r "3 Til i t I Mi Saftsman's Journal. 1 BT 8. i. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA.. FEB. 24, 1864. DEATH OF MAJOE LAEEIMEE. Seldom has this community been more startled and saddened than by the intelli gence, which reached us on Thursday eve ning last, of the death of Major James II. LARRIMER, of the 5th Regiment Penn'a Re serves a citizen of this place. The partic ulars of this painful affair are fully given in . another col u in d, and it is unnecessary to re peat them here. Major Larrimer was one, whom to know, was to respect and esteem. A man of no ble and generous sympathies with a hero ism that shrank at no danger, and a suavity that softened down the amenities and asper ities of life, he was endeared to all who knew him. His death has left a void in this com munity which will not soon be filled. He studied law under the late J udge Burn side, and soon after his admission to the Bar, came to Clearfield in 1S53 to com mence the practice of his profession. lie soon made many warm friends by his ur banity and sterling qualities, and wa3 suc ceeding in building up a lucrative practice, when the present war broke out in 1861. True to his generous, brave, and patriotic impulses, he prepared immediately to enter ."the army. He left this with the "Wash ington Cadets," as a private in the ranks, and was subsequently advanced through the respective grades of Lieutenant, Captain, and Major, until he wa3' appointed Inspec tor General of Division on General Craw ford's staff, which position he occupied at the time of his death. As a soldier there was none more brave as a gentleman few more accomplished as a friend none more generous and warm hearted while as a patriot he has offered the greatest sacrifice that can be made, even his life to his country ! "We owe a debt of gratitude to his memo ry, which can never be repaid. But let us, at least, endeavor cherish it let U3 emu late his true and deveted patriotism, by showing our readiness to make any sacrifice, however great, to bring to a successful issue thus cruel, fratricidal war, and secure the perpetuation of that glorious Union which he has died to save. " In the great battle of Freedom "he has fal len! He has fo'ught his last fight. He sleeps his last sleep, in the new-made grave on our cemetery hill. 'By fairy bends bis knoll is rung; 'By forms unseen bis dirge is sung ; There honor coraee, a pilgrim gray. To bless the turf that wraps his clay ; And Freedom -shall awhile repair To dwell a weepiog hermit there." THE WAR STEWS. A private letter received at St. Louis, da ted Vicksburg, 8 th. from an eye witness says, that Gen. MePherson's Corps crossed the Big Black River, fifteen miles east of Vicksburg on the 7th. Gen. Ilurlbut's corps took a parallel route from Vicksburg, and crossed at Messenger's F.rd, fire miles-above MePherson's pontoons. Each column was fourteen miles long. The iorce sent up the Yazoo was to prevent a flank movement to cut off the "tracks." The iron clad will Iry to reach Granada, to cooperate with Smith' 3 cavalry,. esd drive Forrest's Rebel command toward Canton, where Bishop Polk's conscripts are said to be fortified with cotton bales. A dispttcfc from Cairo gives further de tails concerning the advance of Gen. Sher man's army. It passed through Jackson, Miss., in two columns, driving the enemy so precipitately acrcss Pearl River that he left his pontoons and two pieces cf artilfery behind. Our forces seized provisions and supplies and swept on, reaching Meridian (140 miles) in the short space of ten days after leaving Vicksburg. Large tknibers ot deserters had come to our army from Tennessee, .Kentucky, and 3Jississippi reg iments. Refugees refort that great fear is felt by the Mobilians at the threatened at tack upon the city. The Rebels have there a garrison of 15,000 men. With regard to the power of endurance of negro soldiers, a correspondent at Fortress Monroe says that when the late expedition towards Richmond reached Bottom's Bridge, where they found their game blocked, roll was called and.it was found that while near ly one-half the white infantry had fallen be : hind in the long and rapid march, every ne gro soldier was up to the mark and answer ed to his name. Col. Phillips, commanding the expedition -in the Indian Territory, reports to General Thayer tVat he has driven the enemy entire ly out of that region, and that, in several skirmishes, he had killed nearly 100 Rebels, and captured 1 captain and 25 men. - The notorious Rebel naval officer, Capt