Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 24, 1864, Image 1

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VOL. 10.-N0.
Tha Rafts-"' Jocrnai. i published on Wed- 1
BMdar t l.aO per annum in advance Auvkr
tisbmbsts iuerted at SI. CO per equare. for three
or lew iLiertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a
square For every additional insertion 25 cents.
A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers.
IBVIS BROTHERS. Dealers in Square A Sawed
Lumber. Drj Goods, Groceries. Flour. Orain,
48.48 . Burnside Pa., Sept. 23 1863.
11 kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
der solicited wholesale or retail Jan. 1. 1363
CRASS A BARRETT, Attorneys nt Law. Clear
field. Pa. ly 13- 1383.
f l. J. cbax. :::::: waltkb babrctt.
ROBERT.!. WALLACE. Attorney at Law Clear
field. Pa Office in Shaw's new row Market
:reet. opposite Naugle'a .ewalry store. May M.
F. NAUULE. Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches. Jewelry, Ac. Room m
lam's row, Market street. 10
HBUCI1ER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear ,
. field. Pa. Offic inGraham's Row. four doo s ,
wait of Graham A Uoynton s store. xNov. m.
-r P KR.ATZER Merchant, and dealer n
J . Boards and Shingles. Grain and Produce
Front St. above the Academy, Clearfield. Pa. Ijl2 j
WALLACE 4 HALL. Attorneys at Law. Clear
field. Pa December 17.. 1352.
willia a. wallacx. :::::::: john a. hall.
U .'.. i -ii kinri. of'Fruit an'd ,
. rr nf rv'ii r : 1 1 n- Vra.v.
Ornamental Trees. Plants and Shrubbery All or j peace at any price. Ohio roared its COI1
Uers by mail promptly attended to. May 13. tempt from the lake to the river. In Iowa
TT T.LI AM F.TRWTX. Market street. Clearfield,
1 t-i T i I : L' . . - ; rr .i n . 1 l,,rn af in M r - r a
chandise. Hardware. Queensware, Groceries, aud j
family articles jcenerally. Xov. 10. i
xfGTELIc: Manufacturer of all kinds T
.1 Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. Pa. (
He alsoinakes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a. hearse. April., jj.
tR M WOODS. Practicing Physician,
i J Examining Surgeon for Pt-usions.
Office. Soutb-wert corner of Second and Cherry
Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 13o3.
J W. SHAW. M- ! has resumed the prac
tf . tice of Medicine and Surgery in Shawsville,
Penn'a. where he still respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of public patronage. way it, ko.
JB M'EX ALLY, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield,
. Pn. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
uountiest Ofice :u new brick building of J.Boya
t'jn, 2d street, one door south of l.anich's Hotel.
tnestic Drv Goods! Groceries, Flour. Bacon, i
Liquors. 4c. Room, on Market street, a few doors !
west of Jon' ojKre. Clearfield. Pa. Apr'27. j
milOMPSON. vTtso Dealers in Timber !
1 Saw Lojj.; Boards and Shingles. Marysvillc,
Clearfield county, reuu'a , August 11, lst53.
s. w. thompsox : : : : : jas. . watson.
. ; , .
r AKKI.MER TET. Attorneys at La Clear-
ilCUARD MHSSOP, Dealer in Foreign uud Do-
field. Pa ill attend promptly to all legal
and other bnsinej entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6. I a jo.
R. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his-pr-jfesiional
services to the citizens of Moshanuon and vi
cinity, llee.in be consulted at his residence at
ail times, unless absent on professional business
Mubs.iunon, Centre co., Pa., May 13, 1S(!3.
r.M. ALBERT 4 BROS, Dealers in Dry Goods.
lV Groceries. Hardware. Queensware. Flour,
biicon. pic. WoodIan. Clearfield county. Penn'a.
Also, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum
ber ihiugles, and sounre timber. Orders sniici
ted. Woodland. Aug. 1 9th. IStiJ.
rpHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGll. Attorney at Law.
J. Cieartield. Pa. Ofice, east of the Clearfield
cu. Buiik. Deeds and other legal instrument.' pre
pared with promptuess and accuracy. July S.
i). o. bi su. :::::::: T.j.'ct i.lolgh
Collection L-'ftice. Cleirkislu. Pens'a.
