1 CLEARFIELD, PA., FEB. 24, 1864. Godet FOR March. The March num ber of this much admired Lady's Magazine ia to hand. It is equal to any of its prede cessors. Subscribe for it, if you wish to have an agreeable companion. The Weather. Wednesday morning, the 17th, we opine, was the coldest of the season the mercurv indicating; 14 oeJow zero at 7 o'clock. Since then the air has moderated more or less every day, until yesterday. (Tuesday,) .when the roads were quite slushy again. State Jochvai. The foregoing is the title of a Dew JV'eeklv Per. just started at Harrisburg, by D. H. B Brower Son, formerJyofthe Montour American. lhe Journal is printed on entirely new material, is ably conducted, and gives fair promise of ' doing good service in the cause of the U nion. Success to the Journal. We have been favored with a copy of. the Franklin Repository, printed at Chaui bersburg, Pa. It is a large, triple pheet, neatly printed, ably conducted, and a firm friend of the Union, and of the National Administration. The people of the Cum berland Valley have reason to be thankful that they have such an excellent paper pub lished in their midst. FlRE. We learn that, on Wednesday jnoruinz the 17th. several buildings belong ing to F. Howe, Esq., of Decatur township, were destroyed by fire. The fire originated in a shop, by accident, which was all a-flanie when discovered. The fire soon communi- cated to the dwelling house, and both were entirely consumed with all the househoM and kitchen furniture, except two beds and one table. Probable loss, $1,0'X). Returned. I,i8nt. D. M'Gaughey, of Company C 5th Penn'a R. V. C, was home on short leave of absence remaining until Tuesday morning last. The Lieutenant en joys good health, and has the appearand of a true, brave-hearted soldier. Our best wishes accompany him to his regiment ; and may he ever be animated by pure patriotism and prove faithful to the glorious cause which he has espoused hi life be preserv ed and when this war is over be permitted to return to his home and enjoy the fruits of his present toils in peace and comfort. COBSESPONDENOE OF THE J0UE1TAL. Letter from Philipsbnrrr, Pa. Philifsburg, Pa., Feb. 2d, 1SG4. Dear Journal : This is the birth day of the Father of his country the great, the good and immortal Washington. 1x name near and dear to the heart of every true A liierican, and one that will go doWli to the latest period of time without the least lad ing of the wreath of glory that encircles his glorious fame. Could he to-day rise out of Li's grave and see that Union rent in twain. J or at least sought to be, (God, forbid that it j ever may) that he had left flourishing with i ad the vigor of youth had grown and pros pered.' until it stood before the world tho iono star of freedom and an example br all . the nations of the earth. Alas! for the nope oi asnington. sure iiy nad reaeuod ! the surface of his tomb the thdnJeiir,r of cannon falls upon his ear i'or a inctiici:t his spirit seems to assume the martial bearing of other days, and Ins eye to sparkle with all the fervidness of yore. But the next gale that sweeps along tells him that it is not hostile invaders from a Ibreign shore that Srcd the cannon he so lately heard. It is not the "red coats" that now menace the peaceful shades of Mf. Vernon. .No ! would to Heaven it was! But it is the pons, de vi;iieratcd as they are, of those sires that sought by your side ons, mat to-day would trample in the dust that, glorious emblem of the i'ree that your own nobie h;r.;ds planted in the ramparts of this terrestial paradise ; vi. h ire trample J in the dust, hnr.e asail tl with a'! the epithets and curses 'bu l iiii'l deep" that were or ever can be invoked iythe tongue of man son, that to-dav draw the sword and would crumble into at I'Uis that gigantic government instituted, t'oujht tor. established and presided over ly thee. But thanks to the Great and Good ;xl who guided the destiny of the youth ful republic, He is at the helm to-day; and though the good old ship may reel and quiv er in the dreadful storm and her live-oak timbers tremble, yet will He land her in a -ate harbor with aii sails set, jriidin- along under a glorious breeze and the Stars and ..ripe-- dying fore and aft and from the miz zeaptak. in all their original splendor "not a star obscured or stripe erased. ' ' Ev ery rebel, and that other reptile, ia copper head that is ten thousand timers worse and ee,ed iu more infamy than anything ever has been or ever will be from the creation wwn to the Litest momtgit of time) will be thrown overboard and not a vestige of them kit to mar the future. "Iagoof Grahanuon, "Young Xeter" of Wana. aniye Solon, "Diedrick Exline" "I l'Lilipsburgrf trim tip your Pegasus, and -Ked your venomous fluid at the hor r'jrs that await you in the days yet to be hcn very man, woman and child in whom !.ere uweiis one spark of pairiotiMii. jwiint lr'"f,at V')U w'lh thc unerring finger of scorn, wi.i sty. "there goes a copperhead, cursed -n tnou." The ,eiijbers of Company E, 5th Regt. M i " 'utt 'or tneir regiment List : '"II day. They were a noble, nianSv look '5' s-iuad of soldiers. I almost envied their luuscie" an,j wished I could go with them; ,jut the fates have decreed otherwise, and I "'""reniain content for a few days longer, ? 