Coxsetter, was drowned off Wilmington on the 10th icst., while trying to escape from the captured blockade runner Fannie and Jennie. The purser of the vessel was also drowned. THE WORLD MOVES. Within .the past two or three weeks a manifest change has taken place in the tone of the Copperhead press on the "nigger" question. Finding that the prestige of Sla very has passed away that the institution no longer sways the politics of the nation that bowing down and worshipping the Black Idol will no longer Secure high places or power the leading journals of that par ty at the North are, one by one, taking the Emancipation fever. Nor docs the disease seem to be confini to any special locality. It is contagious, epidemic, endemic, and sporadic. It breaks out in places without any "Abolitionist" having been seen to car ry it there; Letters from the armies of the Union, it is true bear it into the remotest corners of the land ; and the New York Herald, like the historical swine of the Bay of Funday, has instinctively sniffed the on rushing tide, and declares "That the only hope of the Democratic "party is to strike out baldly for an amend " ment of the Constitution which icill forev " ' er settle tin troublesome question of SVi " very by removing the institution from the country.'' The Boston Post reliable "Democratic" authority asserts "That Slavery, as a system, will be fatally damaged by this war, there can be no doubt. Iu so far as the slave system is broken down and the system of free labor takes its place the country will be prospered ; the white man, at least, will immediately secure per manent benefit. It will tend to unite the North with the South, to breakup sectional distinctions." .... "Who will have the credit or discredit ? Not the radical Ab olitionists in Congress or out of it." The work being done, and faithfully done, it matters little who shall have the credit of it. We opine, however, that the people will require more than mere words from these new converts to the Emancipation the ory. Still, there can be little doubt that their present declarations foreshadow an abandonment of the pro-slavery platform of the so-called Democratic party, and we shall not be surprised to find them before the Presidential election overleaping the gradu al phases of the issue as discussed by the friends of the Union, and outradical the rad icals. This is indicated in the article of the Post, when it declares that "McCleUan was the first Emancipator of the country ; he first enunciated the princi ples, and carried them out practically, which, have effected Emancipation. Neither the President, nor the Anti-Slavery Societies, nor radical members of Congress, with all their bulls fand pronunciainentoes, have' ef fected one foot in advance in practical or ef fectual Emancipation." We do not object to Gen. McClellan being an "Emancipator;" stiff we think any man of ordinary memory will regard this claim of priority as slightly lacking in modesty. The manner in which "little Mack" "first enunciated the principles and carried out practically" the emancipation theory, is not so clear to our 'dull comprehension. Per haps it was by protecting with scrupulous care the property of Rebels b' sending ne groes back to their masters by insisting that the war should be conducted so as not to interfere with the "Constitutional rights" of the South Seymour and Woodward be ing his interpreters of those Constitutional rights. Major Key, of McClellan's staff, who was dismissed from the service by Pres ident Lincoln, for saying after the battle of Antietam that "it was not the. game to fol low up the victory" the game being, ac cording to his authority, to cause the war " to linger until the Presidential election, so " that the success of the Democracy might "save the institution of Slavery' must have sadly misunderstood the real views of his commander, if the Post is a correct expo nent of his "principles." The New York World has had but a slight attack of the Emancipation disease, and until a more full and complete diagnos is of the case can be made, we should not like to risk a reputation by pronouncing it a decided or fatal case. The World says : "We are bound to support the war until the Rebels lay down their arms, and the nat ural tendency and necessary consequence of the war is to shake the institution of Slavery to its foun Jations. So far as its downfall is the natural result of the war, the Democrat ic party cannot interpose to save it." After this, who will not say that "the world moves!" We