It. LITCIl'S MEDICI N KS Afresh sup-
ply of thexe invaluable Family Medicines j
are for sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting
vt I'jui Curtr ; Rmttrar iv. a :reat cure for colds
i:.d cough ; and Anti-liiivni P'iyn'r. They have
letn thoroughly tested in this community, and
highly approved. Try them.
i-1 The undersigned having located in the bor
Uh of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied
bv 11 Welch as a jewelry shop.) is prepared to
do work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms.
Ifcecash will positively be expected when the
'rk is dulivered. He is confident that he can
not be excelled by any workmen in townorcounty
Come one '. mmr all to the Sign of the ZV V at'k
April9 My-pd. S. II. LAL'CULLX.
Vl'CTIONEEIl. The undersigned having
been Licensed au Auctioneer, would fuform
I 'r"""? of (-learfic.1,1 county that be will at-
'trtr .
Address. JOHN M QLILKIX. !
MuyLi. Bower l'o.. Clearfield co.. Pa. I
N. li. Persons c&iiing sales without a proper li-
Mil sre subject to a penalty of S iO, which pro-
vsion ul be enforced agaiBst those who inay vi ,
wine the same :.
ic same.
- iiV SI t'KltllEATED STEAM. The under
jnei re.-pectfully informs the people of Clear
ed and adjoining counties that he has the en
y tf the above patent and will sell individual,
fuunty or township rights for its ue Ibelum
:r dried by this proces-" is stronger, finishes bet
er. is easier on- tools, and requires less time in
'iryinjj than any other proce known, drying 1
'aca lumber perfectly in 36 hours bitter than
wnv months under the old system using the
tae Jmuunt of fuel per day that a common kiln
consumes. The certificate of a number of resi
dent meehar,i,- w.ll known in this community is
ply sufficient to convince the most sceptical of
! utility. Persons desirous of cutchxsinz rights
""liddress JOTI L. CUTTLE.
une24. ISitf Cearfield. Penn'a.
-'III O. II. I V HiLkOli,
J--i.tPtCTFri.LY- A' T,rNfKS TO THE LA
fjw 1'IESof Clearfie(J?,and vicinity that she
B "i-J nas opened a Millinery. Xutioo aud Triui
uiing store, on Second Street, next door l
.Mrs. Lanich s Hotel, where s.be will be
On v teceive orders for either worn or goods.
'-'I bonnets made over into the latest New York
K Philadelphia styles, on short notice. By pur
e"iug often she will always have on hand the
ery litest tyles of Dress Trimmings. Hats, Nu
'"Rood, Collars. Sleeves. Ac. which she will
at the smallest possible profit for cash.
c.vSsld, P. Sot. 18. lb3
Select ?0ctvy.
What change in this life are wrought
Throughout the human race ;
Ten month's ago. u mother smiled
Upon a new born face ;
Her htart beat high, ad in her arms
She hel i ih;tt infant bright.
Then, smoothing down it silken hair,
fche kissed it with delight.
Time swiftly passed ; ah ! sad the change,
Within thitt parent's he.trt ;
The cold, commanding voice of death
11 bade that babe depart !"
But wet-p. ah ! weep not. mother, dear,
Thy child was to thee given,
That tbi might be a stronger tie
To bind thy soul to Heaves.
But Not How to Get It.
"I can see," lately said a cynic, "that in
the North there are at least two parties ;
one knowing exactly what it wants, and the
other apparently entirely ignorant ot what
jt Wauts."
Jfc fectjv true Thcre are
aaJ t,;ey ar( wel, duribc(
but two
ibed by the
One wants the maintenance of the
Its Dolicv therefore is . rertectlv
cjcjr It ardently supports every measure-
which will secure and confirm that result.
The other wants political powers, and it does
not see exactly how to get it. That ex
plains its conflicting assertions and eontra-
dictory action, lu Ohio it declared for
i therefore it declared for the war, and
against the conduct of the war. That also
was of no use. In New York it declared
itself the stronger war party. Its success,
therefore, in New Vork would show only
mat It was Stupidly Wrong in UillO, aim re-
veaieu uie iaei mai is. naa no principle wuac
ever in regard to the Union and the country,
and it was everywhere merely bobbing
round to discover how it might return to
power. In the State of New Vork, the tick
et of this party was supported by men who
radically and utterly disagree upon the
question of war, or who. at least, pro
fess to disagree. The 31rClellan wing and
the Ben Wood wing equally supported the
nominations. But is .Manager Hood's war
policy that of General AlcOlellan ? and, if
not. which wing has stultified itself?
