 9a0 Calvin (e L. Shaw. 87 John E. Shaw, 5 19 4271 495 CO Wm. Wilson, &90 4271 495 100 John Kephart, 3 46 300 Jamas & D Mease, 20 7 0 4399 S72 Senator Wallace and the Solmers Vote. The lust issue of the Copperhead organ contains the l.ibored effort of Senator Wallace in opposition to the passage of the amendments to the Constitution al lowing the soidiers to vote. We have not space this week to refer to this document, but will endeav or to present our readers with an uhstract of it on some future occasion. The Larrimer Monument. We have seen a letter from Capt. A. M. Smith suiting that he bad raised $142, for the Larrimer monument, among the men of the regimetit to which the gallant Ma jor belonged. It will Le remem bered the subscriptions were not to exceed one dollar each. What nre the people at home doinir? The members of the Committee should take their subscription papers down the river with them, and afford the money-making lumbermen an o- Iortuiiity to subsenoe. 0 t'OK TAXKS. In pursuanefcof the provisions of an Act of Assembly, passed tie 21'lh day of April, A. D. lfc44, to provide for the collection of taxes on hinds wherever no personal properly can be found. and where the owner neg. leets or refuses to pay tne taxes assessed I will expose to sale at the court house in Clearfiehl. on the second Monday in June, A. D. 1SP4, (being the 13th diiy,) the following pieces of land' in Clear field county, oa wbieh the taxes for 1803, and previous years, are unpaid BECCARIA TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees &c Taxes 225 Kobson Ac Albert, 20 11 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. 33 Miller James Est. 4 37 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP, E40 Gray, Joseph 187 ioo .names, j as. a. 3 iO BRADY TOWNSHIP. C'2 Eilinger, G. (heirs) f0 Gelnet, Jacob BLOOM T0WNSHIF. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Stacy Sr Si mo i Thompson. 5926 300 . Nioklin A Griffith, 49 10 M. if IV. P. Fulton. 322 J. W. Smith, 15 06 135 S. Kirk A Whitnior,2l 05 100 John Seyler,. 34 03 75 Keeper FTartfoefc 10' 43 5 Fenton & Spencer, I 42 84 Levi Cleaver, 15 70 700 Milegan 05 45 100 Henry Shafer, 1 1 03 50 G. L. Reed, 7 03 300 281 200 90 195 100 A. B. Long. Casper Haines, Gilbert Vaught, J. W. Smith. Jonathan Nesnit, Henry Kef hart. Jacob Cox, Joseph Harrison, William Hoover, 42 39 39 74 23 26 12 74 27 56 14 13 Ac. 433 108 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes John Patchin'' Estate. 158 Daniel Turner A. Moor. Matthias Slough, Charles Houston. 433 153 George Ross, Lewis Jordan, Hiram Passiuore, lienrv Swan, John P. Hoyt, Ben. Hartshorn, $41 48 12 80 50 38 Patetin Sr Siean. 433 153 Richard Martin; 433 153 Thomas Martin, 333 Robert Martin, - John Patterson. 100 Philip Loast, John- Patchin. 100 Philip Loast, 70 Wm. Johnson, Tliomas McLree. 100 Jona. Jones, Stronger Sf Summers. 91 135 Wm. Johnson, 60 20 CO 20 46 30 6 95 6 4 13 6 95 7 3tf 40 74 50 24 100 50 8 6 3 13 11 69 83 72 58 63 FOX T0W5SHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes J. G. Hartwici: 4131.495 Jamea Wilson wi, 23 63 Wm. Tames 41 83 350 J. Wilson. (middle,)2! 33 James Wilson, 47 23 Z. Preston. James Wilson , 23 63 J oil C . Fren ch . J. AVilson, (,) 23 63 Snencri or Winter, James Wilson, 23 63 Alex Vial. 4340 IKS James-Wtlson, 17 92 No. 5362 53(51 1021 1931 V) 5 53ii5 536(5 GIRASD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees etc. Anson G. Phelps 100S George Mead, 1100 George Mead, Hood iSc Co. 203 103 Morris A SteWart, Menzies. Viele iV Mathers. H&Lot Lewis, Win. 13 60 11 o; 5 35 BURNS IDE TOWNSHIP, 100 Hollis, David 5 03 100 Do ler, James 5 03 C1IKST TOWNSniP. 50 Wallace. John 7 05 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. 60 Records, John 7 75 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. 128 Mead, Jates A- 9 86 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. 10 McGuiro. James 3 34 49 Stone. Thomas CIS KARTIIAUS TOWNSHIP 50 Perkin. Georsro 2 88 KNOX TOWNSHIP. 60 Senate, Charles Est. 7 65 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. 