doubt not that the public will be anxious to see if the editors of the Clearfield Copperhead organ will try to jump on the car of progress as it dashes rapidly along the sure, the ine yitable track of Preedom, or continue to jog on foot over the ffark, miry,, forsaken path of S'lavery, which will socn be "knv. nRo more fore ver." The House on Wednesday the 17th, ou motion of Mr. Farasworth of Illinois, pass ed unanimously a resolution of thanks to the re-eElistisg veterans. No more just and timely act has been done this session. The country unites with its representatives ia expressions cf jyrefound gratitude to its de fenders. The resolutions direct the Secre tary of War to cause them to be reado each of the re-enlisting regiments. Not a copperhead dared vote against them. E. F. Loveridge, who, after the destruc tion of his paper, in Troy, for its secession proclivities, fled to Canada, now comes out in a letter declaring that the Democratic party originated the war, and is solely re sponsible for it. Archbishop Purceix, of Cincinnati, says, in an address (just published) to the clergy and laity of his diocese : "We go, with our whole heart and soul, for the maintenance of the Union and the abolition of slavery " DEATH OF MAJ. J. H. LARRIMER. Meetings, Speeches, Funeral Obsequies, &c. MEETING OF THE BAR. On Thursday evening news having arriv ed at Clearfield of the deathof Major J ames H. Larrimer, the Clearfield Bar, of which he was a member, hastily assembled at the Prothonotary's office to make arrangements to show due honor and respect to the gal lant dead. The meeting was organized by appointing officers and committees as follows : Hon. W. A. Wallace, President J. B. M'Enallv, Esq., Secretary. . Walter Barret, T. J. M'Cullough, James M. Galloway, Israel Test and W. D. Bigler, Esq's, Committee to receive body, and of ar rangements. II. B. Swoope. J. L. Cuttle and R. J. Wallace, Esq's, Committee to report reso lutions, etc. Mr. John W. Bigler, who was present, of fered to proceed at once to Philipsburg and Centre county to ascertain and report res- Eectingthe destination of the Iiody of Major larriiner, and to give information to his f riends' in Centre county which offer was accepted. The meeting then adjourned to asssemble again in the Court House. Saturday, Feb. 20. The members of the Bar met at the Court House. Mr. Swoope, chairman of the committee on resolutions, reported as follows : RESOLUTION'S. nilEREAS, lt hath pleased Almighty God, in his wise providence, to remove from earth Major James Harvey Larrimer, one of our number : And whereas the startling news of his death while iu the discharge of his duty as a soldier ami officer ot the Army of the Potomac, has rilled us with sincere sor row, which it is fit and proper for us to ex press, therefore. Resolved that we have heard with pro found grief of the death of our fellow mem ber of the bar, who, after escaping the per ils of war for nearly throe years, and pus sing unscathed through ten pitched battles and many minor engagements, attesting on all occasions his valor, patriotism, and cour age, has been at last (-truck down by the lurking guerrilla, and has yielded up his life a sacrifice to his country. In early man hood, when his hopes and aspirations were the brightest when his prospects for useful ness and an enduring fame wore the most flattering, he has fallen 1 In his death, which he met while gallantly leading the men under his command against their am bushed and cowardly ibe, the Country has lost a brave soldier and a gallant olfjcer. this community a highly esteemed and good citizen, and this bar, a member, who. by his learning and social qualities was eminently fitted to adorn our profession. Resolved, that we tender to his relatives and friends our heart-felt sympathy, and while reminding them that he has met a he ro's death, and will have a hero's fame would commend them for consolation to "Him who doeth all things well." Resolved, That we will proceed in a body to meet and receive the mortal remains of our departed friend, and after they shall have remained at his former home the re sidence of his brother sucha length of time as his relatives may desire, we will lay them in state within the railing of the bar of the Court-house the scene of his forensic la bors and triumphs until the proper time for their removal to the tomb. Resolved, that we will attend the funeral in a body, and wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty day. Resolved, That the proceedings of our meeting be communicated to the relatives of the deceased, that they le published, and that the Prothonotary be requested to ob tain permission of the Court, to have them entered of record. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. H. B. Swoope Esq.. then read the follow ing letter, from his brother Lieut. Gran ville P. Swoope, of the 5th Regiment P. R. V. C. to which Maj. Larrimer belonged. Camp 5tii Regiment I'. R. V. C. Alexandria Va., ICth Feb., 1804. Dear Brother : I have just returned from a meeting called to pass resolutions in regard to the death of Major J. H. Larrimer of your place. He was killed on the 14th inst (Sunday) by Guerrillas, near Bristce Station." 1 was one of the committee that took his body to the Embalmer to have it E, reserved, as we desire his friends to see iim in death as he was in life. When the body came to the Regt j-ester-day morning, the men all gathered round the ambulance, with uncovered heads, and in the most perfect silence while the tears streamed down the cheeks of many war worn veterans. 1 have never witnessed such a demonstration of respect and esteem for any officer who has fallen, except Col. Sim mons. We intend escorting the body to the cars, with the entire regiment, and perhaps will be joined by the 7th & Sth iu this last sad offering to him who was loved and re spected by all who knew him. The circumstances attending his death were as follows. On the morning of the 14th they rot-eived information at Head Quarters, that a band of guerrillas were ambushed in a clump of woods about half a mile distant Maj. Larrimer, who was on General Craw ford's Staff,as Inspector General of Division, was sent with a small squad of cavalry to make a reconoissanee. When he arrived at the 1lace, the Cavalry did not work to please iim, and he rode forward alone to show them what he wanted. He discovered three men standing in the road a short distance ahead of him, and still riding on, drew his revolver and fired at them. Almost sim ultaneously with his own fire, he received a volley from his rear, four balls passing through his body, and one through his right temple. The cavalry, after a short skir mish in which they lost two men and killed three of the guerrillas. retreated, leaving the Major's body in the possession of the enemy. When later in the day, the body was recov ered, it was minus the boots, pocket-book, and a seal ring which the Major wore on the third finger of the left hand a trinket that he valued very higly. Thus fell one, of whom it is no exaggera tion to say, he was bravest of the brave. . . On motion, the meeting adjourned. J. B. M' Ex ally, Sec'y. Funeral Obsequies. .The body of Major Larrimer,in care of Captain Caldwell of the Sth Regiment to which he belonged, reached this place on Sat urday eveing. Itwas met on the road by the members of the bar in carriages, by whom it was escorted to the residence of Charles Lar rimer (brother of the deceased, and who is also in the army) where it was deposited until Sunday morning. At 10 o'clock the remains were taken to the Court House. where they lay in state within the railing of the bar, which was suitably draped in mourning. The coffin was of rose-wood elegantly finished aud mounted. It was covered with the original flag of the regi ment, which had been presented by the hdies of Clearfield to the "Washington Ca dets" in which company Maj. Larrimer left our town at the commencement of the war. On the top of the flag and coffin lay the sabre, woru by the hero when he fell. Tlie whole was surmounted with a beautiful wreath of evergreens. The bodv having been cnbalmed at the instance of his com rades in" arms, his face looked very na tural. He seemed as if quietly asleep ut it was the sleep that knows no waking. During the day the court-house was visited by hundreds of men, women, and children to obtain a last look at the form of one who was universally esteemed. On Monday at two o'clock, P. M. the fu neral ceremonies took place at the Court House. The Rev. Mr. Barron of Ilollidays burg conducted the religious services. He preached from the text m '"Prepare to meet thy God." The house, large as it is, was entirely too small to hold the vast concourse of people. It is seated tor thirteen hundred, and every part of it. save the bar, was closely packed, while at the doors and in the streets there was a dense crowd that could not gain ad mittance. At the conclusion of the religious services, the coffin was opened anil the peo ple, the members of tlie Bar, and the rela tives took their farewell look at the manly form of "the loved aud lost." The procession was then formed, and proceeded to the Cemetery, in the following order : 1. The clergv. 