'u'!in the mission voted me by a resolu of the -W" Ye "cops,'' fear and 'ftnble ! Spring will soon be on the tapis, "." it I will make my dehut, armed 'n a .elub that Hercules would have failed rl I on that reat neft oi snaiks. ifie hoys of Company E, have met with t . misfortune the death of their cap w iust as tne3 were ahout joinintr their inient. I heard them speak of Captain fnnier m terms of the highest praise, for .undaunted braven- at the battle of Get- tCvU''aati at a11 ot"er e"gaSement? that l'. ?v?r been in. His corr.se passed e would be interred in its final resting tarn" "t the citizena of Clearfield, to-day. itTrrVTner was a brave and noble isr .I'j braved the ballets of the ene tti!; J, a martrr "in the noblest cause iad Si maQ ever Wteed. up his life for, dW past career stands a proud andeu monument to bis name. s i .! row n nomo r.n fiirlrmffh. '1'liCV ha.V. alis-enlisted cud, Lke ail the rest of the toys fvoin oar tcvii, are detcrmine.i to Fee t ke matter through. Lieut. Chftrles Coplin, now here recrnit iiis? for this gallant old regiment. The Lieutenant look? well i nder the '"Lars." They tet very graceful f-u his broad shoulder-, and from "the "T.ag" of his talk, I think they will never 13 disgraced by him. The carpenters, masons and laborers are hard at work putting up the buildings, turn table, water tank, &e.. of the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. "The frame of the ware house is up and enclosed, and the turn-table an i tank are last approaching completion. Water Street is assuming quite a civilized appearance, and will soon be the business thorouehfare of this gay and smiling town. Yours, Leroi. We "Correct the Error." The editors of the Copperhead organ, last week, let o2' nearly a column of gas on ac count of a "shameless forgery" which they allege they had discovered in a publication made by us the week previous. We had copied, and printed on our outside of the 10th instant, several extracts from an article among which was a conversation that occur red between Hon. G. S. Smith and Hon. J. M.Botts, of Virginia, in relation toGen.M' Clellan. We had omitted from the article a ''summary" of Mr. BottV letter to Mr. Smith, but retained the allusion thereto by an oversight. The mistake was so palpable, and having no connection with the other ex tract, we did not deem it necessary to make a correction, knowing that every intelligent; reader would do so at once, as the paragraph given stated plainly that the allusion to M' Clellan was made in a conversation between the two trentlemen referred to. But it seems ! that our saourious copperhead neighbors were too dull of comprehension, or too eager for an opportunity to "blow off gas," to "see the point." and hence their great "ex plosion." However, we hope they feel much better about the stomach after letting off so Jargg a quantity of "elastic ariform fluid." and that their 'gasometer" has sus tained no serious damaare bv the occurrence. 1J The Nashville Union says that "General W. G. Harding, President of the famous Military Board f the Rebel Governor of Tennessee, l?ham G. Harri, has taken the oath of allegiance. General Hardins is an influential citizen, lie has stood high in the estimation of Southern disunionists, and done much to sustain them in their war a eainst the Government." After a month's industrious boirffinsr thonghont Ohi, the admirers of Vallanditr- ham have raised l;s than nne thous dollars towards the fund for his relief. The sum of me hundfei thousand dollar is to he appropriated Lv the Mas.-ai-husett legislature for the relief of the alits of Ea'st Tennessee. A Quaker boy. in Johnson countw To wa, refused an offer of one thousand dollars to stay at homo, and vounteered to figh; for t!;e Kejuibue. .Senator Elected. Dr. St. Clair of In diana has been elected in plaee of Harrv White, resigned. The majority in Indiana is l.yuo. PRESERVE YOUR EEAUTY.Symmetrv ofform your nalth and mental powers, by using that hale, i'leasont. Popular, and Specific Kerned v known os llclmbold's extract Bucha. Kead the Advertisement in another column, and profit by ii aieases una symprotns enumerated, t'ut oiit and preserve it. You may not now require it, l... C r. i t uui wisy a. some ruiure i:iy. It gives health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek."' Tt Saves Long buttering and exposure. Be ware ofCouulerfidta ! Cures liuaranteed I OIlKUIFrs SALKS-By virtue of 5undry writs if Venditioni 1Zxponai. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield coun ty, and to me directed, there will be exposed to pur:tc s:iie. at the Court llr.ufe in the Borough ot Clesr!iid. on MONDAY THE 21ST DAY OF MAliCJt. Is64, the following described Be Essare. to wit : A c-rn in tr.ict of land situate in Graham town shin. CleurCeld countv, PennsyH ania. Bounded by lands of Joseph l'honipson. iiratton Bickets Moses Denning, i o'.hers. containing one hundred r.iTT acres nnn aoout one numJrea acres. cletueu nd :i large two s'orv nnuee and iog Barn erected iliereou. .Seized, taken in execution, and to I e sol I as the property of Edmund M Jones. Atso a certain tract of Itind situate in Kart haus tnwnsh p. ClenrfieH county. Pennsylvania, Bounded and adjoined by lands of 'iUa Tick ncr. Micholas ."hafTer. Martin Konp, George lleicheli and others, containing forty acres more or less with about four acres cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property oi joeepn caseneer. Also By virtue of a writ of Firra Fori ax, the following described Real Estate, to wit : . All of Defendants interest in and to a lot of Ground situate tn the Borough of Clearfield and known as lot o 143. Bounded on the .South by Cherry Street, on the East by the lot No. 148, on tho North by an alley and on the West by lot No. 132. being about 50 feet front by 172 feet deep. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George W. Orr. EDWARD PERKS. Sheriff. Sheriff" s Office. Clearfield February 17th. 1864. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the following accouits have been examined and parsed by tne, and remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of "heirs, legatees.ereditors.and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at the Court Hoit-te, in the Borough of Clearfield, commencing o.n the Third Monday of March, 18K4, for confirmation and allowance: Partial account of John Orr Execor of the witl and testament of Frederick .Smith lato of Bell Township, Clearfield County. Pa., deceased The account of John McMurray Guardian of the Minor Children of Samuel Orr late of Jordan Township. Clearfield County, deceased . Final account ot II. N. Hegaity one of the Ad ministrators of all and singular the goods and chatties rights and credits which wer of Lyman Miies late of BecariaTowcfihip, Clearfield county deceased. Final account of Thomas Henry, Administrator of all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits which were of Thomns McCracken late of the Borough of Lumber City, Clearfield Couuty, l a., deceased. The account of Barnabas Armstrong and So phia Armstrong Administrators of all and singu lar the the goods and chatties which were of Joshua Armstrong late of Clearfield Co., deed. The heroic 110th V. V The account of Josiah Evans, Administrator of all and singn larthegoods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Ellis Askey, late of Pike township, in the county of Clearfield, deceased. The Guardianship account of Abraham Ivyler, of Goshen township, Guardian of Mary C., daugh ter of Henry Kyler, now tho wife of M. C. Clarno. The Guardiamhip account of Abraham Kyler of Goshen township. Guardian of Peter A. Kyler, a minor child of Henry Kyler, late of Girard tp. deceased. The Guardianship account of Abraham Kyler of Goshen township. Guardian of Sarah Catha rine Kyler, daughter of Henry Kyler, deceased, who was the Wife of Robert Leonard of Goshen tp. Feb. 17, 1864 3 G. BARGER Register PnOTOGRAPIIIC ALBUMS, for sale at , H art wick A Huston"' '';rrield. Pa TOUR WANTED. A good sober, industri ous journeyman, Cabinet maker. can find cob stant employment, at good wages, bv applying eoon to JOHN GUELICH. Sept. 16, 1853. " Clearfield. Pa. Miss E. A. P. llynder, Teacher of Piano-Forte, MelodeanTGuitar, Har mony, and Vocal Music. !?iity private, and twelve class lesson included in one term. Rooms with Mrs. U. I. Welsh Clearfield, July 1, 1853. FOR KE-VT. The subscriber wishes to rent or leaso his farm lying in Woodward town ship. Clearfield county. Pa. The improvements nsist of about. one hundred and ten acres of land in a good state of cultivation, a large bearing or chard of choice fruit, a large and commodious plank house with a neverfailing spring of water convenient to the door, a log barn and other out buildings Any person wishing to rent a farm for a number of years, applying soon and being well recommended, will got a iood bargain. Jan 6 1S64. WJJ. li. ALEXANDER. A First Clasg Farmers' Magazine for Penn'a. lbS4 TIIK PENNSYLVANIA 1864 FARMER ASD GARDEN EE, Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and Ru ral affair?. Edited and Published by Wis. S. Young A Co., 52 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Terms: One Dollar a Year. The Sixth Volume commences with January number. Having obtained the services of eminent and practical Agriculturists. Horticulturists, Stock breeders and P.ee-keeperstwe confidently offer the Current Volume as one of the best