The party calling itself "the Democracy'
professes to be the strong war party, let,
preat defeat - of the Union arms Would
have helped their ticket. 1 hey claim to be
the true Union partv. Yet JeSerson Davis
V' el leader wishes their success.
hich are the dupes or the deceivers, the
coppei head leaders or the rebel chiels ? A
party, therefore, which sees that the steady
and victorious prosecution of the war must
. . . , n
lv, ..v. .- ..u llvl,v vi .-
Hiring power but seeming to favor the war.
will inevitably present the appearance
which the cynical critic described, of not
knowing what it wants.
Yet it is not the end, bnt tlte means of
which it is ignorant, it wants lvjlitical pow
er at any price. Nor is it too harsh to sav i
that if it could procure that ascendency by
favoring immediate peace, upon the basis
of compromise or separation, looking to fu
ture reconstruction, it would not hesitate to
adopt that platform. Its misfortune is
that it ruled 1 y virtue of its alliance with
a system which permanently paraiyzed the
Constitution, and is now seeking to destroy
it. That system and its rebellious ef
forts are equally doomed. As they go, so
go their props and appendages. As slavery
sinks, so disappears forever a party which
called it.se!f democratic to s?erve slavery,
and consequently repudiated every demo-
cratie principle whatever.
A scorpion girt with tire knows what it
wants, but seems utterly confused because
it knows not how to get it. It wants life;
but how shall it pass through the fire ?
Harper's Weeidfi.
Significant Rebuke.
The last term of the Northumberland
county court was marked by a bold move on
the part of Judge Jordan. The voters -of
the county stand SSOtfio but the cop
perhead commissioners draw ahout 4 Lop
J urors tr one Union. Now when we see
that there are four good Union papers SUp-
,)0rt,,j ;n tne coimfv. to one Cop., it may be
aken for granted that the 2000 are quite as
likiiv to be intelligent, competent men, as
the H.'.OO. fn this unfair prepondereuce of
(jop jnrVmen. there is very rrnturally much
unworthy material. Andaccordiiftrlv, Judge
luJ 1 -x - - .
Jordan (.rotsr'I a number of J nrynien, be-
cause thev could not understand hnghsh
and intimated that there tea room for uri
pracemrnt in the mo le of selecting." A
very hard hit at the Commissioners and
Sheriff, from an independent Judge of their
own-party. Men will naturally favor their
friends in matters of this kind, but it should
not be at the expense of publie interest and
of decency. Leu isbiirg Chronicle.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Co.
The Annual report of tbe Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, presented to the State j
Legislature, gives gratifying evidence of
the prosperity of that road, and perhaps no
other railroad or corporation in the world
can show such a profitable balance sheet in
the business of one year. The receipts du
ring the yetir amount to the sum total of
ring the year amount to the sum total ot
$40,523,571 45, and the expenses during
the same period to $20,602,804 ;6, leaving
a balance on the profit side of $19,920,766
89, which U nearly one-half the total earn-
f thc roacJ
The Prince Bishop of Breslau, Ledlinzkt,
a resident of Berlin, having dissented from
thc Romish Church m several points, and
openly denounced the new dogma, has re
nounced the Romish Communion, and uni
ted with the Lutheran Clrarch. - '
The Greatest of Eat Hunts.
Everybody has heard of the vast system of
sewers w h ic h u uderlies t he grea t ci t y of Paris.
Through these subterranean intricacies,
according to Victor Hugo in the Miserable,
Jean Valjean carried 3Iarius on his back
for miles, from the barricade to the bauks
of the Seiue. It seems that during severe
fio.sts, the vast multitudes of rats which
abound in Paris, take to the sewers as a
refuge from the cold. Latterly, the weat her
has been more than usu-dly severe, and
the conditions being favorable, it was re
solved to have a great rat hunt. Accord
ingly the authorities, assisted by a number
of men, gamins and dogs, entered the
sewers at various places, and began A
grand drive towards a. common center.
Just as the beaters in an Indian jungle,
frith tom-toms, gongs, horns, drums and
frightful veils, send ail the 'animals, from
the tiger to tlie smallest antelope, towards
the hunters, the subterranean drivers soon
had millions of rats masted together, strug
ciinsr, squealin" and tisrhting witn extraordi
nary ferocity. At lernr'h they were driven
into a larsre sewer near the bridtre of Asni
ores, and forty dogs wei let down among
them. A royal battle ensued, which lasted
over forty-five hours, and at the end of it
' victorv remained with the dogs. But the
latter had paii dearlv for their triumph
Four were found in the drain killed out
right, and quite a number were totally
blind and helpless when recovered by the
gamins, who at length ventured to explore
the profound depths of the battle. 31ot of
the rats escaped in the melee ; but yet no
Jess than I fO.tKR) were found dead. As the
finest Parisian . eirloves are said to be made
out of the 'kins of these animals, there will
be material lor many gross.