2. The Clearfield Brass Band. 3. The Members of the Bar. 4. The Hearse, with the corpse, and surrounded by the pall-beavers-. 5. Militar' Escort of returned and fui- loughcd soldiers, commanded by Lieut. I). McGaughy, of the 5th lleeiment fi. The relatives. 7. Citizens. As the procession slowly wended its way. on foot, to the melancholy dire played by the band it presented a iuo.t imposing and solemn spectacle. He was buried with the honors of war. ' He sleeps bis last sleep He ba- fought hi last battle. I'o sound can awake hiia toglory again." Public Meeting of Citizens. In the evening of the 22d, the citizens as sembled in the Court House, for the purpose of uniting in a tribute of respect to the mem ory of Major James H. Larrimer. The meeting-was organized ;is follows, on motion of H. B. Swoope, K.-q : D. W. Moor e, Esq., President Jona. Boynton, Bonj. Hartshorn, .J. W. Shusrart and G. W. Loan, V. Presidents. William J. Hemphill and David V. Etz wei'er, Secretaries. On motion. T. J. M'Cullough, J. L. Cut tle, Joseph A. Caldwell, Francis hort and John Moore, Sr., were appointed a commit tee to draft a preamble and resolutions ex pressive of the sense of the mocking. J hiring the absence of the committee, Is rael Test. Esq., having been called upon, addressed the meeting delivering a chaste and eloquent eulogy on the character and virtues of Major Jirrimcr, who had for a number of years Ix'en his law-partner. The speech was a beautiful tribute to the memo ry of his friend, and a.ssocia, and produced a deep impression upon the audience. He was followed by J. L. Cuttle, Esq., who added his testimony to the virtues and estimable character of Mai. Larrimer. H. B. Swoope, Esq., being then called upon, spoke substantially as follows : "Had weeks of preparation leen permit ted me, Mr. President, instead of being thus suddenly called upon, I could not, perhaps, have done justice to the subject which to night saddens our thoughts, and has cast a 1rofound gloom over this entire community, ''specially, sir, do 1 feel my inability, when I reflect that we have not yet recovered from the shock produced by the startling news of the death of our esteemed, generous and chivalric friend. At a time when no groat battle was. impending when the an tagonistic armies were in winter-quarters, and there was a comparative cessation of hostilities, our anxiety for our friends and relatives in the camp was. in a degree, sus pended, and we regarded them for the pres ent, as secure. But the lurking guerrilla regardless alike of times and sca.sons, and of the requirements and amenities of civilized warfare is always on the alert for spoils and for blood; and at the hands of cowardly,am bushed assassins our gallant friend met his fate. It is meet and right, my fellow cit izens, that you should assemble to besUw honor upon his memory. We owe him a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. Itwas for the conservation of our rights for the preservation and protection of all we hold dear, that he fought and fell. Can we do less than shed a tear upon his grave? Itwas the custom of the ancient Egyp tians the founders of the arts and sciences both to embalm the bodies, and celebrate the names ot their .deceased heroes and statesmen thus teaching Yhe important les son that while the dread Death-angel drops the mantle of oblivion over rice, immorali ty, and unworthiness, he consigns virtue, honor, and true patriotism to a sepulchre that shall always be illustrious, and to an embalmment by which theiirecollection will forever be preserved. It is especially be coming and proper for citizens of a Repub lican government to bestow all honor upon their illustrious dead, that by it they may excite iniitation and emulation in others, secure virtuous and noble conduct, and dis charge their duty to the Bountiful Giver of all good, by whom such men are qualified for their work. Iu honoring them we hon or Him. On this day one hundred and thirty-two years agovwas born him of whom it was justly said, he was "first iu war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his country men" and on this day in the year 1864. we have consigned to their last resting pjace the mortal remains of one, of whom we can say with equal truth, and without detract ing in the least degree from that veneration which we feel for "the Father of his Coun try, " that