ever issued, for originality, prnctical thought and reliable in formation. Send for a copy. HARTSWICK & HUSTON, MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, Keep constantly on hand a large and well select ed stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, Perfumery", Toilet G oods BLANK ROOKS & STATION ARY, TOBACCO & SEGARS, And a general assortment of varieties and fancy articles We respectfully invite a call, fueling confident that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. April 29, 1S63. ALE OF TIKKS. CLEAVER'S HEAL 3 ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield countv. Pa., dated the 2d Jay of October. A D. 1803 "there will he expend t ) ;-a!o l,y jiubiic vendue or outcry at PENNVILLE. in Penn township, ClearSe'.u coun ty. Pa., in FKIDAY the 2TU dav of -FEB hi.' A -BY. A. D. I?.54. at 2 o'clock , P. M. that certain mesfUHge. f.trm or real estate, situate in Bloom township. County aforesaid late tho Estate of TbvniMS Cleaver dee'd. ami whereon he lived at time of his death, comprising about 121 ares, Bounded on the North by Beaver Dams, on the South by land of Lewis Wood, on the East by land of Bilgcr. and on the West by land of tioff and Anderson, having about 50 acres clwared. and under cultivation, the balance Woodland and a pornon ot itcovered with good pine and other timber, a good frame barn nearly new. a frame dwelling house with an excellent SDrinc of water clo.te to the deor, tind a young bearing orchard of cnoice apples, ine Ulen Hope and Little Bald fcagle turnpike pa?e.i through the premises. Be ing the same tra?t of land conveyed to said Thorn as Cleaver from Josiah W. Smith t wife, by deed dated M?rch lsth. 1S51, recorded in Deod Book T. page 227. for 1 2r acres, 158 perches, except 50 acres since sold out r; tue i-outn vt en corner to Aaron Dunwortb by Thomas Cleaver. lerias, One third Cash at confimntion of the sale, one third in six months, and the balance iu one year thereafter with interest, to be secured by bnd and mortgage. tLIZA CLKAVEU. January 27. 1.SS4'. Administratrix. "WHATMEWS?" THS LATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT IS THE ASXOUCEMENT THAT BOYNTOX & SHOWERS Have received tueir first supply of .Seasonable Goods, which they are now oflering forsale at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Their stock consists of a jrcnernl varietv of Dry-Goods. Groceries, Hard-war, Queens-ware. Tin-ware. Willow-ware. Wood en-ware. Provisions. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing. Ac. For the Ladies. They would call especial attention to the larere and gord assortment of new strlesand natternsof LADIES DRESS GOODS now opening, consisting of Plain and Fancv Silks. Delaines. Alpacas. Ginghams. Ducals. Prints. Me. rinos. Cashmeres. Plaids. Brilliants. Poplins. Be- regc Lawns Nankins. Linen, Lace, Edgings, Col- erettes. Braids, Belts, Veils, Nets, Corsetts, Xu- biu3. Hoods. Coats. Mantels. Balmoral skirts. Ho siery, Gloves Bonnets. Flowers. Plumes. Ribbons, Hats. 1 ruumings. Buttons. Combs. Shawls, Braid. Muslins. Irish Linens. Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, Swiss, Bobinets, Mulls, Linen Handkerchiefs etc. Of Men"? Wear They have alscreeeive J a large and well select ed Stock, consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Casbmerets. Tweeds. Jeans. Cordu roys, llever-l een, Linens, Handkerchiefs. Neck ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, scarfs, etc., etc. Keadv-Made Clothing In the latest styles and of the best material. consisting of Coats. Pants. Vests, Shawls. Over coats, Drawers, Cashmere and Liucn Sh'.rts, etc. Of Boots and Shoes. They have a large assortment for Ladies and Gen tlemen, consisting of Top Boots. Brogans. Pumps, i aners. liaimorai lioow, suppers, .Monroes, etc Groceries and Provisions Such as Coffee, Syrups, Sugar, Uice. Cracker?, inegar, Candies. Cheee. Hour. Meal. Bacon. Fish, coarse and fine Salt, Teas, Mustard, etc. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal oil, Lamp chimneys. Tinware .a great varie ty, Japanware, Egg beaters. Spice Boxes, Wire Ladcl.s, Sieves, Dusting pans, Lanterns, eto . etc. Carpets, Oil-cloth, Brooms. Brushes. Baskets, Washboards, Buckets, Tubs. Churns Wall-paper. Candle wick. Cotton yarn and Batting, Work baskets. Umbrellas, etc. Rafting Ropes, Augers, Axes. Chisels. Saws. Files, Hammers, Hatchets. N-.ils. Spikes. Gri .d stones. Stoneware. Trunks, Carpet bags. Powder, Shot, Lead, eto. School Books, Writing and Letter paper. Fancy note and com mercial paper, pens, pencils and ink. copy books, slates.ink stands, fancy and common envelopes. Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Findings, Glass and Fotty, Flat irons and Coffee mills. Bed cords and Bed screws. Matches, Stove blacking. Washing soda and Soap, etc. Flavoring Extracts, Patent Medicines, Perfumery of various kinds. Fancy soaps, Oils. Paints. Varnishes, and in fact every thing usually kept in a first class Store. They invite all persons tocall and examiae their stock, and hope to give entire satisfaction. BOYNTON & SHOWERS Clearfield, Pa., February 17th, 1384 RECEI?TS AND EXPENDITURES OF CLEARFI ELD COUNTY, FOR A. D. 1SR3. Joseph Sjmw. Esa . Trearurer of Clearfield county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,' in accouutwith said county, troro the 6th day of Jan., A. D.tS63,until the 6th day of Jan.,A. D.latH. 1 DEBTOR To amonr.treceived fromCollectors for 186.1, and previnusyears. including percentage, 511717 04 To am out i received from Unseated lands. 634 t9 To amount from Commissioners' book. 301 73 To am'tdueat last settlement by Treas'r 663 65 CREDIT. By Election expenses, $1476 05 hy Aseors waecs. 061 1 ( By Fox and Wild cat probates, 143 83 Ky Justices costs. 3S 00 By Jurors wages, Dy Interest ou order?. By Lithograph orders. By ConsuLles' costs. By Court-house contract, By District Attorney's fees, By Prothonotary fees. By Sheriffs fees, By Printing. By Jailors fees. By Janitors lees, By Court crier, By Inquests. By Draft new township. By Commonwealth costs. 1SI9 71 121$ 42 378 00 176 45 1750 00 loO 37 111 99 134 03 379 00 72 45 30 00 47 25 88 07 10 00 335 70 By Aud'Proth'ytKegistersac'fc, 10 TCw V1,-; .-.. .. i . iq 00 18? 00 By Treasurers safe, By Western Penitentiary, By O round for Court-h By Wood and coal contrct, By Repairs. By Commissioners wasres. 115 0I 43 82 2d0 00 117 51 85 63 6K5 54 By Commissioners clerks wages. 2-'!2 80 By Dockets?tationary A postage, 250 19 By Office rent, 71 75 By Express and freight, 15 43 By Counsel fees for 1 s62 and '63, 200 00 liy Miscellaneous, By Merchandise, . By Road views. By Percentage to collectors, By Exonerations. By Percentage paying ont. By Percentage receiving. Bal due Treasurer Shaw, 207 67 147,1! 28S 00 497 50 51 95 179 H 200 00 Total $13316 82 $13344 82 Bounty Fund- Jorefh Sua jr. Esq , Treasurer of Clearfield county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. in account witn uounty rund,tor the year 1803 DEBTOR To am't ree'd from Collectors for 1363, including rerccntaze. 340.1 6o To am't ree'd from Unseated lands, CRKDIT. By Bounty bonds redeemed, 2475 00 By Interest on Bounty bonds. C.";4 65 By Percentage to collectors, 311 10 By Exonorations, M) 96 By 'J'rea.s'rperccntage pay ing out.77 73 By Treas"r percentage receiving. 90 8S Bal due Treasur Khaw, 231 8 1?, fi.i Total Sufil? 22 S3G19 22 Eel-ef Fund. Joseph mi aw. Esq.. Treasurer of Clearfield conn'y, in thts Common tt cairn of Pcnasylvania. in account with llelif Fuiid. for the year lb'iX. DnBTKU To sm't ree'd from Collectors for 1.S63, including percentage. 1757 l lo am t rec d trora ensealed lands. 116 06 To am't ree'd from milifia fund. lo;;s li Tu am't ree'd Commissioners books, 11S 03 'CREDIT. By amount of Relief orders, 2200 71 By Percentage to Collectors, . 155 93 By Fxonorations, w 31 12 By Trea'rs percentage receiving. 75 78 By Treas"r. percentage paying out 56 61 Bal due fund by 1 rea's'r, 44'J 45 Total S302i 51 S;?029 51 Received January 22d 1864. of Joseph Shaw, Esq.. late Treasurer of Clearfield couuty. Four hundred and forty nine dollars and forty-fivo cents, it beiug the balance due Belief Fund as above C. Khatzeh, Treasurer. Eue from Collectori Amount of County. State and Militia taxes due from collectors for l6,'t and previous years. Town'ps. Col'rs Names. County. State. Militia. ForlSil. Jordan. Pike, Pike, Covington Decstur, Penn, Fox, Bell. Bell. Fox. Huston. Lareuee, D. Williams. 53,15 $3,29 For 1S53. J. Caldwell. 4,72 For 1S54. T. R. McClure. 2.62 For 1855. S7.00 4 17.i-5 19,08 '20,62 21,50 8.55 1 ,80 2t-15 9 02 3,30 5.28 4 56 7,87 29.45 22.87 3.45 3.77 20.1 2 a. 05 4.27 15.67 42.27 1 1 .35 23.72 1 2,35 5.67 7.32 27 6.77! 6.80 I 16,62 I J. Barmny, For 1S56 15.94 111,59 G Kepbart. G3.S9 For 1S5S. R Danvers, For I860. J. Mulkins. 13.55 15.25 1.02 39.13 19.77 5,37 14.00 e.3! 12,69 26.75 20.59 IS.'M 88.17 For la6l. W. T. Thorp, For 1S62. 3.83 J. N. McCracken. N. Brockway. W. D. Woodward, E. Ardcry, Gen. Arderv, 11.13 44.03 3.31 5(1 .37 13,63 Morris, Woodward.J. M. Chase. For 1S03. Bell, Wm Bell, 204.44 1'ogg. J. Dimeling, 102.7 JSIooin, Lewis Wood. 30.42 Bradford, Edmund Dale, 37.58 Bradv. F. K. Arnold. 294.86 Burnside, J. L. Netl, 43.29 Cheift, J. Wcstover, 24 52 97.8S i'6,6i 70,67 302.31 40.08 63.53 15.50 22.11 15.29 50,33 12.31 59.55 31.83 62.54 18.88 68 91 7,03 Covington, Francis Coudreit 12U.72 Clearfield. 11 B. Swoope, 7S7.04 Cnrwensv. John McNaul. 136.45 Fergustju. Nelson Hatch, 214.55 Fox. .C.A.Wilcox, 43.06 Goshen, R. K. Flegal, 12.S7 Graham. Clark A. Dale. 29.62 Guelich, G. W. McCully. 129,80 Huston, Arnold Bliss, 41.02 Jordan, R. J Johnson. 144.72 Karthaus.John Giliiland, 28 05 Knox. James Cathcart, 112.23 Lawrence. Kobt. Wrigiey, 37.23 Morris, Peter Swarts," "199,67 11.10 20.42 2.84 13,50 15.42 66 13.52 New W. Jacob Bretb. 