83 Wells, John 4 73 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. so jiowies, i rico A. l ot 189 Wilson, Isaac 7 20 100 Stott. Mark 4 53 C. KRAT2ER, Treas'r. Clearfield, March 30, 1864. Ac. 346 102 109 43 75 225 159 127 85 85 40 100 1 4 No. 3574 1431 5861 195 21S 323 110 No BRADFORD TOWNSHIP Per. Warrantees etc. Taxes J. W. Smith. CO Hugh Ely, $25 79 A. P. Baree.r. 35 John Campbell, 97 Daniel Stewart. Andrew Pettit, 10 14 Mittheio Forcee. Matthias Staytnaker, 3 57 Jvhtt W. Turner. Win. Bingham, 6 95 John Cowder. James Duncan, . 12 61 649 116 Morris Jt Stewart, 536 Morris fc Stewart, II. Jr O Smith 50 George Mead, 563 George Mead, Syntth Ar Graham. 1929 40" Morris & Stewart Francis Temey. 1929 40 Jorrir A Ste-wart, Peter lAimm. 117 li orris A Stewart. 47 Morris A Stewart, 97 103 Morris & Stewart, J. P. Nelson. 1SS6 50 Morris & Stewart, Taxes 2i 04 21 83 8 12 21 52 19 95 2 91 27 92 1 62 1 56 3617 3613 1S37 5352 5376 5353 5357 Hall & Buck, V. B. Holt, Wm. Graham, Jr. John Graham, Moses Boggs, (heirs) Nehemiah Mains, Thos.. Holt, BRADY TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc, George ir Calvin. Bailey.. 102 34 Koberts A Fox. F. Be.atea Est , 303 David Kenneday, Miles ir YoHng. 670 Jonathan B. Smith. J. Freeluntl. 100 Casper Stiver. Smith 4- Brother. 501 Christain Lower, Samuel Ambrose, John Donlap: G. A. Weaver, Christian Lower, 1187 9 47 4 76 4 76 3 44 5 61 39 Taxes 11 40 69 6 03 53 I 23 1S90 1924 No. 1909 ! 5322 5325 52H9 52yo 5291 Eflridge, Merrcll ir Thompson. 2 70S George' Mead, 24 89 George Mead, 34 9S George Mead 32 S2 George Mead, 21 83 Francis Codreit. 254 120 Morris A Stewart 25 23 Reed if Weaver. 503 100 Morri A Stewart, 20 19 1100 1100 1100 G0SIIE5T TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. J. W. Smith or Sliirerlv. Taxes 8 57 50 331 25 370 80 92 04 5 54 36 53 4 58 63 01 17 Morris A Stewart, Anson Lr. fhrlps. 1100 GoorgeMead, 17 2! 62-1 George Mead, 9 76 lo B.Me rJl. 339 George Mead, 41 483 George Mead, 55 1100 George Mead, 125 00 T II. Forcee . 5325 200 George Mead, 21 83 1834 Tho's. Graham. 1915 j 300 Morris A Stewart, 23 13 M itieit, Forcee. 1923 333 Morris A Stewart 47 89 Rohert Stewart. 1922 152 Morris A Stewart. 23 26 Etdridge. Merrett if Thompson J. M.Miller, (heirs) 14 70 324 1213 67 George Mead, 5326 1100 GoorgeMead, 5327 1103 120 George Mead, and the Weather. In our Lust issue we noticed the fact that snow had fallen to the depth of about rix inches, when we went lo pros. It did not ceaQ Miowiue until it had readhed near ly a loot in depth a great portion ct which, however, passed off so gradually as to caue hut little rise in the streams. But during the jat two days, the streams have reached a moderate running stage and quite a nuniDer oi raits have liaised this place some of which, we understand, rubbed on the bars. Nme ram has fallen durin? the la.-?t sixteen hours, and this ( Wed nesday) morning there is a good flood in the river at this place, with a fair prospect of continuing for HiVcral uava. Horrible Catastroiie. To wards the close of last week a raft was discovered on lire while nas; ins: down the river in the vicinity oi onnumDeriamt. ome per sons from shore reached the raft as s'H'ii as possible, when they found three men on board, one of them ourned to a crisp, and the others to liisensibiJity. Being thus far gone, iwy could give no account of theni- vlvcs, their names, nor anything '"'ucerning the disaster. It is sup POMjd that the straw and other in namniahle materials lying loosely aliout in the cabin took fire while they were asleep, or, what is more lamentable, intoxicated. The two .living men were not expected to recover, at latest accounts. Union nti Sfnr, March 22, 1SA4. iP'i one dar last week. lhe r Department refuses to j-i'Oii pa..cs tor visitors to the I'o 'oinac army. A general congress of Fwma ns of all countries is shortly to as tiihle at linw TKEASUSEE'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS FOR TATE. For IS63 and previous years. XOTICE is uereby given, lhatin our suance of an Act of Assembly passed me iiQ(iayot June. A. U. Iblo, entitlcJ 'An Act to amend an Act directing the inoae oi selling unseated lands, m tMear- field coucty.' will be exposed to Public Sale oi outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on the Sec ond Monday in June. A. I. 1864 : BECCAKIA TOWIVSHIP. Ac. Per WarranteesAoTrners Taxos. G. I) . Morrau Sr Co. 70 John Maik-s, 399 m John Witmer, 809 40 Henry Witmer, 231 112 Wm. Wilson, 165 40 Herman Winner, 12G 40 Jacob Mussersmith. Th omrrs W esto n . 