in ardent, unyielding, devoted pa triotism, and in a courage that knew no sense of fear, he had few equals aod no su perior, not even the immortal Washington himself. , , More than ten years ago, sir, two young men who had but recently finished their professional studies, came to your lcautiful town so romantically located oil the banks of yonder .lovely river and hemmed in bv ever-green crowned hills to establish them selves in the practice of the law. Having the same difficulties to encounter, and the same obstacles to surmotnt both alike of slender iwcuitiary means, and slender know ledge of the business and affairs of life, it is not strange, that they should have been drawn somewhat closely together, and be come intimately acquainted with each other's character and habits. For te;i years they continued to lie in your community grow ing with the growth of your town", and be coming identified with all your i.-iterests. The common hopes and aspirations of your people, became their hopes and aspirations and the common prosperity and common weal were to them equally objects of de.s:re or subjects of gratitude. So intimately, in deed, did they become blended with your pursuits, and with ail that nl with ail that pertains to your that it had almost been forgot- community, teat it had almost been torjot ten. that they did not here draw their tirst breath, in the pure atmosphere that is waft ed from these everlasting hills. The mortal remains of one of thorn, you have this day consigned to the dark and silent tomb. The other stands I efore you though it may not bo. long, until he too, shall be "gathered .to his fathers." Enjoying thus, sir, peculiar opportunities for knowing intimately and well the character of our departed friend, it affords me a melancholy pleasure, to be able here, to night, to lear testimony to his worth and virtues. DuringVthe entire de cade that I have been intimately acquainted with him, both in social and professional life, 1 have never known him to be guilty of a moan or paltry action. I lis was indeed a noble nature. Generous toa fault, he would have riven his last t.hi!liin; to the first friend that asked him. So brave, that he had no sense of fear, he was always to be found whore dangers wore the thickest. So chiv alric, that the cause of the weak and suffer ing, ever commanded both his sympathy and effort. So urbane and polite, that the very besrgar in the street always received from him tho recognition of a gentleman. He jxissessed a firmness and determination, which united with his oihor qualities, emi nently fitted him for a commander of men. He had also a military taste, and was in ev ery respect qualified for a suooessj'ul officer. When the tocsin of war sounded over the land when traitor hands aimed their guns at the starry flag of the Union, as it floated over one of the fortresses of the Govern ment he was among the first to prepare for the conflict. He went, as a private soldier, though at the time holding the position of Jrnradier ucneralot militia. He was soon, however, elected to the office of First Lieu tenant. Subsequently he was tendered the Captaincy of a Centre county company, which he accepted, and during the progress of the war, he was promoted to the rank of Major. At the -time of his death, he was acting as Inspector General of Division on Genera! Crawford's staff. His re-riuieiit being the fifth of the im mortal Penn'a Keserves, it is scarcely neces sary to say, that during the pel iod of almost three years since he entered the army, he w in many a hard fought battle, and en dured trials and privations, which must be exj-orienced to be realized. 1 n the campaign of the Peninsula, he was in four pitched battles. His coolness under tire and his inttepid courage, always commanded the re spect and admiration alike of officers and men. On the return from the Peninsula, he participated in the fighting in front of Washington. Subsequently, during the campaign in Maryland at South Mountain and Antietam, ho, and his brave associates, covered themselves with glory. Through no less than ten pitched battles, he passed unscathed and unscarred, and so gallant was his bearing, so noble his conduct, and so manifest his courage, that he became, the very idol of the regiment, and possessed the esteem and regard of all his commanding of ficers. Immediately after the battle of Freder icksburg, it was my province to visit the Ar my of the Potomac in search of a wounded relative, and I passed a night in the quarters of Maj. Larrimer, who