12,11 Penn. Thos. Rafferty, Pike. Jas A. Bloom, 270.33 Union, J. H. Potter, jr. 5.26 85.25 17.87 23.67 Woodward. Robt. Henderson, S5.27 Total 53369.63 1496,49 433,92 Bounty taxes due from Amount of Relief and collectors for 1863. Col'rs Names Relief. Bounty. Town'ps. For 1863. Bell, Wm. Bell 73,43 Boggs, . J. Dimeling, 53,18 194.01 101,77 42.52 163.45 200.02 21.41 60.26 117.60 535,57 81,96 1 20,64 30,62 24.66 51,10 77,65 ' 26.36 117,80 76.23 95.97 147,88 127,95 30,33 99.20 197.90 26.04 4G.60 Lloom. Lewis Bloom, 21,2.i Bradford, Edmund Dale, 72.01 Brady. F K. Arnold, 68.25 Burnside, Jos. L. Neff. 23.07 Chest, Jos Westover, 32.56 Covington, Francis Coudreit, 51.87 Clearfield, 11. B. Swoope. 263.17 Curwensy. John McNaul. 44,17 Ferguson, JVelson Hatch. 55,12 Fox. C.A.Wilcox, Goshen, R. K. Fiegal. 14.96 Graham. C. A. Dale. 23.25 Guelich, G. W. McCully, .42.43 Huston, Arnold B ins, 12.34 Jordan, R.J.Johnson 59.11 Karthaus. John Giliiland, 23.46 Knox, James Cathcart, 48,03 Lawrence, Roberc Wrigley, 64.55 Morris. Peter Swarts, 64.34 New W. Jacob Breth. 14,75 Penn, Thos. Rafferty, 56.02 Fike, J. A. Bloom. 106.79 Union. J. H. Potter, jr. 29.12 Woodward , Robert Henderson, 24.01 Total $1361.70 $2818,95 County Finances. Aggregate amount of outstanding coun ty orders. Aggregate amountof outstanding oourt- hours orders. Aggregate amoqutofoutatandinnoqrt- 27S3 45 3401 50 bouse bonds. Amount due Treasurer Shaw, Aggregate amount due from Collectors. 3308 M Aggregate amount due from I'nscated lands. iS27 41 ' Aggregate amount due from judgments Ac, 1000 Oi) Indebtedness ot couaty. 12492 53 16500 00 0 00 1 4 71 I Total S225S9 63 S225S9 65 Bounty Fund Aggregate amount of outstanding bonds Amount due Treasurer, Aggregate amount due from Collectors, 231S 95 Aggregate amount due from Unseated lands. 2383 90 Indebtedness, 1480 80 6870 00 13 65 S6683 65 6033 65 JosEpn Fbaw, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield county in ac't with different t'ps for Road 1862-63. DEBTOR To am't due t'ps from last settlement, S1318.23 To am't ree'd from unseatod lands. 1435,06 CREDIT. Am'tpdtp'g. Bal duetp's S 73.88 52.66 72 89 21 24.73 Townships. Beccaria, Bell, Boggs. Bloom. Bradford. Brady', Burnside, Chest, Covington, Decatur , Ferguson, Fox, Girard, Goshen, Graham. Gnlich, H uston, Jordan. Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, - Morris, Penn, Pike, Union, W'ood ward, Lai due tp"s. Total 40.00 17.S4 6641 72.60 18,70 79,12 80.30 10.00 90.02 44.19 10.73 151.02 45,00 947.89 16,42 213,22 122,90 27,63 51.45 11.14 101.90 115,02 40.00 2U,51 11,05 17.59 51,53 40.25 9 12 $2751.23 S275I.29 Fveceivyd January 22d, I06I. of Joseph Sbaw, Esq.. late Treasurer of Clearfield county. Two hundred and fourteen dollars and fifty-one cents, it being the balance due road fund as above. C. Kuatzkr. Treasurer. Josern Shaw, Esq .Treasurer of Clearfield county, in ac't with different tp's for School for I 62-63 PEBTOR. To am't due tp's from last settlement. $2179,77 To am't ree'd from unseated lands. 1075,55 CttKDIT. Townships. Am'tpdtps. Beccaria, 5110.57 I'.ill. 115.37 Bnggs. 120.62 Bloom. Brad ord. 81.91 Brady, 36.20 Burrside. 63.55 Chest, 293.59 Cvington, 117,43 Decatur, 69 44 Ferguson, 36.99 Fox. 74.27 Girard, 51.01 Goshen. 35.57 Graham, 220.35 Gulich, 16,31 Huston. 1104.00 K on ha us, 244.33 Knox, 93.05 Lawrence, 4797 Morris, 40.05 Penn, 15.54 Pike. . 63.56 1'nion, 70,62 Woodward. 25,37 Pal due tp's. 17,66 Total 3555.32 Bal. doe tp's. 54 6,03 10.94 53555,32 Received January 221, A. D. 1361, of Joseph Shaw. Esq.. late Treasurer of Clearfield county. Seventeen d-dlars and fifty six cents, it being the balance due school fund as above. C. Kkatzrb, Treasurer. ?We, the Commissioners of Clearfield county in e Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, havimr ex- amined the accounts of Joseph Shaw. Esa.. 1 ate Treasure r of the county of Clearfield for the yi year A D. 1863. do certify that we find the account of Joseph Shaw. Esq . as follows:' The amount due the county to be len thousand One hundred and -Ninety-seven dollars and eight cents. We also find the amounted outstanding oiders to be Twenty-two thousand Six hundred and eisrhtv-four dol lars and ninety-five cents, of which Sixteen thou sand five hundred dollars are Court-housm bonds. lhe balance due Treaurer is Four dollars and seventy-one cents The amount due the Bounty r und is rive thousand two hundred and two dol lars and eighty-five cents. The amount of out standing Bounty bonds is Six thousand six hun dred and seventy dollars. The balance due Treasurer is Thirteen dollars and sixty-five cents. tne amount aue nenct iuua lnciuaine .Militia is roar nutmrea ana rorty-nine dollars five cents. Witness our hands this and forty- 2d day of 7 J January A. D. 1364. JACOB KUXTZ THOS DOUGHERTY. Attest. AMOS READ. Wm. S. Bradley, Clerk. Comta'rs. We, the Auditors of Clearfield county, bavins' examined