162 Kichard Musuer. Groom. Diciev Sr Co. 410 96 John Bradv, 210 Win. Brady, 179 04 E, Llain, J W.Smith or D. McKethan. SI15 28 92 78 92 78 53 72 38 39 29 81 41 63 5-- 82 55 43 24 46s a5 wiinam tiray. Robert Cowan. John Fordnev, V J. Shoff Brown fct Fulton, Joli n Dyer Jacob Kurg, Gill & Bratllir. John Kitland, Herman Ilaitpt Sr Co. ' "Jacoh Kurg, John Gibson, Robert Wilson, Martin Foutz, 433 41 360 162 162 215 330 296 328 153 SO 11G 116 78 15-1 1 '"ic benevolent citizens are out to establish a home forNcws- lhe New Brunswick papers are lamenting the increasing emigra tion of young men iVom that prov to the United States. wn. Grant has established his neadfjuarters ten miles nearer the mntthan Gen. Meade has ever d0'. That looks like work. , v. Curtin, in a letter to the i-istenee committee of Pitts "Ur?. emrocdo i,:., i i. r the relief that haa been extend ,4r soldiers on passing thgh that city. Gold was selling in Richmond eent 1oal)0ut three thousand per la- i- ii tne rekd Government Si i10!-811 by, repudiating, or ,Q- rcopk htde to lose. 426 56 900 SOD S0O 433 125 Jac b Foutz, Jr. 153 George Musser, G. L. Heed if Co. Wm. Miller, 66 C5 W) tit 10 24 55 80 16 52 22 11 22 11 33 33 51 15 45 89 50 85 99 03 SUETTSIDE TOWNSHIP Ae. Per. Warrantees.- etc Taxes John Patcinn. 5602 100 John Nicholson, SIS 33 ionlMlU John Nicholson, 20 97 ; 5004 333 John Nicholson, 61 74 79 John Mailer. 14 43 131 Abraham Whitmcr, o3 24 1 1 1 Casper Shaffer, jr. 20 97 2W laniel Whitmer, 47 78 424 John Hubley, 77 91 100 Matthias Young, 18 33 333 Wm. Bouxman, 70 34 203 Mary Itoberts, 37 27 7ti John Tressler, 13 97 loO John Cuuimins, 27 59 24 Martin Mailer 43 51 293 John Burch, 53 82 16.' Mary Jenkins, 30 30 347 John Tressler, 63 73 410 Canper chaffer, 74 36 James Gallaiier 424 Mary Crawford, 75 76 Eben M Masters. 310 Fred'k Kuhn, 20 01 Sliepley Priestley. Ill Christian StaKo, 12 22 150 Jacob Rowland. 16 56 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Ac. 1'er. warrantees, etc. Taxes II. S. Drinkers Estate. 433 153 Alexande Hunter, $38 14 David McKeehan. 36 Peter Morse, 39 76 Drinker Sr Clark. 433 153 William Cook, 38 14 Geddes. Marsh ir Co. 433 153 John Musser, Cl James Thompson. 100 31 Henry Pole, 21 15 140 Fulton, 12 36 John Patchin. oil i-3 lienj. lounz, o- G, 100 153 John Boyd, 32 87 313 153 Josiah HavAes, 82 87 433 153 Thos Hamilton, 45 75 532 J lino 5330 1100 1911 ino 300 tieore Mead, George Mead, Rirliar.-I Shattf. Morris & Stewart, Wm. Mapes. 63 75 63. 71 08 75 03 75 03 75 6 25 14 08 Ac. 145 103 109 50 382 139 !1? 3y6 348 100 135 100 431 336 100 GEAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ter. Warrantees etc. Taxes T. Cope, $20 88 Menzie.s Viele lr Mathers. James Milligan, Samuel Ltinsbcrry. George Moore, B. Chance John Fry Jr. Hippie, French Co. Joseph Simons, J. P. Nelson A Co. lteuben Haines, Jacob King, George Wetzel, . Joseph Harrison, Joseph Winnery. Charles Hall, Thos. Dnncason. P Ogden. Wm. II." West, Amos Borneman. 114 Lyman Gratz, 114 Robert Shaw, Henry II. Borneman Kobert Shaw, GUELICH TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc Henrv B. Wri&ht 100 John "Witmer. S 17 99 18 20 1 99 50 10 23 19 36 23 66 15 58 13 1G 70 25 05 10 45 83 50 64 30 19 21 Taxes 05 KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees etc Taxes Fredericka ICtrthaus. 1900 000 Morris Stewart. DO 69 1901 773 Morris & Stewart.121 64 1943 507 Morris A Stewart, SO 15 j iuj zuu .Morns 4 Mewart, 31 63 George Vaux. 1944 513 95 Morris fc Stewart, 29 50 Devisees of John White Esq. 79 Charles Willink, fi 97 83 Charles Willink. 