was for the time, in command of the regiment. He was suffer ing under a severe attack of rheumatism, brought on by exposure, which had not been sufficient, however, to prevent him from participating in the battle, where he had be haved with most distinguished gallantry. It was proposed to him, iu my presence, Ly one who had influence with the authori ties, that an application should be made for his promotion. Thanking the gentleman for his kindness, he said, in that emphatic man ner which we all remember, "make no such application for me, for I will accept of no promotion that is not unsolicited and un sought." lie deserved, and should have received, at that time, the command of a regiment, for vvhichie was eminently qual ified. On last Sunday morning a week, news af rived at Division Head Quarters that a baud of guerrillas were lurking in a clump of woods in the vicinity, and Major Larrimer, with a small squad of cavalry, wras sent to make a reconuoissance. When he arrived at the place designated, he rode on in ad vance ofhis men to examine the ground and make the proper disposition of his little force. Three men appeared in the road a head of him. Hiding on, and drawing his revolver, in his own intrepid way, he fired, when he immediately recieved a volly from the rear, four balls entering his thorax, and one his right temple. The cavalry, after a short skirmish retreated, leaving his body in the possession of the enemy. When it was af terwards recovered, the pockets had been rifled the boots, pocket-book, and his seal ring stolen. Thus he fell 1 Iu the faithful discharge of hjs duty in defence of the flag of his country as a patriot and a hero, he met his death ! In the band of noble and gallant patriots who have gone down in this fearful conflict, not one has fallen, who was more brave, generous, and manly, than J ames Harvey Lajirimer. I would cheerfully, sir, add more, if I could, to this imperfect tribute to his mem ory. But words are all powerless to express the deep emotions of the truly saddened heart. I can only wish, in coucluion, that the winter winds to-night, as with mournful cadence they chant his requiem, niav kiss softly the new-made mound we have left to day on yonder hill and that we who re main, may avoid what few faults he had (for no one is without thern) and strive to emu late his virtues imitate, especially, his deep, fervent, constant devotion to his coun- try in her hour of tfi-ilw have departed, it may be s;rf M- truth, na i ,. l.r. j r. , . us W li , .v v.j nun ue rxuu OI LllB AND A PATRIOT HATH FALLEN ! Hrjio J. L M Ex ALLY Esq., was then CaledcTl on and resjonded in a glowinirand eW." tribute to the memory of the uhS tilling to his exemplary character, his 1" and generous qualities. ie The committee.through the chairman T J.MeCullough Esq. ,theu reported the WW ing preamble and resolutions : Whereas, In the dL-pensatiou of an j! wise Providence, Major James H. Larri" mer, our fellow citizen and Iriend, has an bly fallen while loading the men under hi command against a band of cowardly Gut rillas, after nearly three years of service the Army of the Potomac ; And wnrpt-,g his death has filled all hearts with so-rW and caused in the community, a feeling 0f profound griefs which it is becoaiin and proper for us to express ; therefore Jiesolved, That in the death of Msi'orLar rimer, we have, as citizens anrl n;i.ktT? ' sustained an irreparable lo - He , ' donred to us all. beran p 'l ; . ei?" . - , v ; v U13 pure patri ot, sin, his unyielding and constant devotion to the cause ot his country, his generous and noble qualities, his undaunted courage his uik-nly Leanng.his readinessto oblige, and his upright walk and cocdacr. During his military career, which . began at the com mencement of the present war as a private soldier, he evinced a'J the sreHmrr . an accomplished officer passing through no less than t&i well contested hart! 1 vincing a coolness and nuiuifcstipg.an intre- -coinnv-'TKiei th .4 pidity under hre, thst coinm-indei miration ause oi oujeors aun men. Resolved, That as citizens.for whose rights he fought and died, we can never be sufi-cieutlv- greatful, and that r best v- must tail to doenougn nonor to ms meaiory Resolved, That we deeply sympaih'e with his friends an 1 relatives in their severe affliction, and would point them to Him who alone hath power to heal their woun ded hearts and can pour into theru the rich consolations of his grace. Resohrd, That a committee be appoint ed to open a subscription and tale proper