the accounts of Joseph Shaw, Esq., late .treasurer 01 tne county 01 ciearneta tor tbe year A. It. lPb3 do report that the accounts areas a bove stated. The amount due the Road fund by the Treasurer is Two bnndred and fourteen dol lars and fifty-one cents. The amount due the School fund by tbe Treasurer is seventeen dollars and fifty-six cents. The amount of outstanding orders is Twenty-two thousand six hundred and eighty-four dollars and ninety-five cents ot which sixteen thousand five hundred dollars are Court house bonds. Witness our hands this 221 day of January A D. 1SG4. C. S. WORRELL, HIRAM WOODWARD, Attest. F. F. COUTREIT, Wm. S. Bradley, Clerk. Aud itors. CAUTIOX. All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or meddling with the following property, now in the possession of An drew Kepbart. of Decatur township, to wit : one Grey horse and one Grey mare, as the same be long to us and have only been left with said An drew Kephart on loan, and are subject to our or der at any time. WM. ALBERT & Bro s. Bradford tp., Febraary 3, 1864.-pd UCTIO. The undersigned having beenLi--ccnted an auctioneer woald inform the eiti- xens ot Clearfield County, that be Will attend to calling sales in any part of the County whenever called upon. Charges Moderate. Address J M. SMITH. Ilegartys X Roads, Clearfield Co- Pa F'ebruary .'Id 1864 CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or in any way med dling with the following property, now in the possession of David Kephart of Decatur township, to wit : one pair of Brown horses, as the same belong to us and have only been left wirh said David Kephart on loan. and are subject to our or der at any time WM. ALBERT, i Bro's. Bradford tp.. February, 3 1861. pd. IX THE COURT c.f Common Pleas ef Clear field County. "Setting Equi ty" No. 42 March Term 1863. "Subpoena Sur Divorce."' Elizabeth Neff, by her next frieud, Ephram Fuliner, A . P. Xcff. The undersizuod, who was duly appointed by I the Court, Commissioner to take testimony in the aoova case, win auena 10 tne amies ot nis apoiat ment at his office in the Borough of Clearfield, on Friday the 11th day of March, A. D. 1864, at 10 o'clock, a. if. of said day, when and where all per sona interested may attend and crora-eiamine.Ac , if they see proper. T. J. McCULLOUGH . . Clnarfield. Feb 3, 1861 Commissioner. LARGE STOOK OF GLASS. pintrils, J. white lead. etc.. at K. A. IRVIX'S FODDER CUTTERS of a superior make fur sale at reasonable prices, at MERRELL and BIGLER'S. Clearfield, Pa. - - MpWENTY-FlVE Iir.VDHED ACHES X OF LAND AT PRIVATE SALE, extending to the mouth of this Moshannon. ' As aligablv property; on reasonable terms. - Inquire of H. BLCHER SWOOPB. Decl9-tf. Attorney at Law Clearfield. P TVOTICK TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS 11 The School Directors of th different Town-, ships in Clearfield County, are hereby notifier to return, to the Com mission era of Clearfield County, the number of mills assessed for School pu: poses for the year A. 1). 1862 X 1363, duly iignd by the President and attested by the secretary. Jan. 27. By order of Commissioners W S. BRADLEY Clerk. 11TOOBRUK FS I M POR TANTWEATI1. I! ER INDICATOR. From Messrs Munn & Co.. of the Sreufjie American ; -From th cod structioo of this instrument, as well as from tb ample testimonials, both of practical farmers and men of Science, we are satisfied that it ia really a good, practicable Barometer.' To be seen at Judge Barretts, and others in Clearfield- Agent for Clearfield Co . 11. B Wright, who will supply instruments on shoit notice. Jau 27. 1 So 4. VALUABLE PROPERTY" AT PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned wiil sell atpublio sale, on Saturday. February 27th. the following property, situate in New Millport, Clearfield coun ty. Pa., to wit. One Steam Saw-mill; a Grist millthat can be run either by steam or water. or with the two combined ; two good dwelling bouses, one new with a large kitchen attached ; a new Store house IS by 35 feet, and about lOu aeres of land, with a good barn and other out building's thereon. About 30 acres of the land is cleared and under good cultivation, the balance is woll timbered A well of excellent water is near the door of the house, and tho water power is a good one. Any person desirous nt purchasing a prop ty of this description is invited to call and fee the premises. The terms will be made to suit the purchaser. M.O. STIRK. New Millport. Deb 30. 1S63. CARPENTER, HENSZEY&COS. Wholesale Drug & Chemical Warehouse Xo. 737 Market Street, DiilaleJphia. The subscribers keep constantly on hand a large stock of Drusi. Mfiiirins, Ckemiril. Piiarmnreu lieat preparations, and every other article, which" appertains 13 the business; embracing the most extensive variety also. Paints, Oil, and Glass of every description. All articles purchased from u can be relied on as being of tne most superior quality, and at as low prices as they can be had' We can offer such inducements as will make it the interest of purchasers' .to lay in their supplies from us and give us their future patronage, and invite all, who visit the city, t call at our estab lishment All orders addressed to ns by mail will meet with prompt attention. , GEO. W. CARPENTER. HEXSZEY i Co Feb. 3.