12 25 IIOSTETTEr.'PCEIJSCR'.VTEI) STOMA CUBIT- True : . - i, . ;imiouui Kutz tnncisi ; '.reiimemng pre. , j arauors e.iani n is espetiaiiy adapted to loose woo are alilicted itn the lever and Aeue, or any other disease arising from a disordered condition of the digesnvs orms. For the Fe ver and Ague there is r erhepi co medicine in tho woria equal to it. as it enters, pur ities and replen ishes thevlood, which is so important to bring about a heavy action in diseases 0s this nature. The Bitters are now amorTr the most nonular. and jat the same time, Talaable specifics iu the medi cal woria. in recommending it to the public, we are fully concious of doing them a great service, knowing, as we do their many excellent qualities, and sure and speedy action in all cases where the disease is caused by irregularity of the digestive organ. A trial will suffice for the most skeptical. 3f ce advertisement. For sale by Druggists and dealers generallyevcry where. 1093 1023 3463 ) 3475 J 633 147 Charles Willink, 56 00 2i 5412 Ac 1055 1097 1096 1097 109 1096 1096 43 93 J. K. McCoskey, Arnold Custard, 4 15 5 64 CJAtE OF 957 132 Hews, Myers & Co. 55 03 I 125 Ezra Pile, 7 21 George Parkins, 1 46 50 Reuben Green, 2 6S 66 Charles Hyck, 3 81 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac, Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes John Patchin. 433 153 Benj. Poultney, 66 26 Craus, Blake if Perley. 200 G. Ashton (i.orth p) 42 08 Jonathan. Boynton. 72 Thomas Jordan, 1102 A. A. Wintgamer if Q'y. 433 153 Isabella Jordan, S2 6a Wm. Brown. 200 . Silas Cox, 15 30 Isaac Thompson. 227 (I. &M.iMcCormick,2S09 W.if J. Cat heart. 100 Jlenrv Tront, 22 95 Powell if Real. 129 John Dorsey, 9 88 90 Thompjon&Egelman 19 13 14 Georgo Bowman, 2 30 No. 5293 5296 5297 LAWRENCE TOWNsHIP. Ao. Per Warrantees etc. Taxes Winegarner ir Co. 221 Hugh Jordan, 33 83 413 Johu Read. 63 20 Eldridgef Morrell if Thompson. zo oeorge JleHd, 13 94 1 167 47 George Mead. 22 5 1213 69 George Mead, 23 J9 Heisy, 32 Wm. Montgomery, 7 35 235 G. D. Gcodfellow, 43 61 131 Leonard Hartshorn 20 06 6 L. J. Crans, 1S3 MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes E. C. Burton. 2 16 Kobert Glenn, S25 89 G. D. Morgan or C. Mttnson. 170 141 PatricR IIavs, 16 21 Adam Mover. 333 153 Kobert Kainey, 31 75 V. V J.IIuff. 170 Uhiir M'Lanaban. 10 80 Porter Sr Levi. 438 Win. Stewart. 41 73 J. P. Nelson (V- Co. 105 James Wilson, 9 100 Robert Moiris. 90 Wm: Morris, 8 Ross. Shot t A- Co. 407 139 Richard K. Smith, 25 J. J. Linnle. 244 Jamet Smith. 7 Robert Thomas. :3l Christopher Baker, 7 James Husrhes A- Co. 112 Ilvman Gratz. 7 R. M. Sliaw d- Co. Georsrc Crawford. 150 Hillary Baker. 14 30 Ed. Perks ir Co 421 Jesse Yarnell 40 08 REAL ESTATE OF IK. KIIULF.. Bv order of the Ornhans' Court nf Clearfield County the undersigned will sell on the 16th day of April. A. 1. 1S64, at Glen Hope In said County, at 2 o'clock, P. M. the following real estate : That certain lot in Glen Hope, nearly opposito the MethodUt E. Church, being 66 feet in front on the road or street and extending back with equal width 165 lect ; having thereon erected a good frame stable, and a two-sLorv Finnic rivalling houso. subject to the payment of about fifty dol lars purchase money due John Cooper. Terms, one-half Cash at time of sale and the ballanee in one year with' interest from the time of sale to be sec u rod on the said real estate till paid JOHN W. WRIGHT. March 23, IS64-4tp. .dra'r of S. D. Rhule. LOOK HERE H! SOMETHING SUBSTANTIAL in LUMBER CITY JOHN M. SPENCER Has recently opened a shop in Lumber City Pa , where he will keep constantly on hand, and man ufacture to order, all kinds of Tin Sheet, Iron and Copper ware. RAFTINU STOVES oonstantly on hand of which Lumbermen will please take notice. Or ders for Spouting, Roofing, jr. , respectfully so licited. Repairing promptly attended to. ytore keepers and dealers supplied Rt reasona ble rates, as he intends keeninc nnn hut tho ho of workmen, the public may rely on Substantial work. Call at the Substantial Tin Shop and see for yourselves. JOHN M. SPENCER. Lumber-city. March 2, 1864. , ... COFFEE. THE Af lEKICAN EXCELSIOR COF FEE is the ne plus ultra of all manufactured coffees in the country. It has taken the place of the pure coffee in vwry many instances.and ia pre ferred to all substitutes now before the public.and is the best and cheapest in'tbe market;. Fot Sale by Richard Mosscr , o!e afitfit for Clearfield. Lirp & Carroll, sole agents for Teaa's, Noa 7 South 5th St., Philad'a. March 16th, 1964. 