measures to erect a suitable monument over the grave of our departed friend. Resolved. That a copy of these resolutions be furn if-hod to his relatives, and that they be published. The resolution were unaimously adopted. T.J. McCuLLoron Esq.. being called up on, addressed the meeting in a short and el oquent speech, endorsing all that had been already said in commendation of the charac ter of the gallant dead. The President then announced the ap pointment of Col. E. A. In in of Curwens ville, II. B. Swoope. W. A. Wallace, Esq's., and Hon. J. 1L Barrett, of Clearfield Win. L. Gilbert of Boll, Stacy W. Thomp son of Boggs, David Tyler of Huston, Dr. J. W. Potter of Covington, F. K. Arnold of Brady, and Thomas II. Foreey of Graham, as the Committee ro reeieve subscription, and take the nectary stops for the erection of a suitable monument to the memory of Major Larrimer. The subscription was commerced m the meeting, and quite a number paid $er the s mount expected from each person.- It is do si ened that the subscriptions should be small. so that all can have theopjiortunityof unita m this merited and proper respect. The meeting then adjonrnd. ztv Slclvcrttocmcnts. A.'vrrttmrMt ttft tn f.iret ip. rut, orofttofttwil tt(!r ml I be ekargrd Jo ukU. pricr fo r xptreorrup: eJ '1 o intare attention, the CASH mutt acco3p ny noticeg, aJ followi- All CauMor.i with 1, Strays, $1; Anditori'.notiset, S1.50; Adminis trators' and Executors' notices, Sl.'iO, each ; as i all other transient Notices at the same ra'. Other a-lvertisemenU at C 1 per sqaa.-e, for 3cr I'M insertion. Twelve lines Or less) count a qn&r. "1T'ANTEDA number of young men who are desirons of enlisting in ihe seirkeof their country, to whom a liberal bounty will be paid. For further information apply immrd-att-ly to M. A. FRAXK. GRAIN FOR SALE. The undersigned ba for rale, at Lis will at Curwensville. ZW) bushels of wheat at SI 75 per huf-bel ; !50 bush els of rye at $ I 40 per bunhel; K.00 bu.bels of corn at Jl 60 per buhel. Rye and wheat chop sc $3 40 per hundred ; mixed chop. corn, wheat end rye. at $3 35 per hundred ; all of which will b sold foreaoh. JARED IRVIX. Curwensrille. EeH 24. lSS4-pd. L ICE.NSE NOTICE The following nameJ persons have filed in tbe ofli? of the clerk of tbe court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield county their Petitions for Licence at the. March Session A. D. 1864. agreeably to the Act of Assembly of March 28th. 185C, entitled "An Act to regular the sale of Intoxicatiug Liquor' Ac : a l.Rti?on noot, tavern, Woodward tp, .'onn . b Kadebacn, lafern. Decatur. Eli Fye Tavern, Tarero, , Tavern. Tavern, Tavern. Tavern, Tavern. Tavern. Tavern. Tavern. Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Jefferson Line, Marysville, Cnrwensville, Glen Hope, Kylertown, boggs. Hogg. Hennville. Union, Lumber City, Lutbersburg. Troutville. Kartbau. laniel Dug an. W. A. Mason, James Ilaineg. Jacob Mock. Eaward Albert. Andrew Cross. Isaiah Wall, John Scheeser. William Reed. William Schwem, Adam Knarr, K. J. Haines. David Johnson, Tavern. Clearfield Bor 0 D. F. ETZWEILER, Clerk Clearfield. February, 24. 1S64. TT'OR SALE 1000 pounds of ham. and X Spencers, Feb. 17. JL pounds of shoulders. Lumber-city, Pa. at Kirk CLEARFIELD ACADE.M V. The Stock holders of tbe Clearfield Academy are M quested to meet at the office of J. B. M "Easily, in Clearfield, on Saturday the 12th day of March. 1864. at 2 o'clock. P. hi., to choose Truttefs. Ac tor the ensuing year. J. B. M'ENALtV. February 17th. 1S64. Secretary. TITOTICE. All persons reading in ClearfieM J. county having an income exceeding $600 ana the deductions which the law allowl them, to re turn for the year 18SS, are required to make re turn of the same, under oath, to tbe Aw'stant A seesor on or before the 1st day of May l-0' 50 per cent will in all cases be added afie? to" date, as the 11th section of the Excise law pro vides. All necessary blanks furnished by WA1. J. HEMPHILL. Ass t Aawr Cnrwensville. Feb, fth 1S64. DM IX IS.TR Atgs. CVS OTICE.-lfe" ktgs. CyS of !Administra(ouc on the estate oi ja Spencer, late of Pike township, Clearfield coonij. Penn'a, dee'd. having been granted to the nnaw signed, all persons indebted to said estate quested to make immediate payment, and to having claims against the same will present tn duly authenticated for settlement MARY SPENCER. February 17, 1864-pd Administratrtx And I do hereby authorise Joseph M to settle all accounts, receive dnes. and pay P perly authenticated demands against said esli