-3 m 737 Market Street, Philadelphia. Tor tbe f ruit, Flower and Kitchen Garden. 1S54 THE . 1864 GARDEN ER'S .MO.XTIILY, W . P.B1UNCKL0K. Publisher, Office : 23d North Sixth St.. Philadelphia Terres-Sl 60 a year Edited by Thomas Meehan The Month ly contents, are : Hints Flower Garden end Pleasure-Ground , Fruit Garden ; Vegetable Garden ; Window Gar dening. CoxMrxicATioxs Embacing tbe views of the writers on Horticulture. A Rural Affairs. Editorial Giving tbe Editor's views on th important Horticultural improvements Scraps and Qceries New Frits Nw Flasts Domestic and Foreign' I.ntelligifce Foreigji Correspondence Hofticclicbai. No tices. With each Department handsomely illustrated These general features will be retained, and the publisher pledges himself that no labor or ex pense shall be spared to render the succeeding issues of the Magazine every way jrorthy of tb favor with which his previous efforts have been amply rewarded Send for a specimen. Tl'ST RECEIVED AT J NAUGLE'S CHEAP JEWELRY STORE. Graham's Row. Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment o WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac., 4c, to which we in, vite attention. Gold and Silver bunting and open faced watch' es. to be had at NAUGLE'S. The American Lever of different qualities, ean be had at NAUGLE'S, Fine setts of Jewelry, such' as Cameo, Coral. La va Jett. Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo saic. Gold Stoce Mosaic, Porcelain pa-.Btings. Ac., or single pieces at NAUGLE'S. P!in gold Breastpins. Ear drops, Hoop Ear ring, hildren seardropsar.d rings at NAUGLE'S. Gold seals, keys and pencils, cold pens and ail ver holders at NAUGLE'S Gents breast pins, s'eeve buttons, sbirt studs, fob buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S. A fine assortment of gold Cneer rings of differ ent styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in his line, on hand at NAL'GLES Just received, a fine assortment of Fane? an4 1 001111110,1 Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25 I to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S. Old Gold and Silver will be taken ia exchange for goods at NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted aa represented, or tbe mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your watches put in paiir and warranted, take tt-iip - i g. "WHAT IS IT?" GREAT EXCITEMENT II) GLBIT HOPE, ?Ji F.Vr.RYBODT KEEMS PLEASED. And Why Should They Xot Be ? Surely, the people- in that section of Clearfield eounty havo great reason to be rejoiced over the pleasing announcement that O TrI TST EOBSQN has just opened in his New Store Room, the larg est and best selected ?tock of goods ever brought to that part of the county of Clearfield. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. The undersigned having removed his store ttr his New Building on Pine Street, Glen Hope, op posite the "Union House," ia now opening and of fering to the public tbe largest and best selected stock of sean il.ie goods ever offered in this place and neighborhood, and will be sold at pri ces to suit the tiiaes. His Stock embraces Dry-Goods, Notions, Hard ware. Queens-ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready made clothing. Paints. Oils, Glass, Nails. Bacon, Fish, Flour, talt; Willow, Stone and Earthen-ware, and Stoves. OF DRY-GOODS, be has Cloths. Cassimers. ?at tinetts, Tweeds, Veniings, Flannels, fchirtingi. Prints, Coburg cloth, Alpacas, De Laines. Ging hams, Chintz. Kerchief . Nubias. Sontags. Nan kin. Lawns. Linen. Lace Edgings. Collars, Trim mings. Braids. Vails, etc. OF HARDWARE, he has axes, aaws, chisels, knives and forks, locks, hinge, screws, augers, hammers, nails, spikes. .Stoves of various patterns aad si.es, flat irons, etc - OF GROCERIES, be baa coffee, sugw. lea ses, teas, rice, pepper, einamon, cloves, i lour, haras, aides, shoulders, Sab, eto. OF QUEENSWARE, he has tea sets, enps and saucers, cream jugs, tea and coffee pots, pitchers, bowls, plates, dishes, etc. OF CLOTHING, he has coats, pants, vests, un dershirts, shirts, drawers, neck-ties, gloves, socks, hats, caps, boots, shoes, eto. All the above, and numerous other articles, for sale cheap for cah, or exchanged for all kinds of lumber and country produce. Remember, that I am receiving 'goodt weekly from Baltimore. Philadelphia. New York and Pittsburg, aad that any goods can be fraiehea on very short notice . Call and exarcine the goods and prices and eaU isfy yourselves of the utility of buying at . - JOHN. P.OBOS'S-V ... Glan Hope. December 23. 1863,