1864 RATS MICE, l'0?i KOACIIES. ETC. - I N)4 As Spring approaches, ANTS and ROACHES, From their holes come out ; And MICE and RATS, In spite of CAT'S, Gaily skip about. COSTAR'S EXTERMINATORS. For Rats, Mice. Roaches. Ants. lied Rue. Mosquilos, Moths in Furs, Woolens, etc., In sects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. " 15 years. established i N. y. City." wniy infallible remedies knowa." " Free from Poisons.'! . .. " JCot dangerous to the Human Family." " Rats come out ot their H0I03 to die." EPSold by all Druggist s everywhere. K5Beware U Ht all wort ht ess imitations." O-'-Costor'a Depot, No. 4t2 Broad Way .S'.Y. Sold by all the DrnggiHta. .Wholesale and Retail, at Clearfield, Pa. March 16, 1S84. 1864 SPKING 1864 G. W. CARPENTER, HE.S2EY4CO S, Wholesale Dfnx & Chemical Warehouse IVo. 737 Market Street, Philadelphia. The subscribers keep constantly on hand a large stock of Drugs, Medicins, Chemical, Pharmaceu tical preparations, and every other article, which appertains to the business; embracing the most extensive variety also. Paints. Oils, and Glass of every description. All articles purchased from us can oe reuea on as Deing of tne most superior quality, and at as low prices as fhey can be had We can offer such inducements as will make it the interest of purchasers to lay in their supplies from us and give us their futuro patronage, and invite all, who visit the city, to call at our estab lishment AM orders addressed to us by mail win meet wiin pro-npi attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER. HENSZEV A Co Feb. 3.-.1 111 737 Market Street, Philadelphia. JUST RECEIVED A LOT OP NEW GOODS AT MRS. WELCH'S, Consisting of Artificials. Bonneta.Buokles, Crapes, Ladies caps. Band-boxes, Cape-net, Founda tions for Hats and B.Minets, Flowers, Fe It ana itraw Hats, Feathers for Hals, Plumes. Jet Bonnct-pinf, Ruches, Illusion Ribbons. Veils.Rib hon. wire. Bonnet. Silks, And eyery variety cf Milliaary Goods. ALSO, Poifumerios. Laird's Bloom of Youth, Soaps, Paper and envelones. needing Pin ua.a... hair nets, hair-pins, hair-oils, kid-gloves, lip salve, dental cream, ambrosia, combs, dress trim mings, wrocnet cotton and fenced les.. ailk lutle threatf, wool and cotton glovos, wool am cotton hose, gum balls, stay binding, tape, silk thread. JUAOIC IXV FEEING. ' Saddlers' silk, machine silk, ootton-th read, but tons, baskets, collars.laoe-collars and veils, belts. gum-cumus, Sum cora, Brushes, books and eyes, braid, beads.Bristol-board.guilt-hraid.Gallagher's soap and hair oil, shawl pins, mittens, music. Eecruits Wanted!! J8 53 69 89 32 13 14 125 George Gates, 4 00 100 Isaac Farlow, 12 70 300 Peter yarnell. 23 58 PENN TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrentees. etc. Taxes 5962 G:i Elijah Heath. SI 90 80 Patrick Hagcrty, t 20 Reeds' Heirs. . 500 Reeds Heirs. 75 50 100 Reeds Heirs, 15 50 PIKE TOWNSHIP. (Yj I G. D. Morgan Sr Co or G. IlcQartv. u' 23G 82 Benj. Wilson, - 49 27 214 400 Wm. B. Uagerty, 5.1 6.1 A G Fox if Soudar, 33 40 No. 333 153 Martin Worthington, 35 2-5 308 153 Wtu. Wilson, GroomLightnei&Co.l39 50 Groom Dickey &Co.l25 55 L. W. Weld, A nnuel Matthews, 46 60 67 ia BE LI TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, itc. Jacoh He.Ubrnn, 5618 116 Henry Beck, Frederick Wntgert, 56IS 101 Henry Back, 42S7 79 120 Henry Eeck, lrtcis Smith. 4237 3.10 73 Henry Beck, 171 Henry Beck, 4237 03 97 Henry. Beck, John P. Hoyt, 3565 161 118 John Fieholson, Arthur Bull, 433 : Benj. Gibbs, Louisa Shieblcy 5619 119 1 Henry Beck, Henry Grube, 5619 102 100 Henry Beck, Henry Wise, . . 