Proposed State forlTcgroes.
Senator Lane, of Kansas, accompanied
his bill to designate a region on the Bio
( ramie for a State for negroes, by a report,
in which he sets forth the necessity of sep-
arat-iug them from the whites to protect
them from the grasping cupidity of the iat
tc-r. The only safe place and bulwark of the
nesrio are the low latitudes : and there they
may become rulers, law-makers and lords of
the soil. J lie majority race, or whites, Will
keep the rights and interests of netrroes m
an unsettled state unless the government of
the State be in the hands of a conuiiunitv
founded for the purpose. Amalgamation is
impracticable in this country, but across the
Kio Grande, the population have no preju
dice against color, and intermarriages are
not forbidden by law or custom. I lie coun
try proposed to be set apart by an exclusive
colored population stretches from the(iulf to
New .Mexico, and from the Eio G ramie to the
Colorado. It is in a genial and productive
regio-i, easy of access &c. It is confidently
believed that the State of Texas, under pro
ceedings that may bring that State back in
to the Union, will relinquish her right to the
lerritory in question.
e President.
There is nothing in the past to discour
airo, as we' believe there is nothing in the
future to alarm, the true friends of the Re
public. Unity of action is alone necessary
for the present. Dissensions weaken any
cause however true minded and faithful the
contestants may be. A bundle of sticks and
the fable ought to teach us wisdom. The
loyal men of the eouutrv must forma com
pact body, that no ingenuity or strength. of
opposition can break. It the (roverninent,
in self defence, wants men, let men- (and in
this crisis none but men are needed) be furn
ished ; if money is wanted, let it le furnish
ed : if united action can brins about proper
results, let us have harmonious action ; if
individual exertion is required, let each citi
zeu make himself a committee to carry into
e (Feet t he enduring and everlasting truth that
this old G overnment must and shall be pre
served. A Minister.
This is very natural and undoubtedly
true : I n the goixl old days of slow coaches
and slower mails, when Northern New York
was as far out in the world as some of our
Northwestern Territories are now, there
was gathered around the post office one night,
ifi a small town, quite a large crowd, to hear
the news brought by the stage just in.
"What's the new.-i ?" said an old fellow
who was not so worldly wise as he might
have been "what's the news?"'
''Martin Van Buren has been appointed
Minister to Great Britain," said a friend at
his elbow.
"Minister to Great Britain. The idea
of his being appointed Minister to Great
Britain. Why he can't preach any more
than I caifl !"' '
Joseph Strobel, a substitute in a Penn
sylvania regiment, was shot at Beaufort re
cently, for desertion. While in prison he
had an opportunity to escape, but refused
to avail himself of it. Before being shot he
acknowledged his guilt, expressing jenitence
for his sins. With unbandaged eyes he
stood liefore the file appointed to fire, and
requested them net to aim at his head.
When the command, "Ready," was giving,
he threw up his hand and cried, 'Hold on !
hold on ! snoot me good :" to those Tointing
apparently trt his face. The guns involun
tarily fell for and instant, then rose again,
and "Joseph Strqbel lay a bleeding, lifeless
corpse, pierced by six balls, beside the black
nnfVm rlpstinf'd to" contain his ody. Pitty
that a man so brave should suffer a fate so
.The Maryland Senate has appointed a
special Committee relative to the purchase
of the Antietam battle ground, and the e
rection of a monument to the memory of
those who fell there.
Potatoes sell in Maine for 50 centd and
in Richmond for $50 a bushel , : . - :
Chronology of the War, etc.
Feb. 1 Second attack on Fort McAllis
ter ; the fort was noakcn : its command-
er was killed ; the Union vessels were not
injured. . , , rrankhn, lenn., occupied by
Union forces. . . . Rebel attack on Island
No. 10; they seized a transport, but were
quickly put to flight by a gunboat. . . . Reb
el camp at Middietou, Tenri., broken up ;
10U prisoners taken.
Feb. 2 The ram Queen of the West runs
the blockade at V icksbuig.
Feb. 3 Guerrillas routed at Mingo
swamp, Mo. ; 9of them killedand 20 woun
ded. . . . Reeonnoissance into Eastern Tenn
essee ; skirmishes with rebels. . . . Rebels
defeated in an attack on Fort lkmelson.
Feb. 4 Cavalry dash upon Batesville,
Ark., rebels driven out aud some kilhti or
captured. . . , Ram Fulton disabled by a
relxd Lattery at Cypress Bend ; she was sav
ed by our gunboats. . . . Skirmish near Lake
Providence, La. ; 'M rebels used up.
Feb. 5 Skirmish Il-vr fV.-b W,.
rebels routed. . . . Skirmish near Stafford's
Store. Ya.
Feb. 6 Union raid upon Middleburgh,
a., seeral rebels taken. . . . Col. Cuh
nian, the rebel cotton burner, captured near
Riply, Tenn. . . . Rebels capture the mail
eoach near Winchester, Ya., but it is retak
en the same day.
Feb. 7 A squadron of Union cavalry fall
int.) an ambush near Williamsburg, Va.,
and lose about 4 meiu. . . lJawson, a guer
rilla leader, and several men taken at Dyers
burgh, Tenn. . . . Rebel Secretary of State
declares Galveston and Sabine Pass open to
Feb. S GuerrH'as routed near Indepen
dence, Mo. . . . Lebanon. Term., occupied
aud 600 rebels captured there. . . . Capture
of three rebel transports by the Queen of
the West, in Rt-d River, reported. . . . Cir
culation ot The Chicago Times suppressed.
Feb. 9 Skirmish uear Sumtnerviile, Va.,
rebels driven off. . . . Gen. Rosecrans or
ders the summary' execution of all rebels
caught in Union uniform or carrying our
Feb. 10 Fight at Old River, La. ; reb
els whipped with loss of 25 prisoners and
H killed or wounded; Union loss 8. . .
News received of the capture of the rebel
Indian Agency at Wachita, Texas, by loyal
LVlawares and Shawuees.
Feb. 12 Skirmish near Smithfield, Ara.,
capture and recapture of a few men. . . .
Skirmish near Bolivar, Tenn.; 11 rebels
used up. . . . Gunboat Iudiauola runs the
Yicksburc batteries.
Feb. 14 Union cavalry surprised at An
andalc, Ya. ; 15 killed and missing, aud sev
eral wounded. . . . Queen of the West gets
aground near Gordon s landing, is disabled
hy rebel camion and abandoned.
Feb. 15 Cavalry fight near Gainesville,
Tenn. ; rebels beaten. . . . Rebels attack a
train near Nolansville. Tenn., but are driv
en off with loss. . . . Fight at Arkadelphia,
Ark. : rebels routed, losing 26 ; Union loss,
14 ' ' -m
Feb. 17 Forage train captured by rebels
near Roinney, Ya. . . . Order suppressing
The Chicago Times rescj tided.
Feb. is Mortar boats open fire upon
Yieksburg. . . . Cliston, Tenn., destroyed
by Union troops. . . . Disloyal Suite Con
vention at Frankfort, Ky., dispersed by mil
itary. Feb. 19 Rebels near Coldwater, Miss.,
surprised and routed, 10 taken, and 9 killed
or wounded. . . . Ilopeiield, Ark., opposite
Memphis, a guerrilla nest, burnt by order
of Gen. llurlbut. . . . The Constitution
newspaper at Keokuk, Iowa, sacked by sol
diers from the hospital.
Feb. 20 Gunboat reconnoissance up the
Rappahannock; a rebel battery silenced. . . .
Guerrilla raid upon Shakertown,Ky. ; some
cars destroyed.
Feb. 22 Union scout to Florence, and.
Tuscumbia. Ala. ; cotton, horses, mules and
negroes taken. . . . Yazoo Pass expedition
reaches 3Ioon Lake.
Feb. 23 Fight at Greenville. Miss. ;' a
Union Major killed. . . . Skirmish near A
thetis, Ky. ; guerrilla Morgan's brother cap
tured, with others. ... A rebel robbing par
ty of 700 operating in Eastern Kentucky.
Feb. 24 Gunboat Indianola captured
near Grand Gulf, Miss., by four rebel steam
Feb. 25 Cavalrv faVht near Ilartwood
Church, Ya. ; reltels routed, but escape a-
cross lvelby s rord. . . . ivebels dispersed at
Licktown, Ky.
Feb. 26 Cavalry skirmishes on the Stras
bu;g road ; Union loss 200. . . . Cherokee
National Council repeals the Ordinance of
Secession, abolishes slavery, disqualifies dis
loyalists and adjourns. . . . Guerrillas cap
ture a Government freight train near Wood
burn, Tenu., stole the property and set the
locomotive off under full steam to smash a
passenger train, but did not succeed.
reb. 27 fckirmish ! miles fcom ew-
bern, N. C. ; rebels routed, with loss of 3
killed and 4 prisoners ; Union, 1 wounded.
Eeb. 28 Rebel iron-clad Nashville (At
lanta) captured in Ogeeehe River while be
ginning her first voyage.
Mar. 1 Union dash into Bloomfield, Mo.:
Provost Marshal and 20 prisoners taken. . . .
Rebels at Aldie, Va., capture 50 Union cav
alry. . . . light near Jjradyville, lenu. ;
Duke's guerrillas routed with heavy loss.
Mar. 2 Sharp contest on the Salem pike,
16 miles from Murfreesboro, between the
regulars of Rosecrans' army and a large
force from Braggs ; the rebels twice beaten.
. . . Slight cavalry fight near Petersburg,
Tenn. ; rebels routed, with 12 killed and 20
wounded. . ! . 30 of Mosby's guerrillas tak
en near Aldie.
Mar. 3 Ft. McAllister, Geo., again bom
barded without success. - -
Mar. 4 Rebels routed near Chapel Hill,
Tenn. ; 12 killed and 72 captured. . . . Skir
mishes at Skeet and Swan quarter, N. C ;
rebels beaten, 2S killed; Union lois ,18.
Mar. 5 Fight at Thompson's Station,
near Franklin, Tenn.; Unionists defeated
and the whole force captured. . . . The CVt
sis newspaper oflice, at Columb.us, O. , de
stroyed by soldiers.
Mar. 6 Gen. Hunter orders the draft
ing of negroes in the Department of the'
Mar. 7 A st!Outing expedition from Belle
Plain, Ya., returned with several rebel pris
oners aud much property.
Mar. 8 Mo.sby dashed into Fairfax and
captured Brig. Gen. Stoughton and 30 men,
with all their arms and horses. ... A com
pany of rebel cavalry captured ner New
hern, N. C, by the 43d Mass.
Mar. 9 Small rebel force captured be
low Port Hudson. . . . Skirmish near Boli
var, Tenn.; IS guerrillas taken. . . . Skirm
ish at Black water Bridge, Va. . . . Skirmish
on Comity River, La.; rebels disiersed.
Mar. 10 Jacksonville, Fla., captured by
the 1st South Carolina (colored) regiment.
. . . Several rebels captured at Rutherford
Creek. Tenm . . . Attack on guerrillas near
Covington, Tenn.; 25 killed and many cap
tured. Mar. 11 Guerrillas repulsed in attack up
on a train 12 miles from Paris, Ky.
31 ar. 12 Reconnoissance from Franklin,
Tenn., returned, having driven the rebels,
without fighting, beyond Duck River ; U
nion loss in the few skirmishes, 9.
Mar. 13 Fort Greenwood, on the Talla
hatchie, Tenu., silenced by gunboats, but
not taken. . . . Skirmish at Berwick City,
La. ; rebels dispersed. . . . Signal Station
at Spanish Wells, S. C, surprised and turn
ed by rebels ; 9 prisoners taken.
Mar. 14 Admiral Farragut,with 7 of his
fleet, passed Port Hudson, after a fierce en
gagement, in which the Mississippi was dis
abled, and burned by order of the admiral.
. . . JS'ewbcrn, N. C. attacked by rebels;
the gunlmats came up and dispersed the en
emy. . . Recoimoitering force returned to
Murfreesboro, after 11 days work, with 50
rebel prisoners.
Mar. 15 Tht Jfftrsonuxa newspaper of
f c ? at Richmond, Ind., destroyed by Union
Mar. 17 Attack on- relel works near
Franklin, Va.; our troops driven off with
1 6 killed or wounded. . . . Cavalry fight at
Kelly's Ford, Ya. ; FItzhugh Lee routed
and pursued six miles.
Mar. 18 Skirmishing at Berwick Bay,
La.; 10 rebels killfd and 20 wounded.
Mar. 19 Steamer Georgiana, with arms
for the rebels destroyed off Charleston. . . ,
Skirmish on Duck River Tenn.
Mar. 20 Admiral Farragut's boats reach
the canal below Yieksburg. . . . Battle near
Milton, Teim.; rebels defeated.' losimr 400
Mar. 21 Fight at Cottage Grove, Tenrr.;
rebels defeated with heavy loss. . . . Small
fight near Seneca, Ya. ; loyalists defeated.
. . . Expedition up the Bayous returned to
the Yazoo after defeating the rebels at Deer
Creek and destroying 2000 bales of cotton,
50,000 bushels of corn, and all the houses
on the route.
31 ar. 22 Union force of 50 defeated by
Quantrell at Biue Sprirttr, Mo., with loss of
14. . . . 3It. Sterling, Ky., captured by gu
errillas. Mar. 24 Pontachoula, La., taken by U
nion troops.
3Iar. 25 Union ranis Lancaster and
Switzerland undertook to run the rebel bat
teries at Yieksburg; Lancaster sunk and
Switzerland disabled. . . . Brentwood,Teun.,
captured and sacked by rebels ; they were
pursued, dispersed, many killed, and their
plunder retaken.
3Iar. 26 Expedition returned to Car
thage, Tenn.; with 25 rebel prisoners. . . .
Gen. Burnside takes command of the De
partment of the Ohio.
3Tar. 27 Fast day in the rebel States. . . .
Jacksonville, Fla,, burned by the Union
troops. . . . Steamer Hartford passed the
rebel batteries at H arreuton, .Miss. .- . .
3Iar. 28 Gunboat Diana captured by the
rebels 'at Pattersotiville, La. . . . Coles Is
land, S. C, takerr by Union troops. . . .
Steamer Sam Gaty plundered by guerrillas
at Sibley, Mo. . . . Expeditionary force re
turned to Belie Plain, Ya., haviiig foraged
along Northern Neck, destroyed ferries,
burned a schooner and taken some prison
ers. 3Iar. 29 Party of blockade runners ta
ken at Poplar Creek, 3Id. . , . Sharp fight
near Somerville, Tenu.; rebels beaten off;
Union loss, 40.
Mar. 29 Party of blockade runners taken
at Poplar Creek, 3Id. . . . Sharp fight near
Somerville, Tenn.'; rebels beaten off ; Union
loss 40.
3Iar. 30 Battle near Somerville, Ky. ;
rebels under Pegram routed with great loss.
. . . Washington, N. C.T attacked Hill
and Pettigrew ; gunboats ' drove them out
of range. . . . 31t. Pleasant, Ya., taken and
plundered by Jenkin's rebels ; they were
driven off with' a loss of 52. . . . Gen. 31c
Clernand took Richmond, 3Iiss., after a
sharp fight.
3Iar. 31 Gfcn. Herroh appointed to com
mand the army ot the Frohtier.
April 1 Admiral Farragut fought ami
Fassed the Grand Gulf batteries with the
Iartford, Switzerland and AIbatnss, with
out serious damage. . . . Fight with 31osby
near broad Run, Ya.; no result.
April 2 Womens' Bread Riot at Rich
mond, Ya. . . . Skirnnsh at Woodbury,
Tenn.; 12 rebels killed or wounded, 30 ta
ken. , . . Admiral Farragut weut. to Red
River ; destroying rebel boats. . . , Gunboat
St. Clair disabled by rebels above Fort Don-elson-;
she was saved by another loat. . . .
liattle at Snow Hill, Tenn. ; rebel Cavalry
routed, with 50 killed and wounded, and
60 prisoners ; Union loss 3.
April 3 Arrest of knights of the Golden
Circle at Reading, Pa. . . .Skirmishing par
ty returned to Fayetteville, Ark., after four
Fkirmishes, in which two rebel captains were
killed, one wounded. 22 men killed and sev
en taken : ' ' ' .
April 4 Unsonists repulsed with loss of "
five men in attempt to capture rebel Lattery
on Pamlico River, N. C . . . Palmyra,
Tenn., burned by the gunboat Lexington.
April 5 Troops sent from Newbern to
resene Gen. Foster.Lesicfed in AVashington,
N. C. . . . Skirmish on Black Bayou, La.
April G Rebel camp at Green Hill, Tenn.,
broken up ; 5 killed and 15 taken.
April 7 Bombardment of Fort Sumpter
by Admiral Dupont ; the fleet driven off;
fort little injured. . . . U. S. gunboat Bara
taria lost in Amite River, La. . . . Success
ful foray into Gloucester Co. Va.
April 8 Gunboat George Washington,
stranded in Broad River, S. C, attacked by
rebels and blown vtp.
April 9 Pascagoula, Miss., taken by a
Union force from Ship Island, but abandon
ed same day. . . . Fight at Blount's Mills,
N. C; Unionists driven off with small loss.
April 10 Battle at Franklin, Tenn.; Van
Horn's attack repulsed ; Union loss about
100; rebel, not known. . . . Rebels routed
near Germantown, Ky. . . . Skirmish near
Waverly, Tenn. ; 21 Unionists taken pris
Gaining Strength ,
A student ia one of our State colleges was
charged by the Faculty with having had a
barrel of de deposited in his room, contrary,
of course, to rule and usage. He received
a summons to appear before the President,
who said :
"Sir, I ara informed that you have a bar
rel of ale in your room. ' '
"Yes, sir." ......
"What exnlamz-tion can vnn TriaVo ""
"W hy, the fact is, sir, my physician ad
vised ine to try a. little ale each day, as a to
nic, and not wishing to stop ct the various
plnees where this beverage is retailed, I
concluded to have a barrel taken to my
room,": . ; -
"Indeed .' and have you derived av ben
efit from it?" . . .;. , :
"Ah r yes, sir. When the barrel was
first taken to my room, two weeks since, I
could scarcely lift it. Xow J can carry it
with the greatest ease' '
Thoughts. Consider whence thou com
est, whither thou goest, and before whom
thou art to stand. Study well ; speak little:
do much ; receive all men with a : cheerful
countenance.. Cast not stones into the well
which has quenched ypur thirst. No man
is so destitute as the ingnorant man. Rank
does not dignify the man; it is the man who
dignifies ranL A man may be known by
three things : by his conduct in money mat
ters ; by his behavior at. table ; by his de
meanor when angry. Accustom thy tongue
to say, . I know nothing. Consider three
things when tempted to sin ; There
is an eye that sees thee ; there is an ear
that hears thee ; all thineactions are recor
ded in a book. Pass not judgement on thy
fellow till thou hast been in the same pre
dicament ; say not of matters that are in
comprehensible, that thou canst compre
hend them ; neither say, when I shall have
leisure 1 will ttudy, lest thou may never
have leisure. ...
ValLandigham. Noticing the recent at
tempt to get the case , of .Vallandighani in
to the U. S. Supreme Ccurt, the Philadel
phia Inquirer makes the pertinent inquiry
if it would not be ''the easier and better
plan lor ailandigbain without waiting the
uncertainties of the law, to seize at once
upon the eppr-rturiity which the President's
Amnesty Proclamation may afford him, and
by taking the oath of allegiance, return to
his home in the Union, a wiser and a better
man?" .
Captain Fiske, of the United States
Army, has just arrived in Chicago from I--daho,
and caused a senation by his reports
of theYich gold mines of that territory. He
states that he saw nine hundred dollars worth
of gold taken from a single pan full of earth,
and is confident, from what he could learn
from reliable sources, that there has already
been mined $25,000,000 in gold. None ot
this treasure has jet been shipped out of the
territory, for lack of proper and safe escort.
Some days since a lady called at a daguer-
rean establishment in Oxford. New lork, to
have a photograph taken of her niece, a
little child then with her. The photograph
was taken, and while, the lady was waiting
to have it finished the ljttle girl ttrayed in
to the laboratory tr:d swallowed some kind
ot poison which" she fciiti'd there. When
missed and looked for she was found in the
labora&ry, dead, haying expired immediate
ly. The aunt has since become insane.
The Montreal Transcript says that George
Armstrong, a private of the 30th British
regiment, who took advantage of his leave
cfabsenee to cross of the' American side, en
list there, receive the bounty, and then re
turn to his regiment boasting of his rascali
ty, has been tried by court marshal, and sen
tenced to be drummed out of the service,
and afterward imprisoned for two years.
The New-Orleans Iicayunf. ccknowlcdges
the receipt of a potato weighing tweuty-six
pounds from 31atanioras, The donors re
mark that they would have sent-a bigger
one, only freights are so high!
The number of Poles who have died on
the field of battle, or been executed during
the present insurrection, amounts to twelve
thousand, and of those who have been ban
ished, eight thousand. ' . ,
It is said forty convents have been sup
pressed in Italy, and the monks drawn in
the conscription are obliged to serve as oth
ers are in the army.
Trinity School, a well known. Protestant
Episcopal Educational Institution of Nw
York city, has recentlv nome into possession
of $3,000,000 v : -