6618 141 30 Henry Beck, - Wm. B. Glenn, 5766 1000 Henry Beck, 4236 1000 Henry Beck, Taxes 8 9 80 05 416 256 22 100 248 No. 1S98 18!i 1902 1312 John Witmer, 30 James Pago, Miller & Chrisi Miller & Christ David Cathcart, John Tiger, 42 9 43 09 54 98 40 62 4 67 5 81 17 48 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP Ae. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes . rredertcka Karlhaus. 578 890 889 545 Morris & Stewart, 555 6o xr : - L : . l n o- 8 6 27 15 500 249 155 James McGhee, Framptou Bell, Ira A. Sabins 13 65 10 06 8 63 11 95 84 38 84 33 42 20 21 00 13 50 Ac 39 E0GGS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantces&Owners. Taxes Jam's Dixon, Jr. Joha Thomas, $ 1 00 Morris A Stewart, 103 35 Morris fc btewart, 55 65 Peter Lamm. 1892 200 Morris A Stewart, .15 90 Richard Shatc. 1S91 233 Morris A Stewart, 22 51 11. Sr O. Smith. 5367 2j0 George Mead, 19 83 Eldridge, Merrell Sf Thompson. 5377 1100 George Mead, 43 75 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes Fitch if Boynton. 198J Joseph Harrison, $27 James 'M"Girfs Estate. 591 159 Thomas Billington. 55 36 Peter Owens. 404 Charles Risk, (i) 28 55 J. Wnoldridge Sf Co 111 Patrick Moore, 15 70 John Patton. 404 Ann M'Lanahan, 57 08 Rithard Cuplin. 84 137 Joseph Whiten ill, - 14 84 202 R. Coplin, 28 66 James Albert. 37 49 Joseph Sansom , 5 27 76 99 Wra. Sansom, 10 83 George Wilson, Jr. 200 Msry M'Ltnahan, 226 HUSTON TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. Warrantees etc. John B. Otto. 5673 1041 Moore A Delanv. 5H74 1041 Moore A Delanr. 5675 1041 Moore A Delany, 50I5C, 990 Wm. Powell. 877 Wm. Powell. Wm. Parker. 833 15 James Wilson. Penn Lumber Co. 420 Wilhclm Willink.7.10 35 75 U. S. Land Co. 9S6 James Wilson. 990 James Wilson, 965 123James Wilson, 507 James Wilson, 490 James Wilson, 740 James Wilson, Wm. K. Davul. 113 Wm. Powers, Fitch Sr Boynton. E. Shoemaker, E. Shoemaker, Thayer if Z. Lisson. Wm. Powers, W. B. Gordon. James Wilson, James Wilson, Thomas Holt. 5064 810 Wm. Powers, IVm. Irvin, 8S9 James Wilson, 1041 80 Moor A Delaney. 1041 SO Moore A Delaney. i 5067 4257 4902 4215 4226 4229 42o0 4236 4225 5061 50G3 4225 4238 375 101 H. 293 250 500 4265 5670 5671 ! 5672 Taxes 162 64 162 64 102 64 154 71 137 07 111 01 12.1 25 121 75 120 63 63 38 61 25 93 50 36 32 46 83 12 64 37 26 31 25 62 50 50 63 20 S3 65 06 65 06 No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Jamea Hopkins 5783 1020 64 John Nicholson , 41 79 57X5 819 41 John Nicholson, .125 5774 63:1 64 John Nioholion. 27 40 5775 820 61 John Nicholson, 30 83 M C. Enns. 4252 957 85 James Wilson, 46 26 Jonathan Boynton. 145 Thos. Jordan, 19 87 Alfred A Jstng. IS5 Thomas Mageo. .13 04 R. W. McNaul. 5779 HI Z. Bailey, 1 91 460 Z. McNaul. 7 90 293 R. W. McNaul, 5 06 1429 70 S. Bladget. 6 17 5777 1020 24 John Nicholson. 47 95 23 , John P. Hoyt. 3 43 450 Daniel Bailey, 13 70 I). Bounty to Veterans. : : : : : :-: U S. Bounty to New Recruits : : r"rT: : : 302 Clearfield county Bounty ::::::::::; 300 making a total of $703 TO VETERANS. S602 TO HEW RECRUITS. The Commissioners of Clearfield county. Pa., hereby offer 3 HUNDRED DOLLARS Bounty, in addition to that given by the govern ment, to- all persons enlisting in the service of the United States, to the credit of the county of Clearfield. Pa. Township and Borough bounties are additional to the above. Application to be made to Wm. S. Bradley, at the Commissioners' office at Clearfield. Clearfield county, Pa. JACOB KUNTZ, THO'S DOUGHERTY, Attest. AMOS REED. WM. S. BRADLEY, Clerk. Comm'rs. "WHAT NEWS?" THE LATEST AND MOST IMP0ETANT IS THE ASN0UCEMEST THAT BOYISTTOX & SHOWERS Have received their first supply of Seasonable Goods, which they are now offering for sale at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Their stoek consists of a eeneral arietv 01 Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-war, Queens-ware, Tin-ware, Willow-ware. Wooden-ware, Provisions. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing. Ac. For the Ladies. They would call especial attention to the lare and good assortment of new styles and patterns of LADIES DRESS GOODS " upKiiiug, cuusisuug 01 1 jam ana t ancy Silks, 1 it. r . riaugle, i'claines, Alpacas, (unghams, Ducals. Prints, Mo- Boynton A Showers. xeizenntcin Bro's A Co. A. K. Writrht A sons. Merrl) A R;rli- bias, Hoods, Coats. Mantels, Balmoral skirts. Ho- C. W. A. H V. Smith siery, Gloves Bonnets. Flowers, Plumes. Ribbons. Reed. Weaver A Co., HaU. Trimmings, Buttons, Combs. Shawls, Braid, Hartswick A Huston, iuusuns, insn Linens, tambnes, ictoria Lawns, I'ipple A Faust CurwensviIIe Bor cwiss. Dooinsu, Aiuiis, incu Hanukercniefg etc. music paper, elastic, bead and bugle trimmine . VELVET RIBBONS. Wire. Berlin wool, split sephyr. Shetland word, tatting-ootton and shuttles, orocbet needles, twi lights, whalebones, toys, candies, china and ivo ry toys, bobbinetts, peuoils, pons, embroideries, corsots, hoop-skirts, mourning-veils, mourning paper ana envelopes, nuDias, lilly white, nets. WHITE TRIMMINGS. Quilling undersleeves, dolls, porte-monnaies handkerchiefs, scissors, marbles and tissue paper' All of which she will sell sheap for cash, Braid and Embroidery Stamping with the la test patterns. March 16, 1864. LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do mestic Merchandize in Clearfield countv for the year 1864 subject to the payment of Licenses. WAVE. . RESIDENCE. CLASS. Daniel Goodlander, Brady tp., 14 amuel Arnold, F. X. Arnold. " Reuben Moore, Montgomery A Heasly, Arnold A Terpe, " Carlisle A Co. , Eben McMasters, Burn-side tp., irvin urotoers, John Patcbin's heirs, Horace Patchin, " Stephen Lioyd, " John Snyder, John Rob?on, A. to. Dickinson. Weld A Brother, Israel Cooper, Samuel llegarty, II. L. Henderson, William Brady, Jamos E, Watson, W. Albert A Bro's, Matthew Forcey, Edward Williams, Francis Coudritc, Claudius Barmoy, Peter Garner, P. T. llegarty, William Hunter. James Curry. J. P. Kraticr Clearfield n 1 1 11 am F, Irwin, Richard Mossop, Boggs tp., Bradford tp., Covington tp , rmos, iasnmeres, naids, unlliants, I oplins. Be- 1 rege. Lawns. Nankins, Linen. Lace, Edcinrs. Col- erettes. Braids. Belts. Veils. Nets. Cnnmiia. V. UNION TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees &c. Taxes Gartland Irvtn. 3587 350 Roberts & Fox, 32 83 John II. Seyler. 125 John li. Seyler, 19 56 380 John Brnbaker, 59 38 262 R. W. Moore, 17 04 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. 347 27 Moore A Delaney,! 18 75 200 J. O. Ridder,7.10 $21 86 195 David Caldwell, 24 38 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, ete. Taxes Cooper if Pusey. 433 153 Richard Peters, $75 21 438 153 Peter Kuhn, 75 21 433 153 Fred. Beates, 75 2 433 153 John Dnnwoodie, 75 21 John Cooper. 274 Adam Kubu, 325 Ebenezer Brenbam 103 Adam Kuhn. On Jo 75 21 433 456 433 100 420 240 443 215 355 100 300 100 121 433 433 433 100 30 170 91 136 218 189 153 159 153 120 77 5 Warrantees etc A. B. Long. John Vaught, Jonathan Walls, John Roll, Wm. Wilson, Dr. Jamais Locke, Henry Drinker, Wm. Drinker, S. P. Shi ft Sr Co. Samuel Emlen, Thos. Neil, Samuel Hagerty, Mary Neil," Benj. Johnson, Mary Connelly, Wm B. Alexander if Co Roland Evans. Wm. Albert if Bro. Eli Hootman, Dr.D. Iloutz. Philip Loast, Jacob R. Howell, Wm. Johnson, George Buckhain, Price A. Rowles, Thomas Robins. Peter Lowden, Charles Lowden Jos. Smith Irvin Sr Co. Mary Land with, Wm. Moore if Wolfe. Cbancey Ricketts, Isaac Wilson, C. KRATZER, Treas'r. Clearfield, March SO, '61. Taxes 153 153 153 63 41 19 46 55 44 19 10 20 42 80 24 45 29 13 21 92 10 84 5 07 8 15 10 20 12 23 44 10 44 10 44 10 10 20 4 08 16 30 8 15 14 28 17 77 15 10 Of Men's Wear They have also received a large and we!! select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimercs, Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans. Cordu roys, Bever-Tcen, Linens, Handkerchiefs, Neck- tics, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, Scarfs, etc., etc. Heady-Made Clothing In the latest styles and of the best material, consisting of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shawls, Over coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Linen Sh'rts, etc. Of Boots and Shoes, They have a large assortment for Ladiesand Gen tlemen, consisting of Ton Boots. lliwanR pnnn. Gaiters, Balmoral Boots, Slippers, Monroes, etc ' Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee, Syrnps, Sugar, Rice, Crackers. wncgar, candies. Cheese. Flonr. Meal, Bacon, Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mnstard. etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil, Lamp chimneys, Tinware a great varie ty, Japanware, Egg beaters, Spice boxes, Wire Ladels, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, etc . etc. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes. Baskets. Washboards,. Buckets, Tubs, Churns Wall-paper. Candle Cotton yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, etc. llafting Hopes, Augers. Axes, Chisels. Saws, Files, Hammers, Hatchets. Nnils. Spikes, Gri -d stones, Stoneware, Trunks, Carpet bags, Powder, Shot, Lead, etc. School Books, Writing and Letter paper, Fancy note and com mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy books. slates, ink stands, fancy and common envelopes. Carriage Trimminrs. Shoe Findings, Glass and Putty. Flat irons and Coffee mills, Bed cords and Bed screws. Matches. Stove blacking. Washing soda and Soap, ete. Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds. Fancy soaps, Oils, Paints. Varnishes, and in fas. every tnmg usually Kept tn a first class titore. They invite all persons tocall and ernmtna ,.; stock, and hope to give fentire satisfaction. BUiNTON A SHOWERS. Clearfield. Pa., February 17th. 1864. " to pir. f 7 00 13 10 0O 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 09 14 7 00 13 10 00 14, 7 CO 14 7 00 14 7 00 " 14 7 00 Ecccaria tp., 13 10 00 14 7 Oil 14 1 00 14 7 Oil f 14 7 00 Bell tp., 14 7HM 14 7 0 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 01) 14 7 00 It 7 00 14 7 00 H 7 00 " " 14- 7 00 Chest tp., U 7 00 U 3, n Boro., 13 Ii) no 14 7 00 11 15 00 14 7 0O 12 12 bit 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 OH 13. 10 00 n, 15 00 . 14 7 t)n 13 10 00 14 7 on 13; 10 00 13 10 U II 100 'P-, 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 Oft Goshen tp., 14; 7 00 Girard tp., 14 7 00 ' - .14. 7 00 Graham tp., 13 10 00 " " . . 14 7 00 Guelich tp.. 14 7 00 34; 7 00 ' " 14. 7 00 . - ' .14 7 00 Huston tp., 14 7 no ' . " 14 7 00 Jordan tp., 14 7 00 K -7 00 Knox tp., 14 7 0 Karlhaus tp.. 14 7 00 " 14 7 00 " . 14 7 00 Lawrence tp.. 11 7 00 Lumber City Bor., 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 Morris tp , 14 7 00 14 7 on 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 RETAILERS OP PJITtlT urninvri 4 5 0(1 4 5 00 4 5 00 A. Monlffomerv. John D. Thompson, J. F. Irvin. ' Ed. A. Irvin, A. Montgomery. Decatur Samuel Hegarty A Co.. -Lawshe, White A Co.. A. a. Shaw, James Irwin, Augustus Leconto. Forcey A Walters, John Holt, A. G. Fox, J. A. Hegartv.. . .uiot oiiiiier. , P. Sneeringr A Co., David Tyler, Wm, Brady, , David McKeehan. Henry Swan. Martin O Stirk. Wm.S. San key, F. W. Brinker. Isaac McCloskcv. T . " ' jaraos iorrest. Jo's Hegarty, Kirk k Spencer, John Ferguson, J C. Brenner, Leonard Kyler. J. C. Brenner (Morrisdale.i " W. Feath New Washington Bo . J. K. McMurray,. . . - , u Tho's Wal 1 a Brother Penn tp . Daniel Brqbaker Union tp., George Hegarty, - Woodward tp.. A. C. a C. S. Whitcomb, John M. Chase Ed. A. Irving CurwensviIIe Bor. Cha's D. Wataon. Clearfield Bor uartswick A Huston, - CONFECTIONERS ACROCEKS. Valentin Hoffman Covington tp., Wm. Lntnadoe, Boggs, tp , Stephen Graff, CurwensviIIe Kor., K. Goodwin, 00 0l CO Ott 00 vo ALA KG E STOOK OF GLASS, paints, oils, white lead, eto . at ; ; t E. A. IRVIN'S BREWERIES & DISTILLERIES. Cha's Haut. Clearfield Bor., 10 Uesscntbaler A Leopold,4 - jt BANKERS. Leonard Finney A Co., " 9 J5 00 The appeal will be held at the Commrsfionew' office, in Clearfield on Tuesday the IVth. day f April, at 10 o'clock a. m. - JOHN B. HEISfiY. March 16. Mercamtil Appraiser. f- S1 , J ifTT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers